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Belgrade Media Report 23 June



Leaders of the region and the EU arrived at the summit (RTS)


President Aleksandar Vucic arrived at the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Brussels. The President of France, Emanuel Macron, the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, the member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Sefik Dzaferovic, the President of the Provisional Institutions of Pristina, Vjosa Osmani, also arrived at the European Council building earlier.


After arriving at the EU Summit, President Aleksandar Vucic said that he had come to Brussels to talk with European friends about the future of Serbia and the region. When asked what he expects from today's meeting, he said "nothing", and on whether he was afraid of coming to Brussels, as some claimed, he said that the times when someone can blackmail free and independent states are over. "We came here to a friend. I believe in the European future of Serbia and the Western Balkans. We will fight together on that path, respecting ourselves and believing that together we can do a lot. That we are scared and very small, and some very big, leave it to someone else, these are stories for small children," the President said. "We want to rapidly develop friendly and fraternal relations. I believe that we will be together on the European and all other paths," Vucic emphasized.


He said that he had talked with Macedonian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski this morning, and when asked what he thought about the bilateralization of the negotiation process, he pointed out that it had been done to Serbia with Pristina, by giving it Chapter 35. "I cannot say that Kovacevski is happy. We will see what will happen," Vucic added. He pointed out that Northern Macedonia is a brotherly and friendly country for Serbia, and that everything that Skopje feels is also felt by Belgrade.


When asked by the media from the region whether he expects criticism in Brussels for not imposing sanctions on Russia, President Vucic said that he had a ready response to those criticisms and said that Serbia is sitting on its own chair. When asked to comment on the fact that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said earlier that he expected Serbia to recognize Kosovo, Vucic answered briefly: "I also told him that we do not expect that."


The main topics of the summit in Brussels (RTS)


Proposals for a new enlargement policy, which means faster, phased integration of the Western Balkans into the EU and the opening of accession talks with Northern Macedonia and Albania, will be the main topics of the EU-Western Balkans leaders' meeting in Brussels on June 23rd.


After discussions with regional leaders, EU heads of state and government will begin a separate two-day summit in the second half of the day, focusing on the decision to grant candidate status to Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia and plans to create a European political community.


"The EU supports the membership perspective for the countries of the Western Balkans and calls for speeding up the accession process," reads the draft conclusions of the EU leader, which RTS had insight into. The EU leaders called on the European Commission, the High Representative and the EU Council to "develop and advance the idea of ​​the region's gradual integration into the EU during the enlargement process itself, in a reversible merit-based way".


Ahead of the summit, European Council President Charles Michel made a proposal for reform of enlargement policy, stating that partners in the Western Balkans should be offered social and economic benefits already during the membership negotiation process, instead of waiting for their end. This proposal was supported by Austria in its "non-paper", as well as many experts from the EU and the region.


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, and the Prime Ministers of Albania and Northern Macedonia, Edi Rama and Dimitar Kovacevski, made a joint decision to participate in the summit in Brussels.


The EU official involved in the preparation of the summit says that coming to the talks in Brussels is "a natural thing for the partners from the region, for which it was not necessary to convince the leaders of these three countries", adding that "it is clear that there are frustrations in the region.


A positive decision by the Bulgarian parliament on a compromise proposal for resolving the dispute with Skopje would allow the opening of accession talks with northern Macedonia and Albania, after a three-year blockade. The first political intergovernmental conference between the EU and the two countries would be held before the end of June, but concrete talks with northern Macedonia would begin later, after Skopje implements some of the conditions Bulgaria insists on.


Slovenia, with the support of some other member states, has proposed granting candidate status to Bosnia and Herzegovina, along with Ukraine and Moldova, but there is currently no consensus among member states on the decision, according to European diplomatic sources.


EU officials announce that the meeting with the leaders of the region will also discuss harmonization with the EU foreign policy, energy security and food supply, especially in the light of the war in Ukraine.


"The new enlargement methodology adopted last year did not speed up the process or bring the economic benefits that the European integration process should bring," the European diplomat said ahead of the meeting, adding that the EU expects information from the Western Balkans on the region's needs” on which basis we will decide how to proceed further".


Borrell disappointed with lack of progress on Western Balkans (Beta)


The European Union’s top diplomat Josep Borrell said on Wednesday that he is disappointed with the lack of progress in the European integration of the countries of the Western Balkans.

We are not where we should be with the Western Balkans, we should be starting negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania today and I can’t hide my disappointment, the EU High Representative said prior to the EU-Western Balkans summit. He said things were not going well but added that there is still hope if the Bulgarian parliament does something. According to him, the situation shows that unanimity in decision making is a big problem. He said the way decisions are taken in EU should be reviewed to prevent a single country from blocking the process for months. Borrell said that more should be done to integrate the Western Balkans and maintain its European perspective. “Today is not a good day,” he said.


European Integration Minister says Serbia isn’t closing eyes to Ukraine (FoNet)


Minister for European Integration Jadranka Joksimovic said on Wednesday that Serbia has not closed its eyes to events in Ukraine and is aware of demands to impose sanctions on Russia. Joksimovic said that Belgrade won’t open Cluster 3 (competitiveness and inclusive growth) in its accession talks with the European Union because it hasn’t imposed sanctions on Moscow even though it is prepared to open it. According to Joksimovic, two nations friendly to Serbia are at war in Ukraine, adding that Belgrade is on the side of international law and is showing humanity and empathy with the people of Ukraine.


Gratitude to Italy for supporting Serbia's European integration (RTS)


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of Italy, Luigi Di Mayo, with whom he discussed the further development of bilateral cooperation, Serbia's European integration, geopolitical opportunities and regional relations. Vucic thanked Italy for its open and continuous support for Serbia's European integration.


At the meeting with the head of Italian diplomacy, Aleksandar Vucic pointed out that Italy is among the leading foreign investors in Serbia, convincingly the first foreign partner in terms of the value of investments in our country, and in second place in terms of the number of realized projects.


"Despite that, we continue to create an even more stimulating business environment, in order to attract new foreign investors," said President Vucic, noting that it is very important that Italy puts our region high on the list of foreign policy priorities. He thanked Italy for its open and continuous support for Serbia's European integration, and pointed out that he appreciated the personal support of Italian Foreign Minister Di Maya for Serbia's efforts on its European path.


Speaking about regional opportunities, Vucic said that Belgrade remains fully committed to dialogue with Pristina, as the only way to reach a mutually acceptable agreement, adding that peace, stability and cooperation are of the utmost importance for the future of the Western Balkans.


Regarding the conflict in Ukraine, the President of Serbia underlined once again that Serbia is committed to respecting the principles of territorial integrity and sovereignty of each country, as one of the basic principles of international law contained in the United Nations Charter and is ready to help Ukraine.


During the meeting, Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Mayo said that the country recognizes everything that Serbia has done on the road to the European Union, especially when it comes to constitutional and other reforms, which enabled the opening of cluster 4, the statement said.

"Italy is a strong advocate of bringing the Western Balkans closer to the European family, and we are making great efforts to explain to our EU partners the situation in the region and the need for enlargement. The EU must provide greater economic support to the region," he said.


Prime Minister Ana Brnabic also talked with Minister Luigi Di Mayo about the improvement of bilateral relations, the development of economic and trade cooperation, as well as the potential new investments of that country in Serbia. Prime Minister Brnabic pointed out that Italy continuously and strongly supports Serbia on its European path and emphasized that reforms, regardless of all the challenges of today, remain Belgrade's primary task, with a special focus on the rule of law. Brnabic also underlined that peace and stability of the region are of key importance for economic development and that is why the Government of Serbia will do everything to ensure that because, as she emphasized, continuation and implementation of reforms is possible only when peace and security of the whole region is guaranteed.


German Special Representative Sarrazin: Promises about enlargement from Thessaloniki are still in force; I am skeptical toward ‘Open Balkan’ (Vecernje Novosti)


The daily argued that, instead of the green light for opening of clusters, official Berlin is preparing “a greeting of pressures” for Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic for Thursday’s Summit of EU and Western Balkans. The daily added that, judging everything, Vucic will be requested once again that Belgrade finally pick a side in Russia-Ukraine conflict and to impose sanctions against Russia. Germany’s Special Representative for the western Balkans, Manuel Sarazzin on Wednesday said that Serbia must be clearly requested to join EU sanctions against Russia and argued: “Belgrade cannot use import of Russian natural gas as an excuse, because Germany too imports it”.


In an interview to Deutsche Welle, Sarrazin was first asked to comment the fact that the European Commission approved status of EU candidate for Ukraine and Moldova and to comment this in regard to the Western Balkans. “From my perspective, this is good for the countries of the Western Balkans, because it shows that the geostrategic importance of EU enlargement is still present and there are new impulses”, said Sarrazin.


Asked about Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and Kosovo, who are still in front of the EU’s doors and what should these vulnerable countries be offered, Sarazin said: “Promises about enlargement from Thessaloniki are still in force. This is why in case of B&H, 14 key priorities remain as well as carrying out of reforms, so we could finally award the status of candidate. In case of Kosovo, the Government is carrying out reforms and we want to reward this. Visa liberalization is one of necessary steps, which now have to follow without delays. Dialogue on normalization with Serbia has to be relaunched and both sides have to be ready to show progress”.


Asked about the idea of ‘Open Balkan’ Sarrazin stated that in principle, he is rather skeptical toward this initiative. “It has to be clear that initiatives in the region, most notably, do not exclude and that there is a realistic model, in which everyone can participate. Further on, it is important not to create parallel structure. Besides, it is necessary to always make it clear that this is in no way the replacement for EU accession”, said Sarrazin. As for Berlin Process, Sarrazin noted that it was very attractive in last couple of years and a lot of things were done through establishing of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), noting that agreements are prepared, and they would be a significant step toward establishing of joint regional market. He stressed that new German Government has a clear goal to intensively deal with the region and their engagement will be long-term and strategic.


Asked about intention of German Government to deploy soldiers to EUFOR Mission and what kind of signal this sends, Sarrazin noted that it was important for German Government to propose this to Bundestag, in order to prove that Germany is ready to get engaged in security of B&H and the other important thing is to have elections take place in October in safe and reliable environment.


Commenting on the past four months of his mandate as the Special Representative, Sarrazin said that his intention was to turn the horrible experience of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to having more leaders in the region who are willing to change their past patterns of behavior instead of strengthening them. “We must know that our ‘friends’ in Kremlin know very well that many negative events can be launched in this region. Therefore, I would urge everyone to achieve as much cooperation and mutual positive agreements as possible before Kremlin tries to profit on our disputes and lack of unity among us and within the region”, Sarrazin concluded.


Bosnia and Herzegovina


Cvijanovic criticizes Sarrazin: Is it possible that someone who comes from Germany sees certain competition in ‘Open Balkan’ initiative, compared to the earlier initiative from Germany, the Berlin Process (RTRS)


Every regional initiative that includes all the countries of the Western Balkans, including ‘Open Balkan’ initiative, should be accepted by all, said Republika Srpska (RS) President Zeljka Cvijanovic. While commenting on the statement of the German Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Manuel Sarrazin, in which he said that he is not optimistic when it comes to ‘Open Balkan’ initiative, Cvijanovic asked whether it is possible that someone who comes from Germany sees certain competition in ‘Open Balkan’ initiative, compared to the earlier initiative from Germany, the Berlin Process. Cvijanovic pointed out that ‘Open Balkan’ has the goal of better economic and political cooperation in the region. Cvijanovic stated that ‘Open Balkan’ gives a greater chance when it comes to the labor market, mutual recognition of diplomas, when it comes to migration within the region and not the outflow of local workforce to the West. Cvijanovic said she does not know why someone would oppose something like that, unless it is the case of, as Cvijanovic said, something that happens often, i.e. that the foreigners do not like to see a domestic product the region. “They like to say, this will be like this and now you only need to listen”, commented Cvijanovic. She said that domestic political will should be encouraged to agree by themselves.


B&H Presidency Chairperson Dzaferovic: Offering EU candidate status would be clear signal to pro-Russian forces that their policy has lost its influence in B&H (BHT1)


In a statement for the Dutch media, Chairperson of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic commented on the EU-Western Balkans summit which is to take place on Thursday and said that offering the EU candidate status would be a clear signal to pro-Russian forces that their policy has lost its influence in B&H. “I am fully aware that we do not meet most of the conditions sent to us. Who will meet those conditions? Not the pro-Russian forces. Should the whole country be punished for not moving forward because the key to stop the process within the country is in them? I do not think that is fair. In this way, the EU is sending a signal that these forces are succeeding with their policy in B&H. One should not act formalistically, but consider the essence of candidate membership”, Dzaferovic was quoted as saying. He stated that thanks to the policy of member of B&H Presidency, Milorad Dodik there is a serious security crisis in certain places in Republika Srpska (RS), where many returnees live. He stressed that he is fighting against these forces and against the possibility of transferring of Ukrainian crisis on B&H.


B&H Presidency member Dodik: I am ready to respect Brussels agreement and implement it if B&H gets candidate status (RTRS)


Serb member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik continued to claim that the Brussels agreement, although without a signature, is a ‘dead letter on paper’ if B&H is left without the candidate status. In a statement for RTRS on Wednesday, Dodik reiterated that he is ready to respect the agreement and implement it if B&H gets the candidate status. Dodik stated that he wants to send a message that he stands behind that until the moment they decide that B&H will not get candidate status. When asked whether Ukraine getting candidate status and not B&H means it is a political decision, Dodik said that it is a humiliation. Dodik stated: “If the number of dead is the basic criterion, then there were far more dead in B&H than in Ukraine. It is a message to us here that we are not seen as equal, we are not seen as serious, and that Europe is calculating here. But I think they will recalculate. I am not threatening. I am not a man who can threaten Europe, but I think they will recalculate if they show Ukraine that it can, and that B&H cannot. By what criteria? B&H is a more organized country than Ukraine. So, what kind of message are they sending us? What conversation? What are we going to talk about after that? We can talk if we are in the candidate status”. Dodik also commented on statements blaming Dodik for the fact that B&H did not fulfill 14 key priorities from the European Commission’s Opinion: “Yes, I did. I did say that we cannot fulfill one and leave the other aside. We can work on 14. All of them, when they are finished, all of them will be adopted. If one is not adopted, then none are adopted. However, they want to draw what suits them in Sarajevo, and leave, for example, what does not suit them for later. And that could be 10 years later”.


Komsic’s Advisor Kovacevic: Brussels meeting beneficial for B&H; Unlikely for B&H to receive EU candidate status this week; B&H will not joint EU and NATO with current constitution (Hayat)


Advisor to Croat member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljko Komsic, Slaven Kovacevic, asked about the Brussels Agreement that was signed by B&H officials, said that this agreement benefits B&H and its EU path. He believes that the agreement will contribute to the upcoming EU-Western Balkans summit on Thursday. Kovacevic noted that the intention of the meeting in Brussels and the agreement was to help B&H move forward on its EU path, with its focus on three key B&H laws and stabilizing the situation. He said that the EU Delegation to B&H will create a program based on the 12 items of the agreement which will be implemented.


Asked whether things will move forward with the adoption of the Brussels Agreement, Kovacevic said that the public and political parties expect the EU candidate status for B&H without conditions, which is impossible. He said that the agreement will bring B&H a little closer to the candidate status.


Commenting on the upcoming EU summit in Brussels and expectations for the EU candidate status, Kovacevic said that it is naïve to expect that B&H will receive this status without any conditions. He stressed that the summit will be dedicated to Ukraine and Moldova. Kovacevic explained that the European legislative legacy 10 or 15 years ago was much less extensive than it is now, and the accession process will be slower.


Asked about the relations between B&H and its neighbors, Kovacevic assessed that the malignant influence of these countries will end when bigger powers say that it is finally enough and put an end to this. He added that the EU sees this and is aware of everything, but they try to maintain a policy of balance. Kovacevic stressed that B&H will not be able to access the EU and NATO with the current constitution and Dayton Peace Accords (DPA).


Asked about NATO membership, Kovacevic compared the situation in B&H with the one in Sweden and Finland. He said that the two countries are practically able to become members overnight due to well organization. Compared to that, B&H submitted one annual program in 2019 and nothing has been done since then. He said that when B&H finds parties and political actors who wish to truly work for the best interest of B&H and its citizens, then it will move forward.


Austrian Chancellor Nehammer: There must be no double criteria and first or second class candidates (N1)


Speaking about granting the EU candidate status to some countries, Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer said that there must be no double criteria and first- or second-class candidates. Nehammer said it would not be conceivable for Ukraine to receive the candidate status and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) not and that the enlargement process is complex and time consuming. Nehammer concluded that he supports the idea of the French President Emmanuel Macron about a European political community. Nehammer also said that intermediate steps in the accession process should be considered, such as a ‘European preparatory area’ for membership. This space should not be a substitute for the accession process but go hand in hand and facilitate the process of moving closer to the European Union.


German Chancellor Scholz advocates strengthening EU membership perspective for Western Balkan countries (FTV)


German Chancellor Olaf Scholz advocated before the German Bundestag on Wednesday strengthening the EU membership perspective for the Western Balkan countries. Explaining his government’s policy ahead of a series of meetings of the EU, NATO and G7 countries, he said that the EU should finally approve opening the accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania. Scholz stressed that along with the EU accession process for the Western Balkan countries, the internal reform of the EU is also necessary in order to be able to increase the capability for admission of new members. Large part of his address was about Ukraine, and he stressed the need to adopt some kind of the Marshal Plan for recovery of Ukraine.


New European Parliament draft resolution on B&H acknowledges concept of constituent peoples and expresses regret over failure to implement judgement in ‘Ljubic’ case (Vecernji list)


The daily learns that the in draft resolution on Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), the European Parliament calls for implementation of constitutional and electoral reform, emphasizing the constitutional role of the constituent peoples and the Dayton Peace Agreement. It also refers to the B&H Constitutional Case judgement in the ‘Ljubic’ case along with the judgements of the European Court for Human Rights. The resolution was drafted by European Parliament rapporteur Paolo Rangel.


The draft resolution highlights the need to respect the heritage of the Dayton Agreement, it acknowledges the concept of constituent peoples and notes that this concept should not in any way lead to discrimination of other citizens or imply additional rights for persons who identify with one of the groups. The resolution expresses regrets over the standstill in electoral and constitutional reform, as well as the lack of political will to overcome it. The European Parliament calls on all stakeholders to allow undisturbed implementation of election in October, and to negotiate in good faith in order to achieve a balanced agreement in line with the EU standards, judgements of the European Court for Human Rights and recommendations of the Venice Commission. The resolution further notes that the future of B&H in the EU depends on sustainable and lasting peace, resolving issues of the past and allowing true reconciliation, while guaranteeing B&H’s democratic, inclusive, pluralistic and multi-ethnic character. Furthermore, the resolution expresses regrets over the fact that B&H is violating the European Convention on Human Rights by failing to implement the European Court for Human Rights judgments in cases ‘Sejdic-Finci’, ‘Zornic’, ‘Pilav’ and ‘Slaku’. It also expresses regrets over B&H’s failure to implement the B&H Constitutional Court judgement in ‘Ljubic’ case.


The resolution also expresses support to the OHR and calls on B&H to alight its stances on Russian aggression against Ukraine with the EU. The daily notes that the draft resolution represents a defeat of the unitarist policies from Sarajevo which are trying to dominate in B&H, establish their own statelet and undermine peace. According to the daily, the resolution represents a departure from last year’s resolution of the European Parliament which was result of Bosniak lobbying and activities of MEPs who are close to the Bosniak lobbyists, especially MEPs from the Green Party.


The daily reminds that last year’s resolution did not mention the status of constituent peoples. This year’s resolution also refers to the need to implement the ‘Ljubic’ case judgement, which basically means securing legitimate representation of the constituent peoples which would prevent outvoting and sidelining of Croats. The daily concludes that this dangerous practice of sidelining and outvoting seriously undermines the very foundations of B&H.


UN High Commissioner Bachelet meets Joint Commission on Human Rights in B&H Parliament; She calls for dialogue on adoption of Law on Protection of Civilian Victims of War and Torture, amendments to Law on Human Rights Ombudsman (AJB)


UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet, who is in official visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), has called on the members of the B&H Parliament to initiate a dialogue on adoption of the B&H Law on Protection of Civilian Victims of War and Torture, and amendments to the Law on the Human Rights Ombudsman in B&H. During the meeting with members of the Joint Commission on Human Rights in the B&H Parliament, Bachelet expressed concern about the situation in B&H and urged political leaders to focus on obligations they committed to by signing international documents related to human rights, that will have a positive effect on accelerating the Euro-Atlantic integration process.


This is the first visit of a senior UN official to B&H since 1999. Bachelet did not give any statements to journalists on Wednesday. Member of the abovementioned Commission Mirjana Marinkovic-Lepic (‘Our Party’ – NS) said that B&H citizens are unable to exercise their basic human rights because of the current judiciary system. She added that because of this, they lose will to try and achieve them. Marinkovic-Lepic said that it is absurd that 27 years after the conflict in B&H took place, B&H leaders still talk about reconciliation. Member of the Commission Lazar Prodanovic (SNSD) said that the conclusion of all is that B&H leaders need to send the message that the safety of every B&H citizen anywhere in B&H is guaranteed.


Hayat notes that the visit of Bachelet seems to be one of many visits of European officials who come to B&H ‘pro forma’ and cannot contribute significantly to any progress in the country. Marinkovic-Lepic said that this was one of many meetings with foreign officials, but many of them do not know the real causes of the issues and the real state of human rights.


Bachelet and Prosecutor’s Office of B&H officials discuss strengthening rule of law and protection of rights of victims and citizens (AJB)


UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet met with officials of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) in Sarajevo on Wednesday, and the focus of the meeting was on strengthening the rule of law and protection of the rights of victims, as well as the rights of all B&H citizens. Acting Chief Prosecutor Milanko Kajganic informed Bachelet about activities of the Prosecutor’s Office related to cases of gender equality protection, processing of hate speech cases, protection of migrant population in cases of illegal migration, as well as protection of victims and witnesses in all cases processed by the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H.


SNSD’s Kovacevic meets with Bachelet, warns of poor status of Serbs in FB&H (Glas Srpske)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member Milorad Dodik's Advisor Radovan Kovacevic met on Wednesday with UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet who is currently visiting B&H. Kovacevic told Bachelet that Serbs in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) are in a very difficult position. He underlined that Serbs make less than three percent of population in the FB&H. He explained that this is lower than the election census, which means that if all Serbs voted in an election for one candidate list, they still would not be able to elect a single parliamentarian.




Croatian PM Plenkovic addresses EP plenary session in Brussels, supports granting Ukraine EU candidate status and EU future of B&H (HRT1)


Ahead of the EU summit that is set to take place on Thursday, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic addressed a plenary session of the European Parliament (EP). Plenkovic took part in panel ‘That is Europe’. The EP invites heads of the EU countries to attend this panel in order to discuss key topics. Among other things, Plenkovic stated that Croatia expects that the decision on its entrance to Schengen Zone will be passed next week, adding that he believes Croatia should become a member of this zone as of beginning of 2023. Plenkovic said that this is the result of years-long efforts of Croatian people and the Government.


The Croatian Prime Minister also talked about the Russian aggression against Ukraine and compared it to the aggression against Croatia in 1990s. Plenkovic stressed that this is the biggest problem in the world at this moment, because the Russian aggression causes global crises. He emphasized that Croatia supports a demand of Ukraine to get the status of the EU candidate country. Plenkovic also stated that the European Council will probably grant the status of the EU candidate country to Ukraine, adding that this is a brave decision, and that Ukraine deserves it. “We support the candidacy of Moldavia and Georgia”, said Plenkovic. He added that it would be historic injustice not to discuss the granting the status of the EU candidate to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Prime Minister Plenkovic stressed that Croatia will fully support granting of the EU candidate status to B&H. He also insisted on a reform of electoral legislation in B&H in order to provide equality of Croat people in B&H with other two constituent peoples in this country.


Plenkovic also spoke about the electoral reform in B&H and part of his address was replied by Slovenian MEP Klemen Groselj, who said that one should not forget the relations between Croatia and B&H and reminded that there is a problem related to nationalism and nationalists who want to close doors of the EU membership for B&H. Groselj assessed that this is rather paradoxical and wondered if the problem could be resolved if B&H’s clear path towards full membership in the EU is allowed, which is certainly in the interest of the EU and in the interest of B&H and the Croat people as well. Plenkovic replied that Groselj should have in mind that B&H applied for the EU membership in February 2016, when Dragan Covic as the leader of HDZ B&H - the party Groselj sees as the nationalist party – was B&H Presidency Chairman.


Plenkovic said that Croatia was the first to support B&H’s path to the EU. Plenkovic was quoted as saying: “We will continue to support a country that is based on one state but three constituent peoples who are equal. Croats are one of those peoples, but they are not equal”.


Plenkovic meets Metsola: Croatia supports the EU accession of all of its neighboring countries (HRT1)


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic discussed the EU enlargement process during the meeting with President of the European Parliament (EP) Roberta Metsola. During this meeting, Plenkovic underlined that Croatia supports the EU accession of all of its neighboring countries. Talking about granting the EU candidate country status to Ukraine, Moldavia and Georgia, Metsola stated that at this moment, the EU should not observe itself exclusively as economic conglomerate. She went on to saying that from geopolitical perspective, this is moment to open EU doors for peoples who observe Europe as their home.


PM Phones Zelenskyy to convey Croatia's support to Ukraine's EU membership bid (Hina)


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Tuesday spoke on the phone with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to express support to Ukraine ahead of the European Union's decision to grant the candidate status to Ukraine. The European Council will convene for 23-24 June in Brussels to discuss the wider Europe, Ukraine, EU membership applications from Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia, economic issues, the Conference on the Future of Europe and external relations.


"Ahead of the meeting of the European Council I spoke on the phone with President Zelenskyy to convey our support to Ukraine in obtaining the status of EU candidate. We grieve the deaths of many innocent victims, and we continue providing assistance to Ukraine that is defending its freedom and the values of the whole Europe," the Croatian PM wrote on his Twitter account.


The support to Ukraine's prospective status of candidate for EU membership has already been expressed by the leaders of Germany, France and Italy who together visited Kyiv last week. While a majority of the EU member-states express the support to the future status of candidate for Ukraine, the Netherlands and Denmark and some other countries seem reserved about those prospects. The decision on granting candidate status has to be adopted unanimously.




Djukanovic in Brussels (CDM)


The President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, is staying in Brussels at the invitation of the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, where he will participate in the Meeting of Leaders of the EU and the Western Balkans.


"The goal of the meeting is to exchange opinions on strengthening the region's integration into the EU and how to make the enlargement process more efficient and dynamic," Djukanovic's cabinet said. The meeting of leaders in the European Council will be an opportunity to discuss geostrategic issues, including green and digital transition and security, and to promote and align with EU values and the common foreign and security policy. During his stay in Brussels, Djukanovic will have a separate meeting with Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer.


Djukanovic: Aggression against Ukraine additionally points out importance of further integration of WB into EU (CDM)


“I think it is very good to continue the dialogue between the European Union and the Western Balkans”, Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic has stated ahead of a meeting of EU and Western Balkan (WB) leaders in Brussels. “It is especially important not to forget about this topic in the light of new geopolitical circumstances: I mean the aggression against Ukraine, and I think that this moment has additionally pointed out the importance of further integration of WB countries and it is a good moment to hear the EU’s repeated commitment to continue the process of European unification and create the preconditions for the foreseeable integration of the WB countries into the EU. It is also very important that we return to the previous good dynamics of reforms in the Western Balkans, especially in the field of rule of law, and thus create conditions for the EU to have arguments for continuing enlargement policy, European unification policy and achieving a certain and foreseeable European future of the WB countries”, President Djukanovic has pointed out.


Picula: Last year's events in Montenegro were marked by political blockades and stagnation on the European path (RTCG)


The European Parliament's rapporteur for Montenegro, Tonino Picula, presented the body's report on Montenegro's progress to the European Parliament. He said that Montenegro is a leader in the policy of enlargement in practice and that this should not be neglected. Picula emphasized that last year's events in Montenegro were marked by political blockades and stagnation on the European path. "Ten years of negotiations, but no chapter has been closed for five years," Picula said. According to him, Montenegro has moved the furthest on the EU path and opened all chapters, and that 80 percent of citizens support joining the EU. He emphasized that a negotiating team is needed to meet the criteria of Chapters 23 and 24, because in the previous period, the negotiating structure was not functional. He reiterated items from the report stating that there has been no progress in the judiciary, and that progress in the fight against organized crime has been limited.


Picula also reminded of the direct influence of the Serbian Orthodox Church on the events in the country. "For the most responsible for the process, I wish a lot of success so that we can soon greet Montenegrins as members of the European Union," Picula said.


Jokovic: I had an insight into the Fundamental Agreement, there are disputes over the status of the Serbian Orthodox Church (RTNK)


Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management and SNP leader Vladimir Jokovic, commented on the current political situation. He especially emphasizes the fact that the SNP represents justice, which cannot be achieved until Montenegro signs agreements with all religious communities. "This is a correct relationship between the Serbian Orthodox Church and Montenegro. We strive for that because throughout history we see that the church and the state have always been inseparable. We want it to continue like that and to finally sign a fundamental agreement ", says Jokovic.


He adds that he had an insight into the Fundamental Agreement, and that it will be signed when all parties agree. "The key problem here is understanding the status of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro." We represent what is a fact, a true and historical heritage, that is, we represent the interests of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro, because members of the Serbian and Montenegrin people go to it, which gives it additional value, "Jokovic points out.


Ivanovic: The agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church remains a priority, I believe that common sense will prevail (RTCG)


Signing an agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church remains a priority for the Socialist People's Party (SNP), said the party's vice president, Dragan Ivanovic. Ivanovic told the Television of Montenegro that the SNP said that even before entering the Government, adding that he would not give up. "We remain persistent. We have heard from the Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice that preparations are underway. I expect that it may be tomorrow at the Government session, and I believe that common sense will prevail and that it will be understood that this is an agreement that needs to be signed, as with all other religious communities ", said Ivanovic, RTCG portal reports.


Kosovo PM says border with Montenegro to be reviewed (CDM)


Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said on Wednesday that Pristina and Podgorica will form a commission to review their common border. Kurti told parliament that his government plans to form an expert commission to review that border, adding that it will be a joint commission with the Montenegrin government.


“The documents are clear for the Kosovo side. For us, the important thing is that (Montenegro) President (Milo) Djukanovic expressed readiness for corrections. We are ready but we are waiting for the government of Montenegro to form its team,” he said.


Kosovo and Montenegro are disputing an area of some 900 hectares on their 79 kilometers of border with both sides claiming that area as their own. The dispute has prevented the opening of the Pec-Cakor-Murino Road.


North Macedonia


Pendarovski: Kosovo should join Open Balkan Initiative (TV 24)


North Macedonia President Stevo Pendarovski said on Wednesday that Kosovo should join in the Open Balkan Initiative but added that it is farther from it than the rest of the Western Balkans. “They should absolutely join but I think, based on my latest talks with Kosovo President (Vjosa Osmani) and earlier with their Prime Minister (Albin Kurti) that they are farther away from Open Balkan that the entire Western Balkans,” Pendarovski told TV 24.


The North Macedonia President said he had some reservations about the initiative but added that he does not see any political components to it. “What reinforces my conviction that this will be a purely trade, economic initiative is the fact that Montenegro Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic and Bosnia and Herzegovina’s government head Zoran Tegeltija joined in the latest summit as observers,” he said.


Mickoski: I would be happy if the French proposal is not accepted (TV Alfa)


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski asked what interests are protected by the French proposal. In an interview with TV Alfa, he says that he would be happy if the Macedonian government does not accept the French proposal. Sofia says that they are not satisfied with unilateral statements, but they want it to enter the conclusions of the European Council. I heard from (President Stevo) Pendarovski yesterday, it seems that he also intends to brag like (PM Dimitar) Kovacevski. The point was to see what he was doing in this situation. What Pendarovski said is that Sofia is being asked by the Bulgarians to enter the normative part of the Constitution when the Macedonian Constitution is changed, Mickoski said late on Wednesday.


He stressed that this proposal should not be on the table. This is where the mistake was made. Now we suddenly see him on the table, and the one who agreed says he did not see it. Tomorrow is a serious historic EU summit, not just any. Ukraine and Moldova should receive candidate status there. They also need a step in the Balkans, to start negotiations with Macedonia and Albania, added Mickoski. The opposition leader doubts that the Macedonian Prime Minister will say “no” to the French proposal.


DOM to leave Government if French proposal accepted (Republika)


Democratic Renewal of Macedonia (DOM) said Wednesday it would leave the Government if the French proposal was accepted. Open issues with Bulgaria should be resolved bilaterally in good faith, with mutual respect and in accordance with European values. DOM maintains that the Macedonian language and identity must not be negotiated. We believe that this proposal will turn the accession process for Macedonia’s EU membership into endless agony and bring uncertainty to the very start of negotiations. If the Government accepts this so-called French proposal, DOM will leave the Government and the parliamentary majority, stressed DOM.


People gather in front of government building to protest against the French proposal (Republika)


People gathered in front of the government building tonight to protest against the “French proposal” on resolving the dispute with Bulgaria and unblocking the start of EU negotiations. Following the call on social networks, people gathered outside the government building in order to send a message that in no case should this French proposal be accepted. Activists, experts, all those who do not agree with the French proposal which envisages changing the history of Macedonia staged a protest. So far, the Government has not commented on the proposal of the French Presidency of the EU, and Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski said that “the Government of the Republic of Macedonia has not formally received a proposal that is agreed at the level of all 27 member states.”


Bulgarian government loses no-confidence vote (Republika)


The government of Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov has lost a no-confidence vote in the parliament, with 123 out of 239 MPs voting against the PM’s cabinet. After the vote of no confidence, Petkov addressed the MPs. It was a great honor for me to lead the Government of Bulgaria. This is a small step from a long way. We promise you that we will continue the battle and one day we will have Bulgaria without a mafia, said Petkov, adding that he is honored to be overthrown by the four Borisov, Peevski, Trifonov and the Russian ambassador to Bulgaria, Eleonora Mitrofanova. This is the first vote of no confidence in Petkov’s cabinet, submitted by GERB due to the government’s economic failures.




The fall of the Bulgarian government seems to delay EU enlargement plans in the Balkans (Radio Tirana)


There is already little hope for Albania and North Macedonia, for membership in the European Union, in the summit that will take place in Brussels on June 23 and 24. The overthrow of the government of the Bulgarian Prime Minister, Kiril Petkov, last night, seems to have shattered even the few hopes that were created today, for the possible unblocking of the situation, for the start of the official talks on membership in the European Union between Brussels, Tirana and Skopje.


The Bulgarian opposition has voiced support for lifting the veto on North Macedonia, urging the government to call on parliament to take a decision, under a French proposal that offers guarantees to Sofia for further handling of bilateral issues with Skopje.


The leader of the opposition, former Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, reiterated through a status on Twitter this afternoon that he supports the French proposal on the issue of North Macedonia and that his party, GERB, "will support this decision if it is voted on."


The Bulgarian opposition's decision was hailed as a historic step by Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi, who said he expected the government to make the necessary proposal to parliament.


When a "light at the end of the tunnel" was appearing, suddenly, the government of Prime Minister Petkov collapsed in the Assembly today. There were 123 deputies out of 240, who voted to overthrow the government. The new political crisis leaves almost no hope for a turnaround for Bulgaria, regarding the veto on Skopje, tomorrow at the European Council meeting in Brussels. The last-minute chance is only if parliament addresses the issue off the agenda tomorrow.


The day before, the leaders of the three Balkan countries, Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia, questioned their presence at tomorrow's meeting with the leaders of the European Union, as a sign of disappointment with the delay in the integration process. Tirana and Skopje have long been waiting for the official start of membership talks, blocked by Bulgaria's veto over some of its claims to Skopje.


Prime Minister Edi Rama received the statement of former Prime Minister Borissov with restrained tones. According to him, "it is too early to be optimistic and too little to change the part of tomorrow's speech where Bulgaria is criticized as a country that has taken two NATO countries as a hostage, while there is a hot war on the border with Europe”.


Rama confirmed his participation tomorrow in the meeting in Brussels, a meeting in which he says that "there will not be much to hear about us, but we will seek to hear about the idea of ​​a New European Political Community that we support, "for the Open Balkans that advance the spirit of Europe and for us being taken hostage by Bulgaria that destroys it."


Albania has long been a double hostage of the situation between Sofia and Skopje, as the decision to open membership talks with Albania has been treated in connection with the decision on North Macedonia. The fall of the Bulgarian government seems to delay EU enlargement plans in the Balkans.


Bulgarian opposition to remove the veto on North Macedonia, Pm Rama: We will attend the EU summit (Radio Tirana)


Albania will not boycott the EU summit. Following the decision of the Bulgarian opposition to accept the lifting of the veto on North Macedonia, Prime Minister Edi Rama reacted by saying that he will attend the EU summit to be held on June 23 and 24. In this participation in the EU summit, Rama states that he will not listen to the opinions about Albania, as he is convinced that there will be no change, but to listen to Europe's Open Balkans initiative that promotes the spirit of Europe.


"I just heard that something is moving in Bulgaria today. Too early to be optimistic and too little to change the part of tomorrow's speech where Bulgaria is criticized as a country that has kidnapped two NATO countries, while there is a hot war on the border of Europe! We will attend the EU Council meeting. "There will not be much to hear about us, but we will seek to hear about the idea of ​​a New European Political Community that we support, about the Open Balkans and about our abduction by Bulgaria that is destroying it," Rama wrote in Twitter.


The Bulgarian opposition has decided to accept the lifting of the veto on North Macedonia, but the official decision is still expected to be decided by a vote in the Bulgarian parliament between the government and the opposition. This blockade of Bulgaria for Albania and North Macedonia for the opening of negotiations for EU integration, made the leaders of Albania, Serbia and North Macedonia seriously consider boycotting the EU summit in order not to hear a repeated "NO". But the action of the Bulgarian opposition made Prime Minister Rama declare that Albania will be part of the summit on June 23 and 24.


Serbia has also confirmed its presence at the EU summit where the Kurir newspaper, citing government sources, writes that "After detailed and comprehensive consultations with collaborators and members of governments, the leaders of the three countries decided to go to the summit together, agreeing to the principles that will be the main pillar of the talks with many EU officials”.