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Belgrade Media Report 13 June 2023



Vucic: The situation regarding Kosovo is getting complicated; Serbia guards its stance (TV Happy)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that he had talked with several American and European representatives, and that those conversations were difficult. "The situation is getting complicated, I'm very worried, just please, remove these fake mayors, and we are ready for a compromise. We need to talk, but I'm begging you for someone to take action. The formation of the ZSO must be started," Vucic said being hosted at Cirilica show on TV Happy. As he added, we have moved to a lower level of combat readiness, but we still have forces that are always ready to react. "Ours is to keep the peace, that's why it's not easy for me to talk with Serbs from Kosovo either," he said. Vucic added that he does not rule out the possibility of sanctions being imposed on Serbia, that is, of being punished. "I wouldn't rule out that possibility. We will do our best not to be. There is a desire among three or four countries for that to happen. It seems to me that I don't have to tell anyone which countries those are," said Vucic. He points out that the talks with Olaf Scholz and Emmanuel Macron in Chisinau were difficult, but he states that it is up to us to keep the peace. "Everyone is waiting for the U.S. elections, and it is much more important what will happen in July or August and whether Jim O'Brien will be elected as the US assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs," says Vucic. "All kinds of things are written about Jim O'Brien, but he knows how to hear and listen. He is a man who understands things extremely well and is very intelligent, just like Christopher Hill. You can think what you want about Christopher Hill, but he is very intelligent," claims Vucic. "I'm very worried about Kosovo and Metohija. I'm sorry that some other people don't understand how difficult the situation is. Tomorrow we'll go with the first proposals for various measures. It's terribly important for us how it will all look in the future", Vucic said.


Petkovic: Kurti's extremist policy stoking attacks against Serbs (TV Pink/Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said on Monday Pristina's PM Albin Kurti had brought the situation in the province to the brink of conflict and wanted to set the region on fire. With his extremist policy, Kurti is stoking extremist attacks against Serbs, Petkovic told TV Pink. Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija as well as in the south of the province are suffering as a result, he said. "All his actions in the past several months and everything he has been doing has been aimed at provoking a reaction by the Serbs and at forcing our people to defend themselves. He wanted to drag the Serbs and Belgrade into a conflict to avoid the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities," Petkovic said. Everyone has condemned Kurti's actions and the US has been the most vocal about it - even French President Emmanuel Macron has said Kurti is responsible for all developments in the north, Petkovic added. "Everything Kurti has done - the deployment of ROSU special forces, their illegal presence at the Bistrica Bridge, the harassment of citizens, the ban on the referendum and elections and the disgraceful 23 April election process - is a scandal," Petkovic said, noting that Kurti had appointed ethnic Albanian mayors who had each won just 500 votes in Serb-majority municipalities. "To top it all, the international community has backed the elections, instead of containing him," he said. He reiterated that Serbs in the north of the province had been protesting peacefully for 17 days now and that 14 days had passed since the arrest of Rados Petrovic and Dusan Obrenovic, who were detained while sitting peacefully on the ground. Speaking about clashes that took place in Zvecan two weeks ago, Petkovic said the protesters had merely responded to a violent action by KFOR. "Our people defended themselves with their fists and with stones, they did not start the conflict," he noted.


Rakic: We informed president of situation on ground (Tanjug/Politika/Novosti/RTS/RTV)


Serb List leader Goran Rakic said on Monday representatives of Kosovo Serbs had informed Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic of the situation on the ground and the problems facing Serbs in the province. They asked Vucic to use his authority to ensure the soonest possible release of two arrested Serb protesters, Rados Petrovic and Dusan Obrenovic. Speaking to reporters after a Belgrade meeting with Vucic, Rakic said the president had been shown footage proving that the two had posed no threat to KFOR soldiers. He said the representatives had also told Vucic the situation had escalated following a raid by Pristina's ROSU units. "It is important that we have brought footage showing clearly that the arrestees, Petrovic and Obrenovic, were not involved and posed no threat to KFOR soldiers. The footage shows them offering passive resistance," Rakic said. He said they had asked Vucic and the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic to use their authority with international representatives to ensure the soonest possible release of the two men. "We asked the president to help end the persecution of Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija who took part in protests this year and last year," Rakic said. He said the representatives had reiterated that the Serbs were ready for compromise but that there was no such readiness in Pristina. "We reiterated the requests we have presented to Lajcak and Escobar: that a Community of Serb Municipalities must be formed as soon as possible and that Pristina, Belgrade and the EU must adopt its statute," Rakic said.


Serbia highly values principled position of Cyprus in not recognising independence of Kosovo (Tanjug/NSPM)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic spoke yesterday in Nicosia with President of the Republic of Cyprus Nikos Christodoulides about the cooperation between the two countries so far, as well as the prospects for its further development. Vucevic expressed his gratitude to Cyprus for the support it provides to Serbia when it comes to preserving its territorial integrity, stressing that our relationship to the sovereignty of Cyprus is the same. He also pointed out that cooperation in the field of defence is an important part of the overall relations between Serbia and Cyprus. Vucevic conveyed the invitation of President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic to the President of Cyprus to visit Belgrade this year. Christodoulides pointed out that closeness and friendship have always characterized the relations between Serbia and Cyprus, expressing his gratitude for the invitation, as well as his great desire to visit Belgrade. Vucevic also met with Minister of Defence of Cyprus Michalis Giorgallas. The officials said that the two countries, in addition to closeness and friendship, share a position in relation to the necessity of consistently respecting the principles of international law. In his address, after a ceremonial welcome in Nicosia with the honour of the National Guard of Cyprus, tete-a-tete talks and a meeting of the delegations of the two countries, Vucevic emphasised that Serbia highly values the principled position of Cyprus when it comes to not recognising the illegal and self-proclaimed independence of "Kosovo". Serbia will continue to advocate for a peaceful and comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus issue in accordance with the UN Charter, and members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Army will continue to engage in the UN multinational operation (UNFICYP), the Deputy Prime Minister said. Pointing to the long-term and strong ties between the two countries, Giorgallas assessed that the talks and consultations will deepen defense and military bilateral cooperation in the near future. The Minister added that he is satisfied with the cooperation in the field of defense and security, stating that Serbia and Cyprus have been maintaining cooperation for a decade in the field of weapons, which is based on mutual trust and contributes to overall bilateral relations.


IRMCT President: Serbia flagrantly disregarding its obligations (Beta)


President of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT) in The Hague Graciela Gatti Santana told the UN Security Council in New York that Serbia is “flagrantly disregarding” its international legal obligation to arrest Petar Jojic and Vjerica Radeta, charged with contempt of court. Presenting a regular IRMCT report to the UN Security Council, Judge Gatti described Serbia’s refusal to “arrest and surrender” Serbian Radical Party officials Jojic and Radeta as “one of the biggest threats” the Mechanism faces, in addition to the “relentless attempts to undermine our current work and also the judgments issued by the ICTR, ICTY, and the Mechanism”. “This includes the flagrant disregard by Serbia of its international legal obligations set fourth by the Security Council itself and its persistent failure to arrest and surrender Petar Jojic and Vjerica Radeta for their alleged interference with the administration of justice,” stressed Gatti Santana. She cautioned that Serbia’s non-cooperation “prevents the Mechanism from fulfilling its mandated functions”. The IRMCT President underlined that there is a “disturbing trend of genocide denial, the glorification of war criminals, the purported rewriting of history and even provocative statements by convicted persons shamelessly admitting that they would do it all over again”. Gatti Santana also reported Serbia to the UN Security Council at end of last year for its failure to extradite Jojic and Radeta. Former president of Mechanism Carmel Agius reported Serbia to the UN Security Council three times for non-cooperation in the case of Jojic and Radeta. In October 2012, the Hague Tribunal accused Jojic and Radeta of influencing prosecution witnesses in the Hague trial against their party leader Vojislav Seselj by persuading them to change their statements or not to testify by threatening, blackmailing and bribing them. The Serbian authorities have been refusing to arrest and extradite Jojic and Radeta since 2015, when the Hague Tribunal issued the first warrant for their arrest.


Another Serb arrested in Kosovska Mitrovica, sirens wail (Tanjug/


Milan Lune Milenkovic, the coach at the Kickboxing Club in Kosovska Mitrovica, was arrested today by so-called Kosovo police, Tanjug has learned. Milenkovic was arrested near the Technical School. Sirens sounded in Kosovska Mitrovica. Several hundred citizens are gathered on the streets of northern Kosovska Mitrovica at this moment and their number is growing by the minute, reports


Serbia chose West, US Embassy (RFE/Beta)


A spokesperson for the US Embassy in Belgrade told Radio Free Europe that Serbia has chosen the West by taking part in the Platinum Wolf military exercise alongside troops from NATO member states. “Serbia has made the choice to be part of the West and that includes further integration into Euro-Atlantic security structures and partner militaries,” the unnamed spokesperson was quoted as saying. Platinum Wolf will include 100 US troops, the spokesperson said and added that the exercise “is directly relevant to Serbia’s existing participation in missions all over the world”. According to the embassy spokesperson, the further Serbia goes in its integration into Euro-Atlantic security structures, the shorter its path to the EU. RFE was told at the Serbian Defense Ministry that preparations are underway for the exercise in southern Serbia from June 14 to 30. Platinum Wolf is the only international exercise that the Serbian military is taking part in after a moratorium on those exercises was imposed following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The Kremlin said it would carefully monitor the exercise, RFE said. Although military-neutral, Serbia is part of NATO’s Partnership for Peace program.


Fact-checking portal questions President’s photo (Istinomer)


The Istinomer fact-checking portal said on Monday that the photograph of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic signing the book of condolences at the Belgrade elementary school where a student killed 9 people showed indications of digital manipulation. Istinomer said that it checked the pictures published by pro-regime media with help from digital experts at the Belgian Knack fact-checking portal. “Social media users said they suspect the picture was photoshoped because of some visual discrepancies. Without getting into whether the president was at the school or not, Istinomer worked with experts at the Belgian fact-checking portal Knack on a detail and deep photo-forensic analysis and determined that the photograph contained traces of digital manipulation which indicate that it is not completely authentic,” the portal said. The picture was originally published by Kurir and Republika portals and Tanjug. It was also shown in parliament by ruling coalition MPs claiming it was indisputable proof that Vucic visited the school. The picture was published after opposition officials criticized the president for not going near the school after the mass shooting.




Forto and Vesic discuss joint infrastructural projects between B&H and Serbia (N1)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Minister of Communications and Transport Edin Forto and Serbian Minister of Civil Engineering, Transport and Infrastructure Goran Vesic met in Sarajevo on Monday. On this occasion, one of the main topics the two ministers discussed was the project of construction of the Sarajevo-Belgrade highway. Namely, construction of the highway is already underway in Serbia, while in B&H it is yet to start. Forto announced that a meeting on this issue should take place in July, in order to define the whole route. “The route of the entrance to Brcko from Republika Srpska (RS) must be determined in terms of the highway, the exact route Orasje-Brcko to Tuzla, and then further determination of the railway project via Zvornik and from Brcko to Bijeljina should be carried out. The highway from Serbia will be completed by the end of the year”, Forto noted. Vesic stressed that the construction works on the Serbian side are already taking place. Vesic said: “By the end of the year, we will complete our section from Sremska Raca to Kuzmin. There is an integrated border crossing being built on the Serbian side, which will be opened in 2025 when the section of the highway from Sremska Raca to Bijeljina is completed.” In addition to the story about the highway, the ministers of B&H and Serbia also confirmed two important projects, namely the railway leading from Banja Luka to Serbia will be renovated, as well as the bridges on the border. Vesic noted: “I am happy that we have joint projects between the two countries, and it is up to the EU, since they talk a lot about wanting to finance regional connectivity, to show that when two countries know each other, they agree to be generous and support us. This is a test for the EU as to how much it will support our projects.” Vesic underscored that B&H is the priority in terms of Serbia’s road connections with the neighbouring countries and reminded that in the next several years, Serbia and B&H will be connected by two highways and two expressways. Addressing the press conference, Vesic said: “Our first highway is the Belgrade-Sarajevo highway. By the end of this year, we will finish our section from Sremska Raca to Kuzmin, around 19 kilometers, and integrated border crossing is under construction in Sremska Raca - a joint B&H-Serbia border crossing in the Serbian side - that will be put (in operation) in 2025. By the end of next year, we will finalize another expressway with a stretch that will also connect Serbia and B&H”. Vesic went on to inform that the Ruma-Sabac highway and the Sabac-Loznica expressway are currently under construction, which will be a connection to the Sepak Border Crossing. Addressing the press conference after the meeting, Forto said: “Some of the projects are already visible, and we are going to – I can already announce it – together with the Serbian Government apply with the EU for grants and financing of at least two projects. One of them is the railway from Banja Luka via Doboj, Tuzla, Zvornik and further toward Serbia, and reconstruction of bridges that connect B&H and Serbia.”


Russian Embassy hosts reception in Banja Luka on Russia Day; Kalabukhov: Marking of Russia Day proves intention to further develop Russia-RS strategic relations; Dodik: Only those who want to demonize Russia talk about its malignant influence (RTRS/ATV)


The Russian Embassy to B&H organized a reception in Banja Luka on Monday to mark the Russia Day. Namely, 12 June marks the day of adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia.  On this occasion, the Russian Association of Journalists presented recognitions to RS President Milorad Dodik, Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov and journalists from the RS. Chairwoman and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic, Episcope of Banja Luka Jefrem, and ministers in the RS government as well as representatives in the RS parliament attended the ceremony. The attendees at the ceremony agreed that Russia and the RS have traditionally good cooperation. As the host of the ceremony, Kalabukhov stated that Russia advocates a just world, security and defense of traditional values and, on that path, Russia values RS’ support as significant. “It is our great pleasure to be here today in Banja Luka. This is yet another one of our joint events, which proves our intention to keep developing strategic relations between Russia and the RS. We talked to President of the RS, Mr. Dodik, and we agreed on some projects and how to implement all that was agreed during his (Dodik’s) meeting with President of Russia”, Kalabukhov noted. Dodik wished a happy Russia Day to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolay Patrushev, Russian Ambassador Kalabukhov, as well as “the brotherly Russian people”. Dodik stressed that the RS and Russia have friendly relations and he noted that Russia has a significant role, because it adheres to the Dayton Agreement. Dodik commended Russia for taking RS’ opinion into account in the UN SC, “unlike some other countries”. The RS President also said that the RS’ cooperation with Russia does not dismiss a possibility of having good relations with other countries. The RS President emphasized that the RS and Russia cherish the same family and traditional values and agree on the need for creation of a strong, sovereign “state” and sovereign decision-making, without interference in internal issues. President of the Russian Association of Journalists Vladimir Solovyov confirmed that Dodik and Kalabukhov received the recognition for their support to journalism. Solovyov praised the RS journalists for working in a fair manner “despite difficult pressure from the West”. RTRS Editor-in-Chief of the Informative Program and journalist Nada Veletic, who received the recognition of the Russian Association of Journalists, said she is honoured to receive the recognition in her Republic on the “great day, the Russia Day”. President of the RS Association of Journalists Danijel Simic and ATV journalist Darinka Petrovic also received the recognitions. Simic he said that this is “an introduction to even better relations of Serb and Russian people, and an introduction of a new world, without one hegemon ruling it”. Petrovic said she is proud of receiving this recognition and proud to “be able to be in service of truth”. Petrovic is the only journalist from the RS who “during the special military operation’’ visited Donbas, Donetsk, Mariupol, Luhansk, Severodonetsk and Kremennaya together with the Russian troops. Additionally, ATV is the only media outlet to air interviews Petrovic conducted with Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova and Kremlin Spokesperson Dmitry Peskov. Addressing the media on the occasion, Petrovic said that goal of journalists is to “serve the truth and higher values’’. She went on to say that she believes that ATV and herself “succeeded in bringing the audience the side of the story that not many in the world want to hear and can only say that I am honoured that such work is recognized in Russia”. It was stated at the reception that Russia fights for a new world just for everyone, the main goal is to have safe and sovereign country without anyone interfering in its internal issues, and Russia is not alone on that path, it has friends in the RS also, with preservation of family and traditional values guiding “the two brotherly countries”. Addressing the media, Kalabukhov said that marking of the Russia Day is “another joint event that proves our intention to further develop strategic relations between Russia and the RS. Of course, people in the RS show solidarity with Russia. Even people in the whole world, over half of the world and the countries understand what we are doing, and they support us very much’’. Dodik said that Russia is willing to hear the RS’ voice, because of which “in the game of the big ones’’, the RS will remain neutral and without sanctions against Russia, noting that only those who “want to demonize Russia’’ talk about its malignant influence. Addressing the media, Dodik said: “Russia is important for us because it consistently implements the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), because it deals with the substance, i.e. with what is written in DPA and makes no things that may look as an experiment. It is consistent in this, and we appreciate that and remain committed to its role, not only here in B&H, but also at a global, multilateral level”. Dodik also said: “What they have been doing for decades, invading other countries, dropping depleted uranium here, attacked Libya, Syria.”


Niksic: If we had not made compromises, we would not have got FB&H government (Dnevni list)


Dnevni list daily reads that Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Prime Minister (PM) and SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic stated that all decisions of the FB&H government have been taken unanimously, and that he is satisfied with the work of the government so far. According to PM Niksic, he would like if he could pick all government members, however when you have a coalition, you must make compromises because everyone has their own personnel, and your partners must get something. Answering accusations that SDP B&H gave its partners a lot, Niksic stressed there would not be authorities without SDP B&H. He added by saying SDP B&H is strongest in this group of parties and that “if we had not made certain compromises, talks, agreements, we certainly would not have had the FB&H government today”. Commenting the opposition’s criticism that SDP B&H has given in too much to HDZ B&H and SNSD and that SDP B&H has turned blind eye on their behaviour, Niksic said they have answer to nationalistic and secessionist statements, which would cause reaction from the other side, however Niksic believes it would achieve nothing. “Any radicalization would make sure returnees in B&H feel endangered. What would our populism solve, what would our digging of trenches and radical messages solve?”, added Niksic. Asked what will be on the table during negotiations on changes to the Election Law of B&H, Niksic answered by saying that the ‘April Package’ is not an option, nor is the issue of legitimate representation, which (HDZ B&H leader Dragan) Covic insists on.


Petkovic, Pekic not optimistic regarding Covic’s recent announcement on adoption of changes to Election Law of B&H (EuroBlic)


Following his latest meeting at the beginning of June with his coalition partners at the level of B&H – SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik – HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic stated that “the parliamentary majority has the obligation to adopt changes to the Election Law of B&H within six months starting with the date of formation of the authorities”. Covic also said that there is a possibility some of changes will be related to the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H and mechanisms that secure implementation of elections. The daily reminded that the authorities at the level of B&H were formed at the end of January, which means that the new Election Law of B&H should be adopted by the end of July or beginning of August. However, the daily wondered whether this will be possible knowing that talks on changes to the Election Law of B&H have been underway for years and also knowing that Croat and Bosniak politicians have not managed to reach an agreement on it – Croats insist on legitimate representation at all levels of the authorities while Bosniaks demand removal of ethnic prefixes. Representative in the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H Milan Petkovic (United Srpska) said that it is clear certain changes are needed and argued that the adoption of changes is up to political parties which formed the authorities at the level of B&H. “The question is who will propose those changes, whether it will be the Council of Ministers or representatives of the ruling majority. Of course, the proposers can also be representatives of opposition”, Petkovic stated but he also argued that it will not be easy to adopt the changes, having in mind how hard it is to adopt decisions in the parliament of B&H. Representative in B&H HoR Mira Pekic (PDP) shared a similar view and argued that Covic’s statement was very optimistic. Pekic wondered if Covic was talking about certain cosmetic changes to the Election Law of B&H or essential ones. “I think they can reach an agreement only on cosmetic changes. Both the ruling and opposition parties must be included in the story on changes to the Election Law of B&H, but also representatives of B&H CEC and a part of non-governmental sector. There are different proposals on changes to the Election Law of B&H and all of those should be included in the agenda”, Pekic said. Pekic reminded that there were several attempts to change the Election Law of B&H in past but all of those failed. “We, from PDP, insist on introduction of new technologies and installing of scanners in polling stations to prevent irregularities so that the election results can reflect true will of citizens”, Pekic said.


Zivkovic visits USA, talks to Senate and Congress officials about criminal activities in Commission and ‘Bosnalijek’ (Oslobodjenje)


Upon the invitation of the invitation of the Atlantic Council from Washington, Deputy President of the FB&H Securities Commission Matej Zivkovic is paying a visit to the USA, and during his visit Zivkovic held several important meetings in US Congress and US Senate. The statement issued by the Atlantic Council reads that during these, closed for public meetings, Zivkovic thanked for the US’ strong support to the fight against corruption and organized crime in B&H and he expressed hope and optimism that US sanctions against individuals who are a part of the corrupted structure in B&H will continue. Zivkovic also called for raising of awareness about public responsibility of state and public institutions and supervision over them. “It is impossible for members of the Commission, including myself of course, not to bear any legal responsibility for their decisions whether they are proven before the court or not. It is impossible for business entities not to have the right to appeal the decision or stance of the Commission which are final, or that Commission members stay in office for 17 years, as was the case with the last composition”, said Zivkovic. During the meetings in Congress and Senate, US officials were interested in two murder attempts against Zivkovic. He informed them about numerous facts and arguments on illegal activities and US officials were especially interested in the case of ‘Bosnalijek’ because of possible influence of the politics, especially in light of the fact that the US company, which prepared a detailed plan for development of the company, has had interest for the takeover. It was agreed at the meetings that Zivkovic will send an open letter to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in which he will also call on the US administration to ask from the High Representative to urgently change Law on Work of FB&H Securities Commission. President of Independent Expert Team (SET), Rizah Softic told the daily that Zivkovic had strong public support from SET and now this support is even stronger. Softic noted that Zivkovic will ask for urgent changes of the Law on Work of FB&H Securities Commission and this is something that the SET wrote about in the letter they sent to newly formed FB&H government with Prime Minister Nermin Niksic at helm. SET also wrote to FB&H President Lidija Bradara and Vice President Igor Stojanovic, but nothing has happened. Softic also briefly commented the crime in ‘Bosnalijek’ noting that this is a textbook case, which could have been stopped in March 2022, at the special session of Shareholders Assembly, but company’s Secretary and General Manager physically banned entrance to shareholders to prevent the session. While the session took place after all, FB&H Securities Commission found reasons to prevent registration of a new Supervisory Board.


Covic discusses customs and border crossing issues in Neum with Bozinovic and Primorac (N1)


HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic met with Croatian Minister of Interior Davor Bozinovic and Croatian Minister of Finance Marko Primorac in Neum on Monday. On this occasion, Covic and the two Croatian Ministers discussed a border crossing and they agreed that it is necessary to solve administrative issues of passing through Neum in terms of transport of people and goods. Collocutors concluded that passing through Neum needs to be simplified, accelerated and more effective. They also emphasized the need to simplify procedures related to entrepreneurs’ business in the area of Neum, especially those who face customs procedures and who want to export goods to Croatia. Covic confirmed to media that this meeting aimed to detect specific issues in order to come to solutions at the joint session of the Croatian Government and the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM). Bozinovic stated: “Neum is an important city for B&H, but also for Croatia. This is taking place at the beginning of the tourist season. Namely, we came here to receive information about whether there are issues in transport of goods and people. We want to be maximally expeditious.” Primorac said that the aim of Croatian customs officers is not to make things more difficult for B&H entrepreneurs, but he stressed that they need to abide by Schengen procedures. Covic explained that the meeting with the Croatian officials was also attended by the Directors of B&H Border Police and the Indirect Taxation Authority of B&H who held rather competent talks with Croatian counterparts in the field of customs and border issues. The Croatian delegation said that the Peljesac Bridge should not cause damage to Neum in any way. Primorac pointed out that the fact is that we are facing each other on this part of the coast, and that it is not in anyone's interest to set up any blockades there. Covic said that the Peljesac Bridge has been in function for already a year and that they want to solve possible problems, especially the ones related to administration when it comes to passage through Neum and tourist aspects. Bozinovic said that no one intends to make any obstructions adding that they have the task to ease things in all possible ways to people who live in Neum. According to announcements, the &IH Council of Ministers and the Croatian Government will discuss this topic next week. Covic also said that this was primarily the meeting of delegations of two HDZ parties.


DIK announces interim election results (CdM)


At last night’s session, the State Election Commission (DIK) determined interim results of the extraordinary parliamentary elections held on 11 June. According to their data, the Europe Now Movement won 24 seats, the ‘Together’ bloc led by the DPS – 21 seats, while the ‘For the Future of Montenegro’ bloc won 13 seats. The coalition of URA and Democratic Montenegro won 11 seats, the Bosniak Party 6, the SNP-Demos bloc 2 seats, the Albanian Forum 2 seats and the Albanian Alliance 1 seat. The President of the State Election Commission, Nikola Mugosa, stated yesterday that a total of 305.125 citizens cast their ballot on Sunday, of whom 295.762 voters did it at polling stations, while 9.363 via a letter.


International observation mission: Parliamentary elections were competitive and well conducted (MINA)


The early parliamentary elections in Montenegro were competitive and well conducted, despite the fact that they were held in the context of an institutional crisis, the international observation mission assessed. The head of ODIHR's election observation mission, Nina Suomalainen, thanked the Montenegrin authorities for the invitation to carry out the mission at the press conference. "The early parliamentary elections were competitive and well-run, despite the fact that they took place in the context of an institutional crisis that lasted for a long time," said Suomalainen. She pointed out that the campaign was free, and voters had a wide choice. "The public service provided balanced coverage of the election, but overall, the media environment was polarized, and some private media reported along certain party lines," Suomalainen said. As she said, the legal framework provides space for the democratic conduct of elections, but it should be comprehensively revised in order to solve the numerous shortcomings and inconsistencies that exist. Suomalainen said that the inclusion of women remains at a low level and that it is undermined by the insufficient efforts of the state and the public in the direction of overcoming gender stereotypes. "The election day itself was transparent, peaceful," said Suomalainen. She stated that voters had a wide choice of options and, as she added, it was nice to see that basic freedoms were respected during the election campaign. Suomalainen said that the elections took place in the context of a longer institutional crisis. "That legal and political uncertainty about the election date also contributed to a slower start to the campaign," Suomalainen said. She stated that the legal framework provides the basis for democratic elections, but contains numerous shortcomings, inconsistencies and ambiguities. Suomalainen emphasized that most of the recommendations of the ODIHR and the Council of Europe (CoE) are still not implemented. "When it comes to the future, there is a clear need to implement electoral reform and to strengthen the system for future elections," Suomalainen pointed out. She said that the diverse media scene is polarized, and that the limited market for advertising and marketing makes media houses vulnerable to influence. "The election day itself passed peacefully and was professionally managed. it is good to see a competitive election that was held in a peaceful atmosphere," said Suomalainen. As she said, the affirmative measure of the lower census for the Croatian community should be expanded to include the Roma community as well. Suomalainen said that in the joint statement they identified the misuse of state resources. The head of the delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PSSE) Reinhold Lopatka said that the PSSE has been observing the parliamentary and presidential elections in Montenegro since 2001. He stated that the elections were competitive, and all candidates had the same chances during the campaign. "Women are still not represented enough. "Gender equality is not yet sufficiently represented in Montenegro," said Lopatka. When asked what is the biggest difference between this and the previous elections, Lopatka said that there is a lot of improvement - 15 lists, with equal chances for all candidates. "These were real elections, and they were not dominated by some parties belonging to the government," said Lopatka. The head of the EP delegation, Nikos Papandreou, pointed out that the majority of Montenegrin citizens are in favor of EU membership. "We expect certain things to be done, we expect efforts in areas 23 and 24, the fight against corruption and the rule of law, and as noted in the joint statement, the reform of the electoral legislation," Papandreou said. He said that the Russian war against Ukraine accelerated the need for countries to join the EU and that this is a chance for Montenegro. Papandreou stated that they met with the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic, representatives of the State Election Commission and almost all the representatives who participated in the elections. "I think these elections will pave the way for a strong parliamentary majority, and this type of majority is necessary for reforms to be implemented," said Papandreou. As he added, they expect the political leaders in Montenegro to do their part. Papandreou pointed out that they are sure that Montenegro will be able to close chapters 23 and 24. He stated that they believe that some media were under the influence of neighboring countries and that, as he said, may have influenced the decisions of citizens. "The fact is that the pro-European attitude of many candidates is the best guarantee that the citizens of Montenegro can take advantage of the opportunity and become full citizens of the EU," added Papandreou.


EU expects new Montenegrin government to keep course of full alignment (N1)


The European Union expects the new Montenegrin government to keep the course of full alignment with its foreign policy. “Montenegro is one of the candidate countries with a long track record of 100 percent of alignment of foreign policy, this is something the EU is stressing very often and appreciating very regularly, because its comes at a cost for the country because it makes it also a target of malicious foreign interference,” said EU spokesperson Peter Stano. Stano confirmed that the EU followed the 11 June early parliamentary elections in Montenegro very closely, but stressed that, as always, an official statement and assessment will be issued after the OSCE/ODIHR preliminary report. For us it is important that the elections took place and that, in order to maintain its leading position as accession candidate, which entails also the 100 percent long term alignment with our foreign and security policy decision, Montenegro needs to keep the course, they need to invest energy and they need to continue advancing on important reforms, especially in the area of the rule of law, and delivering on all the other requirements of the membership, said Stano. The Europe Now movement and the Democratic Party of Socialists won the highest number of votes in the Montenegrin snap parliamentary elections held on 11 June. The elections were marked by a record low turnout of 56.4 percent, the lowest since the introduction of the multi-party system in the country. These are the sixth parliamentary elections since Montenegro restored its independence in 2006. Despite the fact that Montenegro is the most advanced EU accession candidate, it has not advanced in the accession process since 2021 due to insufficient progress on key reforms, especially those related to rule of law.


Picula: I hope that the new parliament will provide the government with the support it needs to implement the long-awaited reforms (CdM)


I hope that the new parliament will provide the government with the support it needs to implement the long-awaited and much-needed reforms, said the European Parliament's rapporteur for Montenegro Tonino Picula. Picula agrees with the assessment of the international observation missions that positively evaluated the early parliamentary elections in Montenegro. "The elections were competitive, and voters were offered a wide range of choices. Regardless of the fact that the process was still weakened by legislative shortcomings, I hope that the new parliament will provide the government with the support it needs to implement the long-awaited and much-needed reforms," Picula said on Facebook. He notes that this will only be possible in a stable and consensual political environment in which party differences will not be an obstacle to the inclusive and fair growth of Montenegro.


US Embassy: We look forward to working with the new government to strengthen the NATO partnership and promote Euro-Atlantic values (CdM)


The US Embassy in Montenegro announced that they welcome the conduct of free, fair and peaceful parliamentary elections in Montenegro. "We look forward to cooperation with the new government on strengthening our NATO partnership, strengthening the rule of law, promoting Euro-Atlantic values in the region and progressing towards EU membership," the US Embassy said on Twitter.


VMRO-DPMNE: Constitutional amendments in effect after successfully completed negotiations and EU membership, last and final position (MIA)


Partnership is a two-way street, and we expect to be treated as such by our partner, the EU. We won’t accept the constitutional amendments under Bulgarian dictate, contained in the proposal accepted by SDSM and DUI’s government. Constitutional amendments in effect after successfully completed negotiations and EU membership, this is VMRO-DPMNE’s last and final position, said the party in a press release Monday. In the press release, VMRO-DPMNE noted that if the EU truly wants it, this would be an excellent position for compromise and continuation of the process. “We encourage the European Council to seriously consider VMRO-DPMNE’s position, so that we can enable a future for the Macedonian citizens together, with safeguarded dignity and identity,” said VMRO-DPMNE. The party stressed they weren’t a part of the process with which, they said, “the problem was created, and the so-called French proposal was accepted.” “Despite not being a part of the problem created by SDSM and DUI’s government, VMRO-DPMNE, as a state-building party, has tried on several occasions to solve the issue, and we are fully aware of the attacks of political scavengers heavily sponsored by SDSM and DUI’s Government,” said VMRO-DPMNE in the press release.


Taravari: VMRO-DPMNE’s condition contrary to negotiating framework (MIA)


The Macedonian opposition's condition of a delayed entry into force of the constitutional amendments is unfeasible, because it is contrary to the EU negotiating framework, assessed the leader of the Alliance for Albanians (AA) Arben Taravari on Monday. According to Taravari, the constitutional amendments should enter into force no later than the holding of the Second Intergovernmental Conference. AA’s final position, according to Taravari, will be known by the end of the week, when the party’s leadership meets. He said he believes the exchange of offers and counteroffers between the two largest Macedonian parties, directly impacts the interest of the Albanians as well. “The Alliance for Albanians is carefully analyzing the new situation and by the end of the week the party’s leadership will meet, and we will come out with a position,” said Taravari at a press conference. Taravari welcomed the willingness of the opposition to vote for the amendments but said the conditions they have set are confusing and unrealistic. “Our negotiating framework, approved by the 27 EU member states, explicitly conditions the opening of negotiations with the adoption of the constitutional amendments. So, first we adopt the amendments, and then open negotiations,” stressed Taravari. Regarding VMRO-DPMNE’s condition requiring that certain Albanian parties leave the ruling coalition, the AA leader said his party is more interested in the conclusion of the European process and the citizens’ perspective than the electoral calculations of some political parties. “The Alliance for Albanians decided to join the government because of the process, but we will adapt based on the new circumstances, whether in or outside the government. For us, it is only important that this process ends, and we will contribute to this, without conditions and without blackmail,” said Taravari. The leader of the Alliance for Albanians said that one of the party’s main goals will be their request for the scrapping of the term “20 percent” from the Constitution, a term which he said, “negates the Albanian identity”, and the adding of the Albanian language to the Constitution, stressing that the time is right for this change.


EU delegation not commenting leaders' meeting, says 2022 Council conclusions clear on constitutional amendments (MIA)


The EU Delegation to North Macedonia said Monday it does not comment on internal discussions, in regard to last week's meeting between Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski and VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, while adding that the July 2022 Council conclusions are clear when it comes to the constitutional amendments. "We do not comment on internal discussions. The July 2022 Council Conclusions are clear. In order to complete this accession negotiations opening phase, the Council also decided, as stated in the Council Conclusions from July 2022, to convene another intergovernmental conference with a view to presenting the Negotiating Framework and a state of play of the preparatory works by the Commission and stands ready to hold it without further delays nor additional political decision, as soon as North Macedonia has implemented its commitment to complete the aforementioned constitutional changes, in line with its internal procedures," EU Delegation said in a statement. After the meeting with Kovachevski, Mickoski delivered a demand for delayed adoption of the constitutional amendments, namely after the country joined the EU. Kovachevski said earlier today that what has been agreed and declared in public after the leaders' meeting has to be implemented, without "interpreting what someone said, because things discussed were afterward made public". He said VMRO-DPMNE accepted the constitutional revision, noting that "denial or retraction from what was agreed and declared at the press conference after the leaders' meeting would be a big disappointment for the citizens and the international community".


US Embassy: Decision on who's in or out of government is up to the people (MIA/PRESSonline)


The United States Embassy in Skopje, in a written statement to PRESSonline news portal, has encouraged all political parties to sit down for talks on the country's European future.

According to the US Embassy, the decision regarding who is in and who is out of the government is made by the people of North Macedonia. "Decisions about who is in and out of the government are up to the people of North Macedonia and their political representatives. We encourage all political parties to sit down at the negotiating table and be part of the discourse on the country's future," the US Embassy in Skopje has told PRESSonline.


US, North Macedonia sign 10-year roadmap for defense ties (MIA)


United States Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III and Defense Minister SlavjankaPetrovska pledged to further solidify the two countries' defense relationship during a meeting at the Pentagon on Monday and signed a 10-year roadmap for defense cooperation which lays out goals for the two countries to work together on addressing shared defense challenges, said the U.S. Department of Defense.


Rama: Balkans doesn't belong only to Kosovo and Serbia (ADN)


Prime Minister Edi Rama focused on the draft for the establishment of the Association of municipalities with a Serbian majority in Kosovo that he proposed a few days ago. He said that those who oppose the proposal, in Belgrade or Pristina, live with communism in their heads. The chief socialist added that none of the parties, neither Kosovo nor Serbia, can declare war on each other as they are not allowed by the international allies. According to him, these 'war games', must end once and for all, since the Balkan region is not only Kosovo and Serbia. "I am glad that the effort to make a concrete contribution to dialogue and association has been well received by our allies, while those who have opposed it without even knowing the content, such as in Pristina and Belgrade, saying that they neither expect nor they want to hear about a proposal from Albania because according to them, everyone should make the Association according to their own mind, I tell them two things: First, those who talk like this are still living with communism in their heads when politics was about who said it and not what they said. Second, they are really the ones who decide for themselves, but this region is not only theirs but also ours. Therefore, if it still occurs to them to play wars a quarter of a century after the war is over, while neither side nor the other can open to each other, not a war, but not a shot that crosses the borders because there is America, NATO and our allies are running out of patience because they are looking for peace, I tell them that we are interested in that game of war but we are against that game, " said Rama. As for the relationship with Kosovo PM Albin Kurti, Rama said that they have the same goals but follow different paths.


Kosovo Liberation Day, Begaj: Tribute to the heroes of the KLA and gratitude to strategic partners (Radio Tirana)


The President Bajram Begaj sent a congratulatory message on the 24th anniversary of the entry of NATO troops into Kosovo. "Happy Liberation Day Kosovo! Tribute to the heroes of the Kosovo Liberation Army! Thanks to our strategic partners USA and NATO," writes Begaj on social network.