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Belgrade Media Report 26 October



Vucic sees no end to war in Ukraine soon, announces major military spending (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Tuesday said he hoped that the conflict in Ukraine would end soon, but did not see it happening, adding he feared that the situation “will only get worse as no one wants a compromise, but a defeat of the other side”. Speaking to reporters in Vlasotince, in southern Serbia, Vucic said that this conflict would cause problems in all countries throughout the winter, but that the heating season would start in Serbia soon, regardless of the outdoor temperature. He confirmed that the Serbian Army units had been conducting one of the biggest exercises titled “Maneuvers 2022,” noting that neither he nor others wished to speak about it. “We are doing our job, usual things… Such exercises are held every year, only this one engages more personnel. We want to identify our weaknesses and to invest much in the defence industry. But that money will not go down the drain. We will also be buying drones, suicide drones and unmanned surveillance and reconnaissance aerial vehicles. We want some of it also to be technology transfer as the army is one of the four pillars of the country and should be empowered,” Vucic stressed. Commenting on remarks made by outgoing Energy Minister Zorana Mihajlovic about some people making a fortune on account of the Serbian Progressive Party, Vucic said he had personally spoken about it publicly, adding that such people were “in many positions” and that “one of the most important matters in the future for the Progressives and the Movement for Serbia, which will be formed, will be to ensure that there are none of those who have gotten rich.”


Serb List requests urgent meeting with Vucic (RTS)


“On behalf of the Serb people from Kosovo and Metohija, and in relation to Albin Kurti’s announcement that on 1 November he will start confiscating the property of our citizens and vehicles with Serbian license plates, we, the political representatives of the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, request an urgent meeting with President Aleksandar Vucic,” announced the Serb List. The announcement states that “announcements of violent actions against our people by Albin Kurti, especially in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, cause fear and uncertainty, and it is necessary to meet urgently and agree on how to preserve peace and security of the citizens, but also the vital interests of our people, because it is clear to everyone that our people do not agree to the unilateral moves of Pristina, which aims to expel everything Serbian from these areas”. “Albin Kurti’s latest statements clearly indicate that there is no will in Pristina to find solutions and compromises, but only a desire to cause crisis and tensions, especially in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. The Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija trust their country Serbia and President Aleksandar Vucic that we will jointly answer all the challenges that lie ahead of us,” the announcement reads.


Vucic speaks with Rama, Kovacevski (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Wednesday held a video conference meeting with the PMs of Albania and North Macedonia, Edi Rama and Dimitar Kovacevski, as part of the Open Balkan initiative. In a post on his buducnostsrbijeav Instagram profile, Vucic said they had discussed the energy situation ahead of the approaching winter and joint steps related to the upcoming Berlin Process meeting. “I spoke with Edi Rama and Dimitar Kovacevski about joint steps to ensure a safe winter to all our citizens, as well as about the upcoming meeting within the Berlin Process,” Vucic wrote. He added that the Open Balkans initiative meant “peace, prosperity and a safer future for the peoples of our region, because together we are always stronger”.


Giaufret: Geopolitical situation emphasizes importance of energy savings (Beta)


EU Ambassador to Serbia Emanuele Giaufret said that the current geopolitical situation emphasizes the importance of energy savings and increasing the use of renewables. “That is crucial to reduce our dependences towards countries that try to use energy as a tool to pursue wars and imperialist ambitions, like what Russia is doing today in Ukraine,” said Giaufret on the occasion of the beginning of the Climate Diplomacy Week in Serbia. Giaufret said that energy efficiency is “an important segment of the EU’s support to the Serbian energy sector,” said the EU Info Center. “To reduce its energy consumption and negative environmental impact, Serbia already works with the EU on the introduction of more energy-efficient technologies and increasing the energy efficiency of buildings and industries. EU stays strongly committed to assisting Serbia to improve its policies in this sector as it has been doing for the last 20 years,” added Ambassador Giaufret.


Kamberi: Escobar promised us a meeting with Lajcak (FoNet/RTV/Kosovo Online)


MP in the Serbian parliament Saip Kamberi said that the leaders of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja received a promise from the US envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar that they would propose a meeting with the Albanian representatives from those three municipalities in the south of Serbia to the EU representative for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina Miroslav Lajcak. “We received a promise from Escobar that he would talk to Lajcak and propose a meeting with us. We asked him for a meeting and we expect that this time there will be a positive response, because the issue of the Presevo Valley must inevitably be a topic of discussion,” Kamberi emphasized. He said that during the meeting with Escobar, they reiterated the position that it is unacceptable for EU officials to meet with Serb leaders from the north of Kosovo, until they meet with Albanian representatives. Kamberi stated that the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina will not happen if “Serbia continues to treat Albanians in Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja with methods of perfidious discrimination”, which will lead to the departure of Albanian youth from that part. Kamberi stated that the Albanian leaders of the three municipalities in the south of Serbia were in the State Department a few days ago and that they conveyed the request that the issues of the three municipalities in the south of Serbia be included in the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, reports Kosovo Online.




Rally 'Fatherland is calling' held in Banja Luka; Dodik says electoral will of RS citizens will be defended and that RS votes will not be counted in Sarajevo (RTRS)


A large rally 'The Fatherland is calling', which was organized by the ruling parties from Republika Srpska (RS), was held in Banja Luka on Tuesday evening. According to RTRS, more than 50,000 people came to Banja Luka to make it clear that they will defend to the end their electoral will expressed in the general elections on October 2. Citizens first gathered in the Mladen Stojanovic Park in Banja Luka from where they walked to Krajina Square. Participants of the rally sent a message from Krajina Square to Sarajevo and the opposition from the RS that they will not allow them to change the electoral will of the citizens. Participants of the rally in Banja Luka reminded that the RS was founded by the people on 9 January 1992, defended with its army and preserved all these 27 years of peace. "We do not want an anti-Dayton and anti-constitutional Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), give us back the Constitution of B&H so that we do not have to leave it," it is emphasized in the national proclamation that was read in the Mladen Stojanovic Park. Representatives of the parties of the ruling coalition in the RS, but also famous Serb director Emir Kusturica addressed the rally in Banja Luka. SNSD leader Milorad Dodik told the rally that the electoral will of the citizens of the RS will be defended, that Sarajevo will certainly not be superior and that the RS votes will not be counted in Sarajevo. Dodik stressed that he is neither a man of America nor of Russia, but of the RS and that he is even ready to make a personal sacrifice to defend the interests of the RS. "I am only a man of the Serb people and the RS. When I was in America, when I am in Russia, and when I am in Serbia, I am a man of the Serb people, and I am a man of the RS. I represent the RS with all my heart, with my soul, with my conviction and my determination. I love the RS because honest and honorable people live in it, people who do not allow themselves to be trampled on and who do not allow others to manage their destiny," Dodik said. Dodik noted that requests of the opposition, in cooperation with the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC), are only a project and that on the other side stands the people and their expressed will in the October 2 elections. "We have to stay together. Those who were here only ten days ago for their own reasons, we need to respect that. But I do not respect their leaders because they are not leaders. And I do not respect their efforts to be servants. I never allowed it, and I was never that. I am a servant of the people," Dodik said in his address at the rally. Citizens said that they came to the rally to support the election victory of SNSD and Dodik, as well as to send a message that Sarajevo, the B&H CEC and foreign embassies cannot determine the electoral will of the RS citizens.


Cvijanovic addresses rally in Banja Luka: If B&H CEC does not change its decision and continues to insist on illegal decisions, 100,000 citizens of the RS will come to Sarajevo (RTRS)


A large rally 'The Fatherland is calling', which was organized by the ruling parties from RS, was held in Banja Luka on Tuesday evening. SNSD Vice President Zeljka Cvijanovic, who was elected as the Serb member of the B&H Presidency, said that 50,000 citizens came to Banja Luka on Tuesday, but that if the CEC of B&H does not change its decision and continues to insist on illegal decisions, 100,000 citizens of the RS will come to Sarajevo. "Thank you for gathering here so that we can all together show that we will work as the people chose, and the people chose Milorad Dodik, Zeljka Cvijanovic and all these wonderful parties of ours that have been working for the RS for so many years and to send a message to that illegal CEC, if there is 50,000 of us here, 100,000 will be at your door. 100,000 will be at your door because you decided to steal our votes and count and recount votes in Sarajevo for the first time because the opposition requested that - the treacherous opposition. Let us protect the RS, let us protect what it gave us, and we must give it to the RS - the right to life, the right to freedom, the right to organize ourselves, the right to vote and the right to be elected the way you want it, not the way those sitting in the embassies want it," Cvijanovic emphasized. Addressing the rally, Cvijanovic also said: “Let us protect the RS, let us protect what it gave us, and we must give it to the RS - the right to life, the right to freedom, the right to organize ourselves, the right to vote and the right to be elected the way you want it, not the way those sitting in the embassies want it. And that is the value of our gathering. We do not demand what does not belong to us, unlike our political opponents. We seek what belongs to us and what we gave ourselves in the democratic elections as a people and the RS - the right to choose, and we chose. Everything after that was manipulation," Cvijanovic emphasized. Cvijanovic said, "we do not want to live in a country that is suffocating us." "We do not want a country which deprives us of money, which stops our projects, which harasses us in every possible and impossible way, and if that was not enough, to steal our electoral will as well," Cvijanovic said. Addressing the gathered, SNSD spokesman Radovan Kovacevic said that there is nothing stronger than the will of people, which SNSD and its partners will always defend. He emphasized that the RS and its citizens will be defended from those that attack and pressure the RS. Addressing the rally, former RS president and NDP leader Dragan Cavic reminded that the RS was created with many sacrifices and that it should not be surrendered so lightly. "We are showing tonight that both Banja Luka and the RS is a democratic state and ambiance in which everyone can express their will. None of us wants conflict. We all want peace, but in peace we want to get what the people gave - a president according to the will of the people," Cavic underlined. Cavic blames the foreigners for the current situation in B&H. He adds they also imposed the B&H Election Law, which is not in line with what people in B&H want. NPS leader Darko Banjac noted that this is the first time that votes from the RS were counted in Sarajevo. They can count as many times they want, he says, the results will be the same – Dodik is the RS President. “Long live the RS, long live the Serb people”, Banjac stated.


Ballots from less than 300 polling stations out of total of 2,239 in RS remain to be counted in Main Counting Center in Sarajevo (RTRS)


RTRS reports that ballots from less than 300 polling stations out of a total of 2,239 in RS remain to be counted in the Main Counting Center in Sarajevo. At this rate, it is certain that the counters will finish their work by Wednesday, which means that the B&H CEC could schedule a session and determine the results of the elections for the President and Vice Presidents of the RS. On Tuesday, counters finished counting the ballots from Gacko, Prnjavor and Trebinje. Minor deviations were determined, but as RTRS learned, they do not affect SNSD leader Milorad Dodik's advantage over PDP's Jelena Trivic.


B&H CEC orders new control recount of ballots from Gorazde, Mostar and Banja Luka, changes its decision on awarding compensational mandates (Nezavisne)


B&H CEC decided on Tuesday to order a new control recount of ballots from several polling stations in Gorazde, Mostar and Banja Luka. The Main Ballot Counting Center will recount ballots for RS parliament from one polling station in Banja Luka, ballots for Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of Representatives and Bosnia-Podrinje Canton Assembly from 11 polling stations in Gorazde and ballots for Herzegovina-Neretva Canton Assembly from one polling station in Mostar. B&H CEC also changed its previous decision on awarding of compensational mandates in the RS parliament. The compensational mandate earlier awarded to SNSD’s Mara Granula will be awarded to SNSD Ana Ljubojevic. The compensational mandate originally awarded to PDP’s Marina Blagojevic will be awarded to PDP’s Ana Cekic, and the compensational mandate awarded to DEMOS’s Boran Bosancic will be awarded to DEMOS’s Suzana Gasic. The compensational mandate earlier awarded to Amina Kavazovic from ‘Pokret za drzavu’ will be awarded to Andrea Gajic. B&H CEC member Ahmet Santic explained that this decision was made in order to implement the principle according to which each constituent people get four compensational mandates in the RS parliament.


Cvijanovic, Dodik meet with Sarazzin in Banja Luka and acquaint him with stances and constitutional position of RS within B&H (RTRS)


RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic and Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik met with Germany’s Special Representative for the Western Balkans Manuel Sarazzin in Banja Luka on Tuesday. Cvijanovic and Dodik acquainted Sarazzin with the stances and constitutional position of the RS within B&H and emphasized the need to improve cooperation at the regional level. "An open and concrete conversation about the Berlin Process, to which the RS is ready to contribute. Anyone who respects the position of the RS within B&H, the region and the EU path is a welcome interlocutor," Dodik wrote on his Twitter account.


Covic: Protesters from Monday’s protest in front of OHR are people who live trapped in past, we should turn to future (Nova BH)


HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic commented on Tuesday on the Monday’s protest that was held in front of the OHR building in Sarajevo and at which citizens demanded from HR Christian Schmidt to revoke the amendments he imposed to the Election Law of B&H on 2 October. In his comment, Covic said that these protesters are people who live in the past and he emphasized the need to turn to the future. “Someone always protests about imposed or not imposed decisions. I am sorry that there are still people who live trapped in the past. The election processes are close to being completed. I think that we will have the announced results very soon and that we should turn to the European future of our B&H by forming the executive and legislative authorities, and also ensure the complete equality of the three constituent peoples in B&H. All those who would like to do it in a different way, to eliminate one of the constituent peoples, to constantly deal with the past, I wish them to remain trapped in that past while we will absolutely move towards the future of this country”, noted Covic. Covic also said that the protest was aimed against one of the peoples in B&H.


Pelosi meets Plenkovic in Zagreb, discusses position of Croats in B&H (Vecernji list)


The daily reads that speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi has expressed understanding for preserving position of Croats in B&H, which was one of topics of her meeting with Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic in Zagreb. “We talked about the situation in B&H in sense of respecting local Croats. We also talked about Schengen and the Prime Minister gave us the full agenda about which we will inform the United States President, as well as out Secretary of State and other relevant officials of the United States Congress”, said Pelosi. Plenkovic said Croatia appreciates the US’ support when it comes to understanding for the issue of equality of the Croats, as an equal constituent people in B&H, which was seen on basis of the US diplomacy’s statement several weeks ago when the elections took place in B&H. According to reporter, if there were any doubts about the US’ role in decisions recently adopted about B&H, then Pelosi’s words, as well as recent statement by US Special Representative for Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar, have made things clear, stressing that HR Christian Schmidt was fully supported by the US for his recent moves. According to the daily, official Berlin’s support to the HR is also completely different than what is portrayed in public. Namely, daily reads that Anna Luhrmann, Minister of State for Europe and Climate in the German Foreign Office, stated for Kosovo based Kanal 10 that the German government fully supports HR Schmidt. Daily learns that such position is due to influence of the US administration.


Crimea Platform summit ends in Zagreb (HRT)


Croatia hosted the first parliamentary summit of the Crimean Platform, the largest international gathering in the history of our country. 43 delegations from 32 countries participated in the summit in Zagreb, intended to support Ukraine and increase pressure on Russia. Representatives of five parliamentary assemblies of international organizations, the European Parliament and NATO, also participated. The summit was opened by Croatian parliament speaker Gordan Jandrokovic and Ukrainian parliament speaker Ruslan Stefanchuk. Speakers included Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky via video link, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and the speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi. "It all started with Crimea, and it will be freed," said Zelensky in an address via video link. “The world has become a much crueler place where Russia can simply cause famine because it has banned free navigation, and it can also stop exports which are very important to the world. The world has become a place where Russia is destroying the hope of stability in both the Middle East and North Africa because Crimea is a strategic stronghold. Today the world has become a place of blackmail - Russia is blackmailing the whole world,” said Zelensky. Plenkovic said that being with Ukraine means being on the right side of history. “Today, being on the side of Ukraine is a moral, legal and civilizational correct act. Not being on the side of Ukraine means being on the side of those who want to achieve their conquest goals by brute force. Not being with Ukraine today means being with the Kremlin and its partners, and in this shameful and painful era of European and world history, not being with Ukraine means betraying all the principles on which the democratic world is based,” said Plenkovic. Pelosi reiterated that the USA and its partners continue to stand by Ukraine. “This platform was established to bring about the end Russia's occupation of Crimea and to restore control of Ukraine over the territory in full accordance with international law. Crimea is Ukraine. Sadly, we now know that Russia's actions in Crimea are one dimension of an all-out attack on Ukraine and on democracy itself,” said Pelosi. Jandrokovic and Stefancuk closed the event reflecting on their joint statement and the strong support for Ukraine. “In the end we adopted a joint statement that once again expressed clear support by all participants for the Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian state. We also confirmed that we respect the territorial integrity, sovereignty, unity, independence and internationally recognized borders of Ukraine,” said Jandrokovic. Stefanchuk said that after analyzing the results of the summit we can say that is was a unique meeting. "Unique, not just because we spoke a lot about Ukraine, but because we discussed important issues and concluded that we are on the same side, especially when we talk about Ukraine," said Stefanchuk.


Abazovic: Election results exceeded my expectations (RTCG)


The leader of URA and Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic says that he’s been extremely satisfied with the results of the local elections, adding that Montenegro has made a monumental step forward when it comes to democracy. “I’m extremely satisfied, even a little bit surprised, as the results exceeded my expectations. I think that Montenegro generally goes in right direction and that the political stage has been demonopolized. That’s what we were looking for,” Abazovic told reporters.


Markovic: I don’t doubt the DPS is going to analyze election results thoroughly (RTCG)


In a statement for the RTCG, the DPS MP and former prime minister Dusko Markovic has said he’s convinced that the DPS is going to analyze the election results thoroughly. “The Democratic Party of Socialists always analyzed the election results thoroughly and I have no doubt it’s going to do it this time as well. As you know, I’m no longer part of the party’s leadership so I cannot make statements on behalf of the DPS.” Following the Sunday local elections, out of 14 municipalities, the DPS managed to keep power in only three.


Spajic: Early parliamentary elections to be held as soon as possible (Antena M)


The Leader of the ‘Europe Now’ Movement Milojko Spajic says the results of the local election showed that early parliamentary elections should be held as soon as possible. In an interview for Antena M, Spajic denied the accusations over populism. He sees the relation of other parties towards the ‘Europe Now’ program as a litmus test for collaboration and hopes that parties which are not a part of the parliamentary majority since 30 August are going to change. “Our success surprised analysts and politicians, but not citizens. They knew well why they supported us,” Spajic said, adding that politicians obviously didn’t detect the needs and wishes of citizens. “So, there was room for a party which made results, presented their plans to citizens, entered the election race in a very transparent manner and gave the right to citizens to tell whether they liked the program. We got this election result as a consequence of it all.” He believes they are soon to agree on the formation of the local government in Podgorica and the municipalities depending on ‘Europe Now’, whereas the management and the movement’s main board are going to make a decision on it. The movement’s candidate standing for the elections in the capital Jakov Milatovic has already announced talks over the formation of a new local government with the Democratic Front, Democrats and URA.


Kovachevski: Parties should sit for talks over constitutional amendments (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said political parties should sit for talks over the constitutional amendments in order to find an acceptable solution. According to him, all political parties now have a positive view of the constitutional amendments, even those that explicitly opposed them. “It is a good thing that the constitutional amendments are being discussed, I believe this is a process which should be carried out through a procedure in accordance with our laws. Once that procedure begins it will become obvious that there is a consensual willingness for the amendments to pass, and I can see that the political parties have a positive attitude towards the constitutional amendments, even those that explicitly opposed them are now saying they would support them on the basis of certain conditions, so I believe that the parties should meet and state their positions, so that in the end we can come to a solution which would be acceptable for everyone,” said Kovachevski, after statements from the Alliance for Albanians and Besa that “language spoken by at least 20 percent of the population” in the Constitution should be replaced by “Albanian language”. Asked whether he will meet VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski as well, the PM said it is normal for him to meet with the leaders of all political parties when there is an issue of interest of the citizens. “I met with Mickoski for the French proposal, now for the energy crisis, and this is normal communication between the leaders of the parliamentary parties. Of course, we will meet any time there is an issue of interest of the citizens, the same way I meet with the leaders of the other political parties,” said Kovachevski. Asked on whether there is an offer or discussions for the Alliance for Albanians to join the government, he said that he has had no discussions with any party on this topic. The PM said he has no knowledge about the affair revealed Monday by VMRO-DPMNE concerning the secret property of government officials and called on them to deliver all the evidence they have to the State Commission for Prevention of Corruption. “All officials are obliged to declare the property they have acquired in their lifetime, just as I have done,” said Prime Minister Kovachevski.


Pendarovski: If talks become just another Balkan never-ending story, interest in EU will plummet (Sitel)


If the negotiation process becomes just another Balkan never-ending story, the allure of the European Union will reach a historically low level, President Stevo Pendarovski said Tuesday in his speech at the opening ceremony of the 2022-23 academic year at the College of Europe in Natolin, Warsaw, which he attended as part of his official visit to Poland. According to an official press release, President Pendarovski said he was honored to speak at the event marking the 30th anniversary of the college that has made a significant contribution to the integration of Central and Eastern Europe into the European Union. In his speech, Pendarovski said there was wide social and political consensus in the region regarding the prospect of EU membership. He also noted that North Macedonia’s European future was a national goal ever since the country’s independence in 1991. He said European integration had the unique potential to be a catalyst for deep societal transformation. According to the President, the rule of law, an independent judiciary, free media, and fighting corruption are not the responsibility of Brussels, but of the political elites and they should bear the responsibility. The EU, on the other hand, should take bold instead of hesitant steps toward the integration of the Western Balkans, he added. Pendarovski also said the country accepted the EU negotiation framework and in had its first intergovernmental conference, which he described as a historic moment, in July. “Since we started our negotiations recently, one thing is certain: if the process becomes just  another Balkan never-ending story, the allure of the EU will reach a historically low level,” President Pendarovski said, urging the EU to extend its solidarity to the Western Balkan amid the economic  and energy crisis. In his speech, Pendarovski stressed Poland’s important role as a long-term supporter of North Macedonia’s EU integration and the frequent communication at the highest level reflecting the deep friendship and partnership between the two countries. The opening ceremony at the College of Europe also honored the late European Parliament President David Sassoli, who died in January. President Pendarovski said Sassoli had been one of the greatest supporters of the EU integration of the Western Balkans. He highlighted that Sassoli’s first official visit as European Parliament President outside the borders of the EU was to North Macedonia, which he said spoke volumes about his beliefs and commitment.


Xhaferi receives Ukraine Order (MIA)


Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada Chairman Ruslan Stefanchuk presented Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi with Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise II degree at the sidelines of the First Parliamentary Summit of the International Crimea Platform in Zagreb on Tuesday. The Order is presented for personal merit in strengthening inter-state cooperation, support to the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and outstanding contribution in the popularization of the Ukrainian state across the globe. The recipients of the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise II degree also include the speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, President of the German Bundestag, Barbel Bas as well as several political officials from Poland, Norway, Ireland, Switzerland, France, Estonia, Lithuania and Croatia.


Parliamentary Summit of the Platform for Crimea, Nikolla: Political partnership makes military alliances more effective (Radio Tirana)


The speaker of the Assembly Lindita Nikolla participated in the First Parliamentary Summit of the International Platform for Crimea, which was held in Zagreb, Croatia. In her speech, Nikolla stated that recently there has been a concentration of military aggressions against integrity and cyber-attacks against sovereign nations that are translated as an attack against democracy, civilization and humanity. Nikola said that political partnership makes military alliances more effective as they can serve as an incentive for strong and stable political partnerships. "Russia's military aggression against Ukraine and cyber-attacks against free nations are not only attacks against sovereignty. They seriously threaten democracy and civilizations in Europe and on the planet. Therefore, support for Ukraine and the countries that are the target of cyber-attacks is a contribution to democracy, democratic values ​​and institutions. In Europe, as well as in other regions of the world, the creation of defensive military alliances is not always accompanied by an effective political partnership. Political partnership makes military alliances more effective. Military alliances can serve as an incentive for strong and stable political partnerships", said Nikolla. The Summit was attended by important personalities such as the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, the President of the German Bundestag, Barbel Bas, etc. Albania, as a non-permanent member of the Security Council, together with the United States, is co-drafting positions and actions for the defense of Ukraine.


EU-Western Balkans summit in Tirana, Hohmann: The integration of the Western Balkan countries into the EU is important (Radio Tirana)


While in a visit in Korca, the EU Ambassador Christiane Hohmann spoke also on the EU-Western Balkans Summit, which will be held on 6 December in Tirana. The EU Ambassador said that the fact that the summit will be organized outside the EU, shows how much importance the EU pays to the Western Balkans countries membership in the Union. “In fact, it is the first time that the EU-Western Balkans summit is organized outside the EU and comes to the Western Balkans region. This also shows the importance of the entire region and the Western Balkan countries membership in the EU”, said Hohmann. The EU Ambassador mentioned also important the work that these countries will do towards the EU membership journey and the fact that the leaders of all countries will come to Albania on December the 6th. “You may know that about 10 days ago, the EC published the annual report for all the countries of the region, including Albania. It is a report that includes the state of the country. For all those who are interested, an important part of the report deals with the rule of law. The report is clear in terms of consolidation and issues such as fight against corruption,” said Ambassador Hohmann.


Albania-USA strategic dialogue/ Xhacka: Boosts relations between the two countries (Radio Tirana)


The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka is participating in the meeting of the State Department for the strategic partnership dialogue between Albania and the United States of America. Through a Twitter status, she emphasizes that the US-Albania strategic dialogue reaffirms and deepens the relationship between the two countries. Xhacka informs that, in this dialogue, important topics such as the support of Ukraine, the protection of democracy, cooperation in the cyber field and the integration of Albania in the EU were discussed. "Washington DC, at the State Department, started a few minutes ago, the strategic partnership dialogue between Albania and the United States of America. Very intense day during the US-Albania strategic dialogue that reaffirms and deepens our bilateral relations. A series of discussions on: Support for Ukraine; Defense of democracy; Deepening our partnership on security issues; Cooperation on cyber security; Strengthening transatlantic ties; Progress on the path of European Integration for the aspiring countries of the Western Balkans; Climate change", writes Xhacka. The strategic partnership dialogue comes on the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Albania and the USA.


Rama visits Abu Dhabi, meets the President of the United Emirates (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama is paying a visit to Abu Dhabi where he will meet with the President of the United Emirates, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. The news was announced by Prime Minister Rama himself, as he published on the Facebook social network a picture of him getting off the plane. Prime Minister Rama's visit to Abu Dhabi comes after his visit to Israel where he met with Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid and President Isaac Herzog.  "After Israel, half a day in Abu Dhabi, to meet with the President of the United Emirates, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan", writes Rama.