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Belgrade Media Report 3 May



Vucic: Pristina unwilling to meet its commitment, I hope dialogue will continue (RTS/RTV/Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said late on Tuesday Pristina did not want to meet a commitment it had made ten years ago and that this had been clear since a presentation of a draft statute of a Community of Serb Municipalities at a Brussels meeting earlier in the evening. "I was very concerned - it is clear Pristina does not want to meet its commitment from ten years ago. We hit the wall for the first time today and it was clear since the moment the steering team's draft was presented," Vucic said, noting that Pristina's representatives had tried to humiliate two female members of the team. "Their reaction was that it is unacceptable to them and not in line with their constitution and that they do not want another 'Republika Srpska', even though all articles contain clear references to previously agreed articles from 2013 and 2015. There is no item that has not been agreed or signed," Vucic told reporters in Brussels after a new round of the EU-facilitated Belgrade-Pristina dialogue that concluded around 9 pm. I hope discussions will be continued and that we will be able to find solutions in the future, he added. "You will hear countless excuses, but the essence is this: the EU came out with its proposal and I accepted that proposal, but Pristina refused that, too," he said. I hope someone will influence Pristina to change its positions, otherwise we are in a "dead-end situation", he said. "I hope that by the next round at technical level, be it held on May 18, 20 or in the days after 20 May, there will be a reaction that could influence a change of positions," he said. He said he was not optimistic but that he was able to promise on behalf of Serbia that he would do everything in his power to preserve peace.


Pristina does not want to fulfill its obligation and form Community of Serb Municipalities (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated that at this moment he does not see a solution regarding the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities and that such a solution was not on the table during this evening’s meeting in Brussels. Speaking to reporters in Brussels after the meeting of the delegations of Belgrade and Pristina with the mediation of EU representatives, Vucic said that nobody saw a solution for the Community of Serb Municipalities at the table tonight, which is why the interlocutors ended the meeting, hoping that they might find some answers in the days ahead of us. Otherwise, the situation would be very bad and very difficult, the President warned and added that he is not happy that there is no agreement, but that it was not reached. He expressed the hope that someone will influence Pristina to change its attitudes, or else we are at a dead end. The President pointed out that he is not an optimist, but that he can promise on behalf of Serbia that he will do his best to preserve peace and continue the talks. When it comes to the situation after, as he said, the shameful elections in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, the EU came out with its proposal. I accepted it, Pristina refused it. I think it is very important to overcome this situation, Vucic underlined. The President assessed that if Pristina does not agree to implement the Brussels agreements from 2013 and 2015, then there is no point in continuing the negotiations. Tonight we talked about something where both sides have to make compromise in order to reach an agreement. Before we move into the future, Pristina needs to fulfil what was signed in the past, twice. When it fulfils that, then it is not a problem to move on, Vucic concluded.


Petkovic: Term "forcibly disappeared" agreed on in declaration (Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said on Tuesday evening Pristina and Belgrade had agreed on the term "forcibly disappeared" in a declaration on missing persons after two years of obstructions by Pristina. He said a signed statement by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had been enclosed to the text of the declaration to clarify important matters related to the term. "The statement confirms that we have protected Serbian interests. For over two years, Serbia insisted on this declaration being adopted while Pristina obstructed that over the term 'enforced disappearance', defined under Point 2 of the international convention on enforced disappearance. Pristina insisted on that term to be able to call Belgrade to account for enforced disappearances, but we did not agree to that, and the term 'forcibly disappeared' was agreed on," Petkovic told reporters in Brussels. It is not a legal construct, but a term that indicates the circumstances of a person's disappearance, Petkovic explained. He said 1,621 people, including 568 Serbs, remained missing since the Kosovo and Metohija conflict. "We have acted on all requests by Pristina and carried out excavations on 23 locations in central Serbia, but Pristina is taking no action on Belgrade's requests regarding nine locations that we suspect are burial sites of Serbs," Petkovic also said.


Declaration on missing persons adopted in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (Tanjug/Politika)


A declaration on missing persons was adopted at a meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Pristina's PM Albin Kurti in a new round of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue in Brussels on Tuesday. In a statement, EU foreign policy and security chief Josep Borrell said the EU welcomed the move and expected the parties to make "tangible progress on bringing to a closure the outstanding cases of Missing Persons and on fulfilling their respective obligations towards the families". "The EU-chaired Joint Monitoring Committee overseeing the implementation of the Agreement on the path to normalisation between Kosovo and Serbia and its Implementation Annex will regularly review the progress made," the statement said. It added that Vucic and Kurti had "reaffirmed the importance of resolving the fate of the remaining Missing Persons, to bring closure to the suffering of their loved ones and to foster lasting reconciliation and peace". "Both Parties have recognised the issue of Missing Persons as a humanitarian one, and noted the urgent need for additional joint efforts to alleviate the situation of the affected families and the wider community. They have acknowledged the important work done through the Working Group on Missing Persons, chaired by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). As a sign of their joint resolve to ensure full implementation of their respective commitments in the field of Missing Persons, they have endorsed the Declaration on Missing Persons. They have also committed to agree on the operational details at the next meeting of the EU-facilitated Dialogue on normalisation of relations, at Chief Negotiators level. Of the 6,065 cases of persons who have gone missing in the period 1 January 1998 – 31 December 2000, 1,621 remain unresolved. More than twenty years after, their families continue to live in grief, unaware of the whereabouts of their loved ones. Families have the right to know the fate of their relatives as does society at large. Resolving the issue of Missing Persons is not only a humanitarian obligation. It is also a crucial enabler for reconciliation and trust between people. It has become urgent to ensure that the process of identifying burial sites is concluded as soon as possible. Memories are fading and individuals, places and events are more difficult to investigate," the statement also said.


Petkovic: Agreement forbidden word in Pristina – Kurti doesn’t want ZSO and there is no philosophy here (RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic told RTS, after yesterday’s meeting in Brussels and Albin Kurti’s refusal to discuss the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), that he is afraid of how the situation in Kosovo and Metohija will develop further. “Borrell said that he is worried that in the north of Kosovo and Metohija the roads are open for new crises. We have almost no normalization of relations, as well as talk about the normalization of relations. The Pristina side denies everything that was agreed on ZSO, and we are talking about four agreements,” says Petkovic. Petkovic explains that the Management Team for ZSO has four members, and that there were “two ladies who professionally presented the Draft Statute for ZSO” at the meeting. According to him, while they were presenting the Draft, Kurti and Bislimi were making fun, and if it hadn’t been for President Vucic to come to their defense, “who knows how everything would have ended”. “Kurti is not ready to discuss and agree on anything. At every sentence of Danijela Vujicic, he waved his hand and interrupted. They do not want the ZSO to be formed,” stated the Head of the Office, adding that the Pristina side “came to mine a meeting”.


Belgrade adheres to signed documents

He explained that the Management Team had four months in 2018 to prepare the Draft Statute on the ZSO, which they did diligently and professionally, and that the entire document has 67 points and is based on four agreements reached in the dialogue. He noted that Belgrade adheres to all the signed documents and does not give up on it. “They are asking us to implement what has not been signed, even though the President has made it clear what our ‘red lines’ are. On the other hand, we have four signed agreements, including the Brussels agreement. They will not implement it, even though the EU is also a guarantor of the Brussels agreement,” emphasized Petkovic. Albin Kurti presented the Pristina draft of the ZSO, and Josep Borrell said that some progress has been made because the two sides have started to discuss the ZSO. Petkovic pointed out that Kurti does not want the ZSO, does not want talks, and that he is a man who does not want peace, but new conflicts. “There is not much philosophy there. If you look at Kurti’s statements since coming to power, you will see that he does not want ZSO,” emphasized Petkovic.


Kurti creates new crises every 24 hours

Petkovic also mentioned that Kurti wants to “exile the Serb people” and that he “wants to create new crises”. “He creates new crises every 24 hours. Compromise and agreement is a forbidden word in Pristina,” Petkovic pointed out. He emphasized that we do not agree to ZSO being “some kind of non-governmental organization”, asking “then why have we been talking for 10 years.” “Kurti has no right to propose his own version of the Draft Statute. The Management Team is authorized for that,” says Petkovic. He said that the third point of yesterday’s meeting was about the elections that were held in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, stating that the EU was correct to create interim solution, but that Kurti refused all of it, although our side accepted it. “It is important for us to preserve peace and stability. I am telling the citizens that no matter how difficult it is to talk to Kurti, we must do everything to preserve peace and lives in Kosovo and Metohija. If we are in the dead end where Kurti introduced us, how can we talk about a compromise - if one side refuses everything,” concludes Petkovic.


Unilateral and illegal decision on dissolution of Management Team (Tanjug/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic announced today that Pristina, led by Albin Kurti, made a unilateral and illegal decision to dissolve the Management Team that drafted the Statute of the Community of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) and presented it yesterday in Brussels. “Neither Kurti nor his so-called Minister for Local Self-Government have any right to such a move, because the mandate of the Management Team does not end with the presentation of the Draft Statute of the ZSO, but the Management Team has an important role in the process of formation of the ZSO, up to the establishment of the Community. It is obvious that with this scandalous decision, Kurti interrupted the process of forming the ZSO only ten hours after it was finally formally initiated in the dialogue after ten years. Now I guess it is clear to everyone that Kurti does not want to form ZSO and that he wants to avoid this most important obligation in every way. With such forced moves, Kurti unequivocally shows that he does not want either peace or dialogue. The lawlessness of Albin Kurti must be stopped by the EU as a matter of urgency, because the abolition of the Management Team leads to the abolition of the ZSO, and therefore to the abolition of the dialogue process,” stated Petkovic in a public statement.


Borrell: Important, symbolic step taken towards forming Community (Tanjug)


EU foreign policy and security chief Josep Borrell said Tuesday's round of the Brussels dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina had produced an "important and symbolic step" towards the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities. Speaking to reporters after a high-level meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Pristina's PM Albin Kurti, Borrell voiced concern over a potential escalation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. He added that, despite disagreements, the parties had agreed to start negotiations on the statute of the Community "in the near future". "...Today, the Management Team comprised of Kosovo Serbs finally presented to the Parties the first draft. It is not the final draft, it is a starting point, but here it is, the first draft of the Statute of this Association/Community of the Kosovo Serb-majority municipalities. This is in line with the Article 7 of the new Agreement, and the presentation of this draft makes an important part of the Agreement," he said. "And as expected, the views of the Parties are far apart on the nature of this Association/Community. I didn’t expect anything else. I was sure that the parties were having different views on the nature of the Association/Community of (Serb-majority) municipalities. But, even if they disagreed, they agreed to start negotiations on the statute of this Association/Community in the near future, taking this first draft as a starting point for the discussions. And I want to urge both Parties to engage in this process constructively and in good faith and being ready to reach compromises. The process should be guided by the past Dialogue agreements and will be inspired by existing European good practices and models. And we have a lot in Europe. We have a lot of cases of associations, municipalities, with different natures, in (almost) every (EU) country you can find a model," he said. Speaking about the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija, Borrell voiced grave concern over developments following recent local elections in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, which saw a very low turnout. "And it is clear, taking into account this very low turnout, that these elections do not offer a long-term political solution. And on the contrary, they have the potential to lead to escalation and to undermine the implementation of the Ohrid Agreement. And this is not what we want to happen. I hope nobody wants it to happen. But there is a big risk, and therefore I have urged both parties to find a solution that enables Kosovo Serbs to swiftly return to the institutions they left in November last year," he said. "Both leaders also recognized the gravity of the situation on the ground, and it is clear that concrete actions from both sides are needed to avoid any risk of escalation. But regrettably, the leaders were unable to reach any agreement today. And I am afraid that we will be facing, maybe, I hope not, a critical situation. Talks need to continue soon," Borrell added. He welcomed the adoption of a declaration on missing persons, noting that it was a humanitarian issue that should not be politicized. "It is finally time to close a painful chapter," he said.


Dacic: This round of dialogue confirms all Belgrade's fears, Pristina doesn't want to implement what's agreed (RTS)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic assessed that the new round of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue held in Brussels on 2 May confirmed all the fears Belgrade had, and the statements made by Serbian officials during all these years, that Pristina absolutely does not want to implement what it agreed to in the Brussels agreement from 2013, but also the latest agreements and arrangements, such as those from Ohrid. It is obvious that we have reached the point when that will have to be clearly visible, Dacic told RTS and recalled that "everyone was saying" that the prime minister of the provisional institutions in Pristina, Albin Kurti, "must be flexible," reports Tanjug. Dacic reminded that Kurti's cooperation, which was the justification for voting (by some countries) in favor of Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe, was absent and stressed that he is interested in what will happen to that procedure now if Pristina says that it will not form the ZSO (Community of Serb Municipalities). The minister asked how the need for Kosovo to become a member of the Council of Europe (CoE) will now be justified going forward. "Now they will have to stop the process again," said Dacic. The minister also recalled the words of the US special envoy, Gabriel Escobar, who said that the ZSO will be formed with or without Kurti, but, he added, that proved everything that President Aleksandar Vucic has been saying. "Now we are interpreting, everything that happened was supposed to be a step in normalization, and what kind of normalization do we have? Every day we have some kind of complication, Kurti is now trying to bring into power those elected in the supposed elections in which 13 Serbs cast their ballots, to open the bridge, he will try to take down Serbian flags... that means there will be war, do they think that the Serbs will calmly observe that, and what's the purpose, is it part of normalization," asked Dacic and warned that it is part of the straining of relations. He recalled that Belgrade had been warning the international community all along about Kurti's position, which is to provoke the Serbs in Kosovo and expel them.


Brnabic says Serbia appreciates fact that B&H did not recognize Kosovo, but that she is not clear about B&H’s vote in Council of Europe (N1)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said in Mostar on Tuesday that Serbia appreciates the fact that B&H did not recognize Kosovo, but that she is not clear about B&H’s vote in the Council of Europe (CoE). “I have to admit that I do not understand B&H’s vote, that is, the abstention regarding the membership of the so-called Republic of Kosovo in the Council of Europe. Because this abstention means abstention regarding the territorial integrity of an internationally recognized state. It is not clear to me, but it is an internal issue of B&H, so of course I leave it to be completely resolved within the framework of B&H. But B&H’s position is completely clear. B&H is a non-recognizer. In this regard, as the Prime Minister of Serbia, I expected a clear vote, for B&H to be clearly against within the Council of Europe,” Brnabic underlined.




Kristo: Mostar Fair is the most significant manifestation in the region, a symbol of our joint dedication to development of economy (Dnevni list)


Chair of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Borjana Kristo addressed the opening ceremony of the International Economy Fair Mostar 2023, saying that the Fair is the most significant manifestation in the region, a symbol of our joint dedication to development of economy in B&H and the whole region, as well as an event that knows no boundaries. According to Kristo, the Fair is a reflection of our entrepreneurship, arguing that representatives of institutions of authority, creative people, visionaries and professionals will be meeting in the coming days in order to create long-term basis for trust and cooperation. “Use this place for building new bridges and business opportunities (…)”, added Chair Kristo. She also commented on this year’s Fair partner country, namely Israel, by stressing it is one of most advanced countries in the world in terms of innovations, technologies and science, expressing conviction that future cooperation between BiH and Israel will be beneficial to both countries. Kristo said that the International Economy Fair in Mostar is a mirror of B&H’s entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurship of young people, women, who are key to the growth of competitiveness. “Mostar, Herzegovina, but also other places in B&H have proven to be places for investments”, Kristo added.


Konakovic addresses media at Mostar Fair; Regrets that Dodik did not attend (Avaz/Nova BH)


Attending the International Economy Fair Mostar, B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic underlined the importance of economy and every other cooperation in the Balkans. He noted that everyone underlined how important political security and stability is for development of any economy, adding that he was happy to hear such messages from partners from all countries and they also underlined importance of goods exchange, especially between Croatia- B&H- Serbia. Minister noted that he is glad to see that “new face of B&H politics, face of compromises, projects, increase of salaries, care for the people and workers” is being presented, instead of issues that “tire down the people who are running away from B&H”. “I do not know what Milorad Dodik is not here today, it would be good if he was here. We are here to reach agreements. RS is entity in B&H and it is equally important partners to us as the FB&H. He once again conveyed some unnecessary messages. We do not allow for someone to appropriate or for someone to block the things in the RS and I regret that he is not here to discuss things concretely”, said Konakovic. He noted that there are serious demands in the electoral legislation reform, which they articulated in Neum. “We are interested in abolition of ethnic prefix, possibility for Serbs from the FB&H and Croats and Bosniaks from the RS to be elected to B&H Presidency, abolition of ethnic prefixes when it comes to House of Peoples of the state. Electoral legislation is the issue that we all care about and we hope to find the solution on serious grounds”, said Konakovic. Addressing the reporters at the fair, Konakovic stressed that the Election Law of B&H the amendments which HDZ B&H wants to see within the next six months will not be changed without the amendments to be advocated for by the parties gathered around ‘The Troika’ coalition, especially now when they came to power. According to Konakovic, ‘The Troika’ is interested in the abolition of ethnic prefixes in B&H House of Peoples (HoP), the possibility to elect Serbs from the FB&H and the Bosniaks and Croats from the RS to B&H Presidency.


Niksic at Mostar Fair; He underlines importance of cooperation and economic development (Avaz)


FB&H Prime Minister Nermin Niksic addressed the Mostar Economy Fair and noted that economy is one of key integration factors in society and that Mostar Fair is important international development, which deserves special attention. He noted that he deems that presence of international representatives marks the strong return and engagement of the EU, which is open and ready to cooperate with new authorities at all levels, so the country would make progress on EU path. “It is up to us in B&H to correctly, diligently and with attention of a good host, use our own resources, knowledge and capacities for the wellbeing of our society and international cooperation, most notably with our neighbors, has to serve as additional impulse which will contribute to stabilization of political and economic circumstances”, said Niksic. Reflecting to World Bank data, Niksic noted that B&H recovery from pandemic crisis is slower and more difficult and noted that consequences of war in Ukraine on domestic economic circumstances are more and more prominent. Reflecting on UN data on depopulation in B&H, Niksic noted that the “only vaccine against white plague” is economic development. He concluded that he expects Zagreb to be “a hand that will drag us up on the train of European development”.


Plenkovic addresses Fair in Mostar: Croatia will continue to support B&H on the EU path; Recent decision, imposed by HR Schmidt, was passed by the HR independently (BHT1/O Kanal)


The 24th International Economy Fair in Mostar was officially opened on Tuesday. The Croatian delegation led by Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic also visited the fair. Plenkovic told reporters that Croatia is the most engaged partner on the EU path of B&H and announced talks on the issue that are important for both countries. He stressed that Croatia will continue to support B&H on the EU path, reminding that Croatia was a great advocator for B&H’s candidate status in December 2022. Plenkovic added that Croatia wants to see B&H exerting further reform efforts now that all levels of authority in B&H were formed. During the fair, HR Schmidt and Plenkovic talked. Plenkovic rejected the accusations that he suggested to Schmidt what kind of constitutional changes he should impose in order to unblock the formation of the FB&H authorities. Plenkovic said that Schmidt is independent in his work. Plenkovic stressed that any progress of any country, society and economy requires for the political institutions to secure political stability. “It is the prerequisite for any development. At the same time, it is important that democratic institutions are functional and reflect the will of voters in the country”, Plenkovic noted. Plenkovic congratulated B&H citizens on the formation of the FB&H government. “This gives a clear signal both to economy and all citizens of B&H, all constituent peoples, and all others that a period of intensive and faster development is ahead of B&H”, Plenkovic added.


Brnabic meets with Covic, Kristo in Mostar: Improvement of bilateral, economic and political cooperation was the focus of the meetings (RTRS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met with Deputy Speaker of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Dragan Covic and Chairwoman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Borjana Kristo in Mostar on Tuesday. Improvement of bilateral, economic and political cooperation was the focus of the meetings. Brnabic and the B&H officials also discussed regional trade cooperation, joint work on strengthening economic potentials and infrastructural connectivity. “We continue to improve our cooperation for the sake of common regional prosperity”, Brnabic wrote on Twitter after her meeting with Covic. After the meeting with Covic, Brnabic also met with Kristo in Mostar, with whom, as she says, she exchanged ideas about regional trade cooperation, joint work on economic potentials and infrastructural connections with the aim of further development. During the meetings it was emphasized that cooperation, especially economic one, between Serbia and B&H is at a satisfactory level but that there is still space for improvement. Brnabic proposed holding of a joint session of the Serbian government and B&H CoM with an aim to improve the cooperation between the two countries. Brnabic reminded that she has launched the issue of holding a joint session of the Serbian government and B&H Council of Ministers during the mandate of former B&H CoM chair Denis Zvizdic and that she now hopes for an answer from Kristo.


Jelusic: Democrats and URA the centralist bloc backbone; Popovic: Wider sovereignist bloc needed (RTCG)


URA MP Bozena Jelusic and MP and Liberal Party leader Andrija Popovic spoke about the current political and social situation in Montenegro in the Duel show on the parliamentary channel. Speaking about the Decree of the President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, on the dissolution of the parliament of Montenegro, Jelusic says that the parliament should not take on the role of the Constitutional Court and cancel Djukanovic’s decree. Answering the question about the constitutionality of the decisions of the dissolved Parliament, Jelusic says that some legal solutions should wait for the next mandate. Liberal Party MP Andrija Popovic believes that Djukanovic dissolved the parliament in accordance with the Constitution, and that the Parliament cannot overturn that Decree. According to him, the dissolved Parliament should not pass important laws. Speaking about the performance in the upcoming parliamentary elections scheduled for 11 June 2023, Jelusic reiterates that URA and Democrats intend to participate in a coalition. Popovic points out that he advocates for a broader sovereignist bloc. Jelusic emphasizes that she understands the decision of the newly elected president of the state, Jakov Milatovic, to be inaugurated in Podgorica, but that she would like him to perform the act in Cetinje. Popovic also believes that a big mistake was made by the decision not to inaugurate Milatovic in Cetinje. Asked to comment on the arrest of the President of the Municipality of Budva, Milo Bozovic, Jelusic and Popovic agree that the presumption of innocence should be respected.


Geer: EU concerned by latest developments in judiciary (MIA/Sitel/Sloboden Pechat/SDK/TV21/Libertas)


For the EU, the rule of law is fundamental and if the country's judiciary is compromised it will affect its efforts for consolidating democracy and building a developed economy, EU Ambassador David Geer said in a Sitel TV appearance on Tuesday evening. Ambassador Geer said the EU Delegation was closely following developments in the judiciary. He said the Judicial Council was responsible for promoting and defending the judges' independence, integrity and professionalism, so its work and decisions were important. At no time, he said, should the Judicial Council become subject to outside political interference or financial interests. If that were to happen, he added, the independence of the judges would be compromised. All members of the Judicial Council should always act with impartiality, independence, and integrity, Geer said. "Not because the EU demands it, but because it is in the public interest," he noted. Asked about whether the country was on the right track regarding its justice reforms, he reiterated that the EU was monitoring the country's progress over the years through its annual reports and added there was some progress made over the years. But in recent months, Geer said, the EU was concerned by the increasing number of cases inconsistent with what would be expected from a negotiating country. "What do I mean by a negotiating country? Last July you opened membership negotiations with the EU," the EU Ambassador said, adding that this meant a different relationship with a high level of commitment. This is why, according to him, the EU had concerns regarding cases involving high-level corruption being sent to retrials, which he said indicated a worrisome repetitive practice. Recent developments at the Judicial Council and the Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime and Corruption also raised questions, the EU Delegation head said. He added that the EU would continue watching closely, with great scrutiny, the developments throughout the accession process, from day one to the day the country joined the EU, which is why they were expressing their concern about the current situation.


Pendarovski - Roswall: EU negotiations key to speeding up reform agenda (MIA/Sitel/Sloboden Pechat/Alsat-M/Makfax)


President Stevo Pendarovski met with Sweden's Minister for EU Affairs, Jessika Roswall, who is paying a visit to North Macedonia on Tuesday. Interlocutors exchanged views on the overall cooperation between the two countries fostering friendship and mutual understanding, North Macedonia's European aspirations, as well as developments in the wider region, in the context of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the President's Office said in a press release. President Pendarovski expressed gratitude for the Kingdom of Sweden's consistent political and financial support for Macedonian European integration, noting that North Macedonia's EU accession negotiations are of key importance in speeding up the reform agenda in the country and will positively affect the stability and prosperity of the region. Pendarovski expressed his expectation for the continuation of Sweden's support and commitment to the region during the current Swedish EU Presidency. In addition, the President reaffirmed North Macedonia support for Sweden's NATO membership, which will contribute to overall stability on the European continent, reads the press release.


Osmani - Roswall: We need clear signals that enlargement of European family by 2030 is a possible mission (MIA/Makfax/Kanal 5/Nova TV/Lokalno)


The European file of North Macedonia and the Western Balkans region in the light of Sweden's EU Presidency was in the focus of a meeting between Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani and Sweden's Minister for EU Affairs, Jessika Roswall, who is paying a working visit to North Macedonia on Tuesday. Osmani welcomed the efforts of the current Swedish EU Presidency in dealing with sensitive issues in the complex geopolitical circumstances created, particularly due to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. In that context, he highlighted military, political and humanitarian support with which North Macedonia contributes to international efforts to deal with aggression, including 100 percent alignment with all EU sanctions against Russia regarding the developments in Ukraine, the Foreign Ministry said in a press release. Osmani briefed Roswell on the country's accession process, the press release adds, bringing out the screening process and preparatory activities in terms of the obligations undertaken to be fulfilled ahead of holding the second intergovernmental conference with the EU and opening the clusters. He also reaffirmed the country's commitment to continue the dialogue with Bulgaria based on mutual respect and understanding. "The Union's enlargement with the countries that meet the membership criteria is vital, both for the specific countries and for the Union itself. We need clear signals that enlargement of the European family by 2030 is a possible mission," Osmani pointed out. During the constructive and friendly talks, the Ministers also exchanged views on the perspectives of the EU enlargement policy, with a focus on the ideas for accelerated integration of the Western Balkan countries, as a credible and right step towards improving democratic development, increasing economic opportunities for the countries and the citizens, as well as helping the reconciliation process in the region. Osmani reiterated North Macedonia's unreserved support for Sweden's full-fledged NATO membership in the shortest possible time. "OSCE Chairman-in-Office Osmani briefed Roswell on current developments in terms of the OSCE Chairmanship through the prism of the priorities set, whereby European security and thus Ukraine remains top priority and key security issue within OSCE 2023," reads the press release.


Government reviews new Draft Law on the Use of Macedonian Language (MIA/24 Vesti/Kanal 5/Press24/A1On)


At its Tuesday session, the government reviewed the text of the Draft Law on the Use of Macedonian language, proposed by the Ministry of Culture to raise language culture and safeguard the standard Macedonian language and its Cyrillic script. According to the government in a press release, the new bill affirms the need for increased social and individual concern for the correct usage of the Macedonian language in public and official communication; for respecting and improving the language standard; and for organizing activities to this aim. "To strengthen the respect for the Macedonian standard language and its correct usage, a new Law on the Use of Macedonian Language was proposed for adoption, expanding the areas where the Macedonian standard language and its Cyrillic script would be mandatory," the release says. The new law will mandate language editing in a wider variety of publications, including "general and individual acts of the legislative, executive and judicial authorities and local self-government units, official documents and writings of these bodies as well as of public institutions and culture, education and science institutions." "The bill provides a legal basis for adopting a national strategy on the Macedonian language," the release adds. Another provision would be for the Ministry of Education and Science to offer scholarships for studying the Macedonian language. The draft law also foresees establishing a Macedonian Language Inspectorate as part of the Ministry of Culture, which would carry out inspections at public institutions to see if they are using the standard Macedonian language. 7 The government at its Tuesday session also reviewed and agreed on a proposed bill amending the Law on State Awards to introduce two new state awards named after renowned linguists. The Blazhe Koneski state award would be given for high professional and scholarly achievements in the field of the Macedonian language in the country and abroad. The Ramzi Nesimi state award would recognize high professional and scholarly achievements in the field of the Albanian language and Albanian studies in the country.