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Belgrade Media Report 28 December 2022



Vucic visits the units between Kraljevo and Raska (Tanjug/B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic completed his tour of the units of the Serbian Army between Kraljevo and Raska last evening. "Somewhere between Kraljevo and Raska. Finished a tour of some units of our army, our heroes, and went to a meeting with representatives of Serbs from Kosovo. I believe in justice and law, but more than anything in Serbian wisdom, but also strength and determination. Long live free Serbi,a, Vucic wrote on Instagram.


Vucic: Pristina wants to banish Serbia, Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija forever (Politika/Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Tuesday that, even if the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija calmed down, something new would happen in 15 to 30 days as Pristina's goal was to banish Serbia and "disobedient Serbs" from Kosovo and Metohija forever. That is why the Serbs are being criminalised, Vucic told reporters after a meeting with Patriarch Porfirije of the Serbian Orthodox Church. "Considering the geopolitical situation and their desire to crush us due to the situation with Russia and Ukraine, you should have no doubt that this will continue. I am not sure we will be able to overcome that because we are talking to someone who is willing to hear no arguments." Pristina should not be arresting people just because it does not like them, he said. He said discussions were underway with international representatives. "We are trying to preserve and ensure peace and reach a compromise solution," he said, adding that threats by Pristina PM Albin Kurti were "hysterical". He said he had spoken with Kosovo Serbs last night and added that he was ready to go to Raska or Kursumlija for further discussions with them to ensure they spent Christmas at their homes. Vucic noted that Pristina as well as a part of the international community needed the Serbs expelled from Kosovo and Metohija as that was the only way they thought the problem could be solved. He noted that, in addition to threats from Pristina, the West was making threats, too, and saying "you are running out of time - if you do not do what needs to be done, we will let Kurti do it all".


Brnabic: State ready to protect Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija (Politika/Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic pointed out yesterday that raising the combat readiness of the police and the armed forces means that Serbia is ready to react if someone attacks the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, pointing out that Albin Kurti has made a series of outrageous acts of provocation and unilateral moves this year. After the "Talent Together" conference, answering questions from journalists, Brnabic stated that Prime Minister of Pristina's temporary institutions Albin Kurti shows by his behaviour that the only thing he wants is for there to be no Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. She pointed out that Kurti violated all agreements and that he started this year by revoking the right to vote for Serbs in January, and now at the end of the year he has banned Patriarch Porfirije from entering Kosovo and Metohija. She underlined that the situation in the province is getting more serious day by day and that there is more and more tension, and Kurti has started threatening with human victims and the violent removal of barricades. She expressed her hope that international partners will have enough sense not to allow such things, highlighting that the Serbs are only asking for the respect of basic human rights, not to arrest them without evidence and not to mistreat and kidnap them. Brnabic also explained that the Serbs demand the implementation of international agreements, that there are no secret lists and lists for arrest and, in accordance with the Brussels agreement, that the Kosovo Police and their special units withdraw from the north of Kosovo and Metohija, assessing that these are not big demands and that in the 21st century, they should not even be talked about.


Brnabic responds to Osmani: We're in complete agreement, democracy and rule of law will prevail (Politika/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic has responded to the president of the provisional Pristina institutions Vlosa Osmani to say that she is finally in agreement with her, regarding democracy and the rule of law prevailing. "Finally, I completely agree with Ms. Osmani: democracy and the rule of law will prevail. That's why the barricades are there. The Serbs are protecting their right to vote (which you took away from them), their right to a fair trial (which you deny them) and the Brussels Agreement. They will win and (Albin) Kurti will fail," Brnabic stated. She was responding to a tweet Osmani had posted, which, among other things, reads that "Serbia's leadership may have changed since the 90s, but their intentions haven't. They will fail. Democracy and rule of law will prevail."


Vucevic: Serbia ready for agreement, but that doesn’t mean moving of red lines (RTS)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic has told RTS that citizens of Serbia should not be afraid, that Belgrade is ready for an agreement, but pointed out that this does not mean moving the "red lines". His impression, he added, is that the Army is calm, not euphoric, ready to carry out any task. "There is no euphoria, no tavern songs, there's complete concentration. You see courage and determination in their eyes to protect our people. No one wants to fight a war and no one wishes for conflicts, but the Serbian Army is ready, brave and determined to protect our country. I hope that no one will be checking whether this is true," said the minister of defense. Vucevic told RTS last night President Aleksandar Vucic left late in the day to visit the soldiers in the Raska Garrison and to meet there with representatives of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, with legitimate representatives of our people in Kosovo and Metohija. "It was very dynamic. Those talks between President Vucic and representatives of the Serbs with Kosovo and Metohija are friendly, brotherly, but they are complex, because the circumstances are also very challenging. The president informed them about all the things that Serbia is doing to preserve peace and stability and above all Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija. The representatives of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija informed him about the situation on the ground and what made them have to go to for that type of peaceful and democratic protest, like the barricades," said Vucevic. He said that in parallel with that, President Vucic had an open line of communication with Quint (US, France, Italy, Germany, UK) representatives, where he conveyed Serbia's stances that a political agreement is sought, but that it will not be to humiliate Serbs and allow for the further pogrom of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. "The red line is that there is no new pogrom, Flash and Storm. If the international community wants this to return to the format of dialogue and political agreement, it must stop with a series of irrational and unilateral moves by Albin Kurti's administration. Serbs did not take to the streets because they're bored, but because of a series of moves over a long period of time that show that the government in Pristina really does not see Kosovo as a province where Serbs should live," said Vucevic.


Citizens of Serbia should not be afraid

Vucic added that President Vucic firmly presented Serbia's arguments and reasons for concern for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. "Citizens of Serbia should not be afraid. We are concerned about the situation. On the other hand, we have a man who does not make rational moves. A whole series of moves, from the persecution of Serbs in Strpce, attacks on Serbs in Kosovo under the guise of fighting the grey economy, the problem with license plates, election commissions, banning Serbs from participating in elections and referendums, arrests... We are forgetting some other people who have been detained for a long time or convicted. The fact that Kurti went for denouncing agreements reached in the previous ten years," noted Vucevic. He remarked that he cannot say whether we are close to a solution. "Serbia is ready for an agreement, but that does not mean moving the red lines. It is up to us to find a political solution, and at the same time, the Army and the police are ready to protect Serbia and all its citizens," stressed Vucevic.


An army ready to perform any task

His impression, he added, is that the Army is calm, not euphoric, and ready to carry out any task. "There is no euphoria, no tavern songs, there's complete concentration. You see courage and determination in their eyes to protect our people. No one wants to fight a war and no one wishes for conflicts, but the Serbian Army is ready, brave and determined to protect our country. I hope that no one will be checking whether this is true," said the minister of defense. He added that the Army and the police are not only on the administrative line, they are in also in various other locations. "I can't reveal all the positions, but when you sit with them you feel safer. We have everything we need to protect our country, not only in that area. There are also special brigades, the Air Force, the artillery...," said Vucevic. According to him, if the president gives the order, the Army will react. "Let's try to fight politically for Kosovo and Metohija, for the survival and life of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, so that we don't get into the scenario that was written for us in the 1990s and become the ideal culprit. We must not fall into that cliché. Serbia is leading Serbian politics, we are not an isolated island, but that does not mean that Serbia is a punching bag. Wisdom and a rational approach, without being ashamed of emotions, but they must not prevail in the decision-making process," said Vucevic.


Vucevic, Mojsilovic visit army, police troops at administrative line (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian Defence Minister Milos Vucevic and Serbian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff Gen Milan Mojsilovic on Tuesday visited a part of Serbian army and police troops deployed along the administrative line. They ascertained that the morale of army and police personnel is high and that it is prepared to execute all tasks swiftly and with determination, the Ministry of Defence said in a statement. Due to the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija, the Serbian army and police were put on full alert on Monday. In a statement to Tanjug, Vucevic said there was no reason for panic but that there was reason for concern.


Dacic: Xhacka encourages Kurti to continue provocations instead of warning him to implement Brussels agreement (Tanjug/RTV)


Albanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka last night supported the criminal regime of Albin Kurti and brutally attacked Serbia by accusing it of saber-rattling, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has said, RTV reports. "She did not warn Kurti with a single word that he has an international obligation to implement the Brussels agreement, (UN) Resolution 1244 and all other relevant documents, an obligation to form the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), not to send armed Albanian units to the north and not to arrest Serbs just because they are Serbs," Dacic said in a statement for Tanjug. The barricades, he stressed, represent peaceful political resistance against the terror carried out against the Serb people by Albin Kurti. "Instead of warning him (Kurti) not to endanger peace and stability in the region, the Albanian minister is encouraging him to further provocations. That is why she and the entire international community bear a huge responsibility for everything that is happening and could happen in Kosovo. Serbia will do everything for peace, led by President of the Republic Aleksandar Vucic, but will also do everything to protect the Serb people from terror and pogroms," Dacic said. Xhacka previously said that Albania stands by Kosovo and called on the Serbian authorities "not to justify either the barricades or the criminal groups that refuse to remove them".


Serbs at the barricades for the 19th day (B92)


Serbs from the north of Kosovo and Metohija are at the barricades for the 19th day. About 50 people last night blocked the Merdare crossing from the direction of Kursumlija towards Podujevo as a sign of support for the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija. Trucks and tractors were used for roadblocks, which is why the Kosovo police completely closed the Merdare crossing for traffic, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo called last night to avoid the Merdare crossing and to use other crossings - Mutivode and Bela Zemlja.


Pantic to be transferred to house arrest (Tanjug)


Kosovo Serb Dejan Pantic, a former Kosovo Police officer arrested by Pristina at the Jarinje administrative crossing earlier this month, will be transferred to house arrest, Tanjug learns.

Pantic was arrested on 10 December and placed in one-month custody two days later.

Pristina has accused him of involvement in an attack on the office of its central election commission in the north of Kosovska Mitrovica.


US Ambassador says seeing Patriarch important for Kosovo Serbs (


US Ambassador Christopher Hill told that seeing the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) is important for the Serb community in Kosovo. Speaking a day after Patriarch Porfirije was banned from entering Kosovo, Hill expressed hope that something similar would not happen again. He said that seeing the Patriarch is a basic issue of religious freedom in Kosovo. quoted him as saying that no one in the international community is opposed to the Patriarch’s right to enter Kosovo and meet the faithful.


Botsan-Kharchenko: Ban to Patriarch to go to Kosovo beyond all limits of reason (Tanjug/RTV)


Russian Ambassador Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko yesterday assessed as absolutely unacceptable Pristina’s decision to ban SPC Patriarch Porfirije from going to Kosovo, which, he believes, fits in with their intention to ban or destroy Orthodoxy. “The ban on the Patriarch from going to the Serbian holy places in Kosovo is beyond all limits of reason,” said Botsan-Kharchenko for Tanjug and added that it is important to talk about the causes and reasons for such a situation. “This is a move by which Pristina wants to ban or completely destroy Orthodoxy and Serbian churches in Kosovo and Metohija,” he said. He emphasized that it is important to return to the causes and reasons for such a situation. “The impossibility of the EU to conduct and lead a conversation that would be fruitful and with some result is a complete collapse of the Brussels negotiations,” said Russian Ambassador. “The strong position of the President of Serbia, the Minister of Defense, is in accordance with the situation, the defense forces at the highest level of readiness absolutely correspond to the situation on the ground,” Botsan-Khrachenko told Tanjug when asked to comment on the situation in the province. The Ambassador reminded that his assessment of the situation in Kosovo and Metohija is shared by Moscow, and it was also announced yesterday by the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova. “The situation is very dangerous, tense and on the verge of wider conflicts, and in our opinion it describes and reflects all the events on the ground and around Kosovo,” he said and added that there is always hope that a solution to the situation will be found, but that despite the thinking, he does not see an argument in support of expectations, which would strengthen that hope. The Ambassador emphasized that it is completely understandable that Pristina enjoys the support of the West, regardless of what they say. As he added, they confirm it with their actions. “During the most difficult days of confrontation between the two sides and rising tensions, Pristina submitted its application for EU membership. Now it does not matter whether the request will have an outcome in the near or distant future,” he said and reminded that everyone knows that the submission and acceptance of the request is preceded by very difficult procedure to fulfill EU requirements. He believes that it is about encouraging Pristina, because along with the submission of the application for membership, there is also the process of visa liberalization. “As far as the US is concerned, it is known from before that if Washington wanted to put pressure on Pristina, which is now very necessary, to stop the moves, they would do it, and if they don’t do it, they would give them the green light,” said Botsan-Kharchenko.




Dodik: We have no intention of sharing property with B&H (ATV)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik has stated on Tuesday that he supports the RS parliament in passing a law on immovable property because the RS has no intention of sharing the property with Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) nor can it be taken away by unconstitutional decisions of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H. Dodik reminded that the property issue was resolved by the Dayton Peace Accords and the Constitution. “We have no intention of sharing that property with B&H, nor can it be taken away from us by anti-Dayton violence and unconstitutional decisions of the Constitutional Court. No court will ever succeed in that, not even theirs, the one that is not ours”, Dodik wrote on Twitter.


RS parliament discusses RS Proposal Law on Immovable Property Used for Functioning of Public Authority (BHT1)


The fifth special session of the RS parliament began in Banja Luka on Tuesday. Among other things, the agenda of the RS parliament's special session includes the Proposal of the Law on Immovable Property Used for the Functioning of Authorities. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic said that the RS is always ready to talk about the property necessary for the functioning of the joint institutions at the B&H level. "And for someone else to decide about our land, our waters, our forests, I am afraid they will not live to see it. I am really sorry to have to say that, but that belongs to the RS," Viskovic said. Viskovic told reporters that the property located on the territory of the RS belongs to the RS, which will be confirmed by the adoption of the law on immovable property of the RS. He stressed that the RS will be persistent on its law because the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and the Constitution of B&H have said that the property located on the territory of the RS belongs to the RS entity, noting that the RS’ policy is in line with this provision. Viskovic underlined: “They will dispute it, we will propose it and the RS parliament will adopt it. Thus, will be play in a circle until someone is fed up but be sure that we, from the RS, will be persuasive because the DPA said that property located at the territory of the RS belongs to the entity of the RS. We are only acting in line with that.”  Speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic said that the RS parliament will protect the RS’ property and that no appeal, which only serves to raise tensions, will prevent them to pass new laws. reports that the RS parliament’s special session was interrupted on Tuesday evening and representatives will discuss the proposal of the law on immovable property on Wednesday.


RS opposition says RS government kept secret that proposal of RS law on immovable property was adjusted to previous decisions of HRs (BN TV)


The proposal of the law on immovable property of RS is on the agenda of the RS parliament session on Tuesday. The opposition said that the RS Government has drafted a new proposal of the law on immovable property of the RS after the previous law on immovable property of the RS was disputed by the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, but the RS government kept a secret that the law was adjusted to previous decisions of the High Representatives (HRs). They stated that by this new law RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic has actually given in to the Office of the High Representative (OHR) and thus accepted all the previous decisions of the HRs and the B&H CC. Head of the RS SDS Caucus Vukota Govedarica reminded of the laws imposed by former HR Paddy Ashdown in 2005 and 2006 and stressed that the new law on immovable property is practically a copy of provisions imposed by the HRs. Head of the RS PDP Caucus Igor Crnadak stated that the new law is suspicious particularly because of the fact that the Bosniak representatives in the RS parliament leaderships and the RS government support it although not so long ago they were against it. "These people sitting in the RS parliament leadership, who represent the Bosniak people there, and people who are sitting in the RS government who represent the Bosniak people were against this yesterday (Monday). Now, all of a sudden, they are proposing this to us as a good solution for the RS, and some things have changed seriously from the old proposal," Crnadak pointed out. However, RS parliament deputy speaker Mirsad Duratovic (Movement for the State) said that RS MPs of the 'Movement for the State’ voted against the proposed agenda precisely because the Proposal of the Law on Immovable Property Used for the Functioning of Authorities was on it. Duratovic emphasized that MPs of the 'Movement for the State’ believe that the issue of property exclusively falls under the jurisdiction of the state of B&H. "Therefore, if we voted against the agenda, our position on the law itself is clear," Duratovic underlined.


Komsic announces that he will file motion with B&H CC if the RS parliament again adopts RS Law on Immovable Property (BHT1)


Member of B&H Presidency, Zeljko Komsic announced that he will file a motion with the Constitutional Court of B&H (CC) if the RS parliament again adopts the Law on Immovable Property Used for the Functioning of Authorities. Komsic said "given that he was not punished but rewarded for his anti-constitutional actions, RS President Milorad Dodik continues to undermine the constitutional order of B&H." "When it comes to property, we already have the verdict of the Constitutional Court, where the activities of the Assembly of the entity of the RS were declared unconstitutional," Komsic was quoted as saying. The OHR did not issue any statement on Tuesday, but the High Representative previously said that the abovementioned law is unconstitutional, anti-Dayton and contrary to the temporary ban on the disposal of state property.


Becirovic announces to file motion with B&H CC if RS parliament adopts new proposal of law on immovable property (Nova BH)


B&H Presidency member Denis Becirovic announced he will file a motion with the B&H Constitutional Court (CC) in case the RS parliament adopts the “unconstitutional” RS Law on Immovable Property Used for Functioning of Public Authority. Becirovic called on the RS parliament to reject the Proposal of the Law, and reminds that B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic also announced a motion to the B&H CC, saying he does not thing that ‘The Eight’, political party in the state-level coalition with HDZ B&H and SNSD, will do something in regard to the issue. Becirovic called on the Prosecutor's Office of B&H and the OHR to react in such a way as to ensure the implementation of the decisions of the B&H CC.


Zvizdic expects HR Schmidt may react to RS law on immovable property (Nova BH)


Speaker of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Denis Zvizdic said on Tuesday that the RS Law on Immovable Property Used for Functioning of Public Authority is “a new political game’’ and he expects the issue to be resolved with High Representative (HR) in B&H Christian Schmidt’s reaction. Addressing the media, Zvizdic said: “It will be resolved either by the HR’s reaction – what I expect – or by a motion for constitutionality review that can be filed by relevant authority representatives. However, my recommendation is not to use it for any political games and any form of populism”. Zvizdic went on to say it would be bad if “five different instances” file the motion for the constitutionality review, noting he is of view B&H Presidency members Denis Becirovic and Zeljko Komsic should do it together. “If necessary, we also can have minimum 20 signatures in the (B&H) HoR. Therefore, we will also file a motion for the constitutionality review as members of the parliament”, said Zvizdic.


NiP: HR Schmidt should put proposal of RS law on immovable property out of force; NS: RS has no competences to decide about this issue (FTV)


FTV reported about strong reactions to the proposal of the RS law on immovable property that was on agenda of the special session of the RS parliament on Tuesday. Parties from ‘The Eight’, the NiP and NS – the parties for which some say will go to detriment of the state due to the coalition with SNSD - also reacted to this issue. The NiP stated that the High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt should put the proposal of the law out of force in order to avoid harmful consequences for the state of B&H in terms of seizure of property that is under the category of “original revenues” and in terms of international obligations in processes of the EU and the NATO integration. The NS stated that once it was declared unconstitutional, the law should not have been again put on the agenda of the session. According to NS, no matter how many times the RS parliament adopts it, the law will not be applied in practice because the RS has no competences to decide about this issue. DF reacted and said that the document represents unconstitutional attempt to take away what belongs to B&H. DF argued that this is another confirmation that leader of SNSD and RS President Milorad Dodik stayed the same in terms of his policies. SDA’s Dzevad Mahmutovic announced that the SDA legal council will discuss this issue on Wednesday in order to again file an appeal with the CC of B&H as they already did it before. N1 reminded that the law was most strongly condemned by SDA, whose RS MPs underlined that the ultimate goal is to change the constitutional and legal character of B&H.


Covic and Plenkovic discuss stabilization of political situation and authority formation in B&H (Hina)


Deputy speaker of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) and President of the Croat People's Assembly (HNS) of B&H Dragan Covic met with Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic in Zagreb on Tuesday. During the meeting, Covic and Plenkovic discussed the stabilization of the political situation in B&H through efforts to quickly form authorities after the general elections in B&H, upcoming changes to the B&H Election Law with an emphasis on the B&H Presidency, as well as the acquisition of candidate status for membership in the EU.


Abazovic: Situation is clear when it comes to prime minister-designate, talks over govt in January (CdM)


We have 41 signatures supporting Miodrag Lekic, I think the situation is clear when it comes to the nomination of prime minister-designate, the outgoing Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic has said. Abazovic also notes that it’s realistic to expect the negotiations over the formation of a new government in January. “The state parliament is a legitimate institution in Montenegro. It elects the government, dismisses it… It’s something considered fine even by countries that send some worrying messages. We shall see what will happen. Right now, I’m not particularly burdened with it.” He continues: “When we get a new prime minister-designate, he will most likely have several rounds of talks with all political parties, to see what the future cabinet will look like. It’s in the interest of no one to block Montenegro.” The Prime Minister also points out that he doesn’t expect “some greater misunderstanding on the international plan”. “I don’t think the political parties will do something to disturb the situation.” Asked whether he considered Lekic a prime minister-designate having in mind that President Milo Djukanovic announced he wouldn’t hold consultations, Abazovic told that the situation was clear. “We have 41 signatures, I think the situation is clear when it comes to prime minister-designate”. On the formation of a new government, he says he’d like it to happen as soon as possible, but it’s not so simple. “It’s not possible to do it before New Year. I hope it’ll happen after the holidays. The most important thing is that the process is functioning”. Abazovic didn’t want to comment on the position he expects in the new cabinet and whether it’s acceptable for him that the Leader of the Movement for Changes (PzP) runs the security sector in a new government. “Every request is legitimate… we shall see what will happen next”.


If commission doesn’t announce final election results within 60 days, mandate of current local parliament convocation to end by force of law (Pobjeda)


MPs have adopted amendments to the Proposed Amendments to the Law on Local Self-Government submitted by MPs Danilo Saranovic, Branka Bosnjak and Milos Konatar. The proposed law as a whole has also been adopted. Saranovic said that on the way to the parliament, a fellow citizen met him and asked him: “Have you forgotten that you won the elections?” “We haven’t forgotten, but the city administration has obviously forgotten that they lost by a convincing margin”, Saranovic said. Explaining the amendments in the parliament, he said that there are few such examples of political dishonesty that currently exist in the capital, and added that these amendments are the protection of citizens’ electoral will and the functionality of the legal and electoral system in Montenegro. “It’s not about us or about political interest, but about the interest of Podgorica and the citizens of the Capital City who asked for changes in the elections”, added Saranovic. The amendments to the Law were criticized by the NGO sector and DPS. The president of the state and DPS leader, Milo Djukanovic, said that it was a demonstration of the same violence as during the adoption of the Law on the Prosecutor’s Office and amendments to the Law on the President. “It is their intention to show that they are not interested in the Constitution and that they want to take power at the local level. I think this is an attack on the state and its legal system. It demonstrates the uncultured attitude towards the state”, said Djukanovic. The Center for Democratic Transition says that the amendments to the Proposed Amendments to the Law on Local Self-Government are contrary to the Constitution and the Law on the Election of Councillors and MPs.


Tensions in the north of Kosovo/Protests in front of the Serbian Embassy in Tirana: We give our lives, we don't give Mitrovica (Radio Tirana)


The Chairperson of the Organizational Council for the Albanian National Assembly in the protest organized this Tuesday in Tirana, in front of the Serbian embassy, has warned that the Albanians will protect the lands of Kosovo and will not allow Serbia to further dismember the lands of this independent state and sovereign. The civil society came out this Tuesday (December 27) in protest in front of the Embassy of Serbia in Tirana regarding the tensions in the north of Kosovo. With the chants of "Albania-Kosovo", "We give our lives, we don't give Mitrovica", the citizens have declared that for 18 days the normal life of the citizens in Kosovo has been paralyzed, while they are living with the fever of war. Likewise, the citizens have called on the European Union and the United States of America to treat the Kosovo-Serbia issue with responsibly. "The normal life of citizens in the north of Kosovo has been paralyzed for a long time. Citizens are living under the fever of war. EU and USA handle the Serbia-Kosovo issue responsibly. Serbia has practiced genocide. We are here united, let's not allow Serbia to rule the Albanian lands", they declared.


Albania-Kosovo approve rules for the ALPEX energy exchange (Radio Tirana)


Albania and Kosova approved today the rules of the electricity market for the functioning of the Albanian Power Exchange, ALPEX. The rules were approved by the boards of two institutions, the Energy Regulatory Entity (ERE) of Albania, and the Energy Regulatory Office of Kosovo. Head of the Albanian Electricity Board (ERE) Petrit Ahmeti stated that the approval of the rules for the operation of ALPEX lays the foundations for the creation of the common power market of the two countries. "Albania and Kosovo are signatories to the Energy Treaty and have pledged to create a competitive and transparent energy market, so the market models of the two countries foresee that through ALPEX the targeted European market model will be implemented," said Ahmeti. According to Ahmeti, initially the day-ahead market price and within one day price is planned to be placed in two bidding areas in Albania and Kosovo, aiming to future projects for a cooperation with other potential markets. ALEPX will start with the operation of the day-ahead market in Albania and within a 2-month period it will operate with the merger of this market with that of Kosovo. According to the calendar, electricity trading for the day-ahead market for Albania will start during the second half of 2023. Head of the Board of the Energy Regulatory Office of Kosovo, Ymer Fejzullahu stated that the common energy market will improve the security of electricity supply for both countries, considering that our two countries have complementary electricity production systems, as well as paving the way for the attraction of investments in renewable sources. The role of the regulators of the two countries will consist in market supervision. ALPEX's function is to carry out some of the responsibilities of the Market Operator in Albania and Kosovo, ensure the proper functioning and operation of the trading platform for the Day-Ahead Market and the Intraday Market. In order to perform the defined functions, ALPEX will process applications for membership in the Exchange Market, will make arrangements for the admission of the Members of the Exchange Market, will determine the detailed trading requirements and procedures and the Exchange Committee, and publish them according to the procedure, will carry out the necessary auctions and commercial operations, in accordance with the approved rules, using for this purpose the Algorithm of the United European Market.