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Belgrade Media Report 17 May



Serbian Orthodox Church establishes full canonical communication with North Macedonia’s (Beta/Politika)


The Serbian Orthodox Church announced on 16 May that it had established full liturgical and canonical communication with the Macedonian Orthodox Church – Ohrid Archbishopric, because it accepted the status of the broadest possible autonomy approved in 1959, adding that “a dialogue about what possibly may be the final status of eparchies is legitimate and realistic”. The Synod said in a press release that the decision was made after it had received “an act by the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, Ohrid Archbishopric, accepting the universally recognized canonical status granted to it in 1959 by the Serbian Holly Synod, and expressing hope that the Serbian Orthodox Church will be resolving and eventually resolve in a brotherly manner the issue of its final canonical status, followed by an all-Orthodox consensus and acceptance of it”. “As the reasons have been removed herewith for the suspension of acts of worship and canonical communication, caused by the unilateral promulgation of autocephaly in 1967, full liturgical and canonical communication is re-established,” the release went on to say. “The establishment of canonical unity, under canonical rules valid across the territory of the Serbian Orthodox Church makes a dialogue on a new, and possibly the final status of eparchies in North Macedonia, not only possible, but also purposeful, legitimate and realistic,” the Serbian Orthodox Church stated.


Brnabic: Pristina's CoE membership bid comes amid greatest violations of Serb rights (TV Pink/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Tuesday the so-called Kosovo had submitted a Council of Europe (CoE) membership bid in a year when Pristina had committed the greatest violations of the rights of Kosovo-Metohija Serbs by banning them from voting in Serbia's 16 January referendum and 3 April elections in the territory of the province. "That is the utmost cynicism, it is not a violation of agreements - we have already become accustomed to that, and it goes without saying. They have said clearly they have no plans to implement the Brussels agreement, but now, with help from friends, they applying for membership in the CoE - a protector of human rights - after annulling all the rights of Kosovo-Metohija Serbs," Brnabic told TV Pink. She said she was particularly interested to see how the Quint states, which strongly protested Pristina's decision to ban Kosovo Serbs from voting, would vote on the so-called Kosovo's CoE membership application. She said 2022, the year of Pristina's CoE membership bid, was "the year of the greatest violations of Serb rights". "I expect the Quint states to stand by their words and say no to them, but we will see. The Quint states issued a strong statement after Pristina banned Serbs from voting in Kosovo and Metohija - how are they are going to support Pristina's CoE accession after that statement? It is not possible, but if they do support it, they would have to explain how the two can go together," Brnabic said. Unless the so-called Kosovo's application is rejected, "the strong Quint statement is a dead letter", she said.


Borell: Close ties to Putin regime no longer compatible with EU integration (Beta)


EU High Representative Josep Borrell said in Brussels, on 16 May, that Serbia should join EU sanctions against Russia as soon as possible and that maintaining close ties with the regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin was no longer compatible with EU integration. After a working lunch of EU and West Balkan foreign ministers, taking place during a two-day session of the EU Foreign Affairs Council, Borrell said the EU understood the difficulty and greatly appreciated voting against Russia in the UN General Assembly, but that a candidate member and partner was expected to align with the EU's foreign policy in full. Borrell said that it was clear to him and many of his colleagues at the Council that maintaining close ties with the Putin regime was no longer compatible with the building of a shared future with the EU. Borrell said the foreign ministers had also discussed the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and voiced the hope that a new meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti would take place "before summer". EU ministers have voiced the conviction that all earlier agreements made in the dialogue should be executed. Although both Serbia and Kosovo express commitment to the dialogue, when they sit down together, there is no progress. Trust needs to be built, the EU high representative said.


Selakovic: Szijjarto called for offering Serbia EU membership immediately (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said late on Monday a Brussels meeting of EU and Western Balkan FMs earlier in the day had addressed the situation in the region, as well as the Ukraine-Russia conflict. Selakovic said all Western Balkan FMs had taken the opportunity to present their positions, as well as to hear the stance of EU member states in that regard. "Some member states, including Poland and Baltic states, took the opportunity to make it known in a very explicit way that we are expected to align with the EU foreign and security policy, which also implies imposing sanctions on Russia," Selakovic said. Selakovic noted the words of Hungarian FM Peter Szijjarto, to whom he referred as a proven friend of Serbia. "He said the EU should not expect Serbia to make such a difficult decision until it offers something to Serbia that will be at least equivalent to the damage to be suffered by Serbia by resorting to such a decision," Selakovic said. Szijjarto said the EU should immediately offer Serbia full EU membership as the country "has long been mature enough to become an EU member state," Selakovic said.


Dacic: Pristina’s membership against international law (RTS/Tanjug)


Today, Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic met with the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Tiny Kox on the sidelines of the meeting of the PACE Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy in Greece. The speaker emphasized once again that membership in the EU is Serbia’s chief foreign policy priority and that, after the elections and formation of a new government, the country would be even more committed to the European path through internal reform processes. Dacic expressed satisfaction that the PACE, through the work of the Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy, is considering the European perspective of the Western Balkans and seeking to find mechanisms and ways to support a clear perspective for the region, as well as identify areas in which the Council of Europe can help the region on its European path. The President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe thanked the Serbian delegation for its contribution to the work of the PACE, which is very active, especially this year when Elvira Kovacs, member of the Serbian delegation, was elected PACE Vice-President. He expressed hope that this trend would continue after the formation of the new parliament. In the course of the conversation, he mentioned the numerous challenges that the organization is facing in the light of the crisis due to instability in the east of Europe. Dacic took the opportunity to raise the issue of so-called Kosovo’s recent request for membership in the Council of Europe and to present our position and arguments that confirm that the admission of the so-called Kosovo into the organization was contrary to international law, UN Security Council Resolution and the values the international organization stands for, such as human rights, citing the recent violation of the rights of Kosovo Serb population who were denied the right to participate in the referendum and elections.


Dacic, Bakoyannis discuss Kosovo (Beta/Politika)


Ivica Dacic, speaker of the Serbian parliament, discussed Kosovo in Crete, on 16 May, with Dora Bakoyannis, Head of the Greek parliament's delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. The two officials met on the sidelines of a session of the PACE Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy, which appointed Bakoyannis to compile a report on the situation in Kosovo as rapporteur. Commenting on Pristina's recent application for membership in the Council of Europe, Dacic said it was very important to Belgrade that the report should cover all issues in PACE's purview -- the state of democracy and institutions in Kosovo, rule of law and human rights, while maintaining a status-neutral approach, read a press release issued by the Serbian parliament. Dacic stressed the expectation that the report should analyze the position of the Serb population in Kosovo, especially the constant violation of that population's fundamental human rights. He pointed out that Serbian citizens in Kosovo had not been provided the opportunity to express their will and take part at a recent referendum and subsequent parliamentary and presidential elections in Serbia. In an address to the PACE Committee session in Chania, the Serbian speaker said that, at the elections in April, Serbian citizens had given prevailing support to the political forces that are working on European Union integration and that keep that integration among its top political and social priorities. "Just like the European Union has been experiencing so-called enlargement fatigue for some time, so have Serbia and the West Balkan region been experiencing their own 'EU association fatigue'. We want both sides to snap out of it and put the fatigue behind us. Serbia and the entire West Balkans deserve for their desires and their efforts to join the European Union to be rated much faster than to date," Dacic said.


Vucic to Orban: Dear friend, Serbia will remain a reliable, loyal and sincere partner (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic congratulated Viktor Orban on his re-election as the Prime Minister of Hungary. "Dear friend, I extend my cordial congratulations on the occasion of the re-election of the Prime Minister of friendly Hungary," Vucic began his congratulations and continued: "Citizens' trust is always the greatest part and the most difficult responsibility, and in difficult times it requires exactly the kind of commitment, determination and state wisdom that you have shown so far and that everyone needs today, more than ever before." Vucic adds that he is convinced that Hungary will continue on the safe road of comprehensive progress, despite the numerous challenges that the future brings us. "On that road, Serbia will, as before, remain a reliable, faithful and honest partner of your country and your people," Serbian President said. Vucic pointed out that he would continue to fight for the common values ​​and interests of Serbia and Hungary and the two peoples, as well as to work together on establishing even better and stronger ties. "As before, we will pay special attention to our minorities, because even though we are divided by borders, people on both sides represent the strongest bridge between our countries. Along with bilateral relations, I know that we will continue to develop personal friendships. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your Government for your open support for Serbia on its European path, at a time when many did not dare to do so and did not want to show it," Vucic added. He states that he is looking forward to the next meeting, at which, as he says, they will jointly lay even stronger foundations for numerous future projects for the benefit of all citizens. "I extend to you once again sincere congratulations on your re-election with the best wishes for good health, as well as personal and state happiness," reads President Vucic's congratulatory message to Prime Minister Orban.


Serbia, France partners in implementation of Green Agenda (Tanjug)


Serbian Minister of Mining and Energy Zorana Mihajlovic talked on Monday with French Ambassador to Serbia Pierre Cochard about improvement of cooperation between the two states in the field of energy, especially in the process of energy transition, implementation of the Green Agenda and the improvement of energy security and independence. Mihajlovic said that Serbia, by passing the new legislative framework, and especially the Law on the use of RES, created a basis for the beginning of process of energy transition. The meeting also looked at the topics of security in the gas sector, Serbia’s plans to increase security of supply, diversification of suppliers and regional connectivity. In that context, Mihajlovic underlined that interconnection with Bulgaria is a priority for Serbia, i.e. the most important project that we are implementing together with the EU. Also, the plan is to get connected with North Macedonia, Montenegro and Romania too, she said and added that Serbia makes part of a recently formed working group for reducing dependence on a single supplier, which is a part of the EU Platform for Joint Energy Purchase. Cochard voiced support for Serbia’s efforts to improve energy security, especially bearing in mind the challenges that all European countries face due to the war in Ukraine. He said that France gives full support to the Ministry of Mining and Energy in the implementation of the Green Agenda, especially in the part related to the increase of energy production from renewable sources.


Is German Bundestag preparing resolution of support to Sarajevo (Politika, by Mladen Kremenovic)


Journalist of Vecernji list Zoran Kresic commented on the resolution proposed by ruling parties in Germany, which described activities of Milorad Dodik and Dragan Covic as “devastating for Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)”. Kresic told the daily that it is good to finally hear the stance of Germany on the situation in B&H and he noted: “If same criteria used by political Sarajevo were applied, then this too should be treated as meddling in internal affairs of B&H”. Kresic added that he expects Germany, just like other countries that are guarantors of the DPA, to firmly support this document and not undermine it. “By such moves and pro-Bosniak colored stance, Germany would have contributed to disintegration of B&H while accusing others who firmly stick to the DPA,” Kresic argued. Speaking about the stance of the international community on B&H, Kresic said that the High Representatives change but their stances do not change. As for the stances of the High Representative that were recently presented before the UN Security Council (UN SC), Kresic said that he would partially agree “with sins that have been attributed to Croat and Serb side, but I must point out that sins of one side – Bosniaks – have been carefully erased”. Kresic said that he cannot understand why western representatives do not think it is important to warn that the Election Law is unconstitutional because the Constitutional Court erased provisions on the way in which delegates of the FB&H House of Peoples are appointed: “Also, it was not mentioned that Osman Mehmedagic is at the helm of the Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA) of B&H, a man who is close to SDA structures and a man who forged diplomas and, most likely, reports of this agency have been forged as well. It was not mentioned that Zeljko Komsic publicly stated that he cannot promise people in B&H that there will be no war and it was not mentioned that he is violating the Dayton Peace Agreement with his announcement on annulment of constituent status. We hear announcements of Bosniak officials on a daily basis that Croats are the minority and that they will turn them into minority, yet this goes by unnoticed. The OHR deserves nothing else but to be assessed as the best paid Bosniak lobbyist.”


Berlin attacks Dodik, targets Belgrade (Novosti, by D. Milinkovic)


The “blackmails and threats” against Serbia keep coming and reminded that “only one day after the brutal statement of G7 countries, which requested our country to impose sanctions against Russia and accused Serb factor in B&H of secessionist aspirations”, a draft resolution of the ruling parties in German parliament was presented along the same lines. Namely, the document requested the German government to call officials of Serbia and Croatia “to distance themselves from ethnic-separatist forces in B&H”, i.e. from Milorad Dodik and Dragan Covic. Dodik and Covic were accused of wanting to destroy B&H through their political activities and the document argued that their aspirations represent a threat to peace in southeastern Europe. The resolution also called for strengthening of sanctions against Serb leaders in B&H and a discussion on the resolution was launched on Monday. Dejan S. Miletic commented on “synchronized activities of the West” and said: “They want to weaken the position of Serbia, to force our country to pure masochism and to have it recognize Kosovo, impose sanctions against Moscow and let Serbs in the RS and B&H be at mercy of international factor.” Miletic claimed that these double standards only drive Serbia further away from Europe and West. Ognjen Karanovic from the Center for Social Stability said that it would be better for the political West, G7 and Germany to think about their own economic future, i.e. possible ways to secure energy sources for their own citizens and economy over the upcoming winter, instead of writing various press statements and resolutions. “All those countries are powerful and their opinion is important, but Serbia is determined to defend international law and principles, especially when it comes to interests of our people,” Karanovic said and strongly criticized G7 countries for asking all countries in the world to support Ukraine while, at the same time, they call Serbia “to destroy both its own integrity and integrity of the RS and to cross over the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) which is a product of the international law and which was guaranteed by the same international community”. Asked to comment on “attacks on Dodik, whom the West is trying to remove and it even invites Serbia to be their ally in this matter in the German Parliament’s Resolution”, Karanovic said that neither Serbia, nor German government, G7 or High Representative Christian Schmidt are the right addresses for the removal of Dodik knowing that it is up to citizens of the RS and B&H to decide on this.




Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Western Balkans meet Borrell in Brussels; Turkovic: No one mentioned reform of B&H Election Law but Croatian Minister Grlic Radman (FTV


EU Foreign Ministers met with Foreign Ministers of the Western Balkans countries in Brussels on Monday. They attended a working lunch, and the foreign ministers of the Western Balkans countries were called to attend the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) session. They discussed how the Russian aggression on Ukraine could affect the Western Balkans countries. Other topics referred to concrete problems of each of the six countries of the Western Balkans region, EU’s help and support for those countries, as well as level of alignment of those countries with the EU standards. EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi welcomed the arrival of foreign ministers of the Western Balkans countries to Brussels. “EU’s enlargement policy is the only guarantee for peace, stability and prosperity of the region. Advancing Western Balkans accession process is a must. All decisions in the EU should be made urgently”, Varhelyi wrote on his Twitter account. B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic used this opportunity and asked for something that could eventually ease B&H’s path towards the Union. Turkovic asked for fulfilment of the 14 key preconditions to be postponed for one year after the elections in B&H, and with the goal of preserving peace and stability. “There is no doubt that the entire region shares its portion of the consequences of unjustified and unprovoked military aggression against Ukraine. It is no surprise that we see European integration as the strongest factor in ensuring the stability and prosperity of every country in the region. It is in our mutual interest to speed up the region's accession to the EU. Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the EU has shown an unprecedented level of unity and determination, demonstrating in practice the potential and strength it can have as a global player,” Turkovic was quoted as saying. During the meeting, attendees expressed concern for disintegration of the Western Balkans and they expressed support to the B&H path towards the EU. Turkovic emphasized that no one mentioned reform of the B&H Election Law but Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic-Radman. Turkovic said that Grlic-Radman hinted that he is ready to support the status of the candidate of B&H in the EU under some conditions, adding that she assumes he was referring to the B&H Election Law. The reporter noted that Grlic-Radman insisted on the B&H Election Law arguing that they support the status of the EU candidate for B&H but under some conditioning. According to Grlic- Radman, adoption of the law is necessary as soon as possible in order to achieve equality of the all three constituent peoples and others. "Due to the consequences of the war in Ukraine, the region is facing a number of challenges. In B&H, we still do not have an election law that would guarantee the equality of all three constituent peoples. This is not good for the stability of the country and we must make the final move towards election law reform. For B&H, this is also the path to the status of a candidate country," Grlic Radman pointed out.

The EU expects the countries of the Western Balkans to harmonize with the joint policy of the EU towards Russia. This was announced after the abovementioned meeting. Borrell said that all countries of the region are partners when it comes to condemning the Russian aggression against Ukraine, even though not all of them harmonized with measures and declarations of the EU. Borrell said that EU Ministers expressed clear expectations from their partners and future members of EU to commit to joint values and joint foreign and security policy. Borrell said that those who have yet to do so, Serbia being one of them, should speed up their harmonization as soon as possible and implement sanctions. Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Selakovic said that armed conflict resolution does not have support of Serbia. A number of ministers said that the EU should stick to their promises towards the region. Selakovic emphasized that Belgrade respects the territorial integrity and independence of internationally recognized states.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany Annalena Baerbock stated, ahead of the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) session on Monday, that the EU must continue to provide support to the Western Balkans countries but it also must fulfil its promise and include this region in the EU. Baerbock pointed out that it is well known that the Western Balkans has been and still is exposed to pressures and influence of Russia. “Therefore, it is important that we continue not only expressing support but also fulfil promise given to the Western Balkans that we will include it in the EU, following different tempos depending on progress,” Baerbock said. Baerbock explained that, for the countries in the region, this means that they will have to apply European policies and apply sanctions, which is something majority has already done. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria Alexander Schallenberg said that the EU must start fulfilling promises given to the Western Balkans countries two decades ago. “20 years ago, we promised to the region that its future is in the EU. Now we have to implement what we have been saying,” Schallenberg said and warned that the EU must not ‘lose’ the Western Balkans countries. “We know that Russia has a great potential to cause damage there without firing a single bullet. This must serve as a warning because this region is in the heart of Europe and it is both crucial and geo-strategically important for us,” Schallenberg pointed out. Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto stated that the war of Russia against Ukraine shows that the EU needs Western Balkans much more than Western Balkans need the EU.


B&H HoP fails to discuss proposal for reduced VAT rate and laws important for B&H’s path to EU (O Kanal


Monday’s session of the B&H House of Peoples (B&H HoP) ended with most points of the daily agenda being rejected. Delegates did not discuss matters like the VAT rate, excise duties or the Law on Public Procurements. Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest was rejected. Given the fact that the deadline for securing funds for the elections is expiring, and the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) is silent, at the request of the Bosniak Caucus, an urgent session of the B&H HoP is asked so that pressure could be exerted over the B&H CoM Chairman and the state ministers to do their job. On Monday, the key reform laws – which the EU insists on, have not received the necessary majority during B&H HoP session. Opposition MPs say this is done “thoughtfully and consciously”. SDS MP Mirko Sarovic calls this “unforgivable” and says it is a shame that B&H will not have these matters resolved. Sarovic added that the public must be aware of the fact that there are political forces in B&H which do not believe these issues should be resolved, which is why they block all important processes and decisions in the country. SDS delegate in the Serb Caucus Mladen Bosic believes that Monday session showed how arrogant and irresponsible the ruling authorities are. By rejecting most points of the daily agenda, Bosic says that the MPs of the ruling majority showed they do not care about the citizens, their needs and their well-being. The Bosniak Caucus asked for an urgent B&H HoP session to be held, so that only one point of the daily agenda is discussed – and that is securing funds for 2022 general elections in B&H. They seek support of delegates for ordering the B&H CoM to adopt a decision on allocating BAM 12.5 million for this year’s elections. Funds for organizing the elections must be secured by 19 May at the latest. Delegate Zlatko Miletic says that ruling majority only seeks reasons for not adopting this important decision. He believes the situation will be quite uncertain, and Miletic says that maybe even the High Representative (HR) will have to react – if not adopting the entire solution, then just the part that refers to securing funds for the elections.


B&H CEC: We said all we had regarding matter of financing of elections; If funds are not secured by 19 May it is up to judicial institutions to act (Oslobodjenje


Asked to comment the fact that funds for 2022 general elections have not been secured yet, representatives of Central Election Commission of B&H stated they do not want to comment this situation anymore and they said everything they had about this matter. The reminded that they issued their statement two days ago and remind that in line with the provision of the Article 1.2a of the Election Law of B&H, competent institutions have to secure funds for the elections by 19 May and that their estimate says that elections will cost more than BAM 12.5 million. “B&H CEC will act in line with the provisions of the Election Law of B&H and strictly abide by all legal provisions and prescribed deadlines. We call decision makers in B&H to fulfil their legal obligation and secure funds for implementation of elections within the legal deadline,” B&H CEC stated. President of B&H CEC Suad Arnautovic earlier stated that B&H CEC will strictly abide by the laws and deadlines and if the matter of financing of the elections is not solved by May 19 it is judicial institutions which need to act then. “There are exact provisions in the B&H Election Law about how to act in case voters are in illegal manner prevented to exercise their rights. If they deem that criminal acts have been committed, B&H CEC is obliged to report that act to the competent prosecutor’s office,” said Arnautovic.


OHR: B&H CoM should fulfil its obligation and secure funds for holding elections (O Kanal


O Kanal asked for the opinion of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) regarding funds for organizing general elections in B&H. O Kanal asked if the High Representative (HR) will react and impose a decision with the goal of resolving this situation. The OHR responded and said elections must be held in line with the current legislation. The decision of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H on announcing the general elections for October 2 is a reflection of that obligation. Now, the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) must fulfil its legal obligation and secure the necessary funds for financing of the elections, the OHR told.

Asked whether HR Schmidt will impose decision in case B&H authorities fail to adopt decision on financing of elections, OHR stated: “Considering the lack of agreement of political parties on electoral reform, the following elections, as well as the previous ones, have to be held in line with current legislation. B&H CEC decision to call the elections for 2 October is reflection of this obligation. It is now up to CoM to fulfil legal obligation and secure necessary funds for financing of the elections”.


Kavalec: B&H CoM must secure funds for elections (FTV


When it comes to securing funds for the elections in B&H, it seems that domestic leaders put their faith into the international community, because, for now, there is no adopted solution that comes from the competent B&H institutions. However, in line with current stances, the international community will not help and provide the funds for the B&H elections. OSCE officials remind that B&H, as a member of this organization, is obliged to hold elections regularly and timely. Head of the OSCE Mission to B&H Kathleen Kavalec welcomed the move of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H on announcing the elections. She said the OSCE expects the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) to allocate funds necessary for organizing the elections in a timely manner. “I do not wish to speculate on what might happen in the future, but competent bodies in B&H are obliged to use the funds at their disposal for organizing the elections. The international community is not in the position to cover those expenses,” Ambassador Kavalec stressed.


Koenig: It is of outmost importance to secure fair, free and inclusive elections (Dnevni avaz


Spokesperson of EU Delegation to B&H and Office of EU Special Representative Ferdinand Koenig stated that any forms of conditioning or obstructing of elections is unacceptable. “In line with election framework of B&H, 2022 general elections are scheduled for 2 October and it is now of the outmost importance to secure fair, free and inclusive elections, as it was planned in order to enable citizens to exercise their voting rights. Any forms of conditioning or obstructions are unacceptable for this key, democratic demand,” said Koenig. He further stressed that B&H authorities have legal obligation to secure funds for organization of the elections. “We call on the Council of Ministers to secure funds for elections without further hesitation and competent authorities to initiate adoption of the budget as soon as possible,” said Koenig. Koenig told the daily that the EUD regrets the fact that despite the EU and US efforts to facilitate the talks, the constitutional and electoral framework was not changed in line with European standards and values. “In line with B&H election framework, elections are scheduled for October 2 and we expect all relevant actors in B&H to cooperate in good intention, in order to secure timely of the elections and full dedication to integrity and transparency of election process. In this regard, we welcome the ongoing efforts of B&H Central Election Commission to improve integrity of the election process. The following elections have to be fair, free and inclusive, as well as organized in an undisturbed manner, enabling the citizens to exercise their fundamental voting right. There can be no preconditions or obstructions for this key democratic process. Following the elections, it will be necessary to again deal with this key issue, because the necessity to remove discrimination, established by the judgments of European Court of Human Rights, improving of integrity of elections and strengthening of functionality of institutions, will not disappear,” Koenig told the daily.


Varhelyi sent letter to Bevanda regarding funds for holding elections ( Kanal


News portal published a letter that EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi sent on 10 May to B&H Minister of Finance and Treasury Vjekoslav Bevanda regarding the allocation of funds for organizing the elections in B&H. Varhelyi said that without the state budget being adopted the entire process would fall onto the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) – which then must adopt a decision, securing the funds. Besides this one, the B&H CoM received similar letters in the past – which came from the foreign embassies that have their headquarters in Sarajevo. However, Bevanda did not make any moves to resolve this situation and secure the necessary funds.


Uebber calls for securing of free, fair and inclusive elections; Germany regrets agreement on electoral reform was not reached (Dnevni avaz


In statement to the daily, German Ambassador to B&H Margret Uebber stated that Germany regrets the fact that an agreement on the electoral reform has not been reached. “Securing of implementation of elections in line with European standards remains to be one of 14 key priorities that the European Commission defined as a vital precondition for B&H’s accession to the European Union. Even though Germany does not advocate any specific election model, every reform should improve integrity and transparency of the election process and should in no way, contribute to deepening of ethnic divisions in B&H. Upcoming elections have to be fair, free and inclusive,” said Ambassador Uebber, underlining that threats with blockade of the elections are unacceptable.


Radoncic: Milanovic did a good thing for Croats, he managed to get US Administration’s attention to their problems (N1/Dnevni avaz


SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic spoke for N1 on Monday afternoon. Commenting the attitudes and statements of Croatian politicians regarding B&H, Radoncic said that many people do not understand that sometimes brutal statements of Croatian President Zoran Milanovic are politically motivated. Instead, they see Milanovic’s statements as primitive populism. However, by threatening to block the expansion of NATO until B&H Election Law is amended, Milanovic managed to do an important thing for his interests – he managed to bring the issue of B&H Croats directly to the White House. Now, the Administration of US President Joseph Biden will have to take a look at what is happening with Croats in B&H and why is Croatia blocking the expansion of NATO. Radoncic noted that this kind of lobbying can be useful for Croats, but harmful for Bosniaks who do not have strong lobbyists working for them in the major centers of power like Brussels or Washington. However, he noted, US interference may not be necessarily negative. On the contrary, said Radoncic, the problems in B&H probably cannot be solved without a more energetic engagement of Washington. In his opinion, the address of B&H Presidency member Sefik Dzaferovic before the UN Security Council was useful, but the UN does not have a lot of influence.


Washington: Tegeltija calls on US officials to visit B&H to talk with political representatives of constituent peoples on all important issues; Tegeltija: US officials were the most interested to discuss the upcoming elections (BN TV


B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Chairman Zoran Tegeltija pays a visit to the US. Considering that Tegeltija’s leader in his party SNSD Milorad Dodik is not allowed to travel to the US due to sanctions against him, it is obvious that Tegeltija received a task to convey Dodik’s reconciliatory message that the RS does not want a secession, noted the presenter. Tegeltija stated: “What is the key problem is the lack of dialogue. Lack of dialogue between the US and all sides in B&H. I called for dialogue between the US and their representatives to come to B&H, to discuss all open issues with a clear reiteration of the fact that Republika Srpska (RS) supports the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), the internal structure and decentralized system of government in B&H and of course the territorial integrity of B&H. Of course, I reiterated that the RS does not want, does not plan nor does it implement the process of secession from B&H, which of course met with very positive attitudes from the US because they are burdened by the constant attitudes that come and accuse the RS of trying to implement the secession process.”

Tegeltija met officials from the White House and US Special Envoy for Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar in Washington on Monday. According to Tegeltija, US officials were the most interested to discuss the upcoming elections and he informed them that holding of the elections is important although conditions for implementation of the elections do not guarantee implementation of results. Tegeltija was supposed to call a session of the B&H CoM and resolve the matter of securing funds for the organization of general elections in B&H. However, he is currently on an official visit to Washington, US, and he will not return to B&H until May 20. In his statement, Tegeltija said that he reiterated that elections must be held in B&H, but that with the current legislation, the elections results might not be fully implemented. “The US representatives are well aware that implementation of election results will be quite complicated and difficult, but they believe this will be worked on after holding the elections,” Tegeltija was quoted as saying.


Milanovic: Hangnail of Croats in B&H is more important for me than entire Finland (N1


On Monday, Croatian President Zoran Milanovic again commented on his statements on blockade of Finland due to the Croat issue in B&H. Milanovic stated on Monday that “hangnail of Croats in B&H is more important for me than the entire Finland”. Milanovic stated that he expects from leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic and leader of DF and member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic to say that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan – whom they obey more than late Yugoslav leader Josip Broz Tito – works for Russia as they are saying it for him. In his opinion, the positions of Komsic and Izetbegovic are unsustainable. Milanovic said he wants to protect Croats in B&H from “outrageous oppression”, and that the circumstances at the international level are significantly changing. Addressing the media, Milanovic said he expects Komsic and Izetbegovic to say that Turkish President Erdogan “whom they obey more than Tito, works for the Russians, because they say that for me. I am agent of the GRU. Do you know what that is? It is the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Russian Army. You see how unsustainable position of Mr. Komsic and Mr. Izetbegovic is”. Milanovic said he cares much more about one Croat in B&H then he cares about the entire Finland. He said he would like to hear a clear message from representatives of Croats in B&H, not just from HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic, but from all political representatives of Croats in B&H, and they should reveal if they agree with what Milanovic is advocating or not. He said the response must be loud and clear, and he emphasizes that what he speaks of is possible and very real. “Yes or no, nothing in-between”, Milanovic stated. Milanovic also stated that he sticks to the position that Croatia should block the entry of Finland and Sweden into NATO until the Election Law in B&H is changed. Milanovic also accused Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic of not supporting him because, as he said, Plenkovic wants one of the positions in the EU institutions. "If only we were united and unanimous in this topic, and unfortunately we are not, and we are not unanimous because HDZ is a hostage to Mr. Plenkovic and two or three other persons," Milanovic said.


Plenkovic comments on Milanovic's initiative that Croatia should block entry of Finland and Sweden into NATO until Election Law in B&H is changed (HRT1


The Presidency and National Council of HDZ of Croatia convened in Zagreb on Monday. Following the session, Croatian Prime Minister and HDZ leader Andrej Plenkovic commented on a number of current topics, including the latest statements by Croatian President Zoran Milanovic. Milanovic said on Monday that "the hangnail of Croats in B&H is more important to him than the whole of Finland" and accused Plenkovic of not supporting him because he wants one of the positions in the EU institutions. Plenkovic said that such positions are ridiculous and that Milanovic is obviously repeating some opinions which opposition MPs have already presented in the Croatian Parliament. Commenting on Milanovic's initiative that Croatia should block the entry of Finland and Sweden into NATO until the Election Law in B&H is changed, Plenkovic said that Milanovic is clinging to every twig so as not to drown in quicksand, stressing that the Croatian Government will not take part in such circus and that enough damage has been caused to Croatia. Plenkovic pointed out that even SDP of Croatia distanced itself from Milanovic's statements. "He took to the public with this initiative without consulting absolutely anyone. He probably did it to attack us, to declare us from HDZ traitors. He wanted to cover his pardon business. This whole initiative is aimed only at harming and abusing the interests of the Croat people in B&H. I made that clear to the leaders of the Croat People's Assembly (HNS) in B&H," Plenkovic underlined. Plenkovic stressed that HDZ knows very well what Croat national interests are and what needs to be done to protect the Croats in B&H. "It is funny that there are people who naively believe that what he (Milanovic) says will help them. It can ultimately only isolate Croats in B&H and put them in an even more difficult position and it will not bring a solution at all," Plenkovic concluded.


Djukanovic with Dvorak: Full agreement on the necessity of geopolitical observation of the EU enlargement policy (CdM


Full agreement on the necessity of geopolitical observation of EU enlargement policy in the context of changed security circumstances after the aggression on Ukraine, said Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic, who met with First Deputy Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic Martin Dvorak. "Very useful and meaningful exchange of views on the European perspective of the Western Balkans and the importance of Montenegro's progress in implementing reforms ahead of the Czech presidency of the EU Council with the First Deputy Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic Martin Dvorak," Djukanovic said on Twitter.


Abazovic with the Ambassador of Finland: Montenegro supports Finland's request to be a member of NATO (CdM


"Montenegro supports Finland's request to be a member of NATO. It is in the common interest for Europe to be strong and united in defending the values ​​of civilization. We expect even stronger support from Finland in its efforts to become the first next member of the EU," pointed out the Prime Minister of Montenegro Dritan Abazovic with the non-resident Ambassador of Finland to Montenegro Kimmo Lahdevirta. According to the Prime Minister's Office, Abazovic and Ambassador Lahdevirta assessed that the bilateral relations between Montenegro and Finland are good and friendly, based on the principles of openness, agreeing that there is room for improving cooperation in many areas. The Prime Minister pointed out that Montenegro is an uncompromising partner of EU members and a responsible NATO ally, especially in emphasizing and protecting the rights of all countries to independently choose their foreign policy commitment and security arrangements. "Montenegro strongly supports the open-door policy and the right of states to independently define foreign policy priorities and security arrangements without the influence of third parties." The request for NATO membership is a sovereign right of every state, and all allies have to make a decision on membership," Abazovic said. Abazovic thanked Ambassador Lahdevirta for Finland's assistance to Montenegro's European integration so far, stressing the expectation that support would continue in the same direction. "The government is firmly committed to persevering in its reform activities, in order to complete the process of accession negotiations in a quality manner and become the first next member of the EU," the Prime Minister emphasized. Congratulating on the success of the formation of the government and the election of the President, Ambassador Lahdevirta welcomed the priorities of the government of Montenegro based on the rule of law and economic development, appreciating that their implementation will help soon EU membership. The interlocutors agreed that it is necessary to strengthen economic cooperation between the two countries, primarily through attracting investments from Finland to Montenegro and increasing trade, both bilaterally and through regional organizations.


VMRO will hold a large protest on 18 June (Republika


VMRO-DPMNE announced a large protest rally on 18 June. This is one of the decisions the party’s Executive Committee reached this evening, as it discussed its next steps in the political crisis in Macedonia. The conservative party demands early elections after the long string of failures and national humiliations by the ruling SDSM party, and is currently blocking the work of the parliament. We gave this current ruling coalition enough time to show that it can do. But we had an exceptionally difficult health crisis in which, sadly, the response was inefficient, late and led to a large number of lost lives. The measures to support private businesses and endangered categories of citizens were incomplete and as a result, many companies were lost. There were no timely and credible activities to face the energy crisis. Public debt has grown enormously. Foreign investments are at an exceptionally low level. Their inefficient and irresponsible diplomacy did not achieve the promised opening EU accession talks, said VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Timco Mucunski. Mucunski said that the Executive Committee decided to continue the active blockade of the parliament, and to leave the door open for additional steps. The party decided to hold a large protest rally in Skopje, in front of the Government building, on 18 June.


Nikoloski: A serious number of EU countries are not convinced that Macedonia should be allowed to open its accession talks (Republika


Following his meetings with top European and Croatian officials in Zagreb, during a Friends of Europe event, VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski said that there is an opinion in the European Union that Macedonia is not prepared to open the EU accession talks.

We see strong support for the inclusion of the two Nordic countries in NATO. Now Turkey, for its own reasons, says why she may not allow it. And we see dramatic, serious pressure on Turkey to withdraw its blockade, to have its demands considered, of course, but to drop the veto threat. And we don’t see something similar happening with regard to Bulgaria. This only confirms that there is a serious number of EU member states who are not convinced that Macedonia should open the EU accession talks and they are using Bulgaria as a convenient excuse. Their qualms remain over the level of corruption and the lack of reforms, Nikoloski said. Bulgaria continues to block Macedonia as it demands serious concessions on issues of national identity and history.


Borrell sees 30 June as deadline to resolve the dispute between Macedonia and Bulgaria (Republika


European foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said that the deadline for Macedonia and Bulgaria to reach some kind of agreement is 30 June, or the end of the French Presidency over the European Union. Borrell said that while Bulgaria is blocking the process, it was discussed in depth by the other EU member states, who believe that this is something that needs to be overcome. Borrell added that there is political will in the European Council to avoid a crisis, and that if the issue is not resolved, there will be a serious crisis in the EU relations with Balkan countries.


Serbian church welcomed return of the Macedonian church to canonical unity, but did not offer full independence (Republika


The Serbian Orthodox Church responded to the initiative of the Ecumenical Patriarchate with relation to the Macedonian Orthodox Church by welcoming its return to canonical unity with other Orthodox churches, but stopped short of granting MOC independence. Instead, the SOC offered “broadest possible autonomy” to the Macedonian church, but under its wing. It’s not clear at the moment whether this is an interim step, if it means a break in negotiations or whether the Macedonian church is going to accept this outcome.


Russian church endorses the Serbian response on the dispute with Macedonia (Republika


The Russian Orthodox Church welcomed today’s decision by the Serbian church to take the Macedonian church into canonical unity. The Serbian decision stopped short of giving the Macedonian Orthodox Church full independence – which is at the core of the decades long dispute – and offers only broad autonomy. The Russian Orthodox Church welcomes the decision by the Serbian church to resume its canonical communion with the Macedonian Orthodox Church – Archbishopric of Ohrid, said Nikolaj Balashov, deputy head of the Department of foreign affairs of the Moscow Patriarchy. Russia remains aligned with Serbia on this issue, as it sees the dispute as a small scale repetition of the recognition of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church by the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in 2019. Bartholomew initiated the latest flux in the church dispute between Macedonia and Serbia as he admitted the Macedonian church in canonical unity. Moscow announced that it will follow Belgrade’s lead on the issue.


Countries that have embraced sanctions against Russia will benefit a wider political inclusion with the EU, dialogue Kosovo-Serbia should continue (Radio Tirana


The countries of the Western Balkans, which have fully harmonized their policies towards Russia with the policies of the EU, will be offered expanded political engagement with the European bloc. Also, these countries are expected to be invited more often to EU summits. A working document discussed by EU foreign ministers on 16 May said representatives of Albania, Montenegro and North Macedonia could be invited to attend selected meetings of the EU Council and preparatory bodies of foreign policy. European diplomats discussed the situation in the Western Balkans at a regular meeting on Monday, as Russia's aggression against Ukraine continues. Their counterparts from countries in the region joined European ministers in an informal debate.


The EU is pressing Serbia for sanctions against Russia 

According to sources from the meeting, some Foreign Ministers of EU member states have warned that it is necessary for Serbia to impose sanctions on Russia, as well as other countries in the region. Ahead of the meeting, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock reiterated the importance of EU support for sanctions by all partners in the Western Balkans, "not only in terms of common values, but also on issues of strategic importance". A document that was the subject of discussion between EU ministers and to which Radio Free Europe has access, suggests that Serbia is expected to decide on its strategic choice. "Serbia is expected to leave no doubt in its strategic choice for European integration and commitment to EU values ​​in order to advance on the path to EU membership. Full commitment is needed on accelerated EU-related reforms, especially in the area of ​​rule of law. "Serbia is the key to stability and security in the region," the document said. That various ministers were pressuring Serbia to impose sanctions on Russia was also acknowledged by Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic, who confirmed at the end of the meeting that some countries had "explicitly made it clear" that Belgrade was expected to respect EU policy against Russia. Selakovic, but also other sources from the meeting confirmed that only Hungary has supported Serbia and its position on the consequences after possible sanctions. The EU says it welcomes the fact that Kosovo as a whole has supported the West's positions on the war in Ukraine, although it is not formally required to do so. As previously announced, the meeting also discussed the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, mediated by the European bloc. The dialogue for the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, mediated by the European Union, started in 2011. The parties have reached dozens of agreements, but most of them have not been implemented on the ground.


Borell: EU should start negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia before the termination of the French presidency (Radio Tirana


EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell has called for negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia to be opened before the end of the French presidency. Borrell made the statement during a press conference after the meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels, where he added that in the current situation, with instability, a 'no' for Albania and North Macedonia would be in favor of Russia. "We must open negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia before the end of the French presidency, the current situation is not stable, it is a gift to Moscow," he said. European top diplomats gathered in Brussels to discuss the situation in the Western Balkans, at a time when Russia's aggression against Ukraine is continuing. Also present at this meeting was the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Olta Xhacka, who called for the holding of the First Intergovernmental Conference this June, because otherwise, according to her, the failure will negatively affect the credibility of the EU and the situation in the Western Balkans.


Xhacka and Varhelyi: The decision for first inter-governmental conference should be taken in June (Radio Tirana


The Minister of Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka held a meeting with the Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi. Through a post on social networks, the Minister announces that they agreed that the decision for the first intergovernmental conference will be taken in June. Xhacka expressed the conviction that the failure to hold the first conference this June, according to her, will negatively affect the credibility of the EU and the situation in the Western Balkans. "Fruitful meeting with the Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement in the EC, Oliver Varhelyi on the sidelines of the meeting of the Council of Foreign Affairs with the Foreign Ministers of the Western Balkans. We agreed that the decision on the first intergovernmental conference should be taken in June. I underlined the conviction of Albania that the failure to hold the first conference this June will negatively affect the credibility of the EU and the situation in the Western Balkans," said Xhacka. On the other hand, Varhelyi reacted on Twitter who wrote that Albania has met all the conditions of the Council and that it is ready to officially open the membership negotiations. Earlier, Xhacka held a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy Luigi Di Maio with whom they discussed a number of issues related to bilateral cooperation, support in the integration process and mutual recognition of social security. Xhacka is in Brussels, where she attended a working lunch with the EU and Western Balkans Foreign Ministers.


Applying for NATO membership, Ambassador of Sweden meets with Rama (Radio Tirana


The Ambassador of Sweden in Tirana Elsa Hastaad held a meeting with Prime Minister Edi Rama at the latter's office. The news was announced by the Swedish Embassy, through a post on Twitter, where it is written that Hastaad informed Prime Minister Rama on Sweden's decision to apply for NATO membership. "This is a historic moment. Meeting with Prime Minister Edi Rama, informing him about Sweden's decision to submit an application for NATO membership. "Thank you, Prime Minister, for the very good and supportive meeting!"- underlines the post.

After 200 years of neutrality, Sweden decided to apply for NATO membership after the Russian occupation of Ukraine. Albania has expressed support for Finland and Sweden's membership in NATO, while the position was announced by Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka during the informal two-day informal meeting of the North Atlantic Council (NAC) in Berlin. "Good news for the Alliance and the collective security," said Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka of Sweden's decision to apply for NATO membership. In a Twitter post, the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs writes that Albania welcomes Sweden's decision, emphasizing that our country will do everything necessary to speed up the necessary procedures. "Sweden's decision to seek NATO membership is good news for the Alliance and for our collective security. "Albania welcomes this decision and will do everything necessary to speed up the necessary procedures," the minister wrote.


The first round for election of President of Republic failed, both political sides did not propose names (Radio Tirana


The first round of voting for the new President of the Republic has failed. The assembly convened today (16 May) in a special parliamentary session, but neither party has nominated a candidate to be voted on. As previously stated, the majority did not send any names for voting, paving the way for the opposition, but on the other hand they did not find agreement to nominate candidates. Although there was no candidate to be voted on, the first round of voting is considered done while tomorrow (17 May) the Conference of Mayors is expected to convene to set the date for the second round of voting. The second round of voting must take place within 7 days, thus setting 23 May as the deadline. At yesterday's meeting of the Law Commission, the head of the DP parliamentary group, Enkelejd Alibeaj, accused the majority of being responsible for the failure of the first round of voting, while saying that the process is farce and hypocrisy. Although they have enough votes to elect the new head of state, the Socialist Party has stated that they are ready for a consensual name, but still no agreement has been found with the opposition. On 13 May, the head of the SP Parliamentary Group, Taulant Balla, met with two of the leaders of the opposition parliamentary groups, Mesila Doda and Fatmir Mediu, while the chairman of the Democratic parliamentary group, Enkelejd Alibeaj, avoided talks. The election of the president goes up to 5 rounds of voting and for a candidate to be elected he must get more than ¾ of votes in the first, second and third rounds, while in the fourth and fifth round, he is elected with no less than 50% of the vote.