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Belgrade Media Report 29 June 2023



In the north of KiM, calm but tense, Patriarch Porfirije in the Patriarchate of Pec (RTS)


It is tense in the north of Kosovo and Metohija (KiM). For security reasons, St. Vitus' Day (Vidovdan) was celebrated in the Gracanica monastery with the message of the Serbs not to give up their traditions and identity. Patriarch Porfirije in the Patriarchate of Pec will serve the liturgy. Serbs in KiM celebrated Vidovdan in Gracanica, and due to security reasons, the memorial service for the fallen Serbian soldiers in the KiM War was not held at Gazimestan.


Despite the new crisis that gripped the northern parts of KiM, the central event marking Vidovdan was organized in Gracanica in the medieval monastery, from where Patriarch Porfirije said that KiM are our home and our heaven. Serbian Patriarch Porfirije arrived at the Patriarchate of Pec yesterday.


“KiM is both our home and our heaven, for Heaven is anchored in this Land“, Patriarch Porfirije of the Serbian Orthodox Church, said in Gracanica. The patriarch underlined that the heritage of Vidovdan should be celebrated in prayer and the knowledge that people need each other regardless of how they pray and to what nation they belong. He also congratulated the Muslim community who are celebrating Eid al-Adha today.


“This is the first time since the end of the armed conflict in 1999 that such a decision has been made, which only shows how serious the current situation is, but also our complete distrust in the existing institutions in Pristina, which, unfortunately, brought inter-ethnic relations in KiM to the lowest level in the last 24 years,” they said in a statement, adding: “Our people are currently living in uncertainty security-wise and a sense of a complete absence of basic rights and freedoms, especially following the latest series of arrests and abuse of Serbs in custody. If, brothers and sisters, we can understand the word of Christ anywhere, if we can understand the Gospel of Christ anywhere, if we can be close to the truth of Christ anywhere, if we can understand what God’s justice is anywhere, if we can recognize who we are anywhere – that’s KiM,” said the patriarch.


Where there is heaven, there is room for everyone, he said. He added that if people “design their lives” with faith and prayer, then „God will make it so that all people need each other, regardless of how they pray to God and regardless of what nation they belong to.”


According to the patriarch, Vidovdan is a joyful day. “Because we are all created in God’s image and likeness. Everyone is invited to come to learn God’s truth. That, brothers and sisters, is our Vidovdan heritage! Look what kind of day it is today! See what kind of day the Lord has arranged! A joyful day, Widow’s Day, the day when we celebrate the Holy Prince Lazar and the martyrs of KiM.”


The patriarch also reminded those in attendance of Kurban Bajram, which Muslims celebrate.

“Today, our Muslim brothers celebrate Eid al-Adha. Praying for all the people of the world to our Lord and the martyrs of KiM, may the Lord give joy and peace to all people. Let’s congratulate from this place Eid al-Adha and all Muslim brothers in KiM! May they also pray for peace in their souls with faith in God,” the patriarch said from the Gracanica monastery.


“When we have peace in our souls and when they have peace in their souls, we will understand that Kosovo and Metohija is a holy land, just like Jerusalem is a holy land. There is a place here for all people and their shrines, regardless of how and in what way they pray to God. Kosovo and Metohija is a holy land where there is room for everyone, for every kind of prayer offered to God, and when the prayer is sincere, God’s blessing and grace will descend on the earth and all the people on it.”


He emphasized that the Church will never forget or abandon anyone, that it will pray for every soul, and that if there is peace in the soul, there will be peace among souls. If the church forgets even a single soul, if it neglects to pray for a single soul, then what is its purpose.


Vucic: Many difficulties await us in Kosovo (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said many difficulties and problems await Serbia in Kosovo, but that he will “do everything he can to preserve peace.” At a Vidovdan (St Vitus Day) celebration organized by the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) at Hotel Yugoslavia in Belgrade, Vucic said some may think that advocating a compromise is “a result of weakness,” but that it is actually an expression of strength. “I don’t know how this whole thing with Kosovo will go, they will try to break and destroy our country from the inside,” said Vucic, adding that no one wants a small country “making decisions that are not in the interests of the big powers.” He noted that the SNS, which he headed until May this year, was founded so as to bring change to Serbia, and that “it has done more than all others” in this respect. The Serbian President announced that a movement for the people and state, which he said would be founded, will be a political force that will advocate economic development, pay rises and a strong Serbia. “Freedom is the common name of both the movement that will be founded and of the SNS,” said Vucic.


Kosovo Police order Danilo Vucic to remove “offensive” T-shirt (FoNet)


The Kosovo Police ordered Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s son Danilo to take off a T-shirt with what the police said were provocative messages, “Surrender is not an option”. Police officers stopped Danilo Vucic’s car and escorted him and then order him to remove the T-shirt with “anti-Kosovo messages”. Danilo Vucic was in Gracanica to attend St Vitus day ceremonies. The Beta news agency said it asked the Kosovo Police to confirm the report but got no reply. President Vucic said later that Danilo was stopped and search three times. “I congratulate Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti on his courage. When he sends men to abuse other people’s children, that’s OK,” Vucic is quoted as saying in a FoNet news agency report. "I only now found out what was happening in KiM. The last time they stopped Danilo, not far from Podujevo, the Albanian police demanded that he take off the T-shirt that said 'Surrender is not an option' at all costs. Danilo did not agree, and then they pointed their guns at him and asked: 'Father's name?' He answered: 'Aleksandar! That's my dad and your president'! His shirt was not taken off, his face was not stained. Surrender is not an option!” said Vucic.


Office for KiM: West united in condemning Kosovo’s Kurti (Beta)


Director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) Petar Petkovic said he has the impression that the West is united more than even in condemning Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s unilateral and violent actions, but that concrete measures need to be taken. Petkovic told RTS that this is the first time that Kurti is being criticized, and by the western states that are “the mentors of Kosovo’s independence.” “However, as our people say, we have had enough of those statements, reports and verbal condemnations. Only once we see concrete steps and measures announced by the European Union and US will we know that concrete action is being taken to curb Albin Kurti in his intention to set fire to the entire Western Balkans,” said Petkovic. Commenting on the fact that the traditional Vidovdan (St Vitus Day) memorial service is not being held in Gazimestan, KiM, as usual, but at the Gracanica monastery instead, Petkovic said this only goes to show just how difficult the situation that the KiM Serbs live in is. “The Serbian Orthodox Church did not want to take a risk of us once again witnessing harassment and arrests of our people,” said Petkovic.


Kurti unannounced in North Mitrovica; Serbian List: He failed to provoke the Serbs (RTS)


The prime minister of the Provisional institutions of Pristina, Albin Kurti, paid an unannounced visit to the Brdjani settlement in North Mitrovica, accompanied by a large number of members of the police force. The Serbian list strongly criticized Kurti's move on Vidovdan (St Vitus Day), stating that he had to return to where he came from with his tail bent, because he failed to provoke the Serbs.


According to Pristina media, Kurti's visit was not announced in the agenda of the Prime Minister's office. The deputy director of the police for the northern region Veton Elshani confirmed the information that Kurti was in the north of Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) but did not give details about the visit. The government in Pristina did not make an announcement on the occasion, so the reasons for Kurti's visit are unknown.


Serbian list: Kurti failed to provoke the Serbs


The Serbian media harshly criticized Kurti for his unannounced visit to North Mitrovica on Vidovdan, stating that he had to return from where he came with his tail bent, because he failed to provoke the Serbs and present himself as a victim.


"Like a forest thief, or a thief when he starts stealing, surrounded by dozens of armed henchmen, Albin Kurti came to the border of the north of Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), more precisely the border of Kosovska Mitrovica, in order to show the main mediator of the European Union, Mr. Miroslav Lajcak and the high representative of The European Union told Josep Borrell what de-escalation looks like on the ground,'' said the Serbian List.


According to Serbian List, Kurti thinks that, in addition to the hundreds already existing parapolice units armed to the teeth, all of which are illegally present in the north, the calming of tensions should be, bringing to the north few dozens more. "Some would say a strong slap in the face of the international community, and another threat to the Serbs in KiM, and we will see what the international community will say. Who will now be the other party responsible for this provocation?'', asked the Serbian List.


A few hours later, as reported by the Serbian List, Kurti had to go back where he came from, his tail bent, because he failed to provoke the Serbs and present himself as a victim. "And we remained on our own, in our houses, on our land, waiting for many more Vidovdans with our neighbors to survive and remain like our ancestors, because Kurti was not the only occupier who was on this land, but he left like everyone before him,'' the announcement added.


The EU demands de-escalation in northern KiM, warns of negative consequences (RTS)


At the two-day summit starting Thursday in Brussels, EU leaders will support the membership of the Western Balkans in the EU and call for an immediate de-escalation of the situation in northern Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) and the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO), according to the draft conclusions that RTS had access to.


Referring to the declaration of the Western Balkans-EU summit in Thessaloniki in 2003, as well as the conclusions of the enlargement summit in June 2022, the EU leaders emphasize "the full and unequivocal commitment to the perspective of the membership of the Western Balkans in the EU and support for the acceleration of the accession process and with-it related reforms."


In the text of the conclusions to be adopted on Thursday evening, the heads of state and government condemn the recent violence in the north of KiM and call for an immediate de-escalation of the situation, based on the elements set out in the European Union's plan, warning that otherwise there could be "negative consequences ". In the conclusions, the EU leaders state that it is necessary to "continue the dialogue under the auspices of the EU and quickly implement the agreement on the road as normalization and the annex on implementation", which, as stated, includes the formation of the ZSO.


A senior EU official involved in the preparations for the summit says that by including this position in the text of the conclusions, the leaders will send "a strong message about de-escalation." Speaking about the support for the membership of the Western Balkans in the EU, the official states that the member countries considered that it is necessary to send a message to the Western Balkans at the summit dealing with Ukraine and Moldova. Therefore, in the conclusions, we send a message that our commitment to the region remains unchanged, especially in light of the anniversary of the summit in Thessaloniki, when the Western Balkan countries were offered the prospect of EU membership, said the EU official.


The main topics of the two-day summit will be the continuation of military and financial support to Ukraine, European migration and asylum policy and relations with China. At the beginning of the summit, EU leaders will meet with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, and the adoption of a joint EU-NATO declaration is also expected.


Charles Michel: The time has come to take steps towards the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina (RTS)


The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, said that the time has come to take steps towards the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, as well as to create a global approach to solving this problem. On the eve of the European Council summit, Charles Michel told reporters that he fully supports the efforts of the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security, Josep Borrell.


"We also support the idea of organizing a conference with some EU member states to support the mediation efforts, together with the US, because we have seen in the past months the difficulties and the escalation of the situation. The time has come to make a global approach and the time has come to take steps towards the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina," said Michel when asked by journalists about the situation with the dialogue.


The two-day summit of EU leaders begins in Brussels, and in the draft conclusions that RTS had access to, it is stated that EU leaders will support the membership of the Western Balkans in the Union and call for an urgent de-escalation of the situation in northern Kosovo and the formation of the Community of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO). The main topics of the two-day summit are the continuation of military and financial support to Ukraine, European migration and asylum policy and relations with China. At the beginning of the summit, EU leaders will meet with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, and the adoption of a joint EU-NATO declaration is also expected.


Scholz: Calm the tensions, hold the elections as soon as possible and implement the agreement on the ZSO (RTS)


German Chancellor Olaf Scholz requested that the agreement from Ohrid be implemented as soon as possible to calm the tensions in the north of Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) and pointed out that France, Germany, Italy and the USA are intensively involved in the process of de-escalating the situation.


At a press conference in Berlin with the Prime Minister of North Macedonia Dimitar Kovacevski, Olaf Scholz pointed out the importance of holding elections in the north of KiM and the implementation of part of the agreement on the Association of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO). He added that he hopes that Belgrade and Pristina will implement the Ohrid Agreement.


When asked whether sanctions are the right way to force the parties to de-escalate the situation, Scholz said that the proposed agreement, which was negotiated by the two sides, represents an agreement to regulate relations and that it must be implemented immediately. "This implies a series of agreements, and they must be implemented now. From our point of view, it is important that everyone contributes to the reduction of tension, to hold elections in Serbian municipalities in KiM as soon as possible, so that they have a high turnout and that those elected are not only formally elected, but active and legitimate mayors of municipalities, to implement part of the agreement on the ZSO. This must be done now," Scholz said. Scholz said efforts are being made to make sure everyone understands this, including the European Union. "This applies to France, Germany, Italy and the US, which are very intensively involved in this process," Scholz said.


The American administration is worried about the heightened tensions in the north of KiM (RTS)


The US administration shares the Congress' concern about the increased tensions in the north of Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), the White House announced. "US officials, including the White House and the State Department, are working closely with partners from the European Union to find a diplomatic solution to the recent events. They have asked the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia to de-escalate, as well as to refocus on the implementation of the normalization agreements that have been signed during the year," stated the White House's response to the Voice of America's question regarding the letter from US senators addressed to President Joseph Biden. The White House points out that they have clearly indicated that the normalization of relations, participation in democratic processes and respect for the rule of law will contribute to stability and security in the north of KiM.


A group of US senators previously expressed their concern in a letter to Biden about the worsening situation in the north of KiM, stressing that Pristina did not respond to US efforts to de-escalate the situation, which is why, as stated, Congress will review the previous support for Pristina and Belgrade. The senators called on the US president to exert diplomatic pressure to end the current crisis and continue progress in the implementation of the Ohrid Agreement, adding that they support the EU's proposal which includes "the withdrawal of the remaining mayors from the municipal buildings in northern KiM, the suspension of police operations near the municipal buildings, the new municipal elections with the participation of KiM Serbs and a return to the dialogue on the implementation of the Ohrid Agreement, including the Association of Municipalities with a Serb majority in the north of KiM (ZSO)".


The senators pointed out that they are "surprised" by the recent actions taken by the governments in Belgrade and Pristina, by making provocative decisions that threaten to undermine the prospects for improving bilateral relations and normalizing the situation. "This includes the recent arrests of three Kosovo police officers by Serbian authorities on June 14. The refusal of KiM Serbs to participate in local municipal elections and the actions of the Kosovo government in violent access to municipal buildings has resulted in a dramatic escalation of tensions and violence that threatens the fragile peace in the region”, it was stated in the letter that Tanjug had access to. The senators called on Biden to "delay the sale of military equipment" and to continue security cooperation with Belgrade and Pristina, as well as to submit a report to the Senate confirming that "both governments are exercising restraint to avoid any actions that undermine the security of US forces that participate in KFOR".


Vucic: Freedom is a common name for the People's Movement for the State and the Serbian Progressive Party (RTS)


Freedom is a common name for the People's Movement for the State, which will be founded, and the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), said Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic at the Vidovdan (St Vitus Day) celebration in the hotel "Yugoslavia" in Belgrade. Vucic said that the People's Movement for the State should ensure accelerated economic progress in difficult conditions.


"A movement that must ensure significantly higher incomes, salaries and pensions, but a movement that will never give up on its basic idea, which is an autonomous and independent Serbia that makes decisions in the interest of its citizens, and not at the request of any foreign service or some foreign power", pointed out Vucic. He said that SNS was founded with the intention of changing Serbia, and that they have done more than all the others. "They will try to demolish and break Serbia from the inside in every possible way".


President Vucic pointed out that he expects a lot of trouble and problems in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM). "They sometimes think that the search for a compromise, is the result of our weakness. I just want to tell you that it is an expression of strengths, not weaknesses, and we will choose the moment when and how we will respond to certain challenges, always in accordance with the highest and most important interests of our people and our country," said Vucic. He stressed that they will try to destroy and break Serbia from the inside in every possible way because, according to him, no one wants a small Serbia to be free and independent, to make decisions outside of the great powers and in their own interest.


"That is why it is important that you, as a political pillar of Serbia, be firm and strong. Today, when we talk about Vidovdan, I see that a lot of Albanian media reports, which I guess is a serious accusation, that my son came to Gracanica for the liturgy and imagine he has a shirt on which says 'Surrender is not an option'. To make their job easier, while it's still down, while they can act as heroically as they act towards all Serbs, to just tell them that this is what each of us Vucic thinks, that the majority of Serbia thinks so, and that surrender is not an option for us," said Vucic. Vucic told the present members of the Serbian Progressive Party to pay attention to ordinary people, as well as to show them that they care about them and their problems. "What's important is that you fight, that people see your care, that people feel your attention,” Vucic pointed out.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


RSNA adopts law not to apply decisions of B&H CC in territory of RS, Dodik announces possible ban of operating of SIPA and B&H Prosecutor’s Office in RS (BHT1)


At its special session held on Tuesday, the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) adopted Law on Non-Implementation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Constitutional Court’s (CC) Decisions in the RS. This law will enter into force in urgent procedure, namely on Wednesday. Reporter noted that 56 MPs voted in favor of abovementioned law. No MPs who attended the session abstained from voting or voted against the law.


RS President Milorad Dodik announced that possible next measure will be ban of work of B&H Prosecutor’s Office, B&H Court and the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) of B&H in territory of the RS, because these institutions have not been constitutionally established. RS President also stated that sanctions for judges and everyone else who act on opposition to this law will be introduced. He explained that this law defends constitutional position of the RS that has been derogated by B&H CC and the OHR.


MP Ramiz Salkic (SDA) stated that despite to adoption of this law, decisions of B&H CC are mandatory. “I am using this occasion to call on B&H Prosecutor’s Office and competent agencies to conduct steps against those who intentionally work to collapse constitutional order of BiH and who jeopardize peace and stability in this way”, stressed Salkic.


RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic reacted to Salkic’s statement and said: “Dear Ramiz, both of us should feel ashamed for the fact three foreign judges are sitting in B&H CC 30 years after war in B&H.” Some opposition MPs reminded that ruling majority failed to implement number of decisions the RSNA adopted in previous period, including ones relate to B&H CC.


PDP’s Igor Crnadak reminded that the RSNA tasked the RS representatives in B&H institutions to adopt law on cease of mandate of foreign judges. “Why did not you do this”, asked Crnadak.


Reporter noted that law adopted on Tuesday by the RSNA stipulates exemption from criminal accountability for those who implement this law. It also implies sanctions for those who violate law the RSNA adopted on Tuesday. The RSNA adopted conclusions proposed by ruling majority in the RS that refer to urgent reform of B&H CC, namely removal of foreign judges from this court, as well as to adoption of Law on B&H CC in B&H Parliament. The RS representatives were demanded by the RSNA not to participate in implementation of priorities set by the EU until Law on B&H CC is adopted and until the Office of High Representative (OHR) is closed. Also, new special session of the RSNA commenced on Tuesday evening. MPs will discuss veto invoked by member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic to two agreements adopted by B&H Presidency.


RS Justice Minister Milos Bukejlovic said that the Law on Non-Implementation of B&H Constitutional Court’s Decisions in the RS foresees that persons who are obliged to act according to the provisions of this law are exempted from criminal liability prescribed by the criminal legislation of B&H and will be protected by the institutions of the RS. Instead of protecting the constitutional and legal order, the B&H CC serves as an instrument for the implementation of certain wishes, pressures and directives directed against one entity in B&H, said Bukejlovic. He pointed out that the adoption of the law on the Constitutional Court of B&H would contribute to a better and fairer regulation of its activities. “Without such an act, the Court has already lost its credibility”, the Minister assessed.


Two big factors of instability in B&H are the CC of B&H and the Office of the High Representative (OHR), said Serb member and Chairwoman of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic at the special session of the RS National Assembly (RSNA). She said adoption of the Law on Non-Implementation of B&H CC’s Decisions in the RS is not the final solution of the problem, but it is the beginning of its solving. Cvijanovic said that this RSNA’s session is not a rebellious or aggressive behavior but rather “a way to indicate that this has gone too far”. Cvijanovic argued that the cause of instability and crisis in B&H are the OHR and the CC of B&H, adding that their connection and unprofessional work undermine the legal system and create instability.


RSNA unanimously supports Cvijanovic’s veto (BHT1)


The Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) unanimously supported veto of Serb member and Chairwoman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic which refers to two conclusions adopted in the state Presidency without consensus. Veto aims to suspend agreements that would, among other things, enable travel between B&H and Kosovo with personal ID card.


As the eight special session of the RSNA ended on Tuesday, the ninth special session began right after. This session refers to veto of Cvijanovic which refers to two conclusions adopted in the state Presidency without consensus. Cvijanovic was outvoted on foreign policy matters. Cvijanovic vetoed in the B&H Presidency the Conclusion for the urgent adoption of the Agreement on the freedom of movement with identity cards in the Western Balkans, the Agreement on the recognition of professional qualifications of Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Dental Medicine and architects in the context of the Central European Free Trade Agreement and the Agreement on the recognition of higher education qualifications in the Western Balkans. She then explained that Kosovo, which is now faced with a major crisis, should not be part of such arrangement. Cvijanovic also noted that B&H did not recognize Kosovo, which means it is illogical to recognize personal documents and diplomas from Pristina. Cvijanovic expects to receive majority support in the RSNA for her veto. Cvijanovic filed the second veto because of a conclusion for adoption of the action plan for meeting the 14 priorities of the European Commission (EC). RSNA MPs discussed the two issues as a whole.


B&H Presidency member Komsic slams international community for allowing Dodik to openly attack constitutional order, criticizes relevant local institutions for not reacting (Dnevni avaz)


Commenting the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly’s (RSNA) adoption of the Law on Non-Implementation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Constitutional Court’s Decisions in the RS, B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic stated that while US Ambassador Michael Murphy is announcing that “he will finish with (RS President Milorad) Dodik by the end of the year”, although he did not clarify which year, Dodik is announcing that Murphy will leave B&H by the end of the year. At the same time, Head of EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler is announcing a never-before-seen momentum on the path to EU integration, and High Representative Christian Schmidt is travelling across Europe talking nonsense that even he himself does not believe. Komsic noted that while all this is happening, Dodik, who was blacklisted by USA yet Murphy allowed him to be in power and in control of B&H Council of Ministers, is leading B&H into the state of a classic rebellion based on the model used by Radovan Karadzic, which preceded the aggression and war of the 1990s. According to Komsic, today, just like in the 1990s, institutions such as prosecutors, police and security agencies are not reacting. “It is possible that they are waiting for a signal from their real bosses, located in embassies, missions, offices in Sarajevo. That is why it seems meaningful to me to call on their true masters, since these institutions will not implement the will of the one who should be their "true master" - the Constitution and the laws of this country, to finally order them to do their work in accordance with the Constitution and the law. If that doesn’t happen, then at least they should not be surprised by ‘us radicals’ when we say that we will defend our country in every way! We did once and we always will”, said Komsic.


Konakovic: RSNA’s Law conveys bad message, but legally means nothing (FTV)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic commented on the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) adopting the Proposal Law on Non-Implementation of B&H Constitutional Court’s (CC) Decisions in the RS, saying that RSNA has conveyed a very bad message, noting “the fact that they adopted such decision formally and legally means nothing, except that they have shown their willingness to try such a strong attack on constitutional order of B&H, that will have no epilogue, because the B&H CC decisions, as it is written in the B&H Constitutions and other laws, will be implemented in the entire B&H. Unfortunately, in the moment when B&H has a chance to move closer to the European Union at a fast pace and to secure new funds and projects that will increase salaries and opportunities for new jobs and for people staying in B&H, Dodik and the people who blindly follow his decisions are doing one thing that to greatest extent isolates the entity RS and pushes it toward further isolation. Dodik has a little more time to realize he has the opportunity to, together with the team at the state level, catch that European train and help the people in the RS to live better. What they are doing now are bad messages and we will, of course, adequately respond to such behaviour”.


Zvizdic: Law adopted by RSNA is direct attack on constitutional order of B&H (FTV)


Reacting to the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) adopting the Proposal Law on Non-Implementation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Constitutional Court’s Decisions in the RS, B&H HoR Speaker Denis Zvizdic wrote on his Facebook account: “The Law on Non-Implementation of the B&H CC Decisions, just adopted by RSNA, is a direct attack on the constitutional order of B&H. We, as representatives of ‘The Four’ in the B&H House of Representatives will, as soon as the Law enters in force, appeal before the B&H CC and request interim measure. It is an institutional mechanism we have at our disposal, and we expect the High Representative (Christian Schmidt) and the B&H Prosecutor’s Office to use their authority and protect sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H. This is officially the beginning of the RS’ secession and the beginning of destruction of the constitutional order of B&H”.


Troika: Adoption of Law on Non-Implementation of B&H CC Decisions is open attack on constitutional order of B&H (Dnevni avaz)


Parties of the ‘Troika’ bloc (NS, SDP and NiP) issued a statement reacting to the adoption of the Law on Non-Implementation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Constitutional Court’s (CC) Decisions in Republika Srpska (RS). According to the Troika, the Law represents a blatant violation of the Constitution of B&H and the Dayton Peace Agreement, and it constitutes an open attack on B&H’s constitutional order. According to the Troika, it is quite clear that the adoption of the Law is unconstitutional, because the Constitution of B&H and all other legislation stipulate that a lower administrative unit cannot derogate decisions of the state and state institutions. “We remind the authorities in the B&H entity of RS, and especially the President of that entity, Milorad Dodik, that the existence, composition and manner of decision-making of the B&H CC is part of the Constitution of B&H, which in turn is part of the Dayton Peace Agreement. Although he often refers to the 'letter of Dayton' in his reductionist interpretation of the Dayton Agreement, it is clear from the treatment of the CC of B&H that Milorad Dodik and the authorities in RS are violating the basic provisions of the Dayton Peace Agreement. Such an approach shows that in fact no principle is respected except for bare legal and political violence”, Troika stated. The Troika also emphasized that the CC represents one of the most important institutions in B&H, and an open attack on the Court represents a direct attack on the Dayton Agreement and peace in the country.


The Troika also condemned Dodik’s racist comments on B&H CC judge form Albania, as well as insults and attacks against Head of Islamic Community Husein Kavazovic. “We clearly recognize that this is not about any bluff or politicking, but about the intention to attack the constitutional and legal order of B&H. The Prosecutor's Office of B&H has every obligation and responsibility to act in such cases. Article 156 of the Criminal Code of B&H prescribes the criminal offense of attacking the constitutional order, while Article 239 defines refusal to execute the decisions of the CC of B&H as a criminal offense, and the Prosecutor's Office of B&H has an unequivocal obligation to react. Also, we clearly indicate that such decisions directly threaten peace in B&H and the region. It is not possible to respond to legal violence with any kind of compromise or concession, and we will undoubtedly use all legal and political means to stop such destructive campaigns. Under the conditions of open blackmail, it is clear that it is impossible to expect that the B&H Parliament will discuss any law on the CC of B&H. At the same time, we expect the international community, and especially the High Representative in B&H, to stand resolutely and unequivocally for protection of peace, the Dayton Agreement and the constitutional and legal order of B&H. The adoption of such laws and the announcement that they the Prosecutor's Office of B&H and SIPA will be treated in a similar way represent an acute challenge to peace in B&H and the region”, the Troika concluded.


Federation of B&H (FB&H) Prime Minister Nermin Niksic stated that by adopting the Law, RSNA has carried out an attack on the state of B&H, on the Dayton Peace Agreement “they often refer to’’, on the Constitution of B&H. “I simply cannot remain silent to that. Our patience has its limits. B&H is an undisputed fact. Every activity against that is nothing else but the coup d’état and an attack on the Dayton Peace Agreement and Article III that clearly states that the RS and all other parts of B&H must fully comply with decisions of institutions in our country, which includes final and binding decisions of the B&H CC”, wrote Niksic on his Facebook account.


SDA: Adoption of Law on Non-Implementation of B&H CC Decisions represents unilateral decision of the RS to terminate the Dayton Peace Agreement (Dnevni avaz)


SDA stated that the adoption of the Law on Non-Implementation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Constitutional Court’s (CC) Decisions in the Republika Srpska (RS) by the RS National Assembly (RSNA) represents a unilateral decision of the RS to terminate the Dayton Peace Agreement. “This brings B&H into a dangerous state of legal anarchy and destabilization of all possible situations, including the security situation. SDA asks the OHR to react urgently by removing all those responsible for this act. We ask the Peace Implementation Council and the witness states of the Dayton Peace Agreement to finally take decisive and concrete steps and thereby send a clear message that the RS entity cannot exist with this behaviour of its ruling structures. Today's act is also a criminal act. We demand from the Prosecutor's Office of B&H to stop ignoring the attacks on the constitutional and legal order of B&H and urgently prosecute those responsible. MPs in RSNA cannot invoke immunity, because the goal of immunity cannot be the protection of criminal activities. We ask the representatives of the pro-Bosnian parties in power at the state level to stop burying their heads in the sand, relativizing RS President Milorad Dodik's moves and pretending that nothing is happening. It is their constitutional obligation to take all necessary steps in order to protect the constitutional and legal order of B&H. We once again point out to those responsible in the international community that their previous indecision has only encouraged Milorad Dodik, who is apparently leading B&H and the entire region into destabilization”, SDA stated.


B&H Presidency member Denis Becirovic said it is high time to take concrete moves to protect sovereign B&H, warning that Dodik’s attack on the B&H CC is “a brutal attack on DPA”. Becirovic reminded that Dodik said several times his goal is the Greater Serbia and that he has a concrete plan for breaking up B&H. “The European Union (EU) should as soon as possible stop Milorad Dodik, who with his separatist moves endangers the peace process in B&H. The West must not tolerate his legal violence. The Office of High Representative (OHR) is at a historic turning point, and the High Representative (Christian Schmidt) must, in shortest time possible, sanction the destroyers of DPA”, Becirovic was quoted as saying.


US Embassy to B&H reacts to RSNA adopting Law on Non-Implementation of B&H CC Decisions: RSNA carried out reckless attack on Dayton Peace Agreement (Dnevni avaz)


The US Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) has reacted to the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) adopting Tuesday the Law on Non-Implementation of the B&H Constitutional Court (CC) decisions in the RS. Statement reads: “The RNSA today carried out a reckless attack on the Dayton Peace Agreement and the B&H Constitution it established. No amount of political rhetoric or misinformation can alter the fundamental fact that Article III (3) of the Dayton Constitution clearly states that the RS must fully comply with the decisions of the institutions of B&H, which includes final and binding rulings of the B&H Constitutional Court. The RS cannot unilaterally nullify this obligation; nor can it legally ignore B&H CC decisions. As we have said before, Serbs are an integral part of a multi-ethnic B&H and have a role to play in shaping the country’s institutions and future. This is enshrined in the Dayton Peace Agreement. If Mr. Dodik prevents the RSNA from nominating two judges to the B&H CC, then the Court will reach decisions without the benefit of two judges selected from the RS. Mr. /RS President Milorad) Dodik’s actions will have deprived residents of the RS of a voice within a state-level institution provided for in the Dayton Peace Agreement. This is foolish and irresponsible, but it is certainly consistent with Mr. Dodik’s other efforts to deprive RS residents of their fundamental freedoms of press, speech, and assembly. Mr. Dodik will no doubt repeat his banal and false claims that the B&H CC and its decisions are illegitimate, anti-Serb, or anti-RS because the Court does not include two judges from the RS. This is transparently hypocritical given his refusal to allow any nominations to go forward. In this context, if anyone’s actions are anti-RS or anti-Serb, it is Mr. Dodik’s. The RSNA leadership shares the blame for facilitating Mr. Dodik’s unconstitutional and anti-Dayton attacks on the B&H CC. The United States strongly supports the territorial integrity, sovereignty, and multiethnic character of B&H, and it will continue to hold individuals engaged in anti-Dayton behaviour responsible for their action”.


EU Spokesperson Massrali: Decisions of B&H Constitutional Court must be respected (


EU Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Nabila Massrali reacted to the decision of the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) to adopt the Law on Non-Implementation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Constitutional Court’s (CC) Decisions in the RS. Massrali stated that the authority and the integrity of the B&H CC as B&H’s highest judicial authority is unquestionable, and its decisions, which are final and binding in the whole country, must be respected. “The RSNA has no authority to decide not to apply the decisions of the B&H’s CC. Yesterday’s vote to render CC of B&H’s decisions inapplicable in the RS is therefore without legal basis. The vote marks a clear departure from the expectations that accompanied the granting of EU candidate status. Suspending cooperation on achieving EU key priorities is regrettable and completely contrary to the wishes and interests of all citizens of B&H”, Massrali noted. Her statement further notes that the EU has consistently demonstrated that it is a loyal partner to B&H with an unequivocal commitment to the country and its EU accession perspective as a single, united and sovereign country.


EU Spokesperson for the Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Peter Stano stated that the RSNA does not have competences to decide on non-implementation of B&H CC’s decisions and Tuesday’s vote on non-implementation of B&H CC’s decisions in the RS is therefore legally unfounded. The vote marks a clear departure from the expectations that accompanied the granting of EU candidate status. Suspending cooperation on achieving EU key priorities is regrettable and completely contrary to the wishes and interests of all citizens of B&H”, Stano stressed. The European Union (EU) conveyed that suspending cooperation on achieving EU key priorities is regrettable and completely contrary to the wishes and interests of all citizens of B&H.


OHR: RSNA decisions are illegal; Dodik is first and foremost responsible for this (Nova BH)


At its special session held on Tuesday, the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) adopted Law on Non-Implementation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Constitutional Court’s (CC) Decisions in the RS. The OHR published a statement on its official Twitter, stating: “RSNA's attempt to undermine the authority of the B&H CC is an unacceptable offence against the Dayton Peace Agreement, a serious challenge to the rule of law in the RS, and an assault on the constitutional order of B&H. These decisions are illegal. Milorad Dodik is first and foremost responsible for this. The RS has to respect its obligations under the Dayton Peace Agreement - this means fully respecting the constitutional and legal order of B&H. The High Representative Christian Schmidt offers political cooperation to all stakeholders in the RS in order to help the RSNA fulfil its legal duty, under the condition of full compliance with the Dayton Peace Agreement. The first step can be the rejection of such bizarre and adventurous undermining of Dayton, and Dayton institutions, by Milorad Dodik. Our common priority is a prosperous future for all in B&H and making sure their will is reflected in the outcome of free democratic elections.”


“This is a reaction, not action. We were not the ones that changed the rules, and we are not acting inappropriately towards the Constitution, but the CC is”, emphasized RS President Milorad Dodik.


Dodik responds to US Embassy’s criticism: RS did nothing that would violate the Dayton Peace Agreement (Nova BH)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik responded to the official statement of the US Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), following Tuesday’s special RS National Assembly (RSNA) session. Dodik stated that RS did nothing that would violate the Dayton Peace Agreement, and that US Ambassador in B&H Michael Murphy’s attempts to scare them will not work. He further commented: “Their statements about choosing RS judges to sit there and do nothing, fits what Michael Murphy was saying before. If they can make decisions and make us look stupid, they can try. I would not recommend them to make decisions regarding the B&H Constitutional Court (B&H CC). I feel that our approach was very rational, as we want to sit down after 25 or 20 years, and have the foreign judges leave the B&H CC, so we can talk about properly protecting the B&H Constitution, which is not anti-Dayton behaviour but responsible behaviour from our side.  This speculative and fanatic behaviour of Murphy, who knows everything here- where the gas line should go, who should own it, who should be the director, constantly meddling in all internal issues in B&H – is allowed by the Muslims, but RS will not allow it. He is not welcome in RS, as you know we have strategies and measures that dictate that we are not to meet with USA representatives in B&H.”


Dodik said that the RS has not violated the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) with anything and US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy’s attempts at intimidation will not succeed, who “fully revealed his face’’ by every time reacting to the detriment of the RS. “(High Representative) Christian Schmidt’s opinion is similar to the Americans’. B&H does not have the High Representative and it is high time that Schmidt stops dealing with our institutions and our decisions”, Dodik was quoted as saying. Dodik stated: “The RS said that after 30 years it wants to have a Law on the CC. When you are ready, we will talk, however the American ambassador is comfortable with this kind of undefined situation. If anyone is the champion of the world in collapsing the Dayton Peace Agreement, it is the American Embassy in B&H and the current ambassador who are trying to impose some of their opinions for the centralization of B&H.”


Cvijanovic: Actions of Constitutional Court of B&H and position of US Embassy in B&H that decisions can be made without Serbs laid bare all secret plans (Nezavisne)


Reacting to the position of the US Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) which called the adoption of the Law on Non-Application of Decisions of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H in the Territory of the RS in the RS National Assembly (RSNA) a reckless attack on the Dayton Peace Agreement and the Constitution of B&H, B&H Presidency Chairwoman Zeljka Cvijanovic said that actions of the B&H CC and the position of the US Embassy in B&H that decisions can be made without Serbs laid bare all secret plans. “What the National Assembly has proposed is not an attack on B&H or the Dayton Agreement, but an extended hand to reach good legal solutions that will make every citizen of this country proud. The RS wants a CC of B&H that will do its job, without talks of outvoting or functioning without members of one people,” Cvijanovic emphasized.


Viskovic calls position of US Embassy in B&H that it is Serbs' fault that there are no Serb judges in Constitutional Court of B&H as impudent (Nezavisne)


Commenting on the position of the US Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) which called the adoption of the Law on Non-Application of Decisions of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H in the Territory of the RS in the RS National Assembly (RSNA) a reckless attack on the Dayton Peace Agreement and the Constitution of B&H, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic called the position of the US Embassy in B&H that it is the Serbs' fault that there are no Serb judges in the B&H CC as impudent. Viskovic recalled that judges of the B&H CC held the disputable plenary session “on the order of those same ones”, and thus they scheduled the session of the RSNA. Viskovic stated that the statement according to which it is the RS’ fault that there are no Serb judges at B&H CC is arrogant given that Zlatko Knezevic is still a judge at B&H CC, stressing that the session of B&H CC at which the disputable rulebook’s article was amended was held at the order of foreigners.


UK Embassy: RSNA session endorsed an illegal and reckless move which has no legal standing (Nova BH)


At its special session held on Tuesday, the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) adopted Law on Non-Implementation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Constitutional Court’s (CC) Decisions in the RS. This law will enter into force in urgent procedure, namely on Wednesday. The UK Embassy in B&H published a statement on its official Twitter, condemning the decision: “Yesterday’s RSNA session endorsed an illegal and reckless move which has no legal standing in B&H. The Dayton Peace Agreement and the B&H Constitution make very clear the primacy of the Constitution and of the B&H CC. The ruling RS coalition cannot unilaterally rewrite the fundamental basis of the country. No entity has the right or ability to question the supremacy and integrity of B&H CC…This is the core of the Dayton Peace Agreement. RS’s elected representatives have chosen to prevent people in RS from having their voice in B&H CC. This is an unwise move which will only benefit those playing political games at the expense of peoples’ lives.”


Russian Embassy says decisions of RSNA are logical (Nova BH)


At its special session held on Tuesday, the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) adopted Law on Non-Implementation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Constitutional Court’s (CC) Decisions in the RS. This law will enter into force in urgent procedure, namely on Wednesday. The Russian Embassy in B&H posted a statement on their official Facebook, commenting on the special RSNA session held on Tuesday. It states: “The decision of RSNA not to apply the decisions of B&H CC on the territory of the entity was a logical result of the unjustified actions of the B&H CC itself…The forced decision of RSNA provides a basis for finding a constructive way out of the situation, which means the beginning of the work of the Parliamentary Assembly of B&H on the Law on the B&H CC…In our opinion, passing such a law in the spirt of dialogue, mutual respect and compromise without external influence will become a confirmation of B&H maturity… Arguments that RS allegedly blocks the appointment of Serb members of B&H CC are seen as frivolous and fabricated.”


The Embassy of the Russian Federation in B&H also spoke out, stressing that it considers the decision of the RSNA to adopt the Law on Non-Application of the Decisions of the B&H CC in the RS logical and forced. The Russian Embassy in B&H also considers the RSNA’s decision as basis for the adoption of a new law on the B&H CC, in which there would no longer be foreign judges.


The Russian Embassy issued a statement, noting that Russian Embassy believes that the reaction of the RSNA, which limited the activities of the CC on its territory, is a logical result of the actions of the CC. “Judging by the haste in which Article 39 of the Rules of the CC of B&H was repealed, we do not rule out external influence on the members of the Court. Arguments that RS allegedly blocks the appointment of Serb judges of the CC are frivolous. It depends only on the RSNA when and who will be elected as members of the CC. This is its legal right”, concluded the embassy.




Croatian President: EU decision-making must remain based on unanimity (Hina)


President Zoran Milanovic on Wednesday emphasised the importance of unanimity in decision-making in the European Union to prevent small countries such as Croatia being marginalised and outvoted in taking important decisions.


“We need to be ready to defend our interests in given circumstances and not allow ourselves to be marginalised. This is an important topic. The European Union has its ways of decision-making. As for security and defence, which is the foundation of a state, decision-making is based on the principle of unanimity, and there is no outvoting. These rules have been in place in the EU for decades and it was under these rules that we and all other states joined the EU,” Milanovic said at a graduation ceremony for new army officers at the Military Academy in Zagreb.


He noted that some large member states were exerting pressure to change this principle and make decisions by a majority or a large majority of votes, which would mean that decisions would be made by the largest states. “I am against it and will fight against it because I consider it a deceit, a betrayal of why we joined the EU and harmful to the Croatian national interests,” the president said. “We are a small nation, but not a secondary one. You are the only army in the present-day European Union and NATO whose predecessors had to fight with arms, without anyone’s help, to create this state. Our country comes first to us, everything else in which we participate — the European Union, NATO — requires our loyalty, but only after Croatia. Croatia comes first and we protect it,” Milanovic said. He noted that the Croatian army is not politicised. “The Croatian army knows and feels the difference between the army and politics because it is led by senior officers who are aware of the army’s role, and that is defence of the country,” the president said.




Milatovic: Region remains committed to cooperation and European future: Pendarovski: EU membership the main requirement for progress (CDM)


With the summit, we’re finishing a successful one-year presidency over the Southeast European Cooperation Process Summit. The number of high-ranking officials who came to the summit confirms the success of Montenegrin presidency, stated the President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic. “Economic cooperation, fight against organized crime, approach to justice, human rights, freedom of media and more efficient response of the region to global challenges were in the spotlight of the initiative,” he said. According to him, three years ago, the first democratic change of power happened in Montenegro.


His North Macedonian counterpart, Stevo Pendarovski, thanked Mr Milatovic for the warm welcome. “Good neighbourly relations, stability and security are the top priorities for our region. The main condition for the region’s progress is EU membership. See you next year in Skopje,” Mr Pendarovski said, among other things.


Plenkovic: Croatia expects compensation for inmates, solution to be found for Jadran, the Prevlaka peninsula… (CDM)


Croatia expects Montenegro to prosecute war crimes against Croats in that country, to resolve the issue of compensation for camp inmates and all other open issues with that country, the Croatian Prime Minister, Andrej Plenkovic, said following a bilateral meeting with Montenegrin President, Jakov Milatovic, on Tuesday in Podgorica. The Prime Minister discussed with Milatovic the compensation for inmates, 14 more missing Croats and the need to prosecute war crimes, as well as the border issue and Jadran – a former Royal Yugoslav military training ship, the HINA news agency announced. “We expect the Montenegrin prosecution to open up procedures they still haven’t opened,” Mr Plenkovic said. He noted that the newly elected president “understood the seriousness of that topic” and that he promised to make an “additional effort” to solve them. According to him, the two countries should solve the border issue bilaterally. Following the South-east European Cooperation Process Summit (SEECP), the Croatian Prime Minister met with representatives of the Croatian community and companies in Montenegro.


I’m going to visit Belgrade in early July, Milatovic (CDM)


President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic, stated that he’s going to pay an official visit to Belgrade in early July. He also recalled that he paid his first official visit to Brussels thus aiming to send a message that the topmost priority of Montenegro’s foreign policy was to accelerate the European agenda.


“After that visit, like I said, I’m going to visit Belgrade in the first half of July. We would thus put a focus on what’s the first next priority of our foreign policy – normalization of relations in the region and reinforcement of good neighbourly relations in all countries of the region, including Serbia, which is one of the most important economic partners of Montenegro in that sense,” President Milatovic told the press on the occasion of today’s Summit of the Southeast European Cooperation Process (SEECP) in Podgorica.


Constitutional Court strikes down amendments to President Law by unanimous decision (CDM)


At Wednesday session of the Constitutional Court, amendments to the President Law were unanimously overturned. The President Law was adopted in December 2022. The Constitutional Court, comprising Budimir Scepanovic (president) and judges – Snezana Armenko, Dragana Djuranovic, Milodrag Gogic, Desanka Lopicic and Momirka Tesic unanimously ruled that the amendments to the President Law were unconstitutional.


“Provisions of Article 7.b paragraph 1, Article 7.f paragraph 1, Article 7.h paragraph 2, 4 and 5 and Article 24.a of the Law on President of Montenegro are suspended,” the court says.


The initiative for assessing the constitutionality of the disputed law was launched by the advisor of the former President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, for the constitutional system and legal matters, Boris Bastijancic, and the NGO ‘Centre for Democratic Transition’.


Commenting on the decision of the Constitutional Court to annul the disputed provisions of the President Law, The President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic said that he was glad that the final decision had finally been made.


North Macedonia


Pendarovski: Our path to Europe is clear, new Bulgarian demands not allowed (MIA)


Our path to Europe is clear - the Negotiating Framework that we adopted last year. In this regard, new demands from Bulgaria are not allowed, said President Stevo Pendarovski on Wednesday. President Pendarovski was quizzed by reporters over the statements of Bulgarian counterpart Rumen Radev who said that the constitutional amendments are only the preliminary prerequisite for the accession negotiations, with other conditions to follow. Pendarovski said he briefly met with Radev during his visit to Podgorica earlier in the week, but failed to speak on the topic, noting that the Bulgarian President's statement "recycles the old Bulgarian story". "Today, the EU is celebrating 30 years of the Copenhagen Criteria, which represents the main set of criteria for Union accession. Therefore, I believe Bulgaria is the last country in the EU that should lecture us on what the Copenhagen Criteria represent, considering that Bulgaria is a member-state of the Council of Europe that has shown the least respect to the decisions of the European Human Rights Court. We know very well what the Copenhagen Criteria represent, and I am certain that Macedonia is the best prepared candidate in the history of the EU at the time of the start of accession negotiations," said Pendarovski.


Marichikj: Copenhagen Criteria best way to reform, should remain only condition for EU accession (MIA)


The Copenhagen Criteria are realistically the best way for the Western Balkans to protect itself from populism and the best way to transform our societies, said Deputy Prime Minister in charge of European affairs, Bojan Marichikj, who upon the invitation of the Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lars Lokke Rasmussen, participated in a Conference on Wednesday, marking the 30th anniversary of the Copenhagen Criteria.


“The Copenhagen Criteria are the main guide we have in the EU accession negotiations and for the transformation of our societies. I believe that it was precisely the Copenhagen Criteria that aided my country during the difficult period of political crises from 2014 until 2017, because these criteria were embedded in our system and our Constitution much more, and in a more meaningful way than before,” said Marichikj at the panel dedicated to the EU candidate member states, their challenges, opportunities and ways forward.


The Deputy PM touched upon criteria which aren’t a part of the original version of the Copenhagen Criteria and noted that the Western Balkans is not yet a part of the EU because it is surrounded by EU countries, because it doesn’t have access to the Black Sea and because it doesn’t border Russia.


“The absorption capacities, the geostrategic importance and the open disputes with the neighboring countries seem to be more important than the Copenhagen Criteria. This is something over which we must be honest and open during the next enlargement,” Marichikj said in front of the former and current Danish politicians.


The other speakers at the panel titled “The role of the Copenhagen Criteria in the reform processes of the Western Balkans” were Tanja Miscevic, Minister of European Integration of the Republic of Serbia, Megi Fino, Deputy Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of Albania, and Michela Matuella, Acting Director for Western Balkans at the EU Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement.


According to the Secretariat for European Affairs, the panellists touched upon the role of the Copenhagen Criteria in the Euro-integration process from the perspective of the Western Balkan countries, with a focus on the challenges during the implementation of the reforms necessary for the fulfilment of the Criteria, opportunities for progress and the various scenarios on the best and fastest path to EU membership.


Gov’t determined to conclude constitutional changes process before second IGC, says PM (MIA)


We are determined to conclude the constitutional amendments process before the beginning of the second intergovernmental conference. The Government and all coalition partners are committed to this. I urge the opposition MPs to be guided by the interests of the citizens, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski at a joint press conference with Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin.


“The constitutional amendments have already been drafted in the Ministry of Justice. The Government is leading a process of consultations and we are determined to conclude this process before the beginning of the second intergovernmental conference. I once again urge the opposition MPs to be led by the interests of the citizens that have elected them. Everything else would mean isolation instead of integration,” said Kovachevski in answer to a journalist’s question.


The constitutional amendments, said Kovachevski, do not represent an identity issue, since, he said, these issues have already been solved in the Negotiating Framework and all other documents that are a part of it.


“We have a fully protected Macedonian language and identity, and this is being recognized by all our partners, especially Germany who adopted a Resolution in the Bundestag. We need to adopt the constitutional amendments by the end of the screening process in order to avoid bringing the process to a halt. For the first time we find ourselves in a situation in which we are being vetoed from inside, instead of outside the country. Which is why I urge the MPs to support this process, because this isn’t a process led by a single person, Government or political party, but because this is a broad societal process that fulfills a goal necessary for the country,” stressed Kovachevski.


The Prime Minister stressed that the EU integration should not be less important than the political rating or career of any politician in the country. Regarding the relations with Bulgaria, Kovachevski recalled that last week he held a phone call with the new Bulgarian Prime Minister, and that the Macedonian ministers have held meetings with their Bulgarian counterparts. “You can see that all news have been positive. Very soon the Foreign Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of European affairs will meet with their Bulgarian counterparts,” said Kovachevski. With this, according to the Prime Minister, a path has opened to return to the positive dialogue and topics important for the future of the citizens and their daily lives. “Our region,” stressed Kovachevski, “needs politicians that will provide solutions, and not politicians who criticize on a daily basis and are focused on questions from the past.”


Kovachevski: New chapter has begun on country’s EU path, up to us to use this historic opportunity (MIA)


A new chapter has begun on North Macedonia’s European path, the end goal is full-fledged EU membership and now this depends only on us, this is a historic chance and we mustn’t miss it, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski at a joint press conference Wednesday with his host, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.


“With the beginning of negotiations and the screening process, as well as the signing of the Frontex agreement, last year we received a complete affirmation of our commitments to a European future, and we received a confirmation that the Macedonian language is protected and on equal footing with the other languages of the EU,” said Kovachevski.


This Government, said the PM, has made a lot of difficult decisions, and has demonstrated leadership and courage, while the beginning of negotiations is a basis and an opportunity for a better future. The Prime Minister thanked the Chancellor for his support and commitment, but also for the support provided through the Resolution adopted by the Bundestag. “With the adopted Resolution,” he added, "Berlin gives us additional incentive for further intensification of the reform agenda in all areas of our society." “Now the next step remains, the constitutional amendments, which will be submitted to Parliament and to our 120 MPs. I expect them to demonstrate statesmanlike behaviour, be up to the task and adopt a decision that will enable a better future, for us and for the future generations,” underlined Kovachevski.


The EU is the country's only goal, said the PM, stressing that there is no, nor will there ever be, a better agreement than the one North Macedonia has received. "This is why we will have to walk down the EU path, even though it won’t be easy. We have to fulfil the strategic goal that we set 30 years ago – full-fledged EU membership. We have to enable our citizens, future generations to live in the EU, proud that they are Macedonians, with a Macedonian language and identity, and most importantly, richer and with a better standard of living than today," stressed the PM.


Kovachevski stressed that this development will inevitably happen and pointed to the countries who underwent serious growth and development after joining the EU as an example.  “Whether we get there depends only on us now. We mustn’t miss this historic chance that we have, and we have to vote for Europe, for our future and the future of our children. Which is why, I would like to once again reaffirm our European vision and perspective. The European values which we share with our German friends are our future. We, together with the EU, are united in diversity,” said the Prime Minister at the press conference. Prime Minister Kovachevski stressed that apart from being North Macedonia’s key political partner, Germany is also the country’s top economic partner. “In the past three decades of intensive cooperation, we have established and maintain a trade exchange which in 2022 stood at EUR 3.2 billion. Around 50 percent of North Macedonia’s total exports are to Germany,” said the PM.


Scholz: There shouldn’t be any new conditions for N. Macedonia’s EU accession talks (MIA)


North Macedonia’s accession process should be regular based on what is agreed on paper and there should not be any new conditions related to the bilateral situation, said German Chancellor Olaf Scholz at a joint press conference Wednesday with Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski who is on a two-day official visit to the Federal Republic of Germany.


“I will be clear. This has been explicitly agreed, and it should be a regular accession process based on the procedures managed by the EU. Those are things which are already on paper, and any other things related to the bilateral situation shouldn’t appear. I guarantee this,” said Chancellor Scholz in answer to a journalist’s question to comment on whether he finds the statement of Bulgarian President Rumen Radev that the constitutional amendments are only a preliminary condition for the country, acceptable. Scholz noted that the constitutional amendments are of central importance when it comes to North Macedonia’s EU path, and that Germany takes the EU perspective of the country very seriously.


Germany takes North Macedonia’s EU perspective seriously. The constitutional amendments are of central importance now, in order to unlock the country’s EU accession path, said German Chancellor Olaf Scholz at a joint press conference Wednesday with Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski. “Germany takes the EU perspective of the Western Balkan countries seriously, and this especially applies to North Macedonia. We have great respect for the Macedonian identity, language and history and the great efforts made by North Macedonia on its path to the EU. The constitutional changes are now of central importance. Many things depend on them, I know this isn’t a simple step, but it is necessary in order to unlock the country’s EU path. Therefore, I would like to encourage North Macedonia to continue down the path of reforms. Reforms are not abstract demands, and even now, they positively impact the citizens,” said Scholz.


The German Chancellor also touched upon the Berlin Process, underlining that the initiative has a lot of potential and announced the next summit, to be held on October 18 in Tirana.


“Last year the process was given a new impulse with the agreements signed that brought us closer to the goal of a common regional market. We want to progress this year as well. I am glad that the summit will be held on October 18 in Tirana, i.e., it will be held in the region for the first time. I consider this summit especially important due to the current tensions between Kosovo and Serbia. It would be a welcome opportunity for Serbia and Kosovo to concentrate fully on normalizing their relations with the implementation of the Ohrid Agreement,” said Scholz.


VMRO-DPMNE not accepting constitutional revision under Bulgarian dictate, says vice-president (MIA)


We remain on the position that the constitutional revision under the current circumstances and under Bulgarian dictate are unacceptable for VMRO-DPMNE. This is the position of the party bodies, the MP group, a stance adopted by consensus after discussion within the party, says VMRO-DPMNE vice-president Timcho Mucunski.


Mucunski told TV24 that the Government of SDSM and DUI had decided to undertake tasks beyond its jurisdiction in the relations with Bulgaria.


"Despite all warnings, the Government decided to undertake a task beyond its jurisdiction under the Constitution and the laws. Now this decision requires consensus, and it is not 'take it or leave it', because if they wanted to consider VMRO-DPMNE's position, then they should have done that at the time when such a solution was negotiated. We all know that consensus was reached among key political stakeholders in neighboring Bulgaria regarding the decision that was offered," says Mucunski.


He adds that VMRO-DPMNE will not feel responsible as a political party if the constitutional revision fails. "The pressure lies with the Government, because the parliamentary majority was the one who decided to start this adventure and they are now under increasing pressure because they undertook a task they cannot deliver. Therefore, the pressure is not on VMRO-DPMNE but the ruling majority. We cannot feel any responsibility as a political entity for something we did not negotiate or were informed of," says Mucunski.


Pentagon: Rule of law important for North Macedonia's resilience, regional and global security (CDM, VOA)


It is important for regional and global security that North Macedonia focuses on democracy and rule of law, U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for European and NATO Policy, Spencer Boyer, told Voice of America in Macedonian.


Asked whether corruption in North Macedonia is a threat to the country's national security, Deputy Assistant Secretary Boyer says the Pentagon believes that the rule of law and democracy are important for having strong systems in place to be resilient and contribute to regional and global security.


"I will leave it to my State Department colleagues to talk about politics and the political efforts that we have with North Macedonia. What I can say from the Defense Department side is that we see our relationship growing and as a real foundation for the overall bilateral relationship. Of course, we care about democracy and rule of law overall, for all of our allies and partners. We see that focusing on those things and having strong democracies as important for having strong systems in place to be resilient, to contribute more broadly to regional and global security, to be good partners with each other. That is always important," says Boyer.


According to him, North Macedonia's membership in the European Union is important for the broader security and stability, with the U.S. supporting the country's Euro-integration, while adding that the EU decides on the pace of accession. "I won't get into the specifics of the relationship between Bulgaria and North Macedonia on specific policy issues. I will leave that to others to do, but what I would say about the European Union and North Macedonia's aspirations to be a member, that is something that we fully support. Of course, it is up to the European Union to make its own decisions about membership, but we do see the process of moving towards EU membership, broader Euro-Atlantic integration, to build on North Macedonia's accession to NATO in 2022, as important," notes Boyer.


On whether the possible further delay of the accession process on one hand and the Kosovo-Serbia tensions on the other should serve as an alarm for the EU, considering the risk of further escalation, he says there is always a chance for things to intensify, adding that the U.S. is doing everything and working with North Macedonia and others to stabilize the region. He adds that the United States appreciates what North Macedonia has done regarding its contribution with troops in the NATO mission in Kosovo.


The U.S. and North Macedonia signed last month a 10-year roadmap for defense cooperation, with Boyer saying it includes bilateral and regional cooperation and policy, defense modernization, cooperation over cyberattacks and countering disinformation. He also praises the support and assistance that North Macedonia is providing to Ukraine. "We appreciate what North Macedonia is doing for regional security, for European security, being such a terrific ally in terms of our trans-Atlantic security bond, and really helping us to push back against the Russian aggression and support Ukraine in a very important time. Because what happens in Ukraine now is not just important for Europe and the trans-Atlantic community but for the global community as well," underlines Deputy Assistant Secretary Boyer.




Borrell: Albania is making progress on its journey towards EU integration (Radio Tirana)


The High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell declared today that Albania has made progress on its journey towards EU integration.


"Albania has made progress in its progress towards the EU and they are determined to continue with the negotiations. The process relies heavily on the commitment of the government and the Albanian people. I have emphasized in the discussion with the Prime Minister, that we must cooperate with all interest groups at this critical moment, essential for Albania's membership in the EU", Borrell declared from Brussels during a joint press conference with Prime Minister Edi Rama.


The High Representative of the EU said that he was also happy to see that Albania has been in full harmony with the EU policy in terms of security. He emphasized that this has made Albania the target of cyber-attacks, while he assured that Albania will always have the support of the EU in this regard. "I am very happy to see that Albania has been in full harmony with the EU's security policy, restrictive measures, in line with our values. This has made Albania a very good partner. I am aware that this position makes Albania a target, but it is important that Albania will always have the support of the EU in this aspect. We are also working in several aspects to increase the resistance of Albania and also of the entire EU region and the Western Balkans, as far as countermeasures against cyber-attacks are concerned," Borrell declared.


Situation in the North of Kosovo/ Borrell: The parties to approve the roadmap put on the table in Brussels (Radio Tirana)


The High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, during a joint press conference with Prime Minister Edi Rama, from Brussels, appealed to the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia to find a way to avoid the escalation of the situation and approve the roadmap that was put on the table last week in Brussels. "We also discussed the dialogue for peace in Pristina. Thank you, Mr. Prime Minister, for your efforts and commitment to find a solution! I made it clear yesterday, in Luxembourg, that the parties must find a way to avoid the escalation of the situation and approve the roadmap that was put on the table last week, in Brussels," Borrell said. The High Representative of the EU also emphasized that this situation requires taking measures quickly and immediately. "This situation requires us to take measures quickly, urgently. The member states agree with this urgency and have lost patience in front of this situation which is getting worse and worse and requires immediate intervention”, Borrell added. Borrell also appreciated the commitment and support of Prime Minister Rama for the dialogue that is taking place in Kosovo. I am happy that we are working with you", Borrell was quoted as saying.


Situation in Kosovo should not escalate, Kurti and Vucic mustn’t leave without an agreement (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama appraised from Brussels the good management of the situation of the three Kosovo police officers that were taken in hostage, while pointing out that it is time to make immediate interventions so that the situation does not escalate. In a joint press conference with the High Representative of the European Union, Josep Borrell, after the meeting one-to-one meeting, Rama appreciated sharing the same opinions on what is so disturbing.


"It has to do with the entire stability of the region, but at the same time with progress, regional progress, because we are part of a region that has suffered a lot in the past, which cannot afford another disadvantage, while events are interconnected closely with each other. We cannot look at our home, our doorstep, do our homework, without taking into account what is happening with the neighboring countries and what devastating effects the escalation of the situation may have not only for Kosovo and Serbia, but also for the entire region", underlined Rama.


The head of Albanian government expressed appreciation too on the sharing of more and more evidence and on what looks a loosing of patience by the EU member states, as well as raising concerns. Rama said to truly hope that the conference that will take place with the leaders of both the parties will collect enough attention to bring leaders from both sides, from EU member states and the US, so not to allow leaving the conference without reaching a common agreement.


“If we do not achieve this, the consequences will be sad for all of us," précised Rama. "We've done a lot with the Berlin Process, we've made a lot of progress with our initiatives, we can't let the whole castle we've built so far collapse from such an absurd development, which is based on such absurd claims," Rama continued underscoring. Rama further noted to feel good while hearing good words about the screening process, as a result of the reforms developing in Albania, in respect to the country’s EU accession negotiation process.

Rama in Brussels, meeting with the EC President, Ursula Von der Leyen (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama, during his visit to Brussels, held a meeting with the president of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen. In a post on social networks, after the meeting, the president of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, said that she and Rama discussed progress on Albania's EU membership path and the new growth plan for the Western Balkans. According to her, this will bring the region and the EU closer and promote the prosperity of the EU's partners.


"Very good meeting with Prime Minister Edi Rama. We discussed progress on Albania's EU membership path and our new Growth Plan for the Western Balkans. This will bring the region and the EU closer and promote the prosperity of our partners," von der Leyen writes.


Prime Minister Edi Rama held a meeting with the President of the European Council, Charles Michel. Through a post on social networks, the head of government shared details from the meeting, as he emphasized that the de-escalation of tensions in Kosovo is necessary for the finalization of the agreement for the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia.


"The necessity of immediate de-escalation, which is the right way towards the final stage of the Dialogue for the Normalization Agreement between Kosovo and Serbia, must be clearly understood by both sides as a major obligation to the entire region, which cannot is taken hostage by no one", Prime Minister Edi Rama said.


After the letter sent to the French President and the German Chancellor for a new impetus from the EU for the implementation of the Franco-German plan as a solution to the Kosovo-Serbia tensions, Prime Minister Edi Rama travelled to Brussels to meet with the President of the European Council, Charles Michel and the president of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen.


Rama at NATO conference talks about Kosovo: Any escalation there can bring a catastrophic end! (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama was part of a conference with the Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg. In his speech, Stoltenberg said that despite Wagner's revolt, Russia should not be underestimated and should continue with support for Ukraine. The prime minister of the Netherlands, Belgium and Norway as well as the President of Romania, Poland and Lithuania were also present at the conference. At the joint press conference with Prime Minister Edi Rama, his counterpart from the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, said that Putin's plan is failing. "The path that Ukraine has taken is the same that we have taken against Russia. "Putin's plan is failing and with this aggression he remembered that he would fight us, but we know that we will stand firm for common security, with a defense on the eastern flank," Rutte said.


Albanian Prime Minister Rama, in his speech, focused on the tensions in the north of Kosovo, where he said that any escalation could bring a catastrophic end. "We can also discuss the disturbing situation in the Western Balkans, i.e. in the north of Kosovo, where a few days and weeks ago where KFOR soldiers were injured and we wish that logic prevails and the de-escalation is reduced because any escalation can bring a catastrophic end. And we don't want to see an end in the Western Balkans because we have done a lot of good work," Rama said.