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Belgrade Media Report 19 October



Essential unwillingness of current political leadership of Pristina to find any compromise solution (RTS/Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said yesterday that the previous months did not bring more stability in Kosovo and Metohija, and that the responsibility for that lies with Pristina, which continues to deepen ethnic differences, causing discrimination and neglect of the non-Albanian population. The website of the government of Serbia brings in its entirety Selakovic’s speech at the session of the United Nations Security Council regarding the report on the work of UNMIK:

Mr. President,

Madam Special Representative,

Ladies and gentleman,

It gives me honor to address this distinguished body once again and to discuss the latest report of the Secretary-General on the work of the UNMIK. I would like to thank the Secretary-General and the Special Representative for submitting the report. We take note of the efforts that Ms. Ziadeh makes in performing this very responsible duty, especially bearing in mind the necessity of a comprehensive overview and the complexity of the situation on the ground. I also take this opportunity to underline that the Republic of Serbia highly values the activities of UNMIK in Kosovo and Metohija, established under UN Security Council Resolution 1244. We advocate for its continued operation in an unchanged and undiminished scope and capacity, especially bearing in mind that the Mission has not yet achieved the main goal of its mandate – a peaceful and normal life for all citizens of our southern province. Unfortunately, the last few months have not brought more stability in Kosovo and Metohija and the situation in the Province is not exactly as presented in the report. Unilateral moves of Pristina continue to consciously and systematically deepen ethnic differences, causing discrimination against the non-Albanian population. To our knowledge, 105 ethnically motivated attacks have been recorded since the beginning of this year. In addition, Pristina is actively working on administrative and bureaucratic obstacles, by taking measures that were not agreed upon in the dialogue as the basic mechanism for negotiations and reaching solutions between Belgrade and Pristina. Pristina’s approach is problematic in many ways. This irresponsible conduct of Pristina is consciously sabotaging the efforts not only of Belgrade, but also of the EU and other involved parties of the international community, with the clear intention of achieving two goals – the first being to avoid the implementation of assumed commitments. The second, the ultimate and far more alarming goal is the intimidation, marginalization and persecution of Serbs. In all previous statements before this this distinguished body, Pristina focused on what happened in the past while failing to mention, which is painful to witness, how non-Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija live today. Serbs are still intimidated in different ways, forced to leave their homes, villages and cities. Those displaced are discouraged from returning to where they were born and lived their lives. The provisional institutions work systematically to remove and erase as much as possible of the cultural and national diversity that is left. At the same time, Pristina is consciously fueling inter-ethnic tensions using all available methods. Attending religious celebrations seems to be a crime in Kosovo and Metohija. It is the case of Nikola Nedeljkovic who was arrested for allegedly "inciting ethnic hatred and intolerance", but actually his imprisonment was for attending the St. Vitus Day (Vidovdan) celebration. Nikola was sentenced to eight months in prison without any material evidence. On the other hand, let me remind you that even to this day there is not a single perpetrator held legally accountable for the more than 1,000 Serbs killed since 1999. Due to planned intimidation, almost all towns and villages in Kosovo and Metohija are ethnically cleansed. Representatives of Pristina are ignoring the suffering, insulting the open wounds of the Serbs who had to leave their ancestral homes, and I underline, there are more than 200,000 of them. Such conduct has not change for last 23 years and is in complete opposite to the democratic values ​​and principles that the provisional institutions of self-government often promote in their statements. Therefore, I consider it necessary to emphasize that the true political will of the involved international actors and Pristina is necessary in order to create the conditions for the beginning of the end of discrimination on a national basis and common life in the Province. Esteemed members of the Security Council, I would like to draw your attention to the rigid, problematic and extremely irresponsible conduct of the other negotiating party within the dialogue. In achieving the above-mentioned goals, Pristina applies the so-called policy of reciprocity, a well-thought-out, malicious strategy that, unfortunately, was not constructed independently. By continuously insisting on mutual recognition as a central part of the dialogue, the so-called policy of reciprocity demonstrates the essential unwillingness of the current political leadership of Pristina to find any compromise solution. Let me remind you that the talks between Belgrade and Pristina did not start with last elections in Pristina, but have been in progress for 11 years since the technical dialogue started (8 March 2011). Therefore, we assess as inadmissible attempts to disregard the current format of the dialogue, and annul the agreements only because they are not to the liking of the current political factors. It is unacceptable that the current geopolitical circumstances are being used to simply erase what has been painstakingly worked on for years. Belgrade, I underline, was institutionally involved in the dialogue from the very beginning, while the commitment of the other side has varied and continues to vary depending on the political option that is in power. The harsher political rhetoric and narrative of the current leadership of the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina are accompanied by concrete destabilizing steps. In the reporting period, measures on license plates were imposed, disguised as attempts at alleged integration into society. Let me remind you again, there was no agreement on such measures in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. I believe, ladies and gentlemen, that even today we will hear from the representative of Pristina that their side has fulfilled all obligations, but the decision on re-registration of license plates shows that Pristina is not only failing to fulfill what has been agreed upon, but it nullifies the results of the dialogue, creating a new crisis all over again. The effect of such forcibly imposed measures is best illustrated by the fact that since the decision was made a single-digit number of re-registered vehicles with Serbian license plates has been recorded, of which only two are Serbs from the north of Kosovo and Metohija. This is another indicator that Pristina does not enjoy full support, but that, on the other hand, it continuously provokes the natural reaction of the Serbian population, which cannot endlessly be subject to the arbitrariness of temporary institutions. I believe that even today we will hear already known narrative of representatives from Pristina who try to present every reaction of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija as an activity organized by Belgrade in alleged attempts at destabilization. Such claims are simply not true. Serbia, for its part, cannot in any way contain the revolt present among the non-Albanian population of Kosovo and Metohija. It is an undeniable fact that citizens' protests represent a voice against many years of institutional violence and the deprivation of rights of the non-Albanian population, which, in this case, is denied the right to peaceful enjoyment of private property acquired in a legal manner. Pristina does not cease in its attempts to confiscate property, and, as is well-known, one of the targets is the Serbian Orthodox Church. By calling into question the return of property to the Decani Monastery Pristina paradoxically does not execute the decisions of its own so-called Constitutional Court. I thought for a long time how to best illustrate the true picture of everyday life of the non-Albanian population in Kosovo and Metohija. I will mention only some of the facts. Numerous ethnically motivated incidents, hate speech, intimidation, violations of the right to a fair trial, threats to the right to freedom of movement and religious rights, desecration of churches and graves were recorded in the last reporting period as well. The frequent attacks on the sites of the Serbian Orthodox Church are also unacceptable, and especially the humiliating attitude towards the Serbian cultural and spiritual heritage, including the 4 monuments that have been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Numerous administrative and technical barriers are imposed on priests and monastic communities, making it difficult and even impossible for them to survive on church properties. When it comes to civil rights, try to imagine that the basic political and civil right to vote has been taken away from you. This is precisely what the Serbs in the Province have experienced along with frequent intimidation and violent incursions of the ROSU special forces, which are an instrument for the implementation of Pristina's goals under the pretext of allegedly fighting crime. In December last year Bratislav Nikolic the president of municipality of Strpce has been detained, as suspected of the organized crime and corruption - still not charged, kept in detention unit in Podujevo, only for the reason to make additional and final pressure on the Serbian community living in the enclave of Strpce. How can this be justified as the fight against crime when special forces are used to raid village festivals, schools and kidnap drivers of ambulance transporting infusion containers and medicines? What are the motives behind and how can one rationalize these actions? Just try to imagine and put yourself in the shoes of Ms. Dragica Gasic, the only Serbian returnee in Djakovica. Imagine that you are still not allowed to buy bread because of your origin and nationality, because you live in a municipality that the local Albanians proudly consider forbidden to non-Albanians. Imagine that as many as eleven Albanian civil society organizations demand your expulsion, as well as a ban on any non-Albanian ever returning to that town. Then you will realize the level of intimidation that Serb returnees are facing. It will be clear to you why the percentage of returnees is below 2% and why it is still one of the lowest in the world. Let me pose a question – are these the characteristics of a society that presents itself to the world as a fully-fledged democracy and a factor of stability in the region? We are aware that the dialogue has a wider dimension and that it can affect the situation in the entire region. This is reflected in every statement given by Serbian officials, including the President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic. "It is better to negotiate for a hundred years than to fight for a day" are the words of our President that best describe the policy of peace, reconciliation, and regional cooperation pursued by the Serbian leadership, which is guided by the vision of building a common and prosperous future of the Balkans. I believe that it is a duty of today's leaders to create a clear common vision for the future generations. Such a vision was shown by the leaders of Belgrade, Skopje and Tirana by creating Open Balkans, an initiative from the region for the region, which is already producing concrete results. Serbia has on several occasions reached out to Pristina inviting it to join this initiative. We counted on an awareness of the importance of economic connectivity and progress for the benefit of the citizens of the entire Balkans. However, our invitation was not met with understating from the other side. We categorically reject Pristina's argumentation regarding the alleged unconstitutionality of the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities. It is clear that Pristina's attitude towards this obligation reflects its attitude towards the Serbian people in the Province. It also indicates that Pristina is against Serbian people being organized as an ethnic community and thus exercising their collective rights. The aim of their approach, as a preferred model, is a community without Serbs, such as those in Pristina, Djakovica or Pec, or some similar localities in the Province. For our side, it is unacceptable that Pristina has refused to fulfil its obligations and discuss the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities for as much as 3,470 days but I assure you that, regardless of this fact, Serbia will not give up on its efforts to find a compromise solution for the current situation. I will remind you that the representatives of Pristina, although they often repeat in their statements that the case of the so-called Kosovo is a fait accompli, continue not to be recognized by the majority of UN member states for 14 years now. If the so-called Kosovo's independence is a reality, how come that we have the dialogue? And how come that Belgrade is faced with increasing pressures as regards the need for mutual recognition? What the current political leadership of Pristina refuses to accept is that Belgrade cannot be left out in the search for a final solution. The same also applies to the case of the increasingly frequent indications about Pristina's upcoming membership in international organizations. Will these moves help to create the necessary atmosphere for dialogue? Are we, in this way, rewarding Pristina's destructive behavior and refusal of dialogue? Our view is that the attempts of the so-called Kosovo to join international organizations are an unacceptable act and Serbia will work decisively against such steps. During the last session in April this year, we could hear the calls of some members of the UN Security Council to reduce and even terminate UNMIK, with the explanation that Pristina has its own functional institutions. However, the circumstances I have presented to you and the situation on the ground remind us again that international presence in our southern province is still necessary. In this regard, we support the efforts made by UNMIK, KFOR, EULEX and OMIK within their mandates. The Serbian and other non-Albanian population in Kosovo and Metohija has the highest confidence in the international presence and considers it a guarantor of security, which additionally confirms that international missions need to remain engaged in an undiminished scope and capacity in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 1244.

In conclusion,

I would like to point out that lately in all international forums we keep hearing calls for respect of the principles of the UN. We support the territorial integrity of all UN member states. But, what about Serbia? I would like to ask the esteemed members of this distinguished body whether the need to implement the principles of the UN Charter applies only to some or all of its members? As a country that consistently respects international law and still suffers the consequences of it being violated, we believe that the UN Charter and international law, including the territorial integrity and sovereignty of states, should be respected by all and apply indiscriminately to all UN member states. It was this body that more than two decades ago adopted Resolution 1244, which confirmed the territorial integrity of Serbia. This fact did not prevent certain countries from recognizing the so-called “Kosovo” and thus violating the UN principles, but also the resolution that they adopted, by adjusting international law to their interests and goals. Precisely because of this, the more and more frequent mentioning of the case of "Kosovo" is an indication that the precedent made opened a Pandora's box, because the strength of each principle rests on its full and universal application and unconditional adherence. You will notice that I posed a lot of questions in my statement and I express hope that today we will hear answers to at least some of them from you, esteemed members of the UN Security Council and representatives of Pristina, because the inhabitants of Kosovo and Metohija, of any nationality, whether they are Serbs or Albanians deserve it. All the inhabitants of Kosovo and Metohija have every right to expect an improvement in the atmosphere and the reduction of tensions on the ethnic level, which are a prerequisite for a normal life. For such a step to be made, we need constructiveness, which is not lacking on the Serbian side, genuine support of international actors. I emphasize that Serbia has always been and remains deeply committed to finding a sustainable solution by peaceful means, for the sake of peace, stability and a common future.


Representatives of permanent SC members brought different stands on resolution of Kosovo issue (RTS)


Nathalie Broadhurst Estival of France expressed concern about the events which took place on 31 June 2022 and said the only pathway to peace is through a mutually agreed binding agreement to resolve issues.  Welcoming the agreement facilitated by the European Union, she called on both parties to fully normalize relations, adding that the high-level dialogue led by the United Arab Emirates demonstrated commitment to a global agreement.  Kosovo and Serbia have a mutual interest in reaching an agreement, she said, calling for the full implementation of agreements already reached, and for parties to avoid unilateral actions that could lead to tension.  Further, restraint must be shown in case of issues such as the supply of electricity or license plates.  Moreover, progress must be made by the Working Group on disappeared persons, the conditions for return of displaced persons, and on the fight against impunity for perpetrators of grave crimes.  Calling for the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, she said “the future of the European Union depends on it”.

Geng Shuang of China noting that Serbia and Kosovo have finally reached agreement on the issue of identification documents, commended Serbia’s constructive attitude.  However, the issue of license plates is still pending resolution, he said, warning that Pristina's demand to completely replace license plates by the end of the month may once again result in protests and even clashes, and thus aggravate tensions between the two sides.  Such a situation must be avoided, he stressed, calling on both sides, particularly the Kosovo authorities, to exercise restraint, actively cooperate with the good offices of the European Union and refrain from taking unilateral actions.  Dialogue and consultation are the right way to address the cause of the issue, he underscored, encouraging continued engagement between both parties for the implementation of the outcome of the previous negotiations. Noting that for many years now the unity and mutual trust of all communities in the Kosovo region have been in a fragile state, he hoped that Kosovo authorities will take effective measures to prevent recurrence of incidents against ethnic minorities.

Robert A. Wood of the United States reaffirmed his delegation’s commitment to safeguard stability in the Western Balkans.  Doing so is especially important considering the greater tensions in Europe with the Russian Federation’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.  The United States is working closely with its European partners to foster peace and multi-ethnic societies and strengthen democracy and the rule of law, he said.  He reaffirmed support for Kosovo’s path towards European and Euro-Atlantic integration.  Serious and urgent engagement between the sides in the European Union-facilitated dialogue is needed to achieve a comprehensive normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia.  Noting the adoption of the energy roadmap, he expressed hope for a similar consensus regarding the issuance of license plates.  Stability is needed in the Western Balkans, he said, and encouraged both sides to keep tensions low and avoid inflammatory rhetoric.  The role of UNMIK has become increasingly redundant as it has long fulfilled its mandate, he said, adding that Kosovo has developed its institutions.  Briefings on Kosovo in the council should be reduced to annual meetings. He expressed disappointment that the Council has not moved to sunset or close the Mission.

Vassily Nebenzia of the Russian Federation, addressing Ms. Gervalla-Schwarz, asked her to “refrain from philosophizing”, adding that she would have been better off concentrating on the situation in Kosovo than distracting the Council with her musings about actions being undertaken at Moscow’s behest, adding: “Thank you for being this flattering.”  Stating that he would provide “a real assessment” of the situation in Kosovo, he said it is a hotbed of tension in Balkans, where the rights of Serbians have been systematically violated since 1999, from which point “creeping ethnic cleansing has been taking place”, as borne out by the dwindling number of Serbs living in Pristina from 40,000 before the conflict to barely 100 today.  While some continue to live in northern Kosovo, authorities headed by Mr. Kurti create impossible conditions for Serbian populations, through the lowering of the threshold for the use of force, among other factors, he added.  Further, since the start of 2022, Kosovo has recorded more than 200 cases of attacks on Serbs, their property, cemeteries and religious shrines — almost twice as many as a year earlier.  Turning to the license plate issue, which almost resulted in bloodshed in July, he warned of potential bloodshed on 31 October 2022, when the period to replace the license plates expires.  Stating that Pristina’s substantial military budget implies that its intentions are far from peaceful, he stated that many Western countries pretend as if Council resolution 1244 (1999) did not exist, as demonstrated by a recent Franco-German project geared towards forcing Belgrade to accept Kosovo’s statehood.  While expressing full support to UNMIK, he called for the Mission to be “realistic rather than neutral or rosy in its assessment”, and expressed concern about Pristina’s actions against it, including a declaration of persona non grata.

Fergus John Eckersley of the United Kingdom encouraged the government of Kosovo to continue its increased engagement with minority communities, underscoring that dialogue between communities is vital for the stability of Kosovo as a multi-ethnic State.  He also encouraged greater outreach to Kosovo Serb political leaders and representatives to resolve outstanding issues, noting that the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia remains vital for regional stability.  Voicing support for the European Union-facilitated dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo, he said both parties must now engage in the dialogue in good faith, honor their dialogue commitments and avoid actions or rhetoric that could reduce prospects for reaching a comprehensive and sustainable normalization agreement.  Noting the rise in tensions on 31 July 2022 over the implementation of government decisions on car number plates and identification cards, he stressed that such decisions should not be used as an excuse for blockades or violence.  Noting that conditions on the ground have changed since the adoption of resolution 1244 (1999), he said now is the right time to undertake a thorough review of UNMIK’s shape and role.


Selakovic meets with Ziadeh in New York (Tanjug/RTS)


Ahead of Tuesday's UN Security Council session on Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian FM Nikola Selakovic spoke with UNMIK Head Caroline Ziadeh in New York, noting that continued UNMIK engagement on all issues of importance for consistent implementation of UN SC Resolution 1244 was crucial. "Ahead of the UN Security Council session on Kosovo and Metohija, FM Selakovic talked to UNMIK head, SRSG Ziadeh, and stressed it is crucial to continue the engagement of UNMIK on all issues of importance for the consistent implementation of the UN SC Resolution 1244," the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a post on its official Twitter account. As shown in a video included in the post, the meeting was also attended by Serbian Ambassador to the US Marko Djuric.


Membership of "Kosovo" in Interpol will not be considered (Politika/Tanjug)


Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin, who heads the Serbian delegation at the 90th session of the Interpol General Assembly in the Republic of India, stated today that "Kosovo" has not applied for membership in Interpol at this year's session of the General Assembly of this police organization in New Delhi. After the adoption of the agenda at the General Assembly of Interpol in New Delhi, which confirmed that the issue of the membership of "Kosovo" in Interpol will not be considered, Vulin expressed his gratitude to the Serbian delegation, as well as to the representatives of the ministries of interior and foreign affairs who worked hard throughout the year and invested a lot of effort to reach numerous countries from different parts of the world and introduce them to the real situation in the area of ​​Kosovo and Metohija. He assessed that, thanks to the independent policy of President Vucic, old friendships were preserved and new friendships were made, thanks to which, for the fourth time, Pristina was prevented from becoming a member of Interpol. According to him, despite numerous pressures from major world powers to introduce the fake state of Kosovo into Interpol, the policy of our country won once again.


Vucic met with Montenegrin parliament speaker (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met today with Montenegrin parliament speaker Danijela Djurovic. Vucic and Djurovic discussed bilateral relations, European integration, geopolitical issues, the situation in the region and other key topics of importance for the citizens of the two countries. Vucic expressed satisfaction with the greater degree of cooperation between the parliaments of Serbia and Montenegro and pointed out that it is necessary to work on additional strengthening of economic cooperation and infrastructure connection, Office for Media Relations of the President announced. Vucic emphasized that Serbia will continue to promote stability in the region, leading a policy of peace and cooperation in the Western Balkans, as well as that it remains committed to the further development of good neighborly relations with Montenegro. He expressed the expectation that the two countries will continue to resolve all open issues through dialogue in a mutually acceptable manner, because good relations between Serbia and Montenegro are important not only for the citizens of the two countries, but also for overall stability in the region.


What Russia, Ukraine, US and the EU want from Serbia (RTS)


US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill, in an interview for the “Takovska 10” program of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS), says that Serbia has a long and difficult history of sanctions, as well as that they have an understanding for a special attitude towards sanctions. Serbia still has to take a good look at where its national interests lie, and I’m sure that sooner or later they will see that they are in the West, says Hill. “I would warn the Serbs to understand that this is not their ‘mother Russia’, we are dealing with a very different Russia,” the US ambassador points out. The Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko, in an interview for the “Takovska 10” program of RTS, said that he believes that Serbia will not join the sad line of countries that do not think about their national well-being and the well-being of their citizens, but that they are aware of the pressures on Serbia regarding the introduction of sanctions. Speaking about the resolution of the Kosovo issue, Botsan-Kharchenko points out that Moscow’s goal is for the solution to be based on the agreement of Belgrade and Pristina and that the solution corresponds to Belgrade’s interests, as well as that it has nothing to do with the eventual introduction of sanctions. Ukrainian Ambassador to Serbia Volodymyr Tolkac, in an interview for the “Takovska 10” program of RTS, says that Ukraine is grateful to Serbia for all the support it receives, but that it is difficult for the average Ukrainian to understand that when children die, one cannot decide whose side to take. In an interview for RTS, Volodymyr Tolkac explained that Ukraine is grateful to Serbia for its principled stance in the UN and the humanitarian aid it provides, but also that the average Ukrainian cannot understand why Serbia cannot make up its mind. The Head of the EU delegation to Serbia Emanuele Giaufret in an interview for the “Takovska 10” program of RTS, says that Serbia has taken a clear position on Ukraine in international forums, but that the EU wants to see more when it comes to sanctions. Ambassador Giaufret said that it is the duty of each candidate country to progressively align its foreign policy with the common foreign and security policy of the EU.


More and more certain confirmation of Milorad Dodik’s victory (Politika, by Dusanka Stanisic)


The daily reminded that the recount of votes has already been carried out for more than 31% of votes from polling stations in major cities in the RS upon an order of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H and it is becoming more and more clear that almost no changes will happen because there were no significant deviations in comparison to the previously published results. “Those familiar with details of control recount of votes, which is illegal, assessed that SNSD leader Milorad Dodik will convincingly defeat candidate of opposition and PDP Vice President Jelena Trivic ‘with minimal deviations’,” the daily added and reminded that Dodik said SNSD will patiently wait “for the completion of this illegal recount and we will know how to defend the victory just like we knew how to win”. The daily went on to say that many analysts deem that post-election development of events “orchestrated by the CEC and opposition and assisted by some Western embassies” is unnecessary waste of time and prevention of formation of authorities and implementation of election results. “Some of them even think that this is about the intention to drive the public crazy and bring in question the trust in the election process and try to destabilize the RS”, the daily added. Professor at the Faculty of Political Science in Banja Luka Milos Solaja shared a similar opinion and he said that the fact recount of votes is slow as well as the fact opposing pieces of information are being presented is only waste of time and deteriorating trust in the election process. Solaja warned that this could cause serious consequences for democracy and election process in the future.




Recount of votes for RS President continues (BNTV/ATV/RTRS)


The recount of votes in the race for the RS President continued in the center for counting in Sarajevo on Tuesday. According to reports, the ballots from polling stations in Prijedor were being counted since midnight. It is possible that the entire recount will be finished by Saturday, October 22 if there are no new orders from the Central Election Commission of B&H (B&H CEC). Deputy Director of the Center Adi Agic said that their plan to determine the results 20 days after the elections remains. According to available information, there are no major deviations in the Prijedor results in comparison to the 2 October results. Counting of Zvornik votes was completed on Monday evening and there were minimal deviations in the results. After 24 hours of counting, ballots from only 50 out of 129 polling stations in Prijedor were counted. Agic stated that they were ordered to recount ballots from 123 bags for different levels of authorities, adding that besides ballots for the RS President and Vice Presidents they have to count ballots from additional 160 bags. According to results of recounting of ballots from 50 polling stations in Prijedor, difference in regards to preliminary results is 19 votes. In total, ballots from 700 out of 2,239 polling stations have been recounted so far.


B&H CEC: Decision on ballot recount is in line with law (FTV)


FTV carries that the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H is already performing checks on members of the B&H CEC on criminal reports filed by SNSD leader and candidate for the RS President Milorad Dodik. At the same time the B&H CEC has stated the decision on recount of ballots is fully in line with law, and there is possibility of repeated election for the RS President if significant irregularities are identified. In an interview for FTV, B&H CEC President Suad Arnautovic said: “The issue will be discussed at the B&H CEC’s session, i.e. we will discuss the main report control after recount if finalized and issue adequate decision. If irregularities that affect the election results are identified in the voting process or in the vote counting process, then the B&H CEC is obliged to annul that.”


RS opposition files criminals report with Prosecutor’s Office of B&H against SNSD, its leader Dodik and over 100 more individuals for organized vote rigging (FTV)


Representatives of the RS opposition filed with the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H criminal reports against SNSD, its leader and candidate for the RS President Milorad Dodik and over 100 more individuals for organized vote rigging, accusing them that they used fictitious political entities to appoint polling station committee members, majority of them from SNSD. Addressing the media, PDP leader Branislav Borenovic said that the fictitious political entities include, among others, Cvjetin Milivojevic, Jelenko Bubic, Gazmend Dacaj, Dalibor Ivanovic, Davor Despot, Ana Dobrilovic, Igor Gasevic, Goran Milosevic, Mirolslav Ilic, and Slavko Dragicevic, noting none of them appeared in the media during the election campaign. FTV reports that although control count of ballots for the RS President is underway, opposition representatives claim that vote rigging and specific system of work are already evident. Addressing the media, SDS leader Mirko Sarovic said: “Probably, the aim was - I refer to SNSD and their leadership -  to change the will of voters based on 100, 200 or 300 voters, depending on how big a community is, at the expense of (PDP candidate for the RS President) Jelena Trivic.” ‘For Justice and Order’ leader Nebojsa Vukanovic said it is impossible to grasp that the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) and the RS Ministry of Interior (MoI) have failed to arrest any of polling station committee members “despite substantial evidence in the past days’’, with discrepancies ranging from 200 to 240 votes at one polling station. FTV reports that, according to the opposition, different institutions were involved in the electoral fraud, including polling station committees and institutions that supervise them, who violated the laws rulebooks, and for that, the opposition representatives filed criminal reports to different institutions to avoid “shifting the responsibility”. They also responded to SNSD’s accusations that the opposition “is creating a circus and is deceiving the public”. Borenovic said that SNSD stated deviation from preliminary election results was only one per cent, noting that out of 60,000 voters, one per cent is 6,000 voters. “For them acceptable vote rigging is to steal 6,000 votes (…) and that creates a future government in this country,” said Borenovic.


Kovacevic: Time has come for the opposition to recognize their defeat in the elections (Nova BH)


Representatives of the RS opposition filed with the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H criminal reports against SNSD, its leader and candidate for the RS President Milorad Dodik and over 100 more individuals for organized vote rigging, accusing them that they used fictitious political entities to appoint polling station committee members, majority of them from SNSD. Reacting to the reports, spokesperson for SNSD Radovan Kovacevic stated that all this represents a story invented by the opposition and he stressed that the time has come for the opposition to recognize their defeat in the elections. “There is a clear support of the citizens and the determination for them to decide on their own fate. I think that things are perfectly clear”, he concluded, reiterating that Dodik won the elections for RS President.


Vuksanovic Stankovic: It’s not surprising that PM, who is one of OCG members, tramples on Constitution (CdM)


Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic tramples on the Constitution of Montenegro. A dismissed prime minister cannot dismiss ministers in a technical mandate. But it is not surprising that he is trampling on the Constitution if we know that he is one of the members of an organized criminal group (OCG), SDP deputy Draginja Vuksanovic Stankovic has said for CdM, commenting on Abazovic’s initiative to have the Parliament dismiss the head of diplomacy Ranko Krivokapic and the defense minister Rasko Konjevic. She says that Abazovic has no legal basis for submitting such an initiative because it is not in accordance with the Constitution. As she adds, Konjevic and Krivokapic have already been dismissed from office, but they are technically performing duties until the election of a new government.


Konjevic to Konatar: Mikeli, documents are here, but where are cigarettes – that’s the problem (CdM)


URA MP Milos Konatar has tweeted a clip from yesterday’s session of the Security and Defense Committee, where ministers Rasko Konjevic and Ranko Krivokapic were, asking – “where are the documents?”. This has been followed by Konjevic’s response, who has told Konatar that the documents are here, “but where are the cigarettesꓼ that’s the problem”. Namely, Konatar has shared a video of Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic asking ministers Konjevic and Krivokapic where the documents are, alluding to the documents that could confirm his involvement in cigarette smuggling. “Mikeli, the documents are here. But where are the cigarettes – that’s the problem. It wasn’t Rade himself who burnt them”, Konjevic has tweeted, publishing photos from an earlier cigarette burning attended by Abazovic and the former director of the Revenue and Customs Administration Rade Milosevic.


Constitution and Rules of Procedure don’t recognize Abazovic’s initiative to dismiss two ministers; Erakovic: Parliament’s mandate to be shortened (CdM)


The desire of Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic to dismiss the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defense, Ranko Krivokapic and Rasko Konjevic, respectively, is legally null and void because it has no basis in the Constitution, nor in the Rules of Procedure of the parliament of Montenegro. In a statement to CdM, DPS deputy leader and MP Jevto Erakovic says that this initiative of the Prime Minister in his pyrotechnic mandate is another proof that we are dealing with a political charlatan who sees no trouble in burning down the Constitution and the political system of the country. He says that the shortening of the parliament’s mandate will soon follow. Abazovic submitted a proposal to the parliament that two SDP ministers be dismissed, but the fact is that the parliament has already dismissed Abazovic together with his ministers, that is, voted no confidence in the government.


76% of citizens support EU membership, Montenegro ranks 3rd in region (RTCG)


Montenegro’s membership in the European Union is supported by a large majority of citizens, but the enthusiasm for European integration is the highest in Albania, according to public opinion surveys. On the other hand, citizens of Serbia expressed the least support for EU membership in the region. The percentage of support in Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina is the same, and they share third place in the region, following Albania and Kosovo.

Membership in the EU is supported by 76% of Montenegrin citizens, according to DFC data. In Albania, that support is at the level of 97%, while in Kosovo it is 93%. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, membership is supported by 76% of citizens, and in North Macedonia, joining the EU is supported by 74% of citizens. According to polls, 34% of Serbian citizens support EU membership.


Micevski: Circus in parliament continues today as well (All media)


“The circus in the parliament continues even today, and the main actors from the government obviously have big problems. For two days now, the parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia has been held hostage by the government and the majority. For two days now, the parliament has not been able to start work after the 88th plenary session, finding various excuses why it has not started yet. For the second day, the government and the majority are playing with the MPs, with the parliament as an institution, but mostly with the citizens because it is they who expect the parliamentary majority to be here in the parliament at their jobs, to work and to bring legal solutions for the benefit of the citizens. Obviously, neither measures nor laws are important for the majority, but inter-party and close-coalition combinations and negotiations are the most important,” stated VMRO-DPMNE MP Nikola Micevski. Namely VMRO-DPMNE does not agree with the topic of election of just two judges for the constitutional court because the committee debate on the candidacy of the current state public prosecutor Ljubomir Joveski is not over jet. Micevski said that if the parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi continues with this topic on the plenary session agenda he will be breaking the rules of the procedure. Also they accused the president of the Committee on election and appointment issues Marija Georgievska from SDSM that she is breaking the rules of the procedure as well and they will file interpellation for Georgievska. On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with electing just two judges out of the proposed three for Jovan Mitrevski from SDSM. According to Mitrevski, if VMRO-DPMNE continues to block the election of Fatmir Skender and Tatjana Vasic Bozadzieva they will cause a constitutional crisis, which is their primary goal, Mitrevski said. Late in the afternoon the agenda was voted on and passed. The first topic however, the election of Risto Penov from LDP as new minister for local self-governance was postponed due to the business trip to Abu Dhabi of the prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski. The debate on the election of constitutional judges started and will continue in the following days.


Osmani: My statements represent an official reaction of MFA, no response from Bulgaria yet (All media)


My statements in the capacity of Foreign Minister is an official statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Therefore, my reaction to Angel Dimitrov is an official reaction by the MFA, and thus the state, because I represent the state. Therefore, consider it as an official reaction by MFA. If negative trends continue, there will be other communication, said Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani on Tuesday. “I am planning to open these issues. There is no response from Bulgaria yet,” FM Osmani told reporters regarding recent statements by the Bulgarian co-chair of the joint historical commission, who said North Macedonia is not acting as an EU membership candidate. On media reports that the council of Bulgarian city of Blagoevgrad has banned the opening of Macedonian culture club “Nikola Vapcarov” and how would this reflect on the Bulgarian clubs in North Macedonia, the FM said he had no details in the case, while adding that the provocative naming of the clubs harms all citizens but primarily the Bulgarian community in the country. “I would like to see the Bulgarian community using this new chapter in bilateral relations for its promotion and the state is prepared to ensure this integration and promotion by preventing the 4 discrimination of any citizen on ethnic grounds. We have to discuss this with them to point out that provoking other nations, provoking the citizens does not help the integration of the Bulgarian community in North Macedonia,” said Osmani. Asked whether he supports the law on associations proposed by the opposition, Osmani said that he would have been more happy if the law was not retroactive because he thinks that it will cause new tensions between North Macedonia and Bulgaria.


Osmani – Fajon: Any provocative statement, insult to citizens of North Macedonia demands reaction (All media)


Any provocative, unacceptable and insulting statement demands a reaction. The minister expressed his reaction with a verbal note, I support that and in a similar situation I would react the same way, Slovenian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Tanja Fajon said Tuesday in Skopje, speaking at a joint press conference with her host, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani, in connection with the latest provocative statement by Bulgarian MEP Angel Dzhambaski. “This morning, Minister Osmani briefed me on this unfortunate event by Dzhambaski. I hope he will send a diplomatic note today. It is an insult to the citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia and I was a witness and condemned his activities and statements. All those provocations at a time when the countries are trying to enable a positive environment amid such conditions, I call on all friends in neighboring Bulgaria to refrain from inappropriate comments that bring discord, indignation and conflicts between the population,” Fajon said in response to a reporter’s question to comment on such behavior by Dzhambaski, who gave an address standing in front of a map of Great Bulgaria, insulting Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski and the Macedonian people, and whether the EP can do something about this because it’s not the first time it is happening. Minister Osmani said Skopje will react on Tuesday by sending a note to Sofia on Dzhambaski’s statement, adding that he expects a reaction from the Bulgarian authorities as well. “Today we will react by sending a note regarding the statement of the MEP as hate speech, which according to all the international and bilateral agreements we have with the EU is a basis for reaction and a reason to react. Even though we tried to ignore it over this period because the goal of the MEP is to use those reactions for self-promotion, however, this time it really crossed all limits of provocation, and this time the Bulgarian state and everyone must react because these are now territorial claims and insulting speech towards the people, towards ethnic communities, and we will certainly not keep quiet about that,” Osmani told reporters. Regarding the Slovenian experience with the EU accession negotiations, Fajon stressed that there was consensus on this topic, adding that it is also what the country needs. “I agree with this conclusion. The question of EU membership at the time when Slovenia was joining the EU was a topic that brought us together, the government, the opposition, the people. I expect that it will be the same in North Macedonia. We should focus on fulfilling the requirements, and above all, on the change to the Constitution. It is something that can be done. That’s why I call on all political forces to support the path of unity, responsibility and we hope for a change to the Constitution according to the time frame, which means that the negotiations can continue without delay until the end of the screening of the legislation,” said Fajon. FM Osmani stressed that if the country wants to join the EU in 2030, the government and the opposition must join forces, and the political parties should remove this topic from daily political bickering. He once again urged everyone to make the most of this opportunity and 19 July as a historic moment on the country’s European path, and called on party leaders to sign a memorandum, an agreement that they will help each other on EU issues regardless of who is in power. “The citizens and the country must be the winners of this process. I once again urge everyone, as a Foreign Minister, the time is now and every single day wasted in terms of achieving this agreement will be a day of delay in achieving the ultimate goal, which is EU membership. There is no other way but to join hands. This is the highest state and national interest and we must not have differences here,” said Osmani. In the context of what he expects from the opposition parties in terms of his appeal, the Foreign Minister noted that he doesn’t take Levica into account because, he added, the party is a structure in the function of Russian propaganda, but as regards the opposition, he doesn’t believe that there is another political party in the country which doesn’t condemn Russian aggression against Ukraine, including VMRO-DPMNE. Underlining that he is making the appeal in the interest of the country’s integration in the EU, Osmani noted that there’s no official invitation to the opposition for a framework agreement, but it is a matter of an appeal by the Foreign Ministry as an institution, with which the Prime Minister has agreed. Asked why the country still has no ambassador to the EU, Osmani pointed out that there is again an obstacle in the parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, because the ambassador who is supposed to be sent to Brussels in the mission of the Republic of North Macedonia to the EU, should first be called to the Commission. “This is another opportunity for me to publicly call on the Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee not to block the ambassadors anymore because in conditions where we have started the screening, and when dozens of representatives from different institutions are currently in Brussels, we don’t have an ambassador because of the daily politics going on here. So, I hope this message gets through to the Foreign Affairs Committee, otherwise we’ll have to find an alternative way again,” Osmani said.


Dhuka: Progress report of the European Commission has shown that Albania is making progress (Radio Tirana)


Chief negotiator and Minister of State Majlinda Dhuka said that "the progress report of the European Commission has shown that Albania is making progress". In her speech at the meeting of the National Council for European Integration (KKIE) on the presentation of the annual report of the European Commission for Albania (2022), Dhuka said that, out of about 35 areas mentioned in the progress report, in over 30 areas there is progress in different levels. "The progress report is an important guidance instrument for Albania's preparations for the negotiations", stressed Dhuka. "The opening of negotiations is a historic moment for Albania. The first phase has begun. On September 15, we started the first phase, otherwise known as screening, with the explanatory meetings for the first basic chapter group", said Dhuka. "The explanatory meetings for the first chapter group have ended. Now we are preparing for the bilateral meetings for the first chapter group starting in November", she added.


Kim meets Peleshi; Focus on strengthening Albania's cyber defense (Radio Tirana)


The US Ambassador in Tirana Yuri Kim held a meeting with the Minister of Defense Niko Peleshi with whom she discussed strengthening Albania's cyber defense. In a post on social networks, Ambassador Kim emphasizes that she and Minister Peleshi discussed defense cooperation between the US and Albania, including the strengthening of Albania's cyber defense.

"United States leaders - including the Secretary of Defense at the NATO Ministerial in October - have made it clear that we condemn the cyber attacks carried out by Iran against our NATO ally," Kim said. The American diplomat underlines that "the US will always strongly support Albania's efforts to protect its people and territory, and to contribute to NATO's goal of guaranteeing the freedom and security of all allies".


Cuci meets Serbian Ambassador "Intensification of cooperation, coordination of work to address common challenges on focus of talks" (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of the Interior Bledi Cuci received in a meeting the new Ambassador of Serbia in Tirana Slobodan Vukcevic. Cuci said that the meeting discussed the intensification of bilateral cooperation as well as the coordination of work to address common challenges. "We discussed the intensification of bilateral cooperation between our countries and cooperation in a wider regional space such as Open Balkans,” Cuci emphasized in a post on social networks. Also, during this meeting, the minister emphasizes, we discussed with the Serbian ambassador the coordination of work to address common challenges such as the fight against organized crime, the fight against terrorism and dealing with migratory flows that come in transit to our countries from Africa and the Middle East with final destination the European Union.


Balla: Albania and Germany have the highest historical level of excellent bilateral relations (Radio Tirana)


A reception of the Albania-Germany Parliamentary Friendship Group took place in the premises of "Air Albania" stadium, as part of the German October. The head of the parliamentary group of the Socialist Party Taulant Balla said that, "35 years ago, Albania restored diplomatic relations with the Federal Republic of Germany, while a year later, on October 22, 1988, the Agreement on Economic and Trade Cooperation with the FRG was signed, the first of its kind with Western countries". "We are grateful for Germany's unlimited support for Albania's membership in the Council of Europe, OSCE, NATO, EU and other international organizations," Balla emphasized. "A moment to be remembered and greeted was the commitment of Germany alongside the USA and other allied countries which made the saving military intervention in Kosovo", said Balla further. "Albania and Germany have the highest historical level of excellent bilateral relations and in the framework of the organizations to which our two countries adhere. Germany strongly supports Albania's EU membership," underlined Balla.