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Belgrade Media Report 25 August



Vucic: Name of PM designate to be announced on Friday or Saturday (Tanjug/RTS/B92)


Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) leader Aleksandar Vucic said late on Wednesday he knew who would be named Serbia's PM designate but that, as president of the country, he would announce the name on Friday afternoon or Saturday morning, depending on his other commitments. "Under the Serbian Constitution, I cannot announce it now, but I will do that within 48 hours. I know who is the PM designate. As president of the Republic, I will announce that name pursuant to Articles 112 and 107 of the Constitution of Serbia," Vucic said after an SNS Presidency session. "We discussed all of the most significant topics such as the present situation in Kosovo and Metohija, election of a PM designate and upcoming tasks that are ahead of all of us. It seems to me that I heard and learned a lot from the people in our party's Presidency about the election of a new PM as well as about key political affairs," Vucic noted. He said Ana Brnabic and Milos Vucevic were candidates for PM and would both be in the new cabinet. There will be major changes in the new government, Vucic also said. Regarding the statements of the American Ambassador Christopher Hill, Vucic says that the Americans are a great power and that they will not change their policy for the sake of a small Serbia. "I am grateful to the ambassador for noticing a rational and reasonable approach, and I think everyone in the EU saw it. Another thing is that many people do not like it, because it is their baby that they are making and rocking. You are in an impossible position. I can talk about our mistakes, but we are still fighting in impossible conditions, we are still protecting what is ours. Along with all that, we are also managing to preserve peace. That is why I am anxiously and impatiently waiting for tomorrow's talks," said Vucic. "We need to unite and overcome obstacles day after day," said Vucic.


Members of northern Kosovo local assemblies back Vucic to find solution (Tanjug/Politika)


In a declaration, the members of the local assemblies of the four Serb-majority municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija on Wednesday backed Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to find in the next seven days a compromise, sustainable and long-term solution to the problems of vehicle license plates and IDs through dialogue and in line with the interests of local Serbs while preserving peace, stability and security. In the document, adopted at a joint session in Zvecan, the members of the North Mitrovica, Zvecan, Leposavic and Zubin Potok municipal assemblies demand that a Community of Serb Municipalities be formed urgently and without any delay as defined in the Brussels agreements. The Community is a need of the Serb population as it should protect our fundamental rights, the assembly members said, noting that the establishment of the Community was nearly ten years overdue and that the Serbs did not accept any delays to the EU-guaranteed process. They announced that, in case no compromise solution was found, they would begin a process that would see them and all other Serbs abandon all of Pristina's institutions at all levels, from central and local institutions to courts, prosecutor's offices, the police and all other institutions, which they said would completely dismantle the Brussels process. The declaration also calls upon KFOR and other international institutions to ensure peace and security to all citizens in line with UN SC Resolution 1244 and the Kumanovo Military-Technical Agreement, as well as not to "let themselves be a tool in the hands of Pristina, which is striving to use violence as a means of a political fight to solve open issues". The declaration also said "the main source of instability in the north is coming from Pristina and includes the arrival of special police forces the Serbs have no trust in".


Hill entertains hope of war in Ukraine bringing Serbia closer to EU, US (Beta)


Speaking on the Independence Day of Ukraine, the US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill said he hoped the war in the country would bring Serbia closer not only to Europe, but also to the US. “Just like the war has brought together the EU and the US, I hope it will bring Serbia closer not only to Europe, but to the US, too. We can’t let this type of aggression survive, we can’t allow for a situation in the world that a neighbor can attack a neighbor,” Hill said in a written statement. As he put it, Ukraine enjoyed the support of the entire world, the US in particular. “What Serbia should do, and how the citizens of Serbia might react, should depend on Serbia, of course. Siding with Ukraine against Russia at this point puts us all on the right side of history, because Ukraine will surely triumph,” the Ambassador said.


Lajcak, Escobar meet Kosovo Serb representatives (KoSSev/FoNet/N1)


The US and EU envoys for Kosovo, Gabriel Escobar and Miroslav Lajcak, met in Northern Mitrovica with representatives the Serb List, the strongest Kosovo Serb political party. Following the meeting, Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Lajcak said there are many speculations about the decision on the license plates, and that the international community’s message is that the situation on 31 August cannot be the same as that on 31 July, which is why the two envoys are having meetings in Belgrade and Pristina. The two-hour meeting, which was held behind closed doors, was attended by the mayors of the four majority-Serb municipalities in the north of Kosovo, Mitrovica North, Zvecan, Leposavic and Zubin Potok and by the Serb List leader and Kosovo Minister Goran Rakic, Kossev reported. Lajcak said he and the US Special Envoy for Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar are doing all they can to prevent a repeat of the barricades and to ensure that people are not afraid for their lives. I am here to do everything with our friends so there are no barricades, no unrest, no injuries, and so people can live in peace. I am an optimist, I have to be, I would not have come here if I weren’t, said Lajcak. He said he expects 1 September to be a normal day, and added that a meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti will soon be held. Whatever decision is made, Serbs are at its center, because every bad decision makes their lives worse, and every good decision improves their living conditions, said Lajcak. Escobar said they considered the north Kosovo mayors’ concerns, that his and Lajcak’s mission continues in Belgrade, adding he hopes they will be able to issue a statement in Belgrade later in the day.


Lajcak: Vucic-Kurti meeting in Brussels not in vain (BBC/Beta)


The EU special representative for normalization talks between Belgrade and Pristina said on Wednesday that a meeting in Brussels between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti on 18 August “was not in vain”. “It was a very different round. We had a professional, guided, respectful debate, Vucic and Kurti didn’t fight, but respected each other’s vision, aware of their differences,” Lajcak said in an interview for the BBC Serbian Service. When asked to say more about the problem of car plates, Lajcak answered in the context of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. “The priority is to help Ukraine in the war, and it consumes our capacity, so there’s no understanding in the EU for a possible conflict in the Balkans to be waged over matters that are neither painful or urgent, that don’t cost very much and are not life-threatening,” Lajcak said. When asked if the Community of Serb Municipalities was a political or legal issue, the EU negotiator said that it involved the elements of both. “The Brussels agreement was ratified by the Kosovo Assembly, and it’s a legal obligation Kosovo accepted – the legal aspect is larger than many other agreements reached in Brussels, which haven’t been ratified either. The political aspect is all around us, preventing us from implementing the agreement,” Lajcak said.


KFOR in regular contact with Serbian Armed Forces representatives (Tanjug/RTS)


The KFOR mission said on Thursday the commanders of its regional commands maintained regular contact with all main interlocutors, including Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) representatives. "KFOR maintains a visible and agile posture on the ground and Regional Commands Commanders are in regular contact with all the main interlocutors, including the representatives of the Serbian Armed Forces," the KFOR mission said in a post on its official Twitter account that also included a photo from a meeting with SAF representatives.


Orlic: Important information to be disclosed at September session (Beta)


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic stated on Wednesday that a session of the Serbian parliament on Kosovo and Metohija would be held during September and that "a lot of important information about everything our country is facing" would be disclosed then. He told Beta that the caucus "Aleksandar Vucic – Together We Can Do Everything," which has majority in the parliament, had announced that it would formally request the holding of a session on this subject, and that "the session will certainly be held during September". Orlic said that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic would be invited to the session, and that "he has always accepted the parliament's invitations and talked on the subject of Kosovo and Metohija". "It will be an opportunity for the parliament and all citizens of Serbia to hear a lot of important information about everything that our country is facing, about the issue of Kosovo and Metohija and all the challenges and risks initiated by the irresponsible moves of Albin Kurti," stated Orlic.


Stefanovic: Milanovic protects child killers, not showing a shred of humanity (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic says that the Serb children to whom Croatian President Zoran Milanovic refers to as "allegedly some killed children" have names and last names. Stefanovic said that they were Jovica Drca (6), Zarko (9) and Nevenka Rajic (11), and Darko Vukovic (13), and that they were killed on Petrovacka Cesta in a refugee column that was indiscriminately bombed by Croatian "heroes" in 1995 - who also have a name. "Simply, no matter how wild he goes in his statements attacking Serbia, President Vucic and the prosecution in Belgrade, there must be justice for the victims of this inhumane crime," said Stefanovic, reacting to Milanovic's statement that Croatia will indict the president of Serbia because Serbia has indicted Croatian pilots who bombed a convoy of Serb refugees in 1995, killing civilians, including children.


Council of Europe Serbia's partner in drafting judicial laws (Tanjug)


Serbian Minister of Justice Maja Popovic said on Thursday, at a meeting with Head of the Council of Europe Mission in Belgrade Tobias Flesenkemper, that the Ministry is carrying out the process of drafting a set of judicial laws in a transparent and inclusive manner. Popovic pointed out that the consultation process with the rapporteurs of the Venice Commission, with whom excellent cooperation has been achieved so far, contributes significantly to this. She explained that after the working groups finalize the work on drafting judicial laws, the working versions will be sent to the Venice Commission for their opinion and the implementation of a comprehensive public hearing will begin. The Minister informed Flesenkemper about the results in the area of ​​judicial reform, as well as the planned further activities aimed at harmonizing normative solutions with changes to the Constitution within the time limit provided by the Constitutional Law. Thanking the support provided by the Council of Europe to Serbia, Popovic emphasized that strengthening the independence of the judiciary and the independence of public prosecutors cannot be achieved without the adoption of quality judicial laws. Flesenkemper pointed out that the Council of Europe is Serbia's partner in this process, and expressed his willingness to continue high-level cooperation in the future to strengthen the rule of law.




Cavara presents names of new FB&H Constitutional Court judges (FTV/O Kanal)


Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) President Marinko Cavara (HDZ B&H) proposed on Wednesday the names of four candidates for judges at the Constitutional Court (CC) of the FB&H. The proposed candidates are Ajsa Softic from the rank of the Bosniak People, Mirko Milicevic from the rank of the Croat People, Branimir Orasanin from the rank of the Serb People and Dubravko Campara from the rank of Others. Cavara stated that there were no conditions to appoint the candidates earlier. “I am saddened that after my office invited the candidates for an interview a huge problem was created, and I cannot understand what was the goal of all that. Then the FB&H Vice Presidents stated that the interview was unconstitutional without specifying which part of the Constitution was violated”, Cavara stressed. O Kanal commented that pressures and warnings by High Representative Christian Schmidt have yielded results, after Cavara blocked the appointment of judges to the FB&H CC for nearly four years and was blacklisted by the US. Cavara said that the decision will be submitted to FB&H Vice Presidents for confirmation and afterwards to the FB&H House of People (FB&H HoP) for confirmation. The FB&H Vice President Melika Mahmutbegovic stated: “Consent does not imply informing us as the Vice President. Consent also implies consent to the names of the candidates, to the ethnic structure, to the profession”. The FB&H Vice Presidents had previously sent names of candidates to Cavara. They said that he chose one judge from their list. They expect a conversation with Cavara about their appointment. They explained that elections and the formation of the FB&H HoP will follow and there is a question of when it will be formed and who will confirm the constitutional judges. They warned of the possible paralysis of the FB&H Constitutional Court, which could be left without a quorum. The FB&H Vice President Milan Dunovic warned that one of the FB&H Constitutional Court judges will turn 70 years’ old on January 14, when he will be forced to retire.


Dodik files criminal report against Dzaferovic; Dzaferovic: criminal report against me is ungrounded (AJB)


The Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik filed a criminal report with the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H on Wednesday against the Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic because he participated in the Summit of the Crimea Platform without the decision of the B&H Presidency. The criminal report against Dzaferovic state that he abused his position in order to violate the right of another, i.e. Dzaferovic prevented Dodik to express the view of Republika Srpska (RS). Dzaferovic and Dodik have different views on the annexation of Crimea and the war in Ukraine, noted the presenter. Dodik stated: “The procedure in the Presidency was not carried out at all. It is foreseen that if one item on the agenda of a foreign political nature does not receive consensus, which means that all three members of the Presidency are in favor, if one member abstains or is against, it means that there is no consensus, then that agenda item goes to the next session of the Presidency. Since that session could not be held physically, he, in violation of that procedure, participated in the session yesterday, expressing first of all his personal views and working there, and agreed with certain views that are contrary to the policies of B&H.”


Dzaferovic and Komsic vote against all five agenda items proposed by Dodik; Dodik: I will obstruct projects in FB&H in response to obstruction of projects in RS (RTRS)


The B&H Presidency held a session on Wednesday and, on this occasion, B&H Presidency Chairman and Bosniak member Sefik Dzaferovic and Croat member Zeljko Komsic voted against including all of the five items, proposed by Serb member Milorad Dodik, into the agenda. These proposed items included a demand for Dzaferovic’s resignation from the Presidency, departure of (High Representative) Christian Schmidt from B&H, the interstate agreement of B&H and Serbia on the project of construction of a gas pipeline that would pass through Bijeljina, Banja Luka and Prijedor towards Serbia, the airport in Trebinje, and joining the initiative Open Balkans. Addressing a press conference after the session, Dodik stated that the Presidency members Dzaferovic and Komsic voted against discussing important development projects for RS, due to which he is forced to undertake the same measure against development projects from the FB&H. In this regard, the Serb member of the Presidency announced that Serb representatives in the joint institutions of B&H will not endorse investment in the FB&H until the projects in the RS are unblocked. The Serb member of the Presidency stated: “At today’s (Wednesday’s) session of the Presidency, I proposed five agenda items, none of which were adopted, which shows the attitude of other members of the Presidency towards the RS.” In his opinion, Dzaferovic and Komsic are focused against the RS and against interests of Serb people and they are trying to make the situation more complicated. “They are creating deadlocks to intentionally cause damage to the RS and Serb people”, he stressed. Dodik said that the Serb side in B&H has never blocked any development projects in the FB&H, however, everything related to the development of the RS is being blocked in Sarajevo. Dodik stated: “What is important and what I want to say is that they forced me so that I can no longer support development projects in the FB&H, and that they obstruct development projects in the RS. So, I voted against all those projects. I want to inform the public that I do not do it gladly. I am not a man of obstruction.” Elaborating on the demand for Dzaferovic’s resignation or removal from the post, Dodik specified that he considers that Dzaferovic violated the Rules of Procedure and the Constitution of B&H. Dodik thus voted against appointment of the delegation that would represent B&H at the UN General Assembly (UN GA) session in September. “I consider that Dzaferovic is not worthy of representing B&H. In that regard, we cannot trust such a man, because he does not represent the stances of B&H, but rather easily decides to speak on behalf of his political party or present personal stances”, Dodik underlined, adding that this is why he filed a criminal report against Dzaferovic. Commenting on the proposal on Schmidt’s departure from B&H, Dodik noted that he requested for the B&H Presidency to take a stance on “unconstitutionality and illegitimacy of Schmidt”. Dodik announced that, during his visit to Russia next month, he will discuss the project gas pipeline through Bijeljina, Banja Luka and Prijedor.


Russian Embassy: Russia regrets aspirations of certain Bosniak political representatives to join illegal anti-Russian restrictions (RTRS)


The Russian Embassy to B&H announced on Wednesday that it regrets the aspirations of certain political representatives of the Bosniak people to indiscriminately, contrary to the Dayton consensus procedure on foreign policy issues, join illegal anti-Russian restrictions. The Russian Embassy’s statement reads: “Such servility towards the West is not understood only by us, but also by our numerous interlocutors from the absolute majority of Islamic countries.” The Russian Embassy expressed its disappointment with the decision of some members of the B&H Presidency regarding participation in the meeting of “the so-called Crimea platform”, assessing that in this way Sarajevo abandoned its last year's stance of ignoring “such a suspicious meeting”. According to the Embassy, the attitude of certain politicians from B&H who declare themselves as anti-fascists was evaluated by the Russian Embassy as illogical, since they "do not see the Nazi component in the actions of official Kiev". The Embassy points out that Russia, as a guarantor of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), is not interested in destabilizing B&H and that stories about “so-called malignant influence of Moscow” are being fueled by Western opponents who seek to keep B&H in an oppressed state. Russian Embassy reacted to participation of Sefik Dzaferovic at Crimea Platform, stating that they are “extremely disappointed by unbalanced decision of certain members of B&H Presidency, reached outside the context”. “We once again call on our partners from B&H to be reasonable and balanced. On the contrary, the responsibility for all consequences of hypothetical worsening of bilateral relations will be on those who are led not by basic interests of their peoples and citizens, but orders of their foreign mentors,” reads statement.


Israeli PM Lapid reprimands Israeli Ambassador to Albania and B&H over his support to HDZ B&H’s proposal of electoral reform in B&H (Hayat)


Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid, who serves as an Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs as well, criticized Israeli Ambassador to Tirana Noah Gal Gendler for supporting the B&H Election Law reform advocated by HDZ B&H. Lapid reprimanded the Ambassador after he was criticized by daily Haaretz, which assessed the support of the ambassador as a low point in Israeli diplomacy. The Israeli authorities appointed Galit Peleg as the new Ambassador, which means that Gal Gendler will be removed from this post. Advisor to B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Tarik Lazovic said that reactions to the statement of the Embassy about the B&H law were hasty, but B&H diplomacy reacted appropriately by sending a demarche to Israel. He said that this is a natural reaction to the misunderstanding and B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic had an important role in this.


Covic: HR Schmidt should impose changes to Election Law and complete the process (Dnevni list)


The HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic stated that High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt should impose changes to the Election Law of B&H and thus complete the process which started with imposition of changes about the way of financing of the elections and imposition of technical changes to the Election Law. Covic stated: “I believe that the HR has fallen into a trap, first of all he dealt with issues that he should not deal with and that is not their competence. The HDZ’s stance is that the HR should not have imposed anything. However, he has managed to pass two crucial decisions regarding changes to the Election Law in the last two and a half months. I am convinced that when he passed these two decisions, he had to pass all other decisions, which refer to legitimate representation. Then this would be credible. To set a six-week deadline for an agreement of those who did not want to reach an agreement in the last two years is in my opinion one political message, which should in some way buy time due to protests that we had in Sarajevo and evidently built atmosphere, which demanded that the High Representative acts in a certain way.” Covic concluded that if he has already passed previous decisions, Schmidt will have to complete the process by imposing the decision on the Election Law no matter to what kind of pressures he is exposed to. Covic also said: “It is unlikely that we can be satisfied with anything of this that is being imposed as an issue. This is one crumb taken from the table to get a possibility to timely implement election results after the elections.” Covic reminded that he asked from Schmidt to annul decisions of all HRs before him. He added: “This would make sense since in the last 20 and some years there have been hundreds such decisions, which too often were purpose for themselves.”


Ljubic: I expect that High Representative will make appropriate decisions which will enable legal implementation of indirect elections for House of Peoples, which includes legitimate political representation (Oslobodjenje)


The daily carries an interview with President of the Main Council of the Croat People's Assembly (HNS) of B&H Bozo Ljubic who spoke of the imposed decisions of High Representative Christian Schmidt and those which are still expected. Asked whether he was surprised by the anger of the HR and whether what Schmidt said was so wrong that it deserved a barrage of accusations both from Sarajevo and Banja Luka, Ljubic said that he did not follow the reactions to Schmidt's behavior and statement, but that the HR's reaction was indeed "unusually nervous" for an experienced politician regardless of how much the posed question was provocative and even rude. "What I object to the answer is the qualification, and especially generalization in relation to all politicians," Ljubic said, adding that even if there are politicians befitting the qualification given to them by the High Representative, one should have in mind that they were elected by the people and that all of that is the result of the overall social and political climate in B&H for which the international community bears part of responsibility. "This reaction of Christian Schmidt shows that even politicians are only human," Ljubic said. Asked to comment on the fact that parties based in Sarajevo, with their protests in front of the OHR, got what they did not ask for - they brought the future of the OHR and the use of the Bonn powers in question, Ljubic said that regardless of the fact that protest organizers consider a victory the fact that the HR gave up part of the allegedly original decision, "that victory could turn out to be another Pyrrhic victory". Asked what is his prediction in regard to the formation of the authorities after the October elections in light of the statement issued by HNS which says that there are no conditions for swift formation of the authorities after the October elections due to the political situation in B&H, Ljubic said that he expects that the HR will make appropriate decisions which will enable the legal implementation of indirect elections for the House of Peoples, which includes legitimate political representation, i.e. respect for the election will of the constituent peoples, as the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H explicitly emphasized at least 12 times in its decision in the Ljubic case. "If these constitutional conditions are fulfilled, there is no fear or reason for problems regarding the formation of the authorities," Ljubic emphasized. Asked to comment on the fact that FB&H President Marinko Cavara has been refusing to appoint the missing judges of the FB&H CC for years and enable that institution to work in full capacity and whether the way to solve problems in the FB&H and B&H is to condition appointments, Ljubic said that the main problem was that there was no consensus between partners for formation of the authorities in the FB&H. "The appointment of the President and Vice-Presidents of the FB&H, and then the lack of consensus for the appointment of judges of the FB&H CC, FUP Director and many other things is just a consequence. I hope that this has come to an end and that with the help of the international community, conditions for the smooth formation of authorities and functioning of institutions at all levels will be acquired," Ljubic underlined. Asked why HNS believes that relocating the OHR to Brussels would be a good solution, Ljubic said that he believes that relocating the OHR to Brussels would be good for several reasons. He stressed that for a long time, both representatives of B&H and the international community have been saying that it is time for B&H to gradually move from the Dayton phase to the Brussels phase. "That is why relocation of the OHR to Brussels seems logical, because the OHR would not lose any of its authority on the basis of Dayton, and it could be a facilitator on B&H's path to the EU," Ljubic said.


Conference of Croatian ambassadors, consuls and military envoys to be held, improvement of status of Croats in B&H one of foreign policy priorities of Croatia (HRT1)


On the occasion of conference of Croatian ambassadors, consuls and military envoys, a reception was held in premises of National and University Library in Zagreb. Participants of the conference that will be held on Thursday and Friday will discuss foreign policy priorities of Croatia. One of priorities of foreign policy of Croatia is improvement of the status of Croats in B&H. Reporter commented that the situation in this regard is still at stalemate, primarily because the Election Law of B&H will not be changed soon, adding that the reform of electoral legislation of B&H is probably only initiative that Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and President Zoran Milanovic have similar stances about.


President: Serbia has no right to issue indictments against Croat commanders (Hina)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic said on Wednesday in the northern town of Varazdin that Serbia had no right to issue indictments against the wartime Croatian commanders. The topic of indictments issued in Belgrade against four Croatian pilots is one more reason for convening the National Security Council, said the president explaining that at the meeting the state leadership should adjust the position on how to respond to the moves in Belgrade. “We have instruments to respond.” “Belgrade, President (Aleksandar) Vucic and his aides have decided that it is now an opportune time for them to raise the indictment against four Croatian wartime commanders. I personally know two of those pilots and I can absolutely guarantee that they are not nationalists and that they are not responsible,” Milanovic said. As for the timing of the topic, Milanovic said Belgrade has raised this issue to divert the attention from some problems it is facing now. “Serbia is taking liberties with holding trials for all that had happened in the area of former Yugoslavia no matter where it happened and when it happened. Croatia does not do such things, although it is in a much stronger political and general position than Serbia. We therefore try to play fair.” Croatia can tomorrow raise an indictment against the current Serbian president for him having gone on the rampage on Croatia’s territory in 1995, Milanovic said. In relation to Serbia’s indictment alleging that some of the victims in a refugee column at the Petrovac road were reportedly children, President Milanovic said he was sorry, however, the Croatian commanders from the Homeland War should not answer for that. “I do not resort to those utterly pathetic statements to mention Croatian children as war victims. There are children, people, citizens, there are Croatian children. However, when you hear someone mentioning ‘Serb children’ in the political discourse, you should be aware that they are crooks and dangerous crooks,” said Milanovic. He also expressed dissatisfaction with the response of the Andrej Plenkovic cabinet to the matter of the indictment and wondered what the government is going to undertake to protect those pilots as well as other commanders who may also face the charges from Serbia, including General Pavao Miljavac and Admiral Davor Domazet-Loso. The President assessed that Serbia’s conduct in this case also adversely affects the “rather fair” relations between the Croats and the Serbs in B&H. This also definitely further worsens already bad relations between Croatia and Serbia, he said.


Croatian FM: I expect Russia to withdraw from Ukraine (Hina)


Croatian Foreign and European Affairs Minister Gordan Grlic-Radman said on Wednesday, on the occasion of Ukraine's Independence Day, that he is sure that Russia will become aware of its "adventurous move" and withdraw from Ukraine. Ukraine, which has been exposed to Russia’s aggression for six months, marks Independence Day on 24 August in memory in commemoration of the Declaration of Independence of 1991 adopted during the collapse of the Communist-led Soviet Union. “We are sure that in the coming period, the Russian Federation will realize that this (invasion) was actually an adventurous move, that peace, justice, and the functioning of a world international order based on respect for borders and sovereignty cannot be ensured in this way,” Grlic-Radman told reporters after a cabinet meeting. “We expect the withdrawal of Russian soldiers and recognition of Ukraine’s sovereignty,” he added. Grlic-Radman congratulated the “proud country of Ukraine” and added that Ukrainians showed huge courage in defending their homeland, just as Croatia did in the Homeland War. He believes that the democratic world is on the “right side” by helping Kyiv and believes that the European Union’s solidarity with Ukraine will be maintained, even though not all countries are equally affected by the consequences of the war.


New decision: Elections in Podgorica and Zeta on 23 October (CdM)


The President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic has taken the position that the necessary conditions have been met for the adoption of a new decision on calling elections for councilors in the Assembly of the City of Podgorica and the Assembly of the Municipality of Zeta, which will be held on 23 October of the current year, says the President’s adviser on constitutional system and legal issues, Boris Bastijancic. Bastijancic has explained that Djukanovic canceled yesterday’s decision that called for elections for councilors in the Assembly of the Municipality of Golubovci and in the Assembly of the City of Podgorica. “The decision on the partial annulment of the decision on calling elections for councilors and the new decision on calling elections for councilors (in the Assembly of the City of Podgorica and the Assembly of the Municipality of Zeta) entered into force on the day of their adoption and will be published in the Official Gazette of Montenegro and in the Official Gazette of Montenegro – Municipal Regulations”, he has concluded.


Picula: Montenegro should decide where it wants to go - in the EU or in the orbit of the Russian-Serbian world (Nova M)


It is difficult to expect that this convocation of the Assembly, due to everything that has happened in the past year, will reach an agreement that would lead to the creation of a new, stable majority and an efficient cabinet, which could then carry out the mandate to the end, the reporter of the European of Parliament for Montenegro Tonino Picula. For Picula, the outcome is most likely in the extraordinary elections, and he hopes that after that, Montenegro will gain power with a clear pro-European agenda. "The first government appointed from this convocation of the Assembly did not have a sustainable pro-European agenda, and that agenda should have manifested itself in the continuation of the European processes that would lead to a faster closing of the chapters that were successfully opened during the earlier stages of the negotiation process. The second government fell due to a change in priorities, which in my opinion should not have happened. However, it must be said, on paper, that government had a composition that could handle that process, and everything shows that the prospects for extraordinary elections are growing in Montenegro," said Picula for Nova M. Commenting on the potential scenarios that are mentioned, Picula also points out that the accession process leading to EU membership is not only a technical issue, so it cannot be entirely managed by a technical government, and since it concerns the transformation of the entire society, not even a minority has the full political capacity to complete it. "I don't want to comment on whether or not they want to be prime minister, however I believe that every candidate should assess whether they can count on support for the agenda that includes the urgent return of Montenegro to the European path in accordance with the commitments and recommendations of the EU to create the conditions for extraordinary parliamentary elections," Picula pointed out. In the last two years, no coalition has managed to maintain internal consistency, Picula says, adding that the former vice president and then Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic was part of those attempts that led to the fall of two governments. He also repeats the old message. "The criticisms I directed at the process of adoption of the Fundamental Agreement still stand, nothing has changed there. In particular, I am referring to the overlapping of members of the committee that was supposed to evaluate the content of the Fundamental Agreement. Indeed, Montenegrin politics should decide where it wants to go - to the EU or to find itself in the orbit of some Russian-Serbian world, which I think is absolutely opposed to the interests of Montenegro," Picula said. "As for the DF, whether it can be part of the new majority or not, my message served as a warning - that there is a direct connection between the composition of the assembly and the government that would be formed by the assembly majority. This concretely means that the ¾ of citizens who still mostly support Montenegro joining the EU should be sure that they will be taken that way faster and with fewer complications. In the end, I think that invocation of a state of emergency during the Assembly session, was also indicative of the DF members," he said. "Montenegro must not remain in the current political vacuum for too long. In a way, it is somewhat already in the dark, too much time has been lost, but that does not necessarily mean that the process is irretrievably lost. There is a chance, because there is an interest and even a need for the European project to expand there," said Picula. Picula concludes that in the coming weeks we will see if and how the current political crisis will unravel, and whether the new candidate or the majority will have the ambition that Montenegro will end this year better than it started.


Abazovic: Montenegro stands with the Ukrainian people (CdM)


Montenegro stands with the Ukrainian people, said Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic at the Second Summit of the Crimean Platform, in which he participated at the invitation of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky. At the conference, which, as announced by the government, brought together over 60 statesmen and international actors from Europe and the world, Abazovic conveyed his full support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, "expressing regret for the loss of life, humanitarian crisis and war destruction of the country". "Conveying solidarity with the people of Ukraine, Abazovic pointed out that Montenegro stands with the Ukrainian people and reminded that the preservation of the international order based on the principles of international law must be the basis of modern international relations," added the government. In this sense, as they state, Abazovic "condemned the invasion of Russia", assessing that war cannot be allowed in the 21st century as a continuation of politics by other means. The second summit of the Crimean Platform this year was held in an online format due to the war events in Ukraine. "The organizers, in addition to the EU and NATO partners, gathered a significant number of participants from around the world - Japan, Australia, New Zealand, but also the traditionally neutral Switzerland of international representatives such as the UN, the Council of Europe and the OSCE," said the government.

During the Summit, as they add, the unequivocal support for Ukraine from all actors was confirmed, with the condemnation of "Russian aggression that shook the foundations of the European security architecture". "The need for further provision of financial, medical and military aid to Ukraine was indicated, as well as plans for its reconstruction after the war were considered," concludes the government.


Abazovic: Montenegro continues to act in order to support the Ukrainian people for the sake of establishing peace and stability (CdM)


Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic sent an official congratulation on 24 August, the Independence Day of Ukraine. "Dear Prime Minister, on behalf of the government of Montenegro, and on my own behalf, I send you heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of 24 August - Independence Day of Ukraine, with best wishes for peace, security and speedy recovery of your country and people. The war in Ukraine changed the geopolitical picture of Europe and created the need for Europe to unite and act as a whole. This is the moment when unity and perseverance in securing peace is the only important thing - and my visit to Kiev, together with the prime ministers of the countries of the region, NATO members, confirmed the determination of Montenegro in providing unwavering support to Ukraine and its people," stated Abazovic in a letter. Montenegro, he points out, as a responsible member of the international community, will continue to act and undertake measures through available mechanisms, together with its partners, in order to support the Ukrainian people, as well as to re-establish peace and stability on European soil, which is a common priority. "I am convinced that, in the period ahead of us, we will jointly contribute to ending the unpleasant events and creating a brighter and more prosperous future for Ukraine. I ask you to accept the expressions of my highest respect and cordial greetings," said Abazovic.


Djukanovic: Montenegro stands by Ukraine and the brave Ukrainian people; Djurovic: Montenegro calls on Russia to stop hostilities (CdM)


The President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic sent his warmest congratulations to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and the people of Ukraine on the occasion of Independence Day.

"Montenegro stands by Ukraine and the brave Ukrainian people in defense of freedom, territorial integrity and sovereignty and independence. Glory to Ukraine," Djukanovic said on Twitter.

Speaker of the Assembly Danijela Djurovic also congratulated President Zelensky and the Ukrainian people on the Independence Day of Ukraine. "Montenegro stands with the suffering people of Ukraine and once again calls on Russia to stop hostilities and to return to the peaceful and diplomatic resolution of all disputes, in order to end the daily loss of life. The whole world is eagerly awaiting it," Djurovic said on Twitter.


In order to start negotiations on chapters, constitutional amendments are needed that will include parts on other nations (Libertas)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski stated that in order to start negotiations on chapters, constitutional amendments will have to be made, which will have to include parts on other peoples living in the country, which are not included in the Preamble. “At the moment we are talking about the Bulgarians, the Croats, the Montenegrins, but parts of the Israeli people have already expressed such a desire, the Egyptians have already submitted an official request. We are a multicultural, multi-confessional society and we have been proven as such in Europe, practically we represent a society that is Europe in miniature, because Europe is a community of diversity and I think that there should be no problem regarding those constitutional amendments” Kovacevski. Kovacevski emphasized that the country has already started the negotiations with the EU, the calendar of the screening process has already been published, on 14 September the teams will be in Brussels, where the first meeting is officially held. “Screening is divided into two phases, explanatory screening and bilateral screening. The explanatory screening, we have already taken certain steps, but in the part of the bilateral screening, which is a much more complex operation in which our legislation is practically presented vis a via EU legislation and what needs to be done during the negotiations, for this purpose, the Secretariat for European Affairs and the Vice Prime Minister for European Integration are already working on staffing the negotiating team, very soon the negotiating structure will be found at the government session, Kovacevski pointed out. Regarding the fact that so far there is no two-thirds majority to change the Constitution, and the government's opposition call for early elections, Kovacevski says that the local elections last weekend sent several political messages, and that the opposition suffered a major defeat. According to him, the European concept of the ruling coalition won and that the citizens sent several important messages in the extraordinary local elections and showed that they know how to choose a political option that really cares for them in difficult times. “The European concept won in the country. The next message is that there has been a big defeat for those who have been blocking, boycotting, spreading fake news and divisions among citizens for two years, constantly leaking some kind of polls about some huge difference which has been confirmed, that all this was wrong considering the election result,” Kovacevski said.


Russia's note on the event in Gramsh, MFA: We acted according to the Vienna Convention, the Russian detainees did not request contact with them (Radio Tirana)


The Foreign Ministry has reacted regarding the note of the Russian Embassy in Tirana regarding the arrest of two Russian citizens for espionage. The Russian Embassy has complained that it has not received information regarding the arrest of Russian citizens, but the Foreign Ministry of Albania has said that the letter about the note arrived at this institution on 23 August and that they immediately took action to gather information. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs clarifies that in this case it is only a liaison point between the applicants of other structures, and that it has no competence. Also, according to international law, the provision of information by the ministry is only done if the detainees themselves request this to talk to their embassy. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania emphasizes that all actions taken by it are in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963, as well as with the conventions for the protection of personal data. Two Russian citizens and a Ukrainian were detained on 20 August on charges of espionage after entering the arms factory in Gramsh where they were photographing the premises. One of them even attacked two Albanian soldiers when they tried to stop them.


Rama at "European Alpbach" Forum: The war in Ukraine, a chance to use green energy (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama participated in the "European Alpbach" forum today in Austria speaking about the importance of using green energy. According to him, the war in Ukraine can be seen as an important point to accelerate the use of green energy, but "to finalize this transition, the help of Saudi Arabia is definitely needed,” said Rama. For this, the head of the Albanian government says that the countries of the Middle East have money to invest, but the ability to sacrifice is lower. "The last point I have is that meanwhile this war has also come with an extremely, extremely interesting chance if I could use this word, to make a faster, green transition, no longer because of desire, but because of necessity. We can move much faster to change the entire nature of our energy production. But for that we need Saudi Arabia for example. We need to see the Middle East. I am mentioning Saudi Arabia because there is a huge potential to create cooperation based on the vision of 2030 which is also about exporting, so Saudi Arabia, is sitting on oil and they want to become self-sufficient in green energy and net exporter of green energy. So, many issues come together. Thus, this path comes with many risks, but also with great potential. After all, the richer the countries, the bigger the problems to have resistance, that's the point. They have money, but the ability to sacrifice is much lower," said Rama.


Independence anniversary/ Xhacka: Proud of everything Albania has done for Ukraine and its people (Radio Tirana)


The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka at the invitation of the Ambassador of Ukraine to Albania Volodymyr Shkurov was present at the photo exhibition "Chronicle of the Russian occupation of Ukraine - the beginnings", which was held on the occasion of the 31st anniversary of independence of Ukraine. In her speech, Minister Xhacka stressed that Albania will continue to give its contribution in support of Ukraine. "Ukraine and its people are fighting not only for themselves but also for us. They are fighting for the peace and security of Europe and the world, for the rules-based system on which the stability and prosperity of us all depend. For this reason, I am proud of everything that Albania has done to support Ukraine and its people and for the contribution to the end of the war," she said. The exhibition of the photographer Max Levin "Chronicles of the Russian occupation of Ukraine - the beginnings" has opened in the premises of the National Historical Museum, within the 31st anniversary of Ukraine's independence.