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Belgrade Media Report 17 June



Brnabic: Region’s integration into EU necessary for overall progress (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated today at the Prespa Forum in Ohrid that integration of the Western Balkans into the EU is necessary for the overall progress of the region. Speaking at the panel of prime ministers “65 years after Treaty of Rome: is Europe fully economically reconstructed & integrated?”, Brnabic noted that the answer to the name of the panel should be “no” because the countries of the Western Balkans, which are surrounded by EU Member States, are still not part of the Union. She called on EU Member States to open accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania as soon as possible and to accelerate the integration processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Speaking about the linking of the region, Brnabic pointed to the benefits of the Open Balkans Initiative and called again on all countries of the region to join in. She underlined that the two main priorities of Serbia are entry into the EU and cooperation with countries of the region, adding that our country builds roads in order to promote the transport of goods, but also the flow of people and capital, both by motorway to North Macedonia and Bulgaria, and by building a motorway to Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Once Serbia gets a new government, the number one issue will be the security of energy supply and the construction of a gas interconnector with North Macedonia and gas connections with Greece and Bulgaria, Brnabic said. The Prespa Forum will be attended by a large number of officials from the region and representatives of European institutions, NGO sector, academic community, international organizations and other.


Brnabic: Recognition of “Kosovo” not mentioned in negotiating position of EU with Serbia (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic pointed out today, in a statement to the press in Ohrid, that at the Prespa Forum held in that city, she showed a document, which is the official negotiating position of the EU with Serbia, in which not a word is mentioned regarding the recognition of the so-called Kosovo by our country. Brnabic said that in this way she responded to the claims heard in the previous days at that forum that our country allegedly knows that it is necessary to recognize “Kosovo” in order to join the EU, but that it is ignoring that. She pointed out that in the negotiating position, in Chapter 35, under paragraph 1, the normalization of relations between Serbia and the so-called Kosovo is mentioned and “Kosovo” is marked with an asterisk.

This means that the EU negotiating position with Serbia says that the label “Kosovo” is in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 1244, which recognizes the territorial integrity of the internationally recognized Serbia, Brnabic emphasized. According to her, it states that Serbia remains committed to dialogue under the auspices of the EU, is engaged in reaching new agreements in new areas, improving the process of normalization of relations in good faith, with the aim of gradually leading to comprehensive normalization of relations between Serbia and “Kosovo" in line with the negotiating framework. Those who say that this is taken for granted seem not to know the official position of the EU. If the EU stands by that, then it must change its negotiating position, and while it is in force, it is an official document and no other stories can play a role, she said. Answering journalists’ question about how a parallel can be drawn between “Kosovo” and Ukraine, Brnabic stressed that the international legal order and international law were violated in 1999 and 2008 to the detriment of Serbia and the Serbian people, adding that the world has not been the same place since then because everything has become possible because the world is ruled by the law of the stronger and not by international law. She pointed out that it is completely clear what international law and the international legal order are, which imply the inviolability of the territorial integrity of internationally recognized states.


Intensive political dialogue, economic cooperation with Turkey (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbia-Turkey bilateral relations are marked by intensive political dialogue and notable economic cooperation, in particular through investments by Turkish companies and their involvement in various infrastructure projects in Serbia, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said at a meeting with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu on Thursday. She said bilateral ties with Turkey were at an all-time high and that it was important that economic cooperation between the two countries was growing. Brnabic expressed gratitude for the great support the government and president of Turkey were providing to investors wishing to invest in Serbia, especially to those involved in progress of less developed regions of Serbia. Cavusoglu said excellent political dialogue between Serbian and Turkish officials was also to be credited for the relations between the two countries, and announced that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan would soon visit Serbia and the region. He confirmed that Turkish companies were satisfied with their operations in Serbia and said they were currently employing around 10,000 workers in Serbia. Turkish companies are also involved in major road infrastructure projects, in particular when it comes to a Belgrade-Sarajevo motorway, he said. Noting that Serbia was the key country for stability in the region, Cavusoglu said Turkey was prepared to provide any support to cooperation in the region, and explained that construction of road infrastructure was a foundation of further development of that cooperation. Brnabic and Cavusoglu noted that Serbia and Turkey had already signed agreements on cooperation in many fields and would also sign an agreement allowing citizens of either country to travel to the other with ID cards only. They said the agreement would encourage the development of economic relations and tourism. Brnabic said cooperation with Turkey in the field of energy and in the project to build and exploit the TurkStream gas pipeline, which provides natural gas supplies to Serbia and the region, was extremely important for Serbia. She said Serbia attached great significance to the work of the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) and to activities in renovations of cultural and historical monuments in Serbia.


Selakovic, Cavusoglu: Excellent relations to be advanced further (Tanjug/Politika)


After meeting in Belgrade on Thursday, the Foreign Ministers of Serbia and Turkey, Nikola Selakovic and Mevlut Cavusoglu, said the leaderships of the two countries were determined to work on advancing further the excellent bilateral and economic relations. Selakovic said the meeting had been an opportunity to advance the comprehensive friendly relations, marked and encouraged to the greatest extent by the personal relationship between the two presidents - Aleksandar Vucic and Recep Tayyip Erdogan. "Serbia attaches special significance to advancing the political dialogue and bilateral cooperation," Selakovic said and added that he was pleased the 142-year-long diplomatic relations between Serbia and Turkey were now at an all-time-high. He said they had exchanged views on economic cooperation, continuation of projects, investments in energy, cultural cooperation, as well as on regional affairs of mutual interest. "We also talked about the global situation and the situation in the region, the regional cooperation also recognized by Turkey in the Open Balkan initiative. We also talked about the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and affirmed our consistent position of respect of the territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as respect of the Dayton Agreement. Solutions coming through dialogue, with consent of all three peoples in Bosnia and Herzegovina, are the only ones acceptable to Serbia," Selakovic said. Noting that they had also discussed the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Selakovic thanked Turkey for supporting a continuation of the dialogue. He noted economic ties were also at an all-time high and that the annual volume of bilateral trade had exceeded 2 billion Euros, reaching 585 million Euros in the first four months of this year alone. "The interest of Turkish investors in investing in Serbia has not diminished," Selakovic said, adding that bilateral trade had grown by 31.2 percent in 2021. He said they had also discussed infrastructure projects crucial for the region and for regional reconciliation, such as a Belgrade-Sarajevo motorway, to be co-financed by Turkey, as well as Novi Pazar-Tutin and Tutin-Sjenica trunk roads. Selakovic said that, discussing the war in Ukraine, they had expressed a joint commitment to peace, also voicing the hope peace would be attained as soon as possible. Cavusoglu said Turkey was committed to maintaining the best relations with Serbia, and thanked Serbia for the opening of a Turkish consular department in Nis. "The growing economic relations are very important. President Erdogan has said the objective is for those relations to reach 5 billion Dollars. We believe we will accomplish that this year, and we have already exceeded a certain planned figure," he said. He said that, thanks to the Serbian government and support from Vucic, Turkish investments in Serbia had increased from 1 million Dollars to 300 million Dollars in ten years. Cavusoglu said the meeting with Selakovic had also addressed a deepening of cooperation in the energy sector, and added that Turkey supported Serbia as a transit country. He said he was pleased with an increase in the number of tourists on both sides and added that Turkey expected to have over 300,000 tourists from Serbia this year. He noted that Serbia would become the sixth country to have an agreement with Turkey allowing citizens of either country to travel to the other with ID cards only, and added that Serbia would be the only such country that was not a neigbor of Turkey. Cavusoglu said that, during a discussion about the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, he had noted the significance of Serbia's role for stability across the region. "We have a great desire to and we are ready to implement a trilateral of Turkey, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina," Cavusoglu said, adding that Turkey would continue to support the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. After the meeting with Selakovic, Cavusoglu also signed with Serbian Minister of Culture Maja Gojkovic an agreement on the fight against illegal trade in cultural goods.


Botsan-Kharchenko: Serbian-Russian relations essentially not changing despite voting for UN resolution (N1)


Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko told N1 that he did not see that Belgrade was fundamentally changing its attitude towards Moscow and pointed out that the European Union was forcing Serbia to impose sanctions, while remaining Russia’s largest international economic partner. “Some steps have disappointed us, I mean the UN resolution. Keeping a friendly relationship, we are looking for and understanding the real reason why,” said Botsan-Kharchenko, adding that Belgrade’s move was a consequence of pressure from the West.

“It would be foolish to say that we don’t care. We are disappointed, but we understand very well the reason why Serbia had to vote in such a way. Because of the incredible pressure from the West beyond any comprehensible limits. It is forced,” he notes. He adds that Serbia has never suffered pressure from Russia, and he does not see his statement that the introduction of sanctions would cause damage in the economic and social sphere as pressure. Botsan-Kharchenko explains that it would be “foolish and stupid” to say that sanctions would remain without any harm and that this is a reality, not a message. The Ambassador assessed Serbian-Russian relations with eight on a scale from one to 10, noting that it can always do better, but that eight is also excellent. He rejected the possibility that it was a matter of the great power’s attitude towards a small country, stating that it was a matter of friendship between the two countries. Asked about Russia’s attitude towards Kosovo and President Vladimir Putin’s statement, the Ambassador said that Putin mentioned the decision of the International Court of Justice in a conversation with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres in order to once again point to the double standard of the West. Asked why Russia does not recognize Kosovo, Botsan-Kharchenko answered that the most important position for Moscow is that of Belgrade and that recognition of Kosovo would be contrary to Resolution 1244.


Popovic meets Borisov in St. Petersburg (Beta/RTS)


Serbian cabinet Minister Nenad Popovic and Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov said that the two countries will invest maximum effort to secure unobstructed trade. A press release from Popovic’s cabinet said that they met in Saint Petersburg on the fringes of the 25th international economic forum SPIEF2022. Popovic and Borisov are co-chairs of the Serbia-Russia Intergovernmental Cooperation Committee. The press release quoted them as saying that solutions have to be found in day-to-day communication for the difficulties of exporters, especially in the transport of fruits, vegetables and other food. They expressed satisfaction with the high level of bilateral relations. Popovic said that Russia is Serbia’s fourth foreign trade partner. “Serbia remains on the European path but we are expressly against the introduction of sanctions against Russia and Serbia’s membership in NATO that bombed us,” Popovic said. He added that Serbia will continue protecting its interests in terms of Kosovo with Russia’s support as well as the Republika Srpska’s Dayton powers.


Sapic put forward by SNS as new Belgrade mayor; formation of government waiting for repeat elections in Veliki Trnovac (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) deputy leader Ana Brnabic announced on Thursday the ruling party's Presidency had adopted a proposal to put forward Aleksandar Sapic as a candidate for new Belgrade mayor. “I can now tell you that the SNS Presidency has adopted by majority vote a proposal by the SNS City Committee in Belgrade to put Aleksandar Sapic forward as a candidate for mayor,” Brnabic told a press conference after an SNS Presidency session. “We will now send an official proposal to put his election on the agenda of the City Assembly session on Monday,” Brnabic added. Brnabic said after the presidency session that the party nominated Vesna Vidovic as deputy mayor, and also announced significant changes in the composition of the city's council and secretariats. Brnabic said that the elections in Veliki Trnovac will probably be repeated again, so that the President of the Republic will not be able to start consultations on forming a new government before the beginning of July, even though the parliamentary elections were on 3 April. She emphasized that the SNS, as President Vucic said earlier, wants the government to be formed by the end of July. “Now you have endless complaints and the election process, with which the SNS has nothing to do. We have neither complained nor participated in it, and we cannot complete the election campaign, and the President of the Republic cannot even enter into consultations with parliamentary political parties regarding the forming of a government,” Brnabic explained. “We had a meeting where MEPs told me that the opposition complained that one person could support more candidates and more lists, and that was directly the ODIHR’s proposal, so then they themselves no longer know who is proposing what and whoever wants what, and when we adopt it, they also protest about it,” said Brnabic. She assessed that as a result we now have such a complex election cycle and expressed hope that voting will end soon at all polling stations and that there will be no more complaints, so that the President can start further consultations on forming the government. Brnabic also pointed out that the coalition of SNS and SPS at the city level has nothing to do with the coalition and the government at the republic level.


Serbian military sends new contingent to UNIFIL (N1)


The Serbian military sent off another contingent to the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) at a ceremony at a barracks in Nis. A Defense Ministry press release said that the infantry company with staff officers and a national support element will deploy for six month to UNIFIL Sector East. It quoted Deputy Chief of Staff Lt. Col. General Petar Cvetkovic as saying that he is confident that the contingent will perform its duties successfully, representing the country in the best possible way. The Serbian military first deployed troops to UNIFIL in 2010. The first contingent consisted of five staff officers and the numbers increased over time. Besides the contingent in Sector East, a Serbian force protection platoon is engaged in Sector West, as part of the Italian contingent.


Lajcak: Brussels working on Vucic-Kurti meeting (Tanjug/TV21)


The EU Special Envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak said on Friday Brussels was working on organizing a meeting of representatives of the two sides at the highest political level. Lajcak, who is attending the Prespa Forum in Ohrid, North Macedonia, told TV21 he expected a "meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo PM Albin Kurti to take place soon, before the summer holidays". He said work was now underway on implementation of past agreements aimed at solving current problems and shaping future relations between Belgrade and Pristina. "Another thing we are working on is a resolution of current issues such as the license plates problem, which caused a serious crisis in September. We want to ensure there are no tensions, which no one needs. The third and most important thing is the shaping of future relations between Serbia and Kosovo and their normalization," Lajcak noted.


Greece appoints Special Representative for Western Balkans (Politika/Tanjug)


Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias appointed Ambassador of Greece to Romania Sofia Grammata as the Special Representative of this Ministry for the Western Balkans. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece published at its website that the decision was made following Dendias’ visit to the region, including Belgrade, Sarajevo, Podgorica, Pristina, Skopje and Tirana. The website noted that Greece advocates consolidation of peace, security and stability in the Western Balkans region and added that, in this context, Athens actively supports the perspective of this region in the EU. Grammata will be simultaneously performing duties of both the Ambassador to Romania and Special Representative for the Western Balkans.




St. Petersburg: Dodik meets Lavrov, says B&H did not impose sanctions; Criticizes UK involvement in B&H (ATV)


Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik met with the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov in St. Petersburg on Thursday. Lavrov told Dodik that he wanted to meet him in Belgrade, but the visit was cancelled because Lavrov could not come because neighboring countries prohibited overflight of a Russian plane. Lavrov stated that now, they know who are their friends and who are not, and he added: “You preserves the Dayton Peace Agreement.” Dodik explained that the West ruined the Dayton, and the main process is about the question will they join the sanctions against Russia. In this regard, Dodik underlined: “You know that we do not allow this. Others in B&H want this, but, formally and legally, B&H did not impose sanctions.” On this occasion, Dodik also expressed gratitude for prices of gas for Republika Srpska (RS) and for “the other entity” that did not increase. According to Dodik, B&H suffers big and horrible pressures from all sides to impose sanctions against Russia and there are many people within B&H who support this. He emphasized that the RS will not allow to impose the same sanctions to Russia. Dodik told media: “I insisted on ending the conflicts as soon as possible, to set negotiations, to normalize the situation and they also want this. We stayed to discuss important issues.” According to Dodik, they also discussed the issue of gas delivery to the RS, construction of the Russian-Serb temple in Banja Luka, the situation in Ukraine and the special operation of Russia in Ukraine. Among other things, Lavrov thanked Dodik for stances not to introduce sanctions against Russia, adding that Russia knows who its friends are. Dodik informed Russian Foreign Minister about political situation in B&H as well as about the fact that thanks to strong stance of the RS, B&H did not introduce sanctions against Russia. Lavrov stated that he is aware of that stance and confirmed friendly relations between Russia and the RS. He underlined that there are many in B&H who want to annul this friendship. Two officials also discussed energy crisis and complex international relations. According to RTRS, Russian Foreign Minister expressed interest about progress in construction of Russia-Serb Orthodox church in Banja Luka. RTRS carries part of conversation between Dodik and Lavrov that was open for media. During this part of conversation, Dodik stressed that role of the UK in B&H is now expansive. He explained that after the UK left the EU, they want to impose their positions. Lavrov replied by saying that it is clear goal is to divert attention from their internal problems. Dodik agreed, adding that their goal is also to implement their old policies there. “For us, Serbs, they have always been anti-Serbs,” said member of B&H Presidency from rank of Serb people. He went on to saying that the UK Foreign Minister recently visited B&H and had stated that the UK is there and will stay there for long period of time. Dodik stressed that he had asked who invited them and why they came. Russian Foreign Minister asked Dodik whether he remembers how former EU official Federica Mogherini used to say that Russia should not operate in the Balkans because it is territory of the EU. Lavrov also stated that most important thing is that Dodik is only key actor – member of B&H Presidency who advocates the Dayton Peace Agreement. Following meeting with Lavrov, Dodik addressed media and said that he advocated end of conflicts in Ukraine, adding that Russia has same goal. Dodik stated that they had talked earlier about gas pipeline, adding that Lavrov confirmed that this issue should be discussed during Friday meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Member of B&H Presidency claims that this issue is still on agenda of Russia, as well as project related to liquefied natural gas that should be deposited in Zvornik. Dodik said that he will discuss gas-powered thermal power plants project with Putin as well as with General Director of Gazprom. Dodik stated that expectations from meeting with Putin are great. Two officials also talked about mission Althea in B&H. Dodik stressed that Russians do not want to jeopardize stability of B&H and will seriously discuss this issue. He added that following meeting with Lavrov, he is certain that mission Althea will not be jeopardized. Dodik underlined that this mission can contribute to development of mutual trust in B&H.


Dodik at session of SPIEF: B&H did not join sanctions against Russia because RS did not allow this, B&H still remains unstable, and it is state under protectorate of western world (ATV)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated during a session held within the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) that B&H did not join the sanctions against Russia because RS did not allow this. Speaking about this topic, Dodik said that this is not a conflict of Russia and Ukraine but a global showdown, adding that we see big amounts of weapons delivered to Ukraine and the goal is to weaken Russia and its resources. During the opening session, Dodik stated that the RS will not allow introduction of sanctions against Russia and that he RS will always be on the side of the Serb-Russian friendship. Dodik commented on the ongoing media war about the conflict in Ukraine and according to the reporter – sometimes in the Balkans. Dodik did not miss the opportunity to say that he came to St. Petersburg forum as a representative of the RS. According to Dodik, the RS is suffering consequences and pressures due to the aforementioned standpoint. Addressing attendees of the forum, Dodik said: “We are constantly being asked for solidarity for sanctions towards Russia. The small RS refuses this. B&H did not impose sanctions against Russia because we, from the RS oppose this. We do not allow this. Of course, that we immediately became a problem of the West and this is why my arrival here today and tomorrow is a problem.” According to Dodik, the problem of the West is also that he is grateful to Russia and Russian President Vladimir Putin for having a chance to speak and because voice of Serbs and the RS is heard at the big international gathering. In his opinion, the Balkans already suffered what Russia is suffering now because western countries want to take over the leading role in which media help them. Dodik also mentioned the dominant narrative that implies the need to prevent “the Russian malignant influence”, adding that there is Russian influence, but it is not malignant. Speaking about B&H, Dodik said that B&H still remains unstable and it is a state under protectorate of the western world that wants obedient ones or protégés and in his opinion, the problem of this approach is that the West only has those who are obedient or protégés and no one else. According to Dodik, this kind of a system broke down. Dodik said that the West has never stopped to go towards the East because it wants to take control over resources that Russia has and many reached Moscow, but this is where they were defeated. According to announcements, Dodik is expected to meet Director of the ‘Gazprom’ Alexey Miller and Russian President Putin in St. Petersburg on Friday. Member of B&H Presidency stressed that one cannot trust to western values. He confirmed that there is Russian influence in the Balkans, adding that this influence is not malign. Dodik underlined that he came to this forum to learn what Russians believe will be happening in upcoming years, so that he can adapt his policies. “We need leaders who will pass decisions that will bring benefits in 10 or 15 years”, explained member of B&H Presidency from rank of Serbs. He underlined that although Russia should not be isolated, conflict in Ukraine needs to end as soon as possible. The reporter noted that Dodik also explained what Serbia has been exposed to for refusing ultimatums of the West. Dodik underlined that one should not ignore the fact that Russia did not throw depleted uranium bombs to the RS and Serbia. He deems that the West separated Kosovo by saying it can be country and ignored territorial integrity of Serbia. First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Andrey Belousov also addressed participants of abovementioned forum. He stated that Russia is currently target of the West and wondered whether China is next. Belousov underlined that current crisis can be solved by responsible policies of responsible politicians in the West, adding that there are not such politicians in the West at this moment. Prime Minister of Central African Republic said that this country as well as other African countries have been exposed to pressure for failing to introduce sanctions against Russia. Also, Dodik used this opportunity to talk about role of High Representative in B&H and underlined that High Representatives have been imposing laws and decisions in B&H for 28 years. He claims this is evidence of failure of neo-liberal world. Dodik said that the West never stopped going further to the East in its intention to control Russia's resources. He stressed that the world goes into some kind of destabilization due to rules that no longer exist, which is why leaders who can make decisions are necessary. Dodik also said that he participates at the forum as the RS representative and that “B&H is unstable country because it is under protectorate of the Western world”. He emphasized that the RS does not allow sanctions against Russia. “Lessons learned in the Balkans, especially by us, show that the Western values cannot be trusted. They won’t let you be yourself, but you must be a vassal and obedient. I am under US’ sanctions for something that should be rejected by democratic world with disgust. Can you imagine, they told them that my rhetoric does not suit their trends, and that is why I am under sanctions. I have not done anything, but my rhetoric is disputable. They were followed by the Britons, so I am now under sanctions imposed by the US and UK and their intention is to make me choose them or they will teach me a lesson. I believe that the world currently needs a strong response and strong leaders. I came here to see what Russians think will happen in the upcoming years in order to be able to adjust my policies to the time to come,” Dodik stated.


Botsan-Kharchenko: RS remains one of most important foreign policy goals of Russia (BN TV)


Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko said the RS’ status remains one of the most important goals of the Russian Federation’s foreign policy, despite all problems Russia is currently facing, noting that Russia cannot be excluded from the process of resolving issues related to B&H, as well as the issue of “the self-declared Kosovo”.


Officials in B&H comment Dodik’s visit to Russia (Nova BH)


Commenting the visit of member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik to Russia and statements he made during the visit, B&H Presidency Chairman Sefik Dzaferovic emphasized that everything he said about B&H was only his personal stances. Dzaferovic said, “those are his decisions, and the Presidency has nothing to do with that”. Dzaferovic said Dodik’s policies are not in line with the policies adopted by B&H institutions. Commenting Dodik’s announced meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday, SDS leader Mirko Sarovic said he believes Dodik’s personal interests are the reason why he wants to attend this meeting. Sarovic points out that Dodik cares about the elections and fears he might lose, which is why he seeks help and support in all places. “He would meet the black devil, or anyone, if that would help him personally, or his party, in having a better result,” Sarovic underscored. FTV comments that Dodik’s trip to Russia came only a few days after his return from Brussels, where the positions of the EU foreign policy were clearly emphasized, which made it clear that B&H must not leave out the condemnation of the Russian aggression against Ukraine. How much can a trip to Russia affect B&H's European path, asked the reporter. SNSD Delegate in B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Nikola Spiric commented that no one in B&H is bringing B&H’s path to the EU into question. DF’s Enver Bijedic said that he is convinced Dodik is collecting political points ahead of elections and he assessed that “it is not very smart for Dodik to be the only one who goes there (Saint Petersburg) now that Europe is turning its back on Putin”. SDA’s Semsudin Mehmedovic said that any meeting that could yield diplomatic, economic or political assistance to B&H is good, but he noted that, judging by Dodik’s statements, “things are not looking good when it comes to interests of B&H”. Chair of the Serb Club in the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H and leader of ‘United Srpska’ Nenad Stevandic said that political representatives of Sarajevo should not “be stuck at one side” and added that they should realize that Turkey is behaving in a similar way as Serbia and RS, i.e. it maintains contacts with all sides. SNSD spokesperson and adviser of Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, Radovan Kovacevic commented on the statement of leader of SNSD Mirko Sarovic on Russian President Vladimir Putin. Commenting on Dodik’s upcoming meeting with Putin, Sarovic told Sarajevo media that Dodik would meet devil himself if this would help him achieve better result in the elections. Kovacevic said: “Is it possible that Russian President Vladimir Putin is the devil for Sarovic and for SDS and for the opposition from the RS?” Kovacevic asked was this the reason why Sarovic and other members of the opposition left the RS parliament when reaching a decision that the RS is against imposing of sanctions to Russia.


Dzaferovic addresses Baku Global Forum (BHT1/Hayat)


The Global Baku Forum was opened in Baku, Azerbaijan on Thursday. This year’s forum that will last until June 18 is focused on the global challenges after the Coronavirus pandemic and the war in Ukraine. Topics such as the Western Balkans and the global health will be also discussed at the forum. President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev opened the forum and said that the world is different now, stressing that the goal is to be committed to stability of the energy market and safety after developments in Ukraine and Europe. B&H Presidency Chairman Sefik Dzaferovic also participated at the forum. In his address, he drew parallel between the past war in B&H and the current war in Ukraine. Dzaferovic stated that the adoption of the UN General Assembly’s resolution condemning the aggression in Ukraine is an important act, but if it entails all the capabilities of the UN then there is no doubt that the system must be reformed. He added that international peace and the inviolability of the borders of sovereign states cannot be held hostage by the vetoes of privileged states. Dzaferovic met with Aliyev in a separate meeting on Thursday and the two officials discussed the Adriatic-Ionian gas pipeline to which B&H could be connected in the future. Commenting on the issue for BHT1, Dzaferovic said that B&H institutions will need to reach an agreement on this topic first, reminding that Aliyev promised support regarding gas supply from Azerbaijan for B&H. He stressed that he also discussed with Aliyev the issue if reconstruction of Karabakh and the engagement of B&H companies in this process, as well as B&H’s support to Azerbaijan in the demining process. Dzaferovic is participating in the Baku Global Forum ‘Challenges to the Global World Order’. Hayat reports that, on the occasion, Dzaferovic said that after every crisis “we say never again, yet they keep repeating”. Dzaferovic also referred to the “weak reaction” by the United Nations (UN) during the aggression against B&H, the consequence of which was the genocide, killings and rapes, noting that “the reaction to Russia’s aggression is also weak, that is a defeat for the UN. Because of that, the system needs to be reformed. International peace and inviolability of borders of sovereign countries cannot be held hostage by veto of privileged countries. Thanks to multilateral action and work of the international community’s system, the worst scenario has been prevented, i.e. overspill of the war from Ukraine to B&H. In order to ensure long-term stability, we will need a lot more of caution and wisdom, and most of all determination.


France has sent non-paper to EU countries presenting idea of creating European political community, analysts deem this community would be replacement for EU membership (BHT1/Nezavisne)


France has sent a non-binding document, the so-called ‘non-paper’, to EU member states, in which it presents the idea of creating a European political community. The document will be discussed at the next meeting of the European Council in Brussels on 23-24 June. According to Jutarnji list daily that had an insight into the document, France wants to create a comprehensive European political forum that would not be a substitute for the EU, the Council of Europe or the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) but would enable the building of a community of all European countries, regardless of their EU status or relations with the European Union. President of France Emmanuel Macron’s document reads that European political community would have a ‘mild legal structure’ format with decision-making powers, but with respect for the EU autonomy in decision-making. It also reads that creation of this community will help the EU integration of countries that tend to become the EU member states and it will not affect their EU integration process. However, political analysts are skeptical about this last statement especially given Macron’s skepticism regarding further EU enlargement. Commenting on the issue, International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES) Director Zijad Becirovic said that such an idea stipulates European political community that will be replacement for the EU membership. He stressed that the EU leaders should show more respect towards the Western Balkan countries and their citizens and to clearly say if they support the further enlargement of the EU. Analyst in the field of international relations Milos Solaja commented that a cluster approach launched by Macron actually makes the EU accession more difficult due to stricter conditions that need to be met. He stated that the idea of European political community will tend to keep the countries in the EU enlargement process, but it will be very difficult to get the EU membership. According to former Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Ambassador to the EU Igor Davidovic, the EU’s minimal favor that would not cost it a thing would be to grant B&H the EU candidate status, given the new geopolitical situation. Former Serbian president Boris Tadic told BHT1 that Europe still does not know what to do with the Western Balkans as it unfortunately sees the Balkans as possible factor of instability. He concluded that the EU and its citizens do not have a coherent stance on the EU enlargement. Nezavisne carries that the diplomatic offensive in the Western Balkans continues, and France will join the list of countries which sent a special envoy to the region. There are different interpretations of such trends, and thus there are analysts who believe that the region obviously cannot do without supervisors. The arrival of another international envoy raises a few questions, including whether this means that the Western Balkans, or in this case B&H, cannot do without foreign observers.


Pahor calls for B&H to be granted EU candidate status unconditionally in letter to Michel (Hayat)


Slovenian President Borut Pahor has sent a letter to President of the European Council Charles Michel, calling for an accelerated enlargement process to the Western Balkans, and stating that B&H should be granted the EU candidate status unconditionally. “The most obvious negative consequences of too slow process of the EU enlargement are in this country. In such situation, nationalism and tendencies to change borders are growing, and all that leads to even greater instability, which endangers the security not only of B&H and its neighborhood, but also of the EU. B&H should, of course, meet all the conditions, but the order should be different – first candidate status should be granted, and then the conditions should be fulfilled,” reads Pahor’s letter. Pahor stated in his letter that this would additionally strengthen pro-European forces in B&H as well as the dynamic of adjusting to European norms. Pahor reminded Michel of the situation in the Western Balkans, especially in B&H. In light of Russia's aggression against Ukraine, and the effects of the war on European security, the importance of the EU as a guarantor of security and stability is reaffirmed, stated Pahor. Leaders of the EU will meet in Brussels at the end of the next week and at the same time, a summit of leaders of the EU and the Western Balkans will be held in the upcoming period.


Media carried comment to Pahor’s letter, French non-paper; Dzaferovic: EU owes us in some way (O Kanal)


Reporting about the letter of Slovenian President Borut Pahor, media noted that the President of the European Council Charles Michel stated, while visiting Ohrid in North Macedonia, that the continuation of EU integration of the Western Balkans is EU’s strategic priority. Michel stated in Ohrid that the next meeting in Brussels will be an opportunity to show their unity and extend their cooperation. Reporter questioned the strength of unity Michel spoke about, as disagreement within EU itself is evident. Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) could wait decades for candidate status if the French President Emmanuel Macron and Michel's plans to create a new geopolitical community materialize, commented the reporter. Director of the NGO ‘B&H Foreign Policy Initiative’ Haris Cutahija explained that there is a conflict within EU when it comes to EU enlargement. One side in the EU says that all countries that aspire to be EU members need an accelerated path to EU membership, due to the current geopolitical situation, while the other side, led by France, says that an alternative should be found, pointed out Cutahija. According to the so-called Macron’s non-paper, the alternative would be a comprehensive European political forum, which would not be a replacement for EU but would enable an establishment of a community that would gather all European countries. Macron was quoted as saying: “Whatever level we reach at this European Council, enlargement policy, due to the demands of the necessary reforms for EU accession, and the duration that follows, does not offer today the necessary political framework to respond to urgent historical geopolitical needs arising from the war against Ukraine and to build the political structuring of our European continent”. Analysts disagree on whether such a community would bring something good to B&H, added the reporter.

The President of the European Movement in B&H Predrag Prastalo said B&H is far from being ready. Prastalo added they support all integration. The countries most thought of in the discussions on this French plan are the countries of the Western Balkans and those of the Eastern Partnership, as well as the UK which left the EU, noted the reporter. Michel presented a similar idea during his visit to B&H, but the Chairperson and Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic clearly stated at the time that it must not be a replacement for the European path of B&H. There was a number of non-papers that appeared in the EU after the war in Ukraine began, due to fear of instability in the Western Balkans. Austria published its non-paper earlier, offering a gradual integration into EU. However, O Kanal’s interlocutors agreed that gradual integration is not desirable. They said that, without EU accession of all countries, there will be no stability in the region. The reporter noted that Pahor’s letter comes ahead of summit of the Western Balkans and the EU leaders on the EU enlargement. This summit should be held next week in Brussels. Dzaferovic said that he believes the EU owes BiH in some way. He underlined that in 2004 B&H’s progress on the EU path was equal to progress of Croatia. Dzaferovic emphasized that since the international community and B&H political actors failed to do its job in B&H, this country is currently at the end of line in regards to the EU accession. The reporter reminded that France submitted earlier with the EU countries informal document on formation of the European Political Community that would not be replacement for the EU. This community would gather the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership countries. There is also Austrian non-paper reading that countries in the Western Balkans region should be offered progressive integration in joint market, inclusion in trade and tax policies, as well as participation in the EU’s agencies. Former president of Serbia Boris Tadic stated that the biggest problem is the fact there is no coherent stance within the EU on further enlargement. Reporter noted that according to claims of some political leaders who attended recently held meeting with Michel in Brussels, the EU is allegedly prepared to ignore B&H’s imperfections. Namely, leader of SDP Nermin Niksic underlined earlier that during recent talks in Brussels, political leaders from B&H were informed that if they reach political agreement, status of B&H will be discussed along with status of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia. SDS leader Mirko Sarovic emphasized that it is not realistic to expect B&H will be granted status of the EU candidate country without any conditions. He went on to saying that B&H should focus on implementation of priorities set by the EC. The reporter commented that while member of B&H Presidency and leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik strongly supported the EU integration at the meeting in Brussels, he accused on Thursday the West of wanting to spread to the east in order to take control of Russian resources. He emphasized that world created in this way is totalitarian world.


Sattler: Brussels agreement paves the way further towards European integration, outlines which are the focuses from 14 key priorities (FTV)


The Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) in B&H Johann Sattler asked to comment on the meeting of the leaders of B&H parties in B&H parliament in Brussels, said they had intense talks in Brussels last week and he was glad that he saw great support for the declaration presented at the meeting. Sattler was quoted as saying: “It simply paves the way further towards European integration, outlines which are the focuses from 14 key priorities, i.e. the law on conflict of interest, public procurement, HJPC (High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council), i.e. puts a greater focus on the fight against corruption, the functioning of the state. Also, very strong support for EUFOR from all sides and this is also positive”. Sattler added: “What are two important things for me from this meeting - the first, that the EU is actually a unifying factor, we bring people together and the second, you have seen the commitment of European partners. So, two of the top three EU officials have dedicated their Sundays, all day, all night to sitting together with B&H leaders, to show their commitment, commitment and to say ‘Yes, we want to see B&H move forward on that path’.” When asked to comment on implementation of the agreement of B&H leaders while in Brussels, and whether there is guarantee that those changes will actually be implemented this time, Sattler explained that the implementation of the agreement needs to start immediately, and that there are three months until the elections. Sattler was quoted as saying: “This week, the law on public procurement was adopted at the Commission, unanimously. Everyone voted for it. Now it is entering the phase of harmonization in the House of Peoples, and I am sure that it will be adopted in July. This is a very concrete step forward. But of course, it is not the only one. We also have a conflict of interest; we have election reforms. Given that we have already entered the election campaign, this reform is not realistic, so we introduced this formulation, no later than six months after the formation of the government that it is necessary to adopt it.” The reporter pointed out the blockade of B&H institutions by representatives from RS and asked whether there is an instrument to prevent that. Sattler said it is unacceptable for someone to withdraw from state institutions because then there is a complete standstill. He said that it is hard to prevent and that it was a matter of politicians who should be held responsible by their voters. Sattler was quoted as saying: “What is clear from our side is that if you do not return to the institutions, you cannot benefit from many of the projects we offer, because we had to say ‘stop’ and suspend two very important projects in the RS related to railways, the construction of Corridor 5c and that was our reaction, unfortunately. We do not want to do that, but we need to see where we invest our money.” When asked to comment on the fact that HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic did not participate in the Brussels meeting, Sattler said that the format of the meeting in Brussels was very carefully chosen. Sattler was quoted as saying: “I think it is a good format to work with. Finally, we cannot force anyone, nor do we want to force anyone to come to a meeting convened by senior EU officials.” When asked to comment on the decision of the High Representative to B&H Christian Schmidt on financing of elections, which enabled holding of the elections, Sattler said that the EU supports Schmidt and his mandate in B&H. Sattler pointed out that there was a real risk that elections will not be able to be held, which is why Schmidt’s decision was necessary. Sattler was quoted as saying: “I think it would be a wrong conclusion that from now on, if the authorities do not come to certain decisions, then the international community will do it for them. This is a wrong conclusion, it would be a wrong path, although it is understandable to have this instrument of Bonn powers. After the war it was very difficult to bring people to the same table. It is alright that such an instrument still exists, but I think that this is the position of the EU, that we must be very selective in its use. This is something that must be kept as a last resort. We must not move in the direction where we will use the Bonn powers on a regular basis.” The reporter pointed out that the Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik does not recognize the Office of the High Representative (OHR) and said that he will not respect Schmidt’s decisions. Asked whether the EU will consider concrete sanctions against Dodik, Sattler said they had already sent a message to the RS when it comes to non-functioning of B&H institutions. Sattler was quoted as saying: “When it comes to further sanctions, some further measures, of course you are aware that this is a decision that needs to be made in the EU Council. So, all member states have to agree and those are the rules.” The reporter asked Sattler to comment on the claim of Russia that the West is guilty for killed Ukrainian civilians. Sattler stated that it is quite clear who the aggressor is. Sattler was quoted as saying: “I think there is absolutely no doubt about what is happening there. What we expect from our closest friends, our neighbors, and that is these six countries of the Western Balkans that want to join the EU, to be on our side, to be with the EU when it comes to this important issue. I want to talk about B&H. I saw that the representatives of B&H in international organizations, in the UN, in Vienna, raised their hands at the right time and voted on the side of the EU when it came to important decisions. Yes, we know that there are some differences of opinion between Sarajevo and Banja Luka, but when it was important, B&H was with the EU and I am grateful for that.” He pointed out that the Western Balkans will be on the agenda of the meeting of EU leaders and leaders of the Western Balkan member states. He said that they will discuss the war in Ukraine, as well as the request of the EU to the countries in the region to stand and harmonize with the EU, as this is not a time for someone to be neutral. Regarding Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov's statement that the interference of foreigners in the internal affairs of B&H will have far-reaching consequences, Sattler said that it is an absolute direct threat. Sattler said that B&H has the right to make its own decisions and can decide which security organizations it wants to join, such as joining the EU. When asked to comment on issues regarding prices and whether the EU is dealing with expanding their sources of crude oil, Sattler said: “On the part of the EU, I can say that we are preparing programs to help B&H and the Western Balkans overcome this difficult period. For example, we have now established a common platform for the purchase of energy.” The reporter pointed out that B&H citizens are dissatisfied because the implementation of the election results takes months and even years. When asked whether he expects blockades after the upcoming elections, Sattler emphasized that it is unacceptable to hold elections so that the election results are not implemented for years. Sattler said: “You make people to go to the polls and then you do not implement their will. This is unacceptable and we will take care after the election, all that is in our power to undertake not to repeat such unacceptable practice.” It is extremely important to keep emotions at bay and enable a fair and honest election campaign, said Sattler. When asked to comment on the case of North Macedonia which, as Reporter said, did everything to receive EU candidate status but did not receive it, Sattler said they aware of the issue and that they need to find a solution to open negotiations with North Macedonia. The reporter asked Sattler to comment on state of B&H as a civic state or as a state of peoples. Sattler said that the EU did not prescribe what kind of system a country has to have, but only that the system has to be harmonized with European Convention on Human Rights and European values. Sattler stated: “This means that every citizen must have the same rights, he must be able to run for the highest office in this country. Everything else is a violation of the European Convention on Human Rights.”


Cleverly meets Turkovic and B&H CEC reps, confirms UK’s support to continuation of reform processes in B&H (BHT1)


UK Minister for Europe and North America James Cleverly is paying a visit to B&H and on Thursday he met with B&H Council of Ministers Deputy Chair and Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic and representatives of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H, within his visit to B&H. Cleverly and Turkovic discussed the current political situation in B&H and the region, especially in terms of safety and the EU integration, and Russian invasion of Ukraine. They confirmed good bilateral relations between B&H and the UK and stressed importance of their further improvement. Cleverly confirmed the UK’s support to continuation of the reform processes in B&H with the goal to see B&H’s further progress on the EU path through strengthening the democratic processes, respect of human rights and the rule of law. He stressed that the EU integration perspective is a strong motivator for progress. Cleverly thanked B&H and Turkovic herself for the fact that B&H joined stances of the EU regarding sanctions against Moscow and condemnation of Russian invasion of Ukraine. UK Minister and representatives of B&H CEC discussed the implementation of the October general elections in B&H, with focus on challenges B&H CEC is faced with. Cleverly announced a new project that will be financed by the UK, adding that the goal is to improve the current level of public trust in integrity and fairness of the election process. He explained that the project refers to stamps that will be used for verification of ballots with an aim to prevent the election theft and manipulations.


OHR: Election financing, the functioning of state institutions, as well as payment of salaries to civil servants will never be put in question again (Nova BH)


The Office of the High Representative (OHR) reacted on Thursday to the claims that parties will still be able to block the elections and “play their games”, even after the High Representative (HR) imposed the decision on election financing. The OHR emphasized that the HR’s decision ensures that the B&H Council of Ministers’ (B&H CoM) decision is no longer necessary for either the temporary financing of the state budget or the financing of elections, but that both processes will be completed automatically. Election financing, the functioning of state institutions, as well as payment of salaries to civil servants will never be put in question again due to failure to adopt the state budget, the OHR statement said. The OHR stressed that temporary financing of the state budget or the election funding will no longer require a decision of B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) but both processes will run automatically.


SDA and opposition in B&H HoR will not support HDZ B&H’s proposal of amendments to Election Law (BHT1)


Following the adoption of HDZ B&H’s proposal of amendments to the Election Law of B&H in B&H House of Peoples (HoP) on Wednesday, it is hard to expect that the amendments will be adopted by B&H House of Representatives (HoR). Representatives of SDA and the opposition representatives in B&H HoR said that the proposal is inacceptable as it is unconstitutional, discriminatory and one-sided. According to SDA’s Alma Colo, HDZ B&H’s amendments to the Election Law of B&H do not guarantee the implementation of rulings of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. She stressed that the proposal of amendments was adopted in B&H HoP in line with a deal reached between HDZ B&H and SNSD, reminding that the adopted amendments are not in line with principles of the latest Brussels agreement, the European Convention on Human Rights or priorities set out in the EC’s Opinion on B&H. Colo added that the amendments cannot be applied to the October general elections as HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic hopes. Representatives of the opposition said that the amendments to the Election Law of B&H adopted in B&H HoP are unacceptable for several reasons, especially the part related to status of constituent peoples in terms of giving primacy over Others and affecting multiethnic culture in B&H. SDS’ Mladen Bosic stated that the amendments are not result of a joint agreement at the level of B&H, but they are one-sided. SDP B&H’s Sasa Magazinovic assessed that the amendments create new discrimination and are anti-civilizational, adding that they will not be adopted in B&H HoR as such. Magazinovic said that this proposal is unacceptable and should not receive support in B&H HoR. Magazinovic said that the proposal clashes with agreements and values of the EU. NS’ Damir Arnaut stated that NS will vote against the discriminatory amendments. Head of SNSD Caucus in B&H HoR Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac commented on pro-Bosnian side in politics and said that they are not also pro-Herzegovinian and that they do not accept the concept of the state of B&H that consists of three constituent peoples. According to HDZ B&H’s proposal, most delegates in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) HoP would be chosen from five cantons in which the majority of Croats live, while one delegate would be chosen from the other five cantons. According to the Constitutional Court of B&H, legitimate political representation should be ensured at all administrative levels. Officials of some other political parties deem that adopted amendments are in opposition to Brussels agreement and that they are unacceptable and discriminating. SDA’s Semsudin Mehmedovic said that it is clear even for Covic that this law will not get support in B&H HoR.  Magazinovic underlined that HDZ B&H’s amendments to the Election Law are more suitable for sixth than for 21st century. Magazinovic stressed that this regulation introduces new ethnic divisions and new discriminations and that as such it cannot get support. Some political analysts deem that if it is adopted by B&H HoR, this law cannot be applied in upcoming General Elections 2022.


Novakovic-Bursac comments on adoption of amendments to Election Law on election of member of B&H Presidency from Croat ranks (ATV)


Member of SNSD Caucus in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac, commented on what can Croats in B&H expect after adoption of a proposal of amendments to the B&H Election Law that implies election of a member of the B&H Presidency from the rank of Croats among Croat candidates in line with the electoral model. Asked what the essence of the Croat proposal is, Novakovic-Bursac said that the basis is to enable members of the Croat people from the FB&H to elect their representatives in the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) and in the B&H Presidency. Novakovic-Bursac added: “What is important for us is that the proposal also implies better solutions when it comes to election of delegates in the B&H HoP from the parliament and it also solves the issue of election of members of the (B&H) Central Election Commission (CEC) and the issue of ownership over mandate. According to SNSD, this proposal and this is how we voted, and this is why we voted for that, goes in the direction of solving of something that are being problems as precondition to improve other segments of the Election Law.” Commenting on the fact that leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic still did not support the law despite of the fact that the Constitutional Court (CC) ruled that this proposal is not detrimental for the Vital National Interests of Bosniaks, she argued that this is about not accepting the structure of the state as such as they advocate unitarization and majorization hidden under the concept of a civic state.


Grlic Radman: Things moving towards opening talks with N. Macedonia, Albania (Hina)


Croatia's Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Gordan Grlic Radman, said in the North Macedonia lakeside town of Ohrid on Thursday that "things are moving towards" opening European Union membership talks with North Macedonia and Albania. Grlic Radman was participating in the Prespa Forum together with Western Balkans leaders and senior EU officials. He said that talks are under way and "things are moving towards finally launching accession negotiations" with North Macedonia and Albania. He said he believes there is still enough time to reach an agreement before the EU-Western Balkans summit next week. European Council President Charles Michel and European Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi are also in Ohrid, but representatives of Bulgaria have not been announced. Bulgaria has blocked the opening of talks with North Macedonia over identity issues, thus also blocking the path of Albania because the EU treats the two countries in a package. Grlic Radman said that EU enlargement is the strategic interest of Croatia and the EU and that the Union must use all its legal mechanisms to ensure the implementation of the necessary reforms in the membership candidate countries so that they can join the bloc as soon as possible.


Djukanovic: I warned earlier about Russia’s actions; Moscow wants USSR’s geopolitical position, but it doesn’t realize that this is an impossible mission (Portal Analitika)


At the invitation of the President of North Macedonia Stevo Pandarovski, President Djukanovic is participating in the Prespa Dialogue Forum 2022 – Shaping the Future of the Western Balkans in Contemporary European Security Architecture. Djukanovic spoke at the official opening session at a high level: “What after the war in Ukraine?” “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has had a sobering effect on the European Union, and on us who live in Europe and are still not a member of the EU. This is not only aggression against Ukraine, but also against the European system of values, European unity and European security. The EU must become the locomotive of the European continent,” Djukanovic pointed out. Russia, he added, wants to deny independent European states the right to decide on their future. “It wants to return to the geopolitical position that belonged to the Soviet Union from the time of Cold War. It is an impossible mission, because it is impossible to return the wheel of the past,” said Djukanovic. He pointed out that some countries in the region had a problem because 80% of their public opinion supported Russia. He also said that the EU should open negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania without hesitation, pointing out the importance of visa liberalization with Kosovo.


Abazovic: For me, Open Balkans is Berlin Process’s child; we’ve provided Ukraine with a modest war and financial aid; difficult autumn awaits us (TVCG)


The citizens of Montenegro should be happy that we live in peace, with all our misfortunes that exist – social and economic, says PM Dritan Abazovic. “Only when there is peace, I think it is a big step forward for the whole society,” Abazovic has stated as a guest of the Arguments show on TVCG, while talking about the most important political, economic and many other topics.

Speaking about his visit to Ukraine, Abazovic has pointed out that he fulfilled his moral and political obligation. “By visiting Ukraine, we have done a great thing for the diplomatic positioning of Montenegro. We have made a grand comeback. Regardless of the fact that Montenegro is small, our visit meant something to them,” Abazovic states. According to him, Montenegro has provided Ukraine with modest military and financial assistance. Speaking about the Open Balkans, Abazovic has pointed out that “for me, it is a child or a continuation of the Berlin Process. The Berlin process came about when Chancellor Angela Merkel assessed that the cooperation between the countries in the region is not at an enviable level. She wanted to open a round table, a dialogue in order to raise that cooperation to a higher level. We can now talk about the effects of the Berlin Process. In any case, it did some good things, but if another initiative came out of it, not from the outside, but from the inside, which has already had some effects, I don’t see why it should be condemned,” Abazovic explains.


Konjevic: Our goal is the EU and not the Open Balkans, where some do not recognize Russia's aggression against Ukraine (Pobjeda)


Montenegro's goal is reforms as soon as possible, and the EU, not the Open Balkans, where we should be in the company of some countries that today do not accept that Russia has carried out aggression against Ukraine and do not want to follow EU policy in this area. I guess we should look at those things because we have a different policy, said the Minister of Defense Rasko Konjevic after the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in the format of the Ministers of Defense (NAC), which is being held at the NATO headquarters in Brussels. Konjevic points out that Montenegro already has an initiative that is inclusive and helps the region, and that is the Berlin Process. "We are glad that those who are the initiators, in this case Germany, want to reaffirm that initiative. On the other hand, when it comes to initiatives that are not of that importance, I think that they have some kind of hidden intentions and that they do not have a substantial benefit for the countries of the region," Konjevic pointed out. Answering the question whether Russia can influence the Western Balkans region through the Open Balkans initiative, Konjevic points out that Russia's influence in the region is not disputable and that any initiative that is not inclusive in any way and does not follow Western policy - specifically the EU, cannot help Montenegro but only create a certain type of problem. He said that the meeting in Brussels was held in specific circumstances due to the third month of Russia's aggression against Ukraine. "The key message is that NATO is unique in helping Ukraine in bilateral terms, because it needs help due to the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin's regime violated everything that has been done for 70 years. "They also talked about new circumstances on how to prepare NATO if someone intends, and I mean Russia, to transfer this crisis to one of the NATO countries, how to respond in an adequate way," Konjevic said. He adds that they discussed the financing and commitments made at the summit in Wales, which stipulate that member states allocate two percent of GDP for their defense budgets. "We will reach that level from 2023, clearly indicating that we will use a significant part of that money for the modernization of the army and the defense system," said the Minister of Defense. Konjevic also points out that Montenegro has been a part of international missions for years and that this is one of the key things that helped us to be a part of NATO. "When you are part of such an organization, you have benefits but also obligations in accordance with the possibilities. Montenegro will participate in NATO missions, as well as the EU and the UN, where we are participants, in accordance with the capabilities. Decisions on increasing the number of participants will be decided by constitutional procedures," states Konjevic. When it comes to the delivery of weapons to Ukraine, he states that Montenegro has made such decisions on a couple of occasions. "On a couple of occasions, not only this government but also the previous one, the only thing is that the decision was not public, we made decisions on helping the army of Ukraine. Those decisions are marked with a degree of secrecy, but they are more an expression of solidarity with Ukraine than they contribute to the defense in a strong way, but the matter is in the context of alliance and partnership," Konjevic pointed out.


French proposal envisions joining EU only after meeting all Bulgarian requirements (MIA/Bulgarian National Radio)


Ahead of the June EU Summit, the French proposal to remove the veto imposed by Bulgaria on Macedonia’s EU membership negotiations is expected to be officially sent to the Bulgarian government. Both Skopje and Sofia are seeking guarantees from the EU for a possible solution to remove the veto. Skopje seeks guarantees that the request for the entry of the Bulgarians in the Macedonian Constitution will be the last Bulgarian request regarding this problem. Sofia, on the other hand, demands that the EU be a guarantor that Macedonia will meet the conditions of Bulgaria. French Ambassador to Bulgaria Florence Robin met with members of the Friendship Group with France in the Bulgarian parliament. The meeting, which was not officially announced, was also attended by representatives of the opposition, MIA reports from Sofia. According to the Bulgarian National Radio, the French proposal for lifting the veto imposed by Bulgaria on Macedonia’s EU membership negotiations is expected to be officially sent to the Bulgarian government. The French proposal, which will be sent to all EU member states, according to unofficial information, envisages lifting the veto, and the EU to become a guarantor that Skopje will meet the conditions of Sofia.


Mickoski: If the proposal is to assimilate us and be Bulgarians, then I do not want to join the European Union (TV Kanal 5)


How can I talk about Europe today, when we are blackmailed today to accept if this is true, we will have to accept to be assimilated and Bulgarianized, that is, to assimilate our ancestors, our grandfathers, our grandmothers if we want to be part of the EU or that is an impossible mission for us, said the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski in an interview with the TV Kanal 5, talking about the proposal of France. Mickoski pointed out that he regrets what is happening in Ukraine, regrets what is happening in Donetsk, Mariupol, etc. but he also regrets what is happening in Macedonia, ie in Strumica, Prilep, Bitola, Tetovo, Gostivar, from there dozens of full buses leave the country every day, mostly with young people. There is nothing to discuss if the proposal is like that, it is unacceptable. This proposal is a knockout for Macedonian diplomacy. If this is so, I will say again, if this is so, what is diplomacy doing other than spending public money and besides full planes flying on the backs of public money around the world as the minister’s entourage. What does our diplomacy do if they were surprised by this, Mickoski asked? He added that if the resolution from the Parliament is white, then the proposal is black, there is nothing gray here. This now as information, if true it is a disaster. This will be a diplomatic knockout. If this is the proposal, I do not want such a future. I do not want to be assimilated, neither me, nor my two sons, Mickoski said.


Pendarovski: Unfinished project of European integration has consequences for Western Balkans (Republika)


The war in Ukraine cannot be good for anyone and I would not say it is beneficial for the membership of my country in the EU, President Stevo Pendarovski told panel “What after the War in Ukraine” within the Prespa Forum Dialogue in Ohrid on Thursday. Is the war in Ukraine an aid to the integration process, does it encourage and facilitate the membership of new candidates? – No! It cannot be said that any war in the world is positive for any country. I would not like to say that the war in Ukraine is favorable for my country’s EU membership. The geopolitical aspects of European integration need to be considered. If we say that there is a connection between the two, we must acknowledge that there are structural flaws in the European security architecture. If we say that because of those shortcomings we should start acting now, then it will not contribute to overcoming those shortcomings, Pendarovski said. According to Pendarovski, it is not possible to see Russia within the democratic borders of Europe without or with the war in Ukraine, and even more so because of the war in Ukraine. He stressed that the unfinished project for European integration has consequences for the countries that want to become part of the Union and added that our country has been a candidate for membership for 17 years and we have been running for that goal for years and decades. It seems to me that the unfinished project for European integration has consequences for the Western Balkans and the countries that want to become candidates for membership in the future. I can see a direct link between the unfinished EU project and the security architecture of old Europe. First, Russia has been undermining our societies for years, if we talk about Macedonia, we are talking about hybrid threats, fake news, especially regarding the name issue. Once the war in Ukraine is over, Russia will return to the old methods, fighting again against the democracies of the West with fake news and propaganda, emphasizing that we should not run towards EU or NATO membership, Pendarovski said.


Pendarovski: Words from the EU and Bulgaria are not enough for us; we want guarantees on paper (Republika)


The country has the political will to include the Bulgarian community into our Constitution but we cannot open and change it in a week – it would take some hundred days. Besides this technical issue, there’s also a political one – Bulgaria and the EU need to provide strong political guarantees that these constitutional changes will be Bulgaria’s last condition for lifting the veto, President Pendarovski said in response to a reporter at a joint press conference with European Council President Charles Michel in Ohrid. He stressed that there is no political problem – neither with the government, nor with the opposition, regarding the inclusion of Bulgarians living in Macedonia in the Constitution. So, there is political will for that. We only ask for one political and one technical thing to be taken into account. The technical thing is that our Constitution, even when there is political will for a two-thirds majority in the Parliament, and if there is a will, it cannot be implemented earlier than in three, three and a half months. Faster is not technically possible said Pendarovski, explaining that there are three stages to change the Constitution, a public debate is needed and, as he said, a serious process of explaining to the people why the change is made. But in addition to the technical part, the issue is also political – whether if we make constitutional changes, it will be the last request from the Bulgarian government – the current one or the future ones, he added.


Michel: Macedonia and Albania to start EU talks as soon as possible (Republika)


European Council President Charles Michel said Thursday that Macedonia and Albania should start the European Union accession negotiations as soon as possible, which is important for both countries but also for the region in general, especially in the context of the new geopolitical developments. The war in Ukraine opened a new chapter in European history and put EU enlargement at the forefront. I will send a clear message – the EU is firmly committed to your entry into the Union. The start of negotiations with Macedonia and Albania should start as soon as possible. This is a top priority and we support all efforts to find a mutually acceptable solution to the open bilateral issue with Bulgaria. I am really involved with France and the EU to help move this process forward and I am convinced that we will have positive development very soon, which will certainly be very important for your country and the whole region, he said at a joint press conference with President Stevo Pendarovski held in Ohrid. He announced that he would organize a meeting of the 27 member states and the countries of the Western Balkans next week. That, he said, is very important for the EU, and will be an opportunity to discuss and coordinate, as he stressed, at a crucial and critical moment in history.


Pendarovski – Pahor: Formal start of accession talks with Macedonia must be an imperative for EU (Republika)


President Stevo Pendarovski met with Slovenian counterpart Borut Pahor as part of the Prespa Forum Dialogue in Ohrid on Thursday. The meeting reaffirmed the excellent bilateral relations without open issues, based on traditional friendship which this year was solemnly marked on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Slovenia. Pendarovski welcomed the formation of the new Slovenian government, emphasizing his conviction that the strong strategic alliance, partnership and long-term constructive cooperation between the two countries will continue. He thanked Slovenia for its consistent support bilaterally, regionally and multilaterally, especially loudly during Slovenia’s presidency of the Council of the EU. Prioritizing the issue of European integration of the region is constantly high on the agenda of the Slovenian foreign policy agenda, said Pendarovski.


As Bulgarian veto entangles region, Albania not hopeful on start of EU talks, PM says (Tirana Times)


Albania is not expecting that the EU will agree to open membership negotiations at a key EU summit next week, the country's Prime Minister Edi Rama, says. Rama made the pessimistic prediction during an interview with, in which he also expressed support for a French proposal to create a new political community in Europe, without wanting to go into the details on what that would mean for Albania's EU membership.  Rama says Bulgaria's veto on North Macedonia, which has also held Tirana hostage, is likely to continue. “I don’t have any expectation. I think nothing will happen. Albania and North Macedonia will not formally open talks to have accession,” Rama said at the interview. "Again, it’s about Bulgaria. They all agree, they all support, they all think that this should happen, and this should have already happened. But their margin of maneuver is limited from Bulgaria.” Rama said he did not expect Bulgarian officials to modify their positions because the conflict had become such a major issue in Sofia that backing down would be difficult. The Bulgarian ruling coalition is splitting up over the issue, a move that could likely lead to new elections.


Albania to ask for decoupling

Rama repeated his previous stance that with the expected negative answer later this month, he will ask for Albania’s membership bid to be treated separately from North Macedonia's. EU officials have been reluctant to decouple the two countries, seeking regional stability.  with officials arguing it would be better for regional stability if the two neighbors could advance together. “If nothing will happen in June, we’ll ask to be separated from this couple that is lost in translation,” Rama said. “I’m confident that this is what we should do, then if [EU leaders] will agree or not, we’ll see.”


Decades-long plight, worries about regional stability

The plight of the two Western Balkan countries serves as a timely reminder of the complexities of EU membership for Ukraine, which is aiming to become an EU candidate at next week's meeting as it faces Russian aggression. North Macedonia was granted this status in 2005, and Albania was granted it in 2014, but the EU has yet to initiate membership talks with either nation, a lengthy delay that has led to great frustration. But the North Macedonia-Bulgaria dispute, which is holding Albania's bid hostage, could lead to wider regional problems, experts worry. Slavi Trifonov, a populist politician, withdrew his party out of Bulgaria's ruling alliance last week, sparking worries the government will fall and new elections will be needed. Trifonov made the move in response to Prime Minister Boyko Borissov's plans to waive Bulgaria's veto over the start of EU membership talks with North Macedonia. The subject of North Macedonia is expected to dominate an election campaign. But there are worries nationalist pro-Russian forces would benefit from the debate.


Michel: Good news for Albania and North Macedonia (Radio Tirana)


President Charles Michel announced positive activities next week regarding the start of negotiations for the membership of North Macedonia and Albania in the EU. "The European Union is very committed to the Republic of North Macedonia and Albania to start membership negotiations. Every effort is being made to find a mutually acceptable solution. I am convinced that soon there will be a very positive development, which will be very important for your country and the whole region," said Michel. The Prespa Forum for Dialogue is taking place in Ohrid. Although it has opened the doors for the start of membership negotiations in 2018, the European Union has not yet launched them, neither with North Macedonia, nor with Albania.

In the case of North Macedonia, Bulgaria has put a blockade, due to some disputes between the two countries, related to language and identity. Consequently, Albania is also left behind, because some EU countries do not want a decoupling of Albania from North Macedonia. N. Macedonian President Stevo Pendarovski reminded that the delay in the integration process shakes the credibility of the European Union and said that the conditionality of a member state against a candidate country for membership is a flagrant violation of the promise of a European future for the Balkan countries.


Borell: We should urgently move ahead with EU integration process of Albania (Radio Tirana)


EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell met with Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka during the UN Security Council. Borrell emphasizes that with Albania as a non-permanent member of the Security Council, it increases the allies in the EU in this council. Also, regarding the blocking of the integration of Albania and North Macedonia due to the Bulgarian veto, Borrell said that there is an urgent need to move forward in this direction and give the countries the green light. ''Spoke to Olta Xhacka ahead of my UN Security Council address this afternoon. With Albania as non-permanent member and current Presidency, we can count on one more member in the Council. We also discussed the urgently needed advances on Albania’s and North Macedonia’s EU path,'' wrote Borell in his Twitter account. Debates are currently taking place in the UN Security Council regarding the strengthening of cooperation and coordination with regional organizations so that the voice of women can be heard in the Security Council chaired by Albania during the month of June. The European Union was also present at this meeting.


Peleshi met with NATO representatives in the headquarters in Brussels (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of Defense Niko Peleshi participated in the meeting of the defense ministers of the North Atlantic Alliance countries that was held at the NATO headquarters in Brussels. At the center of the meeting was the further strengthening of the Alliance and the continuation of support for NATO partner countries, at a time when Russian aggression in Ukraine has passed 100 days since its launch. The meeting was joined by the Ministers of Defense of Ukraine, Georgia, Sweden, Finland, as well as the High Representative of the EU. During his speech, Minister Peleshi said that our country will support and contribute to the growth and strengthening of military capabilities of the Alliance's borders, in the interest of protecting and preserving its population. Regarding the new Porto Romano project, the minister said that he will also provide infrastructure dedicated to the Armed Forces and the NATO Alliance. "We value our critical infrastructure, not only from a national perspective, but also from that of the Alliance. In this context, given the geographical location, the Port of Durres served as a reception center for training Defender Europe 2021 which proves to be a strategic point connecting the Adriatic Sea and the Black Sea, otherwise known as Corridor 8," said Peleshi. He drew attention to the effects that Russia's war on Ukraine could have on the Balkan region. The minister said it was important to send a strong message that the security of the Balkan region remains a vital interest for the Alliance and that Russia with its "levers" should not be allowed to destabilize the entire region. The Alliance's ministers were earlier received at a working dinner by NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, who praised NATO's allied and partner countries for their generous support in military capabilities, financial assistance and humanitarian assistance. He also stressed that the Alliance is and remains determined to continue its support for Ukraine and remains optimistic that the Heads of State and Government of the Alliance countries will adopt a Comprehensive Assistance Package during the Madrid Summit, which is scheduled to take place on June 29-30.


UN Security Council meeting, Minister Xhacka: We call on Russia to stop the war and get involved in the negotiations (Radio Tirana)


The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka, in the conference before the start of the meeting of the United Nations Security Council, announced the agenda. According to her, the meeting will discuss cooperation between the UN and regional organizations within the EU. She said that the UN and the European Union should strengthen cooperation in the service of a common agenda. The meeting of the Security Council will be attended virtually by the EU Foreign Policy Chief Joseph Borrel, who a few hours ago had a telephone conversation with Minister Xhacka. “The Security Council will focus on Cooperation between the United Nations and the European Union under the agenda Cooperation between the UN and regional and subregional organizations. My plan was to address you together with the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the EU Commission Joseph Borrell. Although I believe that the importance of the partnership between the UN and the EU, as the largest contributor to the UN, is self-evident, I would particularly like to underline the need for closer political co-operation between these multilateral forums with global influence. I believe that in the face of ongoing challenges, these two bodies will need to strengthen their cooperation in the service of a common agenda. From peace and security to the strengthening of multilateralism, from the promotion and full respect for human rights, for joint efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change, as well as to ensure full compliance with international law and to strengthen accountability for serious violations of international law. For all these crucial issues, the EU and its member states have a particularly crucial role to play. That is why Albania organized this meeting to have a rich and meaningful discussion on ways to improve cooperation between the two organizations and how to respond effectively to the many challenges we face. The overall impact of the Russian war in Ukraine will be reflected in the discussions. We commend the extraordinary efforts being made by some EU Member States and others, including mine, to house some 7 million Ukrainians forcibly displaced by the war. Albania has joined the EU sanctions against Russia, which in our opinion are and should be seen only as a means of informing the Kremlin that the actions have consequences and that it is not possible to have business as usual in the face of a acts of aggression. We continue to call on the Russian Federation to stop the war, withdraw its troops and get involved in the negotiations. This is the only way to deal with issues and complaints, and the only way to alleviate the acute global food security situation for which, it should be clear, Russia is solely and solely responsible. We expect the overall geopolitical impact of the situation in Europe, including the Western Balkans, to be present in our discussions. As a candidate country for the European Union, Albania expects a realistic, objective, timely and credible approach to EU enlargement to the Western Balkans. Not a favor. It is not just about keeping the promise of a merit-based process. It is an investment in everything the EU and its Member States believe in peace, security, development, human rights, democracy and the rule of law. It is also a powerful impetus for sustainable development in the region as well as an important guarantee for a long reconciliation process in the Western Balkans. For this, Albania looks forward to an accelerated process of dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo, with the facilitation of the EU, which should lead as soon as possible to mutual recognition between Kosovo and Serbia. Albania believes that the Western Balkans has every reason to look with confidence at their future. However, to overcome the past, they must work together, be united, strengthen their bilateral and regional cooperation, through mutual understanding and respect, while they pursue their individual and common path towards European and Euro-Atlantic integration, for the benefit of the respective countries and the whole region.”