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Belgrade Media Report 9 September 2022



Vucic: Albanians are planning to occupy the north of Kosovo (Tanjug/B92/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is attending in Pozarevac the ceremonial opening of the third factory of the Motherson Group in Serbia. At the beginning of his address to the thousands of citizens gathered, he first of all warned of a danger that concerns all Serbs. He said that he is getting additional bad news from Kosovo, the Albanians have a plan to quietly occupy the north. "Serbian people will not tolerate violence and disrespect for international public law. You played games so far, but now, it's enough. If you can respect the norms that you have brought yourself, do it, if not, we will take care of that. It is important to me that I am here today, and during the campaign we said that we will work on strengthening the factories," said Vucic and added: "Albanians are trying to quietly occupy the north of Kosovo and Metohija, their so-called interior minister announced that they placed under control Lake Gazivode, which would mean a new violation of the Brussels agreement. If you ask people in Brussels, they tell you 'yes, everything is fine', and then it gets worse. I warn all of them (Kosovo Albanians and their foreign patrons) not to do it again. The Serbian people will not tolerate violence or violation of international law. Stop playing games", said Vucic. The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said that the “irresponsible war-mongering policy by Kurti’s clique is provoking the Serbs in the north of Kosovo while Belgrade is trying to maintain peace and stability in the region and doing everything to calm our people in the province… I want to remind Svecla that every attempt to usurp the lake and private property in the north to build illegal police bases will not help Pristina take over the north,” he said.


Vucic: Serbia-Hungary ties at historic high (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday the level of Serbia-Hungary relations was higher than ever in modern political history and that the cooperation between the two countries had made progress in all fields, including in politics, economy and trade. At a press conference with Hungarian President Katalin Novak, Vucic said bilateral trade in the first seven months of this year totaled 2.2 billion Euros and that trade with Hungary was growing at the highest rate. He said Hungary was Serbia's fourth-largest external trade partner but was likely to soon take the third position, behind Germany and China. "When I became PM, Hungary was our 10th- or 11th-largest external trade partner. Today it is our fourth-largest partner, with clear indications it will take the third place if we carry on like this over the next two years," Vucic said. He said overall Serbia-Hungary relations had a strong momentum and that the two countries had a great deal of understanding for each other politically. He said his meeting with Novak had addressed all issues, including energy. He thanked Hungary for enabling Serbia to use its gas storage facilities under favorable terms and draw gas from them during the upcoming winter season. He said work was also underway on infrastructure ties, including on a Belgrade-Budapest high-speed rail line, and added that he was confident the project would be completed by 2025. He thanked Novak for providing consistent support for Serbia's European integration, as well as for her rational, pragmatic and normal political stances that he said were shared by a part of central Europe. Vucic also said Hungary had understanding for Serbia's attempts to find a compromise solution in the dialogue with Pristina.


Novak: Serbia should join EU as soon as possible (Tanjug)


After meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade, Hungarian President Katalin Novak said her country would support decisions in favor of a soonest possible EU accession of Serbia and other Western Balkan countries. At a press conference with Vucic, Novak said they had also discussed EU enlargement. "Hungary has supported giving candidate status to Ukraine and Moldova. That is an opportunity but, at the same time, a danger. The opportunity means that the process of integrating the Western Balkans might be accelerated and that the efforts of Western Balkan countries - above all the efforts of Serbia, which, along with other countries in the region, had undertaken very serious steps to get closer to the EU and respond to all its requirements - could produce results," Novak said. The EU needs Serbia, and not only vice versa, she said. "That is why we will always support the making of decisions in favour of a soonest possible accession of Serbia and other Western Balkan countries, and we would be glad to see this happen as soon as possible," she said. She said she was very glad to have been able to meet with Vucic as a friend and have an open conversation with him. "It is good that we live in peace today and that Hungarians in Serbia, as well as the Serb minority in Hungary, can live in good conditions, and that the leaders of the two countries get along well and know how to cooperate. I thank Vucic for contributing to that and for doing everything for the relations between the two countries to reach a level we have never seen before," Novak said. She said she had also discussed with Vucic the difficulties facing the region and the world. "This is not a simple period, with the war in Ukraine and the sanctions that followed, the energy crisis that is the consequence of the sanctions and has consequences for Serbia, Hungary, Europe and beyond. A difficult period is ahead for us because the war will not be over quickly, but last a long time," she said. She said they had also discussed the danger of a new wave of mass migration through Serbia and Hungary. She thanked Serbia for doing everything to reduce the pressure of migration on the Serbian-Hungarian border. Novak said the two countries now also had much stronger and much more intensive economic ties than in the past and that Serbia had been a partner at the right time in implementing support for Serbian businesspeople, and noted that Vucic had understood that it was very important that Serbia's Vojvodina region developed at an accelerated rate - including with financial support from Hungary - as that helped the overall development of the Serbian economy.


Fajon: Vucic’s statement is absurd (N1)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s statement that Slovenia violated Serbia’s territorial integrity by recognizing Kosovo’s independence is absurd and unfortunate, said Slovenian Foreign Affairs Minister Tanja Fajon. “In Serbia we are used to such statements, which are sometimes taken out of context – sometimes a little deliberately. But it is true that we reacted. (Slovenian) President (Borut) Pahor responded, as did our Ministry,” said Fajon, adding that Slovenia needs to protect its interests. “It was a very absurd statement, unfortunately,” said Fajon, N1 Slovenia reported.Slovenia has good relations with Serbia, said Minister Fajon, adding that “the Serbian President is coming to Slovenia next week and so he will be able to say more.”


Selakovic: Absurd that Slovenia has a more legitimate interest in Kosovo and Metohija than Serbia (RTV/Tanjug)


If there is something absurd, then it is the view that Slovenia has a greater and more legitimate interest in Kosovo and Metohija than Serbia, whose Kosovo and Metohija is an autonomous province, and based on the messages coming from Ljubljana these days, one could get the impression that some local political the actors think so, Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said today. Selakovic reacted in this way to the statement of the Slovenian Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon, who called absurd the statement of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic that Slovenia violated the territorial integrity of Serbia by recognizing the independence of Kosovo. “We do not dispute Slovenia’s right to take a position on any foreign policy issue and to treat that issue as its state interest, but, likewise, Slovenia should not deny Serbia the right to protect its own state and national interests. It should certainly not emphasize that its national interest is challenging the national interests of Serbia,” announced Selakovic. If we agreed to disagree on this, secondary for Slovenia, and key for Serbia state and national issue, then, as Selakovic stated, it is necessary to show a little diplomatic tact and not touch Serbia where it is most sensitive. According to him, this is the minimum decency that must be shown by someone who wants to foster partnership relations with Serbia. “Serbia, protecting its sovereignty and territorial integrity, also protects international law, and those who recognized the self-proclaimed independence of so-called ‘Kosovo’ violated international law and violated the territorial integrity of Serbia. The fact that we do not remind of this fact every day does not mean that we hesitate , but that we want to build bridges with those who have a different attitude on this issue,” concluded Selakovic. He adds that this is precisely the attitude of Serbia that has increased and continues to increase the number of countries that do not recognize the so-called “Kosovo”, but Serbia within its internationally recognized borders, within which it is also a member of the UN, announced the Serbian Foreign Ministry. The fact that, as stated by Selakovic, Serbia has decided not to problematize this issue in relations with Slovenia, with whom we want to have partnership, stable and mutually beneficial relations, does not mean that we approve and will ever approve Slovenia’s position when it comes to our southern province.


Popovic: Serbia will not impose sanctions on Russia (FoNet)


At a meeting with the newly appointed co-chair of the Intergovernmental Committee for Cooperation with Russia Maksim Reshetnikov, Serbian Minister without portfolio and Committee co-chair Nenad Popovic reiterated the position of the Serbian government that Serbia will not impose sanctions on Russia, said a press release from Popovic’s office. “We appreciate the position of our Serbian partners – you maintain an independent position in this difficult current situation,” said Reshetnikov, who is also the Russian Economic Development Minster. The two Ministers discussed Serbia’s and Russia’s economic relations that are constantly growing stronger, and well as the directions of their further development, while Popovic stressed that the two countries’ joint projects and intensive bilateral cooperation are significantly contributing to Serbia’s economic development, said the press release. The two officials expressed their satisfaction with the increase in the volume of foreign trade between Serbia and Russia that amounted to 2.8 billion Dollars in 2021, which is a 13 percent increase compared to 2020. Popovic thanked Russia for the support it provides to Serbia in connection with the preservation of its territorial integrity and sovereignty regarding Kosovo and Metohija, as well as for following the current situation in Kosovo with great attention, said the press release.


Petkovic: By building illegal ROSU bases in the north, Pristina dismantles the Brussels agreement (Danas)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic reacted to the statements of the Interior Minister Xhelal Svecla, that the Kosovo government is determined to “preserve order and peace” in the north. “And while Svecla learned to have a boss and obey orders unquestioningly, Aleksandar Vucic has always listened only to his people and defended the interests of the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, and he will continue to do so regardless of how much personal sacrifice he has to make,” claims Petkovic. “Unlike Svecla, who can’t even convince himself of what he writes, let alone the Albanian public, the words of President Aleksandar Vucic carry weight and are well heard where they are addressed. That is why Svecla is brave and writing in vain, because his messages are only for internal political use,” he stated in a press release. “By building illegal ROSU bases in the north, Pristina dismantles the Brussels agreement and illegally takes over the jurisdiction of KFOR, which is the only one that has the right to be present in the green zone. This makes it clear that Pristina does not really want agreements, but conflicts and tensions. But one thing is certain - the north of Kosovo and Metohija belongs to the Serb people, not Kurti and Svecla,” concluded Petkovic.


Drecun: It seems to me that soon their will be the main issue (Tanjug/RTV)


The EU Special Representative for Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak should visit Belgrade and Pristina tomorrow, and with him the advisors of French President and German Chancellor, and the Chair of the parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun assesses that his visit in such a composition looks like preparation for the main issue - discussions on the status, but that all of them should know that Belgrade will not under any conditions recognize this self-proclaimed state of Kosovo. “We will see, but it is important to talk and negotiate. It is important that all advisers, representatives, ... of the German Chancellor and the French President and all other envoys, should know one thing - the initial and final position of Serbia - Belgrade will not under any circumstances recognize this self-proclaimed state of Kosovo, but we are as ready as possible to look for a solution on how to model the future status of Kosovo and Metohija,” Drecun said. Drecun told Tanjug that Lajcak’s arrival with the special advisers of French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz looks to him like taking positions to participate in resolving the issue of the status of Kosovo and Kosovo. “It seems to me that the main question will soon follow, and that is the question of status, and that the personnel preparations of the leading European countries are now being made, that positions are being taken to participate in solving the final question of the status of Kosovo and Metohija,” Drecun said. Drecun emphasized that it seems to him that the Western offer to solve the Kosovo and Metohija issue will still be a model of two Germanys with the creation of a ZSO, but, as he says, with somewhat different competences than in the agreement, and still be firmly framed in terms of geography. This, he believes, will perhaps be the last proposal of the West to our side. “In my opinion, this is taking positions, of course it is important to resolve the issue of license plates, there are some proposals and Borrell also spoke about them. The initial proposal is, I think, that we accept that stickers are not placed over the plates of provisional institutions in Pristina and that they can move through Serbia proper and allow Serbs to re-register to status-neutral KS plates issued by UNMIK, which Pristina unilaterally canceled two years ago,” Drecun said.


Five years in prison to Bacevic for alleged war crime in Kosovo and Metohija (RTS)


Svetomir Bacevic from Belo Polje near Pec was sentenced in the Basic Court in Pristina to five years in prison for allegedly committing war crimes against the civilian population in 1998 in Kosovo and Metohija. In the verdict, Bacevic is declared guilty for participating in the kidnapping and mistreatment of Hatidza Kadri in 1998 in Belo Polje, following a report by Sami Ceku. Svetomir Bacevic’s defense attorney, lawyer Dejan Vasic, said that this is another one of the verdicts without ground. “Despite the fact that the injured party, Hatidza Kadri, told the jury that Svetomir Bacevic was not the person who took her from her home, and that she did not know that man at all, after this conviction I really have nothing more to say about the trial of the Serbs on accusations of war crimes in Kosovo,” said Vasic. Bacevic is a displaced person and lives in Gornji Milanovac. In December 2020, he went from Belo Polje to Pec to collect personal documents. He was arrested in the municipal building and taken to the police station. After the informational interview, he was transferred to Pristina for detention, under the pretext that he was responsible for an alleged war crime. Lawyer Vasic announced an appeal to a higher court instance.


Lajcak, Ploetner, Bonne coming to boost momentum in dialogue, prevent conflicts (Beta)


EU mediator Miroslav Lajcak and envoys of Berlin and Paris, Jens Ploetner and Emmanuel Bonne, are setting off on 9 September to a visit to Pristina and Belgrade, to "boost the momentum in the dialogue, generated by the agreement on personal documents". The aim is to prevent dangerous escalations, such as the threats of conflict on 31 July, and pave the way for more progress, including the necessary implementation of the agreement on the Community of Serb Municipalities, which is the international obligation of Pristina, Beta was told in Brussels by officials in the European Commission who are informed in the matter. They also underscored the great significance of the fact that Lajcak was coming to the talks in Pristina and Belgrade with the support of the special advisors for foreign policy and security of the two leading figures of the EU, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. When asked which "tough decisions" Macron and Scholz expected from Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti, as they have stated earlier, the officials in Brussels replied that "they know this well both in Pristina and Belgrade, because only serious deals and agreements can lead to the normalization of their relations, which opens the way for European integration".




Kajganic: Prosecutor’s Office of B&H to carry out activities to prevent irregularities on election day in B&H (FTV)


The Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) announced on Thursday that prosecutors will monitor the upcoming general elections in B&H with the goal to prevent crimes and sanction those who commit the crimes. In this regard, the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H called on citizens to react and report irregularities. Integrity of the election process cannot be in danger and in cooperation with all other judicial institutions, the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H will sanction all those who commit election frauds. Addressing a press conference, Acting Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H Milanko Kajganic called on all citizens to report possible crimes related to the election process especially when it comes to bribe and threats to vote for some candidates. Deputy Chief Prosecutor Ismet Suskic stated that four prosecutors will be working on this issue. Kajganic stated that the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H will carry out activities on the election day in B&H to contribute to preventing electoral irregularities. Kajganic specified that the Prosecutor's Office of B&H will deploy competent on-duty prosecutors in regional centers of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) of B&H in Banja Luka, Tuzla and Mostar on election day. Suskic told media that the cooperation of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H and the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) as well as with SIPA is good and could yield results in preventing irregularities on the election day. Kajganic also said: “I would like to convey a message to those who have potentially participated in illegal activities, or who are potentially preparing for committing any of the said criminal offenses, and warn them that all prosecutor’s offices in B&H and police agencies will undertake all (necessary) activities to prove those criminal offenses and prosecute them. I remind that envisaged sanctions for these criminal offenses include prison sentence in the duration between three and five years”.


Dodik reacts to information that Prosecutor’s Office of B&H will carry out activities to prevent irregularities on election day in B&H (RTRS)


The Prosecutor’s Office of B&H has announced that prosecutors of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H will be present at all SIPA regional centers on the day of elections, 2 October. RTRS reports that multi-year prison sentences have been also announced in case abuses are identified during the election day, and the prosecutors will be assisted by police agencies. The reporter wonders if the aim is to secure fair elections or to intimidate people. RTRS reports that coordinating bodies, strategic forums, prosecutors, police agencies, the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) and the OSCE have been planning since May a formula to, as they stated, prevent buying of votes and other irregularities in the upcoming elections. After three months, they invited citizens to cooperate and report irregularities to prosecutors. Commenting on this, Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said the will of the people should be protected from all illegal activities, but also from threats to electoral process integrity due to foreigners’ interference. “Whoever breaks the law, they should be prosecuted. I have nothing against that, but it is unfair to present yourself as honest whilst being susceptible and submissive to foreigners”. Dodik also said there are “40 UK intelligence officers today in Sarajevo and they are only working against Republika Srpska (RS) and against political options they do not want in order to promote their political options”, said Dodik for the media. Dodik also called on the B&H Prosecutor’s Office to check his allegations. “We have information they are in the field making pressure on the people. Imagine a Prosecutor’s Office that allows foreigners to do all that in order to create an environment for their favorites here in the RS and B&H and does nothing’’, said Dodik. He also said the fact is “that foreigners want to push some political options that suit them. Those political options, in relation to the RS, would go towards ensuring fast disappearance of the RS. That is British policy”, said Dodik. The reporter comments that prosecutors of the B&H Prosecutor’s Office will not address creating election results under pressure and as suited to the Western powers, because they have no jurisdiction over that, due to which question arises whether they are here to ensure transparent elections or to intimidate.


Dodik states he has protected RS’ interests by invoking vital interest in relation to formal approval to German Ambassador Fitschen (RTRS)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated RS parliament will decide on the RS’ vital interest in relation to giving formal approval to German Ambassador to B&H Thomas Fitschen, and reminded that, as the B&H Presidency member, his duty is to protect the RS’ interests, something he has done by invoking the vital interest. Dodik invited everyone to carefully consider that, and underscored that, before appointing new ambassador Germany should talk with the RS, not about it. Addressing the media Dodik referred to the opposition in the RS and said: “The opposition is sterile, they have no position. They were waiting for this to show their vassalage to foreigners, not their belonging to this people and this Republic. That is the whole difference between us and then. If that Schmidt’s little one (Dodik refers to PDP Vice President Jelena Trivic), hosts (High Representative in B&H Christian) Schmidt and says he is legitimate, then we should think about mental characteristic of such person. If the Dayton (Peace) Accords states he needs to be appointed by the UN Security Council, and if the UN Security Council did not do that, and someone in Banja Luka says he is the High Representative, then something is wrong”. He also referred to HR Schmidt and said: “He believes in one thing only, that some international factor will remove Milorad Dodik and prohibit his activities so that they can be some authority, nothing else”. Dodik stated that Serb people are aware that without the RS there is no freedom and that the RS demonstrated how consistent policy is being led without succumbing to threats and blackmails of foreign factor. Dodik stressed that the ambassador nominated by Germany should be returned back adding that before sending new one, Germany should “talk with us and not about us.” Dodik underlined that for as long as SNSD is at helm of the RS, this entity will not accept the attitude that Germany is superior.


Komsic: Milanovic did his best to block elections in B&H, but failed (Dnevni list)


Commenting on statement of Croatian President Zoran Milanovic that he (Milanovic) does not know what will happen with the elections in B&H and that he personally gave his all, member of B&H Presidency and DF leader Zeljko Komsic said he knows what will happen in the elections. Namely, Komsic said that citizens of B&H will vote in line with their free will, adding it is true that Milanovic did his best to block the elections in B&H but failed. He also noted that Milanovic and HDZ B&H did their best to make sure they get the Election Law based on unequal value of votes, but failed in that as well.


Erdogan ends Balkan Tour in Zagreb; Milanovic, Erdogan express different stance on election legislation reform in B&H (HRT1)


After visiting Sarajevo and Belgrade, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan continued his Balkan tour with a visit to Croatia on Thursday. Erdogan met with the Croatian state leadership, including Croatian President Zoran Milanovic. The inevitable topic of the conversation between Erdogan and Milanovic was the situation in B&H. HRT1 stressed that during his visit to Sarajevo, Erdogan clearly opposed the intervention of High Representative Christian Schmidt in regard to changes to the B&H Election Law which is exactly what the Croatian side is calling for, so that the Croats in B&H could independently elect their representatives without the risk of being outvoted by the Bosniaks. Unlike Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik who is asking for the abolishment of the High Representative in B&H, the Croatian side demands that he uses his powers and act when there is no other way. "Now the elections are less than a month away and I really do not know what the High Representative will do. So far, he has not done anything. If he does something I will have to admit that I am satisfied with it. This is where President Erdogan and I, Croatia and Turkey differ in stances, but this shows that we need a more detailed discussion, not a protocol discussion," Milanovic underlined. In addition to B&H, Milanovic and Erdogan also discussed the war in Ukraine and the trade exchange between Croatia and Turkey which amounts to less than a billion dollars. Erdogan and Milanovic agreed that this is not enough and that interest of Turkish companies in investing in Croatia is at a satisfactory level. Answering a journalist's question about the position of Croatia and Turkey regarding the election process in B&H, Milanovic stated that the Dayton Agreement is the foundation of peace and functioning of B&H. Erdogan, on the other hand, said that the Dayton Peace Agreement is the main problem. "The Dayton Agreement did not solve problems in B&H. At that time, late Alija (Izetbegovic) told me himself - we could not do anything, we had to sign that agreement then - which means that he himself was not satisfied with that agreement. But, of course, today we have Croats, Bosniaks and Serbs who live in B&H. We have leaders who represent these peoples and I believe that these decisions should be made by them by meeting and making final decisions," Erdogan underlined. Milanovic said that he will not repeat Croatia's well-known positions, "which are nothing more than establishing the facts." "That the Croats are the least numerous, that they are one of the three constituent peoples, and that everything in B&H can, must and should only be resolved by the agreement of legitimate, real representatives of the constituent peoples," Milanovic said, adding that not all those in B&H who present themselves as such are legitimate. "As for the role of the High Representative, I was critical of it. I said earlier and I am still saying it because I see it, the question is why some who see are not talking about the fact that he was appointed in an irregular way," Milanovic said. Erdogan said that he believes that leaders in B&H should meet and make final decisions. Erdogan was quoted as saying: “There are some mechanisms. We are also in some of them, such as Turkey, Croatia and B&H. We also have a trilateral mechanism – Serbia, Turkey and B&H, and we can meet and discuss some things, especially after the elections on 2 October.”


Erdogan’s attack on Dayton and West does not serve Croats in B&H (Jutarnji list)


Author comments that during his visit to Sarajevo, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan opposed imposing of limited election reforms by side of High Representative Christian Schmidt, which disappointed Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina B&H) and politicians in Zagreb who expected his support, and during his visit to Zagreb, Erdogan strengthened this stance by attacking the Dayton Agreement, stating that it is the main source of crisis in B&H, thus making it clear that he supports the side in B&H which demands changes of Dayton Agreement. Daily underlined that this Agreement is the spirit of it are key arguments that Croatia is using in all their statements in B&H and international scene, when advocating rights and interests of Croats in B&H. Author noted that President Zoran Milanovic earlier used to say that western officials do not understand the situation in B&H, unlike Turkish ones, but now he had to admit that stances of Croatia and Turkey about B&H differ. Reporter noted that by attacking Dayton, Erdogan in fact attacked the West as well, being that Dayton is western design. Also, author noted, it was uncomfortable for Croatia when Turkey offered to discuss the situation in B&H between three countries ‘Croatia, Turkey, B&H’, but also ‘Serbia, Turkey, B&H’, adding that any kind of comparison between Croatia and Serbia is detrimental for Croatia and also Turkey must not be observed as a protector of only Bosniak interests in B&H: “Ankara cannot have the role for Bosniaks that Zagreb has for Croats and Belgrade for Serbs in B&H. Because Bosniaks, even though belong to Muslim religion, are not Turks, but have their own ethnic identity.” Reporter noted that during his Balkan tour, Erdogan demonstrated anti-Western leaders. Author reminded that only Turkish President and Hungarian Prime Minister attended the burial of Franjo Tudjman, which Milanovic mentioned, but the author noted that he forgets to say that Croatia was in form of political isolation due to its politics toward B&H. “Croatia has to harmonize its rights and advocating for rights of Croats, most notably with the western partners, EU and NATO and bilaterally with Quint member states. “This Quint is formed Working Group, but without Russians. Milanovic do not like it too much, but without it, it is not possible to achieve any goal in B&H,” stated Jutarnji list.


It was only Milanovic and Plenkovic who opposed Erdogan during his tour of B&H, Serbia and Croatia (Vecernji list)


Writing about Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s visit to B&H, Serbia and Croatia, daily reads that Erdogan used to election campaign (in B&H) to express support to ‘brother’ Bakir Izetbegovic. According to author, during his visits to B&H and Serbia, Erdogan managed to amaze his hosts Aleksandar Vucic, Sefik Dzaferovic, Zeljko Komsic and Milorad Dodik “who glorified him all, which speaks more about them because the West sees Erdogan as an autocrat”. In this context daily reads it was only Croatian President Zoran Milanovic and Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic who publicly opposed Erdogan by insisting that Croats should be able to elect their representatives in the authorities, which is in line with the spirit and the letter of the Dayton agreement, which Erdogan is against. Daily went on to say that a possible new initiative coming from Zagreb, which would see involvement of Croatia and Turkey in reaching an agreement that would improve the status of Croats in B&H is a big question mark, arguing that Washington and London would see it as interference into matters in B&H, especially because the US and the UK are resolute in preventing undermining of the Dayton agreement.


Mandic: It would be an honor for me to be prime minister, but no one's ambition is more important than the agreement (Pobjeda)


The former parliamentary majority agreed to reach an agreement on the distribution of functions and the formation of the government in the coming days, said the leader of the New Serbian Democracy Andrija Mandic. "It is not only DF's responsibility. We agreed to reach an agreement in the coming days, not far off, ending with 19 September, when the deadline for the President of Montenegro to issue a mandate expires. We said that it would be good to outline things and an agreement in principle already this weekend," Mandic said. He said that it should be a technical government that would organize extraordinary parliamentary elections alongside with the regular presidential one. "But we said that if it turns out that we can work together, we would be ready to fulfill the mandate to the end. Everything depends on the good atmosphere that needs to be established, on principles, goals, one of which is to form the government as soon as possible," said Mandic. He believes that the former majority should be enabled to form a political government from people "who have been preparing their whole lives for what should follow". "Someone who has been involved in something for 20 years should be given the opportunity to show whether he can or cannot do something," said Mandic with the assessment that now is the moment to organize the parliamentary majority in a different way without eliminating anyone. Asked if the DF will vote for any member of the Judicial Council, Mandic replied that he expects the DPS to provide a situation for elections in the judiciary in the agreement. "We will consider all the facts immediately before the vote. These candidates are not aligned with us, but the intention is to align," said one of the leaders of the Democratic Front. Mandic refused to give a specific answer as to who could be prime minister with the message that an agreement on everything is possible. "Now is the moment to put any excess ambitions of each participant on the back burner. We have an obligation, the citizens expect a new government, a new parliamentary leadership. We have set a very difficult task. Until everything is agreed, nothing is agreed. We undertook to respect the power achieved on 30 August, but also to make corrections by agreement. I wouldn't want to make a leap that would disrupt what I've put a lot of effort into. The most important thing is to put ambitions on the back burner," said Mandic. He also said that he does not run away from responsibility, and that he would be honored if he were prime minister. "But that does not mean that anyone's ambition should be more important than the agreement," he added.


Becic: We renounce both the office of Prime Minister and office of President of the parliament (CdM)


The president of the Democrats Aleksa Becic announced that the party is renouncing both the office of prime minister and the office of president of the Assembly. "At the very beginning, I would first like to congratulate the citizens of Montenegro for having enough patience in the situation of hyperproduction of candidates for the Prime Minister and the President of the parliament of Montenegro. It is not easy to even read that, let alone for you as the winners of the 30 August election to participate in it. Namely, one group of MPs nominates their party leader for the mandate, and on the other hand, a group of ministers nominates their party leader for the mandate. They are not even unfamiliar with the institution of self-candidacy and self-competition for one of these two prestigious state positions," said Becic. He announced that after the victory in the previous parliamentary elections, the Democratic MPs unconditionally supported the holder of the electoral list "For the Future of Montenegro" to be the mandate holder. "Immediately after that, we unconditionally supported the composition of the 42nd Government of Montenegro, even though we did not have a single minister in thatgGovernment," said Becic. With that, he adds, they unconditionally supported the holder of the second electoral list for the first deputy prime minister. "Both election lists in that government had direct and indirect representatives in the form of members of the government. The electoral list of the Democrats is the only electoral list that did not have a single representative in the government of Montenegro. "Despite the fact that both electoral lists actively or passively destroyed their own government, the Democrats defended the 42nd government of Montenegro with all their political strength, in which they did not participate," said Becic. "The 43rd DPS government was formed. We refused the offered participation in such a government. We were removed from the highest state positions and with dignity, without breaks, without tricks and similar bluffs, we went to the opposition," said Becic. Given that the negotiations in which they actively and sincerely participate have begun, he emphasizes that they are the only winning electoral list, whose holder in this parliament's convocation was not the mandate holder for the composition of the new government, and they are individually the strongest party of this winning parliamentary majority. "So, based on the presented facts and democratic principles, the post of mandate holder belongs to Democratic Montenegro. We renounce those honors and prestigious political privileges in this negotiation process, which is organized by NSD, in favor of the people and the state of Montenegro. If these negotiations would result in the election of a representative for the composition of the 44th government of Montenegro, who after this resignation will not be from our Party, the position of the President of the parliament of Montenegro belongs to our party indisputably. And from this prestigious political office, which we performed responsibly, we renounce the position", said Becic. According to him, previous renunciations of positions are their measure of morality in politics and a clear contribution of the Democrats to reach an agreement. "I emphasize that we renounce for the benefit of the people and the state, and not for the benefit of any candidate, who was nominated or self-nominated. The will of the people of Montenegro is above any function and anyone's armchair. As you can see, resignations and resignations are not something that hurts, nor are they the end of the world. Ladies and gentlemen, I am sure my message is clear. Armchairs are fleeting, but honor lives forever. Long live Montenegro," Becic said.


Djukanovic - Presker: Political stability is an indispensable prerequisite for progress towards the EU (CdM)


The President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic received the Ambassador of Slovenia to Montenegro Gregor Presker ahead of the upcoming summit of the Brdo-Brioni Process, which is being held on Brdo near Kranj, in which Djukanovic will participate at the invitation of President Borut Pahor and Zoran Milanovic. The interlocutors also exchanged opinions on the political situation in Montenegro, assessing that political stability is an indispensable prerequisite for progress towards the EU. "The president thanked the ambassador for the initiative for the meeting, which is always a good opportunity to discuss extremely good interstate relations, current regional and domestic circumstances and the European perspective of the Western Balkans," Djukanovic's office announced. Ambassador Presker expressed his gratitude for the reception and satisfaction with Djukanovic's arrival in Slovenia and expressed hope for the success of the upcoming Summit and constructive conclusions. "With a reminder that Slovenia recently appointed an envoy for the Western Balkans, he emphasized the continued commitment of that country to the issues of our region, which always require careful attention, because as he pointed out, the WB is in the heart of Europe," the announcement states.


US aid package for Ukraine, Montenegro and 17 other countries that are at risk of future Russian aggression (RTCG/Reuters)


US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, during his visit to Kyiv, promised a new security aid package worth two billion dollars. The Biden administration hopes some of that support will bolster Ukraine's counteroffensive aimed at pushing back Russian forces in the south and east. At a meeting with President Volodymyr Zelensky, Blinken said that his visit came at a crucial moment for Ukraine, noting that the counteroffensive had proven effective, reports Reuters. Blinken said in a statement that Washington would support Ukraine as long as necessary and announced a new $2.2 billion military funding package for Ukraine and 18 other countries deemed at risk of future Russian aggression.


Funds for Montenegro as well

Approximately one billion dollars will be allocated to Ukraine, and the rest would be divided between Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. The money is intended for the defense of sovereignty, the modernization of the security forces, the strengthening of the partnership with NATO and the strengthening of the capacity to oppose Russian influence and aggression, the official said.

Aid comes in the form of US grants and loans that allow countries to buy weapons and defense equipment made in the United States.


Macedonia celebrates 31 years of independence (Republika)


The Republic of Macedonia marks Thursday the 31st anniversary of the 1991 referendum in which the citizens voted in favor of an independent and sovereign state. The government organized several events and cultural activities across the country to celebrate September 8 – Independence Day under the theme of “United in Freedom”. The central celebration, will be held on the plateau near the “Ibni Pajko” park and will be broadcast live on the National Radio-Television, as well as on the channels of the social networks of the government of the Republic of Macedonia, the government press service informs. Within the framework of the central celebration, which will be addressed by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia, Dimitar Kovacevski, there are planned performances by famous singers and groups.


Pendarovski: We started from the same starting position and played according to the rules, but we faced double standards and biased judges (Republika)


Unity is the key prerequisite for success, and so as to be more successful in the competition between nations, we must restore unity and restore awareness not of personal interest, but of the common good, President Stevo Pendarovski said Thursday during the “8 September” state award ceremony. The head of state recalled that on September 8, 1991, using the sovereign right of self-determination, we declared an independent state and joined the cultural competition between nations. The end of the cold war marked the beginning of that great competition in which many states of central, eastern and southeastern Europe worked hard to build stable and functional democratic institutions and integrate into the world. But even though we started from the same starting position and played according to the rules, in certain periods as a country we faced double standards and biased judges that did not always allow us to evaluate the achievements fairly, said Pendarovski. According to him, on this difficult path we achieved successes, but we also caused disappointment for the Macedonian citizens. As he said, we often spent our energy in mutual accusations and obstructions, and internally, the biggest challenge we are still facing today is the deep divisions in Macedonian society in our team. President Pendarovski emphasized that among the rare heroes of Macedonian independence are the athletes who connect us with their successes even when we are deeply divided.


Mickoski: Referendum, early parliamentary and presidential elections to be held on the same day (Republika)


The Union of Veterans of VMRO-DPMNE is newly formed, but it contains the maturity, knowledge and tradition that should guide VMRO-DPMNE through all storms and trials, said the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski at the First Annual Conference of the Union of Veterans of VMRO-DPMNE, which took place this afternoon in the Demir Hisar village of Smilevo. At the gathering entitled “Keeping the tradition, we create the future”, Mickoski emphasized that it is wise to listen to the wise people who endured the strongest blows of communism and who were witnesses, contemporaries, but also pioneers of an independent and sovereign state. It is wisdom to have these people close to you and to use their life and political experience. I will always be inspired by their undiminished energy and desire to fight for our common mother Macedonia. I would say paternal, sincere and ardent love for the holy letters VMRO, Mickoski pointed out. In front of VMRO-DPMNE members and guests at the party gathering in Smilevo, party leader Mickoski said that it was time to fight against injustices. We are facing such a temptation today when the people have to decide in a referendum whether they are for or against the Agreement with Bulgaria, for the cancellation or approval of national assimilation, Mickoski emphasized and asked for maximum mobilization of the membership for the success of the announced referendum initiated by VMRO-DPMNE. At the gathering in Smilevo, Mickoski, called for three elections to be held, that is, a referendum, early parliamentary and early presidential elections.


Italian President Mattarela in Tirana/Begaj: Italy is a strategic partner! Mattarela: Albania has its place in the EU (Radio Tirana)


President of Italy Sergio Mattarella was received with a state ceremony by the president Bajram Begaj. Both interlocutors held a joint press conference. President Begaj said that relations with Italy are those of a strategic partnership, where its support for Albania has never been lacking in almost every field. Begaj said that the cooperation between the two countries is on the political, economic and institutional level. As he assessed the growth of Italian business presence in Albania, Begaj said that Italy and Albania are friends and allies in NATO and contributors to peace in the world. "Italy is an unsparing supporter of our European path. Cooperation with Italy is at the level of strategic partnership. We welcome the increased presence of Italian business, we appreciate the contribution of Italian enterprises. In the economic field, we are cooperating in the field of energy, TAP - a project of special importance for our countries and those of the region. Special appreciation for support and mutual recognition of vital social contributions for Albanian immigrants in Italy. Thanks for Italy's support during the chairmanship of the OSCE and the mandate in the Security Council. We share the same vision in promoting stability, peace and security in the region. Support for the Serbia-Kosovo dialogue, the only way to guarantee lasting peace in the Balkans: Albania and Italy, united as friends and allies in NATO. Committed to promoting cooperation in all areas of interest between our two countries. We encourage cooperation in the field of education, paying special attention to support for Albanian language departments in Italian universities. Appreciation for Italy's initiative to present to UNESCO the language, culture and tradition of Arberesh as a heritage of world wealth," said Begaj. The Italian President praised the close relations between the two countries, while saying that the EU is not complete without the Western Balkans. Mattarella said that Italian entrepreneurs want to increase their presence in Albania. "Albania and Italy are main partners in trade exchanges, in an important strategic sector, and it is necessary to further strengthen this presence and our enterprises are interested in increasing their presence in Albania. Our strategic partnership is also strong in economic terms. There are different sectors of agriculture and infrastructure. We are ready to further deepen the cooperation with the Albanian government. Albania is a very important partner in the Balkan region. Cultural cooperation is also important. We remember the community of arborists in Italy, materializing that through specific traditions and customs, so that the relationship in all areas, we contribute to cultivate this friendship even in the new generations. This cultural cooperation is very important. Italy is ready to contribute to the sites protected by UNESCO in Albania. Albania is the main one in Europe, not only for the relationship with Italy but also for Europe. We will always be supportive in the process of Albania's integration into the EU," said Mattarella.


Rama meets Mattarella: Italy will remain key partner of Albania on the path of economic development, a firm supporter of its European journey (Radio Tirana)


During his official visit to Tirana, Italian President Sergio Mattarella met the country's Prime Minister Edi Rama. After his speech in the Assembly, Prime Minister Rama had a meeting with Italian President Mattarella where he had a one-on-one discussion with the work teams. Thanking the Italian President for the visit, Prime Minister Rama assessed that Italy has been and will remain a friend and key partner of Albania on the path of economic development, as well as a firm supporter of its European journey. Prime Minister Rama and Italian President Mattarella discussed the fruitful cooperation between the countries in the fields of agriculture, tourism, education, services, as well as agreed on the commitment to continue an even more intensive cooperation in these fields, with mutual interest between the countries.


Begaj and Mattarella assess the presence of KFOR in Kosovo as important (Radio Tirana)


At the end of the meeting between the Italian and Albanian delegations, it was stated at the press conference that the parties: will increase defense cooperation, will call on EU countries to support the Balkans towards integration into the union, will steadily continue on the Euro-Atlantic journey without leaving spaces of influence that can be used by other actors far from the region. President Bajram Begaj in this meeting with his Italian counterpart assessed the presence of KFOR in Kosovo as very important for the stability of the region, as a presence that reflects peace and stability. "I thanked President Sergio Mattarella for the support that the Italian State has given to Kosovo, and I stressed the importance of continuing this support, especially for security issues, visa liberalization, Kosovo's accession to the Council of Europe and continuation dialogue with Serbia. Albania supports the Serbia-Kosovo dialogue and considers that the solution formula expressed by Biden and Chancellor Scholz, as a comprehensive agreement for the normalization of relations", resulting in mutual recognition and membership of Kosovo to the UN and the EU, as the right solution to ensure a stable peace in the Balkans," said Begaj.