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Belgrade Media Report 19 May



Regional cooperation first priority of Western Balkan countries (Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Wednesday at the Prime Ministers’ Panel at the Macedonia2025 Summit in Skopje that the first priority in these difficult times should be peace and stability and regional cooperation, and that only through cooperation can the Western Balkan countries open space for further growth and prosperity. Brnabic, who is on a one-day working visit to North Macedonia, said at the panel “Building a Prosperous Future: The Role of Regional Cooperation” that the first priority is regional cooperation and maintaining peace and security, because in these challenging times and crises it is the only way in which countries in the region can make an impact. If we preserve peace and security then we are opening space for further growth and prosperity, Brnabic underlined. She emphasized that the second priority is investment in education, science, research and development, and the third - further development of digitalization. She pointed out that in this way we can compensate for the time we lost since the 1990s and the years since the beginning of this century, and thus ensure dynamic growth. Brnabic recalled that Serbia implemented unpopular measures of fiscal consolidation in 2014, which were introduced by the then Prime Minister of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic and underlined that this is why the Serbian economy went through the coronavirus crisis without major problems. She said that this year, too, Serbia had a GDP growth of 4.3 percent in the first quarter. She announced in Skopje that the next meeting within the Open Balkans initiative will be held in Ohrid on 7-8 June and that an information system for obtaining a unique ID number for joint work permits will be presented there. Before participating in the summit, Brnabic was given an official welcome in front of the Government of North Macedonia, followed by a meeting of two delegations led by the Prime Minister of Serbia and Prime Minister of North Macedonia Dimitar Kovacevski. In a statement to the press, Brnabic said that even in these times of crisis in the world and in Europe, Serbia will continue to be a reliable partner for North Macedonia, on which it can count the most. According to her, Serbia showed that during the coronavirus crisis too and noted that North Macedonia is one of the closest and best political and economic partners of our country. Serbia provides full and sincere support to the European integration of North Macedonia and advocates everywhere the acceleration of European integration of North Macedonia and Albania. She added that the two countries finally reached the amount of €1.1 billion in mutual trade in 2021, pointing out that Serbia is the third most important partner of North Macedonia, and that country is among the top ten most important partners for us. Serbia's exports to North Macedonia last year stood at €815 million, Brnabic concluded.


Kovacevski: Open Balkans boosted trade with Serbia (Tanjug)


North Macedonian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski said on Wednesday the Open Balkans initiative had helped the cooperation between North Macedonia and Serbia and boosted the volume of bilateral trade to over 2 billion Euros last year. At a press conference after a Skopje meeting with Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, Kovacevski said North Macedonian exports to Serbia were up by 40 percent while Serbian exports to North Macedonia were up by 25 percent. He said the Open Balkans initiative, based on free movement of people, goods, capital and services, was no substitute for EU membership but a step forward to it. Kovacevski said that, in particular, the meeting with the Serbian PM had addressed the advantages of the Open Balkans initiative. Kovacevski announced the governments of Serbia and North Macedonia would hold a third joint session after the formation of a new cabinet in Belgrade. He said a June summit in Ohrid would bring together the leaders of the Open Balkan initiative and address implementation of memorandums and reduction of non-tariff barriers, as well as introduction of unique IDs for citizens of North Macedonia, Serbia and Albania to facilitate employment. Kovacevski said the meeting with Brnabic had affirmed a high level of bilateral relations in all fields, not only in politics and the economy, but also in transport, interior affairs, agriculture, etc.


Petkovic with Hill: Pristina persists in its efforts to close door to dialogue (Tanjug/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic talked on Wednesday with the US Ambassador Christopher Hill, whom he introduced to the last round of talks between Belgrade and Pristina held last week in Brussels. Petkovic pointed out that this time, too, there was no direct meeting with the Pristina delegation, which again refused to discuss the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities and resolving the issue of the missing. “In that way, Pristina has once again shown that it persists in its efforts to close the door to dialogue and destroy any possibility of discussing the accumulated problems,” Petkovic said. He stated that it is necessary for Pristina to give up obstruction and finally implement what has been agreed so far in Brussels, primarily to enable the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities with essential competencies and instruments for effective protection of the position and interests of the Serb people in the province, and added that Pristina’s latest moves also violate the Washington agreement. He added that the resolution of the issue of missing persons was initiated at the insistence of Belgrade and that the Stavalj mine is the twenty-third location where the terrain is searched at the request of Pristina, in the presence of representatives of Pristina, EULEX, the International Committee of the Red Cross and families of missing persons. “On the contrary, Pristina does not allow the search of nine locations in Kosovo and Metohija, where, according to Belgrade, the remains of Serbs missing in the war are located,” Petkovic said. Petkovic also briefed the US Ambassador on the plight of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija, stressing that attacks on Serbs, their property, monasteries and churches are almost a daily occurrence and that 178 ethnically motivated incidents have been reported since early last year, but that reactions of both provisional institutions in Pristina and international institutions in Kosovo and Metohija lack. Despite everything, Belgrade remains committed to constructive dialogue and compromise, as the only means by which conditions can be created for lasting stability and prosperity in Kosovo and Metohija and the Western Balkans as a whole, Petkovic said.


Patriarch welcomes Macedonian church’s decision to restore unity with Serbian church (Beta)


Serbian Patriarch Porfirije on 18 May welcomed the decision of the Macedonian Orthodox Church to "restore unity" with the Serbian Orthodox Church and other Christian orthodox churches. In the address at the start of the meeting of members of the Assembly of the Serbian Orthodox Church with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Porfirije stated that the Church viewed it as a miracle, since something like that was not expected to be possible. Porfirije has stated that the Serbian Orthodox Church was praying daily for the war in Ukraine to end as soon as possible, and for the language of weapons to be replaced by the two sides' dialogue. "We feel that the times are complicated and more than hard, because of which we lie down at night and wake up in the morning, wondering when the conflict in Ukraine will come to an end, while knowing that this is not a conflict between just two countries that, by all accounts, should be able to cohabitate, but a much deeper conflict. That it is not just a geopolitical conflict, but a conflict of value systems and civilizations," Patriarch Porfirije stated.


Michel: European geopolitical community should include Western Balkans as well (Politika/Tanjug)


President of the European Council Charles Michel addressed a session of the European Economic and Social Committee on Wednesday in Brussels, on which occasion he proposed establishment of a European geopolitical community that would contribute to strengthening of cooperation of European countries, including the Western Balkans, in solving of common challenges, promotion of peace, stability and security in Europe. “The Western Balkans countries, the countries that are joining from our eastern partnership and other European countries with which we have close relations are the first ones I am referring to on this occasion. Leaders of the countries that would participate in this project would meet at least twice a year and foreign policy would be the most important field of cooperation in scope of this community,” Michel explained. He also announced that he already launched consultations with the EU leaders on formation of the European geopolitical community and added that he will include this issue in the agenda of June Summit of the EU leaders.


Dzaferovic attacks Serb ministers as well (Novosti, by S. Misljenovic)


Chair of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Sefik Dzaferovic requested establishing of the responsibility of Serb ministers in the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H who refused to support imposing of sanctions against Russia. Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of B&H Stasa Kosarac told the daily that Dzaferovic cannot deliver any political lectures to representatives of the RS in joint institutions and he added: “It is our responsibility to respect the Constitution and Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), and also to make political decisions which respect interests of the RS and policy defined at the joint level which will not jeopardize the RS. It is highly hypocritical to see that the call to imposing of sanctions came from a man who should have reported war crimes against Serbs, but failed to do so. Dzaferovic will be remembered by not preventing and processing those who committed crimes against Serbs. And now his political activities are causing damage to relations within B&H.” Kosarac also said that representatives of the RS in the joint institutions have a political responsibility towards people of the RS and they are not interested in Dzaferovic and those similar to him. “We witness forging and deceits coming from political Sarajevo on a daily basis. Dzaferovic is a part of that. Representatives of the RS will reject all initiatives to impose sanctions against Russia. It is not the Bosniak member of the Presidency of B&H who is in charge of defining the agenda of Serb ministers, it is up to the Chair of the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H and policy coming from the RS which are in charge of doing that. We will not make any decisions without a stance of the RS,” Kosarac added.




Tegeltija calls for preparations for elections not to be suspended: Unnecessary insisting on securing funds by a specific date brought us to this situation (Nova BH)


B&H is counting down the last hours until the final answer on whether or not there are funds for the October general elections. That deadline expires on Thursday, and an agreement between B&H politicians and funds is not in sight, noted the presenter. While the B&H Central Elections Commission (CEC) claims that preparations for the elections without secured funds would be a violation of the law, the Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija calls for preparations for the elections not to be suspended and to prepare as if the elections will be held. Tegeltija said he is sorry that they are in this situation regarding the financing of elections. Tegeltija said that unnecessary insisting on securing the funds by a specific date brought them to this situation. Tegeltija stated: “I call on all those in charge to continue preparations for the implementation of elections in October 2022, and the CEC will have the money at its disposal by the time it is necessary for the CEC.” Not even the ministers in B&H CoM know what are the next steps nor whether there will be new attempts to somehow secure the funds, noted the reporter. Tegeltija also stated that failure of the B&H CoM to adopt the decision related to allocation of funds for implementation of the elections at Tuesday session was expected, adding that the reason for this are relations between Bosniaks and Croats. He emphasized that some still attempted to accuse Reoublika Srpska of being responsible for this problem.


Covic says that pressure on HDZ B&H is unfounded and that he is not afraid of sanctions (Nova BH)


The leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic believes that the pressure on HDZ B&H, which followed after the HDZ B&H ministers refused to put the decision on election financing on the agenda during a session of the B&H Council of Ministers on Wednesday, is unfounded. Covic said that the only way to get out of the crisis is to adopt the budget. He also said that he is not afraid of sanctions. Covic stated for the media: “If I were afraid of anyone's sanctions, I would not be standing in front of you here. That time is long gone, as far as I am concerned. So, all those who are trying to regulate relations in B&H today with pressure are on the wrong path. We primarily need, while we have this Constitution, to respect that Constitution. As long as we have laws, to obey those laws.” Covic hopes for another attempt to reach an agreement regarding changes to B&H Election Law by the end of the week, when the President of the European Council Charles Michel arrives to B&H. Covic conveyed a message to the foreign Embassies in B&H “not to teach us about democracy. We have undermined the state enough by listening to your democracy”. Covic also stated that nobody cared about the fact that the budget of B&H has not been adopted yet after 18 months, stressing that the decision to finance the elections would undermine the state of B&H and the Constitution of B&H and HDZ B&H will not allow this. “All those who presented criticism yesterday (Tuesday) did not worry because we have no B&H budget for 18 months, they did not speak for four or five months before the elections were called. However, now we are talking about a completely unconstitutional and illegal decision that someone wants to push through. Someone consciously wants to create a crisis in B&H, and those are the ones who voted yesterday to make a decision for something for which there is no legal basis.” Covic said that B&H Minister of Finances Vjekoslav Bevanda did not want to violate the law which defines that the CoM can allocate funds during temporary financing but not from accumulated income. He noted that Chairperson of the CoM Zoran Tegeltija stated that he voted for the decision on financing because they are under pressure of sanctions. Covic said that if officials will vote for illegal and anti-constitutional decisions due to fear of sanctions then everyone is on a wrong path. Covic said that there are political options in Sarajevo, primarily SDA and other parties who support them out of fear of being called traitors and these parties wish to achieve status quo in terms of the B&H Election Law. He stressed that the real issue is how to implement the election results and this cannot be the task of the illegal B&H CEC.


Djolnagic calls on HR Schmidt to resolve issue of securing funds for general elections (Hayat)


Commenting on the issue of securing funds for holding of general elections 2022, Hayat reports that DF has been warning about activities “directed by SNSD and HDZ” for months, and DF representative at the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives (HoR) Dzanan Djonlagic said that by March, that was done by SNSD representatives, because the Global Fiscal Framework, a requirement for the adoption of the draft Budget was not adopted. “This is a very serious situation. B&H, as a state, cannot allow itself that elections are not held. That would be a twilight of democracy in B&H. The only thing remaining now, because it is clear that the deadline by May 19 to ensure money for the B&H CEC for the election process implementation will not be met, is the safety called the High Representative, who has the obligation to implement civil part of the Dayton Peace Agreement,” said Djonlagic.


Sepic: In the end, the OHR will solve issue of securing funds for general elections (Hayat)


Commenting on the failure to secure funds for holding of the general elections 2022, the leader of the Independent Bloc Senad Sepic stated: “In the end, the OHR will solve it. I am also convinced that he (HR Christian Schmidt) will force the institutions to solve this in another way. What is important for us, we do not open the option that there will be no elections. So, the funds will be provided by the institutions whose job it is, and the funds can ultimately be provided by the OHR if they (Sepic did not specify who ‘they’ are) really decide to act like fools to that extent, so to speak. So, they are trying to obstruct us all and put us in a completely unfavorable position by not providing us with funds”.


Hadzikadic expects that international community will engage more actively in issue of securing funds for elections (O Kanal)


Commenting on the issue of securing funds for holding of general elections 2022, Platform for Progress leader Mirsad Hadzikadic emphasized that he expects that the international community will engage more actively in this matter. “I sincerely expect that the international community will show why it is here and that the money will be provided from Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) legal funds. Elections cannot be missed,” he concluded.


Dodik: I support idea to hold RS parliament session in order for RS to give its share of funds for elections (FTV)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik posted on Twitter that he supports an idea of holding a session of the Republika Srpska (RS) parliament in order for RS to give its share of funds for the elections. “I support the holding of every session of the RS parliament at which Serb unity should be shown. I suggest that RS provide its share of the funds for the elections and forward it to the Central Election Commission (CEC). If that is the intention of the proponent, then I support the initiative,” tweeted Dodik. This idea emerged after the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM), due to HDZ ministers, did not make a decision to provide BAM 12.5 million for the general elections scheduled for 2 October.


OHR: Citizens must be enabled to exercise their democratic right to free, fair and democratic elections (O Kanal)


O Kanal carried that, after HDZ B&H refused to endorse including the decision on ensuring funds for the general elections in B&H into the agenda of the telephone session of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) on Wednesday, political parties demanded from the Office of the High Representative (OHR) to react clearly. The OHR issued a statement, which reads: “The citizens of BiH must be enabled to exercise their democratic right to free, fair and democratic elections. After the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H has called general elections, the CoM and all its members must meet their obligations without delay and provide the funds necessary to hold the elections. Authorities and elected officials must be responsible towards the citizens.” In their statement, OHR warned representatives of institutions that they must solve this situation. It cannot be concluded from that announcement that Schmidt will react, noted the reporter.


EU Delegation to B&H: Elections should take place on 2 October in accordance with law and Constitution (N1)


The EU Delegation to B&H issued a statement saying that the elections should take place on October 2 in accordance with the law and Constitution. The EU Delegation is of view citizens of B&H deserve better. “Political officials in B&H say they want the EU future. However, there is no financing for the elections, and opportunities to pass Conflict of Interests Law, Public Procurement Law and HJPC amendments have been again missed,” reads the statement published on Head of the EUD Johan Sattler’s Twitter account.


US Embassy: HDZ B&H’s decision to block financing of elections is irresponsible and unjustified (Hayat)


Hayat comments that the sanctions list seems to be not sufficiently long for all those who block the institutions of B&H and prevent the citizens to exercise their fundamental democratic right. Hayat reports that the US Embassy to B&H has stated that HDZ B&H’s moves are irresponsible and contrary to declarative commitment to B&H’s European integration. “The HDZ B&H’s behavior on this and other issues in recent weeks, including its opposition to key EU-required reforms, is inconsistent with the party’s professed commitment to Euro-Atlantic integration. Governance, not obstruction and corruption, is the only path forward for B&H, its constituent peoples, and its citizens,” reads the statement by the US Embassy to B&H. The US Embassy to B&H stated that the decision of HDZ B&H to block financing of the elections is irresponsible and unjustified.


UK, German Ambassadors and OSCE comment financing of elections (FTV)


UK Ambassador to B&H Matthew Field tweeted: “The decision of HDZ B&H to block the financing of the elections in 2022 is irresponsible and undemocratic. All political parties have a legal and moral responsibility to ensure that elections are held on schedule and to provide the conditions for this. Democracy must not be a hostage to internal strife.” The daily noted these reactions include the ones from German Ambassador to B&H, Margret Uebber. “It is regretful that Council of Ministers on Monday has not adopted a decision on financing of the elections. As I stated earlier, it is important for elections to take place on October 2. It is legal obligation of authorities in B&H to secure adequate financial funds for organization of the elections. It is unacceptable for politicians, who fail to meet their legal obligations, to deprive people of the democratic right to vote. Decision on financing of the elections is now urgently required,” said Uebber. The Head of OSCE Mission to B&H Kathleen Kavalec stated recently that the international community does not have available funds to finance organization of elections in B&H and underlined that relevant B&H institutions have the obligation to secure election financing. After B&H institutions failed to do so, Kavalec said that the OSCE Mission to B&H is disappointed and appalled by the fact that B&H Council of Ministers failed to pass the decision on financing of the 2022 General Election in line with its duties and responsibilities towards the citizens of B&H. The OSCE Mission reminds that B&H, as a member of OSCE, has the obligation to hold free and fair election on a regular basis, recognizing that such elections serve as the basis for authority and legitimacy of all governments.


Boskovic: International community is allowing that the elections are held in line with unconstitutional Law on Elections (Dnevni list)


Deputy speaker of the Federation of B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Mladen Boskovic (HDZ B&H) who said that forces that have joined against ‘us’ are huge and strong, and that ‘we’ must respond with unity and join participation (in the elections). According to Boskovic, the international community is allowing that the elections are held in line with unconstitutional Law on Elections of B&H, which triggered him to say that the Croat People’s Assembly’s (HNS) decision to have one candidate (for Croat member of the Presidency of B&H) was the right one, by which the HNS members are assuming responsibility for the Croat people. Boskovic also called on all Croats from Diaspora to register themselves for the general elections, stressing that the HNS is not doing enough with regards to it.


Dzaferovic’s claims about blockade of sanctions against Russia disprove accusations of RS opposition that Dodik allowed imposing of sanctions; Comments (RTRS)


Addressing the media on Wednesday, PDP leader Branislav Borenovic said: “B&H has joined imposing sanctions against Russia and supported 22 decisions of the European Council since 23 February until present. In these 80 days, B&H has joined the EU sanctions on Russia, and, as in my view, it is a done deal, there are no unknowns. There is only one thing we revealed yesterday, i.e. Milorad Dodik has been falsely representing as someone who defends the interests of the Russian Federation in B&H. Essentially, he allowed every decision to be adopted and that the instruction from the B&H Presidency is sent via diplomatic circles to Brussels and that B&H joins the EU’s sanctions that way. It is an absolutely known fact. The only one that did not do it is Serbia, that is shown by declarations of High Representative Borrel, and the message has been clearly conveyed from Brussels several times. Everything has been published in the EU Official Journal. B&H has joined in each of those cases, that was welcomed by the EU, and there is no need to create a mystery around it. It is a done deal, and I cannot understand Dodik’s rudeness, abjectness, who bragged two days ago that he would never allow B&H to impose sanctions on Russia, whilst essentially it is done deal. He has already done it in 22 cases, and has known it for 80 days, and he reacted yesterday. Why did not he react 23 February, when the first set of sanctions was supported by B&H in regard to sanctions against Russia.” SDS leader Mirko Sarovic has commented on the RS representatives participating in imposing sanctions against Russia. “Why are the RS authorities silent and do not provide any information in relation to imposing sanctions on Russia via the RS representatives in different bodies of the Eu Council, i.e. other international organizations? Ambassadors who participated in that, or members of the parliamentary delegations are representatives of the current authorities from the RS, but the authorities are now silent and pretend to be mute. While they ‘show off’ in the public, saying they are following Serbia, with policy like this, the current RS authorities expose Serbia as a target, because it is now the only country that has not imposed sanctions on Russia.” Chairperson of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic stressed that Serb ministers in the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H COM) need to be held responsible for the blockade of the process of imposing sanctions against Russia. The opposition bases its accusations on the support of B&H for the Declaration of the Council of Europe (CoE) for the imposing of restrictive measures to Russia.


Milanovic calls on Plenkovic to follow Turkey’s example and get favor for B&H by blackmailing Sweden and Finland (AJB)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic said that Croatia should look up to Turkey when it comes to the fight for national interests through issue concerning the NATO enlargement. Turkey has been conditioning NATO accession of Sweden and Finland by demanding these countries to stop providing assistance to Kurdish groups on their territories. Milanovic has been advocating blockade of the NATO accession of Sweden and Finland until the Election Law of B&H is changed so that Croats can elect Croat member of B&H Presidency. The Croatian President stated that according to western European standards, Turkey is not democratic country. Asked whether this country is a role model regardless to objections concerning violation of human rights, Milanovic stressed that his response is affirmative in regard to rights of Croats in B&H.

Milanovic noted that, even 25 years after the war, there are still no Croatian officers in EUFOR and he added that he is offended by this. “But do you know who can be and who is there (in EUFOR)? Austria, Hungary and Turkey, those are the countries which – historically speaking – created all the mess in B&H since the 7th century.” Milanovic convened an extraordinary press conference to reiterate his stance on conditioning Finnish and Swedish membership in NATO with resolving of problems of Croats in B&H. Milanovic said that the Croatian ambassador in NATO will receive such instructions from him. Regardless of the letters to the ambassador, the Croatian Parliament will have the last word on this issue, noted the reporter- Turkey said no to the entry of Finland and Sweden into NATO. Milanovic said that this is how countries who take care of their interests and foreign-political goals behave, regardless of whether they agree with them or not. “If we ratify it without a shout, we have donated, not sold, the only family silver, the only instrument and lever of influence we have at the moment,” stated Milanovic. He said that Plenkovic ignored the fact that Milanovic proposed an agreement for the coordination and harmonization of Croatian foreign policy. Milanovic thinks the reason for this are Plenkovic’s potential ambitions in the EU. Milanovic said that Plenkovic will not be the leader of Croatian HDZ forever and that he will be overthrown.


FM: Finland and Sweden's NATO aspirations have Croatia's "unreserved" support (Hina/Croatian Radio)


Croatia's Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman said on Wednesday that Finland and Sweden have Croatia's unreserved support for their NATO membership bids, adding that he has instructed Croatia's Ambassador to NATO to endorse the two countries' NATO applications.

"During an informal meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Berlin last weekend I said on behalf of the Croatian government that we give our unequivocal and unreserved support to those countries," Grlic Radman told Croatian Radio. He recalled that because of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the consequent reconfiguration in the global order, two traditionally neutral countries have decided to seek security in NATO which guarantees that security for its member states. "They feel threatened and are welcome in the Alliance, considering their potential, they will strengthen NATO's democratic standards and overall potential. Croatia's Ambassador to NATO in Brussels, Mario Nobilo, has my instructions to approve Finland and Sweden's membership application and he will be given power of attorney to sign a protocol that will follow in the next few days," Grlic Radman said, adding that "some consultations with Turkey are still under way". Turkey has threatened to block Sweden and Finland's accession to NATO unless they fulfil Ankara's demands. Ankara wants the two countries to stop supporting terrorist groups, primarily the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), and provide clear security guarantees as well as abolish restrictions on arms exports to Turkey. Grlic Radman said that after their application is approved, the parliaments of NATO member states are required to ratify the relevant agreement. "I am absolutely certain that the Croatian Sabor will ratify the agreement when it arrives from Brussels in Zagreb," he said. Commenting on statements by President Zoran Milanovic that Croatia should block the two countries' accession until such time that the election law in B&H is amended, Grlic Radman said that was "blackmail" and "un-European". He added that the Andrej Plenkovic government is fighting the most for the status of the Croat people in that country.

"The rights of the Croat people are achieved through legal mechanisms, political and diplomatic efforts and not blackmail (...). The President is ruining our international reputation with his statements and causing political damage that can jeopardize our national interests," Grlic Radman added. He reiterated that a stable B&H is a strategic interest for Croatia, underscoring that if the election law is not changed, a security problem could emerge in B&H after the election. "Being the smallest, the Croat people is trapped between Serb separatism and the hyper-unitarism of high-ranking Bosniaks," Grlic Radman said. He believes that the visit by European Council President Charles Michel to Sarajevo on 21 and 22 May, who will "try to intercede", will be important. Speaking about the sixth package of EU sanctions against Russia, Grlic Radman said that there are several countries who are opposed to an embargo on Russian oil imports due to their dependence on Russian energy products. "The sanctions need to be felt in Russia itself and we are trying to eliminate all the negative effects that the sanctions could have on Europe's economy," he explained. Commenting on Slovenia's possible blockade of Croatia's accession to the Schengen passport-free area, he said that he doesn't expect Slovenia "to spoil the plans". "I hope there won't be a step backwards. We have had very good cooperation over the past two years with the Jansa government. Croatia's accession to the Schengen Area is for the most part in the interest of Slovenian citizens. I am certain that we will find a common solution with our Slovenian friends," he underscored. Asked about the fate of a Croatian citizen who joined the Ukrainian forces and has been captured by Russian troops, Grlic Radman said briefly, "It is our duty to return him home," and that the procedure requires "discretion".


PM: Croatia looks forward to deepening political and economic ties with China (Hina/Xinhua)


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said in an interview with the Xinhua news agency released on Wednesday that he looked forward to deepening political and economic relations with China. "I very much look forward to deepening our political relationship, our consultations, our economic cooperation," Plenkovic said on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between Croatia and China. The Croatian Prime Minister pointed out that the relations between Zagreb and Beijing over the past 30 years had been excellent. He said that bilateral cooperation within the Chinese initiative "One Belt One Road" had intensified and that the 17+1 initiative, within which Beijing cooperates with Central and Eastern European countries, was an excellent tool for all of us in Central and Eastern Europe.

Plenkovic also noted that Chinese companies had built the Peljesac Bridge and the Senj Wind Farm, and he also called for more cooperation and dialogue between China and the European Union on global issues, including global security and peace and climate change, especially in the energy sector, Xinhua reported. "We should cooperate more. I think we have a very solid basis. We have 30 years of cooperation and a very intensive period over the past couple of years," the Croatian PM said. He said he particularly appreciated that Croatia had been able to acquire sufficient amounts of protective equipment and masks during the COVID-19 pandemic.


State Department: At this moment we have nothing to announce, and we are not discussing sanctions against politicians in B&H (Vecernji list)


Vecernji list reports that the US State Department commented for on some media outlets’ claims that the US could introduce new sanctions against politicians and officials in B&H. “At this moment we have nothing to announce, and we are not discussing sanctions against politicians in B&H,” the State Department stated. According to the daily, some media reported earlier about an alleged extended list of sanctions, which should be published soon, and which would contain several persons from all three constituent peoples.


Djukanovic: Relations between Montenegro and Kosovo exemplary, we support political dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina (CdM)


“The relations between Montenegro and Kosovo are exemplary and are the relations of openness, friendship and confidential interstate cooperation. I see this visit as an opportunity to strengthen our trust and send a message that such relations are possible in the Western Balkans and that we should accept them as a common heritage, strengthen trust and stability in the region”, said Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic, who has started today a two-day visit to Kosovo.

According to him, Montenegro is closely following the development of events in solving the key problems that Kosovo is dealing with in this period and it supports the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia. He said he had good news when it came to Montenegro, despite problems over the past year and a half. “Montenegro is stable at its the Euro-Atlantic and European path. We have a new government that has chosen to unblock the negotiation process with the EU, and it encourages me that Montenegro will retain its leading position in the negotiations and that the realistic projection is that Montenegro will be the first next EU member,” said President Djukanovic. We agreed, he said, that the best possible choice for the countries of this region is a European system of values, belonging to the EU and NATO.

The President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani emphasized that she was honored to welcome the President of Montenegro. Osmani said that they were proud of the good relations between Montenegro and Kosovo as two independent and sovereign states. Montenegro is an example, she said, of how NATO membership has served to strengthen the security of our region, so Kosovo’s membership should be viewed from this perspective. The Mayor of Pristina Perparim Rama presented the "Key of the City" to the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic, as an expression of exceptional gratitude of the citizens of Pristina and the people of Kosovo for everything he has done for that country in its history. According to Djukanovic's cabinet, Rama said he was honored to meet with the Montenegrin President in gratitude for helping the Kosovo people during difficult times and supporting Kosovo's independence and prosperity, congratulating him on his leadership role in the region. Rama acquainted Djukanovic with progressive plans in running the capital, primarily organizing the upcoming Art Biennale, a unique European cultural event, which is a good opportunity to connect with Montenegro and its capital through the concept of cultural and artistic tourism. Djukanovic thanked the mayor of Pristina for the symbolic gesture, handing over the key to the city, with the message that it will "strengthen and conclude the friendship between the two countries." With high marks for modern-European city management, he praised the idea of ​​organizing an important cultural event, which is a good opportunity for closer connection between the two countries, its capitals, but also with Europe and modern trends. "With the pleasure of introducing another representative of the younger generation of politicians in Kosovo with rich international experience, but also personal ties with Montenegro, he shared his thoughts on the need to promote healthy and sustainable policies through long-term development. On that line, he suggested closer cooperation between Podgorica and Pristina and the exchange of visits between the two mayors, which was gladly accepted," the statement reads. In both Montenegro and Kosovo, we are of the opinion that we do not need further Balkan isolation from the main currents of European development, said Djukanovic during talks with the first man of the Kosovo parliament Gljauk Konjufca. In the continuation of his first official visit to Kosovo, Djukanovic Konjufca, and was a guest at a lunch organized in his honor, in the absence of Prime Minister Kurti, by his deputies Besnik Bislimi and Emilija Redzepi. The President of the Assembly of Kosovo expressed satisfaction and honor with the visit of Djukanovic, a friendly country. "He pointed out Djukanovic's contribution to building exemplary relations between the two countries, emphasizing that the people of Kosovo highly appreciate the personal contribution of the Montenegrin president to the democratization and stability of the region. Stating that they are aware of how challenging it was, given the historical context, for Montenegro to recognize Kosovo, which was a brave move, he stressed that Kosovo greatly appreciates Montenegro's leadership and determination to become a NATO member and move towards the EU and clearly determine the orientation in the direction of transatlantic ties and integration," the President's Office announced. Konjufca also thanked Djukanovic for his commitment to strengthening good neighborly relations, as stated, "for the wisdom and experience that is especially important to members of the younger generations of politicians to whom he belongs, especially in the context of current geopolitical events." "It is this situation that reminds us of the importance of closeness among the countries of the region and achieving the democratic values ​​of European civilization," he said. Djukanovic expressed satisfaction when he met with one of the new generation of political leaders in Kosovo, emphasizing that he rightly "considers the relations between the two countries open, developed and friendly." The first official visit to Kosovo, they added, is an opportunity to strengthen that friendship and identify new opportunities for co-operation, facilitated by common strategic goals for the future. "In both Montenegro and Kosovo, we are of the opinion that we do not need further Balkan isolation from the mainstream of European development," Djukanovic said, adding that we had "learned an important lesson in contributing to regional, not just national, stability in Europe". "It was jointly assessed that a good part of the potential for cooperation lies in the communication of parliaments, which should be strongly encouraged. The assessment of the necessity of finding a sustainable solution to the relations between Kosovo and Serbia through the political process and dialogue was repeated," the Cabinet added. Deputy Prime Ministers Bislimi and Rexhepi, who organized an official lunch in honor of Djukanovic, conveyed greetings from Prime Minister Kurti, who was unable to meet with President Djukanovic due to his obligations in Washington. "They expressed high respect for the role of Montenegro and Djukanovic personally for the relationship with the Kosovo state, its people in difficult times, but also for the overall contribution to good neighborly relations and regional stability," the Cabinet said. Djukanovic returned the cordial greetings, emphasizing that he was glad that Prime Minister Kurti was doing an important thing in order to find a solution to the issue on the Pristina-Belgrade route. "In a cordial and open conversation, it was pointed out the need to strengthen economic cooperation between Montenegro and Kosovo, organize a joint session of the two governments and better traffic connections. One of the topics of the meeting with the officials of the Kosovo Government was the improvement of the position of the Montenegrin community by increasing the visibility in the political life of Kosovo," concluded the Cabinet.


Serbian PM meets N. Macedonian counterpart, economic cooperation on focus (MIA)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and her North Macedonian counterpart Dimitar Kovacevski talked in Skopje about further deepening economic co-operation, maintaining stability in the Western Balkans region, and stressed the good traditional relations between the two neighboring countries. North Macedonian government authorities have expressed gratitude and thanks for Serbia's support and assistance during the coronavirus crisis, when the country sent vaccines and other medical assistance. Serbia also recently lifted a ban on exporting edible oil and cereals to North Macedonia. Prime Minister Kovacevski thanked Brnabic for this action as well. North Macedonia receives a large part of its supplies of cereals and edible oil from Serbia. Bernabic and Kovacevski also spoke about the increase of communication and partnership within the "Open Balkans" initiative. The two prime ministers said that the initiative should continue as a platform for regional cooperation at all levels, while emphasizing that the invitation is open to other countries in the region to participate in the upcoming meeting, which will be held in Ohrid. Serbia is the third largest trading partner for North Macedonia. The total trade exchange between them reaches the figure of one billion dollars and this increase was marked during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Prime Ministers of the two neighboring countries also spoke about the goals related to the European integration of their countries, emphasizing that the start of talks between the EU and Skopje and Tirana would be seen as a positive sign throughout the region in terms of geostrategic importance and of sustainability. Prime Ministers Brnabic and Kovacevski did not say whether they discussed sanctions against Russia and Russian aggression against Ukraine. The Serbian prime minister's visit comes at a time when the orthodox churches of the two countries appear to be approaching after decades of isolation. But while the Serbian church has expressed readiness to give broad autonomy to the Macedonian church, which is under its jurisdiction, the latter is seeking recognition of autocephaly. Prime Minister Brnabic said she could not talk about religious issues, while speaking in a positive tone about the opening of Serbian clerics on efforts to resolve issues that would contribute to regional stability and understanding.


Macron intervention in the dispute between Macedonia and Bulgaria (Republika)


French President Emmanuel Macron is personally intervening in the dispute between Macedonia and Bulgaria. Macron today spoke on the phone with the two prime ministers – Dimitar Kovacevski and Kiril Petkov, as well as with Bulgarian President Rumen Radev.

The French President reminded them of his commitment to the European perspective of the Western Balkans, especially in the context of the destabilization the European continent is going through, his office said. Radev’s office responded by citing his usual allegations, that Macedonia is violating the 2017 Friendship Treaty, and that it needs to meet its obligations before it can be allowed to begin the accession talks. France holds the rotating Presidency of the European Council until June, when Macedonia hopes to be allowed to open its EU accession talks.


Bulgaria dismisses Osmani’s statement that the ball is in their court – this is not a football match (Republika)


Bulgaria dismisses Osmani’s statement that the ball is in their court – this is not a football match

Bulgarian Foreign Minister Teodora Gencovska dismissed the latest comment from her Macedonian counterpart Bujar Osmani, who said that the “ball is now in the Bulgarian court”.

Foreign Minister Osmani is often in the media and talks constantly. This is not a tennis or a football match. Our position is exceptionally clear. We have national consensus on this issue. I don’t know how I can explain this more clearly to Mr. Osmani, Gencovska said. She also denounced today’s comment from Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski, that Bulgaria holds Macedonia and Albania hostage. Odds that Bulgaria will lift its veto against Macedonia in time for the June meeting of the European Council appear slim.


Kovacevski blasts Bulgaria for holding Macedonia and Albania hostage (Republika)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski referred to the Bulgarian blockade of Macedonia’s EU accession talks as taking Macedonia and Albania hostage. Kovacevski made his remarks during the opening of the Macedonia 2025 summit in Skopje, and he discussed the blocked accession talks, as well as the Open Balkan initiative that was launched with Albania, Serbia and now Montenegro as some sort of alternative to the lost EU perspective. Of course, this (Open Balkan) can’t replace our Euro-integration process. But this process, including that of Albania, is held hostage by Bulgaria. It’s been reduced to historic discussions, and I see that all the EU countries approve of this. Talking about something that happened 150 years ago is classic blackmail and brings us no benefits, Kovacevski said.


Election of the President/ The opposition will bring the names of candidates in the second and third round (Radio Tirana)


The majority and the opposition have reached an agreement on the election of a new president. In the other two rounds of voting on the name of the new President, the proposal will come only from the opposition, while the majority will not make any proposal. If the president is not elected in these two rounds with the proposals of the opposition, then according to the Constitution in the fourth and fifth round the president is elected with more than half of the votes of the parliament, where the majority has the right to elect the president alone after having the votes. This was the agreement that the 4 parliamentary groups in the Albanian Parliament reached at the joint roundtable discussion.