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Belgrade Media Report 14 September



The session on Kosovo and Metohija continues, Vucic attends (B92)


Serbia's Assembly continued today at 10 a.m. with a special session, with the only one item on the agenda - the Report on the negotiation process with Pristina. President Aleksandar Vucic also arrived at the Serbian Parliament. The special session of the assembly began on Tuesday, and the discussion then lasted more than 10 hours. President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, presented the report to the MPs, who called on all parliamentary groups to vote for the report, because, as he said, unity on this issue would be important for Serbia's image in the world. Vucic said that he will neither directly nor indirectly recognize the so-called Kosovo and will not give up its legitimate fight for state and national interests, but also the fight for respect for international law. The session is attended by 150 MPs. A special parliamentary session on Kosovo and Metohija was requested by the SNS parliamentary group, as well as by several opposition parliamentary groups. Certain opposition parties have submitted their proposals for a resolution on Kosovo, such as Dveri, the People's Party, and the "United" parliamentary group has also proposed its own initiative.


Parliamentary session on Kosovo and Metohija ended after 10 hours (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic informed Serbian Parliament that he will send a letter to the presidents of Russia and China asking them to veto Kosovo’s membership in the United Nations (UN). In the end of yesterday's session, Vucic asked all parliamentary groups to vote for the report, so that Serbia could send a prettier image to the world. "We always supported each other about Kosovo, so we should go out as united as possible. No one has anything to say against the report, please think about the report once again," President said. "This is not the issue of Kosovo, but of the future of Serbia"


President of SPS Ivica Dacic said that, if we went to the past, then we will come across the Kosovo battle and asked ourselves if we should murder Murat or let him go to Vienna and Budapest, because they are the ones we defended back then, yet they recognized the so-called Kosovo as an "independent state". "Notwithstanding all controversy tones, I have to be very disappointed by the uncertainty of the situation around Kosovo. I can't understand that people cannot comprehend that this is not the issue of Kosovo, but Serbia and its future" said Dacic. He pointed out that Kosovo is "a great thought for Serbia, pertaining to Serbian roots, migrations, but also for Serbian divisions, and the purpose of today's session is for us to be able to "realistically look at the situation we are in right now".


Vucic says that Dacic told Turkey's President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan in joking that Serbs were Europe's last defense, and they did not return this favor to us. "The next time you are resolved to conquer Europe again, just call us three days earlier, we will let you pass, we won't keep you here", Vucic recounted Dacic's words.


Dacic: We will vote (Tanjug)


Socialist Party of Serbia will vote for the Report on the negotiation process. Member of the Parliament of the Socialist Party of Serbia, Ivica Dacic said that this parliamentary group will vote for the Report on the negotiation process with the temporary institutions of self-government in Pristina, because everyone must be aware of the situation in which Serbia is.  Dacic emphasized at the press conference that one should not talk about the possibility of honourable defeats, but to implement a policy with results. "The policy led by (Serbian President) Aleksandar Vucic will not depart from the position of the National Assembly from 2013, which is that Serbia will neither formally nor informally recognize Kosovo," Dacic said. He emphasized that the continuation of the dialogue is necessary, because there is no other solution. "The only problem has always been separatism and the creation of a great Albania. We must continue to seek compromises and try to avoid conflicts," said Dacic.


Who in Europe told the German chancellor what I said? 


"Who in Europe once said to the German chancellor what I said? Who is the one who said that? I respect him a lot, but when it comes to the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, I stood firm and defended Serbia's interests," said Vucic.


Opposition rep: Parliamentary group United won’t back Vucic’s report on Kosovo (Beta)


A Serbian parliament member, Borko Stefanovic, said on Sept. 13 that the parliamentary group called United would not back the Report on the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, which President Aleksandar Vucic had presented to the parliament. Stefanovic, an official of the Freedom and Justice Party, told reporters in the parliament building that the report “is yet another proof that a policy of one man has been conducted in Serbia,” adding that no unity or a broad political consensus had been reached. Stefanovic also said that the United parliamentary group had submitted to the parliament an initiative seeking the formation of a special parliamentary commission, which would consist of representatives of all parliamentary groups, non-governmental organizations, the University and the Church. According to Stefanovic, the commission would have 30 days to model a platform for the dialogue on the Kosovo issue. “It is an opportunity for the parliament to, for the first time, be engaged in the negotiating process and for Serbia to ensure the broadest consensus on this matter. We will present solutions and will not engage in mere criticism,” Stefanovic stressed.


Strong criticisms by opposition in live TV broadcast (VIP)


On Tuesday in parliament, Vucic was confronted by an open and all-encompassing criticism of the opposition in a live TV broadcast on the national television, something he had very deftly avoided in the previous dozen years since he has been in power. Chief of the MP caucus Green-Left Radomir Lazovic accused Vucic of anti-constitutionally taking over all the levers of power in the country, so that it was no surprise that he had also taken on the function of Prime Minister and presented the government’s report on Kosovo in parliament. Lazovic stated that Vucic could no longer decide whether he was the President of Serbia, the prime minister or the president of the local community. The MP caucus “United”, rallied around the Party of Freedom and Justice, stated that they would not vote for the report since it represented “coverage to Vucic” for an irresponsible policy toward Kosovo, which he led without acknowledging the standpoints of the citizens and of political options. Chief of the MP caucus of the Democratic Party (DS) Zoran Lutovac said that there was no point for Vucic to speak about Kosovo in parliament until Serbia became an ordered democratic country, in which the opposition was not being smothered. Vucic did not take kindly to the criticisms, he responded to them with accusations that Serbia would fall apart in the event that the present opposition were to come to power, and at one point he even asked for the help of the Parliament Speaker from his own party, dissatisfied that the latter was allowing the opposition to insult him and remind him that he was responsible for the assassination of the moderate politician from Kosovo – Oliver Ivanovic.


Two Serbs injured in knife attack near Obilic in Kosovo (RTS)


Serb Sasa Mitrovic and his son Nemanja from Babin Most, near the town of Obilic in the central part of Kosovo and Metohija, were injured in a stabbing attack in the night between Sept. 12 and 13, the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija has said in a statement. Nemanja Mitrovic, 19, was stabbed in the shoulder and the neck area, while his father Sasa was cut on the arms and stomach while trying to defend his son, according to the statement. The two Serbs were transported to the Clinical Hospital Center in Pristina and later during the night they were moved to the Clinical Hospital Center in Kosovska Mitrovica, where Nemanja underwent complete diagnostics and was placed in the surgery department. “According to eyewitnesses, while walking on the street, Nemanja’s path was blocked by the attackers, the Shabani family, which had earlier attacked Mitrovic’s younger, minor son. In this settlement, Avdullah Shabani is known for harassing Serbs and banditry, but has gone unpunished for years,” the statement said. State public broadcaster RTS reported on Sept. 13 that the person who wounded the two Serbs had been arrested.


Vucic spoke with the special envoy of Germany for the Western Balkans (RTS)


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, spoke today with Manuel Sarrazin, the special envoy of the government of the Federal Republic of Germany for the countries of the Western Balkans. President Vucic met with the special envoy of Germany, Manuel Sarrazin, to whom he explained Serbia's position regarding all issues in the Western Balkans. "In an open conversation with Manuel Sarrazin, I reiterated Serbia's position with regard to all issues in the Western Balkans: respect for international law, territorial integrity of all countries, and constant advocacy for peace, connection and cooperation," Vucic stated on his Instagram account.


Vucic thanked Zurof for fighting for the condemnation of Ustasha crimes (RTS)


The President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, spoke with the director of the "Simon Wiesenthal " Center, Efraim Zuroff, whom he thanked for his consistent fight for a clear condemnation of Ustasha crimes during the Second World War, as well as for his reaction to the ban on visiting Jasenovac. I thanked Mr. Zuroff for his strong reasoned reaction after the ban on visiting the memorial complex in Jasenovac, with which he supported my right to do so, both from the human and the political side, Aleksandar Vucic said in a post on his Instagram account. He added that he thanked Zuroff for the fact that he is consistently and with great dedication still fighting for a clear condemnation of the Ustasha crimes committed during the Second World War. The President of Serbia pointed out that the traditional historical alliance of the Serbian and Jewish people also represents an eternal bond in memory of the crimes committed against the Serbian and Jewish people.


Brnabic and Sarrazin on the region and the summit of the Berlin Process (RTS)


Prime Minister Ana Brnabic spoke with the special representative of the German Government for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin, about the situation in the region and the upcoming summit of the Berlin Process, which will be held in November this year.


Ana Brnabic pointed out that cooperation in the region, as well as with all partners who contribute to that cooperation, is Serbia's strategic commitment with the aim of not only the economic development of the region, but also as an idea of ​​connecting and unifying the Western Balkans and bringing it closer to the European Union. Our country supports the Berlin process, the Prime Minister pointed out, recalling that Serbia strongly supported the idea of ​​a common regional market within the process, which refers to the free movement of people, goods, services and capital, and for which an action plan was adopted in November last year.


Sarrazin marked the establishment of a common market as currently the most important project and expressed the expectation that these and similar initiatives will enable the creation of a more prosperous environment and provide concrete results and benefits for the residents of the region. The special representative of Germany for the Western Balkans pointed out that Germany is committed to the progress of the Western Balkans and support for the European integration of the region. Speaking about the upcoming summit, he also stated that, in light of the current situation, important topics will be climate protection and energy security of the region.


When it comes to the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Brnabic stated that Belgrade is in favor of continuing the talks under the auspices of the European Union, which is the only possible way to reach a sustainable agreement and normalize relations. Sarrazin congratulated the Prime Minister on her new mandate and expressed confidence that political dialogue and cooperation and overall relations with Germany will continue to develop.


Selakovic with the Quint and Norway ambassadors to NATO (RTS)


The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Nikola Selakovic, received the ambassadors of the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Norway to NATO in Brussels. Selakovic informed them about the political and security situation in the region, the position of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija and a series of inter-ethnic incidents against Serbs. Nikola Selakovic pointed out that Serbia, as a militarily neutral country, wants to continue improving partnership cooperation with NATO, since the preservation of peace and stability in the region is of common interest, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced.


The announcement states that Selakovic informed the interlocutors about the political and security situation in the region, stressing that Serbia remains a solid and reliable pillar of peace and stability in the Western Balkans. Serbia, as he added, confirms its firm determination for stability in the region and the peaceful resolution of all open issues, among other things, through the "Open Balkans" initiative, through which the economic cooperation of the countries in the region overcomes political disagreements. The head of Serbian diplomacy specifically referred to the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, repeating Belgrade's commitment to dialogue under the auspices of the EU and achieving compromise and sustainable solutions.


Selakovic warned of Pristina's pattern of action, which is taking unilateral steps to the detriment of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija, thereby destabilizing the situation on the ground, while at the same time refusing to implement the obligations it assumed in the Brussels Agreement. The minister informed the ambassadors about the position of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija and a series of inter-ethnic incidents against Serbs, pointing out latest attack by Albanians and the wounding of two Serbs in Babin Most.


Emphasizing the importance of engaging KFOR, within the mandate entrusted to it by UN Security Council Resolution 1244, Selakovic warned that any subsequent provocation by Pristina could cause incalculable consequences. The interlocutors also discussed the current situation in the Western Balkans, as well as the geopolitical consequences of the war in Ukraine. The meeting was also attended by the ambassadors of the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Norway in Serbia, as well as the special representative of Norway for the Western Balkans.


Stefanovic spoke with the Quint and Norway ambassadors of to NATO and Serbia (RTS)


Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic met with the ambassadors of the countries of Quint and Norway to NATO and to Serbia, led by the permanent representative of the USA to NATO Julianne Smith, with whom he discussed cooperation in the field of defense, as well as the current security situation in the region and the world. Nebojsa Stefanovic pointed out that visits and talks are important for the exchange of opinions, building trust and mutual understanding between our peoples, which are the basis for the development of all forms of cooperation that are in mutual interest, the Ministry of Defense announced. He emphasized that membership in the European Union is Serbia's foreign policy priority, as well as that our strategic commitment is military neutrality. "Serbia is satisfied with the results achieved through participation in activities under the auspices of the NATO Partnership for Peace Program, which represents the optimal framework for cooperation aimed at improving our defense capabilities and security stability," said the Minister of Defense. He also stated that joint exercises, participation in UN and EU peacekeeping missions, as well as the cooperation of military medical teams are important for increasing the operational capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces and their interoperability.


The Minister assessed the cooperation of the Serbian Army with KFOR, as a NATO mission, which is the guarantor of the security of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija, as very significant. He reiterated Serbia's commitment to dialogue, stressing that we are also aware of the importance of preserving peace and stability, but also pointed to the unilateral moves of the temporary Pristina institutions, which, as he stated, harm even the Albanians themselves and endanger the entire region.


Stefanovic also stated that Serbia supports the EU operation ALTEA, as well as territorial integrity and sovereignty, not only of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), but of all internationally recognized countries, but that it expects the same from the international community when it comes to it. He pointed out that Serbia is building "bridges of cooperation with all its neighbours with the aim of economic development of the entire region, leaving differences aside, as evidenced by the initiative of the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic 'Open Balkans', and shows with very concrete steps in practice that it is aimed at preserving peace and stability of the Western Balkans".


The ambassadors of Quint and Norway emphasized that they appreciate the involvement of our country in the Partnership for Peace Program and that NATO respects Serbia's military neutrality. They emphasized that in light of the conflict in Ukraine, they are committed to preserving stability in the Balkans and that they believe that Serbia is an important factor in this, and that it is important to preserve partnership and understanding with our country. They also emphasized that they appreciate Serbia's efforts to preserve regional stability, as well as the contribution of the Serbian Armed Forces to UN and EU peacekeeping missions around the world, whose participation is important for the interoperability of the armies. They also expressed their determination to continue engaging in the further improvement of Serbia's military cooperation with their countries and the Alliance in segments that are of mutual interest, it is stated in the announcement of the Ministry.




Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Croatian President Milanovic attends commemoration of 27th anniversary of liberation of Jajce: Croats in B&H did not get realization of their fundamental rights; HDZ B&H's Kristo calls B&H state union of three constituent peoples (FTV)


The 27th anniversary of the ‘Maestral’ Operation and the liberation of Jajce was marked in Jajce. Croatian President Zoran Milanovic also attended the ceremony. The ‘Maestral’ Operation was launched on September 8, 1995 and lasted for five days. It was the first major joint action of the Croatian Army, the Croat Defense Council (HVO) and the “Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina” (RBiH), and in those five days about 2,500 square kilometres of the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) were liberated, primarily the western parts of B&H and the prerequisites were created for the liberation of other parts of B&H. However, at Tuesday’s commemoration, it seems that, at least according to the statements of the commemoration participants, all the merits were attributed to the HVO. The RBiH Army’s role was not even mentioned. The ceremony was also used by Milanovic and members of the HDZ B&H delegation for sending political messages. Milanovic said that Croats in BiH are endangered, that Croats from B&H are disappearing and that their rights have been systematically taken away for the last 20 years. He says that the Croat people will stay here, survive and fight for their rights.


On the other hand, very harsh messages came from Borjana Kristo, Deputy Speaker of the B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR), who called B&H a “state union”. When it comes to the position of the Croat people, both Kristo and Milanovic agreed that there are fewer and fewer Croats in B&H, and they blamed political Sarajevo for that. “We know the answers, but we wonder if this is B&H that the Croat veterans fought for. We live in B&H as a state union of three constituent peoples. We have a completely unfairly organized B&H. Three peoples, two entities. We have constant attacks on our constitutionally guaranteed rights, the rights of the constituent peoples”, Kristo emphasized in her speech.


“Today they publicly say that they are against legitimate representation, which means they are in favor of false representation. And we are all aware of that”, said Federation of B&H (FB&H) President Marinko Cavara, and he thanked Milanovic for “everything you do - aware of this vow that we all feel, aware that we must defend freedom regardless of where it is threatened”.


FTV noted that the anniversary was, despite the political messages, marked in a proper way. After the memorial mass for the fallen veterans, delegations from the municipal, cantonal, FB&H and state authorities, as well as representatives of associations stemming from the Homeland War laid wreaths at the central memorial to the fallen veterans. This was followed by a parade of war flags and a central ceremony. On that occasion, Chairman of the Jajce Municipal Council, Josip Topic, pointed out that the sacrifice of Croat veterans will never be forgotten. Great things in B&H in 1995 were not achieved by American, French or British bombers, but by “boots on the ground and the blood of Croat soldiers”, Milanovic emphasized. These are terrible arguments that must be repeated when, as Milanovic pointed out, Croats from B&H are asking for “simple charity” for themselves. “As the Croatian President, I am ashamed of that”, he underlined.


Political messages from Jajce provoke reactions (N1)


N1 carried reactions to the political messages that were sent at the commemoration of the 27th anniversary of the liberation of Jajce. Commenting on the statement by candidate for the position of a member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency from among the Croat people Borjana Kristo (HDZ B&H) who called B&H a state union of three constituent peoples, representatives of Our Party (NS) said that B&H has never transferred its sovereignty to any people. President of NS Main Board Sabina Cudic said that HDZ B&H aspires for one people to have complete power over one part of the territory. Representatives of People and Justice (NiP) said that messages of HDZ B&H officials in Jajce do not contribute to coexistence.


B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic also reacted to Kristo's statements. Komsic said that Kristo apparently has not yet read the first sentence of Article 1 of the Constitution of B&H. "The Republic of B&H, whose official name is from now on " B&H", continues its legal existence under international law as a state, with an internal structure modified by this Constitution, and with existing internationally recognized borders. As for what kind of B&H HDZ B&H was fighting for, the matter is clear, and that fight is described in the verdicts of international courts," Komsic was quoted as saying.


Deputy Speaker of B&H House of Representatives Denis Zvizdic stressed that there is no such thing as “joint institutions”, but only institutions of state of B&H. “So, B&H is independent, integral, democratic and European state of all patriotically orientated constitutional peoples and citizens and there will be no ethno-territorial divisions or communities. State of B&H before and above all,” said Zvizdic. Zvizdic also said that “the use of such unconstitutional term” is a confirmation of justification of his motion for assessment of constitutionality, by which the use of term ‘joint institutions’ and ‘state community’ will be declared as unconstitutional.


SDP Vice President Zukan Helez reacted to the statement of FB&H President Marinko Cavara who stated that Jajce is a Croat city. Helez noted that Cavara was blacklisted by USA for blocking the functioning of the FB&H for years. Helez stated that Cavara is lying to himself and his insane imagination. “The city of Jajce is one of the most beautiful and most indigenous cities in B&H. It is a B&H jewel and witness to the centuries-long existence of B&H’s rich history and statehood”, said Helez. He reminded Cavara that Serbs, Croats, Bosniaks and other citizens live in Jajce, and that Jajce belongs to rare cities that managed to preserve their multi-ethnic and multi-cultural character. He noted that this fact is very disturbing for Cavara and other politicians from nationalistic parties.


RS opposition against special RSNA’s session on Dodik’s veto (ATV)


A special session of the RS National Assembly (RSNA) on proposal of a decision to confirm the statement of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik to declare the decision of B&H Presidency to grant an agrément to a new German Ambassador detrimental for vital interest of Republika Srpska (RS) will be held on Wednesday. Some representatives of opposition parties stated that it is not time for this type of sessions, that this is an attempt to score political points and the RS should not enter dispute with powerful country such as Germany. It was stated from SNSD that they will strongly support Dodik’s veto, while some parties still have not decided what stance they will take. SDS believes that Dodik’s decision represents irresponsible behaviour. Deputy President of SDS Milan Radovic stressed that failure to grant the agrément to German Ambassador would represent a hostile act towards Germany. Radovic claims they know how Germany would react to failure to grant the agrément to its ambassador. Reporter wondered who has been providing this sort of information to SDS. Radovic underlined that they have information that Germany will apply reciprocity measures that will prevent families of those working in Germany to bring their families. Deputy Speaker of the RSNA Milan Petkovic (United Srpska) stated that decision of the opposition to leave sessions of the RSNA every time this parliament discusses difficult topic is evidence of their fear and lack of power. Petkovic believes that it is always necessary to support veto invoked by Serb member of the Presidency, because in this way, vital interest of the RS is protected and not interest of any individual. Leader of DNS Nenad Nesic stated that by Wednesday DNS will decide whether they will support Dodik’s veto or not, i.e. whether invoking of mechanism for protection of vital interest is justified.


RSNA to discuss Wednesday amendments to Law on Agricultural Land which enable RS citizens to convert agricultural land into construction land completely free of charge (RTRS)


The Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) will discuss changes to the Law on Health Insurance related to pro-natal policy on Wednesday. The RSNA will also discuss amendments to the Law on Legalization of Illegally Built Buildings which exempt the owners of illegally built facilities until 2013 from paying compensation. MPs in the RSNA will also discuss amendments to the Law on Agricultural Land which enable citizens of the RS to convert agricultural land into construction land completely free of charge. RTRS stressed that the possibility of exchanging agricultural land owned by the RS for municipal and city agricultural land is also being introduced and the goal is to preserve the land fund for agriculture. "Based on the Law on Cooperatives, local communities received a certain amount of agricultural arable land so in the coming period, we will not have to transfer it to the local community, so that it permanently loses its purpose, but the local community gives that land, and we give construction land to the local community, where they develop their local community," Assistant Minister of Agriculture of the RS Zoran Maletic explained. RTRS stressed that Sarajevo is closely monitor what the official Banjaluka is doing, adding that although the law has nothing to do with state property, Sarajevo considers it an attack on it.


Dodik: RS is the only owner of its property (ATV)


Serb Member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik stated that according to the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), Republika Srpska (RS) is the only owner of property of the RS, adding that no one can steal this property from the RS. This is Dodik’s reaction to reporting of the Federation of B&H (FB&H)-based media that the RS Law on Agricultural Land that should be discussed on Wednesday by the RS National Assembly (RSNA) represents an attempt to bypass the Law on State Property. Dodik reiterated that this is property of the RS and that it will not change. He stressed that this is property of the RS regardless to decisions of High Representatives and the Constitutional Court of B&H. “They can try to find a method to prevent us from using it. They can never do it”, concluded Dodik. Dodik reminded of the Dayton Agreement according to which, as he said, the property of the RS is only the property of the RS and no one can steal it. "All the property you see here is ours. According to the Dayton, it is our property and a hundred courts can decide what they want and the High Representative can mess with it, but this is our property, this is our agricultural land, these are our forests. You find a way that you think will prevent us from using it. You will never prevent it," Dodik underlined. "You can pass what you want, take pictures, wail, scream, organize a jazz festival around it, but this is the property of the RS and that will not change," Dodik pointed out.


Ambassadors of US, UK, Italy, France and Germany to NATO visit B&H and meet NATO and EUFOR respective Commanders (Dnevni avaz)


Ambassadors of US, UK, Italy, France and Germany to NATO visited the NATO HQ in Sarajevo on Tuesday where they discussed the long-term security, stability and prosperity. The Ambassadors met with Commander of NATO HQ Brigadier General Pamela McGaha and EUFOR Commander Major General Anton Wessely, discussing the strengthening of partnership with Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). The article reads that the Ambassadors to NATO represent their respective states in the North Atlantic Council (NAC), which is a decision-making body for the Alliance. The article reads that the Ambassadors’ visit comes seven days after McGaha met with permanent representatives of all 30 allies in Brussels, discussing the adjusted support package, which is being prepared for B&H.


Exercise ‘Combined Effort 22’ set to take place on Mt. Manjaca on September 19-23, NATO to carry out final assessment of Light Infantry Battalion Combat Group of B&H AF (Hayat)


The exercise ‘Combined Effort 22’, which represents the NATO’s final assessment of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Armed Forces (AF), is scheduled to take place on Mount Manjaca on September 19-23. Representatives of the B&H Ministry of Defense (MoD) and the B&H AF elaborated at a press conference on Tuesday on the importance of obtaining a positive assessment at this exercise. Specifically, next week, NATO experts will provide the final assessment of the Light Infantry Battalion Combat Group of the B&H AF. A positive assessment would be yet another proof of commitment and readiness of the B&H AF.


B&H Minister of Defense Sifet Podzic addressed the press conference, commenting on the current issues related to defense in B&H. In this regard, reflecting on the fact that the mandate of EUFOR Althea will end soon and that there is risk that Russia in the UN Security Council (UN SC) could veto the extension of this mandate, Podzic expressed optimism that the mandate will be extended. With regard to Monday’s meeting with NATO Ambassador Julianne Smith in Sarajevo, Podzic confirmed that they discussed the defense capability building in the B&H AF.


Addressing the press conference, Chief of the Joint Staff of the B&H AF Senad Masovic pointed out that this exercise will represent the completion of the training and the most important event in 2022. “With the successful realization of the NATO assessment, this battalion group would join the base of the forces that imply over 13,000 soldiers from 15 partner countries that would be fully certified in line with the NATO procedures and NATO norms. By this, our members would stand hand in hand with all members of NATO, and would comply with the same procedures and same standards”, Masovic stressed. According to Masovic, despite the low budget that has been allocated for the B&H AF this year and regardless of the inadequate care of the competent authorities for the B&H AF, the AF work at full capacity for all citizens of B&H and are ready for this assessment.


Podzic pointed out that with this B&H will officially receive the largest military unit to date, which will enter NATO's pool of combat-capable forces, which are available to participate in international operations led by NATO, peace support operations of the European Union and the United Nations, as well as NATO exercises. He believes that declaring such a large combat group with a total of 819 members is not an easy task, even for the more developed countries of the world. “This is all the more difficult in the economic and political circumstances prevailing in our country”, the Minister emphasized. Podzic sent words of support, but also optimism with which he expressed his confidence and faith in the soldiers of the B&H AF that they will successfully pass the exam at the upcoming assessment at Manjaca.


Masovic pointed out: “I think it is very important to note that this NATO program is a very practical tool that was adopted at the NATO summit in 1999, which aims to raise the level of coordinated activities of NATO members and partners - a tool that is important and significant to us”.


B&H Deputy Defense Minister Okolic: Military exercise ‘Combined Effort 22’ does not bring B&H closer to NATO membership (Glas Srpske)


More than 800 members of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Armed Forces (B&H AF) will participate in the military exercise ‘Combined Effort 22’ next week, which will represent the final NATO assessment of B&H AF. Speaking about the exercise, B&H Defense Minister Sifet Podzic stated that the exercise and the assessment will bring B&H one step closer to NATO membership. However, Deputy Minister of Defense Mirko Okolic stated that this is not true and that the exercise will not bring B&H closer to the NATO membership. “Some political forces and actors want it and they fight by all means for B&H’s NATO membership. We on the other hand are not in favor of B&H joining the bloc, but only in favor of partnership cooperation with them. When it comes to the military exercise on Manjaca training grounds, we have only cooperation with the block which has been going on since their arrival and the end of war”, said Okolic. He underlined that the exercise will be an opportunity for assessment of preparedness of only one unit of B&H AF which might participate in a peacekeeping mission someday. He underlined that Podzic’s statement is not serious and that the exercise is part of planned activities. He also emphasized that nobody ever said that the exercise is a condition for NATO membership. According to Okolic, Podzic is fighting for B&H’s membership in NATO using all available means, although there is not even a theoretical chance of decision on B&H’s NATO membership every being made. He noted that NATO officials do not speak of B&H’s membership, only of partnership. He reminded that many states which are NATO partners but not members participate in similar joint training programs.


Dodik comments announced military exercise saying NATO is observer; Dodik says he is against NATO and wants B&H to be demilitarized (Nova BH)


Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik commented on the holding of the ‘Combined Effort 22’ military exercise, which will be observed by the NATO. He said that this is part of earlier activities and that NATO is an observer there. Dodik stated: “We are against NATO. That cooperation program with NATO says that the membership is not prejudged, that a special decision should be made for that. That means there is no special decision for the decision on NATO, and as I said, it is written there that it is not prejudged. Those exercises are part of already established practice. Spring and autumn exercises are held. They are evaluated. NATO observes it, evaluates it from the point of view of its affairs. I would like B&H to abolish the Armed Forces and to demilitarize. We do not need NATO in this respect either”.


Joint column by Sattler, Macdonald and Penska: With little good will, B&H can do better (Dnevni list)


Head of Delegation of European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and European Union Special Representative in B&H, Dr. Ingrid Macdonald, UN Resident Coordinator in B&H, Dr. Susan Penska, Acting Head of OSCE Mission to B&H carried a column jointly penned by Johann Sattler, Head of Delegation of European Union to B&H and European Union Special Representative in B&H, Dr. Ingrid Macdonald, UN Resident Coordinator in B&H and Dr. Susan Penska, Acting Head of OSCE Mission to B&H.


According to the column, a brief conversation with people in B&H can confirm what public survey have shown for years – people are mostly pessimistic when it comes to the country’s future. However, a deeper conversation with citizens of B&H provides basis for optimism. Column further reads that despite the heritage of war is still unresolved in many areas, there is an evident wish to abandon the policy of hatred and focus on better future. On the local level, on level of municipalities, communities and families, many reject the divisive rhetoric and actions based on divisions that dominates politics in B&H. Among other examples, the column mentioned the Municipality of Zepce where there is a monument to all civilian victims of war, and went on to say there are many similar, strong examples across B&H. As of today, continues the column, there will be a new project funded by the EU, which will gather expertise, knowledge and capacities of the Council of Europe, the OSCE Mission to B&H and the United Nations through the IOM and the UNDP. The initiative will strengthen efforts of ‘champions of peace’, people and communities that build the road towards more tolerant B&H. Signatories of the column say that EUR 3.5 million will be invested in the project in next 18 months, the project that will support organizations of civil society and improve their work on peace and building trust. “We will directly support some of their initiatives on building peace (…)”, reads the column and went on to say that there is an old saying that says “With little good will, we can do better”. “That is why we called the project ‘We can do better’ because despite omnipresent pessimism and divisive rhetoric, B&H can and wants better. We are determined to make it happen”, ends the column.




The ‘outvoting’ of Bosnian Croats is thievery, Milanovic tells Bosnian Croats (Hina)


"The outvoting of Croats in elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is thievery," Croatian President Zoran Milanovic said on Tuesday while visiting the Bosnian town of Jajce, state agency Hina reported. He also "dismissed the possibility of abolishing the Dayton agreement, which ended the country's 1992-95 war," Hina said. Milanovic was in Jajce to attend a ceremony marking the 27th anniversary of Operation Maestral, which liberated this city in central-western B&H from Bosnian Serb forces. In his speech, he said it was humiliating for Bosnian Croats to have “their political representatives imposed on them by more numerous ethnic groups.”


“In Croatia, representatives of ethnic minorities, including the Serb minority, are elected by their respective communities,” he said, calling the current practice in B&H “thievery.” “The Bosnian Croats are not a minority, but are being reduced to it. After years of attempts, warnings, insisting and begging, I cannot describe this other than as thievery,” Milanovic said. He opposed “increasing calls by some Bosniak politicians to abolish the Dayton peace agreement,” Hina explained.


“I, as President of Croatia, a modern European country which is a member of NATO and the EU, can say that Croatia will never support that. And not only will it not support it, but it will vigorously fight against it using all peaceful means. There is no B&H without the equality of Croats, Bosniaks, and Serbs,” Milanovic said. He announced stronger efforts to protect the right of Bosnian Croats to “choose their own political representatives and enjoy equal status.”


B&H will hold a general election on 2 October. “There is a risk of four times more numerous Bosniaks again outvoting Croats in choosing their own member of the country’s collective presidency and their delegates to the ethnic-based upper house of parliament,” Hina said.


PM Plenkovic meets with Montenegro’s Foreign Minister Krivokapic in Zagreb (Hina)


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Tuesday met with Montenegrin Foreign Minister, Ranko Krivokapic, with whom he discussed regional stability and Montenegro's EU journey, state agency Hina said citing a press release. PM Plenkovic was cited as saying that Croatia was interested in further developing bilateral relations with Montenegro “as a close neighbour and NATO ally.” The two officials “stressed that preserving stability in the Western Balkans was in both countries’ interest,” notably in the context of the Russian aggression against Ukraine. Plenkovic reiterated that Croatia would “continue to strongly support Montenegro’s EU journey” and share its experience in the integration process. “Further care for the ethnic Croat minority in Montenegro remains a priority for Croatia as well,” he added. Plenkovic and Krivokapic also “expressed satisfaction” with the unveiling of a plaque on the island of Vis honouring Montenegrin admiral Vladimir Barovic, who during the aggression on Croatia refused to take part in attacks on Croatian cities, Hina cited the unsigned press release as saying.




Djukanovic: Most realistic option is to start with preparations for elections (CDM)


The most realistic option for Montenegro is to start with the preparation of elections, the President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, noted. Djukanovic is paying an official visit to the Czech Republic. Following the meeting his Czech counterpart, Milos Zeman, the President told the press that it was hard to foresee the outcome of the negotiations of the former ruling majority. “Montenegro urgently needs a responsible political government. Over the past two years, a serious damage was inflicted on the country and now we need to recover and get good governance over Montenegro.” According to him, parliament is not interested in setting up a new government and the most realistic option is to organize elections so that we may form a responsible government.


Fifth attempt: Another meeting of the old majority (CDM)


Representatives of the parliamentary majority parties from August 30, 2020 will hold another meeting today, the fifth in a row, and try to reach an agreement on the election of a new government and new parliamentary leadership. The meeting will be held in the Assembly at 12 noon, and it is expected that the leaders of all the parties involved in the negotiations should attend it. At the previous meeting, the representatives of the old parliamentary majority could not agree on the future mandate. The Democratic Front proposed the representative of the New Serbian Democracy, Andrija Mandic, URA the current Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic, while Democratic Montenegro renounced the functions of Prime Minister and President of the Assembly. However, it is not acceptable to the Democrats that Abazovic remains the prime minister, and in their opinion, it would be best if the head of the government was a woman. Some of the proposals are the former Minister of Health Jelena Borovinic Bojovic and MP of the Movement for Change Branka Bosnjak.


Prime Minister Abazovic said yesterday that he is ready to step down if a mandate is found that will succeed in responding to crime. He announced that he would like to see MANS executive director Vanja Calovic Markovic in the position of mandate holder.


Tomorrow, President Milo Djukanovic will start consultations with the parties about the mandate for the composition of the government, who, according to the Constitution, he must propose it by September 19.


North Macedonia 


Xhaferi dismisses VMRO-DPMNE’s referendum initiative (Republika)


The citizens’ initiative is not a matter for which a referendum could be organized nationwide. The international treaties ratified in accordance with the Constitution are part of the national legal order and cannot be changed by a law, Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi says responding to VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, who was authorized to put forward the referendum initiative. VMRO DPMNE submitted the initiative four days ago, but Xhaferi was out of the country. The party announced that, if there are remarks in the text, it is ready to remove them. The initiative was submitted to the Parliament Speaker, without naming the institution in question. VMRO-DPMNE proposes a referendum asking whether you are in favor of terminating the validity of the friendship agreement with Bulgaria.




Rama, Kurti meet in Tirana ( 


A meeting between Prime Minister Edi Rama and Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti took place yesterday in Tirana, as reported by electronic media. The meeting was reported to have lasted for about two hours and some media speculate that PMs discussed about co-operation Albania-Kosovo in the field of infrastructure, specifically the Port of Drac and Drac-Pristina railway. Kurti was accompanied by the minister of finance in his cabinet.


As Kljan News reported, according to unofficial information, Rama and Kurti are discussing the energy crisis and the Open Balkans. The media also reports that Kurti interrupted the press conference in Pristina yesterday morning, saying that he had to attend an urgent meeting.


Albanian President Begaj meets the President of Croatia Milanovic (Radio Tirana)


During his participation in the Brdo-Brijuni Process Summit, Albanian President, Bajram Begaj had a meeting with his Croatian counterpart, Zoran Milanovic. During the meeting, Begaj praised the excellent cooperation and strategic partnership between the countries, emphasizing that this healthy and friendly relationship, which has just celebrated the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, is also in the best interest of the region. Begaj expressed his gratitude for Croatian support provided to cope with the damage of the November 2019 earthquake, and for the vaccination of the population during Covid-19 pandemic. Albanian president also appreciated the tradition of Croatian hospitality for Albanians, as well as the spaces and support given both to the old Albanian community of Arbanas and to the new one, to preserve traditions, culture and mother tongue, and to also integrate as best as possible in the social and political life of Croatia.


President Begaj meets in Slovenia the President of North Macedonia, Pendarovski: Boosting bilateral relations (Radio Tirana)


President of the Republic, Bajram Begaj, had a conversation with his counterpart from North Macedonia, Stevo Pendarovski in Slovenia. According to an announcement from the Presidency, Begaj appreciated the very good neighbourly relations between the two countries, which in the last decade have followed a very positive growing trend. This tendency and the clear Euro-Atlantic orientation of both countries has significantly improved inter-ethnic relations between Albanians and Macedonians in North Macedonia. President Begaj also appreciated the close cooperation first in the framework of the North Atlantic Alliance and secondly in the function of the European agenda, which after the first intergovernmental meetings of the EU with Albania and North Macedonia has received new impetus. The issues of European integration, security and cooperation in the field of defense as two NATO member countries was the focus of the talks. President Begaj and President Pendarovski agreed to continue the conversation in other bilateral and multilateral formats, as well as through the exchange of state visits.


Israel offers cyber aid to Albania after Iran's attacks (Radio Tirana)


Israel has offered cyber aid to Albania after the attacks that our country suffered from Iran. These cyber-attacks also served to disrupt diplomatic relations between Albania and Iran. The breakdown of these diplomatic relations following cyber-attacks on public online services and the TIMS system in Albania has been supported by Israel, which has offered its help to avoid such attacks in the future.


Israeli's Deputy Foreign Minister Idan Roll had a meeting with Albanian Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka on the sidelines of the" Feminist Shaping Foreign Policy" Conference in Berlin, where he "offered to share their knowledge and experience in cyber defense" and "expressed Israel's appreciation" for Tirana's decision to expel Iranian diplomats. "I spoke with the Albanian Foreign Minister Olta Xhaçka at the conference. I expressed Israel's appreciation for Albania's decision to sever diplomatic relations with Iran and offered to share our knowledge and experience in cyber defense. We will continue to strengthen the cooperation between Israel and Albania", writes the Deputy Foreign Minister of Israel on Twitter.


Last week, Albania blamed Iran for a July 15 cyber-attack that temporarily shut down many Albanian government digital services and websites. Over the weekend, Albania's Interior Ministry accused Tehran of an additional attack on the TIMS system that targeted the computer systems of the national police.