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Belgrade Media Report 9 June 2023



Establishing as close economic cooperation with India as possible (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said yesterday, at the opening of the Serbian-Indian Business Forum, that the visit of Indian President Droupadi Murmu is a great privilege for Serbia and an opportunity to improve and strengthen the economic ties between the two countries. At the meeting in the Palace of Serbia, Vucic emphasised that it is very important to establish as close economic cooperation as possible with the currently fastest growing world economy, in order to return it to the level that existed between the SFRY and India.

He stated that the Indian economy has strengthened due to the IT sector, digitalisation, innovation, reforms, investment in social infrastructure, recovery of the industrial sector and a strong service sector. According to him, it is of crucial importance for us to further improve cooperation in the pharmaceutical industry on all issues, since generic drugs from India and traditional Indian medicine will be more and more present on the entire European continent.

Also, as he added, it is very important to introduce new phytosanitary rules for cooperation in the food and agricultural industry, noting that it is of great importance for Serbia to participate in industrial exchange and attracting investments. Vucic explained that the current trade exchange amounts to €327 million, but that this year it recorded a growth in the first quarter of 21%, with the belief that the trade exchange could very quickly reach €1 billion. President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce Marko Cadez stated that 150 Serbian and Indian businessmen, who recognized the importance of organising this meeting in Belgrade, are attending the Forum. The cooperation so far has been marked by recent trade, successful and not so numerous investments by Indian companies, and it seems to me that this is the beginning of a new era and good economic cooperation between India and Serbia, Cadez said and added that the desire of our country is to give more Serbian goods be in the Indian market. He pointed out that local companies are worthy partners of the largest multinational companies and that Serbia, not without reason, attracts a large number of investors.


Traditionally good bilateral relations between Serbia, India (RTS/RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met yesterday with the President of India Draupadi Murma in the year when the two countries are marking 75 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations. Serbia and India traditionally have very good bilateral relations, both political and in other areas that are on the rise, and this visit by the Indian delegation is a confirmation of strong friendly ties between our countries and a significant incentive for further improvement of overall cooperation. Serbia remains committed to the further development of economic cooperation, improvement of trade exchange and the influx of new investments from India, especially cooperation in ICT and exchange of experiences, considering that India is one of the leading countries in the world in this field, as well as the exchange of experiences in the film industry.


Ambassador Hill: Serbia is our partner, I wonder if Kurti is (VoA/Beta)


The US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill said on 8 June that the US was unsure if it could count on Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti as a partner, adding that he did not recall “such deep divisions between Pristina and Washington”. In an interview with Voice of America (VoA), Hill stated that Serbia was the constructive partner in the current crisis in Kosovo, but that it was expected to recognize Kosovo documents and refrain from preventing Pristina from joining international organizations. Commenting on the situation in Kosovo, the ambassador said that the US had problems with Kurti. “It seems that we have some very fundamental problems with him… whether we can count on him as a partner at all. However, I will leave that up to our embassy in Pristina to decide on,” Hill said, adding that the fundamental goal was to calm tensions. In his words, “de-escalation exists, certainly on the Serbian side, and the EU and the US expect Kosovo to take a step in that direction”. Hill also said that the US was counting on President Aleksandar Vucic as a good partner. “We are counting on him as a good partner, he and his government are good partners in this process. And we hope this will continue. We would like for him to do what he can on de-escalation, and we see that it is already being implemented. That is very positive,” stated the US Ambassador.


OSCE in Kosovo says no return to normalcy without Serbs in institutions (Demostat/Beta)


Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo Michael Davenport has said that there can be no return to normalcy in the north of Kosovo until Serbs return to institutions. In a 8 June interview with Demostat, he added that the mayors-elect of the municipalities in the north had been legally chosen, but lacked legitimacy. Despite being elected legally, the mayors have no legitimacy because the elections were boycotted by a huge majority of Kosovo Serb voters, Davenport said, adding that members of the OSCE Mission where constantly in contact with representatives of civil society and citizens. He stressed that it would be important to hold new elections which would include the representatives of all communities in Kosovo's north. If the sides can agree, the OSCE can offer support for facilitating the reintegration of Serbs in northern Kosovo. There can be no return to anything that resembles normalcy for citizens in the north until the representatives of all communities start participating in institutions of public security, the judiciary, in municipal elections and municipal administrations, Davenport said.


Vucevic: I send my sincere support to the "For the Future of Montenegro" coalition (Tanjug)


President of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) Milos Vucevic expressed his sincere support for the "For the Future of Montenegro" (ZBCG) coalition and our friends Andrija Mandic and Milan Knezevic in the upcoming parliamentary elections in Montenegro.

"The New Serbian Democracy and the Democratic People's Party are parties of the Serb people and share the same opinion with the SNS regarding the interests of Serbs wherever they live, and that's why I want them to persevere in realizing their full rights," said Vucevic and added: "In particular, it should be stressed that this political alliance has very clear positions regarding better relations between Montenegro and Serbia, but also with the entire region, as well as regarding the status of Kosovo and Metohija, thus respecting the territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia. They completely sympathize with their compatriots outside of Montenegro, and that is something to be respected. "I believe that ZBCG will achieve a very good result and enable the Serbs to, through the executive branch, finally help Montenegro on the path of economic and social development. I am deeply convinced that this will bring political stability to Montenegro, and better life to the citizens of that country," said Vucevic.


Andjelkovic: Early election is a threat the opposition should not fall for (Beta)


Political analyst Dragomir Andjelkovic said on Thursday that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s announcement of early parliamentary elections was a threat that the opposition should not “fall for.” In an interview with Beta, Andjelkovic stated that, during his June 7 news conference, Vucic said that he would use all the state resources as his party’s own in the election campaign. “Vucic has declared that, if he schedules the elections unilaterally, he will give out money from the budget to the people, and use every mechanism for election fraud. Even if he were to reach an agreement with a part of the opposition on holding elections, he would continue to misuse state resources for party interests,” the analyst said. Asked about what the opposition’s response would be to the announced early parliamentary elections, Andjelkovic said that Vucic should not be negotiated with under his conditions. He added that the opposition’s goal should be the abolishing of Vucic’s system of misapplication, “which he is now using as a threat”. “The opposition should refuse to participate in the elections and call for civil protests that would rally even more people than the protest against violence. If the opposition remains consistent, that would be a check-mate for Vucic and he would have to negotiate on equal conditions for all participants in the elections,” the political analyst added.


Academia supports Serbia Against Violence protests (Beta)


A joint statement signed on Thursday by 436 teachers, researchers and associates of universities and institutions in Serbia says that they "are aware of the responsibility that the academic calling carries" and offer their full support to the Serbia Against Violence protests which started in the streets of Serbian cities five weeks ago. "For an entire decade now, Serbia has been a country in which there are no free media. For an entire decade, Serbia has been a country in which there is no political accountability. Instead of that, a servile attitude toward the government has been extolled as the highest virtue. It is for this reason that the response to the horrific tragedies that struck Serbia this spring has boiled down to attempts by the authorities to avoid any political responsibility," says the statement, conveyed by the Don't Let Belgrade D(r)own movement. The joint statement stresses that "the cries of citizens who want Serbia to no longer be a country like this, have been met with insults, untruths and a synchronized campaign against public figures by the authorities in the area of culture who dared to voice their opinions", and that, "It is especially harmful that these insults and untruths are being spread by MPs from the podium in parliament". "At the latest protests, our students led a column numbering tens of thousands of citizens in Belgrade. The call of university teachers and associates, therefore, is an attempt to build a Serbia as a country in which our students will see their future. This is not a Serbia of lackeys, but a Serbia of free citizens. This is not a Serbia of violence. We therefore call for the urgent fulfillment of the demands voiced at the citizens' protests," the statement says.


Ecologocial Uprising: Vucic violates Constitution, offers citizens bribe (Beta)


In an address to the nation, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic violated the Constitution by speaking about economic plans under the jurisdiction of Ana Brnabic, by promising money - of which there isn't any - to the most vulnerable categories of the population, the Ecological Uprising announced on Thursday. "Ergo, he pledged money without a revision of the budget. He pledged money due to which Serbia will additionally incur debt in the international market and all of us will have to pay back the interest," the statement says. The Ecological Uprising said that in Vucic's address citizens "heard everything but major decisions", due to which it called on citizens to attend a new Serbia Against Violence protest on 9 June.


Opposition party: Vucic's measures are a collection of forced election promises (Beta)


Freedom and Justice Party vice-president Dusan Nikezic said on Thursday that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's proposed measures were a collection of forced election promises, that had no coverage in the budget and would be financed by having Serbia's citizens take on more debt. "The proposed salary hike will not cover even inflation, which was officially projected to surpass 11 percent in 2023, so there can be no talk of a better life for citizens this year either. The proposed measures are merely a continuation of this government's economic policy which boils down to having the country incur excessive debt, due to which Serbia is at the bottom of the region in terms of economic growth and among Europe's four poorest countries," Nikezic said. He also said that the Freedom and Justice Party believed that Serbia's priorities were education, investing in the domestic economy, science and new technologies, lowering pollution, higher salaries and decent working conditions in the health sector, as well as investment in culture.


Night passes calmly in Zvecan, Serbs continue protest (Tanjug)


The night passed calmly in Zvecan, a Serb-majority municipality in the north of Kosovo and Metohija and, in the morning, local Serbs continued a peaceful protest that began at the end of May. The protesters, who have been gathering in front of a cordon of KFOR troops every day, said they would not end the protest until their demands were met. They want all special units of the so-called Kosovo Police withdrawn from the north of Kosovo and Metohija and two Serb protesters released from custody. They are also demanding that ethnic Albanian mayors stop coming into municipal buildings in the four Serb-majority municipalities in the north of the province. Daily protests have also been underway in two other municipalities - Zubin Potok and Leposavic. The municipal building in Zvecan is still being secured by KFOR and special forces armed with long firearms are deployed inside. The protests in the north of the province erupted after Pristina's police stormed the municipal buildings on 26 May to get the mayors inside. KFOR and Pristina's special police clashed with Serb protesters in Zvecan on 29 May and more than 50 Serbs and over 20 KFOR troops were injured as a result. The mayors were elected in Pristina's recent local polls that were boycotted by Serbs.




RS parliament adopts Resolution on Protection of Serbs in Kosovo and Territorial Integrity and Sovereignty of Serbia (O Kanal)


Representatives of the Republika Srpska parliament adopted the Resolution on Protection of Serbs in Kosovo and the Territorial Integrity and Sovereignty of Serbia. This Resolution was proposed by RS parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic. It was announced that this Resolution will be sent to the UN General Assembly and the UN Security Council. According to the Resolution, the RS parliament supported efforts of Serbia to preserve territorial integrity and sovereignty guaranteed by the international law and the UN Security Resolution 1244. The RS parliament also adopted amendments of SDS to the resolution according to which Serbia is committed to Kosovo as the basis of all previous and future generations. During the voting, 65 MPs supported the Resolution. The RS parliament also adopted conclusions that demand to launch adoption of decisions that will condemn violation of human rights, freedoms and continuation of ethnic cleansing in Kosovo by Kosovo Albanians and their authorities. States that recognized the “self-declared” independence of Kosovo were invited to re-examine and annul their decision. The RS parliament also requires from the highest-ranked representatives of the international community to show, without any hesitation, clear demonstration of messages to Albanians in Kosovo and their community that every form of repression is totally unacceptable.


EU Delegation to B&H expressed disappointment that Draft Law on Border Control did not receive support of representatives from RS in B&H HoR (FTV)


The EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) expressed disappointment that the Draft Law on Border Control did not receive the support of representatives from RS in the B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR). “It is a disappointment that the Draft Law on Border Control did not receive an entity vote by the representatives of RS at today’s session of the House of Representatives. A negative signal for the path to the European Union. Candidate status for B&H was granted with the understanding that certain steps will be taken, such as border management”, they stated on the official Twitter account. They emphasize, among other things, that “opportunities for progress must not be missed”.


FB&H and RS governments hold joint session in Banja Luka, discuss projects and joint activities; Issues on which there is no agreement not discussed (ATV)


The governments of RS and Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) held a joint session in Banja Luka on Thursday. On this occasion, the two Governments adopted a series of joint conclusions, including the ban on the export of roundwood from B&H territory, a joint approach regarding the disposal of nuclear waste at Trgovska Gora site, the implementation of the Belgrade-Sarajevo highway project, education, and security. Members of the governments agreed that the session was constructive and very successful. Addressing a joint press conference after the session, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic and FB&H Prime Minister Nermin Niksic elaborated on the conclusions. Viskovic said that there was no field that the two governments did not touch upon and noted that the future of B&H is in dialogue and there is a need to discuss issues that are important for all citizens of this country. “We discussed and agreed that no one has the intention or desire to interfere in projects that are of interest to certain area and entity. We need to sit down and agree with the Chairwoman of the Council of Ministers (Borjana Kristo) which joint projects in B&H we are to apply with the EU, the World Bank (WB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)," said Viskovic. The RS PM added that energy sector, projects and the situation in ‘Elektroprenos’ are just some of the unavoidable issues to deal with, announcing that in the coming period a meeting of shareholders of ‘Elektroprenos’ should be scheduled in order to resolve the issues. Niksic emphasized the importance for citizens to see that the two governments work together to solve issues important for them. In addition, Niksic noted that it is also important that there was agreement on the issues concerning the ban on the export of roundwood and the joint action around Trgovska Gora. “With this, we have expressed our willingness to create a better environment”, the FB&H PM pointed out. He concluded: “We find it important that we have a positive atmosphere, determination, work in this direction in the interest of all citizens and in the end that no one values us based on what we say, but what we will ultimately do and what will be the result of the work of these two governments.” The Thursday’s session was the first one since 2017 and the agenda included only “easier topics” and only the issues that there is consensus about, with the key message that the future is in dialogue and that work should be focused on creating better environment for economy and citizens. The reporter notes that both, Niksic and Viskovic, are aware the issues that there is no consensus about will eventually be on the agenda, due to which the issue of defining the inter-entity line is also on hold. Addressing the press conference after the session, Viskovic said the governments had to start from somewhere, and “today we started with issues we could agree on. This does not mean that we will include that issue at one of future sessions”. Niksic said it would be the easiest to “dig trenches” in own departments and “to look at each other at gunpoint. The FB&H government will talk about all topics that are put on the table, which does not mean we will agree on them”. Niksic went on to say that it is easy to find topics that would cause further divisions and arguments, noting “we first need to regain lost trust, to start building bridges of trust and then we will talk about topics on which it will be difficult to reach consensus and agreement”.  The reporter notes that one of the unavoidable topics is the issue of Eastern and Southern Gas Interconnections and, according to Prime Ministers, the two sides harmonized their positions. “Today also, we clearly conveyed that the RS has nothing against the Southern Interconnection. Moreover, we are of view it is good for B&H. But we also heard from the other side that they have nothing against our Eastern Interconnection from Serbia, all the way to Banja Luka and Prijedor’’, said Viskovic. Niksic said that one thing that shows “how well intentioned’’ the meeting was and “how much we want to work for the benefit of every part of B&H’’ is the discussion about the Sarajevo International Airport being at the disposal of Mounts Jahorina and Bjelasnica to bring tourists faster to the two mountains. Viskovic also said that they discussed distribution of BAM 200 million in toll revenue and agreed how the issue would be settled, which will happen at the next session of the B&H Indirect TaX Authority Governing Board, scheduled for next Wednesday.


Minister Konakovic discusses global political challenges, political situation in SEE with Secretary Blinken, Prince Farhan on sidelines of forum in Riyadh (FTV/BHT1)


B&H Foreign Affairs Minister Elmedin Konakovic is taking part in the forum of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIL which is being held in Riyadh. He held a number of important meetings there, including the one with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Focus of their talks was placed on reform processes in B&H but also strengthening relations between the two countries. Blinken once again confirmed a clear support and friendship of the United States towards B&H. Speaking about the conversation with Secretary Blinken, Konakovic says that he is fully aware of everything that is happening in B&H when it comes to the global fight against terrorism and the measures B&H is taking to prevent all forms of terrorism and contribute to the fight against ISIL. “Once again, we received confirmation that the United States is committed to the processes in B&H and that they are our key international partner, that they know what is happening in B&H and that they firmly stand by the sovereignty of B&H and its European and Euro-Atlantic path”, Konakovic pointed out. Konakovic met with Blinken and Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan, and in informal conversations, they discussed global political challenges with the focus on the political situation in the Southeast Europe. BHT1 hosted Konakovic via video link. Konakovic pointed out that presence of B&H is very important at such events. He said that he had the opportunity to present the progress and results of B&H in the fight against terrorism within the framework of the global coalition. He also said that he had the opportunity to talk with world leaders and inform them to the situation in B&H. He expressed his pleasure because he was lucky enough to talk with Blinken, and to exchange some information with him. He pointed out that he was impressed by Blinken's knowledge of the situation in the Balkans and B&H. He expressed B&H's ambitions to become a member of NATO one day. Regarding the international community's criticism of the work of state officials in B&H, he said that he agreed that the law on HJPC has its shortcomings and that it needs to be worked on, and pointed out that the comments of international partners should be taken into account, but he also pointed to the fact that there is now a document from the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM), the quality of which is being discussed, and there were no such documents before. He pointed out that he is sorry that there are still many issues in B&H on which there is no consensus.


Cvijanovic addresses Astana forum: HRs in B&H usurp authorities of domestic institutions (RTRS)


Chairwoman of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic attended the Astana International Forum (AIF 2023) on Thursday. Cvijanovic was invited by Kazakhstan President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev. Addressing attendees, she said that those who are powerful should give up on the policy of force and revive dialogue and diplomacy adding that on the other hand, small states are way more open to dialogue. Cvijanovic mentioned B&H as an example of a state in which some countries abused multi-lateral structures in order to manipulate implementation of international peace agreement in B&H. Cvijanovic also stated that over the last decades, we witnessed many cases in which one actor or a group of actors tried to shape the entire world in line with their own interests and goals. In her opinion, big forces appear superior, and they act from the position of power and what we see nowadays in multi-lateral structures is far from joint values and interests. She said that after the war and based on the international agreement, the Office of the High Representative (OHR) was formed in B&H with the task to monitor implementation of the agreement, but the institution acted outside of this framework. Cvijanovic claims: “Contrary to their initial role and activities outside of their authorities, these foreign diplomats in the role of HRs turned into rulers who usurped authorities of our domestic institutions and imposed many laws, changed Constitutions of the entities and even removed elected officials with decrees and aside from legal procedures. Their constant presence and force that they illegally apply created circumstances under which B&H is treated as a colony.” According to Cvijanovic, nowadays it is obvious more than ever before that there is no the international community in the sense of the authentic, collective organization and that the environment of international framework is way polarized while the UN – as a global platform – is faced with many obstacles in fulfilling of their mission.


Council of Europe warns B&H to stop ignoring Sejdic-Finci judgment (N1)


Authorities in B&H have been ignoring for 14 years judgment of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) that demand equal participation of all citizens of B&H in elections and ending discrimination. Radisic reminded that the year of 2023 marks exactly 14 years since adoption of the judgment in Sejdic-Finci vs. B&H case. Since then, there were even four election cycles at which many citizens were deprived of the option to be candidates for some of the functions only because they are not Bosniaks or Croats or Serbs. The latest meeting of the Permanent Representatives of the member states of the Council of Europe that analyzed applications of the judgments of the ECHR reiterated the old request. Thus, “the authorities in B&H are asked to instantly relaunch the necessary electoral reform work that will lead to adoption of the constitutional amendments aimed at eliminating discrimination based on ethnic affiliation in elections for the Presidency and the B&H House of Peoples.” The Council of Europe reminds that after the general elections in October, the leaders of several political parties signed a coalition agreement in which, among other things, they agreed to adopt “limited amendments of the Constitution and of the electoral legislation in order to implement the present judgments,” however, there are no results. The permanent representatives of the member states in the Council of Europe referred in the decision to the submission of the Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatovic, who has repeatedly sent similar appeals to the authorities in B&H. In her submission, she said: “Those who do not belong to one of the constituent peoples – defined in the Constitution as Others – have been denied the right to stand for election for the past 28 years.” She added that four internal resolutions, many decisions of the Committee of Ministers and intensive engagement of the international community did not bear fruit and led to the fulfilment of the judgments of the Court of Human Rights in a total of five judgments dealing with that issue. Mijatovic assessed that the non-execution of these judgments by the authorities contributed to the further deterioration of the situation in B&H and strengthened ethnic divisions. This is why authorities in B&H were called to finally apply decisions of the ECHR and end election discrimination.


B&H Foreign Ministry delegation with NATO PCSC delegation: There is strong foundation for continuation of cooperation between NATO and B&H (Vecernji list)


Vecernji list reads that a delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of B&H led by Deputy Foreign Minister (FM) Josip Brkic met with delegation of the NATO Partnership and Cooperative Security Committee (PCSC) led by Director of Security Policy and Partnerships at NATO HQ James Mackey. The meeting discussed the program of reforms of B&H for 2021 and 2022 and continuation of implementation of activities regarding reforms processes in institutions of B&H, as well as the information about implementation of activities from the program of reforms of B&H for 2021 and 2022, which was unanimously adopted by the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) in February of 2023 and submitted to NATO HQ in Brussels. According to the daily, the information about the level of implementation in political, economic, defense-security and legal sense has confirmed there is a strong foundation for continuation of cooperation between NATO and B&H. Participants of the meeting also welcomes NATO’s decision on developing new package for building defense capabilities for B&H, which was officially approved in February 2023. Meanwhile, a delegation of NATO PCSC met with the B&H Parliament’s Joint Commission on Defence and Security of B&H and B&H HoR Delegation to NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Sarajevo on Thursday. PCSC members expressed strong support to B&H stressing that NATO wants a strong neighbour, capable to develop and implement reforms in order to fully secure a stable and safe environment for all citizens of B&H, and to cooperate with regional countries in interest of security and stability. Stressing that B&H is one of the closest partners to NATO, PCSC members presented new package of support to B&H, directed toward support to BiH for the participation in international peacekeeping operations and in projects that are carried out in cooperation with B&H Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Security. Daily comments that following the meeting, disputes occurred during the press conference between Commission’s members, regarding NATO path and state property. SNSD’s Radovan Kovacevic said that NATO membership is not an official politics. NiP’s Kemal Ademovic said that decision whether to join NATO or not, will be reached by institutions at B&H level and perhaps its citizens in a referendum.


Milatovic & Reinke: Partnership between MNE and the USA should be strengthened (CdM)


The President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic received the Ambassador of the United States of America H.E. E. Judy Rising Reinke. As announced by Milatovic’s cabinet, the topics of discussion were bilateral relations between the two countries, partnership within the NATO alliance, as well as the invitation of US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to the President of Montenegro to visit Washington. Milatovic emphasized that the state’s priorities in the coming period were strengthening its active and credible role in the Alliance, accelerating European integration and strengthening relations with its neighbours. “I believe that in this context, the help of the USA is important for us, especially when we talk about public support for our NATO obligations, strengthening the rule of law and the fight against corruption and organized crime, as well as the further development of economic dialogue as an important platform between our countries,” Milatovic said. Ambassador Reinke said that Montenegro would have the strong support of the United States just as before. “I am glad that we share the vision of further improvement of the strategic partnership between Montenegro and the USA. There are numerous challenges ahead of you and the US will continue to support Montenegro on the path to reforms and the achievement of your Euro-Atlantic goals,” said Ambassador Reinke. Milatovic said that after the elections, he expected a continuation of the dialogue with representatives of political subjects, necessary for parliamentary support for appointments in the judiciary, which would enable the full functioning of the legal system and speed up the process of European integration of the state.


The election silence begins at midnight (CdM)


Election silence, on the eve of the extraordinary parliamentary elections in Montenegro, which will be held on 11 June, will begin at midnight, and will last until the polls close, on Sunday at 8 p.m. During that period, election propaganda, the holding of pre-election rallies in public places, and the publication of evaluations of election results were prohibited. 542,468 voters have the right to vote, and polling stations will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

15 coalitions and parties participate in the elections and their order on the ballot is as follows:

  1. It's clear! - Bosniak Party - Ervin Ibrahimovic, MSc
  2. On the right side of the world (HGI)
  3. Justice for all – Dr. Vadimir Leposavic
  4. For you (SNP and Demos)
  5. People's coalition - Unanimous and period - Dejan Vuksic
  6. Albanian Alliance (FORCA, Democratic Alliance, Democratic Alliance of Montenegro and "Movement of Tuzi")
  7. Turnaround for a safe Montenegro - Srdjan Peric (Turnaround Movement)
  8. First Montenegro Nebojsa Medojevic – Reforms to save the country (Movement for changes)
  9. Yes. We can do it for civic Montenegro! (GP MI and Civil Montenegro)
  10. Together, for the future that belongs to you - Danijel Zivkovic (DPS, SD, LP, DUA)
  11. Europe now - Milojko Spajic
  12. SDP – For our house
  13. Aleksa and Dritan – Bravely count (Democrats and URA)
  14. For the future of Montenegro (NSD, DNP, Workers' Party)
  15. BESA For European Development (Albanian Forum)

Parliamentary elections, which will be held on 11 June, will be the 12th since the introduction of the multiparty system in Montenegro, and the sixth after the restoration of independence.

The first multi-party elections for the Assembly were held in December 1990, when the Union of Communists of Montenegro (SKCG), a party that later changed its name to the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), won. That party won 83 out of 125 parliamentary seats. Apart from SCCG, the Alliance of Reform Forces of Yugoslavia entered the parliament with 17 seats, the People's Party (NS) with 13 seats and the Democratic Coalition, an alliance of Muslim-Albanian parties with 12 seats. The next parliamentary elections were held on 20 December 1992, in which the DPS won absolute power, winning 46 out of 85 parliamentary seats. The second largest party in the Assembly was the NS with 14 MPs, followed by the Liberal Alliance of Montenegro (LSCG) with 13, the Serbian Radical Party (SRS) with eight and the Social Democratic Party (SDP) with four mandates.  In the elections on 3 November 1996, DPS won the most votes and with 45 mandates remained the strongest party in the Montenegrin parliament. The coalition of NS and LSCG, Narodna sloga, won 19 parliamentary seats, the Party of Democratic Action three, while the Albanian parties - Democratic Alliance of Montenegro (DSCG) and Democratic Union of Albanians (DUA) won two mandates each. The first elections after the split in the unified DPS were held on 31 May 1998, and were won by the Let's Live Better coalition - Milo Djukanovic. That coalition made up of NS, SDP and Djukanovic's current in DPS won 42 mandates, SNP 29, LSCG five, and DSCG and DUA one mandate each. After NS left the ruling coalition, the next elections were held on 22 April 2001. At that time, the coalition Victory of Montenegro, DPS and SDP won the most votes, with a total of 36 parliamentary seats, but it was not enough to form a government. The Zajedno za Yugoslavia coalition consisting of SNP, NS and the Serbian People's Party (SNS) won 33 mandates, LSCG six, and DSCG and DUA one mandate each. After several months of negotiations, LSCG supported the minority government of DPS and SDP. When the liberals, after signing the Belgrade agreement, refused to trust the government of then Prime Minister Filip Vujanovic in the elections on 20 October 2002, the DPS-SDP coalition, under the name For European Montenegro, won 39 parliamentary seats. The coalitions of SNP, NS and SNS – Together for Changes won 30 parliamentary seats, LSCG four, and the coalition Albanians together two mandates. In the September 2006 elections, the first after gaining independence, the coalition DPS-SDP For European Montenegro again won absolute power with 41 parliamentary mandates. The second was the Serbian List with 12 mandates, while the newly formed Movement for Change (PZP) and the coalition SNP, NS and DSS each won 11 seats in the parliament. The coalition of LP and the Bosniak Party (BS) won three mandates, while DUA, DSCG and Albanian Alternative (AA) won one seat each. In the parliamentary elections on 29 March 2009, the European Montenegro coalition, consisting of DPS, SDP, BS and the Croatian Civic Initiative (HGI), won 48 mandates. SNP had 16, New Serbian Democracy eight, and PzP five representatives. A seat in the Montenegrin parliament, with one seat each, was occupied by DUA, the coalition DSCG and AA, Forca and the Albanian coalition Perspektiva. The next parliamentary elections were held on 14 October 2012. The European Montenegro - Milo Djukanovic coalition won 39 mandates, the Democratic Front (DF) 20, the SNP nine, the Positive Seven, the Bosniak Party (BS) three, the electoral list of the minority Albanian people two and the HGI one mandate. The next elections in Montenegro were held on 16 October 2016. DPS won 36 mandates, DF 18, Kljuc coalition nine, Democrats eight, SDP four. The Social Democrats (SD) and BS won two parliamentary seats each, while the Albanian coalition (Forca, DUA, AA) and HGI won one each. The last elections were held on 30 August 2020. The coalition Decisively for Montenegro (led by DPS) won 30 mandates, For the Future of Montenegro (DF) 27, Peace is our nation (Democrats) ten, Black on White (GP URA) four. SD and BS entered the parliament with three each, SDP with two, and the Albanian List and the Albanian Coalition with one deputy each.


Kovachevski: We have strong US support for North Macedonia’s EU accession (MIA)


This is the period when we have to make the key decisions to speed up the European integration process, because the EU is our only path, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said in a Facebook post after meeting with the US Embassy Charge d'Affaires, Eric Meyer. PM Kovachevski said that in addition to the European integration process, they also discussed the support from the United States in fulfilling our strategic goals. “We agreed that bold decisions are key to success, North Macedonia, after joining NATO, should also become a member of the EU, for which our country has strong support from the USA. We will do that shoulder-to-shoulder with our strategic partners from the USA,” Kovachevski added.


Grubi – Meyer meeting: Ready to make decision allowing consensual approval of constitutional amendments (MIA)


The latest political developments in the country, the process of constitutional amendments, the path to the European integration, as well as launch of field works for Corridors 8 and 10d, were the topics of discussion at Thursday’s meeting between the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Political System and Inter-Community Relations, Artan Grubi and the US Embassy Charge d'Affaires, Eric Meyer. They discussed the political situation in the country, as well as the European integration process and the continuation of opening the negotiating chapters, said Grubi's Office in a press release. Grubi stressed that the European future of the citizens and our country is more important and that they are ready for any decision that would enable consensual approval of the constitutional amendments. The discussion about the importance of the implementation of projects such as Corridors 8 and 10d not only for the country, but also for the entire region led to the government to commit to their quick and high-quality implementation, once the legal changes are approved, reads the press release. Grubi thanked Meyer for the strong support for the country’s path to the EU, as well as for the continuation of the strategic dialogue with the United States.


Mickoski: Government without DUI, constitutional amendments to be effective once Macedonia joins EU (MIA)


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said Thursday in Kochani that their condition on possible vote for the constitutional amendments would be a government without DUI until the elections and the constitutional amendments become effective once the country becomes a member of the EU. “It is important to conclude from yesterday’s leaders' meeting that at this moment the government does not have the necessary majority in the parliament for the constitutional amendments that it accepted a year ago without consulting the opposition, i.e. VMRO-DPMNE. When VMRO-DPMNE warned they ignored it and then when we offered a continuous solution, they ignored that solution,” Mickoski added. He reiterated that VMRO-DPMNE will not support a change to the Constitution under Bulgarian dictate. “As a responsible political party and as responsible politicians, we are always ready to discuss when it comes to the future of our homeland. This was also discussed at the leaders’ meeting with Dimitar Kovachevski. Kovachevski proposed at the meeting to give VMRO-DPMNE five of the ministries led by SDSM and in return for that, VMRO-DPMNE should give support to the constitutional amendments, to complete those amendments, to start the negotiations, and then to call elections,” Mickoski said. He said that he replied that they accept the offer of VMRO-DPMNE to participate in the future government until the elections, but under certain conditions. “The first condition is to finally free Macedonia from DUI. It does not need to be in the interim government. I welcome Bujar Osmani's move to accept it on behalf of DUI. When it comes to the constitutional amendments. When it comes to the constitutional amendments, let's say to accept the vote on them, but to delay the effect; in reality, the circumstances will not change, we will not have a change to the Constitution, those amendments will not be part of that constitution, until the moment Macedonia becomes a member state of the EU,” Mickoski said. In this way, according to him, our identity is protected, and in this way, we say that there are no concessions that can harm our identity. Concerning Bujar Osmani’s move, that they accept to leave the government, Mickoski said he welcomed, he said that he welcomes their position for realizing that it is time for them to be in opposition. “It provides an opportunity for a real start of negotiations with the EU, and not for Macedonia to be held hostage by a small group of people who, apart from their personal interest, have nothing else as a priority. I hope they will not change their decision until the elections,” Mickoski said. He also said that they did not discuss which five ministries are in question.


Mickoski proposes 24 September, 1 or 8 October as dates for early parliamentary elections (MIA/Sitel TV)


At the leaders’ meeting with Prime Minister and SDSM leader Dimitar Kovachevski, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski proposed 24 September, 1 or 8 October as dates for early parliamentary elections or a broad coalition government, as well as protected identity and rapid European integration. Is it more likely that there will be elections or a broad government with SDSM for the constitutional amendment process, Mickoski said that VMRO-DPMNE is "ready elections to be held faster.” “But unfortunately, we don't have 61 lawmakers in the parliament, which would dissolve it,” Mickoski said late Thursday in an interview with Sitel TV. He reiterated that he would support constitutional amendments only if they have a delayed effect, that is, if they come into force when the country becomes a member of the EU. Otherwise, Mickoski said, VMRO-DPMNE "does not intend to support any constitutional amendments that will mean uncertainty in the negotiation process." “That proposal will be submitted to the office of the European Union and the United States, and they will be the guarantor of that process that Macedonia will implement amendments to its Constitution on the day when the ratification of the accession protocol by the EU member states begins,” Mickoski said. When asked why they would not be with DUI in a broad coalition government and whether cooperation with SDSM means that it legitimizes the policies of Kovachevski's party, Mickoski answered that "SDSM is a tenant in its government" and that "policies in the government are de facto led by DUI". Asked if VMRO-DPMNE "will be forced" to form a government with Ali Ahmeti's party, if DUI win the next elections in the Albanian political bloc, Mickoski said, "the rule of winner with winner has long ceased to apply".


Marichikj: We are ready to include opposition into working groups on constitutional changes (MIA)


Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski had a clear position and a clear offer to the opposition: to immediately vote on the need to making constitutional changes, then to form a government that would include the opposition, and then to adopt the constitutional changes and complete the screening process with the EU. "The opposition today seems to be backing away from the position it took yesterday that it approves of the constitutional changes," Marichikj said, commenting on the meeting between SDSM leader and PM Kovachevski and VMRO-DPMNE's leader Hristijan Mickoski on Wednesday. According to Marichikj, the government is ready to immediately form working groups on the issue as well as to propose a law on the negotiations with the EU that would firmly safeguard Macedonian identity. "VMRO-DPMNE should not refuse the offered hand for cooperation," he noted. "We are ready to talk to them as soon as today on whether we could continue the meetings. Not necessarily at the highest level; at any level. The offered hand is generous by all parties. VMRO-DPMNE has no reason not to vote for the constitutional amendments we need so much," Marichikj said.


Speaker Xhaferi meets with Azerbaijani President’s Special Envoy Amirbayov (MIA)


Parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi met Thursday with the Azerbaijani President’s Special Envoy Elchin Amirbayov and personally extended his greetings to the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and the speaker of the National Assembly of Azerbaijan Sahiba Gafarova said parliament in a press release. According to the press release, Xhaferi voiced his conviction that in the coming period, work will be done with Azerbaijan on strengthening and intensifying bilateral communication, both through meetings at the highest level and between the parliamentary groups for cooperation in the two countries. “Xhaferi stressed the opportunities for increasing economic and trade cooperation which remains at an unsatisfactory level, despite having great potential for improvement. He voiced the country’s interest in cooperating in the field of energy and joining the Trans Adriatic Pipeline, for which the country has strong support from the EU. Within the frameworks of the country’s OSCE Chairpersonship, Xhaferi said the country supports a peaceful resolution to the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia in the Nagorno-Karabakh region and overcoming of the Lachin corridor blockades,” said the press release. The Special Envoy of the President of Azerbaijan, Amirbayov, who is on his first visit to North Macedonia, voiced his gratitude for the chance to visit parliament and conveyed the greetings of President Ilham Aliyev to the country and parliament. Amirbayov stressed that his agenda is aimed at contributing to the intensification of the friendly relations between the two countries, as well as a more detailed introduction of Xhaferi to the security situation in Azerbaijan and the ongoing negotiations between Azerbaijan and Armenia, for an end to the longstanding conflict between the two countries. “Amirbayov agreed with Xhaferi that in the coming period the North Macedonia and Azerbaijan should invest joint efforts to strengthen cooperation in all fields, especially on an economic plan, and the development of air traffic and tourism between the two countries. He touched upon the importance of the Western Balkans for Azerbaijan in terms of energy connectivity with the gas corridors that pass through several countries,” said parliament in the press release.


Rama forwards to Macron and Scholz a draft for the Association of Serbian Municipalities (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama stated that "the creation of the association of Serbian municipalities in Kosovo is the key to finally open the door to the international affirmation of the Republic of Kosovo and its recognition by all, its seat in the United Nations and all international forums and mutual recognition with Serbia". In a press conference with journalists, Rama said that "the situation in the north of Kosovo is unfortunately taking on the proportions of a political tragedy for the Republic of Kosovo. The statements of our strategic allies regarding this situation are more and more alarming, and frankly, the reason for the reluctance of the Kosovo authorities to de-escalate a situation where Kosovo is clearly lost every day, every hour is incomprehensible." "Serbia is doing what it has done other times, while Kosovo is doing something it has never done before, and as never before it is being universally blamed by all the strategic allies of the Albanian nation. In the conditions when the relations of the allies with Kosovo are taking on more and more ultimatum tones and when the return to the previous situation is in danger of taking an increasingly long time if Kosovo and I wish, I pray that it does not happen, it will be sanctioned for the stay I am here to share with you an unknown fact until today", Rama underlined. Prime Minister Rama said that "I have known for a long time that the Gordian knot of the dialogue would be the association of municipalities with a Serbian majority, my conviction is that none of the parties want the association and will do their best to postpone it endlessly keeping the crisis open with some kind of political or technical artifice". He informed that a day ago he forwarded to the French President, Emmanuel Macron, and the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz a draft for the Association of Serbian Municipalities, about which he informed the President of the EC, Charles Michel and the American side. "It is a draft worked out by top-level American and European experts for a long time, which was done just in case this day would come. This day when the parties, and in this case for me incomprehensible is the position of Kosovo and not of Serbia, which I repeat is doing what it has done on other occasions, the parties are not able to agree on who should write this text", Rama added.

He said that "this is a confidential document, which undoubtedly does not pretend to be the ideal solution, but I assure you that it is a document of the highest international level that takes into account all the reasons for the creation of the association and definitely takes into account that the association is part of the organization of life in the Republic of Kosovo by addressing all the recommendations or conclusions of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo". "I wish and hope that this material is useful to take the dialogue to another level and to make the parties talk about concrete things, things related to the successful conclusion of the dialogue and not to talk to themselves and about themselves. This was what I wanted to share publicly, the reason why I share it today is because the situation is becoming alarming and I cannot remain a spectator watching Kosovo shrink, shrink and shrink in the eyes of those who created the state of Kosovo", Rama was quoted as saying.


Rama's draft for the Association, Great Britain: Kosova should listen to the advice of friends and partners (Radio Tirana)


Great Britain says that Kosovo should listen to the advice from its friends and partners, regarding the extension of the situation in the north. Regarding the draft for the Association of municipalities with a Serbian majority proposed by Prime Minister Edi Rama, the British ambassador in Pristina, Nicholas Abbott said that he has not yet read it, but added that Kosovo should listen to the advice coming from friends and partners. Regarding the situation created in the north, the British ambassador said, for the media in Kosovo, that the special unit should not act as a guard for the buildings. Earlier, Prime Minister Edi Rama announced that he sent a draft to the French President, Emmanuel Macron, and the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, as a proposal for the formation of the Association of Serbian Municipalities. Rama considered the Association as the "Gordian knot" of Kosovo-Serbia relations, as he added that the draft has been worked on by top-level American and European experts for a long time.


Albania-Kosovo, three important cooperation agreements (Radio Tirana)


In support of the law "On international agreements in the Republic of Albania", the Council of Ministers approved several important agreements with the Republic of Kosovo. The government approved the cooperation agreement between the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania and the government of the Republic of Kosovo in the field of higher education and scientific research. It also approved in principle the agreement between the two countries, for the recognition of the right to exercise the professions of lawyer and mediator in the resolution of disputes as well as in the field of inspections. Meanwhile, the chairman of the parliamentary group of the Socialist Party, MP Taulant Balla welcomed the approval by the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo of the resolution "On the approval of the usable definition for anti-Semitism, defined by the International Alliance for Holocaust Remembrance". Through a post on social networks, Balla declares that the Assembly of Albania approved this resolution in 2020 and now the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo clearly expressed its genuine commitment to the understanding of anti-Semitism, as the first and necessary step towards combating it. "Many thanks to the MPs who initiated this resolution, colleagues Enver Hoxhaj, Kujtim Shala, Arben Gashi, Abelard Tahiri, Besnik Tahiri, Mimoza Kusari Lila and Enis Kervan," writes Balla.


Begaj to Chief of the US National Guard Bureau: Let's increase cooperation in the field of defense and cyber security (Radio Tirana)


Albanian President Bajram Begaj received at the meeting the Chief of the US National Guard Bureau, General Daniel R. Hokanson, who was also accompanied by US Ambassador Yuri Kim. During the meeting, the President appreciated the cooperation with the United States in the field of defense and security, which for decades have helped in the modernization of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Albania. President Begaj together with General Hokanson discussed further cooperation in the field of defense and cyber security. President Begaj and General Hokanson also spoke about on the developments in the region, where the focus was in particular on the recent developments in the north of Kosovo.