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Belgrade Media Report 19 January 2023



Vucic: Deal possible soon if Kurti gives up on secessionist intentions (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday a deal with Pristina would be achievable as early as in two days - rather than within the next few months - if Pristina's PM Albin Kurti gave up on secessionist intentions. Vucic said this to Serbian reporters in Davos after being asked to comment on Kurti's statement that an agreement between Belgrade and Pristina could be reached within the next few months. When asked about his take on a new European Parliament resolution calling for alignment of Serbia's foreign policy with the EU, Vucic responded he was less interested in that issue than in a section of the document that said the so-called Kosovo was independent and that that was an irreversible process, or a section condemning any secessionist rhetoric and calling for condemnation of all instigators of secessionism. Those who have instigated secession are the ones talking about secession in the EP paper, he said. "They are the ones who are secessionists, they have carried out a violent secession of a part of our territory. How far can that brazenness go? ...They want us to condemn those supporting secession, I guess, of parts of Kosovo and Metohija and Bosnia and Herzegovina. They have trampled the UN Charter, they bombed a country and carried out a violent secession," Vucic said.


One of toughest years ahead of us

Vucic said on Wednesday that, politically and economically, one of the toughest years in Serbia's modern history was ahead of the country, announcing that he would meet with German, French, Italian, US and EU representatives on Friday. Speaking to Serbian reporters in Davos, he said difficult times were ahead, in particular considering his conversation with EU envoy Miroslav Lajcak earlier in the day. "All I heard is that no one wants to hear or see a different view any more - all they care about is an independent Kosovo and sanctions on Russia, and there can be no opposition. A decisive, crucial year is ahead of us, so it is definitely going to be one of the toughest in our modern history, both economically and politically, and in every other sense," Vucic said. Serbia faces the question of which policy it will choose - a policy of spurring growth or one of maintaining low public debt, he said. Noting that he would hold important discussions at the weekend, Vucic said a meeting with five international representatives - Lajcak and representatives of Germany, France, Italy and the US - was confirmed for Friday. "I expect a difficult discussion and, during the weekend, once we - government representatives and I - finish consultations, we will address the citizens on Monday at the latest to announce new measures and say what is requested and expected from Serbia regarding Kosovo and Metohija, and also the sanctions on Russia," Vucic said.


Vucic fiercely criticizes EP report (Beta)


In Davos on Wednesday, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic fiercely criticized the latest report of the European Parliament, saying that those who adopt such documents were "insolent and unscrupulous" because of their double standards regarding secessionism. Commenting on the report about the implementation of the common foreign and security policy for 2022, which the European parliament adopted on Wednesday, Vucic told the Serbian media that these were "incredible conclusions", expressing embitterment over the parts about Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Vucic also said that the Serbian state helm would address the public "not later than 23 January, to announce what is expected from Serbia regarding Kosovo and the imposing of sanctions against Russia." Vucic met on Wednesday with the EU's special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak on the sidelines of the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos.


Dacic: EP resolution extremely hypocritical (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Wednesday a new European Parliament resolution calling on Belgrade to align with the EU foreign policy was "another example of enormous hypocrisy". In a statement to Tanjug, Dacic said the EP objected to Serbia's failure to align with the EU foreign policy but made no mention of the fact the so-called Kosovo did not want to implement the Brussels agreement, signed under EU patronage. "Are the Brussels agreement and the Community of Serb Municipalities not a fundamental element of the European foreign policy? Also, there is talk about the territorial integrity of Ukraine, while calls are being made to violate the territorial integrity of Serbia," Dacic noted. Before lecturing Serbia on failure to align with the EU foreign policy, the EP should align with the fundamental principles of international law regarding protection of the territorial integrity of all states in the world, "unless it thinks Serbia has no right to international law," Dacic said, noting that the resolution was "hypocritical to the very extreme".


Belgrade values Cuba’s support to territorial integrity of Serbia (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic received yesterday on a farewell visit Cuban Ambassador to Serbia Gustavo Trista del Todo and thanked him on his friendship and the improvement of overall relations between the two countries in all areas of mutual interest during his mandate. Brnabic wished the outgoing Ambassador success in his further career and stated that Serbia remains his house, in which he has a friend. According to Brnabic, Belgrade highly appreciates Cuba’s consistent support to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia and to Serbia’s positions. The Ambassador of Cuba said that he is leaving Belgrade happy with the results achieved, but that there is still room for the improvement of cooperation in the fields of agriculture and the economy.


Serbia, Togo committed to the improvement of overall cooperation (Tanjug/Beta/RTV)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic met today with Minister for Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and Togolese Abroad of the Togolese Republic Robert Dussey and thanked him for the support regarding non-recognition of the unilaterally proclaimed independence of “Kosovo” and the preservation of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia. Dussey underlined that Togo regards Serbia an important partner and that it is committed to the development of cooperation in the areas of mutual interest for the two countries. The interlocutors agreed that an agreement on cooperation in the field of defence should be harmonised and signed in the coming period.


Dacic meets with Botsan-Kharchenko (Politika/Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic received Russian Ambassador to Belgrade Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko on Wednesday to discuss current bilateral affairs. The parties exchanged views on the most significant topics of mutual interest, economic cooperation and further cooperation in the international arena, the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement. They also discussed cooperation in culture, science and education, as well as potential activities and events that would mark 185 years since the establishment of Serbia-Russia diplomatic relations, the statement said.


Vehicles with KМ license plates not allowed to pass Jarinje, Brnjak crossings (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic stated that as of this morning Kosovo police do not allow vehicles with regular KM license plates to pass the Jarinje and Brnjak crossings. This is a brutal violation of the agreement on license plates which Belgrade and Pristina reached in Brussels on 23 November last year, after a serious crisis that threatened to completely endanger peace in Kosovo and Metohija, Petkovic said.

This agreement stipulates that until a final solution on license plates is found, KM license plates shall remain in full use. “Also, with this agreement Pristina pledged to immediately suspend the penal policy and all the activities regarding so-called re-registration of vehicles against drivers of vehicles with KM license plates. However, this morning Kurti’s police have resumed the penal policy unilaterally and illegally, they started to harass Serbs at crossings and violate the agreement, by which they introduce new tension and problems in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. That is why we expect from the European Union, which is the guarantor of the agreement, to protect and enable its implementation and take a clear stance in relation to such moves by Pristina,” Petkovic stated.


Serbia deeply committed to UNESCO goals (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said yesterday that the re-election of Serbia to the Executive Council of UNESCO this year is one of the special priorities, noting that we are proud of the fact that our engagement in this organisation has been repeatedly praised by a great number of states, its members. At the session of the Serbian Commission for cooperation with UNESCO, Dacic said that, more than ever, we need wider unification in the protection of vital national interests in Kosovo and Metohija, whereby through UNESCO we can draw international attention to the sensibility of the current situation in our southern province. Unfortunately, with the armed conflict in Ukraine, all international organisations face the politicisation of the issue and we can freely conclude that polarisation in international forums is obvious, he underlined and added that in such extremely difficult geopolitical circumstances, Serbia, due to its consistent and independent policy, can in the capacity of UNESCO chairman help to improve communication channels and find compromises. This will contribute to defining and taking an appropriate attitude towards pressing issues. We are particularly proud that our engagement has been repeatedly praised by a large number of UNESCO member states, which shows that Serbia has established itself as a credible partner in multilateral frameworks, said Dacic.


McAllister: Decision not to impose sanctions on Russia has consequences (N1)


Chair of the European Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee David McAllister told N1 that the European Union (EU) is still ready for new members, but that it is a long way and hard work to become an EU member. Regarding Serbia, he said there are a number of reasons why the accession negotiations are slow. “The EU accession negotiations with Serbia are ongoing, they are not moving at a speed which I and many others would have liked to have seen for a number of reasons. One of the reasons is that Serbia is not aligned with the foreign and security policy of the EU and the very major question is the question of sanctions against the Russian Federation. Here the EU has been very clear that we expect Serbia to align its position on this matter with that of the 27 EU member states. In the moment that is not the case, and of course, this is one of the obstacles why we are not progressing in the ongoing negotiations. The Serbian government is fully aware of this,” McAllister told N1. He welcomed the fact that Serbia was very clear in voting in the United Nations, in criticizing and condemning the Russian aggression against Ukraine. “That has also been a clear positioning of Serbia on this matter, on the other hand, the Serbian government and President Vucic have been very clear that they, at least at the moment, do not want to adopt the sanctions which have been adopted by the European Union and many other European countries that are not in the European Union but also want to become a member of the EU. This is a political decision Serbia has to take. But, the decision which has been taken in Serbia, the position, does have consequences and that’s where we are,” said McAllister. The European Parliament adopted Wednesday a Resolution asking Serbia to align its foreign policy with the common foreign and security policy of the EU. MEPs asked the EU to suspend progress in negotiations with Serbia until it fulfills several key conditions.


Nemec: Brussels running out of patience (N1)


Matjaz Nemec MEP told N1 on Wednesday that Serbia needs to think like European Union member states if it wants to be part of the European family and warned that Brussels is running out of patience. “There is no more patience. Brussels wants to see progress,” he said.

“I say this as a friend of Serbia, as someone who wants Serbia to part of the EU. The main issue is what Serbia wants, what Serbia’s European path will be if there is still any trust in that path,” he said. Nemec said that the European Parliament would like all of the Western Balkans to be part of the EU. “Our goal and victory would be to see Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Kosovo as part of the European community,” the Slovenian MEP said. Nemec is due to visit Belgrade next week with fellow MEP and EP rapporteur Vladimir Bilcik for a new round of the dialogue between the authorities and opposition. He said that Serbia has a good chance at EU membership quickly. “We are coming to Belgrade with optimism to talk to everyone and see the future of progress.


Peach: Neither Serbia nor Kosovo should consider implementation of existing agreements as concessions (Kurir/Beta)


British Special Envoy to the Western Balkans Stuart Peach said that neither Kosovo nor Serbia should consider implementation of the existing agreements as concessions or threats to their respective positions, but rather as a constructive and credible role in their dialogue. Peach said in an interview with Kurir published on 18 January that both sides should meet the commitments they had accepted during the Dialogue, adding that the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities was one of them. “Kosovo and Serbia alike should meet the commitments accepted during the Dialogue. The Community of Serb Municipalities is one of such elements, but it should not hinder the implementation of others either. What the Community will look like once installed is the question for the parties to the Dialogue,” the British envoy explained. Peach said he expected a comprehensive, final and legally binding agreement to normalize relations between Serbia and Kosovo as “two neighboring countries”, underlining that both sides had a duty to their citizens to continue the talks and work on practical steps towards the normalization of relations. “The most important thing is that the agreement must be acceptable for the citizens of Kosovo and Serbia, and have inherent long-term benefits for them and the region at large. It is up to the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia to agree upon the precise format and content of the agreement,” the British diplomat said, adding that a sustainable agreement required “political will and courage”.


EP adopts resolution calling for sanctions against Dodik and calling on Western Balkans countries to harmonize their foreign policy with foreign policy of EU (FTV)


The European Parliament (EP) adopted on Wednesday a Resolution on Common Foreign and Security Policy that calls on EU member states to sanction Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik. They also harshly condemned unconstitutional activities of the RS authorities. In this document, the Western Balkans countries were asked to harmonize their foreign policies with a foreign policy of the EU. Reporter noted that 407 MEPs voted in favour of abovementioned document, 92 voted against it and 142 abstained from voting. In part of the Resolution talking about Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), MEPs demanded from all EU member countries to introduce sanctions against destabilizing actors in B&H, including those jeopardizing B&H’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The document reads that the EP harshly condemns unconstitutional secessionist activities of the RS authorities aimed to create parallel institutions in areas of healthcare and medical devices, judiciary, defense, security and taxation which undermine state structures of B&H. The EP also condemned a detrimental role of regional actors and Russian interference. MEPs called on the European Council to introduce sanctions against Dodik and his allies for corruptive activities, constant destabilization of B&H and undermining of sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H. Reporter reminded that the MEPs directly engaged in issues concerning B&H demanded on 12 January introduction of sanctions against Dodik. They concluded that several red lines have been crossed and Dodik’s statement and acts represent violation of a political agreement on formation of authorities in B&H he signed in June 2022. Abovementioned demand was presented after the RS observed the unconstitutional holiday – the RS Day. Also, the EP expressed concern on Wednesday in regards to content, method and period when amendments to the Election Law of B&H and the Federation of B&H (FB&H) Constitution were imposed. The Resolution reads that because the High Representative Christian Schmidt imposed amendments on the day of general elections in B&H, this could jeopardize democratic legitimacy and strengthen ethno-nationalism. Author of the Resolution adopted on Wednesday is MEP David McAllister and before voting on this document he warned that the EU needs to be active in all Western Balkans countries, because otherwise there are other actors that could replace it. He emphasized that although all six Western Balkans countries have the EU perspective, the EU must be presented there to oppose a malign negative influence coming from Russia and others. The Resolution emphasizes the need for EU candidate countries and possible candidate countries to completely harmonize their policies with the EU policies, including introduction of sanctions against Russia.


Dodik: Punishing of politically unsuitable countries or individuals is always a sign of impotence and not superiority (FTV)


The European Parliament (EP) adopted on Wednesday a Resolution that calls on EU member states to sanction RS President Milorad Dodik. Dodik stated that the EP can adopt anything they find useful, adding that it does not mean it will be useful or pragmatic. He emphasized that the policy of sanctioning, instead of the policy of dialogue and attempt to understand others has been present in the EP. The RS President underlined that punishing of politically unsuitable countries or individuals “is always a sign of impotence and not superiority.” Dodik also said: “No one died because of the policy I am leading, B&H is not more disabled than it would otherwise be, the European path has not been called into question, its territorial integrity has not been called into question, so I am keenly interested in what inspired the MEPs to propose such a measure.” “I choose to make choices freely and in line with my conscience, I respect all the legal acts of the RS and B&H. If due to that I should be sanctioned, then so be it, but at least for it to be with clearly said and known that I am punished because I thought with my own head, I respected the Constitution and was led by national interests”, Dodik was quoted as saying. Spokesperson of SNSD Radovan Kovacevic added that this should also include some foreign representatives who constantly reach decisions- that are often contrary to the Constitution of B&H- instead of citizens and their democratically elected representatives. Kovacevic said that once they talk to them, they will realize very soon that their arguments are well-based, i.e. based on the Constitution of B&H and the Dayton Peace Agreement. Kovacevic also noted that the EU cannot impose sanctions against Dodik without the consensus of all members, and he is sure it cannot come to that.


Kajganic confirms Prosecutor’s Office has formed case connected to this year’s marking of RS Day (ATV)


ATV carries that attacks from Sarajevo and the international community on marking of Republika Srpska (RS) Day continue. The Prosecutor's Office of B&H has formed a case in connection with the celebration of the RS Day this year. This information has been confirmed by Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H Milanko Kajganic. In addition, Kajganic reminded that dealing with criminal charges were assigned to the prosecutor in charge of the case, however, a similar thing happened last year, when several associations, governmental and non-governmental organizations also filed criminal charges against the officials of the RS. "In June 2022, the acting prosecutor issued an order not to conduct an investigation in that case, considering that the decision of the Constitutional Court (CC) has been formally implemented," added Kajganic. ATV also reported that when there is no legal ground, Sarajevo turns to “German tourist” (High Representative) Christian Schmidt, who announced that the next RS Day celebration will not be like this year's marking. RS President Milorad Dodik announced that the RS will continue marking 9 January as the RS Day, just as it envisions it. Dodik noted: “Schmidt is an illegal High Representative, everything he says is irrelevant and does not apply to the RS.” Advisor to the RS President Radovan Kovacevic noted that the RS Day cannot be decided on by “a man” who as not appointed in the UN Security Council (UN SC). “The celebration of the RS Day on 9 January will be decided exclusively by the institutions of the RS, and not by any Schmidt”, said Kovacevic.


Stevandic: January 9 will be celebrated more grandiosely the more it is disputed; EP’s resolution with request for imposing sanctions onto Dodik is not binding, it is more of recommendation (ATV)


Speaker of the RS  parliament and United Srpska leader Nenad Stevandic, asked about his opinion on the situation in which the RS Day marking has been harshly criticized in Sarajevo and – what ATV’s reporter said for High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt – “where an illegal tourist is visiting FB&H media and saying what federal Sarajevo wants to hear” i.e. that the RS Day will not be celebrated in 2024 the way it was in 2023, Stevandic replied that January 9 will be celebrated more grandiosely the more it is disputed. "By constantly calling out the officials and institutions of the RS and disputing our rights and the dates we celebrate, individuals provide themselves with a kind of better comfort in Sarajevo. They are used to the fact that in Sarajevo you have a better status and live better the more you attack RS and its representatives”, Stevandic noted. Speaking about marking 9 January as the RS Day, Stevandic underlined that 9 January 1992, was not the time of war and no one was killed on that day “unlike on 1 March”. According to Stevandic, the RS Day could be celebrated in 2024 in a more low-key manner only “if they stop dealing with 9 January so much”. Stevandic added: “We are entering a very difficult time. Many actions against the RS are being operationalized. The statements of the illegitimate HR should be observed from that perspective.” Commenting on the European Parliament (EP)’s resolution in which MEPs call on the EU to introduce sanctions on RS President Milorad Dodik, Stevandic said: “This is not a binding resolution, it is more of a recommendation.” According to Stevandic, there is attempt at behavioral conditioning in which the RS officials would be automatically frightened by the mention of sanctions. The RS parliament speaker assessed that the resolution aims to discipline and homogenize EU countries that have good relations with the RS. The RS parliament speaker considers that all of this is connected to the situation in Ukraine, where the RS has been neutral “in that anti-Russian hysteria”. He noted that the pressures exerted on the RS in this regard do not yield results, because there is “a certain political maturity that goes beyond interparty differences”. He also added that the resolution could actually cause Euroscepticism to grow in the RS and concluded that the RS does not have a desire to turn against Europe.


Becirovic meets Ambassadors of Turkey, Slovenia, Poland and Ukraine in Brussels: B&H continues path to NATO (Dnevni list)


During his visit to NATO HQ in Brussels, member of B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic talked to Ambassadors of Turkey, Slovenia, Poland and Ukraine, discussing the current geopolitical situation, situation in Ukraine and intensifying of B&H’s NATO path. The statement issued by B&H Presidency reads that Becirovic said that best way for B&H to continue to achieve its progress is through NATO membership, which would improve stability, encourage internal integration, attract foreign investments and with this in the long run contributed to security of the Alliance as well. Among other things, Becirovic noted that consequences of Russian aggression of Ukraine have direct reflection on security/political situation in B&H. He expressed solidarity toward citizens of Ukraine, stressing that B&H citizens understand the suffering of Ukrainian people and their fight for freedom. Becirovic underlined that the new geopolitical situation demands faster, more efficient and more concrete response so that B&H would receive an invitation to join NATO as soon as possible. He concluded that accelerating of B&H’s membership to NATO will minimize possibility of conflicts in this part of Europe and strengthen security of the entire continent. Becirovic conveyed a message that B&H will, without any doubt, continue its NATO path and stressed that his visit to Brussels is not private. “On the contrary, numerous meetings with top NATO officials in Brussels give special political weight to this visit, but also represent a clear signal of West’s support to preserving of an independent and sovereign state of B&H,” reads B&H Presidency’s statement.


Swedish Minister for EU Affairs Roswall says Sweden will focus on integration of Western Balkan region (Nezavisne)


Swedish Minister for EU Affairs Jessika Roswall announced in a statement for the daily that the EU enlargement remains on the agenda of the Swedish EU Council Presidency which started in January. She underlined that EU integration of the Western Balkans is explicitly mentioned in the program of Swedish Presidency. The Program published on the website of the Swedish Government does not include plans for a summit with Western Balkan leaders, notes the daily. It focuses on EU enlargement in the context of the war in Ukraine and the need to promote European values in the region in order to pull it away from Russian influence. Regarding the Western Balkan region, the Swedish Presidency program states that the integration of Western Balkan countries will continue. “The future of these countries and their citizens lies in the EU. The EU needs to continue to support these countries in their efforts to implement reforms as part of the accession process. Reforms in the area of the judiciary and rule of law are crucial”, reads the program. It also emphasizes the significance of security in the Western Balkan region for overall EU security. The daily notes that the EU enlargement process must be viewed in the light of the stances of France, which insists that the enlargement process should not continue before the EU implements reforms and changes its decision-making rules. Therefore, France initiated establishing of the European Political Community as a forum of EU member states and non-member European states, with the exception of Russia and Belarus. The Program of Swedish Presidency mentions the European Political Community and notes that it contributes to the dialogue, but does not stipulate any concrete activities related to the European Political Community. Swedish Presidency Program also mentions the Western Balkan region in the context of cooperation with third countries in the area of migration.


Covic: Everything is going according to plan in terms of formation of new authority by HDZ B&H and ‘The Eight’ (Dnevni list)


Dnevni list reports that HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic said that, for time being everything is going according to plan in terms of formation of new authority by HDZ B&H and ‘The Eight’. Covic assessed that SDA does not have the coalition capacity due to its retrograde conflict policy. Speaking about changes to the Election Law of B&H, Covic said that according to the agreement signed by HDZ B&H and ‘The Eight’, they should resolve the issues of Houses of Peoples and the Presidency of B&H i.e. election of Croat member of the Presidency. In this context Covic said: “We already have a few models that were agreed during Neum and Sarajevo negotiations and we only need to decide on one of them. After we form the FB&H government, a six-month deadline will start. I am convinced we will quickly resolve it”. Asked if the international community is aware that others are imposing member of the Presidency of B&H to Croats, Covic said that during the (electoral reform) talks, a US representative would always say at the start that the issue of legitimate representation of Croats in the B&H Presidency should be resolved. As for formation of the authority at the cantonal level, Covic said that authority in Herzegovina-Neretva Canton can be formed without SDA and that the only canton where authority cannot be formed without SDA is Central-Bosnia Canton.


SDP’s Niksic: There is stable majority for formation of Council of Ministers (Dnevni list)


Dnevni list reports that SDP leader Nermin Niksic stated that the decision of SB&H and NES not to support new B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) does not endanger stable parliamentary majority at the level of B&H, however there are problems with formation of authority at the FB&H level. Niksic stressed that currently 23 representatives in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) support new CoM, expressing conviction the same will be in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP), which is yet to be formed. When it comes to formation of new FB&H government, Niksic said there are certain problems because SDA used its own ways to secure bigger participation in the FB&H HoP than it should in line with the election results. “We cannot compete with them on that ground. They have much more concrete argument with which they buy delegates”, added Niksic. He further said that SB&H and NES are part of the ruling majority at the FB&H level for time being and that he expects honest relation from them, in other words to say if they decide to leave ‘The Eight’. In addition, Niksic said that SDA has no room to block the state and the FB&H level and that both levels have stable majorities that do not include SDA.


SDA reacts to appointment of leadership of FB&H House of Peoples; Cengic says OHR should react again when it comes to formation of FB&H authorities (Hayat)


The speaker and deputy speaker of the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) were appointed on Tuesday. SDA reacted by making a statement which reads: “The vote in the FB&H HoP for the appointment of the leadership of this House ignored the will of the majority in the Bosniak Caucus. The Caucuses of Serbs and Croats, together with delegates representing the minority in the Bosniak Caucus, appointed a person to the leadership of the House who was not a proposal of the Bosniak Caucus. This act put an end to HDZ's long-standing insistence on legitimate representation”. After the appointment of the FB&H leadership, candidates for the FB&H President and two Vice Presidents of the FB&H will be nominated. The Croat Caucus proposed Lidija Bradara and the Bosniak Caucus proposed Refik Lendo. The Serb Caucus still does not have the minimum 11 signatures that the High Representative to B&H Christian Schmidt imposed with his amendments to the Election Law. The changes were imposed with the aim of simplifying the appointment of the new FB&H Government, but today the situation is the opposite, commented the presenter. The Secretary of the FB&H HoP Izmir Hadziavdic said: “If we do not have proposals from the Serb Caucus by January 30, seven delegates will have the opportunity to propose it. Not in relation to the other caucuses, only in relation to the Serb Caucus, which did not use the 30-day period of its right to nominate the president or vice-president of the FB&H with 11 signatures”. The nomination must be approved by the majority in the FB&H House of Representatives (HoR), added the reporter. ‘The Eight’ said earlier that they would support the candidate for the FB&H Vice President from the Bosniak Caucus from SDA, i.e. Refik Lendo. In order for the FB&H to get a new mandate holder, it is necessary that the proposal is supported by the FB&H President and both Vice Presidents of the FB&H. After Schmidt imposed changes to the FBiH Constitution, it is to be expected that the formation of the new FB&H Government will not be smooth, added the reporter. SDP delegate in FB&H HoP Irfan Cengic said that when Schmidt talked about unblocking the authorities in the FB&H it was not true, as he only unblocked the appointment of the FB&H President and the FB&H Vice Presidents. If it were not for Schmidt’s imposed changes, the formation of the FBiH authorities would be almost finished, but now they will wait for another month or two, said Cengic. Cengic believes that it is necessary for Schmidt to react again in this situation. One can conclude from the response of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) that only Schmidt knows if there will be new impositions, commented the reporter. The OHR made a statement which reads: “It is the task of political actors to move forward with the formation of legislative and executive authorities at all levels in accordance with the law and to agree on a comprehensive coalition platform”. The reporter commented that, according to election results of individual parties, most citizens in the FB&H voted for SDA while SDA has only 13 delegates in FB&H as well as support of one independent delegate and a delegate from DF. Delegate of the Bosniak Caucus in FB&H HoP Aida Obuca commented on formation of coalition majorities, which were created, in her opinion, after the general elections in 2022. Obuca said that these were coalitions created by counting the number of votes and the election capacity of those political parties and they were not based on individual support during the elections in 2022. Obuca believes that all those agreements were very premature. There is an agreement that the mandate holder for the FB&H should be SDP leader Nermin Niksic, and Niksic will need Lendo’s support from SDA to gain that position, noted the reporter.




Plenkovic met with Vucic, announced what they discussed (Hina)


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic met with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Davos, Switzerland, where he is participating in the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF). The meeting between Plenkovic and Vucic started a little after 9 a.m. and lasted half an hour. They discussed, as Prime Minister Plenkovic announced on Twitter, bilateral relations and the European path of neighboring countries. "In addition to the policy of dialogue and calming tensions, it is necessary to make additional efforts to resolve open issues". The President of Serbia announced on Instagram. "Very correct conversation with Andrej Plenkovic about Serbian-Croatian relations. I believe that in the period ahead, we will manage to achieve progress, both in terms of the economy and in terms of political relations", said Vucic. Prime Minister Plenkovic also spoke about relations with neighbors last night. "When it comes to relations between Serbia and Kosovo, we want to calm tensions and normalize them. Today I met with the Prime Minister of Kosovo, tomorrow I will meet with the Serbian President", said Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic in Davos on CNN's Quest Means Business show. Plenkovic said that there is no fear of instability and that the international community is committed to the "peaceful development of the situation in Southeastern Europe, and especially to relations between Serbia and Kosovo."


Plenkovic in Davos: World and Croatia have overcome 2022 well (Hina)


The year 2022, in a world affected by multiple crises, was critical due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but the world, including Croatia, has overcome it quite well, especially with regard to energy, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Wednesday in Davos. He noted that the World Economic Forum in that Swiss city was taking place in the context of multiple crises that had affected the world, from the COVID-19 pandemic to the Russian aggression against Ukraine, with rifts and polarisation as their consequences. The year 2022 was the most critical, when the impact, as a consequence of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, was the most visible, but in a way it was overcome quite well because what matters now is that alternative energy supply routes have gradually been secured, the prime minister said. According to him, this was the number one topic of the panel on energy and that it shows that cooperation was intense. That is why we want Krk to be the regional energy hub through the oil terminal and the fast LNG terminal and investments in gas pipelines, as well as through the further development of the JANAF oil pipeline operator, Plenkovic said, adding that this way Croatia was part of the mosaic of the changed circumstances. Speaking of the panel on economic growth, he said that it was about three elements which were in a way also the guiding principles of the Croatian government last year. Energy security was the first, in which we succeeded, then sustainability, where we made sure there was no energy shortage and that it was affordable, which we did well and preserved social cohesion — we subsidised electricity and gas prices and the prices of oil derivates, enabling people and the economy to overcome the crisis, the prime minister said. The Forum in Davos was also an opportunity for bilateral meetings, and Plenkovic today met Miroslav Lajcak, the EU special representative for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, and he talked with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Montenegro’s caretaker Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic about the situation in the neighbourhood. He also met with Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen and said that the two countries wanted to continue building quality relations and boosting their economic cooperation. The prime minister confirmed that Croatia’s presidency of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) was discussed.


Lavrov’s praise of Milanovic’s remarks sparks controversy in Croatia (HRT)


Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov quoted Croatia's President Zoran Milanovic in a speech on Wednesday, citing Milanovic’s remarks about a US-led proxy war with Russia in Ukraine.

Speaking on Wednesday in Moscow, Lavrov stated that Russia saw no prospects of peace talks with Ukraine. He said that the United States had assembled a coalition of European countries to solve "the Russian question", making a reference to Hitler and the "final solution". Lavrov mentioned Croatia's President Zoran Milanovic, specifically Milanovic's remarks that Washington and NATO were conducting a proxy war against Russia through Ukraine. Lavrov described the remarks as “honest and fair”. This has prompted a slew of reactions in Croatia. The HDZ's Damir Habijan commented in parliament that if there was any doubt earlier about President's Milanovic's leanings with respect to the war in Ukraine, now it was very clear Milanovic was siding with Russia. "I think that today, after the comments and praise from Russia's chief diplomat related to the President's remarks, it is quite clear what the President's position is on Russia aggression on Ukraine," said Habijan. SDP leader Pedja Grbin was reluctant to say whether the President's remarks were harming Croatia. "What is true is that this is a war that was provoked by Russia's aggression on Ukraine. Russia attacked Ukraine. Just like Serbia attacked Croatia. And that is the only part of this that is correct. I'm not interested in the rest,” said Grbin, brushing of reporters. Nikola Grmoja of Most does not think the President's remarks will have much impact. “I don't think these remarks can do any damage to Croatia because it is clear what direction the country is moving in and who our strategic partners are,” said the Most MP. Ivana Kekin, from the Green Leftist Bloc, said Lavrov's comments were bad for Milanovic since he was being praised by a top official from a country that has been waging ruthless war on the territory of another country for nearly a year.


Imposition of representatives in authority to others is returning to SDA like boomerang (Vecernji list)


Vecernji list daily reads that for the first time since the formation of the FB&H, leaderships of both the FB&H House of Representatives (HoR) and the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) will not have a single SDA representative in them. Daily reminds that FB&H HoR leadership was elected back in December last year, whilst FB&H HoP leadership was elected (on Tuesday). Daily further reads the FB&H HoP Collegium does not have a SDA representative in it despite the fact SDA has most delegates in the Bosniak Caucus, namely 11 delegates. However, it was not enough that SDA’s Aida Obuca be elected FB&H HoP deputy speaker. Namely, Obuca was endorsed by 25 delegates, whilst NiP’s Izen Hajdarevic received 50 votes. FB&H Collegium will consist of speaker Tomislav Martinovic (HDZ B&H), deputy speaker Sladjan Ilic (SDP) and Hajdarevic. The election of FB&H HoP leadership caused fierce discussion in which SDA’s delegate Haris Zahiragic said “this is a precedent because the will of the Bosniak Caucus, in which SDA has the majority, has been suspended”. “It is good that HDZ B&H representatives did it too because they constantly talk about the constituent peoples and legitimate representation”, added Zahiragic. Head of the Croat Caucus Damir Dzeba (HDZ B&H) replied to him by saying, among other issues, if there is something that is unclear, Croat member of the Presidency of B&H Zeljko Komsic should address the Croat Caucus. According to the daily, Dzeba alluded to imposition of authorities in which SDA took part. Commenting on the issue, Peric stressed that imposition of representatives to other people is now returning like a boomerang to hit SDA.


Ibrahimovic: Pro-European forces should have a common candidate for president (CdM)


In a statement for CdM, the leader of the Bosniak Party (BS) Ervin Ibrahimovic has called on all Euro-Atlantic political forces, those who, as he says, see Montenegro as a modern, developed, democratic, secular and anti-fascist state – a full member of the EU, to enter the election race for the President of Montenegro with one, common candidate who would be acceptable to everyone and who would show that democracy and multi-partism in Montenegro have matured to the extent that different political entities can gather around what is the wider social interest. Ibrahimovic does not specify which parties he was referring to when he made the invitation, but he says that he was referring to all those who inherit the values of Montenegro as anti-fascist and see Montenegro as a full member of the EU, and who have proven this with their acting through political life. He says that, if there is no such agreement, BS will decide on the way to participate in these elections through consultations within the party, but also through consultations with its voters and the diaspora. In the end, as he says, he does not rule out the possibility that BS will also have a candidate in these elections, and adds that they are already discussing this in the party. Speaking about the procedure for the selection of judges of the Constitutional Court, and the presidential elections that have been called for, and whether this leads to the exit of Montenegro from the constitutional and political crisis, Ibrahimovic notes that, unfortunately, once again narrow party calculations have been placed above social and political responsibility and we are once again in a situation where, according to the take-it-or-leave-it principle or the most brutal trivialization of the principle “41 is more than 40”, they try to solve things by imposition. Speaking about the process of electing judges of the Constitutional Court, Ibrahimovic states that when the Constitution foresees a qualified majority for a decision, it is not accidental, but because the decision and its consequences are to be given stronger legitimacy so that it has greater social acceptance. He has said that as the leader of the Bosniak party and as a Bosniak, he must remind the MPs and citizens of Montenegro that Bosniaks are the third largest nation in Montenegro and the most numerous smaller in number nation and that the Constitution provides for proportional representation and that in this sense they expect at least one judge of the Constitutional Court to be a Bosniak and they point out that it would be logical, given the number of people, adding that there is no norm defining this in the Constitution.


Abazovic: The entire region needs more Euro-optimism (CdM)


Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic is participating in the meeting in Davos, which is being held under the name "Diplomatic dialogue on the Western Balkans in Davos". "The entire region needs more Euro-optimism. "Montenegro is determined to continue promoting reconciliation and cooperation at all levels with the aim of integrating the Western Balkans into the EU," Abazovic said on Twitter. In addition to the President of the World Economic Forum Borg Berg, Prime Minister Abazovic and leaders from the region, the meeting is attended by numerous European officials. There are the President of North Macedonia Stevo Pendarovski, the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, the Prime Minister of Croatia Andrej Plenkovic, the Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama, the Prime Minister of Kosovo Aljbin Kurti, the Chairperson of the Council of Ministers Borjana Kristo, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia Tanja Fajon, the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Austria Aleksander Shallenberg, Minister of European Affairs of the Czech Republic Mikulas Bek, Ignacio Cassis, member of the Swiss Federal Council, Bernard Emie, representative of the French Ministry of Defense, EU Special Representative for the Western Balkans Miroslav Lajcak, President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Odile-Renaud Basso.


Abazovic with Plenkovic: Croatia's entry into Schengen boosts the European perspective of the Western Balkans (CdM)


During the World Economic Forum in Davos, Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic met with Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic. Abazovic, as announced by the prime minister's office, congratulated his colleague once again on Croatia's entry into the Schengen zone and added that this act gave impetus to the other countries of the Western Balkans on the European perspective. Discussing the economic situation in the region and the country, Abazovic pointed out that the economic parameters in Montenegro have never been better, noting that this year we have the lowest unemployment rate, GDP at a historical maximum and that foreign direct investments have exceeded one billion euros in 2022.

"The interlocutors agreed that the two neighboring, friendly and partner countries cooperate in many areas of mutual interest, as well as that allied relations can serve to further stimulate mutual cooperation, both on a bilateral and multilateral level," the statement said.


Abazovic with Lajcak: The government has fulfilled its tasks, we expect the parliament to do its part as well (CdM)


Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic met today with the European Union's special representative for the Western Balkans, Miroslav Lajcak, during the World Economic Forum in Davos, and on that occasion pointed out that Montenegro must make the decisions expected of its citizens and EU partners as soon as possible in order for the Constitutional Court to functional. "The government has fulfilled its tasks, we expect the Parliament to do its part as well. The EU is the country's main foreign policy priority, and Montenegro remains on the right track!", said Abazovic.


Russian Embassy in Skopje: Osmani has not mentioned victims of shelling by Ukrainian formations (Sitel)


The Russian Embassy in the country shared a post on social networks in reaction to Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani’s statements given during his visit to Ukraine regarding civilian casualties in Russian attacks, noting that he has not mentioned the victims of shelling by the Ukrainian formations. The Embassy posted on Facebook and Telegram that the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Osmani is speculating about “victims of Russian aggression, taking on faith the propaganda of the Kiev regime”. “But as he arrived to Kiev, the troops of Zelenskyy shelled Donetsk and Makeevka (DPR): dead reported and injured still under rubbles,” reads the post. According to the Embassy, Osmani has not mentioned the victims of shelling by the Ukrainian formations, “as well as all those killed and wounded during the aggression by the Kiev regime against Donbass since 2014, the number of whom goes into thousands”.  “It’s about people,” you say?” the post adds. During his visit to Kiev on Monday, Minister Osmani strongly condemned continued Russian aggression against Ukraine, stressing that attacks on civilian targets were unacceptable. Osmani condemned Saturday’s Russian missile strike in Dnipro that killed and injured many civilians including children. The Foreign Minister called on Russia to stop the war, return to OSCE principles, and resolve issues through diplomacy.


Alliance for Albanians may join government, PM says (MIA)


The Alliance for Albanians opposition party may join the ruling coalition if the parties reach an agreement, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski told a news conference Wednesday.

“The Alliance for Albanians has expressed political will in favor of the state’s European concept. Will they enter the government? Yes, there is a chance of this happening. Just like other political leaders have said. And will this happen? It depends on the political agreement,” PM Kovachevski said, adding that the parties needed to work out both their program priorities and personnel issues. “Until this happens, we cannot say with certainty that there will be another government partner,” he added. In response to a reporter’s question, Kovachevski said the ruling coalition was open to parties supporting “the European North Macedonia concept because the faster accession of the country to the European Union depends on us.” Highlighting that the parliamentary majority was not being questioned, he said recent political developments were “more about some political parties having discussions within their ranks.” Asked about DUI leader Ali Ahmeti’s “alliance for Europe” initiative, the PM said some parties supported North Macedonia’s NATO and EU membership, including the SDSM, DUI, Alternativa, and the Alliance for Albanians; and some parties, “primarily Levica and their hostage VMRODPMNE” were against NATO and EU membership. “I think that’s a wrong concept, because it does not offer an alternative. Even worse, Levica does offer some kind of Eurasian Union alternative, which in no case is in line with our country’s citizens’ aspirations,” Kovachevski said. He reiterated that the ruling coalition would welcome any political party that wanted to be part of its “alliance for Europe.” “This is the only way forward for our country so we can achieve economic prosperity, social security, and the rule of democracy above all, and fulfil the expectations our citizens set before politicians exactly 31 years ago – for an independent Macedonian state that is a member of NATO and the EU,” the prime minister said. Commenting on media speculations that former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev was planning to have him ousted, Kovachevski said Zaev himself had dismissed the rumours. “First, I am not a person who is afraid. I have already shown this. Second, SDSM’s former president himself publicly denied those claims. And third, all SDSM decisions are made by the official bodies of the party, its leadership, the executive and the central boards, and every decision so far has been made unanimously, with not a single vote against,” he said.


VMRO-DPMNE’s Stoilkovski: When the alliance promises constitutional changes, without asking the people, that is called lying (Republika)


When the Alliance for Albanians promises constitutional changes, without asking the people, it is called lying. It is also a lie when Taravari becomes the mayor of Gostivar with the votes of VMRODPMNE, and then runs to enter the DUI/SDS government, said the spokesperson of VMRODPMNE, Naum Stoilkovski, answering a journalist's question. "Taravari also lies when he says that an international factor asked him to enter the Government, and when you ask him who that factor is, Taravari will avoid an answer. Not because there is such a factor that requires it from him, but because in accordance with the interests of Taravari, he decided to be a sparring partner of Kovachevski and Ahmeti, politics is not conducted by lying," emphasized Stoilkovski. Commenting on Kovachevski's call for unity towards EU membership, Stoilkovski stated that the prime minister is not in unity for the EU, but only deals with crime and corruption at the behest of DUI and called on Kovacevski to dedicate himself to the citizens and the European future.


Davos Forum, Rama meets the head of the OECD, Albania's progress was appreciated (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama met with the Secretary General of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Mathias Cormann. During his stay in Switzerland as part of the Davos Economic Forum, Rama announced that he had a special conversation with Secretary Cormann, where the progress of Albania was in focus. The meeting also confirmed the participation of the Secretary General of the OECD in the Berlin Process Summit for the Western Balkans due to be held in Tirana in the spring of 2023. "A special conversation with the Secretary General of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Mathias Cormann, who with great respect for Albania's work and progress on the European path, confirmed his presence at the Berlin (Process) Summit in Tirana, " writes Rama on social network. Earlier at the Davos Forum, Rama focused on cyber-attacks and strengthening the defense and security of countries, where time and funds are required to obtain the latest technologies to prevent such attacks.


Begaj reception ceremony with representatives of the Diplomatic Corps, Albanians, a factor of peace in the Balkans (Radio Tirana)


Albanian President Bajram Begaj has held the traditional welcome ceremony for the beginning of the year with the representatives of the Diplomatic Corps in Albania. From the Palace of Brigades, Begaj said that Albanians are a factor of peace in the Balkans and are a people with many qualities. He also spoke about the tensions in Kosovo, where he said that Albania supports the Serbia-Kosovo dialogue. "Albanians are a people with many qualities and they respond to any understanding with understanding. Albanians, a factor of peace in the Balkans and we do not forget the sacrifice of Kosovo. I do not intend to pass silently on the danger that threatened the Balkans until a few days ago, due to provocations with barricades in the north of Kosovo. I cannot say whether the provocation with barricades set up by elements with a criminal past and attempts to actively intervene in the territory of Kosovo on the part of Serbia has to do with a logic of aggression similar to the scenario in Ukraine. But one thing is clear, any irritation in the Balkans serves the distribution of Euro-Atlantic attention and strength. So it serves the aggressor. Under these conditions, Albania will be sensitive, but prudent, in support of the dialogue, but very careful towards the integrity of the Kosovo state. We strongly support the Serbia-Kosovo dialogue, but we have not forgotten who is the aggressor and whom he has committed aggression. We do not forget the sufferings and sacrifices of the Kosovo people. It is more difficult for the government of the attacked people, which has never even heard an apology from the other side, to sit at the dialogue table," said Begaj, among others. Begaj also spoke about Iran's cyber-attack on Albania, where he thanked the allies for the support provided. "Perhaps the aggressors hidden behind the anti-democratic powers think that our geographically small country can be easily defeated. But apparently, they don't know either history or Albania. I want to thank our allies and partners in NATO, and especially the United States for the support and cooperation so that Albania can withstand attacks of various natures and attempts to destabilize or damage our country," said Begaj.


Council of Minister announces decision on Albanian Embassy in Kiev (ADN)


The Albanian government took this Wednesday the decision to open the diplomatic mission in Kiev, Ukraine. The decision states that the Albanian embassy in Kiev will be established with the budget of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, while it is expected to start work within this year. Meanwhile, the decision is expected to enter into force immediately after publication in the Official gazette. “In support of Article 100 of the Constitution and Point 1, Article 21, of Law No. 23/2015, "On the Foreign Service of the Republic of Albania", with the proposal of the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, the Council of Ministers decided: The opening of the Diplomatic Mission "Embassy" of the Republic of Albania in the capital of Ukraine, Kiev. For the opening of this diplomatic mission, the expenses will be borne by the budget of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs for 2023. The Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs is charged with the implementation of this decision. This decision enters into force immediately and is published in the Official Gazette.