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Belgrade Media Report 12 September



Vucic speaks after the session of the National Security Council: The situation is difficult (B92)


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, presided over the session of the National Security Council, after which he addressed the public. “The situation is difficult. At the session of the National Security Council, we made an analysis of the situation and position of Serbia and the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. We talked about the assessment of the security situation, about "Europride". We didn't talk about cyber security today, we'll do that next week. We talked about the energy crisis and energy security," Vucic said.


"Last night, I had a two-hour conversation with the representatives of Olaf Scholz and Emmanuel Macron. We received a proposal for a new framework for the talks in Brussels, which should lead to a quick and final solution to the problems we were facing and all the unresolved issues on Kosovo and Metohija. That conversation, I don't have to tell you, was not easy at all," he added.


"Representatives of the most powerful European countries, and they say that they have the support of the USA and Turkey, believe that in the conditions when there is a war in Europe, new conflicts are not necessary, that it is important to reach a solution to the problem as quickly as possible," said Vucic. He emphasizes that the West wants an agreement with Pristina to be reached as soon as possible, and according to them, it would be everything that they consider to be reality. According to Vucic, the Serbian Orthodox Church would have a special status, which is already foreseen in the plan of Martti Ahtisaari. The great Western powers want to solve these problems because there is a war in Europe, maybe we in Serbia do not understand that, and in accordance with that potential agreement or solution, they would avoid possibility or it would be much easier for them to provide a clear answer to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on the issue of legal precedent and granting independence to Kosovo. So somewhere in all this we have become collateral damage of the conflicts of the greats and their past behaviour. As I was informed, the curtain has been raised. "Putin, they say from the West, has lifted the curtain and now they are asking Serbia to declare which side it is on - where the economy is disappearing or on their side where it is prosperous," adds Vucic.


He emphasized that he warned Miroslav Lajcak, and the advisors for foreign and security policy of France and Germany, Emanuel Bonn and Jens Pletner, that since September 19th or 20th, 2021, illegal bases of the Kosovo police are springing up in the north of Kosovo.


"I pointed out that illegal bases are springing up in Kosovo and Metohija. In Zubin Potok, in the village of Banje, it was completed in February of this year. They started illegal works in the area of the Zubin Potok municipality. A private company from Pristina in the north near Zubin Potok usurped private plots of Serbs. There is no end to banditry and savagery in Pristina. They do not inform the regional police in the north, they do not consult the mayors of four municipalities. In addition to all that, they control Lake Gazivode, and most of it is located on the territory of Zubin Potok. There is no matter, legal norm that they have not trampled on," said the President of Serbia. He said that the fact is that the USA will send a new tranche of aid for "defense against Russian aggression against Ukraine" which, among other things, will also be given to the countries of the region, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Albania, Macedonia, and, as it is stated, Kosovo, and only Serbia is not on that list.


"What is important is that on September 10 at 8:00 a.m., only two persons were still registered to change license plates, one person from the north of Kosovo and Metohija, the other from the south. The person from the north is from the municipality of Leposavic and is a member of the Albanian institution. They don't have the support of the people and no one who wants to change the license plates. In past 10 days they didn't manage to find anyone with all the propaganda and untruths they put out. This clearly shows that the Serbian people want respect of international law. I am almost certain that the UN General Assembly will turn into a triad on the protection of the territorial integrity of Ukraine, we will see how they will react when I speak about the territorial integrity of Serbia and Resolution 1244, and how many requests I will receive to shorten my tongue," said Vucic.


After that, Vucic spoke about holding of Europride, and moved on to economic topics. He also talked about the alleged shortage of milk, which he claims does not exist and that there is no reason to panic.


Vucic and Lajcak: The process will continue; There'll be no recognition of Kosovo (Tanjug)


The EU's special envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, announced tonight that negotiations will continue in the coming days. He said this after conducting separate talks with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, and the Prime Minister of Pristina's temporary institutions, Albin Kurti.


Lajcak stated on Twitter that, together with the envoys of Germany and France, Jens Plettner and Emmanuel Bonn, he had "important and in-depth discussions" with Kurti in Pristina and Vucic in Belgrade in order to, as he stated, "examine the options for progress in the dialogue". "The process will continue in the coming days," said Lajcak. Lajcak, in the company of Plettner and Bonn, initially met in Pristina with Kurti, and then with Vucic in Belgrade. The meeting was also attended by the representative of the European Union for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and other regional issues of the Western Balkans, Miroslav Lajcak.


As previously announced by the spokesperson of the European Commission, Peter Stano, the aim of this visit is, in his words, "exploring possibilities for progress in dialogue" between Belgrade and Pristina. "There will be no discussion about the future of Serbia, and no recognition of Kosovo," wrote Vucic and added:


"I am currently talking with the European Union's special representative for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and other regional issues of the Western Balkans, Miroslav Lajcak, and with the advisors for foreign and security policy of the Republic of France and the Federal Republic of Germany, Emmanuel Bonn and Jens Plettner, always ready for compromise solutions, in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia and Resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council. No surrender! Long live Serbia!"


Petkovic: The more that is said about Kosovo and Metohija in the context of the war in Ukraine, the worse it is for us (RTS)


The diplomatic struggle between Belgrade-Pristina-Brussels is not abating. After the visit of the EU special envoy Miroslav Lajcak and the new envoys of Berlin and Paris, President Aleksandar Vucic said that Serbia has become collateral damage of major conflicts and that he received a proposal for a new framework for talks in Brussels. At the same time, the situation in the Western Balkans is being discussed today on Brdo Brioni, and a special session of the parliament will be held tomorrow to discuss Kosovo and Metohija. Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, points out that the West wants a solution to the Kosovo issue as quickly as possible, especially since the issue is viewed in the context of the war in Ukraine.


Petar Petkovic, speaking for RTS about the proposal for a new framework for talks in Brussels, said that the international community wants a solution to the issue of Kosovo and Metohija as soon as possible, in order to see the reality from their point of view, and everything, he points out, is additionally burdened by war in Ukraine.


"They cannot allow any new conflicts and unrest on the soil of Europe. President Vucic has repeatedly warned and said that, they want to refute the arguments used by President Vladimir Putin when he talks about the Kosovo precedent, about the recognition of Western countries, in order to justify his actions in Ukraine. That is why President Vucic says that Serbia is collateral damage of the conflict between the big and powerful in the world. The more that is said about Kosovo in the context of the war in Ukraine, the worse it is for us," said Petkovic. He pointed out that the meeting between Vucic and the envoys of Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz was difficult, and that Serbia is struggling to preserve peace and stability. Serbia, he adds, will never recognize the independence of Kosovo and Metohija, but we must think of our people who live there.


"This is a clear violation of international law, and President Vucic will speak about it at the session of the UN General Assembly... Everyone is now talking about the violation of Ukraine's territorial integrity, and that is exactly what happened to Serbia regarding Kosovo and Metohija," said Petkovic and added that Serbia is expected to decide which side of the curtain it will be on. He notes that the situation in the Kosovo and Metohija is by no means simple, bearing in mind that October 31, which Aljbin Kurti set as the deadline for vehicle re-registration, is approaching. "With unilateral moves, he is trying to make life miserable for our people in Kosovo and Metohija, destabilize the situation and put pressure on President Vucic and Belgrade," said Petkovic.


Speaking about the circumstances in which Serbia has the task of, as he says, fighting for peace and stability, Petkovic also pointed out that by building illegal bases in the north of Kosovo, Kurti wants to start the occupation of the North of Kosovo. The construction of the bases, he added, violates the Brussels Agreement and all other agreements, including the military-technical one signed with KFOR, according to which special Kosovo units can enter the North only with the prior consent of the commander of KFOR and four mayors from the North. The director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija points out that the international community has been clearly warned about this.


Petkovic also positively assessed Serbia's participation in the Brdo Brion Summit, where the situation in the Western Balkans will be discussed, and he also emphasized that it is good that the first session of the new parliamentary session will discuss Kosovo and Metohija. This should be discussed in the parliament, says Petkovic and adds that tomorrow Vucic will present to the Parliament a report on the negotiation process with Pristina for the period from June 15, 2021 to September 1, 2022 and answer all questions.


Speaking about the proposal of the United opposition coalition to form a commission to determine the platform for the negotiation process, Petkovic said that the issue of Kosovo and Metohija is one of the most important national issues that requires responsible behaviour, and the opposition, according to him, is irresponsible in this matter.


Rakic and the mayors with the KFOR command: The situation in KiM is still unstable (RTS)


The President of the Serbian List Goran Rakic and the mayors of North Mitrovica, Zvecani, Zubin Potok and Leposavic discussed the current security situation with KFOR commander Major General Ferenc Kajari and the colonel of the Multinational Brigade East, commander of the Bondsteel base Christopher Samulski, stating that it is still unstable.


Representatives of the Serbian List conveyed to KFOR commander Ferenc Kajari their opposition to the construction of "an illegally built base and the usurpation of private and municipal property by special units of the Kosovo Police in the municipalities of Zubin Potok and Leposavic". "We will not allow any provocations either by the special Kosovo units or by the Kosovo security forces, because each of their unilateral actions endangers peace and stability," said the president of the Serbian List and minister Goran Rakic and the mayors of four northern municipalities on KiM.


The construction of a new base in the village of Gornji Jasenovik near Zubin Potok was announced by Prime Minister Aljbin Kurti on his Facebook profile, when last week, on the 23rd anniversary of the formation of the Kosovo Police, he visited that location in the company of Interior Minister Djeljalj Sveclja.


Today's meeting in Kosovska Mitrovica between KFOR commanders and representatives of Serbs in the north was the second in a row in the past 20 days. Colonel of the East Multinational Brigade, commander of the Bondsteel base, Christopher Samulski, also attended the meeting. He previously announced on his Twitter account that KFOR patrols all areas in Kosovo because its mandate is to ensure a safe environment for all people. "Our mandate is to provide the people of Kosovo with a safe and secure environment, regardless of ethnicity, religion or where they live. Therefore, we patrol all areas and stay close to the community," said Commander Samulski and reminded that KFOR has been conducting its mission for the past 20 years in accordance with Resolution 1244 of the United Nations Security Council. "I am proud to lead well-trained soldiers of various nations. We will continue to adjust our presence and engagement to ensure that local communities can continue their peaceful lives in Kosovo," said Samulski.


Serbian humanitarians are prohibited from entering Kosovo (RTS)


The members of the police and customs service in Pristina at the Jarinje checkpoint on Saturday permanently banned humanitarians from Bajina Basta and Belgrade, Dimitrije Markovic and Nenad Jeremic, from entering Kosovo and Metohija, refusing to explain the ban. Dimitrije Markovic reported that around nine o'clock the police, without explanation, handed him a document permanently banning him and his colleague Nenad Jeremic from Belgrade from entering Kosovo and Metohija. "We were just returned from the Jarinje crossing with a document on the permanent ban on entry to Kosovo and Metohija, which I refused to sign. We did not receive an explanation despite our insistence, but it is clear that the reason is our humanitarian work and the help we have been bringing to our people for a decade," said Markovic for RTS. On the document that Markovic published and refused to sign, it is stated that the order for the ban was issued by the Intelligence Service in Pristina.


SSP adopted the initiative on Kosovo and Metohija, they will propose it on Tuesday (Tanjug)


At the session of the Presidency, the Party of Freedom and Justice adopted the initiative on the formation of a special commission in the Assembly on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, which will be presented and proposed on Tuesday by the United parliamentary group, which includes the SSP. As SSP president Dragan Djilas told the media, two principles are proposed in the initiative - respect for the Constitution and Security Council Resolution 1244, as well as Serbia's readiness to discuss all problems with the authorities in Pristina, except for the recognition of Kosovo. "It is an initiative to form a special committee in the assembly, which would be made up of representatives of all parliamentary groups, but representatives of SANU, universities in Serbia, as well as representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the non-governmental sector, would also be invited to that committee" Djilas said. He stated that the SSP is in favor of creating a national consensus, and that everyone stands behind a joint text that would be adopted by the parliament on the commission's proposal, and which, he says, would reflect the views of the majority who live in Serbia. Those views, said Djilas, are the reduction of division in society and the reduction of the use of the KiM topic to gain political points. He added that the initiative could be supported by all parties in the parliament. "And then, from that document, we can discuss the way these negotiations are conducted, what our specific proposals will be. The final moment has come to allow people of Serbian nationality to remain living in Kosovo and to have a normal life, that's the most important thing." said Djilas. When asked what he expected to hear on Tuesday, at the special session of the parliament on Kosovo and Metohija, Djilas said that he would like that session of the parliament not to be used for "beating the chest" and proving who is the bigger patriot.


Vucic says only he would reply alone to MPs’ questions at the session on Kosovo (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced on Saturday that only he would reply to the MPs’ questions at the special Parliament session on Kosovo on September 13, since the Prime Minister designate was just selected and the Government was not yet formed. “I will not leave the Parliament session for a single second. Whether this would be finished in one day, or in two days, I have committed this time to the Parliament, MPs and the citizens to

respond to all messages”, Vucic said. Parliament Speaker Vladimir Orlic said on Saturday that is expectations were that the Parliament session on Kosovo would last for two days.


UAE Approves 1 bln USD Loan to Serbia (TV Pink)


The United Arab Emirates and Serbia signed an agreement on Sunday according to which Belgrade will be granted a loan of a billion dollars at “incredibly favorable” conditions for the current international circumstances, as President Aleksandar Vucic said.


The most significant of nine agreements on cooperation between the two countries, which were signed during two-day visit by a Serbian delegation to Abu Dhabi, will enable Serbia to get financial support “at half the interest compared to the one at which it takes out loans from western countries,” Vucic said. “Already in January we will have obligations stemming from old loans that we have to repay, we are now securing full liquidity in addition to the solvency that we haven” said Vucic for TV Pink after talking with UAE President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan.


Vucic said that in the current situation many countries cannot get cash loans, and that even EU members, such as Hungary and Romania, must taken out loans at an interest rate of six percent. “Look at how much Hungary and Romania have borrowed, and they are in NATO and the EU, and they have imposed sanctions on Russia. You can imagine how much we would borrow, to repay loans, regardless of the deficit. That is why we need even stronger

cash flow, to be secure with money,” he said. In addition to repaying old obligations, the loan is to be used for possible procurements of gas and other energy during the upcoming winter. “We are coming out [into the financial market] as a country that has not imposed sanctions on Russia and you immediately have resistance from all investors, since they are mostly western financial investors. And then you get at half the rate and can exchange, repay old loans that we took out in 2010 and 2011 at an interest of 7.5 percent. And we also have some loans with five- and six-percent interest,” Vucic said. He said that “whenever things get hard” Serbia can rely on the UAE, a country that has in recent years launched certain investments in Serbia.

“When in 2014 the state of our public finances was very difficult and when we needed cheap money, bin Zayed came to our aid. Now it is much easier to breathe, we are much more secure now,” Vucic said. He also confirmed that Serbia is in talks with the IMF about a new standby arrangement.


“Minister of Finance Sinisa Mali is in daily talks with IMF Mission to Serbia head Jan Kees Martijn. For us to ensure our finances and so that we can always buy if there is something to buy, and to keep the level of public debt so that it never exceeds 60 percent of the GDP, in accordance with the Maastricht criteria,” he said.


Vucic and the UAE president, who is one of the wealthiest people in the world, also discussed the global energy crisis caused by Russia-Ukraine conflict and the sanctions on importing Russian gas and oil nearly all across Europe. “After energy comes the war for food. We have to prepare for that too, to look at everything strategically and that is why the

friendship and brotherhood with the UAE are of strategic significance,” Vucic said. In addition to finances and energy, the Serbian delegation also spoke to UAE officials about the continuation of the cooperation in the defense industry, which was stepped up since 2012, when Vucic was Serbian Minister of Defense.


“The UAE is interested in many of our products. We can literally now sell for the next 30 years three times higher output. Everyone wants to buy ammunition, grenades, rockets, bombs - everything that we produce,” Vucic said. The president’s assessment that Serbia had made a good deal with the UAE was confirmed by Minister of Finance Sinisa Mali, stating that the interest rates on the market are presently between 7 and 7.5 percent. “This money additionally strengthens local public finances. Serbia will save between 40 and 45 million dollars in interest alone,” Mali said. He added that thanks to the agreement with the UAE, Serbia will have the funds to “repay some old interest.” Agreement on strategic partnership also signed: One of the nine agreements that representatives of the two countries signed on

Sunday in Abu Dhabi is the agreement on “comprehensive strategic partnership”. According to Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic, the agreement will contribute to deeper bilateral relations, which he said will “certainly benefit” Serbia, he told TV Pink.


Vucic at the Brdo-Brioni Process summit (RTS)


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, is participating in the summit of the Brdo-Brioni Process, which is being held on Brdo near Kranje. This is the 11th meeting of the Brdo-Brioni Process, the goal of which, as recently announced by Slovenian President Borut Pahor during his visit to Belgrade, is to promote the European perspective of the region, as well as the peace, stability and development of the Balkans. Yesterday, Pahor hosted an informal dinner for the participants of the summit.


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who was visiting the United Arab Emirates, did not attend the dinner in Ljubljana. In addition to President Vucic, the participation in the summit was confirmed by Croatian President Zoran Milanovic, Albanian President Bajram Begaj, three members of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Presidency Zeljko Komsic, Milorad Dodik and Sefik Dzaferovic, as well as the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic, the President of the Pristina Temporary Institutions Vjosa Osmani and the President of North Macedonia Stevo Pendarovski.


The Brdo-Brioni Process initiative was launched in 2010 when the then Slovenian and Croatian prime ministers, Borut Pahor and Jadranka Kosor, after signing an arbitration agreement between the two countries, wanted to set an example for the leaders of the Western Balkans and encourage them to resolve bilateral issues and increase the pace on the European road. Since 2013, the meetings within the Brdo-Brioni Process have been held every year, and the gathering of regional leaders was joined by special guests, including the former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, former President of Austria Heinz Fischer, President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier, President Poland's Andrzej Duda, his Italian colleague Sergio Mattarella, the current president of the USA, then vice president Joseph Biden, and representatives of European institutions.




Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Dodik: Strong support to Serbia’s leadership in defense of Serb people in ‘Kosovo and Metohija’ (ATV)


Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik stated that Republika Srpska (RS) strongly supports the leadership of Serbia in the defense of the Serb people in ‘Kosovo and Metohija’ and their right to a free life. Dodik said that UN Resolution 1244 cannot be viewed separately because, if it is not valid, then “how can we trust the international factor that other peace treaties in the Balkans are valid”. “Just as the Serbs in Kosovo are under pressure, so are the Serbs in the RS under political pressure from the international community (IC) in connection with changing the Dayton Agreement, which they significantly devastated”, Dodik wrote on Twitter. He emphasized that the RS only accepts the constitutional B&H, as defined by the Dayton Agreement.


B&H Presidency members attend working dinner of Western Balkans leaders ahead of Brdo-Brioni summit (FTV)


Chairman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency, Sefik Dzaferovic, and members of the B&H Presidency, Milorad Dodik and Zeljko Komsic, will participate on Monday, at the invitation of President of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor, at the 11th Meeting of Leaders of the Brdo-Brijuni Process at Brdo kod Kranja, in Slovenia. The program includes a joint photo of the leaders before the start of the plenary session at 11 a.m. At the end of the activity, a press conference is scheduled to start at 12:40 p.m. The summit, as previously stated, will be an opportunity for analysing the current situation in the Western Balkans region, as well as for sending a call to the EU member states to accelerate the enlargement process.


Dzaferovic, Komsic and Milorad Dodik attended a working dinner of the Western Balkans leaders in Ljubljana. This working dinner precedes the 11th summit of regional cooperation initiative Brdo-Brioni Process. The host of this summit will be President of Slovenia Borut Pahor and besides B&H Presidency members, it will be attended by co-chair of the abovementioned initiative President of Croatia Zoran Milanovic, presidents of Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Kosovo. For the first time, it will be attended by the President of Albania. This summit will represent an opportunity to discuss the situation in the region and to call on the EU members to speed up the EU integration process of the Western Balkans countries. Reporter reminded that at the summit of the Western Balkans and the EU leaders held in 2021, participants adopted a declaration that opened ajar door of the EU membership for the Western Balkans countries. However, a clear message was conveyed that without concrete progress in implementation of social-economic reforms there will be no support of the EU. The initiative of Slovenia that the EU member countries oblige the EU will enlarge to the Western Balkans by the end of this decade was not accepted. Reporter noted that the Brdo-Brioni summit will be the opportunity for the Western Balkans leaders to exchange opinions on other issues during informal talks.


US Ambassador to NATO to pay visit to B&H, some experts believe it is not very likely Russia will vote against extension of EUFOR mission in B&H at UN SC (BHT1)


The mandate of EUFOR mission Althea in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) will expire in November and the UN Security Council (UN SC) should extend it. There are speculations that representative of Russia in the UN SC will invoke veto to such a decision. However, although political analysts in B&H believe that it is not very likely such scenario will happen, there is plan B. Namely, NATO leaders have been discussing the plan of deployment of their troops. This could be confirmed on Monday by the US Ambassador to NATO Julianne Smith who will pay a visit to B&H.


B&H Minister of Defense Sifet Podzic did not reveal whether this topic will be discussed during the meeting with Ambassador Smith. Podzic stressed that during the NATO summit held in Madrid he heard messages of encouragement that B&H has friends in the world. Minister Podzic deems that voting in the UN SC will pass the same as in 2021 when the mandate of EUFOR in B&H was extended. He expressed hope that no member of the UN SC will use veto and that forces of EUFOR will remain in B&H.


Former B&H Ambassador at NATO Alija Kozljak stated that the mandate of EUFOR has been extended in previous years without any problems, adding that the only dilemma was whether it should have operational character. He emphasized that currently the global situation is somewhat different and the possibility Russia will invoke veto is slightly higher. Kozljak explained that the most important thing for Russia is their national interest, adding that currently that interest is demonstration of their international relevance.


Dodik: After Izetbegovic's statements that those who do not like B&H should leave, and they will take as much country as is left on their shoes, only thing left for Serbs is to separate themselves from such statements and policies (RTRS)


Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik stated Saturday that after the statements of SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic that "those who do not like B&H should leave, and they will take as much country as is left on their shoes", the only thing left for the Serbs is to separate themselves from such statements and policies. Dodik reminded that former head of the Islamic Community in B&H Mustafa Ceric had said something similar earlier. "Yes, we will leave, but we will take half of B&H as much as it belongs to us. There is no need for him worry about that... B&H is not their country. They only manage what they prospectively manage. B&H is not our country either. We do not see it that way, but Republika Srpska (RS) is our country. It is 49 percent internationally verified and that is a question of our legal status. After such statements by Bakir Izetbegovic, the only thing left for Serbs is to separate themselves from such statements," Dodik underlined.


Dodik: Serbs will never accept unconstitutional B&H, resistance to anti-Serb policies of IC will continue with aim to preserve RS (RTRS)


The Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik said on Sunday that Serbs will never accept an unconstitutional B&H and that resistance to the anti-Serb policies of the international community (IC) will continue with the aim of preserving Republika Srpska (RS). Dodik emphasized that he never hesitated to tell any foreigner what he thought. “In most cases, policies implemented by foreigners are anti-Serb, and we must be aware of that. The foreigners want to discuss only the internal organization of B&H, which goes beyond the scope of the Constitution and the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). We are ready for a dialogue with everyone, but we are not ready to agree to fraud”, wrote Dodik on Instagram. Dodik addressed a rally in Prijedor and said that SNSD Vice President Zeljka Cvijanovic, he and everyone else from SNSD are the best political offer and he noted: “We will not allow more B&H to be built at the expense of our rights”. Dodik reiterated that B&H can exist only in the form the Constitution of B&H stipulates or it will not exist at all and he noted: “As I can see, it will not exist but the RS surely will”. Dodik also said that “independence is not a ball to be simply kicked, but it is a process”.


RS PM Viskovic calls for participation in RSNA’s special session on formal approval to German Ambassador (BN TV)


Republika Srpska (RS) Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic has called on the representatives in the RS National Assembly (RSNA) to participate in special session to discuss Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member Milorad Dodik’s refusing to support formal approval to new German Ambassador to B&H Thomas Fitschen. Addressing the media, Viskovic has stated: “I represent executive, not legislative branch. Therefore, the Serb member of the (B&H) Presidency, using his constitutional powers, invoked vital interest, and everything else is up to the RSNA representatives. If I, as a person and as a Prime Minister, can invite all representatives from both the ruling majority and the opposition to participate in some way in the work and make the best decision for the RS. Regardless of how powerful Germany is – we acknowledge Germany’s power globally – how can Bundestag in Germany pass decisions regarding the fate of the RS within B&H?”.


SDS official Mladen Bosic stated that in order to improve his undermined rating, SNSD leader Milorad Dodik is making moves which will have negative consequences for the RS and Serbia on the long run. He added that at the time when Serbia is trying to balance its relation towards international factors, Dodik is running the policy of confrontation with the West and he directly acts against their interests. Bosic further noted that prior to his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Dodik has made a show with regard to approving the agrément to a new German Ambassador, noting that he has never heard that somebody did something like this. Bosic added that in case that the RSNA passes a decision to reject the agrément to the German Ambassador, that would be like public breaking of diplomatic relations with Germany or at least their reducing to a lower level. He argues that this would be funny if it did not have serious consequences for the RS and Serbia. In his opinion, this is the most obvious example of the policy which is against the interests of its people but in service of one’s own personal interests. Bosic concluded that this reminds him of an old proverb - Dodik is killing a bull to get 1 kilo of meat, that only he can eat.


PDP representative in the RSNA Jelena Trivic said the RSNA special session on invoking vital national interest in relation to formal approval to German Ambassador to B&H Thomas Fitsche is not supported by the opposition. Trivic underscored the topic of the RSNA special session represents “an anti-Serb policy”. Trivic also said it was expected the RS authorities, lacking solutions for real problems of citizens in the RS, would “come up with a political scandal” to draw attention of the public, hence B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik decided “to play with Germany” refusing appointment of the country’s new Ambassador by invoking vital national interest and requesting the RSNA special session. “Standard of living, salaries, pensions, veteran allowances, health sector – being unable to provide answers to those questions, they are now drawing attention to themselves – aware it is their end – and create a topic out of something that is absolutely damaging for the RS. We, as the RS, should follow Serbia in terms of diplomatic relations”, said Trivic and reminded that Serbia has diplomatic relations with all the Western countries and their ambassadors, “even with countries that recognized the so-called Kosovo – with which both Serbia and we absolutely disagree with – but the dialog and diplomatic relations are civilizational matter, and they are cut only due to a serous emergency situation, war or pre-war situation. Therefore, if someone wants to do that, that is catastrophic for the RS, and makes no sense. I still think it is only a play; we must not create topics and enemies where there is no room for that, because we, as the RS and Serb people, are the world, Europe and we are the civilization. We are emancipated people and we should behave as such”.


High Representative Christian Schmidt is remaining without support on many fronts; It is completely uncertain in which direction B&H will go after October 2 (N1)


N1 carries that High Representative Christian Schmidt is remaining without support on many fronts, stressing that Turkey is against his intervention, President of Croatia Zoran Milanovic considers him illegitimate, the citizens are again in front of the OHR, while Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik wants to expel him from B&H. N1 pointed out that interest in the upcoming general elections in B&H has spread beyond the borders of B&H, so it is the topic of meetings at the highest level of neighboring countries. N1 emphasized that it is completely uncertain in which direction B&H will go after October 2. N1 stressed that after he clearly said in Sarajevo that he is against the intervention of the High Representative on the B&H Election Law, because it would mean a violation of the democratic principles by which B&H is governed, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, as expected, expressed a similar position at his meeting with the Croatian President. "I believe that decisions in B&H should be made by the leaders in B&H by meeting and making final decisions. There are certain mechanisms. We are also in some of these mechanisms like Turkey and Croatia and B&H and we have a trilateral mechanism of Serbia, Turkey and B&H and we can meet from time to time and talk about it, especially after the general elections that will be held on October 2. We can meet more often and speed up that process," Erdogan said. As N1 stressed, even HDZ B&H no longer harbours hope that Schmidt will impose changes to the Election Law and the Constitution of B&H and thus solve the issue of legitimate representation.


Candidate for Croat member of the B&H Presidency Borjana Kristo (HDZ B&H) said that if he will not solve the issue of legitimate representation, then Schmidt should withdraw all previous decisions of his predecessors. "All the moves taken by the High Representatives so far have been to the detriment of the Croat people," Kristo said. N1 reminded that Schmidt once again faced protests from citizens who told him that he should not even think about imposing changes to the Election Law and the Constitution according to the wishes of the Croat People's Assembly (HNS) and neighboring Croatia, because they are ready to prevent it. "One citizen - one vote. One man - one vote. Any other ethnic, religious affiliation is a private matter of each individual that I am absolutely not interested in. We must have a civic state and we will have it after October 2. We citizens are not giving up, we are currently using all available democratic means to defend B&H. If necessary, we are ready for more. We defended it in 1992, and we will defend it now," Azra Zornic, appellant in ‘Zornic vs B&H’ case processed by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), said at the recent protest in front of the OHR in Sarajevo.


B&H Football Federation accepts Russia’s for friendly match; Decision sparks criticism among public (N1)


At its session held on Friday, the Urgency Committee of National Football Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) (NS B&H) decided that national football team of B&H will play match against Russian national team in November in Saint Petersburg. N1 reminds that due to aggression of Russia against Ukraine, national football team of Russia has been suspended by UEFA and FIFA. Five members of this committee voted in favor of abovementioned decision, while Irfan Duric was only one who voted against it. In a statement for N1, Duric said that he insisted decision on match against Russia should be passed by the Executive Board of NS B&H.


Some Ukrainian web portals asked whether B&H wants to play against national team of terrorist state. It was stated from NS BiH that UEFA confirmed that playing of this match is not disputable.


"As Vice-President, I asked that this issue, along with all the materials we received, be sent to the Executive Board of the B&H Football Association," Duric said. In addition to Duric, the Emergency Board of the B&H Football Association consists of President of the B&H Football Association Vico Zeljkovic, Ivan Beus, Milos Brkic, Dragan Soldo and Fuad Colpa.


Dnevni list daily carried reaction of ‘Our Party’ calling on everyone in the Association, national team coaches and payers, who finds this decision discrediting for B&H, to boycott the match. NS stated that in case the Association decides to plays this match, they will consider this the end of their careers.


The decision sparked outrage among the public and fans. The most passionate supporters of the national team, the BHFanaticos, decided to boycott the match. Some of the players, such as Edin Dzeko, Miralem Pjanic and Anel Ahmedhodzic called for it to be cancelled as well.

Former member of Bosnia’s national team, Vedad Ibisevic, told N1 he thinks the decision is the result of “purely a political game” with the goal to damage the reputation of BiH and its team. “I think that it is now clear to everyone, the fans, but also to the players, who is in charge in our football association, and that their goal is to damage the reputation of the national team, and therefore the country, which has been painstakingly built for years”, he said.


According to sports journalist Samir Sisic, whether the match will take place or not matter little at this point, as the damage has already been done. “We have already been labelled. Whenever the name B&H is mentioned in football circles, the first association will be ‘they played the first match with Russia which is under the sanctions of FIFA and UEFA, Russia which has committed aggression against Ukraine’,” he said.


Public pressure over the decision also made Fuad Colpa, who voted to accept the invitation, change his mind. “I will talk to the president after the match with Montenegro to cancel the decision,” he told N1. While citizens in Sarajevo mostly oppose the decision, citizens of the Serb-majority Republika Srpska (RS) entity have mixed feelings on the issue.




Milanovic, Erdogan agree that problems in B&H election reform exist (N1)


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan met with Croatian counterpart Zoran Milanovic while visiting this country where, in addition to inter-state relations, he talked about Bosnia and Herzegovina’s (B&H) Election Law reform. Speaking about the reform process, he said that representatives of the three constituent peoples (Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs) can agree on this issue among themselves.


“If you ask me why this problem exists, it arose because of the Dayton Agreement, which didn’t solve the problems in B&H, but I’ll quote the late Alija Izetbegovic (former B&H President), ‘at that time, nothing else could have been done, we had to sign it’,” which actually means that he wasn’t satisfied with it either. Today we have Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs living in B&H, then entities, leaders who represent these peoples, and I believe that decisions in B&H should be made by these leaders by meeting and deciding on it,” Erdogan said.


He noted that there are also certain mechanisms. “Mechanisms in which we, as Turkey, find ourselves as well as Croatia and B&H. We also have a trilateral mechanism consisting of Turkey, Serbia and B&H and we can meet from time to time and discuss this, especially after the General Elections (in B&H), which will be held on October 2. Therefore, we can meet more often and speed up that process because the unity and integrity of B&H are of great importance. B&H paid a heavy price for that, and I don't want anyone paying anything like that in the future,” Erdogan added.


Milanovic pointed out that everyone is trying their best to correct some injustices and direct violations of the Dayton Agreement, which is the basis of peace in B&H and “which is an agreement on the sharing of power” in the country. “The agreement is terribly delicate and whatever you touch or skip in it, you threaten the whole Agreement,” he said after the meeting with the Turkish President. “As for the role of the High Representative, I was critical of it. After months of trying – at the NATO summit in Madrid, on behalf of Croatia, which I represent, I said that the High Representative should finally show signs of life and use his powers if things don’t work out differently,” Milanovic said. “I expected that others would be even more engaged in this, and I don't know what the High Representative in B&H will do, so far, he hasn’t done anything. If he does something, I will have to admit that I will be satisfied with him. Mr Erdogan and I, Croatia and Turkey have different opinions on this. This shows that we need more substantive conversation, not protocol but detailed conversations to highlight some of our problems and fears that Turkey may not be aware of due to its size and distance. Therefore, Croatian politics is a complete, normal B&H with which Croatia will have good relations, and B&H with Croatia and sometimes boring relations, but that's not bad either,” the Croatian President concluded.




Fourth attempt to reach agreement on prime minister designate (CDM)


Representatives of the parliamentary majority of 30 August 2020 are supposed to meet today and try to agree on the formation of a new government. One of the DF leaders, Andrija Mandic, said on Saturday, after the third meeting of the “old parliamentary majority”, that he believed they would reach an agreement. Democrats MP Dragan Krapovic announced that that party proposed that women be at the head of the government and Parliament. The head of the Black on White caucus, URA’s Milos Konatar, accused the Democrats of preparing the ground for an agreement not to be reached. DF would like Andrija Mandic to be the head of the new government, URA believes that that position belongs to the outgoing Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic, and the Democrats are of the opinion that this responsible position should belong to a woman, but they believe that neither URA nor SNP have the right to propose candidates for the holder of executive power because, they claim, they once overthrew the majority. According to the Constitution of Montenegro, the President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, must nominate a prime minister designate by 19 September, or he will call for snap elections. The European Union has repeatedly said that the new government should stay on the pro-European path.


URA: We’re united in our support for Dritan Abazovic as prime minister (CDM)


The management and the Main Board of the Civic Movement URA are united in their support for Dritan Abazovic, and want him to continue his work as the prime minister of Montenegro. URA is undoubtedly open for the agreement in order to solve the political situation in Montenegro, particularly concerning the election of judges of the Constitutional Court, members of both the Judicial Council and Supreme State Prosecutor’s Office in the Parliament of Montenegro, so that the key goal is reached – Montenegro’s membership to the European Union, this party has stated. URA believes that it’s necessary to continue with activities which contribute to the reconciliation in Montenegro, i.e. the fight against corruption and crime, economic development, as well as the acceleration of the European path.


Konjevic: Montenegro doesn’t need a pro-Russian puppet govt, you should ask Abazovic why he prioritized Belgrade (CDM)


If Montenegro gets a new government comprising the “old” ruling majority, we’ll have a pro-Russian government, the Defense Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of the outgoing government, Ranko Konjevic, says in an interview for the Kosovo He also adds that he doesn’t know why the Prime Minister, Dritan Abazovic, focused on visiting Belgrade frequently. “I’m sorry that for 14 years of an extremely good bilateral cooperation between Montenegro and Kosovo, Montenegrin government officials stopped visiting Kosovo over the past two years,” Konjevic says. He points out that he hopes his visit to Kosovo as a deputy prime minister would be an impetus for other high-ranking officials in executive power to pay more attention to their international activities and visits.


EU Delegation: We’re concerned about functionality of institutions, all political actors should engage in constructive dialogue (CDM)


The delegation of the European Union and the diplomatic missions of EU member states in Montenegro have invited all political actors to engage in a broad and constructive dialogue in order to build a consensus and work together on the adoption and implementation of reforms related to the EU. “This is key to progress in the accession process, which is the strategic commitment of the vast majority of Montenegrin citizens” the EU Delegation points out, saying that the future of Montenegro is in the EU. They are concerned about the functionality of the institutions and especially emphasize the urgent need to appoint judges of the Constitutional Court, members of the Judicial Council and the Supreme State Prosecutor, all in order to ensure the proper and efficient functioning of the institutions of Montenegro.


Picula: Montenegro should dissolve parliament and prepare snap elections (Pobjeda)


As the political capability of the coalition, which has already collapsed overwhelmed by its own contradictions, is questionable, it seems that it’d be more useful to dissolve parliament and prepare a snap election. However, having in mind the current state of play, it seems that this new/old ruling majority doesn’t want to hold elections as soon as possible, the EP Rapporteur for Montenegro and ex-foreign affairs minister of Croatia, Tonino Picula, says in an interview for Pobjeda daily. He also points out that the 43rd government changed the announced priorities, revived inter-party clashes, intensified the political polarisation and alienated partners both from Brussels and Washington.


Commenting on the possibility for the Democratic Front (DF) to be a part of the new government even though Brussels strongly opposes it, Picula notes that “the same bloc has already had a chance and didn’t use it. Besides, based on allegations, the new/old ruling majority announces the continuation of inter-party fights rather than trying to find a broader consensus and solve the perennial problems. One can notice that the European integration is at the end of the list of priorities in their political agreement.” The EP Rapporteur also says that “responsible officials must take into account that the current crisis among parties doesn’t turn into a serious political and institutional crisis, negatively affecting the economic conditions of the country”.


North Macedonia 


VMRO-DPMNE submits referendum initiative to Parliament (Republika)


Today we are officially submitting the Initiative to the Parliament, as is the procedure, for starting a procedure for determining the orderliness of the Initiative to collect citizen signatures for the start of the Referendum that VMRO-DPMNE announced, the coordinator of the parliamentary group of VMRO-DPMNE, Nikola Micevski told the press on Friday.


“I can inform you that somewhere around more than 650 signatures were collected in no more than half an hour, and as we announced today, we will submit the Initiative to the Parliament. I hope that the Parliament Speaker will not use some of his known methods and that the orderliness of the Initiative will be determined and it will start with a procedure in the Parliament as required by the Rules of Procedure but also as required by the Law on Referendum and other types of civil statement” Micevski says.


Mickoski: Referendum must be held, Kovacevski and Pendarovski to not obstruct the process through Xhaferi (Republika)


It is time for the government, which is afraid, and the president, which is very afraid, to support this process, not to obstruct it now through Talat Xhaferi in the Parliament. But they should first allow those 150,000 citizens’ signatures to be collected, and then hold the Referendum, where the citizens will be able to express their will. Then we will see what that proportion will be, whether it is like this or the other way around, stated the president of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, answering a journalist’s question. Mickoski added that the reality that the citizens will choose will have to be accepted, therefore it is necessary to have a Referendum and elections. That’s why I’m calling on them to be encouraged and come out and support such a referendum, said the president of VMRO-DPMNE. He pointed out that good neighbourly relations are the top priority of VMRO-DPMNE and of Macedonia. But in the Good Neighbourly and Friendship Agreement itself, there is nothing from good neighborly, nor friendly relations in the past two and a half to three years by the eastern neighbour.


Mattarella: EU was late with the accession negotiations with Macedonia (Republika)


Macedonia’s negotiations with the EU were delayed and unfortunately, it was not reasonable. Let’s hope that the process will not last that long, because the EU is not complete without the countries of the Western Balkans, said the Italian President Sergio Mattarella during his visit to Skopje.


Welcomed with highest honours by host President Stevo Pendarovski, Mattarella emphasized at the presidential villa in Vodno that he followed with great pleasure the July decision to start negotiations, stressing that Italy will always be on Macedonia’s side on the path of reforms.


“I want to publicly underline that we appreciate the patience and effort that Macedonia made to overcome all the difficulties and in terms of better and more positive relations with its neighbors. It is about steps forward that Italy has always followed and supported in its relations with Sofia. The Union is our common future, it is our conviction, which we say everywhere. Without the entry of the countries of the Western Balkans into the EU, the Union will not be complete and this entry is needed for completion in order to truly integrate the entire continent,” said Mattarella.


Pendarovski thanked Italy for the EU enlargement policy and the support for our country in that context. Considering that in the coming period hard work and investment of all national capacities expect us, the experiences that Italy is ready to share with us will be really useful. During the talks, I emphasized that Macedonia remains a credible partner of the Union in dealing with the current geopolitical and security challenges, which is also evidenced by the fact of our 100% compliance with the common European security and defense policy of the Union. The first visit of an Italian president to the country after 23 years for Mattarella continued in the Parliament. In his address to the MPs, he pointed out that the beginning of the negotiations with the Union represents a great success and that culturally, historically and value-wise, Macedonia’s place is completely in the EU.


Kovacevski – Mattarella: Great support from Italy for Macedonia’s further process of European integration (Republika)


Macedonia’s Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski met Friday with Italy’s President Sergio Mattarella. At the meeting, the sincere friendship and good relations between the two countries were confirmed, with active dialogue in bilateral relations, as well as of importance for the democratic development of our country. At the meeting, the clear position of the Italian Republic was emphasized that the expansion of the EU with the countries of the Western Balkans must continue, which proves to be necessary also within the framework of global, current developments. At the same time, the role of our country in the region was emphasized, as a country that solves challenges through courageous leadership, patience and wisdom, and great support from Italy was announced in the further process of European integration of Macedonia, with the aim of accelerated dynamics to full-fledged EU membership.


Prime Minister Kovacevski thanked for the great support that Italy has given to Macedonia in the three decades since diplomatic relations were established, in Euro-Atlantic integrations and especially within the framework of the process by which, after 17 years, negotiations with the EU finally began. Kovacevski, emphasized that our country has positioned itself one hundred percent and in a timely manner in line with the policies of the EU, in relation to the war in Ukraine, that it applies European values and that it deserves to be part of the European Union.


Other current issues were also discussed at the meeting, especially dealing with the challenges of providing energy, which Europe and the world are facing. In that direction, a common agreement was expressed that it is necessary for the EU to cooperate closely with the countries of the Western Balkans, which should be taken into account in the possible solutions.


At the meeting, Prime Minister Kovacevski emphasized the importance of cooperation between Macedonia and Italy in the field of culture, defense – as two NATO member states, trade and investments, and together with Deputy Prime Minister Grkovska and Minister Spasovski, the cooperation in the field of the fight against corruption, prevention and the rule of law was assessed as significant. At the same time, there is an expressed interest in a new impulse in economic cooperation, especially in the area of renewable energy sources.




Iran launches another cyberattack against Albanian TIMS System (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama announced that Iran has launched another cyber-attack, this time on the TIMS system. In a post on Twitter, Rama writes that work is being done to make digital systems impenetrable. "Another cyber-attack by the same aggressors, already exposed and condemned by Albania's allied and friendly countries, was recorded last night on the TIMS system! Meanwhile, we continue to work every day with the allies to make our digital systems impenetrable", writes Rama.


Albania has cut off diplomatic ties with Iran, accusing it of cyber-attacks, involving public online services in the country. Meanwhile U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced sanctions Friday against Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security, or MOIS, for the cyberattack launched against Albania’s government computer systems in July.


The Ministry of the Interior has provided information on the cyberattack against the TIMS system in Albania on Friday evening. In the official response, it is reported that the data storage and transmission systems of the State Police were affected by the cyberattack, just like in July attack. "For safety reasons, our systems, including TIMS, have been temporarily closed until the risk is completely avoided. The TIMS system will soon be back to work. Together with our allies, we continue the work to do everything necessary so that our digital systems are safe and the service to citizens is not interrupted in any case,” reads the announcement.


Prime Minister Edi Rama declared on Sunday that all systems of the border points that were hit by a cyber-attack on Friday, have returned to work since this morning. Through a post on "Twitter", Rama said that the attack did not result in any disappearance or serious data leakage. "The systems of the border points have been working since this morning. Beyond the heavy feeling created by penetrating these systems, just like when they enter a house and steal. The fact is that the aggression has not achieved its goal at all, no disappearance or serious data leakage ", wrote Rama. The Prime Minister added that technically Albania has resisted the best, while making a very useful political investment.


Saudi Arabia joins international condemnation of Iranian cyberattack on Albania (Tirana Times)


Saudi Arabia has joined international condemnation of Iran's cyberattack on Albania's digital infrastructure, according to a statement issued by the country’s foreign ministry. "The Kingdom affirms its support and solidarity with the Republic of Albania in the measures taken to protect its cybersecurity," the Saudi Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Twitter.

The statement added that Saudi Arabia "stresses the importance of strengthening and coordinating international efforts to maintain peace in cyberspace, developing specialized capabilities to ensure the continuation of efforts in addressing cyber threats, and taking decisive measures to combat these threats." The Middle Eastern power’s statement joins those of several NATO allies in support of Albania after it cut off diplomatic ties with Iran earlier this week.  Albania's government says that it had identified "without a doubt" the Iranian state as the source of the mid-July attack.


Iran says Albania ‘short-sighted’ to cut off ties, as NATO allies pledge support for Tirana (Tirana Times)


As Iranian embassy officials burned documents into the night to meet a deadline to leave Albania within 24 hours after Tirana cut off diplomatic ties over the July cyber-attack now attributed to Iran, Tehran has issued a statement on the decision calling it "baseless" and "thoughtless."  The Iranian Foreign Ministry said the decision of the Albanian government was "thoughtless and short-sighted in international relations." In its statement, the Iranian Foreign Ministry said "third countries" had played the key role in "the wrong decision of Albania." Iran has accused the United States of being chiefly responsible. Tehran also accuses Albania of "hosting terrorists" after Tirana agreed, at the request of the United States, to offer asylum to hundreds of members of MEK, an Iranian dissident group. The cyber-attack aimed at pressuring Albania on MEK, media analysts said.


Albania’s government broke off diplomatic relations with Iran after a decision led by Prime Minister Edi Rama Wednesday morning. He said the extreme measure was in proportion to the seriousness of the mid-July Iranian state-sponsored cyberattack that crippled Albanian government systems.


U.S.-based cybersecurity firm Mandiant had publicly attributed the attack to Iran in August.

"This is possibly the strongest public response to a cyber-attack we have ever seen. While we have seen a host of other diplomatic consequences in the past, they have not been as severe or broad as this action," said John Hultquist, the Mandiant’s vice president. "The attack on Albania is a reminder that while the most aggressive Iranian cyber activity is generally focused in the Middle East region, it is by no means limited to it. Iran will carry out disruptive and destructive cyber-attacks as well as complex information operations globally."


Support for Albania's decision had poured in from NATO allies, including the United States and United Kingdom, which condemned the Iranian state for a cyber-attack against Albania’s government that destroyed data and disrupted essential government services, including paying utilities, booking medical appointments and enrolling schoolchildren.


"Iran’s reckless actions showed a blatant disregard for the Albanian people, severely restricting their ability to access essential public services," UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said in a statement. "The UK is supporting our valuable partner and NATO ally. We join Albania and other allies in exposing Iran’s unacceptable actions."


A similar statement of support had come earlier from the White House. “We will continue to support Albania’s remediation efforts over the longer-term, and we invite partners and Allies to join us in holding malicious cyber actors accountable and building a secure and resilient digital future,” said a statement by the White House’s NSC spokesperson, Adrienne Watson.