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Belgrade Media Report 30 January



Vucic: Meeting with Zeman historic, special for Serbia (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Monday Serbia had the honour and the privilege of welcoming Milos Zeman on one of his last state visits as president of the Czech Republic.

"That makes this visit historic and very special for our country," Vucic wrote in a post on his Instagram account after a closed-door meeting with Zeman at the Palace of Serbia. "With great respect, I listened to the wise advice of our friend, based on the experience of a great statesman whose reputation goes beyond the frameworks of daily politics and who has a courageous approach to many issues and is a responsible and dependable friend," he said. "I thanked President Zeman for his sincere support to Serbia and for giving a personal impetus to our relations and friendship, and advocating strongly a deepening of bilateral and economic cooperation between our countries, for which we will always especially respect and remember his presidential tenure," Vucic noted. After the meeting, Vucic and Zeman signed a declaration on strengthening cultural cooperation and establishment of a Czech House in Belgrade. The institution will be home to Czech agencies operating in Serbia and cater to the needs of the local Czech ethnic minority.


Brnabic: Resolution based on perceptions and not on facts (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met on Friday with a delegation of the European Parliament, comprising permanent rapporteur of the EP for Serbia Vladimir Bilcik and representative of the EP in the Inter-Party Dialogue in Serbia Matjaz Nemec. Although the MEPs came to Belgrade as part of the cooperation between the Serbian parliament and the European Parliament, the discussion was dominated by the recent draft resolution of the European Parliament on the progress of Serbia for the year 2022 by rapporteur Bilcik, as well as the Resolution on the implementation of the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU, which the European adopted by the parliament on 18 January of this year. In a very open discussion, she pointed out that the draft resolution, as well as the resolution that was recently adopted, are based on perceptions, not on facts, and that they avoid highlighting or diminishing the importance of what was actually done in Serbia. Among the numerous examples in the draft resolution, she stated that the document does not mention the drafting and adoption of a set of judicial laws, the proposal of which was adopted by the government. Also, the fact that Serbia harmonised its visa policy with the EU in a very short period of time and to a significant extent is not properly evaluated. Speaking about the Resolution on the implementation of the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU, Brnabic particularly pointed out that in that document, completely contrary to the facts, Belgrade and not Pristina is condemned for a series of "escalating moves", in the year in which the prime minister of the provisional institutions in Pristina denied to the Serbs the basic right to vote in Kosovo and Metohija twice, at the moment when, on Christmas Eve, Serbian children were shot in Kosovo and Metohija. These documents, including the proposed resolution, have nothing to do with the facts, she emphasised and pointed out that, precisely because of this, they affect the attitude of Serbian citizens towards European institutions and the decline of support for EU membership in our country. Regardless of the content of the documents, however, Serbia's membership in the EU remains our key priority. As the Prime Minister, I will continue to implement reforms on our European path because I believe that this is in the interest of all citizens and a better quality of life, Brnabic said.


Bilcik, Nemec discuss stronger role for parliament in Belgrade (N1/Beta)


MEPs Vladimir Bilcik and Matjaz Nemec said on Friday that they were in Belgrade to discuss the European Parliament’s help in strengthening parliament’s role and promoting dialogue. “We came to Belgrade with an objective to discuss with the parliament’s leadership and representatives of parliamentary groups the need of dialogue support inside the parliament and how the European Parliament’s engagement could contribute to the strengthening the role of the parliament and promote the European culture of dialogue and consensus building. Participation of the parliamentary groups in that regard is welcomed. Citizens’ trust in parliament is crucial for tackling the challenges of every democratic society,” the MEPs said in a statement after their meetings in parliament. It said that the MEPs and Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic expressed readiness to continue the cooperation on parliamentary dialogue support and strengthening Parliament’s capacity and role in the European integration process. The statement quoted Orlic as saying that “cooperation between the parliament and the European Parliament is an important element of the European Integration of Serbia, therefore the parliament is welcoming the EP’s engagement in exchange of experience and good practices, by supporting the parliamentary dialogue and consensus building that could further strengthen the Parliament in its work”. Orlic added that “we have ensured best electoral conditions and strengthened the pluralism in the parliament, as the institution committed to developing an open and inclusive dialogue”.


Dacic, Grlic Radman: Serbia and Croatia must find ways to cooperate (Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met on Saturday in Subotica with his Croatian counterpart Gordan Grlic Radman. After the meeting, Dacic stated that there are a number of issues on which Serbia and Croatia do not agree, but that a series of meetings are planned in order to analyze the situation and determine how the two sides can develop relations. “We believe that regardless of the fact that we certainly think differently about some issues from our past, we have to look for ways and mechanisms for cooperation,” said Dacic. Dacic added that the biggest positive incentive and framework for further cooperation was the meeting in Davos between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, and he also praised the cooperation of representatives of Serbs in Croatia and Croats in Serbia. Grlic Radman stated that it is in Croatia’s interest to support Serbia on its European path, but that Belgrade must meet the criteria.


Dacic: Serbia's position on French-German proposal very clear, responsible (Tanjug/RTS/RTV/Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Friday Serbia's official position on a French-German proposal for solving the Kosovo issue was very clear and responsible - that Serbia wanted to continue dialogue and take part in it and that everything must be discussed based on that plan. Responding to questions from reporters in Belgrade, Dacic said Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had made it clear that UN membership for the so-called Kosovo was a red line and unacceptable to Serbia. "That is very important, because I have also had an opportunity to hear assessments in Brussels that, unlike Pristina, Vucic has acted constructively and responsibly. I think it is very important to try to preserve our state and national interests, as well as to preserve Serbia from various threats, blackmail, potential sanctions and anything that could jeopardise the future of Serbian citizens," Dacic said.


Dacic defends Brussels agreement: It was the maximum Belgrade could achieve (Politika/Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Saturday that the Brussels agreement contains the establishment of the Community of Serb municipalities in Kosovo and that it represents the pinnacle of Belgrade's achievements in the EU-mediated dialogue. “We signed the Brussels agreement because it is good for our community in Kosovo and Metohija. It is not ideal, but in the conditions in which we negotiated, that is the maximum we could achieve. These are agreements that put all the power of governance in the hands of our population – in the economy, development, education, health, to security and the police,” Dacic told Politika. “There has never been a reason not to implement the agreement, except for Pristina’s persistent refusal to implement it and the unlimited tolerance of Western mediators towards their destructive behaviour,’ said Dacic.


Serbia's strategic commitment to improve cooperation with US (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic pointed out on Friday, in a meeting with US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill, that the strategic commitment of our country is to improve cooperation with the USA in areas of mutual importance. At the meeting, mutual determination was expressed to intensify the political dialogue and exchange visits of senior and top state officials of the two countries. Dacic particularly expressed his satisfaction that he will have the opportunity to visit the United States next week to participate in the traditional Prayer Breakfast in Washington, where he will have meetings at the State Department and the Congress. The officials exchanged opinions on the continuation of activities aimed at further building partnership relations on the economic front, as well as diversification of energy sources of supply.


Djuric: Kurti wants at all costs to avoid discussion on ZSO (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Ambassador to the US Marko Djuric said last evening that it is absolutely clear that the Prime Minister of Pristina's provisional institutions Albin Kurti wants “at all costs” to avoid the discussion about the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) and that many European partners did not sufficiently support the story of that Community because, as he said, if they did, it would already have been formed. “However, now we have a new moment when the US, a country that has made a key contribution to the creation of the so-called independent Kosovo, today goes much further than European countries in advocating and pushing the idea of the ZSO,” said Djuric. He stated that they are organizing a meeting in Pristina to which all political parties of Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija have been invited. “I am speculating, and quite informed, that the result of that meeting will be that almost all parties, except Kurti’s, will support the formation of something like that,” said Djuric and added that it will create a far more complex political situation for Kurti in Kosovo. Djuric pointed out that the essence is that the Americans are putting the ZSO on the table and are saying that it must be implemented. He also stated that the way in which the ZSO is formed is not something that needs to be negotiated further because, he reminded, it was agreed upon in 2013 and confirmed in 2015 when the principles for the formation of the ZSO were adopted.


Serbian President was told: If you accept, you'll join EU till 2030 (Demostat/Beta)


Research and publishing center Demostat states that possible consequences for Serbia if it does not accept the agreement on solving the Kosovo issue are correct. Demostat states, referring to its diplomatic sources, that the perspective of Serbia's membership in the EU, investments in the energy sector, meaning being independent from Russia in that area, the arrival of US and European companies, are part of what Serbia could expect if it agrees to the Western proposal. Demostat adds that the statements about possible consequences for Serbia if it does not accept the agreement are correct, which include the disruption of European integration, the stop and withdrawal of investments, the return of the visa regime, while the arrangement for the International Monetary Fund would be questionable. According to Demostat, the representatives of the EU, the USA, France, Germany and Italy told Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic at a meeting in Belgrade that, if Serbia accepts the European plan, it could enter the EU by 2030. In the meantime, according to the sources of this center, Serbia would be included step by step in other European structures, such as the common European market, which implies the free flow of goods, people, capital and services. If Belgrade rejects the Western plan for Kosovo and shows that it is not constructive in the dialogue with Pristina, there would be a suspension and withdrawal of European and American investments. "Namely, there are already companies that have stopped plans for investments in Serbia until further notice, primarily due to the mismatch of foreign and security policies, which entails an increased risk of doing business in our country. Refusal of negotiations on a plan to resolve the Kosovo issue for the business community that plans to do business or is already operating in Serbia would be an additional red flag," writes Demostat. The Franco-German plan that appeared in the media last week is not authentic, nor the final agreement that will be found at the negotiating table, writes Demostat. The agreement will include a clause stating that neither side will block or encourage others to block the other's progress on its path to the EU, and that the agreement will not mention Kosovo's recognition or its UN membership.


Strengthening military cooperation with North Macedonia (Tanjug)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic spoke on Friday in Skopje with Minister of Defence of North Macedonia Slavjanka Petrovska about cooperation in the field of defence and possibilities for its further strengthening. Vucevic, who heads the delegation of the Ministry of Defence of Serbia in  North Macedonia, emphasised the determination to develop friendly relations with the countries of the region, in accordance with mutual interests. He pointed out that common interests naturally lead the states to cooperate with each other in order to achieve common goals and find effective solutions to problems. He also indicated readiness to improve bilateral military cooperation with North Macedonia, pointing out that there is a will and capacity for its improvement in the coming period. He presented that it is necessary to maintain the continuity of the dialogue between officials of the two countries at the highest level, in order to determine further directions and improve cooperation in the field of defence in all fields of mutual interest, which will positively affect the strengthening of the overall bilateral relations between Serbia and North Macedonia. Petrovska confirmed that there is space, as well as determination to improve bilateral military relations in the coming period, expressing the expectation that after this visit of the delegation of Serbia, there will be progress in the field of bilateral military cooperation, which will result in new activities in the field of defence.


Mali meets with Damjanovic (Tanjug/Beta)


Serbian Finance Minister Sinisa Mali met with Montenegrin Finance Minister Aleksandar Damjanovic on Friday to discuss opportunities for advancement of bilateral economic cooperation and joint infrastructure projects, above all, in road and railway transport, the Serbian Finance Ministry said in a statement. Damjanovic is on a two-day visit to Belgrade. Major discussion topics included the construction of a motorway that would connect Serbia and Montenegro and a reconstruction of a Belgrade-Bar railway line. Experiences in implementation of e-fiscalisation and e-invoicing were shared at the meeting and Damjanovic said Montenegro, too, was planning to introduce an e-invoicing system by the end of this year or early next year. Mali and Damjanovic also discussed the numerous challenges of the ongoing global crisis and possibilities for joint regional action to weather the crisis more easily, as well as supplies of basic foodstuffs in the regional market and energy purchases. The discussion topics also included FDI, the grey economy and efforts aimed at maintaining economic parameters in difficult years, the statement said.


Right-wing opposition urges President not to accept EU proposal for Kosovo (N1)


Supporters of the New Democratic Party of Serbia, “Zavetnici” and “Dveri” parties gathered in front of the Presidency building, urging President Aleksandar Vucic to reject the European proposal for Kosovo and thus “defend the Constitution”. They said that the meeting represents the beginning of the formation of the “National Front for the Defense of Kosovo” and publicly called on officials and the public to disagree with the French-German proposal, arguing that it represents an ultimatum to Serbia and its capitulation in Kosovo. The right-wing opposition parties said they will use all forms of parliamentary and extra-parliamentary struggle to prevent the signing of such an agreement.




Dodik: Whether they reject or accept Franco-German proposal for Kosovo, Serbs must be united (RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik said that whether they accept or reject the Franco-German proposal for Kosovo, Serbs must be unified. “Wherever they live, Serbs must gather and be united about negotiations. Consequences for Kosovo and Metohija we were able to hear should be considered, (consequences) that could change the overall status of Serbs. It is important to say: If we reject it we will reject it together, if we accept it, we must accept it together. And that is important only so that Serbia and Serbs would not be divided again. Whatever is done, we need to do it together. If the Franco-German plan is rejected, it needs to be rejected by both the authorities and the opposition, as well as by the society as a whole. Furthermore, if we accept it, we need to do it together”, wrote Dodik on his Instagram account.


Surprise on B&H political scene after the session of the FB&H HoP (BHT1)


There was surprise on the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) political scene after the session of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of Peoples, primarily for SDP which initiated the coalition of ‘The Eight’ and in the end, thanks to dishonest promises from their partners, SDP did not get any delegates in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP), noted the presenter. This was a political betrayal for SDP. In addition to the conflicts, the situation is more interesting at the FB&H level, where the leadership of the FB&H will most likely be SDA, HDZ B&H and SDP. It is clear that all this will spill over into the formation of cantonal authorities, first of all the Sarajevo Canton (SC), added the presenter. Zlatko Miletic was appointed as a delegate in the B&H HoP from the rank of the Croat people thanks to the votes from the Movement for New Generations and NES. Dzemal Smajic was appointed a delegate in the B&H HoP from the rank of the Bosniak people, with the support of NES and SB&H. Therefore, SDP with the highest number of votes in the elections remained without delegates in the B&H HoP from the rank of the Bosniak people. Further moves will be known after the session of the SDP Collegium, which will also hold a meeting a day later with the leaders of ‘The Eight’. This was the last straw and showed the betrayal of the partners NES, SB&H and the Movement for New Generations, according to SDP. SDP Vice President Vojin Mijatovic gave an interview on Friday for Face TV where he said that NES, SB&H and the Movement for New Generations let them down. Mijatovic added that the People and Justice (NiP), and ‘The Troika’ in general is very compact in this whole process, and he has no doubt about that. The newcomers, as Mijatovic said, obviously want to play on both sides. Mijatovic pointed out that despite the fact that this was a heavy blow, he is glad the people who deceived them will experience SDP on a new basis on Monday, which is no longer fair and open. NES stated that they perceive Mijatovic's statements as a surreal political performance, but they noted that Mijatovic follows the ‘matches’ at lower levels of authorities well. It is not clear to the other partners either what exactly SDP was expecting their support for. Leader of SBiH Semir Efendic said he was surprised that one could even expect that SBiH will give its support to SDP because they publicly left the coalition on B&H level two weeks ago due to behaviour of RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik. Efendic stated: “I think that the problem here is exclusively within the parties that make up the majority at the state level. These are the parties of ‘The Troika’, along with the ‘B&H Initiative of Kasumovic Fuad’ from Zenica”. Leader of the Movement for New Generations Damir Marjanovic said: “The Movement for New Generations does not participate in any conversation about a new composition or in any conversation about new authorities. The Movement for New Generations wrote the program of ‘The Eight’ in the FB&H and the state, it participates in the canton, and for us, nothing has changed”. Disputes spill over from the state level to the FB&H level, added the reporter. SDP is in control in the FB&H because their candidate for the FB&H Vice President Igor Stojanovic received support. Thus, SDP, as well as HDZ B&H and SDA, has the key to the formation of the FB&H government. The Head of the Bosniak Caucus in the FB&H HoP Muamer Zukic, from SDA, said: “This is an indicator of some currents both in the state of B&H and in the FB&H, that is, possible coalitions, agreements, discussions, what we were talking about. This package, to call it that, I still cannot call it a coalition, this package that planned to establish the authorities in this way, and went in that direction, obviously does not have what it takes, including that fourth delegate in the Croat Caucus at the state level”. Unofficially, there are indications that when it comes to the formation of the SC authorities, SDP, NiP and Our Party (NS) will consider the formation of SC authorities without the Movement for New Generations and SB&H, concluded the reporter.


Mijatovic comments fact that SDP did not get any delegates in B&H House of Peoples on Friday (Face TV)


SDP Vice President Vojin Mijatovic spoke about the fact that SDP did not get any delegates in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) on Friday, formation of authorities on the FB&H level and proposal for B&H Ambassador to UN. Mijatovic said that this was a big failure for SDP, which will be discussed by the SDP Collegium on Monday. Mijatovic commented: “What follows is a very sharp, strong and brutal response to those who are in the, whether it is the Eight, the Six, the Troika, whatever it is called, acted beyond the agreement, beyond the conversation and beyond common sense, it seems to me”. When asked how it could happen that SDP did not get any delegates, considering that it is the strongest party within the Eight, the Six or the Troika, Mijatovic said that it can happen when one unconditionally trusts the people with whom one forms a coalition. When asked who let them down, Mijatovic said it was SB&H, NES and the party ‘For New Generations’. The reporter asked about the People and Justice (NiP) and Mijatovic responded that NiP behaves in a fair manner and that Troika in general is very compact in this whole process, and he has no doubt about that. The newcomers, as Mijatovic said, obviously want to play on both sides. Mijatovic added that, despite the fact that this was a heavy blow, he is glad that such people will feel the SDP on a new basis on Monday, which is no longer correct and open. Commenting on SDP leader Nermin Niksic, Mijatovic said that Niksic trusts people to the end, which is what happened in this case, but those who let them down do not know what Niksic is like when they let him down, and now they will meet such Niksic and the SDP on Monday. When the reporter asked whether this incident is so dramatic that there can no longer be the Six not the Troika, Mijatovic said: “This is so dramatic that now they will see how it is when the SDP manages the process in its full capacity, and the partners who have been partners until today, we have said who they are, put them where they belong”. Mijatovic said that they have obviously given them too much space. He pointed out how they talked about for days how they cannot be in the coalition on B&H level because of the Law on Property in Republika Srpska (RS) and because of the RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik. Mijatovic said that they should have said openly that they want a minister on B&H level and that this was the reason, instead of acting as if they are patriots. Mijatovic said that they have shown their true faces and should get ready for a serious political game within the Eight, which will be very rough. Mijatovic confirmed that the Eight will hold a meeting on Tuesday, after the meeting of the SDP Collegium on Monday. Mijatovic pointed out that he alone gained more votes in the RS than the SBiH, NES and the party ‘For New Generations’ gained in the whole B&H. He said that he does not know how are these people not ashamed to act in such a way. When asked whether it is true what Slobodna Bosna portal reported, that Niksic told the Eight that they will act now as ‘the Seven’, Mijatovic said he does not know but it is possible that he said that because of what happened on Friday when it comes to B&H HoP and Damir Marjanovic from ‘For New Generations’, who would not have entered the FB&H HoP from the Sarajevo Canton (SC) Assembly, were it not for SDP’s votes for him. Mijatovic said that Marjanovic betrayed them and voted for Zlatko Miletic from his own list for B&H HoP, instead of candidate from the SDP’s list, and that SDP will respond to that. Mijatovic added: “It is not a breakup of the Eight, but there will be a significant shuffling of cards within the Eight”. Mijatovic said that everyone in SDP agrees on this issue, and that he is talking about this issue as the SDP Vice President and not simply giving his own opinion. Mijatovic criticized the fact that the Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency and SDP member Denis Becirovic proposed former SDP member Zlatko Lagumdzija for the B&H Ambassador to UN. Mijatovic said that it is important that everyone knows this was not SDP’s proposal but Becirovic’s personal proposal.


Izetbegovic: The FB&H government structures cannot be formed without SDA (Hayat)


SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic has said that the FB&H government structures cannot and will not be formed without SDA, reminding that SDA won more votes in the general elections than all three parties of ‘The Troika’ together that do not have power in the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) without help of HDZ B&H or SNSD. Izetbegovic announced the government formation negotiations and said that this process depends on the maturity of some of the parties gathered around ‘The Eight’ coalition. He stressed that the future authorities at the level of the FB&H need to agree on clear priorities in their work, strategies and laws that would disburden economy, ensure the infrastructural development and energy stability, more efficient environmental protection, etc. Izetbegovic noted that he has not got any proposals from SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic. He assessed that the statement given by High Representative Christian Schmidt who said that the parties need to agree on next steps shows that the international community has started to accept reality. “They have underestimated the toughness and strength of SDA, while ‘The Troika’ was proven to be immature, to have power in influence and to be greedy for power. They were servile and to easeful to (SNSD leader Milorad) Dodik and (HDZ B&H leader Dragan) Covic, so political vectors have turned against them”, Izetbegovic concluded, adding that it is unbelievable how much credibility they have lost in only few months. Commenting the possibility of SDA giving its support for the formation of the new FB&H Government led by Niksic, Izetbegovic said that SDA insisted on a wide pro-Bosnian bloc with coherent structure of authorities at all levels. However, formation of B&H Council of Ministers without SDA eliminated this possibility. Speaking about the new B&H Council of Ministers, Izetbegovic said that only a biased optimist can believe that those who blocked B&H until yesterday will be the drivers of the EU and NATO integration process. He also argued that many new ministers are involved in scandals, and they lack the necessary experience and knowledge.


Galijasevic says SDA will hold talks on formation of new majority with political parties that respect capacity of SDA (Hayat)


SDA MP in the FB&H House of Representatives (HoR) Miralem Galijasevic, commenting on the recent vote in the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) to elect delegates to the Bosniak and Croat Caucuses in the House of Peoples of B&H that shows – according to Hayat – the first signs of downfall of the SDP B&H-led ‘The Eight’ coalition, Galijasevic said that the election process has ended now that the delegates to the House of Peoples (HoP) of B&H were elected and this is the moment when all parties with their capacities start the process of government formation negotiations in order to agree on majority that will function in the upcoming period. He stressed that SDA has capacity with its 13 delegates in the Bosniak Caucus in the FB&H HoP, which guarantees that the party will find its partners in the upcoming period and will be the party that forms the government structures again. Asked to comment on the upcoming process of election of the FB&H government and the FB&H Prime Minister-Designate in which SDA will have its say for sure given that SDA nominated the FB&H Vice President from the rank of the Bosniak Peoples, Galijasevic reminded that SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic has said that SDA will hold talks on the formation of new majority with political parties that respect capacity of SDA and that the SDA candidate for the FB&H Vice President will not support SDP B&H’s Nermin Niksic as the candidate of ‘The Eight’ for the post of the FB&H Prime Minister. He stated that he agrees with the statement of High Representative Christian Schmidt who said that talks need to be held to reach agreement on the functioning of the FB&H government.


Mesalic says ‘The Eight’ project is actually yet another unsuccessful project of international community that wanted to create Montenegrin scenario in B&H (Hayat)


DF MP in the FB&H HoR Mahir Mesalic, commenting on the government formation process, stated that he has been saying from the beginning that it is impossible to form authorities at the level of the FB&H without SDA and DF, adding that this has proven to be true now. He said that SDP B&H unfortunately followed treasonous policy of PDA and NiP that have advocated for the vote of peoples in the elections – not citizens, so now they have to suffer the consequences of such actions because SDP B&H does not have any delegates in B&H HoP owing to their partners from ‘The Eight’. Mesalic explained that SDP B&H decided to help NiP and NS to have ministerial posts, as well as to get NiP representatives to cantonal assemblies for nothing, although they were warned that this is not a good thing neither for the party or for the state of B&H. He stressed that all the parties that support the policy of apartheid and the decision imposed by the High Representative are absolutely politically unacceptable, adding that it is unbelievable that SDP B&H supports such a policy only for few ministerial posts. Mesalic noted that ‘The Eight’ project is actually yet another unsuccessful project of the international community that wanted to create a Montenegrin scenario in B&H that will most likely be a failure, reminding that Schmidt imposed decisions that permanently cemented HDZ B&H on power. He stressed that the latest budget adoption in the FB&H parliament has proven how this project functions, as HDZ B&H together with ‘The Eight’ totally fragmented the budget through amendments that proposed less allocations for companies that are vital for the FB&H, such as the FB&H railways in favour of HDZ B&H-led public companies and agencies. Mesalic stated that DF is satisfied with the vote to elect delegates to B&H HoP where the party will have one delegate in the Bosniak Caucus, Dzenan Djonlagic. He said that DF is very glad that HDZ B&H did not get the fourth delegate in the Croat Caucus in B&H HoP that would give this party control of all the process in B&H together with SNSD.


Schmidt seems to be optimistic authorities in FB&H will be formed soon, but current situation is not optimistic (N1)


High Representative (HR) in B&H Christian Schmidt will appear before the Foreign Affairs Committee (FAC) of the UK Parliament on Monday in relation to the Western Balkans, his most recent decision on amendments to the B&H Election Law and the FB&H Constitution, and his activities in B&H. The reporter notes that Schmidt does not seem to plan to use the Bonn Powers soon, being optimistic that the authorities at the level of the FB&H will be soon formed, and comments that one should be realistic about the current situation, that is not promising. The reporter goes on to say that the formation of the FB&H government is only in its initial stage, and after a strong blow from its coalition partners, everyone wonders what SDP B&H’s next move will be. The reporter notes that HR Schmidt seems to be the only optimist, saying that pro-Bosnian political parties, i.e. newly elected FB&H President and Vice Presidents will need to find a way to reach an agreement. In an interview for N1 on January 25, Schmidt said: “If they are elected in the (FB&H) Presidency, they were not elected for mutual blockade, but to agree on common solution. That is difficult and bad words will surely be said, and I expect that. However, they receive salaries for that and their task is to reach agreement. I want and I demand that the three of them sit down when elected and say: we must reach an agreement’’. The reporter notes that citizens and analysts however are not optimistic after the most recent development among the coalition partners, and they believe that earlier agreements, including the one at the state level, will not be implemented.


Becirovic: Some personnel solutions in B&H CoM could have been better (Hayat)


Hayat aired a part of interview with B&H Presidency member Denis Becirovic who discussed current issues, without specifying when the interview was conducted. Commenting on the work and cooperation within the B&H Presidency, Becirovic said based on the first weeks of the new mandate there are some positive results in the B&H Presidency’s work. Asked to comment on the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) new convocation and competencies of ministers, Becirovic reminded that ministers in the B&H CoM were nominated and elected by political parties and their leaders. “Personally, some personnel solutions could have been better. As for (candidates) – if it was up to me – I would never vote for them, however that falls under the responsibility of political leaders’’, said Becirovic. Reporter reminded that the new state-level coalition agreement does not include B&H’s NATO path and that Becirovic said B&H’s NATO path is unstoppable during his recent visit to Brussels. Asked if that is his message to those who persistently work on blocking that path, Becirovic said he will work exclusively in accordance with the B&H Constitution, laws of the state of B&H, and final and binding decisions of the B&H Constitutional Court (CC). “I am not bound by political parties’ agreements. I want to serve to the citizens of B&H”, said Becirovic. Referring to his visit to Brussels, Becirovic said he met with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer, Quint Ambassadors and other ambassadors to NATO, and “I said it very clearly that B&H adopted all necessary legal and strategic documents for its accelerated path toward full-fledged membership in NATO.” The reporter reminded of alleged list of Becirovic’s candidates for future B&H ambassadors. Asked what his respond to pressures would be, Becirovic said he is not afraid of pressures and will make decisions that are best for B&H. He went on to say that the standard practice has been “that politicians mostly make decisions that are good for them but damaging for the state. I will not make such decisions. I am willing to endure pressures in order to be sure that we have the best personnel solutions, because B&H needs serious and responsible decisions, and serious and responsible politicians”. Referring to the list of candidates for B&H ambassadors, Becirovic said: “I think that one of the offices in the B&H Presidency delivering the list to the media is not good.” Asked to comment on statement by SNSD leader Milorad Dodik said he will not support his candidates, Becirovic said the B&H Presidency’s decisions are made in the B&H Presidency, noting that Dodik is RS President “and it is not his place to discuss ambassadors”. Asked if he is optimistic about positive changes, Becirovic said he and his team are fully engaged achieving some results. “We are not wizards, but we will do everything so that B&H moves forward”, concluded Becirovic.


French Ambassador ends visit to Banja Luka; Confirms that EU requests from B&H to introduce visas to Russia (O Kanal)


French Ambassador to B&H Christine Toudic ended her two-day visit to Banja Luka with a meeting with speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic, on Friday, confirming the EU’s request for B&H to introduce visas to Russian citizens. B&H must harmonize its visa policy with the EU, as it was emphasized in the Progress Report. The Ambassador confirmed that the EU requested the introduction of visas for Russian citizens, as well as other countries, due to the many arrivals of people without visas, who only “land in the EU and cause problems”.

During her two- day visit to Banja Luka Ambassador Toudic held talks with everyone, from RS President Milorad Dodik, to PDP’s Jelena Trivic and ministers in the RS Government. Finally, in the RS parliament, Ambassador Toudic confirmed that the introduction of visas is expected not only for Russia, but also for some other countries. "We requested it, but not only for Russian citizens, but also for many other countries because of the problem we have with migration. Many people come to the EU without visas and documents, and they just disembark in the EU and cause a problem," Ambassador Toudic said. RS parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic told Ambassador Toudic that economic development is a buffer for overcoming differences in B&H. Stevandic admitted that there are certain pressures on Banja Luka regarding Russia. “The focus must not be on what will cause problems in B&H. I do not have official information, but I heard, I also have a couple of emails from colleagues from the European Parliament. I believe that it is unacceptable to put pressure on newly formed authorities in B&H on topics for which it is known that there will be no mutual agreement. This will strain a kind of relaxation that has just begun,” Stevandic underlined. In April, a delegation of European parliamentarians should discuss all current topics with the political representatives of B&H and the RS precisely in the RS parliament which plans to organize a large meeting. Stevandic stated that pressure exerted on newly formed bodies in B&H is unacceptable, especially when it comes to topics there is no consensus about. Stevandic emphasized that conditioning does not speed up EU integration or relaxation of relations within B&H. Reporter commented that the EU has been demanding B&H earlier to introduce visas for citizens of Russia, adding that it has not happened so far exclusively because the RS has been opposing it.


Russian Embassy to B&H: B&H is one open country that EU is striving to turn into colony (BHT1)


The Russian Embassy to B&H reacted on Friday to the request of the EU that B&H, or the newly-appointed Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H, introduces visas for Russian citizens, with the message that the EU makes too many demands on B&H. The Russian Embassy noted that the existing Agreement on the visa-free regime provides favourable conditions for the development of ties between B&H and Russia. “We are convinced that the current legal framework corresponds primarily to the interests of B&H, one open country that the EU is striving to turn into a colony”, concluded the Embassy. The Embassy of the Russian Federation in Sarajevo strongly reacted to the EU's request, saying that Brussels wants to turn B&H into a colony.


Djurovic: Position of all EU ministers is that Montenegro is a big disappointment (Pobjeda)


The statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia Tanja Fajon that Montenegro is “a cancer of European integration”, is not the position of Slovenia and its Ministry of Foreign Affairs alone, but increasingly the position of all ministers of foreign affairs in the Union, where Montenegro is seen as a great disappointment to the Balkan European integration, which we have never been until now. This is a serious setback in the process Gordana Djurovic, president of the Montenegrin Pan-European Union, has told Pobjeda. She adds that the messages from the recent session of the Committee for Stabilization and Association are also in this context. “But they are also very specific: elect the judges of the Constitutional Court, do not adopt amendments to laws that are in conflict with the Constitution (the Law on the President), do not adopt the proposed amendments to the Law on the Judicial Council and Judges and to the Law on the State Prosecutor’s Office, stop the program of economic citizenship, etc. Do not join initiatives of ‘invisible’ borders such as Open Balkans, it is derived from the continuation of the Berlin Process and the announcement of the strengthening of control of Montenegrin border crossings by the EU, i.e. the deployment of the forces of FRONTEX, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, at some of our border crossings”, Djurovic has pointed out. She has stated that one of the few positive things, which favors the preservation of visa liberalization and convenient travel to the countries of the Schengen Agreement, is the recent repeal of Article 8 of the Regulation on the visa regime (after countless “warnings before exclusion”). Commenting on warnings from Brussels that negotiations with Montenegro could be frozen if the institutional crisis is not overcome and judges of the Constitutional Court are not elected, Djurovic points out that an “extremely serious warning was sent from all reference European institutions”. She recalls that the new methodology of negotiations with the EU, which we have officially accepted, specify forms of so-called negative conditions in the event of a setback in the process of European integration and the fulfilment of the political criteria for accession, especially the rule of law. According to her, a serious risk for the EU’s effective action towards Montenegro is the very complex current situation in many crisis areas, where, as she says, the biggest problem is certainly the war in Ukraine and the preservation of EU unity in terms of further support for that country.


Damjanovic: Government should be reshuffled; early parliamentary elections not in sight (CdM)


Minister of Finance Aleksandar Damjanovic says that he is a supporter of the idea of reshuffling the current government with the inclusion of the parties that won the elections in 2020. In an interview, he has also said that he does not see early parliamentary elections on the horizon. Commenting on the frequent mention in the public of the possibility of electing a new government, Damjanovic has said that the current government’s mandate expires, in regular terms, in September 2024, that the current government, regardless of the loss of confidence in parliament, is working at full capacity, and that all constitutional obligations are regularly executed. He has also announced that despite those circumstances, the state budget was adopted without any problems and the shares of the Port of Bar were bought. Damjanovic has also said that the government is working in conditions of conflict between the President of the State and the parliamentary majority at maximum capacity. “I am not an opponent, but a supporter of the idea that the government be reshuffled, including the parties of the parliamentary majority that defeated DPS in August 2020”, Damjanovic has explained. He has also recalled that there are negotiations of the current majority, which started, then stopped, and now, as he adds, there are new initiatives in sight.


Vucurovic: Mandic to run for the president of Montenegro (CdM)


MP and spokesperson of the Democratic Front, DF, Jovan Vucurovic has said that the leader of NOVA Andrija Mandic is going be the only people’s candidate for the presidential race and “no one has ever won the people”. “Parties taking orders from embassies have already stolen the 30th of August election win to people and that needs to change. On that day, instead of the people’s victory and government, which we have been waiting for decades, we got a mutant created by certain embassies along with Krivokapic and Abazovic”. After that, as he says, Dritan Abazovic directly negotiated with Milo Djukanovic and the DPS in order to form a new government on the order of officials of certain embassies. “Abazovic doesn’t mention the fight against Djukanovic anymore, but assesses who can and who cannot beat him. We saw it all over the past two years. The people are waiting for their president, Andrija Mandic, and demand their president to run Montenegro. Not the mafia and officials of foreign embassies,” Vucurovic concludes.


Abazovic: Mandic’s candidacy for the president would increase chances for Djukanovic (CdM)


The outgoing Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic has said that there’s nothing strange about the proposal of Milan Knezevic regarding the formation of the 44th government, adding that they need a concrete proposal. He also assesses that the candidacy of Andrija Mandic in the presidential race would increase the chances for the current President Milo Djukanovic. The PM reiterates that the most important thing is that Montenegro gets a new president. Commenting on the formation of a new government, he says: “Last time we did it, we didn’t determine the program goals and priorities. First we need to elect judges of the Constitutional Court in order to get a clearer situation.” Abazovic claims that the judges haven’t been elected because of the DPS. “It’d be good if the majority can agree on a joint candidate so that we thus may beat the current President Milo Djukanovic.” On the Fundamental Agreement, he notes that its signing was included in the agreement on the formation of the 43rd government, backed by the DPS, adding that he doesn’t know how to solve the story over the eventual formation of the 44th government. The main goal, according to him, is to save the civic character of the state, and adds that his party “is not the option which calculates with the country’s strategic goals”. He also didn’t tell anything about URA’s candidate in the presidential race. “We currently don’t have anyone to propose. It’s too early to tell whom we’re going to support.” Abazovic says that he’s proud of the government’s economic results, claiming that the employment rate has dropped to the lowest level. However, they wish to make the situation better for the north of the country. As for the economic citizenship, he has nothing to regret and is satisfied with every single signature he gave. “The most important thing is to negotiate over the purchase of the Port of Adria and merge it with the Port of Bar.”


Europe Now presidency: Spajic candidate for president (CdM)


The leader of the Europe Now movement Milojko Spajic is this movement’s candidate for president of Montenegro. That is what the presidency of the Europe Now movement announced unanimously, and that decision will be sent to the executive board for verification. “Relevant and credible public opinion polls clearly show that the leader of the Europe Now movement is entering the second round and defeating the DPS candidate, whoever he/she is”, Europe Now has stated. They call on all civic and minority parties that share their vision of Montenegro to support Milojko Spajic and be part of the great victory in the upcoming elections and thereby, as they state, contribute to the unification of truly European and democratic forces.


Uljarevic: It’s certain that SPC will be more actively involved in presidential elections (Pobjeda)


“It is quite certain that the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) will be more actively involved in the presidential elections, and there will be a big fight among the winners of the August 2020 elections in terms of who will receive the support of SPC, which has a far better developed infrastructure than all of them together”, Center for Civic Education CEO Daliborka Uljarevic has told Pobjeda. She comments on the statement of SPC Metropolitan Joanikije Micovic, who spoke on Tuesday on Adria TV about the presidential elections. Micovic said that it was time for the current president of the state Milo Djukanovic to leave office, and he also said that it was “a bit ambiguous” what the separation of church and state meant. “This should mean that everyone deals with their work within their jurisdiction. Whichever way we turn, we are dealing with the same people. Citizens who declare themselves as believers are also citizens. In this sense, cooperation is needed”, Micovic said. Uljarevic points out that SPC in Montenegro was always more concerned with politics than faith and religion. “And no one who follows these tendencies is so naive as to think that this approach will be changed by the signing of the Fundamental Agreement, which is characterized by controversies both in terms of content and timing”, Uljarevic has stressed. “There is no doubt that the candidate supported by SPC will be the one who is at the behest of the headquarters in Belgrade, and I believe that this will not be hidden either, because things are now completely exposed and it is known where the strategy and tactics are established”, Uljarevic explains. This, she has stressed, is also an important difference compared to the period of the reign of Amfilohije, who was intellectually superior and more autonomous in relation to his environment within the church. “His statements varied from radical to very subtle or even acceptable for some of those who feel nationally Montenegrin, and he kept himself above the election campaigns, even though he had clear political views”, Uljarevic concludes.


Osmani: Many third factors will welcome escalation between Bulgaria and North Macedonia (MIA/RFE)


The Russian Federation is one of the factors that have an interest in keeping conflicts alive in the region, in order to more easily manifest influence. Even the latest escalation between Bulgaria and North Macedonia will be welcomed by many third factors, who will see a chance to maintain a permanent conflict here, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said in an interview with Radio Free Europe (RFE). Asked about his knowledge on whether the Russian intelligence service was “undermining” Macedonian-Bulgarian relations, Osmani said he had no such direct information. “I have no such direct information. However, it’s well known for a while now that third factors have an interest in keeping conflicts alive in the region, sometimes also frozen, in order to be able to more easily manifest influence in our region, and we have seen such influence in different intensity, in different periods of relations, not only between Bulgaria and North Macedonia, but in general in the Western Balkans. So, surely even the latest escalation between Bulgaria and North Macedonia will be welcomed by many third factors, who will see a chance to maintain a permanent conflict here. Is that in our interest? I don’t think so,” said Osmani. As regards the withdrawal of the Bulgarian Ambassador from the country, he said he wouldn’t be able to comment on the reasons. “I wouldn’t be able to comment on the reasons. However, if it is related to the incident that happened in Ohrid, I would consider it a disproportionate reaction because, first of all, it is a single incident, regarding which the state took all possible measures. The perpetrators were immediately identified, one is detained; the President, Prime Minister, Foreign Minister immediately expressed condemnation. I went to Sofia, we expressed what the state should express when it comes to our citizen and citizens, so I really don’t see what the connection would be between the case and the reaction,” Osmani pointed out. He believes the institutions have responded as they should be responding in such cases. “Nor can such single incident be generalized and have conclusions drawn regarding how the state behaves towards communities. The Republic of Bulgaria is entering an election process. They have elections scheduled for April 2, and there has been no political government for two years, and this is a really aggravating factor, because elections usually complicate sensitive issues and don’t give space for diplomats to do their job properly. Unfortunately, we also have politics in that part, that’s why I said the season of provocateurs, thugs and political profiteers is open and now everyone is in action, but we must put a stop to that cycle of mutual deterioration of relations and restore the positive agenda,” Osmani said. Asked whether top state officials are coordinating in activities taken over a possible ban on entry of Bulgarian politicians and citizens insulting the Macedonian people, their feelings and identity, Osmani said such coordination is already underway. “I think such coordination is already underway. I was aiming more towards imposing the principle, the purpose of which is to stop this cycle of mutual bickering, provocations, etc.” said Osmani. He noted that with the latest developments and the call to ban entry to the country of Bulgarian MEP Angel Dzhambazki on February 4, the day of Goce Delchev’s birth anniversary, due to possibility of provocations, our society is only giving him a chance to be reelected as MEP. “The Bulgarian society rejected him in the latest elections, they didn’t allow his party to enter the Bulgarian Parliament at all. Unfortunately, I think that our society has just provided Dzhambazki with another term in the European Parliament, making him some kind of political star out of a total marginal person in the Bulgarian political society,” Osmani told RFE.


Kyuchyuk: There are external factors that don’t want Bulgaria and North Macedonia to have good relations (MIA/BTV)


There are external factors that don’t want Bulgaria and North Macedonia to have good relations. These are the people who don’t want North Macedonia to be part of the European Union. These are the people who don’t want our country to have influence because imposing a veto means that Bulgaria has no friends in the Balkans and in the EU, MEP Ilhan Kyuchyuk told BTV. Kyuchyuk pointed out it is necessary to insist on the rule of law and high democratic standards in North Macedonia. “Until the rights of the people who consider themselves Bulgarians are not recognized, the tension will continue,” said Kyuchyuk. It is necessary, he added, to encourage all attempts to reduce tension, and this applies not only to the Bulgarian state, but also to Skopje. A solution to the problems should be found. He pointed out that Bulgaria has been in the European Union for almost 17 years but, he noted, it still cannot join the bloc on important issues, including the provision of military aid to Ukraine and key EU reforms. “Our country is always 27th and we never propose initiatives, we don’t participate in blocs, we don’t come up with proposals to the European Parliament,” Kyuchyuk says.


A declaration is being drafted in Sofia’s parliament after disruption of relations with Skopje (MIA)


The Bulgarian parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs has unanimously adopted a declaration which should be put for a vote in a plenary session, and which condemns “acts of violence against Bulgarians, their clubs and organizations”. The declaration also condemns the violence against Hristijan Pendikovski. The document, which was published by BGNES, condemns “false and manipulative statements about the Bulgarian past in the public and political space of the Republic of North Macedonia”, accepting them as purposeful instillation of hatred against Bulgarians and Bulgaria. The declaration which contains nine items condemns hate speech in North Macedonia against local Bulgarians and the Republic of Bulgaria, as well as its manifestations in the political, public and media environment. The document calls on the authorities and institutions in North Macedonia to take comprehensive, immediate and effective measures to combat hate speech and hate crimes in all forms and manifestations against Bulgarian citizens and citizens with a Bulgarian identity. “The protection of the rights of Bulgarian citizens and citizens with Bulgarian self-awareness in the Republic of North Macedonia must also be guaranteed through the full use of the instruments laid down in the negotiating framework approved by the European Union and by the decision of the 47th National Assembly of June 25, 2022,” reads the declaration among other. The document expresses concern that the “escalating anti-Bulgarian campaign in North Macedonia may jeopardize the process of including Bulgarians in the country’s Constitution, the development of democratic processes and institutions in North Macedonia and its path to EU membership” which, the document notes, serves the interests of third countries.


Spasovski: Ohrid case a scenario and part of hybrid warfare (Utrinski Pechat)


Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski considers the latest case in Ohrid to be a scenario and part of hybrid warfare, saying “the ones doing the beating and the ones getting beaten come from the same group.” “The ones doing the beating and the ones getting beaten are people coming from the same group. This is a proof of this hybrid warfare. The state is responding to every incriminating activity in this regard, and we are saying that no one, regardless of the national, religious, political or any other affiliation can be physically attacked and abused. The state will vehemently oppose this and undertake measures such as the ones taken in this case,” Minister Spasovski told Utrinski Pechat. He refers to the fake news spreading about the police not reacting when the case had been reported. “The police went to the hospital to inspect and take statements immediately after it was reported. The hospital also did everything to properly treat the patient,” says Spasovski. Spasovski says there is no need for roadblocks or night patrols on the day when we observe the birth of Goce Delchev because state institutions are here. “I appeal for a peaceful and dignified observance, while the state, the MoI and the security services are here to do everything and secure a calm environment,” said Minister Spasovski. He added that the MoI and agencies are carrying out daily activities and a special HQ is being set up for this purpose, while providing assurances that the number of people who want to come is small because “citizens are not in the mood for conflicts, they want stabilization and progress.” “As Minister of Interior, I will not allow for the Macedonian people and the state to be humiliated, least by someone coming from abroad. We are a hospitable nation showing respect but we also want respect in return. We will not allow someone to come here and humiliate us. Institutions are operational and collecting information,” Spasovski told Utrinski Pechat.


Pendarovski: We condemned violence in Ohrid, certain entities in Bulgaria used case for political purposes (Telma TV)


Certain political entities in Bulgaria are trying to put the local incident in Ohrid in a political context and politicize it in order to gain political points in the short term, said President Stevo Pendarovski. According to the President, it is about historical narratives or understanding of the relations between our country and Bulgaria. “It is a historical narrative or understanding of the relations between North Macedonia and Bulgaria that dates back to the 60s of the past century. It has entered the minds of many Bulgarian generations and politicians, and we also have such a narrative, to see Macedonian-Bulgarian relations through such a light and prism. We can’t run away from it because this has been dragging and will probably drag for decades to come,” President Pendarovski told Telma TV on Friday commenting on the Ohrid incident in which the secretary general of the Bulgarian club ‘Tsar Boris III”, Hristijan Pendikov, was physically assaulted. The second reason, according to the President, is the elections in Bulgaria rescheduled for April 2 when, he noted, each of these smaller political entities are trying to capitalize on such incidents, because they have no other political agenda. “This is the only food they feed on and only with such a radical agenda they can get one or two seats in the Bulgarian parliament. By abusing and politicizing this case, they may succeed,” Pendarovski added.


The leaders of the Western Balkans should work more towards improving the political situations (Radio Tirana/A Plus TV)


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama has stated that the situation in the Western Balkans and in Europe is expected to become even more difficult because things are getting more and more complicated. In an interview with the Montenegrin media A Plus Tv Rama emphasized that the leaders of the Western Balkans should work more towards improving the political situations even though, as he said, the Western Balkans has never been in a better position than today. "It's never going to be easy and I don't expect it to get any easier. I think we all have to prepare for it to become more difficult, because things are getting more and more complicated in every aspect. We must work hard, try to work even harder, not lose faith, keep going and never forget where we are. The Western Balkans has never been in a better position," said Rama. Asked what it means for the region that Montenegro has for the first time a prime minister who is an Albanian national, Rama said that "Not only is he the first Albanian to be the prime minister of Montenegro, but he is also the first prime minister. The prime minister who really does not hesitate to say that he is Albanian or he is this or that, because he believes and acts based on his conviction that he is a citizen of Montenegro and believes in the approach to the Serbian community. As an Albanian, the way he deals with some unresolved issues is brave, but above all it is admirable because there is no gap between what he says and what he does, which is not very common in politics". Rama also spoke on Kosovo, regarding the agreement proposed by the French and Germans for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, and on his relations with the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic. "I followed President Vucic last statement from Davos and I think it was quite respectable given the way he expressed himself on the need to move forward. Of course, he expressed it in his characteristic special way of communication, but he showed respect," commented Rama. Regarding the fact that he has good relations with Abazovic and Djukanovic, and with Vucic and Kurti, despite the tense relations between these leaders in the region, Rama said that "Listen, Milo attacks Dritan, and Dritan does not know if he attacks Milo or not , but I suppose so, although Dritan is much more obsessed with corruption and organized crime as a phenomenon that should be eradicated from Montenegrin society. There are also many attacks between the President of Serbia and the Prime Minister of Kosovo, which are sometimes even more serious. Imagine if everyone looked black and white and if everyone held their positions and if no one talked to anyone. Things couldn't be better (now). So, it is always better to talk to people, try to understand the reasons and present one’s arguments. President Vucic and I always have very strong positions, completely different views on the issue of Kosova, which he calls Kosovo and Metohija. While for me it is a free, democratic, sovereign state. But if the situation is like that at the moment, I think things are changing. Things are moving in the right direction. Slowly, but they are moving. We used to have no communication and it was impossible to imagine that Serbs and Albanians would be at the same table. So, it will take time.”


Dhuka: Negotiations, excellent opportunity to transfer EU standards (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Minister of State, at the same time Chief Negotiator for the EU membership negotiation process Majlinda Dhuka said that the EU membership negotiations will be a process of transformation and at the same time an excellent opportunity to transfer EU standards to local institutions, the Albanian internal market and Albanian society. At the meeting of the National Council of European Integration, Dhuka said that the progress report of the European Commission estimates that Albania has made progress in 32 out of 33 chapters. She informed that, currently, the screening process for the first "Basic" group has been completed, where Albania has received a positive assessment for preparation and correctness. Also, Dhuka emphasized that, in parallel, work has started on two opening milestones, the preparation of guidelines for the rule of law and the reform in the public administration. "We have started preparations for them in close cooperation with the institutions of the Justice system. Starting work with the opening milestones or preliminary guidelines creates an advantage for us both in terms of time and in general speeding up the process of negotiations with other chapters too," said Dhuka. Dhuka emphasized that, from a technical point of view, the negotiation process includes the alignment of local legislation with the Acquis Communautaire and the preparation of the country to align with the EU laws and standards. Dhuka emphasized that the innovation is also the accelerated integration. "This allows a candidate country like Albania to become part of the markets, working groups, and programs of the EU, under the same conditions as a member country, gradually during the negotiation process, and in some cases before membership in the EU. Support for this gradual social and economic integration of the region and Albania before joining the EU was one of the conclusions of the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Tirana", she said.


Santos: It's high time you sped up reforms (Radio Tirana)


The rapporteur for Albania in the European Parliament Isabel Santos attended the meeting of the National Council for European Integration. Santos said that the opening of the negotiations was a very important moment for Albania. She emphasized that the time has come for the reforms to be accelerated and not stopped. "The time has come to speed up reforms and the reform process. Not to stop them, but to speed them up so that Albania becomes a leader in this process. I am very sure that Albania has the conditions to be a real vanguard in this process," she said. "There is a need to have a strategic vision for the path to be followed and a concrete plan for the steps to be taken. The role of the Assembly in the coming period will be very important", said Santos. "I understand all the steps you have taken to fully involve the assembly in this process. Now that you are moving forward, I believe that you can have a real step forward with the new legislation, which will be drawn up in accordance with the European one," said Santos. She said that, in recent years, Albania has taken difficult reforms and strong political decisions. "The reform of the Justice system is such an example. So, a necessary reform which will strengthen Albania's progress in the field of the rule of law. The judicial system in Albania is on the right track to become healthier," she emphasized. Santos said that European integration should be a deep social process that includes not only the majority, but the opposition, civil society and all citizens of Albania. "I am particularly happy that I am coming here to the National Council for European Integration. This format shows that the European integration is not only the government, the majority, and it is not only the technocratic process in itself, but it should be a deep social process that includes the civil society and all the citizens of Albania. It should be a transparent and inclusive process. Only when the whole of Albania comes together, then the integration process will be successful," said Santos.


Spiropali: Albanian government will keep on with the efforts to country’s full EU membership (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Minister of State for Relations with the parliament Elisa Spiropali together with the Minister of State for the Protection of Entrepreneurship Edona Bilali and the Chief Negotiator Majlinda Dhuka received in a meeting the Rapporteur for Albania in the European Parliament Isabel Santos. In a post on social networks, Sipropali says that focus of the discussions were that the screening process, the progress of reforms, the progress our country has made in strengthening the Justice system, political and regional cooperation, the fulfilment of tasks and recommendations. Spiropali expressed gratitude to the Rapporteur for Albania in the EP, Santos for the support of the European Parliament regarding the European perspective of Albania and emphasized that the government will continue its efforts to successfully face the challenges until the full membership of Albania in the EU.