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Belgrade Media Report 9 March 2022



Vucic: There will be a big fight - I am waiting for Putin's response (B92)


President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, was a guest on the B92 television, where he spoke about the most current topics. At the very beginning of his address, the President congratulated all the ladies on the holiday, International Women's Day.


Asked whether it is possible to expect a truce in Ukraine, as Zelensky announced, the president said that he could not know that, but that he hoped for it, but did not believe it.


"Unfortunately, I would like to say that I expect the situation to calm down. It is important for us to analyze the events. There have been terrible disturbances that will affect Serbia as well. Joe Biden has banned the import of oil. There are 3,4 percent of Russian oil on the American market. We expect an EU decision tomorrow," Vucic said.


Vucic about the opposition 


"When we started building Belgrade Waterfront, the support amounted to 22 percent, today it is 75. We believed in that project and showed how Serbia can change. They said that water cannot be pumped out, that garages are full of water. That's what they said in the previous campaign, now people have seen it all. It's the best maintained part of Belgrade. It simply doesn't matter what they say about me," the president said.


He stated that the situation is so serious in the world and in Europe, that one should not think about anything else. He added that his party colleagues reproach him for not dealing with party politics.


"I see that my party colleagues resent me for not dealing with party politics, I heard that last night after the meeting in Leskovac. You people do not understand what we are facing. They have been talking for ten years, there is no abomination they have not already uttered," said the president. Vucic pointed out that he is the holder of all lists, and asked where he has been hiding, as the opposition claims.


Vucic asked if we know how difficult it is to prepare for each project. It takes years of work for every new factory. Sinisa Mali strongly believed in Belgrade Waterfront, my idea was the driving force, and he was involved in all the jobs and I am infinitely grateful to him for that. I am proud of that, the monument to Stefan Nemanja, on the boulevard of the Kosare Heroes. On March 24, I will open a monument to General Veljko Radenovic in Kruševac. There are so many things, invisible ones, which I am infinitely proud of," he said. He pointed out that elections are not a game and that the state is not a toy.


"Elections are not a game and the state is not a toy so that those who think they can get their hands on money from citizens can play, especially not under these historical circumstances," he said.


Decision to condemn the attack on Ukraine 


Vucic said on TV B92 that someone had to make a decision without harming the citizens of Serbia.


"I never stole anything, I don't have any accounts and abroad with me and you can't talk to me in such a manner. I also have my own personal dignity, just take record as to how much I talked to world officials, and what about other leaders. I do not know what the opposition is committed to except that Vucic is guilty for everything. Someone had to make a decision, without harming the citizens of Serbia. We must respect the integrity of other countries. If we had not condemned the invasion of Ukraine, we would never have had the right to make that argument again," he said.


President on the so-called Kosovo 


I don't even know what will happen with the elections, let alone with license plates. We talk all the time, but there is nothing more important for anyone but the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, more precisely Russia and the West. We are interested in the elections, I don't know if and what will happen", Vucic said.


He pointed out that it is very important that we now preserve peace and stability. "It is more important to us now than anything, we will fight and I believe that we will be able to secure a place in the elections," he said. He added that Macron asked us to "say that no one will enter the EU before Serbia". "He is always fair and although we do not always have the same point of view, he wants to listen to us. Our situation is very difficult today and everyone else writes only that Vucic is little Putin in order to turn the West against Serbia", Vucic said.


"There will be a big fight in these conditions. I'm waiting to see Putin's response. I'm waiting to see what the European Union will say. I don't think they will abolish everything at once, I think they will reduce energy consumption from Russian exports. If Russia does what I think it will, there will be waiting for cars, which leads the whole world into a terrible economic catastrophe, and the question is how the world will get out of it, not to mention the possibility of the conflict spreading tomorrow. Hungarian Foreign Affairs Minister Peter Szijjarto is coming tomorrow, Sid is hungry for our investments, Sid and Irig. I look forward to it as a child and I can smile at something that will bring us growth. Every new factory is growth for this country. We survive by factories, tractors, machines. This gives us the opportunity to be able to maintain prices, both NIS and private businessmen, and to have 13 dinars less than the wholesale price. That is the biggest task, and not to respond to any insults", the president concluded.


Earlier, it was announced that Vucic would talk about the current economic situation caused by the war in Ukraine, and that they would also talk about the candidacy for the country's president in the upcoming elections.


Jovanovic: Balkans does not need tutors; Karanovic: There will be pressures related to Kosovo and RS (Vecernje Novosti)


The daily claimed that USA suggested that solving of Kosovo issue should be accelerated under the excuse of the conflicts in Ukraine and “fear” that it might spill over to the Western Balkans. The daily reminded that US Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar on Monday said that the situation in Ukraine “teaches us that we should double our efforts in reaching of compromise agreement between Kosovo and Serbia and stop activities that represent a threat to stability and progress in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)”. At the same time, the daily reminded, politicians from Pristina have been saying for days that Kosovo should become a member of NATO as soon as possible.


Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Zivadin Jovanovic said that “the Balkans does not need tutors” and added that, although he respects US representatives, it is not good to see that they act as supervisors in the Balkans “which has been broken into pieces, not by its own fault, but by the fault of the policy of domination carried out by USA both directly and through NATO”. Jovanovic assessed that USA’s big handicap is the fact that it does not see the Balkans as a group of independent countries but as the grounds for settling of accounts with other powers – Russia and China.


Ognjen Karanovic from the Center for Social Stability told the daily that there is no doubt that USA has been carrying out a diplomatic and political campaign over all of the Balkans countries in the past 15 days in order to have them harmonize their policies with the US’ policy, which means a complete isolation of Russia. “It is true that it is in Washington’s interest not to have a new front be created in the Balkans, so we hope USA will not exert pressures in the full capacity for the sake of that project, but there will certainly be pressures related to Kosovo and Republika Srpska”, Karanovic concluded.


Vucic Szijjarto : Together we will overcome the world crisis (B92)


President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, published a photo with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, Peter Szijjarto. "Excellent conversation with the Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and a great friend of Serbia, Peter Szijjarto. We will overcome the world crisis together, in partnership and friendship", Vucic wrote in a post on Instagram.


President Vucic, said that Serbia had jointly condemned everything that was happening in our immediate environment. "We have done everything we can and offered every kind of help, from humanitarian to financial, for all those who are most endangered, but we must also take care of our citizens," he said. Vucic said that in the "era and time when no one listens to anyone and does not want to hear, in the era of general hysteria, it is good to hear the words of reason", speaking about Szijjarto statement. "It is good to hear the words of reason, reflection, messages of peace, but also messages of rational assessment of everything that is happening around us," said Vucic. He said that Hungary is always with Serbia, even in Brussels when it comes to the national interests of Serbia, and he greeted the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.


Prime Minister: Cooperation with Council of Europe in conducting reforms vital (Beta)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on March 8 in a discussion with Council of Europe Secretary General Marija Pejcinovic Buric that cooperation with this organization in reform processes was extraordinarily important to Serbia, above all through its support in the area of rule of law, democratizing society and enhancing human rights. The prime minister stressed that Serbia would continue conducting reforms in the areas of rule of law, justice, improving media freedoms and election conditions, as part of its bid to join the EU, her office said in a statement.


The Council of Europe's secretary general, who met with Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic, stressed that, like before, the Council would continue offering its support through joint CoE and EU programs, including a program for "horizontal cooperation." She said that as a result of cooperating with the CoE's expert bodies in Serbia, visible progress had been achieved in the area of protecting human rights, freedom of expression and freedom of the media, freedom of public assembly and association, and protecting national minorities. The Serbian parliament speaker, Ivica Dacic, mentioned to Marija Pejcinovic Buric the support of the Venice Commission, with which close cooperation had been established with regard to a set of judicial reforms, the parliament said in a statement.


“We Must” coalition: First we win Belgrade, then Serbia (Beta)


The head of the We Must ticket for the parliamentary elections, Nebojsa Zelenovic, has stated that the opposition will first win Belgrade and then Serbia, saying that the people of Serbia have been in the darkness for a full ten years and that it is time they stepped out into the light.

"For some time now, the opposition has been criticized for having no legitimacy, that nobody will vote for them and that this is why they are not present in the media; they are not present when important decisions are made and negotiations conducted," Zelenovic said in an interview with the issue of the Nova newspaper, and urged the people to vote.


He added that it was thus "very important for as many organizations as possible, including our coalition We Must, the parties rallied around the Freedom and Justice Party, the Democratic Party and the People's Party, to enter the parliament and start deciding on important issues, that no decision can be made without us, especially those that are the most important for the future of Serbia."


"We have a plan and, among other things, it envisages that the solution to issues such as

Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and sanctions against Russia, should be reached through a broad agreement with the West, and then decided on via a referendum," said Zelenovic, who is the former mayor of Sabac.


Opposition: Chance for winning in Belgrade must not be missed (Beta)


Vladeta Jankovic, opposition 'United for Victory in Belgrade' coalition's candidate for the mayor, said late on Tuesday the chance of winning in the capital was significant and should not be missed, calling on Belgraders to vote.


Addressing people in the Belgrade Rakovica district, Jankovic said: „I appeal to all of you to do what you can to motivate people to turn out. It is a decisive factor which leads us to freedom and better life.” He stressed the importance of the opposition’s victory in Belgrade for the change in the country’s whole. “If we win in Belgrade, we will liberate Serbia, and the current regime won’t last,” Jankovic said.


Opposition ‘United Serbia’ promotional booth banned due to COVID-19 (


The administration in Serbia's northern town of Subotica rejected on Wednesday the request of the opposition 'Movement for Reversal' to set up the 'United Serbia' coalition promotional booth in the open due to the coronavirus epidemic, on the same day when the Crisis Response Team was said it would abolish COVID-19 indoor mandatory passes.


The decision reads: To prevent the spread of the infectious disease COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, public gatherings on the territory of the Republic of Serbia in public places indoors and outdoors are prohibited, when more than 500 people gather at the same time who must be at least two meters apart and one person can be present on every four-square meters.


Unofficial information from the Crisis Response Team says it may abolish the indoor mandatory COVID-19 passes. Besides, other political parties’ booths can be seen across the country.


"The regime uses dishonourable methods to prevent the win of the opposition's 'United for Victory' ticket and its presidential candidate while allowing the indoor rallies with hundreds and thousands of people," Janko Veselinovic, the leader of the 'Movement for Reversal,' told


Bosnia and Herzegovina  


Dodik: Overflight of Italian military planes gross violation of B&H borders; This is another proof that B&H an international protectorate (RTRS)


Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik assessed on Tuesday that the borders of B&H were grossly violated by the overflights of the Italian military plane over Banja Luka and the entire Krajina, and that “this is another proof that B&H is an international protectorate”. Dodik mentioned that the EUFOR command in B&H announced that French military planes of the ‘Rafale’ type should fly over the territory of B&H these days, but that there were no announcements of flights by other military planes. He noted that the citizens of Banja Luka, and the entire Krajina, could hear and read the news on various news portals on Tuesday that an Italian military plane was circling in the sky above them in an unknown mission and with an unknown intention, and he believes that they were rightfully worried. The B&H Presidency, as he pointed out, was not informed about this, and it is not known to him whether anyone in B&H was aware that this would happen.


Dodik says conflicts in Ukraine cannot be compared to past civil war in B&H (RTRS)


Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik has said that the conflict in Ukraine cannot be linked to the civil war that was waged in B&H, even though both media and some politicians in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) are trying to prove that this is “almost the same type of conflict”. According to him, neither the reason nor the trigger for the conflict is the same. “However, an incredible amount of propaganda that the people of B&H are exposed to is the same, just as they were exposed in the 1990s, which, for the umpteenth time, justified the thesis that it is the truth that suffers first in every war”, Dodik stated. He pointed out that the demonization of one nation, in this case, the Russians, is the same, which the Serbs experienced well in the war and which they must fight against even today, 30 years later. “It seems to me that some people in B&H believe that by drawing parallels between Ukraine and B&H they will gain some political benefit that would be provided by someone from the outside through interventionism that has never stopped here. I will have to disappoint them - problems in B&H are political, not as of yesterday, and they will have to be resolved only by political and legal means, and that will have to be done by domestic political actors”, Dodik underlined. He reiterated that he has been advocating a neutral position since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine and that he believes that this was the best position that B&H could take, wishing the arms in Ukraine to become silent as soon as possible and the parties to the conflict to reach an agreement as soon as possible. “Cheering is both immoral and abnormal in any war, and harmful for small communities like B&H. The consequences of the conflict in Ukraine are already felt economically in B&H. I would like those consequences to be as small as possible in the long run”, Dodik was quoted as saying.


N1 investigates if war in Ukraine silence the rhetoric of divisions and dangerous announcements in B&H (N1)


The war in Ukraine, at least in regards to political communication, also affected Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Communication specialists analyze the messages of political leaders. They conclude - compared to previous months, the messages are different. N1 investigated what does this tell us and what awaits people in B&H. ‘Will there be a war?’ - probably the most frequently asked question by B&H citizens in recent months. The war happened, but not in B&H. Images of horror and suffering were seen on the news. On the other hand, B&H politicians were mostly silent. B&H politicians, in the first days of the invasion, gave no extensive comments on the matter. “Silence is caused by some kind of fear. What follows after the aggression on Ukraine? Russia's aggression will last a long time; it is brutal (…) as it becomes more brutal the West will try to clean Putin's pockets in Europe”, believes political analyst Sead Numanovic.


According to analysts, SNSD leader Milorad Dodik has been peeking out of that ‘pocket’ for a long time. It was from him that we heard calls for calmness and neutrality. “We need to stop at this story, to be neutral. Leave us alone. I think everyone understands that, even in Europe”, Dodik said, adding that he does not believe conflict in Ukraine can spill over to B&H and the Western Balkans. Dodik said talk of such things is just “part of a propaganda”. In the midst of the invasion, the neutral Dodik spoke over the phone, like only few other European politicians, with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. The readiness to carry out activities that will lead to the realization of the agreements made in December was emphasized. What these activities mean was not explained. Reactions followed after this. “If this is something directed against B&H, then my message is: you are doing useless work. If it is directed against B&H, they should give up”, emphasizes B&H Presidency member Sefik Dzaferovic.


According to analysts, HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic is spending the days of the invasion in Ukraine in silence. SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic was in Denmark at the time, where he held an almost pre-election rally. This kind of behavior, but also calls for calming the tensions - show something else. “I think our politicians were not aware of how much they have walked a thin line in recent years, especially in recent months and how much their rhetoric, so far, can provoke, we will not say war conflict, but certainly individual incidents that can disrupt security. That is why I think that our politicians will be more careful in the coming period”, underscores communication specialist Mirza Mehmedovic. “It is to be expected that there will be a major reshuffle of the political scene in B&H, at least in the year ahead of us”, Numanovic added. After creating an atmosphere in which the citizens were in constant fear, better days are coming, analysts predict, i.e. days marked by greater engagement of the international community. The rhetoric of divisions and dangerous announcements, they add, will be silenced.


EP to discuss B&H and sanctions against Dodk; HR Schmidt comments on issue ahead discussion: EP does not have mandate for sanctions, but I know it has strong political influence (Hayat)


Hayat carries that the discussion about Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) at the European Parliament (EP) is expected to start, and, according to earlier announcements, sanctions against politicians from Republika Srpska (RS), primarily against B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik will be discussed. Hayat reminds the sanctions will be discussed in relation to anti-Constitutional activities and attack on B&H’s sovereignty through the decisions adopted by the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA). Commenting on the issue ahead the session, High Representative (HR) in B&H Christian Schmidt said for Hayat: “The EP does not have the mandate for sanctions, but I know it has strong political influence. They say, let us discuss sanctions in the European Union (EU) as well. It is being discussed a lot, it is rather disputable, but I think that one thing must be clear, i.e. those who made mistakes, sanctions can be imposed against them as well, those are the ones who are corrupted or, politically, they are taking completely different direction to the one necessary for the county”. Schmidt went on to say he will, go to Brussels next week, and “discuss the issue with my colleagues from the EP. I think the decision we heard recently is certainly very brave and good, that the EP simply ‘points the finger’ or ‘touching with its finger an open wound’. What will come of it all, we will see”. O Kanal announces a discussion and reminds that it is not in EP’s competence to pass decisions on sanctions, but added that the discussion on this matter could influence the stances of the EU countries towards that matter. Presenter reminded that the sanctions are in the competences of the EU Council and the European Commission (EC).


EP starts discussion on situation in B&H; Varhelyi: B&H is crucial for Western Balkans and instead of internal conflicts, it is necessary to focus on European agenda (FTV)


The European Parliament (EP) started a discussion on the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), including possible sanctions to Serb member of the B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, on Tuesday evening. At the moment of evening news broadcast, the discussion was still in progress. European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi said in the EP that B&H is crucial for the Western Balkans and, instead of internal conflicts, it is necessary to focus on the European agenda. “B&H belongs to the EU. I have reiterated multiple times to the RS’ representatives that there is a need to ensure work and full functioning of the state institutions. Continuous boycott of the Presidency and the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H can block investment from various sources. This refers to the economic investment plan, as well”, Varhelyi underlined.


MEP Tineke Strik assessed that the EU is actually lagging behind in terms of imposing sanctions to Dodik, due to his separatist aspirations. Strik thanked Varhelyi on presenting a clear stance that there is a funds’ blockade possibility.


B&H needs a constructive dialogue and political will from all sides to move forward on its EU path, said Varhelyi. He stressed that this matter is all the more important in the changed international context, following Russia's war on Ukraine. However, he noted there are growing political divisions throughout the country at different levels, which were aggravated among other things with the boycott of the state-level institutions by representatives of Republika Srpska (RS). “The continued boycott of decision-making at different levels – the Presidency, the Council of Ministers – could jeopardize significant investments, including investments coming from the Economic and Investment Plan. As I have stressed several times to representatives of the RS, there is a need for urgent steps to deescalate tensions, to avoid further rhetoric and to ensure the swift return to the state institutions and ensure their full functioning”, Varhelyi underlined. He recalled that the European Commission has already conditioned the financial package for the investment projects in B&H, of which two – for the road and rail connections along Corridor 5C, are on the territory of the RS. The Commission, he added, intends to sign the respective contribution agreements for these two investments, worth EUR 600 million, only after the return to the full functioning of the state institutions.


Varhelyi did not, in any part of his speech, mention Dodik, nor any potential sanctions against him. Varhelyi also stated on Tuesday that fair, free and inclusive elections in B&H must be held in October as planned. He called for urgent adoption of the necessary amendments to the Election Law of B&H and the Constitution of B&H. He also called on B&H Finance Minister Vjekoslav Bevanda to urgently make the budget for organizing the elections available to the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H.


MEP from Portugal Paulo Rangel said that peace, stability and integrity of B&H is on the line. He said that Europe cannot allow for the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine to lead to negative influences in the region. Rangel stressed that because of this, many measures are needed and it is necessary to start off with sanctions. German MEP Dietmar Koster said that Dodik cooperates with Moscow, whose interest is to destabilize B&H. French MEP Emmanuel Maurel said that political situation in B&H took a turn for the worse. “Milorad Dodik no longer recognizes legitimacy of Sarajevo and he is asking for separate institutions. In parallel context, Putin’s war is shedding light on Dodik’s plan and ways he is prepared to use to reach his goals”, said Maurel.




President downplays tensions in B&H (Hina)


The increased presence of the European Union peacekeeping force (EUFOR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) should not be given special attention because there is no possibility of the situation there escalating into an armed conflict, Croatian President Zoran Milanovic said on Tuesday.


Last week, the EU increased its military presence in B&H to 1,100 personnel by sending reserves from Austria, Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia to prevent potential instability following the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


Milanovic, the Supreme Commander of the Croatian Armed Forces, said the increased presence was simply a reaction to the horrors of war, but did not attach particular importance to it. "I think there is no way the situation will escalate into an armed conflict," said the president. Milanovic downplayed calls by the Serb member of B&H's presidency, Milorad Dodik, for the secession of the Republika Srpska (RS) entity from B&H; saying that "political rhetoric" was one thing, while the actual goal was another. He reminded for instance of the idea of creation of a third entity in B&H that can be heard by many Croats. “Does this idea lead to destruction and robbery of B&H as part of the negotiating tactics and strategy to return some of the seized Croats’ rights and not to seize from Serbs what they are entitled to?”, Milanovic wondered. He added that seizing Croats’ rights was encouraged by the European Parliament and some of the countries form the North. Milanovic concluded that he will not impose sanctions against Dodik.


Milanovic was asked by media to comment on possible introduction of EU’s sanctions to Dodik, to which he said that it is necessary to speak of the sanctions in a cautious manner. Milanovic stressed that the procedure of introduction of sanctions is well-known, adding that there is a legislative body that is in charge of such procedures. He concluded that Dodik is a collocutor who represents Serb people in B&H, and added that he does not like persecutions of anyone as those persecutions are mainly led by “cowards”. Milanovic also said that Dodik is a monster to some, but to him he is a collocutor and he will not impose sanctions against him.


Milanovic: I do not support Georgia in NATO (HRT)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic visited the exhibition "Women and Technology – An Exhibition of Gender Inclusive Themes" at the Nikola Tesla Technical Museum on the occasion of the International Women's Day. He then gave a statement to the media. “Congratulations on Women's Day, or March 8th, as it used to be said, and I still say that today. I came to the Technical Museum on that occasion, but I would be glad if I came on any occasion,” said President Zoran Milanovic at the beginning.


He commented on the situation in B&H


“The presence of forces has increased due to this war, but I believe that there is no way to escalate all this into an armed conflict in the neighboring country. It is not Russia; the EU is showing some of its strength and washing its conscience because of what is happening in Ukraine. Ukraine and Russia are one, and this here is something completely different, fortunately calmer and more benign. As for NATO in Georgia, I will oppose that, it is out of the question,” he pointed out.


The European Union last week decided to increase EUFOR forces from 600 to 1,100 troops by sending reserves from Austria, Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia to prevent potential instability following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. On Saturday, France announced that it would conduct training flights over B&H in light of the deteriorating international security situation.


“It is an increased presence due to the tensions and horrors of the war, but I do not attach special importance to that. I believe that there is no way to escalate into an armed conflict,” said Milanovic on Tuesday, adding that the situation in the neighboring country cannot be compared to that in Ukraine because there are no soldiers or tanks in B&H.


“The biggest EU countries did everything possible,” he added. “The European Parliament does not impose any sanctions. It is known how they are imposed and by which legislative body. I don't like hunts; they are led by cowards, those who, when it gets thick, hide in the first hole. Milorad Dodik is a representative of the Serbian people; he lives there and will stay there. He is the interlocutor we know, we fear those we do not know, who are led in by the hand. Like Milorad 20 years ago. To some he is a monster, and to me he is an interlocutor. I will not impose sanctions on him,” said the President.


When asked if Milorad Dodik has ideas about the secession of the Republic of Srpska from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Milanović said that he also has silly ideas, like journalists, but that one thing is political rhetoric, and the other is what is realistic.


“As long as there is no violence, he is my interlocutor. Even Aleksandar Vucic is an interlocutor, when Serbia needs to decide where they are. They support Russia. All right, that’s Serbian business. Ukraine never looked at them wrong; they condemned the attack on Belgrade in 1999. They never recognized Kosovo. As weird as relationships between people are, you never know where the sea will take you. Milorad Dodik should deal in smarter things. His idea is an idea. Which is the idea of a third entity. Is this leading to the disintegration of B&H or is it part of the negotiating tactics for the Croats to get what was taken from them. I did not vote for Republic of Srpska, nor is it my love. But it exists. It is a fact like Serbia and Kosovo. Let them understand that everyone must acknowledge it, and Ukraine and everyone else. I do it out of spite, but I want to see Serbia in the west, no matter how embarrassed it may be. And it is,” he added.




Abazovic: Congrats to SNP Main Board; if we don’t reach an agreement quickly, then we shouldn’t make it at all (CDM)


The Leader of the Civic Movement URA and Prime Minister-designate, Dritan Abazovic, has congratulated the SNP’s Main board on their decision to take part in a minority administration. Abazovic also adds it’s very important to him that the SNP is a part of the minority government. He points out that one of the solutions for unblocking the parliament is that the Deputy Parliament Speaker, Ervin Ibrahimovic, convenes the session.


“We intensively communicated with the SNP. A new phase of talks over the government’s structure starts as of tonight. If we can’t reach an agreement quickly, then we shouldn’t make the agreement at all,” Mr Abazovic told reporters. According to him, the SNP has certain requirements but all of them should be in line with the European agenda.


Abazovic also reiterated that the Fundamental Agreement with the SPC should be signed.


On Russia’s attack on Ukraine and sanctions, Abazovic noted that there were a lot of Russians coming to Montenegro. “We joined the EU sanctions. Certain vessels owned by Russian oligarchs are sanctioned, not all of them sail under the same flag. We’ll see what our legal possibilities are and will comply with the EU decisions.”


What are the key tasks of the new government in the agreed agreement in principle (Pobjeda)


Coordination of foreign, security and defense policy with the EU and NATO, support for the draft resolution on Russia's aggression against Ukraine, judicial reform, electoral reform, regulation of relations with the SOC in accordance with the Constitution and law, census law by consensus of all signatories - will be key tasks of the new pro-European government.


This is written in the agreed agreement in principle, which Pobjeda had an insight into, and which will be presented to the Socialist People's Party as a key basis for signing a political agreement on forming a government.


The document, which is subject to minor changes - entitled "Platform for the formation of the 43rd European government" - states that starting from the need to resolve the political and institutional crisis in Montenegro, accelerate the process of European integration, overcome strong national, ethnic, religious, political and social divisions, and bearing in mind the threatening situation in Europe caused by Russia's aggression against Ukraine, the signatories of the platform agree that the 43rd Montenegrin government will continue to strengthen Montenegro as a European, civil, secular and anti-fascist state, with consistent respect for the Constitution of Montenegro and international obligations.


"Fully harmonize our foreign, security and defense policy with the EU and NATO. "Intensify activities in order for the state to unblock the process of European integration as soon as possible and implement the necessary reforms for Montenegro's membership in the EU by 2025," the document reads.


The platform states that the new government, in co-operation with parliament, will carry out activities related to electoral reform and the improvement of electoral legislation in line with OSCE / ODIHR recommendations.


The document also announces that "relations with religious communities (SOC and CPC) should be regulated, in accordance with the Constitution and laws of Montenegro." This is a revolutionary change in the policy of the Montenegrin government, because, if applied literally, for the first time, both Orthodox churches in Montenegro will be treated equally.


The signatories of the platform undertake to propose a law on the census in accordance with European standards, with the consensus of all signatories.


The document does not mention the regional initiative "Open Balkans", backed by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, which was mentioned by SNP leader Vladimir Jokovic as one of the government's priorities.


"The government will consider regional initiatives in the context of a key priority, ie faster membership of Montenegro in the European Union - perspectives and opportunities," the document reads.


The signatories of the platform agree to support the draft resolution on the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which is in the parliamentary procedure, with the affirmation of the Resolution of the European Parliament on the same issue.


The document states that the 43rd Government of Montenegro will be committed to creating mechanisms for the uncompromising fight against corruption and organized crime, including proposing legal solutions to review the origin of property.


The new government will repeal the Decision on Amending the Decision on Criteria for Determining the Conditions for Acquiring Montenegrin Citizenship by Accepting and Suspending All Possible Operations, as well as ensuring balanced regional development and continuing the decentralization process.


The signatories of the platform are also committed to improving legislation in the field of human and minority rights.


"In cooperation with the parliament, they will work on the reform of the judiciary, with a special focus on the agreement on the election of the VDT, judges of the Constitutional Court and members of the Judicial Council." Harmonization of legislation in the field of justice with the standards and recommendations of the EC and the Venice Commission ", the document concluded.


The document also emphasizes that the departure of existing investors in Montenegro will be stopped.


"Intensify structural reforms with the aim of strengthening competitiveness, creating new jobs, ensuring long-term stability of public finances and improving the environment for new investments while stopping the departure of existing investors," the document reads.


The signatories of the platform agree that the majority state ownership should be retained in strategically important state companies, especially in the field of energy and transport.


"It is necessary to continue the reform of public administration, with a revision of the current situation in all departments with special emphasis on education, culture and security and intelligence sector, state bodies and public enterprises, ie companies in majority state ownership, with annulment of illegal legal acts." it is stated in the document.


North Macedonia 


Osmani: There is no information about military conflict in the Balkans at the moment (TV21)


Foreign Affairs Minister Bujar Osmani said that at the moment there is no information about a military conflict in the Balkans. “As a NATO member, we now have intelligence, credible information, and based on that information, we should not be worried about a military conflict in the Balkans at the moment. As an example of that information, as a NATO member, I will point out that we knew exactly what day and time the Russian invasion of Ukraine would begin. However, we are in communication with all our partners when it comes to possible escalation of the crisis in other places, including the Balkans as a hotspot” said Osmani. He adds that everyone has talked about possible other hotspots such as Moldova, Georgia for example, but of course one must remain vigilant. “I will say again that according to our information, there are currently no threats to the Balkans” Osmani said.




Head of the opposition under pressure since the defeat of Sunday's local elections (Radio Tirana)


The head of the Democratic President Lulzim Basha has been held accountable for the deep defeat that the DP suffered in Sunday's by-elections. At the meeting of the parliamentary group, which lasted until after midnight, various deputies demanded his resignation. Sources from within the meeting have announced that a good part has proposed finding a solution for a union with the rest of the Democrats who support the movement of former Prime Minister Sali Berisha.


In Sunday's vote, representatives of the Democratic Party, with the exception of Rrogozhina and Dibra, where candidate Luan Haka split by several dozen votes from second in the race, to the other four municipalities, garnered far fewer votes than the candidates proposed by Mr. Berisha and his supporters. Mr. Basha is said to have stated at the meeting of the parliamentary group that "March 6 was a trap after January 8 and we were placed before the obligation to participate in the elections", thus accusing President Ilir Meta that he had suddenly decreed the by-elections of which he had kept locked up for a long time.