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Belgrade Media Report 4 August 2022



Vucic, Stoltenberg discuss situation in north of Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/Politika/Novosti/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke on the phone with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg on Wednesday to discuss the worrisome situation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. The parties agreed the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue must be continued and that peace and stability were crucial not only for Serbia and the region, but also for all people living in Kosovo and Metohija. During the conversation, Vucic presented Serbia's position on the extremely grave situation in Kosovo-Metohija, informing Stoltenberg of Pristina's activities that further intimidated and unsettled Kosovo Serbs. Vucic also noted that not a single move by Serbia represented a violation of either the Brussels agreement or UN SC Resolution 1244, and that Serbia had in no way jeopardized the maintenance of peace, but was continuing to act in a responsible and serious manner when it comes to resolution of problems and open issues regarding its southern province. Vucic and Stoltenberg agreed to continue direct communication with the aim of maintaining peace and stability across the region. Vucic thanked Stoltenberg for his fair attitude and desire to hear the views of the Serbian side, the presidential press office said in a statement.


Stoltenberg: KFOR ready to intervene

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said on Wednesday KFOR was ready to intervene based on its UN mandate in case stability was jeopardized. "Spoke to Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic about tensions in northern Kosovo. All sides must engage constructively in the EU-mediated dialogue, and solve differences through diplomacy. NATO_KFOR stands ready to intervene if stability is jeopardized, based on its UN mandate," Stoltenberg wrote in a Twitter post.


Serbia supports one-China policy; Continuation of outstanding overall relations between Serbia, China (Tanjug/RTV/Novosti)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic spoke on Wednesday with Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Serbia Chen Bo about the continuation of the development of outstanding bilateral relations in the political, economic and foreign trade fields. During the meeting, Brnabic placed special emphasis on the growth of economic cooperation, underlining that the volume of trade in goods in 2021 amounted to €5.3 billion, with the growth of Serbian exports by 157.7%. According to her, in just five months of this year, the exchange was €2.62 billion, which is almost 40 percent more compared to 2021, and growth was also recorded when it comes to exports (more than 76 percent), as and imports (about 32 percent). She said that in the past year, China was the second largest foreign trade partner of Serbia, and pointed out that during the last decade, Serbia's exports to China increased 152 times, and that in the past three years alone, since 2019, it has tripled. Also, as she added, out of the five largest Serbian exporters to the world last year, as many as three companies are owned by Chinese investors, which achieved a total export of €1.9 billion. The Prime Minister expressed her special satisfaction regarding the renewal of the direct Belgrade-Beijing airline line of a Chinese company, as well as the scheduled regular flights of Air Serbia from the end of October. Speaking about the current political situation in the world, Brnabic said that Serbia supports the one-China policy and considers Taiwan an integral part of the People's Republic of China, and underlined that this position will not change. Ambassador Chen Bo thanked Serbia for its consistent position and support for China in this matter. She added that Serbia, on the other hand, can still count on the continuous support of China on the international level, but also the development and improvement of cooperation in other fields, such as the Green Agenda, energy, biotechnology and the development of new technologies.


Serbia committed to strengthening cooperation with Latin American countries (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic began a multi-day official visit to the Latin American region, where he will meet with the ministers of foreign affairs and top officials of Cuba, Colombia, Costa Rica and Venezuela. Selakovic said in Havana that Cuba is a traditional friend and extremely loyal partner of Serbia in international organizations and forums, a country that provides us with solid support in the matter of preserving our territorial integrity and sovereignty, and whose word is in the world framework, but also in this part of the world. seriously appreciate. After his visit to Cuba, the minister will visit Colombia, where on 7 August, as a special envoy of the President of Serbia, he will attend the inauguration of the new president of Columbia Gustavo Francisco Petro Urrego. Selakovic noted that after Colombia, the delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will visit Costa Rica and Venezuela. He said that the countries of Central and South America that he will visit have different positions on issues that are of the greatest national and state importance for us. The fact that we are present here, that we are ready to talk and that we will have the opportunity to meet with almost all the presidents of these countries, and with more than ten presidents of states, prime ministers, ministers of foreign affairs in Colombia itself, speaks enough about the importance and activities of the relevant ministry in this part of the world, he underlined. The Minister stated that during those meetings, they will discuss how to improve economic and trade exchange, but also cooperation in all other areas, such as agriculture, sports, culture, youth, modern technologies and all other areas in which Serbia is progressing.


Petkovic: Why hasn’t Germany done anything regarding ZSO? (Tanjug/RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic today asked German ambassador in Pristina Jorn Rohde why Germany has not done anything regarding the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), and told him he should carefully read the previous agreements before making any unilateral interpretations. In this way, Petkovic reacted to Rohde’s Twitter post that said he, in conversation with the president of the provisional institutions of Pristina Vjosa Osmani, pointed out that Pristina’s decisions regarding license plates and entry-exit documents are legitimate and fully in line with the Brussels agreements. “The representative of Germany in Pristina is not telling the truth! How is it that the violation of the agreement and the violent actions of Albin Kurti are legitimate? How is the cancellation of the neutral status of KS license plates by Pristina legitimate? How is it that the German diplomat in Pristina is silent about it?,” Petkovic posted on Twitter. In addition, he asked how it is legitimate to confiscate personal documents of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. “Where does it (the Brussels agreement) say that? What happened to establishing the ZSO, which the Serbs have been waiting for almost 10 years and which is the only thing in accordance with the Brussels agreement?,” asked Petkovic.


Ukraine withdraws soldiers from KFOR (Beta/Novosti)


Ukraine is withdrawing 40 soldiers who are part of KFOR in Kosovo, the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced. “Until today, the national contingent of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, consisting of 40 soldiers, was located in Kosovo,” the Ukrainian army announced. “The return of the national contingent of Ukraine will mean a temporary cessation of its participation in the KFOR mission,” the NATO Joint Forces Command announced.


Orlic: I’ll follow Vucic’s policy with all my heart and soul (TV Happy/Beta)


Serbia’s new speaker Vladimir Orlic said on Wednesday that a parliamentary majority existed, and that “it’s absolutely clear what kind of a policy it will be pursuing – the policy of peace, stability and economic growth, everything President Aleksandar Vucic is pursuing personally”. “The victorious list of candidates will firmly abide by it. It’s the policy I’m supporting with all my heart and soul,” Orlic said in an interview with TV Happy. The new speaker explained that now the parliament of Serbia had more deputy speakers than before, and that the decision was in favor of the opposition, adding that five parliamentary committees were being headed also by opposition MPs. “We have shown that we have incomparably more freedom, democracy and fairness than before. We are proud of it, as proud as we are of all our successes that have made a positive, historic difference for Serbia,” Orlic said.


Commissariat: Serbia remembers ethnic cleansing during Croatia’s Storm Operation (Beta)


The Serbian Commissariat for Refugees and Migration stated on Wednesday that “it is with sadness” that Serbia remembers the ethnic cleansing campaign against the Serbs during Croatia’s operation Storm, launched on 4 August 1995. “Serbia has not, and will not forget the expulsion of 200,000 compatriots from the land they had inhabited for centuries. Serbia will always remember 1,700 innocent people killed during Operation Storm and after the operation, as well as the 700 people reported missing, whose fate is still unknown after nearly three decades,” the Commissariat promised in a press release. The government office also underlined that no one has been held accountable for the crimes against civilians during Operation Storm, while “sadly, the hostile atmosphere has remained unchanged.” “It’s nearly impossible for the Serbs in Croatia to exercise their rights. Only a handful of people have returned, mostly those who want to die at home,” the Commissariat has warned, adding that Croatia has not implemented the constitutional law on minority rights, guaranteeing Serbs proportional representation and employment in the state administration, police, judiciary and other public institutions. A service in memory of the victims of Operation Storm will be held at Belgrade’s Sveti Marko Church, on 5 August, at 11 am. Prayer services to commemorate the victims will take place across Serbia as well.




Reactions to statements of Izetbegovic keep on coming; Reactions by Vucic, OHR, UK Embassy, Russian Embassy to B&H (ATV


Reactions to warmongering statements of leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic keep on coming. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that many remain silent about his horrible statements when Izetbegovic accused Serbia of destroying the Balkans arguing that there is no area where Serbia did not create a problem in the past 30 years. Vucic said that Serbia has no intention whatsoever to wage war with Bosniaks and Serbia is not preparing for wars. He added: “If this is his (Izetbegovic’s) way to get votes, then O.K.” Asked about the latest statements coming from Izetbegovic, the Office of the High Representative (OHR) and the UK Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) reminded that they reacted on 25 July. The reporter noted that there was no reaction to statements of Izetbegovic given after this date. The UK Embassy to B&H stated that all leaders should build an atmosphere of mutual trust and get involved in dialogue by among other things, immediately stop with rhetoric of divisions and escalation and with destabilizing political activities or decisions, which disturbs citizens and undermines peace and stability in the country and within the region. The Russian Embassy to B&H stated that there are short-sighted politicians who give anti-Russian statements during the pre-election fight. The Russian Embassy to B&H expressed gratitude to the politician and ordinary citizens of B&H who share their values and who understand that Russia did everything and even more to create conditions for formation of equal safety for everyone while others were arrogant and did not want to hear them, while pushing the military NATO machine towards their borders.


Dodik welcomes signing of Fundamental Agreement between Montenegro and Serbian Orthodox Church (Nezavisne


Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik welcomed signing of the Fundamental Agreement between Montenegro and Serbian Orthodox Church and he added that this agreement brought the Serbian Orthodox Church in an equal position with other religious communities in Montenegro. “I believe the policies of divisions in Montenegro stayed in past and that the path of prosperity and progress is ahead of Montenegro,” Dodik said.


Balakar explains which new provisions of Election Law imposed by Schmidt will be implemented in 2022 General Election process (Dnevni avaz


Technical changes to B&H Election Law imposed by High Representative Christian Schmidt will enter into force on Thursday. President of B&H Central Election Commission (B&H CEC) Zeljko Bakalar commented for Dnevni avaz what these changes mean. He explained that, considering the timing of the changes, it will be possible to implement the provisions which refer to the integrity of the election process. He noted that B&H CEC was consulted before Schmidt imposed the changes, and B&H CEC explained which measures can be implemented immediately. Bakalar underlined that this will be a very challenging time for B&H CEC because it will be implementing the new provisions for the first time, and there is no existing court practice for them. He explained that the changes to the Election Law bring new definitions for certain terms, as well as broader competences for B&H CEC which will be able to decide what constitutes hate speech or abuse of public resources. B&H CEC will also have the possibility to remove parties or individual candidates from candidate lists in case of a severe violation of law. B&H CEC will have additional competences which refer to polling station committees, sanctioning of election administration and candidates. B&H CEC told the daily that B&H CEC will need to pass certain bylaws which will additionally clarify some situations such as hate speech, abuse of public resources or false representation.


Cavara: HR threatens Croat people; Someone wants to enable Islamization of B&H (Glas Srpske


Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) President Marinko Cavara (HDZ B&H) assessed that High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt is acting contrary to the interest of the Croat people and that the goal of the current policy is to “Islamize B&H.” Cavara pointed out that SDA politically organized the B&H CEC and that the CEC can punish whomever they want with the imposed Schmidt’s changes to the B&H Election Law. Cavara added: “On the other hand, to succumb to pressure of the crowd on the street is absurd in the sense that someone wants to show that he wants good for B&H and there are mechanisms for that and there should also be power through institutions. However, they absolutely showed that they got scared – especially Schmidt – who again threatens to the Croat people who fights the most for the Dayton and for the Washington – instead of doing what he should do; annul all decisions that HRs reached.” Cavara assessed: “So much rage and hate was expressed towards the Croat people because they want to have legitimate representatives.”


UK Embassy: UK remains strongly committed to security and stability of B&H and whole Western Balkans (N1


With regard to the latest analyses on the security situation in B&H and former UK Minister of Defense Michael Fallon‘s warning that Kosovo and B&H could be the new battlefields, the UK Embassy to B&H issued a statement on Wednesday noting that the UK remains strongly committed to security and stability of B&H and the whole Western Balkans. The statement was quoted as noting: “We will continue working together with our partners such as the Armed Forces of B&H to build capacities both bilaterally and with the help of NATO.”


Bilde demands investigation of threats of Turkey towards B&H (FTV


MEP Dominique Bilde requested an investigation from the European Commission of the alleged threat of Turkey towards B&H that support for the construction of a highway will be withdrawn. She said that Turkey already has connections to the majority of Muslim institutions in the Balkans. Vice President of the European Commission Josep Borrell answered Bilde, saying that the EU is aware of the demands Turkey made towards countries of the Western Balkans about the extradition of citizens of Turkey. He urged everyone to respect the rule of law as the basic principles of the EU. Borrell said that EU countries continue their work on the promotion of solutions for the political situation in B&H through dialogue, enabling the country to focus on a constructive agenda in accordance with the EU membership perspective.


Granic: Schmidt will be up to historic responsibility that guarantees protection of vital interest of Croat people in B&H (Vecernji list


Mate Granic, special advisor to Croatian Prime Minister asked to comment on the current political situation in B&H. Granic replied by saying, among other issues, that the political situation in B&H has deteriorated, arguing this is the most challenging and most sensitive situation after signing of the Dayton agreement. He added by saying the situation will worsen if the issue of the Election Law (of B&H) is not resolved by the October elections. In this context Granic said the biggest responsibility lies with former High Representatives, who imposed changes that are contrary to the Dayton agreement and the Constitution of B&H from the year 2006 until present days. Granic further stated that SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic and Bosniak member of the Presidency of B&H Sefik Dzaferovic are threatening Croats and Serbs with weapons, especially the Croats, arguing that they “radically want Unitarian civic state”, which violates the spirit and the letter of the Dayton agreement. “Their statements remind of Slobodan Milosevic’s policy and cannot bring anything good. High Representative of the international community (Christian) Schmidt is exposed to grave pressures that he does not take decision in line with the Dayton agreement, demonstrations are being organized and there are open threats. Chances of reaching any rational agreement in these five-six weeks are small because Izetbegovic is rejecting it in advance and publicly says he was not in favor of such an agreement”, said Granic. Asked to comment on the journalist’s remark that it would be naive to say that Izetbegovic’s threats of war are just part of the pre-election campaign, Granic said: “I agree with you, it is not just pre-election rhetoric, it is part of a strategy of creation of Unitarian B&H with Bosniak majority. Ever present Milorad Dodik’s separatism suits Izetbegovic and Bosniaks”. Asked if he believes that HR Schmidt will impose changes to the Election Law that would allow Croats to elect their representatives, Granic replied by saying Schmidt has great responsibility and that he believes Schmidt will be up to the historic responsibility that guarantees protection of vital interest of the Croat people in B&H. Asked to comment on the situation in Kosovo and the Balkans and whether the events are related to the situation on the global scene, Granic said they are indeed related, arguing that Russia wants to destabilize the region after attacking Ukraine. “It is especially related to B&H, Kosovo, as well as North Macedonia and Montenegro, including additional strengthening of Serbia’s influence”, added Granic.


Anti-War protest: Crimes in Storm Operation are responsibility of us all (Hina


Several NGOs held a half-hour anti-war protest in Ban Jelacic Square in downtown Zagreb on Wednesday to commemorate people killed and expelled during and in the aftermath of the 1995 Operation Storm, stressing that the crimes committed are the responsibility of the state and should be prosecuted. Participating in the rally were representatives of the Centre for Women Victims of War - ROSA, the Centre for Civil Courage, the Youth Initiative for Human Rights, the Association for Social Research and Communications from Sarajevo, and the Women's Network of Croatia, who expressed solidarity with all victims of war and war crimes. "We cannot understand the irresponsible behaviour of Croatian politicians when it comes to dealing with the past. The current political leadership in Croatia does not show sincerity, humility and respect for the victims of crimes, for the people who were killed," said Nela Pamukovic of the Centre for Women Victims of War. Until Croatia faces the war crimes committed in Operation Storm, it has no right to point the finger at others, the protesters said. According to the protesting NGOs, during and in the aftermath of Operation Storm more than 600 civilians are estimated to have been killed and more than 22,000 houses were burned, while about 150,000 Croatian citizens fled the country and their return was systematically discouraged and prevented for years. "We oppose the state's denial of the facts and warn that our fellow citizens of Serb ethnicity were killed, their property was looted and destroyed, their family members were expelled, and their return was de facto prevented for decades," said Pamukovic. There are no prospects for a peaceful future in a society that is based on not acknowledging its mistakes from the past. Protests and incidents show that our society is still divided, she added. During the half-hour protest some passers-by protested against the activists, some took pictures of their banners and talked to the activists, some expressed their displeasure and displayed counter-banners, and cursed the activists, calling them a "Chetnik gang".


Defense Minister won't attend President Milanovic's reception (Hina


Defense Minister Mario Banozic clarified on Wednesday that he will not be able to attend a reception organized by President Zoran Milanovic on Thursday ahead of the 27th anniversary of Operation Storm because of his scheduled work obligations. The President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces is holding a reception for Homeland War commanders at the Knin Fortress on Thursday on the occasion of Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and Croatian Veterans Day to mark the 27th anniversary of Operation Storm. Banozic said that two years ago, the Defense Ministry decided to include the President in the event, even though he was a guest until then. "Then scandals began to happen, some associations got involved and the organizing became unacceptable. We provided the necessary support and that's how the event was organized. Decorations will be awarded and thus we will participate in the anniversary on 5 August,'' he said. President Milanovic had earlier invited Minister Banozic, Veterans Affairs Minister Tomo Medved and Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic to the reception, but they have declined the invitation, according to the media. After the Jutarnji list daily reported that the President's Office ordered soldiers to first lay out the red carpet at the Knin Fortress, and then to put it away, reporters asked Banozic to comment. "I have said on several occasions that unacceptable things are happening for the Croatian Army. We have never had a situation where soldiers were ordered to do something. The army can help, but it cannot take over organizing the event based on orders, as this is a political event,'' said Banozic. In the meantime, the President's Office reacted and denied the allegations in the media that anyone had ordered the red carpet to be laid out. The President's Office protocol staff went to Knin Fortress to see how the preparations were going and saw that soldiers were installing panels for the red carpet which were not necessary so the panels were removed. It is sad, although not surprising, that the Hanza Media company has no respect for Croatian veterans and soldiers, and was not able to cover the biggest national holiday dedicated to Croatian freedom with the least bit of professionalism, the President's Office said.


Montenegro signs fundamental agreement with SPC without presence of media and without previous announcement; DPS, SDP, Liberal Party, Social Democrats and Democratic Union of Albanians announce no-confidence motion in Abazovic's government (Nova


Montenegro signed on Wednesday a Fundamental Agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) without the presence of the media and without previous announcement. Namely, after numerous speculations about the signing of the agreement, Serbian Patriarch Porfirije arrived in Podgorica on Wednesday morning without official announcement. Montenegrin Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic, who signed the fundamental agreement with the SPC on behalf of the Montenegrin Government, stated that that it is his honor and pleasure that by signing the Fundamental Agreement with the SPC, a process that lasted too long was brought to an end. "The idea to sign a fundamental agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church is an old idea. I am sorry that it was not realized in a previous period. However, the Government of Montenegro is determined to give all religious communities exactly the same rights, and we are happy and satisfied if we have contributed to that by this act today (Wednesday)," Abazovic told the media after the signing of the fundamental agreement with SPC. Meanwhile, 36 MPs of DPS, SDP, the Liberal Party, Social Democrats and the Democratic Union of Albanians announced a no-confidence motion in Abazovic's Government after it signed the fundamental agreement with SPC. Namely, DPS, SDP, the Liberal Party, Social Democrats and the Democratic Union of Albanians claim that Abazovic's behaviour and putting relations with the Serbian Orthodox Church in the foreground led to an irreparable loss of time needed for quality fulfilment of obligations from the European agenda and rising tensions in the Montenegrin society by which, as they stated, the Montenegrin Government lost its legitimacy. The nongovernmental sector in Montenegro has also criticized the signing of the fundamental agreement with SPC, accusing the Montenegrin Government of completely failing the experts and ignoring their well-intentioned remarks. They scheduled an extraordinary parliamentary session for 19 August. Minister Ranko Krivokapic (SDP) stressed that this act stopped the EU path of Montenegro. On the other hand, Prime Minister Abazovic underlined that this is sad day only for those who want to live in the past. He emphasized that anyone who wants destabilization is helping Russian influence in Montenegro. Secretary General of SDP Ivan Vujovic called on submitting the initiative for the removal of the current convocation of Montenegro government.


Krivokapic: Act was authorized in Belgrade, that’s why we couldn’t change a thing; Abazovic: Prosecute – I won’t move an inch (CdM


The secret signing of the Agreement between the government and the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) in Podgorica was the topic of the cabinet meeting. Minister of Foreign Affairs Ranko Krivokapic said, citing an internal document from Brussels, that due to the Agreement with SPC, the European Commission’s draft report to Montenegro for 2022 was quite negative. “In Brussels, there is no understanding why, at a crucial moment for the EU integration process, the focus is placed on issues such as the Fundamental Agreement, thus calling into question Montenegro’s historic chance to speed up its path to the EU. This attitude towards a historical chance is one of the reasons why the current draft of the 2022 EC report is quite negative”, Krivokapic pointed out. The Agreement with SPC is, he points out, an authorized act. “It was authorized in Belgrade, brought in Montenegro. That’s why we couldn’t change a comma, a period, or punctuation”, said Krivokapic, adding that because of this Montenegro would lose months in the election campaign. PM Dritan Abazovic pointed out that yesterday was a sad day only for those who wanted to live in the past, and that he hoped that Krivokapic was not part of that. “You thought that the power of a financial group that had already started a campaign through a quasi-portal would be enough to influence the prime minister to move from his path. That will not happen. In the elections, I foresee the return of that policy financed by those power centers. I would like you not to be on that ship, but I think that the structures of your party are on that ship and that is why the Government should collapse. If the agreement with SPC is not in accordance with the Constitution, feel free to prosecute me. Dritan Abazovic will not move an inch”, Abazovic said.


PM: They want north Kosovo situation in Podgorica (CdM


At yesterday’s cabinet meeting, PM Dritan Abazovic has accused Podgorica Mayor Ivan Vukovic and Gradska TV of spreading fascism. During the fierce debate that took place at the cabinet meeting after the signing of the Agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC), Abazovic said that he did not mind running for elections, especially attacking the local government in Podgorica. During the discussion with Minister of Foreign Affairs Ranko Krivokapic, Abazovic said that the idea was to activate the issue of the Agreement with SPC before the Podgorica elections.


Arsovski: Intra-party consultations on referendum question still ongoing, as soon as a decision is made, we will present it publicly (Republika


Consultations on the phrasing of the referendum question are still ongoing in VMRO-DPMNE, which is their initiative following the French proposal. The party pointed out that it is a major issue and that they are not bound by deadlines. The opposition accuses that the government is afraid and doesn’t say much on this topic, and that President Stevo Pendarovski changes his mind. The intra-party consultations are still ongoing, as soon as a decision is made, we will come out and present it publicly. What worries us more as a political party is the inappropriate behavior of Stevo Pendarovski, who himself stated that a referendum is needed on this issue, and then, after he was most likely pressured or by SDSM, backpedaled on the issue that there should be a referendum, the spokesperson of VMRO-DPMNE Dimce Arsovski said at the press conference.


VMRO-DPMNE: Kovacevski is ignoring the people by running away from the referendum (Republika


The Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski is ignoring the people by running away from the referendum, and does nothing about the energy crisis, only raises prices, VMRO-DPMNE reacted. It is appalling that Kovacevski persistently lies to the people that language and identity are protected with the negotiating framework, and it actually gives Bulgaria the opportunity if the Commission for Historical Issues does not agree on a specific issue, to block us, i.e. to veto our EU path, until the Bulgarian ultimatum is fulfilled. What does that mean? This means that the attitudes regarding history must be equated with the Bulgarian view, and we see that it denies the language and the nation, so we have a block about which nothing is written in the frame, but which would happen if the Constitution was changed and started with negotiation on Bulgarian terms. In the end, all this will result in complete Bulgarianization, says the party. Kovacevski knows all this, but he is consciously pushing Bulgarianization, just to stay in power for one more day. This is exactly why a referendum is needed, which will prevent this betrayal directed by Kovacevski and President Stevo Pendarovski, the opposition party added.


Kovacevski says a referendum would only be going backwards (TV Kanal 5


We have clearly stated that we want an independent Macedonian state that will become a member of the European Union. If you look at the Constitution and the constitutional order and all the strategies of the governments, it is very clear that we want this, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski said regarding the referendum proposed by the opposition. In the interview with TV Kanal 5, he assessed that the opposition’s theses that the Macedonian language will not be recognized in the European Union and that our identity will be lost that way, are unfounded. The first thesis of the opposition was that the Macedonian language would not be recognized in the EU, and then it was seen that it was pure manipulation. They said that the identity of the Macedonian people would be lost, but the vice-president of the European Commission at the intergovernmental conference himself clearly said that the Macedonian identity will not only be protected, but that it will be an identity that will build on the European identity, that is, everything that the European Union as a community of different peoples, different states has it at home. That is the goal of EU enlargement: increasing economic, human, cultural, educational potentials, etc. Our people deserve to move forward. Such a referendum would only be going backwards, underlined Kovacevski, informed the government press service.


Zakharova: Skopje’s donation of tanks to Kiev a big mistake of Macedonian authorities; MFA and MoD: Macedonia makes decisions independently (Republika


Russia believes the decision of authorities in Macedonia to donate tanks T-72 to Ukraine is a big mistake, said Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Maria Zakharova. Although it is outdated equipment, with the donation, says Zakharova, support is given for “the continuation of the criminal activities of the regime in Kiev”. Despite the fact that, according to the Macedonian authorities, it is a “harmless” donation of outdated equipment, the fact remains that the NATO-loyal Skopje is involved in the delivery of weapons to Ukraine, thus contributing to the continuation of the criminal activity of the regime in Kyiv against the civilian population in Donbass. People who profess democracy, freedom and human rights should know that. All this leads to further deterioration of the situation. We believe that this is a big mistake of the authorities in Macedonia, says Zakharova in a statement published on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. The Republic of Macedonia is a sovereign state that makes decisions independently, guided by the principles of respect for international law, the UN Charter, the OSCE principles and commitments in the protection of the European security architecture and global stability, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defense said in a joint statement in response to the statement of Zakharova. From the very beginning, Macedonia condemned the military intervention in Ukraine and stood in support of the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, and above all in support of peace, human rights and the international order based on rules. Namely, so far, the government of the Republic of Macedonia has passed several Decisions on military-technical assistance with which we help Ukraine in defending its territorial integrity, which is threatened by the military intervention, reads the statement. As a member of the most powerful military-political alliance – the NATO Alliance, it is added, Macedonia firmly stands behind the position and determination of the Alliance to be a guarantor of the peace and security of its member countries and to protect the values, freedom and security of current and future generations.