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Belgrade Media Report 4 July



Vucic: There is no hope for the formation of the ZSO (B92/Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic hosted the Prime Ministers of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Mark Rutte and the Grand Duche de Luxembourg Xavier Bettel. After the meeting they addressed the public. The guests first thanked Vucic for the hospitality and warm welcome, but also for the open conversations they had. One of the main topics of the conversation was the tensions in Kosovo and Metohija. They announced that talks await them in Pristina as well. "I am sorry that the Prime Minister of Belgium could not come. It is important for the people of Serbia to know that we have exceeded 2 billion Euros in trade cooperation with the Benelux. Our friends were quite honest when we talked. There is no easy topic for us. We talked about Kosovo and Metohija and other regional issues. You can see how difficult Serbia's position is and how difficult it is to explain our position. They want to see stability and better relations. We also talked about the problems within the visa regime and we did some things in the previous period. The President also stated that they discussed the rights of LGBT persons. "I thanked for the support and expressed my hope and belief that in the coming period there will be some more joyful news for the citizens of Serbia. I have no problem talking openly with everyone. I promised that Serbia will do its best to preserve peace and stability We have enough power to keep things under control as much as possible, although I told them that I was a bit scared because I have not seen this level of irresponsibility in my political career''.


ZSO is not just four municipalities in the north

Vucic was asked about the formation of the ZSO, as well as the talks with Pristina. "If you ask me about the signed documents and the implementation of everything that was signed, I have to tell you that the Brussels agreement is still in force, and it has not yet been implemented in its most important part, which is the formation of the ZSO. There is not even a hope that we will see it soon," said Vucic and added that they should talk to each other. "ZSO is not only four municipalities in the north, but there are six more municipalities south of the Ibar. I hope that we will succeed in preserving the peace. Of the three de-escalation measures, one must be implemented simultaneously, the other two measures have already been implemented by Serbia. We have done our job," added Vucic. He emphasized that he fully supports the president and the government of France and added that he believes that they will manage to deal with the unrest. The Prime Ministers of the Netherlands and Luxembourg Mark Rutte and Xavier Bettel said in Belgrade that they had come to Serbia together to help bolster cooperation with the EU and with their individual countries, adding that both advocate reducing tension in Kosovo. Rutte told a joint news conference with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic that the two PMs came together to strengthen ties between the EU and Serbia, but also bilateral ties. It's important for there to be stability and cooperation, Rutte said, adding that tension in Kosovo, like violence against civilians and the media, were a cause for concern. The Dutch PM, visiting Belgrade for the first time, said steps to reduce tension and normalize relations between Belgrade and Pristina, were key not just for Serbia and Kosovo, but the entire region. Rutte said stable relations in Europe were important in light of the war in Ukraine, too. Bettel reiterated that reducing tension in Kosovo was important and in the interest of all, including the EU. The PM of Luxembourg added that he had spoken with some non-governmental organizations, including LGBT community organizations, before meeting with Vucic. According to him, those NGOs said it was necessary to introduce same-sex civil unions. He said he was gay himself. The two officials also discussed migrations with Vucic. According to media reports, the visit of the European PMs was initially imagined as a joint Benelux initiative related to some important issues in the Western Balkan region, but Belgian PM Alexander de Croo had to cancel his trip due to internal affairs.


Support of Netherlands, Luxembourg of crucial importance for European integration of Serbia (Beta/RTS/RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic talked yesterday with Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte and Prime Minister of Luxembourg Xavier Bettel and assessed that this visit represents a unique and very important political event. Brnabic pointed out that the visit of the two prime ministers, of the Netherlands and Luxembourg, shows that the bilateral relations with these two countries are very good, and that their arrival in Belgrade particularly intensified the political dialogue. She stated that there is successful economic cooperation with the Netherlands and Luxembourg and an influx of investments from these countries, which are among the most important economic partners of Serbia. She pointed out that European integration is Serbia's foreign policy priority, as well as that the support of the Netherlands and Luxembourg is of crucial importance for speeding up this process. Brnabic informed her interlocutors about the reforms that Serbia is undertaking on this path, especially in the areas of justice and freedom of the media and safety of journalists. She pointed out that Belgrade is fully committed to the dialogue with Pristina and added that the issue of unreserved protection and ensuring the safety of members of the Serb community in Kosovo and Metohija is equally important to Belgrade. We are committed to preserving peace and stability in Kosovo and Metohija, as well as finding a solution in dialogue, which is evidenced by the constructiveness that the Serbian side continuously shows, she pointed out. The interlocutors agreed on the importance of preserving peace and stability in the Balkans, as well as the importance of the European perspective of Serbia and the entire Western Balkans.


Serbia sees KFOR as the only legitimate armed force in Kosovo and Metohija (RTV/Politika/Tanjug)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic met yesterday in Rome, as part of a two-day official visit to Italy, with Italian Minister of Defence Guido Crosetto. Crosetto welcomed Vucevic with state and military honours, which was followed by a meeting between the two delegations and talks between the two ministers. Vucevic said that Serbia appreciates the long-standing presence of members of the Italian Armed Forces in the KFOR operation, emphasising the importance of their participation as one of the largest contingents in that mission. According to him, relations between the Serbian Army and KFOR are good, and it is in the interest of our country that they be even better, since Serbia sees KFOR as the only legitimate armed force in the area of Kosovo and Metohija and as a guarantor of the security of the Serbian people in our southern province. The safety of KFOR members is unquestionable and is a priority for Serbia, Vucevic emphasised. He informed Minister Crosetto about our country's position regarding the aggressive policy of the temporary Pristina institutions, which, with the support of certain countries, led to the escalation of the crisis in Kosovo and Metohija. He conveyed Belgrade's request for the immediate release of the arrested Serbs and the cessation of further arrests, the withdrawal of fake mayors and special forces of the so-called Kosovo Police, as well as the urgent formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities. The two officials agreed that the cooperation in the field of defence between Serbia and Italy is developing in a high-quality manner and rated the cooperation in the field of peacekeeping missions extremely highly, since members of the Serbian Army and members of the Italian Armed Forces are participating together in the UNIFIL multinational operation of the United Nations in Lebanon.


High level of bilateral relations, intensive political dialogue with France (Politika/RTS)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met yesterday with deputies of the parliament of France Liliane Tanguy and Pierre-Henri Dumont. In a cordial conversation, Dacic highlighted the importance that France has for Serbia, noting that the relations between the two countries are at the level of a strategic partnership. He also pointed to the high level of bilateral relations and intensive political dialogue that takes place at the level of the two parliaments. Upon the interest of the French deputies, Dacic informed them about the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the process of Serbia’s accession to the EU, according to a statement from the Foreign Ministry.


Dacic: Message which demands reaction of the state (Tanjug/Beta)


The request of the Serb List is “a political message which demands a reaction from the state of Serbia”, estimated Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic on Monday. “It is Pristina’s intention to, by declaring certain organisations in north Kosovo to be ‘terrorist’ ones, cause fear and the moving away of Serbs. Thus, a hunt on the Serbs has been opened, they can thus declare our entire people in north Kosovo to be terrorists”, Dacic said. In response to Kurti’s announcement earlier on Monday, who said that so far 45 persons have been identified as belonging to the said two groups, Dacic - implying that these were merely participants of demonstrations and nothing more than that - asked whether then, following the logic of the Kosovo authorities, Belgrade should announce the names of all the Kosovo Albanians who had in the previous decades demonstrated against the Serbian authorities. “Is this the way towards normalization? Don’t the Serbs have the right to express their political standpoints?”, he said.


Dacic discusses bilateral relations with Russian Ambassador (Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko discussed current political issues on Monday. The two officials exchanged opinions on the current situation in the world and developments in the country and region, said the Serbian Foreign Affairs Ministry. Dacic and Botsan-Kharchenko also discussed bilateral relations, both voicing commitment to the further deepening of political and economic relations between the two countries, said the Ministry.


Orlic with French MPs (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic met yesterday with the members of the parliament of France Liliana Tanguy and Pierre-Henri Dumont to discuss parliamentary and overall cooperation, as well as Serbia's European path. Orlic opined that the bilateral relations between the two countries are following an upward trajectory and that the dynamic political dialogue at all levels contributes to their constant improvement, as reflected in the regular meetings between the presidents of the Republic of France and the Republic of Serbia, Emmanuel Macron and Aleksandar Vucic, and the cooperation between the two governments and two national parliaments. The French MPs said they consider Serbia to be the key country in the Western Balkans, which is why they are starting their visit to the region, aimed at compiling a report on the state-of-play of accession negotiations with the EU, with talks in Belgrade. Orlic thanked France for supporting Serbia's European path, pointing to the significant progress our country has made in numerous areas. He said that he expects Serbia's progress to be formally valorised, although it is clear that Kosovo and Metohija has a special impact on the issue. He informed the French MPs in detail about the difficult situation in Kosovo and Metohija, caused by Albin Kurti’s dangerous moves. "It is unequivocally clear today that Kurti is trying to lead to an escalation, even to those who have shown understanding for Pristina at every opportunity. It is important for us that everyone who calls for de-escalation understands what the right way to achieve it is - it is the withdrawal of the fake mayors and Kurti's armed gangs from the north of Kosovo and Metohija, end to the persecution of the Serb people, release of captured Serbs and finally the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities, as was signed many years ago," said Orlic. MPs thanked Orlic for the detailed and factual overview of the situation. "We are aware of the situation and are following it. And, as our President Macron said, the implementation of the signed agreements is vital," said MP Dumont. In the course of the meeting, the officials also discussed the economic cooperation between the two countries and the importance of the capital infrastructure projects Serbia is implementing with French partners. MP Tanguy confirmed the readiness of the French parliament to cooperate with the Serbian parliamnet, using the opportunity to congratulate Belgrade on being chosen as the host of the international specialised exhibition EXPO 2027. The MPs were also interested in the details of Serbia's progress in the European integration process, as well as the parliament's contributions to it.


European Integration Committee Chairperson meets with French MPs (Tanjug)


Serbian parliament deputy speaker and European Integration Committee Chairperson Elvira Kovacs met yesterday at the parliament with members of the French Parliament Liliana Tanguy and Pierre-Henri Dumont, currently in official visit to Serbia. Kovacs said that the European Integration Committee is one of the parliament’s most active bodies, working primarily on the harmonisation of domestic legislation with the EU acquis, but also very active in regional forums and joint activities with EU Member States, such as COSAC. She added that it would also be significant to intensify cooperation with the colleagues from the French Parliament’s Committee for European Affairs bearing in mind France’s continuous interest in the European integration of Serbia and the entire Western Balkans. Tanguy and Dumont were interested in how the European Integration Committee views the dynamics of Serbia’ EU accession talks and the idea of the European Political Community. Kovacs said that the European Commission has suggested opening Cluster 3 for the second time running, but the message coming from some EU Member States is that this will not happen until Serbia has aligned its foreign policy with the European. “We are trying to explain, through parliamentary diplomacy, why Serbia has not yet imposed sanctions toward Russia”, said Kovacs, adding that the European side shows no understanding for the fact that, unlike the EU Member States, Serbia still depends on Russian gas, even though it is working on energy diversification. There is also a growing Euroscepticism among the citizenry as a consequence of the long European integration process and the feeling that new conditions keep being set before Serbia, while the reform processes are undervalued. The situation calls for better ties with the media so that all the benefits of European integration could be presented better, as well as the concrete impact on the quality of life, opined the European Integration Committee Chairperson and added that the Committee plans to hold a number of sessions outside of the National Assembly seat, in local communities, so as to bring the importance of the European integration closer to the citizens. Kovacs also said that, from the very beginning, Serbia has been supporting the idea of the European Political Community, but that it is important that this is not a “consolation prize” and substitute for full EU membership. “We are aware of the current geopolitical situation in Europe, the impact of the War in Ukraine, and we are trying to bring the EU’s focus back to the Western Balkans”, said Elvira Kovacs, stressing that it is vital that Serbia and the region receive certain concrete positive signals, such as the establishment of a free market. Opining that the European integration process is a two-way street and that its dynamics depends on Serbia, as well as the EU itself, the European Integration Committee Chairperson said that the EU often does not have understanding for Serbia’s position and that the support of influential EU states, such as France, is very important for our country.


Opposition MPS: Summer should not stop protests (TV Nova S)


In a 2 July guest appearance on TV Nova S, opposition MPs Miroslav Aleksic and Radomir Lazovic both agreed that the ‘Serbia Against Violence’ rallies should not be halted over the summer because the momentum of the protests needs to be preserved. Speaking on the evening talk show Utisak Nedelje (i.e. Impression of the Week), the duo maintained that the authorities were ignoring the tragic early May shootings in the same way they were ignoring the public gathering in the streets. People’s Party caucus head Miroslav Aleksic concluded that this disregard is a form of violence. The regime’s attitude “toward MPs, toward the general public, and in public appearances” communicates not only a blatant lack of regard but also complete ignorance of the duties and responsibilities inherent to their offices, Aleksic stated. The two mass shootings in Belgrade and Mladenovac may not have woken up the authorities, Aleksic further said, but they have “awoken the people.” “The bubble of discontent that has been growing in Serbia for eleven years has finally burst. The people have come to their feet and, right now, that is most important. Having realized that anyone’s child can tomorrow be in danger, that quiet majority has risen,” he said. The politician also expressed his conviction that the authorities will not meet the protestors’ demands but that, together, the people must continue fighting in the streets through every possible form of civil disobedience. Radomir Lazovic, the leader of the Green-Left Club, Don’t Let Belgrade D(r)own parliamentary group, expressed his belief that the regime is not only ignoring the opposition “but reality as well.” “They aren’t concerned for our society,” Lazovic explained, “but are rather waiting for this to blow over, so they can continue making deals, making money off other people’s misfortune as do Pink and Happy, siphoning money for their projects, which ruin the environment public resources.” According to Lazovic, postponing the rallies due to dwindling summer numbers would be detrimental and is not something he will support. “We’ve shown how numerous we are. Some of the biggest protests took place over the last nine weeks… Fights like these take time. Sometimes there are more people, sometimes less, but thirty cities are protesting – all of Serbia is rising,” Lazovic concluded.




Dacic: Serbia is not behind and does not support undermining of B&H, but it absolutely opposes attacks on RS (RTRS)


RTRS carries that, commenting on the tense situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and Serbia’s attitude toward the Republika Srpska (RS), Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said that Serbia is not behind undermining of B&H nor it supports that, but it absolutely opposes attacks and attempts to undermine the RS, pointing out that a thesis that Serbs are “the main disruptive factor” is being insisted on, whilst no one wants mention the desire for unitarization of B&H and abolition of entities. He also said this is not the first time the international representatives are doing this in relation to the RS “and that they do not want a strong RS”. Dacic said: “In the whole situation, where you have the desire for unitarization of B&H, for superiority of the Muslim factor compared to the Serb and Croat (factors), and that means abolition of entities, reduction of entity authorities’ competences, i.e. strengthening of the so-called central authorities, you find yourselves in a situation when it is constantly being emphasized that the main issue is the desire that the RS is independent”.


B&H Prosecutor’s Office: Latest amendments to Criminal Code made work of prosecutors easier (BN TV/N1/RTRS)


Prosecutor’s Office of B&H stated that latest amendments to the Criminal Code of B&H imposed by High Representative Christian Schmidt simplified job for the prosecutors. Spokesperson for the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H Boris Grubesic gave a statement on Monday with regard to the fact that the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H is responsible for implementing the decision of High Representative Schmidt on amendments that were introduced to the B&H Criminal Code. Grubesic stated: “The amendments passed by the HR defined certain actions and procedures that are considered criminal offenses in the Article 156 (Attack on constitutional order), Article 203a (Non-Implementation of the HR’s Decisions), and Article 239 (Non-Implementation of the Decisions of the B&H CC, its Human Rights Chamber, or the European Court of Human Rights). They will therefore make it easier for the prosecutors to pass prosecutorial decisions.” Upon N1’s inquiry to comment on RS President Milorad Dodik’s most recent statements that he will sign the revoked laws and that they will be published in the Official Gazette of the RS, the B&H Prosecutor’s Office briefly stated that “with his decisions, the HR has made their work easier”. N1 reports that amendments to the B&H Criminal Code imposed by HR Schmidt envisage that failure to implement the HR’s decision will be punished by imprisonment for a term between six months and five years and the ban on political activity. Additionally, attack on the constitutional order, which is a criminal offense, is no longer defined only as the use of physical force, but also as unlawful activities. RTRS reports that the B&H Prosecutor’s Office has confirmed that Schmidt’s amendments to the B&H Criminal Code “will make their passing of decisions easier’’, however those decisions will be legal null and void in the RS, because they are imposed by a foreigner whose mandate has not been confirmed by the United Nations Security Council (UN SC).


Isak: FB&H Police waits instructions from Prosecutor’s Office of B&H (Nova BH)


The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Minister of Interior Ramo Isak commented the latest changes to the B&H Criminal Code imposed by High Representative to B&H Christian Schmidt. Isak stated: “The High Representative made a law that must be respected. Let the Prosecutor's Office instruct the FB&H Police Administration tomorrow morning what is needed, the FB&H Police Administration will do it. This means that there is no one in this country who will be able to do anything illegal before the law and be unpunished, no matter who it is. B&H Police Administration is ready for anything”.


Dodik: New crisis in B&H was not provoked by us in B&H, but same people who send false reports about B&H to their ministries (Srna)


RS President Milorad Dodik told Srna that immediately after the meeting in Konjic, it was clear that only ones who lost is a part of the international community which maintains itself in B&H on conflicts and substitution of legal institutions in B&H. Dodik noted that even though the meeting did not produce some major results, it still presented an attempt to openly discuss the issues and how to solve them, and the worst thing for part of Embassies in Sarajevo- political partners were sitting at the same table and talked. “We did not wait long for the response of self-elected international representatives who agreed that we in B&H cannot agree and that it is necessary to do something radical. Now, we have crisis yet again, which was not provoked by us in B&H, but by the same ones who send false reports on situation in B&H, to their ministries. Therefore, everything that happens in the next days in B&H, responsibility for that should not be searched in the RS or even in the FB&H. There are couple of Embassies in Sarajevo and the one who is arrogantly walking around, falsely representing himself, so they can explain what is happening”, said Dodik. He underlined that if their desire was to “make the Muslims happy”, they failed in this, because their happiness is in complete elimination of the RS. “We will not leave the RS, nor we will hand them over the RS. If they are playing the game of nerves and patience, we have abundance of it, because we do not have spare country and we live here. And I have not run for the RS President to bow my head before every ragtag. Out citizens voted for me counting that I will fight”, said Dodik. He noted that it is ridiculous to believe that everything will be idealistic only if the foreigners distribute the suitable actors and even Michael Murphy no longer believes in it. Dodik also said that whatever happens in the upcoming months, a part of the international community, which suspended legal institutions in B&H, will be responsible for that.


Cvijanovic: Constitutional Court of B&H should be reformed, it would be real contribution to stability of B&H (Dnevni list)


Chairwoman of the Presidency of B&H Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H should be reformed, foreign judges should leave and be replaced by local judges, people of integrity who can be judges and whose decisions will not be contested by anyone and who will make decisions based on the Constitution, and not twist the Constitution. According to Cvijanovic, it would be a real contribution to the stability of B&H. “Nobody wants that. Our partners at the level of B&H don’t want it, or their foreign helpers don’t want it, the Office of the High Representative, which now has an illegal and illegitimate High Representative, doesn’t want it, neither does the EU”, Cvijanovic stated. She further stated that the EU should be the initiator of something like that and say, “let’s see how we can resolve those 14 priorities in a package or block activity”. Cvijanovic further stated that the RS institutions are resolute in returning things into the framework of constitutionality and regular procedures. The B&H Presidency Chairwoman also said she is disappointed that everyone is swearing on the European path, both the Europeans and the partners in the state level authorities, stressing that when one offers them to start working on the 14 priorities, they do not want to do it because of simple reason since one of the priorities speaks about the reform to the Constitutional Court and the issue of departure of foreign judges. N1- Cvijanovic has offered to local and European partners to address all 14 reform priorities in one package. Addressing the media Cvijanovic said: “They do not want that, because only one priority, I think the fourth one (…) states that reform of the B&H CC is mandatory and the issue of foreign judges leaving should be regulated. Therefore, they are willing to sacrifice everything just to avoid that from happening, which means that they are working together, that they are in line with what the international factor is doing here, i.e. using the (B&H) CC as a political instrument, unfortunately, just like the OHR is a political instrument for political showdown with the RS and taking away its competences”.


Nesic comments Schmidt’s decisions; Schmidt’s decisions cause concern and distress for citizen (RTRS/O Kanal)


B&H Security Minister Nenad Nesic said that moves of Christian Schmidt who, as Nesic says is “representing himself as a High Representative in B&H”, are causing concern and distress of citizens. Nesic added that all this is heightened by the rhetoric from Sarajevo – which calls for foreign interventionism and transforms B&H into a colony. Nesic believes the goal is to scare Milorad Dodik. He explains that foreigners believe that by scaring Dodik, they would also strike fear into the RS. “They do not have the intention of processing either academicians, or members of the parliament, they have only one goal – and that goal is called Mister, RS President Milorad Dodik. Their primary goal is Milorad Dodik. We must clearly emphasize this, but we also must clearly say that we all are Milorad Dodik”, Nesic told RTRS. The reporter notes that the crisis in B&H imposed by Schmidt has caused concern among the citizens, however, Nesic said there is no reason for concern. In an interview for RTRS, Nesic said: “This is all heightened by rhetoric from the political Sarajevo and when I see how humble they are, and how much they are calling for foreign intervention, my colleagues (B&H Foreign Minister Elmedin) Konakovic and (FB&H Prime Minister Nermin) Niksic, I am really ashamed because they are increasingly turning B&H into a colony. I would like to convey to our citizens and all peoples living in B&H that the security in B&H is at good level and there is no reason for concern”.


Tabakovic says there is no need for veto in RS Council of Peoples because latest RS parliament laws have been declared invalid (Nova BH)


Although the Bosniak Caucus in the RS Council of Peoples (CoP) initiated a veto procedure on the Law on Non-Publication of Office of the High Representative (OHR) Decisions in the RS Official Gazette, and they intended to do the same for the Law on Non-Implementation of the B&H Constitutional Court (B&H CC) Decisions in the RS, all these activities will be stopped. The Head of the Bosniak Caucus in the RS CoP, Alija Tabakovic, said that there is no need for it anymore because these laws have been declared invalid. Tabakovic explained that the Bosniak Caucus concluded that the High Representative imposed amendments to the Criminal Code of B&H by which participation in non-implementation of the B&H CC decisions is defined a criminal offense. According to Tabakovic, vetoing an already annulled law would mean that the Bosniak Caucus would be participating in procedures related to the law, so it decided to give up on that. He added that “relevant officials in the RS Official Gazette” need to be held accountable for not publishing the HR’s decisions.


If Bosniak Caucus gives up on veto, RS parliament speaker is sending laws to RS President for signing (Glas Srpske)


Glas Srpske reports that if the Bosniak Caucus in the RS Council of Peoples does not veto the laws that the RS National Assembly recently adopted, they will be “on the way” to the Official Gazette, “despite the manoeuvre by Christian Schmidt.” The author reminds that the RS officials have been saying ever since Schmidt said he annulled the laws that they would not apply his decisions, because, as they stressed, the German diplomat is “illegally in the chair of the high representative,” since he was not approved at the UN Security Council, which makes his decisions illegitimate. On the other hand, goes on the author, Schmidt claims he annulled the law that blocked the publication of the High Representative's decisions in the RS Official Gazette and the law on non-enforcement of the Constitutional Court of B&H's decisions on the territory of RS. Neither of these laws has undergone full procedure, so they have not come yet into force, explains the author, reminding that the Bosniak Caucus has already vetoed the law on the publication of laws and other regulations in the Official Gazette, even before Schmidt passed his decision. Whether the Bosniak Caucus will invoke the mechanism of the vital national interest protection regarding the other law or not, they will officially announce at the Council of Peoples session scheduled for Tuesday (today). Head of the Bosniak Caucus Alija Tabakovic told the daily that the Caucus members changed their mind, due to the Schmidt's decision, and will not take any activities regarding the other law. Deputy Speaker of the RS Council of Peoples Vojislav Gligic told the daily that the Council of Peoples will not even put the matter on agenda if the Bosniak Caucus gives up on the veto. In that case, the law is being returned to the RS parliament speaker, who will send the document to the RS President for the signing. Once it is signed, the law is ready to be published in the Official Gazette, explained Gligic.


Izetbegovic: Dodik must be stopped, international community must take resolute steps (Nezavisne)


Bakir Izetbegovic said that the RS President Milorad Dodik must be stopped, and that the international community must take resolute steps. He also accused the international community of being indecisive and failing to react over the past years. Meanwhile, deputy speaker of B&H House of Peoples Kemal Ademovic (NiP) said commenting on the recent steps taken by RS President Milorad Dodik that it was a “continuity of anti-Dayton action.” He also stressed that Dodik “went so far that he can no longer come back,” adding that he is not sure why the international community is doing nothing about it. “The decision passed by Christian Schmidt was coerced, the High Representative had to react in order to keep the rule of law,” said Ademovic, adding that if Dodik can say he wants a referendum, then “we can organise a referendum on joining NATO.”


Becirovic and Kearns discuss threats to peace and stability in B&H, concrete responses to secessionist moves from RS (N1)


Within his working visit to the UK, B&H Presidency member Denis Becirovic met Monday with Chair of the UK House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee Alicia Kearns, where they discussed threats to peace and stability in B&H and defining concrete responses to the secessionist moves from the RS. N1 reports that Becirovic underscored that the West and B&H must take concrete measures to stop the destructive anti-Dayton policy that may threaten peace in the region. Kearns said that the UK and its allies are ready to prevent threats to peace and the Dayton Peace Agreement in B&H, emphasizing that the UK has been committed to the security and prosperity of B&H since the country became independent. N1 reports that within his working visit, Becirovic is expected to meet Tuesday with UK Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs James Cleverly, Secretary of State for Defense Ben Wallace and UK Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Stuart Peach. Becirovic said that extremist and anti-Dayton policy of Milorad Dodik has brought the peace and security into question, which have been worked on for three decades.


Milatovic: The EU is a supra-party goal (CdM)


The President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic said that, immediately after the election of the President of the Assembly and the Prime Minister, he will propose to send a joint letter to all important European addresses, in which he will present, but also guarantee, the accelerated dynamics of our European path. "The EU is a supra-party goal, and it's up to us to achieve it," he wrote on Twitter. The election results have not yet been declared because the Constitutional Court accepted the appeal of the electoral list of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and annulled the decision of the State Election Commission (DIK), so the parliamentary elections will be repeated at one polling station in Cetinje. Only after the announcement of the final results, the president organizes consultations and gives a mandate for the composition of the new Montenegrin government.


Mickoski: VMRO-DPMNE not supporting constitutional amendments under current circumstances (MIA)


VMRO-DPMNE will not support the constitutional amendments under the current circumstances, the party will not support this process under Bulgarian dictate, said VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski on Monday. "VMRO-DPMNE's position, linked to the Bulgarian dictate and the so-called process of constitutional revision, is clear and unchanged," Mickoski told reporters. He said that citizens are concerned about inflation, poor economy, high prices, low wages and pensions, emigrating youth etc. "The topic of constitutional amendments is intertwined in all of this, but all of our interlocutors receive the same answer they got a year ago. Let me repeat: VMRO-DPMNE will not support, now and in the future, constitutional changes under the current circumstances and under Bulgarian dictate. If the European values are not on the table, if we do not see any change in the behaviour of our eastern neighbor, if we fail to see true European values and guarantees, the future VMRO-DPMNE-led government will not support this process," noted Mickoski. He added that all MPs of the VMRO-DPMNE and its coalition stand behind this decision. The VMRO-DPMNE leader said elections are needed, amongst other things, to unstick the country's Euro-integration process.


Clinton: The real thing that needs to be done in Kosovo is to stop this nonsense (Radio Tirana)


The 42nd President of the USA, Bill Clinton said he was speechless, after some children born in Kosovo showed that they were named after him, Clinton, or his wife, Hillary, thanking him and expressing gratitude for the help and support to their country. In his speech, at the ceremony of honoring him with the ""Big Cordon with a Star for Public Acknowledgement" by Prime Minister Edi Rama, Clinton stated, "I am speechless. If I had a very sound judgment, I would say nothing. I am really speechless". He said that "I will treasure this moment for the rest of my life". "It's been more than 10 years since my wife came here as Secretary of State and I always asked her how she was feeling, how she was doing because I always wanted her to come. And I feel that, even though I am a private citizen, without any public authority I can speak on this issue on behalf of the American people," Clinton said. "Regarding this, regardless of our political parties, our philosophical differences, sometimes even our religious differences, we are committed to the freedom, strength, integrity and future of Albania," former US President pointed out. "I am very grateful for what the Prime Minister said about Kosovo. He knows and many of you know that Hillary and I live in New York, 30 miles from New York City, which is the place with the largest concentration of Albanians in the US. I cannot walk down the street without seeing them," Clinton said. Referring the tensions in north of Kosovo, the former president of the United States, Bill Clinton declared from the ceremony in Tirana in his honor that the tensions in the north of Kosovo must be stopped as soon as possible, considering them nonsense. Focusing on the issue of the four municipalities and the conflict they have produced between Pristina and Belgrade, Clinton emphasized that "the first thing that must be done is to stop this nonsense" as he called it. "There is a dispute going on in Kosovo that I wish had never happened. It is no longer my call, but the Kosovars created those four cities in favor of the Serbs, to give them four more mayors. So, I think now they made a mistake. I think it is easy for Albanians in the majority to try to take advantage of the moment to present their argument. But the real thing to do is to stop this nonsense. What major political issue can be advanced by having tension? There are people who live there, they need to have decent government," said Clinton. "Citizens need to be told that you should always vote." So I think that now they have made a mistake, I think the authorities made a mistake in holding elections for four new mayors (during a boycott), I think it is easy for the Albanians who are already in the majority to try to make their point at the moment to present their argument. Clinton had a message for all young people not to be discouraged by what is happening. "Because these problems are rooted in an impulse that is older than nation states, more ancient than even our religious beliefs. There has always been a fear that the moment we go beyond our kind something bad might happen. We say this while keeping the other away. See these children, the greatest joy in life happens when we open ourselves to the possibility that every single person can receive. I do not know what to say. It is difficult for me to say anything about what was done and said. I did not learn the essential lesson of my life in politics at the university, or during the wave of elections, and in the halls of Government discussions. I learned when I was just a little boy, growing up watching people live their lives," said Clinton. He has also shown that he had always dreamed of visiting Albania, which was once isolated. Clinton also shared an event that he still remembers, when a waiter from Kosovo approached him in a restaurant in the US and thanked him. "He told me, thanks to you my family is alive. The other people I was with had no idea what was going on. I told you that he was an Albanian from Kosovo. They asked me how I knew. I told him that in New York you can find them everywhere. He got up, talked a little with people, told about his family life, what he had been through," said Clinton. He also mentioned the case of the former president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, when after his release from prison and after winning the elections, he saw a little blonde girl and approached her. "He asked, I know who I am. She said yes, you are Mr. Mandela, my president. Mandela told him, I'm here for a little while, but if you study hard and if you learn a lot, and if our country goes in the right direction, one day you will be the president of South Africa as well. There was a time when it was tempting to say look how they treated us, now we have the power. But Mandela says those words to a five-year-old," Clinton said. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Edi Rama thanked Clinton for his support for the Albanians. "President Clinton's hometown is called Hope, 'Hope' maybe it is not a coincidence that 'Shpresa' his house was given to eagles driven from their home from Kosovo. The 42nd president of the USA taught us by the example of his oratory, by the strength of his example that to have hope is to believe, that there are only bad regimes, governments, there are never bad peoples. Rama said that no one knows what the region would be like without Clinton. "The time that has flowed from that historic decision until today has been much gloomier than we can imagine. Not only for Kosovo, and the consequence for all Albanians, but also for Serbia and the consequence for all Serbs, the two nations of the Balkans. They are condemned to live together forever. They choose to return the Balkans to the space of a new battle for the triumph of peace, or under the tyranny of the bloody machine of Belgrade, we came to seek salvation in Albania, they may not return. The Belgrade butcher himself could have spent his life in power and not behind bars. Without question, Clinton's direct personal contribution to our twin eagle across the river is such", Rama emphasized. Rama said that Clinton made a historic decision for the liberation of Kosovo and for the future of the Balkans. Rama stated that the contribution of former American President Bill Clinton is invaluable and extraordinary for the declaration of Kosovo's independence. Rama brought attention to the evening of March 24, 1999, when Bill Clinton ordered the bombing of Serbia in response to the genocide that the Milosevic regime was committing in Kosovo. "We have had the strength of President Clinton's words on the evening of March 24 when he addressed America to announce the bombing of Serbia for its brutality in Kosovo. This is for Kosovo a defining stone for the future, just like Abraham Lincoln's speech at Gettysburg. His direct addresses to the two peoples involved in a cruel conflict caused by the dictatorial regime has left every Albanian and every Serb breathless", Rama said at the ceremony in honor of the 42nd president of the USA. Rama also emphasized that Clinton is the most pro-Albanian American president for a country like Albania and Kosovo, among the most pro-American in the Balkan region. "Being Albanian, I want to believe that we are the country of eagles. President Clinton's birthplace is called Hope and it is no coincidence that hope was also given to the Albanians of Kosovo. He taught us that to have hope is to believe. There are only bad regimes and no bad peoples. It can be said without fear that half a million refugees from Kosovo came to seek salvation in Albania, they might not have returned home. The past could have robbed the future of who knows how much time. So, Clinton's contribution was valuable enough. Clinton was a point of reference and inspiration for Albanians. Dear Mr. President, we in Albania do not get along easily with each other, we find it difficult to come together unless we are threatened by an external enemy. Addressing President Clinton, Rama said that "in no other country in the world, including in Arkansas, you will not be able to find a greater consensus than in Albania". "We in Albania don't get along easily with each other, after all, neither do you in America. It is difficult for us to come together unless a common enemy forces us, and it is even certain that we may disagree even on that which I have just said, but I do not believe that in any other country in the world, including Arkansas, you will find a greater consensus than in Albania, yesterday, today and always. I say this not only with subjective conviction, but also with objective proof, that Arkansas has turned and remained a red state since you left the White House, while today, Albania is faithful to the Clinton method all day long. Albania is the most pro-American country that can be found today. You are the most pro-Albanian president that could be found. Your place is where the greatest friend of honor is," Rama added.


Begaj welcomes Clinton to Albania: Grateful for everything you have done for our nation (Radio Tirana)


The President of the Republic Bajram Begaj welcomed the 42nd President of the United States of America Bill Clinton, who is visiting Albania for the first time. "Welcome to Tirana President Clinton! Albania and the Albanians are forever grateful to you for everything you have done for our nation and in particular for Kosovo", Begaj says. "Your decision-making and leadership in the most decisive days for the future of Kosovo have placed you on the pedestal of our dearest friends. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!", Begaj wrote in his message.