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Belgrade Media Report 18 April



Dacic: Serbia appreciates Gabon’s support to territorial integrity and sovereignty (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met with Yolande Nyonda, Minister Delegate at the Gabonese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in Belgrade on Monday. Speaking to reporters after the meeting, Dacic said Serbia wanted to advance its cooperation with Gabon, above all, in the fields of economy and education, and added that Belgrade appreciated Gabon's support to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia. He noted that Serbia valued its long-standing relations with Gabon and would officially mark the 50th anniversary of bilateral relations between the two countries in October. "We want to transform our friendly relations into the best possible cooperation on various other matters that are of vital interest to the citizens of Serbia and Gabon," Dacic said. He said the current level of bilateral economic cooperation was very modest but that there was much room for improvement and that it held huge potential for the future. "We want to boost our economic cooperation. Our bilateral trade is extremely small," Dacic said. He announced that a Gabonese delegation headed by Nyonde would in the next few days meet with Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Jelena Tanaskovic and that discussions about the education sector would be held as well.


Vucevic, Nyonda discuss potential defence cooperation (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Defence Minister Milos Vucevic met on Tuesday with Yolande Nyonda, Minister Delegate at the Gabonese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to discuss opportunities to establish defence cooperation that would also contribute to advancement of overall Serbia-Gabon relations. Vucevic said 2023 marked 50 years since the establishment of Serbia-Gabon diplomatic ties and that Serbia wanted to develop relations and cooperation in all fields of joint interest. He noted that Serbia was advocating preservation of territorial integrity and sovereignty, consistent respect of international law, maintenance of peace and stability, as well as development of relations with other states based on equality and mutual respect.

Vucevic thanked Gabon for de-recognising the so-called Kosovo, as well as for its support to Serbia's territorial integrity and sovereignty. Nyonda agreed there was room to establish cooperation in fields of mutual interest and that an agreement on defence cooperation needed to be signed as the first step in that direction. The parties also defined the chief fields of cooperation that would be developed in mutual interest after the signing of the agreement.


Ministry: Dacic off to Strasbourg to try stop Kosovo’s admission to CoE (Beta)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic will attend the Council of Europe (CoE) Tuesday meeting, even though he said he would not travel to Strasbourg because of the announcements that Kosovo is to be admitted into this institution. The Foreign Affairs Ministry told Beta that Minister Dacic will attend the Tuesday CoE session that will be held to mark the 20th anniversary of Serbia’s admission to CoE. “Minister Dacic will try to stop in Strasbourg the procedure for Kosovo’s admission into the Council of Europe,” the Ministry said.


Petkovic: International community responsible for Kurti’s attempts to enslave northern Kosovo (Beta)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said on Monday that "the biggest responsibility in attempts to politically and in other ways enslave the Serb people in north Kosovo lied with the international community, which strongly supports the forced staging of elections in which Serbs will not vote." "How will representatives of the West now explain the fact that purely Serb regions and municipalities are going to be led by the two percent of Albanians who are going to be the only ones to vote," Petkovic said in a written statement in which he commented on a meeting between Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti and four candidates of the Self-Determination movement for mayor in the four Serb municipalities in the north of Kosovo. Petkovic went on to say that "this kind of election, which has the purpose of annulling the existence of the absolute majority of Serb people in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, are a continuation of Kurti's terror and violence against Serbs, with the goal of fully occupying the north of Kosovo and Metohija".




Only SDA leader Izetbegovic shows up at meeting organized by FB&H VP Lendo (BHT1)


The reporter comments that another attempt of negotiations on formation of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) government has failed after only SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic showed up at the meeting organized by FB&H Vice President Refik Lendo (SDA), whilst SDP Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Nermin Niksic and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic rejected invitation to attend it. The reporter goes on to say that FB&H President Lidija Bradara and Vice President Igor Stojanovic (SDP B&H) also “respectfully declined the invitation”.  Izetbegovic said for the media the intention was that SDA offers a concrete solution in accordance with the parliamentary majority in the FB&H House of Representatives (HoR), and explained how ministers would be elected in that case. “We would ask for a ‘concentration’ government, we would all participate in, and Bosniak Vice President, Mr. Lendo. Or to make two lists, one of SDA and political parties gathered around it and another of ‘The Troika’ and HDZ, and political parties gathered around them. And who wins the majority in the (FB&H) HoR can form the government”, said Izetbegovic. Izetbegovic told reporters that he finds it hard to believe that HDZ B&H and SDP B&H capriciously refused to even meet with SDA as part of basic politeness and constitutional obligation, adding that HDZ B&H and SDP B&H leaders should openly say if they do not want to hold talks with SDA. He explained that Lendo and him wanted to stress who actually creates problems and obstructions, warning that those who refuse talks and want to form the government in an unconstitutional manner are those who cause obstructions. Izetbegovic also said that he does not understand why he is unwanted in meetings, while Dodik and Covic are not: “Why is Dodik acceptable and I am not? Why is a patriotic party, which has been calling for formation of a bloc for five years, unacceptable while Dodik and Covic are acceptable with their behaviour?”. Addressing the media on Monday, Lendo said: “In the current situation, both signatures are necessary, and we will adhere to those constitutional processes”. The reporter notes that a new round of negotiations has already been scheduled for Tuesday. In addition to the talks within ‘The Eight’ requested by SB&H and NES, BHT1 mentions a meeting with international community representatives in the Office of the High Representative (OHR) to conduct consultations with ‘The Eight’ and HDZ B&H leaders with regard to HR Schmidt’s possible decision that would enable bypassing Vice President Lendo in the FB&H government formation process. The meeting may be also held with HDZ 1990 leader Ilija Cvitanovic, the leader of political party that could play a crucial role in the government formation process.


Niksic sends letter to Lendo: Only solution to current deadlock would be Lendo’s approving appointment of new FB&H government that has support of parliamentary majority (BHT1)


The reporter comments that another attempt of negotiations on formation of the FB&H government has failed after only SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic showed up at the meeting organized by FB&H Vice President Refik Lendo (SDA), whilst SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic rejected invitation to attend it. Niksic responded to offered solutions shortly and made an effort to explain to Lendo the constitutional order and the pointed out that the government formation process has been reached. “I believe that you are familiar with the fact that the FB&H Constitution clearly prescribes the procedure to appoint the FB&H government. Regardless of that, I would like to remind you that Chapter B - Executive Authority of the FB&H, Point Two – the FB&H government, Article 5 - Election of the government clearly states that the FB&H President, with the consent from both FB&H Vice Presidents, appoints the FB&H government after consultations with the Prime Minister or a candidate for that office. Furthermore, the same provision stipulates that the FB&H government is elected after its appointment is confirmed by majority vote in the (FB&H) HoR”, Niksic wrote to Lendo. In his letter Niksic reminded that the procedure of adoption of a decision on the appointment of the new FB&H government was fully respected, but that despite that Lendo has decided not to approve the appointment of the FB&H government within the legally defined deadline as he failed to propose an alternative solution to the convocation of the FB&H government, the candidate for the post of the FB&H Prime Minister and the agenda, or to provide a proof that he has support of majority. He emphasized that the only solution to the current deadlock in the formation of the new FB&H government would be Lendo’s approving the appointment of the new FB&H government that has support of the parliamentary majority. Niksic explained in the letter that he will not attend the meeting, because he finds that such meeting would yield no results. Niksic underlined that the FB&H Vice-President does not have competence to organize such meetings and urged him to provide consent to the decision for formation of the FB&H government without further delay. “This would eliminate the need for any fear of possible decisions by the High Representative (Christian Schmidt) that would prevent your blocking of the formation of the Government, which would be formed by the parliamentary majority. This is the only way you can confirm your dedication to the interests of the citizens and the state of B&H, instead of protecting party interests, which leads to deeper divisions and complete, tribal ethnicization of the process of forming the FB&H government”, wrote the SDP B&H leader. Niksic reminded Lendo that B&H is a parliamentary democracy and not a tribal partocracy, and that parties who have majority in both Houses of FB&H parliament have the right to appoint the government. Niksic said that introduction of a principle that the FB&H Government should be appointed exclusively by the parties that the three members of the FB&H leadership come from would be an anti-democratic turn in the direction of ethnic division of the entity, and thus the state.


Ambassador Murphy: Blockade of formation of authority is not pro-Bosnian behaviour but narrow partisan interests (Dnevni list)


Talking about the current political crisis in B&H, especially regarding the halt in formation of new FB&H government, US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy said B&H needs functional and responsible authority at all levels, including the FB&H where government has not been formed for eight years. “We believe that people who block formation of authority should remove the blockade. They do it because of their narrow, political and partisan interests that have nothing to do with citizens who live in the FB&H. For sure it is not pro-Bosnian behaviour. The High Representative was clear when he said he hopes the parties will do it in the coming weeks”, said Ambassador Murphy. Answering the VoA’s question how much the US influences the formation of authority in the FB&H, Murphy said, among other issues, “the US does not form the authority and does not appoint ministers”. Responding to a question as to how much moves and positions of RS President Milorad Dodik, his announcements about secession of the RS and end of cooperation with the US and the UK embassies impact the citizens of the entity and potential investments, Ambassador Murphy replied by saying the US respects Serbs very much and that there are many links with the Serb people in B&H. “Ever since we are in B&H, we work throughout the country in an effort to build better future for everyone. Dodik cannot end the relations with the US because he does not represent the state of B&H. We will continue to talk loud and clear about problems we see here”, said Ambassador Murphy. Talking about minimizing and denial of genocide by the current RS President, the US Ambassador said the US administration has already introduced sanctions against Dodik because of his anti-Dayton actions and corruption. “When it comes to the genocide in Srebrenica, facts have been established. Events in and around Srebrenica are very clear – genocide. No matter how many times Milorad Dodik, or anyone else, stands up and denies the deeds, they cannot be erased”, stressed Ambassador Murphy. The Ambassador went on to say that Dodik’s comments about secession are equally dangerous and destabilizing. “Most of that are his fictions and I think he is aware of it. It is also dangerous because he creates impression that he can tear the state apart without consequences for him or people of this country. That is not true, and people should know it”, added the Ambassador. Talking about the issue of corruption in B&H, Ambassador Murphy said the US is prepared to issue sanctions for corruption if it is necessary, and that it will be hard to beat it because corruption is widely spread. Ambassador Murphy said he believes (the US) sanctions are good means because they send a signal to a community that there is a problem. Murphy further said that people who come under sanctions often say the sanctions do not mean anything to them, however they use private channels in an effort to get removed from the black list. Commenting on close relations between the RS authorities and the regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Ambassador Murphy said, among other issues, that Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke about it and said that autocracy is road to isolation. “I do not know why Dodik believes it is a good path. Probably because he has his narrow, selfish and financial reasons so he thinks that way, but it is not the road the citizens want. Putin’s style of autocracy that Dodik follows is bad for B&H and its citizens. It is a malignant influence and people know it”, concluded Ambassador Murphy.


Plenkovic and Covic meet in Zagreb, expect quick formation of FB&H government and new electoral reforms (Vecernji list)


Vecernji list reports that HDZ B&H and HNS leader Dragan Covic met with Croatian Prime Minister and HDZ Croatia leader Andrej Plenkovic in Zagreb on Monday, with whom he spoke about the situation in B&H and constitutional and electoral reforms. Covic wrote on Twitter that the meeting with PM Plenkovic came after several positive movements in B&H and that he (Covic) stressed that resolving of the issue of legitimate representation in the Presidency of B&H and Houses of Peoples is crucial step in B&H moving forward. At the same time, PM Plenkovic expressed expectation that a new Federation of B&H (FB&H) Government will be formed as soon as possible. “Urgent formation of the FB&H Government and continuation of negotiations about the electoral reform are key conditions for functionality and prosperity of B&H. Croatia remains the strongest advocator of the European path of B&H”, Plenkovic posted on Twitter. The daily went on to say that after the meeting with Plenkovic, Covic will meet with leaders of SDP Nermin Niksic, NiP Elmedin Konakovic and Our Party in Sarajevo today (Tuesday).


Babaic: Montenegro should have been part of the EU, not the Open Balkans (CdM)


Member of the SD Presidency and chairman of the Berana Municipal Board Onur Babaic referred to the statement of the newly elected President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic that Montenegro should be part of the Open Balkans. "It is very important that Montenegro remains firmly committed to its path to membership in the European Union, which brings numerous benefits to our country, including economic prosperity, strengthening of institutions and the rule of law, as well as access to development funds," Babaic said. He points out that joining a project like the Open Balkans would suspend Montenegro's previous efforts aimed at membership and set back our commitment to the achievement of Montenegro's most important foreign policy priority, ie membership in the EU. For Montenegro, the open Balkans means moving away from the European Union and its fundamental values. Instead, the Social Democrats advocate strengthening ties with the EU and intensifying reforms that will finalize membership in the Union, as well as respecting the Berlin Process, which aims to establish standards in line with the EU acquis. We mustn't forget about what the EU has acquired and the fact that Montenegro essentially belongs to the family of European states, and that almost 80% of citizens declare that they support Montenegro's path to EU membership," concluded Babaic.


Recommendation to Montenegro: Check signatures supporting candidates in more detail, check donations and loans (RTCG)


The observation mission of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) recommended that Montenegro prescribe detailed rules for the verification of signatures of support for presidential candidates, as well as to enable verification of the legality of donations and the use of loans in the campaign. These are the key recommendations of the Mission that followed the presidential elections in Montenegro, and whose report will be presented to the deputies of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on Monday, 24 April. The report was submitted to the parliamentary procedure by the head of the mission, Joseph O'Reilly, on April 14, and was published on the PSSE website. According to the members of the Mission, Montenegro should respond to all the previous recommendations of the Venice Commission and the OSCE and implement reforms in the legal framework that regulates elections, starting with the electoral law. "In particular, to include in the electoral law sufficient regulations for the second round of elections, grounds for annulment of election results by the court, procedures for tabulating results and resolving election disputes, responsibility of election commission members for breaking the law and candidates for forging signatures, while preventing members State election commissions to vote along political lines on key decisions," the report says. I suggest that Montenegro reconsider the condition of permanent residence of voters or candidates and ensure its compatibility with international standards. Also, to ensure the constant functionality of the Constitutional Court, which is the final address for appeals. "To prescribe detailed rules on the verification of signatures on lists of support for presidential candidates, to undertake a comprehensive legislative reform of the legal framework for campaign financing, especially campaign regulations in order to prevent the abuse of state resources for campaign purposes. Also, to enable verification of the legality of donations and the use of loans, providing for effective sanctions for violating the rules on campaign financing and effective supervision", emphasized the PSSE observation mission. It is also proposed to increase the powers and resources of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, but also to improve the protection of journalists and ensure the independence of the media, as a key element for balanced monitoring of election campaigns. Official Podgorica is also recommended to take concrete measures against the insufficient representation of women in political life and election administration, to improve the availability of polling stations for persons with disabilities, and finally, to ensure that all deficiencies observed on election day are eliminated in an appropriate manner. This work, as they presented, should be done within the framework of the cooperation of PSSE with Montenegro and in close cooperation with the Venice Commission. Let us remind you that the candidate of the Europe Now Movement, Jakov Milatovic, is the new president of Montenegro after the second round of elections on 2 April, when he defeated Milo Djukanovic, the current president of the country. Seven candidates participated in the presidential elections, and the elections were monitored by the PSSE and observers from the OSCE and the European Parliament.


Osmani claims that he has the right to use the Albanian language during official meetings (Republika)


The Foreign Ministry issued a statement defending the actions of Minister Bujar Osmani, who took it upon himself to expand the official use of the Albanian language and held a meeting with the Spanish Foreign Minister in Spanish and Albanian. VMRO-DPMNE came out in protest against this move, insisting that under law, the Macedonian language is the only language in which the country can conduct foreign policy. Osmani needs to resign immediately. That is the least he can do after his shameful move that humiliated all Macedonian citizens. Even though it is clear which is the official language of Macedonia for international use, Osmani used Albanian in an official meeting with the Foreign Minister of Spain. He hypocritically claims that other countries respect Macedonia, but he himself doesn’t respect the country he is a citizen of and which pays his salary, said Marija Miteva from VMRO-DPMNE. The Foreign Ministry issued a response saying that they don’t want to engage the opposition in a political debate during Easter, but after a few sentences they do exactly that. “At every meeting, the Minister addresses the domestic public in the two official languages defined in the Constitution and in the law, and the Ministry provides translation. This issue is precisely defined, and the official languages should be used. We call on VMRO-DPMNE to back their claims with some recording, or otherwise, to respect the values they profess and publicly apologize for causing needless confusion in the public on ethnic grounds, the Ministry responded.


Archbishop Stefan: We celebrate our first Easter as equal among other Orthodox churches (Republika)


This is the first Easter that we celebrate in full unity with the other Orthodox churches, said Archbishop Stefan of the Macedonian Orthodox Church. The church was accepted as equal by the other churches last year, after a decades long dispute with the Serbian church that prevented the full recognition of the Macedonian church. We are grateful to the resurrected Christ for this mercy. His generosity richly flew over the Orthodox Macedonian people and protects us from divisions and hostility, Archbishop Stefan said. He urged the Macedonians to remember that the church is their foundation and has sustained them through the centuries of foreign rule.


Meta receives the head of ODIHR observer mission (Radio Tirana)


The chairman of the Freedom Party Ilir Meta received in a meeting the head of the ODIHR observer mission for the local elections of 14 May, the Ambassador Audrey Glover. Meta announced that during the meeting they discussed concerns related to the realization of free and fair elections for the local government on 14 May. "I shared with Glover the concern regarding the lists of voters and the positions of the Ministry of the Interior and the CEC, which have created problems related to their deliberate change to create uncertainty among voters, violating the law and the 20-year consolidated practice for to", said Meta. He said that he had raised the concern about the impunity of the illegal activities of the government and the failure to take into account many of the concerns raised by the civil society. "I also shared with Glover the problem of media capture by the government, which runs contrary to the interest of the voters, who are very interested and are eager to know about the candidates and their programs in order to make the right choice on the day of the vote ", declared the leader of Freedom party. Meta said that he had expressed to Ambassador Glover the willingness of the opposition to contribute to a free, fair election process and to achieve the highest possible standards in the elections.


Berisha, meeting with Glover: We introduced her with the determination of the DP to advance the electoral process (Radio Tirana)


The chairman of the DP Reestablishment Commission Sali Berisha declared after the meeting with the head of the ODIHR Mission Audrey Glover that the efforts to leave the country without opposition have failed. He said that during the meeting we presented all the issues that we consider very important for a normal election process. "I had a meeting with the Head of Mission of ODIHR, Mrs. Glover, where I introduced her with the failure of the efforts to leave the country without opposition, the determination of the DP to advance the electoral process as we have expressed to the Albanians. I think that Mrs. Glover was with us for a meeting to be informed about the views, facts and developments according to the PD of these elections in Albania. We presented all the issues that we consider very important for a normal election process", said Berisha.


Peleshi: Our troops, an important contribution to the KFOR mission (Radio Tirana)


The Armed Forces are making an important contribution to the KFOR mission in Kosovo. The Minister of Defense, Niko Peleshi, brought moments of their dedication in carrying out the assigned tasks. "With their unwavering professionalism and dedication, they are serving tirelessly alongside their international colleagues to ensure a safe environment," he said. According to Peleshi, their professionalism and dedication is best demonstrated by their participation in the last two COBWEB and GOLDEN SABER exercises. "Committed to maintaining a high level of operational readiness and freedom of movement for all", concluded the Minister of Defense.