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Belgrade Media Report 20 June 2023



Orban: We see what is being done to Serbs in Kosovo (B92)


The session of the Strategic Council for Cooperation between Serbia and Hungary began today in Palic, attended by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, and the President of Hungary, Katalin Novak. The prime ministers of the two countries, Ana Brnabic and Viktor Orban, are also present. It is the first session to be held, and members of the governments of the two countries are also present at the session.


Minister of Defense Milos Vucevic met with his Hungarian counterpart Kristof Salaj-Bobrovnicki on the sidelines of the First Session of the Strategic Council for Cooperation.

During this meeting, Minister Vucevic stated that the cooperation between the two countries in the field of defense is very substantial, as well as that there is potential for its further strengthening, especially in the areas of military and military-technical cooperation, which would also affect the improvement of the overall relations between Serbia and Hungary, the relevant ministry announced. Vucevic emphasized that in very challenging times for European and global security, mutual support and cooperation between Serbia and Hungary is extremely important for preserving peace and stability in the region. He additionally underlined the importance of the implementation of the Strategic Council for cooperation between Serbia and Hungary, which can serve as an example of how other countries should develop and nurture sincere friendship.


Salaj-Bobrovnicki agreed that cooperation in the field of defense between the two countries is very developed and that its additional intensification is expected in all fields of mutual interest, which, he said, will positively affect the improvement of the overall bilateral relations of the two countries.


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said at a press conference that relations with Hungary are at a historic high and thanked the fact that Hungarian representatives in European bodies are always with Serbia. "Whatever happens, I know that the Hungarians will be with us and show respect for their Serbian friends, and we will be loyal, sincere friends," said Vucic. He quoted Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, saying that we have taken a historic step, that is, that for several reasons we have crossed the line of expectations even when the best possible relations are being built. In addition to the fact that political relations and relations between people are at the highest level, economic relations are also at the maximum level, said Vucic. He pointed out that the trade exchange is 3.65 billion euros, almost five times more than 10 years ago, that Hungary is the fifth trading partner of Serbia, and the third from the EU. Vucic also said that the first agreements in the field of defense and security were signed.


Hungary is a member of NATO, but Serbia is not, Hungary is a member of the EU, but Serbia is not yet, but we have reached such a level of relations that in such an important and difficult matter for cooperation, we can be the closest and cooperate the closest, said the president. Vucic. He thanked Hungary for its help when it comes to gas storage, pointing out that Serbia currently has 560 million cubic meters of gas in reserve. He pointed out that work is also being done on projects of vital importance, such as the Belgrade-Budapest high-speed railway, the construction of a new terminal, and the construction of a logistics center for the transshipment of goods.


The President of Hungary, Katalin Novak, said that she was born and raised in Szeged, and that she is glad to be in the neighboring country among her friends. "I am especially glad that we worked to make our relations even more meaningful. We laugh together with friends, and we cry together, and that is the same in the relationship between Hungarians and Serbs. We have many successes behind us in the past 10 years, and I especially thank you for that," Novak said. She stated that the Hungarians cried with the Serbs because of the mass murders and said that she expressed her condolences on behalf of all Hungarians. "It was difficult to survive everything that was happening in Serbia. It is also difficult to imagine everything that is happening in Kosovo and Metohija. And we sympathize with the Serbs because of the floods that happened in the last few days. But since we are friends, we are here to help either in good times or in bad times. We stand by you, we will help you whenever you need it," said the President of Hungary. She also said that this is the golden age of relations between Serbia and Hungary and that the two countries will continue to work on it. "We want to continue Hungarian-Serbian cooperation. We are talking about two nations that are sovereign and that respect each other. There is a will and there are concrete plans to achieve concrete results in the future. 12 working groups have been formed, and we expect them to achieve results.”, Novak said.


President Novak also says that they discussed the war in Ukraine and the chances for peace.

"Our attention directed towards Ukraine must not lead us to a situation where we ignore what is happening in the Western Balkan region and do everything to preserve peace," Novak said.

She repeated that Serbia has a place in the EU and that it can count on Hungary's support on that path.


Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said that they worked diligently to achieve such relations between Serbia and Hungary, which reached their peak at the session of the Strategic Council for Cooperation. "We do not have strategic council with any other country, our relations are so close today, and the Government of Serbia will work on this with dedication and diligence, to further improve cooperation in all areas," said Brnabic. She said that since 2014, when the prime minister of Serbia was Aleksandar Vucic, and the holding of the first joint session of the two governments, they have been working on improving cooperation with Budapest. "It shows that when we work responsibly, we can change the relations between the two countries, build historically the best relations, not only partnership, but also friendship, which is a pledge for the future," Brnabic said.


The Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, states that Serbia is a country of key importance in the Western Balkans, and that the strengthening of Serbia is also good for Hungary. "Today we brought important things together, Serbia is not a member of NATO and the EU member, Hungary is, Serbia is an Orthodox country, Hungary is a Roman Catholic country. Serbia is located in the Balkans, and Hungary is in Central Europe, but these differences do not make our cooperation more difficult, they add value to it. When we bring two countries together in strategic cooperation, we will have enormous energy at our disposal that we can invest in the interest and improvement of the position of our peoples," said the Prime Minister of Hungary.


It indicates that Serbia is a key country of the Western Balkans, and that Hungary is the gateway to Europe. "I think that we have fantastic opportunities ahead of us", assesses the Prime Minister of Hungary. Orban pointed out that Hungary is following the events in Kosovo and Metohija, and that it is unacceptable for the international community to accept elections with a participation of about four percent as legal elections and legal results. He states that the enemies can't wait to harm Serbia and called on the President of Serbia to release the three Kosovo policemen. "Three Kosovo policemen, please dear Aleksandar, think about it, the enemies are eager to harm Serbia, it is such a case where I think it would be good for you to listen to Hungary's recommendation and return those three Albanians to Kosovo, and I think that would help you to advance your own cause. That's why I'm asking you to think about it," said Orban.


Vucic then said that he did not tell anyone what kind of threats were sent to Serbia after the arrest of the policemen. "From which foreign powers, in what ways, I took it mostly on myself and said punish me, but don't punish the country, because the Serbian people can no longer tolerate cruelty," said Vucic. He pointed out that unlike the arrested Serbs, the Kosovo special forces were not injured in any way.


Hungary "defended" Serbia (Tanjug)


Member of the Serbian Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Elvira Kovac, stated that Hungary was asked about not voting for the admission of the so-called Kosovo in CE. She said that at the plenary session, one of the guests was the Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Peter Szijarto, who, among other things, said that it was not the time to talk about the membership of the so-called of Kosovo in various international organizations, including the Council of Europe.


Kovac told Tanjug that the main topic of Monday's session was the war in Ukraine, and that Szijarto spoke about that conflict "from a different angle". "He began his presentation by saying that most people will not like what he has to say. He said that the most important thing for Hungary is that peace be reached as soon as possible, and that Hungary does not think that the best solution is to compete in who will have more weapons to deliver to Ukraine because it is not a contribution to peace," Kovac said.


She added that after his presentation, one of the deputies asked the head of Hungarian diplomacy why Hungary voted against the admission of the so-called Kosovo to the Council of Europe, despite the fact that it recognized its independence. According to Kovac, Szijarto said that Hungary stands for stability in the Western Balkans, and that until any results are seen when it comes to the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, it is not time to talk about the membership of the so-called of Kosovo in various international organizations, including the Council of Europe.


On behalf of the Serbian delegation, Kovac asked Szijarto about the rights of national minorities, after which the Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs praised Serbia and added that relations between Hungary and Serbia are at a high level, partly because Belgrade accepts constructive proposals from representatives of national minorities. She stated that during the summer session, which lasts until Friday, an opinion rapporteur will be elected who will deal with Pristina's request for membership in the Council of Europe.


Vucic calls for release of Kosovo Serbs before crisis meeting (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Tuesday that he would not go to Brussels for a crisis meeting called by European Union High Representative Josep Borrell until the Serbs arrested in north Kosovo are released.


Borrell invited Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti to the meeting to resolve the current crisis in the north of Kosovo following clashes between protesting Serbs, the Kosovo Police and KFOR. Kurti said he would not go to Brussels before finding out about the three Kosovo Police troopers arrested inside Serbia proper.


Visiting Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban asked Vucic to release the three Kosovo Police officers. Speaking after their meeting, Vucic claimed that threats were made against Serbia if the Albanian police officers are not released. “I won’t talk to Kurti until every Serb is released and the fake mayors (of majority Serb municipalities) withdraw,” B92 reported Vucic as saying.


Protest march in northern Kosovo in support of arrested Serbs (N1)


A protest march in support of Serbs arrested in northern Kosovo began Monday afternoon in Kosovska Mitrovica. Several hundred people, led by medical workers, marched from Mitrovica to Zvecan. The protesters first assembled in central Kosovska Mitrovica, where they were joined by Clinical Center employees in white coats, led by the director of this health institution, Zlatan Elek, and former Zvecan Mayor and physician Dragisa Milovic, Kossev reported. The medical workers, who also came to express their support for their colleague arrested Saturday at the Jarinje administrative border crossing between Serbia proper and Kosovo, carried banners with messages “Stop to Kurti’s Terror,” “Who’s Next,” “Doctors are Heroes All Over the World but Criminals for Pristina.” Heads of the Serb List Goran Rakic and Igor Simic attended the protest. On their way to Zvecan, the protesters were also joined by Trepca Mines workers. A similar protest was also held Monday in Leposavic, northern Kosovo.


Odalovic: KFOR must order the withdrawal of special units from northern Kosovo (RTS)


The President of the Commission of the Government of Serbia for Missing Persons, Veljko Odalović, tells RTS that more than a year has passed since Aljbin Kurti decided to do what he is doing and since the escalation and terror of his special units in the north of Kosovo began. "Serbs are peacefully protesting. They reacted to all his decisions calmly – with blockades, protests, addresses, invitations, appeals... However, Kurti ignores all of this and has his own goal and direction," Odalovic points out. He emphasizes that Kurti is continuously trying to criminalize Serbs and that he has no intention of stopping.


"He continues to say that he will work like this until all the criminals, as he says, are exterminated or arrested. It is obvious that he made a slightly wider list than the one he implemented," Odalovic points out. He believes that KFOR approves of this and emphasizes that everything is done with their presence. "They wouldn't be able to enter and cause incidents without KFOR allowing it," emphasizes Odalovic. He points out that KFOR must order the withdrawal of special units from the area of northern Kosovo, because they are the ones who cause incidents every day and try to provoke wider conflicts.


Truck drivers from Jarinje and locals blocked the Kosovska Mitrovica-Raska road (RTS)


In the town of Rudare near Kursumlija, truck drivers and locals blocked the main road leading from Prokuplje to the Merdare administrative crossing for trucks with Kosovo plates.

It is a reaction to the measures of the Pristina government, they say, but also support for the Serbs in the north of the province.


Stoltenberg: Belgrade and Pristina to cease escalating, return to dialogue (Beta)


NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has urged Belgrade and Pristina again not to take steps leading to further escalations but return to the EU mediated dialogue instead. Speaking alongside German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin, Stoltenberg said that “NATO’s commitment to our United Nations mandate is unwavering.” “KFOR will continue to take all necessary measures to ensure a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all communities in Kosovo. We call on all parties to stop any further escalatory steps and to return immediately to the dialogue facilitated by the European Union,” said Stoltenberg.


Grenell: A plan has been made for the NATO troops to withdraw from Kosovo (Kosovo online)


The former US Special Envoy for Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue, Richard Grenell, said that in 2020, the withdrawal of NATO forces from Kosovo was discussed. "Donald Trump and his team made big and innovative moves to bring Kosovo and Serbia closer together. We had an economic agreement that both sides pushed forward," said Grenell. "I have to be honest, since we made great progress in 2020, we discussed the potential idea of removing NATO forces from Kosovo. It was time, they had nothing to do. The two sides agreed on economic development, they opened borders, they agreed on the Pristina-Belgrade airline, Lufthansa said they would provide that flight, we made a lot of progress, but then the Biden team came and decided to change US policy in the Balkans," Grenell said. As he stated, now the US policy is that Europeans are in charge. "So, for the last three years the Europeans have been in charge and what we see is chaos, violence, conflicts and we see an increase in the presence of troops in Kosovo. These are the facts," Grenell said.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


Constitutional Court of B&H changes rule on postponing sessions if there are not enough judges, condemns political pressure exerted on judge Knezevic (O kanal)


The Constitutional Court (CC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) held an extraordinary session on Monday where they discussed the circumstances in which the CC found itself due to political pressure from Republika Srpska (RS) on B&H CC Vice President Zlatko Knezevic. The B&H CC said that the Constitution of B&H prescribes the composition and method of appointing judges, and that no one else, no legislative or executive body, has the constitutional authority to recall an appointed judge. Due to the situation that will emerge when Knezevic leaves the B&H CC, the B&H CC changed the rule which stated that the sessions of the B&H CC could be postponed if at least three judges elected by the Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of Representatives (HoR FB&H) and one judge elected by the RS National Assembly (RSNA) are not present. With the amendments, that part was removed and there will be no postponement of sessions.


The B&H CC published a statement explaining this decision: “According to the Constitution of B&H, the quorum in the CC consists of the majority of all members of the Court, i.e. five judges, regardless of which competent body chose them, and decisions are made by the majority of votes of all members of the Court (five judges).” The B&H CC condemned all political pressures exerted on judge Knezevic and noted that the B&H CC is currently facing the biggest crisis in the last 28 years. The B&H CC stated: "The Constitutional Court once again expresses its unreserved support for Vice President Kezevic who, despite the various difficulties he faced, always contributed to the work of the Constitutional Court in full capacity. With his professionalism and determination, Knezevic, among other things, then in the capacity of the President of the B&H Constitutional Court, successfully guided the Constitutional Court through the crisis caused by the pandemic. The Constitutional Court strongly condemns all political pressure on Vice-President Knezevic and calls on everyone to refrain from it”.


Cvijanovic: B&H Constitutional Court has undermined its own constitutional position and purpose (RTRS)


Serb member and Chairwoman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that B&H can only be preserved if it is put in order and led out of the legal chaos into which it was pushed by the Office of the High Representative (OHR), foreign judges in the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H and foreigners in certain embassies. When asked by Srna news agency to comment on the fact that the Constitutional Court of B&H changed the rules relating to the functioning of this court, which enable them to function now without Serb judges, Cvijanovic stated that by such action the Constitutional Court has undermined its own constitutional position and purpose. “If until now it was not clear to anyone what the purpose of the Constitutional Court of B&H is, now there is no more dilemmas. Its role, under the influence of foreign judges inside the court, as well as foreign influence from outside, has long ago ceased to protect the Constitution, but rather to rewrite it”, Cvijanovic said. She emphasized that it is also clear why that court does not enjoy any reputation among citizens and why it has no credibility.


Dodik’s Advisor Tegeltija: Constitutional Court of B&H struck at the foundations of the Dayton Peace Agreement (RTRS)


With its decision, the Constitutional Court (CC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) has changed the nature and character of the Constitutional Court and struck at the foundations of the Dayton Peace Agreement, said Milan Tegeltija, legal advisor to the Republika Srpska (RS) President. He points out that the Constitutional Court has fundamentally changed the character of this joint judicial institution, a court that reflects the constitutional structure of B&H and which is formed by appointing judges from the parliaments of both entities, and therefore judges from both entities must be in the decision-making quorum. “If there are no judges in the quorum appointed by the RS National Assembly (RSNA), the Constitutional Court becomes the Constitutional Court of the Federation of B&H (FB&H), which as such cannot make decisions related to the RS. This makes its decisions illegitimate and non-binding for the RS, because they are the decisions of an institution, which does not have the RS in its decision-making quorum, that is, there are no judges appointed to that court by the RS National Assembly. Accordingly, its decisions become the decisions of the Constitutional Court of the FB&H and cannot be referred to the RS as such”, Tegeltija said.


Konakovic: Dodik’s opposition to appointment of new judges from the RS to B&H CC causes the most damage to RS citizens (BN TV)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic said Monday that due to Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik’s behaviour, everyone in B&H is suffering economic consequences, and this must change in order for projects to reach the RS as well. Konakovic also commented on Dodik’s opposition to the appointment of new judges from the RS to the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H saying that such a radical policy causes the most damage to the citizens of the RS. "I go around the world and lobby for B&H, the whole of B&H, the way I see it. When I get there, I ask them why you sanction us all because of Dodik? Do you know that we all do not have access to funds because Dodik behaves badly? I tell them, lift them. Give us the opportunity to create new projects for our children, schools, roads… But this story about the Constitutional Court and others, Dodik is at a crossroads. He now has partners he did not have before and who say we want to build a project in the RS. I have nothing against it, on the contrary. If he does not use it… He now has no interlocutor in his radical daily confrontations, at least not in me. So, I do not want to do that. Another important thing is we all knew what Dodik was like, and we promised before the elections that we will achieve progress with him like that,” Konakovic said. Konakovic added that the position of Dodik and the RS as a whole on the international scene has never been worse, and that B&H’s position has never been better in the last ten years. “Now we have the opportunity to move things forward together, all of us in B&H, or for Dodik to continue with this behaviour that we are used to and if he stops with our agreements that we have reached, he will do the greatest damage to the RS and all its citizens,” Konakovic concluded.


Dodik reacts to Konakovic’s criticism of him (ATV)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik published on Twitter:” If Konakovic (Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic) had the knowledge and experience in politics, which he doesn't, he would know that the fact that B&H is 'well' in the centres where, as he said, 'B&H is decided', means only and exclusively that he and others like him will be expected even greater obedience, subservience and work against their own and their people's interests. However, there are other international power centres that understand well all the processes B&H and that recognize that the RS leads a policy of peace and preservation of Dayton. I am sorry that Konakovic does not have the strength to resist the destructive policy of his advisers and turn to a real dialogue with current political actors within B&H, and not outside it.”


Schmidt: Parties to Annex 10 of Dayton Peace Agreement, including RS, have obligation to fully cooperate with High Representative (BN TV)


The Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) is set to consider a draft legislation that attempts to erase the obligation to publish acts of the High Representative (HR) in the RS Official Gazette. The OHR stated Monday that this draft legislation cannot and will not accomplish this misguided goal. “Parties to Annex 10 of the Dayton Peace Agreement, including the RS, have an obligation to fully cooperate with the High Representative. Non-publication and disrespect of the High Representative’s decisions place the RS, its institutions, and those who work in them in violation of their obligations under the General Framework Agreement for Peace. Officials who, through action or inaction, disregard their legal duties, as well as these obligations, bear personal responsibility for their decisions and the consequences of such decisions,” High Representative Christian Schmidt said in a statement.


The OHR reminded that full cooperation with the HR is a fundamental obligation towards Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and that no political rhetoric or amendment to the law can relieve them of this obligation. Laws passed by the HR have the same status as laws passed by domestic parliaments. Those who neglect their legal duties will bear personal responsibility and should be aware that they will be sailing in turbulent waters, according to OHR. “This draft legislation cannot and will not accomplish this misguided goal. Parties to Annex 10 of the Dayton Peace Agreement, including the RS, have an obligation to fully cooperate with the HR. No political rhetoric or amendment to law can relieve institutions and those who work in them of this obligation. Furthermore, laws enacted by the HR have the same status as laws enacted by domestic parliaments and carry the same constitutional necessity for publication, regardless of any subordinate law or regulation”, reads OHR’s statement. “They should be aware that they will be sailing in heavy waters”, said the HR.


Russian Embassy to B&H reacts to OHR’s statement (RTRS)


The Russian Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) reacted to the statement of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) which said cooperation with the High Representative (HR) is a Dayton commitment and the laws he adopts have the same status as the ones adopted by domestic parliaments. The essence of the HR's mandate, which is stated in Annex 10 of the Dayton Peace Agreement, is that he must help the sides in B&H for the constructive implementation of the General Framework Agreement for Peace, the Russian Embassy to B&H stated. “For their part, the sides in B&H cooperate with the HR in accordance with Article 9 of the Dayton Peace Agreement, which emphasizes that this cooperation is realized on the basis of the Annex to the Agreement and the decisions of the UN Security Council”, the Russian Embassy said. They pointed out that it is absolutely clear that this cooperation algorithm refers exclusively to the legitimate HR, and Christian Schmidt is definitely not that. The Embassy added that Schmidt was not appointed through a relevant decision of the UN Security Council. “This is the principled position of Russia and China. We support this approach of the democratically elected leadership of the RS”, reads the Russian Embassy’s statement.


Ambassadors Sattler and Murphy to meet FB&H officials on Tuesday and hold political dialogue (Dnevni avaz)


Head of EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and EU Special Representative Johann Sattler and US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy will meet on Tuesday (June 20th) with the representatives of Federation of B&H (FB&H) authorities. This meeting is considered to be another opportunity to confirm dedication of EU and US to B&H’s European path. “Awarding of status of EU candidate was an important turning point for B&H, but also an incentive for newly-elected leaders to use new momentum for implementing reforms required for EU accession. It is noted that significant reforms are necessary in order for the country to fulfil all 14 key priorities listed on the European Commission’s Opinion on B&H’s Application for EU Membership”, reads the statement. Article reads that Ambassador Sattler and Ambassador Murphy will first meet members of FB&H Government led by Prime Minister Nermin Niksic and then, after the meeting and media statements, it is planned to hold a political dialogue with representatives of FB&H Government and FB&H Parliament, during which the officials will discuss EU accession process, strategic development of legislation and policy, as well as programming and financing with assistance of the EU and USA.


UN coordinator: We are worried that hate speech in Bosnia goes unpunished (Fena)


A widespread form of hate speech in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is the gross minimization and denial of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide committed during the 1992-1995 war, as established by international courts and the glorification of individuals convicted of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide before international and domestic courts, said the resident coordinator of the United Nations in B&H Ingrid Macdonald in an interview with Fena news agency on June 18, the International Day against Hate Speech.


Macdonald says there is no official definition of hate speech in international human rights law. However, prompted by increasingly widespread patterns of hate speech around the world, in 2019 the UN Secretary-General presented the UN Strategy and Action Plan on Hate Speech, a key reference document by which the UN supports the efforts of member states in the fight against hate speech, including B&H.


“This Strategy defines hate speech as ‘any communication in oral and written form or behaviour, which attacks or uses derogatory or discriminatory language aimed at a person or group of persons because of who they are, in other words, on the basis of their religion, ethnic affiliation, nationality, race, skin colour, origin, gender or other identity factors,” such as sexual orientation, medical condition, social status or profession”, said Macdonald.


According to her, hate speech can be transmitted through any form of expression. So, it can be a speech, a poem, graffiti, a mural, a photo or a video. It can be distributed online or offline. “The difference between hate speech and free speech can be unclear or thin for some people. However, at the UN, we clearly emphasize that addressing hate speech does not mean restricting freedom of expression. Instead, the focus is on how to prevent the escalation of hate speech into something more dangerous,” she pointed out. Hate speech in B&H often targets individuals or groups based on their ethnicity, religion or gender. Macdonald says that every day they see women, especially public figures, exposed to significant levels of hate speech and abuse, especially in the online sphere. “Hate speech based on sexual orientation is also worrisome, as we recently had the opportunity to see homophobic comments by political leaders and beyond, calls to violence and death threats on social networks,” she stressed.


“Another widespread form of hate speech in B&H is the gross minimization and denial of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide committed during the 1992-1995 conflict, established by international courts, and the glorification of individuals convicted of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide before international and domestic courts. Both forms of hate speech are prohibited by the Criminal Code of B&H. In addition to undermining international justice, it also represents the denial of the irreparable suffering of victims, survivors and their families. Such talk dehumanizes victims and perpetuates trauma and fear while planting the seeds for potential recurrence. What worries me in B&H is that some leaders, including prominent political figures, practice hate speech and repeat it for years, without any consequences. Around the world, we see that hate speech, especially when it is repeated and goes unchecked, has a profound effect on the divisions in society. Here it is often associated with historical revisionism and the undermining or stigmatization of different communities,” the UN representative said.


Asked how to deal with hate speech by politicians, especially considering the effect on the reconciliation process that is still ongoing in B&H, she stated that the fact is that B&H has laws at the state and entity levels that prohibit the most severe forms of hate speech. “Unfortunately, we are concerned about the lack of implementation. The role of institutions entrusted with the protection of human rights, including the fight against hate speech, is crucial in order to ensure accountability and possibly reduce and prevent the repetition of hate speech and its escalation. Impunity for hate speech by politicians tends to spread and feed this phenomenon, to normalize it. Politicians have a responsibility to refrain from the use of hate speech and to condemn its use, no matter whom such speech comes from,” she noted.


B&H CoM and Croatian Government to hold joint session Tuesday in Zagreb; Minister Konakovic: Session will not resolve issues, nor it will be historic, but it clearly indicates willingness to open some topics (Nova BH)


The Council of Ministers (CoM) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and the Croatian Government will hold a joint session on Tuesday in Zagreb. Nova BH reports that the agenda for the session includes around 45 items, many of them protocol issues, but also more concrete like cross-border cooperation and infrastructural projects.


Addressing a press conference on Monday, Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H Elmedin Konakovic said that bridges over the Sava River, road section Okucani – border with B&H via Sava River, Una road, and Jajce-Bihac-Velika Kladusa “are really serious infrastructural projects that will, I hope, with this session be fully revived and their implementation will be dynamized. It is the best thing we can do for citizens of B&H and Croatia”. The reporter noted that Croatian ministers, during their recent visit to Neum, confirmed that efforts will be made to ensure maximum flow over B&H-Croatia border crossings, especially in the context of Croatia joining the Schengen.


Addressing the press conference, Croatian Minister of Interior Davor Bozinovic said it is no one’s intention to set up barricades on B&H-Croatia border crossings, noting that “everything we can simplify and make faster and more effective for the benefit of people who live in B&H and the Republic of Croatia, that is our task, of course in the context of the joint session of governments”.


Croatian Minister of Finance Marko Primorac said that this is a possibility to improve business operations for companies “from this region”, particularly those companies that are a subject to customs procedures to export their goods to Croatia. “I think we are heading toward good and constructive solutions. Of course, dialog and talks about these issues are the basis”, Primorac added. The reporter noted that B&H and Croatia also have many open issues, with the nuclear waste disposal site at the Trgovska Gora being one of the urgent ones.


B&H Minister of Defense Zukan Helez has said that, in addition to the Trgovska Gora, there is also an issue of two water accumulations, i.e. Busko Blato lake “where Croatia should return some of the money from it”, and the Hydro-electric Power Plant ‘Upper Horizons’ which is detrimental to Croatia. Helez went on to say that the issue of access to the open sea has not yet been resolved, and “we of course have significant property of B&H in Croatia that currently, rather illegally, is being used by the citizens or the state of Croatia”. Konakovic said that the Trgovska Gora, which will be on the agenda, is an important topic for him and he added “we do not have any offered solutions for the issue of property, but of course, we are not giving up on that issue. In interviews for several media in Croatia yesterday, I stressed it as one of the priorities and our diplomacy will deal with property of B&H for as long as we exist. We are not very satisfied with that issue and our current status in Croatia, but we will do everything to improve it”. Konakovic also said that the session on Tuesday will not resolve issues, nor will it be historic, but it clearly indicates willingness to finally open some topics.




Presidency of Croatian HDZ discusses upcoming joint session of B&H CoM and Croatian Government; Grlic Radman reminds Croatia strongly supports B&H’s EU path (HRT)


At its session held Monday, the Presidency of HDZ of Croatia discussed among others the upcoming joint session of the Council of Ministers (CoM) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and the Croatian Government that will take place Tuesday in Zagreb. HRT1 reminded that this will be the third joint session and the second during the mandate of Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic. HRT1 reported that Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman addressed the media after the meeting, saying that the session is not a coincidence, instead both countries have joint strategic goals, primarily Croatia’s strong support to B&H’s EU path. The two governments will discuss many issues, including economic cooperation, road infrastructure and B&H-Croatia border crossings, and support to Croats in B&H, as one of the most important topics. Addressing the media, Grlic Radman reminded that Croatia strongly advocated granting B&H the EU candidate status, “and the success was achieved in December of last year”. He went on to say that Croatia has also continuously advocated changes to the Election Law of B&H, “for a better status, i.e. status that belongs to the Croat people as the constituent people based on the Dayton-Paris Agreement, but, of course, bearing in mind Croatia’s interest for sovereign B&H with respect to its territorial integrity”.




Janovic: We won’t support minority government or some other experiments – either we are in government, or we’ll be constructive opposition (CDM)


“In recent days, some variants and forecasts have appeared, whether DPS will support a minority government or not, etc… We will not support any experiments, any minority governments – that is, it is out of the question. Either we are together in the Government to bear the responsibility of trying to extricate Montenegro from all these events that happened in the past three years, or we are out of the Government and will be a constructive opposition. Opposition, not to the state, but opposition to the government. Therefore, there is no minority government, no experiments – that’s the end of the story”, says Nikola Janovic, a member of the Presidency and a member of the Parliament of Montenegro.


He adds that it is politically immature and unwise when some politicians say that they won’t do things together with DPS. “In our country, when you enter politics and you haven’t said so, it’s as if you haven’t been involved in politics. I don’t know how anyone imagines that you disqualify a political option supported by so many citizens. We cannot talk about reconciliation without recognizing the strength and results of a party that is civil in every sense, and without which Montenegro would not have achieved its key foreign-political priorities all these years ago – it preserved civil peace, restored independence, the country came to the door of the EU, became a full member of NATO, and now you are saying we will not go with them”, says Janovic.


He then adds that there is no party on the political scene that has been reformed like DPS is reformed at this moment. According to him, if we want a stable, reformist Government, which can provide political and economic stability in Montenegro, then it is a government in which the Democratic Party of Socialists will be together with its coalition partners, that is, the Together coalition.


Milatovic and Maddocks: It is necessary to form a stable government as soon as possible (CDM)


President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic received H.E. United Kingdom Ambassador Karen Maddocks. Milatovic and Maddocks agreed that after the democratic elections in Montenegro, it is necessary to form a stable government as soon as possible. Milatovic's office announced that the topics of discussion were the relations between the two countries and the recent parliamentary elections in Montenegro. Milatovic assessed that the relations between the countries are at an enviable level.


"Your role in supporting the democratic development of Montenegro was significant, and I believe that there is room for further strengthening of our cooperation. Montenegro has three important foreign policy goals in the coming period: accelerating the European path, strengthening good neighborly relations and strengthening credibility as a member of the NATO alliance. In internal politics, the priority is social cohesion and insistence on necessary reforms. I am convinced that we will have the support of Great Britain to achieve all these goals", said President Milatovic.


Ambassador Maddocks welcomed, as she said, "clear messages supported by actions" and assessed them as a step forward for the country as a whole. "In addition to strengthening the credibility of your membership in the Alliance, we also want to see the expansion of the European Union and encourage European capitals to have a proactive approach towards the countries of the Western Balkans. Also, regional cooperation is of great importance," Maddocks said.


Milatovic and Ambassador Maddocks agreed that after the peaceful and democratic elections in Montenegro, it is necessary to form a stable government as soon as possible. The President of Montenegro repeated that at this moment the European Union needs a successful enlargement story, and that Montenegro can and should be that story.


Abazovic with Maddocks and Gerasimenko on the eve of the Conference on the Reconstruction of Ukraine: Montenegro is a recognized and valued partner (CDM)


Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic received British Ambassador Karen Maddocks and Ukrainian Ambassador Oleg Gerasimenko on the occasion of the upcoming Conference on the Reconstruction of Ukraine in London, which is a continuation of the series of international meetings on the recovery of Ukraine that was launched in 2017.


"Abazovic pointed out that participation in the upcoming conference will be another confirmation of comprehensive Montenegrin support for Ukraine. In this sense, he highlighted the significant fact that numerous countries, besides the EU and NATO, are participating in the conference, which indicates that there is a broad consensus in the world of support for Ukraine in resisting the invasion of Russia, his Cabinet announced.


The British ambassador and the Ukrainian ambassador jointly stated that Montenegro's previous assistance, primarily in the political, humanitarian and military spheres, has been recognized and appreciated.


"They emphasized that the goal of the upcoming conference is to establish economic and social stabilization of the country, as well as recovery from the consequences of the war. It is planned that the conference in London will be a continuation of the previous one from Lugano, which brought together around 60 officials and representatives of important international organizations", the announcement states.


At the invitation of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Prime Minister of Montenegro and the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dritan Abazovic, will participate in the Conference on the Recovery of Ukraine, which is being held on June 21 and 22 in London.


"The format was designed with the aim of gathering international partners in order to mobilize international support in the current and post-war recovery activities of the country", it is stated in the Proposal of the platform published by the Government of Montenegro.


It is planned, as pointed out, that the Government of Ukraine will also present the latest information on the country's progress in accordance with the country's National Recovery Plan, as well as assessments of the security situation and a vision of the post-war economic future, with the possibility of international partners supporting the recovery process.


"The conference represents one of the key forums of the international community, which is held at a high level, with the aim of providing support to Ukraine and its people in efforts to continue recovery and reconstruction, due to the devastating losses and damage caused by Russian aggression on this country. At the same time, it represents an opportunity to, once again, confirm the belief that Ukraine, with the help of international partners, will soon regain the image of a free and promising country", the announcement concludes.


Milatovic spoke with Gerasimenko: Montenegro will continue to support Ukraine (CDM)


The President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic, spoke with the Ambassador of Ukraine, Oleg Gerasimenko. "During the conversation with the Ambassador of Ukraine, Oleg Gerasimenko, I reminded that Montenegro opened its doors to Ukrainian refugees, providing them selflessly shelter, health care, access to the labor market, and pointed out that Montenegro will continue to support Ukraine, as it has done so far," he said. is Milatovic on Twitter. Milatovic said that he received an invitation to visit Ukraine, with the desire to end the war in that country as soon as possible.


North Macedonia


Spasovski: Prespa Forum takeaway – dialogue solves problems (MIA)


The key message from the Prespa Forum was that dialogue solves difficult problems, Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski said. Minister Spasovski said the forum included a panel on migration as a long-term challenge. "The migration problem, which grew in 2016, is not over and will definitely go on. It requires a common policy and strategy approach," he said, adding that no country could solve global challenges on its own. "Dealing with migration needs to be at the regional and global level," Spasovski said. The interior minister also said the Prespa Forum had been established to encourage dialogue on many issues. "Only through dialogue can we solve the most difficult and complex issues," he said. "Dialogue always produces results. That is the key message of the Prespa Forum," Spasovski pointed out.


Mickoski: No constitutional changes under Bulgarian dictate, elections only way out of political crisis (MIA)


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski in answer to a journalist’s question Monday on whether the country is in a political crisis and what the way out of the blockade on the country’s Euro-integration path is, said he will not enter talks shaped by Bulgarian dictate and that elections are the only way out of the crisis. “Not only will we not accept constitutional changes under Bulgarian dictate, but we will categorically dismiss and reject them. In terms of a way out, elections are the way out. It is obvious that elections are the way out, and this is the most logical thing that can happen at this moment. Elections as soon as possible, to catalyse the pressure that is present in society,” said Mickoski.


The opposition leader said the main policy of the Government led by Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski is falling apart and called for elections. In answer to a journalist’s question, Mickoski also noted that upon the proposal of the German CDU, in the past, the Government of Chancellor Angela Merkel had “a stronger Resolution that more firmly defended the Macedonian identity attributes” and, he said, “when Germany presided over the EU at the time, the negotiating framework did not include the bilateral agreement, nor was the issue of the Macedonian language open, and the country’s history and other identity attributes weren’t even mentioned.” Mickoski added that according to the latest public opinion surveys in Germany, CDU will win the next elections, and voiced his hope that Friedrich Merz will be the next chancellor. “I see the propaganda coming from SDS and I am surprised, because they keep mentioning VMRO-DPMNE about why CDU didn't vote for the Resolution. When you think they’ve reached the bottom, they tell you that you are a pessimist, you should’ve been an optimist, they were capable of going even lower,” said Mickoski.


Regarding his position on the vetting in the judiciary, Mickoski said before the country begins that process, it should make use of the existing competencies of the Public Revenue Office and the other institutions in the country and carry out a vetting of the politicians. “In Macedonia it is very easy to examine the acquired property and it is sufficient to observe the luxuriously constructed real estate and the luxurious cars driven on the Macedonian roads, whose owners have only registered one percent of what they really own,” added Mickoski. The VMRO-DPMNE leader stressed that improvisations are unnecessary and that the existing Macedonian laws make it possible to check and determine which politicians and their families, who have acquired great wealth, have been robbing Macedonia in the past three decades.


Marichikj: Mickoski's demands within scope of negotiating framework worth contemplating (MIA)


Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj says all demands or conditions set by VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski within the scope of the Negotiating Framework are worth contemplating. "Mickoski put forward several conditions and I find it good that dialogue has begun while crossing that taboo line over the voting and the support for inclusion of Bulgarians in the Constitution Preamble. And not only the Bulgarians but also Slovenians, Croats, Montenegrins and others. It is good it is no longer taboo to vote for the constitutional revision. On the other hand, all demands or conditions of Mr. Mickoski are worth contemplating, those based on reality and within the scope of the Negotiating Framework," Deputy PM Marichikj told the Macedonian Radio.


According to him, delayed enforcement of the constitutional amendments goes beyond the Negotiating Framework and brings the country back to the negotiating table with EU and Bulgaria. "This certainly means going many steps back and I don't think we need this. However, all other aspects regarding the formula of a broad government - who and when, and under what conditions - all of this is worth discussing if it favors VMRO-DPMNE's position to vote for the constitutional amendments," says Marichikj. He says North Macedonia is one of the more delicate countries in the region because of its unique path to the EU. "A truly difficult road burdened by bilateral issues with Greece and Bulgaria, and a long wait for the start of the accession negotiations. I think that everyone believes North Macedonia deserves to continue the negotiations it started last year, and complete them in the shortest time possible, resulting in the country's inclusion in the next enlargement round," adds Marichikj. The Deputy PM says North Macedonia has seen serious support to its Euro-integration process, most recently through the German Bundestag resolution, demonstrating that Berlin is behind the country and its citizens while noting that the Macedonian identity and language are under no threat during the negotiations process.


Kovachevski: Leaders' meeting a good basis to take next step and make right decisions (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski called on VMRO-DPMNE on Monday to stick to what was stated at the press conference after the leaders' meeting held on June 7, and jointly make the decisions that are important for the country's future. According to him, what has been achieved at the leaders' meeting is a good basis to take the next step and make the right decisions at a time of geopolitical developments in Europe.


"Several important messages came out of the leaders' meeting. First, that VMRO-DPMNE is not against changing the Constitution. Second, that it is not against the inclusion of other nations in the Preamble of the Constitution, including parts of the Bulgarian people. Third, that this parliamentary composition has the legitimacy to do that, and fourth, that this Government has legitimacy because VMRO-DPMNE asked to be part of the Government, and half of the ministerial posts were immediately offered. The VMRO-DPMNE leader had another condition for reasons known to him, which was that DUI should not be part of the Government that will take office after the opening of the Constitution. That wish was also fulfilled, so that practically all the things that were asked were accepted. I think that is an excellent basis for the work to continue at the operational level through working groups that can agree on the details," Kovachevski said during Monday's visit in Rosoman.


According to Kovachevski, VMRO-DPMNE is in a position that is not the most pleasant one to be in, because as a large party they have not voted for any significant decision for the country. "They did not back the agreement with Greece, nor NATO membership nor the Frontex agreement nor the Negotiating Framework. I believe that this is a very important decision for the country and should be made together. I think they will find the strength to do it," said Kovachevski.


Crvenkovski promotes initiative for Western Balkans' access to European single market (MIA)


Absent a clear enlargement strategy, the EU keeps reiterating its Open Door Policy and regional countries keep saying EU membership is their only option, with no alternative, but there is a way for the Western Balkans to gain access to the European single market and funds, former President Branko Crvenkovski said in presenting an initiative of his before the Council of Ambassadors on Monday.


Addressing a foreign policy debate titled "North Macedonia between the Open Balkans and the Berlin Process: Is it possible to join the European Union faster?" Crvenkovski said the public opinion within the EU and candidate countries did not appear hopeful that European integration would accelerate. "At least not in the short and medium term," Crvenkovski said, "because the EU does not have a clear and consensual plan on what to do with itself and, subsequently, with the Western Balkans either."


Pointing out that his idea did not pertain to the EU's complicated decision-making, Crvenkovski said allowing the region to access the European single market and funds would be a transitional stage that would help the countries reach full EU membership and not be a substitute for it. With better economic performances, the countries would be better prepared for full membership, he said, and the EU would strengthen its credibility in the region while fending off anti-European influences. "It goes without saying there is no guarantee that all regional countries will accept this idea or that the EU accepts it and makes this happen. But if we don't try, we will never see any results. After all, we have nothing to lose," Crvenkovski said.


The former President said the already existing European Economic Area, which allows Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway to participate in the EU's internal market even though they are not members, could be one way to implement his idea. "Another way that would circumvent the complex procedures for admitting new members to the EEA, and at the same time provide access to European funds, is if the EU signed a new special agreement with all the countries of the Western Balkans to give them access to the European single market and EU funds," Crvenkovski said. He advised the Western Balkan states to push the initiative through the Berlin Process, the Open Balkans, or another form of regional cooperation and communication and present it to the EU so they could help shift the enlargement status quo. "In other words, we the membership candidate states should help the EU define a clearer strategy toward the Western Balkans and our integration processes," Crvenkovski said. He stressed that no progress had been made over the past year. "And this does not apply only to Macedonia but also to other countries in the region, regardless of whether we call it Southeastern Europe or the Western Balkans," the former President said.


"The only exception may be Albania, for which it was decided that negotiations would start. We opened ours, but we have not started negotiating. As things stand, it is hard to predict if and when this will happen," he said. He recalled that Bosnia and Herzegovina had received candidate status, but under 14 conditions and without the right to use European funds. Kosovo, he added, was even facing threats of sanctions by the EU and the USA due to the conflicts in the north, while Serbia and Montenegro were negotiating with the EU for nine and 11 years, respectively.


Crvenkovski said this very stalemate was the reason that three years ago France had proposed a revised negotiating methodology, which was accepted by the remaining EU member states.

"Let's remember that because of this and not because of the Bulgarian veto, in October 2019, despite the European Commission's positive recommendation, Macedonia did not start negotiations with the Union. And what results has the new methodology produced? "In these three years, neither Serbia nor Montenegro have made a single clear, meaningful step forward in the negotiation process. In other words, for various reasons in various countries, the entire region's European integration process has reached an impasse or shown negligible progress," Crvenkovski said.


The former President said the state's policies regarding European integration needed to take into account the wider context and not reduce everything to the problem with Bulgaria. He reiterated that the entire region was at a standstill, only occasionally making small steps toward EU accession. He added that he saw no room for optimism regarding enlargement in the next few years, pointing to the "increasingly entrenched view of the so-called 'old' and most influential members advocating EU reform before any further enlargement." Any reform in the Union, he said, could succeed only with the unanimous support of all members, yet it was hard for the bloc to reach a complete consensus even on less important issues than what status they would have and what privileges some countries would lose with those changes. "I have to admit that I find rather illogical and unsupported the statements — regardless of where and who they come from — that if we started negotiations now, we would become a full member in four, five or seven years. Or that the war in Ukraine has created a new momentum that would accelerate the enlargement process. "I could be wrong, but considering the rift in the Union and how difficult it is for them to reach a common position on important issues related to the war — such as sanctions against Russia, military aid to Ukraine, ways to deal with the energy and economic crisis resulting from the war — I'm afraid it will increase scepticism, rather than enthusiasm, about the EU's enlargement," Crvenkovski said. He said public opinion polls in several EU member states confirmed this sentiment. "The drawn-out wait; the promises given by the EU to the region's countries and not fulfilled; the setting of conditions and ultimatums that contradict elementary European values, as in the case of Macedonia, have also led to the drop in support for EU integration across the region," Crvenkovski said, citing recent survey results.


The former President said the unfortunate status quo demaded a choice be made between "two options: remaining passive, waiting and hoping for some kind of miracle, some radical turn that will speed up the process, or being proactive through giving ideas that would lead to some degree of integration even before achieving full EU membership." "But let's make it clear: No initiative has any chance of being considered, let alone accepted by the EU if it comes from any individual country. Only a shared, coordinated proposal from all regional states can draw the attention of and be considered by Brussels," Crvenkovski said, encouraging the region to recognize common interests, cooperate, and strengthen mutual trust. He also urged the country's political stakeholders to publicly share their opinion on his idea, whether positive or negative. "Just please don't put a party stamp on it and bring it into your daily political bickering," he said. Which is why, he said, he had chosen to promote his idea before the Council of Ambassadors. Its members not only had great life and diplomatic experience but also had different political affiliations, he noted.


Xhaferi – Norlen: Accession a benefit for future, not a return to past (MIA)


Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi and a delegation composed of MPs Nikola Micevski, Sonja Mirakovska and Remzi Mehmedi, Met Monday with the Speaker of the Swedish Parliament (Riksdag), Andreas Norlen, within the frameworks of the Conference on Democracy in Europe held Monday in Stockholm. According to a press release from Parliament, at the meeting the two delegations spoke about the ongoing political processes in both countries; Sweden’s NATO accession process; North Macedonia’s Euro-integration process; the geopolitical context resulting from Russia’s unprovoked aggression on Ukraine, and the bilateral relations, especially the strengthened parliamentary cooperation through the cooperation programs between the two parliaments.


Norlen, according to the press release, thanking for the participation of Parliament’s delegation at the Conference, noted that this is an indicator that the Republic of North Macedonia is seriously committed to promoting and protecting democracy and the rule of law. He stressed that Sweden highly values the fact that the Macedonian Parliament was among the first parliaments to ratify Sweden’s NATO membership protocol. “I am an opponent of the bilateralization of accession processes in international relations, because accession should be founded on the fulfilment of the membership criteria, and not a return to the past,” said Norlen regarding the country’s EU accession.


Xhaferi touched upon ongoing events in Parliament and spoke about the constitutional amendments which need to be adopted.n“Currently we don’t have a consensus over the amendments to the Constitution, but we are making efforts on a daily basis to find a consensus with the opposition, because of the future generations, and not because of political status,” said Xhaferi. Regarding the bilateral parliamentary cooperation, Xhaferi underscored the importance of the Program for Parliamentary Cooperation with the Swedish Parliament, which he said will continue in the future, and invited the Speaker of the Swedish Parliament to visit North Macedonia.


Osmani and Cleverly discuss British support, North Macedonia's European file (MIA)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani met with UK Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, James Cleverly, in London on Monday. UK Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Europe, Leo Docherty, also attended the meeting. Osmani extended gratitude for the United Kingdom's significant role in maintaining security and prosperity in the region, as well as staunch support in key areas for North Macedonia's progress, including good governance, reforms in security and in the judiciary, and socio-economic development, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release. "For the past three decades, the United Kingdom has been a committed and reliable partner of our country and a vocal supporter of our strategic foreign policy priorities, which is another testament of the UK's enduring interest in the region and shared vision for stability and prosperity," Osmani said. Osmani briefed interlocutors on the country's European file and the process of constitutional amendments, as a necessary step to continue the EU accession negotiations hand in hand with the reform agenda. "We are pleased with the strong British support for the adoption of the constitutional amendments in order to continue the European integration path and ensure the country's European future," Osmani pointed out. Participants in the meeting exchanged views on the current political and security situation in the Western Balkans, as a consequence of the military aggression against Ukraine. As OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Osmani briefed interlocutors on the challenges the organization is facing, as well as possibilities to overcome them.




The EU-Albania Stabilization-Association Parliamentary Committee meets in Tirana (Radio Tirana)


The chairman of the parliamentary group of the Socialist Party, Taulant Balla held a meeting with the member of the European Parliament, Manolis Kefalogiannis. Balla appreciated the commitment and support of the European Parliament in the path of Albania's EU membership, while pointing out that next month the EU-Albania Stabilization-Association Parliamentary Committee will meet in Tirana. "I welcomed to the Parliament of Albania the member of the European Parliament Manolis Kefalogiannis, with whom we co-direct the EU-Albania Stabilization-Association Parliamentary Committee", said Balla. Balla announced that this committee will meet in Tirana next month. Balla said to appreciate the commitment and support of the European Parliament on Albania’s path to EU membership.