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Belgrade Media Report 13 October



Varhelyi: Serbia needed as partner, must align foreign policy with EU (Tanjug/Politika)


Presenting the European Commission's annual progress report on Serbia, EU Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi said on Wednesday the EU needed Serbia as a sincere political partner and that the country needed to align with the bloc's foreign policy. We need Serbia as a sincere political partner and an ally that shares with us the common values, security and prosperity, he said. In the present geopolitical context, it is clear that Serbia must work more to align with the EU foreign policy, including sanctions on Russia, he also said. He said the EU was Serbia's largest political and economic partner and that the bloc wanted Serbia to deal with its challenges, including energy security. He added that Serbia had continued to work on reforms on its EU accession path, including on rule of law. In particular, Serbia needs to amend the legislation necessary for implementing constitutional amendments in practice within the set timeframe, he said. He said the European Commission had concluded that Serbia had made progress in the fight against corruption. Varhelyi added that the EU expected to see more effort when it comes to freedom of expression and, in particular, the implementation of a media action plan. Responding to questions from reporters afterwards, Varhelyi said Serbia's EU accession talks had not been suspended over its failure to embrace the bloc's sanctions on Russia, but noted that, if the country wanted to expedite the talks, it needed to align with the EU foreign policy.


European Commission’s report on Serbia's progress in European integration process handed over (Tanjug/Politika/RTS)


The Head of the Delegation of the EU in Serbia Emanuele Giaufret handed over to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, in the presence of Minister for European Integration Jadranka Joksimovic, the Report of the European Commission on Serbia's progress in its process of European integration. Addressing media representatives at the Palace of Serbia, Vucic said that the report, among other things, emphasizes that Serbia should intensify its efforts and harmonize its policy with the foreign policy of the EU. Serbia has regressed in only one area, as stated in the European Commission's progress report, and that part concerns Serbia’s foreign policy and the introduction of sanctions against Russia, he said. He stated that today Serbia has a level of compliance with the Union in foreign policy of 45 percent. That is Serbia's political decision and we are paying the price for it. I said that we will take their views and opinions into account with great seriousness and responsibility, he added. Vucic thanked the European Commission for the hard work on the extensive and comprehensive report and pointed out the importance of the EU for the economy of Serbia. Last year, we had a growth of 23.3 percent in trade exchange with the EU and reached €37 billion, and this year, in the first eight months, we have an additional 28.3 percent growth in trade exchange with the EU. This shows the importance of the EU, he pointed out. Vucic reminded that more than 50 percent of Western Balkan exports to the EU come from Serbia. Serbia itself will export more to the EU than five other countries and entities from the Western Balkans. This also speaks of the EU's investments in our country, which are enormous, he said. The President pointed out that it is important that the European Commission stated that Serbia is ready to open Cluster 3. This report opens up a lot of space for us to continue working with the EU Delegation in Belgrade and with Brussels on comprehensive reforms. To do a lot by the New Year regarding the rule of law, because better progress was observed in Chapter 24 – Justice, freedom and security, although there is also progress in Chapter 23 – Judiciary and fundamental rights, which is important for the overall democratization of society and the legal order, the President said.


EU not informed about Paris and Berlin’s offer to Serbia, but could help (Beta)


The European Commission could contribute to Paris and Berlin’s proposal for Serbia to accelerate towards EU membership and be granted financial assistance, if it were to accept Kosovo's membership in the EU, Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi stated on Wednesday. He stressed, however, that the Commission had not had insight into such a proposal. This was Varhelyi's response to Beta’s question at a news conference where the report on the Western Balkans’ progress towards EU membership was presented, about whether the European Commission was informed about the German-French proposal that has been disclosed by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Beta asked Varhelyi if the German-French proposal was also a proposal of the European Commission, to which he replied that this inquiry should be addressed “to Paris and Berlin, because we are not informed about this proposal”. However, Varhelyi said, “if such a proposal exists, we would be more than interested in seeing it – and not just seeing, but contributing to it, as well”.


Borrell: Serbia’s alignment with EU foreign policy is backsliding (N1)


EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell told N1 on Wednesday that Serbia’s alignment with EU’s foreign policy is backsliding. We have noticed some progress, greater engagement in some areas, but this will not help the accession process because it requires aligning with EU’s foreign policy, said Borrell. It is up to the Serbian government to adopt an adequate decision, said the High Representative, adding that the accession process depends on merit. He said the EU can understand why Serbia is highly dependent on Russian fossil fuels, and that it can understand many other things, but that accession implies alignment with EU’s foreign policy. Asked how much more time Serbia has to impose sanctions on Russia, Borrell said “there is no limit”. He said the EU has noticed, as show in the European Commission report, that Serbia is backsliding in the process of aligning with EU’s foreign policy which, in combination with close relations with the Putin regime, means that the EU has no choice but to recommend an assessment on this backsliding regarding Chapter 31. He added that the accession process will, therefore, be more difficult. Borrell said the EU is trying to push forward the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. Progress has been made in certain agreements, regarding transport, movement of people and license plates, but there is no fixed date, he said, adding that it was a matter of political engagement. Until now the results have been not extraordinary, but we have to continue working, because the only way for the two sides to make progress towards EU membership is a mutual agreement between them, said Borrell, adding that it is not about what the EU tolerates. “Reforms are to be done first and foremost for the benefit of the people. It is not because we in Europe like it. The reforms that we request are things that will improve the lives of the people, the democratic quality, the functioning of the institutions. So it is not because we don’t tolerate something, it is because people need this kind of reform. These reforms are part of the structure of a member of the EU,” said Borrell. He said his assessment of the situation is what has been discussed and adopted and added that there really are problems that need to be resolved. The High Representative said the EU is very concerned over Russia’s role in the Balkans. It is clear that Russia is exerting influence, trying to destabilize the region, cause problems, this is why our presence need to be stronger, said Borrell.


Bilcik: Serbia’s European integration a bit of a yo-yo (N1)


If Serbia wants to join the EU it has to make a choice, member of the European Parliament Vladimir Bilcik said in an interview with N1. Russia has gone down a path of an aggressor and attacked the sovereign state of Ukraine, and has brutally killed thousands of people, said Bilcik, adding that Serbia has to ask itself if it wants to be a part of the European world or it wants to be seen as someone who is close to Russia. “It’s a very clear choice,” Bilcik said. He repeated that today’s European Commission Report was a clear message to Serbia. “Today was a big day for enlargement, we had reports on all the candidate countries from the Western Balkans and of course we also had a big discussion about enlargement as such. The main message was that Serbia has made a strategic choice, that choice was made years ago, to join the EU and in these very difficult geopolitical times, especially following Russia’s brutal aggression against Ukraine, we expect Serbia to make some clear choices…Sanctions against Russia is the key issue which dominated the discussion,” said Bilcik. Commenting on the accession process, he said it is not a single-issue exercise and that there are other areas in which Serbia is expected to make progress. “The rule of law, judicial reform, media freedom, structural changes, particularly in the area of energy, in the area of environment…It is also very clear that we have not seen any fundamental advancement. Part of the reason why we haven’t seen that is that Serbia had elections in April, we are still waiting for a new government, with a clear political mandate and clear priorities. We hope that Europe will play a decisive role amongst those priorities and, of course, given the context of the ongoing war and Russia’s aggression, we expect Serbia to clearly work with us. It is the only candidate country in the Western Balkans that has not aligned with the EU sanctions,” said N1’s guest. Bilcik said he was pleased that the parliament is more representative and that the opposition is back in the parliament, and added he was grateful that “we were able to contribute to that through the interparty dialogue facilitated by the European Parliament”. “It seems like European integration has become a bit of a yo-yo for Serbia. It kind of goes up and down, up and down on a string. A typical example is the alignment with the foreign and security policy, but we want not a stationary yo-yo, we want a yo-yo which moves clearly towards Europe….On the whole, Serbia stands a good chance of making progress on the EU path but I think at this point it’s time to make some very clear choices….The ball is very much in Belgrade’s hands. We stand ready to help but the choices have to be made by Serbia,” Bilcik said. He said that at this point Serbia is not ready to join the EU, and that it has to change, just like all other candidate countries did. In addition to alignment with the values and the positions of the EU, Serbia has to focus on the basic questions of public policy, said Bilcik, adding: “Just this week I read that Belgrade is once again among the top cities when it comes to pollution. This is about a clear European choice…if you want to have a modern, cleaner, more prosperous Serbia you have to go through reforms, work with the EU and also work on conditions so that European investments come in much larger numbers.” Asked if sanctions against Russia are a condition for progress in Serbia’s accession to the EU, Bilcik said: “No. I wouldn’t say that the sanctions against Russia are a precondition for any kind of progress. You can still make progress when it comes to judicial reforms, when it comes to working on the chapters which were opened just last year, on energy, on environment, there are many things you can do in the Parliament even before you adopt sanctions… to open up additional clusters I think the sanctions are really the one issue that the member states but also other institutions including the European Parliament, the Commission, will be looking at very, very closely. This is the time to show the readiness to choose.” Bilcik said he considers himself a big friend of Serbia and that he has been a real fighter for Serbia in the EU institutions.


Brnabic: Implementation of Brussels agreement necessary (Politika/RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic pointed out on Wednesday that before starting discussions on some other solutions on the normalization of relations with Pristina, it is necessary to implement the Brussels agreement, which also stipulates the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities. Answering the questions of journalists at the conference regarding the start of works on the rehabilitation of the landslide at the Vinca-Belo Brdo archaeological site, Brnabic pointed out that the pressures regarding Kosovo and Metohija are increasing, because certain international factors want to see the resolution of this open issue so that no one could refer to that precedent and justify some other actions. We have never shied away from solving that issue and finding a way to reach a mutually acceptable compromise solution that will mean the long-term normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, she stressed. She said that an agreement requires two parties that are ready to talk about a compromise, and that at the moment we are not even close to a solution that must be a compromise, adding that finding a solution will ensure the normalization of relations, the safety of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija and prosperity for Albanians. She assessed that the Serbian side is the only one ready to speak in a courageous and responsible manner, reminding that it will be ten years next April since the signing of the Brussels agreement. Pristina has done nothing to implement a single obligation, which is the first agreement on normalization, Brnabic said and asked how is it possible to find a final solution in a situation where Pristina and the EU could not guarantee the implementation of the first agreement on normalization for ten years. Answering the question about the introduction of sanctions against Russia, she stated that Serbia does not want to do it, because it is not in our best interest, adding that our country is in a specific position. Brnabic reiterated that Serbia is not neutral regarding the events in Ukraine and that we clearly condemned the aggression, with the view that it is a flagrant violation of international law and an attack on the territorial integrity of an internationally recognized state. She reminded that Serbia joined all the declarations and resolutions in the United Nations and the EU that condemn Russia's attack on Ukraine, adding that we clearly said that we will not recognize the results of the referendum conducted in four regions of Ukraine.


Giaufret: Lajcak is in Pristina in a bid to avert crises (TV Tanjug)


The Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Emanuele Giaufret said on Thursday the EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak, who is visiting Pristina, was involved in discussions about tackling the vehicle re-registration issue, and noted that the EU was fully engaged on averting further crises in Kosovo and Metohija. Speaking to TV Tanjug, Giaufret said all resources must be mobilized to find a way out because "we need to move towards discussions on a final agreement, a comprehensive agreement that can help people to live a better life". Giaufret was responding to a question what was expected to happen after the expiry of an 31 October deadline for vehicle re-registration. "We will continue to work very hard with Belgrade and Pristina on these issues, we will be in touch with all sides and we will be present on the ground and work to find solutions," he said. Giaufret noted that the issue of normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations had always been a key aspect of the EU enlargement process, and added that the EU was engaged intensively on enabling dialogue.


Importance of improving cooperation between Serbia, USA in field of culture (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Minister of Culture and Information Maja Gojkovic met in Washington with Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Education and Culture Scott Weinhold, as part of the first visit of the Minister of Culture of Serbia to the State Department in the history of bilateral relations. Gojkovic and Weinhold emphasized the importance of improving cooperation in the field of culture in order to strengthen the overall relations between the two countries and discussed numerous topics of mutual interest. She emphasized the importance of marking 140 years since the exchange of diplomatic representatives between Serbia and the USA and emphasized the commitment to further development of cooperation. Weinhold expressed his willingness to expand and strengthen numerous cooperation programs. The meeting also touched on the strengthening of cooperation between related institutions, such as the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, with related institutions, such as the Archives of Yugoslavia, the "Staro Sajmiste" Memorial Centre and the Museum of Genocide Victims. Gojkovic and Weinhold also discussed the continuation of cooperation in the field of cultural heritage protection, as well as nurturing important places for the culture of memory that unite the two countries.


Pilja: Scandalous speech of Rama in PACE (Tanjug/RTV)


The Head of the Delegation of Serbia in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Biljana Pantic-Pilja assessed yesterday that the speech of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama at the session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe was scandalous. “Edi Rama showed absolute disrespect for the institution he addressed. Instead of talking about Albania, he devoted his speech to contesting the Resolution on organ trafficking of the same institution, which was adopted by a large majority,” said Pantic-Pilja for Tanjug. “His address caused great indignation in the plenary hall and is equal to a scandal that has not happened in the history of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. The Serbian delegation assessed this speech as scandalous, because the Serbs did not remove their own organs, and it is shameful that they are trying to change irrefutable facts and evidence in this way,” Pilja pointed out.




Sattler hands over recommendation to give B&H status of candidate, Report on B&H for 2022 to B&H officials (FTV)


The Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) Johann Sattler handed over to B&H politicians in Sarajevo on Wednesday recommendation of the EU to grant B&H the status of the EU candidate and the Report on B&H for 2022. Sattler handed over the documents to Chairman of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic and then to Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija. Dzaferovic assessed the EC’s recommendation to grant B&H the status of the EU candidate as a positive event adding that despite of blockades and obstructions, progress was made during the most difficult mandate. Dzaferovic underlined that it is important that the Report recognized that B&H – in relation to Ukraine and other issues – harmonized its foreign policy with the EU’s foreign policy which was an important factor for obtaining of this recommendation. "Not too much progress was recorded in the past year for understandable reasons, as it (B&H) was mostly under blockades. But, at the same time, there have certainly been steps forward. They did come pretty late in the spring and summer starting with the meeting in Brussels at the highest level chaired by (European Council) President (Charles) Michel and High Representative (of the European Union for Foreign and Security Policy Josep) Borrell that brought together all domestic representatives from B&H. The domestic leader's commitment to further work and activities was ensured at that meeting. Furthermore, the parliament on its part adopted the Law on Public Procurement, there was a continuation of the dialogue within the Stabilization and Association Agreement, improvement in terms of migration management, a significant degree of harmonization with the common foreign and security policy of the EU, certain progress that has been recorded in the reform of public administration and other areas," Sattler underlined. Sattler also said that he handed two documents to B&H officials, including the report on B&H's progress which, as he said, has positive and negative sides. The second document is a recommendation for candidate status without additional conditions, but with a certain expectation in terms of further work in the field of the fight against corruption, and work on fulfilling 14 key priorities which, according to Sattler, will not go away. "In Brussels, 27 commissioners agreed that this is the moment for B&H to move forward on its path towards membership in the European Union. This is an important message and I think it is a really important day for B&H," Sattler said. Tegeltija stated that "this is news I expected the European Commission to announce to the citizens of B&H at least a year ago, but they have decided that today is the moment to make such a decision for B&H". Tegeltija underlined that considering explanation for this recommendation, it can be concluded that granting of the candidate status is not a norm but assessment of political situation. Sattler pointed out three reasons for the EC's recommendation, including progress in some segments and geopolitical situation. He added that it was recommended to grant the EU candidate country status to B&H without additional conditioning, but with some expectations concerning further work on important issues and areas and continuation of implementation of 14 priorities. Sattler expressed disagreement with Tegeltija’s claim the EC’s report is biased. He added that this is comprehensive document and some parts of it are critically oriented towards developments in the FB&H, like failure to form the FB&H government in period of four years.


Schmidt welcomes EC’s recommendation (Oslobodjenje)


High Representative Christian Schmidt welcomed Wednesday’s decision by the European Commission to recommend candidate status be granted to B&H. “The EC’s recommendation reaffirms the commitment of the EU to integration perspectives of the Western Balkans, and in particular B&H. B&H already has a place reserved in the great European family. This unanimous message from Brussels is especially important now, when international law is being trampled and the sovereignty and territorial integrity of independent states are questioned or violated,” HR Schmidt stated.


Recounting of ballots for RS President to commence (RTRS)


Opening of all begs with ballots concerning election of the RS President and Vice President and recounting of all ballots will commence on Thursday in the Main Counting Center in Zetra hall in Sarajevo. Four tables will be used for recounting of ballots. Media will be allowed to directly broadcast counting. However, they are allowed to install only one camera. It will be located behind observers and will cover tables for counting.  It is still not clear how long will this process last and how many people will be engaged for counting. PDP has high hopes in regards to their observers engaged to observe process of recounting of ballots. Leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic said that they engaged and accredited their observers one month and half ago to observe possible process of recounting of ballots.


Schmidt meets B&H CEC President, members (Nova BH/BNTV)

High Representative Christian Schmidt met with President of the B&H CEC Suad Arnautovic and B&H CEC members in Sarajevo on Wednesday. They discussed activities of B&H CEC, including the implementation of the indirect election of delegates to the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP). Schmidt expressed support to B&H CEC and condemned verbal attacks and pressures on the B&H CEC President and members. Schmidt has issued a statement regarding the threats against member of the B&H CEC Vanja Bjelica-Prutina. The High Representative condemned the threats and personal attacks against members of the B&H CEC and called for appropriate action by the responsible institutions. Schmidt expressed full support to B&H CEC as an independent state institution and B&H CEC to continue doing its work in line with the law and without inappropriate influence and political pressures.


Dodik: Instead of dealing with my statements, B&H CEC should establish whether Prutina met with Sarovic (RTRS)


Member of B&H Presidency and leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik said that instead of dealing with his statements, B&H CEC should rather establish whether their member Vanja Bjelica-Prutina met with leader of SDS Mirko Sarovic, which would be in opposition to law. This is Dodik’s reaction to report B&H CEC submitted against him due to “verbal attack on members of B&H CEC”. Dodik also recommended to B&H CEC to deal with communication in Viber group of PDP where members of PDP thanked to member of B&H CEC Jovan Kalaba and announce repeating of elections. “If there is even ‘J’ of justice in this provisional state, gentlemen from the B&H CEC, you will all end up in the Prosecutor’s Office that should deal with your criminal activities,” Dodik was quoted as saying.


Arnautovic announces for Thursday start of ballot recount process for RS President (BHT1/BNTV)


President of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H Suad Arnautovic has announced for Thursday the start of the ballot recount process for the RS President. BNTV carries that another major election fraud was discovered in Doboj. Namely, out of 106 polling stations in Doboj, not a single blank ballot was returned from 61 polling stations to the B&H CEC, which means that one hundred percent of voters voted in the elections. Arnautovic stated on Wednesday that the B&H CEC possesses more material evidence which, after processing, will not only be processed within the institution of the B&H CEC, but in accordance with the Election Law of B&H for all cases for which there is suspicion that a criminal offense related to the election process has been committed, the CEC shall submit a report about it to the competent prosecutor's office. As one of the examples, Arnautovic stated that, after the election materials were collected from all municipalities in B&H, "it is very indicative that, for example, out of 106 polling stations in the city of Doboj, there are no bags and stamps from unused ballot papers from 61 polling stations (57.55 percent)". "If this information contained in PO 5 forms is found to be correct, it will be a very serious indication of the commission of a criminal offense in connection with the election process. All unused ballots must be returned to the storage of the B&H CEC in transparent bags... We have with 61 polling stations that there is no bag or seal at all from those unused ballots. There are no bags at all with those unused ballots. This is very indicative data," Arnautovic was quoted as saying. Arnautovic explained that each municipal or city election commission, in this particular case the Doboj City Election Commission, had to submit all used and all unused ballots in separate bags of different colors and transparent bags for unused ballots.


Jerinic denies Arnautovic’s claim (RTRS)


One day ahead of control counting of ballots concerning elections for the RS President and Vice President, President of B&H CEC Suad Arnautovic stated that 61 polling stations in Doboj failed to deliver protective seals and bags with unused ballots. Mayor of Doboj Boris Jerinic denied this claim and stressed that all voting material from Doboj was sent to B&H CEC in line with laws and regulations. He called on B&H CEC to firstly open bags from Doboj on Thursday. Jerinic underlined that special war is at the scene, adding that Doboj has been mentioned in negative context only because significant number of residents of Doboj expressed support to Milorad Dodik. President of the City Election Commission in Doboj Nenad Paleksic stressed that abovementioned claims are lie and that B&H CEC will get their response on Thursday morning. He explained that at some 10 polling stations members of polling station committees wrongly packed unused voting material and protective bags. “All unused ballots have been returned and delivered to B&H CEC”, explained Paleksic.


Borenovic: Brutal election theft took place in Doboj (BNTV)


PDP leader Branislav Borenovic told an extraordinary press conference on Wednesday that brutal election theft took place in Doboj. Borenovic pointed out that 60 percent of the 120,000 blank ballots in Doboj disappeared. "Where are they? About 250,000 ballots for these four levels went to Doboj. More than half were not returned. Does that confirm what we were seeing these days? That someone ripped, burned, canceled and then added new votes from those unused ones. That is terrible, it is a terrible crime," Borenovic said. Borenovic added that the whereabouts of the missing ballots should be investigated in detail. "How is it possible that the ballots arrive properly from 45 polling stations, and the ballots from 61 do not," Borenovic asked. Borenovic called on all judicial institutions and police agencies to immediately conduct an investigation to determine what happened to the ballots from Doboj. "The recount for the President of the RS has not even started, and we are coming to the fact because of which the entire election process is failing," Borenovic underlined.


Cvijanovic states B&H CEC’s order is unlawful (ATV)


RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that when someone does not have citizen’s support, they should rely on the B&H CEC. “Is there an end to the saga called the B&H CEC? They issued an unlawful order, then they modified it, still not making it lawful. Experts warn of that, as well as former and current B&H CEC members who are professionals, unlike those who are acting under instructions of the opposition and foreigners,” Cvijanovic was quoted as saying.


We have to strengthen NATO presence in B&H (Oslobodjenje)


US Senators Jeanne Shaheen, Thom Tillis, Chris Murphy and Roger F. Wicker sent on Tuesday a letter to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and US Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin in which they expressed deep concern for peace and stability in B&H. They called for securing support to continuation of EUFOR’s mission Althea, but also for preparation for continuation of presence of peace forces in B&H in case the UN does not extend the mandate of EUFOR. They also noted that fragility of the peace achieved based on the DPA is visible and alarming. The Senators added that the war of Russian President Vladimir Putin has encouraged players in B&H, who have had support of Moscow and other external players for a long time. They added that the risk of violence cannot be ignored. The Senators also stated in the letter: “The USA must focus on preserving of peace in B&H.” According to Senators, the latest destabilizing political events in the country refer to a clear reversal of the situation which demands a more concerted, strategic response from EU members, UK, USA on how to sufficiently source EUFOR’s mission Althea. They also stressed that the USA should call their European partners to guarantee troops and equipment necessary for preserving the current composition of EUFOR that would have minimally 1, 100 soldiers. They added: “At this time, the USA should also re-examine its support to EUFOR in order to determine whether more can be done that goes beyond logistical support and training. In the last year, the leader of Bosnian Serbs Milorad Dodik has increased his rhetoric for secession of the RS from B&H. Tensions are high and a risk of small provocation triggering further destabilization, and even violence, is real, and the need for effective deterrence is immediate. While US forces are not a part of EUFOR, NATO Headquarters in Sarajevo maintains strong relationship with the force and presence of NATO sends a clear signal across the country and the region. The US and our NATO Allies must work together to strengthen NATO Headquarters Sarajevo and that starts by ensuring Madrid Summit deliverables, namely the tailored support measures and Defense Capacity Building Program, are responsive to needs and well -resourced. Russian continues to claim the Western Balkans as within its sphere of interest, and Russian officials have issued numerus statements of support for regional actors opposed to both European integration and NATO. The US must not turn a blind eye to these threats, we must demonstrate our commitment to European security by maintaining an effective presence in the Balkans as we continue to respond to Russia’s unprovoked war in Ukraine….”


Varhely: No negative impact of Montenegro’s agreement with SPC (RTCG)


Presenting the European Commission report on the progress made by Balkan countries on their path to the EU, European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi said that Montenegro’s key obligation is to strengthen the rule of law and establish a political consensus of all political actors. Varhelyi said the priority for Montenegro’s further overall progress in negotiations is the fulfilment of the interim benchmarks set under Chapters 23 and 24, that is, that Montenegro needs to intensify its efforts to address outstanding issues, including the critical areas of freedom of expression and media freedom, fight against corruption and organized crime, and credibility of the judiciary. The European Commissioner told the media in Brussels that the political actors in Montenegro need to finally understand that they depend on one another, and that without cooperation there will be no results in the process of accession to the EU. Varhelyi said he does not believe that Montenegro signing the Fundamental Agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) negatively affected the reform process in the country or the European Commission report, but noted that, in the past three years, Montenegro has not made progress towards the EU.


Popa & Djurovic: I expect a lot from parliament of Montenegro and MPs (CdM)


Speaker of the parliament of Montenegro Danijela Djurovic has met today with the Head of the Delegation of the European Union in Montenegro Oana Cristina Popa, who handed her the EC 2022 Report on Montenegro. Popa has emphasized that a lot is expected from the parliament of Montenegro and the MPs, especially when it comes to the election of the remaining members of the Judicial Council and judges of the Constitutional Court. She has also expressed the hope that by the end of the year an agreement will be reached and visible progress will be achieved, which will be noted by the European Commission. Djurovic has expressed her gratitude to Ambassador Popa for her engagement so far, dedicated work and good understanding of the internal situation in Montenegro, and the meeting on the occasion of the official delivery of the EC Report.


Abazovic: I’m not happy that Djukanovic is President, I’m sure he won’t be after next election (CdM)


The session of the Security and Defense Committee begun in the parliament, where the control hearing of the Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic was conducted regarding the smuggling of cigarettes and actions related to persons suspected of collaborating with the Russian secret service. The session did not end today, and it is expected to continue on Friday. At the beginning of the session, the Committee members from DPS, SD and BS requested that the hearing be postponed until the arrival of the Minister of Defense Rasko Konjevic, who is officially in Brussels. Committee members from DF, Democrats and URA suggested that Abazovic be heard today. During the debate, the Prime Minister in his technical mandate showed a photo of the President of Montenegro and the DPS leader Milo Djukanovic with what he claims are members of the “Skaljari clan”. To that, DPS MP Predrag Boskovic showed a photo of Djukanovic and Abazovic and said that it was true that Djukanovic met with the head of the “Skaljari clan” and the head of operations of the Russian security services – Abazovic. It was also agreed that in the continuation of the session, the former head of ANB Savo Kentera would be heard.


Abazovic on audio recordings (CdM)


“Feel free to publish whatever they have. I expect the dirty campaign to heat up”, Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic stated, commenting on the statements of DPS MP Predrag Boskovic. Namely, at the session of the Security and Defense Committee, Boskovic said that “there will also be audio recordings”. “I don’t know which recording they are referring to. Whatever they have, let them show it. I am ready and determined”, Abazovic added after the session. He said, commenting on the changes in ANB, that there are “no threats to national security”. “ABN continues with its actions. You will be informed today or tomorrow about an international action in which we are participating. All activities have continued without restrictions. All the stories that our partners are angry are part of political folklore, which only serves for internal use in Montenegro”, said Abazovic.


Varhelyi: North Macedonia makes sustained EU reform progress (All media)


European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi presented the progress reports for the countries of the Western Balkans and Turkey before the European Parliament on Wednesday, saying 2022 was an important year for North Macedonia because of the start of the EU accession negotiations. “North Macedonia launched the negotiations process with the first political intergovernmental conference, which should have taken place a long time ago. This is a breakthrough for the country. North Macedonia has demonstrated determination and sustained progress,” Commissioner Varhelyi told the EP. He added the importance for the country to maintain the reform pace and use the screening process to accelerate reforms. According to him, further efforts are required in the field fight against corruption and public administration. The report welcomes the country’s full alignment with the EU common foreign and security policy, especially with regards to Ukraine. “With this, the country has showed its determination to move forward on its EU path,” said Varhelyi.


Osmani: EC recognizes country’s progress in 2022 (MIA)


In its new Progress Report on North Macedonia presented in Brussels, the European Commission has acknowledged the country’s progress in 2022, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said in a Facebook post. According to the country’s top diplomat, the EC’s report is positive and lays out a clear roadmap for North Macedonia and its institutions to continue implementing reforms. “Holding the first Intergovernmental Conference in July 2022 represents a historic moment, marking a new stage in the EU accession process,” Osmani wrote, adding that the country had also fully aligned with the EU’s security policy following the Russian aggression against Ukraine. In addition, the country has maintained good bilateral relations with other countries in the region and continued to engage in regional initiatives, Osmani pointed out.


Tupancheski: Chapter 23 key in EU process, swift and efficient results required (MIA)


There are no open issues between North Macedonia and Albania and we have a common goal in the EU. Chapter 23 – Judiciary and Fundamental Rights is crucial for the reforms and that is why both countries should intensify cooperation and exchange experiences, ideas and opinions in the coming period, said Justice Minister Nikola Tupancheski, who is paying a visit to Tirana on Wednesday. “I am certain that both governments have the will to solve problems together. Strengthening of legal systems and increased efficiency of the judicial system will contribute to meeting international standards,” said Minister Tupancheski after a meeting with Albanian counterpart Ulsi Manja. Tupanchevski and Manja held a joint press conference, informing on the countries’ judiciary reforms and the EU accession negotiations. Minister Manja briefed on the vetting process in the judiciary, a complex but positive endeavor, resulting in 60 percent of judges and prosecutors leaving their posts due to their inability to prove the origin of their assets. Interlocutors also referred to the registration of Bulgarian associations in North Macedonia and the pending law changes in this aspect, as well as the rights of minorities in Albania, the Ministry of Justice said in a press release.


Petrovska: North Macedonia demonstrates its firm commitment to support Ukraine (MIA)


North Macedonia has demonstrated its firm commitment to help and support Ukraine together with its NATO allies, said Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska who took part at the Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting in Brussels on Wednesday. Minister Petrovska said the support focused on the defense of the territorial sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, which has faced a brutal and unprovoked attack, the Defense Ministry said in a press release. “Our goal was and will never be to prolong this war but to give an independent and sovereign Ukraine a chance to defend from the aggression,” Petrovska told the meeting. The meeting held at the NATO HQ is attended by US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Ukraine Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and majority of Alliance defense ministers.


Progress EC report / EU Ambassador in Tirana: Albania progress in the fight against crime and corruption (Radio Tirana)


The Ambassador of the Delegation of the European Union Christiane Hohmann handed over the 2022 report of the European Commission for Albania to Deputy Prime Minister Belinda Balluku, highlighting some of the main evaluations of this report for Albania. The Ambassador highlighted two issues where the Albanian state has achieved significant progress, the fight against crime and the fight against corruption. "The report gives the assessment that the continuation of the reform in justice has continued, that the vetting has proceeded in a stable manner and has given good progress. The results are visible in the fight against corruption. The court has issued decisions for high state officials. There has been progress in the fight against organized crime. Cooperation with EU member states, cooperation with Europol and Eurojust has brought results. There has been good progress in the confiscation of criminal assets", said the Ambassador.


Dick Marty's report, Rama in CoE: Trust in the institution of justice should be restored (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama addressed today the Assembly of the Council of Europe for the resolution on the Dick Mart report, where its cancellation will be requested. "Historical memory cannot be taken lightly, facts cannot be taken from power games, Albania is building the future, while fighting with the legacy of the past, it continues to build solid relations with its neighbors, including Serbia, which not very long ago, was considered a mortal enemy, but now it is a partner in the Open Balkans initiative. Europe for us is more than an institutional project, but an existential one, never before has history been kind to us, others decided for us, they decided the regimes, the empires that kept us locked away from Europe, only 3 decades ago we changed our fate and turn our eyes to Europe. Albania's faith in Europe is our future, regardless of the hardship that Europe faces, Albanians do not imagine anything other than this journey, that's why we do have hope. There are politicians who want to use the past, that issues of truth and justice come to the fore, trust in national institutions must be restored," said Rama. On 12 August, Albania officially submitted to the Council of Europe the Resolution against Dick Marty's report "On the unfoundedness of allegations of illegal trafficking of human organs in Kosovo and Albania". Prime Minister Rama informed that the resolution was sent to member countries and those with the status of observers of the Council of Europe; the Secretary General of the Council of Europe; the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe; the President and Vice-Presidents of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe; the Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe; the Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe; Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. On 21 July, the parliament approved with 125 votes in favor the Resolution "On the unfoundedness of claims for illegal trafficking of human organs in Kosovo and Albania".


Dick Marty's report/ Rama in CoE: The most horrendous 'fake news' that tarnishes the blood of a nation for freedom (Radio Tirana)


In the speech addressed to the Council of Europe for the cancellation of Dick Marty's report that undermined the fight for freedom in Kosovo, Prime Minister Edi Rama assessed this report as the most horrendous fake news ever distributed. Emphasizing strongly that this report accuses the highest leaders of the KLA of terrible crimes, Rama says that the accusations were never proven even though 10 years have passed and that the Council of Ministers should now adopt a resolution rejecting this report and restores the dignity of Kosovo and its fighters to bring freedom. "The report mentioned senior KLA leaders by name and accused them of terrible crimes, including organ trafficking. That report did not prove any of the allegations. Even the Albanian delegation at that time did not prevent this, even though there was nothing positive about what the authors of the report claimed. I am here today not because we did not know that this is the most horrendous news ever spread, this time by the Council of Europe but we awaited patiently to see the official accusation. It is the completely unsubstantiated claims of a former chief prosecutor in search of huge sales of her book that led to a motion and then to a report that then turned into a resolution of this Parliamentary Assembly that then led to the creation of the special prosecution that wants to punish the leaders of the Liberation Army", said Rama. Rama drew a parallel of the genocide and war crimes that Milosevic committed on Kosovo, causing death, with the war that Putin is waging in Ukraine today. Prime Minister Rama said that just as the war in Ukraine could not be ignored by the international community, NATO also decided justice in Kosovo. "Kosovo and Ukraine are 2 nations that want to live free, haunted by demons of the past. And there are 2 failed tyrants, one dead and one playing with death. You all remember the devastating impact of the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia. A deliberate barbaric action carried out by Slobodan Miloshevic. About 20 thousand women were raped. These are official international data. Meanwhile, thousands are missing, the living are looking for their people, the dead have not yet found the peace of the grave. Kosovo's cry of despair could no longer be ignored and the democratic world was set in motion. NATO's first military intervention recognized the KLA war that brought independence shortly after. Justice was decided", said Rama. The cancellation of Dick Marty's report, for Rama, will enable the Western Balkans to transform into a model of coexistence and no longer remain hostage to the past. "We want to see the Balkans as a model of peaceful coexistence, no longer a hostage of the past but a builder of the future. However, the way we approach the past is very important", said Rama.

During his speech before the MEPs, Prime Minister Rama requested that the international community now recognize the state as "Kosova" and not "Kosovo".