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Belgrade Media Report 31 May



Vucevic: Security situation in north Kosovo highly risky, we defined the red lines (RTS)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic tells Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that the security situation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija is highly risky due to the unilateral, illegal, illegitimate decisions of the administration in Pristina. He also says that red lines have been defined. Speaking about the current security risk in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, he says that it is “big, probably the biggest possible”. “If we could rank it that way, bearing in mind not only what happened the previous two days, especially on Monday, but everything that happened weeks and months ago, which official Serbia warned about, the President also talked to the international representatives, but also informed the public in Serbia about the possible scenario and, unfortunately, that happened,” said Vucevic. He pointed out that “Albin Kurti’s path leads to escalation, to conflicts, injuries, shootings and all those scenes we have seen, which we do not want to see anywhere, especially not in our country”. “The security situation is highly risky due to the unilateral, illegal, illegitimate decisions of the administration in Pristina, and above all, let’s call it by its real name and try to sublimate it as the occupation of the north of Kosovo and Metohija by the Albanian administration from Pristina,” Vucevic added. He pointed out that Belgrade believes in political conversation, dialogue and a political solution, and that is why they had meetings yesterday with the Ambassadors of the Quint countries, as well as the Ambassadors of China and Russia. “That’s why the President had several phone conversations with all those involved in the dialogue process, because it’s always better to look for a political way, that is, a political solution, than to go into conflicts,” said Vucevic. He adds, in accordance with the order of the President, the Serbian Army has been raised to the highest level of combat readiness. “Ready to carry out any task, and Serbia has defined from the political side what are the red lines when Serbia finds itself in a situation where the most vital national and state interests are threatened. We are talking about God forbid scenarios that someone kills Serbs, that physical liquidation begins of our people by the Kosovo police, the expulsion of the Serbs, the pogrom, everything that happened to us 20 or 30 years ago. Those situations would really be not only a red alarm, but the moment when Serbia can’t just talk and sit back,” Vucevic said.


We are not satisfied with KFOR’s actions

He emphasized that our people in Kosovo and Metohija have not had normal living conditions for a long time. “I guess everywhere in the world it is said that everyone has the right to human rights and freedoms, except when we talk about the Serb community in Kosovo and Metohija, only they are excluded from all the norms of civilization, only for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija some other rules apply,” adds Vucevic . He points out that the Army will be in a state of heightened combat readiness as long as the assessment is that the national state interest is threatened and as long as there is a high security risk in Kosovo and Metohija. He also states that they are in constant contact with the Serbs from the north through the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, and the Commission for the Military-Technical Agreement and directly the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Army are in contact with the KFOR commander several times a day, i.e. with his line for communication with the Serbian Army. “We have constant communication where we exchange information, but also point out disagreements on certain issues, because we are not satisfied with KFOR’s actions. He emphasizes that “KFOR created a ring around the occupied municipal building in Zvecan and thereby assisted the Kosovo police and special Kosovo forces to carry out that usurpation, that is, the occupation”. “That is not the task of KFOR, they had to escort those special Kosovo units south of the Ibar. That’s their job. The job of EULEX and KFOR is to take care of security, and they are the only ones authorized to take care of the security of all citizens in the southern province, absolutely all,” explains Vucevic. He indicates that the demonstrations were peaceful. “Our citizens reacted only when they were physically attacked. When the Serbs began to be beaten and suppressed, then people started to defend themselves. And those citizens, our citizens, are ready to defend themselves, that’s what the President told the Quint Ambassadors yesterday. They must know that, these people are ready to go all the way. Everyone has to understand that, because the Serbs in the north no longer have even a millimeter of space for any compromises and agreements. They are cornered and are ready to protect their home, their house where they have lived for centuries, at any cost, even the most expensive. That must be clear to everyone,” says Vucevic. He also states that it is very easy for tensions to calm down. “It is enough for the international community and KFOR to send these fake mayors of Kurti out of the container of elections and to send them to the south of the Ibar and to calm down the situation,” Vucevic opines. He also points out that “Serbs do not have a problem with KFOR, Serbs have a problem with the occupation by the Albanian police from Pristina”.


Petkovic: We demand urgent release of two protesters (RTV/Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic demanded on Tuesday that the international community urgently release two protesters arrested in Zvecan on Monday. In a statement, Petkovic said Dusan Obrenovic and Rados Petrovic had been protesting peacefully without committing any offence. "I want to inform the public that Dusan Obrenovic, as we have heard from his lawyer, was brutally beaten up during his arrest, as well as during the evening and during the night," Petkovic said, adding that the arrestees were being held in the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica. He said the extent of the brutality used by Pristina's police against Obrenovic had been in retaliation for his conversion to Orthodox Christianity in 2016. Petkovic also said KFOR had promised to release four arrested Serbs but had instead released only two of them. "They lied and did not release the other two. We demand that they urgently release both Dusan and Rados, especially as Dusan is now in a very poor condition. We also demand an urgent surgery for him because he has cuts all over his body and probably also has internal bleeding and hematoma on his head, and is unable to stand on his feet," Petkovic noted. He added that Obrenovic had been beaten beyond recognition and that his life was in danger as a result of the brutality.


Drecun: Quint pressuring Belgrade by supporting Kurti (Tanjug)


The Chair of the Serbian parliamentary committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun said on Tuesday Pristina's PM Albin Kurti had had the support of Quint states for his most recent actions in the north of the province. In a statement to Tanjug, Drecun noted that Western powers and, above all, the Quint, demonstrated no firm determination to rein in Kurti's violence and terror against Serbs but instead blamed the Serbs for what had happened in Zvecan. "Kurti was allowed to do something like that under the pretext that elections have been held, even though 97 percent of the people who live there took no part in those elections," Drecun said. All that is going on right now is a result of the West's inability to make Belgrade agree to membership in international organisations for the false state of Kosovo and to agree to "de facto recognise the false state of Kosovo, for a start". He said the destabilisation of the north of Kosovo-Metohija was aimed at "pressuring Belgrade to accept an agreement in full, to minimise its strategic partnerships with Russia and China, to impose sanctions on Russia and completely turn to the West". He said it was very difficult to predict future developments but that he believed the situation would escalate further.


Mojsilovic tours forward deployed units (N1/Beta)


Serbian chief of staff General Milan Mojsilovic visited troops deployed along the administrative boundary with Kosovo, a press release said on Tuesday. The Serbian military was ordered into full alert status by President Aleksandar Vucic when unrest began in Serb-majority municipalities in the north of Kosovo. The press release said that the units visited by Mojsilovic and his associates were deployed to forward positions as a prevention measure. It said that the deployed units are motivated and ready to quickly and decisively do whatever they are ordered to do. “The chief of staff said that the Army of Serbia will do everything in its power in the function of peace and the security of the citizens of Serbia,” it said.


China extends support to Serbia amid latest conflicts in north Kosovo, Russia condemns the West (Beta/AP)


On Tuesday, China extended its support to “Serbia’s efforts to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity” following the escalation of violence in North Kosovo. “We oppose unilateral actions by the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo,” AP quoted Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning as saying. He added that Serbs should be granted control over municipalities where they were the majority. “We urge NATO to earnestly respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the relevant countries and truly do what is conducive to regional peace,” Mao said. China does not recognize Kosovo’s independence. On Tuesday, Russia called on the West to end its “false propaganda” about the violence in Kosovo and appealed for “more decisive measures toward de-escalation”. “We call on the West to finally end its fake propaganda and stop blaming the Serbs, who have been driven to despair, for the incidents in Kosovo,” said a statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry.


Blinken: Kosovo government decision unnecessarily escalated tensions (Beta)


The US condemned the “unacceptable violence” against NATO-led KFOR troops, law enforcement, and journalists in Kosovo and called on “all parties to take immediate actions to de-escalate tensions”. “The government of Kosovo’s decision to force access to municipal buildings sharply and unnecessarily escalated tensions,” said a US State Department press statement signed by Secretary of State Antony Blinken. It added that Kosovo Prime Minister Kurti and his government should ensure that elected mayors carry out their transitional duties from alternate locations outside municipal buildings, and withdraw police forces from the vicinity. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the government of Serbia should lower the security status of Serbian Armed Forces and urge Kosovo Serbs to halt challenges to KFOR and refrain from further violence, it said. “Both Kosovo and Serbia should immediately recommit to engaging in the EU-facilitated dialogue to normalize relations,” said the press statement.


Botsan-Kharchenko: ZSO formation the solution to crisis in Kosovo (FoNet/Sputnik)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is determined to solve the problem in Kosovo through diplomatic means, he is prepared to negotiate but demands the West's neutrality, said Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko following his meeting with Vucic. He said the solution to the crisis in Kosovo lies in the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) defined under an agreement signed by Belgrade and Pristina back in 2013 yet one the West is not insisting on. “It exists on paper in the form of an agreement approved by Brussels and signed not only by Belgrade but also by Pristina, on the formation of the ZSO, which would include fair elections and the appointing of representatives in municipal bodies, an entire administrative structure that would suit Serbia’s interests and guarantee the Serbs’ rights, safety and trust in the future and in cooperation with Belgrade,” Botsan-Kharchenko said in an interview, Sputnik reported. The fact that the West is not asking Pristina to immediately implement these agreements signed ten years ago shows that it has some other interests and ways of resolving the problems in northern Kosovo – and that would be for Pristina to conquer the north and drive out all the Serbs, because they are refusing to live under the control of Kosovo Albanians, stressed the Russian Ambassador.


Dacic calls for unity in defending Kosovo Serbs (TV Pink)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Tuesday that “all should unite in defending the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija”, adding that internal political issues must not affect Serbia’s readiness to protect its people. Commenting on the latest conflicts in North Kosovo, Dacic again said that Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti did not want the normalization of relations, but an escalation and conflicts. Speaking to TV Pink, Dacic stressed that Kurti’s goal was to expel the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, adding that “North Kosovo is the biggest thorn in his side”.


Improving political dialogue, overall cooperation between Serbia, UK (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic received yesterday Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) to Serbia Sian MacLeod on a farewell visit. Dacic expressed his gratitude to Ambassador MacLeod for her personal contribution to the development of political dialogue and overall cooperation between our two countries. During the talks, it was stated that bilateral relations are good, but that there is additional space for the improvement of dialogue at the high and highest level. MacLeod expressed her gratitude to Dacic and representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for their cooperation, adding that she is convinced that her successor will also have an exceptional opportunity to continue work on the further improvement of bilateral relations.


Stoltenberg condemns attacks on KFOR (Beta/Politika)


NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Tuesday that attacks by Serbian demonstrators on NATO's peacekeeping forces in Kosovo (KFOR) were "unacceptable" and "must stop". "We strongly condemn these unprovoked attacks on our troops in North Kosovo" in which 30 KFOR soldiers were injured, Stoltenberg said at a news conference in Oslo. Stoltenberg said that he would deploy an additional 700 troops in Kosovo and prepare another battalion for deployment in Kosovo if necessary. KFOR stated earlier on Tuesday that its members had responded to the unprovoked attacks of citizens in Zvecan which had become violent and dangerous and that 30 soldiers sustained multiple injuries. "Eleven soldiers from the Italian and 19 from the Hungarian contingents sustained multiple injuries, broken bones and burns from improvised explosive and incendiary devices. Three Hungarian soldiers were wounded with firearms. Their injuries are not life threatening," KFOR said.


Stano: Belgrade-Pristina dialogue is not dead (N1)


European Commission spokesman Peter Stano said on Tuesday that the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue is not dead. He told reporters in Brussels that the European Union is stepping up efforts to find a solution to the current situation within the dialogue framework and called both sides to de-escalate the situation. Stano said that the EU’s job is not to find out who is responsible for the attacks on KFOR and would do everything to help ease the situation. He said that the latest crisis is the result of long-standing problems between the two sides. This is the result of events that both sides are responsible for and now it’s up to them to find a way out, he said and added that it is up to the EU to provide support within the dialogue.


Thousands of Serbs protest outside Zvecan municipal building (Tanjug)


Thousands of peaceful protesters gathered outside the municipal building in Zvecan on Wednesday and rolled out a 250-metre-long Serbian flag, a Tanjug reporter on the ground said. In a speech, former Zvecan mayor Srdjan Milosavljevic called for peaceful protests and urged the protesters not to attack KFOR troops. He reiterated that the Serbs demanded a withdrawal of Pristina's special police forces from the four Serb-majority municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija and that ethnic Albanian mayors elected in 23 April polls stop coming into municipal buildings. KFOR troops are deployed around 30 m away from the municipal building in Zvecan and have rolled out barbed wire around it. Pristina's police remain inside municipal buildings in three municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. KFOR has boosted its presence in the north of the province and has also deployed troops on routes leading in and out of all four towns in the territory. Zoran Todic, former president of Leposavic Municipality, and member of the presidency of the Serb List Slavko Simic earlier today conveyed to the commander of the US KFOR contingent the demands of the citizens who have been protesting in front of the local self-government since yesterday - that the units of the so-called Kosovo police withdraw, and that mayor Lulzim Hetemi (elected recently in contentious elections) leaves the municipality, Tanjug's correspondent reports. Todic emphasized the people who gathered do not want any incidents, but only a return to normal daily activities. Hetemi, who was elected in local elections boycotted by the majority Serbs, has been in the municipal building since yesterday.




Two US bombers make low flight over cities of B&H; Murphy: This is demonstration of permanent partnership with B&H Armed Forces and firm commitment of the US to sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H (ATV)


As previously announced by the US Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), two US Air Force 'B-1B' bombers made low flight over Sarajevo and other cities of B&H on Tuesday. They entered the airspace of B&H around 14:00 hours south of Trebinje. They flew over Sarajevo, stayed in the Tuzla area where they participated in a military exercise, and then left BiH via Bihac. As announced by the US Embassy, the bomber flight is a sign of the US’ permanent commitment to sovereignty, territorial integrity and the multi-ethnic character of B&H. Al Jazeera Balkans – reports that the two US bombers made the low flight over B&H cities, as a sign of partnership between the US Army and B&H Armed Forces. The flyover was a part of the joint military events within the operation, the emphasis of which is global security and stability. The flyover was accompanied by the Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and B&H Defense Minister Zukan Helez. The US Ambassador Michael Murphy said that this is a demonstration of a permanent partnership with B&H Armed Forces and firm commitment of the US to sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H. Murphy was quoted as saying: “For 20 years, the armed forces of our countries have maintained an extraordinary and solid relationship within the framework of cooperation on the principle of ‘military to military’. The US continues to provide assistance in the modernization of the B&H Armed Forces in order to contribute to regional and global security”. RS President Milorad Dodik gave a statement that US bombers’ flyover is a tactic of intimidation. “First of all, this is type of events is an example cooperation based on the principle ‘military to military’ conducted with countries around the world. So, this is nothing unusual to see and it absolutely is not aimed at intimidating. We are proud of our partnership with the AF B&H and of our overall commitment to B&H and if Mr. Dodik has any problem with that, he can freely contact us,” said Murphy. Komsic welcomed the US bombers with joy, commented the presenter. Komsic said that the flyover of bombers has multiple significance for B&H. Komsic was quoted as saying: “I know that it was not as loud or perhaps as effective as expected, but it is important that some things were shown. Our units of the Armed Forces can cooperate with the US aviation, that is, NATO troops, and that is very important”. “This represents one compensation for what the (B&H) Armed Forces do not have. The B&H Armed Forces do not have airplanes, they do not have so-called fixed wings, and it is good to know that at certain times you have someone you can call, and they can be guided by our soldiers. Of course, we do not shy away from that, that the flyover of these two strategic bombers also has a political message. The political message is that the US is actually always there and stands behind B&H, which is good to know at this moment and in this place”. Helez said the flyover was a form of training where B&H Armed Forces (AF) showed their level of training and readiness for high tasks, noting that the event and military demonstration were properly agreed. Helez also referred to politicians from Republika Srpska (RS) criticizing the event who tried to emphasize that the same aircrafts bombed Serbia in 1999. “Who bombed whom, that is an event that happened between two states in the past and we do not get into that. B&H is a sovereign and independent state. It has the right to make agreements, to sign exercises and trainings and we are doing that exactly. So, statements by individual officials, that is politicking for me and has nothing to do with reality,” said Helez. Helez emphasized that each day B&H is getting closer and closer to NATO. He says no one can stop that, and B&H has the wish to join NATO one day. Over three-quarters of B&H citizens support this, Helez says, and we will be part of the alliance. Helez said all procedures were respected and the B&H Presidency was not needed to approve this flight. He said, “we respect the Constitution and the laws”, and the mentioned decision was adopted in line with that. Dodik pointed out that the US planes in the airspace of the RS without the approval or consent of the authorities are not an act of cooperation or friendship, but the opposite exactly. Dodik said on Twitter: “The US Ambassador Michael Murphy is finding it increasingly difficult to deal with the fact that he represents the US. Perhaps it would be better for him to rest for a while in some distant destination. We will not speak to him, I will just tell him: ‘Change the weapon of intimidation. We are not afraid of this, and we are also familiar with it’”. Dodik said that no sovereign body decided on the flyover of US bombers, such as the B&H Presidency and the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM). Dodik added that the B&H Minister of Defense cannot make such a decision alone, without consent of his two deputies. He said that this speaks of how much the Americans respect the territorial integrity of B&H, that is, they do not respect it at all, but manifest force and send them planes that dropped depleted uranium on Serbs.


Ambassador Murphy: Dodik’s visit to Moscow was crazy, without sense (AJB)


US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy gave an interview for AJB. Commenting whether the new authorities can bring about necessary changes, Ambassador Murphy said it is important to take into consideration a very important fact. Namely, that big opportunities appeared after the last elections, the first one being that B&H got the status of EU candidate, and the second one being the decisions adopted at the NATO Summit in Madrid aimed at deepening cooperation between B&H and NATO. The Ambassador stated that the new government now has opportunities that did not exist before, that new people are in who are ready for compromise and consensus, which does not mean it will be easy for them. “They will have to work hard, bravely lead, and there will be many who wish this government fails”, added Ambassador Murphy. Asked to comment on the issue of state property and the fact that RS wanted to implement the law on property by which the state property would be transferred into ownership of the RS, Murphy said that the RS authorities’ claim that there is no state property and that the entities are owners is completely wrong. According to the Ambassador, “it is a legal fiction”, adding that no matter how many times the RS claim the opposite, the state property belongs to the state. He added by saying there needs to be a state level law that should regulate the matter and that the state could transfer property it does not need, transfer it onto different owner – municipality, canton and entity. Speaking about latest arrests of officials in B&H, some of whom are politicians and diplomats, and comments that the arrests are about new authorities having their revenge against former authorities, especially against SDA members, Ambassador Murphy said” it is no secret B&H has problem with corruption”. The Ambassador stressed that corruption impacts are segments of life and is one of reasons people leave B&H to build their future elsewhere. Murphy stressed that “at one-point changes must happen”, and that the US, since the US support fight against corruption, were glad to see the arrests and criminal persecutions have begun. Commenting analyses according to which Moscow, within Russia’s aggression of Ukraine, could use this region (Western Balkans) to create tensions and divert the West’s attention, Murphy said he believes Russia does not pose direct threat to the Western Balkans in terms of planning actions or undermining security. “But we do know that Russia is involved in destructive activities in this region. For example, it supports right-wing, extremist groups who incite ethnic hatred and tensions and are against the rule of law. We know it funded certain politicians, including those from B&H, in a counterproductive way”, said Murphy. Commenting RS President Milorad Dodik’s close ties with the Kremlin, and whether they are worrying, the Ambassador said it should worry citizens of the RS and B&H. “Let me be honest, this kind of behavior is crazy. Support and visits to Russia, at the moment when it is completely clear it is not the future of Europe, nor the wish of all citizens of B&H, have absolutely no sense”, said Ambassador Murphy, reminding that the EU leadership made it clear that B&H partners do not go to Russia but to Brussels. Commenting the fact, the State Department introduced sanctions against Dodik, and yet some State Department officials like Derek Chollet and Gabriel Escobar have met Dodik in Sarajevo, Murphy said he too had a courteous call with Dodik when he (Murphy) arrived to B&H, when Dodik was member of the B&H Presidency. “We occasionally meet with people who are under sanctions, when we believe it is in our interest, but it is no regular occurrence. I know people under sanctions who say sanctions are nothing, but they work hard in secrecy to get removed from the list. That is why I believe they are efficient, whoever they are imposed against”, added Ambassador Murphy.


Dodik: If USA moves to make decisions about property through unrecognized High Representative, RS will decide on its status (Glas Srpske)


RS President Milorad Dodik stated that the RS will not allow anyone to take away its property. Dodik said that US Ambassador Michael Murphy is again interfering in B&H’s internal affairs and he is again speaking about them with hope that somebody will listen to him. “We say we will not listen to him. The moment they make the decision, and we have information that they will decide to enter the realm of regulating property through the unrecognized High Representative, that same moment we will convene a session of the RS parliament and government, and the decision on status of the RS will be made”, said Dodik. He invited all citizens of the RS, including politicians, journalists, doctors, farmers, laborers and housewives, to put themselves in the role of RS’s constitutional defenders. According to Dodik, the RS is being pushed against the wall, while the US Ambassador thinks that he has the right to do anything. Referring to Murphy’s statements that state property can be put at disposal of entities to be used by them, Dodik said: “What disposal? The legal status of property is regulated, and if anybody can give property to someone’s disposal, it can only be the RS, and not B&H.”


Zvizdic: State property has to be solved in line with solutions in countries in the region (FTV/Oslobodjenje)


Speaker of B&H House of Representatives Denis Zvizdic (NiP) told FTV that the new B&H Council of Ministers is working better, both content and dynamics wise, then was the case in last four years. He stressed that new European energy arrived and readiness to improve all processes. When it comes to partners at the state level, Zvizdic said that coalition will function if the partners manage to find the lowest common denominator for interests of all those who are part of the coalition. He deems that Milorad Dodik is not getting the results he wants with blackmails. Commenting the issue of state property, Zvizdic said that the OHR should draft a solution identical to those in countries of the region. He noted that it will not be acceptable to copy Belgium or some other countries’ solutions in B&H: “What can be acceptable are the following assumptions that the law on state property has to be founded on- that B&H is owner of state property, that decisions of the Constitutional Court on state property have to be fully acknowledged and incorporated, agreement on succession which clearly states what belongs to whom.”


Srna learns that OHR prepares changes to B&H Criminal Code which envisage criminal prosecution for non-compliance with HR’s decisions (Srna/ATV)


The Office of the High Representative (OHR) is preparing amendments to the B&H Criminal Code, which envisage criminal prosecution for non-compliance with the decisions of the High Representative, according to findings of Srna. In order to verify this information, Srna sent a question to the OHR, and an answer is expected soon. The presenter said that, given the fact that B&H does not have a High Representative appointed in accordance with the procedure provided for in the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), the question arises as to who and how should one respect the decisions of the OHR, when the same OHR does not respect the Constitutional Court of B&H, the DPA, nor the procedures. The presenter added that, German citizen Christian Schmidt falsely presents himself as a High Representative and that this is a known fact both to himself and to the institution in which he sits, the OHR, as well as to all politicians and citizens in B&H.


Ambassador Sattler: B&H has to use historic chance; It is of outmost importance for country to demonstrate progress this year (Dnevni avaz)


The daily carries an interview with EU Ambassador to B&H (Head of EU Delegation and EU Special Representative) Johann Sattler. Sattler stated that the dynamic for B&H accession to the EU fully depends on B&H authorities, adding that the EU made it clear that their doors are opened. “The European path is transparent. There are 14 key priorities, listed in the Opinion of the European Commission on B&H’s Application for EU Membership. These priorities have to be met before B&H is able to open accession talks. It is of the outmost importance for credible European perspective for the country to demonstrate bigger progress this year, than was the case in recent annual reports”, said Sattler. The author noted that B&H has a long path ahead of it, noting that awarding of the EU candidate status is an incentive, and Sattler noted that awarding the status of the EU candidate was a signal for B&H citizens that the EU recognizes and supports their European aspirations. Stressing that top-level EU officials underlined that B&H belongs to the EU, Sattler added: “However, we cannot wish integration under EU auspices more than domestic political leaders and officials do. The EU is much more than a club of peoples who share the same stances. B&H has to have institutional capacities to fully participate in structures of the EU decision-making process. Unfortunately, this is not the case at the time. It is now up to authorities in B&H to implement a reform agenda which is necessary to this country.” The author noted that state authority was formed swiftly, but due to constant blockades the Federation of B&H (FB&H) government was formed with difficulties and High Representative Christian Schmidt’s decision provoked many debates, and Ambassador Sattler noted that now that the authorities are formed, this represents a historic chance for B&H to adopt key reforms and make progress on the EU path. “Unfortunately, B&H has missed the chances before, but it cannot continue to miss them. When it comes to the decision of the High Representative Schmidt to use his executive authorities for unblocking the FB&H government formation, the European stance is well known it is our desire for B&H to make swift cross ‘from Dayton to Brussels’ and become fully sovereign in the decision-making process. However, after four and half years of the FB&H government functioning in technical mandate the situation became urgent and unbearable and some way to solve the blockade was necessary. It is regretful that executive authorities had to be used. We prefer the solutions from domestic kitchen, but such solutions were not possible,” said Sattler.


Defence Minister says Croatian troops in Kosovo are safe (HRT)


The Croatian contingent in Kosovo is safe, it will not be withdrawn, and the situation is stabilizing, Croatian Defense Minister Mario Banozic said on Tuesday, a day after Serb protesters clashed with the NATO-led Kosovo Force (KFOR). Dozens of KFOR troops were injured on Monday afternoon in a clash with Serb protesters in Zvecan municipality in north Kosovo. Dozens of protesters were also injured. The protesters objected to the arrival of Albanian municipal mayors after local elections boycotted by Serbs. Banozic confirmed that the 151 Croatian members of the 39th HRVCON were safe and had contributed as a medical team. He said, "the situation is stabilizing," that "there is no talk of withdrawing" the contingent, and that as "a responsible NATO member", Croatia had obligations that it was complying with in the best way possible. "Everything is safe, our army is ready when it comes to the tasks ahead of them," Banozic said.


Germany and France working on preparations for EU enlargement (CdM)


A group of experts from Germany and France is working on a new proposal to make the EU more suitable for enlargement, German Minister for Europe Anna Luhrmann has announced ahead of the EU General Affairs Council. “Here at the General Affairs Council, we are always busy preparing the EU for the enlargement that will come with many new member states. And that’s why we founded a German-French group of experts in January, which primarily deals with how to prepare for this round of expansion,” Luhrmann says. She has emphasized that the representatives of those two countries recently had a dinner with all their colleagues from the member states, where the expert group presented its work results. The fact that Germany and France are working on new EU enlargement modalities was also confirmed by the French State Secretary for Europe Laurence Boone, who pointed out that enlargement was no longer in question, but the way to implement that process. “We had an informal dinner to start talking about the enlargement. Twenty-seven of us ministers in charge of Europe were present. No one questioned whether there should be an enlargement, everyone agrees that it should be done, quickly,” said Boon.


Milatovic: I fully expect Montenegro to become EU member state during my term of office, new govt should be Europe-oriented and there is no alternative to that (CdM)


Following the meeting with the High Representative of the EU for European Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell and Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi, President Milatovic pointed out that his first official visit to Brussels represented another step forward the vision of Montenegro as the full member of the EU during his 5-year mandate. “I think that the conclusions from the meeting were the same, i.e. really encouraging, supporting and welcoming all the reform-oriented plans of Montenegro for the forthcoming period primarily regarding the reform of the justice system and, of course, the improvement of the standard of living,” Milatovic noted. Milatovic informed the partners from Brussels about the internal dialogue he had started, aiming to reach a strong social consensus over all the most important issues. “I think that in that sense we were given some praise and I expect that it’d all result in some good and practical things by the end of this year, when Montenegro’s finally going to receive a good progress report”. Asked whether he expected Montenegro to become the EU member stated by the end of his term of office, the President said absolutely yes. Full support to Montenegro for accelerating reforms on the way to EU membership, said Milatovic after the meeting with Varhelyi in Brussels. "Excellent meeting with the EU Enlargement Commissioner. Full support to Montenegro for accelerating reforms on the way to EU membership. I requested that the EU provide additional financial support to Montenegro in this, especially in the field of infrastructure construction," Milatovic wrote in a post on Twitter.


Borrell: Montenegro first in line for EU membership (CdM)


High representative of the EU for foreign policy and security Josep Borrell said that Montenegro is the most advanced country and a future member of the EU. The President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic pointed out that now, especially after the presidential elections, there is a clear political will in the country to complete the EU accession negotiations. At the beginning of the conversation with Milatovic, Borrell said that he appreciates that Milatovic chose the capital of the EU for his first official visit, stressing that this is a sign of Montenegro's commitment to EU integration. Borrell said that during the last decade, Montenegro aligned itself with the positions and decisions of the EU and that the level of compliance is one hundred percent, but also that there are actors who are "trying to undermine Montenegrin security and its path to the EU". The head of EU diplomacy emphasized that the EU would strengthen its support especially in the fight against foreign influences and cyber threats. He also points out that at the moment of Russian aggression against Ukraine, maintaining Montenegrin's strategic orientation is more important than ever. "Montenegro continues to be a leader. In order to maintain that leading position, Montenegro must continue to make progress with reforms, especially the rule of law. This is not to satisfy the member countries, but so that the citizens of Montenegro start to feel the benefits of EU membership as soon as possible," said Borrell. Milatovic pointed out that he came to Brussels ten days after he was elected President of Montenegro in order to deliver three key messages. Milatovic first thanked the European Commission and the EU for their support to Montenegro during its democratic and economic development so far. He pointed out that the technical and economic commitment to our country and other countries of the Western Balkans has so far been extremely appreciated. Milatovic emphasized that now, especially after the presidential elections, there is a clear political will in the country to complete the EU accession negotiations. He said that in his capacity as president, he started a dialogue with various political pariahs in order to implement numerous reforms in the area of the rule of law and the economy, which will unblock the continuation of Montenegro's EU accession process.


Government set to submit draft-initiative on constitutional amendments to parliament (MIA)


The government is set to adopt Tuesday the initiative on constitutional amendments drafted by the working group and submit it to the parliament, where it requires a two-thirds majority.

President Stevo Pendarovski confirmed he has been familiarized with the content of the constitutional amendments, saying they are in line with what has been agreed "and fully within the frameworks of what parliament adopted a year ago”. “Today, I believe it is better to submit it to parliament, even under the assumption that there aren’t 80 votes secured. With the very first vote that requires two-thirds, the two main blocs in the country would be identified – the pro-European and the anti-European bloc,” said Pendarovski. Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said he expected all political parties and MPs to vote for the constitutional amendments for the sake of the people. "I will put forward all decisions that are needed for North Macedonia to resume on its path in the realization of its strategic objective - EU membership. I hope all political parties in the country and lawmakers will perceive the importance of this decision and vote for the sake of their people and not to benefit any politician in the country," said PM Kovachevski. Kovachevski has extended an invitation to VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski for a meeting focused on two topics: decisions related to North Macedonia's EU integration and alignment of positions over relations with neighboring countries. Mickoski said that he accepted the invitation for the meeting, adding that the PM should be aware about the period following the failure of the constitutional changes, since it would result in the government's collapse. "I don't have any big hopes from the meeting, although I will attend it because I believe it is always important to take part in discussions about Macedonia's future. Considering the meeting, the PM should be aware about the time after the failure of the constitutional changes," Mickoski told a party debate. According to him, more than 80 percent of the Macedonian people is against "accepting the Bulgarian dictate and VMRO-DPMNE will not agree to a constitutional revision under these circumstances, not now or in the future". Last Friday, the working group adopted the draft-initiative over the need for constitutional amendments. The initiative was submitted to the government, which is then scheduled to forward it to the parliament. The amendments relate to the Preamble by adding several peoples. Namely, the Bosniak people is to be followed by the words 'Bulgarian people, Croatian people, Montenegrin people, Slovenian people, Jewish people, Egyptian (Ashkali) people,' said working group chairwoman Margarita Caca Nikolovska after the meeting. The second change, she added, is in the part of the diaspora and the Amendment 34 that is replaced by Article 49 and Amendment 2. It now adds after the Bosniak people 'Bulgarian people, Croatian people, Montenegrin people, Slovenian people, Jewish people, Egyptian (Ashkali) people.'


Xhaferi: Constitutional amendments procedure can begin, political dialogue in meantime (MIA)


A minimum of four-and-a-half months is required from the moment of receiving the initiative for constitutional amendments to their adoption in parliament. The process can begin even if consensus is not reached, using the 30 days leading to the first vote for this, speaker Talat Xhaferi told a press briefing on Tuesday. "In procedural terms, there is no obstacle to start the process and resume the talks for political consensus. It is not mission impossible considering these deadlines," said Xhaferi. He said no procedure can go through the parliament without a consensus. "In this case, the interests of the majority are surpassed, this is in the interest of the state and the citizens. The country has worked hard for 30 years to achieve the two strategic objectives it has set since its independence, and this is the opportunity," said Xhaferi. Speaking from experience, he added, the delay of the NATO accession back in 2008 cost us a decade, and I am not sure that we got a better solution than the one 15 years ago. "Taking into account this experience, every delay and a possible solution would be even more difficult, especially considering the fact that is no room for further negotiations. This is clear and we must say this. As politicians, we must take responsibility for the sake of future generations," said Xhaferi. According to him, the procedure would stop if the first vote does not receive a two-thirds majority, adding that the country's leadership has not discussed what would happen in the case of failure to adopt the constitutional amendments. Once the initiative arrives in the parliament, 30 days are needed to review it, followed by a plenary session. "The decision to start the process of constitutional revision requires a two-thirds majority, i.e. 80 out of 120 MP votes. A Badinter majority is also required, namely 21 out of 40 lawmakers of smaller ethnic communities," said Xhaferi. After the adoption of the initiative, it goes back to the government, which then submits the text of the draft-constitutional amendments with an elaboration. Upon their endorsement by at least 61 MPs, a public debate follows. The next step is the government submitting draft-amendments to the parliament, first debated by the Committee on Constitutional Affairs and then at a plenary session. The draft-amendments require a two-thirds majority.


Kovachevski-Lajcak: North Macedonia a proven factor of stability in region (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski met with the EU Special Representative for the Western Balkans, Miroslav Lajcak, at the sidelines of the GlobSec Bratislava Forum on Tuesday, highlighting the government's commitment to regional peace and security. PM Kovachevski said North Macedonia is committed to the enhancement of good-neighborly relations through dialogue and cooperation among states, establishing itself as a factor of stability in the area, the government said in a press release. The PM also noted the government's focus on the reform process and the EU accession negotiations. Interlocutors said political dialogue is required in the country, whereas all societal, political, non-governmental stakeholders must reach consensus that would prevent any hindrances in the process of North Macedonia's EU accession. Kovachevski and Lajcak called for urgent de-escalation of the situation in Kosovo and return of peace and stability, with the PM reiterating that North Macedonia supports the continuation of the cooperation and coordination with NATO and EU in the region, towards consolidating the stability and accelerating the Euro-Atlantic integration of the Western Balkans, reads the press release.


Ministry of Interior, US Embassy conduct tactical drill 'Swan 2023' (MIA)


Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski informed Tuesday that the Ministry of Interior and the United States Embassy to North Macedonia conducted the 'Swan 2023' tactical drill, which represents a confirmation of the mutual friendship and partnership, and North Macedonia's contribution to NATO. "We strongly appreciate the support that our main strategic partner, the US, gives us through the US Embassy in all processes that mean a safe and advanced state, especially in the European integration processes. Through this partnership, the courageous government decisions that have protected the national identity, and functional policies of dialogue and understanding, North Macedonia is a factor of stability and safety in the region and Europe," Spasovski wrote in a Facebook post. The Minister stated that friendship with the US is a guarantee of stability in North Macedonia and the region. "All the more so because it reflects the intensified economic cooperation and interest in investing in the country. I thank US Ambassador to North Macedonia Angela Aggeler for the continued support in mutual cooperation, which I am sure will continue with the same intensity," Spasovski added.


President Begaj meets KFOR Commander amid Kosovo clashes (ADN)


The commander of KFOR Angelo Michele Ristuccia has held a conversation with the President of Albania Bajram Begaj regarding the tensions in the north of Kosovo. The news was announced by KFOR's official website, through a post on Twitter, where it is said that KFOR has received full support from Albania for the recent developments in the north of Kosovo. "The commander of KFOR, Angelo Michele Ristuccia, held a conversation with Bajram Begaj. The President of the Republic of Albania expressed his full support for KFOR's mission and its activities, as well as wished a speedy recovery to the soldiers injured in the demonstrations", KFOR's reaction on Twitter states.