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Belgrade Media Report 20 April 2023



Vucic: We had a meaningful and open conversation (RTS/RTV/Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met on Wednesday with US Ambassadors Christopher Hill and Michael Murphy. "Today (yesterday) in Belgrade, I received US Ambassadors to Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Christopher Hill and Michael Murphy. We had a meaningful and open conversation about all important regional issues. I pointed to the fact that political and economic cooperation in the Balkans is the most important condition for the progress of all nations. I also expressed the commitment of the Republic of Serbia to respecting the norms of the Dayton Peace Agreement and the conviction that peace and stability are the highest values on which we must persevere. Serbia has always supported the integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the rights of the Republika Srpska (RS) and the other entity (in B&H) which they have in accordance with the Dayton Agreement," a statement reads.


Dacic: So-called Kosovo has almost no chance of joining UNESCO (Tanjug/RTV/RTS)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Thursday the so-called Kosovo was unlikely to get support for joining UNESCO. Speaking to reporters in Paris after a meeting with UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay, Dacic said he had asked the organisation to devote special attention to the Serbian cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija. "Preparations are also underway for the UNESCO assembly in November. For us, it is important that, considering our positions on Kosovo and Metohija, there is no Kosovo application for UNESCO membership for now, but that does not mean there will not be one. For us, it is good that UNESCO is a global organisation, rather than one based in Europe, where most countries recognise Kosovo. I think there is almost no chance of Kosovo's admission to membership," Dacic said. He noted that Serbia attached great significance to its UNESCO membership and that it was important for preservation of cultural heritage, especially in Kosovo and Metohija. He said heritage sites in the province were on the list of endangered cultural heritage. Serbia has an active role in UNESCO because its ambassador to the organisation, Tamara Rastovac Siamashvili, also chairs the UNESCO Executive Board and cooperates closely with Azoulay, he said. Dacic conveyed to Azoulay an invitation from Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to visit Serbia again, and topics discussed at the meeting included the geopolitical situation and the circumstances in which UNESCO was operating.


Dacic: Community first and decisive step for implementation of EU proposal (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic stated yesterday, at a joint press conference with Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Sweden Tobias Billstrom, that it is Serbia’s wish to develop better bilateral relations with this country. Assessing that the two countries have very good political relations, Dacic said that an agreement was reached to hold bilateral meetings of the ministers of foreign affairs every year and that this should be a constant incentive for the further development of our relations. Serbia is very proud of the fact that the two countries have better and better economic relations and cooperation, he said, and in that context expressed his gratitude to Sweden for the incentive funds that we received from that country in the previous period for various development projects. He also stated that approximately 130,000 citizens of Serbia live in Sweden, who can be a link between our two countries. When it comes to the dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija, Dacic reiterated that Serbia is asking for the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities to be the first step, a decisive and determining condition for the implementation of the European proposal for the normalisation of relations between Belgrade and Pristina. Today is 10 years since the signing of the Brussels agreement, which I signed then as prime minister of Serbia and in which the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities was agreed for the first time. Ten years later, what was the first point in the Brussels agreement, i.e. the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities, is under a big question mark, said Dacic. What is indisputable is that we will continue with reforms for EU membership. I think it is in Serbia's interest to apply EU standards when it comes to human rights, freedoms, democracy, reforms in various areas of society, including the system of the rule of law, media freedom and others, said Dacic. Billstrom pointed out that the welcome he received in Belgrade is a reflection of the strong ties between Serbia and Sweden. He reiterated that he discussed with Dacic the negotiation process between Belgrade and Pristina, the European proposal for the normalisation of relations, as well as a series of other bilateral issues, including economic ones.


Billstrom: All provisions of Ohrid deal must be implemented immediately (Tanjug/Beta)


Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrom said on Wednesday in Belgrade his meeting with Serbian President Alekdandar Vucic had addressed topics that included normalisation of Belgrade-Pristina relations, and noted that the EU expected all provisions of the Ohrid agreement to be implemented immediately. At a press conference after the meeting with Vucic, Billstrom said Serbia belonged in the EU - which he noted was its largest trade partner - and had no alternative to the European path. He said the Swedish EU presidency kept the Western Balkans high on the agenda, and noted that the Russian invasion on Ukraine had changed European security completely and that he expected the EU's partners to align with the bloc. He said countries in the region were essential partners in keeping Europe stable. He said his visit to Belgrade reflected the strong Serbia-Sweden ties and that around 130,000 Serbians were working in Sweden, as well as that Swedish companies operating in Serbia were employing around 10,000 people. Billstrom also said the meeting with Vucic had also addressed current reforms and problems, rule of law and media freedoms. He said it was important for Serbia to fully align with the EU.


Escobar: US will recognize Kosovo election results (Tanjug/N1)


US diplomat Gabriel Escobar told Tanjug on Wednesday that Washington will recognize the results of the local elections in the north of Kosovo even if the Serbs boycott them. The Assistant Secretary of State said that the election boycott by some political parties won’t determine the outcome of the vote. He said that he appealed to the Serbs to take part in the elections adding that he understands the problems they are facing. According to him, the Kosovo government has a constitutional obligation to hold elections. He said the elections will take place and the US will recognize the outcome. He expressed the hope that the Kosovo Serbs will return to the institutions they quit.


Russian parliament delegation in Belgrade (FoNet)


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic met with a Russian parliament delegation in Belgrade on Wednesday, a press release said. It said that Orlic told the delegation of the Russian parliament Federation Council that unilateral steps were being taken against the Serbian people, adding that the authorities in Pristina have been refusing their obligation to form the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO). Russian delegation chief Yelena Afanasyeva is quoted as saying that Moscow’s position of Kosovo will not change. “Afanasyeva pointed out the importance of cooperation by regional and international parliamentary organizations and the importance of maintaining constant contacts …. which could contribute to links between Serbia and Russia,” the press release said.


KFOR commander says Belgrade, Pristina to implement agreement (N1/RTV)


KFOR commander Major General Angelo Michele Ristuccia told NATO officials and ambassadors in Brussels on Wednesday that Belgrade and Pristina should implement their obligations under the agreement to normalize their relations. A video released by KFOR showed the general saying that those obligations should be implemented fully and as quickly as possible without endangering achievements to date. Ristuccia said that KFOR remains focused on the daily implementation of its UN mandate, adding that its mission is based on conditions not timing and is subject to NATO Council decisions. He added that KFOR will continue close cooperation with the EU to secure the security framework for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. The general said that he would continue supporting all efforts to create lasting security in cooperation with the EU, UN, OSCE, Kosovo institutions and security services and the Serbian Chief of General Staff. He said KFOR is fully prepared to react if stability, security and freedom of movement are in danger.


No visa liberalization for Serbian passport holders in Kosovo (N1)


The EU decision to grant Kosovo a visa liberalization does not include holders of passports issued by the Serbian Internal Affairs Ministry (MUP) Coordination Department for Kosovo.

A post on the MUP web portal said that Serbian citizens resident in Kosovo have to submit requests for passports in Belgrade at the Coordination Department. The decision was taken by the Serbian government under a decree issued in 2009. Thijs Reuten MEP, author of the visa liberalization agreement, said that it is valid only for documents issued by the authorities in Pristina which means that Kosovo residents who have Serbian passports have to apply for visas to travel to the EU in Pristina, Skopje or Tirana, not Belgrade. Kosovo deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi said that people with passports issued in Belgrade have eight months to get passports issued by Pristina which would allow them to travel to the EU without visas.


Norway ready to transfer its experience in energy transition to Serbia (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Minister of Mining and Energy Dubravka Djedovic and Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway Jorn Eugen Gjelstad discussed yesterday the cooperation of the two countries in the field of energy, with an emphasis on the development of renewable energy sources. Djedovic pointed out that Serbia is currently in a key phase when it comes to setting long-term goals for increasing the share of renewable energy sources (RES) in the energy mix, but also at the moment when we are taking the first and extremely important steps in reforming our energy companies, which should be the engine of the entire economy. Norway's experience is significant in implementing our ambitions, to improve the management of state-owned companies and to increase our energy independence by using our own energy resources, the Minister pointed out. Gjelstad highlighted the readiness of the Norwegian side to transfer to Serbia its experience in the development of the energy sector and energy transition, and added that there is significant interest of Norwegian companies in potential investments in Serbia, especially in the field of RES. The Ambassador confirmed the intention of the Kingdom of Norway to help the Ministry of Mining and Energy and the Serbian government through grants in attracting local experts who would work on energy transition and implementation of energy sector reforms. The meeting also looked at the upcoming Norway-Serbia Business Forum, which will be held on Monday, 24 April, and which will bring together a significant number of Norwegian investors, many of whom are from the energy sector.


Milatovic: Open Balkans better than closed Balkans (NIN)


Montenegro's new President Jakov Milatovic said that the matter of joining the Open Balkans initiative will be discussed both by the future government and parliament, and that his political position is clear – it is better to be part of open than closed Balkans. “The idea of the EU arose as an idea of regional economic cooperation between the Benelux countries, Germany, France and Italy. When we talk about European integration here in the Balkans we often forget precisely the importance of our own regional economic integration processes. Advancing relations and regional cooperation is something that, as an economist, I have always advocated,” Milatovic told the weekly NIN commenting on the Open Balkans initiative. He said EU membership is a top priority, and that “as long as that is our main goal, I see no problem why we wouldn’t at the same time improve our regional economic cooperation”. “What’s more, I think it is an integral part of our EU integration,” stressed Milatovic. Asked if he knows Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and whether he had congratulated him on his victory in the Montenegrin presidential vote, Milatovic said he has not had an opportunity to meet him in person. “I am grateful for the congratulatory letter that I received after winning the presidential elections. We also had a friendly and decent phone conversation. We both expressed readiness to work on advancing cooperation and resolving the issues burdening our region,” said Milatovic.




New round of talks on amendments to FB&H Constitution with aim to form FB&H government takes place (BHT1)


A new round of talks on the amendments to the Constitution of the FB&H with an aim to form the FB&H government, which was held in Sarajevo on Wednesday, yielded no concrete results. SB&H and NES met with SDA and DF at the building of the FB&H parliament. It was stressed at the meeting that possible short-term solutions of High Representative Christian Schmidt aimed at formation of the new FB&H government are unacceptable. DF stated that the party offered long-term solutions that are in line with the Constitution of the FB&H. DF’s Admir Cavalic said that the goal is to complete the government formation process and that at least B&H House of Representatives’ (HoR) parliamentary majority adopts the constitutional changes in the upcoming period. SDA said the party has nothing against solution in which the parliamentary majority appoints the FB&H government, but that this needs to be in line with the Constitution of the FB&H. SDA’s Mirsad Zaimovic stated that SDA will officially propose a solution which says in case that the FB&H leadership fails to agree on the appointment of the FB&H government within 30 days, each member of the FB&H leadership can propose a list of candidates to the FB&H HoR, after which the parliamentary majority elects the government in line with its capacities. He explained that in this case SDA would be part of the opposition and that this is not a problem for the party, but that the main thing is that such a solution would protect the state of B&H from predominance of any of the political parties or groups in long-term perspective. NES’ Irfan Duric stated that long-term solution to the amendments to the Constitution of the FB&H is being sought through the FB&H HoR constitutional and legal commission in order to avoid risks of obstructions in the process of formation of the new FB&H government. Later on Wednesday, NES and SB&H held a meeting with HDZ 1990. According to HDZ 1990, a unified solution should be found and an agreement on the government formation should be reached independently. HDZ 1990’s Stipe Tokic said that the party is against any kind of solutions that are imposed by foreign factors and that there needs to be sufficient level of political and moral responsibility to tend to reach an internal agreement. SB&H and NES announced that they will meet with HDZ B&H in Mostar on Thursday.


Covic expects formation of FB&H government next week considering Schmidt should make decision which would enable that (RTV Herceg Bosna/O Kanal)


HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic said that he expects the formation of the FB&H government next week, in the previously proposed composition, given that the High Representative Christian Schmidt should make a decision that would enable this. Covic spoke for RTV Herceg Bosna about what was the topic of the meeting held in Sarajevo on Tuesday. Covic said that there are still dilemmas as to how to form the government, considering that certain issues are constantly being raised in the public. Covic is convinced that the parliamentary majority will form the FB&H government very soon. Commenting on what could the Office of the High Representative (OHR) do and how would the High Representative Christian Schmidt make additional decisions to end the blockade of the appointment of the FB&H government, Covic is convinced that there would be no decision from Schmidt, which should represent changes to the Election Law or the FB&H Constitution. Covic said that such a decision, especially in a permanent form, is out of question. Covic pointed out that the constitutional deadline for appointment of the FB&H government expired. He said there is a lot of things to do and that they need to harmonize what the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) is starting to do in its new convocation. He said that B&H CoM is missing the capacity of the parliamentary majority at the FB&H level.


Izetbegovic believes HR Schmidt will not dare enact a temporary solution that would favor HDZ B&H (Dnveni list)


SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic who said that (HDZ B&H leader) Dragan Covic and (SDP B&H leader) Nermin Niksic would immediately abandon everything and respond to call from (SNSD leader) Milorad Dodik, (High Representative) Christian Schmidt and some ambassadors in a hope that they will help them take over the power. Izetbegovic said: “Let’s make things perfectly clear: They are making proposals of convocation of the FB&H government, they negotiate without us and then accuse us of blockades. They assigned the role of yes-man to (FB&H Vice President Refik) Lendo, who represents the Bosniaks. But Lendo will not be a yes-man and sign formation of the FB&H government without SDA. I do not exactly know what Lendo meant when he said he will offer something to Niksic and Covic (…)”. Speaking about possible intervention of the High Representative (HR), Izetbegovic believes that Schmidt, as soon as he got this possibility, will be forced to impose something, and that it is clear which direction things may take. “I think that some embassies encourage some politicians not to come to meetings, that they count on fixing the situation, to cement the protectorate in B&H to their benefit. SDP B&H came to power twice this way”, said the SDA leader. Izetbegovic believes HR Schmidt will not dare enact a temporary solution that would favor HDZ B&H, a solution that would not endanger HDZ B&H in the future cycles. That would, according to Izetbegovic, caused a rebellion among Bosniaks, not by SDA. Izetbegovic went on to say that the time is slowly undoing ‘The Eight’: “One dignified pro-Bosniak bloc could be created by itself”.


Dodik comments formation of FB&H government (O Kanal/ATV)


The RS President Milorad Dodik commented on the formation of the FB&H government. Dodik said that there is nothing he can do about it. Dodik stated: “Our (government) has been functioning for five or six months, since the elections. We do our job; we do not engage in those petty bazaar or backroom games”. He said that they are trying to secure projects and will continue to do so. Dodik stated: “We need an efficient FB&H government, to cooperate with them on all issues. To try to work with them. The fact that it is not working for them and that they need the assistance of an unelected foreigner, who does not have any legality, let those who want to accept such interference ask themselves. It will eventually turn back on them just like it did for SDA. That is something that is the rule in all of this…”


Plenkovic expects that formation of FB&H government will be brought to an end (


Addressing media in Ston on Wednesday, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic stated that he expects that the process of authority formation in the FB&H to be completed, adding that this would be good for reputation and functionality of the country. “I expect that this process will be completed after all. This is good for reputation of the country, its functionality and lives of citizens. I do not think it is good to hold elections and then postpone the authority formation for months and sometimes even for years”, Plenkovic told media. “The more functional and the most stable the country is, its successes are more visible and greater and I continuously underline this on Croatia’s example”, ends Plenkovic.


Becirovic, Komsic, leaders of SDA, SDP, NiP, NES and SB&H sign joint statement about state property (Oslobodjenje)


Members of B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic and Zeljko Komsic, together with leaders of SDA, SDP, NiP, NES and SB&H- Bakir Izetbegovic, Nermin Niksic, Elmedin Konakovic, Nermin Ogresevic and Semir Efendic- signed on Wednesday a joint statement about state property, in which they reminded that final and obligatory legal stances have been presented through decisions of Constitutional Court of B&H, according to which state of B&H is a successor of state property of (Socialist) Republic of B&H and property which belonged to former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. “State property reflects statehood, independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity which belong exclusively to state of B&H and not to entities”, the statement reads. It is further stated that Prosecutor’s Office of B&H and other competent bodies have to prosecute those responsible for announcing unconstitutional and illegal registering of state property on name of the RS entity and underlined that threats with secessionism and refusal to implement the final and obligatory decisions of the B&H CC represent harsh attacks on the Dayton Peace Agreement, which endangers peace and stability in the entire region. The signatories warned representatives of the international community that it is high time to undertake decisive steps so that anti-Dayton and anti-constitutional policy of the RS authorities would not escalate with unpredictable and immense consequences.


Dodik threatens with secession after parties in the FBiH signed joint statement on state property (FTV)


The members of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic and Zeljko Komsic and the leaders of SDA, SDP, People and Justice (NiP), Our Party (NS), NES and SB&H signed a joint statement on the state property of B&H in which they reminded that the decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H take final and binding legal positions that the state of B&H is the heir of the state property of RB&H, and the property that belonged to Yugoslavia. The presenter commented that such unity was disliked by the RS President Milorad Dodik, who once again threatened with a secession. Becirovic believes that the issue of state property is of great importance for the future of B&H. He added that state property reflects statehood, independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity that belong exclusively to the state of B&H, not to the entities. Becirovic said they are not afraid of Dodik’s blackmail, ultimatums and threats, that their signed statement is clear commitment to the fact that no one has the right to put the Dayton Peace Agreement and the decisions of the B&H Constitutional Court in question. He said that separatist politicians who think they can unilaterally destroy international and domestic law are delusional. Becirovic said that anti-Dayton policies can have unforeseeable negative consequences, mostly for those who advocate them. Dodik did not change his stance on state property. He said that political representatives from the FB&H can shout and threaten all they want. Dodik stated: “We call for a return to the Constitution, to restore the Dayton structure of the Constitution of B&H, to no longer raise issues such as state property, which were previously resolved. If you raise them, we have no reason to be in B&H and the RS has the potential, whatever anyone thinks about it, to express its dissatisfaction with existing within B&H.”


Cvijanovic, Viskovic, Stevandic condemn joint statement on state property (RTRS)


Chair of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic emphasized that decisions of the B&H CC, that signatories of the statement refer to, do not represent constitutional ground, but evidence that the highest legal and political act in B&H has been undermined by those obliged to protect it. Cvijanovic went on to saying that policies of Milorad Dodik and the RS are not anti-Dayton and are not the ones destabilizing B&H for more than two decades, but it has been done by pathetic attempts of Bosniak leaders to take something that does not belong to B&H by the Constitution and by the DPA. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic stressed that property of the RS remains exclusively property of the RS. Viskovic emphasized that the Constitution of B&H and the DPA clearly read that state property belongs to entities. “It was property of the RS over last 30 years and it will be over next 300 years, regardless to their statements”, said Viskovic. Speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic stated that only naïve ones can believe that the signatories of the statement are creators of its content. Stevandic explained that signing of the statement is a reaction to some external input, because parties from Sarajevo could have passed a similar statement significantly earlier. “Why are they doing this at this moment, when this action was launched by the OHR and the US Embassy? It means they are not independent, but are passing decisions in line with orders”, underlined Stevandic.


Maddocks makes decisions about Milo Bozovic, Knezevic claims (CdM)


President of the parliament’s Security and Defense Committee Milan Knezevic noted that he knew the decisions on the arrest of Milo Bozovic had been made in the UK Embassy after he heard the statement of the UK Ambassador Karen Maddocks, suggesting  that everyone should congratulate prosecutor’s office on the achievement. He also added that the Milo Bozovic trial would be held in the UK Embassy, proposing the continuation of the one over the alleged coup attempt to be held there as well. “Imagine our ambassador cutting in line in London for a kilo of bread and a can of tuna. He would be beaten in that market and then thrown into the Thames. In our country, it’s normal that the British Ambassador expresses a disturbing view – that we should support the action of the prosecution even though we haven’t seen evidence in order to expand the investigation. I don’t say we should throw Ambassador Maddocks in the Moraca River or harass her physically, but we should send her a message, at least we from the Front, that we’re some kind of independent country, and if she doesn’t know what to do here, then she should translate Shakespeare into Serbian, go to the beaches, be interested in bazaars, fairs… and let us create this country as we imagined based on the will of citizens expressed in the election,” said Knezevic.


Kovac seeks Lepa Medenica’s dismissal (CdM)


The Minister of Justice Marko Kovac has submitted to the Prosecutor’s Council of Montenegro a proposal for the dismissal of Lepa Medenica, the head of the High State Prosecutor’s Office in Podgorica, the Ministry of Justice has announced. “After inspecting the official note made by state prosecutor Vukas Radonjic, it was established that there is a suspicion that Lepa Medenica, the head of the High State Prosecutor’s Office in Podgorica, exerted undue influence on him as acting prosecutor in the case formed on the occasion of the lifting of the ban on entry into Montenegro of persons of interest Veljko Belivuk and Marko Miljkovic”, states the Ministry of Justice. According to its statements, this behavior of Lepa Medenica represents an inappropriate attitude towards an employee of the State Prosecutor’s Office, which is the basis for the dismissal of the head of the State Prosecutor’s Office, pursuant to the Law on the State Prosecutor’s Office and represents an unusual practice in the actions of the prosecutor’s office, especially considering the importance of the case itself.


Justice Ministry releases names of experts in constitutional changes working group (Sitel/Faktor/Alfa)

The Ministry of Justice released Wednesday the names of experts who will participate in the working group on the constitutional changes. The expert working group will consist of Sali Murati, former President of the Constitutional Court, Margarita Caca Nikolovska – former judge at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, Bajram Pollozhani – former constitutional judge and constitutional law professor, Branko Naumovski – former President of the Constitutional Court, Jeton Shasivari – professor at the South East-European University, Ana Chupeska – professor at the Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus”, Elena Mihajlova Stratilati – professor at the Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus”, Besa Arifi – professor at the South East-European University, Jagoda Mitrevska – professor at the International Slavic University and Marija Pandevska – professor at the Institute of National History. The composition of the working group will be expanded in the upcoming period with other members that will contribute in the drafting of the constitutional changes. “This working group has been established by the Ministry of Justice, charged with drafting the initiative over the need for constitutional changes. The government is the petitioner of the constitutional changes. Once drafted, the amendments will have to pass through all parliamentary bodies, in parallel with public debates at which experts, parties, civil society organizations and other institutions will express their positions,” said the Ministry of Justice.


Kovachevski: Opposition to submit its proposals to Constitutional Affairs Commission (MIA)


The opposition is free to submit its proposals to the Constitutional Affairs Commission at the Ministry of Justice, and they will be discussed there, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski on Wednesday in answer to a journalist’s question over the proposal of constitutional law professor Aleksandar Spasenovski to change the national coat of arms. The PM stressed that North Macedonia is a NATO member, despite the lack of support from the opposition, and, he said, soon the country will also be an EU member state. “They are free to deliver their proposals to the Constitutional Affairs Commission at the Ministry of Justice, and they will be discussed there, since we can see that the opposition changes its positions daily. Is our NATO membership legitimate? It is, despite the lack of support from the opposition. We will also become an EU member state, and I hope that the opposition will support something for once. They didn’t even support the Frontex Agreement whose implementation begins tomorrow, and which for the first time lists the Macedonian language next to all other EU languages,” said Kovachevski. Asked about Bulgaria, Kovachevski said that they will discuss developments on a political level once the Bulgarian parties form a political government. “Negotiations are underway in Bulgaria, so they can finally form a political government. I wish them success. Once they form a political government, then we will be able to discuss the issues on a political level and comment on developments. We have a clear negotiating framework which clearly states the tasks we need to fulfill in order to continue the negotiations and the implementation of the process that will make us an EU member state by 2030,” added Kovachevski.


Mickoski: Constitutional amendments and coat of arms are different processes, no change to Constitution in this parliament (MIA)


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski reiterated on Wednesday that the party will not take part in the working group nor will it submit proposals over amendments to the Constitution, noting that no constitutional changes will pass in this parliament. He called on Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski to put constitutional amendments for adoption if he believes there is support in parliament, but hold snap parliamentary elections if it proves otherwise. "Don't know why they are waiting, wasn't it supposed to be in September last year, October, before they changed their mind for December, then they said February, then not February but May... So, why don't they sit down and submit it, and we close the matter once and for all. There will be no constitutional amendments in this parliamentary composition, and Kovachevski also knows this," Mickoski told reporters on Wednesday. He added that to him and to VMRO-DPMNE the working group is a closed matter, calling for the constitutional amendments issue to be submitted to parliament to see whether there will be a practical majority for the need to open the Constitution or not. "Let's not burden the public because we really have many essential topics that we need to talk about, namely crime, corruption, the poor economic situation, the problems that the citizens of Macedonia are facing," Mickoski said. He called on PM Kovachevski to submit the motion to the parliament and not to wait because nothing will neither change in the following months. "I call on him to submit it to the parliament, and if there are 80 MPs, I leave politics and he continues to be the PM, but if there are not 80 MPs, then we need to hold elections," the opposition leader added.


Interior Minister Spasovski welcomes Frontex police officers (MIA)


Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski welcomed the Frontex police officers that will be deployed at the country’s border with Greece, and marked the official beginning of the “North Macedonia 2023” joint operation with Frontex on Wednesday. The joint operation is expected to last until January 24, 2024, with the possibility of extension, and aims to support the national border control forces in managing migration, including prevention, detection and tackling of cross-border crime, as well as in collecting and exchanging operational information and identifying possible risks and threats, bolstering operational cooperation and providing support for the operational capacities. “We expect that the operation will contribute to a more efficient tackling of cross-border crime, as well as migrant smuggling, human trafficking and terrorism,” said the Ministry. In 2023, Frontex is expected to deploy more than 100 officers, patrol vehicles and special equipment on the Macedonian-Greek border, significantly boosting the capacities for detecting illegal activities along the border. As part of Interior Minister Spasovski’s visit, the First Operational Briefing of the Frontex members was held in cooperation with the Ministry’s Department for Border Affairs and Migration and the Regional Center for Border Affairs “Jug”, which officially marked the beginning of the joint operation.


Begaj at the Marshall Security Studies Center: The region deserves attention, there are spaces that carry potential instability (Radio Tirana)


President Bajram Begaj participated today (April 19) in the activity of the "George C. Marshall" European Center for Security Studies. Begaj stated that the mission of this center is more important than ever, as he adds that the German-American partnership promotes common values and advances collaborative geostrategic solutions. The President stated that for the Euro-Atlantic community, the current geopolitical climate makes close cooperation with priorities that are essentially security, peace and well-being. "We must absorb the lessons of history in order to prepare for the future, and at a time when we are all being tested, we must reevaluate and reaffirm our values. This is undoubtedly a defining moment for the Euro-Atlantic community and for our global partners, who believe in and appreciate democratic ideals, as well as human rights", said Begaj in his speech. The President said that the spirit of partnership should be a guide for the full Euro-Atlantic integration of the region. "The Western Balkans region still deserves attention, as there are spaces that carry potential instability. I take the opportunity to appreciate the serious commitment of the European Union, Germany and the USA for persistent efforts in order to advance the dialogue between the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Serbia. This dialogue for the normalization of relations should be centered on mutual recognition", said Begaj. Further, focusing on the cyber attack that our country has faced, Begaj said that thanks to the cooperation with the Euro-Atlantic partners, the United States of America and NATO, the attack did not achieve the goal. According to the President, the US and NATO have been supportive in Albania's efforts to identify, mitigate, recover and investigate the cyber attack. "We are very grateful to our allies for their support and assistance in building and strengthening our cyber capabilities and resilience. Our bitter experience is an example of the challenges we face, where state and non-state actors, with malicious and destabilizing intentions, can attack with impunity," said Begaj. The President emphasized the German-American relationship of the Marshall Center is an excellent example of successful partnerships. The Marshall Center was established by the American-German partnership 30 years ago to help promote peace and stability in Eastern Europe. Throughout these 30 years, the Marshall Center has produced more than 300 alumnus from Albania in the fields of defense, security, diplomacy, justice and academia.


Nikolla receives the Chairman of the Italian Foreign and Defense Committee Stefania Gabriella Anastasia Craxi: Albania, leader for cooperation, integration and peace in the region (Radio Tirana)


The speaker of the Assembly, Lindita Nikolla received the delegation of the Foreign and Defense Committee of the Italian Senate, headed by the Chairperson, Stefania Gabriella Anastasia Craxi. Senator Luigi Spagnolli, Ambassador Fabrizio Bucci and other Italian parliamentary friends and diplomats were part of the delegation. Cooperation between the Assembly of Albania and the Senate of Italy continues to grow and strengthen. With this end in view, Nikolla paid a visit in Rome and had a meeting with the President of the Senate, Ignazio La Russa, on 8 March of this year. "Albania and Italy, the Assembly and the Senate, are committed to contributing to the Strategic Partnership and excellent bilateral cooperation. We are grateful to Italy for its determined support of the development and democratization of our country, as well as for its contribution as the most powerful advocate of Albania's European integration. Albania and Italy are partners in NATO, in supporting Ukraine and contributing to the protection of security and peace in the region, the continent and the world. We wish and hope that Italy strongly supports Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe and other international organizations. In the cooperation between Albania and Italy, interests do not prevail, but friendship, which has its roots in the strong historical and spiritual ties between our peoples," emphasized Nikolla. Craxi pointed out that Albania and Italy, apart from two traditionally and historically close friends, are partners in facing and solving difficult geopolitical conflicts, between democratic and peaceful countries and warmongering and autocratic regimes. Italy will continue to support the European integration of Albania and the Western Balkans and has no other agenda than the European future of the region. Italy supports the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue. Italy appreciates Albania's leading role in the region, supports the regional cooperation initiative between Albania, Serbia and Montenegro and encourages other countries to join this initiative. For Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe and other international organizations, Italy will promote parallel diplomacy.