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Belgrade Media Report 8 September



Serbia open to new Turkish investments (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated on Wednesday at the Serbia-Turkey Business Forum that Turkish businessmen are welcome in Serbia and that they can always count on the support of our state, noting that there is great potential for cooperation in the defense and military industry sector. Vucic underlined that it is necessary to focus on strategic matters that can bring prosperity to both sides and in line with that called on Serbian and Turkish companies from the private and state sectors to try and find a common denominator for cooperation. Turkish companies in Serbia employ around 10,000 workers, he said and expressed gratitude to Turkey for opening factories in different parts of Serbia – from Vranje, Leskovac and Lebane, to Krupanj, Mali Zvornik, Sabac and Loznica. The most important thing is that the Turks can always count on the Serbian state and the Serbs on the Turkish state. When we establish such trust, we can ensure good business for our states and more profits. We also imported politics and the preservation of peace and stability, Vucic said. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan emphasized that a strong economy is necessary for prosperity and stability and pointed out that there is a will on both sides to improve bilateral economic relations. Erdogan assessed that economic and trade relations are the engine that drives our comprehensive relations and expressed the hope that the Serbia-Turkey Business Forum will bring new chances and opportunities for cooperation. He recalled that the trade exchange between the two countries in 2021 amounted to $2 billion and that in the first eight months of 2022, an exchange in the amount of more than $1.5 billion was recorded. In Serbia, there are large investments by Turkish companies that create jobs, he said and added that so far Turkish investors have invested $400 million in Serbia, as well as that there are currently 3,300 Turkish companies operating in Serbia, of which 21 are factories. According to him, the potential for improving cooperation exists not only in the implementation of infrastructure projects, but also in the areas of health, energy, the IT sector and tourism.


Cadez: Serbian businesses have a lot to offer to Turkish market (Tanjug)


Serbian businesses have a lot to offer to the Turkish market, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia President Marko Cadez said at the opening of a Serbia-Turkey business forum in Belgrade on Wednesday. Taking economic cooperation to a higher level is of great significance to the two countries, Cadez said. He said he was pleased the forum was being attended by nearly 500 businesspeople from over 330 companies, and added that over 300 B2B meetings would be held as part of the event to enable experience-sharing and pave the way for new business deals. "I am glad that, since our last meeting at the 2019 business forum, 363 new companies have been opened in Serbia," Cadez said, adding that events such as the bilateral forum greatly helped to attract new investment and improve the business climate in both countries. He said the forum was being attended by companies from various sectors - from the medical, construction and agriculture sectors to the IT industry sector. Serbia has a lot to offer to the Turkish market and the current objective is to boost Serbian exports to Turkey and advance bilateral external trade, he said.


Serbia, Turkey sign several agreements on cooperation (Tanjug)


Officials of Serbia and Turkey signed on Wednesday in Belgrade several agreements aimed at advancing the cooperation between the two countries. The signing ceremony was attended by Presidents Aleksandar Vucic and Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Interior Ministers Aleksandar Vulin and Suleyman Soylu signed a protocol amending a 2010 agreement on mutual abolition of visas.

Serbian Minister of Economy Andjelka Atanaskovic and her Turkish counterpart Mustafa Varank signed an intergovernmental agreement on mutual encouragement and protection of investment. Serbian Minister of Innovation and Technological Development Nenad Popovic and Varank initialed an agreement on cooperation in innovation in advanced technologies. Serbian Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Branislav Nedimovic and Turkish government minister Vahit Kirisci signed a MoU on cooperation in curbing forest fires. Serbian Minister of Culture and Information Maja Gojkovic and the director of communications of the Presidency of Turkey Fahrettin Altun signed an intergovernmental MoU on cooperation in media and communications. The Head of the Serbian government Office for IT and e-Government Mihailo Jovanovic and the director of the Digital Transformation Office of the Presidency of Turkey Ali Taha Koc initialed a MoU on cooperation in eGovernment. The directors of the Serbian and Turkish public television broadcasters, Dragan Bujosevic and Mehmet Zahid Sobaci, signed a protocol on cooperation.


Vucic awards State Medal to Ohio National Guard Commander (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic presented today US Major General John. C. Harris, the commander of the Ohio Army National Guard, with the Order of the Serbian Flag second class. The decoration was bestowed upon Harris for his contribution to strengthening Serbian-US cooperation, friendly relations and overall bilateral ties, and, in particular for solidifying the partnership between the two countries’ armed forces, Vucic said. The Serbian President recalled that the 15th anniversary of successful collaboration between the Army of Serbia and the Ohio National Guard was marked last year, adding that said cooperation entailed many joint endeavors such as strengthening the capacities of the Jug base near Bujanovac as well as projects related to military medicine, peacekeeping operations, religious service and providing aid to local administrations in states of emergency. Vucic highlighted the Ohio National Guard’s assistance in renovating numerous schools and daycare centers in Serbia, adding that the Guard “played a great and important role” in renewing the friendship Serbia and the US built during the First and Second World Wars. Following the award ceremony, Major General Harris said that it was an honor to receive the decoration from a man “who tirelessly works to make this world a better place for everyone.” “In my country, we say that trust is built in drops and lost in buckets. I want to continue building trust, drop by drop. The Ohio National Guard is dedicated to further building trust for our peoples, our armies, our children, and our children’s children,” Harris said.


Ambassador: Russia has no requirement for military base in Serbia (Beta)


The Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko stated on Wednesday that Russia had no requirements for opening a military base in Serbia, nor had the Serbian side asked for it. "I have never said that such a proposal by Russia existed. I once answered a question about whether such a possibility existed at all, and said that we have not received any such offers from Serbia," Botsan-Kharchenko said after the opening of the "EXPO Russia-Serbia 2022" business forum in Belgrade. He stated that Russia was "not asking anything" of Serbia in that regard, in response to a reporter's question pertaining to recent media headlines about Serbia perhaps hosting a Russian military base that would perform various reconnaissance missions. The Ambassador recollected that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was very clear about that in a statement he made a few days ago. Botsan-Kharchenko said that business ties and comprehensive cooperation between Serbia and Russia were being development more intensively, considering that Serbia had not accepted the sanctions against Russia, despite pressure from the US and EU.


Ambassador Hill says Kosovo should be in Open Balkans (N1)


US Ambassador Christopher Hill said that he would like to see Kosovo join the Open Balkans initiative. Speaking for the Atlantic Council Europe’s #BalkansDebrief podcast, Hill said that the decision to join the initiative is up to Kosovo. “I would like very much to see Kosovo in it. That’s going to be up to them,” he told podcast author Ilva Tare. “I am not sure it is valid criticism to say that Open Balkans is an effort by Serbia to dominate others,” he said and added that the initiative helped improve relations between Serbia and Albania. According to him, it supports European Union standards in terms of rule of law and focuses on getting things done. The Ambassador said there’s a long way to go to normalize relations between Belgrade and Pristina. “They’ve got a long way to go and they’ve got to try to agree on an agenda going forward and try to avoid these kinds of 11th hour crises,” he said, adding that it’s very important to go through the steps in the dialogue and resolve issues such as energy and missing persons. “The issue of Kosovo is utterly emotional to many Serbs,” Hill said. The Ambassador said that the US has urged Belgrade to align with the sanctions imposed on Russia after its invasion of Ukraine. “I would say we have urged the Serbs to try to come into alignment with that. History is a powerful weight on all of these countries and in Serbia’s case, just the word sanctions has a rather difficult meaning for many Serbs, who lived through very tough times in the 1990s under sanctions,” he said.


Around 10,000 migrants in Serbia, accommodation capacity insufficient (Beta)


The executive director of the Center for protecting and assisting asylum seekers Rados Djurovic stated on Wednesday that, according to the Center's figures, more than 70,000 migrants had entered Serbia since the start of the year and that there were currently around 10,000 of them in the country. Djurovic told Beta that the majority of migrants were from Afghanistan, Syria, Pakistan, North Africa and the Middle East. He said around 4,500 of them were living in accommodation provided by the state, i.e. reception centers, and that the others had found private accommodation or were staying in the open, mainly close to Serbia's northern border. "Data indicates that the number of arrivals literally doubled compared to the same time last year," he said, adding that the migrants entered Serbia from the direction of North Macedonia, Kosovo and Bulgaria and usually moved towards the border with Hungary. He explained that migrants lack even the basic conditions for living, welfare and medical support and adequate care, underscoring that minors without escort were also among the migrants. He said that, besides human traffickers, local extreme groups were attempting to utilize this situation for creating their own political agendas.




RS parliament to hold special session re appointment of new German Ambassador; Dodik: My veto is directed against rigid German policy (RTRS)


The Republika Srpska (RS) parliament’s Collegium is about to decide on date of a special session dedicated to the protection of the vital national interest of the RS, after the RS parliament received on Monday the request for special session submitted by Serb member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, who vetoed the appointment of a new German Ambassador to B&H. The MPs should vote on Dodik’s stance according to which B&H Presidency’s decision approving the appointment of the new German Ambassador to B&H is detrimental to vital national interests of the RS. SDS and PDP have already announced that they will not vote in favor of Dodik’s stance, stressing that it is wrong and detrimental to start conflict with Germany as the strongest EU country. RTRS commented that the RS opposition changes the theses putting in focus economic cooperation with Germany, thus deliberately ignoring the initial cause of the problem – a perfidious attempt of Germany to undermine the Constitutions of the RS and B&H in various ways, including through the Bundestag Resolution on B&H passed two months ago. The reporter noted that the disputable resolution has an aim to abolish the entities and constituent peoples in B&H and to persuade them that they are only the citizens, as well as to reject the constitutional principle of legitimate representation in B&H and to terminated friendly relations between Banja Luka and Moscow and to move away Croatia and Serbia as signatories of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) from B&H. Reporter also reminded that the German Bundestag also decided to again deploy German soldiers in B&H to preserve peace and “to be at the service of illegitimate High Representative Christian Schmidt who wants to register the RS’ land, waters and forests as the property of B&H”. Analysts deem that the RS parliament’s special session will clarify who defends the status and interests of the RS. Professor at the Faculty of Political Science in Banja Luka Zeljko Budimir stated that the Bundestag Resolution on B&H undoubtedly deserves to get a serious and reasonably response from the RS. He added that Dodik’s reaction to request the RS parliament’s stance on the issue of protection of the vital national interest over the appointment of the new German Ambassador to B&H is justified because it cannot be expected that actions of the new German Ambassador will be in line with the Constitution of B&H, concluding that even from the aspect of the international law - it is outrageous that a state demands changes of constitution of another state. Dodik explained that his veto on the appointment of the new German Ambassador to B&H is not directed against the new Ambassador as an individual or against the German people or Germany as a state, but it is against “rigid German policy”. Commenting on the statement of the German Embassy to B&H according to which Germany advocates for the DPA and constitutional categories of the constituent peoples and entities, Dodik said that if they really mean what they said – they should annul the disputable Bundestag Resolution and definitely take off political masks. SNSD’s Nikola Spiric assessed that it seems that the RS opposition is afraid of the RS  parliament, reminding that SNSD and Dodik’s policy advocates for respect of official Banja Luka while the policy of SDS and PDP wants to see official Sarajevo as the main decision-making factor. He stressed that it looks like the RS opposition conveys messages to their international mentors to show that they do not agree with Dodik’s policy, but they pretend to feel uncomfortable to publicly say their stance in the RS parliament. RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic said that holding of a special session of the RS parliament, which was requested by Dodik, is a matter of principle. "I expect people to discuss issues that are very important. Here, the essence is not in the veto, which of course carries certain weight, and always shows that it is the National Assembly that makes the final decision on an issue where the Serb member of the B&H Presidency is outvoted, and this is a huge constitutional potential and capacity that the RS, i.e. the RS parliament, has. We are putting things in order here. This is no longer a question of agrement or anything else. It is a matter of principle... You cannot treat B&H with extreme disrespect, pass various resolutions in your parliaments. You do not know who and what we are, nor what we advocate, you know nothing about it. But you give yourself the right to create some future solutions for a country in your parliament," Cvijanovic emphasized.


Erdogan supports High Representative Schmidt, but not his intention to impose changes to Election Law of B&H; B&H Presidency members Dodik and Dzaferovic too disagree with imposing of changes, Komsic says B&H needs different Constitution (Nezavisne)


The daily noted that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan supports (i)legitimate High Representative Christian Schmidt, but he does not support his intention to impose changes to the Election Law of B&H. Namely, Erdogan said that he deems changes to this law are “internal matter of B&H” and that a decision on this should be made by the three members of the Presidency of B&H. Erdogan assessed that Schmidt’s intention “is in a conflict with democratic principles” and, as such, it is absolutely unacceptable. Addressing a press conference following Erdogan’s visit to Sarajevo, Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik said that he too disagrees with any imposing of decisions, and he reiterated that Schmidt is "false” and that he should be declared as “persona non grata” and “banished from B&H within 24 hours”. Dodik also commented on statements of Bosniak member of the Presidency of B&H Sefik Dzaferovic, who first praised and then criticized Schmidt and his interventions in domestic legislation. “I am against imposing, but not as selective as Sefik Dzaferovic – when it does not suit him, then he does not want it and when others suffer damage, then he does want it”, Dodik said. The daily reminded that Dzaferovic said: “The High Representative imposed some decisions related to financing of elections in order to enable this election process and we thank him for that. He also imposed some decisions related to dignity of the election process, to avoid as many election frauds as possible and I think he should not impose any more decisions. We have the Election Law based on which it is possible to hold democratic elections.” Croat member of the Presidency of B&H Zeljko Komsic, “who is always on Dzaferovic’s side and who ignores the fight of Croat officials for appreciation of the constitutional position of Croats as the constituent people in B&H”, said that he does not know what Schmidt will do when it comes to imposing of changes to the Election Law of B&H, but he added that he knows “the Dayton Peace Agreement is an obsolete category which should be changed and that B&H needs a different Constitution”.


Radoncic criticizes Erdogan for pushing Bosniaks in conflict with West: If he wants truly to help, Erdogan should finally increase Turkish investments in B&H (Dnevni avaz)


Leader of second largest Bosniak party SBB B&H Fahrudin Radoncic addressed an election rally on Wednesday night in Vogosca, on which occasion he critically commented the statements and messages conveyed by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during his visit to B&H. Radoncic said that everyone is trying to be understanding toward the fact that Erdogan has his favorite among candidates for B&H Presidency and to be respectful toward the deep personal relations that he has with late Alija Izetbegovic and current SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic. Radoncic stated that they are trying to understand and get over the fact that this presents direct interfering in election campaign in B&H, noting that this is not something that Turkish President is doing, but regional leaders are also prone to this. However, Radoncic noted, the major issue is the fact that Erdogan is directly pushing Bosniaks “into anti-Western behavior”. Commenting part of Erdogan’s statement, where he said that the West exists in order to divide and thorn apart Bosniaks, Radoncic stressed that one should be honest and stick to the fact and the facts say that aggression on B&H was stopped only thanks to western forces- USA, UK, Germany, France and other states of EU and NATO. Radoncic further stressed the fact that the Western countries invested billions in B&H, and they keep investing, while on the other side Erdogan brags with the fact that Turkey is employing 10,000 people in Serbia. Stressing that data in this regard in B&H are very humble, Radoncic wonders how is it possible that Erdogan did not point out separatist politics of Milorad Dodik as the main danger for Bosniaks, but put this label on the West. “Erdogan can favor his friends in elections in B&H, but he must not turn our entire people and religion against the West,” said Radoncic. He warned that this would be a Russian anti-civilization train, which B&H and Bosniaks must not board, arguing that Erdogan’s words carry great weight among Bosniaks and this should in return include his maximal statesman and brotherly responsibility for the consequences of his words. Noting that he is certain that Bosniaks will not listen to Erdogan’s words, Radoncic underlined that vast majority of B&H refugees are located in Western countries. “So, if he wants truly to help, Erdogan should finally increase Turkish investments in B&H. We need to respect the great Turkey and we want it as strategic partner. But we need to tie our future and future of our children to western countries and western civilization, protecting our sovereignty of multinational state and without disturbances strengthen our national and religious identity,” said Radoncic. In the end, Radoncic stated that nobody ever won the battle against the entire West: “This is why it is normal to ask the distinguished President of Turkey not to deceive our people and not to push them into battles which are lost in advance, anachronistic and truly unnecessary battles and strategically wrong choice of international partners.” Underlining that the most powerful and richest Islamic states have no issues with the West and do not see them as moral enemies, Radoncic concluded that Bosniak political factor will always chose their pro-Western politics and Euro-Atlantic path.


Informal group of citizens organizes protests in front of OHR in Sarajevo; Protesters say they want civic B&H and implementation of verdicts of European Court of Human Rights (O Kanal)


A gathering of citizens was held in front of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) on Wednesday. This was another gathering since High Representative Christian Schmidt announced that he will impose changes to the B&H Election Law, noted the presenter. The organizer of the protest is the informal group of citizens ‘Restart’. There were 200 to 250 citizens gathered in front of OHR at the time of the O Kanal central news broadcast. Citizens claimed that they do not want ethnic divisions in B&H and pointed out how citizens in European countries are firstly citizens of a country, which is what they want in B&H. When asked why they sent these messages to the OHR, the citizens said it is because Schmidt himself comes from a country where it is important that one is a citizen of a country first and foremost. They want such democratic principles implemented in B&H. One of the legal examples is that of the Appellant before the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) Azra Zornic who does not want to identify as a member of any ethnic group. She showed before the ECHR that she has a right to vote and to be elected. Zornic asked Schmidt whether not all citizens in Germany are first German citizens and then all other categories such as regional, ethnic, religious, etc. The gathered citizens believe that no one in B&H is endangered and should not be endangered. They expect from Schmidt that he does his job and impose such a law that will be based on democratic principles.


HNS calls on HR Schmidt not to succumb to pressure and impose changes to Election Law (Vecernji list)


Vecernji list daily reads that Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) reacted on Wednesday to statement of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who spoke against imposition of changes to the Election Law. HNS stated, among other issues, that Erdogan’s messages were against the Dayton agreement, which is why the HNS called on High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt to undertake the measures regardless of the pressure applied by the Bosniak public and politicians. HNS also stated that, Erdogan encourages policies of Bosniak radicals and deepens mistrust among the constituent peoples. The HNS called on the HR not to succumb to pressures and positions of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation led by Turkey in the Peace Implementation Council, warning that delay of adoption of decision (imposition of changes to Election Law) could undermine the OHR’s credibility.


Abazovic: Certain structures had agreement with DPS that they could not implement to end, so now they’re looking for excuse (CdM)


Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic says he is not burdened with what role he will have in the new executive power, stressing that he “doesn’t have time to think about such political calculations”. He adds that certain structures had an agreement with DPS that they could not implement to the end, so now they are looking for an excuse. Asked whether Montenegro is closer to a new government or new elections after yesterday’s meeting of the “old parliamentary majority,” Abazovic says that all options are open. He says that we have to move towards budget revision and that “the fall of the government was irresponsible”. Commenting on the grouping of the opposition for the upcoming local elections, Abazovic says that “it is great that everyone is grouped in one place”. Abazovic has announced that President Milo Djukanovic’s statement that the current government is the worst in history when it comes to relations with the media is a compliment. “When he led the government, journalists were killed, journalists were fighting, bombs were thrown at newsrooms. I have a political and civil obligation and I cannot remain silent about what is an invitation to extremism, conflict, outpourings of hatred, evil and nationalism in Montenegro,” Abazovic has told the media. He claims he respects the right of all media to write what they want.


Picula: Additional instability would only make path to EU more difficult old majority already had opportunity that they failed to use (RTCG)


There are no arguments for the conclusion that the political agreement of the old majority is an effective step in the direction of resolving the political crisis, European Parliament Rapporteur for Montenegro Tonino Picula says for Radio Montenegro. He is not sure, as he states, that this type of arrangement would bring with it efficiency in decision-making, and that additional instability would only make the country’s path towards the EU more difficult. “The same formation already had an opportunity, which it was unable to take advantage of. In addition, at least according to the announcements, the priority of the new-old majority is the continuation of inter-party conflict, and not the search for a broader consensus to solve the accumulated problems,” says Picula. He notes that it is noticeable that in the political agreement signed last week, the issue of European integration is at the end of the priority list.


Djukanovic: Montenegro supports Ukraine because it fights for freedom and defends the rights of every democratic state (CdM)


Montenegro will continue to support Ukraine because we know that your fight for freedom is the fight for the freedom and security of every European country, President Milo Djukanovic said at the celebration of Ukraine's Independence Day in Barutana. "It is my pleasure to address you on the occasion of the National Day of Ukraine. Especially since tonight, we are at Barutana, one of the symbols of Montenegrin suffering and the conquest of freedom. In front of the monumental work of our famous architect Kana Radevic, in which she combined the history of the Lesan, Montenegrin and Yugoslav struggles with her 'flowers', and united local tradition and universal values - freedom, dignity and brotherhood - for which we still live today and from which we draw strength for challenges with which we constantly encounter," said Djukanovic. The President expressed his support for the people of that country and said that "our thoughts are with the brave Ukrainian men and women". "Instead of celebrating the independence of our friends and the right of every man to live in freedom, tonight and all days after 24 February, our thoughts are with Ukraine, the brave Ukrainian men and women who are fighting a decisive battle for freedom and defense of the homeland, in constant fear for their and the life of their children. And with bitterness because of the aggression that unexpectedly comes from a neighboring country with which Ukraine shares close ties and a common history," Djukanovic pointed out. He addressed the Ambassador of Ukraine in Montenegro Oleh Herasymenko once again condemning Russian aggression. "We are here to show that tonight, as well as on the first day of the war, we are with friendly Ukraine in the most difficult days in its recent history. We are here to once again, strongly condemn Russia's aggression against a free and independent European country, and to express our strong opposition to the policy of violence and violation of international law. We are here to share with you the pain and suffering of every innocent victim of this insane war, and to show our admiration for the strength, courage and love with which you defend your country," emphasized Djukanovic. The president repeated that Montenegro is with Ukraine, and that it will continue its support. "Montenegro will continue to support Ukraine because we know that your fight for freedom is the fight for the freedom and security of every European country. Because we know that Ukraine today defends the highest values of Europe and the free and democratic world that we have in common - the right of every state to freely choose its path to the future. And because we know what the fight for freedom means, from which the entire glorious history of Montenegro is woven," said Djukanovic. We believe that this just struggle, as the president states, "must lead the Ukrainian people to victory". "Montenegro and Ukraine continuously nurture excellent friendly relations. I sincerely hope that in the near future we will all be able to return to the usual topics of bilateral cooperation and talks about how to improve and further strengthen interstate ties with friendly Ukraine. We look forward to that day, we look forward to a common future in a united and strong Europe," said Djukanovic. He sent congratulations on the occasion of this important date, with the hope that "the spark of freedom will shine as soon as possible" in the cities of that country. "The spark of freedom will shine as soon as possible in Mariupol, Bucha, Irpin and other places of suffering and heroism. Glory to Ukraine," concluded Djukanovic.


Hacker attack paralyzes work of many services (CdM)


Hacker attacks on the government’s IT infrastructure has caused numerous problems in the functioning of the system. Legal entities and citizens are impatient to find out when everything will be up and running again so that they can exercise some of their rights which need this system to be operational. The Ministry of Public Administration has told CdM that it is working on remediation from the cyber-attack on the government’s IT infrastructure together with teams from France and the USA. “A priority list has been created, and we cannot bid with a date. The priority is certainly the application system for children’s financial support, as well as public procurement,” the Ministry has told CdM.


Nikoloski: Referendum and early elections to take place on the same date (TV Alfa)


The best combination, the ideal combination that suits the time is a referendum and early parliamentary elections that would take place in the first quarter of 2023, says VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski in an interview with TV Alfa. Referendum and elections is the best option, because if there is a referendum and elections together, the state will not be spending money twice, secondly, the people will be able to express themselves and thirdly, the government’s attempts to obstruct the referendum, which is the greatest fear of those who are the biggest patriots and who are concerned about Macedonia, said Nikoloski. He added that now the goal is to collect 150,000 signatures, which will last 3 months according to the deadline. When those 3 months end within 60 to 90 days, the referendum should take place. This corresponds to the formation of a technical government, to dissolve the parliament, to hold early parliamentary elections and at the same time to have a referendum and early parliamentary elections and the people to be able to express their will, said Nikoloski.


Sajkoski: Agreement with Bulgaria, instead of good neighborliness, made an intrusion into the uniqueness of the Macedonian people and the sovereignty of Macedonia (TV24)


The agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Bulgaria is the source of all the problems that are happening right now and encroaches on the uniqueness and sovereignty of our country, we as VMRO-DPMNE have decided to call the people to go to a referendum in which they will say that they are against this harmful contract. That is, for the termination of the validity of the Law on the ratification of the agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Bulgaria, said the general secretary of VMRO-DPMNE Gjorgija Sajkoski in an interview with TV24. Sajkoski emphasized that this agreement, instead of being about good neighborliness, made an intrusion into the uniqueness of the Macedonian people, because culture, tradition, customs, language, history are characteristics of the uniqueness of nations. Through the historical commission Bulgaria takes this part away from us and the issue of sovereignty is raised. With this agreement, can a state be independent if it cannot organize its own education, conduct its own international policy or organize the state as the citizens declared for sovereignty in 1991. In this way, Bulgaria wants to make an intrusion into the management of Macedonia as a state. That’s why we call on the people to come out en masse to support the referendum, emphasized Sajkoski. He pointed out that he is pleased with the fact that the membership and sympathizers give strong and huge support for the referendum, but as he said, even from contacts with other parties that are part of the ruling coalition and MPs of SDSM, they look favorably on the referendum and give support. The referendum is the highest act of democracy, and since the Albanian political parties are also for democracy, development, progress of the state, joining the EU, we ask everyone to support this referendum in order to listen to the voice of the majority of citizens in Macedonia, said Sajkoski. He added that Macedonia is the only country that is so conditioned by historical issues, historical moments are required to enter the negotiating framework.


Xhaferi: No turning back from Macedonia’s European integration (Republika)


Parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi hosted on Wednesday a reception marking September 8 – Independence Day. The event was attended by President Stevo Pendarovski, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski, ministers in the Government, representatives of the diplomatic corps, representatives of the religious communities, former parliament speakers Trajko Veljanovski and Tito Petkovski, the Ombudsman Naser Ziveri and other public figures. Xhaferi said in his address to those present that he believes that in all of us there is strength, will, determination and a vision of where we want to see the Republic of Macedonia. We have a common state as a legacy and we are all responsible for it, added Xhaferi, pointing out that this is the only way the dream of our ancestors will live on. Xhaferi emphasized that the European integration process has no alternative or replacement, and we still have the last step left – because there is no turning back. Xhaferi said that in the legislature thirty-one years ago, our fellow deputies put on paper and into life the will of the citizens for an independent, sovereign state with an internationally recognized legal entity and an equal member of the community of nations. And then, as it is now, the Constitution – the most important legislative act, was our guide, which determines the path we will follow in order to ensure the progress, development and security of the state. In it, the strategic goals of essential importance, around which we have always united, are determined, and I honestly believe that it will be the same this time. Because the European integration process has no alternative, no substitution, and we still have the last step left, because there is no turning back, said the parliament speaker. The fact that we are gathered here today to celebrate this historic day for the country, according to him, says in itself that we are on the right path. As he said, a difficult period in every aspect awaits us – economic, energy, health, even security, because conflicts can very easily spill over and expand, and therefore, political instability and tension are the least we need right now in the country. To demonstrate maturity, responsibility and high conscience and awareness and to put the interest of citizens and the state above personal and party interests. Let’s be politically wise, stand firmly behind the decisions already made with additional international credibility and realize the seriousness of the situation, said the parliament speaker.


Albania breaks off diplomatic relations with Iran, blames Tehran for cyberattack (Tirana Times)


Albania’s government has decided to break off diplomatic relations with Iran, Prime Minister Edi Rama said Wednesday morning, adding the extreme measure was in proportion to the seriousness of the recent Iranian state-sponsored cyberattack on Albanian government systems. "The Council of Ministers has decided with immediate effect the termination of diplomatic relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran. This decision was made known with an official note to the embassy of Iran, which was asked that it must leave the territory of the Republic of Albania within 24 hours, all diplomatic and technical-administrative personnel, including security personnel,” Rama said in a video address released to the media. The Albanian prime minister says the government is absolutely sure the cyberattack on Albania was an Iranian state attack." "For weeks now, while work has been ongoing 24/7 to restore all damages, thorough investigations have been conducted to identify the aggressor. In cooperation with specialized partner agencies against cyber terrorism, who brought their teams to Tirana, it was confirmed that, first, without a shadow of doubt, the 15 July attack on Albania was not an individual operation or a concerted action by independent criminal groups, but a State-sponsored aggression," Rama said. "The in-depth investigation provided us with indisputable evidence that the cyberattack against our country was orchestrated and sponsored by the Islamic Republic of Iran through the engagement of four groups that enacted the aggression – one of them being a notorious international cyber-terrorist group, which has been a perpetrator or co-perpetrator of earlier cyberattacks targeting Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan, Kuwait and Cyprus." Representatives of the opposition Democratic Party and Freedom Party said they support the decision, adding the government should have acted much sooner to break off diplomatic ties with Iran as they had called for in 2021. Relations between Albania and Iran have deteriorated over the years, with Iranian diplomats up to an ambassador being expelled for unfriendly actions tied to Tirana’s agreement to provide asylum, at the request of the United States, to MEK, an Iranian dissident group.


White House: US strongly condemns Iran’s cyberattack against Albania (Tirana Times)


The United States strongly condemns Iran’s cyberattack against NATO ally Albania and will take further action to hold Iran accountable for actions that threaten the security of a US ally and set a troubling precedent for cyberspace, the White House said in a statement on Wednesday, following Tirana’s decision to cut off diplomatic relations with Tehran. “The US government has been on the ground working alongside private sector partners to support Albania’s efforts to mitigate, recover from, and investigate the 15 July cyberattack that destroyed government data and disrupted government services to the public. We have concluded that the government of Iran conducted this reckless and irresponsible cyberattack and that it is responsible for subsequent hack and leak operations,” said a statement by the White House’s NSC spokesperson, Adrienne Watson. She added that Iran’s conduct disregards norms of responsible peacetime state behavior in cyberspace, which includes a norm on refraining from damaging critical infrastructure that provides services to the public. “We will continue to support Albania’s remediation efforts over the longer-term, and we invite partners and Allies to join us in holding malicious cyber actors accountable and building a secure and resilient digital future,” the statement added.  Albania’s government decided to break off diplomatic relations with Iran, Prime Minister Edi Rama said Wednesday morning, adding the extreme measure was in proportion to the seriousness of the recent Iranian state-sponsored cyberattack on Albanian government systems.


Italian President Sergio Mattarella arrives in Tirana! (Radio Tirana)


The President of Italy Sergio Mattarella is paying a 2-day official visit to Albania. Mattarella arrived in our country this afternoon and was received at the international airport "Mother Teresa" by the Minister of Education Evis Kushi and the Italian ambassador to our country, Fabrizio Bucci. Mattarella is accompanied by the Minister of University and Scientific Research Maria Cristina Mess.


Rama: UNMIK completed its mission in Kosovo (Radio Tirana)


The Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama met in Tirana with the head of UNMIK Caroline Ziadeh and said that "UNMIK has completed its mission in Kosovo". Rama wrote on Twitter that he was impressed by the head of UNMIK. "For us, UNMIK has completed its mission in Kosovo and this position of ours will be clearly expressed in the UN Security Council," Rama wrote. He added that in the meantime, dialogue and interaction with Ziadeh and her team will be "only beneficial for Kosovo".