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Belgrade Media Report 26 May



Vucic calls for understanding for Serbia's position (TV Pink/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday in Davos he had conveyed the message that Serbia could not change its policy "like anyone might think it should" and noted that the country was on the EU path and grateful for the bloc's support, but that its own position must be understood as well. "If we want to head towards the EU, a two-sided approach is needed and we need to feel respect," Vucic told TV Pink in Davos, where he is attending the World Economic Forum. When asked about the extent of diplomatic dialogue at a session titled Diplomacy and Dialogue on the Western Balkans, he responded that the language at the event had been civil but that the many Western officials who had attended had told him that the atmosphere had been "quite depressing". "Because they expect some kind of enthusiasm and optimism, and there is no such thing," Vucic said, noting that the EU's popularity was on a major decline in Serbia, as well as in North Macedonia. "Someone needs to think about why that is so. We and the Macedonians might be to blame, but someone else, an EU member state, Brussels or some other place must be to blame, too - we cannot be the only ones to blame," Vucic said. He said that he had noted at the session that Serbia was on the EU path even though the majority of its citizens were now against that. "But Serbia cannot change its policy like anyone might think it should. Serbia is on the EU path, that is the only path Serbia has and we are grateful for all the money and all the support... It is huge and we appreciate that, but... do not make us listen to the same messages every day: 'Recognize Kosovo as independent, impose sanctions on Russia'. Hang on, we have our own state and our own interests," Vucic noted. He said recent statements about territorial integrity being the ultimate value that needed to be protected were hypocritical and double-faced. He said Serbian citizens remembered what had happened 23 years ago, when NATO committed an aggression on Serbia. "The territorial integrity of a country was not particularly important at the time," Vucic noted. Speaking to the media about the Open Balkans initiative, Vucic said that more people were involved. "We are satisfied with what we have. Relations between Albania, Serbia and North Macedonia have never been better," Vucic said. "People think we have to chase someone to justify our existence. We don't have to. We invited them all. We are happy with what we have, we would like to have more, but we are happy. We have good cooperation with everyone," the President said. "Who wants cooperation is welcome and that's it," said Vucic. "You have a big drop in the popularity of the EU not only in Serbia, but also in North Macedonia. You have a seesaw, one should ask how the people would vote today. There must be some faults of certain member states, not only ours. Serbia is on the European path, it is the only policy that Serbia has, but instead of what you have done for us, we do not want to listen to the need to impose sanctions, Serbs and citizens of Serbia remember what happened more than 20 years ago. You can't pretend that everything is the same. You have to try to understand, to hear. We know it's the past, but at least listen to us, hear our suffering. Don't repeat to us every day what you want from us. We have our own people," Vucic said. He said that he had listened to the humiliating comments of various people about the Croat media head hunt. "I have listened to the humiliations of various who boast of being right-wing, talking about some bullets, I would like them to show me where and when it happened. It shows how many people in Europe think they are entitled, due to our European path to determine what we can and what we can't say. "I am able to talk about the sacrifices made by Serbs to others, and they are not able to talk about their own. Should we just forget the greatest place of suffering in the former Yugoslavia? Which the German Nazis were appalled by?" he added.


I will not succumb to Croatian politics

Vucic met with the Prime Minister of Croatia Andrej Plenkovic and assessed that meeting as "very short". Vucic answered the journalists in Davos when asked how this meeting went after numerous attacks on him and Serbia coming from Croatia. He assessed that Croatian behavior is an example of how many in the EU think that because of the EU road, they can determine for Serbia what we can or cannot say. "Croats think they have the right to determine what you say and do. The former Serbian leadership crawled in front of them, and as soon as someone is not like that and says he respects their victims, but also seeks justice for the killed Serb children in Croatia, they immediately become the greatest adversary," he said. He emphasized that he would not support politics. "Just as they will ban Sweden and Finland from joining NATO, they will also ban us from joining the EU," he said, commenting on threats from Croatia that Serbia's European path would be blocked due to the indictment filed by the Serbian war crimes prosecutor's office against four Croatian pilots for bombing a refugee column in the Storm. He added that if the price of entry is to reconcile with the murderers of children, then Serbia will not accept that. He emphasized that the most serious crimes against Serbs were committed in the territory where most Serbs were killed in one location, "more than in all wars combined". He assessed that Croatian politics does not speak about reality and insists on presenting itself as a victim, while he says that he is able to speak about the atrocities that Serbs have made to others, which is not the case in Croatia. He also said that the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts demands that the Jasenovac myth be banned. "It is not a myth. It is a tragedy of Serbs, Roma and Jews. To forget the place of suffering so that they could write nicely about me? Just let them continue nicely. I have no problem with that: they their own, we our own," he said. As an example of a good meeting in Davos, despite the difficult circumstances surrounding sanctions against Russia, Vucic pointed out the meeting with French partners.


Serious state remembers its innocent victims, seeks justice for them (Tanjug/RTS/Politika)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated on Wednesday, on the occasion of filing an indictment against those who 27 years ago killed children and the elderly in a procession of refugees, from air, in the territory of another state, that protecting murderers of children and the elderly is not a European value, nor a  threat to those seeking justice either. “As Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, it is my duty to remind everyone in Serbia, but also in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the European Union, for whom and for what justice Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the state of Serbia are fighting. I am talking about filing an indictment against cowards and monsters who 27 years ago, from air, in the territory of another state, killed children and the elderly in a procession of refugees, who just a few hours before lost their houses and everything they had in the world. This previous crime – the biggest ethnic cleansing after the Second World War, due to which those people ended up in a procession of refugees (for which, also, no one was held accountable), apparently was not enough. It was necessary to catch up with the procession of the elderly, women and children and shell them, in order to ensure that they would never come back. Croatian MiG airplanes attacked the procession of Serb refugees from the territory of Lika and Dalmacija, on 7 August 1995, on the Bosanski Petrovac-Kljuc main road, in Kapljuh, in the village of Bravsko, and in less than two minutes killed at least 13 people, of whom six children. Darinka Drca (68) and her grandson Jovica who was only six years old were killed. Mirjana Dubajic, who was only 21 years old, was killed. Brother and sister Zarko and Nevenka Rajic were killed. Zarko was nine and Nevenka 11. Krstan Vukovic (44) and his son Darko, who was 13, were killed. Mirko Stelja (34) and his father Branko (72) were killed. 83-year old Milka Kovacevic was killed. Around 50 civilians were killed, of whom a large number of children. Twenty-seven long years have passed since, without anyone finding it necessary to react, to try the organizers and perpetrators, criminals who killed children in a procession of refugees, in the territory of another country. Those unfortunate people had already left not only their homes in Croatia, but the territory of Croatia too, but that did not stop Croatian aircraft from pursuing and killing them. When Serbia finally did it, 27 years later, we hear threats. That our European path will be blocked, that we must come to our senses or we will never enter the European Union, that our President should answer – I guess because he dared to seek justice for Jovica, Zarko, Nevenka, Mirko, Darko, Darinka? According to them, Aleksandar Vucic should answer for creating a state that is strong and serious enough to remember its innocent victims and seek justice for them. Protecting murderers of children and the elderly is not a European value, nor a threat to those seeking justice either. The crime was committed – Croatian lawyer Ante Nobilo also says that: The basic thing is that our moral right to reproach Serbia is getting weaker if we know that this crime was really committed, that aircraft of the Croatian army really shelled a procession of civilians... We have to start from the fact that we are in sin and that we made an omission and that we are objectively in trouble now. Here I would add that the ‘omission’ is that the State Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Croatia has not even launched an investigation into this war crime for more than twenty years, let alone indictment or trial. The Serbian government thanks our Prosecutor’s Office for filing the indictment, and the President of the Republic of Serbia for insisting that this crime not be forgotten. There is no person in the civilized world who will say that the murder of little Jovica who was six years old is acceptable and even more than that - unpunishable. Full support to all institutions of the Republic of Serbia in the fight for justice, which is sometimes slow, but always remains sure,” reads the statement of Brnabic.


Excellent dynamics of bilateral relations with Argentina (Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic talked on Wednesday with the Ambassador of the Republic of Argentina to Serbia Osvaldo Narciso Marsico about improving bilateral relations, especially in the field of trade and agriculture. Assessing that the two countries have excellent dynamics of bilateral relations, Brnabic also expressed gratitude for Argentina's principled position when it comes to non-recognition of the self-proclaimed independence of the so-called Kosovo. She added that Serbia is interested in strengthening political dialogue at all levels, assessing that Argentina is an extremely important partner of Serbia in the Latin American region.

Speaking about economic cooperation, she underlined that Serbia is interested in its further strengthening, that there are great and still untapped potentials in the field of agriculture and agro-industry, pharmaceutical, special-purpose industry, tourism, construction and energy.

The Ambassador of Argentina pointed out not only the close friendly relations, but also the desire of his country to improve cooperation in numerous economic branches, and in that context said that many companies are ready to conclude significant agreements with partners from Serbia. Although we are geographically distant, we carry each other in our hearts and that is why you can be sure of our support in all fields, the Ambassador concluded.


Opportunities to improve cooperation with Bangladesh (Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic talked on Wednesday in Dhaka with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh Abdul Momen about further improvement of cooperation between the two friendly countries. Selakovic assessed that the meeting with Momen was historic, given that this year the two countries are marking half a century of relations and that this is the first time that a Serbian foreign minister has visited Bangladesh. The Minister said that Serbia and Bangladesh are two friendly countries and that that friendship goes far into the past. Today was an opportunity to discuss plans to boost cooperation, and agreements were signed on political consultations between the two foreign ministries and the abolition of visas for holders of diplomatic and service passports, he said. He also assessed that the signing of these documents opened the door to further cooperation between the two friendly countries, and added that they also discussed the establishment of direct ties between chambers of commerce, because business cooperation is an opportunity to raise economic ties to a much higher level. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh expressed confidence that the abolition of visas for holders of diplomatic and official passports and political consultations of line ministries will help further build bilateral relations and create new foundations for cooperation between the two countries. According to him, the two ministries will also help identify products and services that can contribute to the improvement of trade cooperation, and encourage cooperation between chambers of commerce and signing agreements that will enable better economic cooperation.


Selakovic: Serbia true partner of African countries (Beta/Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic delivered a message of congratulation on the occasion of Africa Day, stating that Serbia was a true partner of African states and peoples, and was ready to deepen and intensify relations with them, the Foreign Ministry has stated. In the message that the Serbian delegation distributed among the delegations of African countries in UNESCO, Selakovic stated that Belgrade strongly encouraged this organization's support to Africa and deeply believed that its "priority Africa" contributed not only to the further development and progress of African countries, but also benefited UNESCO itself. "Serbia strongly supports all the initiatives directed towards the strengthening of cultural, economic and political ties with African countries," Selakovic stated, adding that he laid special emphasis on UNESCO, "which provides much room for the further advancement of our cooperation, based on the principles of solidarity, tolerance and mutual respect." He also stated that the program of scholarships for young people from African countries to study in Serbia would be expanded.


Petkovic with Italian Ambassador on Kosovo and Metohija and dialogue (RTV/Politika/Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic received on Wednesday in a farewell visit the Italian Ambassador to Serbia Carlo Lo Caso, who has been the head of the Italian diplomatic mission in Belgrade since April 2018. Petkovic thanked Ambassador Lo Caso for the good cooperation and exceptional commitment in understanding and solving the problems in Kosovo and Metohija, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced. He informed the Italian Ambassador about the Brussels dialogue, informing him that Belgrade has fulfilled all the undertaken obligations, while Pristina has been finding excuses for nine years not to implement the agreements related to the Community of Serb Municipalities. The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija expressed concern over Pristina’s efforts to relativize the previously reached agreements in the dialogue with Belgrade in the fields of energy, freedom of movement, justice, and that Pristina does not have enough understanding on missing persons.


Odalovic: Bodies of missing in Kosovo and Metohija not found at Stavalj location (Tanjug)


The President of the Commission for Missing Persons Veljko Odalovic announced on Wednesday that no bodies of missing persons in the conflicts in Kosovo and Metohija were found at the location of the Stavalj mine near Sjenica. In a statement to the press at that location, Odalovic said that 13 days were spent to search over 7,000 cubic meters of loose material and it can definitely be said that no remains were found at this location. He also expressed the expectation that the Pristina side would act identically. We have our requirements that have been in the spotlight for years. They were handed over to Pristina, and so far we have not received information on whether or when they will be checked, he pointed out. He stated that the mechanism of the joint working group has so far resolved about 1,825 cases, of which 1,527 are the bodies of missing Kosovo Albanians, while the remaining 298 are the bodies of missing Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. The 1,620 people we are looking for are an equal priority for us. We demand that everyone be treated the same, he said. Odalovic called on all those who were in the southern province during the conflict in Kosovo and Metohija to open archives, including NATO, KFOR and the OSCE.


Dacic: Vucic to be sworn in as president on Tuesday (Tanjug)


Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic on Thursday called for 31 May a special session of the parliament at which Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will be sworn in for his second presidential term. "As usual, the president will be sworn in, and he will address MPs if he so wishes," Dacic said in a statement to Tanjug, adding that there were no plans for a debate at the session. Vucic's new presidential term begins on 31 May but, since electoral activities have not been completed as yet and the new parliament has still not been constituted, he will be sworn in before the outgoing parliament, Dacic said. He said a report by the national electoral commission on the results of the 3 April regular presidential elections would be presented at the session.

Vucic won the elections in the first round by garnering 58.59 pct of the votes.




Bomb threats reported in 110 primary and secondary schools in Sarajevo Canton (FTV


About a hundred schools in Sarajevo received reports via e-mail on Wednesday of bombs planted in their premises. The threatening e-mail which 110 primary and secondary schools in Sarajevo received read: "There is a bomb in the school. I hear voices, voices in my head. I am crazy, I am a freak. I will kill children. Forgive me people. In the name of a bright future. Amen." The relevant authorities are working to establish who is behind everything and the police has already qualified the act as terrorism. According to the latest information, the bomb reports were hoaxes. The Municipal Court in Sarajevo and the Sarajevo Canton (SC) government also received reports of bombs planted on their premises. SC Prime Minister Edin Forto said that the police are doing their job in full capacity, with the involvement of other police agencies in accordance with the law and precautionary measures. "You are aware that in the previous period similar reports happened in the region as well," Forto said. FTV reminded that the Municipal Court in Sarajevo did not work for three days in a row in mid-May due to reports of a bomb planted on its premises. FTV stressed that all measures and actions within the competence of the police have been taken, but it seems that this is not enough. Representatives of the SC Ministry of Interior Wednesday reminded of the complexity of these crimes. SC Police Commissioner Nusret Selimovic said that despite the available technology and the help of other agencies equipped with sophisticated equipment, it is very difficult to find the perpetrators of these crimes. "Everything indicates that this could be the criminal offense of terrorism which will be treated as such," Selimovic said.


Dzaferovic meets with Stoltenberg in Brussels; He calls on NATO to strengthen NATO Headquarters in Sarajevo (BN TV


NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met with Chairman of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic at the NATO Headquarters (HQ) in Brussels on Wednesday. After the meeting Stoltenberg said the NATO is monitoring the situation in B&H “and we are following closely divisive rhetoric and inflammatory messages from RS, and that is why we are now considering how to increase practical assistance for peace and stability in B&H”. Addressing the press conference after the meeting, Stoltenberg said: “NATO strongly supports peace and stability in B&H and across the Western Balkans. Our political dialogue and cooperation are more important than ever due to the war in Ukraine. NATO will do more to stand by our partners, so that we deepen the cooperation with B&H. This could include developing a new defense capacity-building package, and enhancing our cooperation on small arms and light weapons counter-terrorism, crisis management and cyber security. In the HQ in Sarajevo, we increased the number of personnel and financial resources, and we are supporting expert team in their counter-disinformation efforts. By stepping up both our political and practical support, we can help build resilience and prevent any future aggression. Any further assistance would be tailored, demand driven, and fully coordinated with B&H. We also discussed NATO’s role in Operation Althea. Our cooperation with the European Union (EU) on this remains essential, and we will continue to support this important EU operation”. Dzaferovic said: “Of course, I am absolutely certain NATO Alliance, that is the partner of B&H – We are in the Membership Action Plan (MAP) – will protect peace and stability in B&H, based, among others, obligations it has under the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), and that no destabilization will be allowed. Therefore, it is important that the international troops remain in B&H, to be strengthened”. Hayat reports it was said at the meeting that B&H is the respected NATO’s partner and that NATO supports B&H’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The reporter notes the said topics are particularly relevant in the light of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and speculations the situation could “spill over to the fragile region of the Western Balkans’’. Addressing the press conference after the meeting, Dzaferovic said: “Unfortunately, Russia’s influence is present in B&H, and we need to address it adequately. There are open threats to B&H, coming from Russia’s side – it is being done by the Russian Ambassador in Sarajevo (Igor Kalabukhov) – that B&H will face negative consequences if it continues to its NATO path. Yes, we will continue our NATO path and we will not ask anyone what our path will be. We have adopted our decisions and we will continue to implement them in B&H. I ask you to, at the Summit in Madrid, give a strong support to B&H’s NATO path, and to also refer to obligations NATO Alliance has in relation to the DPA. I ask that the NATO HQ in Sarajevo is strengthened, it is of great importance, because NATO HQ, together with the Operation Althea, is a legal successor of the NATO missions that existed in B&H, concluded in 2004 with the mission called SFOR”. Stoltenberg said: “We also discussed the NATO’s role in the Operation Althea, and we will continue to support this European Union’s Operation, as well as the B&H Armed Forces (AF), as one of the strongest multiethnic institutions. They are vital for stability of the country and must be preserved.” Leader of SNSD and member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik once again marked B&H as an impossible state and called for a peaceful dissolution. "Both Dodik and everyone else should know that there will be no dissolution, let alone a peaceful one in B&H and that there will be no additional territorial or ethnic divisions within B&H. There is the Dayton Peace Agreement," Dzaferovic said.


Dodik: Dzaferovic went to Brussels without consent of B&H Presidency; Stances he presented there represent stances of Muslim political circle in B&H (RTRS


Chair of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic met with Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels on Wednesday. Among other things, Dzaferovic conveyed message to member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik that there will not be any, let alone peaceful dissolution of B&H. He also accused Russia of representing threat to peace in B&H and demanded stronger engagement of NATO in B&H. Dzaferovic underlined that B&H is committed to become NATO member. During joint press conference, Dzaferovic underlined that NATO stopped war in B&H. Reporter commented that in this way, Dzaferovic confirmed that at the end of war in B&H, NATO clearly took side of RB&H Army. The Member of B&H Presidency from rank of Bosniaks called on NATO to preserve peace that is allegedly threatened by Russia. Namely, Dzaferovic emphasized that there are open threats against B&H coming from Russia through statements of Russian ambassador to B&H that this country will experience negative consequences if it resumes with NATO path. Dzaferovic stressed that they will resume with NATO path and will not ask anyone about their path. Reporter commented that Dzaferovic is right, because Bosniaks are not asking anyone, including their Serb fellow citizens, and are ignoring official stance of RS on neutrality. Commenting on abovementioned Dzaferovic’s claims, Dodik said that B&H has never passed a decision on the NATO integration. He also stated that Dzaferovic went to Brussels without consent of B&H Presidency, adding that stances he presented there represent stances of Muslim political circle in B&H. Dodik’s statement on Twitter reads that B&H did not pass the decision on the NATO integration and did not take a stance on situation in Ukraine or on influence of any third country on B&H. The Member of B&H Presidency from the rank of Serb people underlined that unfortunately Stoltenberg participates in devastation of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). According to RTRS, Dzaferovic used this opportunity to threaten against those undermining B&H. When he underlined that the RS parliament is expected to withdraw decisions on restoration of competences, it became clear who he has been referring to. Reporter commented that while Dzaferovic claims issue of amending of the Election Law of B&H is internal issue of B&H, it seems that he believes territorial integrity and sovereignty is external issue. N1 covered Dodik’s statement and the reporter commented that while Dodik was earlier against EUFOR and Mission Althea in B&H, it seems that he supports them now. Namely, Dodik said that Althea is welcome and that it should remain in format of the EU. Dodik stated that if certain problems or procedural problems concerning the UN Security Council occur, B&H Presidency can make an arrangement with the European Commission (EC) about continuation of this mission. “I absolutely have nothing against it,” stressed Dodik. Radovan Kovacevic, an Advisor to Milorad Dodik, commented on the meeting of Dzaferovic with NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg. Kovacevic stated that Dzaferovic’s visit to Brussels represents continuation of undermining of the Dayton Agreement and B&H, undermining of institutions of B&H, as well as all rules and procedures, but also the Constitution of B&H and reestablishment of the so-called RBIH that capitulated in the Dayton for good and which will never exist. Kovacevic stated that this job is pointless and he added that it only ruins the option for coexistence in B&H.


Sarovic: Influence of RS representatives in joint institutions on creating B&H’s foreign policy is bad, insufficient (BN TV


SDS leader Mirko Sarovic stated that conducting foreign policy and the influence of RS representatives in the joint institutions on creating B&H’s foreign policy is bad and insufficient “frequently ‘spiced’ with wrong moves” and there is almost no influence of the RS on foreign policy and international status of B&H. “Simply put, because the B&H Presidency has no decision on sanctions or non-sanctions against Russia, in an unacceptable manner via the B&H Mission in the EU, the so-called diplomatic mechanisms of B&H joining the EU’s sanctions against Russia are used, without the B&H Presidency’s official decision. And we have heard from multiple sources this has happened in as many as 23 cases! The Serb member of the B&H Presidency (Milorad Dodik) – so that such practice does not repeat and to prevent further abuses – should put the issue of sanctions against Russia and B&H’s official position on the B&H Presidency’s agenda,” Sarovic was quoted as saying.


Ambassadors of Quint countries urge Tegeltija and Turkovic for election funds to be secured (BHT1


At a meeting with Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) Zoran Tegeltija and his deputy Bisera Turkovic held on Wednesday, the Ambassadors of the Quint countries asked the B&H CoM to fulfil its constitutional obligation towards the B&H democracy and to secure funds for organizing the general elections, scheduled for 2 October. At this meeting, it was proposed that the B&H CoM session on Thursday should reconsider the decision which was previously rejected by the HDZ B&H ministers. This decision refers to approval of the funds, BAM 12.5 million, necessary for organizing this year’s elections in B&H. Tegeltija said that he does not have a problem with this, and he supports the inclusion of the decision at the B&H CoM session on Thursday. He added that the decision would be included to the session’s agenda if both of his deputies are in favor of that move. Turkovic was present at Wednesday meeting, but Tegeltija’s second deputy, Vjekoslav Bevanda, did not attend it. Bevanda is a B&H’s Minister of Finance and Treasury, and he was called to attend the meeting. Speaking about topics from Wednesday’s meeting, Turkovic’s adviser, Tarik Lazovic, said the main topic was blockade in securing the funds for the elections. He says clear messages were sent by the ambassadors, and they warned this was a very serious situation. Lazovic reveals that Turkovic commended all the steps that were made towards the adoption of the state budget, but she also emphasized that “these steps do not solve the problem of funding the elections”. Turkovic advocates the adoption of a special decision by which these funds would be secured from the budget reserves. She supported the initiative for discussing this matter during Thursday’s session of the B&H CoM. The Ambassadors of the Quint countries agreed with her assessment. FTV reports that the Ambassadors of the Quint countries made it clear that it is necessary to resolve the issue of financing the elections immediately. FTV stressed that the question is whether Bevanda heard the message of the Ambassadors of the Quint countries because he did not attend the meeting, although he was invited. Minister Turkovic wrote on Facebook that the Ambassadors supported that the decision - which was rejected by HDZ B&H ministers last time - is proposed at Thursday's session of the B&H CoM again.


US Embassy to B&H: B&H Council of Ministers has every right to approve election financing in absence of budget (Hayat


After the meeting of the Quint Ambassadors and the delegation of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM), the US Embassy to B&H has issued a statement, underlining that the B&H CoM has every right to approve financing of the elections, given that the B&H budget has not been adopted, and that there is no time, nor justification to delay such decision. “Contrary to what has been claimed, the B&H CoM has every right to approve financing of the elections in the absence of a budget,” reads the statement of the US Embassy to B&H. The US Embassy once again called on the B&H CoM to act in line with the law and to secure the funds for elections. The Embassy warns that time is running out and B&H ministers must not make any excuses for their inactivity.


Peach meets Tegeltija; Tegeltija: Only internal dialogue with respect of DPA is key of progress of B&H (RTRS


Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija met on Wednesday with the UK Special Envoy to the Western Balkans Stuart Peach. Among other things, Tegeltija stated on this occasion that only internal dialogue, mutual understanding and respect of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) is a key for long-term progress and stability of B&H. He emphasized that imposing sanctions against anyone in B&H, especially against legitimate political representatives is unnecessary. Tegeltija stressed that peace and stability in B&H are not jeopardized. He underlined that bringing the situation in Ukraine and the situation in B&H in the same context is unacceptable.


Milanovic emphasizes to Stoltenberg problem of legitimate representation; Milanovic argues that it could destabilize the entire region (N1


N1 noted that prior to the meeting between Chairman of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic and Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels, Croatian President Zoran Milanovic talked with Stoltenberg via telephone on Tuesday. In a statement for N1, Stoltenberg said that during this communication Milanovic presented his opinion on the situation in B&H and expressed concern with the situation in this country. Reporter noted that during this conversation, Milanovic emphasized a problem of legitimate representation and stressed that it can possibly destabilize entire the region, including Croatia. Abovementioned Milanovic’s statements sparked number of reactions. MP in B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Semsudin Mehmedovic (SDA) stated that by acting in this way, Milanovic wants NATO to create new Donbas in B&H, i.e. the third entity while avoiding the Joint Criminal Enterprise that took place in 1993. Stoltenberg said that he talked to Milanovic via telephone on Tuesday and they discussed the situation in B&H. Milanovic informed him that B&H is in a serious situation and Croatia expects its allies to take their concerns about the position of Croats in B&H seriously. Stoltenberg said that Milanovic expressed concern over the position of Croats in B&H and other NATO members take this seriously and discuss it. He said that this is the point of the membership. Stoltenberg commented on the statements of Milanovic who is conditioning Sweden's and Finland's entry into NATO with changes to the Election Law in B&H, and said that he believes that this problem will be solved soon. On the other hand, Dzaferovic said that the Election Law is an issue of B&H that should be resolved exclusively in state institutions.


Milanovic: Croatia, too, could have indicted Vucic, but didn't (Hina


President Zoran Milanovic repeated on Wednesday that Serbia should watch its actions and that he was only asking for "a fair relationship" between the two countries, adding that Croatia could have indicted Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic but made a political decision not to do it. "Look at what is happening to Sweden which wants to join NATO. Maybe it had reason to be arrogant towards Turkey over the past 30 years but now it is asking for mercy. So, watch what you say and do because what goes around comes around," Milanovic said in a message to Serbia. The Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor's Office has issued an indictment against Croatian Air Force officers Vladimir Mikac, Zdenko Radulj, Zeljko Jelenic and Danijel Borovic for war crimes against Serb civilians because on 7 and 8 August 1995, during Operation Storm, they allegedly ordered a missile attack on a refugee convoy outside Bosanski Petrovac and in Svodna, near Novi Grad, north-western B&H. According to the indictment, 13 people were killed in the attack, including six children, and 24 were wounded. Milanovic on Tuesday said that the indictment would cost Serbia, which Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic interpreted as a threat. "Who is Serbia's prime minister? Is Brnabic still the prime minister?... I have not seen her in Krk for a long time, she is welcome," Milanovic said in an allusion to the fact that Brnabic's family from her father's side hails from the northern Adriatic island. Recalling the time when he was prime minister, Milanovic said that "Vucic's speech in Glina (in 1995) was a criminal act", but a political decision was made for Croatia not to indict him. "Vucic did not kill anyone, that's true, but his rhetoric at the time cost many people their lives and souls," he added. Criticising Serbia for accusing Croatian pilots of crimes, Milanovic said he was only asking Serbia to act in a fair manner, recalling that Croatia was a member "of the associations Serbia aspires to join". He added that there was no need for the Serbian PM "to be nervous" because he was also speaking in Serbia's favor.


Stoltenberg cannot change anything 

Milanovic does not share the Croatian government's position on Finland and Sweden's NATO membership candidacy and wants Croatia to make support to their bid conditional on the reform of B&H's election law. Milanovic and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenbrg spoke over the telephone on Tuesday, and the reason was Milanovic's letter to NATO member-countries regarding the status of B&H Croats. "He cannot change anything in that regard, he is technical personnel. He is expected to distribute the letter, anyone who wanted to has now read the letter and that's it," Milanovic said. He added that the NATO secretary-general was not the one making decisions but implementing them and that "it is his task to listen to the Americans", with the USA "being the boss", however, being Croatia's president, he was fighting "for his own."

Milanovic said that Stoltenberg did not share his view that Finland and Sweden's NATO accession should be linked to the amendment of B&H's election law but that he called for taking into account Turkey's reservations to the two countries' accession. When Turkey presents its demands, then that's not a problem, Milanovic said, describing his conversation with the NATO secretary-general as friendly. He again criticized "the apathy and misery of Croatian politics" with regard to the protection of national interests. "Let's be clear, B&H does not belong to Croatia... I do not want anyone to think that we act the same way as Budapest... with its constant insistence that this used to be Hungary. This used to be Austria as well, from Pula to Dubrovnik... yet you do not hear Austrians say that this was Austria's sea because they are mature," Milanovic said.


Djukanovic: We need a patient, wise, well-meaning dialogue free from all demagoguery and prejudice (CdM


“Patient, wise, well-intentioned dialogue devoid of any demagoguery and prejudice is what we need and to which today, from this place, I call on all citizens and all actors in the political – and much wider – public life of Montenegro. Again, not because of reconciliation, as some pretentious and superficial political actors imagine. Because, possible reconciliation of that kind was achieved after the Second World War. The calls for reconciliation on the subject carry the covert idea of ​​reconsideration and historical revision. And that is impossible,” President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic has stated at a regular annual press conference. According to him, we are constantly fighting to preserve the civil, multiethnic society that we inherited and significantly strengthened in the years of disintegration of the Yugoslav community and bloody national and religious conflicts, and beyond. Commenting on the events in Ukraine, he has said that not only Ukraine and Montenegro are targets, but that the list is much longer. Djukanovic has clearly stated that responsibility for the events having taken place on 4 and 5 September last year in Cetinje must be determined. He has also warned that this must not go unpunished. According to him, by restoring statehood, we have set a clear goal – a European system of values and membership in the EU and NATO. Djukanovic has stressed that the recent G7’s message is encouraging. “I call on and encourage our Euro-Atlantic partners to come up with meaningful responses to the challenges we have in common. To be prudent, far-sighted and brave in that, and to make timely moves. Because the world is in a danger it has not been in since World War II,” he has pointed out. “The most difficult challenge for this and future governments remains the pace of economic development. In the medium term, the main task is to achieve inclusive and sustainable economic growth, which is required by a higher level of political stability and uncompromising determination to implement fiscal consolidation and implement structural reforms. A credible and sustainable fiscal policy is crucial for Montenegro’s macroeconomic stabilization, which in combination with structural reforms should contribute to dynamic economic growth, improving a competitive and predictable investment environment, increasing employment and a higher standard of living,” Djukanovic has said. When referring to the event having taken place in Cetinje on 4 and 5 September last year, President Djukanovic says that “responsibility for the events in Cetinje must be determined – it can’t go unpunished. It is a challenge for the state to establish how the chain of command over the Montenegrin police was changed during that night,” Djukanovic has said.


Sending WB to EU bench (Pobjeda


President of France Emmanuel Macron’s plan to form a European political community involves sending the Western Balkans to the European Union’s bench, which, if implemented, will increase reform fatigue and lead to growing Euroscepticism in the region, according to the daily Politika’s political analyst and foreign politics editor Bosko Jaksic. In a conversation with Pobjeda, he points out that the eventual development of such a scenario would not be good for Europe either, because that would mean exposing this part of the Old Continent to even stronger influences from Russia and China. Asked to what extent Macron’s plan will affect the demoralization of the Western Balkan countries to work on the process of further reforms, Jaksic explains that this region, due to decades of waiting and delays, is already sufficiently demoralized. Jaksic, however, adds that Europe still understands that, in the current situation of violated European security, it must incorporate the Western Balkans and based on that send a clear message that it will not allow to lose the region so easily and leave it to even stronger influences of Russia and China.


Xhaferi locks MPs in parliament hall (Republika


Parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi locked the doors of the parliament hall last night. Locked MPs and chaos in the parliament! The dictatorship of DUI / SDSM embodied in Talat shows the ugly face in parliament!, informed VMRO-DPMNE MP Mile Lefkov via Facebook. He says that whenever they have to present their views on an agenda item, Xhaferi locks the door. This happened several times yesterday, which, as the MPs claim, is contrary to the Rules of Procedure. They say the lock-up is undemocratic, their free movement is restricted and they said that they will report to it the police. The autocrat Talat Xhaferi, who usurped the position of parliament speaker turned off the microphones, due to which there will be a audio recording only from his address. Contrary to the Rules of Procedure, he locked the doors of the Parliament Hall several times today so that the MPs outside it could not enter and be given the chance to present views. This is a shame, violence, says MP Bojan Stojanovski. Xhaferi acknowledged Wednesday that he insulted the employees but said that he behaved like that because the parliamentary services did not do their job, so he used insulting words. If someone thinks that they should spend their working hours on st. Macedonia, I think that the Parliament does not need it, nor do the citizens. They should be at their jobs for eight hours, Xhaferi said. He has a clear position that he will not apologize. I do not feel the need to apologize for the case, Xhaferi added.


VMRO-DPMNE will not support including the Bulgarian demands in the negotiating framework (Republika


The demands of Bulgaria must not become part of the negotiating framework, Kovacevski should not be silent and say whether he approved of giving away Delcev, this is what VMRO-DPMNE is asking in the press release. Kovacevski is silent and does nothing for Macedonia. The Bulgarian demands for putting their ultimatums and blackmail in the negotiating framework that the country will have to fulfil upon joining the EU are Macedonia’s jam and an opportunity for Bulgaria to seek new and new concessions whenever it wants, and to justify it as an obligation to join the EU. VMRO-DPMNE will not support putting the Bulgarian demands in the negotiating framework if it is to be voted in the Parliament. Accepting such a framework is a capitulation for the state, says the party. The party adds that Kovacevski should not be silent and say whether he approved of giving away Goce Delcev.


Dendias: EU should open talks with Macedonia and Albania immediately (Republika


Greece is working hard to ensure peace, security and stability in the region. I believe that the only way to achieve these goals is a clear and full support for the European perspective of the Western Balkans. We deeply believe that negotiations with Macedonia and Albania should be opened immediately, Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias said Wednesday in Skopje. Dendias stressed that they clearly support Macedonia’s European perspective and that his visit to Skopje is to show that they are “together with us on the road to Europe.” We believe that we are your close ally, we will make appropriate efforts to improve relations between our countries at the bilateral level and this is supported by the Action Plan adopted by the first Supreme Cooperation Council, Dendias said, emphasizing that Greece is committed to the implementation of the Prespa Agreement.


Pendarovski meets Abazovic (Republika


During his participation in the World Economic Forum in Davos, President Stevo Pendarovski met with the Prime Minister of Montenegro Dritan Abazovic. At the meeting, readiness was expressed for the advancement of the overall bilateral relations between the Republic of Macedonia and Montenegro, emphasizing the potential opportunities for strengthening economic cooperation. The two interlocutors exchanged views on current political developments in both countries, in Europe and in the Western Balkans region, reaffirming their commitment to regional stability, security and prosperity, through the consistent strengthening of democratic processes and enhanced international partnership. The interlocutors agreed that the close cooperation within the NATO alliance will continue in the process of integration into the EU, as a common strategic goal of the two countries. Pendarovski congratulated Abazovic on his appointment to the new post, wishing him a successful mandate in dealing with both internal and foreign policy challenges and goals.


Premier reveals project for NATO naval base in Albania (ADN


Prime Minister Edi Rama has revealed this Wednesday that work has been done on a project for a NATO naval base in Albania. Rama said that the ideas will be disclosed to the Commander of the NATO Operational Command, General Tod Daniel Wolters. "The fact that I had the opportunity to meet with the general, to talk to him made me feel very encouraged in his words when he told me 'you can be a small country, you have a small army, but you can find your place by creating added value for the whole alliance'. This is what inspired me to share these words with the minister, with the Chief of Staff, with whole people and made us sit down and think more deeply about how we can get there. We have some good ideas and more importantly we have some good friends. We are very confident today that we can truly find our country to be an added value to this alliance. I left it for this moment to tell the general that tomorrow we will have the opportunity to show some of the ideas and in these very specific dangerous times I believe he will again consider having a naval base of NATO in Albania. It is up to us to present the project to him and show him what we have worked for and then he will be the lawyer and supporter of this idea from the beginning," Rama said.