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Belgrade Media Report 28 March



Vucic with Giaufret: Serbia dedicated to its European path (RTS)


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, met with the head of the Delegation of the European Union in Serbia, Emanuele Giaufret. They discussed the continuation of European integration and the dynamics of pre-accession negotiations, the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, as well as the overall bilateral relations between Serbia and the EU. President Vucic said that Serbia continues to work dedicatedly on the implementation of the reform agenda that is in line with its European orientation and national interests, including a strong advocacy for the preservation of peace and stability in the region and the normalization of relations with Pristina, which is taking place with the mediation of the European Union. "Serbia is dedicated to its European path and reform processes with the goal of a better life for all citizens and reaching the status of a full member of the European Union," wrote Vucic on his Instagram account. He expressed the hope that the EU member states will give the "green light" for the opening of cluster 3 by the end of the year, for which Serbia is fully prepared, as well as that through the Chapter 35, all the efforts that Belgrade makes in order to find and implement compromise solutions in dialogue with Pristina, will be recognized.


Ambassador Giaufret reiterated the European Union's full support for Serbia's efforts in implementing reforms and resolving all open issues. He stressed that further progress in the field of rule of law and dialogue with Pristina remains of key importance for accelerating the European path and stressed the importance of progressive harmonization of Serbia with the EU's common foreign and security policy. Serbia, he said, has the full support of the European Union in its European perspective.


The President reiterated his gratitude to the European Union for its support in the implementation of projects in the field of energy and road infrastructure, which is extremely important for Serbia, adding that our country has proven itself to be a serious, responsible and reliable partner of the Union. President Vucic and Ambassador Giaufret also discussed further improvement of cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and the EU, economic relations and projects in the field of infrastructure and the green agenda.


Lajcak and Bilcik on the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina (RTS)


The special envoy of the European Union for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, spoke in Bratislava with the rapporteur of the European Parliament for Serbia, Vladimir Bilcik, about the dialogue process. "It is good to see Vladimir Bilcik in Bratislava today. We discussed the latest developments regarding the dialogue and the details of the recent agreement, as well as the work of the European Parliament," wrote Miroslav Lajcak on Twitter.


Von Cramon: Vucic statement badly received (N1)


European Parliament Rapporteur for Kosovo Viola Von Cramon MEP told Nova daily on Tuesday that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s claim of a painful right arm preventing him from signing the Basic Agreement was very badly received in Brussels. Those words met with a very bad reception in Brussels and key European Union capitals, she said. Vucic told a news conference following the meeting in Ohrid that he has and will have an unbearable pain in his right arm preventing him from signing anything. She said that she understands that statements like that are intended for the domestic public. Von Cramon said that Vucic’s statements before the Basic Agreement was reached were praiseworthy because they paved the way for the agreement but added that it’s not up to Serbia to decide if Kosovo can join the UN.


Beta: Stano says EU will take first steps on Kosovo agreement (Beta)


The Beta news agency said it was told European Commission spokesman Peter Stano that EU institutions will take the first steps in implementing the agreement to normalize Belgrade-Pristina relations. According to Stano, the international reputation of and trust in Kosovo and Serbia is at stake and added that Belgrade and Pristina are obliged to implement the Basic Agreement and implementation annex and warned that failure to implement it will mean that they can’t progress towards EU membership. He said Belgrade and Pristina should prove themselves as partners the EU can trust. Stano said that both sides know that they will face very bad consequences if they fail to implement the agreement and very good consequences if they implement it.


Djilas: Topic of Kosovo’s UN membership depends on Russia, China (RTV)


Leader of the opposition Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) Dragan Djilas said that whether or not the topic of Kosovo’s membership in the United Nations will ever be discussed in this international organization’s Security Council does not depend on Serbia, but solely on Russia’s and China’s interests. “And then, at the (UN) General Assembly vote, it depends on whether half of the countries are willing to accept Kosovo,” Djilas told RTV. Djilas said his and his party’s position is that Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) is an integral part of Serbia, that Serbia must never recognize Kosovo’s independence or vote in favour of its membership in the UN.


Commenting on the fact that the European Union (EU) Agreement on the path to normalization between Belgrade and Pristina stipulates that Serbia will not object to Kosovo’s membership in any international organization, including the UN, Djilas said this agreement is bad for Serbia and that the SSP refused to back it precisely because of such provisions. He said he does not have a problem with recognizing documents issued by the Pristina authorities, because Serbia already recognizes Kosovo ID cards and vehicle registration certificates. “I don’t see that it makes a big difference whether it’s a passport or an identity card, the whole of Europe already travels without passports. We have to be realistic when it comes to Kosovo, to know what the situation is and what is happening there, just as we have to protect our national interest, and that is the recognition of Kosovo and its membership in the UN,” said Djilas.


Regardless of the fact that this agreement has become part of Chapter 35 in the EU accession negotiations, if this matter is ever raised before the UN, Serbia has the right to vote against it.

He said that rejecting the “bad” plan, which the EU and US consider accepted, would be very bad for Serbia and would lead to isolation, serious economic consequences and further exodus of the population.


Asked whether Serbia can join the EU without previously recognizing Kosovo’s independence, Djilas said there is no such request and that there are five EU countries that have not recognized independent Kosovo. “One of them is Spain, which, I believe, will never recognize Kosovo for its own reasons and arguments,” said Djilas, adding that Chapter 35 clearly reads that the Serbia-Kosovo agreement is its integral part, and there is absolutely no mention of Serbia’s obligation to recognize Kosovo’s independence in it. “This does not exist as a condition,” said the SSP leader. He said he does not expect the five EU countries, or any country in the world to recognize Kosovo on the basis of this agreement because it is “bad”.

“It is bad as a result of the fact that (Serbian President) Aleksandar Vucic decided to negotiate and manage it himself. This agreement is a defeat of this policy, a defeat of the fact that someone thought he could decide everything on his own, a defeat of 10 years of lies we have been living in, lies saying we are defeating Kosovo at every step,” said Djilas.


Former minister: Serbia must not allow Kosovo to join UNESCO (Beta)


Former Serbian minister of culture Vladan Vukosavljevic said on March 27 that Serbia must on no account allow Kosovo to become a part of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Commenting on Article 4 of the French-German Agreement, which states that Serbia will not block Kosovo's membership in any international organization, Vukosavljevic told Beta that Kosovo joining UNESCO would be devastating. According to Vukosavljevic, the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Serbian state are only managing to have protection and restoration measures carried out in monasteries on the world cultural heritage list. "If the preservation and protection of Serbian monasteries, churches and cemeteries passed into the hands of the so-called state of Kosovo, our history would be at the mercy of a people that has enmity for the Serbian tradition. Kosovan cultural institutions don't have the staff or expertise, and there would be no political will to preserve Serbian cultural heritage," the former minister stressed.


Asked by Beta what stance the Serbian authorities should take should Kosovo attempt to join UNESCO, Vukosavljevic said Serbia must not allow it at any cost. "Kosovo joining UNESCO would be a tragic, disastrous event for Serbian culture and history and must be prevented at any cost. Serbia must make every institutional and non-institutional effort to keep Kosovo out of UNESCO," Vukosavljevic concluded.


U.S. Ambassador: Albanian minority in Serbia exclusively a matter for Serbian state to address (Beta)


The U.S. ambassador to Serbia, Christopher Hill, said during a visit to Bujanovac on March 27 that the Brussels agreement pertained to Kosovo and not to the minorities in Serbia. “I need to be very clear when I say that the Dialogue in Brussels concerns resolving problems between Pristina and Belgrade. The purpose of the Dialogue is not to address any other issues, the issue of minorities here, or in other parts of the country,” Hill was quoted as saying by the Bujanovacke portal. The ambassador underscored that the issue of Albanian minority in Serbia was exclusively a matter for the Serbian state to address, repeating that “it has absolutely nothing to do with the Dialogue in Brussels.” According to Hill, the U.S. official policy is to support the Brussels dialogue and the agreement reached in Brussels, “an important part of which is to establish the Community of Serb Municipalities.” “The agreement that has been reached has absolutely no intent to cross borders,” the ambassador was explicit.

More houses in KiM have been robbed (RTS)


Milica Maksimovic confirmed to RTS that unknown persons broke into and robbed the house of Mitar Maksimovic's family in Suvo Dol near Lipljan, taking valuables and money. The robbery took place last night, while Mitar and his wife were not at home, their daughter Milica said, adding that she noticed the break-in at her parents' house today. "First I noticed an open window. The front door was damaged, they first tried to enter there, and then they most likely entered through the window. In the house, the thieves scattered all the things and documents on the floor," said Milica. She stated that the thieves stole around 2,000 euros in cash and valuables made of gold and silver. She pointed out that it was not the first time that their house and household had been stolen. She reminded that a tractor was stolen from the yard ten years ago. They reported the last case, and the police conducted an investigation.

Milica added that the people who stole the tractor have not been discovered, nor has the tractor been found.


During the night, unknown persons broke into the house of Zikica Stevic in Laplje Selo near Pristina and took away the hunting rifle for which he had a license and ammunition. Zikica Stevic told RTS that the thieves entered the house by going through the side door, that they left scattered things behind and that they did not take anything else except the rifle. He stated that he did not keep any valuables or money in the house. He reported the robbery to the police and the investigation is ongoing.


In recent weeks, there have been more and more frequent home invasions and robberies in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija (KiM).


Vucic with the President of Greece: Fraternal relations between Athens and Belgrade, territorial integrity of the two countries supported (RTS)


Greek President Katerina Sakellaropoulou is on a two-day visit to Belgrade. In front of the "Serbia" Palace, the Greek President was welcomed by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, followed by a "tete-a-tete" meeting and a plenary meeting of the two delegations. At the press conference, President Vucic said that relations between Athens and Belgrade are brotherly, and that both countries support the UN Charter and resolutions.


President Vucic said at the press conference that Serbia and Greece have more than traditional friendly, sisterly and brotherly relations. "It seems to me that our peoples understand each other very well, and the politicians are there to follow through the state structures what people have been feeling for a long time," said Vucic. He pointed out that he and the Greek president analysed the situation in Southeast Europe, but also on the entire continent and in the world, as well as that bilateral relations were also considered.


"Serbia and Greece confirmed their adherence to and support for the principles of the UN Charter and UN resolutions on the territorial integrity of each other, as they support ours, so we also support the integrity of the Hellenic Republic on land, sea, islands and air, that policy will not change", Vucic said. He thanked Katerina Sakellaropoulou for her clear support for the integrity of the Republic of Serbia. He stated that in the conversation with the Greek colleague, he emphasized how important it is to seek compromise solutions in the talks with Pristina, as well as to preserve peace and stability in the region. "It is vital that we continue and accelerate our European journey. I thanked the Greek Prime Minister for supporting Serbia on its European path and for trying to help even when it was not easy. I believe in further and more significant progress on the European path of our country, which is significant because of the investments", said Vucic.


The President of Greece, Katerina Sakellaropoulou, thanked the President of Serbia for the welcome. "My country has always held the opinion that Serbia belongs to the European family. We support the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and the recent talks. Our goal is to strengthen the economic position of Serbia. Our position regarding the Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) remains unchanged and stable," Sakellaropoulou said. She stated that there were pressures, but that this did not affect the Greek position on KiM. "We have consistency in our policy, it is important that the dialogue continues", said Sakellaropoulou and pointed out that Greece is ready to help both Belgrade and Pristina.


Vucic stated on his Instagram account that it was a great honour and a special pleasure for him to host Katerina Sakellaropoulou in Belgrade. "We talked about strategic cooperation between Greece and Serbia, strengthening stability in the region, the European integration of Serbia, as well as joint plans and projects. Many thanks to the Republic of Greece, the Greek people and the leadership for the sincere friendship and partnership which Serbia and its citizens know to value and reciprocate," said Vucic.


PM Brnabic welcomes Greek President (FoNet, Beta)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic welcomed Monday at the Belgrade airport Greek President Katerina Sakellaropoulou. Sakellaropoulou will meet with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic at the Palace of Serbia on Tuesday, following which they will hold a joint press conference. A plenary meeting of the Serbian and Greek delegations is also scheduled for Tuesday.


Greek President Katerina Sakellaropoulou said that her country, which hasn’t recognized the independence of Kosovo, would not change its stance. “Together with its well-known stance on Kosovo, and honoring the policy in the Western Balkans, Greece is maintaining a pragmatic and constructive approach to Kosovo, aimed at strengthening stability and security in the region, as well as overall progress in the region’s EU accession,” the president said in an interview for the Politika daily, published on March 27. President Sakellaropoulou said that “the integration of the entire region into the European Union is a mutually useful investment of strategic nature, for the members of the Union and their partners in the Western Balkans alike.” “It’s the position Greece has been committed to and advocating for decades. The EU is not complete without the Western Balkans,” the Greek president concluded.


Dacic and Botsan-Kharchenko on the situation in the region and further cooperation between the two countries (RTS)


Head of Diplomacy Ivica Dacic and Ambassador of the Russian Federation Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko discussed the situation in the region and exchanged opinions on plans and activities for further development of bilateral cooperation, as well as cooperation on a multilateral level. First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic received Ambassador of the Russian Federation Aleksandar Botsan-Kharchenko, announced the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The two interlocutors discussed the situation in the region and exchanged opinions on plans and activities for further development of bilateral cooperation, as well as cooperation on a multilateral level. The head of Serbian diplomacy once again emphasized Serbia's commitment to the policy of peace and cooperation, with the aim of preserving stability in the Western Balkans. He emphasized that Serbia will remain committed to dialogue as the only way to seek a compromise solution.


FM Dacic says Serbia will not be led into isolation over Ukraine (N1)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Monday that the authorities will not lead the country into isolation over their stand on the Ukraine war. He said that official Belgrade has left open the option of imposing sanctions on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine, adding that Serbia’s stand on that war has not changed and that it has supported the territorial integrity of Ukraine from the start. According to the Foreign Minister, Belgrade could impose sanctions on Moscow if the Serbian economy and population suffer irreparable damage and come under more pressure but added that there is no need to look into that possibility at present.


Minister to Ukrainian Ambassador: We want to help restore your cities (FoNet)


Serbia's Economy Minister Rade Basta and Ukrainian Ambassador to Belgrade Volodymyr Tolkach discussed Monday cooperation between the two countries, the current situation and the global economic consequences of the war in Ukraine, said a press release issued by the Minister’s office. Minister Basta expressed his regrets over the difficult situation and the war in Ukraine, said the press release. He said Serbia wants to help the endangered Ukrainian people, and to participate in rebuilding Ukrainian cities. “It is in our interest to cooperate with Ukraine in all areas of common interest,” said the Minister. Basta said Serbia supports Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, as well as the principles of international law, and thanked Ukraine for honoring Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty in regard to Kosovo. Ambassador Tolkach agreed that economic cooperation and overall bilateral relations between Serbia and Ukraine should be additionally improved, said the press release.


Serbian PM, Hessian minister talk advancing relations, cooperation (Beta)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met with Lucia Puttrich, minister of federal and European affairs of the German State of Hesse, in Belgrade on March 27, and discussed advancing relations and cooperation between the two sides. Puttrich said Hesse was committed to continuing to advance ties with Serbia and Vojvodina, and provide support to the Serbian authorities on the path toward European Union membership, the Serbian government said in a press release. Brnabic said Serbia's relations with Hesse were "at a high level" and that she especially valued "the significant commercial exchange" between the two, as Hesse is one of Serbia's leading economic partners within Germany. Brnabic held up a joint statement of intent to cooperate between the provincial government of Vojvodina and the Hessian government, signed in 2019, as a great boon to mutual cooperation, adding that Serbia "as a future EU member recognizes the great significance of cooperation" with European regions, the press release noted. Present in the meeting were German Ambassador Anke Konrad, members of the Hessian parliament belonging to multiple caucuses, and representatives of the Hessian Ministry of Environment and the Hessen Trade and Investment company, the statement read.


Orlic with Orban in Budapest: Serbia deeply appreciates the level of cooperation with Hungarian friends (RTS)


The President of the National Assembly of Serbia, Vladimir Orlic, spoke in Budapest with the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, about the continuation of cooperation in all areas, as well as about all key issues for the region and Europe. Orlic said that the Self-Government of the Serbs in Hungary can count on Serbia's help on all matters of interest.


In his conversation with Viktor Orban, Vladimir Orlic pointed out that Serbia deeply appreciates the level of cooperation achieved with Hungarian friends in almost all fields, whether it is the implementation of the most important infrastructure projects, such as the construction of the Belgrade-Budapest high-speed railway, mutual support when it comes to energy supply , or joint engagement on the issue of preventing illegal migration, announced from the office of the President of the National Assembly. According to him, the "seal" of the relations between the two countries and a guarantee for continued cooperation was also given by the Agreement between the Governments of Serbia and Hungary on friendly relations and cooperation in the field of strategic partnership, which was recently confirmed by the Parliament of Serbia. "Of particular importance will be the announced formation of a strategic council between the two countries. We are also extremely grateful for the help that Hungary has provided us when it comes to gas storage and the determination to give us those capacities next winter as well. We are proud of everything we do together, as and to the strong and sincere friendship between our two peoples," emphasized Orlic.


As stated, during the meeting, intensive contacts between the officials of the two countries at all levels were welcomed, primarily the friendly relationship between the Prime Minister of Hungary and the President of the Republic of Serbia. "In previous years, this friendship has produced only benefits for our two countries and our two peoples, and we sincerely want to continue to work together in that direction and with that goal in the future," said Orlic. He thanked the Government of Hungary for the attitude shown towards the members of the Serbian community in that country and the fact that their position in previous years had reached a historical maximum. He said that Serbia particularly appreciates the strong and continuous support of Prime Minister Orban, which he personally provides to our country on its European path, and clear and strong political support for Serbia on all important issues. "We extremely respect and appreciate the friendship that Hungary has towards Serbia, the friendship that we feel towards you, and be sure that you can expect support and an extended hand for any cooperation from our side - always", emphasized the President of the Assembly.


Orlic: Serbs in Hungary can count on Serbia's help


As the representatives of the Self-Government emphasized, their position reached a historical maximum in previous years. They also said that Hungary is an example of a country where minorities enjoy a high degree of rights and freedoms. "The government of Hungary primarily supports the nationalities and we, the Serbs in Hungary, have been living our golden age for the past ten years. We are glad that the governments of the Republic of Serbia and Hungary are fostering good relations, which for us, as well as for the Hungarians in Serbia, results in only concrete benefits”, representatives of the Self-Government pointed out at the meeting. They informed the President of the Assembly of Serbia about the activities they undertake to preserve the alphabet, culture, tradition and national identity, and pointed out the importance of contacts and coordination with the mother country, in order to further improve their position in those segments where there is still room for it. Orlic said that the Self-Government of the Serbs in Hungary can count on Serbia's help in all matters of interest, and the representatives of the Self-Government confirmed that, unequivocally, as never before, they have the help and support of Serbia.


Vera Pejic Sutor, President of the Self-Government of the Serbs in Hungary, Igor Dusan Rus, Vice-President of the Self-Government, Ljubomir Aleksov, Spokesman of the Serbian Nationality in the Parliament of Hungary, Borislav Rus, President of the Serbian Self-Government in Budapest, as well as Petar Lastic, Vice-President, were present at the meeting with the President of the Assembly of Serbia. Serbian self-government in Budapest, according to the announcement.


Hungarian Foreign Minister in Budapest (Beta)


Vladimir Orlic, the speaker of the Serbian parliament, and Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said in a meeting in Budapest that the two countries' excellent bilateral relations were a "guarantee that overall cooperation will be maintained and further elevated." According to a press release issued by the Serbian parliament on March 27, Orlic and Szijjarto also said they were pleased with the high rate of interaction among the two nation's officials and the high level of bilateral ties. "Hungary is our fifth largest foreign trade partner today, which is eight slots up from six or seven years ago. In commodity exchange we have noted records year after year, and we have also had a dramatic rise in investments -- over the last 12 years, Hungary has become one of the top ten largest foreign investors in Serbia," Orlic said. Szijjarto said Serbia and Hungary planned to double electric energy transport capacities to facilitate and expedite exchange. He said the two countries had succeeded in providing and guaranteeing their citizens stable fuel supply in the face of the energy crisis affecting Europe, noting that this would not have been possible without strategic cooperation.


Opposition leader: Authorities form new movement to shun responsibility (Beta)


The president of the Movement “Serbia Center” (SRCE), Zdravko Ponos, said on March 27 that the people rallied around his movement didn’t join politics to survive, but to make a difference. Ponos stressed that the way to do it was to run for office in an election, and that a party was the appropriate form. “We are creating a party because we are prepared to take responsibility, and the regime is transforming a party into a movement to shun responsibility for what it has done under the Serbian Progressive Party brand,” Ponos said for the Nova paper, explaining a decision to make Srce a party. In a comment on allegations that Serbian citizens might vote again by the end of the year, Ponos said that he’d rather expect the next election in a year, next spring to be precise, because the authorities “are not doing very well,” in any aspect, and he “doesn’t believe they would rush into a new vote next autumn.” “We are not interested in a coalition whose purpose is political survival. A coalition to win is much too early to talk about,” Ponos said, adding that “the opposition can work together on different levels and in different formats.”

Dveri: Vucic doesn’t dare utter the word “election”, President, Foreign Minister responsible for capitulation (Beta)


The leader of the opposition movement Dveri, Bosko Obradovic, said on March 27 that snap elections had become a rule under the Serbian Progressive Party, but that after Serbian president had accepted an agreement recognizing the false state of Kosovo, the feisty Aleksandar Vucic couldn’t as much as mentioned early elections. Obradovic said there were two reasons for that – either Aleksandar Vucic was aware of plunging ratings following capitulation in the face of the latest ultimatum by the West, or the Western mentors of the current authorities in Serbia had threatened that there would be no election in Serbia until the Franco-German agreement had been fully implemented. The Dveri leader said that a new election was the only fair and democratic solution for the political crisis created by the acceptance of the agreement in Brussels, on Feb. 27, and of the annex to the agreement passed in Ohrid, on March 18. Obradovic suggested that the ruling majority should use the next election campaign to promote their new policy, including Serbia’s recognizing the false state of Kosovo and introducing sanctions against Russia, which Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic had heralded. “Let’s keep in mind that Vucic can no longer hold a majority without Dacic, and that they share the responsibility for violating the Constitution of Serbia and for the capitulation,” Obradovic explained.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


HR Schmidt: Deadline for formation of the FB&H Government is just around the corner, it is time for political actors to act responsibly (FTV)


The deadline for formation of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Government is just around the corner, it is time for political actors to act responsibly, said High Representative Christian Schmidt in an op-ed for Dnevni avaz daily on Monday. He did not want to comment on the latest decision of the Constitutional Court (CC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), saying that the decisions of the highest legal instance in the country are not commented on - they are implemented.


The B&H CC decided that the changes to the Election Law imposed by Schmidt were in accordance with the Constitution and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms. Schmidt underlined that it is time for B&H to move forward, and once again invited the political leaders to a constructive conversation. “Political stakeholders must act responsibly and complete the process of forming authorities. Over the past few months, I have witnessed the widespread wilful misinterpretation of my decisions and attempts to use them as an excuse for stalling and creating a destructive atmosphere. As I have said repeatedly, the sole purpose of my October 2 decisions is to make the FB&H institutions more functional. With my October 2 decisions, I did not implement all the necessary reforms at state and entity level, nor did I want to. Elected politicians, this is your job and your obligation. I am always ready to assist, but in this case, you are the responsible ones. The deadline for the formation of the FB&H Government is just around the corner. It is time to move forward. This country needs men and women who are committed and will work tirelessly on moving B&H towards the European Union. The people of B&H deserve no less”, Schmidt said in his statement.


Nova BH notes that based on the current situation, a number of political parties are still expecting HR Schmidt to react, however the OHR has not officially confirmed that will happen. The reporter goes on to say that HR Schmidt also does not reveal further plans in his public addresses, however he reminds that the deadline to form the government will soon expire. “The deadline for the formation of the FB&H Government is just around the corner. It is time to move forward. This country needs men and women who are committed and will work tirelessly on moving B&H towards the European Union. The people of B&H deserve no less”, ready op-ed by HR Schmidt published on March 27.


‘The Troika’ issues joint press statement commenting formation of FB&H Government (Dnevni list)


Parties of ‘The Troika’ coalition - SDA, NiP and NS - issued a joint press statement urging SDA and DF to “stop spreading paranoia” regarding the possible intervention of the OHR in order to unblock the process of formation of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Government. ‘The Troika’ noted that the concern of these parties about the possible intervention of the OHR sounds dishonest, knowing that they have the possibility to prevent such action. ‘The Troika’ explained that a simple acceptance of the will of majority in the FB&H Parliament by FB&H Vice-President Refik Lendo would make an intervention by the OHR redundant. According to ‘The Troika’, the claim that appointment of the new Government by the votes of majority of FB&H Parliament members represents legal violence is wrong, and the legal violence is in reality being committed by the minority which rejects the basic principles of parliamentary democracy. ‘The Troika’ called on SDA and DF to respect democratic principles and to urge Lendo to stop blocking the appointment of the Government which enjoys support of the parliamentary majority. “In case they fail to do so, SDA and DF will be sole cause of possible, and in that case, necessary OHR’s intervention, as a competent body, which is the only one that can solve blockade”, the statement concluded.


Media carry details of HR's possible interventions to FB&H Constitution; Comments of politicians (FTV)


At the end of the deadline for appointing the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Government, the issue of possible interventions by High Representative Christian Schmidt to the Constitution of the FB&H came up again. A possible solution is circulating in the media, according to which the Government could be appointed without three signatures, but with the right of those who do not want to sign the appointment to veto the decision, for which, among other things, a two-thirds majority in the cantonal assembly in the caucus of peoples to which that person belongs is required. This further means that the appointment of the Government is left to the will of the representatives in only three cantons, which the ruling authorities and the opposition deemed unacceptable - all except HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H).


According to rumours, Christian Schmidt is preparing a solution for the FB&H because FB&H Vice-President Refik Lendo has not yet agreed to appoint the Government. Because of this, a new decision could arrive from the Office of the High Representative (OHR), according to which the Government can be appointed without all three signatures, and the FB&H President and two Vice-Presidents get the right of veto. The veto can be used only by those who have two-thirds support in the caucus of the constituent peoples in the FB&H House of Peoples (FB&H HoP), but also two-thirds support of their caucus in the assembly in the canton where there are the most numerous.


Although it has just been announced, Schmidt's possible new intervention has caused stormy reactions, especially from the opposition. While SDA claims in a statement that this path leads to “definitive ethnic segregation”, DF leader Zeljko Komsic strongly criticizes it. Thus, the decision on the appointment of the Government would be moved from the FB&H HoP to three cantons. These are the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (HNC), the Tuzla Canton (TC) and the Sarajevo Canton (SC), where the majority of delegates from the Croat, Bosniak and Serb peoples come from.


Parties that form ‘The Eight’ are also against such decision imposed by Schmidt. “If it is decided for the possible additional cantonization of B&H, I consider it a verification of the war and political actions of an abnormal political system, and we should, nevertheless, strive for democracy”, emphasizes FB&H Vice-President Igor Stojanovic (SDP B&H). ‘People and Justice’ (NiP) delegate in the FB&H HoP Aljosa Campara considers completely unacceptable any blocking of the establishment of a new convocation of the FB&H Government. “I use this opportunity to call on SDA officials not to play with the future of B&H and to respect the will of the highest legislative body in the FB&H”, he added. New amendments to the Constitution of the FB&H would bring changes, but nothing new in B&H. The same decision-making model is already applied in the B&H Presidency, where each member can invoke the mechanism for protection of the entity's vital interest and transfer the decision-making to the FB&H House of Peoples or the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA), where it needs a two-thirds majority support. Schmidt's potential intervention, it is assumed, could come in the middle of the week, at the same time that the ruling coalition announced the appointment of the FB&H Government.


Deadline to appoint new ministers in FB&H Government expires, Lendo will not support them, some speculate HR is seeking for solution (BHT1)


BHT1 reported that most of the names for new ministers in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Government are supposed to be published on Tuesday so that the FB&H President Lidija Bradara can reach a decision on appointment of the new government a day after that. BHT1 warned that the deadline that the ruling parties set for formation of the new FB&H Government is about to expire and it is clear that the FB&H Vice President (VP) Refik Lendo will not support new ministers. Meanwhile, some speculate that High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt seeks for a solution. According to BHT1, many politicians do not find previously mentioned constitutional changes acceptable while SDA argued that this means “handing over the FB&H to HDZ B&H on a plate”. According to the previously mentioned constitutional changes, the two members of the FB&H leadership can appoint a new FB&H Prime Minister (PM) without the approval of the third one, who addresses his (ethnic) Caucus in the FB&H House of Peoples and a Canton with the ethnic majority to which he belongs. This means that Lendo will have to seek the support of the two-third of delegates in the Bosniak Caucus and the support of the two-third majority in the Tuzla Canton (TC) Assembly. SDA’ Muamer Zukic said that this does not make any sense. Zukic asked why would only Bosniaks in the TC decide about the Vital National Interest of all Bosniaks. Zukic argued that in this way, the FB&H will be handed to HDZ B&H and parties gathered around the HNS on a plate, while Bosniaks will be deprived of power in the FB&H – where they are actually the majority.


The reporter noted that the ruling majority believes that the HR Schmidt will make the next move and thus, SDP B&H will assume the post of a new FB&H PM and four ministerial positions. However, some members of SDP B&H see problems with Schmidt imposing some solutions. SDP B&H’s Irfan Cengic assessed that involving the Cantons into the process of formation of the FBIH is anti-European and anti-civil action aimed to create more divisions which makes elections and the Parliament pointless. The NiP’s Aljosa Campara also said that there is no logic that the authorities depend on only one Canton, while NS MP Predrag Kojovic said that this is not good. The NiP and the NS are expected to propose names of two new ministers. According to the reporter, members of the HNS believe that a new FB&H Government will be formed either as a result of agreement or Schmidt’s interventions although they do not seek for this kind of a decision. SBIH, the NES B&H and PDA are expected to assume the rest of the ministerial positions.


SDA demands from Schmidt to confirm or deny speculations on his possible imposition of new decisions in FB&H; SDA prepared to let HDZ and 'The Eight' to form FB&H authorities if they amend FB&H Constitution (Nova BH)


The reporter notes that the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Government formation process is still at standstill, whilst politicians are trying to reach a compromise but with not much success. The reporter goes on to say that tension seem to be reaching its peak ahead the decision on the FB&H Government appointment, expected to be signed Wednesday by FB&H President Lidija Bradara (HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)). In order for the decision to be legitimate, Bradara will need signatures by FB&H Vice Presidents Refik Lendo (SDA) and Igor Stojanovic (SDP B&H). However, since Lendo clearly will not sign the decision, there are increasingly frequent speculations that High Representative (HR) in B&H Christian Schmidt may again invoke the Bonn Powers.


Nova BH reports that SDA has called on HR Schmidt to address the public and explain whether he is planning to impose new decision. “If he opts for this or similar solutions, it will become clear that the HR and individual ambassadors are trying to reduce the Bosniak majority in the FB&H and the state of B&H to the level of a national minority that will be governed by political parties with Serb and Croat prefixes, i.e. by Belgrade and Zagreb’’, reads the statement of SDA issued after the SDA Collegium session held on March 27. SDA has also proposed a potential solution, i.e. the political party will support amendments to the FB&H Constitution that envisage appointment of the FB&H Government “by the will of the majority in the FB&H Parliament”, although that would mean the FB&H Government without SDA in this mandate.


Commenting on the issue, SDA’s Nezir Pivic said that until changes are made, existing regulations must be adhered to. “Essentially, the FB&H President and Vice Presidents should nominate, i.e. appoint the Prime Minister and the government, and I do not understand the attempts to avoid Mr. Lendo and why there are no efforts to reach an agreement”, said Pivic.


US Ambassador Murphy: USA is not enemy of Serb people and there is no intention to abolish RS, we deeply respect all citizens of B&H; Dodik used to be promising politicians but he has changed (Nezavisne)


The daily carried an interview with US Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Michael Murphy who commented the decision of the Republika Srpska (RS) Government to terminate contacts with US and UK diplomats. Murphy said that it is important to make a distinction between “aggressive untruthful discourse which is being advocated by some representatives of the political elite in the RS” and the opinions of the ordinary citizens of the RS. “These are two completely different things. I deeply respect citizens of B&H wherever they live, and I know that people here are too wise to allow themselves to fall for something which is completely obviously an untruthful discourse and attempt of manipulation, regardless of whether such manipulations come from politicians from Banja Luka, or Sarajevo or Mostar”, said Murphy. According to him, the latest developments in the RS represent an attempt to spread fear. However, he noted, he is not surprised because political leaders always try to divert attention away from their actions. “I want to say another important thing: There is not a single reason for citizens of the RS, or anybody else in BiH, to have fear of the USA or to mistrust the USA”, Murphy emphasized that reminded that he clearly said in his first press conference in B&H that the USA does not have the intention to abolish the RS. He also underlined that USA is not and will never be an enemy to the Serb people. Murphy reminded that the USA has been assisting the RS for years in many areas such as infrastructure, agriculture, tourism and demining. He noted that this is not something that enemies do, but enemies to attempt to deprive citizens of their rights, limit freedom of journalists and eliminate freedom of assembly and speech.


Asked to comment the sentiment of the Serb people towards Russia, which is often highlighted by RS President Milorad Dodik, Murphy said that the Russian people and the regime of Vladimir Putin are not the same. He explained that the USA is aware of the historic ties between the Serb and Russian people and respects them. However, he underlined, there are also strong ties between the USA and the people from the Balkans. Murphy added that thousands of Serbs live in the USA, and those who live in B&H are oriented towards the West. He also noted that when they decide to emigrate, Serbs do not go to Russia, but to countries of the West.


Asked to comment the fact that Dodik used to be viewed as a favourite of the USA while his relations with the USA are very strained now, Murphy said that Dodik used to be a very promising politician, dedicated to progress and reconciliation. “That man changed drastically. Today, he uses populism and xenophobia in order to pursue his narrowly defined interests, leading the RS in the wrong direction. If you do not believe me, look at some of his quotes. What he is saying now is detrimental to the RS and the people he claims he represents. US policy however is not created based on behaviour of one person, no matter if it is Banja Luka, Sarajevo or Mostar. Dodik denies the existence of B&H. He claims that the RS is a state, something separate from B&H. All these things make it difficult for B&H to become an EU member, for example. He denies the genocide in Srebrenica, he is trying to take away the basic rights and freedoms of RS citizens, etc. All of this is done by him, and not some imaginary enemies”, said Murphy. He noted that ordinary people have different problems, and they want the rule of law, better business environment, lower utility prices and similar.


Murphy: B&H Parliament needs to adopt law on state property, RS's interests will be represented by its representatives in Parliament (Nezavisne)


The daily carried an interview with US Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Michael Murphy. Speaking about the issue of the state property, Murphy said that the situation is very clear because B&H Constitutional Court decided that property belongs to the state. However, he emphasized, B&H Parliament needs to adopt a law that will regulate how the property will be used. Murphy emphasized that the issue is not a matter of someone stealing someone else’s property, but it is a matter of best possible use of the property for economic and other purposes. Murphy argued that the legal status of the property must be resolved, so that municipalities and other title-holders can use the property. “It is now up to the Parliament to sit down and reach an agreement. As far as I know, Republika Srpska (RS) has its representatives there in both Houses. I think they are people who are completely capable of engaging in dialogue and resolving all these disputable issues”, said Murphy.


RS authorities announced rigorous measures if property law is imposed in B&H (O kanal)


Representatives of the Republika Srpska (RS) authorities announce “rigorous measures” if High Representative Christian Schmidt imposes the law on state property, and the Office of the High Representative (OHR) does not want to comment on speculations. The story of the appropriation of state property and the passing of law that will solve that issue is more current than ever. Schmidt might soon impose a law that will solve this issue. If that happens, the RS officials say they will “go from blockades to secession”. “I think that this time it will be necessary to withdraw from all Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) institutions. Now much more rigorous. All judges, all our generals and all our officers from the Armed Forces (of B&H) would have to be withdrawn. We would have to withdraw absolutely everyone, from institutions that refer both to the state border service and SIPA (State Investigation and Protection Agency). Simply, to completely return to our territory and to run it in the way we know how”, said representative in the B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR) Milan Petkovic. RS President Milorad Dodik, when asked what the RS will do if Christian Schmidt imposes a property law, was even more radical. “We will go to the (RS) National Assembly and declare independence”, Dodik was quoted as saying.


Vucic draws comparison between Sandzak and RS: Times of secession have passed (Dnevni avaz)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated on Monday that Sandzak will not secede from Serbia, because this would mean that 68 municipalities with Serb majority will secede from Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and he added that time of secessions has passed. Vucic stressed that five time more Bosniaks are now coming to Belgrade to live than to Sarajevo, adding that many things have changed. “There are extremists on all sides. When one of their leaders came to Pazar, and I believe that Ugljanin spoke about fascist Serbia. And they ask me what will I do. They say that they will secede Sandzak. What, they will secede three municipalities and 64 municipalities in Republika Srpska (RS) with Serb majority and four more in the Federation of B&H, will not secede? Please, leave this nonsense aside, let us all live nicely. Where will you secede, those are past times,” said Vucic.


Spiric and Radmanovic respectively meet with Ambassador Kalabukhov; They discuss current situation in B&H and region as well as global challenges (RTRS)


Deputy Speaker of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives (HoR) Nebojsa Radmanovic (SNSD) met on Monday with Ambassador of Russian Federation to B&H Igor Kalabukhov. Two officials concluded that bilateral relations between B&H and Russia are good, but also burdened with relations between the West and Russia. Kalabukhov informed Radmanovic about implementation of Russian special operation in Ukraine. Speaker of B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Nikola Spiric (SNSD) talked with Kalabukhov about current situation in B&H and region as well as about global challenges.


Becirovic proposes adoption of action plan for fulfilling 14 key priorities from EC’s Opinion (Dnevni avaz)


Member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency, Denis Becirovic, submitted a proposal to discuss at the session of B&H Presidency the Proposal Conclusions for Adoption of Action Plan for Fulfilling 14 Key Priorities from European Commission’s Opinion on B&H’s EU Membership Application. Becirovic noted that the proposal conveys a clear message that declarative consensus on European integration has to turn into clear consensus on EU membership. “With concrete measures and deadlines for fulfilling of conditions, B&H institution will take over the obligation to carry out obligations established by action plan, in line with priorities from the EC’s Opinion,” stated Becirovic, reminding that with signing the SAA, B&H took over the obligation of gradual harmonization of its legislation with EU’s acquis communautaire. He noted that decision of the European Council from past December, to grant status of EU candidate to B&H, presents a strong incentive and added that adoption of Action Plan would secure assumptions for establishing of faster progress integration process. Article reads that Becirovic discussed the Proposal with Head of EU Delegation and EU Special Representative Johann Sattler, who supported the proposal.


Chair of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic commented abovementioned announcement. Cvijanovic said that the Presidency can present its attitude towards the EU integration process, but it does not have competence to adopt laws or action plans. She explained that the role of the B&H Presidency can be providing of certain political impulse. She added that in line with their position and constitutional competences, the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) and entities’ governments have a key role in abovementioned process. Cvijanovic went on to saying that in this process, no institutions or authorities can fulfil tasks that are obligations of other institutions and authorities. “That is why, joint acting through established system of coordination is of key importance”, explained Cvijanovic. She went on to saying that if political promotion or positioning of B&H institutions as exclusive actors in the EU integration process is sole intention, this is nothing but losing of time.


EUD says proposed laws in RS on defamation and non-profit organizations are step in wrong direction, Dodik’s statements on discriminating LGBT people in educational institutions are inappropriate (BN TV)


The EU Delegation (EUD) to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) has called on Republika Srpska (RS) authorities to withdraw the proposed controversial laws and discriminatory initiatives. “The adoption in the RS National Assembly (RSNA) of draft amendments to the Criminal Code to criminalize defamation is clearly a step in the wrong direction. These legislative changes would impose unnecessary and disproportionate restrictions on independent media and civil society, resulting in a chilling effect on media freedom and freedom of expression. The decision of the RS Government to adopt the Draft Law on NGOs is equally regrettable, as it further shrinks the environment for civil society, limiting the work of CSOs and thus the exercise of freedom of association and assembly,” the EU Office in B&H said in a statement.


The EUD also pointed out that the announcements made by the RS President Milorad Dodik about the introduction of a ban on the LGBT population in educational institutions are discriminatory and unacceptable, especially for a country that is a candidate for EU membership. “The EU Office shares the aspiration of the citizens of B&H for the country's European future, and this aspiration also requires the adoption of EU values. We expect the RS authorities to withdraw the proposed laws and discriminatory initiatives”.


RS politicians criticize EUD's call to RS authorities to withdraw proposed laws regarding defamation and non-governmental organizations (ATV)


The EU Delegation (EUD) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) stated that they expect Republika Srpska (RS) authorities to withdraw the proposed laws and, as they said, discriminatory initiatives. The EUD believes that the decision of the RS Government to adopt the Draft Law on the Special Register and Publicity of the Work of Non-Governmental Organizations is regrettable, as it limits the work of civil society organizations and thus the exercise of freedom of association and assembly.


SNSD representative in the RS National Assembly (RSNA) and member of the Committee for European Integration Srdjan Mazalica said that the EUD is under influence of foreign embassies and that they have double standards, i.e. that they demand greater transparency for certain areas, while they oppose the transparency in the work of non-profit organizations, which is required in the Draft Law on the Special Register. It was requested that the amendments to the RS Criminal Code criminalizing defamation be withdrawn. Member of the Serb Caucus in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Milan Petkovic reminded that the RS and its institutions, according to the Constitution, have the authority to enact laws, and that constitutional courts make decisions on constitutionality. Therefore, the EUD’s calls are unnecessary, especially considering that most European countries treat defamation and insult as a criminal offense in their legislation, said Petkovic. The Speaker of the RSNA Nenad Stevandic said that many diplomats in B&H behave like colonial administrators and that in the process of joining the EU, the authority of local authorities must be shown, not fear and subservience.




Abazovic offers that Montenegro hosts a new round of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina (CDM)


Montenegro is ready to contribute and support the process of normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, stated Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic and offered that Montenegro host a possible new round of dialogue. "We have excellent relations with all neighboring countries, and we are eager to help in any way, including logistical support," Abazovic said, during his visit to the USA. He offered for Montenegro to host a possible new round of negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina. "We are not part of the dialogue, but I believe that the European proposal represents a good, win-win solution for both Serbia and Kosovo", stated Abazovic and pointed out that the official Podgorica "plays the role of a conciliator" in the region. He emphasized that the most important thing is that the agreement be implemented. "But in order for that to happen, they have to stick to what they agreed on," said Abazovic.


North Macedonia


Western Balkans vulnerable to third-party influence (MIA)


North Macedonian Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said on March 27 that the Western Balkans was especially vulnerable to strategic competition and malicious influence by third parties attempting to use weaknesses and unfinished Euro-Atlantic integration to their own ends. "The solution is in accelerated democratic reforms to bolster resilience, but also in strengthening and coordinating cooperation between NATO and the European Union in closing the circle of Euro-Atlantic integration in the region and the completion of democratic transformation," Osmani said at a NATO Breakfast held in honour of the third anniversary of North Macedonia joining NATO. North Macedonian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski said it was "clear that Euro-Atlantic orientation of the region was necessary in service of European peace and stability and in the interest of prosperity." "By joining NATO and beginning negotiations with the EU, with the concept of an equal society, brave but statesmanlike decisions protecting identity qualifiers and national identity, functional policies of dialogue and understanding, the Republic of North Macedonia is today a force for stability in the Western Balkans," Kovacevski said.


Ukrainian Ambassador Larysa Dir spoke as a special guest, voicing gratitude for North Macedonia's support to Ukraine and stressing that it was "vital" to Ukrainian fighters defending Ukraine and democratic values with their lives. The NATO Breakfast opened NATO Days in North Macedonia, scheduled until April 4, the 74th anniversary of the alliance.


Skopje, Tirana urge Serbia and Kosovo to implement Ohrid Agreement without delay (MIA)


The foreign ministers of North Macedonia and Albania, Bujar Osmani and Olta Xhacka, urged Serbia and Kosovo on March 27 to implement the agreement they had reached in Ohrid without delay. Osmani said at a joint press conference with his Albanian counterpart that they had discussed the Serbia-Kosovo agreement reached in Ohrid, and agreed that the agreement existed and that the two parties should implement it without delay, in which they could count on support and assistance. North Macedonia’s foreign minister underscored that Skopje and Tirana believed it was of utmost importance that the agreement, in conformity with the fundamental principles and elements thereof, should be comprehensive and that, at some point, it should result in mutual recognition.


The Albanian minister said that they had welcomed the agreement reached in Ohrid on March 18, including an annex to support the normalization of Kosovo-Serbian ties. “We believe that the agreement will improve the Euro-Atlantic perspective for the Western Balkans, and we also welcome the engagement by the EU and the U.S. in the implementation of the annex, which is an integral part of the normalization agreement,” Olta Xhacka said on March 27, during an official visit to North Macedonia.


Xhaferi-Xhacka: North Macedonia and Albania build excellent bilateral relations (MIA)


Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi met Monday with Albanian Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka, saying North Macedonia and Albania build excellent bilateral relations, including a productive political dialogue and cooperation in many fields of mutual interest. Speaker Xhaferi said both countries share common foreign policy goals and interests regarding the European Union membership, cooperation within NATO and enhancement of regional cooperation, the Parliament said in a press release. Xhaferi referred to the country's chairmanship over OSCE and the Adriatic Charter-A5, as well as the coming presidency with the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP). The Speaker highlighted the significance of infrastructure projects in the two countries, for the purpose of increased exchange of people, commodities and services, adding that the road, energy and railway networking remains a priority. Minister Xhacka said the constructive communication between the two countries is a model for successful cooperation among neighbors in the region, whereas the intensity of visits at all levels is one of the best indicators of the quality of bilateral ties. Both countries attach significant importance to the Euro-Atlantic perspective of the area and are successfully implementing the EU screening process. Xhacka added that the EU enlargement process is linked not only to the stability and security of the Balkans but also security of the EU and the European continent. On the constitutional changes, the Albanian FM said it is a political process that requires great will and noted that all political factors should consider the interest of the country and its citizens. Interlocutors stressed the countries' commitment for comprehensive development of the Western Balkans and welcomed the outcome of the recent Berlin Process summit and the progress made in the free movement of citizens, recognition of IDs, university certificates and professional qualifications. Agreements signed within the Open Balkan initiative are also of enormous significance and a joint priority. In addition, Xhaferi and Xhacka exchanged opinions on regional developments in the context of the Russian aggression in Ukraine, as well as the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue. Considering that North Macedonia and Albania will mark the 30th anniversary of bilateral ties in 2023, interlocutors expressed assurance that long-standing partnership, development of relations and cooperation in numerous spheres of mutual interest will continue to enhance, reads the press release.


Moscow: Skopje’s decision to donate helicopters to Ukraine is a huge mistake (MIA)


Spokesperson of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova said at a press conference that the donation of helicopters MI-24 from North Macedonia to Ukraine is a mistake. “We were recently informed that the government of North Macedonia is about to donate several military helicopters to Ukraine, a decision that we shall estimate as a great mistake by the government in Skopje,” Zakharova said. 7 Few days ago, Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska confirmed that the Defense Ministry is considering to donate 12 helicopters MI-24 to Ukraine as assistance to their defense against the Russian aggression.




Xhacka-Pendarovski: The EU must maintain the intensity of the integration process (Radio Tirana)


The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Olta Xhacka, held a meeting with the President of the Republic of North Macedonia, Stevo Pendarovski. Xhacka informed that excellent bilateral relations and their importance for stability in the Western Balkans were discussed at the meeting. "We share the same opinion that the EU should continue to maintain the intensity of the integration process, taking into account the context of the war in Ukraine and the threats to the security and stability of the Western Balkans", the minister emphasized.

In the framework of the official visit to North Macedonia, Xhacka encouraged political actors to fulfil their commitments to pave the way for the integration process.


Begaj at the Austrian Business Forum: To enhance economic ties (Radio Tirana)


Albanian President of the Republic, Bajram Begaj and the Federal President of the Republic of Austria, Alexander Van der Bellen participated in the Austrian Business Economic Forum, which took place today in Tirana. Taking the floor at this meeting, Begaj said that, "the presence of Austrian entrepreneurs in the delegation is a very significant indicator, which shows my friend's attention and desire to further promote these relations". During the meetings, he continued, we had the pleasure to appreciate that apart from the early historical and quite friendly ties, it is in the best common interest to continuously strengthen and expand the economic ties between Albania and Austria.


"Albania has always seen in Austria a supportive and very capable political and economic partner, powerful and with a lot of experience. In a very symbolic way, this Forum is organized today in the premises of the first serious Austrian investment in Albania, by the entrepreneur Robert Rogner. He was not only the pioneer of Austrian investments in Albania, but above all the founder of a new hotel-tourism industry in Albania", said the President. Begaj praised the entry into the Albanian market of Raiffeisen Bank, followed by well-known Austrian companies in the field of insurance and legal consultancy, which, as he said, "not only created a new industry in the respective fields, but they became the promoters main for building credibility at the international level of the Albanian market, as well as for the further absorption of foreign investments". Albanian President also greatly appreciated the subsequent involvement of Austrian companies and enterprises with serious and very significant investments in all important strategic sectors, both in the energy and infrastructural fields.


Memorandum of Understanding with Italy on trade and investment opportunities for agricultural enterprises (Radio Tirana)


During the official visit of the Italian delegation to Tirana, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Frida Krifca and her Italian counterpart, Francesco Lollobrigida, signed the Memorandum of Understanding between the two countries in the field of agriculture. At the core of this memorandum is increased cooperation in several important areas and the promotion of trade and investment opportunities for businesses, especially in the agro-industry and food processing sectors. Also, an important place is the promotion of technological cooperation in the field of agricultural mechanization and agronomic techniques as well as other developing aspects of Agriculture. The visit of the Italian Minister Lollobrigida comes after the visit of Krifca to Italy last December, when it was agreed on the deepening of cooperation in important areas for both countries, such as the possibility of increasing the presence of Albanian products in the Italian market, increasing the potential of cooperation for olives cultivation or even the direct ties of collection points with Italian superstores for fruits and vegetables.