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Belgrade Media Report 30 June



EU leaders demand an urgent de-escalation of the situation in the north of KiM, Borrell warns of the consequences (RTS)


At the summit in Brussels, EU leaders are asking Belgrade and Pristina to deescalate the situation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) and to return to the dialogue on the normalization of relations. EU High Representative Josep Borrell warns that parties that do not contribute to de-escalation will face consequences.


A long list of topics before EU leaders at the two-day summit - from support for Ukraine to the economy and relations with China. In the first part of the summit, EU leaders spoke with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. In a joint address to the media, Jens Stoltenberg and the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, call for de-escalation. "NATO strongly supports diplomatic efforts and dialogue with the mediation of the EU. We have increased the military presence of KFOR forces in KiM and call on all parties to de-escalate, refrain from all actions that can increase tensions and return to dialogue in good faith," Stoltenberg said.


Charles Michel advocated holding an international conference on KiM. "We support the idea of organizing a conference as soon as possible with the participation of some EU member states, in order to support mediation efforts, with close cooperation with the USA. In recent months, the difficulties have led to an escalation. Now is the time for a 'global approach' and clear steps towards normalization ", stated Charles Michel, President of the European Council.


High Representative Josep Borrell says he will brief leaders on mediation efforts and ask them to continue pressuring the parties to avoid further escalation. "Member countries agreed at the last ministerial meeting that they will take economic and political measures so that it is clear to the parties that if they do not contribute to calming the situation, it will have its price," Borrell said.


The conclusions of the summit, which should be adopted, call for an urgent de-escalation of the situation, the holding of new elections in the north and the implementation of the agreement on normalization, including the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO). A message of support for the membership of the Western Balkans in the EU was also sent.


Last night and today, EU leaders are discussing the continuation of military and economic aid to Ukraine, but also the situation in Russia after the rebellion of the "Wagner" group. Also on the table is the new common migration and asylum policy, recently adopted at the ministerial level.


Dacic: Norway decided to close the embassy in Pristina (RTS)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic stated that Norway decided to close the embassy in Pristina and added that this affected the Kosovo authorities. Minister Dacic says that he found out about the decision after a conversation with the State Secretary in the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Eivind Vad Petersson.


Speaking about the decision of the Prime Minister of provisional institutions of Pristina to declare two organizations terrorist, Dacic said that Kurti has no constant in the terms he uses, but that his only constant is the "general effort" to declare the whole of Serbia and the Serbian people a genocidal nation, that we are the ones who committed crimes and that we have to pay war reparations. "They thought they could do whatever they wanted without caring about the opinion of those who created them. The question is whether they are doing it alone or with the help of someone, and then the question is by who. It's like when you create a virus in a laboratory, and he starts to roam the world," said Dacic. He added that the recognition of Kosovo has opened a Pandora's box from which it is not known what will come out.


Dacic, as previously announced by his cabinet, received today the State Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway, Eivind Vad Petersson. The announcement states that in a cordial conversation, it was mutually assessed that the bilateral relations between the Republic of Serbia and the Kingdom of Norway are good and readiness for their further improvement in all areas of mutual interest was expressed. The satisfaction was expressed that there is a continuous political dialogue between the two countries, with the assessment that last year's visit of the President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, to the Kingdom of Norway opened a special chapter in the mutual relations between Serbia and Norway, says the announcement. During the talks, opinions were also exchanged on bilateral relations, European integration of Serbia and the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. On that occasion, State Secretary Eivind Vad Petersson advocated that all agreements reached by the Brussels Agreement be implemented.


The EC withdrew the invitation to Pristina for participation in the Digital Europe program (RTS)


The representatives of Pristina did not attend the signing of the agreement on participation in the Digital Europe program, because the European Commission withdrew the invitation for joining that program. This is one of the measures that Brussels is implementing against Pristina, reported the correspondent of Tanjug. That Agreement included cooperation with the countries of the Western Balkans, and it was signed on behalf of Serbia by the Minister of Information and Telecommunications, Mihailo Jovanovic.


The Agreement on the Program of the European Union, Digital Europe for the period 2021-2027, aims to strengthen international cooperation and support economic development with a special emphasis on small and medium-sized enterprises. That Program would enable legal entities of Serbia to participate in competitions for the awarding of grants in the areas of high-performance computing, artificial intelligence, advanced digital skills, development and best application of digital capacities and interoperability. On the basis of the agreement, legal entities and individuals with residence or headquarters in Serbia will be able to apply for financing of their projects in the European Union and will be in an equal position with entities from EU member states, which will greatly improve the conditions for work and development in areas of digitization. The total value of this seven-year program is estimated at 7.5 billion euros, of which 2.2 billion euros and 2.1 billion euros are allocated to the areas of high-performance computing and artificial intelligence.


US Ambassador says relations with Serbia complex (N1)


US Ambassador Christopher Hill said on Thursday that the US and Serbia are friends who have a complex relationship. Speaking in Serbian at an Independence Day reception, Hill said that sometimes one friend wants to talk about the past and the other about the future but that the important thing is to talk and continue forward in that spirit. Relations between Serbia and the United States are complex but getting better and they are very important for us, he said and added that those relations are needed to achieve peace, security and for the future.


Earlier on Thursday, Ambassador Hill attended a farewell ceremony for Serbian troops leaving for their first ever deployment with US forces with the Multinational Forces and Observers mission on the Sinai.


Our cooperation has deep roots and is based on mutual trust and values, the ambassador said adding that there will still be differences that some people will insist on but that the important thing is overcoming that kind of difficulty. Those differences can be small, and our mutual interests will resolve them, he said. According to the ambassador, things can get better. Serbia and the US want to achieve that goal, he said adding that time is crucial.


The reception was attended by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic who said in an Instagram post that he used the opportunity to ask Washington to use its authority to secure a dignified and peaceful life for the Kosovo Serbs. The reception was attended by Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and several members of her cabinet, including Internal Affairs Minister Bratislav Gasic, as well as a number of opposition leaders.


Vucic: Serbs in KiM are denied the very rights that are enshrined in the American Declaration of Independence (RTS)


President Aleksandar Vucic, on the occasion of the American Independence Day, said that the universal values and rights, woven into the Declaration of Independence of the USA, are precisely what were denied to the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM). President Vucic attended a reception at the residence of the US ambassador to Serbia, Christopher Hill, on the occasion of the American national holiday of Independence Day, July 4.


"I congratulated the US Embassy on Independence Day and pointed out that it is the right occasion for all of us to remember the universal values woven into the Declaration of Independence, which refer to the equality of all people and their inalienable rights to life and liberty," President Vucic said in the announcement on Instagram. Vucic emphasized that these rights are today denied to Serbs in KiM, and that he used this opportunity "to ask the USA to pledge its undoubted authority so that our people in KiM can have a dignified and peaceful life". "Serbia remains committed to peace, as well as strengthening the partnership with the USA, convinced that our old, historical alliance will gain new momentum in the years to come," emphasized Vucic.


Kosovo Govt: “Civil Defense,” “Northern Brigade” terrorist organizations (N1, Kossev)


On the proposal of Kosovo Internal Affairs Minister, the Kosovo Government decided to declare “Civil Defense” and “Northern Brigade” “terrorist organizations,” said the Pristina media, Kossev reported. The Kosovo Government adopted several decisions at its session held Thursday in Pristina, including the one on “Civil Defense” and “Northern Brigade,” reported Kossev.


Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said that, based on the assessments of Kosovo security institutions, these two organizations “present a serious and direct threat to the security and constitutional order of Kosovo.” Kosovo Internal Affairs Minister Xhelal Svecla, who attended the session, said the security institutions are working on identifying and responding to “threats against Kosovo’s security and constitutional order,” reported Koha. He stressed that terrorism and violent extremism are “one of the main concerns.”


“Within their mandates, the relevant institutions have identified several terrorist groups that are carrying out direct terrorist actions against Kosovo. These groups have been tolerated over the years. For more than two years, our legal decisions have been challenged with barricades, armed attacks on members of the Police, attacks on state facilities, attacks on political opponents, attacks on journalists and the like. The Interior Ministry is working on identifying these persons who have committed criminal acts,” Koha quoted Svecla as saying. He stressed that “bringing these groups to justice will ensure peace and security for the groups that have been threatened so far,” adding that the decision does not apply to the members of these organizations who were “amnestied” earlier.


The proposal was opposed by the Minister for Communities and Returns, Nenad Rasic who asked Svecla to reconsider it so as to avoid passing “hasty decisions.” Rasic was the only one who voted against the proposal.


State Department: Pristina's decision to declare terrorist organizations not made in coordination the US (Tanjug)


The decision of the Government of Kosovo to declare Civil Protection and the Northern Brigade as terrorist organizations was not made in coordination with the United States of America and other international partners, it was stated in the State Department's response to Voice of America. "It should have been coordinated with the closest international partners, including those whose primary responsibility is to ensure the stability of Kosovo. We again call on Kosovo to refrain from unilateral moves at a time when we are working with all parties to resolve the current crisis," the response stated.


It was also indicated that the US condemns, as indicated, the unacceptable violence against the troops of the NATO International Peacekeeping Mission in Kosovo (KFOR). "Those responsible for the attacks should be prosecuted - following the intended procedures and with full transparency," the State Department's response specified.


On Thursday, the government in Pristina declared the Civil Protection and the Northern Brigade terrorists, claiming that their members are responsible for the unrest in the north of Kosovo and Metohija and that they represent a threat to "constitutional order and security".


The Minister of Internal Affairs of the temporary institutions of Pristina, Xhelal Svecla, stated after the government session that Pristina coordinated the decision to declare the Civil Defense and the Northern Brigade as terrorist organizations with international partners. "We are continuously coordinating with all our allies, sometimes we agree, and sometimes we disagree. Without a doubt, we coordinated this step," Svecla said and added that he will share the details of that process with strategic partners over time.


Serb List: Kurti labelled non-existent organizations as terrorist (N1)


The Serb List reacted to the Kosovo Government decision to declare “Civil Defense” and “Northern Brigade” terrorist organizations. “The decision of (Kosovo Prime Minister) Albin Kurti’s regime to declare the non-existent ‘Civil Defense’ and ‘Northern Brigade’ terrorist organizations is part of the Kurti regime’s plan to create a fictitious, virtual enemy in order to justify the continuation of the political terror that it is carrying out with its special forces in the north of Kosovo and Metohija through unfounded arrests of innocent Serbs, harassment and intimidation of citizens,” said the Serb List. If it weren’t dangerous, “this action by Albin Kurti, (Kosovo Internal Affairs Minister) Xhelal Svecla and other Pristina ministers would be funny,” added the Serb List. “Still, the plans resulting from this decision indicate that, instead of de-escalation at the request of the entire international community and Serb people, Kurti is planning further escalation, repression and consolidation of the para-police, occupying power in the north of Kosovo and Metohija,” said the Serb List.  “The Northern Brigade is a virtual organization that exists in Kurti’s mind, and Civil Defense has been integrated for years, with its employees, into Kosovo’s institutions, and some of those employees are still paid salaries.”


Hovenier: We are surprised and worried about the actions of the government in Pristina (RTS)


The American ambassador in Pristina, Jeffrey Hovenier, said that the United States of America is very concerned because the government of Albin Kurti is not taking concrete steps to de-escalate the situation in the northern part of Kosovo, according to the three-point plan proposed by the European Union.


Jeffrey Hovenier reminded that the plan, in addition to the USA and the EU, is also supported by Great Britain, presenting them as "friends of Kosovo", who had "the biggest role in supporting Kosovo". "The countries and institutions that played a role in supporting Kosovo on this path are asking Kosovo, this government, to take some concrete actions and implement this three-point EU plan. We are surprised, it is difficult for us to understand why there is no positive response and it seems that there won't be," Hovenier said.


The international three-point plan requires the de-escalation of the situation in the north, the holding of new elections and a return to dialogue for the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, with the mediation of the European Union. Hovenier did not rule out other consequences for the government in Pristina if it does not respond to the demands of international partners. "It is clear that there will be some other consequences if we continue on this path where the Kosovo government does not respond to the demands of all its friends from all countries that have shown a decade or two of commitment to Kosovo taking its place in Europe and in the Euro-Atlantic structures," Hovenier said. He denied critical voices that the US is tougher on Pristina than on Belgrade, saying that authorities in Serbia are also being asked to implement a three-point plan.


Commenting on the deployment of special units of the Kosovo police to the northern municipalities, Hovenier believes that this is not the best way to keep the situation under control and stated, as he said, the concern of the citizens of the northern part about the large presence of police officers of the Kosovo special units.


Despite the disagreements, Hovenier said that the US considers Prime Minister Kurti as a partner, but as he said, Kurti should work to alleviate the situation and hold new elections in the four northern municipalities of Severna Mitrovica, Zvecan, Zubin Potok and Leposavic.

Hovenier added that the US expects the citizens of these four municipalities to go to the polls and that they are in talks with local Serbs in Kosovo, as well as with Belgrade officials.


The case of Sladjan Trajkovic before the Supreme Court in Pristina (RTS)


Lawyer Dejan Vasic submitted a request for protection of legality to the Supreme Court in Pristina, due to confirmation of the decision to extend the measure of judicial custody of his client Sladjan Trajkovic from Kosovska Mitrovica, suspected of the alleged commission of a war crime.


"From the beginning, the proceedings against Sladjan Trajkovic were conducted with gross violations of the law by the Special Prosecutor's Office by conducting an investigation without permission for the defense to attend the investigative proceedings," Vasic told RTS of one of the examples of violations of the law. He added that he asked the Supreme Court for a mitigation of the measure for his client, due to health reasons, and in accordance with the previous practice for those criminal acts against the inhabitants of Kosovo and Metohija.

Sladjan Trajkovic, a former policeman, was arrested last year in the northern part of Mitrovica on charges of allegedly committing war crimes.


Vucic, Nehammer and Orban next week in Vienna (RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban will meet at the end of next week in Vienna, at the third trilateral summit dedicated to the fight against illegal migration. For the first time, Karl Nehammer is the host of the trilateral summit of Serbia, Austria and Hungary, which was established in the autumn with the aim of combating irregular migration on the Balkan route. The meeting in Vienna will, as announced, be attended by the ministers of interior and foreign affairs of the three countries. Nehammer, Orban and Vucic met for the first time in this format in October in Budapest, and a month later in Belgrade.


Karl Nehammer, when it comes to the situation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), stated that Belgrade showed a pragmatic approach, and assessed that Pristina's moves were "guided by ideology". "It turned out that Serbia shows a pragmatic approach, while Kosovo's actions are guided by ideology. Even the protector of Albania showed dissatisfaction with the behaviour of the Kosovo government," Nehammer said during his address to the EU Committee in the Austrian Parliament, the Austrian Standard reports.  He assessed that the situation in Kosovo and Metohija is a "tricky topic" and stated that the Western Balkans deserve the full attention of the EU, that the European perspective of the region must be preserved, and that his country remains an "important partner" of the region.


Two opposition blocs seek help from international officials in improving electoral conditions in Serbia (Beta)


Two parliamentary groups, the United and the Green-Left Club - Don't Let Belgrade D(r)own, on June 29 sent a joint letter to, they said, international actors demanding more engagement of EU institutions in implementation of the recommendations they had offered in relation to democratizing Serbia. The parties also said they would not boycott elections, but stressed that "elections will be truly legitimate, only if a level playing field is created." The letter notes that the recommendations of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) election observation missions can be fully implemented only in a transparent process and far before the next election and calls on the international institutions which have supported these recommendations to help implement them at this critical time for Serbia.


"We call on them to help establish and facilitate a transparent process for ensuring the conditions for the next election. Without this help and a process which would ensure more equal conditions and fairer political competition, the ongoing deep political crisis will not be solved, and Serbia's future will remain uncertain," it is said in the letter. The two opposition parties also said that they were among the organizers of the protests titled Serbia against Violence, stressing that they were devoted to Serbia's EU future. The letter was sent to Gert Jan Koopman, director-general of the European Directorate-General for Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations, Angelina Eichorst, the managing director of the European External Action Service, Vladimir Bilcik, a MEP and rapporteur for Serbia, and U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Gabriel Escobar.


Socialist official: Without Socialists, People's movement for the state would be meaningless (Beta)


Socialist Party of Serbia official Toma Fila on June 29 said that without the Socialists there could be no so-called People's Movement for the State which Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic wanted to create. Fila told Beta that the Socialists must not allow to be "melted" in Vucic's movement. "At the moment, no one knows anything about this movement. We in the Socialist Party of Serbia want to keep our party together and preserve its identity, and not to let it melt into the movement as we had a bad experience with the Yugoslav Left party," Fila stressed. Fila went on to say that the Socialists "first need to see and hear what kind of movement it is, and then we will decide at a party steering committee session." He added that the party's identity would be preserved, stressing that he would oppose any attempt to melt the party into Vucic's movement. "Without the Socialists, the movement would be meaningless" Fila stressed. "For the People's Movement for the State to make sense, it needs to include the Serbian Progressive Party, the Socialist Party of Serbia and independent intellectuals," Fila noted.


A Socialist top official and historian, Predrag Markovic, has earlier said that the party could not allow itself to lose its identity by potentially joining the People's Movement for the State. In early March, Vucic announced that creation of the People's Movement for the State would start after St. Vitus Day (June 28).




Bosnia and Herzegovina


Dodik, Cvijanovic announce dealing with 14 priorities of European Commission at meeting with partners at B&H level (RTRS)


The Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik and the Serb member and Chairperson of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic held a press conference on Thursday and responded to threats from the Federation of B&H (FB&H), due to the adoption of the Law on Non-Implementation of the B&H Constitutional Court (B&H CC) Decisions in the RS, by saying that their threats are in vain because no decision from B&H CC will be adopted in the RS until the Law on the B&H CC is adopted. Dodik and Cvijanovic offer an opportunity to those who threaten, to prove that they are really want B&H in the EU.


On Friday, in Konjic, during the meeting with coalition partners at B&H level, the RS will put on the agenda a proposal on agreement regarding how they can fulfil the 14 key priorities from the Opinion of the European Commission. Among these conditions from the EU is also B&H CC without foreign judges, noted the presenter.


Dodik commented on the proposal of B&H CC without foreign judges, and said that according to this proposal, B&H CC should have nine members, three of them should be appointed by the RS. Dodik stated: “Our proposal is that everyone must participate in the decision-making quorum, and in the decision, there must be one representative of the constituent people”. He said that in this way, no one would be outvoted. It is imperative that all reform solutions are on the table together in a package, added the reporter.


Cvijanovic said: “I think the time has come for all of us to play open cards and to show who it is for the European path and whether there are any manipulations, or whether these priorities are set in such a way that we need to adopt several of them in order to write a positive report of the European Commission, and after that to keep us in the status for 20 years, that we should not resolve issues related to the Constitutional Court, or that we should not resolve issues related to the position of the OHR (Office of the High Representative). Therefore, we are very open to this kind of conversation”.


The Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) underlined the urgency of fulfilling all 14 priorities, which include reform of the election legislation and B&H CC. Now all that remains is for Sarajevo to confirm its European commitment, which means that they support that foreign judges and (the High Representative to B&H) Christian Schmidt should return to their home countries, commented the reporter.


The RS officials offer that the agreement should be achieved by politicians in B&H, so they are not interested in Schmidt’s stance on the law, added the reporter. Dodik commented that Schmidt’s actions in B&H are illegal and that he is a High Representative only in the FB&H. He said that Schmidt’s decisions will not be respected in the RS, regardless of what kind of decisions he makes. Dodik stated: “The RS demands that it be done according to the letter of the Constitution of B&H and not according to the imposed solutions that they invented during 20 years. The RS does not carry out and has no plan for, as they say, secession, but the RS, if forced to leave BiH, will do so by their decisions”. Dodik commented on the PDP, which said they did not vote for the law because they did not want to vote for the RSNA conclusions. Dodik said that at the sessions, the vote is first for the law and then for the conclusions. Dodik said that members of the PDP said the same thing as foreigners in an attempt to please the British. Dodik also commented on allegations of the RS not being able to fulfil its financial obligations and denied those allegations. Cvijanovic announced that she will soon initiate the adoption of two of the three agreements from the Berlin process, which concern the recognition of professional qualifications in higher education.


Dodik stated: “We will hear what they think about it. I think that, if we were to propose it again now, it would stop at the Constitutional Legal (Affairs) Commission, because Bosniaks have the majority there and they will not want to let it pass, and then there would be something again. No, if they do not want it, then the situation will remain like this until it happens, of course. This is not conditioning. This is a proposal that does not favour the RS and Serbs. This is a proposal that favours everyone. So, everyone. We cannot, we do not trust judges who come from SDA, and we do not trust foreign judges. They trust them and they defend it, and that is good for them. We saw that it was good. Everything they could dismantle from the RS, they did”. Cvijanovic stated: “If there is that political will, the months of July and August can be enough to define solutions for each of these things. The month of September can be enough to adopt everything that is necessary in the Parliament. The month of October is important for the European Commission to give a positive opinion, to accept it all, to start negotiations and the month of December is the deadline when we should have negotiating groups formed on the basis of the Constitution. This means with the absolute participation of the representatives of the RS and the FB&H, and all others who are competent to define the negotiating positions and to move forward. Therefore, this is quite a fair offer. One of those things that the EU requests is the reform of the CC, the departure of foreign judges, the return of the process to domestic structures”.


Helez: There is plan B situation is not solved in line with constitution and laws of this country (N1)


N1 comments that part of political public in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) issued numerous calls to B&H institutions and the international community (IC) to react. One of the calls that was in the focus of the public is the call of B&H Minister of Defense Zukan Helez, who said that if there is no reaction from the institutions and the Office of the High Representative (OHR), he has a plan ‘B’. Helez is the only one who mentions that he has a plan ‘B’, but for now it is a secret plan, commented the reporter. Helez’s statement reads: “I want to believe that the situation that has arisen can and will be resolved in accordance with the constitution and laws of this country. If not, in that case we have plan ‘B’. Only all 51,209 square kilometres and no other way”. The announcement of the so-called plan is Helez’s reaction to the decision of the RS National Assembly (RSNA) to pass the Law on Non-Implementation of Decisions of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H in the RS. Helez spoke of two plans, or two scenarios on Wednesday. Plan ‘A’ is the prosecution of all actors who participated in the attack on the constitutional and legal order of B&H. “Therefore, I invite the Prosecutor's Office of B&H to do its job in accordance with the Constitution and the Criminal Code of B&H,” Helez was quoted as saying. At the same time, Helez called on the OHR to use its powers and liberate B&H from secessionist terror. Helez added that he wants to believe that the situation can and will be resolved in accordance with the Constitution and laws of B&H, “and if not, in that case we have plan ‘B’.”


Okolic, Jovicic strongly criticize Helez’s announcement on ‘plan B’, remind decisions on activities of Armed Forces of B&H must be made with consensus within B&H Presidency (EuroBlic)


Minister of Defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Zukan Helez announced a ‘plan B’ unless the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H and OHR reacted to the latest moves of the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA), which Helez assessed as “secessionist raging”. The daily noted that Helez did not reveal what the ‘plan B’ actually includes and noted: “However, coming from the Minister of Defense who often used the term ‘war’ in past along with the message that there is no option of a peaceful dissolution, it becomes clear it cannot mean anything civil or peaceful”. The daily also reminded that, according to the Article 4 of the Law on Defense of B&H, the Armed Forces of B&H have five tasks: participation in operations of collective safety including fight against terrorism, providing of military defense to B&H and its citizens in case of an attack, assistance to civilian bodies in case of natural disasters and other emergencies, counter-mine activities in B&H and fulfilment of international obligations of B&H.


The daily went on to say that, in order for the Armed Forces of B&H to be engaged in ‘providing of military defense of B&H’, the country needs to be under a military attack, which did not happen. Secondly, the daily noted, the supreme commander of the Armed Forces of B&H is the Presidency of B&H which makes decisions in field of defense by a consensus. “Also, we must not forget that thousands of soldiers of the EU and NATO are present in B&H and they are in charge of preservation of peace. They have assessed that safety in B&H was not jeopardized”, the daily added.


Former Deputy Minister of Defense of B&H Mirko Okolic told the daily that the Armed Forces of B&H cannot be deployed without votes of political representatives of the RS and added that there is no consent of the Presidency of B&H. Okolic also said that the Armed Forces of B&H do not have jurisdiction for something like this, knowing that police forces are in charge of safety in the country and the army can be deployed only once all other options are exhausted. “However, not even then this can be an option in B&H because the role of the Armed Forces of B&H was precisely defined by laws”, Okolic stated. Okolic noted that statements such as the one presented by Helez are very dangerous in the context of the structure of the Armed Forces of B&H and wartime past. Asked whether - hypothetically speaking - in case individuals or military units listened only to Helez or any other individual from the chain of command, would this be the end of the Armed Forces of B&H, Okolic assessed that it would certainly be the end of it and reminded that the RS already prepared its own law on defense. “The RS is constantly fighting for respect of the Dayton Peace Agreement. However, it is poked in its eye every morning and, of course, it is forced to defend itself”, Okolic argued and reminded that all representatives of the RS always exclude the possibility of a war and they emphasize that they will exploit all legal remedies to protect themselves from any kind of attacks.


Security expert and former RS Minister of Interior Radislav Jovicic too pointed out that nothing can be decided in the context of engagement of the Armed Forces of B&H without consensus within B&H Presidency. Jovicic added that, in the country like B&H, politicians must understand that they have to respect the agreement of three peoples and two entities. “We are fed up with politicians who call to interventions, conflicts and incidents. We need politicians and ministers who will call to respect of B&H Constitutions and to finally provide normal lives to citizens so that they can finally deal with economy, science and education”, Jovicic said.


Russian Embassy to B&H criticizes Minister Helez for his statements about adoption of law on non-implementation of B&H CC’s decisions in RS (BHT1)


Russian Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) issued a statement on Thursday and criticized Minister of Defense of B&H Zukan Helez for his statement regarding the adoption of the Law on Non-Implementation of the B&H Constitutional Court (B&H CC) Decisions in the Republika Srpska (RS). In response to Helez’s claims that there are only two possible scenarios after the adoption of the law, Russian Embassy stated that there is only one plan for B&H and it is 3+1 plan, namely dialogue, compromise and agreement while the main precondition for this is absence of foreign influence. The Russian Embassy in B&H commented on Helez's message, by saying that unfortunately, some politicians in Sarajevo have become addicted to such rhetoric, calling on the ‘Big Brother’ to do all the dirty work and punish the disobedient, who, as in some times, were declared enemies of the people. “The main reason for the statements of Minister of Defense of B&H Zukan Helez regarding the latest decisions of the RS National Assembly (RSNA), apart from personal frustration, is the narrative imposed by the collective West, which is literally full of threats, ultimatums and arbitrary sanctions,” the Russian Embassy in B&H stated.


Cvijanovic confirms that at one of next sessions of B&H Presidency she will propose two agreements from Berlin Process which are indisputable in order to be adopted, while third agreement on movement with ID cards in region remains under veto (Glas Srpske)


Serb member and Chairwoman of the Bosnia and Herzegoviona (B&H) Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic has confirmed that at one of the next sessions of the B&H Presidency she will propose two agreements from the Berlin Process which are indisputable in order to be adopted, while the third agreement, the one on movement with ID cards in the region, remains under veto. Cvijanovic pointed out that the two agreements are collateral damage, because B&H Presidency member Denis Becirovic insisted that it be treated together. “All three agreements are currently under veto and the decisions of the Presidency where I have been outvoted will not enter into force. I will propose two agreements that are undisputed at one of the next sessions of the Presidency so that we can provide individual declaration and allow space for these two agreements to pass,” Cvijanovic told a press conference in Banja Luka on Thursday. Cvijanovic reminded that the B&H Presidency's conclusion regarding the agreement on movement with ID cards in the Balkans will remain controversial, given the situation in Kosovo. “This happened because the proposer, Bosniak member of the Presidency Denis Becirovic, insisted that all three agreements be considered with one conclusion and as an integral point. My proposal in the preparation of the session was to proceed separately, as the Council of Ministers did,” Cvijanovic added. According to Cvijanovic, as suggested by the RS National Assembly (RSNA) in its conclusions, what is not disputed should not be blocked because someone decided to decide on it in a package.


Bosniak Caucus in RS CoP will launch protection of VNI on Law on Non-Implementation of B&H CC Decisions in RS (O kanal)


The Bosniak Caucus in the Republika Srpska (RS) Council of Peoples (CoP) will launch mechanisms for protection of the Vital National Interest (VNI), i.e. veto the Law on Non-Implementation of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Constitutional Court (B&H CC) Decisions in the RS. Head of the Bosniak Caucus in the RS CoP Alija Tabakovic confirmed the aforementioned information. O Kanal reported that the session will be held next week on Monday or Tuesday. The final decision will reach the CC of the RS. Tabakovic stated that the veto will be announced during the next session, planned for the beginning of next week, which means that the Law will not be implemented for one month, as the Law has to be approved by a joint commission from RS National Assembly (RSNA) and the RS CoP. If the commission does not come to a decision, the RS Constitutional Court will decide, from which, Tabakovic comments, nothing should be expected as it is controlled by RS President Milorad Dodik. Tabakovic adds that the B&H Presidency can submit an appeal to the B&H CC to stop this decision. Hayat presenter adds that Dodik announced that the B&H Prosecutor’s Office, B&H Court and the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) of B&H will be banned in territory of RS.


US State Department says Law on Non-Implementation of Decisions of B&H Constitutional Court in RS violates B&H Constitution, and runs counter to Dayton Peace Agreement (Nova BH)


The US Department of State has reacted to the adoption of the Law on Non-Implementation of Decisions of the Constitutional Court (CC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) in Republika Srpska (RS) in the RS National Assembly (RSNA). The US State Department stated that this law violates the B&H Constitution, and runs counter to the Dayton Peace Agreement. “Defiance of the Constitutional Court threatens not just the rule of law but also the stability, security, and prosperity of B&H. Combined with the anti-Dayton rhetoric by some RS leaders, the law represents a dangerous escalation in secessionist threats,” the US State Department said in a statement. The US State Department warned that defiance of the B&H CC threatens not just the rule of law but also the stability, security, and prosperity of B&H while the law itself represents a dangerous escalation in secessionist threats.  The press release further reads: “The US strongly supports the territorial integrity, sovereignty, and multiethnic character of B&H.  We will continue to hold individuals engaged in activities that run counter to the Dayton Peace Agreement responsible for their actions,”.


Dodik: Latest reaction of US State Department presents violation of B&H's sovereignty (RTRS)


The Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik said that the latest reaction of the US State Department violates the sovereignty of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), for whose integrity and sovereignty the US is only declaratively advocating. “The issue of the functioning of the Constitutional Court of B&H is an internal issue of B&H, defined by the Constitution, which has been grossly violated by the Court tasked with protecting constitutionality”, said Dodik when asked to comment on the statement of the US State Department in which they said that the law adopted by the RS National Assembly (RSNA) violates the Constitution of B&H, and that, as they believe, defiance of the Constitutional Court threatens not only the rule of law but also the stability, security and prosperity of B&H. Dodik pointed out that the US Ambassador in B&H Michael Murphy has already spoiled the atmosphere of the renewed dialogue in B&H with his almost daily statements.


Implementation of NATO support package worth more than EUR 50 million intended to strengthen defense capacities of B&H begins (Nezavisne)


At the beginning of June this year a solemn ceremony was held at which Ambassador of Slovakia to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Roman Hloben presented a donor's check of EUR 20,000 to B&H Minister of Defense Zukan Helez. The largest part of these funds will be directed to the Battalion Group of Light Infantry, which has about 840 members. With the delivery of this donor's check, the implementation of the NATO support package, worth more than EUR 50 million, intended to strengthen the defense capacities of B&H, began.


The leaders of the NATO member states, at the Alliance summit, held in Madrid in June of last year, made a decision to provide support to partner countries, including B&H. “The NATO Headquarters in Brussels informed that the NATO Partnerships and Cooperative Security Committee made a decision and approved the first package for the building of the defense capacities of the Armed Forces of B&H, and invited the member states to participate in its implementation, both through the NATO DCBI and on a bilateral basis. The total framework budget for the donation for B&H ranges from EUR 40 million to EUR 53 million, of which 25-35 million euros are allocated to the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of B&H for the procurement of non-combat material and technical resources.


The final specification of the approved funds and their approximate price are expected to be delivered by NATO in the coming period. Preparations are currently underway for the realization of a meeting with representatives of the NATO Headquarters in Brussels according to the NATO DCBI program, which should be implemented at the beginning of July this year, and which will give rough guidelines as to which funds will be available to the Armed Forces of B&H, the method and dynamics of allocation," the Ministry told ‘Oslobodjenje’ daily.


NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu reminded that NATO allies agreed last February to help B&H improve its resilience through a package for building defense capacities. "The package includes 12 areas of support for the Ministry of Security and the Ministry of Defense, ranging from cyber defense to aeromedical evacuation. In coordination with the institutions of B&H, NATO staffs are working on developing specific projects within each area of support. These projects will be financed by NATO allies and partners. Several countries have already allocated funds, and they will be allocated to the projects as they are developed. Cost estimates will develop as the projects develop," Lungescu told ‘Oslobodjenje’.


The B&H Ministry of Defense emphasized that NATO's support to the Armed Forces of B&H is of great importance. “This is also a confirmation that B&H has strong support on its path towards the EU and other integration. By receiving this type of assistance, the Armed Forces of B&H strengthen their capacities and fulfil their legally prescribed obligations in terms of providing assistance to civilian structures in cases of natural disasters and other disasters, but also demonstrate their commitment to preserving peace and stability, not only in the Balkans, but by creating the conditions for quality training and inclusion of members of the Armed Forces of B&H in peacekeeping missions at the invitation of allied countries," the B&H Ministry of Defense pointed out. (The publication of this text was funded in part by a grant from the United States Department of State)




Plenkovic attends summit of the Southeast European Cooperation Process (HRT)


The Croatian Prime Minister was in Montenegro on Tuesday where he attended a summit of the Southeast European Cooperation Process (SEECP). The focus of discussion was on the need for political dialogue, regional cooperation, energy and transport infrastructure, and accelerating Euro-Atlantic integration for those countries of the Western Balkans that are interested in EU and NATO membership.


Speaking after the summit, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said that he was satisfied with the SEECP meeting in Podgorica Montenegro, noting that the meeting was an opportunity to address issues of importance to the region as a whole: "This summit sent several messages. A message about the necessity of political dialogue, solving open issues, regional cooperation, but also investment in transport and energy infrastructure."


The prime minister also met with Montenegro's newly elected President, Jakov Milatovic, with whom he discussed a series of issues, including Montenegro's involvement in war crimes against Croatian's during the Homeland War: "The conversation with the newly elected Montenegrin president had several topics. First, of course, are the difficult issues that remained from the time of Milosevic's aggression against Croatia. They concern the resolution of the issue of the camp inmates and the fourteen missing persons. We expect the prosecutors' offices to initiate processes that have not been initiated. With regard to the border issue, Croatia's position is clear. Bilateral talks should continue."


Plenkovic said that economic cooperation was also discussed, he also mentioned the role of Croatian entrepreneurs in Montenegro: "The second block of topics was economic cooperation. Today I met not only with representatives of the Croatian minority here in Montenegro, but we also talked with Croatian businessmen who are the leaders of our companies operating in Montenegro. Trade has increased, and currently stands at about 315 million euros. Meaning that it has almost doubled. There are opportunities for further business cooperation."


The Prime Minister also touched on the possibility of additional development of the energy infrastructure: "Today at this conference I also spoke about the role of Croatia as an energy hub for its neighbors. This primarily refers to gas. On the other hand, the Adriatic-Ionian pipeline is one of the strategic topics and strategic projects. Additional consultations with all countries should be carried out which are on that path."


The Prime Minister said that Montenegro has Croatia’s support on its European path: "The third topic is Montenegro's negotiations on EU membership. They have so far completed 35 chapters that they opened. Of course, they want Croatia's support on that European path. This short stay in Podgorica was very useful and constructive."


Plenkovic: Croatia wants peace in Kosovo and elections with the Serbs (Hina)


The Prime Minister of Croatia, Andrej Plenkovic, said that Croatia, like the other EU countries, wants a de-escalation of the situation in the north of Kosovo, as well as new elections in which Serbs would also participate. “Our position is that we want de-escalation after all the incidents in the last few months, of which there were not a few. Second, we want new elections to be held as soon as possible in the municipalities with a Serbian majority in the north of Kosovo. Elections must be secure. There was a boycott in the last elections - Plenkovic said. He added that he was recently in Podgorica, talking about it with the representatives of Kosovo. “I also heard the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti. In Vojvodina, too, I spoke with the Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabic. I got the views of both leaders. There is a willingness to organize elections, but they must be comprehensive. If they are boycotted, then we will find ourselves in the same situation again. Croatia wants peace, de-escalation and new elections” Plenkovic said before the EU Council session. The Croatian Prime Minister added that Belgrade should invite the Serbs in the north of Kosovo to participate in the elections.




Milatovic: Through Parliament consensus to judiciary appointments; Popa: Great progress made, but considerable time lost (CDM)


The next three years are crucial in order for Montenegro to become a full member of the EU by 2027 or 2028, said the country’s president Jakov Milatovic at the conference Review of 11 Years of Progress and Challenges – How to Revive Negotiations with the EU, organized by the Center for Civic Education (CGO). The head of the EU Delegation to Montenegro, Oana Cristina Popa, said that EU enlargement had become one of the most important tools for long-term peace and prosperity, and emphasized that great progress had been made, but also that significant time had been lost.


Milatovic said that in the next year there would be room to step more strongly on the path to the EU. “We, as decision-makers in Montenegro and decision-makers in Brussels, must take advantage of this moment,” said Milatovic. It is important that in the next few months decisions are made when it comes to appointments in the judiciary, which are under the jurisdiction of the Parliament of Montenegro, and which, as he expects, should be constituted in late July. “I expect the new convocation of the Parliament of Montenegro to act responsibly and to find a consensus when it comes to appointments in the judiciary,” said Milatovic. As mentioned, it is about the appointment of the seventh judge of the Constitutional Court, the appointment of the Supreme State Prosecutor and three members of the Judicial Council. “After that, I think there will be a positive step by the EU,” said Milatovic.


Popa said that EU enlargement had become one of the most important tools for long-term peace and prosperity. She added that “the EU is committed more than ever to the goal of bringing the region closer to the EU”.


North Macedonia


Kovachevski: Bulgaria to demonstrate its commitment to region's EU integration at all political levels (MIA)


Bulgaria should demonstrate its commitment to the Western Balkans' EU integration at all political levels. I believe all parties that are part of the coalition government in Sofia are committed to this, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski on Thursday. PM Kovachevski said he expected cooperation to continue, as demonstrated by the government led by Kiril Petkov and last year's endorsement of the resolution in the Bulgarian parliament (related to North Macedonia's EU accession). "I believe cooperation should continue along this path," Kovachevski told reporters in Berlin.


Asked if any meetings are planned with the new Bulgarian government, the PM said he spoke over the phone with new PM Nikolai Denkov and expects to meet with him at the coming NATO Summit in Vilnius. "We will probably meet there, since I am heading our delegation, but I am not sure who will head the Bulgarian delegation. We will meet, for sure," noted Kovachevski.


Constitutional amendments vote not to be matter of daily politics, says PM (MIA)


The constitutional amendments should not be a matter of daily politics and a topic used to gain political points but a matter of societal consensus, because they secure the country's faster EU integration and a better living standard for citizens, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski on Thursday. PM Kovachevski said the message of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz was exceptionally clear - Germany remains one of the most committed partners in supporting the Western Balkans.


"The Chancellor was very clear that Germany is behind us and what was agreed with 27 EU member-states and is included in the Negotiating Framework, to which they abide. The 27 EU member-states serve as a guarantee, especially the largest and most powerful ones, including Germany," Kovachevski told reporters in Berlin. He said Germany also expressed support for the vote to include other parts of nations, including Bulgarians, in the Constitution Preamble.


"This is a decision that should be adopted until the completion of the screening, so that North Macedonia can resume with the opening of chapters and ensuing reforms. Two-thirds majority will also be needed for the reforms in judiciary, public administration, media. That is why this type of voting and reforms should not be part of daily politics," said Kovachevski.


The PM reiterated that the constitutional amendments represent a process that should not be rushed but go through a broad societal debate, while recalling on the leaders' meeting and the acceptance of all demands from VMRO-DPMNE and its leader Hristijan Mickoski. "They should be given room to adapt to the process and join. This is not a process of one person, one government, one political party, but a broad societal process that produces decisions for the future. All MPs are obliged to work for the citizens who elected them and I believe our Parliament has the capacity to take this decision," said Kovachevski.


According to the Negotiating Framework, he added, the constitutional revision should be adopted by the day of the second Intergovernmental Conference (IGC). "The second Intergovernmental Conference is part of the Negotiating Framework. When the screening process ends, it is followed by reporting and scheduling of the second IGC without delay. The constitutional amendments should be adopted by the time the IGC takes place. They should enter into force on the day of the IGC or the day before it takes place, not after," underlined Kovachevski.


Kovachevski: No additional conditions in Negotiating Framework (MIA)


The German Chancellor repeated the guarantees that are already included in the Negotiating Framework and there can be no other conditions in it. EU did what was supposed to do, I believe we will do our part and then resume with the process of opening chapters and the reforms, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski on Thursday. "The Negotiating Framework has very clear provisions. It says that the first Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) would take place on June 28 (2022), and it did; that the Frontex agreement would be signed, and it was; and that the second IGC would take place without any additional decision after the constitutional amendments and the screening process are implemented," PM Kovachevski told reporters at the end of his official visit to Germany.


On the possibility of further blockades to individual chapters, Kovachevski noted that any country can provide its remarks on any chapter when it comes to reforms and progress, in line with the Copenhagen Criteria.


Regarding minority rights, the PM said North Macedonia has done a lot and the Government is very proud of this. "If one compares our legislation and the way in which minority rights are regulated, especially after the Framework Agreement, there is no other country that has done this in regard to the use of languages, institutions to protect the use of languages, tight to use various services at a local or national level," said Kovachevski. Therefore, he added, focus should be placed on other reforms related to the rule of law, fight against crime and corruption, and promotion of democracy.


Alliance for Albanians leader expects ‘hot summer’ full of political events (Telma TV)


This summer will be relatively hot, with a lot of events on the political stage in the country. Let’s see how they unfold and based on that we will determine the next steps of the Alliance for Albanians (AA), said AA leader and Gostivar Mayor Arben Taravari in an interview Thursday for Telma TV. According to Taravari, the Mayor of Struga, Ramiz Merko, should immediately resign at least due to moral reasons, after being blacklisted by the United States.

Taravari stressed that there are suspicious about several individuals, and, he said, he expects the U.S. blacklist to be expanded. “There are strange and interesting events in DUI like never before in the past 20 years of their existence, but these are their own internal affairs. Undoubtedly, there is some internal desynchronization in DUI, but whether AA helped or catalysed this is a part of the things that should be analysed,” said Taravari.


The AA leader stressed that the constitutional amendments are currently in the focus at the moment, but that the next step would be to discuss holding parliamentary elections at the same time as the presidential elections, regardless of whether there are 80 MPs for the amendments.


“I don’t think the country needs the luxury of having elections twice in three months, both the presidential and parliamentary elections. We still haven’t discussed this with our coalition partner, nor have we talked about this topic in the party, however, it would be rational for the country to hold elections with the least expenses possible. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to consider the option of holding early parliamentary elections on the day of the second round of the presidential elections, and they would be early only for two to three months,” said Taravari.


In answer to a journalist’s question, Taravari said AA wasn’t aware there would be a concrete proposal for VMRO-DPMNE’s entry into Government. “We found about the offer and the topics discussed at the meeting from the press conference,” said Taravari. Taravari said it is important for AA that there is a broad consensus from the political parties, and that they remain focused on the need to adopt the constitutional amendments, since they are the condition for the holding of the second intergovernmental conference with the EU. “Everything else is permitted during this period, I think. Nothing else is important but to secure 80 or more MPs. I would like to see 120 MPs in favor. At any price, all political parties have to give their maximum,” said Taravari.


The AA leader said he is disappointed by VMRO-DPMNE withdrawing after the leaders’ meeting. “My personal analysis and the analysis within the party is that some kind of PR is being carried out between DUI and VMRO-DPMNE, whether consciously or not. But, DUI ended up as the biggest winner as a result of all the noise. And the impression during this period is that VMRO-DPMNE is working for DUI,” said Taravari. Taravari said that AA has relatively good relations with all political parties, they are in Government with DUI, but he said, “we have channels of communication with VMRO-DPMNE as well, and with BESA.”


Mickoski: Early parliamentary elections only option as of today (Kanal 5)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski had four weeks to choose between our two offers, but as of today they are no longer valid, and there is only one option – early parliamentary elections, said VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski in an interview for Kanal 5 on Thursday. Mickoski said the Government and opposition are not negotiating and “are very far from negotiations.” “Our position is clear. The two options I offered at the leaders’ meeting were on the table until this moment, but I still haven’t heard Kovachevski say which option he accepts, the first or the second. There is only one option on the desk as of today – early parliamentary elections,” said Mickoski. According to Mickoski, it is possible that VMRO-DPMNE will win 61 MPs, while a coalition with DUI is the last option, “especially,” he said, “with the current leadership of this party.” “VMRO-DPMNE has a clear position that cooperation with DUI is the last option, and we will do everything for the future Government to be without DUI,” underlined Mickoski. Mickoski stressed that the conditions for the EU accession are a Bulgarian dictate, and added, “there is nothing better than for the country to begin negotiations with a protected identity.” “We won’t accept such a dictate. We want an EU process that will begin and will end. We are ready to talk about everything, but we have our own rules for this country and its people,” said Mickoski. Mickoski said he is convinced that VMRO-DPMNE's MPs won't vote for the amendments. Regarding the possibility of new talks with Prime Minister Kovachevski, Mickoski said he would consider them only if they are about a date for early elections. In the interview, Mickoski said VMRO-DPMNE opposes the amendments to the laws on gender equality and registries and supports the rally held by MOC-OA Thursday in Skopje.


Deputy PM Grkovska meets with EU Commissioner Hahn (MIA)


The Deputy Prime Minister in charge of good governance policies, Slavica Grkovska, concluded her working visit to Brussels with a meeting Thursday with the European Commissioner for Budget and Administration, Johannes Hahn. In a press release, the Government said Grkovska informed Hahn over the competencies of her Office, which was introduced for the first time in the current Government, as well as over the reform processes that she is coordinating.


“As a proven friend of North Macedonia, Hahn was interested in the current events regarding the adoption of the constitutional amendments, which is a key step for the continuation of the country’s Euro-integration process. Deputy PM Grkovska stated that all parties should contribute to change the narrative surrounding this issue, which must not be used for populism and to strengthen the nationalism and Euroscepticism in the country and the region,” said the press release. The Government said the Deputy PM thanked Commissioner Hahn for his open and continuous support for the country’s EU accession, as well as the provision of macro financial assistance to North Macedonia.


Grkovska holds meetings at EU Directorate for Neighbourhood and Enlargement (MIA)


As part of her working visit to Brussels, Deputy Prime Minister in charge of good governance policies, Slavica Grkovska, met Thursday with Michela Matuella, the Acting Director for the Western Balkans at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations. According to the Government, the meeting focused on the issue of the constitutional changes and the dynamics of the reform process in North Macedonia, and the importance of using the new momentum in the enlargement. Matuella stressed that North Macedonia’s full-fledged membership is a joint goal, and the European Commission continues to fully support the country.


“In her role as coordinator of the anti-corruption institutions in the country, Deputy PM Grkovska assessed that the situation in the judiciary is a key issue, because the double standards and impunity are deepening the distrust in the system, and prevent a more significant step forward in the fight against corruption and the rule of law. The latest events in the Judicial Council were also discussed at the meeting, as well as the ways to improve the overall situation in the judiciary through the existing legal instruments,” said the Government in a press release.


The Deputy PM also held a meeting with Mark Jorna, the screening-coordinator for North Macedonia and Western Balkans expert at the Directorate, during which they spoke about the steps taken by the Government to fulfil the strategic goals of the country. “Grkovska and Jorna agreed that the problems with Bulgaria must be overcome, because no one benefits from disrupted relations between neighboring countries, and that the constitutional amendments will not result in any meaningful changes in the Constitution, since it already forbids discrimination,” said the press release.


Deputy PM Bytyqi meets with Norwegian MFA’s State Secretary, Eivind Vad Petersson (MIA)


Deputy Prime Minister in charge of economic affairs, coordination of economic sectors and investments, Fatmir Bytyqi, met Thursday with the State Secretary of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Eivind Vad Petersson, who is on official visit to North Macedonia. At the meeting, according to the Government, opinions were exchanged over the energy security and potentials in North Macedonia, with Deputy PM Bytyqi stressing that the question of energy security represents a question of national security for North Macedonia. On the topic of energy potentials, the Deputy PM informed the Norwegian delegation that North Macedonia has liberalized its electricity market, paving the path for private sector investments in renewable energy capacities.




Tensions in the north of Kosovo/ EC President: I support Rama's idea for an international conference (Radio Tirana)


The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, has supported the idea presented by Prime Minister Edi Rama for an international conference to discuss the tensions between Pristina and Belgrade in the north of Kosovo. Speaking to the media before the start of the summit in Brussels, Michel said that the international conference would be productive for easing tensions in the north of Kosovo. "I think the time has come to have a global approach, then to take clear steps towards normalization", Charles Michel said.


Michel spoke before the start of the European Union summit, where the Western Balkans will also be discussed during the working dinner, where the main topic will be the crisis between Kosovo and Serbia. At the end of the summit, which will be held today and the next day, the 27 EU leaders will approve the conclusion by which the incidents in the north will be condemned and steps will be taken to de-escalate the situation. "The European Council condemns the recent incidents in the north of Kosovo and calls for the immediate escalation of the situation, based on the key elements that have already appeared from the European Union, on June 3, 2023. The parties must create conditions for early elections in all four municipalities in the north of Kosovo. Failure to de-escalate tensions will have negative consequences", the draft expected to join the conclusions of yesterday's and today's summit reads.


The idea of an international conference for Kosovo and Serbia, Rama: Our region cannot be dragged into a pointless conflict (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama considered "Good news" the support that his idea of holding a higher-level international conference for Kosovo and Serbia, until reaching a full agreement on the implementation of the Franco-German Plan. He says that the Western Balkans region cannot be taken in hostage, considering tensions between Kosovo and Serbia "a completely pointless conflict".


"Good news is the progress of the idea of the highest-level conference, without a deadline, until reaching a full agreement on the implementation of the Franco-German Plan between Kosovo and Serbia, which today was supported by President Charles Michel himself. Our region cannot be dragged into a completely useless, absurd conflict, by playing with the fire of nationalism, producing everyday reasons for fighting, with actions and non-actions, accusations and counteraccusations, which are daily degrading the situation in the North of Kosovo and are undermining the edifice built with so many efforts of regional cooperation," writes Rama.


According to Rama, the north of Kosovo is offering the world a black and white movie of the old Balkans, as he emphasizes that the politicians of Kosovo must prove "with deeds and not with words" that this region belongs to the Berlin Process and not to the dreams of the Kremlin.


"Today, when in Brussels, the preparation of a new financial and economic support plan for the countries of our region became part of the work agenda of the Commission, while Albania prepares to host the First Summit of the Berlin Process in the Western Balkans, when we must all be united to advance this vital process for our common European future, strengthening our ties, our economies, our common market, the North of Kosovo is offering the world the a black and white movie of the old Balkans, which can only entertain cynical spectators in the East of the EU borders. Politicians in Kosovo must prove today, with deeds and not words, that this region belongs to the Berlin Process and not to the dreams of the Kremlin, and Kosovo cannot be the unconscious projection screen on which those dreams are projected, while some of them seem that they are painting a heroic painting of history," emphasizes Rama.


The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, has supported the idea presented by Albanian Prime Minister for an international conference to discuss the tensions between Pristina and Belgrade in the north of Kosovo. Speaking to the media before the start of today's summit in Brussels, Michel said that the international conference would be productive for easing tensions in the north of Kosovo. Meanwhile, the 27 leaders of the EU will approve at today's summit the conclusion, which would condemn the incidents in the north of Kosovo and seek steps towards de-tensioning of the situation.


Tension in the north of Kosovo/ Lajcak: Rama is playing an active and constructive role in the whole crisis (Radio Tirana)


The envoy of the European Union for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, estimates that the elections in the four municipalities of the north of Kosovo should be held in the following months. He spoke about Edi Rama's proposal for an international conference, from which "Kurti and Vucic would not leave without reaching an agreement". Lajcak said that Rama went to the Head of European Diplomacy Josep Borell with this proposal.


“It is the initiative of Edi Rama. I must say that he plays an active and constructive role in the whole crisis because he is a good connoisseur of the situation on the ground. Of course, as Prime Minister of Albania, his voice is authoritative enough to be heard. I am in regular contact with him, and I know how much time and authority he has invested in finding a solution. This is the proposal he came up with. We are in daily contact with the USA and the main European capitals. But of course, the best platform for solving issues is dialogue and we must return to dialogue," Lajcak said.


Lajcak emphasized that this is one of the points that the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, and the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, agreed on from the last meeting in Brussels, with the High Representative of the EU, Josep Borrell. "Of course, new elections must be held in the following months. And this was one of the points on which Vucic and Kurti agreed. It is clear that mayors do not have the legitimacy they should have. Mayors of municipalities can only be legitimately elected by Kosovo Serbs. The question we are dealing with is when and how we will get there. And of course, that the Serbs have the motivation to feel safe and that we have free elections", Lajcak said.


The EU envoy, for last Thursday's meeting, emphasized that it was only for the management of the crisis that has been created in the north of Kosovo. He added that Kurti and Vucic have understood how serious the situation is, and this, according to him, is the positive thing from this meeting. "That meeting last Thursday in Brussels was a crisis management meeting. So, it was not a meeting dedicated to normalization, dialogue, unfortunately. The positive thing is that both Vucic and Kurti understood how serious the situation is. No one hides this and pretends that we do not have a serious crisis in the north. And secondly, they agreed that one of the main elements of exiting the crisis is new elections. What they disagreed was on the issue of de-escalation. How will these mayors work and from where," he added.