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Belgrade Media Report 21 July



Visit of President of Egypt additional impulse in bilateral relations (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic expressed his belief on Wednesday that the visit of the President of Egypt Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to Belgrade will contribute to the deepening of bilateral relations and bring a lot of good to both countries in the future. At the joint press conference with Al-Sisi, after signing bilateral agreements, he reminded that an Egyptian president came to Belgrade after almost four decades, stressing that it is particularly significant that this is a leader who is a sincere friend Serbia. He estimated that today's talks will be an additional impulse in the relations between the two countries, which will be seen not only on the international stage, through mutual support in international institutions, but also specifically in the economy and numerous projects that will be worked on together. Vucic emphasized that it is extremely important to agree on a free trade agreement between Serbia and Egypt by the end of the year, and explained that this means that Serbia can, for example, import lemons without customs duties, and Egypt can import the highest quality apples or raspberries without customs duties.

Al-Sisi expressed his belief that the signed documents will contribute to the strengthening of cooperation in all areas and give a new vision of bilateral relations. According to him, today they discussed politics, education, science, but also the cooperation of business people, investments and exchange of experiences in agriculture. Also, the fight against climate change was discussed, he stated and announced that on this occasion a conference on climate change will be held in Sharm El Sheikh and that it would be an honor for him to have the President of Serbia participate in it. Al-Sisi expressed his gratitude for the hospitality and the award given to him, with the hope that the next period will be marked by even greater cooperation between the two friendly countries and two peoples. After the joint conference, the Presidents of the two countries opened the Serbia-Egypt Business Forum, organized by the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, at which more than 30 companies from Egypt and approximately 100 businessmen from Serbia are taking part.


Selakovic and Hassan Shukri: Understanding regarding Kosovo (RTV/FoNet)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic thanked his Egyptian colleague Sameh Hassan Shukri on Wednesday for his understanding of Serbia’s position on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, with the hope that Egypt will continue to provide active support to Serbia’s positions in international organizations. Selakovic expressed his belief that the visit of the President of Egypt Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to Belgrade is a key contribution to the further development of friendship between the two countries, which is also confirmed by the publication of the Joint Declaration on the establishment of a strategic partnership between Serbia and Egypt.


Dacic meets with Egyptian President (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic met on Wednesday with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. Dacic emphasized the importance of the Egyptian President’s visit for our diplomatic relations, which date back as far as 114 years. The last official bilateral visit to Belgrade was the visit of the then Egyptian president Muhammad Hosni El Sayed Mubarak to Yugoslavia in July 1987. Dacic and al-Sisi agreed that Serbia and Egypt share a long tradition of good political relations and expressed the need for the further improvement of comprehensive cooperation in various fields - education, tourism, culture and environmental protection, which would be greatly facilitated by the bilateral agreements signed during this visit. Dacic conveyed that the Serbian parliament is traditionally interested in cooperation with Egyptian colleagues, which is best illustrated by the fact that the previous legislature’s Parliamentary Friendship Group with Egypt boasted 50 members, and went on to remind the guest of his own successful visit to Egypt last December. It was concluded that Egypt remains at the position of frozen recognition of so-called Kosovo, with Dacic pointing out that Serbia appreciates Egypt’s position, which implies that Cairo would not vote for Pristina’s membership in international organizations.


Petkovic: Kurti has no right to accuse Belgrade for blocking the dialogue (RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic says that Albin Kurti cannot accuse Belgrade of blocking the dialogue, while at the same time denying Pristina’s obligation to implement the Brussels agreement, and especially the obligation to form the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO). “Belgrade, led by President Aleksandar Vucic, will always be ready to respond to any call for dialogue, but we can have a productive dialogue only with a credible and constructive interlocutor, which Kurti is not and has never been,” said Petkovic, commenting on Kurti’s accusations concerning Belgrade, announced the Office for Kosovo and Metohija. The issue of the ZSO is the only reliable litmus test to measure someone’s constructiveness and commitment to dialogue, said Petkovic, noting that instead “Kurti obsessively persecutes officials of the Serb List and threatens Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija almost every day”. “His nervousness is understandable due to the messages of the political representatives of the Serb people in the province that they are not afraid of him or his threats,” says Petkovic and concludes: “Kurti knows very well that the Serbs have their protectors who will never allow him to carry out his war-mongering plans to the detriment of the Serb of the people in Kosovo and Metohija and that is why Milan Radoicic is being attacked.” Petkovic also has a personal message for Kurti, namely that his dreams of an ethnically pure, self-proclaimed Kosovo will never come true and that Serbia will not give up protecting the personal and collective rights of the Serb people in the province and allow to conduct violence against the Serbs north or south of the Ibar. “So, Mr. Kurti, instead of spelling sentences in Serbian for propaganda purposes, enable the Serb people to live freely and safely in their centuries-old hearths, allow the return of exiled Serbs and fulfill the obligations from the Brussels agreement! And then we will be able to measure who is more constructive in dialogue,” concluded Petkovic.


Trajkovic: Vucic has an entire illegal system in tow (Nova/Beta)


The President of the European Movement of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija Rada Trajkovic said on Wednesday that Serbia would hardly change its attitude to Kosovo as long as Aleksandar Vucic was at its helm, because there’s an entire illegal system behind him. “All institutions are devastated to the degree that only something new, some new leadership and new people can help Serbia, and also Kosovo and Metohija, because as a state, we are on the brink of an abyss,” Rada Trajkovic has warned. Trajkovic said in an interview with Nova that she did not think that Vucic would have to recognize an independent Kosovo at some point, because very soon he “will not be able to recognize or not recognize anything,” because of facing enormous problems regarding illegal governance surrounding his office. Trajkovic said that the Serbian Orthodox Church had been a pillar the Serbs could rely on until Patriarch Porfirije took over, but that now the institution “is rather a branch of the Serbian Progressive Party than a place which offers shelter to its flock”.


Serbian Defense Ministry: Plane that crashed in Greece was not transporting weapons to Ukraine (Tanjug)


The Serbian Defense Ministry issued another statement on Wednesday regarding the crash of a plane in Greece, which was transporting products manufactured by the Serbian defense industry, and the statement stresses that Serbia respects all international regulations regarding the trade and export of weapons and military equipment and will continue to produce and sell the products of its defense industry to everyone allowed to buy them. It is noted that the plane that crashed in Greece was transporting products made by the Serbian industry to the authorized end user - the Ministry of Defense of Bangladesh. “The owner of the cargo was the private company Valir, while the plane, owned by a private Ukrainian company, contained about 11.5 tons of training and illuminating mortar shells. The Serbian Defense Ministry has already informed the public about this, and the air carrier and the Ministry of Defense of Bangladesh have already stated the same, which specified that the shells were intended to be used by their army and border guards. That is the only truth and these facts have been confirmed by all parties,” underlined the Defense Ministry. They also pointed out that the organization of the flight itself was not under the jurisdiction of Serbia, and noted that Serbia does not have the power to issue overflight permits, because that is a sovereign decision of each country, to which the carrier applies. “In this case, our country respected international law and fulfilled all international obligations, and we, with a clear conscience, support the Greek authorities in conducting a detailed investigation,” the Ministry stressed. The Ministry underlined that Serbia not only did not use this plane to transport weapons to Ukraine, but that since software started to be used to keep systematic records in 2016 for each permit to transfer weapons and military equipment from Serbia, none has been issued to transport any type of weapons or military equipment from Serbia to Ukraine.


Flessenkemper: Too soon to talk about requirements for Kosovo to join CoE (Beta)


The Head of the Council of Europe (CoE) Mission in Belgrade Tobias Flessenkemper said on Wednesday that it was too soon to discuss the requirements Kosovo would need to meet to join the organization as a full-fledged member. After Kosovo had officially applied for membership of the Council on 12 May, the media reported that Pristina’s institutions had four conditions to meet, which include returning land to the Visoki Decani monastery and restoring the Sveti Nikola church in Prizren. “A statutory procedure follows, the Committee of Ministers considers the application, and the Parliamentary Assembly after it. It’s too soon to say which requirements Kosovo will have to meet to join the CoE, and if the application will be considered. The address for these questions is Strasbourg, the CoE mission to Serbia does not do it,” Flessenkemper said. The first step on Kosovo’s journey to membership is that a two-thirds majority in the Committee of Ministers decides that the request should be discussed. The CoE already has an office in Pristina, through which it is running support programs for Kosovo institutions, strengthening the rule of law and protecting cultural heritage in Kosovo.


Beyer: We would like Serbia also to join the sanctions against Russia (RFE/Beta/Politika)


Germany wants Serbia to join the European Union’s sanctions against Russia, but Belgrade has not been given a deadline for that purpose, a member of the German Bundestag Peter Beyer, said on Wednesday. At the end of a two-day visit to Belgrade in the capacity of a representative of the CDU-CSU opposition coalition in Bundestag, Beyer said that Berlin was aware that the decision was not an easy one for Serbia, Radio Free Europe quoted the German MP as saying. “We would like Serbia also to introduce sanctions against Russia. The request exists. We are aware of the historic and economic ties between Belgrade and Moscow, but we believe that Serbian officials should clarify their stands on EU membership,” Beyer said. Having said that admittedly Serbia was fully dependent on Russian energy, Beyer added that Serbian officials had repeatedly convinced him that Belgrade was working to diversify the energy supply. Speaking about Germany’s position on the normalization dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo, the German MP said that Berlin’s message was that there had to be mutual recognition at the end of the process.


Will Schmidt impose changes to Election Law of B&H (Politika, by Mladen Kremenovic)


Sarajevo media reported on possible imposing of changes to the Election Law of B&H and noted that technical changes, such as appointment of members of polling station committees or prevention of election thefts, could be applied in the upcoming elections already should these be imposed while parts concerning political issues could hardly applied in elections this year. “From the point of view of Sarajevo, a consensus of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) was not necessary when decisions of this body were suitable for Bosniaks but now individual portals close to Bosniak parties argue that the supervisor (High Representative Christian Schmidt) cannot intervene because there is no consensus in the PIC on changes,” Politika noted. The daily also reminded that Klix portal learned that Schmidt plans to impose changes in order to solve the issue of Ljubic ruling, i.e. the request of Croats, but also the issue of unblocking of the FB&H which would mean that nobody should be able to block the formation of the FB&H government in future. “This means that Schmidt might do a favor to HDZ B&H with regard to Ljubic ruling, i.e. legitimate representation, but he would also deprive HDZ B&H of the option to control the formation of authorities,” the daily explained. Klix speculated that Schmidt will most likely impose technical changes to the law in the next ten days while he would set March of next year as a deadline for reaching of an agreement in the political segment, while announcing possible imposing of those provisions as well in case political parties fail to find a solution by that time: “The second option would be to impose those changes in the same package with technical details but to postpone their coming into force until spring next year.”




N1 learns details of HR Schmidt’s draft decision on measures for restoring of functioning of FB&H (N1)


N1 learned from multiple diplomatic sources that by beginning of August, High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt plans to impose measures for restoring of functioning of the FB&H. In the draft decision, which was already sent to addresses of embassies in B&H, changes to the Election Law – in connection to the functioning of the Houses – were mentioned, as well as appointment of the leadership in the FB&H, appointment of judges to the Constitutional Court of the FB&H (FB&H CC) and many changes that should ensure integrity of the electoral process. Besides changes to the Election Law, the Constitution of the FB&H would also be changed. What was confirmed for N1 is that the decision will most certainly be adopted. If some changes do occur, they will be made in the next 10 days, i.e. by 1 August. On Wednesday, N1 learned the details of the draft decision and published it on its website. Later during the day, these details were confirmed for N1 by political leaders that met with members of the legal team at the Office of the High Representatives (OHR) on Wednesday in Sarajevo. Members of SDP B&H and ‘Our Party’ (NS) told N1 that this draft decision was presented to them during Wednesday’s meeting. That is interesting, N1 noted, because members of these parties stated on Tuesday that the OHR had no proposal, i.e. that all these meetings are still of a consultative nature. However, N1 sources claim that the decision was already supposed to be imposed but that the OHR wants a “wider support” of the FB&H parties for this decision. Among other things, the draft decision states that legislative expediency shall be improved by the provision that each House (the House of Representatives and the House of Peoples) shall be obliged to reject or approve legislation within a clean deadline after the approval in the other House. The definition of Vital National Interests shall be simplified. The Vital National Interests protection cannot be invoked on all issues any longer, but only on issues that are listed in the Constitution. The Vital National Interests Protection Council within the Constitutional Court will review all these motions. The distribution of mandates in the FB&H House of Peoples (FB&H HoP) shall be more representative of the distribution of constituent peoples in each canton. The current regulation has led to a sometimes unbalanced representation of the constituent peoples of the FB&H HoP. Only cantons where a constituent people has more than 3 percent of the total population of that constituent people in the entire FB&H shall elect delegates from that constituent people to the House of Peoples. However, a safeguard in the Election Law to ensure that all cantons will be represented in the FB&H HoP is included. This rule equally protects Bosniaks, Serbs, and Croats who are living in cantons where they are in a numerical minority. The process of nomination of judges to the FB&H CC shall be unblocked. Clear deadlines shall be in place for the authorities to decide on the appointment of judges to the FB&H CC. Under the enacted decision, if the Presidency of the Federation fails to nominate judges within a certain timeline, the House of Peoples will need to vote on the list provided by the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H. In addition, the procedure of appointment of members to the Vital National Interest Protection Council shall be moved from the parliament to the Court itself, which will appoint judges to the Council from within its own ranks. A deadline shall be added for the President and Vice-President of the FB&H to appoint the FB&H government. SDP B&H and NS rejected the draft decision, explaining that it completely denies all the values that B&H is based on. They point out that this proposal would lead to further ethnic divisions within the country. Strongest reaction on Wednesday came from DF. DF members point that changes that would be made in the FB&H, regarding appointment of its leadership, would give all the power in this process to SNSD and HDZ B&H. NS member Predrag Kojovic says “we still have, in our Constitution, that all our structures – in the sense of ethnic composition – are based on the 1991 population census, until the Annex 7 of the Dayton Agreement, regarding return, is implemented” and the mentioned decision is based on the 2013 population census. SDP leader Nermin Niksic reacted to the OHR proposal for electoral reform in a Facebook post published on Wednesday evening. Niksic stated that OHR’s proposal practically makes sure that HDZ B&H will be in power for many years, and possibly even decades to come. He noted that in this way, HDZ BIH which usually gets around 100,000 votes will be able to participate in the power distribution and control all processes, while the opposition parties which get around 500,000 votes do not have any guarantees that they will participate in the executive power. Niksic underlined that in this way, OHR will reward those who have been blocking processes for years.


OHR continues consultations regarding changes to B&H Election Law (O Kanal)


Consultations on changes of the Election Law of B&H were held in premises of the Office of High Representative (OHR) on Wednesday. The OHR has not been providing any information about these talks. The reporter noted that pro-Bosnian parties confirm that they accept technical, but not political changes of electoral legislation without agreement between B&H political leaders.  According to O Kanal, key changes of the Election Law should refer to the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP), i.e. filling in of this house of the FB&H parliament. Ground for imposing of this decision would be decision of B&H Constitutional Court (B&H CC) in case concerning motion submitted by Bozo Ljubic. Member of B&H Presidency and leader of DF Zeljko Komsic said that if imposed regulation are as speculated, it would represent further division of B&H and further discrimination of citizens in the FB&H, especially in some cantons. He added that according to speculations, the constituent people which has less than three percent of population in a certain canton is actually deprived of their political rights to be represented in that unfortunate House of Peoples. The reporter noted that option to introduce threshold has been discussed by the OHR. Namely, High Representative might impose amendments to the Election Law of B&H reading that unless at least three percent of one constituent people - according to Census 2013 – live in one canton, this canton would not elect delegate from rank of that people. Leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic said that High Representative Christian Schmidt has two goals including improvement of transparency of election process. “He has support of SDA to do it. Other one is to adopt so called mechanisms of unblocking of the FB&H that were created in Neum and accepted by all of us, including (Dragan) Covic. He has support in this regard as well. I do not think Schmidt will go beyond that”, explained leader of SDA. The reporter commented that if the OHR imposed only regulations concerning filling in of the FB&H HoP, HDZ B&H would become unavoidable factor in process of formation of the FB&H authorities. This would enable HDZ B&H to block all processes, as they were doing during last mandate, including appointment of judges of the FB&H CC and leadership of the FB&H.


We have serious hybrid Russian operations in B&H territory, we will defend ourselves (N1/Dnevni list)


Defense Minister of B&H Sifet Podzic spoke for N1 about many security dilemmas, also reminding of conclusions of NATO Summit held in Madrid in June. According to Podzic he is more than satisfied with the NATO Summit and with what has been promised to B&H, adding that he was very active and organized many meetings afterwards in order to start carrying out things agreed upon in Madrid. According to the article, Ukraine remains priority for the Alliance, which led Podzic to briefly add that “we cannot be completely certain that things promised to B&H will not be necessary to direct to other sides”. He further stated: “Russia is already reacting in B&H. We have serious hybrid Russian operations in area of Bosnia and Herzegovina. We will defend ourselves, and what is most important – we will not be alone”, said the Minister. Asked how citizens of B&H will feel it, Minister Podzic did not specify. “Natural gas could be turned off. We are far from the Ukrainian front to have the attacks. But special operations have begun and can be felt big time. Russian hybrid war is spread in the Western Balkans (...)”, said Podzic. He went on to say that he got a promise (during NATO Summit in Madrid) that in case of a veto to extension of mandate for EUFOR Mission in B&H in November, that the allies will have an answer. “That was a firm promise and I was happy to come back to B&H after solving that problem”, added the Minister.


Podzic’s statements remind of war (Nezavisne/Srna)


The daily reported that officials from the RS condemned the statements of B&H Minister of Security Sifet Podzic, that entering the NATO remains a priority for B&H and that B&H will work on this goal and that the NATO is supposed to send soldiers to B&H in case of an attempt to undermine territorial integrity. Deputy B&H Minister of Defense Mirko Okolic reacted by saying that Podzic often acts as if he was a supreme commander and not the B&H Presidency. He pointed out that statements of Podzic remind of war adding that B&H does not need this. Okolic said that we cannot see in any country in the world “what is being done in B&H” adding that there are many weird things in B&H, parallelism in decision-making processes and competences, including in this particular case. Okolic assessed: “It would be wiser to take care of ourselves and to try to get the best for citizens of B&H.”


Russian Embassy in B&H: Writings about Muslims from Russia are absurd (RTRS)


The Russian Embassy in B&H assessed as absurd the writings of certain media in B&H that the peoples of the Russian Federation of the Islamic faith are being used as “cannon fodder” in Ukraine in order to “preserve the lives of the Slovenian population”, stating that they will be glad if the Muslims of B&H do not accept these illiterate and primitive statements as the truth. The Embassy stated that the absurdity of such assumptions is indicated by the fact that neither the structure nor the national composition of the Armed Forces of Russia have changed in recent years, nor has any mobilization been announced in the country. “Therefore, professional soldiers, representatives of all ethnic groups of the country, who have voluntarily chosen military service as their profession, participate in combat actions”, reads the Embassy’s statement.


Dodik receives recognition of ‘Friends of Zion’ for his support to Israel and Jewish people (RTRS)


Representatives of the Association ‘Friends of Zion’ presented Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik on Wednesday in Jerusalem with a recognition that is only presented to world leaders. This recognition is an award for life's work in the defense and support of Israel and the Jewish people in a practical sense. The main reasons are precisely the constant support for Israel in times of conflict, clear and public support and personal solidarity towards Israel, which Dodik does not fail to express in every place. This organization counts more than 100 million members in the world. On Wednesday, Dodik also visited the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem's Old City, together with Israeli Minister of Jerusalem Affairs and Heritage Ze'ev Elkin. On that occasion, Dodik met with the chief rabbi of the Wailing Wall. Dodik says the Wailing Wall is an important place for the Jewish people, which symbolizes the age-old struggle for identity, existence, and state. He added that the Jewish and Serb peoples share nearly identical fate of suffering. “The Jewish people suffered much more, but found the strength not to forget their past and to build a future through the state. We need to learn that too, to remain persistent in the fight for the RS and our freedom, without which there is no identity”, emphasized Dodik. Dodik wrote a note that he placed between the stone blocks of the Wailing Wall. When asked what he wrote, he said that he wished health and happiness for his family and loved ones. “The second wish is for the RS to be independent. That is my wish”, Dodik told RTRS reporter. Minister Elkin confirmed that cooperation between the RS and Israel is at an enviable level, but also that it is a great honor that Dodik came to the Wailing Wall, which is a great honor for Jews. Elkin said Dodik is a great friend to the Jewish people. He thanked Dodik for strengthening the ties between Israel and the RS. Dodik met in Jerusalem with Russian Ambassador to Israel Anatoly Viktorov. At the meeting, it was stressed that the Ambassador was familiar with the situation in B&H and the constant attacks on the RS, and pointed to Russia as one of the guarantors of the Dayton Peace Agreement. Viktorov emphasized that Russia is the guarantor of the Dayton Peace Agreement externally and the RS internally. Dodik and Viktorov also spoke about the global situation. Dodik said that at a time when the world, that is, a part of the collective West, is trying to put all the world's blame on Russia, “we are not ready to be a part of that hysteria from the West and we have never even thought about nor want to be a part of the sanctions they are imposing on Russia”. The Russian Ambassador pointed out that the meeting confirmed the mutual interest in the development of relations between the RS and Russia in all areas.


Cvijanovic continues visit to USA (RTRS)


RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic spoke on Wednesday in Washington with senators and members of the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Ron Johnson and Jeanne Shaheen. During the meeting, Cvijanovic informed the US senators about the current political challenges in the RS and B&H, as well as other current topics. On this occasion, Cvijanovic expressed the full commitment of the institutions of the RS to the preservation of peace and stability, dedication to consistent respect for the Dayton Agreement and preservation of the jurisdiction and constitutional capacity of the RS. Cvijanovic assessed that in order to overcome the current political crisis and solve open issues that burden relations in B&H, it is necessary to have understanding and internal dialogue of domestic political actors, without outside interference.


We support Schmidt’s efforts so that all people can elect their representatives (Vecernji list)


Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman commented on speculations on possible imposing of changes to the Election Law of B&H by High Representative Christian Schmidt and he noted: “When it comes to the Western Balkans in general, I spoke before the Committee on Foreign Affairs on Monday and pointed out how important it is for the EU to invest in political processes in order to secure regional stability. B&H is an example, it is an example of a country that wants to get the candidate status and it, of course, deserves it. However, it is really necessary to fulfill what has been agreed by the EU Council, therefore it is necessary to accelerate the reforms, those 14 priorities”. Grlic Radman added that Croatia respects territorial integrity of B&H but it also takes into consideration the respect of the rule of law and international law reflected through feelings of B&H citizens, constituent peoples whose equality has been determined by the Dayton and Paris Agreements. “We want them to feel equal, therefore we support efforts of the High Representative to remove all forms of discrimination in the election process by reforms so that fair and legitimate election process can be secured and so that all peoples can have their legitimate representatives,” Grlic Radman concluded.


Knezevic: Is it true that you threatened Djukanovic with arrest if he refused to support you?; Abazovic: I don’t blackmail and I don’t defend anyone (CdM)


The government of Montenegro will not act protectively towards anyone, says PM Dritan Abazovic and announces changes within the Police Directorate. Democratic Front MP Milan Knezevic has said that Abazovic should resign if he is unable to sign the Agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC). At the PMQs, he has said that it is speculated that Abazovic, after the meeting with the Quinta ambassadors, threatened DPS leader and state president Milo Djukanovic with arrest if he canceled his support for the government. Among other things, Abazovic has said that the elections must be held either before or immediately after the New Year, but that he believes that there should be complete institutions. Speaking about the technical government as a solution to the political crisis, he has said that whatever 41 or more MPs agree on is completely legitimate.


Erakovic to Abazovic: Don’t hide behind half-truths, don’t relativize nationalism (CdM)


During today’s PMQs, DPS deputy leader Jevto Erakovic has asked the Prime Minister of Montenegro Dritan Abazovic, whether the commission, formed to determine the circumstances related to the events in Niksic on 13 July, concluded that there were omissions, and who was responsible for the letting the provocateurs pass. “Seven days have passed, and apparently the work of the commission has not resulted in any answers. Why are there no answers to the questions to this day, and we saw that there were omissions in the work of the police,” Erakovic has asked. He has stated that the system has been created in which hatred towards everything that is different is desirable. Erakovic has called on Abazovic not to relativize nationalism, because of which we have war in Europe today, alluding to pro-Russian organizations in Montenegro.


EU Movement in MNE: We hope that Middle Ages and clericalism won’t stand in way of future of our children in EU (CdM)


The European Movement in Montenegro has welcomed the agreement between President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic and PM Dritan Abazovic on returning the European agenda to the center of political and institutional action. “In the first place, there must be reforms in the judiciary and Prosecutor’s Office, changes in electoral laws and the fight against corruption and organized crime, because only these will lead us to the European Union and a dignified life for all citizens of Montenegro,” the Movement says. The European Movement in Montenegro has also welcomed the agreement on the establishment of a team for further consideration of disputed elements in the text of the Fundamental Agreement.


Krivokapic and Lundberg sign the Cooperation Framework 2023-2027 (


Minister of Foreign Affairs Ranko Krivokapic and UN Resident Coordinator Peter Lundberg signed on Wednesday the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework UNSDCF 2023-2027, to pave the way for UN-Montenegro collaboration in the next five years.

Minister Krivokapic said that the next five years are crucial for Montenegro's cooperation with the UN and the EU, and that it would be useful to turn two parallel roads into a single path, which will end in 2027 with membership in the European Union. Montenegrin Foreign Minister pointed out that the main benefit of all engagements of Montenegro with the United Nations, as well as with Euro-Atlantic partners, is full understanding. We feel like a country that has full understanding on its path to European integration, dignified membership in the UN, as well as belonging to the Euro-Atlantic community, said Krivokapic, emphasizing that this understanding is no less important than the multiple assistance we receive in areas that modernize our society, adding that the number of countries and agencies that support Montenegro is beyond any expectation. Emphasizing that social inclusion is the way how small communities function and exist, Krivokapic said that they survive on solidarity and connection, which is not only economic and social, but also has an emotional note that gives the full feeling of living in one society.

Speaking about the parallel process of European integration, he said that there is no more time to delay, and that every wind is good for a ship that knows where it is going, while there is no good wind for a ship that does not know where it is going. Our path is the EU, but that path cannot be limitless, that path must have its own time frames set for Montenegro, through constant reforms that are achievable in the next five-year period, but also shorter than that, said Krivokapic.

UN Resident Coordinator in Montenegro Peter Lundberg said that the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework, jointly adopted today, represents the foundations of cooperation between Montenegro and the United Nations in the next five years. This common vision of development, based on jointly identified development priorities, will help accelerate our journey towards the Agenda 2030, but also the EU accession of Montenegro, said Lundberg, emphasizing that one of major drivers of the process will be the Montenegro Acceleration Fund, a new generation of pooled funds to help solve development challenges. Before signing the UNSDCF, the Government and UN team held the Joint Country Steering Committee meeting, to review implementation of the Integrated UN Program (UNDAF) 2017-2022, including joint results in 2021 and plans for 2022.


Mickoski: There is no screening, no negotiations, what is happening now is monitoring! (Republika)


VMRO-DPMNE group in parliament and some other free-thinking MPs in the parliament are the defenders of the Macedonian identity. I guarantee that the change of the Constitution will not happen. The guarantee for that is the word of 44 MPs from the Coalition led by VMRO-DPMNE and other free-thinking MPs, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said on Wednesday.

Answering reporters’ questions during his visit to Butel Municipality, Mickoski said that the focus of the announced referendum will be Article 5, paragraph 4 of the Negotiating Framework, where the protocol and the bilateral agreement are included, where the citizens will have to decide whether they accept such a Negotiating Framework. We are talking about the negotiating framework, why it is the essence. Now Bulgaria has nothing. It is again isolated in its intention to focus on protocol and bilateral agreement. Bulgaria still hasn’t Europeanized their request and that makes them nervous, Mickoski said. According to Mickoski, it is good that “there is no change to the Constitution”, because, as he said, if there was, they would have adopted the negotiating framework and then it would have been a checkmate for the Macedonian identity.

Kovacevski, Maricic, Osmani… they can try to do everything, but essentially the people and the MPs from the VMRO-DPMNE group in Parliament will not allow them to implement it, said Mickoski. According to Mickoski, there are no negotiations now, nor will they start, because, as he said, the position is clear, the Constitution should be changed in order to open the negotiations. There is no screening, no negotiations. What is happening now is monitoring, which has been going on since the first day when we became a candidate country, since 2005. It is clearly shown in the documents they signed yesterday. There are no negotiations, nor will they begin. The position is clear, in order for negotiations to take place at this moment, it is necessary to change the Constitution, said Mickoski. Asked if he was invited and if he would participate in tonight’s cocktail party, Mickoski said he was invited but will not be attending because, as he said, he doesn’t think the company there is good for a cocktail party. If VMRO-DPMNE wins the trust of the people in the next elections, Mickoski said, they will work to “correct all mistakes one by one”.


Young Macedonian linguists issue Proclamation for the Protection of the Macedonian Language and Literature and Macedonian Studies (Republika)


Young Macedonian linguists issued Wednesday a Proclamation for the Protection of the Macedonian Language and Literature and Macedonian Studies after the Macedonian Foreign Affairs Ministry published the unilateral declaration on Macedonian language. After the publication of the Unilateral Declaration of the Republic of Macedonia attached to the minutes of the first IGC, in which the important scientific facts about the history and continuity of the Macedonian language and literature are omitted, and at the same time scientifically incorrect claims about the Macedonian language are made, we, the young Macedonian linguists, are obliged to stand up for the scientific truth and Macedonian studies and not allow ourselves to be contemporaries of starting a stage of a self-denying process, with a political act that does not take into account the scientifically confirmed knowledge and conclusions of either Macedonian or world philology, reads the Proclamation. They demand immediately, without delay, the government of the Republic of Macedonia, i.e. the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to withdraw the Declaration, bearing in mind that it does not respect established scientific knowledge and established facts about the Macedonian language, literature and, in general, cultural identity, behind which stands not only domestic and foreign Macedonian studies, but also contemporary world Slavic studies, linguistics, literary science and historiography. Such declaration can lead to serious and lasting consequences for the nation, the state and the overall Macedonian culture, and therefore we point out that if it is not withdrawn, it will be considered illegitimate by us, and every further act  based on or referred to it will also be illegitimate, say Macedonian linguists calling on the President of the state Stevo Pendarovski and the Macedonian parliament to stand in defense of the Macedonian language and literature, of Macedonian studies and of the state’s interests and to use all available mechanisms for this shameful Declaration to be withdrawn, because it politically attacks the foundations of Macedonianism, behind which stands the science.