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Belgrade Media Report 17 November


Vucic: Serbia must pursue independent policy (TV Happy/Tanjug/Beta)

Serbia must pursue a freedom-oriented and independent policy under which only elected representatives of citizens - and not someone outside the country - will make decisions, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said late on Tuesday. In an appearance on a TV Happy talk show, Vucic said Serbia must be militarily neutral, build friendships and good relationships and stay on an independent path. “It must pursue a policy of survival and strengthening,” Vucic noted. He said Serbia was now the region's best performer when it comes to economic parameters. He said next year’s elections would be difficult but that he hoped his Serbian Progressive Party would win over 50 percent of votes. He dismissed claims that US diplomats Richard Grenell and Matthew Palmer are Serbian lobbyists paid by Belgrade. “Those who are making such claims are not aiming to topple Vucic, but to destroy Serbia. As soon as someone helps Serbia, they get branded a lobbyist and a mercenary,” he said. He said he was grateful to US Envoy Gabriel Escobar for supporting Serbia on the European path as well as the Open Balkans initiative. “I am very grateful to him for that because it is an initiative of the future,” Vucic said, adding that all agreements reached at a recent Open Balkans meeting in Nis would be announced in Tirana next month. Vucic has said that in the upcoming meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Moscow, he will discuss gas delivers to Serbia, adding he hopes to ensure “the best price in Europe” for Serbia. “I have been preparing for that meeting every day. We put much hope in it and I have to say that I have the jitters although it will not be my first or second meeting with Putin,” Vucic said. He added that there was “a great fight for energy sources” at the global level, noting that electric power and natural gas had become “some sort of new gold.” “Consumer gas prices in Germany have jumped 18.7 percent. Whether gas prices will be 350 US Dollars or 950 US Dollars is not only a question of consumer prices, but also of attracting investments. We have been tremendously fast spending our gas reserves and therefore it is extremely important how we will ensure gas supplies,” Vucic stressed.

Brnabic: Reports that Grennel, Palmer are Serbian lobbyists a vicious lie (Beta)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic dismissed claims that US diplomats Richard Grenell and Matthew Palmer are lobbyists for Serbia as “a brutal and shameful lie”. Commenting on a Tuesday article run by the Nova newspaper, titled US Lobbyists Given Nearly USD2 Million by Serbia, Brnabic tweeted that such lies inflict direct damage on Serbia. “I absolutely deny the brutal and shameful lie on the front page of the Nova tabloid that Matthew Palmer and Richard Grenell are Serbian lobbyists. The perfidy with which this lie has been served (they are ‘on the list of contacts’, which supposedly makes them lobbyists). These lies inflict direct damage on Serbia,” Brnabic said. The Nova newspaper article includes photographs of Palmer and Grenell and says that the two officials “are on the list of contacts of the Yorktown Solutions lobbying firm which cooperates with the Serbian Chamber of Commerce”.

Without meeting of Belgrade and Pristina delegations in Brussels; Petkovic:Pristina refused to discuss ZSO (RTS)

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said late on Tuesday the Belgrade and Pristina delegations involved in a new round of expert-level dialogue in Brussels had not met due to Pristina’s refusal to discuss the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO). “Pristina did not want a direct talk since it refused to negotiate on the ZSO, which had been on the agenda which Lajcak himself announced to us back on 30 September. Pristina is the one refusing to discuss the forming of the ZSO although our side had insisted very directly on the formation of the ZSO, presenting concrete steps for forming it. That issue is the issue of all issues for us. That is at the heart of the dialogue itself,” Petkovic told RTS. In the evening, the Belgrade delegation had a second bilateral meeting with EU special representative Miroslav Lajcak after also holding a two-hour meeting with him in the morning.

Petkovic said the delegation had also raised other issues, such as the judiciary, energy, missing persons, freedom of movement and official visits. He said that, on the other hand, the Prime Minister of the provisional Pristina institutions Albin Kurti was “sending messages that are killing the dialogue, trampling all reached agreements underfoot”.

Lajcak in separate meetings with Belgrade, Pristina chief negotiators (N1)

EU Envoy Miroslav Lajcak said on Tuesday that he had separate meetings with the chief negotiators from Belgrade and Pristina in Brussels to discuss ways to move the dialogue process forward. “Today I hosted the two chief negotiators and their delegations for separate meetings on outstanding issues and the way forward in the dialogue,” he wrote in a Twitter post following the meetings. He said that he briefed the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic and Kosovo deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi about Monday’s Foreign Affairs Council and the expectations of the EU foreign ministers for another top-level Belgrade-Pristina dialogue meeting to take place by the end of the year. “It’s high time for real progress,” Lajcak tweeted.

Mickoski: Balkans tired of waiting and false hopes (Politika)

The countries of the Western Balkans face serious challenges, but we must show wisdom and maturity that will reflect the vision and perspective of the region, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said on Tuesday in an interview with Politika. “I believe in a new common future and common patriotism that will unite us in solving common problems, to fight for a better standard, for better education and health. Let us leave the big national issues that have never brought good to the Balkans, let us fight for a better life, because only that can bring progress. In that context, any initiative that will accelerate that process and demonstrate the rapprochement of nations is to be welcomed. Open Balkans in that context is a good opportunity for deeper cooperation,” says Mickoski. He emphasizes that he does not see the Open Balkans as a substitute for the EU, but as an initiative that can help facilitate communication in the region, and leaders should focus on the points that connect us, not those that divide us. “Let’s invest in trust and close contacts to enable the region to develop, to participate in joint infrastructure projects, but also more frequent communication. We need wisdom and reason, not to produce intolerance, but to produce good energy. We ask for respect, but we also give respect. Let us close the infamous chapters of our history and highlight the points of friendship. And here there is huge potential for work. We have to finish that work, it is primarily our task, not of the EU,” Mickoski said. Regarding the prospects of the countries in the region for EU membership, the leader of VMRO-DPMNE believes that progress should be based on values and merits, but stressed that the Balkans are tired of false hopes and waiting. “Dignity must not be lost in waiting too long. The responsibility for this lies with the Balkan leaders, but also with the European ones. The European Union must show flexibility, and all countries in the Balkans need to demonstrate cooperation in that process. The right of member states to veto states that really deserve progress must not be abused, nor should there be winners and humiliated. Whenever in the Balkans we have turned to the past, we are stuck, now we have to look to the future. Let’s do the opposite from everything we did until now,” Mickoski emphasized. Referring to the Bulgarian veto on the start of the country’s negotiations with the EU, Mickoski said that he does not expect miracles, but that he expects every government in the country to take care of the strategic interests of the country and to respect what was voted by the majority of MPs in the resolution that protects and reflects the Macedonian red lines. Asked whether VMRO-DPMNE made a wrong assessment with the motion of no confidence in the government, Mickoski said that it was not a wrong assessment, but a real decision that brought to light “the total weakness of the government and its governing mechanisms.” “I knew from the beginning that the chances for that are small, especially since every democratic move will be suppressed by pressure, threats and blackmail, but I also wanted to see the entire domestic and international public that we face at home in the country. There is no wrong time for a move that once again exposed the government. We have shown the capacity to unite many entities that have their differences, but we are uniting in the commitment to change and bring a new future,” says Mickoski. According to him, the failure of the initiative is not a success or failure of anyone, but “only a postponement of the infamous end of the government that will happen sooner or later.” Regarding the statement of MP Kastriot Rexhepi that his decision not to support the no-confidence motion against the government is “a result of the conviction he received from US and EU officials that the country will receive a date for negotiations in December and that the dispute with “Bulgaria” would be resolved, Mickoski says that there is no such information, and that so far he has not heard that any of those centers of power have confirmed it. In short, the real question is not whether, but when this government will fall. At the moment we have a government that has the support of the MPs it provided as a result of the kidnapping. The MP who changed the page mysteriously disappeared, only to appear later, which means that the political crisis is deepening, adds the leader of VMRO-DPMNE. Regarding the resignation of Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, Mickoski stressed that not only his resignation was needed, but also the resignation of the entire government, after which “the only reasonable and logical outcome” would be quick elections. “Now we have an unsustainable situation where we have a government without a majority of MPs which is additionally without legitimacy, declassified in the local elections that took place two weeks ago. Elections are a solution to check with the people and what they think about this whole situation. This government does not have the capacity to deal with the energy crisis that is gaining momentum, as well as with the political crisis that follows. As for Zaev, he is once again fooling the public and once again did not keep his word, and that is, if he loses the local elections, he will leave politics. However, his stay in politics will be a continuation of the crisis and he cannot be crucial in any segment for any good solution for the country,” Mickoski said in an interview with Politika.



Chollet meets B&H Presidency members (O Kanal/Nova BH)

Counsellor of the US Department of State Derek Chollet, who serves as a senior policy advisor to the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met members of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency in the building of this institution on Tuesday. Following the meeting, member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic addressed media and informed them about the main message from this meeting. According to Dzaferovic, the US stays committed to B&H, the US supports territorial integrity and sovereignty of BIH and the Euro-Atlantic integration. Dzaferovic pointed out the stance of the US that there is no unilateral withdrawal of state competences to the entity levels and that blockade of state institutions is unacceptable. Dzaferovic said that the letter of US Secretary of State Blinken was also mentioned during the meeting but without revealing any details. Dzaferovic only said that the content of the letter that they received will be revealed to the public very soon. The reporter noted that Dzaferovic did not say whether the letter mentioned sanctions to some of B&H political leaders. Addressing a press conference, Dzaferovic stated that the entire world stands along with a normal, functional B&H in which all peoples will be equal. He added: “B&H that strongly follows its European path and that meets obligations from the Program of Reforms (…). This is in the interest of everyone.”

According to Nova BH, in his letter Blinken sent a clear warning to the B&H leaders through Chollet regarding sanctions. Dzaferovic revealed that, in the letter, leaders in B&H have been warned that the institutions need to start functioning again and that the authorities need to start working. Chollet underlined that unilateral withdrawal from the B&H institutions, as well as that there is no alternative to peace in B&H. Chollet reaffirmed the US’ commitment to B&H. Chollet once again said that the US support B&H’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The meeting with the Presidency members was attended by Chollet, US Special Envoy to the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar, and US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson.

Dodik: We expect international community to implement DPA and B&H Constitution; RS has no plan for secession (BNTV)

At a press conference held in Istocno Sarajevo on Tuesday, Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik commented the meeting he and other Presidency members had with US officials. We expect the international community to also implement the Dayton Peace Agreement and the B&H Constitution, Dodik told the reporters. “The RS respects external sovereignty of B&H, and the internal territorial integrity, as well as the constitutional organization of B&H, which is made out of two entities and three constituent peoples. Thus, the RS consistently respects the legal framework, rights and obligations – signed and envisaged through the Dayton Peace Agreement – and we act in line with that,” Dodik stressed. Dodik confirmed for members of the press that he told the US officials that the RS “has no secession plan”, as many tried to present in the public. He added that the RS officials speak of such matters, as all other politicians in B&H, and the region, speak of their ideas. That is just talk, but we do not have any concrete plan for secession, Dodik assures. He promised the RS officials will continue to fight, using political and legal means, for full implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement and the Constitution of B&H – as they were written originally. Dodik pointed out that there are many people in B&H that accuse the RS of doing some things with the goal of destabilizing the country, or making moves that violate the Dayton Agreement. “I said that was unnecessary, and that that is completely a form of insolence,” Dodik added. He emphasized that the US officials were informed of three important things that refer to decisions the RS officials made in the past, and which were forced and imposed by foreigners. Dodik said these decisions refer to formation of the Armed Forces (AF) of B&H, the Indirect Taxation Authority (ITA) of B&H and the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H. He said the RS proposes for previously given consents to be withdrawn, after which normative regulation of these fields would be conducted. Dodik revealed that the letter of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken addressed to the B&H Presidency members announces sanctions, stressing that he believes that this represents good news for the Bosniak public. Dodik pointed out that he is not afraid of sanctions because traveling to the US means nothing to him. Dodik announced even greater destabilization of the situation in B&H if sanctions are imposed. Dodik emphasized that it is unclear to him why one is calling out the RS and him personally because, as he stated, he is only protecting the constitutional organization of B&H. Dodik underlined that the RS will continue its activities related to the return of competences, noting that no sanctions can and will prevent this. “The letter states that the US, if forced, will introduce some sanctions. I believe that this represents good news for the Bosniak public. But, at the same time, we are saying and I said that at the meeting - you just introduce your sanctions, and we will implement our policies. Our policies are constitutional. Our policies are Dayton,” Dodik emphasized, adding that the US is only in the function of one people which he called Bosniak-Muslim people and that the US is not in the function of B&H.

Chollet meets Covic, Izetbegovic to discuss election legislation reform (O Kanal/FTV)

Counsellor of the US Department of State Derek Chollet met members of the Collegium of the B&H House of Peoples - leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic and leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic for a working dinner on Monday evening. The officials discussed reform of the Election Law of B&H. Following the meeting, Chollet stated on the Twitter that he met the officials in order to encourage them for leadership and building trust and to point out that stability of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) is actually priority for stability of the entire B&H and its path towards the EU. Chollet also emphasized that a joint stance of all political parties for holding of fair and transparent elections next year is necessary. Covic stated on the Twitter that during the meeting, he pointed out the urgent change of the Election Law of B&H in order to enable to all constituent peoples in B&H equality and in order to avoid discrimination. Addressing media following the meeting, Izetbegovic stated that the meeting failed to bring anything new or any kind of progress. Speaking about reform of the Election Law of B&H, Chollet said that for more credible elections in 2022, support of all parties is necessary.

Following the meeting, Izetbegovic said that the international community and foreigners reiterate the message sent before that it is up to domestic politicians to find a solution and that the international community is there for support and that they will accept any agreement reached on the domestic field. Izetbegovic stated that the meeting failed to bring anything new or any kind of progress, adding that the US friends support them and expect from them to lead processes and offer solutions. In this regard, Izetbegovic stated that US friends insist that he and Covic should offer solutions. The reporter underlined that this means that they are not close to reaching an agreement or a solution and once again, we again see the same scenario; an attempt of the IC to make the two officials reach compromise. FTV noted that things are clear; there will be no changes to the B&H Election Law without the opposition that was not invited for these talks while at the same time, there are speculations that credibility of US officials who visited B&H is called into question.

Chollet: US created new set of sanctions that could be deployed against individuals who are seeking to undermine stability and unity of B&H (N1)

In an exclusive interview for N1, Counselor of the US Department of State Derek Chollet stated that the US interest is united B&H. Chollet sent a clear message to leaders and their followers who use the policy of division about what will happen if they do not stop doing that. "You know that earlier this year, a few months ago, the Biden administration enhanced the tools and its tool set by creating a new set of sanctions that could be deployed against individuals who are seeking to undermine the stability and the unity of B&H. We are not enthusiastic about using those tools. It is not something that we would like to resort to right away. Of course, part of what I am doing here as a diplomat is to make the case and to try to give our best advice to the leaders of B&H to make different decisions and to try to put aside their personal ambitions or personal interests for the interests of all of the people of BiH and the common future that we are all trying to achieve. This country matters a lot to the United States. We have a lot of shared history, a lot of proud history of working together. So, I am here to remind everyone of that, to show that from President Biden and Secretary Blinken, on down and throughout this administration, we are following events here very closely and we have a keen interest in doing what we can as the United States to bring about a better future here in B&H," Chollet underlined.

Turkovic: Varhelyi takes situation in B&H seriously, I think sanctions are only matter of timing (Nova BH)

B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic met with European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi on Tuesday. Turkovic and Varhelyi met following Monday’s discussion of the EU Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) on B&H and ahead of next week’s visit that Varhelyi is scheduled to pay to B&H. Turkovic confirmed after their meeting that the European Commissioner takes the situation in B&H seriously and that Brussels is seeking solutions that might not be the most restrictive but all options are open. According to Turkovic, the only question is to which extent the sanctions would be applied. “The question is if they will go with full sanctions or they will still issue warnings. I think that it is only a matter of timing. I think there is no more dilemma. Yesterday’s meeting (of FAC) showed there really is a joint stance on the situation. Perhaps there is still division in views of the levels of reaction that should be taken, but everyone agrees that it is necessary to continue with a detailed attention and observing of the situation,” the B&H FM underscored. She added that there is readiness in the EU to undertake all necessary measures.

OHR reminds entity competences in field of judiciary were validly transferred to B&H (N1)

The OHR stated on Tuesday that the formation of the B&H High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) was not imposed, but agreed between the two entities and the state of B&H. "Entity competences in this field were validly transferred to B&H through an agreement signed by both the entities and the state in accordance with Article III.5. of the B&H Constitution. This was followed with the adoption of the Law on the HJPC by the B&H parliament in 2004. The B&H Constitutional Court reviewed the Law on the HJPC and concluded that it is fully in line with the Constitution," the OHR stated in response to Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik's claim that the B&H HJPC was formed through the violence of High Representative Paddy Ashdown, without any consent.

EU, US and NATO should help B&H get out of crisis (Dnevni list)

The daily signed reports that Chairman of the Delegation of the B&H parliament to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Asim Sarajlic and delegation member Nikola Lovrinovic are taking part in the 101st Rose Roth seminar in Belgrade, which is being organized by the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and the Serbian parliament. The seminar is dedicated, among other issues, to the process of Euro-Atlantic integration of the region, and participants of the seminar held a panel discussion on Tuesday about stability in the Western Balkans and the regional cooperation. One of keynote speakers was deputy Foreign Minister of B&H Josip Brkic, who presented the current activities in terms of cooperation between B&H and NATO through ‘Program of Reforms and Cooperation with NATO’. Brkic stressed that the ‘open door’ policy in cooperation with NATO is a recognizable cooperation framework and that the reform path has no alternative. Sarajlic addressed the participants of the panel discuss and said that all open issues in B&H should be talked about and that the constitutional framework of B&H should be respected. In that context, Sarajlic said the RS is an unquestionable constitutional category, arguing that B&H and its legislative, executive and judicial institutions are also a constitutional category that must not be brought into question. Lovrinovic said that the current institutional framework provides enough room that everyone in B&H turns to better solutions, stressing the need to reach an agreement about change to the Law on Elections of B&H. The participants of the discussion expressed concern with the current political situation in B&H and called on officials in B&H to an internal dialogue and resolving open issues. They also pointed out the need that the EU, the US and NATO officials help B&H get out of crisis and dedicate itself to the reforms.


Krivokapic meets with newly appointed Head of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro (

Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic hosted on Tuesday the newly appointed Head of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, Ambassador Dominque Waag. Krivokapic warmly welcomed Ambassador Waag and wished a lot of success in future cooperation, assessing the current cooperation as very successful. He stressed that there is no reason not to continue and strengthen the achieved level of cooperation and relations, and that the OSCE and the OSCE Mission to Podgorica remain an important partner in the process of national reforms, especially in some of the sensitive areas such as elections and judicial reform and media freedom. I am especially pleased that we have aligned our priorities, and as a result we have adopted the Strategy of Cooperation between Montenegro and the OSCE for the period 2020-2024. In this regard, we are grateful for the help and support we receive in areas such as democratization, human rights, the rule of law and the media, said Krivokapic. The Prime Minister said that exceptional results had been achieved in the economy, after a year that was one of the most difficult in recent Montenegrin history, and that the judiciary remains a priority challenge for all branches of government. Prime Minister Krivokapic said that thanks to the Euro-Atlantic path, Montenegro has raised its security to a significantly higher level, and that, at the moment, cyber threats represent the most serious security challenge. Speaking about the media, the Prime Minister unequivocally said that this Government is committed to full media freedom, but this goal can and must be achieved through respect for the law. The Head of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, Ambassador Dominique Waag, commended the Government for the excellent relations between the Mission and all relevant ministries in supporting the reform processes in Montenegro. We are ready to continue our strong cooperation and remain open to the needs of your country. The OSCE supports security, stability, inclusiveness, strong democracy and an active political dialogue in Montenegro, said Ambassador Waag. She added that the Mission will continue to support the strengthening of the rule of law and the fight against organized crime.

The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) is ready to assist in comprehensive electoral reform and the adoption of its main recommendations, in line with international standards and good practice, said Ambassador Waag, adding that the Mission has a strong relationship with journalists regarding media freedom.

Waag congratulates Abazovic on government's commitment to fight crime (

Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic met on Tuesday with the newly appointed Head of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, Ambassador Dominique Waag. There is a very long road to justice, and we would go much faster if we had more functional institutions. I am proud of the results we have achieved in a year, said Abazovic. Welcoming the new Head of the Mission, Abazovic thanked for the congratulations and support that the OSCE has been providing to the Montenegrin institutions for years. Speaking about human rights and freedoms in Montenegro, Abazovic pointed out that Montenegro has done a lot in strengthening gender equality and the rights of LGBT people. In that sense, the Deputy Prime Minister expressed hope that the cooperation between the OSCE and the Montenegrin institutions, primarily the Ministry of Justice, Human and Minority Rights, the Ministry of the Interior and the Police Directorate, will continue in the future. The Head of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, Ambassador Dominique Waag, thanked DPM Abazovic for his strong cooperation with the Mission, especially for his constructive role in securing the Government's support in implementing the trial monitoring project, which aims to support more efficient administration of justice in cases of organized crime and corruption, as well as to strengthen the rule of law. Gender mainstreaming is one of the OSCE's priorities, said Ambassador Waag, praising the Government for its efforts to adopt the 2021-2025 National Gender Equality Strategy with the 2021-2022 Action Plan. She congratulated Abazovic on the Government's commitment to fight transnational organized crime, which was also shown by the seizure of 1.4 tons of cocaine in the Port of Bar. We are strongly committed to support these efforts, said Ambassador Waag.

They say “when power goes to his head…” (CdM)

I’m angry not because Aleksa Becic, as the leader of his party and the parliament’s speaker, called the CdM portal and the entire group of the media “propagandist”, adding that there’s some alleged special task against the Democrats, but because our political reality is not even parodic or comic. It’s far simpler and more literal. And finally completely normal. Reconciliation with vulgarity and arrogance – that’s the issue. Yesterday, Aleksa Becic insulted on his profile an analyst and the critical media because they voiced their opinion – to which, it seems that the speaker of the parliament should be reminded, every media and individual has the right. The most fundamental human right to voice one’s opinion is often perceived as hostile in our transitional-democratic society. But when a man who calls for peace, dialogue and the European path perceives it like that, and that same man is running the parliament, he’s young and – I believe – shares the view that everyone must be able to fight for their political right… Then I can only say: the power has gone to his head. When, like Becic, Dritan Abazovic delivered an address after the latest elections, I wasn’t surprised. It was a foul, but the euphoria from which the foul was committed was clear to me. Abazovic received warnings, unfortunately, not from Montenegro, but from international representatives, not to do that. And he ceased, for the most part. This is not the Democrats’ first CAPS LOCK outburst and an attack on those who don’t think alike. That is why I’m reacting now, particularly in order to use this opportunity to thank all NGOs, and especially the opposition – which did not miss the opportunity to be principled – so it strongly condemned Becic’s act yesterday. Okay, they didn’t do it, but it’s as if they did. We know that they think the best for us. I’ll state that they don’t normally rush to defend our portal even though after the elections it became an indescribably comfy place for them to express their views. I guess they’d be better off defending Twitter if, by any chance, Becic attacked it with the same logic – because all sorts of views are voiced there as well. Thus, the DPS, SDP, SD, the 21st of May, columnists and analysts did not react yesterday, not even when our columnist Ljubomir Filipovic was insulted. We don’t expect anything from the government: it reacts only when someone attacks their people. We taught them that we always bring it all up by ourselves. We’ve been doing it until now and will continue to do so from now on. And if you’re wondering why this is all happening to us, maybe the answer lies in the attitude of the above-mentioned towards those who fought for the position of the first media, so that everyone, including Aleksa Becic, could voice their view. They just seem to have forgotten that we, too, still have our own.

Boris Darmanovic

Editor-in-chief of the CdM portal

Democrats claim: Everyone has the right to opinion, we don’t want to influence anyone (CdM)

In a response to the text of CdM’s editor-in-chief Boris Darmanovic, the Democrats have noted that they don’t have the slightest problem with different views of CdM, as that’s not their problem and cannot influence them in any way. Everyone has the right to an opinion, they add.

“First of all, let’s repeat a fact explained countless times and very easily verifiable: the Facebook page Aleksa Becic – Democrats – Democratic Montenegro is not a personal profile of the speaker of the parliament of Montenegro – he neither uses it nor administers it, nor has any administrative powers. It’s the official page of the party, therefore, not his personal profile, and is managed by the party’s Press Center, about which the CdM portal was repeatedly informed whenever it published the information claiming that it was posted by Aleksa Becic instead of the Democrats,” the Democrats’ statement suggests. Among other things, they say that they have no problems with different views, as they cannot influence them. “For us – and it should be for you – the only important thing is whether someone is performing their tasks professionally. And there’s the problem. Because some of your articles certainly can’t be perceived as journalism, which, logically, point out to non-journalism manipulations. Therefore, exactly what we’re talking about.”


Zaev: Besa is still part of the government (Sloboden pecat)

The resignations of the Besa movement officials have not been verified yet, which a priori means that they are still part of the government, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev told Sloboden pecat. “Of course, Besa is part of the government. The parliament has not confirmed the resignation of Minister Arianit Hoxha, nor the other BESA officials. That is why it is logical to say that they are part of the government,” Zaev told Sloboden pecat.

Kasami denies Zaev’s claim that his party is still part of the ruling coalition (Republika)

The BESA party denied claims from Zoran Zaev that they are still part of his coalition. BESA announced that it is leaving the government, and its officials in the government, including Agriculture Minister Arijanit Hoxha, submitted their resignation, and one of their three members of parliament – Kastriot Rexhepi – was dismissed from the party after he was apparently pressured not to cast a vote of no confidence in Zaev last week. But, desperate to cobble together some kind of majority without their votes, Zaev today, in a statement given to Sloboden Pecat, insisted that BESA is formally still in the coalition. He said that the Parliament still hasn’t processed Hoxha’s resignation, and that he still considers BESA part of his team – even as he’s trying to replace them in the coalition with the Alternative Party that has four votes in parliament. The position of BESA remains that this government needs to fall. The moment the government falls, I expect that a far more stable new majority will be formed. The party organs of BESA decided that we go to the opposition, and I have full trust in our remaining two members of parliament, as I had faith in the third one, said BESA leader Bilal Kasami. He left the coalition after several bitter local elections fights with Zaev’s bigger coalition partner DUI, especially the fight over the city hall in Tetovo, which Kasami won.

As Minister Osmani visits Brussels, EU Commission says it hopes Macedonia and Albania will be able to open accession talks soon (Republika/TV24)

EU Enlargement officials told TV24 that the Commission remains dedicated to seeing Macedonia and Albania open their EU accession talks as soon as possible. The statement was given after Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi met with Macedonian Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani in Brussels. Osmani also met with the Bulgarian caretaker Foreign Minister Svetlan Stoev, to discuss the historic dispute between the two countries over which Bulgaria is blocking Macedonia’s accession talks. The Zaev government is barely holding on in parliament and continues to promise that it will be able to negotiate a deal with Bulgaria in December, even though elections there only just finished and a process of forming a coalition still hasn’t begun. Nevertheless, Osmani insisted that he is not losing hope and that there is a chance in December.

Bytyqi: We will soon get a new government “Zaev 3” with six or seven new ministers (Republika)

As a government, we have not been functioning normally for three months due to the local elections. The work of all institutions is reduced to a minimum, which surprised me, because I am new to politics. We should have adopted the Budget during this period, we are facing a crisis with the pandemic, we have an economic crisis, and the energy crisis is a new moment, so now is not the time not to work full speed ahead, the Vice President of SDSM and Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, Coordination of Economic Departments and Investments Fatmir Bytyqi said on the “Morning Briefing” show. Regarding the procedure for the resignation of SDSM President Zoran Zaev, Bytyqi said that the Central Board only asked for the decision on the resignation to be postponed. Resignation is a high democratic act and in normal countries it would be understood as a way to reconsider why things did not go well. In our country, this is understood too dramatically. I appreciate his decision to resign, but also the attitude to be postponed, Bytyqi said. He believes that in our country the positions of party president are connected with the Prime Minister. In our society, it is almost impossible to have a prime minister other than the president of the ruling party unless there is a technical or expert government. Now follows the consolidation of the party and further a new prime minister-designate. I think that soon we will get a “Zaev 3” government, again a government led by Zaev with the change of six or seven ministers. I think we need him to continue some processes, Bytyqi said. The reshuffle of the government, as the Deputy Prime Minister pointed out, is good and there should be some change of staff.


Blinken sends a letter to Xhacka (Radio Tirana)

US Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken has sent a letter to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka. In the letter handed to the Minister by the US Ambassador Yuri Kim, Blinken expressed, among other things, gratitude to Albania for the generosity and courage for the hospitality of the Afghans. Likewise he appreciates Albania's contribution during NATO operations in Afghanistan and emphasizes that the US deeply appreciates the close relationship with Albania. In the letter, Blinken congratulates Xhacka on his intervention in the 20 August NATO Ministerial.

Dear Madam Minister,

On behalf of the State Department, I would like to express our deepest gratitude to the Republic of Albania for being the first country to offer a "safe haven" for endangered Afghans and for the generosity and courage shown your people have shown during the operations of NATO in Afghanistan. I especially commend you on your powerful intervention at the 20 August Ministerial virtual meeting of Foreign Ministers. Albania has again demonstrated its strong commitment to the NATO Alliance by contributing forces and resources to the Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan, deploying more than 4,000 service members to Afghanistan during operations there. I thank you for these deployments alongside our forces and specifically for the five joint deployments with your state partner, the New Jersey National Guard. Albania's investment in the security and prosperity of the Afghan people has helped greatly in advancing our common goals. As the evacuation and resettlement of Afghans at risk still continues, we are also grateful for your contribution of personnel at the Bechtel facility in Kosovo. Albanian servicemen helped create a stable and secure environment for our forces as well as for the Afghan people. Their presence has made it possible for the NATO Alliance to conduct its operations, enabled young women to attend school, and made dalyy life safer for many Afghans. The United States deeply values our close relationship with Albania and looks forward to continuing this strategic partnership to advance our shared interests.


Antony J. Blinken

Kim: Do not forget the past, democracy should be preserved (Radio Tirana)

The exhibition "In the Name of America" ​​was inaugurated in Tirana, in the framework of the 75th anniversary of the departure of the American mission from Albania. This event followed a dark period in relations between the two countries. US Ambassador to Tirana Yuri Kim, while giving the keynote address, issued several messages about the political situation in the country and the position of the country it represents. "This year we celebrated the 30th anniversary of the restoration of diplomatic relations between Albania and the United States. We are all aware of the beginning of these relations with the fall of the Ottoman Empire. I am very proud as an American that it was President Wilson who said that Albania is a country, it is a nation and it deserves to be independent and free. The US has never wavered, you deserved to be a free and independent country. "Regardless of what can happen inside or outside Albania, this position will not change," said Kim. The Ambassador recalled that "After the end of the LIIB, a mission of American observers was stationed in Tirana to restore relations between the US and Albania, but the communist government was against. The communist dictatorship began to close the country, building hundreds of unnecessary bunkers. This is the reason why is this exhibition today, the communists did not only want to close the country physically, but also spiritually. What happened was that hundreds of people started being persecuted by sending them to concentration camps. It is a story of persecution and brutality, but also a story resilience and dignity," said Kim. She underlined that it is important to remember the consequences of communism and never to be forgotten. "It is important to remember all these people the horrors that these people have gone through. It is important to remember brave men and women, from all political formations, from all parts of Albania who had the courage to risk their lives and even lose it." said Mrs. Kim. "The democracy we have today may not be perfect, it may not be perfect, but it is important to remember that it was achieved through the blood of the sweat of all those people who fought and worked. "It's a precious thing and we all need to protect it," said US Ambassador Yuri Kim.