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Belgrade Media Report 21 February 2022



Vucic says Serbian people do not want NATO (Beta/RTS/Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian President and Serbian Progressive Party leader Aleksandar Vucic said on Saturday that the Serbian people “do not want NATO”. At his party’s first election rally in the village of Merosina, Vucic said that the Serbian people “love the neutral status of their army, and do not want someone else’s army.” The people want us to have a strong army, so that no one can ever threaten Serbia. In a few days you will see how Serbia is much stronger today, and you will be glad to see some of the most sophisticated systems in the world. Serbia will never again be easy prey for anyone,” the Progressive leader said in his speech. Vucic said that “many challenges” awaited Serbia, because of what he said was the situation in Europe and in the world. The President reiterated that Serbia was on a European path, but that it “won’t spoil” relations with Russia and China, “only because someone wants it to.” “For seven or eight years we’ve been cautioned that we won’t be able to be on good terms with everyone, that we can't sit on two chairs for much longer, but they don’t understand that we only have one, Serbian chair, which we love more than all others, and which we will not give away for anything. Serbia has been working slowly and quietly, preserving Kosovo and Metohija and protecting our people wherever they may live in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. There haven’t been any wars either,” Vucic said.


Vucic: Everybody knows our position on Ukraine crisis (Tanjug)


President Vucic said that no one is asking Belgrade to decide on the crisis in Ukraine because they know our position, which is principled and based on respect for international law. Asked about his candidacy for the new presidential mandate, he said that it was a probable option, but that the final decision on that would be made in the next ten days. Vucic told TV Tanjug that the Foreign Ministry was monitoring the events in Ukraine and reminded that Serbian citizens were urged to consider leaving the country. “If necessary, we will help relocate our citizens. I hope that this will not happen,” he said. He also said that he does not know whether the information provided by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov that “mercenaries from Kosovo, Albania and B&H” are coming to Donbas is correct, and added that he would ask Russia for additional information on the matter.


Iran to continue to respect Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty (Beta/Politika)


Serbian and Iranian Presidents Aleksandar Vucic and Ebrahim Raisi spoke over the phone on Saturday, voicing a desire for more cooperation between the two states, the Office of the President of Serbia has reported. Raisi was quoted as saying that Iran would continue to respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia and further support it in international organizations. Raisi confirmed his country’s commitment to developing a comprehensive relationship with Serbia and thanked his Serbian counterpart for its active role in developing bilateral ties. Vucic said that Serbia was interested in developing cooperation with Iran in areas in which there was a genuine potential for cooperation and mutual interests. The Serbian president said that this year, when the two states would celebrate the 85th anniversary of diplomatic relations, would be a year of more frequent contacts and more examples of good cooperation.


Selakovic thanks Guatemala for principled position regarding Kosovo (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic spoke on the phone on Friday with newly appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs of Guatemala Mario Adolfo Bucaro Flores. Selakovic underlined that Serbia is committed to cherishing friendship and strengthening overall cooperation with Guatemala, especially in the light of an important jubilee we are marking this year – 140 years of diplomatic relations. Selakovic noted that political dialogue and high-level contacts intensified in the previous period, but that it is necessary to work on strengthening economic cooperation. He singled out agriculture, processing industry and tourism as areas in which we recognize potential for cooperation, but added that it would be useful to organize business forums for businessmen of the two countries. Selakovic expressed special thanks to Guatemala for its principled position regarding Kosovo and Metohija and the support which this country gives us in international organizations.


Cooperation with China important for region’s dynamic development (Tanjug)


Serbian Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Tomislav Momirovic said on Friday that the future of Serbia and the region must be built on mutual cooperation and support and with the help of the world's largest economies, including China. Momirovic said at the first Belgrade "Think-Tank" within the "Belt and Road" initiative, a one-day panel discussion entitled "Sustainability of a Common Future", that we should develop infrastructure, build roads and railways because they connect people and the economy. He stated that approximately 1,200 km of highways and expressways are currently being designed and built, and that Serbia is the largest construction site in this part of Europe. The Serbian government is implementing numerous infrastructure projects with China, which are an important precondition for the dynamic development of our country, he reminded, noting that the section of the Milos the Great highway was recently completed, while a 11 km section was built in cooperation with the Chinese company CRBC. He announced that the Belgrade-Novi Sad high-speed railway, which is the most important railway project in the last 50 years, will be put into operation soon, and that citizens will have the most modern railway infrastructure and the fastest railway in Southeast Europe at their disposal from March. He emphasized that a sustainable future is inseparable from environmental projects and the construction of communal infrastructure, pointing out that approximately 50 percent of the population is not connected to sewage systems, while less than 10 percent of the population is covered by some degree of wastewater treatment. In accordance with that, he stated that the ecological project "Clean Serbia" means that 7,000 km of sewerage network and more than 250 wastewater treatment plants will be built in Serbia in the next five years. Advisor at the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade Tian Yishu expressed his gratitude to the government of Serbia for its active action within the Belt and Road Initiative and its support for the establishment of the institute of the same name. He emphasized that the Initiative provides a valuable platform for international cooperation, stating that in 2021, seven more countries have joined the initiative, which now has 145 members, as well as cooperating with 32 international organizations. Executive Vice President of Fujian Provincial People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries Luo Guansheng addressed the conference via video link, stating that the two countries have a high level of mutual trust.


Petkovic: We want normalization of relations with Pristina but two are necessary for dialogue (RTS)


After a three-and-a-half-month break in the negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina on Kosovo and Metohija, the main negotiators of both sides will meet tomorrow in Brussels. The talks will be led by the Head of the office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic and the deputy prime minister of the so-called Kosovo Besnik Bislimi. The last time the two negotiators met in Brussels was on 16 November, they talked about the missing, energy and freedom of movement. Petkovic says that for the last six months, Pristina has been trying to bring the dialogue to absurdity. “When you do not have direct talks, you have incidents on the ground. We will insist on the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), which should provide collective rights to Serbs living in Kosovo and Metohija,” Petkovic told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS). Since the beginning of this year, three times more incidents have been recorded compared to last year for the same period, and 2021 was marked by a record number of attacks on Serbs and ethnically motivated incidents. Visoki Decani is again on the agenda of the provisional institutions in Pristina, and they still refuse to return 24 hectares of land to the monastery. “Pristina calls on the Constitutional Court when it needs it, and when it does not, such as on Decani, then it does not suit them and they deny the decisions of their highest legal instance,” he explains. Petkovic says that they are in contact with the Raska-Prizren Bishop and the abbot of the monastery all the time, because it is a matter of denying the existence of the monastery itself. “It is no coincidence that the monastery disappeared from the Google map. If there was no KFOR to protect the monastery, it would not exist. Only since the beginning of the year we have 23 attacks on our people. Kurti’s anti-Serb rhetoric generates violence and that is why we need the ZSO. We will also discuss the missing in Brussels, the judiciary, but also the elections on 3 April, because they must be held in Kosovo and Metohija as well,” Petkovic said. He says that we want peace and normalization of relations with Pristina, but that two are necessary for dialogue. “Even during the election campaign we are going to Brussels, unlike Albin Kurti. We do not have that problem because we are telling the truth. Our maneuvering space has been narrowed, but we must fight for a better life for our citizens,” Petkovic said. Kurti talked with the EU High Representative and Envoy Borrell and Lajcak in Munich, and he told both of them that he was ready for a meeting with Aleksandar Vucic, but also that “the two sides focus on mutual recognition”. “No one believes Kurti anymore although he is a child of Western mentors. He refused to sign three documents on basic things. It is important to talk, to resolve the issue of the missing, but it is not a political issue, as Kurti wants to present it, but above all a humanitarian one. Families are still waiting to find out the fate of their loved ones,” said Petkovic.


Stano: Petkovic, Bislimi to meet in Brussels on Tuesday (Tanjug)


EU spokesperson Peter Stano on Friday announced a new round of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue at the level of chief negotiators would be held in Brussels on Tuesday. Stano said the meeting between Belgrade's Petar Petkovic and Pristina's Besnik Bislimi would be hosted by the EU special envoy for the dialogue Miroslav Lajcak. He said a continuation of discussions about implementation of reached agreements and the next steps towards normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations were on the agenda of the meeting. Diplomatic sources in Brussels said it was still uncertain whether a high-level meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Albin Kurti, the PM of the provisional Pristina institutions, would be organized after the meeting of the chief negotiators, and added that this would mainly depend on the results of Tuesday's discussions.


Cadez: Western Balkans a priority for new German government (Tanjug)


The Western Balkans remains a priority for the new German government as well, and new solutions and ideas are being sought to support regional and European integration, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (PKS) President Marko Cadez said in Berlin. "Over the past three days, I have spoken with officials of the Bundestag, the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chancellery and with business and industry representatives about how we see the future of the Western Balkans and the region's cooperation with the EU - a process that has made no major progress to date when it comes to EU accession itself," Cadez said in Berlin. There has been little progress in terms of accession negotiations, unlike in the practical sense - in terms of what is being implemented and the real benefits of the EU single market for companies in the region, he said. "We all agreed the Western Balkans is the priority for the new German government as well. What we discussed the most was the Open Balkans initiative and why it is important, as well as how we can expand it to all six Western Balkan economies - which is significant - and how the EU sees the process of the approximation of the entire region and all individual economies to the common economic market," Cadez said. It is very important to have tangible results that will cut costs for our companies, enable them to do business and make being a part of the EU single market easier, he also said.


Manuel Sarrazin becomes Germany’s first envoy for Western Balkans (Beta)


The German government appointed Manuel Sarrazin special envoy for the Western Balkans on Friday. Sarazzin is Germany’s first envoy for the region, as the previous cabinets did not possess the position, Radio Free Europe reported. Sarazzin is a member of the Green Party of Germany and was a German MP from 2008 to 2021. He played an active role in the Bundestag’s committees on European and foreign affairs. The German politician had repeatedly discussed the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina earlier, and last May he underlined the importance of a coordinated German-French policy on the Western Balkans, voicing clear opposition to any border changes in the region.




HNS conclusions: In case that de-constitution of Croat people continues, HNS will launch all legal procedures and political steps for new institutional and territorial organization of B&H based on principles of federalism and consociation democracy (ATV


The Croat Peoples’ Assembly (HNS) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) adopted conclusions at its extraordinary session held in Mostar on Saturday. According to one of the conclusions, in case that the process of de-constitution of the Croat people in B&H continues - the HNS will launch all legal procedures and political steps for a new institutional and territorial organization of B&H based on the principles of federalism and consociation democracy that will ensure full constitutional equality of all three constituent peoples in B&H.  One of the conclusions regards the election of members of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H – the body for which the HNS claims it has no legitimacy to call the general elections. According to the HNS, the elections should not take place. HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic stated that they paid special attention to the methods applied by certain politicians from the Federation of B&H (FB&H) in order to halt the process of the election reform and limited constitutional changes. He added that during the session, the HNS welcomed the efforts of the international community during the negotiations that have been shown until now to find sustainable solutions for the implementation of several verdicts and the Mostar Agreement signed in 2020. Covic called on the officials to use their authority to contribute to the solution of all other issues as soon as possible. Covic and the parties gathered around HNS did not specify whether they want a new division of B&H, i.e. a third entity, nor did they explain in detail what the so-called territorial reorganization means. "I think that the conclusions that were read do not need any clarification. It seems to me that they are long enough, meaningful and unambiguous, that is, clear" Covic said. As for criticism of the HNS’ conclusions, Covic said that they are not blackmailing anyone but simply calling for consistent respect to the B&H Constitution. He says that priority of these conclusions is dialogue, and anything else would be a byproduct of failed negotiations. That includes the failure to hold elections if the Election Law of B&H is not amended. In an interview for BHT1, Covic announced that he plans to present another proposal for solving this issue. The HNS B&H hints that this might be the last proposal that Croats give. Covic said that SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic asked for more time for the Election Law negotiations. I told him, if six months was not enough for you, or a year and a half, you can take a few more days, but we will not wait for you, Covic stated. “He sent a non-paper, a few days ago, a framework document, saying he is ready to talk, etc., and we were only supposed to confirm the reached level of talks in Neum,” Covic said.


Covic sends letter about HNS’s conclusions to international addresses (Hayat


The leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic sent a letter to more than 20 international addresses, including the highest officials of the EU, the US and EU mediators in the election reform in B&H, the state leadership of Croatia and members of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC), in which Covic wrote about the conclusions of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) that call for, among other things, the establishment of a third entity, noted the presenter. There were several reactions to this where both foreign and domestic diplomats told Covic that there will be no disintegration of B&H and that the conclusion on the alleged third entity is the worst one, added the presenter.


Dodik: There is nothing disputable about HNS conclusions (RTRS


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated on Sunday that Croats have the same rights as other two people with a constituent status in B&H and he does not see anything disputable in the conclusions adopted by the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS B&H) on Saturday. Dodik stressed that Croats are allowed to ask for the same rights and added that the dialogue of everyone in B&H is the guarantor of its survival. He said that the ignoring the existence of one people in B&H is going to push B&H into greater long-term instability. President of United Srpska’ Nenad Stevandic said that Croats showed that B&H is not on a good path. He added that there is one and a half million Bosniaks, one million Serbs and half million Croats in B&H, but with Croatia and Serbia together there are 14 million of them together and no one can make them second-class citizens. Dodik also said that the problem of one people is the problem of everyone and that should be clear by now. Dodik also stated: “Muslims reject the fact that B&H is not their exclusivity and this has led to the current situation in the FB&H and B&H. Meeting the wishes of Muslims by the US and Brussels’ administrations destabilizes B&H in a long term perspective. Dialogue and talks between everyone in B&H is the only guarantee that B&H could survive in a way defined by the Constitution.”


SDA: HNS’ conclusions are unacceptable, territorial reorganization and additional ethnic divisions will not happen; Statements of SDA officials (ATV


Conclusions the Croat Peoples’ Assembly (HNS) of B&H adopted at its extraordinary session in Mostar on Saturday caused reactions on Sunday. Pro-Bosniak parties, primarily SDA, find the conclusion regarding territorial reorganization of B&H disputable the most. SDA stated that the HNS’ conclusions are unacceptable, stressing that territorial reorganization and additional ethnic divisions will not happen and SDA will never agree to such a thing. SDA warned that there are no legal or political grounds for territorial reorganization, adding that adventurists who dream about revival of the ‘Herzeg-Bosnia’ or about the formation of a third entity in B&H should have in mind the ICTY verdicts for the joint criminal enterprise. “Parties gathered around HDZ B&H have the right to boycott elections; that is their political decision. However, no one has the right, just because he did not achieve his political goal, to block and prevent their (elections) organization. SDA has always shown readiness for talk on all important political matters, and during that, always thrived towards reaching a compromise and balanced solutions – in the best interest of the state of B&H and all its citizens, but it will never agree to unprincipled pressures, blackmails or threats,” reads SDA’s statement. SDA's Semsudin Mehmedovic stressed that HNS' conclusions are nothing new, noting that he believes that through the changes to the B&H Election Law, the so-called third entity is being introduced through the back door. SDA Main Board member Ismet Osmanovic said: “We are always for negotiations, even in a situation like this, when we are not satisfied with the HNS’ blackmail, that we do not accept and reject, but we are willing to talk. However, if someone thinks that by blackmailing, they will force SDA or its leader (Bakir) Izetbegovic to accept something that is at the detriment of the B&H citizens, Croats, Bosniaks, Serbs and the Others, they are mistaken. We will never accept solutions that will lead to further ethno-nationalist division of B&H.” Osmanovic also said it is still not certain if SDA will participate in the next round of negotiations scheduled for Tuesday.


Komsic on HNS’ conclusions: Elections will be held despite efforts to block or postpone them (Nova BH


Commenting on the conclusions adopted by the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS), Chairperson of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic said they are “a political blackmail”, and that the elections will be held despite efforts to postpone or block them. Komsic also said through the “legitimate representation phenomenon”, mentioned for the first time in the “para-creation Republic of Serbian Krajina”, they are trying to ensure permanent power, and, if possible, more than that. “Boycott of elections is the right that HDZ can use, but blocking or not allowing elections would constitute a criminal offence”, Komsic was quoted as saying. Komsic said that there will be elections, but there will be no division of B&H. "Reorganizing the country through its ethnic federalization to achieve war goals in peacetime by realizing what the ICTY has established as a joint criminal enterprise will simply never happen," Komsic was quoted as saying.


SDP on HNS’ conclusions: Elections will be held and no boycott can prevent them from taking place (O Kanal


Commenting on HNS’ conclusions, SDP representatives pointed out that the elections will be held and that no boycott can prevent them from taking place, adding that HNS' conclusions show that both HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic and the HNS have crossed the red line. SDP B&H's Damir Masic said "they are rapidly following (SNSD leader and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad) Dodik's footsteps in a complete political abyss". "The legitimate representation they advocate is a classic racist concept that has absolutely nothing to do with European values and standards, let alone with the verdicts of the European Court of Human Rights," Masic underlined. President of SDP Nermin Niksic said that elections will take place in 2022 and everything else would be the suspension of democracy.


Mijatovic: I will request formation of government of national salvation of B&H (Dnevni list


SDP Vice President (VP) Vojin Mijatovic wrote on social networks, among other issues, that Milorad Dodik and his SNSD have made it clear that they want independent Republika Srpska, that Dragan Covic and his HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) have made it clear that they want B&H with three republics, whilst Bakir Izetbegovic and SDA are declaratively against all that but have no power to change the situation. According to Mijatovic, “there is no more time to wait, only B&H national team is SDP B&H”. The SDP VP went on to say that we will request urgent session of the SDP Presidency during which he will initiate meeting of all political parties who observe integrity and sovereignty of B&H and that he will request formation of Government of national salvation of B&H. Mijatovic added by saying that negotiations will secessionists have to end and that one has to request urgent session of the UN Security Council.


SBB B&H comments HNS conclusions stressing there is no alternative to talks and dialogue and calls for stronger mediation of Washington and Brussels (Dnevni avaz


SBB B&H issued a statement commenting the conclusions adopted at the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) on Saturday. The statement reads that in the current complex security- political situation in B&H, region and globally, B&H does not need additional instigating of ethnic tensions and causing of additional tensions between citizens and their political representatives. The party noted that all sides, parties and individuals need to truly advocate talks and cooperation, respecting the democratic principles and practices, which is the only rational path. “SBB does not agree with additional ethnic divisions of B&H or it accepts territorial reincarnations and creating of some ‘third entities’ and consequential ‘units’. This, in the essence, reveals secret agendas and suicidal intention to divide B&H in three parts, in a way which enables tribal chiefs to continue decades long barren authority over citizens, who are massively leaving and running away from unsuccessful authority,” reads the statement. SBB B&H noted that they deem that general elections need to take place and there is no place here for political ultimatums, adding that a possible boycott of the election process and failure to vote is right of every individual or a group, but obstruction of organization or preventing of holding of elections, carries elements of criminal responsibility. In the end, SBB called for wisdom, responsibility and continuation of dialogue, under even stronger and energetic mediation of representatives of Washington and Brussels. Underlining that there is no alternative to talks, party noted that everything else leads to dangerous escalation. SBB has underlined that HDZ B&H is copying SNSD leader Milorad Dodik’s policy. “Blocking institutions and later complaining over the non-functioning institutions, and the request for the reorganization of B&H show that, unfortunately, policies of Dodik and (Dragan) Covic follow, complement and support each other in many segments. Although they present such policy as the interest of Croat people in B&H and hide behind a slogan ‘people decides’, we deeply believe that such policy is not only against the state, but it is also against Croats,” reads the statement by SBB.


NiP: HDZ B&H does not want agreement, but they copy Dodik's approach (O Kanal


Commenting on HNS’ conclusions, representatives of NiP emphasized that HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) does not want an agreement, but they copy SNSD leader Milorad Dodik's approach. NiP led by Elmedin Konakovic called for international sanctions against representatives of the Croat people. Political parties SBB B&H and ‘People and Justice’ (NiP) – which took over the role of negotiations organizers regarding the B&H Election Law – have started to lose hope and optimism that this matter will be resolved any time soon. They did not wish to specifically comment HNS B&H conclusions, but in their statements, they wrote that they have begun to suspect that HDZ B&H does not even want a solution to be reached. NiP statement says that HNS showed, with its statements and conclusions, that they are unwilling to hold any more talks. “That is one exclusive and maximalist policy which does not open the possibility for agreements in the framework of reality, but intends to strengthen its own political positions by deepening of the crisis,” the NiP statement reads.


Borrell: We will not allow dissolution of B&H (Nova BH


At the Munich Security Conference, EU High Representative Josep Borrell commented on the increasing crisis in B&H, saying the situation in the country is worrying, but there will be no division of B&H. Borrell also said the RS leaders and others must seek agreement to implement constitutional and other necessary reforms. “I talked with Dodik and reminded him that we need to meet for talks, discussions. The RS leaders and others must seek agreement to implement constitutional reform and other reforms that are necessary, and to continue processes in accordance with agreements, and to avoid discrimination. Of course, this process of constitutional and electoral changes will be long. I can only call for responsibility of their political leaders, to implement reforms, and I can assure you that we are in close coordination with the US in regard to Serbia, and we have issued a serious warning that we will not allow dissolution of this country,” Borrell was quoted as saying. Borrell will chair the EU Foreign Affairs Council meeting on Monday, when the situation in B&H will be among topics discussed. “The situation in B&H is certainly concerning; more than ever before. It was never this way. Now, the centrifugal forces are felt,” Borrell stated during the conference. “I appeal to the responsibility of B&H's political leaders to avoid the country's disintegration. I can assure you that we are in close contact with the US. The US Secretary of State Blinken and I have issued a very serious warning. We will not accept the collapse and disintegration of B&H.”


Schmidt: Threat with re-establishing RS army has weakened (Dnevni avaz


High Representative Christian Schmidt stated that for the time being, the threat with re-establishing of the R) army has weakened, but added that B&) and the region will move toward deeper crisis if there is no significant diplomatic engagement of the USA and Europe. Schmidt said that regional officials persuaded Serb member of B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Milorad Dodik to halt his plans for withdrawing of soldiers from B&H Armed Forces and re-establishing of RS army. Dodik has stated that Schmidt does not miss opportunity for false representation, not only in B&H but also at international conferences such as the Munich Security Conference (MSC). “On whose behalf he participates there and whose stances he represents? I think that not even the staff of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) knows that. As someone who publicly claims that he wants B&H to be a prosperous country, he inflicts a lot of damage. Whom Schmidt chooses as collocutors at the conference shows how he sees this prosperity. A meeting with Albin Kurti is certainly the highest point in his visit. Both of them are fake - one as the high representative and the other one as the prime minister of a false state,” Dodik concluded.


Stevandic criticizes Schmidt for meeting with Kurti (Glas Srpske


'United Srpska' leader Nenad Stevandic commented the meeting of Christian Schmidt, who is not recognized as High Representative by the RS, and Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti. According to Stevandic, this meeting is a disgrace for the international community and members of the Peace Implementation Council except Russia. Stevandic described the meeting as a meeting of citizen Schmidt with Prime Minister of self-proclaimed independent Kosovo and underlined that the RS was right to challenge Schmidt's appointment in the UN. “We were right to problematize him in the UN. Russia and China were right to show that he is a person who cannot have the approval of the Security Council. I expect him to become member of DF and that his advisor will be Zeljko Komsic," Stevandic commented ironically, referring to the fact that B&H Presidency member and DF leader Komsic recently sent a congratulatory note to Kosovo President on the occasion of Kosovo Independence Day.


Dodik deems statement of Lavrov that citizens of B&H are hired for Ukrainian battlefield should be taken seriously (ATV


Serb member of the B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik has assessed that the statement of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who said that citizens of B&H, Albania and Kosovo are hired for the Ukrainian battlefield, should be taken seriously, because it comes from one of the world’s top experts in the field of the world diplomacy. He stated that he will request from competent security bodies in B&H to check this information and inform the public about the case. According to President of the Center for the Restoration of International Law Goran Petronijevic, danger is even bigger because more than 100 members of the Islamic State have returned to Kosovo and B&H from the Syrian battlefield, and now the West – the US in particular – use them for special areas such as Ukraine. Member of B&H parliament’s Joint Commissions for Defense and Security Dusanka Majkic stated that Western Balkans is obviously a hotbed for terrorists, drug traffickers and mercenaries. She emphasized that Islamic religious extremism poses a great threat.


Radoncic reacts to Lavrov’s statements: Statement are anti-Muslim and attempt to present Muslims from the Balkans as security threat in heart of Europe (Dnevni avaz


SBB B&H leader and former Security Minister of B&H Fahrudin Radoncic commented the recent statement of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov who said that Russia is verifying information about mercenaries from B&H, Kosovo and Albania who are allegedly in Donbas region. Radoncic said that as former Security Minister and a man who initiated changed to B&H Criminal Code, which criminalize participation of B&H citizens in foreign conflicts, as well as organizing and financing of such missions, he deems that Lavrov’s statement is anti-Muslim. Radoncic noted that it is necessary investigate Lavrov’s allegations, even though it sounds that this statement may be observed as part of Russian propaganda, to present Muslims from the Balkans as a security threat in heart of Europe. The SBB leader further underlined, that B&H citizens who are going to foreign countries to fight, are aware they will be sanctioned after returning to B&H and this is why he believes that there are not many hotheads willing to risk the prison sentence. “To remind, B&H, i.e. its independent judiciary (contrary to facts received from domestic and foreign intelligence services and competent police agencies), has already sentenced to prison sentences a significant number of those returning from Syrian and other warzones. With this we proved that our country is a serious member of anti-terrorist alliance and serious partner in fight against paramilitary formations. Because of this, statements of Mr. Lavrov are politically orientated and tendentious, aimed to divert the attention from essence and goals of the aggression, which his government prepares toward sovereign state of Ukraine,” ends Radoncic.


Truss: Putin wants to take over Western Balkans (Dnevni list


UK Foreign Secretary Lizz Truss warned that Russian President Vladimir Putin does not want to conquer Ukraine only, and that his goal is to annex Serbia and Albania. Truss stated that “we must stop Moscow” and that Putin wants to return the clock to the 1990s and even before, and that Putin’s wish is to annex the Baltic states such as Estonia and Latvia, as well as the Western Balkans including Serbia and Albania. Truss also noted that Putin is heading into formation of ‘Greater Russia’, warning that the European continent is facing the worst scenario since the 1940s.


Covic: HNS session had major historical dimension and it sends message of unity of Croat people in B&H (HRT1


Leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic gave an interview for HRT1 following the session of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS). Covic emphasized that session of the HNS had major historical dimension and that it sends a message of unity of the Croat people in B&H. Asked to explain conclusions of the HNS, Covic said that seven conclusions about the Croat people, the state of B&H and the future from the aspect of the Election Law and the Constitution were unanimously agreed by the HNS members. Talking about electoral reform, Covic said there are no formal conditions for general elections and in order to meet these conditions, a new Election Law needs to be passed in line with the order of the Constitutional Court of B&H. Covic emphasized that it is necessary to continue with talks on electoral reform and noted that the Neum talks came very close to the point of finding a solution. According to him, the issue of election of B&H and FB&H House of People’s members as agreed and the Venice Commission approved the proposed solution. What remains unsolved is the issue of functioning of the FB&H House of Peoples and election of B&H Presidency members from the FB&H. Covic stated that negotiations between the Bosniak parties and the HDZ B&H should start on Tuesday. He emphasized that it is necessary to understand how important the time frame is to create the preconditions and prepare the entire election cycle. Asked what the next steps will be for the HNS members, Covic explained that the next steps are outlined in the conclusions adopted on Saturday. He underlined that B&H needs to solve its numerous piled up problems in order to be able to move forward, instead of facing blockades. He argued that the 2018 General Election results were never implemented in the FB&H, and B&H parliament, Council of Ministers and Presidency are not functioning either. “We will have to step out of the framework we have today. I believe that the simplest way to achieve this is to change the Election Law and implemented limited changes to the Constitution, and then move on,” said Covic. He emphasized that the HNS conclusions send a clear message to the Bosniak people telling them that they must hear the voice of the Croat people in order to secure the legitimate representation of peoples in B&H.


Croatia opposed to elections in B&H if legislation remains unchanged (Hina


Foreign and European Affairs Minister Gordan Grlic Radman spoke at the 2022 Munich Security Conference on Sunday, while participating in the panel discussion entitled "Back to Elysium: Fostering European Cohesion". The Minister said it was the first time that B&H was so often the topic of discussion at the global security conference. Croatia strongly supports EU expansion into the Western Balkans and the importance of maintaining the constitutional rights of Croats in B&H. I repeated that the functionality of B&H depends on changes to the election law and the guaranteed equality of the three constituent peoples. Croatia does not support the position that elections must be held this fall no matter what. We feel that elections should be postponed if political leaders do not reach an agreement on changes to the election law. I will also make this position clear tomorrow in front of the Foreign Affairs Council. Grlic Radman stated that the former Yugoslavia fell apart because of the concept of the civic state that is being advocated for B&H. He assessed, that Croatian authorities brought attention to the threat of this approach to B&H. Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic had been scheduled to attend the ongoing international security conference but cancelled his travel plans to Munich after the death of his father late on Saturday evening following a serious illness.


Milanovic on elections in B&H (Hina


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic stated that the general elections in B&H planned for October should not be held unless an agreement on amending the Election Law of B&H is reached. Milanovic stated that he is ready to do everything in order to prevent holding the October elections if there is no chance for Croats in B&H to elect their representatives. He added that systematic obstruction by representatives of the EU’s diplomatic service was on stage, as they gathered representatives of Croats led by HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic and representatives of SDA and Bosniak parties at the negotiations in Neum, where Covic was actually under pressure to ease up his stances. Milanovic commented on integration of B&H in the NATO by saying that B&H will never get a permit to join the alliance. Milanovic stated: “Have you thought about that this strongly bothers Russia and that this is a dangerous country? This strongly bothers them. I do not consider reasons or is this justified. We have a problem and we should discuss it in a serious way at the highest possible level (…) B&H within the NATO, how? How, in this kind of a situation? They ruin Croats there, there is no state, the state is dysfunctional.” Milanovic warned that he will block B&H’s path to NATO if the treatment of Croats in B&H remains unchanged. Milanovic reiterated that B&H is a non-functioning state.

According to PM Zoran Plenkovic, holding the elections in B&H should not be at any cost and the Croatian government’s stance is to give a chance to negotiations and even postpone the elections if necessary. He warned that if the current situation continues the country will not function normally and nothing good will be achieved. Commenting on stances of the Croatian officials, B&H Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic stated that any interfering in the election process can be interpreted as an attack on democracy in a sovereign and internationally recognized country such as B&H. He stressed that Milanovic and Plenkovic should know that holding the elections in B&H represents B&H’s internal issue on which Zagreb will not be making decisions but B&H institutions in charge of implementation of the elections will be deciding on this issue. “As far as NATO is concerned, B&H and its institutions have made relevant decisions in that sense, and B&H's membership in NATO will not be decided in Milanovic's ‘little Moscow,’ but in much more important places, Komsic underscores. Milorad Dodik reacted by saying that Komsic attacking Milanovic reflects his frustration with people whom he falsely represents. Dodik said that Milanovic is totally right when he says that B&H will not get a permit to join the NATO. Dodik said: “Komsic forgot who decides in the NATO about new member states, naively believing that there is someone in this organization who would even take B&H into consideration. Therefore, Komsic’s reaction to stances of the Croatian President is only the continuity of bad messages towards neighbors, in case of disability to address all open issues in B&H in a constructive and progressive way, including the issue of until when Muslims will elect two members of the B&H Presidency.”


Fleming: There are two problems with regard to progress of B&H - problem of rhetoric and separatist acting of the RS and limited constitutional and electoral reform (Slobodna Dalmacija


Slobodna Dalmacija carries an interview with Chargé d'Affaires in the US Embassy in Croatia Mark Fleming. Asked to comment the political statements of HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic in RS, Fleming said: “We must find a political path for progress and there are two problems with regard to this that we are facing at the moment. The first one is the problem of the rhetoric and separatist acting of the RS. And this is something that we in the USA and the IC should strongly respond to. The second big problem, whose resolving we are firmly committed to and whose resolving demands strong political will of local actors, is limited constitutional and electoral reform, which would make possible to the country to be more stable and safer. So, we are dedicated to prevention of separatism and to looking for the path toward the election reform. However, I am stressing again, this demands a constructive acting of local political actors.”

Asked what he thinks about change of the Election Law which would give Croats their own constituency, Fleming said: “You know that we were deeply involved in joint efforts of the USA and EU which should lead to the limited constitutional and election reforms necessary for B&H’s progress. We do not reduce difficulties that B&H political leaders are facing with while trying to find a solution which would respect structures of the DPA, which continues to secure peace and define the country as the country of three constituent peoples. At the same time, demands of the ECHR should be also implemented. In our opinion, we were close to the agreement at some moment, but the political will of all sides is necessary to end this. We were telling one thing to all sides- none of you can get everything that he wants, but the agreement can be reached based on which the one will get what he needs. We hope that the political actors will find the way to agree on what they need, instead of demanding what they maximally want.” Fleming said that they are trying to help all sides to reach the agreement which would respect rights of all citizens of B&H so that they can actively participate in the political life. He added that they also supported reaching of the agreement which would stabilize and reaffirm the role of Croats in B&H. Fleming also said that Croats in B&H are a part which keeps that county together. He reiterated that they support the limited constitutional changes which respect rights of all peoples, as well as continuation of the election reform which strengthens the position of Croats in B&H. As for the DPA, Fleming said that the DPA remains the constitutional ground, but it needs changes to respect passed judgments and human rights of all in B&H.


Abazovic: If there’s wisdom, we’ll form government quickly (CdM


DPM and URA leader Dritan Abazovic has said he believes that if there is wisdom, the government will be formed quickly. He adds that “we need to give the maximum for this to happen in practice”. “And if that does not happen for any reason, then we have no choice but to return the mandates to the citizens so that they could decide at the new elections who they want to lead Montenegro in the coming period,” says Abazovic.


Bosniak Party: By the end of the week, it will be known who will enter government (Gradska RTV


By the end of next week, it will definitely be known which parties will participate in the work of the minority government, it was confirmed to Gradska RTV from the Bosniak Party. The parties that are discussing the formation of a minority government do not want to speak publicly about who will make it. They are still talking behind closed doors. While the SDP, SD and SNP did not answer the question of Gradska TV when the negotiations will be completed, the Bosniak Party said that they expect it to be by the end of next week. "We believe that the best model for resolving the political crisis in Montenegro at this time is the minority government. We offered this mode immediately after the parliamentary elections. The key task of the minority government must be to unblock Montenegro's path to the EU, as well as to elect leading people in the judiciary. Also, the tourist season is waiting for us and we have to work on the preparations. I believe that it is clear to everyone that only the European and civil coalition in power can ensure Montenegro's unhindered path towards the EU. "Nationalist rhetoric, something we have heard in the past 14 months, is definitely not the path that Montenegro should take," said Bosniak Party spokesman Adel Omeragic. On the other hand, while negotiations are underway, the Democratic Front is announcing new roadblocks with the goal of, as they say, defending the electoral will of the citizens from August 30, 2020. The Democrats also announced the continuation of the protest. If an agreement is reached, President Milo Djukanovic will hold consultations with political party leaders to agree on a future prime minister.


Vucurovic: DF offers two proposals for technical government (RTCG


Democratic Front (DF) MP and New Serbian Democracy official Jovan Jole Vucurovic told the RTCG that the Democratic Front offers two proposals regarding the formation of a future government. "These are two proposals for a technical government that would organize elections - a technical government of non-partisans, supported by 41 deputies plus minority parties or a technical government of politicians, also with the support of the parliamentary majority," Vucurovic told RTCG. As he said, an agreement of the parliamentary majority is needed. "There would be no place for the Democratic Party of Socialists in that government," Vucurovic said. He stated that it is normal for the Government to be formed by those who won the elections, and that cooperation with the DPS would be a great betrayal of the people's will from 30 August 2020. "If we have fought for 30 years, suffered a lot, then by blocking key roads in Montenegro together we will show that we will not agree to the formation of a minority government supported by the Democratic Party of Socialists," Vucurovic underlined.


Becic: We are going to the elections (CdM


Democratic Montenegro organized a protest in Zabljak against the announcement of the formation of a minority government. The protest rally is organized under the slogan “Get up. Defend. Win.”. At this, as well as at previous protests, those gathered carry tricolors and Montenegrin flags. The leader of the Democrats Aleksa Becic said that, if an agreement cannot be reached within the winning majority in the elections, they are offering a European solution, and that is the early parliamentary elections. "Let's not solve this by force, but the way we solved it on 30 August - exclusively with a pencil," Becic said. They offer them, says the leader of the Democrats, to go to the elections immediately, stating that "at the head of all institutions dealing with elections, voter lists and financing of political parties are cadres of the former regime or the Civic Movement URA". "We offer them to go to the polls immediately. I know how convincingly we will beat them. And were there any election conditions in Niksic, Herceg Novi, Mojkovac, Petnjica, Cetinje. So, when you saw what kind of shipwreck you experienced in those cities, now you are afraid of the elections. Well, we have to go to the polls, we have to go to the people's court. The people must judge, decide and give their say,” said Becic. He said that "he will not stop, but he will win". The next protest is scheduled for Wednesday, when a new gathering was announced in Podgorica.


Kovacevski: The clear EU perspective for Northern Macedonia is of strategic importance for the region (Libertas


The enlargement of the EU with the countries of the Western Balkans is not only a matter of enlargement, but above all a matter of joint strategic engagement. Integration means a joint commitment to building a strong, stable and united Europe, as a home of democratic and civilizational values ​​and forces, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski in addressing the debate on "Do not look apart - Drawing the way for the EU and the Western Balkans" within on the official program of this year's Munich Security Conference. In that context, the realization of that vision for Europe, said Kovacevski, is extremely good news for the decision of the European Council of March 21, 2020, with a recommendation for unconditional start of negotiations for membership of Northern Macedonia in the EU. Unfortunately, this recommendation for an unconditional start was conditioned by the blockade of the previous government of Bulgaria. That blockade is still active. But, many times so far, we have shown that Northern Macedonia is a country of friendships and coexistence. These are our authentic features. That is how the world recognizes us today. We build friendships. We are committed to finding mutually acceptable solutions. In that spirit and in that manner, Northern Macedonia has taken all necessary steps to unblock the EU enlargement process, said Kovacevski. He stressed that the country has worked diligently and is working on domestic reforms related to EU chapters and legislation and focuses on achieving European standards as a precondition for progress in EU integration. But more importantly, in the spirit of European good neighbourly relations, the Bulgarian Prime Minister Petkov and I in the last two months, since we are both Prime Ministers, have intensified the talks between Northern Macedonia and Bulgaria with a sincere will to take steps of rapprochement, cooperation and trust. which we believe will lead us to solutions to our bilateral issues, said Kovacevski. According to him, the Western Balkans functions as a system of connected vessels. When there is progress in one country, he emphasizes, it is an incentive for progress in other neighbors. The blockade of the operational start of the accession negotiations with Northern Macedonia and Albania with the EU is felt throughout the region as a serious blow to confidence in the Union. Due to the disapproval of the negotiating framework, Northern Macedonia and Albania are wasting valuable time. But the bigger question is what the EU is losing in this case. The credibility of the EU is in question. This situation encourages and strengthens the interest of third parties in the region. If the EU shows absence or weakness in the Western Balkans, then third parties will have more opportunities to fill that gap, which is extremely important in terms of geostrategy, said the Prime Minister. Therefore, he added in his address, the EU must find a formula on how to keep its word and continue with the enlargement of the Western Balkans. The European Union has an obligation to show in practice that the enlargement process in the Western Balkans is alive. To instill optimism that European values ​​and principles are still a reality. We with Albania and Serbia do not stand in a place when it comes to the Europeanization of our countries and societies. We are constantly looking for ways to enter European standards and to facilitate and improve the lives of our citizens. That is why we launched the Open Balkans initiative as a platform for cooperation, mobility and the practice of the four European freedoms for the movement of goods, capital, services and people. Open Balkans is a great initiative but it is not, does not aspire to be, nor can it be an alternative for the EU, said Kovacevski. He adds that Northern Macedonia remains committed to the Berlin Process and the European perspective, and our goal is one and only - equal membership in the family of European nations and countries - the EU. Therefore, I encourage you to find the right formula that will accelerate the pace and process of EU enlargement with the countries of the Western Balkans. This is certainly the challenge for France as EU presidency holder in this current six-month term. I assure you that Northern Macedonia continues on the path of reforms. We are committed to the vision of the Balkans in the 21st century, as a region of peace, stability and greater regional cooperation for economic benefit and prosperity of all citizens. We strongly believe that it is necessary for Northern Macedonia and all the countries of the Western Balkans to have a crystal-clear Euro-Atlantic and EU perspective. Leaving a geostrategic gap in our part of Europe is not an option. We need predictable, credible, enhanced and accelerated EU integration processes. We are here today to reaffirm our European vision and perspective. Let us affirm our unity, cohesion and solidarity. We proudly stand side by side with our EU partners and our NATO allies. We share the same values, we are united in differences, said the Prime Minister. He reminded that Northern Macedonia has been a candidate country since 2005. We signed the Stabilization and Association Agreement exactly 21 years ago. Negotiations have not started yet, and that is certainly due to the challenges that have hindered our European and integration path. But today we are still on the same path, because EU membership, for us, has no alternative. For us, EU integration is a matter of accepted highest Western democratic values ​​and commitment to meet European standards of work in all spheres of society and in all institutions, said Kovacevski.

In his address, the Prime Minister also referred to the membership of Northern Macedonia in NATO and its benefits in terms of achieving strategic goals. “Last year, Northern Macedonia marked the 30th anniversary of its independence. The celebration had a special meaning because we celebrated this important jubilee as a full-fledged, thirtieth member of NATO. Membership in the North Atlantic Alliance is the achievement of one of our most important strategic goals, through which we continuously provide security, stability and security for the country and its citizens. "NATO membership is an expression of our sovereign choice and our strong social consensus to become fully integrated into the democratic world," he said.


Munich Conference / Chancellor Scholz: "We must advance with the integration of the Balkans" (Radio Tirana


German Chancellor Olaf Scholz delivered a speech at the Munich Conference, which is expected to raise hopes for EU enlargement to the Western Balkans. Scholz said that when he talks about the European Union, he also means the countries of the Western Balkans - which are expected to get integrated into the EU when the conditions are met. "When I talk about the European Union, I also mean the countries of the Western Balkans. It is not enough to emphasize the expansion plans for this region as a strategic goal. We must actively advance it," declared Scholz, encouraging applause from the audience. The countries of the region are required to align their foreign policy positions with the common positions of the EU. The European Council underlines that the rule of law will be a key element, on which the dynamics of the progress of the countries of the region in the process of European integration will depend. Kosovo is required to implement the legislation in force and demonstrate results in the fight against corruption, as well as to implement reforms in line with European standards, to pave the way for integration.


Xhacka meets with German and regional counterpart in Munich, discussions on the situation in the Western Balkans (Radio Tirana


Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka met with her regional and German counterparts during the Munich Security Conference. Xhacka said that the situation in the Western Balkans and the key role that Germany has in the development of the region were the focus of the talks. "Fruitful meeting with the Foreign Ministers of Germany Annalena Baerbock, of North Macedonia Bujar Osmani, of Kosovo,Donika Gervalla and of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bisera Turkovic, during the Security Conference in Munich. "Constructive discussion on the situation in the Western Balkans and the key role that Germany has in the development of the region", writes Xhacka. Among other things, Xhacka says that the meetings "further deepen the excellent cooperation between Albania and Germany." Xhacka together with Prime Minister Edi Rama have been in Munich since Friday regarding the holding of a 3-day Security Conference in Munich on the situation and Russia-Ukraine tensions. Representatives of Russia were absent in this conference for the first time.