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Belgrade Media Report 26 July 2023



Vucic: Authorities in Pristina do not want elections, detained Serbs harassed (Beta/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Tuesday that he believed the authorities in Pristina, led by Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti, did not want elections and called on the international community to assist the release of detained Serbs. "My plea to the international community is that the remaining Serbs (in custody) be released," Vucic said, adding that he had learned from reliable sources that "they are being harassed," and that some of them had been in custody for over a year. Commenting on a statement by former EU special representative in Kosovo Pieter Feith that Pristina stood to lose the most from a lack of progress in its dialogue with Serbia, as well as that the U.S. was losing patience with Kosovo because the talks were not going well enough, Vucic said that "his words have weight". Answering reporters after a military firepower demonstration in Pasuljanske Livade, he recalled that, until 2012, Pieter Feith had conducted "the so-called supervised independence" of Kosovo, which made "Pristina's reaction even stranger" along with the nervousness that it was showing.


Joint military exercise held in Pasuljanske Livade (Beta/RTS/RTV/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic attended a firepower demonstration of the Serbian Armed Forces' new weapons systems at the Pasuljanske Livade facility near Cuprija on Tuesday. After the exercise, Vucic told reporters that the objective of the demonstration was to foster coordination and direct connections between drones and the firing positions of military units. He said that enormous sums were being poured into the army and announced even more spending on foreign drones, but also on weapons produced by the domestic weapons industry. "It is our job to prepare, to be a factor of deterrence. Investments in the army are huge, there is no other way for us to survive in the geopolitically turbulent region," the president said. The joint tactical exercise dubbed Joint Response 2023 included 743 members of the Serbian Armed Forces and 56 weapons systems. The exercise was also attended by Minister of Defense Milos Vucevic and Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik. The exercise showcased the firepower of the modernized Orao fighter-bomber, the CH-95 unmanned aircraft, the modernized M-84 AS 1 and AS2 tanks, the unmanned Mali Milos platform, the modernized Oganj multiple rocket launcher, the Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer and the self-propelled PASARS artillery and rocket system.


Vucic to B&H Ambassador: Belgrade supports B&H integrity and RS within it (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told the new Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) that official Belgrade supports the integrity of his country and the Republika Srpska (RS) within it. A press release from the President’s cabinet quoted Vucic as telling Ambassador Aleksandar Vranjes that Serbia wants stronger relations with B&H along with mutual trust and solidarity. Vranjes presented his credentials to the President. It said that the president and the ambassador agreed that both countries have an interest in promoting cooperation in all areas of common interest, especially the economy, joint infrastructure projects, regional development and mutual support in European integration. Vranjes, a former B&H ambassador in Croatia, began his diplomatic career as an advisor to RS President Milorad Dodik while he was the Serb member of the tripartite B&H Presidency.


Vucic welcomes UK's new Ambassador (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received the credentials of the UK's new Ambassador to Serbia Edward Ferguson on Tuesday and wished him success during his tenure in Belgrade.

Vucic said he hoped to see a strengthening of overall cooperation between Belgrade and London during Ferguson's term as well as stepped-up political dialogue at all levels. The parties agreed that Serbia-UK economic cooperation had seen dynamic development in the past several years and said they were confident there was space to boost the partnership in many areas, such as energy, the construction sector, ICT services and joint work on major infrastructure projects, the presidential press office said in a statement. Vucic asked the ambassador to convey his regards to King Charles III, the statement said.


Vucic receives credentials of new Cypriot Ambassador (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received the credentials of new Cypriot Ambassador to Serbia Andreas Fotiou on Tuesday. Wishing the Ambassador a pleasant stay in Belgrade and success in his work, Vucic said he was confident the relations between the two countries, based on firm friendship, mutual trust and historically proven close ties and solidarity between the two peoples, would be advanced further during his tenure in Serbia. Vucic reiterated that Serbia very much appreciated the sincere friendship of Cyprus, whose positions defend international law, the presidential press office said in a statement. Vucic extended an invitation to Cypriot President Nikos Christodoulides to pay a visit to Serbia, during which a council on Serbia-Cyprus cooperation would meet as well. He also thanked Cyprus for supporting Serbia's European path. Fotiou said he would devote efforts to economic cooperation with Serbia as well as to presenting the history and culture of Cyprus. Vucic and Fotiou also discussed other matters of significance to the two countries, the statement said.


Gratitude to Palestine for principled position regarding non-recognition of "Kosovo" (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met last night at Nikola Tesla Airport with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Palestine Riyad Al-Malki, who is transiting through our country. The two ministers agreed that bilateral relations between the two countries are good, that there is a traditional friendship, emphasising that mutual support in international fora and organisations also contributes to such relations. The officials expressed their desire to preserve the continuity of the political dialogue, primarily through regular exchanges of high-level visits. Dacic used the opportunity to once again express his gratitude to Palestine for its principled position regarding the non-recognition of the so-called independence of "Kosovo", according to a statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Orlic: Strengthening friendly relations between Serbia and Suriname is a permanent commitment (RTV/Tanjug)


"Strengthening friendly relations between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Suriname, as well as the improvement of overall relations, is our permanent commitment and a state policy we pursue at all levels," said Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic in a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Business and International Cooperation of the Republic of Suriname Albert Ramdin. In the course of the meeting, he pointed out that the Republic of Suriname is a country of special importance for Serbia and thanked Minister Ramdin for his country's decision to withdraw the recognition of so-called independent Kosovo. Orlic stressed that this was of great importance for Serbia, because the Republic of Suriname became an important example for a number of other countries that followed suit. "I would like to thank you for respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country, for being not only on the side of Serbia, but on the side of the UN Charter, on the side of international law and justice, and on the side of peace," concluded Orlic. He informed the guest about the difficult situation in Kosovo and Metohija, the great personal involvement of the President of the Republic of Serbia and the daily efforts invested into preserving stability and peace. The National Assembly Speaker also thanked Suriname for supporting Serbia in international organisations when needed, as well as for its support for our candidacy for the EXPO 2027 host country. Ramdin reaffirmed that his country's position is solely one of support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia, as well as its support in international organisations. From that perspective, Suriname is interested in improving and expanding overall bilateral cooperation with Serbia.


Forty-three Serbs join the police ranks in north Kosovo (Beta/Kossev)


The Kosovo Police has recruited 74 new officers from all national communities, including 45 Serbs, who will be working in the north, the police force deputy director, Veton Elshani has said. Among the newly recruited are 16 Bosniaks, three Turks and eight members of the Roma, Ashkali and Balkan Egyptians communities, who are currently undergoing training. Elshani told portal that Serb police officers came from different parts of Kosovo, mainly from the municipalities in the north - North Mitrovica, Leposavic and Zubin Potok. In early November 2022, the Serbs serving in the Kosovo Police took off their uniforms at Belgrade’s request, amid its confrontation with Pristina over mandating vehicle registration plates with Kosovo insignia in the municipalities in North Kosovo.


Serb Survival Initiative President says over 1,000 Serbs have moved out of north Kosovo (Beta)


Serb Survival initiative president Aleksandar Arsenijevic said on Tuesday that in the past two months over 1,000 Serbs had left the north of Kosovo and that students were now dropping out of schools in large numbers. Arsenijevic told Beta that the basic reason for people leaving Kosovo was the threat that the Pristina authorities were planning to arrest 45 more Serbs who had participated in protests to prevent ethnic Albanian mayors from taking up their duties in municipal buildings, due to which the "people are extremely scared". He further stressed that, last year, around 4,000 Serbs were ordered by the Serb List party to leave Kosovo's institutions and that they were no longer tied down by their jobs in Kosovo, and that, in addition to state officials, numerous craftsmen, teachers and physicians were leaving the north of Kosovo. He said that in the past several days 90 students had dropped out of elementary and high schools in the north. Democratic Party MP Tatjana Manojlovic said in Serbian parliament on 24 July that over the past month 2,000 Serbs had moved out of Kosovo. Miodrag Marinkovic from the Kosovo Center for Affirmative Social Action earlier told Beta that in the past 10 years the number of Serb children in elementary and high schools in Kosovo and Metohija had diminished by 10,000, which, he said, indicated that 40,000 Serbs had left Kosovo during that time.


Kosovo flags raised in Mitrovica North (N1)


Two Kosovo flags were raised in front of the municipal administration building in the majority-Serb Mitrovica North on Tuesday. The flags were raised near the plaque in three languages saying Republic of Kosovo and Mitrovica North Municipality. The plaque was placed there right after the new ethnic Albanian mayor was sworn in on 19 May. The flag of Kosovo was raised in front of the entrance to the municipal administration building initially as in the three other Serb-majority municipalities in north Kosovo. Mayor Erden Atic is the only new mayor of those municipalities who has been in his office from day one unlike the new mayors in the other three northern municipalities where riots broke out when they tried to take office under police escort. All four mayors were elected in a vote boycotted by the Kosovo Serbs. The mayors of Zvecan and Zubin Potok (both from the Democratic Party of Kosovo) have offices in nearby villages while the mayor of Leposavic (from Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s Vetevendosje party) has not left the municipal administration building for more than a month.


Slavica Djukic Dejanovic elected Minister of Education (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


The Serbian parliament elected Slavica Djukic Dejanovic as new Minister of Education on Tuesday. One hundred and forty-nine MPs voted in favour, 40 voted against and five abstained. Djukic Dejanovic took the oath of office after the vote. Her predecessor Branko Ruzic resigned on 7 May following a deadly mass shooting in a primary school in downtown Belgrade, after which Minister without portfolio Djordje Milicevic took over as acting minister of education. Djukic Dejanovic, 72, is a doctor of medicine who has specialised in neuropsychiatry. She is a seven-time MP in the Serbian parliament and the federal parliaments of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the state union of Serbia and Montenegro. She was Serbian parliament speaker from 2008 to 2012 and also served as health minister from 2012 to 2014 and as minister without portfolio for demographics and population policy from August 2016 to October 2016.




RS ruling politicians commend Monday’s meeting of SNSD, HDZ B&H and ‘The Troika’ (ATV/O Kanal)


A meeting of ruling parties’ leaders who form the ruling authorities at B&H level has brought progress towards de-escalation of the crisis. Many commented on the meeting, and some politicians said that someone made some “concessions” during the talks. However, most politicians believe it is good that talks were resumed. A set of laws, filling of the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM), and working groups that will propose new legislative solutions – this was all agreed at the meeting. After Monday’s meeting of SNSD, HDZ B&H and ‘The Troika’, B&H has moved away from the deadlock. The fact that an agreement was reached is not to the liking of those who were not part of the negotiations. For those who negotiated, it is clear that talks are the only cure for the political crisis in B&H. SNSD members send a message that if the agreement is respected, everyone will be better off. “Everything that has become public will of course be good for everyone in B&H. B&H is a country of individual momentum, then stagnation. I think that if everyone sits down at the table and talks and has difficult conversations and makes compromises, everyone will be better off”, assessed speaker of the B&H House of Peoples (B&H HoP) Nikola Spiric (SNSD). There was enough noise - is the message sent from the RS. From 22 August, things will have to be arranged, the report added. “That conversation and dialogue have no alternative, that is what I stood for. I expect that all those who were at the meeting on Monday will remain consistent and honor their words and that by 22 August we will have that package, that is, a set of European laws that will be adopted by the B&H parliament”, B&H Security Minister Nenad Nesic told a press conference. After the meeting in Konjic, there was an even bigger blockade in B&H. The representatives of ‘The Troika’ did not give in to the demands from the RS. At Monday’s meeting, an agreement was reached on important issues for all parties in B&H. From the RS it was announced that all laws and conclusions of the RS parliament remain in force. Speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic underlined that decisions of the RS parliament are still in force adding that only the RSNA can withdraw them. He said: “If the other side is willing to move towards de-escalation during the negotiations, towards abolition of foreign judges in the CC and adoption of a law on the CC so that each people have its own legitimate representatives and for Dayton principles to be valid for all institutions and that there are no decisions without consent of peoples and the entities.”


Representatives of RS opposition criticize agreement reached by ruling coalition leaders (BHT1)


BHT1 carries that leaders of the state-level coalition agreed that the set of laws of importance for the EU integration process will be adopted at the next session of B&H House of Representatives scheduled for 22 August. BHT1 reports that the ruling coalition might be in agreement regarding the laws which need to be adopted, but it is uncertain if the opposition parties will support them as well. Member of B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR) Zelimir Neskovic (SDS) stated that that some of the proposed laws are flawed, such as the Law on Freedom of Access to Information which is very important, but the proposal is full of flaws because it does not precisely prescribe who can control and handle information. Commenting the information that the leaders have agreed to fill the vacant posts in the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, member of B&H HoP and PDP leader Branislav Borenovic said that SNSD leader Milorad Dodik is clearly changing his rhetoric. According to Borenovic, Dodik changed his stances and in return, SNSD’s candidate will be appointed to the post of B&H Finance Minister. Borenovic said that Dodik violated the conclusions of the RS parliament and the Law on Non-Implementation of B&H CC Decisions in the RS. He also accused Dodik of walking back on his promise that he would deliver the new Law on B&H CC which will eliminate foreign judges from B&H CC. Borenovic stated that he expects Dodik to insist on the Law on B&H Constitutional Court being adopted as part of the set of laws agreed by the ruling coalition, because that is what the RS parliament decided.


Trivic: Dodik was withdrawing like a coward and acting in a defensive way at meeting on Monday (Nova BH/FTV/O Kanal)


After the meeting of the leaders of the B&H ruling coalition, the reactions of the coalition are coming. People’s Front President Jelena Trivic said that she believes that SNSD President Milorad Dodik has "twisted his tail". She pointed out that everything that Dodik made a fuss about has now accepted. RS parliament made several decisions, out of which, as People’s Front warned, nothing will come out, Trivic pointed out. Trivic said that there are conclusions of the RS parliament on the non-filling of the B&H Constitutional Court (CC), but there is nothing of that now. Why fill this court if the law on non-application of decisions of the B&H CC on the territory of the RS has been passed, asked Trivic. Trivic also said that they witnessed how the ruling regime in the RS violate institutions of the RS, i.e. the RS parliament so many times. Trivic said that this is a done deal which is why they do not enter in any kind of arrangements with the ruling regime even under the excuse of national unity. Trivic argued that there is no national unity for Dodik but his own unity, unity with his partners and their interest arrangements. Trivic also noted that now, it is obvious that the People’s Front was right for not voting with the regime at the latest three, special sessions of the RS parliament, as they saw Dodik withdrawing like a coward and acting in a defensive way on Monday.


FB&H politicians, political parties comment on meeting of ruling coalition at state level (BHT1/Hayat)


SDA’s Safet Softic said that the Bosniak Caucus will support every law which is important for the EU integration path. However, said Softic, the agreement reached by the ruling coalition leaders is just an attempt to buy some time and reduce the pressure on RS President Milorad Dodik. According to Softic, Dodik is trying to get more money for the RS budget and he wants SNSD’s candidate for B&H Finance Minister to be appointed. Softic emphasized that the optimism expressed by the leaders of the ruling coalition is groundless. Softic said that in his opinion, there are three possible reasons for “for unrealistic optimism’’ after the meeting of the state-level coalition partners, one being “that there is a great pressure on Mr. (Milorad) Dodik and in a way he again gets a lifebuoy from ‘The Troika. The second that some money was promised to him ‘under the table’, as he has done it so far, i.e. he pushes the limit and then gets grants or something else for good behavior. Of course, it is possible that we again see a game that should eliminate a negative impression after the meeting in Konjic”. HDZ 1990 MP Ilija Cvitanovic said that he believes that Monday’s meeting “indicates that in the following month, as said by those who talked last night, we will have five important laws from B&H’s European perspective adopted. We, as the political party and I as a delegate will certainly give our contribution”. MP Zlatko Miletic (ZNG) said: “Given the fact that there have been many promises in the past eight months, i.e. that it is a historic session and that we are on the right tracks, and then they quarrel and swear at each other, until they start making concrete moves and until I see that they are really doing something useful for the citizens of this country, I do not really believe in such agreements. Perhaps there is a momentum given the fact that the RS is in serious financial problems. Perhaps their representatives are looking for a way to take the money from the joint institutions.”


B&H HoP adopts Proposal Law on Freedom of Access to Information (Hayat)


The B&H House of Peoples (HoP) convened at its regular session on Tuesday. The reporter notes that out of 16 items on the B&H HoP’s agenda, only one was related to a proposal law, whilst other items were related to reports and information documents. The reporter goes on to say that the B&H HoP adopted the Proposal Law on Freedom of Access to Information at the Level of Institutions of B&H in the first reading, however, the Proposal Law sparked heated discussion. Addressing the press conference after the session, B&H Minister of Justice Davor Bunoza said that, under the Law, every institution will be obliged to publish on its website all important decisions, a list of its employees and their salaries, decisions on public procurement procedure and audit reports, etc. “They will need to update that every 15 days under the threat of sanctions,” said Bunoza. Delegate in the Bosniak Caucus Safet Softic said that since the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) session held Monday “there has been confusion about what the European Commission (EC) thinks about this Law’s alignment with the European acquis. Therefore, most of the delegates in the Bosniak Caucus were against the Law, because there is a letter from the EC that did not agree with the existing text”. Delegate in the Serb Caucus Zelimir Neskovic said he would like to vote, however there are some shortcomings. “As for the filling of information for the B&H HoR representatives and the B&H HoP delegates, you need to fill in a series of documents with the information regarding you, on the other hand you have institutions no one can access,” explained Neskovic. B&H HoP speaker Nikola Spiric said some of the delegates are of view that the Law is not aligned with the European standards and some delegates think the Law should be adopted. “In any case, this is the first reading and all those who think the Law should be improved and corrected, they have a regular procedure. I hope that in the end, this Law will be adopted’’. Commenting on the agenda, delegate in the Bosniak Caucus Dzemal Smajic said that the items on the agenda include reports of “some commissions from 2021”, noting that 90 percent of such items are on the agenda, “which indicates that this parliamentary majority gathered around HDZ, SNSD and The Troika really does not have any vision”. The reporter concludes by saying that until concrete progress is made as announced by those in power, one cannot expect the B&H HoR and the B&H HoP to work in the interest of the statute, its citizens and the European integration. HDZ 1990 delegate in the Croat Caucus in B&H HoP Ilija Cvitanovic said that he will support all the reform laws that are part of 14 priorities on the EU path of B&H, the same as he voted for the adoption of the law on free access to information in B&H institutions. Bunoza stated that the law was drafted in line with practice in most of the EU countries. Commenting on the criticism regarding the mechanism of complaints, Bunoza reminded that the Constitution of B&H and laws do not stipulate that ombudsmen can pass obligating decisions.


RS reps in B&H CoM pass decision to file criminal reports against competent officials at B&H Ministry of Finance and Treasury and B&H Ministry of Defense for spending funds from budget reserve without decision of B&H CoM (RTRS)


The RS representatives in the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) passed a decision at a meeting held on Tuesday to file criminal reports against competent officials at the B&H Ministry of Finance and Treasury and the B&H Ministry of Defense for spending funds from the budget reserve for buying non-combat helicopters for the B&H Armed Forces without decision of the B&H CoM. They said that the B&H Ministry of Finance and Treasury’s decision to allocate BAM 3.6 million from the current budget reserve to the B&H Defense Ministry without the B&H CoM’s approval violates the law on the budget and the law on financing of B&H institutions, and will lead to a criminal report against B&H Deputy Minister of Finance and Treasury Muhamed Hasanovic.  B&H Security Minister Nenad Nesic (DNS) stated that earlier decision of the B&H CoM defined specifically how much money will be allocated for 2023 and 2024, but the latest allocation from the budget reserves required a new decision of the B&H CoM, stressing that funds were allocated unlawfully and there are elements of criminal liability. B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Stasa Kosarac (SNSD) said that analyses of documents passed by previous convocations of the B&H CoM show that spending of funds from the budget reserve requires special decision of the B&H CoM. Kosarac stated that B&H Deputy Defense Minister Aleksandar Goganovic was tasked with launching criminal proceedings against officials who violated the law on the budget and the law on financing of B&H institutions. Goganovic said that all officials at the B&H Defense Ministry who took part in creation of “scandalous documents” jointly with B&H Defense Minister Zukan Helez will be held accountable due to violation of the law on defense, the rules of procedure, the rulebook on circulation of documents. Commenting on the issue, Dean at the Faculty of Security and Protection in Banja Luka Slobodan Zupljanin told RTRS that unlawful allocation of funds at the initiative of Helez and his previous inappropriate statement show that he is not worthy of the function he performs and that he behaves as a local rude. He stressed that Helez’s activities will not frighten anyone in the RS, but they will harm the future vision of B&H the most.


Cvijanovic: Triggering a veto is not just a caprice (RTRS)


Commenting on the statement of PDP’s Igor Crnadak who announced that PDP will not vote in the RS parliament for her veto regarding B&H Presidency's conclusions, Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that launching a veto is not a caprice but it is a matter of the RS, adding that each MP can vote the way they want. She stressed that she is sure that even without Crnadak's vote, there is sufficient number of the RS MPs “who will not tolerate the outvoting that happened at B&H Presidency or allow that frustrated (Bosniak member of B&H Presidency) Denis Becirovic teaches the RS institutions lessons.” Cvijanovic said that she is sure that the MPs in the RS will understand that “this would be the first time that a body at the level of B&H (B&H Presidency) passes conclusions calling on foreign factor to impose sanctions against the RS officials”.


Kristo meets Sattler; Kristo: Progress on EU path is possible through dialogue, mutual respect and consensus (BHT1/Nezavisne)


Head of B&H Council of Ministers Borjana Kristo met with Head of EU Delegation Johann Sattler in Sarajevo on Tuesday. Kristo and Sattler discussed the 5th meeting of the EU-B&H Stabilization and Association Council held on 19 July in Brussels. Sattler handed Kristo the note on the upcoming Global Gateway Forum which will be held in Brussels in October. Kristo informed Sattler that the Council of Ministers harmonised and adopted a document titled 'Position of B&H in process of stabilisation and association' prior to the Brussels meeting, adding that progress on the EU path is possible through consensus and, dialogue and respect.


Dodik meets Milanovic on Hvar island, they discuss current situation in B&H (Avaz)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic met on Tuesday with RS President Milorad Dodik. “During the working meeting, held on Hvar island, President Milanovic and Mr. Dodik discussed the current situation in B&H and relations of this neighborly state with Republic of Croatia. In this context, they especially discussed the necessity of establishing of functional and efficient authority in B&H, which will secure equal participation of legitimate representatives of all three constituent peoples,” reads the statement issued by Milanovic’s Cabinet. Statement further reads that Dodik informed Milanovic about the talks and processes aimed at solving of institutional and political crisis in B&H, both of them agreeing that this is essential for the wellbeing of all three peoples in B&H and accelerating of European integration. “Republic of Croatia supports and welcomes all agreements of legitimate political representatives of three peoples in B&H, which secure their equality, stability of B&H and its European path,” reads the statement. Daily reads that following the meeting with Milanovic, Dodik left for Serbia, where together with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, he attended military exercise of Serbian Army.


Ibrahimovic after meeting with Spajic: When we agree on principles, discussion about the distribution of ministries will begin (CdM)


“We had extraordinary conversations. These 10 principles were acceptable and were the basis for those that we proposed for addition. When we agree on the principles, the discussion about the distribution of ministries will begin”, announced the leader of the Bosniak Party (BS), Ervin Ibrahimovic, after a meeting with the leader of Europe Now Movement (PES) and potential PM-designate Milojko Spajic. “We have clearly indicated the protection of pension and disability insurance, healthcare, zero tolerance for corruption in public administration in order to present ourselves in the true sense as a European government. We have quality proposals for principles. It is fortunate that the two leaders have found themselves in terms of the European story”, Ibrahimovic said. Ibrahimovic believes that when they agree on the principles, the distribution of ministries can begin.


What BS proposed to PES (CdM)


Bosniak Party (BS) is in principle in agreement with PES’ proposal of 10 basic principles for the formation of the 44th government of Montenegro. “We supported principles number 1 and 2, supplementing principle number 2, which concerns the rule of law and the fight against organized crime and corruption, with the government’s obligation to respect the recommendations of the Venice Commission, to create a socio-political environment in which prosecutors and judges can perform their duties without anyone’s political-economic influences, pressures and threats, including the obligation to respect the principle of refraining high-ranking state and political officials from commenting on illegal decisions and ongoing procedures”, BS leader Ervin Ibrahimovic says. He also adds that BS stressed, among other things, that the principles should include the principle of zero tolerance for corruption in public administration and state enterprises, as well as strengthening the system of internal controls and the introduction of property records for inspectors in all inspection services.


Djukanovic: Current govt obviously doesn’t tolerate any critical thinking and to our collective misfortune, shows signs of dictatorship, totalitarianism and repression (CdM)


In a society striving for progress, criticism of the government and critics of the government are an additional force and factor in democratic development, said the former president of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic. Critical thinking, Djukanovic assesses, makes a responsible and capable government better, and the current one, as he said, clearly does not tolerate it.

“Over the past three years, few actors on the public stage of Montenegro have preserved their independence and impartiality, sharpened their critical thinking despite the increasingly frequent direct attacks by the authorities, some NGOs, journalists, artists, intellectuals,” he tweeted. “We can and it would be desirable to have a dialogue with them about this. But we must, especially if we are holders of state functions, respect their independence and ensure their right to act freely, without intimidation and threats. Only such a Montenegrin society will be an organic part of the European family,” emphasized the former President of Montenegro.


Popa: Civil society should be allowed to act freely, without unnecessary political pressures (Antena M)


Asked about the attacks of the outgoing Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic and the regime media on those who have been criticising the government, in a statement for Antena M, the EU Ambassador to Montenegro Oana-Cristina Popa says that civil society “should be respected, protected and allowed to act freely without the unnecessary political and media pressures”. Popa also warns that autonomy of the prosecution, deprived of any inappropriate influence, represents the key element of rule of law. “We expect from the government to create an environment suitable for constructive inclusion of civil society organizations into policy making,” she said, among other things. The EU reiterates that full autonomy of prosecution is the key element of rule of law and is of paramount importance for Montenegro’s progress on the road to the EU.


Committee on Constitutional Affairs supports proposal for constitutional changes (MIA)


The Parliament's Committee on Constitutional Affairs endorsed Tuesday two conclusions: starting a procedure for constitutional changes and drafting the constitutional amendments if the need for a revision is adopted at the plenary session scheduled for 18 August. The conclusions were adopted by ten 'yes' and seven 'no' votes. "The first conclusion reads that the Committee endorses the proposal for constitutional changes submitted by the government of the Republic of North Macedonia. The second conclusion reads that the Committee proposes that the parliament takes a decision on starting a constitutional revision," said parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi. The second conclusion relates to the drafting of the constitutional amendments, only if the need for a constitutional revision is endorsed at a plenary parliament session on 18 August. "In line with Article 131 Paragraph (1) of the Constitution, the Parliament adopts the decision on the need for constitutional revision by a two-thirds majority. If such a decision is adopted, the parliament is set to adopt a conclusion, determining a timeframe within which the petitioner drafts the constitutional amendments. Therefore, I propose that the Committee adopts the following conclusion: the petitioner of the proposal for constitutional changes - the government of RNM - shall draft a text of the constitutional amendments within 15 days and submit it to the parliament," said Xhaferi. Earlier, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski elaborated the proposal for constitutional amendments, followed by representatives of all MP groups. Forty-four VMRO-DPMNE MPs and two lawmakers from Levica are against the constitutional revision. The Committee session was also attended by Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani, Justice Minister Krenar Lloga, and representatives of the diplomatic corps and Skopje-based international missions.


Osmani: Country at a critical point, time to take responsibility (TV21)


The future of the country is not only the responsibility of the Government, but of all who agree that the country should be a part of the European Union. The country finds itself at a critical point, and all who want to see progress should take responsibility, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani told TV21, according to a press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday. To that end, added Osmani, it is necessary to establish a European front that will take the lead role on that path and will be more than just daily politics. “Now is the time when we need to take responsibility for the people, responsibility for this country, because at the end of the day politics is above all a service, a kind of responsibility to the people who gave you their trust. Now is a time for a front for Europe. To maintain this course, to reach this point, and as soon as we pass this point, then the parties on the political scene are free to organize themselves as they want, this is less important at this moment,” said Osmani. In that context, Osmani said it would be fairer for the opposition to clearly express their positions by saying whether they are in favor or against the EU, and state what other alternatives they propose. “What is the opposition proposing? Is it a Eurasian Association, for example? This is the only way for them to be fair towards the citizens. But, if you claim that you want a European future for the country, then this is the path to Europe. This path doesn’t only apply to us, this was the case for every country,” said Osmani. Commenting on the statements of VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski and the party’s position that they won’t support the amendments, Osmani said “That’s only populism. Not amending the Constitution favors the cause of the Bulgarian extremists in two ways. First, every day we are delaying our EU membership, while the Macedonians are taking out Bulgarian passports, in order to get a Bulgarian passport you have to state in Sofia that you are descended from Bulgarians. There is no great Bulgarization than getting Bulgarian passports, the figure is reaching 100.000, as a result of the delay to the integrations. And second, the adding of the Bulgarians to the Constitution is just a formalization of the fact that we are talking about two different people. For the first time in the Constitution we will have the Macedonian people as a majority, and a part of the Bulgarian people as a minority.”


Judicial Council elects 25 new judges, swears in new member (MIA)


The Judicial Council elected Tuesday 25 new judges in several basic courts, and the Basic Criminal Court in Skopje. The Council also swore in Judge Antoaneta Dimovska as its new member. After the first call, three judges were elected in the Basic Court in Bitola, one in Sveti Nikole, one in Strumica and two in Tetovo, while after the second call, an additional judge was elected in the Basic Court in Bitola, eight in the Basic Civil Court in Skopje, seven in the Basic Criminal Court in Skopje and two in the Basic Court in Strumica. Among those elected as judges in the Basic Criminal Court Skopje was Judge Kiril Georgiev, son of Judicial Council member Nakje Georgiev, who resigned from his post at the Council on Tuesday morning, citing personal reasons. Georgiev’s resignation came ahead of his formal swearing-in ceremony as new Judicial Council member in Parliament Tuesday, alongside Antoaneta Dimovska. Dimovska was accompanied at the ceremony by the President of the Judicial Council, Sashko Georgiev. Asked if it is true that Judge Nakje Georgiev resigned in order to allow his son to become a judge at the Criminal Court, the Council’s President said it is a fact that Nakje Georgiev’s son was a candidate to be a judge. “It is a fact that his son is a graduate from the Academy for Judges and Prosecutors. It is a fact that he is a candidate to be a judge and that according to the law there would be an obstacle if he was a member of the Council. Whether it is because of this, still it would be better for him to say, but it is a fact that in a way this is a dilemma between the colleagues themselves whether this is a condition to elect his son or not, based on the law,” said Georgiev. Judge Dimovska, who was sworn in as a new member of the Judicial Council, said this was a great honor for her, but also a great responsibility. “I applied in order to use my experience and knowledge to help improve the image of the judiciary. We know that the image of the judiciary is not very good at this moment, but there are people who have the strength, the knowledge and integrity to improve it. I think I will provide a humble contribution, I will do everything to help improve the image. The first step I would do, during the sessions which are recorded by the media, I would elaborate on each proposal ‘in favor’ and ‘against’. This is what bothered me in the past, what I reacted against in 2017. My colleagues expect this, and I will do it and I promise you will hear it soon,” said Dimovska.


President Begaj receives Letters of Credentials from the new Ambassador of the French Republic, Catherine Suard (Radio Tirana)


The President of the Republic, Bajram Begaj, received the Credential Letters from the new Ambassador of the French Republic, Mrs. Catherine Suard. During the meeting, the Head of State appreciated the very good relations between Albania and France, as well as the strategic partnership between the two countries. President Begaj also appreciated the support that France gives to the EU enlargement process and the Berlin Process with the countries of the Western Balkans. Meanwhile the new Ambassador of the French Republic, Mrs. Catherine Suard delivered a message on social networks Facebook some days ago. 'I know the dynamism of the French community in this beautiful country and look forward to meeting every one of you in the coming weeks. I also know that it has many loyal friends in Albania, whose tradition of hospitality and the vitality of the Francophonie promote constant development. The French Embassy is at your service. We are at your service. And I take the opportunity of this arrival message to salute the work of its teams and the commitment of all those who contribute to France's action in Albania,' Catherine Suard writes.


Ambassador of Switzerland, Ruth: Albania is moving ahead with the diversification of renewable energy sources (Radio Tirana)


The Ambassador of Switzerland in Tirana Ruth Huber stated that Switzerland has been supporting Albania for the implementation of the reform in the energy sector for 3 decades.

These reforms, according to her, have influenced the improvement of the production capacities and the improvement of the safety of the dams. "We are happy that Albania is moving forward in terms of the diversification of the energy sector towards renewable sources and is presenting energy efficiency. We are side by side with Albania to help", she said, at the ceremony of the first auction for the construction of wind farms, which was held in Tirana. She pointed out that the principles of good governance should guide processes like today's auction. "Transparency, accountability and participation are important. These bring benefit to the three actors in this process, the political parties, the private sector and the consumer, to whom better prices are offered", she said.