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Belgrade Media Report 21 October 2022



Vucic: Everyone wants to see end to Kosovo saga (TV Prva/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Thursday evening that, politically and security-wise, the situation in Kosovo and Metohija was very complicated and that the pressure on Serbia was growing because everyone wanted the “Kosovo saga” to end and would spare no means to achieve that. “The pressure on Serbia will grow because everyone wants to see an end to that Kosovo saga so that they do not have to struggle when responding to Russia and everyone else who invokes that. Everyone is invoking the Kosovo precedent more and more often and the Western powers want to resolve that as soon as possible. They will spare no means to achieve that,” Vucic said on a TV Prva talk show. When asked if there was a danger of conflict in the region as Pristina’s deadline for replacement of Serbian vehicle license plates in Kosovo-Metohija expires on 31 October, Vucic responded there were many “points of risk”. “But our job is to secure peace and do everything to maintain peace, and we are doing that. We need not panic and think someone will destroy that peace, but we must be prepared for any kind of provocation and work for the short term, medium term and long term, always, when it comes to maintaining political stability and strengthening our power of deterrence - our military as well as our economy. That is what we are doing,” Vucic noted. Vucic said he could not speak about a German-French proposal for resolving the Kosovo and Metohija issue before he received confirmation he could do so publicly, but noted that he was certain that, over time, the West would become ready to offer quick EU accession to Serbia. Vucic said this in response to a question whether the proposal contained a specific date. The document contains a reference to European perspective, rather than a date, he said. However, Serbia will be offered “very concrete EU accession in a short period of time”, Vucic said, urging everyone to remember his words because many “analysts” were saying that was not possible. When asked to comment on announcements that Western powers would turn to an alternative scenario and take the process in their own hands completely should the “sides” in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue refuse to head towards a final reconciliation, Vucic responded: “(They will do so) By making us accept that, even if we do not want to, and how else but by threatening us with force? There is no philosophy about that,” Vucic said. He said there would certainly be no repeat of 1999 and that, as President, he would not allow that to happen as he was looking after peace and stability. Asked whether offers made so far were unacceptable, Vucic said it was not entirely the case but that there must be discussions and that having no discussions at all would be very difficult for Serbia. We never reject discussions, we are always ready to talk, Vucic also said. Vucic spoke about the situation in Ukraine and Russia, as well as the possible introduction of sanctions against Russia. Vucic explained that the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, who is not under sanctions, came to Belgrade to hold consultations with the Russian Ambassadors in the region and emphasized that no one was hiding it, as some media and politicians announced. He added that Serbia is committed to Europe, but that some people want to tell us that we must not have even an iota of independence. “As long as there is no existential threat to Serbia and its citizens, we will pursue the policy determined by the National Security Council. If something changes, we will openly tell the citizens everything. I am proud that we have been pursuing an independent policy for 240 days,” emphasized Vucic. He pointed out that Serbia does not owe anything to Russia, but that it should remember what Moscow did in 2015, and that it should remember how Russia and China protect Serbia’s integrity in the UN. “We do it because we have respect for ourselves. I am looking for a moral, legal, impeccably clean position for the country I love the most. I am looking for a position for Serbia. We have been under sanctions for decades,” he pointed out. The President said that Serbia is facing pressure to impose sanctions on Russia and resolve the Kosovo issue, adding that the urgency in dealing with the Kosovo issue is caused by the Ukraine war. “We need Europe for a million reasons, but I am saying openly that a country and its people can’t be the victim just so someone can justify their bad policies and violation of international law,” he said and added that sanctions would be imposed if Serbia’s existence is in jeopardy. Vucic reminded that Zdravko Ponos said in this same studio that he would not introduce sanctions against Russia, and that Vucic would introduce them on 3 April. He said that there are no sanctions, and that his “maybe we will try” is much tougher than their strongest yes. “Their word is worth nothing, but mine’s respected in the world. When I give my word and say that we will solve the issue of visas, you saw that we have already started. We will do what we say,” said the President.


Vucic receives Ambassadors of Quint states, EU (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Friday received the Ambassadors of Quint states - the US, the UK, France, Italy and Germany - and the Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia at their request. The Ambassadors presented to Vucic a joint document in which they express concern over a potential breach of stability in the region ahead of the expiry of Pristina’s 31 October deadline for replacement of Serbian vehicle license plates in Kosovo and Metohija. Vucic said he shared their concern over potential tensions, adding that Serbia was committed to dialogue as a way of resolving open issues, to the benefit of Serbs and ethnic Albanians living in Kosovo and Metohija, without jeopardizing its own state and national interests. Vucic noted that past tensions had been a result of Pristina’s unilateral moves and that Pristina did not respect the provisions of an agreement on freedom of movement, concluded with EU facilitation, the presidential press office said in a statement. The Quint Ambassadors and the Head of the EU delegation thanked Vucic for Serbia’s constructive engagement in implementing a road map for application of an energy agreement as part of the dialogue with Pristina. The meeting also addressed developments in the region as well as trends on the global scene.


Strong US support for normalization of relations between Belgrade, Pristina (RTS/RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic spoke on Thursday with the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and the US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar about bilateral relations between Serbia and the US, as well as the continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. Brnabic pointed out that continuing to improve cooperation in all areas with the US is one of Serbia's foreign policy priorities. Speaking about the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Brnabic emphasized that for the continuation of the dialogue, it is crucial to respect and implement the agreements already reached, so that every next step in the dialogue makes sense. On that occasion, she referred to the fact that it will soon be ten years since the Brussels agreement, and that the Community of Serb Municipalities has not yet been formed. Escobar stated that he expects the dialogue to continue, as well as further steps towards the normalization of relations. Dialogue is the only way to reach a comprehensive solution, which, according to him, will ensure progress for the entire region. He emphasized that the United States will continue to provide strong support for the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina and that it will carefully monitor all efforts and activities of both sides. Brnabic emphasized once again Belgrade's complete commitment to dialogue and determination to find a compromise solution, and pointed out that dialogue requires two parties that are ready to talk. US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill also attended the meeting.


Petkovic: Belgrade wants to resume talks with Pristina (Beta)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic stated on Thursday, during a meeting with the US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar that Belgrade was ready to resume the negotiations with Pristina, but that it insisted on the implementation of the reached agreements, especially the one on the Community of Serb Municipalities. “Despite everything, Belgrade remains fundamentally interested in the preservation of peace and stability in the Western Balkans and appeals for decisive political and diplomatic means to be used to prevent all those who threaten to destabilize the region and precipitate new confrontations,” said Petkovic.


Petkovic: Expression of greatest primitivism and aggression (Tanjug)


"The Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija are exposed to provocations, disenfranchisement and violence every day, but some of those attacks have become a symbol of the suffering of our people, and the Church of Christ the Savior in Pristina is certainly one of the saddest symbols of the tormenting of the Serbs," the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said commenting on Thursday's desecration of that Serbian Orthodox Church in Pristina. Petkovic stressed that after it was used as a set for filming videos, a garbage dump and a public toilet, and as a billboard for writing hateful messages directed at Serbs, now it has become a flagpole for the Albanian flag. "While Pristina is trying in every way it can to present itself as some kind of oasis of peace, right in the very center of that same Pristina, a temple of the Serbian Orthodox Church is being desecrated in the most shameless way, thus spitting in the face of the entire Serb people. As long as such things are happening, it is unnecessary to talk about any kind of reconciliation, coexistence and civil society in Kosovo and Metohija," added Petkovic. He stressed that the destruction of other people's holy places is an expression of the greatest primitivism and aggression, and that history teaches us this in a tragic way. Petkovic noted that where other people's places of worship were burned and destroyed, not long after those people who prayed in them were burned and destroyed too. "That is why we demand from the political decision-makers in Pristina as well as from the representatives of the international community on the ground not to turn a blind eye to such incidents, because they are not only terrible in themselves, but also represent an announcement of even more terrible crimes and accidents. Without pointing fingers at anyone, we only ask to ensure that the symbols of the Serb existence in Kosovo and Metohija - our churches, monasteries and historical sites - are, if not respected, then at least protected from the attacks carried out by extremists and vandals," he concluded.


Joksimovic: EC report fair but geopolitics prevailed (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Minister of EU Integration Jadranka Joksimovic said on Thursday the latest European Commission report on Serbia's progress in EU accession talks was very fair but that, due to the Ukraine war, geopolitics had prevailed and that, as a result, the progress achieved in many areas was not highlighted in the document. "It is often said the assessments are the same as they were last year, but that does not mean no progress has been made. Unfortunately, geopolitics has prevailed, so our policy of not imposing sanctions on Russia has rendered invisible our progress in many areas - above all, in the judiciary and rule of law," Joksimovic said at a Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia conference at which the EC progress report was presented, with particular emphasis on economic affairs. Serbia is the only country that has embraced and adopted the new methodology of EU talks in a serious manner, and also the only country that has achieved results under the new methodology, she said. Despite the COVID-19 crisis and the crisis due to the Ukraine war, as well as despite the fact Serbia has had a caretaker government for over half a year now, we have not left the reform process aside, Joksimovic said. "We are already integrated and networked into the most significant EU policies. That is what Serbia's economic progress depends on, but it is also for the sake of political stability in these difficult times," she said. Joksimovic also announced fresh EU assistance to the Western Balkans' energy sector.


Orlic with Romanian and Georgian diplomats: Together on the side of international law (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic met on Thursday with the Romanian Ambassador to Serbia H.E. Silvia Davidoiu. The officials expressed satisfaction with the traditionally good bilateral relations, grounded in friendship, mutual cooperation and understanding. They expressed the expectation that political dialogue will be intensified in the coming period, in order to continue discussions and cooperation in all spheres of mutual interest. Orlic thanked Romania for supporting Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty and for its principled stance on the issue of non-recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of so-called “Kosovo”. “Pristina uses dangerous tactics to exert pressure and even threaten the physical safety of Serbs in Kosovo, while official Belgrade, pursuing the policy of President Aleksandar Vucic, is trying to preserve peace for everyone. That is why it is important that Romania, together with Serbia, is completely on the side of international law,” said Orlic. Ambassador Davidoiu said that Romania’s position remains unchanged - respecting the principles of international law, which Orlic thanked her for. She added that Romania strongly supports Serbia’s path to EU membership, expressing willingness to share European integration experiences with Serbia.

Speaking of interparliamentary cooperation, the officials declared it well developed, with room for further intensification through high and top-level visits and activities of the parliamentary friendship groups and working bodies. Orlic also met with the Charge d’ Affaires of the Diplomatic Office of the Embassy of Georgia in Belgrade H.E. Ilia Koberidze. “The bilateral relations between our two countries are good, traditionally friendly and based on common values and the principled position of mutual respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the two states,” said Orlic. Koberidze stressed that the two countries share the same views and together represent and respect international public law. “Our position regarding so-called ‘Kosovo’ is well-known and will not change. In that respect, we strongly support Serbia,” said Koberidze, which the speaker thanked him for. Orlic emphasized Serbia’s commitment to further development and improvement of cooperation, especially economic, as well as for the establishment of regular political dialogue which the parliament would take active part in. He expressed his satisfaction with the existing parliamentary cooperation, especially the dynamics of top-level meetings. “I had the honor to meet with the Chairman of the parliament of Georgia on the sidelines of the 145th IPU session, and was pleased to convey our willingness to share our experiences concerning European integration. On that path, you can count on Serbia’s support in every sense,” he said. He reminded that in 2019, the Serbian parliament and Georgian parliament had signed a Partnership Agreement. “In the spirit of the Agreement, we continue to work together through the Parliamentary Friendship Group with Georgia, which will be formed in the new parliament legislature, and which will no doubt further contribute to the intensification of cooperation,” concluded Orlic.


Albanian Post: Serbia-Kosovo agreement by February (N1)


The Albanian Post news portal said on Thursday that the international community wants Belgrade and Pristina to reach an initial agreement to normalize relations by 24 February without having to change their constitutions. “The first agreement must be reached by 24 February at the latest. At this stage, Serbia does not need to change its constitution and Kosovo has to form the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) without changing the constitution,” it said and added that the ZSO would not be an NGO nor would it establish a new lever of power. Serbia would also not be required to recognize Kosovo. According to the portal financial incentives would be put in place if an agreement is reached with the threat of what it called a “big stick” for whichever side obstructs the process. It said that the situation in Ukraine caused the need for an urgent resolution, adding that the international community will resort to shuttle diplomacy because Belgrade and Pristina are not cooperative partners. “The international community understands that reconciliation between Kosovo and Serbia can’t happen at once and with a general final agreement, due to the maximalist positions of the parties, but it has also become clear to Albin Kurti and Aleksandar Vucic that they must quickly and definitely enter into contractual relations, because the solution of the problem between them is no longer just a matter of two states,” it said. Albanian Post said that EU and US envoys Miroslav Lajcak and Gabriel Escobar told Vucic and Kurti clearly that the issue should be resolved before the first anniversary of the start of the war in Ukraine when Kyiv’s allies plan to demonstrate a new level of unity, readiness and power in support of Ukraine.




B&H CEC rejects PDP and SDS’ requests to annul election for RS President as premature, orders opening ballot bags for 22 polling stations (Nova BH)


At its 66th regular session held on Thursday, the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H unanimously rejected PDP and SDS’ requests to annul election for the RS President, with the explanation that the requests are premature since the election results have not yet been confirmed, and that the B&H CEC can annul election only if omissions affecting regularity of the electoral process are identified. Nova BH reports that the B&H CEC also ordered opening ballot bags from 22 polling stations, including five for the B&H Presidency, five for the B&H parliament, eight for the FB&H parliament and two for the RS parliament, and the order was issued for polling stations where the number of ballots was lower than the number of voters.


OHR sends letter of support to B&H Central Election Commission (N1)


The Office of the High Representative (OHR) sent a letter of support to the B&H CEC and its President Suad Arnautovic. In that letter, it was stated that all those amendments to the Election Law that were adopted on 27 July 2022 are actually aimed at strengthening the integrity and transparency of the election process. Special mention was made of the article of the Election Law, which gives B&H CEC additional powers like the possibility of imposing sanctions and passing certain orders.


Recounting of ballots for RS President resumes (RTRS)


The control counting of votes for the RS President and the RS Vice Presidents continued in the Main Counting Center in Zetra Hall in Sarajevo. At this rate, the question is whether B&H CEC will finish the work they started by Saturday, i.e. within the legal deadline.


Dodik announces that rally of SNSD and its coalition partners will be held on Tuesday (BHT1/RTRS)


SNSD leader Milorad Dodik announced that SNSD, together with its coalition partners, will hold a rally on Tuesday. Explaining the announcement for the rally, Dodik stated on social networks that no manipulations can change the will of hundreds of thousands of citizens who voted for a strong and stable RS and supported the policy he advocates. "The RS will once again resist the dangerous intentions of foreigners and the opposition, who, with the help of the illegal decisions of the CEC, would create a state of chaos and instability in the RS," Dodik wrote on Twitter. The meeting of the SNSD and their coalition partners is scheduled for 18:00 hours.


Cvijanovic accuses B&H Central Election Commission of serving RS opposition (RTRS)


The RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic said that foreigners, through the B&H CEC, want a candidate who will give up on cooperation with Serbia, Russia and the Serb Orthodox Church, and who will not dispute, as Cvijanovic said, the illegitimate appointment of Christian Schmidt as the High Representative to B&H. Cvijanovic said that the RS opposition knows and that they would lose in certain unjustified repeated elections, but that they want to take revenge on the RS citizens because they did not elect the RS opposition. She said that they are buying time to hide that they wrote zeros for the SNSD leader Milorad Dodik. Cvijanovic was quoted as saying: “Knowing that during the illegal control count, zero was entered instead of 157 votes won by Milorad Dodik at one polling station, we have reason to suspect that there was organized manipulation during that process”. Cvijanovic said that the biased B&H CEC continues to serve the RS opposition and to prove that they are incompetent and not up to the task. Cvijanovic added: “When they saw that the counting did not change the election result because it confirmed that the candidate of the SNSD for the President of the RS Milorad Dodik was the convincing winner of the election, and his opponent Jelena Trivic the convincing loser, then they stopped, and then slowed down the illegal control counting almost to a minimum, and returned with the regular counting of votes received by mail.” Cvijanovic said that they do all of this in the service of reshaping the election will of the citizens of the RS. Cvijanovic added: “They work under the political pressure of the opposition and in collusion with them, and at the instructions of a foreign factor who wants to change the election will of the citizens to reach a candidate who will not insist on preserving the competencies of the RS.”


Stevanovic says there was no election theft in Zvornik (BNTV)


Zvornik Mayor and President of the SNSD City Board in Zvornik Zoran Stevanovic replied to accusations by PDP Deputy President Nenad Vukovic regarding irregularities registered in the elections for the RS President in Zvornik, at the press conference in Zvornik on Thursday. Stevanovic stated that there was no election theft in Zvornik. He said that PDP candidate for the RS President Jelena Trivic has won significantly higher number of votes compared to the coalition capacity of the RS opposition, reminding of data from polling stations in Boskovici, Donji Lokanj, Padjine, Zelinje, etc. to prove his claims. He announced that the internal investigation will be launched to check who is accountable for mismatch of some 200 votes that were allegedly found added to SNSD candidate for the RS President Milorad Dodik. According to Stevanovic, out of 86 regular polling stations – there is 100 percent match when minutes on the election day and after the ballot count are compared.


RS opposition presents new claims on electoral theft (FTV)


Representatives of the opposition in the RS presented on Thursday new claims on electoral theft concerning elections for the RS President. Namely, President of SDS Board in Istocno Sarajevo Darko Babalj said that according to their information ballots from 750 polling stations have been recounted so far and irregularities were registered at 630 polling stations. Member of SDS Darko Berjan called on SNSD to deny these claims if they have any arguments. SDS representatives also demanded explanation from B&H CEC, while this institution is waiting for completion of recounting. Once this process is completed, they will publish report that should include all details related to electoral thefts.


Many intellectuals in RS, Serbia, abroad sign petition of support to Dodik, Serb people in RS (ATV)


Many intellectuals in the RS, Serbia and abroad signed a petition of support to leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik and Serb people in the RS, which was launched by the web portal Fakti. Over 130 prominent individuals already signed the petition and expressed their support to Dodik and the people of the RS. The text of the petition reads: “We, the signatories, guided with love for the RS and all of its citizens, give public support with our reputation and word to newly elected RS President Milorad Dodik, the winner of 2 October 2022 elections.” The signatories also noted that they give their full support to democratically expressed will of Serb people in the RS whose right to free election of their political representatives must be disputed, altered, changed or annulled by nobody. The petition noted: “We publicly condemn all attempts of abuse and illicit activities of the B&H CEC as well as the support to such activities by individual international factors in B&H with the goal to dispute unquestionable victory of Milorad Dodik, thus bringing the RS and Serb people to the situation of political and economic instability.”


Kajganic appointed as new Chief Prosecutor of Prosecutor’s Office of B&H (BNTV)


Milanko Kajganic was appointed a new Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H, at a session of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of B&H held in Sarajevo on Thursday. Kajganic was the only candidate for the post of the Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H. Prosecutor at the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H Miroslav Janjic has previously withdrew his nomination, while the nomination of prosecutor at the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H Diana Kajmakovic was not considered due to internal investigation that was launched after her name was mentioned in the ‘Sky’ application due to which she was blacklisted by the US. Kajganic announced on Thursday that the most complex indictments related to organized crime will be filed by the end of the year, stressing that most of these indictments refer to information from the ‘Sky’ and ‘Anom’ applications used by criminogenic persons for the purpose of communication. Kajganic added that there are also other cases that will be turned into the most complex indictments, which will be part of a decisive fight against organized crime in B&H. “The indictments will include the murder of the of head of the criminal police department in Prijedor Radenko Basic, as well as cases of organized crime regarding the abuse of narcotic drugs. We have witnessed that all institutions in B&H engaged in the fight against crime, including organized crime, are faced with a problem where some of their staff have ties with organized crime groups. We have a goal to identify such persons and to prosecute them in line with the law”, Kajganic told reporters. He also announced the fight against information leakage from cases on which the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H work, noting that he will be focused on quality of indictments – not just on their number. Kajganic stated that he understands dissatisfaction of the public when it comes to poor progress in the prosecution of war crime cases and that the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H is dissatisfied with the results in this field as well. He explained that a key problem in war crime cases is that one-third of the cases in the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H refers to persons who are unavailable to B&H judiciary, stressing that the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H should find a solution, in cooperation with the MICT and prosecutor’s offices in the countries of the region, how to transfer the unavailable cases - or at least evidence in these cases – to the countries of the region, because it is not likely that these persons will be prosecuted in B&H.


US Embassy to B&H congratulates Kajganic (Nova BH)


The US Embassy to B&H has congratulated Milanko Kajganic on the appointment as the B&H Chief Prosecutor, underscoring that the US will continue to work to ensure the independence of the B&H Prosecutor’s Office and the country’s entire criminal justice system. “The State Prosecutor’s Office must operate with integrity and impartiality and on behalf of all citizens of B&H. The Chief Prosecutor has a crucial role in ensuring these standards are upheld,” reads the statement by the US Embassy to B&H.


OSCE welcomes appointment of Kajganic (Oslobodjenje)


Commenting the appointment of Milanko Kajganic to the post of B&H Chief Prosecutor, the OSCE Mission to B&H issued a statement: “The OSCE Mission to B&H welcomes the appointment of the new Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H by the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council. We trust that the Chief Prosecutor will demonstrate clear and resounding commitment to ensuring the resilience, transparency, independence, professionalism, and effectiveness of the B&H judiciary. The Chief Prosecutor must ensure that the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H has the capacity and resources to address current and future challenges to the country’s stability, progress, and security, including by fighting impunity for organized crime, corruption, and war crimes. The Mission remains a committed and steadfast partner to B&H judicial institutions in their efforts to ensure justice and preserve fundamental human rights,” reads statement published on OSCE’s website.


Signatories of declaration on constitutional and other reforms of B&H on path to Euro-Atlantic integration say HR's decisions are exclusively of political nature (BHT1)


BHT1 carries that signatories of the declaration on constitutional and other reforms of B&H on the path to Euro-Atlantic integration stated that decisions of the OHR amending the B&H Election Law and the Constitution of the FB&H are exclusively of political nature and in opposition to their agreed principles and realization of European democratic achievements. Signatories of the declaration are not satisfied with the solutions of High Representative Christian Schmidt, stressing that Schmidt did not offer a single valid argument for his move. Signatories of the declaration on constitutional and other reforms of B&H on the path to Euro-Atlantic integration emphasized that it is especially controversial that Schmidt changed the election rules during the election process which, according to them, is a precedent in the European legal and political practice. Signatories of the declaration emphasized that increase in the number of delegates from the ranks of the Serb people and the ranks of 'The Others' in the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) is positive discrimination, but they believe that it will not have democratic effects. Signatories of the declaration believe that according to Schmidt's decision, the ethnic organization has primacy over the civic organization. They stressed that is impossible to accept that the election rules are changed during the election process, expressing disappointment due to the fact that the OHR has not analyzed more seriously the proposals and models the civil society organizations delivered regarding mechanisms related to unblocking the FB&H, the method of election of delegates to the FB&H House of Peoples, the election of the FB&H President, Vice Presidents and judges of the Constitutional Court of the FB&H and the Supreme Court of the FB&H.


‘Everyone for Our City’ Movement personifies European policy (Pobjeda)


In an interview for Pobjeda daily, the President of Montenegro and Leader of the Democratic Party of Socialists, DPS, Milo Djukanovic has said that he expects the civic and European policy to win in the forthcoming local elections. “That’s why I believe there won’t be any doubt, i.e. that the policy of stability, responsibility and progress will win in the Capital. The ‘Everyone for Our City’ Movement, led by Ivan Vukovic, personifies that policy,” Djukanovic says.

Speaking about the decision of the DPS to cut off support for the election of four candidates of the former ruling majority for judges of the Constitutional Court, he tells: “The only right thing is to put things back to the Constitutional Board and try to reach consensus through the political dialogue thus ensuring a two-thirds majority for filling the positions of judges of the Constitutional court.” On the forthcoming local elections across Montenegro, he says: “We expect the result which will confirm that the DPS, along with its partners from the pro-European bloc, is a key holder of the state-oriented policy.”


Djukanovic: We’re facing a major political upheaval in Montenegro, the day when we’ll have snap elections is approaching (CdM)


The final convention of the winning electoral list “The Right Thing – Together for Bar” was held in Bar, where the belief was expressed that the great support provided by citizens to the people who make up the list would lead to a sure victory for this political bloc. Also, the importance of the upcoming local elections was pointed out. The convention was attended by DPS leader Milo Djukanovic, who said that Montenegro needs stability in order to continue the dynamic development of the country. “We must no longer leave the opportunity to adventurers and people without the slightest knowledge, without the slightest experience, without the slightest good intention, to waste chances, to ruin chances and to endanger the certain European future of our country. Unfortunately, political instability always generates all other instabilities, including security and financial ones. We need political stability in order to continue to preserve the greatest values of Montenegrin society, in order to continue to preserve the multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-cultural character of Montenegrin society”, said Djukanovic. He added that the previous two governments, despite their destructiveness, failed to fulfill the given task, and introduce Montenegro into the “Serbian World” and the Open Balkans. He said that the political competitors were afraid of the elections, that they ran away from the field, because they knew that they were minority. The President emphasized the importance of the elections themselves, but also the importance of the moment itself and the upcoming period that our country was facing.


Abazovic: Criminal charges against several ex-officials filed (CdM)


The outgoing Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic stated earlier today that he had filed criminal charges against certain public officials who had been given flats and housing loans in the previous period. According to him, the criminal charges were filed against: Predrag Boskovic, Dragica Sekulic, Budimir Segrt, Damir Sehovic, Osman Nurkovic and Suad Numanovic, as well as against several other officials from the former government who had allegedly made multi-million Euro damage. “Legal accountability is very important to us. We got hundreds of new evidence. We sent documentation to the Special State Prosecutor’s Office, which formed the ‘Flats’ case. We’ve undertaken activities, contacted the State Archive, to remove the classified mark from these data. All the procedures have been completed and everything’s going to be public. We’ll reveal the names of those who got flats throughout the day.” Abazovic’s legal advisor Ivo Soc told that the entire procedure had lasted for over a month.


Vukovic re-elected Podgorica mayor (CdM)


At yesterday’s session of the Assembly of the City of Podgorica, Ivan Vukovic has been re-elected as mayor of Podgorica. A total of 32 councilors voted for the election of Vukovic. “Although we believe that the ruling of the Administrative Court is formally and materially illegal and politically motivated, the Podgorica Assembly acted according to the verdict and, with the majority of the councilors, adopted the Decision on the election of the mayor”, the City of Podgorica has announced. Since, as they say, they are exclusively guided by the interests of the citizens, in this way “we have ensured the smooth functioning of all the bodies and services of the Capital that are of vital importance to them”. “Despite the pressures coming from different addresses, we have not and will not allow anarchy, irresponsibility and instability from the level of the Government of Montenegro to be transferred to the Capital. We would like to remind you that the Assembly of the City of Podgorica submitted to the Supreme Court of Montenegro a request for examination of the previously rendered court decision”, the statement concludes.


We cannot exit crisis with unconstitutional moves (RTCG)


The Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Association of Lawyers have marked 15 years from the proclamation of the Constitution of Montenegro. It was noted at the gathering that our Constitution has certain drawbacks, but that we may not exit the crisis by making unconstitutional moves. Parliament speaker Danijela Djurovic urged MPs to nominate judges of the Constitutional Court as soon as possible. Although the tradition of constitutionality lasts for over 100 years, the time has shown that it should be enhanced, Djurovic says. She also notes that the Constitution must be above everyone, including short-term policies and party interests.


Spasovski: Strong political will to fight transnational organized crime (MIA)


The state of security in the country is stable and has seen no change in the recent period because special attention is paid to the early detection and prevention of attempts for illegal border crossings, as well as prevention of migrant smuggling, said Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski in Berlin on Thursday. Minister Spasovski, who is heading the delegation at the meeting of Berlin Process ministers in charge of home affairs and migration, addressed three panels. In the first panel, Spasovski said that the 57 detected migrant smuggling cases in the first half of 2022 represent a 119-percent increase compared to the same period in 2021, whereas trends in the illegal migration field in the same period have increased but have no significant impact on the national migration management system, said the Ministry of Interior in a press release. He added that migration flows in North Macedonia have seen a drop by 80 percent but the transit ‘Western Balkans route’ remains active, noting that national measures are not sufficient but further strengthening of the common approach by countries concerned is required, as well as cooperation with the countries of origin, EU and UN agencies, and relevant international organizations. The MoI also addressed a panel on cooperation in the fight against corruption and organized crime, referring to the need for new forms of cooperation and international activities, considering the similarity of security threats not only for the country and the region but also for EU members and the United States. Spasovski stressed there is strong political will and public awareness in North Macedonia over the intensive and continued fight against transnational organized crime. According to him, setting up a legal framework enabling international cooperation among police services and prosecutions in European countries is the way to thwarting organized crime. From the aspect of the fight against corruption, regional ministers of interior signed last year a roadmap for prevention of corruption and illegal financing, which represents a political declaration that serves as a guideline for countries in the field of preventing corruption in public procurement, strengthening of systems for monitoring conflict of interests and asset declarations, as well as strengthening the response of the criminal justice system against corruption and financial crime. In the third panel dedicated to the management of returning foreign fighters, Spasovski said North Macedonia has started a process of preparing for an institutional response for rehabilitation, resocialization and reintegration of foreign terrorist fighters and their families returning from conflict areas, radicalized persons who have not left for conflict areas, as well as persons in post-penal treatment who had been sentenced for terrorism-related crimes. The minister also highlighted that the government has adopted a National Plan for reintegration, resocialization and rehabilitation of returning foreign fighters and their families. Security threats, he added, call for new forms of cooperation and action in regional and international terms. “The Ministry has recognized the need for a quality mechanism in the fight against the biggest threat of the 21st century, setting up a separate unit for the fight against terrorism, violent extremism and radicalism,” underlined Spasovski.


Geer: Process of EU accession doesn’t need to involve surrender of history and identity, but brings stability and prosperity (All media)


Good-neighborly relations are an essential part of the EU integration process, and the process of accession to the EU can be a vehicle to help promote and improve relations, EU Ambassador David Geer told Thursday’s conference on enlargement opportunities organized by the Czech Embassy in North Macedonia as part of a series of events co-organized with the Czech Embassy in Bulgaria and aimed at improving good neighborly relations and dialogue between Skopje and Sofia, as well as opportunities for strengthening economic cooperation. Hosting the conference, Czech Ambassador Jaroslav Ludva said the focus of Thursday’s debate is on the common European market and its advantages. “The past has not always been smooth. In talking about the past we tend to focus on the extraordinary achievements of former enemies coming together, putting aside questions of history in the common interest. But there are many examples of differences between member states within the EU that still exist today, such as the issues between the Netherlands and Belgium, which are resolved on daily basis. Sometimes these issues can seem insurmountable, if we look back for example to the negotiations between Italy and Croatia and the issue of the offshore economic zones, which was eventually resolved. These sensitive issues and misunderstandings between neighbors are a constant which needs to be worked on all the time. Good-neighborly relations are an essential part of the accession process, because the EU doesn’t want to see the importing of differences and disputes, and because good-neighborly relations are crucial to promoting prosperity, innovation and creativity through improved connectivity, trade and exchange of human capital and investments. They are essential in ensuring stability and peace, and by doing so, improve the investment potential and prosperity across the board,” Geer said. He stressed that we live in a world of ‘polycrisis’ – many different crises at once, such as the COVID-19 crisis, the war in Ukraine with the impact on energy and the cost of living, climate change, the digital revolution or migrating pressures, adding that obviously and in the interest of all of us to work closely together to address these challenges. “Often underlying difficulties between nation states are linked to insecurities, past histories, pain and trauma from previous ages, sometimes more recent, and often these touch on issues of identity or a sense of who we are. I grew up in the United Kingdom. When I was growing up my understanding of the relationship with Ireland is very different from my understanding now. That’s why in seeking to promote good-neighborly relations, we all need to act with respect and openness. We need to listen to each other and extend a hand of friendship. It’s in our interest to do so. You do not lose your identity by doing so. The process of accession to the EU can be a vehicle to help promote and improve relations. This process does not need to involve a surrender of history or a surrender of identity, indeed the opposite is the case. Membership in the EU brings with it the advantages of greater stability, prosperity, and democratic accountability,” said EU Ambassador Geer. Swedish Ambassador Ami Larsson-Jain, whose country is taking over the EU Presidency as of January 2023, welcomed this initiative aimed at constructive dialogue to include the whole of society, civil society and the business, stressing that collaboration of all kinds is needed now more than ever amid these challenging times for the continent, it is the only way forward and keeping up a strong alliance against breaches of international law and human rights abuses. “When it comes to neighbors in the EU, what we have found from Sweden’s side is that the Nordic countries have a past which has been very much dominated by war and conflict. Today we use the similarities that we share to be best allies both in the EU and hopefully when Sweden joins NATO,” said Larsson-Jain. Spanish Ambassador Jose Luis Lozano Garcia, whose country is to take over the EU Presidency from Sweden next year, congratulating on the Czech initiative, mentioned that Spain became a member of the EU back in 1986 together with Portugal, and the EU accession after implementing the reforms has contributed to strengthening the country’s democracy and has brought a number of advantages and economic opportunities. In terms of enlargement opportunities and bilateral issues, he stressed the importance of the cross-border cooperation program with Portugal. The Spanish Ambassador added that the country is already preparing for its upcoming EU Presidency, and its position is that the region has been and still is very important particularly at these times of challenges. Slovak Ambassador Henrik Markus said in his personal view, for Slovakia the enlargement meant some kind of reunification with the Czech Republic, but also quality. Slovakia and the Czech Republic have become genuine partners, he added, thanks to the EU membership, which has opened many opportunities for coexistence, and joining the single market and particularly the Eurozone has significantly impacted development. “In this region you have now a number of initiatives, what comes to mind is the kind of competition as a common region market and the Open Balkans, which for some countries is a kind of controversial project. If the three members of the initiative prove that it is viable it will be a positive development in terms of more integration between the WB6 and their compatibility with the EU, and thus the easier the pass in the EU will be. North Macedonia should go ahead, we’re here to help, the benefits are extreme and it’s worth following this path,” Markus said. Bulgarian Ambassador Angel Angelov said there are strong indications that by the end of the year for the first time in history, trade exchange between Sofia and Skopje will exceed EUR 1 billion, which means that business is following good trends in relations, which is in the interest of the citizens of both countries. He noted that the role of Corridor 8, which is to connect Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Albania and Italy is of great importance in intensifying bilateral relations.


MFA: Blagoevgrad Municipal Council Declaration contradicts intention of building trust between North Macedonia and Bulgaria (All media)


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) said Thursday that it condemns the inappropriate qualifications in the contents of the Declaration made by the Blagoevgrad Municipal Council, concerning the Macedonian people. “It is obvious that such declarations contradict the intentions of the two Governments to build trust between the people of the two countries, as well as the spirit of the Treaty of Friendship and Good-Neighborliness, which aims to promote friendship and mutual respect,” said the Ministry in a statement. The MFA stressed that promoting good-neighborly relations is in the interest of both countries and their citizens. “To that end we encourage the local authorities, as well as all other associations and groups to especially focus on activities contributing to friendship, cross-border cooperation, economic, cultural and tourism exchange, in line with the spirit of European cooperation,” said the MFA. The MFA’s statement is in reaction to the Declaration adopted by the Council of the Bulgarian Municipality of Blagoevgrad, which opposed the opening of Macedonian Culture Club “Nikola Vapcarov” in Blagoevgrad, assessing it as a provocation. “We categorically oppose the anti-Bulgarian provocation of the opening of the so-called Macedonian Culture Club ‘Nikola Vapcarov’ on the territory of the Municipality of Blagoevgrad,” read the Declaration, which further adds that the “Macedonian nation is an artificial creation of the Communist International.” Emphasizing that “Nikola Jonkov Vapcarov is a Bulgarian poet,” the municipal councilors of Blagoevgrad assessed that the establishment of a center named after him in their city, represents a “gross provocation by illegitimate organizations.” “We believe that all actions for the establishment of an organization in which a group of people are declaring themselves a ‘minority’ of our national state are a gross violation of the Bulgarian Constitution and the legislation. At the same time, we believe that these provocative actions grossly violate the Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and they dismiss all our previous efforts to improve relations with the Republic of North Macedonia and obstruct its path to European integration and EU membership,” reads the Declaration. The founder of the “Nikola Vapcarov” club is the Association for the Protection of Basic Human Rights, registered in Bulgaria.


Bulgarian MFA: Any public statements insulting or provoking the other side absolutely unacceptable (MIA)


Bulgaria has always tried to strengthen and deepen friendship and good neighborly relations with North Macedonia. Bulgaria has put a lot of effort into realizing this goal in recent years, the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release. In this regard, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria underscored that any public statements insulting or provoking the other side are absolutely unacceptable. They do not represent Bulgaria’s official position, and attempts to present them as such are incorrect and a sign of bad faith, reads the press release, MIA’s Sofia correspondent reported. In spite of the numerous provocations against Bulgaria and mainly against the Bulgarians in North Macedonia in recent months, the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs considers that this kind of speech is unacceptable and very counterproductive. “Such statements are not in the interest of Bulgarians in North Macedonia. They distract the public’s attention from the fair and legitimate aspirations of the Bulgarian community for equal civil rights, especially for free association and protecting their cultural and historical heritage,” reads the press release. In line with the spirit of the 2017 Treaty of Friendship, Good Neighborliness and Cooperation between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia, they call on politicians and public figures from both sides of the border to direct their efforts and messages to support the process of restoring trust and establishing good-neighborly relations.


Cuci at the meeting of Berlin Process: Albania, pioneer of regional cooperation (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of the Interior Bledar Cuci participated in the meeting of the Interior Ministers of the Berlin Process, together with the counterparts from the Western Balkan countries and the EU countries involved in this platform. In the focus of the discussions were issues of internal security and illegal migration. "As I thanked Germany for all the steadfast commitment it has had in this important initiative, I reaffirmed Albania's position for the intensification of regional cooperation, for the further facilitation of movement in the labor market, capital and goods. We have been pioneers of regional cooperation since the first moments of the Berlin Process and we have advanced by signing bilateral and trilateral agreements", said Minister Cuci. As for illegal migration from the countries of the Middle East and Africa, Albania's role in dealing with migratory flows that have the EU as their final destination, but use our country and other countries of the Western Balkans as transit, was evaluated. "However, we must continue to coordinate the work to strengthen the fight against clandestine smuggling, as well as further increase cooperation in dealing with organized crime and for the reintegration of people returned from conflict areas", said Cuci. The Minister of the Interior of Albania had also a meeting with the EU Commissioner for Internal Affairs Ylva Johansson who will be in Albania at the beginning of next month.  "For two days, Tirana will be the capital of EU-Western Balkans internal affairs. Let's join efforts and share the best experiences, for a safer environment for our citizens, for our families, for our children", said Cuci.