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Belgrade Media Report 26 April



Guterres submitted a biannual report on KiM (RTS)


United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres welcomed, in the latest biannual report on Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), the agreement on the road map towards the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina and the annex for its implementation with the mediation of the European Union.


Antonio Guterres, in the report, which includes UNMIK activities and developments from September 16, 2022 to March 18, 2023, assessed that the new dialogue framework has the potential to improve the process towards achieving long-term solutions. As he said, continuous constructive engagement in the comprehensive implementation of the Agreement will be necessary to build common foundations, preserve stability and prevent any re-emergence of tensions and conflicts. At the same time, he states that he supports greater involvement of women, youth and other actors of civil society in the processes related to the normalization of relations. "Specifically, the parties have 'fully committed themselves to respect all articles of the Agreement and implement all their obligations expeditiously and in good faith'. This is all the more critical as developments during the reporting period brought tensions to crisis levels, resulting in the most worrying setback since dialogue process in 2011," Guterres said. According to him, the intensified and inflammatory rhetoric on all sides, the setting up of barricades on the roads, multiple security incidents and protests in the north of KiM, have increased the risk of violence. "Incidents of an inter-ethnic nature, shootings and injuries, including among civilians and Kosovo police, as well as the apparent targeting of journalists and international security actors, were particularly alarming. All parties should exercise restraint and work to resolve all disputes peacefully way through dialogue, not escalation and crossing the line," Guterres said.


Detailed description of events from November 2022.


The report describes in detail the events of November last year, when the Serbs left Pristina's institutions, but also everything that happened after that. "Amid heightened tensions on the ground, progress on other urgent dialogue issues is limited. The 100-day road map for the implementation of energy agreements from 2013 and 2015 between Belgrade and Pristina expired on October 2 without substantial progress," Guterres said. An additional consultation period of 15 days followed, he points out, and on October 18, the Serbian energy supplier Elektrosever and Pristina's System, Transmission and Market Operator (KOSTT) concluded technical agreements, thereby avoiding the revocation of the license to supply Elektrosever, which was issued by Pristina Regulatory Office. "However, the remaining steps included in the roadmap have yet to be implemented," reads the report.


Further progress in dialogue is essential


As he stated, further progress in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is of key importance for creating the conditions for the return of representatives of Kosovo Serbs to the institutions in the north of the KiM. Since the report refers to the period before the elections in four municipalities in the north of the KiM, Guterres assessed that the inclusiveness of the elections planned for April 2023 in the north of the KiM and their conduct in a safe environment and "in accordance with the applicable laws and international standards will be of key importance." for the establishment of functional municipal institutions representing local communities". At the same time, he called on the Pristina authorities to take all necessary steps and other confidence-building measures to alleviate the concerns of affected rights holders regarding recent property expropriations, which Guterres said would help ensure transparency, due process and the right balance between full respect of individual property rights and public interest. As "other key events" in the period of six months, he also cites the election of the new Government of Serbia, the European Commission's decision to help KiM with 75 million euros in mitigating the energy crisis, reaching an agreement on visa liberalization for citizens of KiM, submitting Pristina's application to the Czech Republic for membership in the European Union, which caused objections from Belgrade.


The report also mentions the enthronement of SPC Patriarch Porfiri, i.e. the decision of the authorities in Pristina to ban him from entering the KiM. Guterres also points out that from September 16 to February 28 there were 12 incidents at Serbian Orthodox religious buildings and cemeteries, which included damage to tombstones at Serbian Orthodox cemeteries in the municipalities of Klokot and Klina, thefts from the Serbian Orthodox Church in Gnjilan and East, as well as the disorder in the Visoki Decani monastery. It states that several other incidents contributed to increased tensions between communities during the reporting period. In October, as stated, a number of "separate incidents related to the theft and burning of the Kosovo, Albanian and Serbian flags were reported in various municipalities throughout" KiM, including a local monument dedicated to the missing persons in the village of Velika Hoca in Orahovac. It is stated that there were several incidents of verbal and physical abuse by members of the special police, including one on November 14 "in which the executive director of an NGO based in North Mitrovica reported that he was verbally and physically assaulted near Jarinje".


Security vacuum after the withdrawal of Serbs from institutions


Guterres also states that the withdrawal of Kosovo Serbs from Pristina institutions created a security vacuum in northern KiM, leaving the police operating with less than seven percent of their strength before the withdrawal in that area. "The remaining 43 police officers, Kosovo Albanians, continued to perform limited duties in police stations. The European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) have increased their presence in the north to contribute to a safe and secure environment," Guterres said.  The report welcomes, among other things, the adoption of the law on prevention and protection from domestic violence, violence against women and gender-based violence, as well as efforts to amend the criminal code.


Bilcik says report supports Serbia’s strategic goal (N1)


European Parliament rapporteur for Serbia Vladimir Bilcik MEP said on Wednesday that he wanted to draw up a realistic and balanced report, while supporting Serbia's strategic goal of membership in the European Union. He said in remarks after the report was adopted by the EP Foreign Affairs Committee (AFET) that it welcomes the way the elections were conducted in April 2022 noting certain critical issues and welcomes the return of the opposition to the Serbian parliament. “We stand ready to work on improving parliamentary culture and procedures,” he said and added that it calls for a strengthening of the independence of the judiciary, fight against organized crime and corruption and a more independent media environment.


“We expect all political leaders in Serbia to take a clear stance and condemn Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. Russia’s influence remains a problem in Serbia… The EU gave a clear signal to our partners in the Western Balkans region: in war times, we must stand together,” he said, adding that a large part of his report deals with energy policy, notably cutting off dependence on Russia and fossil fuels and improving environmental issues”.


Commenting the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue, he said violence against the Kosovo Serbs is unacceptable as is intimidation of people working towards a European future of the region. “In the last months and days, we have seen a window of opportunity to reach a long-overdue normalisation of relations between Serbia and Kosovo. This will require a European vision, genuine commitment to negotiating in good faith and a certain degree of political courage from leaders on both sides,” he said adding that a “sincere communication campaign”, will show the public the benefits of a solution.


Stano: EU has noted Serbia’s vote against Kosovo joining CoE (Beta)


EU Spokesman Peter Stano said on April 25 that Brussels "has noted" that Serbia voted against accepting Kosovo's application for membership in the Council of Europe, but declined to say whether the EU saw this is a violation of the agreement on normalizing relations between Kosovo and Serbia. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo

Premier Albin Kurti reached an oral agreement on the path to normalizing relations in Ohrid, North Macedonia on Feb. 27, while Article 4 of the agreement envisages that Serbia will not oppose Kosovo's membership in international institutions. "Arguments on the signing of the agreement are completely useless and unimportant. There is a commitment at the top political level and this obligation has now become binding in the process of admission for both sides. Progress in the dialogue and implementation will reflect politically and financially on their European road," Stano was quoted as saying by Radio Free Europe. He confirmed that the agreement reached in Ohrid was still valid and that everyone needed to focus on applying what the leaders had arranged.


Brnabic to Stano: Serbia takes note that EU violated Brussels Agreement (Beta)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic commented on a statement by EU Spokesman Peter Stano and said that Serbia had noted the fact that the EU had directly violated a series of international documents again. Brnabic reacted to Stano's statement that the "EU has noted" that Serbia voted against accepting Kosovo's application for membership in the Council of Europe. "FYI to our partners from the EU: Serbia also takes note of the fact that EU, once again, directly breached all of the following: Brussels Agreement, EU-proposed Agreement & Implementation Annex from Ohrid, Statute of the CoE, UN Charter, UNSCR 1244," Brnabic tweeted. She also said that "BTW, love the part in Peter Stano's remarks about a 'very simple logic' of negotiations: 'Each party needs to do something in order to get something'. In reality, Pristina got more than something for doing exactly nothing. So much for the 'simple logic!'," the Serbian prime minister wrote.


Djilas: Had Serbia joined some of the EU’s measures against Russia, Kosovo would not have been a subject in CoE (Beta)


Freedom and Justice Party leader Dragan Djilas said on April 25 that the Council of Europe Ministerial Committee's decision to support procedure for admitting Kosovo into the organization was the result of Serbia not joining "some measures," i.e. EU sanctions against

Russia. "They seized the moment when Serbia did not join some measures (sanctions) against Russia... Had we had a different policy on what is happening in Ukraine, they (Kosovo) would not have been on the CoE (agenda)," Djilas told B92. He said that he was aware that the majority of people in Serbia opposed introducing sanctions against Russia, but that politicians needed to make rational and not emotional decisions. He said that Serbia had no alternative to joining the EU and stressed that EU investments reached EUR1.8 billion in 2021, as opposed to EUR11.1 million from Russia.


Asked about the upcoming meeting between President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti in Brussels, he replied that Belgrade needed to participate in the dialogue even though the Pristina authorities had not met their obligations and said that he supported the creation of the Community of Serb Municipalities.


DVERI Movement leader claims ruling majority leaves option for imposing sanctions against Russia open (Beta)


The Serbian Movement Dveri whip in the Serbian parliament, Bosko Obradovic, on April 25 said that at the April 24 session of the parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, the ruling coalition MPs had withheld their votes on the proposal to impose sanctions against Russia to leave the option open. In a statement, Obradovic said that by withholding their votes, the Serbian Progressive Party and the Socialist Party of Serbia had left the option of imposing sanctions against Russia open, similarly to when they “imposed sanctions against Belarus under pressure from the EU.” In support of his claim, Obradovic said that at the April 24 Committee session, the ruling majority had rejected a draft resolution on prohibiting unilateral sanctions as a foreign policy instrument, submitted by 28 MPs of the opposition parties that describe themselves as patriotic. “An additional reason why the incumbent regime

cannot be trusted on this matter is the fact that the National Security Council’s decisions on rejecting the Franco-German plan for Kosovo and a moratorium on joint military exercises with any country have been both breached,” Obradovic stressed.


On April 24, the Serbian parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee did not adopt a draft resolution on aligning Serbia’s foreign policy with the EU’s, including sanctions against Russia. The draft resolution, submitted by Committee Chairman Borko Stefanovic, was backed by two Committee members, one was against, while 12 abstained from voting. The Foreign Affairs Committee also rejected the Serbian government’s recommendations on a new foreign policy, a Declaration on the need to strengthen collaboration with Russia at the bilateral level and in international organizations, and the draft resolution on prohibiting unilateral sanctions as a foreign policy instrument, submitted by the right-wing opposition parties. The Committee also dismissed a Declaration on “Serbian mini-Schengen,” envisaged as a new form of integration of Serbia, Republika Srpska and Montenegro, also submitted by the right-wing opposition parties.


Botsan-Kharchenko: Pristina's support for the Council of Europe is Kurti's reward for his anti-Serb policy (Blic)


Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandar Botsan-Kharchenko assessed that the support of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to Pristina's application for admission to the Council of Europe actually represents the West rewarding the "prime minister" of the temporary institutions of Pristina, Albin Kurti, for his anti-Serb policy. Botsan-Kharchenko stated on Twitter that it is no coincidence that this decision is aligned with "false 'elections'" in four municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija and assessed that "it is not necessary to prove that Pristina is following the course of the USA and the EU".


US Ambassador to the UN for the rapid implementation of the agreement between Belgrade and Pristina (RTV)


The US ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, called for the "quick implementation of the legally binding agreement" that Belgrade and Pristina reached in Ohrid, according to the spokesman of the US mission to the UN, Nate Evans. "The US will continue to be actively engaged in supporting Kosovo and Serbia as they implement their commitments to achieve predictable and peaceful relations," said Thomas-Greenfield, who met in New York on Tuesday with Deputy Prime Minister of Pristina's Provisional Institutions and Minister of Foreign Affairs Donika Gervalla-Schwarz. The ambassador congratulated Gervalla-Schwarz on the "historic, legally binding normalization agreement" between Belgrade and Pristina and called for "its quick implementation", Evans reported.

It is also stated that the American ambassador and Gervalla-Schwarz discussed the "long-term partnership between the USA and Kosovo and the joint commitment to improving stability and progress in the Western Balkans".


Lajcak spoke with the MEPs about the Brussels dialogue and the Western Balkans (FoNet)


The special representative of the European Union for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, spoke with MEPs belonging to the group of Socialists and Democrats about the latest developments regarding the dialogue and the Western Balkans in general. "I am grateful for their interest in the region and support for the European future," Lajcak wrote on Twitter. Socialists and Democrats wrote on their Twitter profile that they discussed dialogue with Lajcak before the key meeting in Brussels on May 2. "We call for the implementation of the agreement on the normalization of relations. It is time for mutual trust and refraining from unilateral moves", stated that group.


Petkovic: Kurti should write announcements on the networks, the draft of the statute of the ZSO, a job for the Management Team (RTS)


Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, said that Aljbin Kurti, by stating that the European Union did not accept that the government in Pristina draft the statute of the Community of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO), admitted that he had no idea about the dialogue and the agreements reached.


"Aljbin Kurti shows us his autocratic face day by day, and now he has publicly admitted in front of everyone that he has no idea about the dialogue and the agreements reached. Instead of hiding his shame, he is still publicly bragging that he is not up to the dialogue and negotiations with President Aleksandar Vucic" said Petkovic. If Kurti did not learn in 10 years that the Statute of the ZSO is written by the Management Team, Petkovic says, he should have learned that from the period when he was sending the Brussels Agreement to the so-called Constitutional Court, he will not learn anything even in another 10 years. "Let Kurti stick to writing posts on social networks, that's his scope, and the serious work is on the experts from the Management Team, who should present the results of their work in accordance with the agreements to a high-level dialogue," said Petkovic. Aljbin Kurti said that the European Union did not accept that the government in Pristina write a draft of the ZSO statute, and that his idea was rejected at the meeting in Ohrid.


Serbian Government confirms working on new foreign policy strategy (Beta)


An agreement was reached at the Serbian Government session on Tuesday, which was also attended by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, to begin drafting a strategic document in the field of foreign policy that will “precisely define Serbia's relations with other countries,” said a government press release. The goal of the document is “to respect Serbia’s partners and friends who unequivocally support the territorial integrity of the country and behave in this way in all international organizations in accordance with the principles of international law,” said the press release. It was specified at the meeting that “bilateral relations will be taken into account” in the future foreign policy strategy and that “reciprocity will not be exceeded.”

“This new document will introduce deep and essential changes, in line with the responsible attitude towards our country, and respect for international law will be the first position of the strategy,” it added.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


SNSD blames PDP for the fact that B&H abstained from voting on Kosovo’s membership in CoE; PDP rejects accusations (RTRS)


The instruction of the Serb member and Chairperson of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic was violated, noted the presenter. Cvijanovic requested from the Mission of B&H in the Council of Europe (CoE) that the representative of B&H vote against the membership of Kosovo in CoE. Despite of this, the Deputy Ambassador of the Mission of B&H Tanja Milasinovic Martinovic abstained during the vote.


The Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik said that the RS is distancing itself from such a vote. RTRS carried Cvijanovic’s instruction to the Ambassador of the Mission of B&H Ivan Orlic, which reads: “B&H did not recognize the independence of the so-called Republic of Kosovo and, accordingly, the representative of B&H at the session of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe should vote against membership in the Council of Europe. Respecting the official position of B&H towards the independence of the so-called Republic of Kosovo, the Cabinet of the Chairperson of the B&H Presidency asked the representative of B&H at the Council of Europe to vote against the initiation of the procedure regarding the application for membership of the so-called Republic of Kosovo in the Council of Europe”.


The reporter commented that Orlic admitted on social media that Cvijanovic’s instruction was not respected. Orlic was quoted as saying: “My deputy voted according to my instructions, based on the instructions of the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the divided opinion of the B&H Presidency. I am not an anti-Serb ambassador, and my deputy is even less so, and everything we do is in the interest of B&H, including the RS entity”.


Dodik said that PDP brought Milasinovic Martinovic to the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the former B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic sent Milasinovic Martinovic to her current position, despite the lack of consent and will of the Serbs. Dodik stated that B&H never recognized Kosovo, that they have nothing to do with the authorities in Pristina, that they respect the integrity of Serbia and that they will follow Serbia on these issues. SNSD warned that this kind of behavior in the CoE is a reflection of the bad functioning of B&H and bad staffing. They stated that Milasinovic Martinovic was twice appointed the ambassador from the PDP quota.


Head of the SNSD Caucus in the RSNA Igor Zunic said it is clear that Milasinovic Martinovic was appointed while Mladen Ivanic was the Serb member of the B&H Presidency and that she had the support of PDP’s Igor Crnadak while Crnadak was the B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs. PDP denied this and said that B&H's abstaining attitude is shameful. They are moving the ball to SNSD's court, commented the reporter. PDP representative in the RS National Assembly (RSNA) Mirna Savic Banjac said: “Mrs. Tanja Milasinovic is absolutely not staff of the PDP. She was appointed from the beginning in the Government composed by Milorad Dodik, therefore she is staff of the SNSD”.  The RSNA Speaker Nenad Stevandic commented that it is shameful to vote in the Council of Europe without legal coverage. Stevandic stated: “She should resign immediately and apologize to the people of the RS and to the people of Serbia”.


Dodik wrote on Twitter: “Tanja Milasinovic was an ambassador in London, Vienna and chargé d'affaires in Brussels. all that as staff of PDP”. Dodik said he would ask the leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic whether he has any shame, but he already knows the answer. On the other hand, Borenovic pointed out that Dodik leads the foreign policy for years and that Dodik knows the answer to the question why B&H abstained during the vote. Borenovic said that abstaining during the vote was very bad and harmful. Borenovic stated: “The fact that they are now avoiding telling the full truth to the citizens of both the RS and B&H actually shows that they obviously had the intention of making such an official statement at the vote”.


Dodik also stated: “The BiH Presidency determines its foreign policy. A decision such as that requires consent. They do not respect themselves and expect others to respect them. It is wrong and unacceptable to disrespect 49% of the population and one constituent people, not to mention the lack of respect towards Serbia.” SNSD representative in the House of Peoples of B&H Snjezana Novakovic Bursac stated that this is a perfect example that B&H is a poorly managed country.


Borenovic discusses issue of B&H’s abstaining from vote on Kosovo’s membership in CoE with Serbian Permanent Representative to CoE Ambassador Djurovic (BN TV)


The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe (CoE) adopted on Monday a decision to refer Kosovo’s application for membership to the Parliamentary Assembly of the CoE (PACE). PDP leader Branislav Borenovic discussed the issue with Serbian Permanent Representative to the CoE, Ambassador Aleksandra Djurovic Tuesday in Strasbourg. “I am outraged by the fact that Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)’s official, a representative of Serb people who under well know practice in the joint institutions of B&H was nominated for this post by the ruling SNSD from Republika Srpska (RS), did not vote against initiative for membership of the so-called Kosovo in the CoE. Of course, that the responsibility is with the official ruling B&H composition in which for the fifth consecutive year SNSD is through the B&H Presidency, the (B&H) Council of Ministers and parliamentary majority in BiH and there is no excuse to dispute their intention and incapability at the same time for such national embarrassment’’, Borenovic was quoted as saying.


RSNA to discuss withdrawal of judge of Constitutional Court of B&H who is from RS and removal of six-month deadline for formation of RS army, judiciary and tax system (ATV)


The Collegium of the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) held a session on Tuesday during which they discussed the agenda for the emergency session of RSNA planned for Wednesday. ATV reported that the 6th emergency session of the RSNA will start on Wednesday at noon. The Collegium determined that the agenda would have two items, firstly the Information of the Conclusions made by RSNA during the session from February 17, 2020 regarding the unconstitutional work of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Constitutional Court, and secondly the Information on the Conclusions made by the RSNA during the session from December 21, 2021. Reporter added that SDS representatives did not take part in the work of the Collegium but PDP representatives did.


RSNA Speaker Nenad Stevandic stated: “During the session of the Collegium we prepared the Information of the Conclusion, based pm which we will invite the judge of the B&H Constitutional Court from the RS, who was proposed by the RSNA, to file a resignation notice. This would delegitimize the B&H Constitutional Court, which would still remain legal but delegitimized as it would have no representatives of the RS in its composition.”


Head of the SNSD Caucus in the RSNA Igor Zunic will hold an introductory speech at Wednesday’s session. Zunic commented: “The B&H Constitutional Court made bad decisions for RS. The question of property will be crucial to our attitude of legitimizing the B&H Constitutional Court, as far as Serbs are concerned.” PDP representative in RSNA Mirna Savic Banjac supported the agenda and the decision that all RSNA representatives will have the opportunity to talk at the session, not just heads of the Caucuses.


The RSNA will not discuss, as has been announced for days, the issue of property, but they will discuss the withdrawal of the judge from the B&H CC. At a special session of the RSNA held on Wednesday, a conclusion will be proposed calling for the only judge of the Constitutional Court of B&H from the RS Zlatko Knezevic to resign. Two already adopted pieces of information about, as it was said, the anti-Dayton activities of the Constitutional Court of B&H and about the competences related to the army, taxes and the judiciary will again be presented to the representatives of the RSNA. The documents from February 2020 and December 2021 will be supplemented with conclusions on Wednesday. The first conclusion is regarding the call for Knezevic to resign and the second conclusion is in terms of cancelling the six-month deadline for the formation of the RS army, judiciary and tax system.


The reporter pointed out that, if Knezevic withdraws, six out of nine members will remain in the Constitutional Court of B&H. These are three foreigners, two Bosniaks and one Croat, the President of the Constitutional Court of B&H Valerija Galic. RS President Milorad Dodik stated that he knows Knezevic and is sure that she is a legalist and respects the views of the highest authorities of the RS. The RSNA collegium did not include in the agenda of the session the action plan of the RS authorities at the level of B&H, which was signed on Monday. The action plan still remains as a guide for the RS authorities, as they said.


Kosarac decides to withdraw representative from his Ministry from Commission on Cooperation with NATO (BHT1)


The decision of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic relations, Stasa Kosarac, to withdraw representative of this Ministry from the Commission for Cooperation with NATO has sparked harsh reactions. “I have informed Deputy Minister of Defense, Aleksandar Goganovic that Ministry’s representative will not be participating in work of the Commission for Cooperation with NATO, in line with the stance of Republika Srpska (RS) institutions. RS politics in regard to this issue is unambiguous and clear- No to NATO membership”, wrote Kosarac.


Chairman of the Commission for Cooperation with NATO Josip Brkic said that there is no official information about the withdrawal of individual members. RS President Milorad Dodik said that the RS will follow Serbia's position on the matter, that is, neutrality and non-adherence to any military alliance. Brkic said that B&H institutions continue cooperation with NATO, stressing that there is no official notification yet about the withdrawal of individual members from the Commission.


Becirovic and Murphy discuss current situation in B&H (FTV)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member Denis Becirovic spoke with US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy about the current situation in B&H. Ambassador Murphy said that the United States will protect B&H and ensure that its sovereignty, territorial integrity and multi-ethnic character are maintained. He pointed out the importance of the existence of functional, efficient and responsible state institutions in B&H. Becirovic and Murphy agreed that B&H and the US will defend the Dayton Peace Agreement. Murphy reiterated that no entity or any other lower-level administrative unit has the right to secede or unite with another state. Becirovic thanked for the support of the US to B&H on the Euro-Atlantic path and emphasized B&H’s unquestionable determination to achieve full membership of B&H in the European Union and NATO.


NES, SBiH issue joint statement, say there is no parliamentary majority in FB&H for completing formation of authorities; NES, SBiH condemn actions of ‘The Troika’ (O kanal)


Parliamentary majority for formation of executive authorities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H), which would be used as an alibi for imposing short-term constitutional solutions, does not exist – says the joint statement signed by NES and SBiH parties. “The developed Program of Measures was signed by five parties, but never by HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Instead of signing the agreed Program, a two-page pamphlet signed by (HDZ B&H leader) Dragan Covic and (SDP B&H leader) Nermin Niksic appeared at the meeting in Mostar, but that is not a program”, reads the joint statement. Also, as they state, the proposed composition of the FB&H Government, where Vojin Mijatovic was proposed as the FB&H Deputy Prime Minister - although such a proposal was not at all agreed upon during inter-party consultations - is also very controversial. The issue of the Constitution of the FB&H, they add, is much more important to them than the seats in the Government that some would like to occupy as soon as possible at any cost, so at Monday’s meeting the complete servility of ‘The Troika’ was shown, by accepting both short-term and long-term solutions, although in public it is presented completely differently.


NES and SBiH condemned the actions of “The Troika” during their meeting with Western ambassadors. They stated: “They would accept any solution which would secure their chairs, as was the case of appointing the state government with Milorad Dodik’s SNSD, which they claimed was a different pro-European Dodik that can be talked to and work on creating a better and more-forward B&H.”


SBiH’s Admir Cavalic stated via phone: “Long-term systematic solutions that are predictable, that are valid for all future election cycles, and on the other hand, that have two decisions. The first is that they do not favor a certain political entity and the second is that they actually enable this rebalancing in favor of civic to ethnic”. This is what they expect from Schmidt if he decides to impose a decision. Cavalic answered the question whether this means the bloc of SBiH and NES is getting closer to SDA or perhaps some new coalition. Cavalic said that there are no hidden intentions and there are no talks with representatives of SDA at the moment. They believe that SDA cannot lead a key role in future governments, and these are their stances known from earlier. Whether SBiH and NES remain part of the majority in the FB&H depends on what kind of decision Schmidt makes, or whether the majority led by the Troika and HDZ B&H survive at all, concluded the reporter.


‘Troika’ responds to NES and SBiH accusations, call on OHR to reach decision (AJB)


The parties that make up “The Troika” SDP, Our Party and People and Justice, responded to the statements made by NES and Party for Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), by stating that it is completely legitimate that some partners change their opinions and stances, but they will not allow the spread of lies and misinformation. They stated that it is entirely false that they agreed to temporary solutions in the case of forming the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Government. They accused NES and Party for B&H that as the day of implementation of permanent changes to the FB&H Constitution comes closer, they are looking for ways not to support the current composition of the FB&H Government. They stated: “’The Troika’ with its remaining partners will stay together and will participate in all further processes together and honestly.” ‘The Troika’ called on the Office of the High Representative (OHR) to reach a decision and thus, make it clear who defends whose interests and why.


Covic and Schmidt hold meeting in OHR; Media speculate that they talked about issue of majority in FB&H HoR (BHT1)


High Representative Christian Schmidt and HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) President Dragan Covic met in the OHR premises on Tuesday. The topic of the meeting is not known since none of the attendees made a statement after the meeting. The reporter added that lately the most mentioned issue is the majority in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of Representatives (FB&H HoR), so it is assumed that they talked about is. The report concludes that if HR Schmidt imposes a decision that the majority in the FB&H HoR can vote for the FB&H Government, the issue of the majority in the FB&H HoR is the most important.


HR Schmidt to impose solution for forming of FB&H Government in following days; Schmidt’s solution will probably copy solution from state level; There is solution for bypassing NES and SBiH (Dnevni avaz)


Unnamed sources from diplomatic circles, confirmed to the daily, that in the following days the High Representative Christian Schmidt will impose a decision, which will unblock the authority formation in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H). Daily learns that the solution is acceptable to HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and ‘The Eight’. Daily reads that in last couple of days, the HR Schmidt held intensive talks with representatives of political parties and his decision will be presented to the public, possibly even on Wednesday. According to information that daily has, Schmidt will impose a systematic decision which will be an amendment to Constitution or Election Law and this stance was presented on Monday to leaders of political parties, who attended the talks in the building of EU Delegation to B&H.


Author noted that Schmidt’s decision will unblock the appointing of FB&H Government, but the question is what kind of decision will Schmidt impose. Dnevni avaz reads that it is most likely that HR Schmidt will copy solution from the state level i.e. the Prime Minister- designate can be appointed with approval of two of three members of FB&H leadership, but they would be given a right to veto, which would be discussed in the ethnic caucus of the said member of FB&H leadership. In order for his/her veto to be accepted, it needs to gain support of two third majority in the ethnic caucus i.e. 16 out of 23 votes. SDA-DF coalition, daily reminded, currently has 13 delegates in Bosniak Caucus in FB&H House of Peoples. However, daily comments in the end, that in order for any of these solutions to come in force, it is necessary to have parliamentary majority, but the situation got complicated with Tuesday’s statement of SBiH and NES, who presented their new decision regarding the support to FB&H Government. There is a chance to for new parliamentary majority without NES and SBiH, but in this case six parties of pro-Bosnian coalition and HDZ B&H would require support of smaller Croat parties- HDZ 1990, HRS and HNP.


Lendo tells Schmidt that domestic politicians should agree on authority formation in FB&H (Nova BH)


Vice President (VP) of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Refik Lendo (SDA) commented on deadlock in formation of FB&H authorities. Lendo sent a message to High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt saying that political parties should reach an agreement on the FB&H Government, Lendo stated: “His (the HR’s) decision, his risk. Thus, we will see what will happen. Therefore, there should be an analysis what kind of a decision to reach under the circumstances and how to implement it, will he be able to implement it. If he reaches it, I hope that he will make sure that it is convenient to all political parties for a longer period of time, to all peoples and not just to one people, not just to (HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Dragan) Covic, HDZ etc.” Lendo also said to Schmidt that if he chooses to use his Bonn Powers, he should be “really careful” and think about whether he will be able to implement his decisions. Lendo also told Schmidt that a constitutional decision should be made so that it would not be possible to create blockades in the future either. He said everything else was a mistake. Lendo said that ‘The Troika’ is calling and “praying” for HR Schmidt forming the government for them and that they, i.e. “a political party with 1,000 votes participates in election and that is something citizens in the FB&H do not support. Therefore, I call on the HR, I propose that he lets us to make decisions in the FB&H. I also think the time for that has come, and his every decision will not be good nor it will be the most just with regard to the FB&H Government”.


Citizens protest outside OHR Tuesday under slogan ‘Why is there embargo on democracy?’ over Dodik’s secessionist announcements and HR Schmidt’s moves and announced invocation of Bonn Powers (Hayat)


Several hundreds of citizens protested on Tuesday outside the Office of the High Representative (OHR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Tuesday under slogan ‘Why is there embargo on democracy?’. The cause for the protest were Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik’s secessionist announcements, and citizens’ disgruntlement with High Representative (HR) in B&H Christian Schmidt moves and announced use of the Bonn Powers. Hayat reports that citizens conveyed, among others: “Christian Schmidt, you are only a guest in this country, and you will remain a guest. Your hosts are people the genocide was committed against, and who in the most difficult times during the aggression did not request revenge. This is the country the Olympic flame was burning, just like today in us, its citizens, a civilizational flame is burning, the flame you want to extinguish. Do not touch our right to be citizens. If you dare to make injustice our law, be sure that resistance then becomes obligation”.




Croatia supports Kosovo’s membership of Council of Europe (Hina)


Croatia on Monday supported Kosovo's membership of the Council of Europe (CoE) at a meeting which gave the green light to the continuation of integration into that European organisation. The Committee of Ministers supported Kosovo’s application with 33 votes in favour, seven against and five abstentions, and sent it to the Parliamentary Assembly of that human rights organization for a vote. We strongly supported Kosovo’s membership of the Council of Europe, Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic-Radman told the press.


Asked about the Serbian boycott of Sunday’s local elections in the north of Kosovo, Grlic-Radman said that the elections “were held in accordance with the constitution” and that they were “legitimate”. A boycott is not a good solution, it is not a good model. It does not contribute to any solution to this issue, he added. Grlic-Radman, who participated in the meeting of EU foreign ministers, said that they discussed the situation in Ukraine and Sudan, including the evacuation of EU citizens, and the migrant crisis in Tunisia and Moldova, which the EU will help in the fight against cyber-attacks.


The ministers spoke with their Ukrainian colleague Dmytro Kuleba and again condemned the Russian aggression and sought instruments and ways that would make their condemnation even more restrictive, Grlic-Radman said. He added that everyone who had wanted to be, of about a hundred Croatian citizens, had been evacuated from Sudan, with the exception of one person who he thought was still on the way.


Grlic-Radman thanked the European External Action Service, the Swedish EU presidency, European embassies, including French and Greek, as well as those outside the EU, such as the embassy of Saudi Arabia, for their help. As for Tunisia, Grlic-Radman said the situation in that country was deteriorating and that there was concern over a new migrant wave.


Croatian, Austrian, Slovenian FMs support EU enlargement to Western Balkans (Hina)


The foreign ministers of Croatia, Austria and Slovenia on Tuesday supported the European Union's enlargement to include Western Balkan countries, the strengthening of energy independence and cooperation in preventing illegal migration. Addressing a press conference after their meeting in the northern Adriatic city of Rijeka, Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic-Radman said that the three countries were committed to supporting Ukraine.


Grlic-Radman and his Austrian and Slovenian counterparts Alexander Schallenberg and Tanja Fajon visited the LNG terminal at Omisalj on the island of Krk in the morning. Later at their meeting in Rijeka, they stressed the importance of strengthening energy independence and diversifying supply routes. Both Vienna and Ljubljana support Croatia’s plan to increase the capacity of its LNG terminal. Schallenberg emphasised the importance of the Omisalj LNG terminal as a future energy hub and the value of the future gas pipeline for Austria. Fajon also noted the value of the LNG terminal and the plan for the pipeline to run via Slovenia to Austria.


The three ministers discussed the importance of protecting the EU’s external borders and combating illegal migration and human trafficking. In this context, Fajon said that Slovenia wanted the Schengen regime to be restored. Solutions regarding illegal migration must be adopted at EU level, and the number of migrants currently crossing the border illegally does not justify Austria’s decision to prolong border checks, she added. “I don’t think anyone would want us to come to a situation where we would be forced to introduce internal controls in Slovenia as well,” Fajon said according to STA news agency. She noted that the number of illegal migrants using the Western Balkan route increases in the summer months.


The ministers said they wanted to increase joint action in third countries, in particular in the Western Balkans. “We have expressed our commitment to further EU enlargement and the EU path of the Western Balkan countries,” Grlic-Radman said, adding that that would ensure stability in this part of Europe. Grlic-Radman said that Slovenia and Croatia supported the Austrian initiative “Friends of the Western Balkans”.


Schallenberg said that Russia wanted to put pressure on the Western Balkans, “and we must not fail there.” The three countries agreed to cooperate in providing consular services to their citizens in countries where they are diplomatically less represented, the Croatian foreign minister said.




Lekic: The Government's decision on Kosovo is frivolous and irresponsible, adopted in some para-state and para-diplomatic way (CDM)


The decision of the Montenegrin government to support the admission of Kosovo to the Council of Europe, in the form of a secret decision from which the components of the government then publicly distance themselves, represents a new contribution to the irresponsibility and irresponsibility of the Montenegrin state, said Miodrag Lekic, leader of Demos and president of the Committee for International Relations and Emigrants.


"Similar to the 42nd government and the 43rd government - composed of URA, SNP, Bosniak Party and Albanian parties, it did not find it appropriate to consult or at least inform the Committee for International Relations and Expatriates about this sensitive matter and decision for the citizens of Montenegro. That is why the Committee will request a report on the reasons and method of making the aforementioned decision, apparently adopted in some para-state and para-diplomatic way, and in any case, it is undemocratic and non-transparent," Lekic said on Facebook.


Jokovic: Ministers from the SNP would certainly not vote for the admission of Kosovo to the Council of Europe (CDM)


The Vice-President of the Government of Montenegro and the leader of the SNP, Vladimir Jokovic, said that the issue of whether Kosovo should be admitted to the Council of Europe was not decided at the session of the Government of Montenegro. He said that the ministers from the SNP would certainly not have voted for Montenegro to support the admission of Kosovo if it had been a topic before the Government. Jokovic added that the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is the most important regarding the Kosovo issue. "And the most rational thing is for Podgorica to welcome the compromise that is the result of that dialogue," concluded Jokovic.


EP: Russia is trying to destabilize Montenegro through pro-Serbian feelings and the SPC (RTCG)


Countries acceding to the EU face challenges arising from malicious foreign interference and disinformation campaigns, according to the compromise amendments to the Draft Report on foreign interference in all democratic processes in the European Union, including disinformation, the RTCG portal reports. According to the document, which TVCG had access to, the members of the Committee for Foreign Interference in the European Parliament (EP) will vote tomorrow.


Among the compromise amendments, which will be discussed by the MEPs, it is stated that recent events have shown that the lack of enlargement has a serious strategic cost “since the Western Balkans is an area of ​​strategic and geopolitical competition and some of its countries are prone to destabilization, threatening the security and the stability of the continent”.


The MPs also point out that third countries take advantage of vulnerabilities in the region, through strategic investments and disinformation campaigns, the aim of which is to negatively affect the growing Euro-Atlantic orientation and stability of individual countries and changes in the orientation of the region as a whole.


“Russia uses its influence in Serbia by trying to destabilize and influence neighboring sovereign states: in Bosnia through Republika Srpska (RS), in Montenegro through pro-Serbian sentiments in the country, as well as the Serbian Orthodox Church, and in Kosovo by using and fuelling existing tensions in the North” , is highlighted in one of the compromise amendments.


It is underlined that Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine has made more obvious the connection between foreign information manipulation attempts and threats to the EU and its immediate neighborhood, the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership countries, and the impact on global security and stability. “Russia’s full-scale war in Ukraine has made the effects of Russia’s interference in democratic processes even more obvious, which began long before the invasion, and are based on historical revisionism,” the amendments state.


The document, as reported by RTCG, emphasizes that Russia still has significant influence in the Western Balkans, and that it has the power to influence regional attempts at reconciliation, integration and reforms in the direction of democratization. In the amendments to the report, he points out that Serbia, a candidate country for EU membership, has become a safe haven for some Russian companies that want to avoid or circumvent the sanctions imposed by the EU, because from July 2022 there are more RT offices in that country (Russia today) in Belgrade, which launched its online news service in the Serbian language.


In one of the amendments, the MEPs express their regret for the lack of progress and the continued slow pace of the Western Balkans enlargement process, which has led to “a decrease in EU support and frustration among the population of the Western Balkans”. They condemn Russia’s continued attempts to exert influence in the Western Balkans, “which must be understood as part of a broader strategy to promote authoritarianism in Europe.” Concern is also highlighted due to recent findings that Serbia is the country most susceptible to malicious foreign influence in the Western Balkans, especially from Russia and China, and that Serbia has not yet applied sanctions against Russia and has not aligned itself with the EU’s foreign policy. MPs expect the EU to strengthen resources in the field of strategic communications, in order to suppress disinformation, the aim of which is to undermine the interests and values ​​of the EU.


North Macedonia


Kovachevski - Michel: Further strong EU support for North Macedonia on path to European integration (MIA)


The current situation in the region, continuing the country's European integration path and implementing the necessary reforms were topics in the focus of Tuesday's phone call between Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski and European Council President Charles Michel. PM Kovachevski, alongside Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj, thanked EC President Michel for his strong support to North Macedonia's accession path, stressing the Government's commitment to work on opening the Cluster 1 of the negotiations by the end of this year, the Government said in a press release. He also briefed the EC President on the preparatory activities and the setting up of the expert working group on the constitutional amendments, within the Ministry of Justice. Kovachevski expressed hope that all political factors in the country that support European integration will live up to their responsibility and duty to the citizens and contribute to ensuring a European future for the country.


EC President Michel, reads the press release, highlighted the EU's support for the country's European integration path and expressed satisfaction with the excellent course of the screening process so far. Michel welcomed the Government's activities in the implementation of the European agenda, pointing to the importance of realizing the next steps, regarding which the country has the strong support of the EU. On behalf of the EU, the European Council President once again thanked PM Kovachevski for the meeting held in Ohrid within the dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo, the press release adds.


FM Osmani to visit Brussels on Wednesday (MIA)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani will pay a visit to Brussels on Wednesday, where he is set to address members of the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) and take part at the inaugural Plenary Session 2023-2025 of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) focused on strengthening of democracy and European values together with civil society in EU candidate-states.


Xhaferi – Stefanchuk: Ukraine thanks N. Macedonia for its unconditional support (MIA)


Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi met Tuesday with President of Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada, Ruslan Stefanchuk, at the sidelines of the annual Conference of Parliament Speakers of EU members in Prague, also including counterparts from candidate-states. Stefanchuk voiced his gratitude for the unconditional support shown by the Parliament of North Macedonia, which joined the condemnations, sanctions and restrictions related to the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the declaration condemning the attacks that jeopardize Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, as well as the formation of the bipartisan group to support the Crimea Platform, the Parliament said in a press release. Highlighting that Ukraine finds both EU and NATO accession very important, Stefanchuk asked for support at the upcoming Summit of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Vilnius, Lithuania.


Speaker Xhaferi expressed his personal and institutional support for all of Ukraine’s efforts and courage in the fight against the Russian aggression and said that North Macedonia will continue to give its material, military and humanitarian aid as much as it can. He also said that the country will maintain its sanctions and that Ukraine can count on North Macedonia’s support in Ukraine’s aspirations for Euro-Atlantic integration. Both speakers welcomed the second summit of the Crimean Platform, set to be held in Prague in October, where a delegation of the Parliament's bipartisan group will also take part.


Petrovska - Tilvar: North Macedonia contributor to regional security and stability, will also be reliable friend in EU (MIA)


Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska welcomed on Tuesday with highest state and military honours a delegation of Romania led by Romanian Minister of National Defence Angel Tilvar, who is paying an official visit to North Macedonia. Participants in Tuesday's meeting between the delegations of the two countries pointed out that such meetings where ideas are shared and future steps are discussed are very important, especially because of the security situation in Europe. Minister Petrovska stressed that Romanian foreign policy is very responsible and committed to peace and cooperation, expressing gratitude for the continued support to North Macedonia on the path to the EU.


Petrovska briefed Tilvar on the modernization of the Army and reforms in defense, noting that as before, North Macedonia will continue to contribute by actively participating in promoting peace and security as NATO ally, particularly in strengthening the Alliance's eastern border. "NATO's Enhanced Vigilance Activities mission in Romania and Bulgaria - these are not just political decisions, to us it's very important to really demonstrate we're part of NATO," said Petrovska.


Romanian Minister Tilvar extended gratitude for North Macedonia's contribution to NATO's eVA mission. "Your support in eVA is not just a political decision, it shows your commitment to defending the free world. NATO made the right decision with North Macedonia's membership in the Alliance, because you have proven yourself as good friends," said the Romanian Minister. He added that precisely in these times of crisis, the European Union should not put the integration of the Western Balkans aside, stressing the importance of the Black Sea region for peace in the Western Balkans and in Europe. "You have proven in NATO that you are a reliable friend, you are a contributor to the security and stability of the Western Balkans, you will be a reliable friend of the European Union as well," Minister Tilvar said, as cited in a press release from the Ministry of Defense.


The two defense ministers concurred that the signed Plan for bilateral defense cooperation, which contains 17 joint activities, is an indicator of excellent cooperation. As part of Tuesday's official visit, Minister Tilvar will meet with Supreme Commander of the Army and President Stevo Pendarovski.


Pendarovski to host Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani-Sadriu (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski will host on Wednesday the President of the Republic of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani-Sadriu, who will be paying an official visit to the Republic of North Macedonia. President Pendarovski will welcome Kosovo counterpart Osmani-Sadriu with the highest state and military honors, which will be followed by a tête-à-tête meeting between the two, as well as a plenary meeting of the delegations of North Macedonia and Kosovo. As part of the visit, Pendarovski and Osmani-Sadriu will lay wreaths at Goce Delchev's grave in Skopje church of St. Spas. In addition, Kosovo President Osmani-Sadriu will meet with Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski, and will also address a session of North Macedonia's Parliament.




A Cooperation plan in the field of Defense between Albania and Austria (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Minister of Defense, Niko Peleshi received today in an official meeting the Federal Minister of Defense of Austria, Klaudia Tanner. The meeting was of particular importance, as the two ministers discussed cooperation in the field of Defense and the role and special contribution of Austria in the Western Balkans. Minister Peleshi assured Minister Tanner of Albania's commitment to implementing reforms and meeting the criteria for our country's EU membership. The latest changes and various reforms in the field of Defense, investments and modernization of the Armed Forces were also part of the discussions. An important point of the meeting was the signing of the Cooperation Plan in the field of Defense, where in the joint conference Minister Peleshi informed that this document serves as a guide on cooperation, coordination and exchange of experience in the field of civil emergencies, civil-military cooperation, logistics etc.


Minister Peleshi also emphasized the importance of supporting Kosova in its aspirations towards membership in international organizations, contributing to the strengthening of peace. "I kindly asked Minister Tanner, that the Ministry of Defense of Austria, continue the contribution and support to the Western Balkans in the framework of international and regional initiatives, including Kosovo, as an inherent part of the region and as one of the six countries of the Western Balkans to be comprehensive and above all geopolitically correct," said Peleshi.


For her part, the Austrian Minister of Defense, Klaudia Tanner, thanked Minister Peleshi for his hospitality and expressed her country's unsparing support for Albania's EU accession.

Minister Tanner focused on the importance of supporting the Western Balkans, the security challenges facing Europe and the globe today. "The current situation shows once again that the support of our Western Balkan friends towards the European Union is very important. The war in Ukraine teaches us all that we must take care of stability exactly where it is most important, precisely in regions threatened by external conflicts and dangers, and precisely in this respect we must make a common contribution to our policy of security and stability," said the Minister of Defense of Austria. Both ministers expressed readiness for further deepening of cooperation at the bilateral level, mainly through the education and training of the military.


Kodheli: Expansion of cooperation with Turkey (Radio Tirana)


The Chairperson of the Commission for Foreign Policy, Mimi Kodheli, received the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey, Mehmet Kemal Bozay, who was accompanied by the Ambassador of Turkey in Tirana, Tayyar Kagan Atay, at the headquarters of the Assembly. The Turkish Deputy Minister, after thanking for the hospitality, emphasized the special friendly relations between the two countries, as well as the possibilities of further expansion of cooperation in several directions such as: renewable energy, agriculture, transport, tourism, education, etc. The increase in capacities would also help stop the "brain drain" that is characterizing our society, he said. Furthermore, Mehmet Kemal Bozay focused on the importance of strengthening solidarity between Albania and Turkey. Together we are stronger to face the difficult times and situations we are going through. We remain open to any recommendations and exchange of information with you, he said.


Kodheli first wished Mehmet Kemal Bozay success in the high post of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. She underlined the value of openness of cooperation between Turkey and Albania. "The strategic partnership between our two countries is a proof of this cooperation, which should rise to the level of joint strategies in a number of directions," she said.


After talking about Turkish investments in the economic and technological fields, Kodheli said that Albania's geostrategic position makes it quite attractive for many. "We must be as close as possible to each other to face the challenges together, which after the war in Ukraine, have become even more difficult and complex, one of which is that of dealing with and managing the huge number of refugees and risks of clandestine migration, criminality and terrorism", said Kodheli. Furthermore, Kodheli thanked the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for the support that Turkey has given to the Kosovo issue. She emphasized the need for the consistency of this position, which is in favor of the consolidation of the state and democracy in Kosovo, as well as peace and stability in the entire Balkan region and beyond. The interlocutors also paid special attention to the further strengthening of inter-parliamentary cooperation between Turkey and Albania.


President Begaj starts his state visit to Croatia today (Radio Tirana)


President Bajram Begaj starts on Wednesday (April 26) the state visit to Croatia, within the framework of the intensification of the strategic partnership between the two countries. The visit of the Albanian leader to Croatia comes at the invitation of his counterpart Zoran Milanovic.


On the second day of his visit (April 27), President Begaj will be welcomed according to the ceremonies of honor and welcome, to follow the official agenda of talks with the Croatian counterpart, focusing on bilateral relations, regional cooperation, the European journey of Albania, as well as other developments with an impact on peace and security issues. Also, within the framework of this state visit, President Begaj will be received in separate meetings by the Prime Minister of Croatia, Andrej Plenkovic, as well as the Speaker of the Croatian Parliament, Gordan Jandrakovic. Apart from them, the head of state will also hold a meeting with representatives of Albanian associations. On Friday (April 28), President Begaj, accompanied by his Croatian counterpart, will visit and meet with the Arbanas of Zara (Zadar). This activity concludes the state visit of President Begaj and his delegation to Croatia.