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Belgrade Media Report 16 January 2023



Vucic with Ziadeh: Important for issue of Kosovo and Metohija to further be examined in the UN SC (RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received today the SRSG and UNMIK Head Caroline Ziadeh. During the meeting, President Vucic pointed out that our country advocates consistently and in continuity for the respect of the principle of international law and the implementation of the legally binding UNSCR 1244, whereby UNMIK was established. He added that for Serbia it was of crucial importance for the issue of Kosovo and Metohija to continue to be examined in the UN SC, primarily so the international community would be informed transparently about the situation on the ground. Ziadeh said that UNMIK, in line with its mandate, respects the UN Charter and Resolution 1244, as well as that it advocates the respect of all international agreements.  President Vucic also said that the continuation of UNMIK’s engagement in Kosovo and Metohija was necessary, primarily over the permanent instability, which abounds in numerous incidents. “Belgrade is fully devoted to dialogue testified by the demonstrated will for continuation of the negotiations in Brussels, as well as overall efforts in the search for a solution to the crisis imposed by the Pristina side by taking unilateral steps. We consider unacceptable the frequent attacks on the Serbs, their property and heritage to be unacceptable, which is why a timely reaction and condemnation of provocations by the United Nations and the international community is crucial,” said Vucic, voicing hope that Serbia will manage to preserve peace and stability. Vucic said that Serbia was devoted to improving regional cooperation, which directly contributes to the reconciliation process.


Vucic: It is clear Community must be formed, but not based on Pristina's principles (Tanjug/RTS/RTV/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday it was now completely clear a Community of Serb Municipalities must be formed in Kosovo and Metohija, but noted that he did not know how Pristina intended to form it in line with a decision by its constitutional court. Responding to questions from reporters, Vucic said Pristina's insistence on compliance with the constitution of the so-called Kosovo rendered discussions pointless. "That raises the question of why we had negotiations at all and what those negotiations were about. We had those negotiations for the very reason we know this cannot be achieved in line with the legal acts and the legislations of one, other or a third party," Vucic said. He said he had told US State Department Counsellor Derek Chollet it was unclear how Pristina intended to establish a Community of Serb Municipalities based on those principles. "Unfortunately, on the same day he went to Vienna, Albin Kurti said he is not interested in forming a community on ethnic grounds, then he said he is not pleased with the French-German plan, only to say yesterday that he fully accepts that proposal, which we all knew from the start because it is based on what they (Pristina) want, and he accepted everything just to avoid a previous commitment - the Community of Serb Municipalities," Vucic said. He said negotiations would be tough and complicated and that Serbia neither had allies in the talks, nor much choice. He noted that, for Serbia, any form of formal or informal recognition of the so-called Kosovo or its UN membership were red lines for Serbia. "We do not want to talk about that, and that is an integral part of the plan. Everything else is great. We are not saying we will accept that, but we can talk, to see what Serbia is offering, what someone else is offering and what we can expect, because there are things we can talk about," Vucic said.


Vucic: We are grateful to US delegation for insisting on implementation of agreements

Vucic said on Friday he was grateful to a US delegation for insisting on implementation of reached agreements during a recent visit to Pristina. Speaking to reporters, Vucic said he had also discussed a so-called French-German proposal with the US delegation on Thursday. "We pointed to the response we have issued to that in our non-paper and to what our red lines are. We also discussed the Community of Serb Municipalities. We thank the US delegation for insisting on implementation of agreements, and a major meeting with Lajcak awaits us on the 20th," Vucic said.


Serbian diplomats fully engaged on raising the country's reputation (Tanjug/Politika/RTS/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said Friday that preserving the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state will be the first priority of Serbian diplomacy this year and added that our country is surprised by the selective application of the principles of international law. When it comes to resolving the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, Dacic pointed out that there are three red lines for Serbia. The first is that everything signed must be implemented, including UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and the Brussels Agreement. The second is that Serbia cannot recognise Kosovo's independence or agree to Kosovo's membership in the United Nations. The third is that the rights of Serbs in Kosovo must be ensured, said Dacic. Regarding the incidents in Kosovo and Metohija, that is, the violence against the Serbs, he said that the international community needs to make a broader condemnation of that violence and highlight its true cause. According to Dacic, membership in the EU remains Serbia's priority, but a step forward in European integration is needed, as is the willingness of individual countries to support the enlargement process. Belgrade is trying to gradually align more and more with the foreign policy of the EU, but it is incorrect to expect full compliance in a situation where there is no readiness of all countries to support the process of Union enlargement, said Dacic. He pointed out that, although there are increasingly loud questions about whether Serbia should go towards the EU, our answer is clear: Serbia belongs to the European family. As priorities of the Foreign Ministry this year, Dacic stated the improvement of regional cooperation and bilateral relations with all countries in the world, as well as the continuation of the contribution to multilateralism, peace and security in the world and support for Serbian citizens everywhere in the world. Serbia is determined to redefine relations with its neighbours, as our recent trip to Zagreb showed. We cannot choose our neighbours, but we can work together, said Dacic. The reception was attended by members of the Government, the ambassadors of the USA and Russia, Christopher Hill and Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko respectively, the ambassadors of Germany and China, Anke Konrad and Chen Bo respectively, other representatives of the diplomatic corps, as well as representatives of the media.


Dacic says Kosovo has support to join CoE but is not meeting requirements (Politika)


Kosovo has enough votes for admission to the Council of Europe, considering the number of countries in that body that have recognized it, but the question remains whether they all believe that it is the time to discuss this topic, stated Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic. “In any case, this requestion [for Kosovo’s admission to the CoE] was not activated at the Committee of Ministers. Ireland did not do this during its presidency. Now Iceland is presiding. In essence, Kosovo should not have the right to be a member of the CoE because it is not a state, and only states can be members, it has not become a member of the UN,” said Dacic in an interview for Politika on Sunday. “It would be the first time that there is an overriding vote regarding the admission of a new member to the CoE, i.e. that there are conflicts. This has never happened. And that is the reason why many countries are not thrilled by that idea,” said Dacic. “Iceland, as the presiding country, is under great pressure, primarily from Germany - just as Ireland was - for this issue to be put into procedure,” he said. “However, since Iceland is organizing the summit of the CoE member states in April, the question is whether it is in its interest for this conference to feature discord.” “If the issue of Kosovo’s membership were to enter procedure before the summit, the question for us is whether we can take part in the summit at all,” Dacic continued. “Then the issue of the disunity of the CoE members would certainly be opened. And I think that its is in the interest of the CoE precisely to demonstrate unity. I don’t believe that is in their interest for another topic, in addition to Ukraine, to be dominant at the summit.”


Starovic: Pristina wants to shift focus from its obligations (RTS)


The prime minister of the provisional institutions of Pristina Albin Kurti announced that the prosecution in Pristina issued a warrant for the arrest of 18 Serbs who are allegedly responsible for the events in Racak in 1999. Nemanja Starovic, a guest on RTS press review, stated that by mentioning Racak, Pristina wants to shift the focus from what represents its obligations, and one of the most important, he says, is the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO). He indicates that this January, as every year, we are witnessing the heating up of the narrative about the alleged massacre in the village of Racak. “I think that our public is already well enough acquainted with all the facts. They are also aware abroad that it was a professionally conducted anti-terrorist action by members of the MUP, the findings of the pathologists, both ours and all the pathological teams, clearly speak of this,” points out Starovic. He indicates that there were no crimes against civilians in Racak, but that there were people there who carried weapons in their hands. “There is no question that it is about liquidated civilians, the paraffin gloves that were used testify to that. So, it is about people who carried weapons in their hands. There is no question of any executions, the autopsy reports clearly speak of such a thing,” points out Starovic. He points out that Pristina has obligations that it does not want to fulfill, that the awareness that the Pristina side is to blame for the stall in the dialogue is becoming more and more acceptable, that it is up to them and Albin Kurti to finally start implementing their own obligations, and that the formation of the ZSO is the most important an obligation arising from the Brussels agreement. He adds that Pristina wants to avoid all that, and shifts the focus. “Strengthening those narratives, those black legends, specifically in this case of Racak, is in the function of shifting the focus from what represents obligations and expectations from the Pristina side, and of course the formation of the ZSO is the most important obligation arising from the Brussels agreement,” concluded Starovic.


Office for Kosovo and Metohija: Kurti is the greatest enemy of freedom and human rights in the region (Tanjug/RTV)


The Office for Kosovo and Metohija reacted to the controversial statement, which Kurti gave to the Vienna daily Presse. “Albin Kurti is persistently trying to present himself as a protector of Western values and camouflage his violent character and politics in front of the foreign public with geopolitical phrases, although he is undoubtedly the biggest and most dangerous enemy of the values of freedom and human rights in the region. The real and only truth is that Kurti is the personification of brutal despotism and chauvinism, and as such the greatest threat to the establishment of European values and the creation of a zone of peace and cooperation in the Western Balkans. Kurti’s chauvinism and ideology of hatred were not provoked by anything and are not a reaction to any threat, but are an anachronistic product of the dark idea of the League of Prizren which is completely foreign to the modern European understanding of society. Kurti is asked for nothing more than to enable the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, as the most threatened national community in Europe and beyond, to exist and have individual and collective rights, which are the default value in modern democracies. Western media, instead of giving him space to spill pathology and pollute public space, should finally ask themselves what values they are defending when they create positive publicity for an individual as dangerous as Kurti.”


Russian Ambassador: Moscow consistent in its support of Serbia’s sovereignty (N1/Politika)


Aleksandar Vucic, the President of Serbia, met with Russian Ambassador Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko with whom he discussed the current events in Kosovo and the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue as well as bilateral relations and economic cooperation. According to the official statement, Vucic informed Botsan-Kharchenko about intensifying of international diplomatic activities when it comes to the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. Vucic pointed out that Serbia will continue to be the guardian of peace and stability in the region, advocating the respect for international law, the statement said. Botsan-Kharchenko confirmed that Russia remains consistent in its support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia and emphasised the importance of the UN Security Council’s Resolution 1244. Vucic thanked once again for the support that Russia provides to Serbia in international forums in this regard.


EU: Community of Serb Municipalities is an international commitment (Beta)


The EU believes that the agreement to create a Community of Serb Municipalities in Kosovo is an international commitment, which cannot be renegotiated – it is a “procedural matter,” primarily for Pristina, well-versed EU officials told Beta on 14 January. When asked “how to launch and implement the procedure,” the EU officials said that “it is up to the Kosovo Albanians and the authorities in Pristina to present this without delay.” They also underlined that another expectation was holding an urgent meeting between the top officials of Belgrade and Pristina, namely, Vucic and Kurti, which should be mediated by the EU and supported by the United States. It should also include talks on “Europe’s Franco-German plan” to normalize relations. “Progress is needed urgently, and the EU and the U.S. will do everything to help, without imposing a solution,” the sources underlined. The European diplomatic sources told Beta that it was true that the Constitutional Court of Kosovo and the possibility of a "revision" was vaguely mentioned in the agreement on the Community, but that this should not necessarily question all of the clear provisions in the international treaty which was ratified by the Parliament of Kosovo and was now an international legal act.


Serbia, Hungary, Austria launch joint police operation on Serbia’s North Macedonian border (Beta)


Serbian, Hungarian and Austrian police officers began on 13 January a joint operation to prevent illegal migration on Serbia's border with North Macedonia. The Serbian Interior Ministry said in a press release that a ceremony in Vranje, which included representatives of the diplomatic corps, marked the launch of the operation. The joint patrols would use “specialized equipment” to monitor the state border towards North Macedonia, where the majority of illegal migrants were entering Serbia, and the police departments of the three countries also agreed on the operative activities plan, MUP announced. Police cooperation was established based on a memorandum of understanding in the area of efficient battle against illegal migration and protection of borders, which was signed in November by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer.




Incident at children's tournament in Ilidza: One person from Belgrade stabbed (BHT1)


On Saturday evening, at the international children's football tournament in Ilidza, an incident occurred, in which one of the parents was stabbed. As Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) media learned, local hooligans attacked the parents of minor boys from Serbia with tear gas, torches and knives. The Sarajevo Canton (SC) Ministry of Interior (MoI) confirmed that one person was injured in front of the Hills Hotel around 5:30 p.m., most likely with a sharp object. The injured person was sent for medical assistance and was diagnosed with minor physical injuries. The police state that measures and actions are being taken to shed light on this event. BNTV reported that ‘Ilidza’ football fans entered on Saturday a hotel where children and parents from Serbia - participants of the regional football tournament for children in Sarajevo - were accommodated. They attacked several parents wearing balaclavas and using teargas, and they injured one of them by knife. Police are conducting a scene investigation. Following the incident which occurred in Ilidza on Saturday in which several Serbian nationals were attacked, and one person injured, Sarajevo Canton Police apprehended several persons. One person has been officially arrested for the involvement in the incident. Spokesperson to Sarajevo Canton Ministry of Interior Mirza Hadziabdic stated that the police is conducting an intense investigation, and that he is unable to provide any further details while the investigation is ongoing. Sarajevo Canton Prime Minister Edin Forto condemned the incident which took place during the international children's football tournament in Ilidza, when parents of the participating children from Serbia were attacked outside their hotel and one person was injured. Forto stated that he is in contact with Sarajevo Canton Minister of Interior Admir Katica and Police Commissioner Nusret Selimovic, and he expects the attackers to be apprehended very soon. Forto emphasized that Sarajevo is and remains an open city. Sarajevo Mayor Benjamina Karic also condemned the incident. She visited the group of children and parents from Serbia who were attacked and offered her sympathies and support. She underlined that Sarajevo is an open city where everybody is welcome, and that Sarajevo is always against injustice and violence. Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik reacted to the incident. Dodik condemned the attack, underlining that such incidents must not happen, and especially not at children’s sport events. Dodik called on relevant institutions to identify the perpetrators as soon as possible. Dodik emphasized that no form of violence will be tolerated. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic stated that he requests guarantees of the Sarajevo Canton Ministry of Interior and other relevant institutions that the Serbian nationals staying in Sarajevo will be safe. He also called for a swift investigation and identification of the perpetrators. Viskovic reminded that vehicles of Serbian tourists were damaged in Sarajevo on New Year’s Eve and the latest incident in Ilidza demonstrate that Sarajevo is becoming an unsafe city for Serbs. Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic condemned the attack against a group of Serbian nationals in Ilidza on Saturday. Dacic said that the attack is “a direct consequence of the anti-Serb campaign and creation of atmosphere of hatred towards Serbs in B&H”. “We ask relevant institutions of B&H to punish the perpetrators of this crime. Our future must rest on building good neighbourly and friendly relations of our states and peoples, and not on hatred and incidents”, Dacic emphasized.


Slovenian FM Fajon visits B&H, meets B&H Presidency members (RTRS)


Slovenian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Tanja Fajon visited B&H on Friday. She met with B&H Presidency members Zeljka Cvijanovic, Zeljko Komsic and Denis Becirovic. The officials discussed ways to strengthen bilateral relations. Cvijanovic expressed gratitude to Fajon for active and continuous support of Slovenia to the EU path of B&H that was especially present during the process of granting B&H the status of the EU candidate.


Fajon, Turkovic discuss bilateral issues, current political situation in B&H, threats to stability of region during meeting in Sarajevo (O Kanal)


Slovenian Foreign Affairs Minister Tanja Fajon is paying an official visit to B&H. She met with B&H Foreign Affairs Minister Bisera Turkovic in Sarajevo on Friday. They discussed bilateral issues, the current political situation in B&H after the 2022 General Election, threats to the stability of the region, and growing Russian influence. Russia’s aggression on Ukraine has changed the world in a geostrategic sense, and both ministers said that unity must be shown, and that Russian influence must be stopped, especially in B&H. They also noted that Slovenia continuously supports B&H’s EU path. B&H authorities were asked to accelerate the work on implementation of reforms.  Addressing a press conference, Fajon said Slovenia has extended a helping hand to B&H, and her country will always try to help B&H in any way it can. She noted that B&H will be faced with challenges and demanding reforms on the path towards the EU. Noting that the EU has reached out and offered its hand to B&H, Fajon said: “Seize the opportunity that was given to you. It will depend on B&H how it will shake that hand. I am well aware that the Russian influence is increased in this area, and I would say that unity is of key importance when it comes to a response since the beginning of this aggression, because countries of the Western Balkans have been highly ranked on the EU’s agenda.” Turkovic warned that “we have more and more announcements that will lead towards destruction of this country”. To illustrate her point, Turkovic stated the example of the marking of the unconstitutional RS Day, which is celebrated in the RS each year, thus ignoring the verdict of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H. Turkovic stressed that a military parade is being held on 9 January – the RS Day – which she deems concerning and a signal that something must be done to resolve this issue. Turkovic said it was a “military provocation” to hold the parade in Istocno Sarajevo, which is close to Sarajevo. “That was a military provocation, and an announcement of what might happen tomorrow”, Turkovic underscored. “And that is why we demand and insist that relevant factors, including the OHR, with the support of embassies of foreign countries which have dominant influence, initiate criminal liability for violating the Criminal Code of this country,” Turkovic said. Fajon stated that B&H politicians should use the EU candidate status granted for B&H in order for the country to make progress towards the EU membership. She stressed that the EU candidate status represents a clear path for B&H and its citizens and it remains a task of local politicians to accelerate the meeting of priorities that will ensure the opening of the EU accession negotiations, noting that hard work on the rule of law and media freedom will be necessary.  Fajon added that Slovenia will offer B&H an expert support on the EU path, but that the pace B&H will take after the government formation is a key for its future steps on that path. When asked by the journalist how B&H can fulfil the 14 priorities in the light of constant threats to peace and stability, as well as Russia’s influence, Fajon said that Russia’s aggression against Ukraine has changed the world and Europe is facing a big challenge. “I am familiar with the increased Russia’s influence in this region and I would say that the unity is crucial in the response since the start of the aggression and through negotiations with (North) Macedonia and Kosovo, because the Western Balkans countries are high on the EU’s agenda. The crucial dynamic is to continue on the European path after the authority formation”, said Fajon. Fajon condemned the awarding of decoration to Russian President Vladimir Putin and said that the EU will provide assistance to B&H when it comes to preserving political and security stability.


Dodik on statements of Turkovic on celebration of RS Day: She is saying nonsense; her every word deserves a slap in the face; Reactions (RTRS/AJB/Hayat)


RS President Milorad Dodik commented on the latest statements coming from the outgoing B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic on celebration of 9 January as RS Day. Dodik pointed out that no one in the world died under the anthem of the RS, which bothers Turkovic, while thousands of Europeans and Americans died under the call "Allahu Ekber", which in his opinion, can be heard in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) these days. According to RTRS, Turkovic also reacted to awarding the RS medal to Russian President Vladimir Putin on the occasion of the RS Day and the fact that Serbian officials attended ceremonies in the RS organized on 9 January. RTRS argued that Turkovic also used the visit of Deputy Slovenian Prime Minister and Slovenian Minister of Foreign Affairs Tanja Fajon to B&H on Friday to call on the international community and the Office of the High Representative (OHR) to criminally sanction the celebration of the RS Day in Istocno Sarajevo and prevent the alleged Russian influence. Dodik reacted by saying that if the outgoing B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Turkovic does not deliver dates from Qatar, then she is saying nonsense in Sarajevo and this is how her entire mandate actually passed.  Commenting on Turkovic’s reaction to awarding Putin, Dodik said that instead of dealing with her party colleagues with Islamic parades in Buzim that really do represent a threat for B&H and for the entire Europe, Turkovic is trying to be toxic towards the RS and Russia. Dodik said that the RS gave an award to Putin because he respects them and supports the international agreement that created today’s B&H. Dodik commented on Turkovic’s statement in which said that an award to Putin is a slap in the face of the world by saying that anything Turkovic says deserves a slap. Al Jazeera Balkans reported SDA statement that by the latest “chauvinist and Islamophobic” statements about Turkovic and Muslims, Dodik confirmed that he represents the most serious threat to peace and stability in B&H and the region. SDA said that the party expects competent institutions that have a duty to sanction SNSD leader Dodik for causing and spreading ethnic and religious hatred to react. SDA also called on the representatives of the international community and Dodik’s political partners, “who try to convince the public for the sake of public posts that the SNSD leader has changed and that he does not pose a security threat, to stop shameful silence and adequately react to scandalous hate speech”. Our Party (NS) stated that Dodik’s scandalous statement shows an intellectual impotence of its author. NS leader Edin Forto published in a Tweet that women are being attacked almost subconsciously in a conservative men’s world, adding that Dodik’s statement proves that there is a long path on which social norms and habits need to be changed is ahead of B&H. In a conservative man’s world, we attack women reflexively. Moral and social superiority with which ‘the man’ attacks much more educated woman proves that we have a long way to go to change social standards and habits”. NS Vice President Sabina Cudic wrote on her Twitter account: “Chauvinistic messages and threats to political opponents, liked Dodik’s to Minister Turkovic – although their intention is to demonstrate power and force – over and over again bring to the surface only one thing, i.e. pathetic intellectual impotence of the author.” The US Embassy to B&H condemned RS President Milorad Dodik's statement about the B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic, i.e. that her every statement deserves a slap. The US Embassy wrote on Twitter: “One day Milorad Dodik says he wants a ‘peaceful, respected RS’ and the next he suggests that the proper response to a political disagreement with the B&H Foreign Minister is to slap her. His reference to violence against women was inappropriate and misogynistic. It reflects poorly on the RS that its President relies on this kind of oafish behaviour to make an argument and respond to critics”. Commenting the RS President Milorad Dodik’s statement that every word of B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic deserves a slap, Slovenian Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon told Hayat that she does not support hate speech and threats in any form and that such speech is generally inacceptable, especially if it comes from political officials who have moral and ethical authority and should be a role model to citizens.


Fajon presented with Gold Medal of Bosniak Institute (FTV)


Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia Tanja Fajon was presented on Friday in Sarajevo with the Golden Medal of the ‘Bosniak Institute - Foundation of Adil Zulfikarpasic’ for the year 2022, which is awarded to deserving individuals for their contribution to science, culture, and the overall prosperity of B&H society. With expressions of gratitude, Fajon pointed out that she was honoured with the award, which she sees first of all as a recognition for Slovenia, which has always supported B&H and its peoples in achieving their goals on a way to a better future. “We always say that our relations are traditionally friendly, good and that there are no open issues, and this is not just an established diplomatic phrase. This is the solid basis of our cooperation”, Fajon emphasized when receiving the medal. She reminded that last year the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Slovenia and B&H was celebrated, and that during that period intensive and extensive cooperation was developed in practically all areas. She emphasized that today it is important to think about the future, and that the future of B&H and the entire region of the Western Balkans is in the EU. The Gold Medal was presented to Tanja Fajon by Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Institute, Fehim Skaljic, who stated that the decision to give the award was made on the basis of her exceptional contribution to the promotion of B&H, its interests, history, culture and art, as well as her help in presenting B&H’s comprehensive heritage as European inheritance. “A prominent European politician who fought for part of our freedom - freedom of movement, for a visa-free regime in the EU for our citizens through persistent and strong lobbying in the European Parliament”, Skaljic underlined. Fajon also held a lecture at the Institute.


Kristo confirms institutions have started process of vetting of candidates for ministerial posts in B&H CoM (BHT1)


B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Chair-Designate Borjana Kristo (HDZ B&H) has confirmed that institutions have already started the process of vetting of candidates for ministerial posts in B&H CoM. Names of all candidates nominated by the coalition partners for ministerial posts in new B&H CoM are final. SNSD’s ministerial posts in B&H CoM include Zoran Tegeltija as the candidate for B&H Minister of Finance and Treasury, Nenad Nesic as the candidate for B&H Minister of Security, Stasa Kosarac as the candidate for B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations and Sevlid Hurtic as the candidate for B&H Minister for Human Rights and Refugees. ‘The Six’ coalition’s ministerial posts in B&H CoM include NiP’s Elmedin Konakovic as the candidate for B&H Foreign Minister, SDP B&H’s Zukan Helez as the candidate for B&H Defense Minister and NS’ Edin Forto as the candidate for B&H Minister of Transport and Communications. HDZ B&H’s ministerial posts in B&H CoM include B&H CoM Chair Borjana Kristo, Davor Bunoza as the candidate for B&H Minister of Justice and Dubravka Bosnjak as the candidate for B&H Minister of Civil Affairs.


State-level coalition partners agree on distribution of 36 director posts at B&H level (FTV)


The ruling coalition at the state level – ‘The Six’, SNSD and HDZ B&H - reached an agreement on the distribution of director posts in 36 institutions and agencies. Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats will each get 12 director posts. The coalition partners first divided three key posts – in the Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA) of B&H, the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) and the B&H Border Police. The previous distribution of posts favoured only one side, where Serbs were the most represented with as many as 14 posts. Bosniaks and Croats each led 11 state agencies and institutions. This time, a balanced agreement was reached and all sides will get equal share. SNSD leader Milorad Dodik confirmed that Bosniaks will get the OSA B&H, Serbs will get SIPA, and Croats will get the B&H Border Police. The day after the agreement was reached, all representatives of ‘The Eight’ held a regular meeting, from which they announced that discussions about posts and potential directors are yet to follow within the coalition. Besides getting the director post in the OSA B&H, ‘the Eight’ will, according to speculations, also have director posts in the Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies of B&H, the Central Bank (CB) of B&H, the Directorate for European Integration (DEI), and the Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange of B&H (IDDEEA). ‘The Eight’ did not wish to speculate on Friday on who might be chosen to these director posts. They say that the parties will have negotiations, agreements, and finally the selection of adequate personnel. There are already guidelines for the best candidate, at least ‘The Six’ has them. FTV notes that it remains to be seen if the coalition partners will choose capable or eligible candidates. In addition to the competencies and qualifications of potential directors, the ethnic key is also considered when making decisions. According to the same model, deputies are also appointed. Until now, the practice of the predecessors is not a good example because expertise was often in the background, and due to disagreements and lack of agreement, state agencies and institutions are led by directors whose mandates have long since expired.


Efendic claims ‘The Eight’ is losing majority in FB&H HoR and have no chances to appoint any of candidates for FB&H President/Vice President (Dnevni list)


SDA’s MP in FB&H House of Representatives, Adnan Efendic issued a press statement, saying that in his latest media appearance, SDP leader Nermin Niksic once again tried to deceive the public, claiming that SDA and partners, who have majority in Bosniak Caucus of FB&H House of Peoples, should enable ‘The Eight’ and HDZ B&H to appoint the executive authority in the FB&H, in the same way that SDP did in 2015 via Serb Caucus. Efendic noted that SDA and DF have 13 delegates in Bosniak Caucus of FB&H HoP, meaning that nobody else can appoint the FB&H President/Vice President from rank of Bosniak people. Underlining the fact that in 2015 SDP had six delegates in Serb Caucus, which cannot compare to control package that SDA and DF have now, Efendic noted that Niksic is trying to cover up the fact that ‘The Eight’ does not have majority in any of Caucuses in FB&H HoP and cannot appoint any of candidates for FB&H President/Vice President. Efendic also argues that it is evident that SDA and partners will have majority in FB&H House of Representatives, arguing that ‘The Troika’ leaders are using deception to keep with themselves parties which they earlier persuaded into coalition, falsely claiming they will have majority in Bosniak Caucus.


Causevic: ‘The Troika’ handed over to Dodik institutions which acted as obstacle to Dodik’s secessionist aspirations (Dnevni list)


SDA’s MP in B&H House of Representatives, Midhat Causevic issued a press statement, noting that parties of ‘The Troika’ and their new partners, after they lost the crucial B&H Ministry of Security and “handed it over” to Milorad Dodik, with their last agreement on distribution of state level posts, handed over other crucial posts to a man who couple of days ago awarded a medal to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Causevic argues that Security Ministry, OSA and B&H Service for Foreigners in last couple of years acted as defense line, which defended B&H interests from internal security challenges, malignant foreign influences and migrant crisis. He noted that handing over of these posts to Dodik enables Dodik to install his people, fully opening space for acting of paramilitary groups, such as ‘Nigh Wolves’, who were earlier banned entrance to B&H because they pose security threat and now, with Dodik’s people at helm, nobody will prevent these groups and individuals from Russia, Serbia or third countries, to enter B&H and carry out their damaging activities. Causevic concluded that NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic is spreading cheep lies, but ‘The Troika’ cannot offer a single argument that would deny the fact that they act subservient toward Dodik and they handed him over the institutions that he earlier tried to undermine and destroy, because they acted as obstacle to Dodik’s secessionist aspirations.


Picula calls for imposing of political and financial sanctions against Dodik; Reactions (Dnevni avaz)


In a statement to the daily, the European Parliament’s Rapporteur on the new EU Enlargement Strategy Tonino Picula reacted to marking of the unconstitutional RS Day and he labelled Milorad Dodik as one of obstacles on B&H’s European path. Picula advocated imposing of political and financial sanctions against Dodik. “It was one thing to mark 9 January over the past years, when B&H was very far from the EU membership, but it is completely another thing to do it one month after the EU Council finally granted the candidate status for B&H”, Picula added. Picula said that he expects Dodik will block reforms and to signalize alleged readiness for B&H to move towards the EU while doing everything in his power to keep it in one place because he knows that accepting of European standards would distance him from politics. Picula assessed that the EU, by communicating with Dodik, is also communicating with Putin but also with Serbia and Hungary. As for the decision of Dodik to award a medal to Putin, Picula said that this was Dodik’s message to all those “for whom he thinks his power depends on them”. “Russia alone has interest to politically destabilize B&H and then to do it to the entire Western Balkans and drive it further away from the EU. This is their primary political interest. Dodik counts on this kind of sponsorship and the EU must make sure to eliminate his support from its own ranks”, Picula said referring to Hungary. The daily reminded that Chairman of the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with B&H Romeo Franz and European Parliament’s Standing Rapporteur for B&H Paulo Rangel too reacted to the marking of 9 January. Picula said: “We are asking for imposing of sanctions against Milorad Dodik in the same way USA and UK already did it. He should be politically isolated and must not be financially strengthened. He would certainly feel the financial isolation, just like Polish or Hungarians feel it after sanctions were internally imposed against them within the EU because of deviations from democratic standards. It is not enough to just impose sanctions against Vladimir Putin, but sanctions must be imposed against his apprentices outside of Russia as well”. Commenting on Franz and Rangel’s joint statement, Dodik said that “they renew these calls every year.” Dodik stated that as far as he is concerned, there is no reason for a conflict between him and the EU. “My policy is to move closer to the EU, but on the condition that the RS is visible in the capacity it has in the Constitution,” Dodik underlined. The Advisor to the RS President Radovan Kovacevic said that it is high time to stop threatening the RS and called for talks with the RS instead of talking about or threatening the RS. Kovacevic said that the RS will continue to celebrate its holidays and protect its citizens. Kovacevic commented on the call of European parliamentarians to impose sanctions on the RS President Milorad Dodik and the RS officials for celebrating the RS Day. Kovacevic was quoted as saying: “The RS respects the Dayton Peace Agreement, respects the Constitution of B&H and everything written in the Constitution of B&H. The fact that there are those who make decisions completely outside the Constitution of B&H and expect the RS to respect such decisions is a completely different problem. That is not the problem of the RS but of those who impose such things on the RS and B&H”.


Milanovic: Serbia's relationship with Russia is legitimate, but... (Hina)


The President of Croatia Zoran Milanovic stated that Serbia cannot aspire to membership in the EU with its relationship with Russia. Although this relationship is legitimate, it does not contribute to the entry into the EU, and Serbia should make a decision about it, said the Croatian president. “At the same time, Serbia must know that as long as it thinks it is bringing indictments against our retired generals and brigadiers because of events on the territory of a third country, it will not have our support and we cannot tolerate that. That is the minimum of trust in relationships. The West is waiting, and it is open - said Milanovic in Vukovar, at a meeting on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the end of the reintegration of the Croatian Danube Region. He expressed his regret that there were no political representatives of Serbs at the meeting because two are needed for any relationship, calling on them to respect the Croatian state and not say that the military-police operation "Storm" was ethnic cleansing.


Milanovic: What should we be, American slaves? (TCN)


President Zoran Milanovic participated in the commemoration of the 31st anniversary of the international recognition of the Republic of Croatia and the 25th anniversary of the end of the peaceful reintegration of the Croatian Danube region in Vukovar. At the beginning, he commented on the refusal of SDSS representatives to come to the celebration of the anniversary of peaceful reintegration, reports N1. "I think they should have come, even though I know it's not easy. This was a conflict between two sides, and now there is peace and things are moving forward somehow. I know they can't have an attitude like mine, but I don't expect that either," said Zoran Milanovic. The president then commented on Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic's interview for the French media, in which he touched on his statements on the issue of training Ukrainian soldiers in Croatia. "You spit on Croatian representatives and Croatian citizens in the French media," he said and added: "Never insult the democratic representatives of your citizens and your citizens in foreign media. That is the minimum etiquette." Plenkovic told the France 24 channel that the decision of parliament members that Croatia does not participate in the EU's mission to support the Ukrainian army (EUMAM) was a "historically wrong choice". Milanovic said that the decision on the training of Ukrainian soldiers or any involvement in the war should be the choice of Croatia, which should not do what the bigger powers impose on it. "Washington and NATO are waging a proxy war against Russia through Ukraine. And vice versa. However, if you don't have the ultimate goal, if you don't have a plan, then it ends up like Afghanistan," Milanovic said. The President, who previously opposed Croatia's participation in the mission several times, repeated that it is "legally very doubtful". "The decision is that for the first time in its history, the EU is participating in a war. And this is against the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU, because it only foresees missions outside the territory of the EU," Milanovic said. "The plan cannot be to remove Putin. The plan cannot be sanctions. This is nonsense. We will not achieve anything. They didn't even break Milosevic with sanctions. They go from war to war. What should we be? American slaves?" he added.


Grlic Radman: Montenegro must not be synonym for crisis (Hina)


Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman said on Jan. 14 that Montenegro should not be a synonym for crisis, but a leader of integrations. After an informal meeting with Montenegro’s technical prime minister Dritan Abazovic, the Croatian official said that Montenegro had progressed the most in the EU accession process and that a way out of the reform deadlock needed to be found. Grlic-Radman said on Twitter that he was visiting Croats living in Montenegro. Abazovic said that “Montenegro’s hand” was extended to all of its neighbors, and that relations with Croatia needed to be exemplary. “I took this opportunity to congratulate the minister on the Day of the Croat People, but also on all of the political and sports successes that his country has achieved over the past few months. Croatia has a very special importance to Montenegro, not just in terms of the historical ties between our two nations, but also for the examples of support and encouragement that Croatia has provided Montenegro on its path to the EU! We are strengthening regional ties with all of our neighbors! Montenegro is on the right path,” Abazovic said in a Facebook post.


Radulovic: By unblocking the Constitutional Court, system would be ‘restarted’ through snap election (CdM)


In an interview for the CdM portal, the President of the Association of Lawyers of Montenegro, Prof. Branislav Radulovic, notes that the sixth attempt to elected judges of the Constitutional Court, along with the pressure of international community, would most likely finally lead to unblocking this institution. He considers the election of four judges as an optimal solution but leaves the space for other possible solutions considering different projections of various political parties. Asked why he didn’t apply for a judge in the afore-mentioned court, he said: “The selection procedure of judges has become a “political” matter and unfortunately, professional biographies and achievements in career appear to have been less important than the “party background”. In July 2022, when Montenegro had a historic chance to ensure its European path, my candidacy was professional, it was a personal obligation and contribution to achieving that goal. Unfortunately, that extraordinary chance was missed and today’s Montenegro is deeply in a “side street” full of unsolved issues.” Radulovic also noted that the “top priority” was to create conditions for regular elections which would “restart” both the political and institutional system, warning that it was unknown how many political parties were really pro-European and how many just simulated the process or openly obstructed it.


Popa: Process of electing Constitutional Court judges should be completed without delay (CdM)


“At the meeting with the president of the Constitutional Committee of the parliament of Montenegro Simonida Kordic I emphasized the crucial importance of electing the missing judges of the Constitutional Court, and the urgent re-establishment of the functionality of the Court”, says the Head of the EU delegation in Montenegro Oana Cristina Popa. As Popa has emphasized, the EU will continue to monitor that process very carefully. Without a fully functional Constitutional Court, according to her, Montenegro will not be able to protect the rule of law and the fundamental rights of its citizens, “as well as progress on the path to the EU”. “We expect all political actors in Montenegro to support and constructively participate in this process, which must be completed as soon as possible, without further delays. The European Union will continue to monitor this process very carefully”, Popa has stated.


Fajon: There is a great threat of freezing the EU negotiations if the sixth attempt to complete the Constitutional Court fails (Pobjeda)


There is a big threat that the accession negotiations to the EU will be stopped if the re-establishment of the functionality of the Constitutional Court is not successful and the sixth attempt to complete that institution fails, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister of the government of Slovenia Tanja Fajon said at the press conference after the meeting with the President of the Assembly Danijela Djurovic. "We are here today to extend a hand, and it is up to the political entities to shake that hand," said Fajon. She pointed out that the Constitutional Court is also very important for the elections that will follow. "And I hope that everyone is politically aware of how important the Constitutional Court is because of the presidential and likely extraordinary parliamentary elections," said Fajon. She said that she spoke with Josep Borrell and Alexander Schallenberg, with whom, on Borrell's order, in December, she spoke about the fact that there is a big crisis in Montenegro and warned that the functionality of the Constitutional Court is a priority. "I am satisfied that the procedure has been restarted and I hope that before the 23rd, when I will give the report to the ministers, I will have some more good news", she said, adding that she has a good feeling about it. Danijela Djurovic, said that the negotiations regarding the formation of a new government are with the parliamentary majority, and that she will support whatever the agreement is.


Abazovic: Expectations are that at the end of January or beginning of February we will have a session where the judges of the Constitutional Court will be voted on (CdM)


The focus in the next 15 days should be exclusively on electing judges of the Constitutional Court, said Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic after a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia Tanja Fajon. He said that the session where the Constitutional Court judges will be voted on will be held at the end of January, possibly at the beginning of February. He also emphasized that he had not heard any different interpretation.

"I am grateful to colleague Fajon. As for the government, it is implementing its policy in the best possible way, now it is up to the parliament to bring their responsibilities to an end as quickly as possible," said Abazovic. Regarding the termination of negotiations with the EU, Abazovic said that he had not heard that we had any negative news. The Prime Minister in his technical mandate said that Fajon is here today, like twenty days ago, "with the desire that things go forward and not backwards." Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic met with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia Tanja Fajon. On that occasion, Fajon said that "Montenegro is expected to deliver results and complete the process of electing judges of the Constitutional Court". As announced by Abazovic's office, the interlocutors exchanged opinions on the current situation and agreed that the election of judges of the Constitutional Court is crucial for the continuation of democratic processes in Montenegro, but also for the European perspective. "We expect that the deputies will elect the judges of the Constitutional Court as soon as possible, after which the conditions will be created to round off the already started election processes and start a new one." The focus of all political entities must be on the election of judges of the Constitutional Court, without delay," said Abazovic. Fajon, thanked the Prime Minister for the reception and said that the support of the European Union is still strong, and that, as stated, Montenegro is expected to deliver results and complete the process of electing judges of the Constitutional Court, and to provide conditions for the smooth functioning of institutions and reflection of the upcoming elections. "We are coming to Montenegro as friends," concluded Fajon.


Djukanovic with Fajon: It is necessary to stop the constant slowdowns and delays in the return of Montenegro to the European track (CdM)


It is necessary to stop the constant slowdowns and delays in Montenegro's return to the European track, said the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic who met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia Tanja Fajon. He pointed out that he had a valuable conversation with Fajon about the Western Balkans and the crisis in Montenegro. "Montenegro greatly appreciates the attention that Slovenia continuously pays to the European perspective of Montenegro and other countries of the Western Balkans," Djukanovic said on Twitter. "We are full of will, to reach a compromise, which will enable the return of the Constitutional Court functionality, thereby creating the conditions for holding early parliamentary elections, which are the key to obtaining a stable political government, which Montenegro desperately needs," he pointed out. There is a full agreement on the necessity of observing procedures and professional standards for the selection of judges, starting with the Constitutional Committee, said the President of the country. "We expect responsible and urgent action from all actors," said Djukanovic.


Picula: I believe Montenegrins will preserve their hard-won and restored sovereignty without succumbing to Russian agenda (Pobjeda)


From the Brussels’ perspective, we see that a civic Montenegro is focused on the protection of the Montenegrin constitution and institutions, as well as the Montenegrin path to the EU. The EU has to note it in assessing the state of play in the country. Certain institutions and individuals from the EU have been greatly engaged in what you call ‘mediation’ so that they can help in meeting the conditions for some key steps concerning institutions’ unblocking, the EP rapporteur on Montenegro and former foreign affairs minister of Croatia, Tonino Picula says in an interview for Pobjeda. He points out that the Montenegrin institutions, due to constant changes and problematic moves, have been brought in a difficult position. Picula also says that he has long been “seriously worried about the political situation in Montenegro”, considering that it’s “unsustainable and must be solved as soon as possible”. According to him, “it’s clear that the regular, legal elections can’t be held without setting up the Constitutional Court first”. “It’s about the basic precondition for organizing elections, both the presidential and the extraordinary parliamentary ones, for which I believe, and I must point it out again, are the only right solution for unblocking Montenegrin institutions having in mind that this parliament’s constituencies can’t make an operational government”. On the celebration of the Day of RS and the fact that Abazovic’s minister attended it in Banja Luka, Picula says: “In accordance with the proclaimed policy of joining the EU, Montenegro agreed to harmonize with the foreign policy of the Union, which is especially important in the context of Russian aggression against Ukraine, and when it comes to public communication and politics, the decision about where and with whom you hang out is a political message. With the greatest dose of good intentions, taking into account at least the declaratory commitment of the ministers of the interim cabinet to the European path of Montenegro, it seems as if they didn’t have the opportunity to inform themselves that Dodik would award the “state” medal to Vladimir Putin, whose army destroys Ukraine, murdering tens of thousands of civilian victims. If they knew it, then it’s clear that they didn’t care about their obligations, which is quite dangerous for further negotiations with the EU. What’s even worse, it shows that they didn’t have compassion for victims”. Speaking about the efforts of the international community to confront Vucic’s destabilization in the region, he notes: “The EU must reach and then maintain full political coherence in the region, particularly having in mind that, after many years, last year it started a new enlargement cycle granting a candidate status to Ukraine, Moldova and finally Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the aim of protecting all WB countries from the Russian impact. It’s about the countries that belong to the Union and need the Union’s assistance to meet the membership criteria. Unfortunately, Vucic, on the other hand, enjoys support of some European leaders, particularly those who are Russia’s proxies in the Union – the Hungarian PM Viktor Orban.”


Political parties having different views on merging elections (RTCG)


Montenegro is about to call for the presidential elections and if parties want to have the extraordinary parliamentary elections on the same day, the parliament’s mandate must be shortened. Although political parties have different views on merging the elections, they all agree that first they need to have the Constitutional Court functional. For new, politicians have different opinions on holding the presidential and parliamentary elections on the same day. Some claim it’s good for economic reasons, while others note that the country is in the midst of the crisis and the parliamentary elections should be held as soon as possible. “It’s true – the situation is alarming so I think it’s important to have both elections a.s.a.p. and Montenegro is not so reach so that we can hold two elections in 20 days. If we need to do it because of some legal limitations, it’s another thing,” the DF MP Slaven Radunovic told RTCG. The DPS MP, Nikola Rakocevic, says: “The situation is alarming, we’re facing the economic, social, political and institutional crisis and it’s why we need snap parliamentary elections and not to wait to merge them with any other election or political process. After that, we should have the presidential ones”. While the SDP would rather merge the elections, PM Dritan Abazovic assesses that it’s more important to unblock the Constitutional Court. However, MPs note that there’s a possibility to cut short the mandate of the parliament on their own in order to have extraordinary parliamentary elections. “It depends on the dialogue of parliamentary parties, while each one of our steps will be announced,” Rakocevic says.


Pendarovski: We need real national consensus and answer from EU over its focus on region after Ukraine war (MIA)


It is possible that North Macedonia joins the EU by 2030, said President Stevo Pendarovski and urged for a real national consensus on the issue, while also opening the issue of whether the Union would be focused on the Western Balkans after the end of the war in Ukraine. “Is full-fledged membership possible by 2030? It is. We have the internal potential, we have the people, we have the experience, we have the system already set up for the negotiations, and we are the best prepared candidate in EU on record. However, I am not certain about two other things. First, I don’t know if we will find national consensus, which is lacking for now. I am speaking about a real national consensus. We have to achieve this and sustain it for years to come during the negotiations. Second, I am not sure whether the EU will maintain its focus on the region after the end of the war in Ukraine,” Pendarovski told reporters prior to roundtable titled “Western Balkans between the West and the East: North Macedonia – EU Member by 2030?”, organized by the Council of Ambassadors. He said all politicians claim they are in favor of EU but half of them are gone when asking the question whether this can be achieved under these conditions and the current negotiating framework. “We have all heard rhetoric of national-state consensus. When you ask all politicians whether you want to join the EU, they say yes. When you say, is this possible under these conditions and this negotiating framework, half of them are gone. Therefore, we unfortunately have no national consensus on our EU path for the time being,” said Pendarovski. According to him, the first task in this regard is the constitutional revision. “Here, we have to demonstrate if we want the EU or not because we are already familiar with the negotiating framework. The specific demand to incorporate Bulgarians in the Constitution is familiar. How is it that we topple the Macedonian state by introducing the Bulgarians, Croats, Montenegrins, maybe Jews, in addition to the six other parts of nations and the Macedonians?” asked Pendarovski. On the possibility of him helping achieve this national consensus, the President said that opposition parties would not change their position, based on their statements, in hope of winning the next elections. “The positions of the major opposition parties are so entrenched in the partisan rhetoric, from which they probably expect success at the next elections, and that is why they are not abandoning it. Therefore, I see no room for maneuvers and my assistance. They have notary-sealed statements they would not sign a constitutional change not even in their dreams,” said Pendarovski. The solution, he added, is to continually explain in public that the state would not go down if the Bulgarians are put in the Constitution.


President of North Macedonia: Time has passed when Albania was seen as an enemy of the Macedonians (MIA)


The President of North Macedonia Stevo Pendarovski has called "unnecessary" and "outdated" the reactions regarding the meeting in Tirana of Prime Minister Edi Rama with the leaders of the Albanian political parties of North Macedonia. Regarding this meeting, in which, according to the participants, issues related to the acceleration of the European integration of both countries were discussed, there were many reactions in Skopje, in particular from the Macedonian opposition, which assessed the invitation of the Albanian Prime Minister as an "attempt to save the government of Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski", but also as "harmful to the Macedonian state and national interests". However, Pendarovski, in a statement to the media, said that "the time has passed when political processes, events or meetings that took place in Tirana, were assessed as a threat to our security. "Decades ago, the then Socialist Republic of Albania was a security threat to us. It has been a long time since the political processes or events or meetings that took place in Tirana were seen as a security threat for us. Let's not forget, the Republic of Albania is a member of NATO and has started negotiations with the EU together with us. Albania is our friend and I have no doubt about any secret intentions of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama. I know very well, and so do you. I don't think that any anti-Macedonian scenario is being plotted there", stated Pendarovski. Regarding the comments that the Albanian leaders were called to Tirana to agree on the constitutional changes, Pendarovski said that for this matter there was no need to go to the meeting, since as he said, all the political leaders who were in Tirana also previously they said that they would support the amendment of the Constitution for the inclusion of the Bulgarians in the Preamble, as a necessary condition in order not to repeat the Bulgarian veto to the European integration process of North Macedonia. The meeting that the leaders of the parties from the Albanian bloc had with the Prime Minister of Albania was positively evaluated by Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski who said on Wednesday that "every meeting with the Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama is welcome" because according to Prime Minister Kovacevski, "Edi Rama is a true friend of North Macedonia and a Euro-Atlantist". The meeting held on Tuesday in Tirana was initiated by the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, and was attended by the leaders of all the Albanian parties from North Macedonia, except for the head of the Besa movement, Bilal Kasami, who, although invited, refused to take part with the reasoning that he did not want to sit at a table with the head of DUI, Ali Ahmeti. Kasami had evaluated the meeting as "an attempt to save Ahmeti after the divisions in his party". But, after the meeting, the leaders of the Albanian parties assessed that the meeting was relaxing and in a "fraternal spirit" and that the common European future of Albania and North Macedonia was in focus.


Xhacka, Recak massacre still asks for justice and reconciliation (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka commemorated the Recak Massacre, which horrified the world and awakened the conscience of world diplomacy to mobilize for Kosovo. Through a post on social networks, Xhacka states that "we commemorate with honor the 45 innocent men, women and children who were massacred in Recak by the Serbian regime, in an act of deliberate and indiscriminate murder". The Albanian chief diplomat emphasizes that their memory and the memory of thousands of men, women and children killed in countless other war crimes committed by the Serbian regime in Kosovo still asks for justice and reconciliation. Minister Xhacka said that this massacre serves as a powerful reminder of how much our entire region must work together to build a peaceful and prosperous future, governed with a philosophy that rejects the mentality of genocide, which is responsible for the massacre in Recak. On January 15, 1999, 45 unarmed Albanians were barbarically murdered and massacred in the village of Recak. After Recak, the issue of Kosovo was called for a solution at an international conference in Rambouillet and Paris, the failure of which activated NATO air campaign against the Serbian military forces in 1999.


Nikolla, the final agreement between Kosova and Serbia, a contribution to the Europeanization of the Western Balkans (Radio Tirana)


In commemoration of the 24th anniversary of the Recak Massacre, speaker of the Assembly of Albania Lindita Nikolla appeals for the intensification of dialogue without preconditions and the achievement of a final Kosovo-Serbia agreement. The parliament speaker emphasizes in a post on social networks that: "The 24th anniversary of the Recak massacre is a day of pain and at the same time an appeal that war crimes, atrocities, murders of civilians and the divisions they have created, must end." Nikolla underlines that the intensification of dialogue without preconditions and the achievement of a final Kosovo-Serbia agreement is the way for lasting reconciliation, peace, prosperity and Europeanization of the Western Balkans. "I appreciate the State Department Counselor Derek Chollet's statement on the strong will of the Government of Kosovo for the dialogue process, which will guarantee Kosovo's integration into the Euro-Atlantic structures", writes the speaker.


Xhacka slams UK Minister after insulting Albanians (ADN)


Albanian Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka has slammed UK Minister for Immigration Robert Jenrick, who used an insulting language towards Albanians. Xhacka emphasized that she is shocked by the language used in this case, claiming that Jenrick insulted Albanians just only to get a few more votes. "Extremely shocked when I hear a Minister of State responsible for immigration use such language just for a few votes. 'Find the Albanian, stop the Albanian!' A verbal lynching of an entire nation in a language that sounds like the minister is declaring open season for Albanians just a few weeks after the Joint Communiqué between the Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania and that of Great Britain where they appreciated the role of the diaspora Albanian in Britain and its important contribution to the culture, economy and society of both countries. Shameful separation of a community by a minister with democratic principles that brings back terrible memories with an unbearable brutality", says the minister. The British Minister, through a post on Twitter, said that they are working to remove illegal Albanian immigrants. "We are working around the clock to remove illegal Albanian immigrants. Yesterday I visited an immigration center to see our weekly flights to Albania and to thank the staff for their crucial work to enforce our borders and keep us safe. Find the Albanians, stop them, take them to the airport and return them to Tirana. Not only these illegal immigrants but also dangerous criminals who have been convicted of drugs", he said, among other things.


Albania-EU, the process of revising the legislation kicks off on Monday (Radio Tirana)


The process of revising the Albanian legislation by the EU kicks off on Monday with the first meeting for this year between the negotiators of the two sides. EC spokesperson Ana Pisonero says that this process is going on the right path and without problems. "On Monday, the last session of the bilateral review of the basic cluster with Albania will take place. We have already completed the explanatory sessions of the EU acquis update for the whole Fundamentals group, as well as for groups Two (internal market) and three (competitiveness and inclusive growth) with Albania and North Macedonia. The screening process is the first step in the negotiation process," she said. According to Ana Pisonero, EC spokesperson, bilateral examinations of the group of chapters internal market, competitiveness and inclusive growth will follow next. "We are working at full speed and will complete the cycle of explanatory update sessions in September 2023. Albania will have to prepare a roadmap that identifies the main reforms it will undertake under Chapters 23 and 24 of the rule of law and guidelines for public administration reform," Pisonero added. Based on the review meetings, the European Commission will report to the European Council at the beginning of 2024 on the degree of Albania's readiness to officially start negotiations. Based on the new enlargement methodology and the principle of accelerated integration, our country can become from that moment, a part of the economic instruments and organizations of the EU even without becoming a full member of this organization.