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Belgrade Media Report 18 August



UNMIK urges Vucic, Kurti to engage constructively (Beta/RTS)


The UN Secretary General's Special Representative and UNMIK chief Caroline Ziadeh urged Belgrade and Pristina on Wednesday to engage constructively and support the integrity of the EU-facilitated dialogue process. "It is fundamentally important to promote the climate that is conducive to true dialogue. The sides must work on solving open issues in good faith, using the engagement of the past 11 years in order to secure additions to the hard-obtained gains in the dialogue mediated by the EU," Ziadeh stated ahead of the meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti.


Meeting between Vucic and Kurti ended: I hope, although I'm skeptical (Tanjug/B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met in Brussels with the EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security, Josep Borrell, and the EU's Special Representative, Miroslav Lajcak. The media reports that the US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar entered the building of the European Service for Foreign Affairs in Brussels shortly before noon. Before that meeting, Vucic met with Borrell and Lajcak as part of the continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina at the highest level after more than a year. "The beginning of the conversation about the essential problems in Kosovo and Metohija. I hope for some kind of solution, although I'm quite skeptical," wrote Vucic on his Instagram account with a photo with Borrell.


Borrell: I expect Kurti and Vucic to be flexible

The head of diplomacy of the EU Josep Borrell said that he expects Vucic and Kurti to be open and flexible at today's meeting in Brussels, to find a common language. Borrell stated on Twitter that the recent tensions in the north of Kosovo once again showed that it is time to move forward towards full normalization. "I am convening this morning the High-level Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue meeting. Recent tensions in the north of Kosovo have demonstrated yet again that it is time to move forward towards full normalization. I expect both leaders to be open and flexible to find common ground," Borrell said.


Brnabic: Belgrade's priority preservation of peace, stability (TV Prva)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said that Serbia is presenting a clear agenda at today's talks in Brussels, where peace and stability are a priority. Appearing on TV Prva, she said that Serbia insists on respecting international law, the Brussels agreement and United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244. Our goal is to preserve peace and ensure stability and that is the only task today in Brussels, the Prime Minister said and added that today they will talk about controversial topics – identity cards and license plates, which are proof that Albin Kurti goes further and constantly provokes. According to her, neither the EU nor Quint could influence Kurti to twice revoke the basic human rights of Serbs from the north of Kosovo and Metohija.

I don't see that Albin Kurti wants to give up on the implementation of his intentions, which is to expel Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, the prime minister pointed out. She stated that President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic submitted a document to Brussels with the exact number of attacks on Serbs, incursions of fully armed Albanian forces into our territories, examples of desecration of churches and monasteries, and attacks on Serb property. The Prime Minister also said that Serbia is open to discussions on all topics such as energy supply in Kosovo and Metohija and missing persons, but that Pristina politicians are not ready for that.


Vucic: Role of KFOR, NATO in Kosovo and Metohija important for Serbia (Tanjug/Politika/RTS)


Peace and stability are crucial for Serbia, and the role of KFOR and NATO in Kosovo and Metohija is important for us, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said after a Brussels meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Wednesday. At a joint press conference, Vucic thanked Stoltenberg for his desire to hear Serbia's position, and added that they had discussed all developments in Kosovo and Metohija. "We do not always have to see eye to eye on all things. The role of KFOR and NATO in Kosovo and Metohija is important for us, and we respect it," Vucic said. Vucic said that, on his orders, the Serbian Armed Forces chief of general staff had contacted the KFOR commander during a critical night early this month and that the move had greatly helped to calm tensions and deescalate the crisis in Kosovo and Metohija. "We will continue to respect the KFOR mandate in line with international public law and EU norms, and I believe we can always be met with understanding and a desire by Jens Stoltenberg, NATO and KFOR to ensure peace and stability. Peace and stability are crucial for Serbia," Vucic said. He said Thursday's dialogue with Pristina in Brussels would be difficult because there was practically no agreement on any issue, but that Serbia would adhere to international public law, the UN Charter, the UN SC resolution and the Brussels agreement, and to everything that had been signed. He noted that he had informed Stoltenberg of Serbia's position and presented a list of raids by Pristina's special police forces in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, for which he said no permission had ever come from NATO or the mayors of the four northern Kosovo municipalities. He also presented a list of attacks on the Serb population in Kosovo and Metohija. "Our job is to speak about our position and preserve peace and stability," Vucic said. Speaking about bilateral Serbia-NATO ties, Vucic said he had reiterated to Stoltenberg that Serbia was a militarily neutral country and would remain so. "We have a history that is neither easy nor simple, but we want to strengthen further cooperation with KFOR and NATO and to avert any possibility of escalation and conflict," Vucic said. Serbia has been acting in a very responsible manner and has made no provocations, he said. Asked by a reporter to comment on allegations by Albanian-language media that the Serbian Armed Forces had trampled international law by crossing the administrative line between central Serbia and Kosovo and Metohija, Vucic responded that the Serbian army and police had at no time done that. "They (Albanian-language media) lied about that, just like they lie about everything else," Vucic said.


Vucic: We need rational approach, compromise solution

Vucic said a rational approach and a compromise solution were needed in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, rather than a solution that would suit someone's wishes and be used to blackmail Serbia or order it what to do. "They (Pristina) say: 'We are waiting for mutual recognition, and if that does not happen, Serbia is to blame'. That is not how it works. We must speak to each other and see what a real compromise solution would be. We are ready for that," Vucic said at a joint press conference Stoltenberg. Asked by a reporter to comment on a statement by the PM of the provisional Pristina authorities Albin Kurti that Russia may interfere in the conflict between Belgrade and Pristina, Vucic responded he did not believe Kurti and Pristina were concerned over such a possibility at all. "That is political rhetoric in which you can use everything against someone. It is easy for me to rebut those claims because, for over 100 days, we have been hearing about Serbia's desire to mount attacks on some entities or countries in the region. They (Pristina) said this was supposed to happen four or five months ago, but it has not happened to date. That means that, in fact, they lied about that," Vucic said. It is easy to use the present political situation against someone without real arguments, he added. When asked if the aggressive behavior by Kurti and the Quint states had prompted him to consider an offer to set up a Russian military base in Serbia, Vucic replied Serbia did not need anyone's bases and that it was a militarily neutral country that just wanted to maintain peace. Serbia wants to protect its skies and its people on its own, and it will act in the same way in the future as well, he said.


Stoltenberg: KFOR ready to intervene if stability is jeopardized (Tanjug/Politika/RTS)


NATO is watching the situation in Kosovo closely and, in case stability is jeopardized, KFOR is ready to intervene, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said after a Brussels meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Wednesday. At a joint press conference with Vucic, he said the KFOR mission remained focused on its mandate and that, in case stability was jeopardized, KFOR was ready to intervene and would take all necessary measures to ensure security and freedom of movement. For the situation to improve, both sides must exercise restraint and avert escalation, he said, adding that the EU-facilitated dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina was the only way to overcome differences. Welcoming the next round of the dialogue, scheduled for Thursday, Stoltenberg said all sides needed to demonstrate flexibility and readiness for compromise. He said NATO appreciated its long-time partnership with Serbia and noted that the alliance would continue to work on strengthening peace and stability in the Balkans. He noted that the meeting with Vucic had also addressed what he said was Russia's brutal war against Ukraine, and noted that it was important that the international community be united in a condemnation of aggression. Responding to a question from a reporter, Stoltenberg said KFOR had already boosted its presence in the north of Kosovo and Metohija and was ready to act in case of an escalation of the situation there, but was primarily working on a calming of tensions through contacts with Belgrade and Pristina.


Serbia doing everything to maintain peace, stability, Vucic tells Lajcak (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with the EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak in Brussels on Wednesday afternoon. Vucic and Lajcak met in the building of the Serbian diplomatic mission to Brussels to discuss preparations for Thursday's new round of the dialogue. "In an open conversation with Lajcak, I reiterated Serbia's firm commitment to continue to do everything with the aim of maintaining peace and stability across the region and reaching a compromise solution through dialogue, without pressure or ultimatums," Vucic wrote in a post on his buducnostsrbijeav Instagram profile. He added that he had noted that Serbia insisted on full implementation of accepted and signed Brussels agreements as Serbia had fully met all its commitments.


Vucic to Escobar: Serbia a serious, reliable, responsible side in dialogue (FoNet)


As a serious, reliable and responsible side in the dialogue, Serbia will continue to make maximum efforts in order to maintain peace, stability and progress of the entire region, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said at a meeting with US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar in Brussels. “In an extremely open talk I stressed that, as a serious, reliable and responsible side in the dialogue, Serbia will continue to make maximum efforts in order to maintain peace, stability and progress of the entire region,” Vucic wrote on his Instagram account following the meeting. Vucic said he “particularly stressed” the fact that Serbia is “as always, committedly and sincerely working to calm the tensions that it did not cause, in line with the consistent policy of seeking a compromise solution solely through dialogue, for the benefit of all citizens”.


Botsan-Kharchenko: Vucic will not change stance on Russia sanctions (TASS/Beta)


The Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko stated on Wednesday that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic would adhere to the policy of rejection of any sanctions against Russia. "The issue of pressures and attempts to force Belgrade to turn its back on Russia does and will continue to exist. However, on the basis of Vucic's official statements and personal contacts with him, there is reason to believe that Vucic's approach in the sense of rejecting anti-Russian measures is very stable and principled and that it would remain so," the diplomat stated, as reported by TASS. The Ambassador said that Vucic's stance was very clear and definitive in the context of Serbia's long-term strategic policy, which it has not abandoned and which entails continuing the pre-accession negotiations and joining the EU. "It is a whole other thing that the West had condensed all these European path requirements towards Belgrade to three demands – joining anti-Russian sanctions, recognizing Kosovo's independence and reducing ties with the leadership of Republika Srpska," he said, adding that these demands were "sensitive to the utmost and absolutely unacceptable for Belgrade".


Demostat: Situation in Kosovo’s north unstable, provocative acts possible (Beta)


The situation in the north of Kosovo is unstable, and deliberate provocative acts are possible, but any conflict in the presence of NATO troops would guarantee Belgrade’s defeat, Demostat’s respondents said in a survey published on Wednesday. Milivoje Mihajlovic, a journalist, was quoted by the research and publishing center as saying that “there’s a realistic fear of hasty moves by individuals, a Kosovo police officer or a Serb, likely to provoke shooting which, at worst, might take casualties and create enormous problems. The journalist said that the war in Ukraine “raises the temperature” in Kosovo, too, and that Pristina was trying to use the conflict to get a better negotiating position in Brussels. According to the director of the Forum for Ethnic Relations Dusan Janjic a new war in Kosovo can be sparked “only by a third party”, as local Serbs and local Albanians don’t want any new conflicts. Janjic added that any local conflict in Kosovo’s north would “directly challenge the NATO position in Kosovo and in the region,” and that in that case Belgrade’s defeat would be “guaranteed”.




Schmidt responds to accusations that he wants to change B&H Election Law according to will of HDZ B&H: I never said to anyone in Sarajevo or anywhere else that I would change Election Law (BHT1)


High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt paid a visit to Gorazde on Wednesday. As part of his visit to Gorazde, Schmidt met with representatives of nongovernmental organizations, private sector and religious communities. Schmidt told the media that he never told anyone neither in Sarajevo nor somewhere else that he will change the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Election Law, because the politicians in B&H did not do that even after 15 years. "I am really fed up with all this and it is high time they sit down and start working, because the people here have the right and deserve that those they elected as their representatives work on their behalf. The Federation of B&H (FB&H) has not had a government for four years, and I intend to unblock it," Schmidt underlined. Quite annoyed, Schmidt said he had enough of everything and that one cannot go to Europe like this. You must sit down. Why did you not reach an agreement in Butmir? Why did they not agree on the April package? Why did they not adopt any solution?”. Schmidt blamed the politicians in B&H for the current situation in the country. “I am becoming very angry, because everyone here transfers blame onto someone else. And it is always someone else that is guilty. That is not a path towards the European Union”, Schmidt underlined. He said he is “sick and tired” of the politicians’ behavior, and he told them to stop making excuses and to start doing their jobs. Schmidt said B&H citizens deserve to have their elected representatives work and make decisions that are good for the country. HR said he is a patient man but he cannot tolerate the behavior of B&H politicians anymore. He added that politicians need to stop playing games to start making concrete decisions. “I say again that I will not accept constant accusations and I really consider it a personal insult when it is suggested that I question the territorial integrity and Others in this country. People in this country, in this city, lost their lives to save it and I will not be part of the political games.”


Dodik: It is not good to have problems with Germany, but no money is enough to destroy character of Serb people and Germans need to understand that (ATV)


Commenting on the allegations that Germany suspended funds for B&H Armed Forces’ military barracks in Doboj, Serb member of B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik stated on Wednesday that it is not good to have problems with Germany, but that no money is enough to destroy character of the Serb people and Germans need to understand that. “We must oppose when the German Bundestag passes the resolution on B&H calling for abolition of RS and for new organizational system in B&H. Reaction is necessary when they send you Christian Schmidt who ignores everything and causes even bigger disorder in B&H. Plus, they send you some soldiers who defend their interests, and then we need to thank them for their money”, Dodik said. He reminded that he agrees with a stance of Germany not to allocate money for defense in B&H. Dodik said that there comes a time when money is not enough to destroy the character of an entire people. "They need to understand that, let them do whatever they want... They are lying. What are they giving? What they gave the RS, 80 percent and more are loans that we are paying back regularly. We will not owe them anything. If they are not interested, there are other places from which we will withdraw that money, and we are already doing it," Dodik said. Dodik repeated that the UN Security Council did not give the consent for appointment of High Representative Schmidt arguing that he is making an even bigger mess in B&H.


B&H Ministry of Defense responds to inquiry about new package of NATO measures for B&H (BHT1)


In response to BHT1's inquiry about the new package of NATO measures for B&H, the B&H Ministry of Defense stated that in the coming period, support to the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of B&H will be intensified according to the new concept, that is, through the DCB (Defense Capacity Building) program. "The goal of the program is to reach the necessary level of operational capabilities and interoperability of the Armed Forces of B&H," the B&H Ministry of Defense said in a statement. The B&H Ministry of Defense explained that this is in response to the needs and requests of this Ministry for material support to amortize the issue of lack of resources, and that DCB support measures will also increase the capacities of declared units, including the development of a battalion group of light infantry under the concept of operational capabilities. "Projects that have been nominated by the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of B&H are currently under consideration by NATO. It is to be expected that they will be defined and approved in the first half of next year, after which implementation would begin," the B&H Ministry of Defense said.


Turkovic says statements of Russian Embassy to B&H are provocation (FTV)


Commenting on the statement of the Russian Embassy to B&H, which claimed that ‘propaganda noise’ on ‘Althea’ mission is no coincidence but it is an attempt of primarily USA and United Kingdom to achieve geo-political domination, Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H Bisera Turkovic said that such comments are “provocation”. Turkovic noted that the NATO forces are not ‘occupation forces’ but they contribute to peace in B&H.


Croatia records highest ever inflation (HRT1)


According to information published on Wednesday by the state statistics bureau, consumer prices in Croatia increased by 12.3 percent year-on-year in the month of July; the highest inflation the country has seen since the statistics bureau began keeping records. The high inflation rate is mainly due to exploding prices of fuel and food. In June, the inflation rate was 12.1 percent. July was the third consecutive month of double-digit inflation rates. In the first seven months of 2022, the consumer prices index increased by 9.1 percent year on year, said analysts from Raiffeisen. Economic analyst Damir Novotny said the successful summer tourism season could also be to blame for rising prices. "The tourism season has shown that mainly foreign tourists are prepared to pay any price during this tourism season. This, of course, has significantly contributed to an overall increase in prices in Croatia and pushed up the rate of inflation," said Novotny. Union leader Mladen Novosel said the only logical response from the government should be to raise salaries. "We will ask the government next month once negotiations pick back up, that they increase public sector salaries by at least ten percent. This would be ideal in the private sector as well, but that will be slightly more difficult," noted Novosel. Fellow union leader Kresimir Sever would like the government to lower the VAT on electricity to five percent - at least temporarily. This, he says, will have a wider impact on the population compared to simply offering vouchers to the poor. Raiffeisen analysts, however, say they expect double-digit increases in the coming months as well, before some mild stabilization towards the end of the year. Unfortunately, energy and food prices are not expected to fall, but merely slow down and possibly stabilize at the currently increased levels. This means that Croatia could see the highest inflation rate in its recent history by the end of the year, at 9.2 percent or higher.


Part of MPs of former majority submits initiatives for Djurovic’s dismissal and vote of no confidence in government (CdM)


MPs of the Democratic Front, Democrats, Movement for Change, Demos, Real Montenegro and United Montenegro have submitted initiatives for the dismissal of parliament speaker Danijela Djurovic and a vote of no confidence in the Government of Dritan Abazovic. Djurovic has scheduled an extraordinary session of the parliament for 2 September, at which a vote is to be taken on the initiatives submitted by members of the former current majority. The initiative was signed by 32 MPs. The proposal for a vote of no confidence in the government states that according to the clearly communicated views of political actors, the 43rd government of Montenegro does not have support in the parliament, which is necessary to ascertain by voting on this initiative. It is further stated that the government of Prime Minister Abazovic continuously “showed its inability to defend itself against various internal destructive political influences, which has led to mutual distrust and difficult confrontations within the government itself”.


Zenka: Montenegro attacked in most perfidious way elections most democratic solution (Portal Analitika)


“I expect a positive outcome at the session on Friday. All parties that think that the situation must be stabilized and want this country well will vote in favor of no confidence in the government”, says the leader of the Democratic Union of Albanians, Mehmed Zenka, in an interview for the Analitika portal. He also thinks that it is unlikely that the majority that formed the 42nd government will gather again. “It’s a tried-and-tested model that has brought down this country, both economically and politically, and set Montenegro back in the integration process. If anyone thinks that that constellation could get back to power, we will lock the door to Europe. I don’t believe that it can happen, but when we see who all the actors on the political scene are, everything is possible”, says Zenka. He adds that the solution to the political crisis is a transitional government that will prepare elections. Speaking about the Fundamental Agreement that the government of Montenegro signed with the Serbian Orthodox Church at the beginning of this month, he says that it is a fraud on Montenegro. “Montenegro was attacked in the most cunning and perfidious way and the best way to stop its accelerated path to the EU was to sign such an agreement. The excuses that those of us who are against such an agreement are protecting crime are futile. This agreement is an attack on our values, on sacred places that belong to the cultural and religious heritage of Montenegro”, Zenka points out. Zenka also believes that this kind of agreement will slow down Montenegro’s path to the EU, because with Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, we got a good chance for accelerated entry, which unfortunately, as he points out, we didn’t know how to use well.


Pisonero: Political developments shouldn’t slow down implementation of European reforms (MINA)


The European Commission (EC) hopes that the current political events in Montenegro will not further slow the implementation of European reforms down. EC spokeswoman Ana Pisonero recalled that representatives of the EU during their visit to Montenegro had said that the country should urgently implement the reform of the rule of law. “Specifically, non-appointments in the judiciary system have a worrying impact on the entire judiciary and its ability to administer justice”, Pisonero told the MINA agency. She said that the tasks of the authorities were clear, and that the EU would do everything to help Montenegro in that process, and everything in the interest of Montenegrin citizens and the European future.


Record inflation in July: Although prices on international market are falling, this cannot yet be expected in our country (CdM)


In relation to the countries of the region and the European Union, Montenegro has recorded a record price increase. According to the latest data from the MONSTAT Statistical Office, in July of this year, Montenegro recorded new record inflation levels of 14.9%, Mirza Muleskovic, economic analyst and executive director of Inteligencija MNE, has told CdM. In an interview for CdM, Muleskovic explains why, despite the reduction in fuel prices, it is difficult to expect that there will be a reduction in the prices of products on the market. He warns that according to all forecasts, autumn will be difficult, and that this period can be good for the creation of reserves by the state and trade chains. “Montenegro has not had an inflation problem since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, but this problem has been present since the beginning of the year and even earlier, which leads us to the conclusion that the general increase in prices is caused by the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, which is a price reaction to large non-reimbursed state aid to reducing the impact of the pandemic”, explains Muleskovic. Also, he points out, the tax reform, the increase in the minimum wage and the increase in the average wage, i.e. the Europe Now program, is one of the factors of the general increase in prices. According to him, it is generally known in economic theory and practice that any sudden increase in wages leads to an increase in money in circulation in an economy, which must eventually lead to a general increase in prices. We must, he is clear, be aware of the fact that prices react very quickly during certain global turbulences, as far as growth is concerned, and that on the other hand it is very difficult for prices to fall. “Also, in the last period, trade chains acquired products at much higher prices and made certain stocks, and until new stocks are made, we cannot expect a significant drop in prices. Nevertheless, this situation must encourage us because the drop in prices on the global market can lead to the stabilization of prices on the domestic market, which in this situation represents significant information and an opportunity for decision-makers to deal with the very problems that are being announced for the autumn of this year”, Muleskovic points out.


Army celebrates 30th anniversary: After three decades it became a nameless Army (Republika)


To mark the Day of the Army, Aug. 18, and the Army’s 30th anniversary, Minister of Defense Slavjanka Petrovska and Army Chief of General Staff Lieutenant General Vasko Gjurcinovski will attend an Army Day celebration titled “30 Years of Security, Stability, Trust” at the military stadium in the City Park at 7 pm. The latest and most sophisticated equipment of the Army will be presented, including the new JLTV Oshkosh armored military vehicles, the skills of the army specialists will be demonstrated, and a demonstration point with army dogs is also planned.


Begaj-Kajari meet after Kosovo North's reciprocity tensions (ADN)


President of the Republic Bajram Begaj has been received in a meeting by the commander of KFOR, Major General Ferenc Kajari. Kajari informed the Albanian Head of State about the security situation in Kosovo and especially in its north, while he praised the professionalism of FA operatives in the KFOR mission. President Bajram Begaj appreciated the irreplaceable role of NATO and KFOR for maintaining stability and security in Kosovo and the entire region. In the afternoon, President of the Republic stopped in Pec, where he met with members of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Albania, part of the KFOR peacekeeping mission. While appreciating the contribution of every member of the FA, the President asked for caution in fulfilling their mission. "The constitutional order of Kosovo should not be violated," said President Begaj during the meeting with the members of the Armed Forces.


DP welcomes NATO's support for Kosovo after tensions with Serbia (ADN)


Former prime minister Sali Berisha reacted after the statements made by the Secretary General of NATO regarding the tensions in the north of Kosovo, who said that they are ready to intervene in case the situation escalates. Berisha says that Democratic Party (DP) supports his statements and considers them vital for maintaining peace and stability in our region. "The Democratic Party welcomes today's meetings at NATO Headquarters, fully supports and considers of vital importance the efforts and direct commitment of Secretary General Stoltenberg and NATO to maintain peace and stability in our region."


Kraja and Hajnaj visit the USA, meeting with FBI and DEA officials (Radio Tirana)


The head of SPAK Arben Kraja and a group of investigators from the National Bureau of Investigation, chaired by the head of the BKH Aida Hajnaj visited Washington DC last week.

They met with officials from the Justice Department and the State Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the Maryland Center for Coordination and Analysis, and the Baltimore Police Department (BPD), said the US embassy in Tirana. The commissioner and deputy commissioner of the Office of Public Integrity (formerly the FBI's public corruption and organized crime investigator) from the Baltimore Police Department welcomed them. They also met with a Justice Department executive who has led high-level public corruption investigations and prosecutions as a federal prosecutor. This week, the group is at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia, training and sharing experiences with agents and experts from the world's largest law enforcement agency. A second group of investigators will follow the same program next week. This month's visits started on August 3, with executive level meetings between the inter-institutional agencies of the United States and the Special Prosecutor's Office and the BKH in SPAK.


The UNDP representative and the Polish ambassador visit Lezha (Radio Tirana)


The Permanent Representative of UNDP Monica Merino and the Ambassador of Poland to Albania Monika Zuchniak-Pazdan paid a visit to Lezha, where they were welcomed by the mayor Pjerin Ndreu. Ndreu informed that the topic of the conversation was investments in Lezha. "As two important partners that are in the process of investing in Lezha, UNDP with the schools "Gjergj Kastrioti" and "Fran Ivanaj" and the Polish government with the new fire station, we exchanged many ideas and opportunities for cooperation in the future", said Ndreu. Following the stay in Lezha, the Permanent Representative of UNDP, Merino, and the Polish Ambassador, Zuchniak-Pazdan, visited the Memorial of Gjergj Kastriot, the church of "Shna Premtes" Balldre and the lagoon of Kune-Vain.