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Belgrade Media Report 13 April 2023



Vucic: Provocations are Pristina's sole objective as it wants to get us into war with NATO (B92/Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


The meeting was scheduled after the Kosovo police shot a Serb, Milan Jovanovic, and a protest was held regarding that attack. The representative of the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, Dalibor Jevtic, stated that today's position of Serbia is much stronger and stated that the new measures would not be possible if it were not so. He stated that the Serbs were in custody for a year and a half because of accusations that they engaged in illegal activity. "That's the image of what Kurti calls democracy and justice. That's the picture of the attitude towards Serbs. 99 people are under investigation in the municipality of Strpce. This craziness knows no limits. Their goal is to make our life as difficult as possible. It's never been worse," he said. Perica Maric, from Kosovska Mitrovica, head of transport and logistics of KBC Mitrovica, and father of five children, spoke to the president about the problem of medical transportation. "Specifically, it is about patients from Kosovo and Metohija that we send to central Serbia. They mistreat our drivers in Jarinje, they keep them longer than necessary, they open ambulances, which is intolerable," said Maric. He points out that Albanians continuously create problems for our people and thanked the president for listening to him.


"We warned them that ZSO must be formed"; Proposal forwarded to Brussels

"They are not interested in when the ZSO will actually be formed, and accordingly they organized elections in the North, even though we warned them that the ZSO must be formed, because it cannot be done without it. The Serbs will not return to the institutions without it.
Based on the 4 percent of them who live in North Mitrovica, they will provide Kurti to be the mayor. They say that it is important that we hold legal elections, and to all that you have a message from the West, which says that we should not interfere with it". Vucic points out that there is a big problem with the plates, and that yesterday we forwarded our last proposal to Brussels. "If they don't accept it, we will talk here today, I can't say that we will implement reciprocal measures, since we do not have the same status, but we will implement measures that will make a significant and serious response to the side that mistreats our citizens," said Vucic.


Vucic read the conclusions

"We will draw up certain conclusions where we will try to oblige the government as well," Vucic began and listed several proposed measures. "Then, after talking with you, we will come to some conclusions that will be obligatory to the government. As I said, we will raise the temporary fee for beneficiaries in Kosovo and Metohija, from 11,000 to 20,000 RSD. That is not a small amount, when you look at the effect on the budget. It is possible to change it, it is only our proposal. It is also about the economic empowerment of people in Kosovo and Metohija. I think it is an important measure for all local governments in Kosovo and Metohija. The health care system will be improved by employing 50 doctors and 50 nurses and added that young couples would get a once-off payment of 50,000 RSD for their first child, compared to the 12,000 RSD they got so far. This is extraordinary news for our people in Kosovo, and it will amount to 2,051,282 euros annually".


"The only goal is to draw us into a conflict with NATO"

"I know that you have made a decision not to participate in the elections, and I call on all the people of Kosovo to be united and that when you make a decision, everyone respects it. Kurti will be your mayor of North Mitrovica. In the agreement from 2015, it is written that the Republic of Serbia has the right to funding ZSO. You know what that means for our people. Our hands are partially tied". Vucic adds that he is always to blame for whatever Kurti does, and that he will not waste time answering to people who have no responsibility.


"We have to wait"

"The only news that would make you happy is the entry of the Serbian army into Kosovo and Metohija, and only then would you feel safe. I think that the policy we lead must be a policy of responsibility. We have to wait and build Serbia, and if they do what we talked about and if it becomes obvious and clear that their intention is expulsion, take my word for it that we will not allow it and it will not happen," Aleksandar Vucic said. "I will do everything in my power so that it never happens," he emphasized.


US Congressman meets with Brnabic, Dacic in Belgrade (Beta)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic had talks yesterday with a member of the US Congress Eric Swalwell about bilateral relations, cooperation in commerce and economy and stepping up the efforts towards peace and stability in the region. Congressman Swalwell thanked the prime minister for “a constructive conversation,” for Serbia’s activities in developing regional cooperation and for the way in which Belgrade is approaching the process of normalization of relations with Pristina. Swalwell said that, after this visit, he would return to the Congress with a message that Serbia was an economically strong and stable country, with a growing commercial potential and a good investment climate. Brnabic stated that the U.S. was one of the most important economic partners of Serbia and that economic cooperation was intensively developing in various fields, it was stated by the government. During a meeting with Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, the US official declared Washington’s support to the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue within the process of normalization of relations. He welcomed Serbia’s efforts in improving the economic trends, stating that the US was attempting to provide it with the necessary support on that path, stated the Foreign Ministry.


Brnabic thanked Spain for its principled stance of respecting territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met yesterday with Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs José  Manuel Albares Bueno. At the beginning of the meeting, the Prime Minister wished welcome to Albares Bueno, given that this is his first official visit to our country. In an open and cordial conversation, the interlocutors agreed that the political relations of the two countries are excellent, that they are based on solid foundations, and that they represent a strong support for further strengthening of cooperation in other areas, with special reference to the economy and trade. Brnabic thanked Spain for its principled stance of respecting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia. Brnabic informed the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain about the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, drawing attention to provocations on the ground, attacks and harassment of the Serbian population, desecration of cultural heritage, as well as the fact that Pristina is not implementing its obligations from the Brussels agreement. When it comes to European integration, she thanked Spain for its support to Serbia. In light of Spain's presidency of the EU Council in the second half of 2023, the Prime Minister particularly emphasised the importance of today's signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on the improvement of cooperation in the field of European integration between the two countries. Minister Albares Bueno underlined that the friendship between the two countries is strong, that the political relations between Serbia and Spain are excellent, and that Spain will play an important role in the enlargement policy during its presidency of the EU Council.


Further improvement of cooperation between Serbia, Spain (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain Jose Manuel Albares assessed today that the economic cooperation of the two countries has improved significantly, but that there is room for further progress. At a joint press conference with Albares, Dacic stated that the foreign trade exchange of the two countries reached almost €1.5 billion, but that it is important to continue working on the improvement of economic relations. He emphasised that the relations between the two countries are excellent and friendly and that they are on the rise, and new momentum was given to those relations by last year's visit to Serbia by Prime Minister of Spain Pedro Sanchez, and also by President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic’s visit to Madrid. The First Deputy Prime Minister pointed out that Serbia is grateful to Spain for its firm stance, which is of great help to us, when it comes to the principles of preserving sovereignty and integrity. When we talk about Kosovo and Metohija, we are not only talking from the point of view of our interests, but also from the point of view of respect for the universal principles of international law, Dacic said, pointing out that this attitude of Spain is extremely important for Serbia. He said that Serbia also supports the integrity and sovereignty of Spain in relation to various separatist ideas and movements that are also trying to achieve their goals with unilateral acts. Albares stated that the main topics of the conversation were bilateral relations between the two countries, dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, as well as how to bring the Western Balkans closer to the European Union. He said that the Western Balkans can count on Spain during its presidency of the EU, adding that Spain undertook to support Serbia in its European aspirations by the Memorandum of Understanding, which he signed yesterday with Minister of European Integration Tanja Miscevic. The Minister said that the tour of this region began with a visit to Serbia because Serbia is an important partner of Spain in all areas of cooperation, noting that the foreign trade exchange between the two countries has exceeded €1 billion and that Spain wants its companies to be more present in Serbia. He particularly emphasised the importance of the work of the Cervantes Institute in Belgrade, the only one of its kind in the Balkans, which plays an important role in cultural exchange and contributes to greater learning of the Spanish language.


Petkovic with Romanian Envoy about Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (RTV/Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic met yesterday with the special envoy of the MFA of Romania for the Western Balkans Adrian Davidoiu, who he informed about the discussions within the technical dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, which were held last week in Brussels. Petkovic emphasized that for the first time in the last few years, concrete steps for the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities were discussed, the text of the Declaration on Missing Persons was agreed upon, and energy and license plates were also discussed, according to the announcement of the Office. “The Serbian side has shown, as always up to now, that it is a reliable and constructive interlocutor, which is ready to respect all commitments, but that it will not give up on its red lines,” Petkovic pointed out. He discussed with the interlocutor the increasingly difficult situation of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, their daily arrests and harassment, particularly pointing out the case of Milan Jovanovic, who was wounded by a member of the Kosovo police the night before last, and Pristina tried in every way to cover it up. “This clearly shows that the Kosovo police are not in the north of Kosovo and Metohija to ensure peace and security, but to terrorize and intimidate Serbs,” Petkovic said. He thanked the Romanian diplomat for the consistent support of his country’s government to Serbia’s policy on Kosovo and Metohija and expressed the expectation that the traditionally friendly relations between the two countries and two peoples will continue to improve in the coming period.


Drecun: Kurti's tactic geared towards attempt of ethnic cleansing of Serbs (Tanjug)


The Chairman of the parliamentary committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun said on Wednesday the tactic employed by Pristina's PM Albin Kurti was geared not only towards intimidating Serbs but also towards an attempt of completing the ethnic cleansing underway in Kosovo and Metohija for years. "Kurti's rise to power doubled the terror against the Serbs," Drecun said in a statement to Tanjug. He said one type of terror was "institutional terror, where the electoral will of the Serbs is not respected, the Serbs are treated as second-class citizens, the police treat them in the most brutal way and courts and prosecutors' offices do not do their job the way they should in cases that are about the Serbs". "On the other hand, special parapolice units use physical violence and torture, especially in the north of Kosovo and firearms are used increasingly frequently," he said. This could also be some kind of an exit strategy for Kurti, who wants to avoid the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities at all costs, he said. It is only by causing severe destabilisation that Kurti could now resist the pressure to form the Community, Drecun added. Drecun also said he assumed that Thursday's meeting of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and government members with political representatives of Kosovo Serbs would address the present security situation in Kosovo and Metohija and ways in which Serbia should continue to help the survival of Serbs there. The most important thing is to agree the order of steps to be taken to stabilise the situation for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, Drecun noted, adding that upcoming elections in Kosovo could lead to further deterioration of the security situation for the Serb population.


Vucevic: False allegations of supply of weapons, ammunition to Ukraine (Tanjug)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic pointed out yesterday, regarding the allegations by the British agency Reuters, that Serbia has not and will not sell weapons to either the Ukrainian or Russian sides during the conflict. Vucevic emphasised that he denied those falsehoods more than ten times, adding that someone's goal is obviously to draw Serbia into that conflict, but that we consistently stick to our established policy. There is always a possibility that weapons will somehow magically be found on the territory of the conflict, but that has absolutely nothing to do with Serbia, the Deputy Prime Minister underlined. He pointed out that this is a question for those countries that do not respect international norms and contractual clauses of business and reiterated that Serbia did not send weapons to Ukraine and that everything published on that topic is untrue. According to him, Serbia has a clear policy that is defined on the basis of what was adopted by the National Security Council in February last year, and it adheres to it.


Dacic: Serbia does not export weapons to any of the parties to conflict in Ukraine (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic yesterday denied the allegations about the alleged export of weapons and military equipment to Ukraine, which were published by the British agency Reuters and reported by some domestic media. Dacic stated regarding this matter that the Republic of Serbia, respecting internal and international legal acts, does not export weapons and military equipment to any country if this would enable the outbreak or continuation of armed conflicts, threaten the preservation of regional peace and security, or threaten its defence interests. He underlined that Serbia adheres to its policy of military neutrality and implements the Conclusions adopted by the National Security Council in February last year. The Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs said once again that since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, no weapons have been exported from Serbia to any of the parties to the conflict. Dacic pointed out that permits for the export of arms and military equipment of Serbia are issued exclusively to buyers with an end-user certificate, which, among other things, states that the end user cannot re-export the arms and military equipment without the consent of the competent institutions of the Republic of Serbia.


US Embassy: We have information that Serbia is not selling weapons to Ukraine (RFE/Beta)


The US Embassy in Belgrade has information that Serbia is not selling weapons to Ukraine, Radio Free Europe (RFE) was told in connection with the claims contained in a classified Pentagon document. We cannot comment on alleged classified information, however, according to our findings, Serbia is not selling weapons to Ukraine, RFE was told at the US Embassy in Belgrade. Citing information from a leaked classified Pentagon document, Reuters reported that Serbia agreed to supply arms to Kyiv or has sent them already.


Botsan-Kharchenko: EU mediators in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue dishonest (Politika/RTV)


Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko said that the European mediators in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue once again showed their dishonesty, and asked what was the reason for EU’s hysteria and threats addressed to Serbia. “At the request of Pristina (Brussels serves not only the Kyiv regime, but also the self-proclaimed Pristina regime) they began to threaten Belgrade with sanctions for failing to fulfill some mythical international obligations that allegedly stem from the ‘EU proposals for resolving the Kosovo issue’ that were discussed in Brussels and Ohrid,” said Botsan-Kharchenko in a written statement. At the same time, he said, the EU is not the least bit confused by the fact that is it the one failing to fulfill the highest international obligations under UN Security Council Resolution 1244. “Aleksandar Vucic clearly said what Belgrade’s ‘red lines’ are. Why then such hysteria in the EU, threats addressed to Serbia,” asked the Russian Ambassador. He said that, prior to the UN Security Council session on the situation in Kosovo, the Serbian President rightfully stresses the problem of the terror “of Kosovo-Albanian radicals over the Serbs.” “We welcome his statements at the meeting with the special representative of the UN Secretary General and Head of the UN Mission in Kosovo Caroline Ziadeh that Belgrade insists on preserving peace and stability in the region, on the honoring international law and on the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1244,” said Botsan-Kharchenko.

He stressed that Russia, which chairs the UN Security Council this month, advocates a productive discussion on the essence of Serbia’s pressing problems, including the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities in Kosovo. He noted that “Pristina has been ignoring this key obligation for almost a decade, but that it is still getting away with it.”


Zavetnici demand the UNSC make a statement on the plan for Kosovo (Beta)


At the upcoming session of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on Kosovo, the Serbia’s state leadership should request that the permanent members of that body declare whether the French-German agreement on the normalization of relations is in accordance with the Resolution 1244 of that body, the conservative Zavetnici party assessed on Wednesday. The Zavetnici stated in a release that the UN was the only place where Serbia could adequately protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity and “thwart the West’s plan for the so-called Kosovo state to become a full member of all international organizations”. “We remind you that by imposing the French-German plan, the EU violated the UN Charter and greatly exceeded the scope of the negotiation mandate entrusted to it by the (UN) General Assembly”, the release reads.


Serbs protest in Kosovo; A petition was launched for the withdrawal of Kosovo police (B92/Kosovo Online)


Several hundred citizens of Zvecan and North Mitrovica started a protest walk because of a Serb who was shot by members of the Kosovo police on Monday evening. They move along the main road Zvecan-Raska and carry banners that say "Get out of here", "Europe, they are shooting at us", "You don't belong here". They are moving towards the Bistrica Bridge, where Milan Jovanovic was wounded. At the head of the protest is Jovanovic's wife. A large number of citizens also gather on the other side of the bridge from the direction of Leposavic. Not far away, in front of them, there is a traffic police station. According to the gathered citizens, they came to the protest because of the arrest of Serbs, shooting at them and everything that Serbs were subjected to during the previous years. Citizens of Zvecan and North Mitrovica who participated in the protest march called by Marina Jovanovic also launched a petition for the withdrawal of the special forces of the Kosovo police from the north. The wife of the wounded Milan Jovanovic said that people gathered at this place to sign a petition for the departure of all special forces from the north. She said that people are scared and worried and that with this petition they want to show that the special forces leave the north forever. "It's the only way that things like this won't happen again," said Marina Jovanovic. The petition will be signed in the following days in the municipalities in the north of Kosovo.




Another meeting of Bradara, Lendo Stojanovic fails to give results; Lendo promises SDA will offer solution in seven to ten days (FTV)


At the meeting held on Wednesday, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) President Lidija Bradara and Vice Presidents Refik Lendo and Igor Stojanovic failed to reach an agreement on new FB&H government. Following the meeting, Lendo announced that SDA will, within next seven to ten days, present a solution to ‘The Eight’. Asked by a journalist, Lendo refused to provide a concrete answer on what the solution entails, briefly saying it is not related to changes in the FB&H Constitution. Addressing the media after the meeting, Lendo said: “If you refer to specific ministries, I would not talk about it today. We will offer something completely different that is in the interest of citizens”. Asked what that may be, Lendo said SDA will “offer something that would be good and acceptable for The Eight, etc.”, noting that the proposal does not refer to the post of the FB&H Prime Minister or SDA’s participation in the government. Addressing the media after the meeting, Stojanovic said: “I am of view this is buying time. However, we at the moment do not have a mechanism to overcome this situation. We still do not have that mechanism, so it is still the status quo with no new information with regard to the FB&H Government appointment”. Bradara said she is also of view that Lendo’s move is buying time and added that for her, the job is done. “As for me, the (FB&H) government has been appointed and is waiting for the confirmation. Decision, issued in accordance with the (FB&H) Constitution and set deadlines, as well as the parliamentary majority I do not plan to change. Everything else is buying time and a blockade”, Bradara was quoted as saying. Lendo is of view that SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic, HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic and SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic may come to an agreement. Lendo said he will initiate within that time period another meeting of the party leaders, which will be used for the leaders to analyse the proposed solutions. He claims that there will be no blockades. Lendo believes an agreement between the parties must be made before any decisions adopted by High Representative Christian Schmidt. Lendo emphasizes that any domestic solution is better than imposed decisions. “I believe that the solution is the best, for us to make it, for B&H, and for the FB&H”, Lendo told reporters, reminding that even Schmidt said that domestic leaders should find solutions and form the FB&H government on their own, without him needing to step in and impose something.


Covic: Partners have been chosen long ago, there are no new negotiations about formation of authority (Dnevni list)


HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic has sent a categorical message that there are no new negotiations about formation of the authority in the Federation of B&H (FB&H), that partners have been selected long ago and that there are no new partners. Covic further stated: “We have completed the negotiations, we have a partner and we should implement the partnership by forming the government of the FB&H. The HR can take decisions, those are short-term decisions. Only representatives of three constituent peoples and all those who are legitimately elected can change in parliaments of B&H the electoral legislation, possibly carry out limited change to the Constitution and create an ambiance that this topic is never put on the table again”. “No new negotiation processes will be necessary... I hope that within next seven to ten days that process will be finalized”.


Helez pays visit to Washington, meets McDowell; McDowell: US will support Schmidt in unblocking of formation of FB&H government (FTV)


From Monday, 11 April, B&H Minister of Defense Zukan Helez has been paying an official visit to Washington, where he has numerous official meetings planned. On the first day of his visit, Helez met with Director of the Office for Central and Southeast Europe at the State Department Martin McDowell. They talked about the security and political situation in B&H and the region, as well as the process of establishing the authorities in B&H. Helez pointed out the importance of continuing the process of integration of B&H into the Euro-Atlantic structures, as a strategic goal, where ultimately all citizens of B&H would have equal chances for a more prosperous life and a safer environment. “The USA will keep B&H in the focus of its interest, and we will ask our European partners to step up their efforts to help on the way to Euro-Atlantic integration. If the High Representative (Christian Schmidt) decides to propose new ways of unblocking the formation of the Federation of B&H Government, the USA will support him in this”, McDowell was quoted as saying.


B&H FM Konakovic visits Bulgaria, meets Bulgarian officials; FM Mikov: Bulgaria’s first priority regarding B&H is undeniable support on its European path (BHT1)


Within his official visit to Bulgaria, B&H Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakvic met with Bulgarian Foreign Minister Nikolay Milkov on Wednesday. Following the meeting, Konakovic and Milkov held a joint press conference. BHT1 reports that, on the occasion, Milkov said that Bulgaria has four priorities with regard B&H, the first being their undeniable support to B&H’s European path and ensuring stability and security in Southeastern Europe. “The second is to improve bilateral relations, develop political dialogue, trade exchange, cooperation within different fields such as tourism, energy, infrastructure, and the fourth priority is the issue of contractual and legal relations between the Republic of Bulgaria and B&H”, said Milkov. Konakovic said that B&H is a country that should take advantage of its opportunities, its natural and other resources. “In that regard, I see room for cooperation in one important field, i.e. energy sector. Both of our countries are export oriented in this field and we have electricity surplus, and I think that in today’s crisis following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine that topic emerges as one of the most important”, said Konakovic. Konakovic also met with Bulgarian President Rumen Radev and Prime Minister Galab Donev. On the occasion, participants emphasized good relations between the two countries and expressed the will to further improve them.


NATO HQ in Brussels answers inquiry regarding Dodik’s statements: NATO will stand by B&H (Dnevni avaz)


Daily reminded that the RS President Milorad Dodik stated that he will ask for termination of exercises between B&H Armed Forces and NATO, adding that this statement prompted many reactions within the international community and local politicians. Daily sent inquiry to the NATO HQ in Brussels about this statement and they answered: “NATO strongly supports sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H, as well as united and multi-ethnic structures of the country. We will continue to support Euro-Atlantic reform efforts of B&H- for the wellbeing of all its citizens- in line with national level of ambitions of B&H and without prejudging the final decision on membership. We call on leaders to work constructively for the wellbeing of everyone in B&H, on improving of Euro-Atlantic path of the country by carrying out urgently necessary reforms. Separatist rhetoric and secession threats are completely contradictory to Dayton Agreement and B&H Constitution and have negative impact to any prospects for permanent security in B&H, but also stability all over Western Balkans”. NATO further reminded that they have long reputation in promoting peace, stability and reforms in the Western Balkans. “Our new strategic concept reaffirms strategic importance of the region for the Alliance and we agree regarding the importance of our presence in the region, including our peace-keeping mission KFOR in Kosovo and our offices in Sarajevo and Belgrade. Our cooperation with the EU and other partners with same stances, continues to be of crucial importance and we will continue to work together on maintaining of stability and support to reforms in the region, because security and stability in the Western Balkans are important for NATO, but also for peace and stability in Europe”, an unnamed NATO official told the daily. The statement further reads that during the Summit last year in Madrid, the allies agreed to strengthen political and practical support to B&H through adjusted package for establishing of defensive capacities. “After close consultations with state authorities, we will strengthen our support in certain sectors in which NATO can bring additional value. These sectors include crisis management, cyber defense, fight against terrorism, specialized vehicles and other forms of support, which aims to strengthen resilience of state structures in sector of defense and security”, concludes the response.


Cvijanovic and Kalabukhov discuss current political and economic situation in RS and B&H (RTRS)


Member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic met with Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov on Wednesday. They discussed current economic and political situation in RS and B&H. Collocutors pointed out importance of intensification of dialogue between domestic political actors. They assessed that full respect of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), and constitutional position of entities and constituent peoples is of key importance for efficient functioning of institutions at all levels of authorities in B&H. Cvijanovic and Kalabukhov expressed commitment of Russia and B&H towards further development of cooperation.


Reactions to information that Plenkovic might be next NATO Secretary General (O Kanal)


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic held a press conference on Tuesday and, among other things, commented on possible candidacy for the NATO Secretary General. Journalists asked Plenkovic to present his stance on reports of Swedish media that he might become the next Secretary General of NATO. Plenkovic jokingly replied by saying: “(Croatian President Zoran) Milanovic is an expert on NATO, I am sure Swedish made a mistake”. However, the daily noted that Plenkovic avoided saying clearly whether he has ambitions to become the new Secretary General of NATO. There are conflicting views on the possibility of Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic being the new Secretary General of NATO, but it is certain that of all the candidates, he knows the situation in the region best. The Swedish media recently published this information. A message that came from Zagreb said that none of the mentioned options are realistic, but that Plenkovic is certainly, if he is one of the candidates, equal to the others. “However, the first level of decision-making will actually be based on the logic of a personal crossword puzzle - which part of NATO he comes from, and it will probably be from Eastern Europe, whether he will be male or female, what kind of political or personal background he will have. This will actually decide more than the qualities of the candidate themselves, which Plenkovic certainly has”, says retired professor Zarko Puhovski. He points out that it was possible to notice that Plenkovic has been much more devoted to topics related to the army and weapons in the last few weeks than before. “And if it happens that Plenkovic is appointed to that post, he will be in a position to treat B&H in the warm-cold way that the EU treats it”, Puhovski assessed. He believes that the key question is whether B&H can speak with one voice, and if so, Plenkovic's possible post would open up good chances for B&H. Other experts believe it is not realistic for Plenkovic to be appointed to this post. “First of all, Mister Plenkovic never systematically dealt with NATO issues in his career, issues of national security and defense policy. Secondly, he is currently focused on preparing his party for the parliamentary elections”, emphasizes political analyst Davor Gjenero. He expects that, depending on the results of the elections in the European Parliament, Plenkovic may be interested in three posts: the post of the President of the European Council, the post of the EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, or the President of the European Commission. Regardless of any function, the decision-making system within the EU or NATO is such that there must be no influence. The message from the Atlantic Council of B&H is that the election of Plenkovic would be great for the region. “Primarily, because we have to integrate the Western Balkans into NATO for overall security, so that they come under that umbrella. Secondly, Croatia already joined NATO in 2009, it has very great results when it comes to the NATO process and the preservation of peace and stability in the region”, emphasized President of the Atlantic Council of B&H Dijana Gupta. No matter what, Gupta believes, even if someone else takes over the post, B&H will certainly always be with these people, because the most important thing for us is the preservation of peace, and NATO and the Althea Mission in B&H really contribute to that. A message from Belgrade says that the center of gravity of the NATO Alliance has moved to Eastern Europe, after Russia's attack on Ukraine. “Plenkovic's election would contribute to suppressing Russian malignant influence, whose headquarters are in Belgrade and Podgorica, but also its influence in Croatia. The new post would also contribute to Plenkovic giving up on all ties with (RS President Milorad) Dodik, who went from being the leader of the Serb people to being the leader of the Russian representative office”, said professor of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade Nikola Samardzic.


Covic: Process of bringing B&H closer to NATO cannot be stopped (Vecernji list)


HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic stated yesterday (Wednesday) that the process of B&H getting closer to NATO cannot be stopped and that Croats will be leaders of the process. According to journalist, Covic’s statement came after statement of RS President Milorad Dodik, who announced breaking of relations with the Alliance and who launched initiative on leaving the institutions of B&H. Covic stated, among other issues, “we are closer to NATO with each day and that road cannot be stopped”, no matter how some would try to stop the processes and send a different message regarding the current ambiance in area of Europe, bloody war and Russian aggression of Ukraine. Covic further stated the HDZ B&H Assembly will stress directions of policies of the Croat people: “And that is the integration process towards the European Union and NATO Alliance. Euro-Atlantic integration are crucial for us. They have no alternative as a solution. There are different views in B&H regarding NATO and about military structures in general. When it comes to Croats, position about NATO membership is unambiguous”. Covic also stated, among other issues, that he thinks that some 90% of officers of the Armed Forces of B&H have undergone some sort of training and education via NATO, arguing that “this is the best way to prepared for the integration, to feel they are part of it”. I do not know if the current crop of politicians will see it, but we are closer to the goal with each day, and not further away from NATO alliance”, said Covic.


Abazovic says Montenegro would not support RS’ secession, notes genocide was committed in Srebrenica (RTCG)


Prime Minister of Montenegro Dritan Abazovic said that Montenegro and B&H have the best possible relations and he emphasized that Podgorica would not support the RS’ secession. Abazovic stated that he is sorry to see that the same things that were in focus back in 2004 are still in focus in 2023. “A similar thing, perhaps in another format. The same was in Montenegro until 2020. I think something needs to change. I think that (SNSD leader and RS President Milorad) Dodik’s aspirations for secession would not get a support in Montenegro”, Abazovic noted. Abazovic also said that (Montenegrin President Jakov) Milatovic was clear when it comes to Srebrenica issue and that few people who supported him maybe have some dilemmas about it. “As far as he is concerned, I think he does not have such dilemmas and as far as the official Montenegro is concerned, there are not even traces of dilemmas. Therefore, genocide was committed in Srebrenica, and this is such fact that no wider interpretation or any kind of explanation is required”, Abazovic concluded.


Advisor to Abazovic: Parliamentary elections on 11 June are inevitable (CdM)


Parliamentary elections on 11 June are inevitable and a desirable solution for getting out of the political crisis, said Ivo Soc, adviser to the Prime Minister on legal issues. "In the basic provisions of the Constitution of Montenegro, the foundations of the constitutional-legal order on which the Montenegrin state is organized are prescribed. Ever since the French bourgeois revolution, with certain modifications, democratic societies rest on the so-called tripartite division of power. Montenegro belongs to the so-called parliamentary democracies, where the executive power belongs to the government, which is subordinate to the Assembly as a legitimate representation of citizens, who exercise their sovereignty directly, but also through freely elected representatives - MPs", stated Soc in the author's text. In addition to the Assembly and the government, Soc points out, the Constitution stipulates that judicial power is exercised by the court, as well as that the relationship between the authorities rests on balance and mutual control, with each authority limited by the Constitution and the law. "In the provisions of Article 11 of the Constitution, which defines the division of powers, it is stated that "Montenegro is represented by the President of Montenegro", as well as that "constitutionality and legality are protected by the Constitutional Court". If the state were viewed as some complex matter or object, Article 11 would undoubtedly be its atom, i.e. the basic building block from which everything originates and whose splitting, both in nature and metaphorically, always has catastrophic consequences," emphasizes Abazovic's adviser on legal issues. He announced that the President of Montenegro, with his decree dated March 16, 2023, "on the basis of Article 92 paragraph 3 of the Constitution of Montenegro (Official Gazette of Montenegro, no. 1/7 and 38/13)" dissolved the 27th convocation Parliament of Montenegro. "Without the intention of re-elaborating the provisions of Article 92 of the Constitution, which in paragraph 1 and 2 explicitly prescribe the conditions when the Assembly is dissolved and the fulfilment of which must precede the activation of paragraph 3 of the same article, i.e. creating the possibility that the president with one declaratory act, as it is presidential decree, states the fact that the Assembly has been dissolved, the move of outgoing President Djukanovic has created much bigger problems. A worrisome question arises - does the system have a preventive mechanism to protect itself", Soc asked. Let's go back, says Soc, to Article 11 and the structure of government, which, he adds, recognizes the president only as someone who represents the state and whose competences from Article 95 of the Constitution really define his role as predominantly ceremonial, without "some major powers even in the sphere of executive power." which, in certain segments, is carried out together with the government". "On the other hand, the Constitutional Court represents a controller whose primary purpose is to keep the system within the framework of the Constitution and the law. In the event that some branch of government, whether it is the Parliament, the Government or the court, decides to threaten the constitutional norms with its unconstitutional or illegal actions, it is precisely the role of the Constitutional Court, as a "guardian", to prevent and correct this. If such a decree of the president is treated as an individual act, then the Constitutional Court only in relation to the unconstitutional action of the president does not have an effective and timely preventive mechanism, which was able to prevent the occurrence of harmful consequences for the system", said Soc. He assesses that the presidential decree formulated in this way, where "the president exclusively refers to Article 92 paragraph 3 of the Constitution and thus dissolves the Assembly", creates, Soc says, a unique precedent that "splits the atom of the constitutional-legal order".  "Any future president can copy the decree passed by Djukanovic letter for letter, changing only the number of convocations of the Assembly that is being dissolved and without any restrictions dissolve the two branches of government, namely the legislative branch, which was elected by the citizens in free elections with a mandate in accordance with the Constitution , and indirectly every executive power elected by that assembly. Even if, after such a move by the president, the issue of his dismissal from any convocation of the Assembly would be raised, it would not lead to any return to the previous state, that is, it would not lead to the "restoration of the mandate" of the convocation of the Assembly that was dissolved in that way. Such an act in the legal order acquires the following characteristics: it cannot be reviewed by anyone, there is no possibility of preventive action in relation to its consequences, it is published in the Official Gazette regardless of procedural and/or meritorious omissions, it has the possibility of acting outside the framework of the Constitution, it has the power to dissolve the legitimately elected representative of citizens, shorten the mandate of the executive power that derives from the legislative power, and depends on the discretionary will of one man", stressed Abazovic's adviser on legal issues. For better understanding, Soc presented the following situation. "The future president, whoever he or she is, during his term of office apparently commits a violation of the Constitution by some of his actions. According to Article 98 of the Constitution, "the procedure for determining whether the President of Montenegro has violated the Constitution can be initiated by the Assembly, on the proposal of at least 25 deputies". Paragraph 5 of the same article stipulates that "the decision on the existence or non-existence of a violation of the Constitution is made by the Constitutional Court and without delay it is published and delivered to the Parliament and the President of Montenegro", and paragraph 6 that "the President of Montenegro can be dismissed by the Parliament when the Constitutional Court determines that he has violated Constitution." In a situation where, for the sake of example, the Constitutional Court determines that a violation has really been committed by the president, and before the Assembly passes an act of dismissal at its session, that president passes the same decree that was passed by the outgoing president Djukanovic, despite fulfilling the conditions from of Article 92 paragraph 1 and 2, with exclusive reference to Article 92 paragraph 3 of the Constitution, dissolve the convocation of the Assembly that initiated the mentioned procedure and call for elections. Even if, after the election, the new convocation of the Assembly dismisses the president based on the decision of the Constitutional Court, the convocation that initiated the dismissal procedure committed "suicide," he said. Soc pointed out that the parliamentary elections on June 11 are inevitable and a desirable solution for getting out of the political crisis. "What remains as a question after the election is how we will treat a potential legal atomic bomb in the hands of irresponsible presidents and whether we have gone from the "Queen of England" to the Iranian Ayatollah, from a ceremonial figure to a supreme authority, from a representative of the state to its master." Soc concluded.


Milatovic: It is important that the elections be held as soon as possible (MINA)


Parliamentary elections should be held as soon as possible, said the newly elected President of the country Jakov Milatovic, stating that it is important for Montenegro and that it should be agreed upon by all parties. Asked to comment on the initiative to cancel the decrees issued by current President Milo Djukanovic, Milatovic said that he had seen those calls, but that he could not say anything about them at this time. "It is important that Montenegro has elections as soon as possible and that should be the agreement of all parties. I want to stop the practice of Djukanovic, which was on the verge of abusing the system. Things should be resolved through dialogue," Milatovic told reporters. He pointed out that it is necessary to follow the edict that is in legal force. "The Constitutional Court has not reached a conclusion on that decree, and I, as president, will act in accordance with the law and the Constitution after May 21. The decree is in legal force, the election calendar has started to run, the lists are submitted by May 16. That's the situation," said Milatovic.


President Pendarovski voices support for constitutional changes, has reservations over potential agreement between parties (MIA/TV Sitel)


President Stevo Pendarovski voiced his support of the constitutional changes on Tuesday, but indicated that he is not optimistic about a potential agreement between the political parties regarding the constitutional changes. In an interview for TV Sitel on Tuesday, Pendarovski said that he carefully listens to all politicians in the country who publicly express their positions on the constitutional changes. “If I say I am a pessimist, and I am, because I’ve been talking about this constantly for a whole year, someone from the government will remark that I have to create an atmosphere in which we can move forward. I am carefully listening to the statements of all politicians in Macedonia on this issue. Who will say that there is room for an agreement here? I don’t see any room for this. I am in favor of the constitutional changes, not tomorrow but today, but how can we force these people to vote for them?” said Pendarovski. He assessed that the parties from the opposition, especially VMRO-DPMNE, “are focused on their partisan politics instead of the national politics” and, he said, “they first want to come to power, and then start thinking about a two-third majority.” Asked why he doesn’t call for a leaders’ meeting, the President said not all parties would agree to participate. “The opposition says we have no intention of participating in the inclusion of the Bulgarians within the Constitution. On the other hand, the Government says we have no intention of going to a leaders’ meeting if the topic of discussion is a complete adoption of the Croatian model, which we overcame with the Ohrid Framework Agreement in 2001,” said Pendarovski. He added he sees no issue with adding the Bulgarian, Montenegrin, and Croatian people to the six other communities mentioned in the Constitution besides the Macedonian people. A working group has been established by the Ministry of Justice, charged with drafting the initiative over the need for constitutional changes. The Government is the petitioner of the constitutional changes. Once drafted, the amendments will have to pass through all parliamentary bodies, in parallel with public debates at which experts, parties, civil society organizations and other institutions will express their positions. The deadline for nomination of working group members by political parties and institutions expired on Thursday midnight. The Ministry said the names of experts-members of the working group will be released by the end of the week.


Pendarovski - Rubin: Strengthening resilience to disinformation aimed at inciting anti-Western sentiment (MIA)


North Macedonia is actively working on strengthening resilience to disinformation, preventing and reducing harmful influence, including resilience to disinformation campaigns aimed at inciting anti-Western sentiment among Macedonian citizens and plotting vague alternatives to European integration, President Stevo Pendarovski told Wednesday's meeting with James Rubin, Special Envoy and Coordinator of the U.S. State Department's Global Engagement Center.   Talks focused on efforts and ways to deal with disinformation and their impact on the development of democratic processes at a global level, the President's Office said in a press release. "Pendarovski said disinformation have the potential to affect large-scale political and civil processes both in the country and in the world, and that is why they are one of the priority threats to the national security of many countries. In that sense, he stressed the need for constant investment in resources and skills for their recognition and debunking, as well as for creating national strategies for an extensive response to disinformation," reads the press release.


Osmani - Aliyev: OSCE will support solutions towards improving situation of conflict-affected population (MIA)


OSCE Chairman-in-Office and Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani met Wednesday with Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev. Talks focused on the status of the dialogue between Azerbaijan and Armenia. "I believe the situation allows for constructive engagement through various international and bilateral platforms in order to reach a peaceful solution and reach a peace agreement that will be acceptable to all and thus be sustainable," Osmani said at the meeting with Aliyev. He noted that such a balanced approach will continue. "The OSCE, with all the challenges it faces, is still a forum that is genuinely interested in seeing peace in this key region," said Osmani. The OSCE Chairman-in-Office pointed out that through current and future activities, the OSCE will support solutions that contribute to stability and security, and improve the situation of the conflict-affected population. I was particularly interested to hear about the issue of the integration of Armenians in Azerbaijan and how, after many years of conflict and tension, stability and trust can be restored, Osmani said. He asked for support from Azerbaijan, as a long-standing partner of the OSCE, in resolving the Organization's most urgent issues and thus better deal with the security challenges that affect the South Caucasus, as well as the wider OSCE region. Wednesday's agenda also includes meetings with Azerbaijan's Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov, as well as Speaker of the National Assembly of Azerbaijan, Sahiba Gafarova, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release.


Radev says he has invited Pendarovski to Sofia several times (MIA)


On the sidelines of Wednesday's constitutive session of the newly elected National Assembly of Bulgaria, Bulgarian President Rumen Radev said that in the recent years, he has invited at least ten times the President of the Republic of North Macedonia, Stevo Pendarovski, to visit Bulgaria. Radev was commenting on yesterday's statement by the Macedonian President, who said that he hasn't had a single constructive conversation with the Bulgarian President in the last two years. "In October, at the launch of the interconnector, with my help with the European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen, the Republic of North Macedonia received financial assistance from the EU for the purchase of electricity," Radev said. He also pointed out that he was the first to raise the issue about the Macedonian Bulgarians. "I was the one who managed to convince all European leaders and institutions that the inclusion of the Macedonian Bulgarians in the Constitution of the Republic of North Macedonia should become a mandatory condition for the start of the EU accession negotiations. I hope that President Pendarovski will understand that this will help his country to break away from the ideologies of the totalitarian past and move towards the democratization of the state," said Radev.  In an interview with Sitel TV late Tuesday, Macedonian President Stevo Pendarovski said he has no contact with the Bulgarian President Rumen Radev and that the last time he met him was last year at the Mini Summit on Energy in Sofia. President Pendarovski told Sitel TV that in the past two years he did not have a single constructive conversation with Radev, stressing that, in his opinion, there is no climate of good neighborliness. "For the past two years, Bulgaria has had a series of provocations towards us and has come up with arguments for our blockade of the EU, which has never existed in the history of the EU. No country has blocked another country by saying "You are not who you think you are." To talk about identity politics and say that I am not Macedonian and that only if I change all the textbooks will I be able to progress towards Europe... We can fake meetings, but in the last two years I have practically not had a single constructive conversation with Radev,” Pendarovski said.


Challenges in a polarized Montenegro (ADN)


“Considering the result of the election, the majority in Montenegro celebrated, but it remains to be seen the further dynamics of reforms after the parliamentary elections in June and how this will affect the situation in the country,” has said Jovana Marovic, political expert on EU affairs and former Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro in an exclusive interview with ADN. Asked about what will be new in Milatovic’s ‘plan of action’ on the country's EU accession process as compared to the previous platform, Marovic, a former Minister of European Affairs and an expert as her entire professional and academic career is devoted to the European integration process of Montenegro and the Western Balkans, was cautious saying it remains to be seen how realistic this scenario is, having in mind the complicated tasks on the way to the EU, as well as the potential reform capacity of the Government that will be formed after the June elections. Referring to comments considering the President-elect as pro-Serb the former Minister said that the reare many doubts and concerns both in Montenegro and abroad, but in accordance with the announcements already made by Milatovic, there will be no shifts in country’s foreign policy. “Relations with Serbia are an important issue and a prerequisite for regional cooperation and good neighborly relations, but interference in the internal affairs of the state is something that no one wants.” Regarding the issue of the Open Balkans initiative, which Serbia insists on, remains open, but she hoped that would not be a priority, because, as the analysis of the Ministry of European Affairs showed, there is no reason to consider this issue at all at this moment. Touching upon the promise of the new head of state to eradicate corruption and organized crime, Marovic said Montenegro is deeply polarized and overcoming it requires the involvement and activity of all actors. “It is positive that now campaigns and media appearances will not be based on the fight against Djukanovic, who captured the state for more than 30 years, but everyone has to focus on reforms and real problems outside the matrix of identity issues.” According to her, whoever becomes the President of Montenegro is aware that international obligations cannot be ignored, that membership in the EU, which is country’s primary goal, also implies a certain foreign policy course, and that a different policy will encounter resistance from international partners. Asked about EU mediated Pristina-Belgrade dialogue and the unsigned deal of Ohrid meeting between PM Kurti and President Vucic, Marovic said the way in which the agreement was communicated to the public is problematic, and this is where she saw the responsibility of the European Union the most. According to her, it should be clear about what is written in the agreement and what it specifically means. “The recognition of Kosovo by Serbia is the only way forward for the entire region, but with the protection of the rights of Serbs in Kosovo and the protection of their cultural heritage,” said Jovana Marovic, former Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro in the interview.


Meeting with Escobar, Xhacka: Gratitude for promoting stability and security in the region (Radio Tirana)


Bilateral relations and regional developments were the focus of the meeting between Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka and the US Special Envoy, Gabriel Escobar. Through a post on social network, Xhacka states that she has expressed his gratitude to Escobar for his personal involvement in the United States in efforts to promote stability and security in the region.

"Excellent meeting with Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, for European and Eurasian Affairs and Special Envoy for our region,” Xhacka writes. We discussed bilateral relations and regional developments extensively. Acknowledgment to the deputy Assistant Secretary of State Escobar for his personal and US involvement in promoting stability and security in the Western Balkans. I assured him of Albania’s commitment to the deepening of the strategic partnership with the US and to the expansion of regional cooperation," writes Xhacka.


Peleshi: KFOR, special importance for maintaining peace and security in the region (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of Defense, Niko Peleshi received the KFOR commander, Major General Angelo Michele Ristuccia, in a meeting yesterday. He assessed that the KFOR mission in Kosovo is of particular importance for maintaining peace and security in our region. According to Peleshi, the meeting discussed the cooperation and commitments of our country within NATO or regional initiatives, as reliable allies and active contributors. "Albania supports the resumption of the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue and any international effort for the final agreement on the normalization of relations, which should enable mutual recognition and Kosovo's membership in the UN and the EU," said Peleshi.


Albania-Kosovo, free movement of vehicles on both state border areas (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Minister of the Interior, Bledi Cuci and his counterpart from Kosovo, Xhelal Svecla, signed yesterday in Tirana the protocol that further improves the regime of free cross-border movement for residents on both sides of the Albania-Kosovo border areas, according to the agreement signed last year. According to the two ministers Cuci and Svelca, this protocol is another step forward in this facilitating process as in addition to the freedom of movement on foot, the passage by vehicles is added for the needs of the daily life of these residents. After signing the protocol, Minister Svelca said that "our continuous work is producing results. It requires continuous improvement of agreements in order to facilitate the lives of citizens and be at their service as much as possible." Minister Cuci said that he would like to have only one agreement, to have no border at all and this free movement that we are enabling border areas residents within 30 km of each country, to be for the entire territory of Kosovo and Albania, but until then, since we live in Europe and are a European community, we must observe the international agreements that we are part of. Until then, we do our best for our citizens to move around as freely as possible. "Today's improvements are in function of this facility, which we create for our citizens. It is very interesting when you see the agreement implemented in the field and the experience that Minister Svelca had after visiting the entire border line, where we made possible this movement facilitation and it is very important as you can see that people really benefit," said Cuci.