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Belgrade Media Report 3 Ferbuary 2023



Vucic: I never negotiated about staying in power (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated today in the Serbian parliament, in the continuation of the special session dedicated to Kosovo and Metohija, that he has never negotiated with anyone about staying in power, nor will he negotiate with anyone, because he is only interested in the survival and progress of Serbia. “I will never negotiate for the sake of remaining in power, I am interested in the survival and progress of Serbia,” said Vucic, in the continuation of the discussion at the special session on the Report on the negotiations with Pristina from 1 September to 15 January. The President thus responded to the accusations of MP Robert Kozma from the Green-Left Club that, in addition to all the suffering for the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, the SNS has introduced a “reign of terror” in the north of Kosovo and Metohija and that it always “negotiates with international representatives to stay in power for itself”, and for increasing uncertainty for the citizens of Kosovo and Metohija. Responding to the opposition’s accusations that Serbia was not blackmailed, but he himself, Vucic said that it was nonsense that he was blackmailed with anything. “In order to blackmail someone, you must have something to use to blackmail them. I will repeat, I neither have accounts, nor any wealth abroad or in the country so that I would have nothing to lose,” Vucic pointed out. “They say you’ve been negotiating for 10 years, and if it weren’t for the negotiations, we would have to recognize an independent Kosovo. Is that your policy? Circumstances are not going our way, I’m not in favor of a frozen conflict and I don’t think it's a solution, on the contrary,” said Vucic. He said that before, we did not follow what was happening and how the Croatian army was getting stronger, so we did not understand what happened in 1995, and how the Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija were arming themselves since 1997, underestimating everything. Vucic noted that Serbia was not a part of Atlantic integration and did not want to join NATO, but maintained its military neutrality. Vucic said Serbia was on a path to the EU, but not on a path to Atlantic integration. “Serbia is on the European path, and as far as Atlantic integration is concerned, Serbia does not want to join NATO. Serbia wants to jealously protect its military neutrality and get stronger,” he said in response to criticism by Dveri MP Ivan Kostic. “There is a difference between European integration and Atlantic integration,” Vucic noted.


I respect Russia, but I do not serve Russia, I serve only Serbia

Vucic said in response to the opposition MPs that the geopolitical circumstances are now the worst in the last 10-15 years. “I know what it looks like for us Serbs - the bear danced in front of their door, now the Russians are going to retaliate, this way, that way. And then you see that we are actually paying the heavy price for everything. The only thing is worse for us. I was one of who met with Lavrov at the UN in September and was harshly criticized in the West for that. What exactly are you accusing me of? What is the problem, what are you accusing me of? You have, I have not forgotten that the meeting happened. Do you think we should expose Serbia to pressure?” said Vucic and asked what we did against Russian interests. He emphasized that he respects Russia and does not serve Russia, and added that he only serves Serbia and that was his policy and will be in the future.


Vucic: Serbia must engage in talks, maintain military neutrality (Tanjug/RTS/FoNet)


Serbia must engage in talks and dialogue about Kosovo and Metohija, otherwise it will be trampled underfoot, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in the parliament on Thursday during a debate on a government report on the Belgrade-Pristina talks, and noted that Serbia must pursue a responsible policy and maintain its military neutrality. Vucic said this in response to We Must/Together for Serbia whip Nebojsa Zelenovic, who said Serbia's military neutrality and its position on Russia sanctions were untenable. It is also important to avoid a frozen conflict and head towards compromise, Vucic said. It is important that Serbia maintains its military neutrality because there is something that is in the people's souls and cannot be taken away from them, he said. Commenting further on Zelenovic's remarks, Vucic said that he, too, had said there was an idea of the so-called Kosovo joining NATO. "Unfortunately, such danger does exist, I said that," Vucic noted, and added that NATO member states were no longer willing to listen to anything about Serbia's territorial integrity even though they knew what they had done to Serbia. That is hypocritical because they are protecting the territorial integrity of Ukraine after violating the territorial integrity of Serbia, he said. This "perfectly precise and accurate" parallel is the biggest reason behind their objections, he said. He also noted that the best possible solution for Serbia would be sought despite an increasingly difficult situation. Earlier, Vucic told MPs that, in case the issue of UN membership for the so-called Kosovo arose, the Constitution of Serbia would be sacred to him and that capitulation and surrender were not an option and that he would always choose Serbia.


Vucic's answer to Zoran Lutovac

Vucic said that Zoran Lutovac from DS did not devote even 30 seconds to Kosovo and Metohija and that Lutovac believes that the rules of procedure are more important than Kosovo and Metohija. Vucic says that he is participating in the debate for the fourth time and listening to insults. "My most difficult qualification when you lynched people was that you were 'savages,'" said Vucic. He says that he always took care not to call those who destroyed Serbia to national unity. "You live well, you don't have any problems. You go to the assembly once a month. You say whatever comes to your mind, and you have destroyed the country. You have destroyed the Community of Serbia and Montenegro, remained silent on the pogrom of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, on the declaration of independence...," Vucic said. He says that in 2000 they told us that Kosovo and Metohija were a democratic issue. "Do you know anyone in the whole world who respects you?" Vucic asked Lutovac. Vucic said that nobody in the parliament was interested in anything today except self-promotion and attacks on him. "In your time, you did not bring any president to the parliament to answer to the MPs," Vucic reminded. Vucic said that someone has been deceiving us for 10 years and will not form the ZSO, even though the EU is the guarantor. "Serbia needs people who have a policy and a program. The fact that you hate me is your problem. Only you have that problem. I don't have it. I wish you good health and success in politics, even if you skip the 5 percent census," said Vucic to Lutovac. Lutovac said that he does not hate Vucic, but that he "despise" him. "Are you going to cut the hair of the children of political dissidents again? Revenge is your middle name. You cut a child's hair with scissors and a knife," said Vucic. Vucic stated that he mistakenly thought that when someone lies, all normal people know that they are lying. "They repeat it 500 times a day and then I see that some people really believe in that nonsense," said Vucic. Vucic said that Nenad Rasic and Rada Trajkovic supported the construction of the Albanian military base in Dren. "Why didn't you say that? Tricks don't work with me," said Vucic. Vucic, responding to the words of the representative of the Dveri parliamentary club Bosko Obradovic said that it was members of the opposition who "betrayed Kosovo". "I will not allow Kosovo to enter the UN... Unlike you, I will never allow it," said the President of Serbia and criticized the opposition representatives for damaging the parliamentary benches. Vucic at one point accused the opposition of "the unbearable ease of irresponsibility".


We might have to impose sanctions on Russia

Vucic told the parliament that Belgrade might have to impose sanctions on Russia. The President said he was not thrilled about the Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) proposal for Belgrade to introduce the sanctions. “You say you are in favor of the sanctions, I say I don’t know, maybe we will have to. As long as we don’t have to, it’s better that way,” said Vucic.

“I am not thrilled about it, but I don’t know how much longer we can hold out without imposing the sanctions. We are paying the price for not imposing them, but that is a matter of our leadership’s political choice,” said Vucic. He said he immediately let it be known that there is nothing he likes about the EU proposal for a solution to the Kosovo problem. I highlighted the worst elements of the agreement so as point out the gravity of the situation, said Vucic. The unbearable lightness of irresponsibility burdens our people, said Vucic, adding that it takes enormous responsibility to run a country.


Brnabic: Vucic's address is responsible and historic (Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said that yesterday's address by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in the Serbian parliament was responsible and historic. "I hope with all my heart, for the sake of Serbia, and above all for the sake of future generations, that in the National Assembly, in addition to those who are irresponsible, extremely arrogant and unscrupulous, there were deputies from the ranks of the opposition who wanted and were able to hear the presentation of the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, about the state and the situation in Kosovo and Metohija," Brnabic posted on Twitter. She noted that the speech of the president of Serbia was "smart and thoughtful, responsible and historic". "Serbian politicians, today and in the future, can learn a lot from him about politics, responsibility and love for the state and the people. Unity, intelligence and responsibility are what we need most today," concluded Brnabic.


US welcomes Serbia's constructive stance in dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said yesterday in Washington, after the National Prayer Breakfast, that the United States welcomes the constructive stance of President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic in the dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija. Dacic said that the main event for him during the visit were the talks with Counsellor of the US Department of State Derek Chollet and Special Envoy of the US Department of State for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar. He assessed that we are in a critical phase of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, in which Belgrade plays a constructive role, unlike Pristina. He expressed his satisfaction with what he heard in Washington, namely that everyone welcomes President Vucic's position, evaluates it as constructive and responsible. That position contains a clear definition of what we do not accept, i.e. what we think are red lines, which is primarily the entry of "Kosovo" into the UN and other international organisations, but also the position that the Community of Serb Municipalities is not something that should be negotiated, but something that should be done as a priority, he said. After many years, we have come to a situation where no one marks Belgrade as an obstacle in talks and negotiations, but the criticism is aimed primarily at Albin Kurti, said Dacic, adding that the most important results of this visit are precisely that we see how much the position of the US has changed.


Djuric: I believe that 2023 could be a positive turning point in US-Serbia relations (RTS)


Serbian Ambassador to the US Marko Djuric said that he believes that the year 2023 could be a positive turning point in the relations between Serbia and the US in the further improvement of bilateral cooperation, the opening of new topics such as negotiations on the agreement on double taxation, as well as visa liberalization. He said that the visit of Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic to the US is a good signal and that it somehow “opens the season” for further cooperation. “Of course, we also discuss important difficult political topics such as Kosovo and Metohija when we have different views on the status, but what is good and what was visible in the conversation that Minister Dacic and I had with Cholett and Escobar we see a mutual respect for the rational relationship that President Vucic and the leadership of Serbia have towards preserving stability and peace,” said Djuric. In that, he says, we have a partner in the US.


Protest in front of parliament against European proposal on Kosovo (Beta)


Several hundred people protested the European proposal on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija in front of the Serbian parliament building on Thursday, during the extraordinary plenary session on Kosovo with President Aleksandar Vucic participating. The protesters gathered outside the entrance to the parliament, carrying Serbian flags and banners reading “Vucic traitor” and “Army and police - Prevent treason, defend Constitution, stand with the people”. The police initially banned the gathering. The leader of the Love, Faith, Hope movement Nemanja Sarovic who had announced that a news conference would be held instead of the protest, told the gathering that the parliament’s debating and deciding on the European proposal was “all just a farce.” The founder of the People’s Rebellion Movement Srdjan Skoro said that “many bad things are in store” for Serbia if it accepts the European, or any other such proposal, and added that it was time for the people to stand up to it.




Dodik: RS will never allow B&H to recognize Kosovo; Declaration adopted by SC Assembly shows that mono-mono ethnic state is guarantee survival of the Serb people (RTRS/RT)


In an interview for the Russia Today Balkan, Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik said the RS will never allow Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) to recognize Kosovo, noting that the West is trying to label the RS as “a model that is necessary a problem’’, whilst simultaneously fearing that the community of Serb municipalities will survive and act independently just like the RS. “Today, for foreigners it (the RS) is an excess, an unbearable fact for Muslims and a very real fact for us showing it is sustainable”, said Dodik. RTRS reports that Dodik also said there will be no long-term stability unless people organize themselves in national state communities, noting that Serbia’s national interest must be the RS. He also said that a mono-ethnic state is a guarantee for the survival of the Serb people, which is shown in Declaration recently adopted by the SC Assembly. “It shows that everything that is identified with the Serb national framework and being cannot be accepted in Sarajevo. They only accept Serbs who declare as Serbs only formally, whilst implementing the policy of ‘integral Bosniak sentiment’ advocated by SDA in an attempt to eliminate Serb ethnic existence on that territory”, said Dodik. RTRS reports that Dodik also said that whilst hoping to Serb unity within one state, the RS will aspire to become independent, and added that already difficult burden of B&H’s impossibility is made additionally difficult by foreigners who created a protectorate out of the country, and who threaten political leaders with sanctions, impose illegal High Representatives, all under excuse of the European standards. “The outcome cannot be good for those who want B&H. I do not want it and I clearly say that. I am not willing to wage a war, but I am willing in case I do not succeed within my political and biological life in creating a situation in which the RS comes closer to the status of an independent state, I will be satisfied if I leave generation of politicians who will continue to fight for that”, said Dodik. Dodik also said he believes that after the issue of Kosovo, the Western centers will open the issue of the RS, and pressures to abolish the RS will increase under standard western practice of showing no respect for the international contracts, using blackmails and impositions.


RS parliament and RS CoP Joint Commission fail to reach agreement on Law on Immovable Property, refers it to RS Constitutional Court (RTRS)


At its session held on Thursday, the Joint Commission of the RS parliament and the RS Council of Peoples (CoP) failed to reach an agreement on the RS Law on Immovable Property, after which the Law was referred to the RS Constitutional Court (CC) for decision. RS CoP speaker Srebrenka Golic said that one third of delegates in the Bosniak Caucus were of view the vital national interest was not violated. Golic noted that she personally thinks there was no violation of vital national interest whatsoever. Delegate in the Bosniak Caucus Dzevad Mahmutovic said the Bosniak Caucus will continue to insist on invoking of the vital national interest protection mechanism. Mahmutovic also said that there was no room to reach consensus because the Bosniak Caucus disputed the entire law. RS parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic said that the “CC already decided on the issue” and if the Law is not rejected by the Court, it will enter in force.


B&H CoM holds its first session; Konakovic says removal of Mehmedagic, Buha will be discussed at next session (ATV)


The first session of the new convocation of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) was held on Thursday. The B&H CoM made individual decisions on the appointment of chairpersons and members of the Committee for Internal Policy and the Committee for Economy. Decisions were also made on permanent bodies of the B&H CoM necessary for normal and functional work. The Committee for Internal Policy will be chaired by B&H Minister of Defense Zukan Helez, while the Committee for Economy will be chaired by B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Stasa Kosarac. The B&H CoM also adopted a conclusion proposing the representatives of B&H in international financial institutions. B&H CoM Chairwoman Borjana Kristo has been nominated for the post of a governor in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). B&H Minister of Finance and Treasury Zoran Tegeltija has been nominated for the position of the governor in the World Bank, while B&H Minister of Defense Zukan Helez has been nominated for the position of the governor in the International Monetary Fund (IMF). These proposals should be confirmed by the B&H Presidency. Decisions on removals in agencies, such as the B&H Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA), should be made already at the next session of the B&H CoM. B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic said that he expects that the B&H CoM will remove OSA Director Osman Mehmedagic at its next session and appoint a new director and his deputy. Kosarac said that he believes that “the time of blockades caused by SDA is behind us.” Kosarac underlined. “I also believe that there will be issues on which we will not agree, but I believe that in an adequate way, above all we from Republika Srpska (RS), will be basically oriented towards the consistent application of the Dayton Agreement, affirmation of the constitutional capacity of the RS, the Constitution of B&H, but we will also be gathered around the policies of the RS Government and conclusions of the RS National Assembly, which are binding for us.”


Konakovic and Kosarac meet to discuss Trgovska Gora issue, EU integration process (Dnevni list)


B&H Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic and B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Stasa Kosarac met on Thursday. They discussed the issue of Croatia’s plans to build a radioactive waste disposal site in Trgovska Gora, close to B&H border. They concluded that in the past, B&H Foreign Ministry has not been serving the interests of B&H regarding this issue as much as it should. Considering the unanimous stance opposing Croatia’s plans for Trgovska Gora, as well as earlier conclusions of B&H Council of Ministers and B&H Presidency, Konakovic and Kosarac agreed that all relevant institutions from all levels of authorities need to work together to prevent the construction of the radioactive waste disposal facility in Trgovska Gora. They also agreed that all relevant international institutions and the authorities of Croatia and Slovenia need to be informed about B&H’s unanimous stance on the matter in the upcoming period. Kosarac and Konakovic also discussed the process of EU integration as B&H’s main foreign policy goal. They agreed to sign an agreement which will allow the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations to have its representative in the B&H Mission in Brussels. They also discussed the possibility for protection of domestic production and agreed that it will be necessary to analyse the Stabilization and Association Agreement in cooperation with the EU Delegation in order to facilitate further progress on the EU integration path and find ways to protect domestic production. Konakovic and Kosarac also discussed the strategic projects in the energy sector and way to prevent their blockade in the future, as well as strengthening of economic relations in the region. They concluded that every form of institutional and regional cooperation is beneficial for the local economy. In that context, Kosarac once again raised the issue of B&H’s membership in the ‘Open Balkan’ initiative and said that the initiative represents a great opportunity for B&H, but it is contested because of political prejudice. Konakovic and Kosarac agreed to jointly promote the positive results of local business community.


Konakovic on formation of new FB&H government: HR will probably have to intervene by additionally amending or explaining amendments to electoral legislation he imposed – the solution that created ground for this type of blockades (FTV)


Leader of NiP and B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic, commenting the situation within ‘The Eight’ coalition, the leader of NiP confirmed that the number of partners in this coalition varies, adding that as far as it concerns him, recent developments concerning election of delegates to the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) caused more tensions among partners within ‘The Eight’ than it was necessary. Konakovic added that the result of these tensions is the decision of SDP and the rest of ‘The Troika’ that ‘For New Generations’ (ZNG) will not be their partner at any level anymore. He explained that this will not affect formation of authorities at the Federation of B&H (FB&H) level, because ZNG has only one MP in the FB&H parliament. Asked about formation of new the FB&H government, Konakovic expressed hope it will happen soon, adding that soon after appointment of the President and Vice Presidents of the FB&H, they will collect a necessary number of signatures of MPs in the FB&H House of Representatives (HoR) and propose the FB&H Prime Minister-Designate. The leader of NiP emphasized after that comes a phase where SDA will decide whether it will decide to block formation of the new the FB&H authorities or will act as it was done by SDP, when this party enabled DF to get the Vice President of the FB&H. Asked whether formation of new the FB&H government will require intervention of the High Representative, Konakovic said that the High Representative will probably have to intervene by additionally amending or explaining amendments to electoral legislation he imposed – the solution that created ground for this type of blockades. Asked whether it is logical for SDA to become a part of new authorities, the leader of NiP stated that it is logical if they reach agreement with SDA on it. Asked whether he is discontent with the decision of SDP to decide to talk with SDA on formation of new authorities at some levels, Konakovic replied negatively, adding that he deems it was a mistake to reject cooperation with SDA at all levels. The leader of NiP underlined that SDA organizations at some levels are suitable for cooperation, adding that the leadership of SDA is not a favorable partner for them. Konakovic underlined that he understands those who discussed the possibility of cooperation with SDA to avoid blockades in formation of authorities at the FB&H level. “I believe that such cooperation would unblock appointment of new authorities, but would not be beneficial for citizens”, said B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs. Konakovic stated that he has high level of trust to SDP and Our Party, and that he has sufficient trust to NES and SB&H, because they are serious parties. Asked to comment the statement of leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic that new the FB&H government should be formed over next 20 days and claims that HDZ B&H has been talking with SDA about possible formation of new the FB&H authorities, the leader of NiP underlined that as far as he knows, Covic only talked about formation of new authorities with SDA in some cantons where it cannot be avoided. He stressed that level of trust between SNSD, HDZ B&H and SNSD has been reduced to a very low level, adding that this is why it is important ‘The Eight’ appeared as new energy. Asked about when talks on change of electoral legislation will start, Konakovic reminded that the leader of HDZ B&H stated earlier it will start not later than six months after process of formation of new authorities is completed. The leader of NiP stressed that he would like these talks to start as soon as possible, because amending of the Election Law of B&H and the Constitution should provide abolition of most brutal discrimination of number of B&H citizens. Konakovic underlined that he talked with the EU countries’ ambassadors about possible changes of electoral legislation that would, among other things, possibly abolish ethnic prefixes, solving of problems in houses of peoples, adding that HDZ B&H partially agrees with such changes. Konakovic stated that new Sarajevo Canton (SC) Government should be formed soon.


Ambassador Murphy and Covic discuss formation of new authorities (O Kanal)


US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy met with leader of HDZ B&H and delegate in B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Dragan Covic in Mostar on Thursday. The US Embassy to B&H published a statement on their official Twitter account that two officials discussed formation of authorities at all levels. It also reads that Murphy and Covic discussed the vital importance of fostering an environment of greater cooperation and compromise, not only in Mostar, but throughout B&H. After the meeting, it was revealed that discussion revolved around the need for more functional, more efficient and more responsible authorities at all levels. US Embassy posted on the Twitter: “Met with HoP delegate Dragan Covic to discuss the need for more functional, efficient and accountable governments at all levels. We discussed the vital importance of fostering an environment of greater cooperation and compromise not only in Mostar, but throughout B&H.” “We spoke about current topics and upcoming efforts to move the country toward prosperity and progress. Changes of Election Law and limited constitutional changes are crucial not only for internal matters, but also for firm progress on our EU path,” Covic wrote on his Twitter.


B&H CEC confirms nomination of Stojanovic for FB&H Vice President; denies candidacy of DF’s Zlatan Begic for FB&H President/Vice-President (O Kanal/N1)


The Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H confirmed on Thursday the nomination of Igor Stojanovic (SDP) for position of a Vice President of the FB&H. After the vetting procedure was conducted, nomination of Stojanovic was verified. Stojanovic was nominated by a group of 13 delegates from the Serb Caucus in the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP). Earlier, the nomination of Refik Lendo (SDA) and Lidija Bradara (HDZ B&H) for members of leadership of the FB&H was also verified. The CEC refused to verify candidacy of DF’s Zlatan Begic for the FB&H President/Vice President from the rank of the Others. The decision was made in the second round of voting with four votes in its favour and three against it. B&H CEC President Suad Arnautovic said that only officials from the rank of constituent peoples stand as candidates. Arnautovic went on to remind of the B&H CC decision U-14/12 “that resolved the issue at constitutional level. Unfortunately, the decision has not been implemented until present”. N1 reports the B&H CEC adopted the decision after the discussion on whether to reject the candidacy or return it as incomplete, because Begic was nominated by three delegates in the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) and under the most recent amendments imposed by High Representative (HR) in B&H Christian Schmidt, the nomination requires support of 11 delegates. Addressing the session, B&H CEC member Vlado Rogic said that Begic’s nomination is lacking a statement on “how he declares’’, in terms of constituent peoples. B&H CEC member Irena Hadziabdic said: “In my view, we are acting prematurely with this decision, and we must be cautious when denying the right to run for office”.


Begic on B&H CEC’s refusal to verify his candidacy: This is joint criminal enterprise by HDZ B&H and HR Schmidt (Hayat)


Hayat reports that the CEC of B&H has denied the candidacy of DF’s Zlatan Begic for the post of the FB&H President/Vice-President, because he was nominated as a candidate from the rank of Others. Begic told Hayat that “this is a joint criminal enterprise by HDZ B&H and High Representative Christian Schmidt, who attempt to obstruct the adoption of any of B&H CEC’s decision through B&H CEC members.” He stressed that he will file a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. “Like it was not enough for rentiers of real estates at the Croatian Adriatic coast that they violated my human rights, which were violated this time by HR Christian Schmidt, but they also wanted to make additional obstruction and violated my human rights more in a way not to pass any act on my candidacy”, Begic stated.


B&H Presidency members attend National Prayer Breakfast in Washington; They meet with US’ Karlin and Chollet (N1/Al Jazeera)


N1 carries that within their working visit to the US, the B&H Presidency members attended the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington on Thursday. On Wednesday, the B&H Presidency members held separate meetings with Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Mara Karlin and Senior Policy Advisor to the US Secretary of State Derek Chollet. On the occasion, the B&H Presidency expressed their commitment to further advancement of bilateral relations between B&H and the US, including the cooperation in the field of defense. Serb member and Chairwoman of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic attended on Thursday the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington. “The fact that I am attending the National Prayer Breakfast for the 14th time is a great honour”, Cvijanovic was quoted as saying. On Wednesday, the B&H Presidency members met with Chollet and the participants in the meeting stressed the importance of timely implementation of election results in B&H. On the same day, the B&H Presidency members met with Karlin to discuss the security situation, and global and regional challenges. The B&H Presidency members discussed the fight against corruption with the US officials, but also many other things that are now on the agenda in B&H concerning the implementation of various reforms. The B&H Presidency members and the US officials also discussed the strengthening of the B&H Armed Forces and B&H’s energy policy and the need to move away from dependence on Russian gas. Al Jazeera stressed that there were many discussions in the State Department about sanctions, which Cvijanovic opposed. Al Jazeera added that there were also many discussions about NATO and B&H, where Cvijanovic did not support the accession of B&H to NATO, but she welcomed the continuation of B&H’s cooperation with NATO. Cvijanovic on Thursday met with Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic in Washington ahead of the National Prayer Breakfast. Members of the Presidency of B&H also met with US Deputy National Security Advisor Jon Finer and Senior Director for Europe in the National Security Council Amanda Sloat. Members of the Presidency of B&H also held a number of separate meetings in Washington. Cvijanovic met with US senators, as well as with Ambassadors of Serbia, Hungary, Croatia, North Macedonia and B&H to USA.


HR Schmidt with Bundestag’s delegation, exchange views on current political and security environment in B&H (Dnevni avaz)


High Representative Christian Schmidt met with a delegation of the German Bundestag Defense Committee on Thursday. According to the daily, they exchanged views on the current political and security environment in B&H and the Western Balkans, and the vital role of EUFOR for stability in B&H.


Zagreb and Warsaw will continue to support Kyiv (HRT)


Defense Minister Mario Banozic met with his Polish counterpart Mariusz Blaszczak, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense of the Republic of Poland. They discussed bilateral defense cooperation between Croatia and Poland, cooperation at the multilateral level within NATO and the European Union, and regional initiatives and projects, as well as the war in Ukraine and the security situation in South-eastern Europe. “In the field of bilateral defense cooperation, I especially want to highlight the good cooperation of the special forces of the police and logistics. Speaking about the security and political situation in South-eastern Europe, I emphasized that we will continue to support the efforts of the countries of South-eastern Europe on their way to full integration of NATO and the EU,” said Mario Banozic, Minister of Defense. “After Russia's attack on Ukraine, there was a danger of the re-creation of the Russian empire - which increased the importance of solidarity among member states of NATO and the European Union,” emphasized Mariusz Blaszczak, Minister of Defense of the Republic of Poland. “Together with Poland and other allies and partners, Croatia will continue to provide strong and comprehensive support to Ukraine,” said Banozic. Since 2017, the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia have been participating in the activities of the Enhanced Forward Presence mission in Poland. In January, the 11th Croatian contingent was sent there and a battalion of Panzer howitzers PzH 2000 were sent. “Croatian and Polish forces are participating in the NATO mission in Iraq and in the KFOR operation in Kosovo, and in the first half of this year Croatia is participating in the European Union battle group under the leadership of Poland,” emphasized the Croatian minister who is visiting Poland at the end of February. The Polish Minister expressed satisfaction with the extension of the Althea mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in which Polish forces are participating, but not Croatian forces. “Dangers come not only from the east, but also from the south. We also want to express solidarity with our allies. That's how it's always been, that's how it is and that's how it will always be,” said Blaszczak. Last year, 1.3 million tourists from Poland visited Croatia, and the Polish minister hopes that this number will increase in view of Croatia's entry into the Schengen area, which, he pointed out, Warsaw has always supported.


Djeljosaj: Minority parties to agree on the fourth candidate for judge of the Constitutional Court (CdM)


The Leader of the Albanian Alternative and the Municipality of Tuzi Nik Djeljosaj has said that he welcomes the agreement reached over three candidates for judges of the Constitutional Court, noting that the minority parties are going to agree in the fourth candidate. “A strong and positive message for all our citizens and international partners,” he posted on Facebook. As for the fourth candidate for judge of the Constitutional Court, the ethnic minority parties will agree on the matter, while other parties have nothing with it.


Key messages of candidates for judges of the Constitutional Court (CdM)


Candidates for judges of the Constitutional Court are Dragana Djuranovic, Momirka Tesic and Snezana Armenko, it was decided at the meeting of the members of the Collegium of the parliament’s speaker and members of the Constitutional Court. The meeting was held in Villa Gorica. The CdM portal reminds of the key messages of the three. Djuranovic – Constitutional Court should be organized in the best way possible Dragana Djuranovic is a lawyer by education who used to work in the Basic and High Court in Podgorica. “My wish is to organize the Constitutional Court in the best way possible”. She also considers she doesn’t need to declare on the nationality. “But now when everybody did it, I’ll do the same. I’m obviously a Montenegrin”. Momirka Tesic is a judge in the Kotor Basic Court. She said that the Constitutional Court should first solve old cases, and “we’ve heard there’re lots of them”. Snezana Armenko is Deputy Defender of Human Rights and Freedoms, used to be a judge of the Podgorica Basic Court. According to her, it’s not good to have so many acting heads, not only in the prosecutor’s office but in any other institution. “If I’m to be elected as judge of the Constitutional Court, I’ll work on the cooperation with all bodies, particularly the Defender”.


Leaders of the opposition met to discuss joint presidential candidate (CdM)


Leaders of the opposition met earlier today to discuss a joint candidate for the upcoming presidential race, sources of the CdM portal claim. The meeting was attended by the leaders of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), the Social Democratic Party (SDP), the Social Democrats (SD), the Liberal Party and minority parties. At the meeting, they didn’t mention names, but concluded that it had to be a person who would act on behalf of them all. Recall, the SDP and Liberal Party stated earlier they would have their own candidate if the opposition failed to choose a joint candidate.


Krapovic: Becic serves citizens; if the party wishes him to run for president of MNE, he won’t refuse (Pobjeda/TVCG)


MP of the Democratic Montenegro Dragan Krapovic says they’re going to declare on the forthcoming presidential election by the end of this week, noting that they’ll have their own candidate if the agreement with the ‘Europe Now’ Movement fails. “If we fail to reach the agreement with Europe Now, I believe that the Democratic Montenegro will have its own candidate. We don’t know whether it’s going to be the Leader of our party Aleksa Becic, it’s up to him and the proposal of the party’s Main Board and presidency. Becic serves the citizens of Montenegro and is always ready to defend the democratic Montenegro. If the party wishes him to be a candidate, I don’t think he’ll refuse,” he said in a morning TV show aired on TVCG. He also noted that their offer to the Europe Now Movement wouldn’t last for too long. “The time is running, and they’ll have to make a decision. We’ll accept every kind of agreement”.


NOVA Main Board: Andrija Mandic to run for the country’s presidency (CdM)


Leader of the New Serb Democracy, NOVA, Andrija Mandic will run in the presidential election scheduled for 19 March as this party’s candidate. The information was posted on Facebook by NOVA official, Marina Jocic, and she said that the Main Board of NOVA had made this decision. For now, apart from Mandic, it’s confirmed that the Leader of the Europe Now Movement Milojko Spajic will be running for the president of Montenegro.


Becic: Executive committee to decide on Democrats’ candidate, support for Spajic if we agree on a joint appearance (TV Vijesti)


The Presidency of Democratic Montenegro has tasked the leader of this party Aleksa Becic to convene a session of the executive committee, where they will determine the Democrats’ candidate for the upcoming presidential elections. Becic for TV Vijesti that the Democrats will support the presidential candidate of the Europe Now movement Milojko Spajic if they agree on a joint appearance. According to him, the presidency has concluded that despite their winning proposal on joining forces in the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections, the presidency of Europe Now has made a decision to support the candidacy of the leader of this party Milojko Spajic as a presidential candidate. When asked if he is a potential Democrats’ candidate for the President of Montenegro, he replies that there are procedures in the party, and that such a decision is made by the executive committee. Becic claims that public opinion surveys say that voters of Democrats and Europe Now are unreservedly in favour of a joint appearance.


Misajlovski: Current parliamentary composition doesn’t have the mandate to change the Constitution, elections are needed (TV Alsat)


The Vice-President of VMRO-DPMNE Vlado Misajlovski in an interview with TV Alsat emphasized that the current parliamentary composition does not have the mandate to change the Constitution and therefore it is legitimate and best to hold elections for such issues. This parliamentary composition, these deputies have never appeared in front of the citizens and said all that the Constitution should be changed, that the French-Bulgarian proposal should be accepted, that the inclusion of Bulgarians into the Constitution will be a brake, and that the European future will depend on it. That is why it is legitimate and best to hold elections for such issues, but this government did not do that, said Misajlovski. He added that in such elections, VMRO-DPMNE and others should come up with solutions for the series of problems that SDSM has made in the past period. VMRO-DPMNE should also support these elections, but all the others should also propose solutions to all these problems, which SDSM did. It is not only the problem that it made with the agreement with Bulgaria, but there are many other problems in the past period. A key thing that SDSM and DUI did wrong is that they quickly accepted the agreement with Bulgaria. I have personally said it many times, I participated in that agreement because at that time I worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. One of the most important reasons that Macedonia did not want to sign that agreement is the common history. Here is the biggest problem, it is the virus. When you look at that virus there will always be diseases. The doctrine itself and the entire Bulgarian position will always be an attack on Macedonian history, on Macedonian military leaders, etc. It will never stop because it is a strategy and a doctrine and it will last for a very long time. With that hasty signing, Macedonia now has big problems and it will be a brake in the coming period, stressed Misajlovski.


President Begaj receives the delegation of the friendship group of South Korea: Gratitude for the support given to Kosovo (Radio Tirana)


The President of the Republic Bajram Begaj received the delegation of the friendship group of the South Korean parliament. During the meeting, the President appreciated the very good political cooperation between the two countries. Begaj also expressed the belief that this visit would contribute to further strengthening this cooperation, especially the economic one but also in the field of education, science, and health. Cooperation within the United Nations Organization was appreciated, as well as Albania's contribution to the Security Council as a non-permanent member, for peace and security on the Korean Peninsula but also at the global level, especially after Russia's brutal military aggression against Ukraine. The Head of State also expressed gratitude for the support that South Korea has given to Kosovo.


Albania and EU to harmonize trade exchange rules (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Ministry of Finance and Economy (MFE) announced that a bilateral Screening meeting between the European Union and Albania for Chapter 1 "Free movement of goods" was held in Brussels from 30 January to 2 February. The free movement of goods is one of the four fundamental freedoms of the European Union. The principle of free movement of goods means that products should flow freely from one part of the Union to another. The group of experts of Albanian Ministry of Finance and Economy and other institutions that are involved in this chapter made relevant presentations on what has been achieved so far for them. During this meeting, it was emphasized that the Albanian government will take initiatives for the removal of restrictive measures in the import of goods and the facilitation of trade. These measures will make Albania more open to European markets. MFE informs that, in order to enable the free movement of goods, the Acquis, in this chapter, provides for a harmonized regulatory framework according to the "old approach" (providing detailed specifications for products) or according to the "new approach" (establishing general demand for products) in some sectors. According to the MFE, the harmonized European legislation on products, which needs to be transposed, represents the largest part of the Acquis. Furthermore, it is essential to have sufficient administrative capacity to notify trade restrictions and implement horizontal and procedural measures in areas such as standardization, conformity assessment, accreditation, metrology and market surveillance. Albania has already entered an important process, after the opening of negotiations towards membership in the European Union. From a total of 33 chapters in the European Integration process, the Ministry of Finance and Economy negotiates 13 chapters and co-negotiates 2 chapters and the Economic Criterion too.


Movement in the Western Balkans, only with an ID card! (Radio Tirana)


Citizens of the Western Balkans will only need an identity card to move to Albania. The news was announced by the Minister of the Interior Bledi Cuci after the meeting of the Council of Ministers. This decision comes after the agreement of the countries of the Western Balkans in the Berlin Process, where all citizens will be able to move freely in Albania only with the ID. "Free movement of citizens in the Balkans only with an identity document. The Albanian government approves it. With the entry into force, all WB citizens can move freely in Albania only with an identity card", said Cuci. Furthermore, Cuci emphasized that there will be a task force in cooperation with the order of North Macedonia. This decision of the Council of Ministers is expected to be ratified in the parliament, he underlined. This cooperation will be related to organized crime related to both countries.


What does this agreement provide? 

We recall that the agreement on free movement in the countries of the Western Balkans provides for the free movement of persons with identity cards, the recognition of university degrees and the recognition of qualifications for three professions: doctors, dentists and architects. Thanks to the agreement signed on 3 November, graduates will no longer need to pay fees of 200 to 500 euros for the mutual recognition of diplomas. The agreements reached are three of the four agreements, for which the leaders of the Western Balkan states had already agreed at the Sofia summit, in November 2020, at that time under former German Chancellor Angela Merkel.


Israel to assist Albania in cyber security (Radio Tirana)


Albania and Israel signed in Tel Aviv a memorandum of cooperation on cyber security. The memorandum was signed by Gaby Portnoy, Director General of Israel's Cyber Directorate, and Igli Tafa, Director General of Albanian National Authority for Electronic Certification and Cyber Security. The purpose of this memorandum is to strengthen Albania's defense capacities after being targeted by Iranian hackers since July of last year. The memorandum also provides for the mutual sharing of information between Israel and Albania. This development came on the second day of an international conference with focus on cyber security, held in Tel Aviv. Portnoy describes how Albania will be assisted in the face of cyber-attacks. Portnoy said that a cyber dome will be built in Albania, connected to the cyber dome in Israel. "We are open for cooperation. In fact, it is an obligation. We have the same enemies and the same challenges. We must preserve the democratic world. If we manage to have a broad defense then this will increase the strengthening in the cyber field. It is not the same as physical protection. We are dealing with cyberspace, so we have to think quite differently as it has no borders as in the case of Albania. It is the same proximity as with our neighbour Jordan. We should think so. We are ready to share with you what we know about cyber security. We signed a memorandum this morning and are ready to share everything. From technology, methodology, processes, regulatory aspects. We will build a cyber defense dome in Albania and connect it to our dome. This is the plan," he said. This memorandum emphasizes Albania's excellent relations with Israel even during Netanyahu's government, with Israel being one of the most developed countries in information technology and the cyber defense.