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Belgrade Media Report 22 November 2022



Vucic: The Albanian side does not want a solution (B92/RTS/Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic addressed the citizens of Serbia last evening. Vucic told all the details of the multi-hour negotiations with the representative of Pristina, Albin Kurti, and the representatives of the EU, Josep Borrell and Miroslav Lajcak. Vucic said at the very beginning that he was proud of the Serbian delegation because it went to Brussels to preserve peace at all costs. “I am proud of the fact that the delegation of Serbia came to Brussels to talk and to agree to compromises and not look for flaws. We want to preserve peace and stability and people's lives at all costs. I am not ashamed of that,” he said. He pointed out that there is no mother who would like her child to return to her in a coffin, no sister, no wife would like that. “We realized that it is important to do our best, to accept compromise solutions, because that is something that is important to us. We did our best. At one point, I told the High Representative, Borrell and Lajcak that there would be no agreement. I realized that time will pass, and that actually the Albanian side will not want any compromise solution, any postponement of the mistreatment of the Serbs,” said Vucic. Vucic said that Serbia does not have a problem with KS license plates, and that he repeated this on several occasions. “It is enough that we have a status-neutral KS license plates. However, the other side reacted negatively. The important thing was that I asked for some kind of paper. I said that we can open all topics, but what we have to do is implement what has already been signed. When you say that, you see the whole essence of the problem, they are trying to tell us that maybe one day we will get ZSO, but only when we recognize Kosovo in one way or another,” he said. As he stated, around three in the afternoon, they thought they were close to reaching agreement. “Kosovo should suspend all actions related to re-registration, and Serbia should not issue or renew license plates with places in Kosovo. We have agreed. I have said many times, it is better to talk for 100 years than to clash for one day.” The President of Serbia said that nothing was problematic for Serbia today and that it was obvious that someone else wanted a conflict and was planning it. “It is no coincidence that this very evening all the police in Pristina were sent to four places... The Serbs know very well that they are not obliged to pay a tribute that has not been signed. There is anger among the Serbian population in the north of Kosovo... I know that a large part of the people are not interested in what I say. We must try to show that we did not want conflicts for even one second, not to use other people’s insolence and arrogance to accept conflicts. We must do our best to preserve peace. As far as we are concerned, Serbia will respect what was agreed and will not issue new license plates,” said Vucic. As he says, a difficult period starts tomorrow, he adds that he is worried but that there is no reason to panic. “We have a difficult period ahead of us from tomorrow, many sleepless nights are ahead of us. We have to be worried, but there is no place to panic.” As he pointed out, the latest intelligence data arrived a while ago. “The situation is difficult, on the verge of conflict, literally, and I know that the representatives of the Serbs will tell me that they are fed up with everything and that every one of them is ready to die, but they must know that every life is more important to us than anything else. And that they must understand.” Vucic once again asked the international community, which has an influence on Pristina, to use it against Kurti and the others and help us all preserve peace together. He pointed out that he is grateful to the EU representatives for having the patience to talk for seven or eight hours. “Even when the Albanians had wishes, we said that there is no problem just to implement what was signed before. They say: ‘Well, that was signed by the former government'. I feel like tearing my hair out. Imagine if I said: 'Well that was signed by Borko Stefanovic’.” He once again emphasized that despite all his concerns, he will do everything he can. He explained that Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are fed up with everything. “Serbia will be very committed to peace. We will carefully make decisions about our every move. I want to say to the people of Kosovo and Metohija that we will do our best to keep them safe, but if someone thinks that they can carry out the expulsion of our people, killing and wounding of our people, I want to repeat that we will be with our Serbian people and will not leave them in the lurch. We will preserve peace and stability, but the Serbian people must know that they have their Serbian state behind them in accordance with the UN Charter, Resolution 1244 and all what Western partners refer to when they talk about Ukraine,” said Vucic. He added that Serbia is always ready for talks and will always be ready. As he says, he will do his best to avoid a disaster. “When it comes to Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, they are gathering, I invited them to come to Belgrade, tonight I will meet with them. My message to them is that whatever they do and however they do, they must do it in a non-violent and peaceful way. To demonstrate willpower and not weapons. Everything Pristina is doing is illegal and they have no right to anything they are doing. It's as if someone told them they have to provoke a conflict. That's why it's up to us to think about the people on both sides,” he said. He added that he hopes that his calm tone will not be interpreted as weakness and a green light to acting against the Serbs. As he said, that would be a wrong interpretation and he pointed out that his main message to Serbs is to try to preserve peace, not to be guilty of causing conflict. “The Serbs are fed up with all this. These are people who were criminalized every day. All the others who would destroy the Serbian people, who would pack them up and return them to Serbia, were celebrated and praised, only those who were with their people, Petkovic, Rakic, were criminalized. These are our sisters and brothers, I will talk to them all night and morning,” said Vucic.


Vucic after meeting Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija: We just want to save what’s ours (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met tonight with representatives of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija. He said that it is time for us as a nation to show seriousness and responsibility and preserve our centuries-old hearths. “Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija are here. We only asked them to be careful and calm, to preserve peace, to preserve stability and to respond to other people’s arrogance in the way decent people always respond. We just want to protect our own and nothing more. So, I’m sure that we will show maturity as a nation and that we will preserve our hearths," said Vucic in a video posted on Instagram.


Vucic and Hill on Brussels dialogue and situation in the region (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met today with the US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill, whom he informed about the course of the last round of talks in Brussels, as well as about the development of the situation in the region. Vucic expressed gratitude for the strong involvement of the US in calming tensions in Kosovo and Metohija, as well as for the efforts to further de-escalate the entire situation, especially considering the constant generation of artificial crises by the provisional authorities of self-government in Pristina. The President particularly emphasized that Serbia, as always in the past, will continue to make enormous efforts in order to solve all open issues through dialogue, because our country, with its responsible and serious approach so far, has shown that it is sincerely committed to dialogue and cooperation in with the aim of preserving the hard-won peace and stability in the entire region, for which Serbia constantly and consistently advocates both in the domestic political arena and in all international forums. The parties agreed that this path, which leads to maintaining peace in the Western Balkans, was the only right way of advocating a stable and prosperous future of the region, and that it was vital that all political factors acted in a responsible way, primarily with the well-being of citizens in mind. Hill insisted that all open issues be resolved peacefully and through dialogue.


Brnabic: Only peace can ensure prosperity in Balkans (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Tuesday only peace and stability could bring prosperity across the Balkans and that, at Monday’s Brussels meeting with Pristina representatives, Belgrade had demonstrated how much it was committed to maintaining peace in the region. Responding to questions from reporters after the presentation of a Foreign Investors Council White Book 2022, Brnabic noted that Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija only wanted rule of law and respect and implementation of reached agreements. “The only thing we want and the only thing Kosovo Serbs want is implementation of existing agreements and no more and no less than that. At the end of the day, if we speak about rule of law, one of the fundamental and ultimate EU values, then full respect and implementation of reached agreements is that ultimate value and an indicator of rule of law. Just what we want,” Brnabic said. Speaking about last night’s meeting with Kosovo Serb representatives at the Presidency of Serbia, Brnabic said President Aleksandar Vucic had “once again asked for peace, and asked the Kosovo-Metohija Serbs not to fall for any provocations and said it is important that we demonstrate how much we care about stability”. “Stability and peace are the only things that can ensure prosperity to us in the Western Balkans and the Balkans in general. We have been successful in that thus far,” she noted. She thanked Vucic for the way in which he represented Serbia’s policy in Brussels on Monday. “He demonstrated we have a broad understanding of compromise and how much we care about continuing the dialogue to discourage all attempts of destabilisation in the region,” Brnabic said.


Petkovic: International community understood Vucic’s request (RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that it is important and significant that the international community understood President Vucic’s call and request that the West put the necessary pressure on Pristina. “We are ready for that every time we go to Brussels, because that is what dialogue is for - to meet halfway. Kurti insisted and said that he is only interested in the full normalization of relations that has mutual recognition as the center of the agreement. Those are his wishes, that it is not in the dialogue, it is not on the agenda,” said Petkovic. The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija said that the Serbian side accepted several proposals and compromises and that President Vucic was looking at how to take a step forward and preserve peace with the proposals. “We proposed to return the KS plates, so Kurti jumped up as if scalded, saying that status neutrality had passed, that Resolution 1244 was not valid, that now they are a state, that they have the right to status symbols. We were ready to accept the proposal to stop, that we do not issue new license plates, and that Pristina suspends its illegal decision on re-registration. He insists on something that is not international law and an agreement, but wants chaos,” said Petkovic. Vucic said, as he noted, that we can discuss everything, including the Franco-German proposal, and that we will see where will we arrive. “For us, the red line is that we do not accept Kosovo becoming a member of the UN, but no one can ask Belgrade to put the signed agreement, which is an international legal obligation, in the context of new talks, a new phase of negotiations. How can it be when we have not completed the previous one? All agreed agreements must be implemented, and only then should we talk about the continuation of normalization,” said Petkovic. He also stated that during yesterday a huge number of members of the special units headed in the direction of those four bases. “They don’t go there just like that, it is known that when they enter the north of Kosovo and Metohija, they go to harass and deal with the Serb people. That is why Vucic told Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija that if they protest, it should be done in a peaceful and democratic way, to show the world who is the one who suffers, and who commits violence, who wants to expel the Serb people from the territory of Kosovo and Metohija. We did everything, Vucic was determined, but also very rational when it comes to yesterday, how can we do everything without stepping on the red lines,” said Petkovic. Petkovic pointed to the statement of Josep Borrell, who said that the agreement was not reached solely because of Albin Kurti. “For the first time, we could clearly hear that the culprit of the failure of the dialogue is exclusively Kurti and Pristina, which is not implementing its international legal obligations, as Borrell himself said,” said Petkovic. To that, he says, as a response from Pristina came a barrage of attacks from Vjosa Osmani and Albin Kurti, who said of Borrell that he violated the normalization of relations and that he “sided with the aggressor” and that his reality was distorted. “We will look at how to preserve the dialogue and that is exactly the place where we need to talk, so that there are no incidents, so that we do not allow Kurti to take a militant approach to attack. Kurti refuses agreements and shows that he has been lying all these years, and especially in the last months,” concluded Petkovic.


Stano: EU has not given up on its proposal on Belgrade-Pristina relations (N1)


European Commission spokesman Peter Stano rejected claims that the EU had given up on its proposal to normalize Belgrade-Pristina relations. “Any claims that the EU is giving up on its proposal on normalisation of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, which is supported by DE, FR and the US, are untrue. The EU continues to fully stand behind this proposal and encourages the Parties to agree to the text as soon as they are ready prove to the international community that they are able to go for European solutions.. What is now key is for both Parties to avoid escalation, which requires immediate action from both Parties – Kosovo not start issuing fines and Serbia not to issue new KM plates. There cannot be any negotiations on normalisation of relations with a threat violence present,” Stano said in an e-mail statement.


US calls on Serbia, Kosovo to de-escalate tensions (Beta)


The US is disappointed that the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo have not managed to resolve the issue of vehicle license plates, said a press release by State Department spokesman Ned Price. According to the statement, both President Vucic and Prime Minister Kurti “will need to make concessions” so that “decades of hard-won peace in an already fragile region” are not put in jeopardy.  “We urge Prime Minister Kurti to work with EU High Representative Borrell and EU Special Representative Lajcak to reach a fair compromise,” the statement further reads. The US also joined the EU in calling for the immediate suspension of “any planned measures that would escalate tensions”, including Kosovo’s intention to fine local vehicles bearing license plates issued by Serbia proper. “Both parties should refrain from taking provocative steps, fulfill their obligations under the EU facilitated dialogue, and engage constructively to reach a sustainable solution,” Price concluded.


Botsan-Kharchenko: Vucic once again showed constructive commitment (Tanjug/RTV)


Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko assessed today that Kosovo “prime minister” Albin Kurti once again rejected the EU proposals to stabilize the situation in the north of Kosovo, which is on the verge of a conflict, and that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic once again showed constructive commitment. In his comment, Kharchenko adds that he will not be surprised if the West, despite this, continues to repeat the thesis of the mutual responsibility of Belgrade and Pristina for increasing tensions and pointed out that this is a completely false message, the Russian Embassy in Belgrade announced. Kharchenko stated that the “security vacuum” spoken of by the EU High Representative Joseph Borrell is, of course, dangerous, but that it is not possible to understand why the Head of EU diplomacy believes that neither EULEX nor KFOR can fill it in order to avoid the crisis. “This is precisely what falls under the mandate of those international presences. I believe that Borrell should familiarize himself with their mandates,” Kharchenko said in a statement. He assesses that it seems that the West is deliberately leaving a “security vacuum” to be filled by the Kosovo Albanian special forces and warns that this is the path leading to a conflict.




Representatives of ‘The Eight’ meet in Sarajevo, announce signing of program coalition agreement with HDZ B&H (FTV/Nova BH)


Representatives of parties that make ‘The Eight’ coalition met in premises of SDP in Sarajevo on Monday. Participants of the meeting announced that they will finalize an agreement on a program coalition with HDZ B&H at the end of this week. Following the meeting, representatives of abovementioned parties stated that the coalition program will be symbolically signed on Statehood Day of B&H, namely 25 November in premises of B&H parliament. They underlined that nominations of candidates for positions in executive authorities have not been a subject of talks yet. Leader of SB&H Semir Efendic said that the coalition program agreement is a framework document referring to three main areas: Euro-Atlantic integration, political stability and socio-economic measures. Leader of NES Nermin Ogresevic stated that in the upcoming period coalition partners will be working on harmonization of their programs. The reporter noted that after abovementioned meeting, leaders of ‘The Troika’ held a new meeting. They talked about additional details that need to be harmonized before the coalition agreement is signed. Leader of SDP Nermin Niksic stressed they are committed to create a quality program that will be implemented by executive authorities. Leader of Our Party Edin Forto emphasized that HDZ B&H-led coalition is interested in the program coalition. NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic stated that they do not want to enter arrangements where they will fail to fulfill their promises. Efendic also stated: “It is a framework document that will be elaborated in detail in all important areas of life. I sincerely hope that this will be an opportunity for B&H to take accelerated steps in everything that it has been standing in, one could say, for decades”. Niksic, who is set to sign the coalition agreement with HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic on behalf of ‘The Eight’, said that the cooperation with HDZ B&H will be based on three principles – Euro-Atlantic integration, social and economic issues, and the rule of law. Niksic did not want to reveal any further details regarding the agreement with HDZ B&H. However, Niksic confirmed that HDZ B&H did not set any conditions regarding the Election Law to form the authorities and added that the cooperation will be based on mutual understanding. With regard to possible personnel solutions for ministerial posts at B&H level, Niksic underscored that this issue was not discussed as it is currently not a priority. “On one hand, no one is setting conditions for anything. We are very committed and responsible to make a quality program that the executive authorities will implement”, Niksic noted. According to Niksic, “those who end up planned for the executive functions will have to prepare a detailed program of authorities”. The SDP B&H leader assessed that a detailed program for the authorities will ensure that the decisions in the parliaments are passed more easily. Konakovic pointed out that, compared to earlier coalition talks in B&H, “climate with potential partners, HDZ B&H, is completely different” as they do not start with conflicts. “We are really ready to work in interest of the state”, Konakovic announced. Forto noted that “partners gathered around HDZ B&H” want a program coalition, and he concluded that the citizens will monitor what is implemented.


SDA, SDP B&H and DF hold talks on election of delegates from the RS to B&H HoP (FTV/Hayat)


Leaders of SDA, SDP and DF met in one restaurant in Sarajevo on Monday. Although there are no official information about topics discussed at this meeting, there are claims that formation of new authorities in B&H was one of discussed topics. The reporter noted that following the meeting of ‘The Eight’ coalition, leaders of SB&H and NES informed media that leader of SDP Nermin Niksic informed them he met with leaders of SDA and DF and that they talked about election of the B&H HoP delegates from the RS, i.e. about whether they will support candidates of Movement for the State. Hayat also reported and concluded in case that five representatives of the Movement for the State Caucus in the RS parliament reach an agreement with PDP and SDS to join their forces, there is a possibility for the RS opposition to have two its delegates in the B&H HoP, which would be sufficient to avoid SNSD as a government formation factor.


All parliamentary parties in the RS called to negotiations on formation of authorities (ATV)


Formation of the RS government is the main topic of consultations between RS President Milorad Dodik and representatives of the parliamentary parties. Among other things, it was previously announced that they are expected to declare whether they will be a part of a broad coalition, in order to secure a two-thirds majority in the RS parliament. The invitation was sent to all party leaders in the RS. “All parliamentary parties are invited, whoever comes, I will receive them, talk to them, see what their political views are on the RS, and those who do not come, I thank them as well. Who will come and who will not come, whether they will be lame, like this or that, strong or weak, that is their problem”, Dodik said ahead of Tuesday’s meeting. DNS and SPS support the national unity initiative. They will attend the mentioned meeting. “We must preserve the institutions of the RS, we must not allow the Serb member of the (B&H) Presidency to be outvoted, and we must always ensure a two-thirds majority for the veto of the Serb member of the Presidency”, emphasized DNS leader Nenad Nesic. As expected, Nebojsa Vukanovic from ‘For Justice and Order’ List resents them for these stances. Between the lines, he said that he would not be in the story of the broad coalition, which he described in his own style. “I do not want to participate in his plays and game shows, to give some semblance of legitimacy and normalcy to his usurpations. This is why Nebojsa Vukanovic's ‘For Justice and Order’ List will not respond to the call for false 'consultations'”, Vukanovic was quoted as saying. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic said on Monday that this party will not participate in the consultations with RS President Milorad Dodik on the formation of the new RS government. “Our position is known, we continue to dispute the election results for the RS President because we believe that it is based on electoral irregularities”, Borenovic said.


We respect existence of RS, Dayton remains firm basis (Nezavisne, by Dejan Sajinovic)


The daily carried an interview with UK Special Envoy for Western Balkans Stuart Peach who is paying a visit to B&H. Asked to explain the UK’s position on the demands of Croats for legitimate representation, Peach stated that the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) provides basis for representation in B&H. He argued that only with the help of the DPA, B&H will be able to evolve away from DPA on its Euro-Atlantic path towards a fully democratic state integrated with the rest of Europe. “Local politicians have the responsibility to implement that reform, to ensure that all citizens have their rights which belong to them in a democratic society”, Peach emphasized. He argued that there has been political and legislative stagnation in B&H for years and that there have been many unsuccessful attempts at reform. He noted that there is not enough political will to break that cycle. Peach reminded of the failed talks on electoral reform facilitated by the EU and USA, and of the call of High Representative Christian Schmidt to find a solution which was ignored. “The task of the High Representative is implementation of the civilian aspects of the DPA, as well as support to B&H on its path to a secure and prosperous future”, he emphasized. Commenting Schmidt’s decision to impose changes to B&H Election Law and FB&H Constitution, Peach stated: “In his decision from 2 October 2022 he made it clear that he did not have any choice, that he had to act. In such a situation, with lack of internal political will and leadership, the High Representative plays an important role in implementation of the agreement and support to the framework for a more prosperous future. We wish to see a stable and functional FB&H within the strong state of B&H. Establishing a functional FB&H is crucial for initiative the necessary social and economic reforms, as well as protection from those who wish to destabilize and slow down the development of the state.”


Dodik: RS is stable, this is most important (RTRS)


The 27th anniversary of initialing of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in B&H in the US City of Dayton was marked on Monday. Monday was a non-working day in the RS. RTRS noted that peace is being celebrated only in the RS that entered into a new community with its own sovereignty, subjectivity and constitutional capacity. According to RTRS, competences of the RS were taken under the patronage of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) and the West. Now, the RS is ahead of a long, legal and constitutional process of returning of competences or else – warned RS officials – they will give up on building of what others try to ruin but not at expense of the RS and the Serb people. The RS strongly confronted this process while RS President Milorad Dodik keeps on repeating “either the Dayton or the original constitution or else, they will assess when and how they will exit out of B&H”. Dodik also noted that he and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic will “formulate policies that will strengthen the RS”. On the occasion of 27 years since the initialing of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), Dodik said that stabilization of the RS will be continued. “We no longer have to hold fast to the Dayton Agreement, as we did until now. Others have demolished it to the extent that it is irreparable, collapsed, and, in that sense, we will see how things will further develop”, Dodik told reporters. He emphasized that it is important that the RS is strong and stable. “There is no more, let me say, discomfort, or I do not know what, which might sound rude; when foreigners come and ask for something – those times are over. Today, we know what we want. We want our Republic, and give us a constitutional Republic in B&H, or we will leave it when we assess that we should do that”, Dodik stated.


Cvijanovic: There is need to go back to original Dayton (ATV)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic said the priority is to return to the original Dayton Peace Agreement. Cvijanovic said they think about the times when things were stable, and times when they were not. Instability started, she says, when foreign interventions began, when taking away and usurping of competencies started. “When the constitutional system was changed in an unconstitutional way, whether through actions of the High Representatives, or the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, then we found ourselves in problems in which we are today”, Cvijanovic pointed out. She is sad that this happened, and believes that B&H can be a far more successful country, and it could live “with full lung capacity” provided to the country by the Dayton Agreement.


RS opposition politicians comment on DPA (BNTV)


Commenting on the position of the RS 27 years after the DPA was initiated, ‘For Justice and Order’ movement leader Nebojsa Vukanovic stated that the RS has lost many important institutions and competences, while the level of B&H has been strengthened greatly in the past 27 years through formation of several new ministries and strengthening of judicial institutions and intelligence-security sector. Banja Luka Mayor Drasko Stanivukovic (PDP) said that the main question is what was the role of key political officials in the RS in the past 27 year given that they saw the usurpation of 83 competences or institutions of from the RS to date, warning that this means that betrayal of the RS was on stage and that key actors “sold” the RS competences for the sake of personal and other interests or under pressures. SDS’ Milan Radovic assessed that the rhetoric advocating for the RS’ secession, peaceful dissolution and the return of the RS competences that were transferred by the agreement is what creates tensions, forces citizens to leave the country and drives investors away from the RS, the same as stories about tendencies to abolish the RS.


Russian Embassy in B&H: Attempts by outside players to revise the foundations of Dayton are dangerous (ATV)


The Russian Embassy in B&H issued a statement on the occasion of the 27 years since the initialing of the Dayton Peace Agreement. They emphasize that they strongly support this Agreement, as well as the transfer of “full power to the peoples of B&H”. “This document not only brought the long-awaited peace, but also laid a solid foundation for the normal functioning of B&H,” the Russian Embassy wrote in its statement. They point out that Russia, as a state guarantor of the Peace Agreement from 1995, “consistently stands for strict respect for the fundamental principles of equality of the three constituent peoples and two entities, with broad constitutional powers, that make up B&H”. They also referred to the Office of the High Representative (OHR) and the influence of the international community in B&H. “We are convinced that constant attempts by external players to revise these unshakable foundations of a modern B&H for their own selfish geopolitical purposes can have irreversible and dangerous consequences. We strongly advocate the immediate transfer of full power to the peoples of B&H, the abolition of the derogatory external protectorate in the form of the Office of the High Representative. We believe that the citizens of B&H deserve the chance to independently determine their destiny through dialogue based on mutual respect, compromise and consensus,” reads the Russian Embassy’s statement.


Becirovic sends letter to Djukanovic: Assistance of Montenegro to B&H’s NATO path is important (Avaz)


Member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic sent a letter to President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic. Becirovic underlined friendly relations between B&H and Montenegro, where the spirit of good neighborly cooperation is in force, openness, trust, and “we are also connected by the tradition of multi-ethnic democracy and European future”. Becirovic added that B&H wants to be a close neighbor, who supports development of Montenegrin society with all its values and reliable partner for strengthening of stability in the region. “Assistance of friendly Montenegro on our NATO path is welcomed and I use the opportunity to thank you for the support so far. I wish for the neighborly Montenegro to achieve the goal of EU membership as soon as possible,” said Becirovic.


Kordic: We hope for agreement on Constitutional Court, opposition to support candidates (RTCG)


The President of the Constitutional Committee of the parliament of Montenegro Simonida Kordic (DF) appealed to the opposition, primarily the Democratic Party of Socialists, to elect judges of the Constitutional Court at the session at the end of the month. In a statement to Portal RTCG, Kordic said that the proposed candidates are extremely reputable persons with significant international experience. “We hope for an agreement and on this occasion I call on the opposition, primarily the Democratic Party of Socialists, to elect judges of the Constitutional Court, all four of them, so that the court is complete, and if that is not at all acceptable to the opposition, to elect at least one judge of the Constitutional Court,” said Kordic. She points out that so far they have not heard any complaints about any of the proposed candidates. “We have not heard a single word of complaint about any of the proposed candidates, they are all extremely reputable persons with significant and international experience. We believe that the opposition will make its contribution,” said Kordic. She emphasized that they will vote for all four judges, and that this is completely clear and transparent. “A minimum of good will on the part of the opposition will lead to the unblocking of the Constitutional Court,” concluded Kordic.


Osmani – Wahl: Support to North Macedonia’s 2023 OSCE Chairmanship (RFE/Republika/Tochka/Makfax/MIA)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani met Monday with the new Head of the OSCE Mission to Skopje, Ambassador Kilian Wahl. The upcoming chairmanship of the Republic of North Macedonia with the OSCE in 2023 was discussed during the meeting. Osmani expressed his satisfaction with the appointment of Ambassador Wahl as the head of the OSCE Mission, as a distinguished expert in crisis prevention and management in South-Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans. FM Osmani also emphasized that he appreciates the fact that Wahl comes from Germany, a country that provides a constant support to North Macedonia and is a prominent geopolitical actor and an important member of the OSCE. “Interlocutors referred to North Macedonia’s 2023 OSCE Chairmanship, with Ambassador Wahl providing open support during the chairmanship, especially noting that the chairmanship of the OSCE in 2023 will be a difficult and challenging task, primarily due to the open aggression of a participating country and other current developments in the OSCE region,” Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release. Among other things, Minister Osmani noted that our goal is enhanced cooperation with OSCE field missions with the aim of establishing synergy between the priorities of the presidency and those of field missions.


Agreement with Poland on cooperation in field of defense, ratified (Radio Tirana)


The Foreign Policy Commission ratified the agreement between Albania and Poland for cooperation in the field of defense. The general director of the Regulatory Directorate and Compliance in the Defense Field at the Ministry of Defense, Ardit Collaku announced during his speech to the Commission that the agreement aims to further strengthen military cooperation. "The agreement was signed by the two governments in June 2022 in Brussels and aims to further strengthen military cooperation, define legal frameworks and general provisions regarding cooperation between the parties on defense issues," he said. Among other things, Collaku clarified that the parties will cooperate in carrying out joint international operations and missions, including peacekeeping operations, search and rescue activities and humanitarian operations, as well as alliance initiatives within the framework of the commitments of international organizations, where they both sides part. Furthermore, he stated that the cooperation between the two countries will extend to joint military exercises; training and education of civilian and military personnel of the Armed Forces of the parties; the defense industry, science and technology related to the modernization of the Armed Forces of the parties; matters related to security for the exchange of classified information in accordance with the applicable national legislation of the parties and international legislation; exchange of information related to airspace surveillance, advice, exercises and joint training in this field; military medicine, etc. Deputy Petro Koci, in the capacity of relator, appreciated the importance of the agreement signed with Poland, as one of the important countries of NATO, as well as emphasized that Albania for several years has a good tradition of cooperation with this country in conducting several military joint exercises.