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Belgrade Media Report 12 July



Serbian parliament dismisses Basta, passes decision on creatin investigative committee (Beta)


Serbian MPs, from the government and opposition, adopted on 11 July a proposal for creating an Investigative Committee to establish the facts and circumstances that led to mass murders in Belgrade's Vladislav Ribnikar Elementary School and in the vicinity of Smederevo and Mladenovac, as well as to establish the government's responsibility and propose measures. Ruling MPs voted to dismiss Minister of the Economy Rade Basta who favors introducing sanctions against Russia, which is contrary to the government's position. The parliament adopted a report on the monitoring of commercial media outlets' programs for the period from October 2022 to March 2023. The report, which also examines reporting on cases of violence in TV programs, was filed by the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media (REM) while a proposed conclusion was submitted by the parliament's Culture and Information Committee. Both during the committee session and during the debate in parliament, the opposition pointed out that the members of the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media were responsible for the propagation of hatred by certain media outlets and stressing that it was controlled by the authorities. Ruling MPs rejected this, claiming that the body was independent.


US introduces sanctions against Vulin for involvement in narcotics, arms trafficking (Beta)


The US Department of the Treasury announced on 11 July that it had introduced sanctions against Security Information Agency Director Aleksandar Vulin for his involvement in an arms and narcotics trafficking ring. The Office of Foreign Assets Control has said that, "Today’s action holds accountable Aleksandar Vulin for his corrupt and destabilizing acts that have also facilitated Russia’s malign activities in the region." The statement accuses Vulin of being involved "in transnational organized crime, illegal narcotics operations, and misuse of public office." It says that Vulin maintained a mutually beneficial relationship with Serbian weapons dealer Slobodan Tesic, who was sanctioned earlier and who helped transport weapons out of Serbia. "He has used his public positions to support Russia, facilitating Russia’s malign activities that degrade the security and stability of the Western Balkans and providing Russia a platform to further its influence in the region," the statement says.


Vucic: US introduced sanctions to Vulin because of relationship towards Russia; I expect meeting with Stoltenberg in the following days (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said today that the US did not impose sanctions on the director of the Security and Information Agency (BIA) Aleksandar Vulin because of his involvement in crime or corruption, but because of his attitude and attitudes towards the Russian Federation. “Cocaine was not found in Vulin’s cabinet but in the White House. I think it is very important, very important, to conduct an investigation because I think it is some general article that they are using to write something. Tomorrow I will thoroughly talk about all this. About his position and the position of the state of Serbia,” Vucic said in response to questions from the media during a tour of works on the construction of a high-speed road from Pozarevac to Golubac. He said today that he expects to meet NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in the following days. “Yesterday, I sent an official letter for the meeting. I expect that we will see each other in the following days,” said Vucic, answering a journalist’s question in Pozarevac whether a meeting with Stoltenberg had been arranged.


PS: New direct attack on Serbia and Serbian institutions (Beta)


The Movement of Socialists (PS) qualifies the sanctions as “a new direct attack on Serbia and Serbian institutions”. “As always, Washington lies, despises and rapes the truth, which is why Vulin, who destroyed the drug clans that enjoyed the support of the CIA, has now been declared a drug dealer, even though because of Vulin, their favorite narco killers are in prison, which they can only evade if Ambassador Hill and Djilas come to power,” reads the PS statement.


Opposition calls for Vulin dismissal over US sanctions (N1)


Opposition officials called for the dismissal of Serbia’s top security agency chief Aleksandar Vulin after the US Treasury Department imposed sanctions on him for involvement with drug trafficking groups and corruption. “In any normal country, the government would fall and the president would resign,” Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) deputy leader Marinika Tepic said in a written statement, adding that she and her associates have been warning of the illegal activities of Vulin and his closest associates for years. Tepic said that the fact that he was a cabinet minister and now head of the Security Intelligence Agency (BIA) proves that he is a close associate of President Aleksandar Vucic. Tepic recalled the incident when a police sniffer dog reacted to then Internal Affairs Minister Vulin. “The damage to Serbia’s reputation is huge and serious independent investigations are needed now to see how compromised the state system is because of the shameful illegal dealings Aleksandar Vulin was involved in,” she said. Movement of Free Citizens (PSG) leader Pavle Grbovic said that “it’s clear that Vulin is a threat to the security of Serbia and the region”. According to him it was just a matter of time when this would have happened. The PSG is demanding Vulin’s dismissal as BIA director. “This is a person who hasn’t got a single qualification for a post in the BIA. It’s clear that this is a person who jeopardizes the security of all Serbian citizens because he is in that post,” Grbovic told N1. He noted that Vulin has not appeared in public for a long time and added that he is not concerned by his absence but by the fact that he holds a very important post. Grbovic said that some international security organizations aren’t cooperating with Serbia “because one person who is absolutely unreliable politically and in every other sense is at the helm of that extremely important institution”. Zdravko Ponos’ Srce movement also called for Vulin’s dismissal and the accountability of President Vucic who brought a man accused of involvement with organized crime, corruption and drug trafficking to head the BIA. It warned that Vulin is now susceptible to blackmail and failure to dismiss him inflicts damage on Serbia‘s foreign police interests. “Vulin has to be dismissed to control the damage to Serbia‘s interests if he remains in the post,“ a press release said adding that the decision to impose sanctions must have come after warnings. “If Vulin isn’t dismissed, Vucic will become more susceptible to blackmail and Serbia will be more vulnerable,” it said.


Ex-military security chief says Vulin sanctions are soft warning (N1)


A former Serbian Military Security Agency (VBA) chief told N1 on Tuesday that the sanctions imposed on Aleksandar Vulin are a “soft warning” that he can’t remain at the head of the country’s top civilian intelligence agency. Momir Stojanovic said that the warning is that Vulin should not have been appointed director of the Security Intelligence Agency (BIA). He added that the owner of TV Pink Zeljko Mitrovic asked for the appointment of his close friend Vulin. According to Stojanovic, President Aleksandar Vucic granted the request in return for a huge amount of air time on TV Pink for “his psychological propaganda war against the Serbian public”. Stojanovic said that the United States are not uninformed and that Washington knows who Vulin is, what he does, who he represents and what links to criminal circles are.


Petkovic: As long as Vucic is in office Kurti will not be able to expel north Kosovo Serbs (Tanjug/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said on Tuesday that, as long as Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was in office, Pristina's PM Albin Kurti would not succeed in expelling Serbs from the north of Kosovo and Metohija through unilateral actions and in changing the ethnic composition in the four Serb-majority municipalities there.

In a statement, Petkovic said that, to that end, Kurti was "shamelessly" attacking Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija and "calling them derogatory names". He noted that Kurti's "violent and unilateral actions were the sole source of problems". "Albin Kurti is a disgrace to the very notion of democracy as his 'democracy' is reflected in beatings of innocent Serb children and in shots fired in the backs of Dragisa Galjak, Miljan Delevic, Milan Jovanovic and brothers Stefan and Milos Stojanovic, who were carrying a Yule log," Petkovic said. In the north of Kosovo and Metohija, fear is wreaked solely by Kurti's terrorist phalanxes "hiding under uniforms of the so-called Kosovo Police," he added. No one in Pristina has been held to account for the "blood of innocent Serbs that has been shed" or for the "savage abuse" of innocent Serbs who have been arrested, as ultimately acknowledged by EULEX representatives as well, Petkovic said. "Not a day goes by that Kurti does not make a mockery of law and justice and pervert the very notion and essence of democracy, and numerous international officials warn him of that on a daily basis. It is a disgrace that Kurti is calling the Serbs fascists when his ideology of the Prizren League and a Greater Albania is the real fascism that implies a Kosovo and Metohija that has been ethnically cleansed of Serbs," Petkovic said.


Petkovic with Botsan-Kharchenko on situation in Kosovo and Metohija (RTV/Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said yesterday in a conversation with the Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko, that everything that is happening in the province is a direct consequence of a series of unilateral moves and pressures and the decision of Pristina to appoint its illegal and illegitimate mayors, together with special police, in Serb municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. He added that the heating up of tensions continued with the increasingly frequent, unfounded arrests of Serbs, the increase in the number of Kosovo special forces in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, as well as their illegal incursions into the territory of Serbia proper, which, as he said, represents a direct violation of Resolution 1244 and all agreements reached, the Office announced. According to him, such actions by Pristina have led to a serious crisis in the province, especially in the north of Kosovo, where the Serb people are facing “increased violence by Kurti’s special forces”. He emphasized that provoking a crisis is appropriate only for the authorities in Pristina and pointed out that the Serbian side makes daily efforts to de-escalate and normalize the situation on the ground, while the other side does so only with words. Petkovic also said that the moves and decisions of Pristina directly affect the daily life of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija, which Belgrade follows with concern, “determined to protect the Serb people from terror and persecution” because the issue of Kosovo and Metohija is also based on international law, which is the strongest stronghold of Serbia. Petkovic thanked Botsan-Kharcenko for his consistent support for Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, as well as for respecting Resolution 1244.


Gratitude to Namibia in terms of territorial integrity (Politika/Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met with the delegation of the Ministry of Health and Social Services of the Republic of Namibia, led by Minister Kalumbi Shangula. During the meeting, it was assessed that the bilateral relations of the two countries are good and the willingness to improve cooperation in all areas was expressed. Dacic expressed his gratitude for the support that Namibia provides to Serbia in terms of territorial integrity. The Minister of Health and Social Services of Namibia specifically pointed to Serbia’s solidarity and assistance during that country’s struggle for independence.


Doyle-Price: Kearnes's statements do not reflect positions of UK gov't , parliament (Politika/Tanjug)


British MP Jackie Doyle-Price, who is heading a UK parliamentary delegation visiting Serbia, said on Tuesday statements by British MP Alicia Kearnes, who has accused the Serbian Orthodox Church of weapons smuggling from Serbia proper to Kosovo and Metohija, did not reflect the official position of the UK government and parliament but a personal view. At the delegation's meeting with MPs of Serbia's ruling coalition, Doyle-Price noted that the delegation members were interested in, and committed to, strengthening the ties with Serbia, the Serbian parliament said in a statement. It said the delegation had also inquired about Russia's influence in Serbia and about Serbia's position in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. The Serbian MPs said Serbia was pursuing a policy that was in line with its own national interests while respecting international agreements, and that, while adhering to those positions, it expected the same treatment from other countries. They also said Serbia had fulfilled all expectations put before it in the EU-facilitated talks on Kosovo and Metohija, whereas the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities by the interim Pristina institutions was now over a decade overdue. They stressed that Serbia would continue to be militarily neutral and a part of the Partnership for Peace Programme, and remain committed to peace and stability in the region.


Serbia’s ASEAN accession request unanimously approved (RTV/Tanjug)


The government of Serbia announced that at the 56th plenary meeting of foreign ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in Jakarta, which ended today, the member states of this organisation (Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Brunei Darussalam and Myanmar) unanimously approved Serbia’s accession request to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia. Established in 1976, the Treaty aims to create political stability and security in Southeast Asia by ensuring the peaceful resolution of disputes between countries. Access to this Treaty opens opportunities for the Republic of Serbia for closer dialogue, cooperation and inclusion in various ASEAN networks and platforms. At the same time, the accession to this Treaty will additionally contribute to the promotion of essential cooperation in the economic and socio-cultural areas of Serbia with this bloc. The most important areas of ASEAN cooperation with the countries that signed the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia are, among others, economic cooperation, education and the development of people-to-people contacts, science, technology and innovation and sustainable development, while with certain ASEAN countries, it develops cooperation and in other specific areas of cooperation. This includes participation in ASEAN meetings, dialogues and initiatives, which can contribute to diplomatic, economic and cultural exchanges. By committing to the principles set forth in the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, such as respect for the independence, sovereignty, equality, territorial integrity and national identity of all peoples, non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries and peaceful settlement of disputes, the Republic of Serbia will through another legal binding mechanism to prove its fundamental commitment to peace, stability, international law and multilateralism. Serbia submitted a formal request for accession to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia in 2013. Through diplomatic efforts, the unequivocal support of all 10 ASEAN member states for Serbia’s accession to this Treaty was secured. Among the signatory countries of the Treaty are all the great powers, numerous countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America (PR China 2003, India 2003, Japan 2004, Pakistan 2004, Russian Federation 2004, France 2006, USA 2009, Canada 2009, Turkey 2010, EU 2012, UK 2012). Germany (2019), as well as the Republic of South Africa, Colombia and Cuba (2020), Denmark, Greece, the Netherlands, the United Arab Emirates and Ukraine (2022) have joined the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia in recent years. In 2022, Serbia achieved a total exchange of $710 million with the ten members of ASEAN. There is every possibility that the growth trend in trade exchange with ASEAN member states will dynamically continue in the coming years. By 2030, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations is expected to become the world’s fourth largest economy.


In Vilnius, there was talk about Serbia: NATO's message concerns Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/B92)


Strengthening NATO-Serbia relations would benefit the Alliance, Serbia, and the entire region, it was published after the first day of the summit in Vilnius. In the points concerning Serbia, they also state that they call on Belgrade and Pristina to urgently de-escalate, return to dialogue and implement the agreements from Brussels and Ohrid, the Tanjug reporter reported. "We expect Serbia to engage constructively with NATO and its neighbors, including its public communications about the mutual benefits of NATO-Serbia cooperation," it says in point 77, which should be part of the final document, which the leaders of the Alliance will adopt during tomorrow's final day of the summit in Vilnius. As they stated, they support dialogue with the support of the EU and other efforts aimed at normalizing relations between Belgrade and Pristina and call on the parties to seize the moment and engage in good faith towards achieving a lasting political solution. "We call on both sides to immediately de-escalate, return to dialogue and constructively engage in the implementation of the agreement on the path to normalization between Belgrade and Pristina, which was recently reached in Brussels and Ohrid," the document reads. In point 78, they say that they remain committed to the continuous engagement of NATO in the so-called Kosovo, through the NATO-led KFOR mission. "KFOR will continue to ensure a safe environment and freedom of movement in Kosovo in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 1244," the communiqué states. As he writes, the recent escalating actions are unacceptable and condemn the violence in the so-called north of Kosovo, as well as, as they stated, unprovoked attacks in which NATO soldiers suffered serious injuries. "We have increased the presence of KFOR troops to respond to recurring tensions. Any changes in the number of KFOR forces will remain based on conditions, not calendar," the document says.


Kisic thanks Iran for not recognizing Kosovo’s independence (Beta/RTV)


Serbian Family Welfare and Demography Minister Darija Kisic met with Iranian Vice President for Women and Family Affairs Ensieh Khazali in Tehran to discuss population policy measures aimed at improving the demographic profile of both countries, the Serbian ministry said in a release on 11 July. Kisic said that population policy measures implemented by Serbia had started to produce results, stressing that it was encouraging that the downward trend of births had been stopped. She stressed that financial assistance to families with children in Serbia had never been higher, adding that the funds were used for subsidizing mothers when purchasing their first property and projects for supporting families and children in local self-government units. The Iranian Minister said that her country had also been providing support to families through subsidies for purchasing houses, apartments and land, adding that all newly married couples had been receiving financial assistance. In Tehran, Kisic also met with Iranian Education Minister Reza Morad Sahraei. She said that bilateral ties were traditionally good and thanked Iran for not recognizing Kosovo’s independence, according to the release.


Kosovo Serb Ivan Todosijevic acquitted of all charges (RTV/Kosovo Online/Tanjug)


The president of the provisional authority of the municipality of Zvecan and former minister in the Kosovo government Ivan Todosijevic has been acquitted of all charges brought against him, by the decision of the Supreme Court in Pristina, his lawyer Nebojsa Vlajic confirmed for Kosovo Online. Vlajic said that the decision is final, that there is no longer any right of appeal. "The Supreme Court made a decision and acquitted Ivan Todosijevic of all charges, and that decision is final, there is no longer any right of appeal and there will be no further trial, he is a free man," said Vlajic. He added that what they have been saying from the start has finally been proven to be right, namely that everyone has the right to freedom of speech. "The court finally recognized what we claimed from the beginning, that what Todosijevic was accused of is not a criminal offense but him exercising freedom of speech, opinion and expression and that we have the right to have an opinion about the events from the past, and that no one has the right to judge whether our opinion is correct, true or not", Vlajic added. Ivan Todosijevic was sentenced in Pristina in the first instance at the end of 2019 to two years in prison for a statement he made during a commemoration marking the 20th anniversary of the start of the NATO bombing of Serbia. The ceremony was held in Zvecan, and he said at the time that the Racak case was a hoax used as an excuse to start the attacks. The first-instance decision was later confirmed by the Court of Appeals in Pristina. Todosijevic's lawyers then appealed to the Supreme Court. The panel of that court decided to order a retrial. The judicial panel of the Basic Court in Pristina once again found Todosijevic guilty and sentenced him to one year in prison for his statement about Racak, assessing that he was inciting hatred, discord and intolerance.


Kosovo agrees to reduce police presence in north, elections after summer (Beta)


The Kosovo government said an agreement was reached at a meeting held Monday between Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi and EU envoy Miroslav Lajcak for Kosovo to immediately scale down the police presence in and around municipal buildings in the northern region by 25 percent. In a statement the Kosovo government said the meeting centered on strengthening the focus on the full and unconditional implementation of the Basic Agreement of 27 February and the Ohrid Annex of 18 March. The reduction of police presence in and around municipal buildings is the first step the Kosovo government agreed to take. The government of Kosovo publicly expresses its readiness to contribute to the de-escalation of the situation and by not taking actions that could escalate the situation in the north of the country. This includes an immediate 25 percent reduction in police presence in and around municipal buildings, said the statement. It was agreed that “the Kosovo Police, together with EULEX and KFOR, will assess the security situation as necessary, in particular to consider the possibility of further reducing the police presence in and around municipal buildings.” An agreement was also reached for the elections in four municipalities in northern Kosovo to be held after the summer season. “Kosovo expresses its commitment to provide the necessary legal basis to enable the organization of these elections,” said the government. Step four of the agreement reads that the EU will invite the two main negotiators to Brussels in order to finalize the sequence plan of the Agreement on Normalization, after which the implementation of all articles of the agreement will begin, said the Kosovo government. The mentioned actions are to be completed within two weeks, said the statement.


Candles lit for Srebrenica victims at Serbian Presidency (N1)


Candles were lit in front of the Serbian Presidency building to mark the 28th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide with a strong police presence keeping right-wing activists away from the informal ceremony. An N1 reporter said that the police stepped up its presence around the building, deploying about a dozen vehicles with officers in riot-control gear inside. The candle lighting was organized by the Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR) to mark the anniversary. YIHR activists also set up an art piece titled Mother’s Scarf which was created by the Mothers of the Srebrenica and Zepa Envlaves, the Center for Post-Conflict Research and the Srebrenica Memorial Center. N1 reporters said they noticed right-wing organization activists and the regime supporter Simo Spasic who heads the Association of Families of the Kidnapped, Killed and Missing in Kosovo.




EU officials attend commemoration for 28th anniversary of Srebrenica Genocide; Sattler: Srebrenica genocide is one of the worst events in Europe in 20th century; Eichhorst: EU always stands by the victims (BHT1)


A number of the EU officials attended the commemoration for the 28th anniversary of the Srebrenica Genocide at the Potocari Memorial Center on Tuesday. The EU officials agreed that the focus should be on the victims of the Srebrenica Genocide while everyone else should face the past and pay respect to the victims because they cannot and must not be forgotten. Head of the EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Johann Sattler explained that the EU officials came to Potocari to pay respect to the victims as the Srebrenica genocide is one of the worst events in Europe in 20th century. Sattler stressed that when it comes to progress, it is necessary to work on the implementation of priorities on B&H’s path to join the EU and build the foundation for trust but this does not come easy and all judicial proceedings regarding war crimes have to be finished. Sattler noted that the people have to face the past by acknowledging and respecting the victims. Sattler was quoted as saying: “Looking at the perspective, of course reconciliation is what is extremely important and what we put emphasis on, but it will not just happen by itself. We must lay the foundations, and the first and basic one is justice, and that the perpetrators are brought to justice”. “This is one of the darkest chapters of the European history in the last century. All court proceedings in war crime cases should be finalized. It is very important that people start to come to terms with the past by acknowledging and respecting the victims.” Representative of the European External Action Service Angelina Eichhorst stated that the EU has a big commitment to never allow repeating of the Srebrenica genocide and coming to Potocari helps the EU officials to better understand, to pay respect and to prevent such atrocity from repeating ever again. Eichhorst also said that the EU always stands by the victims and that it is time for those who deny genocides, glorify war crimes and for all these revisionists to show due respect to the victims. Sattler was quoted as saying: “Looking at the perspective, of course reconciliation is what is extremely important and what we put emphasis on, but it will not just happen by itself. We must lay the foundations, and the first and basic one is justice, and that the perpetrators are brought to justice”. “What happened 28 years ago will never be and must not be forgotten.”


Borrell and Varhelyi issue joint statement commemorating Srebrenica (Oslobodjenje)


High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission, Josep Borrell and European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi issued a joint statement regarding the 28th anniversary of genocide in Srebrenica. “Twenty-eight years ago, one of the darkest pages of European history was written. We share the grief and pain of the families and friends of the victims and of the survivors of the genocide in Srebrenica. Europe remembers its responsibility and failure to protect. Today, while war rages again on the European continent, we vow to do better to defend peace and protect life. In commemorating the consequences of armed conflict, the EU reiterates its commitment to B&H’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. As a candidate country, B&H’s future lies within the EU. Reconciliation can only be built upon truth, peace, and upon justice. There can be no tolerance for genocide denial, historical revisionism, and glorification of war criminals. All civil and political leaders in B&H have the responsibility to work together to build a better future based on dialogue and mutual understanding to strengthen and defend peace and human dignity for the benefit of all generations,” reads the statement.


Murphy pays respect to Srebrenica victims; US Embassy: US stand with people of B&H (Dnevni avaz)


US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy attended marking of 28th anniversary of genocide in Srebrenica, which took place on Tuesday in Potocari. Murphy paid respect to the victims by laying flowers on the memorial to Srebrenica victims. “The United States stands together with the people of B&H as we honor the memory of the more than 8,000 men and boys who were murdered in Srebrenica genocide 28 years ago,” reads US Embassy’s statement posted on Twitter. The Embassy further noted that this year US Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedoms Rashad Hussain, Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism Deborah Lipstadt and Special Representative for Racial Equity and Justice Desirée Cormier Smith “joined the U.S. delegation as part of their visit to B&H aimed at confronting genocide denial and other forms of hate speech and extremism in B&H”. Spokesperson of US Department of State Matthew Miller stated that the US are dedicated to support to victims, survivors and loves ones of more than 8,000 men and boys who were murdered in Srebrenica. Ambassador Murphy posted a video message: “The US calls on B&H’s political leaders to demonstrate respect for the truth, for the memory of the Srebrenica genocide victims and for the future of B&H, which depends of their ability to acknowledge that genocide occurred in Srebrenica and to take the necessary steps to right this and many other wrongs of the 1992- 1995 war”. On the 28th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide, the US Department of State issued a press release stating that in order to ensure more just future for the citizens of B&H it is necessary to accept the incontrovertible facts of the Srebrenica genocide and other atrocities committed in that country during the war. The US Department of State also emphasized that it is imperative to work towards reconciliation, and that “the US will continue to support a democratic, inclusive, and prosperous future for all citizens of B&H’’. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken posted a statement on his Twitter in regard to 28th anniversary of genocide in Srebrenica. “On the 28th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide, we mourn all its victims and stand with the people of B&H in continued pursuit of justice for victims and their loved ones,” wrote Blinken.


Reilly: World to remember horrible consequences of divisions and hatred (Dnevni avaz)


UK Ambassador to B&H Julian Reilly posted a statement on his Twitter in regard to marking of anniversary of genocide in Srebrenica. “With piety I represent the Great Britain in Potocari, while we bid farewell to 30 victims, and we remember more than 8,000 people murdered in genocide. We pay respect to the survivals, and we thank everyone who do not allow their voices to go silent, for the world to comprehend and remember the horrible consequences of divisions and hatred,” wrote Ambassador Reilly.


Erdogan: Srebrenica must never be forgotten in order to make sure that such bestial acts are never repeated again (N1)


Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan paid respect to the victims of the Srebrenica genocide in his video message by saying that Srebrenica must never be forgotten in order to make sure that such bestial acts are never repeated again. In a video message at the commemoration, Erdogan strongly condemned the denial of genocide, and stated that Turkey will never allow for “another Srebrenica” to happen. As carried Erdogan who said despite verdicts of the international court, there are still people who deny genocide. Erdogan stressed that “one should not forget that stability of B&H is key to stability of the Balkans and Europe”. Fight against genocide denial and rhetoric that causes divisions is best way to build better future for B&H.


Gabriel: We pay respect to victims and join voices that instruct us to remember (Dnevni avaz)


In a message addressed regarding the marking of 28th anniversary of Srebrenica genocide, Bulgarian Foreign Minister Mariya Gabriel stated that the war in the Balkans should have never happened, genocide in Srebrenica should have never happened just as various war crimes and atrocities should never be happening anywhere in the world. “I express our deepest respect toward victims and condolences to their families. We are here today to pay respect to victims and join the voices which instruct us to remember,” said Gabriel.


Macdonald: It is important to recognize rulings of international courts of highest level (FTV)


UN Resident Coordinator in B&H Ingrid Macdonald noted: “It is important to recognize all of the horrors that the victims went through and to recognize the rulings of international courts of highest level.”


Acting Director of Official Gazette of RS Lukic confirms that SIPA raided premises of Official Gazette of RS on Tuesday (RTRS)


RTRS reminds that the Official Gazette of Republika Srpska (RS) is the first institution at the target of judicial-police institutions of B&H, after the amendments to the law on publication of laws and other regulations of the RS removing the obligation to publish decisions of the High Representative (HR) in the Official Gazette of the RS and the law on non-implementation of decisions of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H in the RS were published in the Official Gazette of the RS on Sunday. Acting Director of the Official Gazette of the RS Milos Lukic confirmed on Tuesday that inspectors of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) of B&H raided the premises of the Official Gazette of the RS and that he informed them that it is his legal obligation to publish laws and regulations adopted and signed by the RS institutions, including the decrees signed by the RS President who signed the decree on proclamation of the two laws on Saturday. Lukic told reporters in Banja Luka that SIPA’s raid was expected and announced and that he told them that he works in line with the law. He confirmed in a statement to RTRS earlier that the law on non-implementation of B&H CC’s decisions in the RS is in the legal system of the RS as of 10 July, adding that the law on non-implementation of the HR’s decisions in the RS will come in effect on 17 July. SIPA stated that they work at the order of the Prosecutor Office of B&H that has formed the case regarding the publication of the two laws.


Viskovic says pressures of foreigners and political Sarajevo on RS will never stop because their goal is RS’ disappearance (RTRS)


RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic stated on Tuesday that pressures of foreigners and political Sarajevo on the RS will never stop because their goal is to see the RS’ disappearance. He warned that the first step is to attack the RS leadership, adding that the RS leadership does not need personal protection but the protection of the RS. “They are bothered by the RS and anyone representing the RS institutions, so their attacks will never stop even when Milorad Dodik, Radovan Viskovic or Zeljka Cvijanovic leave political stage. The RS citizens need to understand that this is not about protection of individuals, but it is about the attack on the RS and its protection”, Viskovic concluded.


Novakovic Bursac: RS will not give up on its rights and competencies (Glas Srpske)


Delegate at the B&H House of Peoples (B&H HoP) Snjezana Novakovic Bursac said that RS will not and cannot give up its rights and competences at times when there is unlawful and wanton pressure on its legitimate institutions, which includes the Official Gazette of the RS. “In these moments, two facts are of essential importance. The first is that their actions are based on the current legal system, and the second is that, in a political sense, they represent answers and reactions to the continuity of rights violations and practices that are incomprehensible to a democratic way of governance and sovereignty as a concept”, she pointed out. Unlike a part of the international community and some foreign citizens present in B&H who are trying to carve out a legal basis for their actions and any legitimacy based on non-existent legal bases, manipulated facts and replaced theses, she added that the institutions, representatives and officials of the RS draw their legal, political and any other capacity from the valid legal system and from the will of the Serb people and citizens of RS, expressed multiple times through the election results.


Cvijanovic: I would be grateful to Guterres if he could provide me with the decision of the UN Security Council on the appointment of Schmidt (Srna)


Serbian member and chairwoman of the Presidency of B&H Zeljka Cvijanovic asked the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, that the United Nations deliver the decision of the Security Council on the appointment of the German diplomat Christian Schmidt to the post of High Representative in B&H, as provided for in Annex 10 of the General Framework Agreement for peace (Dayton Agreement) from 1995. "After a thorough search of United Nations Security Council documents available in its online database, we were able to find only one document related to Schmidt's appointment. Those are the minutes from the meeting of the UN Security Council 8823, held on Thursday, July 22, 2021 at 3:00 p.m., from which it can be seen that the only draft resolution submitted for a vote /number S/2021/667/ was not adopted, since the result of the vote there were two votes in favor and 13 abstentions," stated Cvijanovic in a letter to Guterres, Srna reported. She points out that she would be very grateful if the Office for Legal Affairs were instructed to deliver to her, the institutions and the citizens, the official decision of the UN Security Council, if, as she says, such a decision exists and which proves that Christian Schmidt was indeed appointed to the post of High Representative in accordance with relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council, Annex 10 of the Dayton Agreement, as well as all other relevant documents related to such appointment. Cvijanovic sent the letter as an elected member and, currently, the chairperson of the three-member Presidency of B&H. The letter will also be delivered for information purposes to the Under-Secretary General for Legal Affairs and UN Legal Adviser Miguel de Serpa Soares. Cvijanovic announced on Instagram that she had officially requested from UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres the decision of the UN Security Council on the appointment of Schmidt as the High Representative in B&H. "I am convinced that this is the best way to resolve all dilemmas regarding Christian Schmidt's function and his role in B&H, and to finally dedicate ourselves to solving all open issues through the dialogue of elected representatives of the people, without aggravating external influences," said Cvijanovic.


EP discusses current crisis in B&H at its plenary session, MEPs unanimously call for decisive reaction of international community (N1)


N1 carries that the European Parliament (EP) discussed the current crisis in B&H at its plenary session on Tuesday. German MEP Tineke Strik stated that B&H marks the 28th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide in a situation in which RS President Milorad Dodik has taken new steps towards legal secession of the RS from B&H by denying the decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H and undermining the decisions of the Office of the High Representative (OHR). The MEPs unanimously called for a decisive reaction of the international community. Presenting the report on B&H, EP Standing Rapporteur for B&H Paulo Rangel (EPP) reminded that swift formation of state-level authorities in B&H after the 2022 general elections have ensured progress of a number of policies that have been blocked for years due to non-cooperation between political actors. He said that B&H now makes progress on the EU path and achieves concrete results on that path and praised such a progress with expectation that this trend will continue and that B&H authorities will used a new impetus and dynamics. However, Rangel stated that despite B&H’s progress – the main obstacle on the path of the EU integration in B&H, i.e. dangerous secessionist rhetoric of Milorad Dodik and the RS leadership cannot be ignored. “Genocide denial, undermining of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and the constitutional order of B&H are inacceptable. (…) It is clear that divisions and secessionism are the biggest obstacles on the path of the EU integration in B&H. Therefore, the EC must suspend the allocation of funds to the RS until its democratic regression is ended and until the RS is harmonized with the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy. The EU Council also needs to use the sanction regime to finally sanction Dodik and other actors who cause destabilization”, Rangel assessed. He emphasized that High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt has the EP’s full support in implementation of peace and stability in B&H. Strik said that the goal was to express strong support of European Parliament for the ongoing efforts for peace and justice and reconciliation in B&H. She said that this fight is unfortunately still needed, considering that genocide continues to be denied and war criminals are glorified in parts of the country, including among the political leadership of the RS. European Parliament was united in calling for a strong response from the international community to threats of the RS’ secession and messages of the Dodik, said Strik.


RS President’s office condemns MEP Strik’s move to call on OHR to set ultimatum to RS President Dodik to withdraw his latest decrees (RTRS)


The RS President’s Office condemned on Tuesday the latest move of member of the European Parliament Tineke Strik to call on the OHR to set an ultimatum to RS President Milorad Dodik to withdraw his latest decrees on proclamation of the RS parliament’s laws on non-implementation of decisions of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H and the High Representative in the RS. the RS President’s Office stated that it is very arrogant that Strik calls on the OHR to set a short-term ultimatum to the legitimately elected RS President to withdraw his latest decisions or to remove him otherwise, wondering “how come it is possible to even think that an unlawfully appointed foreigner can be more authoritative than 300,180 votes of the RS citizens.” The RS President’s Office reminded that Dodik continues to preserve the RS’ interests, its property and territory and that the time of ultimatums is over. The statement also reads: “Citizens of the RS are the only ones whose opinion matters, and they expressed their opinion on October 2 2022, clearly saying they want Milorad Dodik as their President. The times of ultimatums are behind us, and the RS President Milorad Dodik will not succumb to any pressures and threats, he will continue to protect interests of the RS and all its citizens, its property and territory.” The reporter notes that on Wednesday the current political situation in B&H will be discussed in Sarajevo, i.e. Managing Director of the European External Action Service (EEAS) Angelina Eichhorst will hold meetings with executive and legislative authority representatives, and political party leaders and it is expected that the most recent developments in the country will be one of the main topics of discussion. SNSD’s MP in B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Sanja Vulic stated that the RS advocates respecting of the General Framework Agreement on Peace in B&H. Vulic added that if those like Strik respected anything, they would first call on German tourist Schmidt to return from where he came, because he was not appointed by the UN SC resolution. Speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic said that the RS will not allow foreigners to interfere and impose laws, because the RS is democratic.


Vilnius: NATO member states have agreed to simplify accession process for Ukraine, they stress in joint statement that NATO strongly supports sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H (RTRS)


Two-day NATO summit was opened in the Lithuanian capital city of Vilnius on Tuesday.  NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated at a press conference that Ukraine is much closer to NATO and that the time has come to reflect this through NATO decisions. He said that the NATO member states have agreed to simplify the accession process for Ukraine and shorten its NATO accession path, adding that all member states have unanimous stance that Ukraine cannot be admitted to NATO as long as war rages in that country. The NATO member states adopted a package of long-year support to Kyiv that includes the assistance in adjusting the Ukrainian army to NATO standards. In a statement issued after the first day of the summit, NATO member states stressed that NATO does not seek confrontation with Russia, but that Moscow cannot be considered as a partner. Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov warned on Tuesday that Ukraine’s potential accession to NATO is very dangerous for European security and those who make such decisions should be aware of that. RTRS also reported that the statement issued by the NATO member states after the first day of the summit also expresses NATO’s strongly supports sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H, in line with the General Framework Agreement on Peace in B&H and other treaties. The NATO statement also reads: “We encourage B&H to take advantage of NATO support and intensify efforts to achieve progress in reforms in key areas, including much-needed election reforms, in the area of the rule of law, as well as economic and defense reforms, without questioning the final decision on NATO membership”. NATO stated that it supports reform efforts, including through the newly agreed package for building defense capacities, the NATO headquarters in Sarajevo and broad cooperative tools for security and partnership, as well as through the reform program of B&H with NATO. The NATO statement added: “We encourage domestic reconciliation and call on political leaders to refrain from secessionist rhetoric and divisive actions. We remain committed to the Euro-Atlantic aspirations of B&H”. The NATO summit ends on Wednesday.


Dodik on sanctions against Vulin: He worked in best interest of his state and Serb people (Srna)


Asked by Srna to comment the sanctions that US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) imposed today against Director of Serbian Security- Information Agency (BIA) Aleksandar Vulin, RS President Milorad Dodik said that these sanctions are the sign that Vullin worked and is working in best interest of his state and Serb people. Dodik said that this is an award to Vulin because his patriotism and dedication in preserving of friendly relations with Russia and Russian people. “Anyone who is neutral in today’s global political scene and has not taken a side of American interests, is an enemy for the US. Aleksandar Vulin is “guilty” in US’ eyes, because he remained principled and firmly against introducing of sanctions to Russia because of Russian- Ukrainian conflict,” said Dodik. He added that this is the “so called US democracy” that we listen about from Michael Murphy and those like him. Dodik noted that he is also under US sanctions, because the RS opposed introducing of sanctions to Russia and took a neutral stance and that he feels mighty good because of that. Dodik said that US “explanations” on introducing of sanctions, always list the reasons which have nothing to do with common sense, in order to cover up the real truth about sanctioning of Serbs, which is blackmails, pressures and protection of their own interests with force and threats. Dodik stressed that he fiercely condemns policy of sanctions and pressures and gives full support to Vulin and his work. “We, the Serbs are a small people, but extremely proud and we will never be an object of blackmails and foreign interests. As political representatives of Serbs, we take priority in interests and future of our people, as well as RS and Serbia. Dear brother, welcome to the club of those under sanctions, it will be easier for you now”, said Dodik.


Plenkovic and Milanovic remembering the victims of Srebrenica (Nova BH)


On the 28th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic conveyed that we must never allow such evil repeating. “With a deep reverence for the victims and their families, we remember the Srebrenica genocide in which more than 8,000 Bosniak men and boys were killed. We must never forget their suffering or allow such evil repeating,” wrote Plenkovic on his Twitter account. “Fight against genocide denial and rhetoric that causes divisions is best way to build better future for B&H.” Croatian President Zoran Milanovic posted on his social media: “This sad anniversary is especially difficult and painful for the families of those killed, to whom I want to once again express my most sincere condolences. Remembering the victims of Srebrenica is also important for the sake of future generations, so that such crimes do not happen again," Milanovic said.


Montenegrin officials remembering the victims of Srebrenica (N1)


Addressing the Srebrenica commemoration via video message, Montenegrin President Jakov Milatovic stated that people were killed in Srebrenica just because they were of different ethnicity and religion, stressing that this is a warning that such evil must not happen ever again. Milatovic underlined that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the ICTY passed decisions that gave a criminal-legal response with regard to what happened in Srebrenica. “There is a need to resolutely condemn attempts of relativization”, Milatovic added. Montenegrin Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic said in Potocari that genocide must never be denied and added that truth is liberating. “I believe that the region will move forward on the path of reconciliation and progress once we all accept the truth”, Abazovic stressed. He emphasized importance of conveying message of peace and solidarity with all victims in these turbulent times. “We will continue to come here every year and at least symbolically point out the need to again convey the message that the genocide must never be denied, and that the truth is liberating.” The former president of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic supported the initiative to officially declare 11 July as the International Day of Remembrance for the victims of the genocide in Srebrenica. "Full support for the initiative of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe to officially declare 11 July as the International Day of Remembrance for the victims of the genocide in Srebrenica," Djukanovic said on Twitter. Previously, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatovic, announced on Twitter that it is high time to declare 11 July as the International Day of Remembrance for the victims of the genocide in Srebrenica.


NATO Summit in Vilnius; Perovic: Montenegro is dedicated to the implementation of all tasks (CdM)


State Secretary of the Ministry of Defense and National Coordinator for NATO Krsto Perovic is participating in the NATO Summit as part of the delegation led by the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic. Taking into account the importance of this year's Summit for the further course of the Alliance's activities, an informal meeting of the North Atlantic Council in the format of defense ministers was held on the sidelines of the Summit in Vilnius. "As the war in Ukraine represents the most serious threat to Euro-Atlantic stability since the Cold War period, the defense ministers discussed modalities for further improvement of deterrence and defense of the Alliance in relation to security challenges from all strategic directions. The ministers confirmed their commitment to protecting the integrity of the North Atlantic territory, with a focus on the eastern wing of the Alliance, through eight multinational battle groups, made up of allied forces of the appropriate level of readiness, which could, if necessary, be strengthened from battalion to brigade level," the Ministry of Defense points out. As they add, they also discussed the process of harmonizing national and collective defense planning, with the aim of more effective response in case of potential crises. "As stable investment for defense needs is an important prerequisite for the successful realization of all planned tasks, the leaders also brought new guidelines based on which, starting in 2024, two percent of GDP will be considered the lower limit when it comes to allocating allies for this purpose." statements from the Ministry of Defense. Perovic said that the past months have shown the importance of the Alliance's strategic thinking in order to adapt military capabilities to current and future security challenges. He emphasized that this Summit would confirm the justification of all the decisions that were made earlier, with the aim of improving NATO's activities. The Secretary of State pointed out the importance of adopting defense plans that should improve the efficiency of the Alliance and enable better coordination at all levels of command. He added that all these efforts must be accompanied by an appropriate force structure that has the capacity to realize the ambitious agenda of the Alliance and expressed Montenegro's full readiness to provide the necessary contribution in order to successfully realize these efforts. Emphasizing that our country takes a dedicated approach to the implementation of all tasks, he also recalled the continuous contribution to deterrence and defense, as the most important of the three tasks of the Alliance, through the engagement of our members in combat groups in Latvia and Bulgaria. He also pointed out that we are achieving positive results in terms of allocations for defense purposes. The defense ministers concluded that the Summit in Vilnius comes at a crucial moment for the continuation of the started processes and the future direction of NATO's actions, as well as that the commitment of all allies to common goals and values sends a clear message of unity and steadfastness of the Alliance.


Kovachevski: NATO Summit – unique opportunity to demonstrate strength and unity over current and future tasks (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski is participating Tuesday in the first session of the North Atlantic Council on the level of heads of state and government, as part of the first day of the NATO Summit in Vilnius. “We began the first meeting of the North Atlantic Council, during which we spoke about the strategic concept for the strengthening of defensive capacities and modernization of defense. Boosting the resilience of NATO member states to the growing cyber threats is also a topic of the meeting. The NATO Summit is a unique opportunity for all allies to demonstrate the strength and unity regarding our current and future tasks,” wrote Kovachevski on Facebook. The first session of the Summit is set to focus on bolstering collective defense through regional plans and constant rapid response readiness on land, at sea and in the air. The deterrence policy, according to the government, will be more focused, adding to the military and defense policies. One of the main topics of the session is the continuation of investments in defense and the new commitment to defense spending, with the agreement that defense spending should stand at a minimum of 2 percent of GDP, with at least 20 percent to be used for modernization. According to MIA’s Vilnius reporter, ahead of the meeting, the PM said North Macedonia allocates 1.85 percent of its GDP for defense, with 30 percent of defense spending aimed at the modernization of the Army. The commitment, said the government, is necessary in order to bolster defense capacities, as well as the capacities to face the growing cyber and hybrid threats, and other challenges such as terrorism or the abuse of new technologies.


Petrovska takes part in ministerial meeting at NATO Vilnius summit (MIA)


Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska took part in an informal meeting of NATO defense ministers held within NATO Summit in Vilnius on Tuesday, the Ministry of Defense said in a press release. The defense ministers discussed the strengthening of defense and deterrence as a concept ensuring Euro-Atlantic security and stability; investing at least 2% of GDP into defense; and the support for Ukraine in defending its sovereignty and independence. Minister Petrovska stressed that North Macedonia was an active and reliable ally contributing to NATO's eastern flank, as shown by the deployment of troops in the multinational forces of NATO in Latvia, Bulgaria and Romania. "Macedonian soldiers, together with their colleagues from NATO countries, strengthen our collective security together, side by side," Minister Petrovska said. "We remain part of the NATO multinational forces because, for us, the security of every inch of allied territory and every citizen of NATO is of the highest priority," she added. As regards investing in defense, Petrovska said North Macedonia would allocate 2 percent of GDP for defense in 2024 so it fulfills this important requirement in addition to allocating at least 20 percent of the defense budget into modernizing the army. "Macedonian defense is developing like never before and all our investments are investments into our national and collective security, which is the foundations of our continuing to live in peace, democracy and prosperity," the defense minister said. At the meeting, the defense ministers confirmed that NATO would continue supporting Ukraine. Minister Petrovska said North Macedonia demonstrated its commitment to supporting Ukraine by donating military equipment to its people fighting for their sovereignty and independence.


Osmani in Vilnius meets with Blinken (MIA)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani had a short meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on the sidelines of the NATO Summit in Vilnius. According to FM Osmani in a Facebook post, they briefly discussed the strategic dialogue between the two countries and current events related to European integration. "We also exchanged opinions on the situation in the region as well as the challenges that are part of our chairing the OSCE," Osmani wrote.


Kovachevski meets Biden in Vilnius (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski had a short meeting with US President Joe Biden on the sidelines of the NATO Summit in Vilnius on Tuesday. "My meeting with US President Joe Biden at the NATO Summit was an opportunity to briefly discuss the importance of the European and Euro-Atlantic integration of North Macedonia and the countries of the Western Balkans as one of the prerequisites for ensuring regional peace, stability, security and prosperity," Prime Minister Kovachevski wrote on Facebook. Earlier on Tuesday, he met with UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Montenegro's President Jakov Milatovic, and with the prime ministers of Slovenia Robert Golob, of Luxembourg Xavier Bethel, and of Bulgaria Nikolai Denkov.


Marichikj–Brooks: EU integration to promote lasting peace, prosperity and stability (MIA)


Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj met Tuesday with Robin Brooks, Special Advisor to the US Vice President for Europe, and discussed the country's EU integration and its role in promoting peace, prosperity and stability in the entire region. "We talked about the open initiatives and plans around the EU's enlargement policy as well as the need of visible results and predictability regarding our European perspective, which will help toward the efficient implementation of reforms," Deputy PM Marichikj wrote in a Facebook post. An expert on the Western Balkans, Brooks said North Macedonia had started negotiations with the EU at the right time and now had to keep the process alive, he added. Brooks, according to Marichikj, pointed out that the next enlargement package was on the table – so North Macedonia should make every effort to remain part of it. "Our experience in Euro-Atlantic integration, our practice of dialogue in solving important national issues as well as our efforts to implement key reforms aimed at fulfilling our strategic goals have resulted in North Macedonia's recognition as a factor in regional stability and prosperity and a good role model for the entire region for making the right choices when it comes to the future and stability of the Western Balkan countries," he wrote.


Pendarovski meets with UN Special Rapporteur on counter-terrorism and human rights, Fionnuala Ni Aolain (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski met Tuesday with the United Nations Special Rapporteur on counterterrorism and human rights, Fionnuala Ni Aolain, who is on a working visit to North Macedonia. At the meeting, the President welcomed the visit of the UN Special Rapporteur, which is focused on the activities taken by North Macedonia aimed at the repatriation, prosecution, reintegration and rehabilitation of Macedonian nationals returning from northeast Syria, as well as the return, rehabilitation and reintegration of foreign fighters, women and children with alleged links to certain terrorist groups. Pendarovski voiced satisfaction with the cooperation with the UN Human Rights Committee and their support and expertise in regard to legislation and policies countering terrorism, as well as providing protection of human rights and freedoms. The report on North Macedonia, with its findings and recommendations, is to be presented in front of the UN Human Rights Council in March 2024.


Xhaferi: Srebrenica can happen again if we don't build democratic societies (MIA)


Srebrenica can happen again if nations do not commit to building democratic societies, where the rule of law and respect for human freedoms and rights is the norm, Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi said at Tuesday's commemorative session of Parliament held to mark 11 July, the International Day of Remembrance of the victims of the Srebrenica Genocide. "I would much rather we gathered to celebrate the blessing of life in all its beauty. However, it is extremely important to remember all the sorrow and pain of the Srebrenica genocide," Speaker Xhaferi said. He said North Macedonia has strongly condemned the genocide committed in the dark times of war on the Balkans. "After a war, nothing is the same as before," Xhaferi noted. "The void that remains on the streets and in people's homes cannot be made up for. The pain inside one's chest does not lessen, either. I felt this when I was in Potochari a few years ago. It was obvious in the eyes of Kosovo refugees. I saw this recently in Ukraine as well. "Every day, we hear increasingly worrying news from our region. We cannot bury our heads in the sand and pretend everything is fine or that this is happening somewhere far away. In this age of globalization, advanced technology and new creative ways of warfare, we must unite!" "We live in a world dependent on mutual security support, cooperation, economic exchange and trade, and we need to turn to each other," Xhaferi continued. "Let's stand firmly by each other for the world's safe future and survival. We have to stand on the side of democratic values and prioritize human rights and freedoms, the right to life and the right to make one's own choice. Because this the only way good will triumph over evil." "We are all people, first and foremost! Every human being deserves a good life – but also a good death. As for when death comes, that right is neither a prerogative nor determined by law for certain individuals only," Xhaferi said. He added that people were intelligent beings with a moral responsibility to find peaceful solutions to problems. He urged nations to clear misunderstandings through diplomatic means, engaging in an open and constructive dialogue.


Begaj: NATO summit in Vilnius is a pivotal moment for the security of the Euro-Atlantic region (Radio Tirana)


The President of the Republic Bajram Begaj commented on the NATO Summit, which takes place in Vilnius, Lithuania. Begaj sees this summit as an important moment for Euro-Atlantic security. Begaj states through a post on social networks that Albania remains steadfast in its commitment to support the Alliance's efforts to strengthen prevention and protection measures. "The NATO summit in Vilnius is a pivotal moment for the security of the Euro-Atlantic region. The decisions made during this summit will be instrumental in bolstering the cohesion and unity of our Alliance, as well as providing extended support for Ukraine," Begaj writes on Twitter. NATO member countries are meeting today and tomorrow in Vilnius, Lithuania, where they will discuss the situation in Ukraine and the request of this country to become part of the military alliance.


Rama: The EU should do more for the financial integration of the Balkans (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama said that a different approach from the European Union is needed to make the Balkans financially integrated as well. Prime Minister Rama held a conversation with the expert of the European Center of the Atlantic Council, Rachel Rizzo, within the Public Forum of the NATO Summit, which is taking place in Vilnius, Lithuania. Asked about the Balkan tour and the access of the Western Balkan countries to the EU, Rama said that "I have always said that negotiations should be opened as soon as possible and then membership should come when it comes". "So, we don't have to rush. We have to learn to drive the car at different speeds and not to shout that as soon as we have the driving license, we take the car, because then we cause accidents to others and have consequences", Rama said. Rama emphasized that in the time we are living in, a different approach is needed from the EU in terms of doing more, to make the Balkans integrated and first from the financial side. "What happened during these crises? In fact, it has deepened the gap between us, that is, as countries of the Western Balkans and the EU, and this is based on simple calculations of the money that has been distributed among the member countries. Our neighboring member countries, part of the EU, had all the packages and contributions to overcome the pandemic, the energy crisis, this or that, almost 4800 euros per capita.  So, some funds before accession should be structured and political negotiations should be combined with reforms with the EU, because EU decision-making is a mess. So, they are not able to make all the decisions with 27 countries. Adding 6 more from the Balkans who bring a lot of enthusiasm and joy, but not patience, will not make the decision-making process easier, I suppose,” Rama said. "So it should be something combined, but in the end we can say what we want about the EU, but one thing is certain, without the EU we wouldn't be able to do even 90% of what we have carried out in the last 30 years and without the USA, they also have their problems and we can say what we want, but we would not be able to survive as an Albanian nation", he added. Rama said that we should never forget that we are blessed to be in the heart of Europe and to have these two great strategic alliances like the USA and the EU. "And of course, after we have completed our tasks during the day, in the evening we can make fun of them, because without jokes and humor, the Balkans would have died in time", he added.


Rama with the American senators: Dangerous escalation in the north of Kosovo should be stopped (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama held a meeting with the delegation of American senators at the NATO summit. Present at this meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania, where the NATO summit is taking place, were the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Olta Xhacka, and the Minister of Defense, Niko Peleshi. Rama informed that the meeting was requested by the American senators, based on the concern about the situation in the North of Kosovo and the non-constructive approach of the parties. "Vilnius, Lithuania - With the delegation of American senators at the NATO Summit, in a meeting requested by them based on their concern for the situation in the North of Kosovo and the non-constructive approach of the parties, which has led to a dangerous escalation that must stopped as soon as possible, to return to the dialogue table by finalizing the Normalization Agreement", Rama writes on social networks.