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Belgrade Media Report 10 March 2023



Vucic: No capitulation (TV Happy)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Thursday that he has no intention of signing a capitulation over Kosovo. “People should know that I have no intention of signing Serbia’s capitulation,” he said in a live appearance on TV Happy. According to Vucic, Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti is determined not to allow the formation of the Community of Serb Majority Municipalities. “It’s easy for him to do that as shown by the decision to lift the visa regime of the citizens of so-called Kosovo. I have nothing against that but the moment shows that they are not prepared to pressure Kurti but to encourage Kurti and that is the problem,” he said. Vucic said that he would work with EU envoy Miroslav Lajcak to find a way to progress towards normalization. “People have to understand the moment we are in, probably the most difficult. We don’t have any room around us without NATO. We can’t bring in even the military equipment we pay for. No one wants to understand the special circumstances Serbia is facing given the raging war in Ukraine. We Serbs like to pretend that nothing happened in 1999, 2004, 2008 but unfortunately a lot of bad happened. People in Serbia should know that no one in the state leadership, myself or anyone else, has drawn up any kind of plan. It was drawn up by Western powerful from Germany and France with support from America, the people who were given back the ability to take decisions by someone in the UN and that was not Vucic,” he said. “I know how bad the plan is but we have to understand the circumstanes and reasons why we have to continue talks…. I told them unequivocally … Serbia will not agree and won’t keep silent about Kosovo’s membership in the UN,” he said.


Dacic at Forum in Budapest: Crisis of criteria for joining EU (Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic stated at the Balkan Forum in Budapest on 9 March that there was a crisis of criteria for admission into the European Union and expressed doubts regarding the Western Balkans’ European prospects. Speaking at the ministerial panel of the Balkan Forum, Dacic said that Serbia was ‘aware of the internal re-composition of the EU at this time,” but that the EU had “promised that the next member would be from the Western Balkans”, it was posted on the Serbian Foreign Minister’s Instagram account. He expressed scepticism regarding the Western Balkans’ European prospects, saying that it was only mentioned in one sentence in the Agreement on the path to normalization between Kosovo and Serbia, also known as the French-German proposal. “What European prospects are we talking about when we know that the French-German proposal, so painful for Belgrade and Pristina alike, contains only one sentence – that it opens the European perspective. You could at least have said that we would join in the 21st century,” Dacic stated, adding that North Macedonia had “changed its name for the European perspective, but nothing had happened except the setting of new conditions”.


Vucevic: People's Movement to bring together all those wishing to preserve Serbia (Tanjug)


The People's Movement for the State will be large enough for everyone interested and it should bring together all people of good will who want to preserve Serbia amid the present circumstances, Defence Minister Milos Vucevic said on Thursday. "The movement will also have a state-building character to show that Serbia is a free and sovereign country and that it will pursue a wise policy demonstrating that it can handle all difficulties and pressure with minimal consequences," Vucevic said in a statement to Tanjug. Asked whether next weekend's unveiling of the movement was a signal of looming elections, Vucevic responded that local elections were definitely ahead but that the movement was the beginning of something that was yet to spread irrespective of any elections. When asked if the Belgrade-Pristina talks were drawing to a close after EU foreign policy and security chief Josep Borrell said there would be no more discussions about a French-German proposal, Vucevic said Serbia stood by the position that it was ready to discuss the concept of the agreement but would not cross its red lines. "A direct or indirect recognition of Kosovo-Metohija as independent is out of the question, as is a UN seat for Kosovo and Metohija, while everything else can be discussed," he said, adding that establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities in line with principles from 2015, guaranteed by the Brussels agreement and the EU, was the condition for further implementation of the agreement.


Stefanovic: Failure to impose sanctions costing Serbia (Nova S TV/FoNet)


Opposition politician Borko Stefanovic told Nova S TV on Thursday that failure to impose sanctions on Russia is costing Serbia dearly. Commenting his recent talks with ranking European Union officials in Brussels, the deputy leader of the Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) said that Serbia has been “isolated from its own continent”. “European integration has been stopped and there are no new investments” because Belgrade failed to align with EU foreign policy. “According to Aleksandar Vucic, we are already paying higher interest on loans and there is a real danger of economic measures being imposed which would have a direct effect on salaries and pensions if Serbia fails to align its foreign policy with the EU and to impose partial sanctions on Russia,” Stefanovic said.


Dveri: Serbian citizens oppose Franco-German agreement (Beta)


A representative of the Serbian Dveri Movement Radmila Vasic said on 9 March that the majority of Serbia's citizens were against the Franco-German agreement and that it posed an ultimatum, the movement has said. In a talk with EU Alessandra Moretti, chair of the EP Delegation to the EU-Serbia Stabilization and Association Parliamentary Committee and European Parliament member for the Western Balkans Matjaz Nemec, she said that the EU had not succeeded in achieving a European democracy in Kosovo. "The EU is applying intolerably high pressure on Serbia and the Serbian people and not just now but for the last 20 and more years. The EU had and has an entirely wrong approach to resolving the problems surrounding Kosovo and Metohija because it is not treating it as a part of Serbia, but is putting undiplomatic pressure on Serbia to accept the secession of its southern province. Thereby, the EU is creating a new security problem in the Balkans," Vasic said and called for the annulment of the Franco-German agreement and a change in the approach to talks with Serbia.


Dveri Movement, public figures demand parliament session on Kosovo (FoNet)

The Dveri Movement and numerous public figures called on Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic to urgently schedule a special parliament session on the content of the Franco-German proposal for Kosovo prior to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s meeting with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti due on 18 March in Ohrid, North Macedonia. Vucic is also asked to explain at the session what it is that he has accepted, and to present the plans for the implementation that he has agreed to work on. “We call on all national media, especially on television stations with national broadcasting licenses, which are a public good, to urgently enable the other side to also be heard, the politicians and the intellectuals who are against accepting this agreement,” said a letter signed by the Dveri Movement and public figures. They also asked the Serbian Orthodox Church Bishops’ Council and Holy Synod to voice their opinion on the agreement under which Serbia “has agreed not to object to the membership of the fake state of Kosovo in UNESCO, which throws into question Serbia’s cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija, all our sanctuaries and the property of the Serbian Orthodox Church.” “We call on the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU) to declare itself on this matter that Serbian academicians must not be silent on. Finally we call on all political organizations, citizens’ associations, public figures and on the public as a whole to participate in an unhindered public discussion so we could all, as a people and society, take a stand on this key national and state issue,” said the letter. “It is absolutely unacceptable for just one man to decide on this matter, whoever he may be,” said the letter signed by Dveri Movement leader Bosko Obradovic, another 47 public figures and leaders of some parliamentary parties.


Prince Filip: German-French plan is offensive to Serbia and unacceptable (NSPM/Tanjug)


Prince Filip Karadjordjevic assessed the German-French plan for normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina as "offensive to Serbia and unacceptable". He posted on Twitter yesterday that neither Germany nor France would give up 15 percent of their territory if someone tried to take it away from them through secession. "What Germany and France wouldn't accept in their own countries, they shouldn't impose on Serbia," added Prince Filip Karadjordjevic in a tweet that he posted in German, French, English, and Spanish, reports Tanjug.


Serb List says will not run in elections in four municipalities in northern Kosovo (Beta)


The Serb List released a statement on 9 March saying that it would not participate in local elections because the conditions that were the reason for the party to quit Kosovo institutions had not been met, adding that it would also not participate in any election until its demands were met. In a statement the List confirmed that Kosovo's Central Electoral Commission had informed it that the deadline for applying for snap elections in the north was from 9-18 March. "This makes it more than clear that Pristina and its Central Electoral Commission are trying to organize elections in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, contrary to the will of the citizens and unilaterally, without honoring the legitimate interests of the Serb people," a statement said.


Protest held over beating of two Kosovo Serbs (Tanjug)


About a hundred residents of the Josanica village near Leposavic, Kosov and Metohija, held a peaceful protest on Thursday over a recent beating of two local Serbs by Pristina's special police. The protesters, who gathered in the village at the invitation of one of the victims' sister, said they were protesting against the terror of the Pristina authorities. They said the protest was their way of fighting anti-Serb violence by democratic means, but added that they were also ready to fight in other ways if the violence continued and in case Pristina's police, especially its so-called special troops, continued to manhandle peaceful citizens.


EU: Vucic, Kurti confirm attendance for 18 March meeting in Ohrid (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti have confirmed that they would meet in Ohrid on 18 March within the EU-mediated dialogue, the European External Action Service (EEAS) announced on 9 March. The meeting, to be hosted by the EEAS chief Josep Borrell, will focus on the finalization of the Implementation Annex to the Agreement on the path to normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations, the EEAS stated. Borrell and the EU’s special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak will first have separate meetings with Vucic and Kurti, after which they will have a joint trilateral meeting.




Ruling coalition in RS meets in Banja Luka; Dodik warns RS will leave B&H in case of usurpation of its property (ATV)


Leaders of the parties gathered around the ruling coalition in Republika Srpska (RS) held a meeting in Banja Luka on Thursday. SNSD leader Milorad Dodik assessed that the ruling coalition in the RS functions efficiently and its current focus is not on distribution of functions but on some other more important issues, including the RS property. According to Dodik, the RS will return all its property through new law on immovable property, including the property transferred to the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) earlier. Dodik warned that the RS will leave B&H in case of usurpation of its property and that the RS representatives in B&H institutions will not discuss the issue of property in the B&H Parliament or in the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM), because this issue has been resolved. Dodik noted that the issue of property needs to be respected and that the Dayton-based solution stipulates that the property is in the competence of entities. Representatives of the ruling coalition in the RS concluded in a joint statement issued after the meeting that the RS has an inviolable right to defend itself and independently make decisions in its institutions and at the level of B&H, although like never before the RS is exposed to attacks on its constitutional order and the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) that guarantees existence of B&H as a whole, by a number of various foreign factors and the Federation of B&H (FB&H) the goal of which is to condemn and upset the RS people. They warned that threats to Serbs and the RS have been more frequent and more direct, reminding that Islamic religious dignitaries and high-ranking political officials have severely insulted Serbs as a nation and their religion and culture on several occasions. Dodik noted that if property is stolen, “B&H will also be destroyed”. “Ten to fifteen years ago, the issue was military assets, prospective and non-prospective. From that issue, they extracted the entire property. You will not steal anything from us. We will separate the RS if you steal our property, and you say whatever you want”, Dodik emphasized. Dodik informed the partners that SNSD will propose a new RS Law on Immovable Property Used for Functioning of Public Authority that will restore to the RS property that was previously pre-registered to the B&H level. Dodik underlined: “Now, we will restore all property under the competence of the RS. This includes the one that was previously given to B&H. We will return everything to the RS. If you take it (property) away from us, you will dismantle B&H. We will not be in this kind of B&H.”


Lendo and Stojanovic discuss formation of FB&H government with Sarazzin (Hayat)


FB&H Vice Presidents Refik Lendo (SDA) and Igor Stojanovic (SDP B&H) met with German Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Manuel Sarazzin at the German Embassy to B&H on Thursday to discuss the FB&H government formation. Hayat reports that Lendo said after the meeting that SDA, SDP B&H and HDZ B&H should find a solution for the FB&H government and the Prime Minister, reiterating the formation of a new government will not be possible without SDA, noting there are still 28 days to reach an agreement. Lendo also said he is of view the solution for the new government is “that all are somewhat dissatisfied and satisfied”. Hayat reports that Stojanovic said he did not get the impression that anyone will react, because “the international community has no intention to make a modern state” out of B&H. He also said it is an issue that will be decided within next 30 days, and added he sees the formation of the new government without SDA’s participation. Stojanovic also stated that if the High Representative Christian Schmidt had not made changes to the electoral law “The Eight” and HDZ B&H would have already formed the FB&H government, but since those changes were made SDA now has the key without which the FB&H government cannot be formed, under the current Constitution. He further stated that it is his goal to respect the decisions of the civic majority and that Schmidt either withdraws the changes made or intervene in order to unblock the current stalemate. Lendo also gave a statement to the press in which he stated that if an intervention is required, he will support any permanent constitutional solutions and that that would be the best for all parties involved. He further commented that he and SDA will support even the civic part, and that they do not have anything against that, but only if the solutions to the blockade are permanent changes of the Constitution and not a one-time solution as he believes that temporary solutions would not be good for the current composition of the FB&H government or the future ones. Stojanovic mentioned different views on formation of the FB&H government, adding that he advocates the stance that a simple majority in the FB&H House of Representatives (HoR) should form a new government, while Lendo advocates the stance that 13 delegates who elected him must be respected at all cost. According to Stojanovic, this is a conflict of the Constitution between the civic and the ethnic principles. Lendo underlined that under the current circumstances, there is no solution without SDA and DF.


Sarrazin: It would be good if domestic politicians reach agreement on FB&H Government (N1)


N1 warned that the deadline for formation of a new FB&H government is underway while political partners failed to achieve an agreement. Speaking about this issue, German Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Manuel Sarrazin told N1 that High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt enjoys full support of Germany although he acts independently when reaching decisions. Sarrazin said that it would be good if domestic politicians reach an agreement on the FB&H government but he did not get any promises that this will be fulfilled. Sarrazin said that there is still the time before the deadline expires and he expressed hope that partners in B&H will find a way out of this situation in order to form a functional government. Sarrazin refused to comment on possible intervention of the OHR by saying that domestic politicians are responsible of this issue.


Bradara, Covic and Niksic agree on need to urgently approach formation of FB&H government (BHT1/Nova BH)


FB&H President Lidija Bradara met with HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic and SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic on Thursday. Bradara and the two political party leaders discussed the formation of the future FB&H government. Collocutors agreed that it is necessary to urgently approach formation of the FB&H government. They also expressed optimism with regard to implementation of election results, needed to fully secure functioning and overall progress of the FB&H. Bradara stated that the purpose of the meeting was to make possible a fast implementation of election results and that she is quite optimistic when it comes to implementation of election results. The importance of solving the current blockade so they can move on to personnel decisions and gaining support of both Houses of FB&H parliament for the composition of the new FB&H government was stressed throughout the meeting, Nova BH reporters noted.


Bradara is optimistic that FB&H government might be formed within 30-day deadline; Lendo: SDA will not accept Niksic’s candidacy and the fact that they are trying to push SDA out of FB&H government (FTV)


Already at the beginning of the 30-day struggle for the formation of the FB&H government, consultations and talks are being held. FB&H President Lidija Bradara, possible candidate for the FB&H Prime Minister-designate Nermin Niksic and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic discussed the completion of the process of establishing the entity government. Bradara reveals that she will present FB&H Vice-Presidents, Refik Lendo and Igor Stojanovic, with a document that proposes Niksic as candidate for the FB&H Prime Minister-designate and that also states the names of ministers in the new FB&H government. While she is optimistic that the government might be formed within the 30-day deadline, Lendo said SDA will not accept Niksic’s candidacy and the fact that they are trying to push SDA out of the FB&H government. Many believe that a reaction of High Representative Christian Schmidt will be necessary if SDA continues to block these processes in the FB&H. However, Bradara said Schmidt’s further moves would not be acceptable for the Croat people. “I will be a supporter and exhaust this possibility to try to come to an agreement, and then we will see what happens next. We stand for complete changes to the Constitution. Every time we solved something partially, it was not good”, she assessed, adding that she still believes Lendo is open for talks and negotiations on a possible solution for moving forward. “There is no letting up. The three of us appoint the Government and, here, I ultimately have to give my consent. When I see what is on the table, I will react”, Lendo told the reporters. “SB&H will not support one-time solutions regarding the formation of authorities at the FB&H level - we believe that this would be counterproductive and very irresponsible in the context of the long-term functioning of our institutions. However, the High Representative needs to resolve this situation”, emphasized SB&H representative in the FB&H parliament Admir Cavalic.


Zvizdic: SDA does not have the coalition capacity for forming the FB&H government (O Kanal)


Speaker of the B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR) and Vice President of ‘People and Justice’ (NiP) Denis Zvizdic was asked to comment on the formation of authorities in the FB&H. SDA members continue to insist that the FB&H government cannot be formed without them. Zvizdic says it is high time for SDA to accept the reality in the FB&H, and that is to accept that this party does not have the coalition capacity for forming the entity government. He says SDA should no longer lose its political dignity and simply accept that ‘The Eight’ has the coalition capacity for forming the FB&H government. If this does not happen, Zvizdic said, then it will be completely logical and expected for High Representative Christian Schmidt to react and adopt solutions that would further untangle this situation in the FB&H. He concludes that High Representative Christian Schmidt could either adopt a permanent solution to this issue, or he can go with adopting an “authentic elaboration of his decision from election night”. By making that decision on election night, Schmidt created this problem and now he should further help to resolve it, Zvizdic concluded. “If there was no reaction then, then the FB&H government would have been long ago formed by the parties of ‘The Eight’ and HDZ B&H”, he added.


Softic: It would not be good if Schmidt intervenes; He should not make worse what he has already made bad (FTV)


SDA delegate in the B&H House of Peoples (B&H HoP), SDA Vice President and President of the Assembly of the Islamic Community (IZ) in B&H Safet Softic spoke of main issues that SDA has with new state-level coalition formed by HDZ B&H, ‘The Eight’ and SNSD. “The state authorities were formed outside of the parties that won the elections. Our biggest complaint is the fact that after these elections, the SNSD-HDZ B&H axis was further strengthened. We think it is not good for this country”, Softic said. He also spoke of the political crisis in the FB&H and problems in reaching an agreement on the new FB&H government. Asked if he believes High Representative Christian Schmidt will adopt a new decision by which it would be necessary only to acquire signatures of the FB&H President and one of the FB&H Vice-Presidents so that the FB&H Government is formed, Softic underlined that it would not be good if Schmidt decided to do that. “He should not make worse what he has already made bad”, Softic added. He says Schmidt created “an impossible situation” and the HR previously said he wanted to unblock the processes in the FB&H. Softic believes that Schmidt was not successful in doing this. Directly asked if SDA will stage protests if this party is not part of the FB&H authorities, or if Schmidt imposes new decisions, Softic said SDA would never do anything that would harm the state of B&H. Those that claim that SDA is preparing protests and riots do not have any proof of their claims, Softic emphasized. He said SDA never blocked any processes in the country and will not start now, but this party and its members will always call for talks and negotiations on difficult matters. “Turbulent times are ahead of us and I believe that in the next month some things will happen that will help us understand the situation we are in”, Softic said. At the end of his interview, Softic said SDA Congress will probably be held in September and that will probably “shake things up within SDA”. “I believe that it will be an opportunity for SDA to decide which way to go”, Softic added.


B&H HoR appoints members of parliamentary commissions and delegations (BHT1)


The B&H House of Representatives (HoR) appointed on Thursday the members of joint commissions of both Houses of the B&H parliament, as well as members of the parliamentary delegations, after the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) already completed this task. On this occasion, the B&H HoR appointed members of the Joint Commission for Defense and Security, the Commission for Supervision of Work of the B&H Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA), the Commission for Economic Reform and Development, the Joint Commission for European Integration, the Commission for Administrative Affairs, the Commission for Human Rights, the Commission for Determining Conflict of Interest, and the Commission for Election and Monitoring of Work of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight against Corruption. Among other delegations, the B&H HoR appointed members of the delegations of the B&H parliament in the Inter-Parliamentary Group of B&H in the Inter-Parliamentary Union, in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), the Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE, and the Parliamentary Assembly of NATO. The composition of the commissions and delegations sparked a number of criticisms, mainly with regard to the profession of members of the commissions and their educational background.


Austrian and Italian Foreign Ministers emphasized 2023 must be year of progress for B&H, they announce their visit to B&H on March 10 (Nezavisne)


Italian Foreign Affairs Minister Antonio Tajani and Austrian Minister of European and Foreign Affairs Alexander Schallenberg penned a column noting that 2023 started on a positive note for B&H, with the country being granted the EU candidate status, and underlining that Italy and Austria strongly supported this achievement. They also praised the fact that B&H Council of Ministers was formed soon after the October 2022 General Election, with tangible progress towards EU membership as the main priority of the new authorities. Tajani and Schallenberg argued that B&H must use this positive impetus and move on with reforms that will bring B&H closer to the EU integration. They underlined that Italy and Austria will continue supporting BiH on this path. They further emphasized that B&H must make progress in fulfilment of the 15 Key priorities defined by the European Commission’s Opinion on B&H’s membership application, and in eight reform processes. “Citizens of B&H have waited too long. Too many years have been lost due to economic and political stagnation. Too much talent, too many young people, too many families had to leave the country. It is necessary that all institutions of B&H work together on providing a new impetus for the reform processes, creation of an atmosphere of mutual trust, nurturing constructive dialogue and effective cooperation”, Tajani and Schallenberg stated. They emphasized that political honesty and transparency towards citizens are very important elements, and reforms for strengthening of the rule of law and fight against corruption are decisive factors for improvement of daily lives of B&H citizens. “These reforms are crucial for prosperity of B&H and its population. This is not a bureaucratic exercise, but a legitimate interest of B&H citizens. They are an opportunity for success. Moreover, in an era marked by return of war to the European continent and growing geopolitical uncertainty, these reforms represent an investment in prosperous and safe future”, they emphasized. Tajani and Schallenberg noted that it is encouraging to see EU member states and international partners intensify their support and engagement in the EUFOR Althea mission in order to protect peace and security in B&H. According to them, the Russian aggression against Ukraine aims to undermine the foundations of international order based on rules, and it represents a direct attack on the UN Charter. Tajani and Schallenberg emphasized that B&H is expected, as an EU membership candidate, to take a clear stance and align with the common foreign and security policy of the EU. “The path to EU is a two-way road, but we must be clear: that road passes through Brussels, and not Moscow”, they noted. Tajani and Schallenberg announced that they will visit B&H on March 10 to meet with the new authorities and reiterate these messages. “As Ministers of Foreign Affairs of two countries with long history of support to B&H, we can reassure its citizens and institutions that they are not alone on this path. But it is not only Italy and Austria who believe in the common European future, the entire EU and its member states support B&H, especially in these very complex times. The EU will remain incomplete without B&H and Western Balkans”, Tajani and Schallenberg stated. They underlined that it is time for B&H Council of Ministers and citizens of B&H to embark on the path of reforms with a new impetus in order to use all the opportunities offered by the EU. “You will be the architects of your future, and we will be on your side”, Tajani and Schallenberg concluded.


Strong reactions to Schmidt’s statement on Srebrenica genocide (FTV)


FTV reports on a news that came on Thursday from Budapest. The news cannot be ignored, and it will be commented on in the coming days, FTV assessed. FTV said detail explanation of this news will be asked. Most of B&H media outlets carried the information that High Representative Christian Schmidt offended all Srebrenica victims, saying that “a genocide-style situation in Srebrenica was needed to end the war in B&H”. Strong reactions came after his address at the Balkan Forum in Budapest. Downplaying the genocide in Srebrenica in this way insults the victims and undermines international standards - is the opinion of Austrian university professor Vedran Dzihic. During Schmidt's address, Senada Selo Sabic, a senior research associate at the Institute for Development and International Relations in Zagreb, loudly protested. Baroness Arminka Helic also reacted - she wrote on her Twitter profile that genocide does not come from anywhere, and that naming the act and its perpetrators is the only way to reconciliation.


Milanovic published a letter he sent to Plenkovic (HRT)


On 22 December 2022, Croatian President Zoran Milanovic sent a letter to Croatian Prime Minister, Andrej Plenkovic, in which, according to his office, he repeatedly proposed a meeting where they would try to solve problems in the field of foreign policy, defense and national security. Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic not only did not respond to the letter from the President, but also showed no interest in a meeting and discussion, which, as stated in the press release, directly prevents solving problems in the field of foreign policy, defense and national security and harms the coordinated action of the Croatian state government. The Office of the President recalled that President Zoran Milanovic sent seven letters to the Prime Minister in the past year with the aim of solving problems in the field of foreign policy, defense and national security, but the Prime Minister did not respond to any of them, that is, he “did not show the slightest interest in these problems being solved.” The contents of the aforementioned letter are presented in full: "Dear Mr. Prime Minister, according to the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia, it is my duty to ensure the regular and coordinated operation and stability of the state government in the Republic of Croatia. Unfortunately, the Croatian government, at least when it comes to foreign policy, defense and national security, does not act in a coordinated manner, nor is it a regular situation. I will give only a few examples. In the field of foreign policy, the Government on behalf of the Republic of Croatia occasionally undertakes certain initiatives and obligations without our prior discussion and attempts to adopt a common position, which is contrary to our constitutional obligation to cooperate in shaping and implementing foreign policy. Due to the lack of communication and agreement, we do not rotate or fill vacant positions of the heads of diplomatic and other representative offices of the Republic of Croatia abroad, which is why today we have four vacant positions, while as many as 45 heads of representative offices are in office for longer than the usual mandate of four years, whereby some entered the eighth year of their mandate. I would like to mention that next year the normal term of office for another 36 heads of representative offices will expire, so the number of those who perform duties outside of the normal term of office will rise to 81 out of a total of 88. The Republic of Croatia is not allowed to participate in the EURFOR ALTHEA operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), in which even countries that are not members of the European Union participate. With this approach, the bodies of the European Union are treating the Republic of Croatia, their full member, in an unacceptable manner, and we must oppose this. Unfortunately, there was also a lack of consultation and agreement on this issue. As I pointed out at the last session of the Defense Council, but also in the letter I sent you on October 13, 2022, I also warn you on this occasion about the bad situation in the field of defense. The state of ordnance in certain segments is critical and calls into question the defense capability of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia. Unfortunately, nothing is being done to improve the situation. Due to the war in Ukraine, the situation with the acquisition of the necessary funds is now even more complicated, because the delivery deadlines are being extended, and at the same time the existing funds are running out of resources. Also, in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia, a whole series of command posts are unfilled: from the commander of the Croatian Military Academy, the commander of the Coast Guard of the Republic of Croatia, the head of the logistics department in the Armed Forces General Staff of the Republic of Croatia, the head of the operational department in the Armed Forces General Staff of the Republic of Croatia, the deputy director of the Military Security Intelligence Agency to the military representative at NATO in the EU, and thus the Republic of Croatia has been brought to a situation where, during the great war crisis, it has not had a military representative at NATO and the EU for a year. This further weakens the capability of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia. More than three months have passed since I initiated the dismissal procedure of the director of the Military Security Intelligence Agency, after which the director himself resigned. You refused the dismissal until the "appointment of a new person", however, to date, your Minister of Defense has not proposed a candidate. Due to your ignoring the situation in the Military Security Intelligence Agency, we have not even started the conversation about the appointment of a new director, and the resigned director remains in his position regardless of his responsibility as the head of the institution. Dear Mr. Prime Minister, I wrote to you about each of the mentioned topics, sometimes on more than one occasion, pointing out problems and proposing meetings to solve them. Unfortunately, I never received a reply. Nevertheless, for the sake of the welfare and betterment of the Republic of Croatia, and in order to fulfil our constitutional obligations, I decided to once again propose a meeting where we would try to solve at least some of the mentioned pressing problems. We, Mr. Prime Minister, owe it primarily to the citizens who elected us. I am convinced that you will agree that it is our duty to put personal relationships aside and fulfil our constitutional obligations in the interest of the Republic of Croatia. Regarding the format and timing of the meeting, I am open to your suggestions," wrote Milanovic.


Djukanovic: Montenegro chooses between a European state and a deviant country; Mandic: I am not Djukanovic’s enemy (RTCG/CdM)


The first debate of the candidates for the President of Montenegro was held last night on the national broadcaster RTCG. The current president and DPS leader Milo Djukanovic, the candidates of the Europe Now Movement, the Democratic Front, the United Montenegro, the Democrats and the Social Democratic Party Jakov Milatovic, Andrija Mandic, Goran Danilovic, Aleksa Becic and Draginja Vuksanovic Stankovic, respectively, took part in the debate. They answered several questions and agreed that dialogue was necessary for Montenegro. Djukanovic pointed out that the civil character of the state was under attack, and said that the presidential elections were the elections for the future of Montenegro. Milatovic was convinced that he would be the winner of the elections, and Mandic said that he was not an enemy of Djukanovic. Danilovic said that things should be set in favor of the people living here, but added that he would change the Constitution. Becic claimed that his intentions were clear to everyone. Vuksanovic Stankovic said that a woman should be the president of Montenegro, because the men showed the way they could do it.


Lekic: I’m not obstacle for Abazovic to form govt, we need to know if there’s majority for it (RTCG)


PM-designate for the composition of the government and leader of Demos Miodrag Lekic sent yesterday a letter to the leaders of the parliamentary majority, requesting information on whether there was enough support to form a government led by Dritan Abazovic. Lekic said that even though he still had the status of PM-designate, there would be no obstacles to forming a government with Abazovic as prime minister. Here are some segments from Lekic’s letter: “The formation of the government with the officially through signatures proposed PM-designate is not possible at this time. The impossibility stems from the refusal of the Black on White coalition to participate in it and thus create the necessary majority of 41 MPs. Yesterday’s meeting was interrupted in order for colleague Abazovic to look at the possibilities of finding the names of MPs who would support the government with him at the head in a sufficient number, i.e. 41 MPs. Next week, the term of office of the PM-designate expires, with other consequences of a legal and political nature. Because of the above, I am asking for an answer about the latest situation regarding the possible majority found that would support my colleague Abazovic for the formation of the government”.


Foreign Minister: Western Balkans in EU by 2030 realistic objective (MIA)


North Macedonian Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said in Budapest on 9 March that 2030 was a realistic date for the unification of the European continent through the inclusion of the

Western Balkans in the EU. "It is high time that the EU carries out and confirms the Western Balkans' open road to membership in the EU, which was set back in 2003, and which the region has labored to achieve over the past decades," Osmani said at a Balkan Forum in Hungary's capital. This, the North Macedonian foreign minister and chairman of the OSCE said, "Will be an encouragement for Ukraine as well, which faces a direct military aggression and is defending its choice to honor and belong to European values. "Osmani said this, the North Macedonian Foreign Ministry said, at a panel with Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto, Albanian Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka and Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic. According to a statement, Osmani met with numerous colleagues from around the region on the sidelines of the Balkan Forum.


Constitutional amendments to be prepared by an expert working group, the opposition has also been invited (Republika)


The government expects the opposition to join the working groups for constitutional amendments. The opposition, on the other hand, believes that early elections are needed, because this parliamentary composition, according to it, does not have a mandate to change the Constitution. In response to a journalist’s question, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski repeated that the next stage for the process of constitutional amendments is the formation of an expert working group, which will be coordinated by the Ministry of Justice, with the aim of preparing the amendments, after which there will be a broad public debate, and then a parliamentary one in several steps. We are currently talking about constitutional amendments, but none of the citizens have seen what those constitutional amendments look like. So, the first stage is to have them written by experts. We are not only talking about the inclusion of Bulgarians in the Constitution, but we are also talking about other communities that have expressed their desire to be part of our Constitution, in which there are already others that are included, Kovacevski said. As the prime minister said, the working group will include experts in constitutional law and lawyers, and experts from political parties, including the opposition ones, will be invited. I believe that the opposition should accept this, even though it has been shown in the past that they do not want to participate in anything except blocking the Parliament. However, I think that this time they should participate, Kovacevski said. EU Ambassador David Geer at the press conference in the Government on the occasion of the budget support of 80 million Euros, emphasized that the support from the European Union will increase over time, because the accession process refers to the implementation of reforms in many areas and emphasized that the country’s future and the region is in the EU. When it comes to corruption, he said that there is no tolerance for this phenomenon and it is not about identifying individuals, but about changing the system. During the parliamentary debate on the EC Country Report for 2022, the Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Bojan Maricic yesterday emphasized that the Parliament should be a forum for constructive political dialogue, especially when it comes to the EU reform agenda and work together with the Government on planning on the legislative agenda with priority on reforms, but also on the constitutional amendments that follow. According to him, the best thing for the state and the citizens when it comes to the European agenda and EU membership is to leave the parties and party interests aside and let the responsibility towards the citizens prevail and jointly fulfill the obligations of the biggest Macedonian project – ensuring membership of Macedonia in the EU. During the debate, MPs from the opposition VMRO-DPMNE emphasized that the score in this report on progress in the country is 1.61, and in 2020 the score was 2.0 and that the “pro-European coalition” and the country are going backwards. Bojan Stojanovski from VMRO-DPMNE pointed out that the Report has 145 pages and that is “just as many criticisms of the work of the Government” and “verbal slaps” for the ruling coalition. He repeated the request of the opposition party to organize early elections, and then to discuss constitutional amendments. According to him, the ruling majority lacks a double-digit number of MPs for a majority for the constitutional amendments, and not as much as it claims.


Budapest Forum, Xhacka: The EU has a more strategic approach to the Western Balkans (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka stated from the Balkan Forum in Budapest that the region sees positive signals from the EU in terms of the integration process and that the expectation is that within 2023 Albania will be able to hold the Second Intergovernmental Conference. "We see a change in the EU's approach to the region, especially after the illegal Russian aggression in Ukraine. The EU now has a more strategic approach to the Western Balkans, and the prospect of European integration is credible. Holding the EU-BP Summit in Tirana was a strong message of support for the region, but also of the EU's commitment to the European integration of the Western Balkans", she said. During her discussion, Minister Xhacka also focused on the role played by Albania in the UN Security Council in relation to the war in Ukraine. "Our country has maintained a clear and courageous position in the Security Council, denouncing aggression and working diplomatically with allies to isolate Russia. This position is in line not only with our allies, but also with our national interest, as we believe that an international system based on rules, with the UN Charter as its main pillar, is vital for the security of countries like Albania. I don't know what more the UN can do to achieve peace in Ukraine, but I can say that this peace must begin with the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine and full respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine," said she.


Xhacka: Hungary, a close and trusted partner of Albania (Radio Tirana)


The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka held a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary Peter Szijjarto. Xhacka expressed his gratitude for the continuous support he provides for Albania and the Western Balkans. The minister estimated that Hungary is a close and trusted partner of Albania. According to her, "relations between the two countries are expanding and consolidating in many areas". "We look forward to working closely together in the future," she said.


Kim meets Meta and Alibeaj: Fair and transparent elections (Radio Tirana)


US Ambassador Yuri Kim met the Chairman of the Freedom Party Ilir Meta a meeting that follows the meetings with the leaders of the political parties, within the local elections of 14 May. During the 40-minute meeting, Meta stated that the government hijacked the parliament by rejecting all requests for investigative commissions and interpellations of the opposition. "Blocking the Investigative Commissions, interpellations and a series of draft laws proposed by the Freedom Party, but also by other opposition parties, means the de facto hijacking of the Parliament by the Government, aiming at the annihilation of control over governance as well as the blocking of addressing in Assembly of the very big concerns of the citizens in relation to governance, and especially corruption", said Meta. In the end, Meta announces that he expressed in the presence of Ambassador Kim "the unshakable will of the Freedom Party to contribute to free, fair elections and within European standards". Earlier, Ambassador Kim was received at the SP headquarters by the General Secretary of the SP, Damian Gjiknuri, and then met with the acting head of the Democratic Party, Enkelejd Alibeaj, at the Presidency of the Assembly. In both meetings, Ambassador Kim expressed the support of the USA to Albania for guaranteeing free and fair elections.