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Belgrade Media Report 07 August 2023




Vucic: For us, sanctions against RS are inappropriate, we will not apply them (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and RS President Milorad Dodik speak on the occasion of commemorating Remembrance Day of those killed in the operation Storm. "On behalf of our entire delegation, I want to thank the leadership of the Republika Srpska (RS) for the warm welcome," Vucic said. "Serbia fully adheres to the UN Charter and does not choose whether it suits it or not. We respect the principles of international law, we respect and will respect all the measures of the Dayton Agreement. Accordingly, Serbia has respected and will respect the integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), but also the two entities within B&H. Since we respect the territorial integrity of B&H, we expect that country to respect the integrity of Serbia, which was not the case when there was a vote in the Council of Europe... We have good cooperation with B&H and RS," said Vucic. "We talked about all the difficult topics, about the situation in which the entire region is... I explained all the hardships we face in relation to Kosovo and Metohija, all the double standards we face. Of course, we also talked about sanctions. You know, when your most powerful country imposes sanctions, first against the part of the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, and then sanctions for the head of the BIA, in the meantime sanctions against Dodik, and then also against everyone from the leadership of the RS, of course this is difficult news for all of us," said Vucic. "We have given all the permits for the opening of the B&H consulate in Novi Pazar, if you want we will give permission for other cities as well, there is nothing hostile to us from Sarajevo, I don't see why something coming from Belgrade would be hostile to them," said Vucic. He said that the official position of Serbia on sanctions is that they always have negative effects and that Serbia will not apply them. "Serbia believes that the policy of sanctions produces wrong effects. We consider the sanctions against the RS inappropriate, and accordingly, the Republic of Serbia will treat them as if they do not exist, we will not apply them," said Vucic, which was followed by applause from the crowd. Vučić stated that it was a difficult decision. "We in Belgrade from 1945 until last year did not have a street dedicated to the victims of Jasenovac. We had the most meaningless streets, but that shows how we were brought up, that we are ashamed of our relatives. Those times have passed. The Republic of Serbia is ready to provide some financial support municipalities in the RS but also outside Srpska. As much as we can. We are satisfied with the progress of our relations. It is important that we also talk with the people in Sarajevo," said the President of Serbia. He also spoke about the fact that Serbia will always provide financial support to the RS. Answering questions from journalists, Vucic said that his every reaction in the region is interpreted as a threat and he tries to take it out of context. As he said, they accuse him of trying to form a "Serbian world", although he never used that phrase. "There is a campaign of nonsense and lies. Mile opened the highway and I am happy," he said. He added that they call him a "psychopath" because they have no argument. He said that the RS is always to blame for everything, just like Serbia in the case of Kosovo and Metohija.


Memorandum signed on construction of two memorial centres dedicated to victims of Jasenovac (RTS/Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic spoke on Friday in Banja Luka with RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic about the implementation of joint infrastructure projects of RS and Serbia, and the emphasis is on overcoming the challenges they face in the implementation projects in the field of energy and traffic infrastructure. Brnabic and Viskovic signed the Memorandum on the project of building two memorial centres dedicated to the victims of Jasenovac in Donja Gradina and Belgrade. In the Memorandum, the determination is expressed that in order to foster a culture of remembrance of the victims of the Ustasha genocide (under the auspices of the Nazi Independent State of Croatia), the highlight of which is the Jasenovac concentration camp system, two memorial centres will be built, namely in Donja Gradina, as the place of suffering where the executions were carried out, torture and abuse, and in Belgrade, as the capital of the Republic of Serbia. The signatories of the Memorandum undertake to ensure the conditions for the centres to be built in accordance with the highest standards and to be worthy of the memory of the victims of Jasenovac. Also, the signatories of the aforementioned document agree that the monument in Donja Gradina and the monument in Belgrade will have the same appearance. The signing of the Memorandum was preceded by a meeting of the Council for Cooperation between Serbia and RS.


Dacic: Relations with Pristina at lowest point (Alo)


Relations between Belgrade and Pristina are at the lowest and most difficult point, which is the consequence of the devastating actions by Kosovo PM Albin Kurti, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has stated. In a statement for Alo, Dacic dismissed any responsibility on Belgrade’s part for the escalation of the situation in northern Kosovo following the local elections, which were boycotted by the Serbs. “We remind the international mediators that Serbia did not take part in any escalation and we have nothing to deescalate, and that they should talk to Pristina about that,” Dacic said.


Drecun: Kosovo Serbs under continuous pressure (TV Pink)


The Chair of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun said on Monday the latest developments in Kosovo and Metohija demonstrated that Serbs in the province were under continuous pressure that was aimed at showing them they were undesirable. Speaking to TV Pink, Drecun said developments in Kosovo and Metohija and measures being implemented there were aimed at making life harder for Serbs and at creating a situation where they had no future. Pristina's PM Albin Kurti is pushing a narrative about de-escalation and some kind of civic initiative for a dismissal of mayors, but that is "feigned de-escalation", Drecun said. "Under the guise of de-escalation that can in no way be described as a situation that will lead to defusing the current crisis in the north of Kosovo-Metohija, Kurti is taking unilateral actions that represent a continuation of the horrible terror against the Serbs and the pressure on them," Drecun said. Arrests are being made on various grounds and trucks carrying goods from Serbia proper are not allowed to enter Kosovo and Metohija, which has made regular deliveries of food and medicines impossible, Drecun said. He also said 48 Serbian companies in Kosovo and Metohija faced a ban on their operations because their names contained references to Serbia or Kosovo and Metohija. He said Telekom Srbija's daughter company MTS was the key target because its cable television system was the main source of information to its 30,000 Serb subscribers. "They want to shut down MTS to prevent the Serbs from watching our television channels," said Drecun, who noted that 20,000 of the company's mobile telephony subscribers were ethnic Albanians.


Petkovic: Unacceptable and worrying bomb attack on property of SL MP (RTV/Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said yesterday that the bomb attack on the property of Serb List (SL) MP Zoran Maksimovic from Ranilug is unacceptable and worrying and called on the international community to help shed light on that act. SL assessed yesterday that the series of attacks on Serbs in the south of Kosovo and Metohija is the result of “the rhetoric of the regime in Pristina and the impunity of previously committed crimes” and expressed a request that those responsible for the attack with an explosive device on the property of the parliamentarian be found and brought to justice as soon as possible. In a statement, Petkovic pointed out that in the bomb attack, which occurred after a series of pressures and provocations against the Serb people south of the Ibar, “it was only by sheer luck that no one was injured”. He emphasized that this attack must be taken very seriously and treated with due care because “it sends the message to Serbs and their legitimate representatives that they are not safe in their homes, on their doorstep”. “We call on international representatives to use their authority to help shed light on all the circumstances of this brutal attack, which must not remain another unexplained ethnic incident,” said Petkovic. He reminded that among the Serbs south of the Ibar, “the memory of all the horrors they experienced at the hands of extremists will never fade” and stated that such incidents “only bring back the feeling of fear and anxiety in the Serbian community”.


Lucic: We will fight for unobstructed MTS operations in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug)


Telekom Srbija CEO Vladimir Lucic said at the weekend a decision by Pristina's business registration agency to abolish MTS doo, Telekom Srbija's daughter company in Kosovo-Metohija, was completely without legal grounds and that Telekom Srbija would use all legal means available to enable the company to operate without obstructions. "Telekom Srbija has sufficient strength to alert to this issue all those who can help and I am completely certain we can defend ourselves in this case and that we will show that you cannot do everything by force," Lucic said at a press conference in the north of Kosovska Mitrovica on Saturday after a visit to a local MTS doo outlet. Telekom Srbija is operating in ten countries including Germany, North Macedonia and Turkey and has no problems anywhere, and it has already become a major European telecoms operator, Lucic said. "We will not allow anyone to shut us down here by trampling fundamental rights underfoot, because if anyone wants to use that method they need to be aware that Telekom will win in the end, and any destruction or force used against us would mean payment of hefty damages," Lucic said, noting that Telekom Srbija was aiming to expand its operations throughout the territory of Kosovo and Metohija.


Telekom Srbija: Kurti wants to shut down Telekom Srbija in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTV)


Telekom Srbija has announced that today they were made aware of the decision taken by the Kosovo Business Registration Agency (ARBK) which seemingly rescinds the license of MTS doo with immediate effect. The aforementioned decision is factually and legally unfounded and contrary to European principles, standards and international law and represents a clear violation of the rule of law and violates the confirmed agreements between Serbia, Pristina and the EU, a Telekom statement said on Friday. "This move is based on a completely absurd explanation that claims that a member of the company's management has a passport issued by the Republic of Serbia, although in all official documents all members of our management use documents of temporary institutions in accordance with the Brussels agreement. The question arises, what is the logic of shutting down a company because one of the management members, according to unfounded criteria, has alleged deficiencies in his personal documents?", the statement reads. MTS doo was founded in strict compliance with the Brussels agreement on Telecommunications (8 September 2013) and represents a company that is completely owned by Telekom Srbija for almost a decade. "Contrary to claims by various media outlets about a potential shutdown of MTS, we underline that the final decision remains unenforceable. We are permitted a 30-day window to present an appeal to the ARBK, which we intend to do," the company said. "We want to reassure all stakeholders and international community that Telekom Srbija maintains full compliance with local laws and we will continue to defend all the interests of every citizen of Kosovo and Metohija that are using our services and more than 250 employees," the company concluded.


Dveri Movement: Has Vucic given up on UN SC session on Kosovo (Beta)


Deputy leader of the Serbian Movement Dveri Ivan Kostic asked whether “the Serbian leadership has given up on a special UN Security Council session on Kosovo and Metohija”, noting that a month has gone by since President Aleksandar Vucic’s pompous announcement that he would request it. It has been eight months since the Serbian President wrote to KFOR and the UN asking that Resolution 1244 be honored and that Serbian security forces be allowed to return to Kosovo, Kostic said in a written statement. “Except for headlines in all the regime print media and big words at conferences organized by the President, the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija have so far not benefited from any of that in any way,” said Kostic. He asked if the Serbian political leadership “has given up on fighting, within the UN, to preserve the territorial integrity and the rights of compatriots in the southern province, and whether it has given up on seeking, through Russian and Chinese representatives, the convening of an urgent UN SC session”. Kostic noted that Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry representatives and its Ambassador to Belgrade have said they would “launch the initiative and do all that is requested by Serbia”. “It is obvious that the Serbian political leadership still has some debts and obligations towards the representatives of NATO, Quint and the West, and that this is the reason why Serbia is not using all the mechanisms at international level to protect its sovereignty in the southern province and the safety of its compatriots,” Kostic stressed.


Miroslav Aleksic and a number of members are leaving the People’s Party (N1)


The vice-president of the People's Party Miroslav Aleksic told N1 that he and representatives in a number of city and municipal committees are leaving the party. He explained that the former members of the party are expected to make a decision on the establishment of a new political organization whose working name, for now, is the People’s Movement of Serbia. Internal conflict in the People’s Party has been going on for a long time and last week it entered the final phase, culminating in the removal of Aleksic from the position of president of the party’s Executive Committee.


Jeremic: Aleksic quitting is bad news for opposition (N1)


Leader of the opposition People's Party (NS) Vuk Jeremic voiced his opinion that his deputy Miroslav Aleksic and another 263 members quitting the party “is a step back for all those who think that only joint action of the entire opposition can pose a threat to this corrupt regime”. Them leaving the party is not good news for the opposition or for the people who hope that the ongoing protests will shake up the government or bring it down in next year’s elections, said Jeremic adding that, at its meeting on Sunday, the party leadership “regrettably noted that 264 members have left us”. “What led to friction were major political differences on important issues, and this culminated when the party decided to institutionally fight against the Franco-German plan for Kosovo, we decided to collect signatures across Serbia for a referendum against the plan. It then turned out that some in the party leadership did not share the enthusiasm on this issue. A majority of members, including me, were on one side, and those who have quit the party were on the other. But the decision of a majority of party members was that the fight against the Franco-German plan has to be a priority,“ Jeremic told the TV N1 show New Day. Asked why Miroslav Aleksic was dismissed from the position of People’s Party Executive Board chairman, Jeremic said some Executive Board members refused to conduct the campaign against the Franco-German plan for Kosovo “and the question is why”.




Session of Council for Cooperation between RS and Serbia takes place in Banja Luka; Vucic says Serbia will act as if US sanctions do not exist; Dodik admits that US sanctions are not simple or easy, assessing that US leads anti-Serb policy (ATV)


The Council for Cooperation of RS and Serbia held a session in Banja Luka on Friday. The focus of the session was set on concretization and implementation of joint projects, done in line with the Agreement on Special Parallel Relations between the RS and Serbia. Emphasis was put on the energy projects, including on hydropower plant ‘Buk Bijela’, and the highway to Bijeljina. The session was attended by leadership of the RS and Serbia.  RS President Milorad Dodik said on this occasion that the RS and Serbia “have the best possible cooperation”. Dodik added that this cooperation is not directed against anyone in B&H. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic noted that everyone is welcome to come to Belgrade and to agree on cooperating with Serbia. Vucic underscored that B&H is one of the most important trade partners to Serbia. “Our relations in the RS are at an outstanding level”, Vucic assessed. After the session of the Council for Cooperation between the RS and Serbia, Vucic stated that all important topics, including the US sanctions imposed on the leadership of the RS, were discussed. Vucic rejected the US sanctions as inappropriate. Vucic said that Serbia will act as if the sanctions do not exist and that all those who ended up on the US black list are welcome in Serbia. “Sanctions do not exist for us and we will not apply them and in no way will we agree with those who introduced these sanctions against members of our people. That is of course the only possible decision for us, a fair, honorable, but difficult decision. Because of this, the Republic of Serbia will certainly suffer consequences, not directly, but indirectly, there is no doubt about it,” Vucic underlined. RS President Milorad Dodik admitted that the US sanctions are not simple or easy, assessing that the United States leads an anti-Serb policy. “Those (sanctions) come from the largest country in the world, the one that continuously leads an anti-Serb policy in these areas to the extent that even today it maintains a negative status towards both the RS and Serbia,” Dodik emphasized. Unlike the sanctions where he clearly stated his position, Vucic did not want to say a single word about the High Representative. “I listened very carefully to what President Dodik was saying, we talked for a long time yesterday (Thursday) in the Osovica Monastery about all this and we agreed to speak publicly about certain things and not to speak about certain things,” Vucic underlined. Vucic also spoke of the relations between Serbia and B&H, assessing them as good. Vucic stressed that he is ready to talk for the benefit of all citizens. “It is enough to look at who the sanctions were imposed against and to doubt the impartiality and objectivity of those who introduced the sanctions. Serbia believes that sanctions always produce the wrong effects. We consider them inappropriate and will treat sanctioned persons as if sanctions do not exist. We will not apply them, and we will by no means agree with those who introduced these sanctions. All persons under American sanctions are welcome in our country”, Vucic emphasized. Dodik pointed out that the RS and Serbia will not give up the Open Balkans initiative, stating that it has become common that capital initiatives, like the Open Balkans, are halted, adding that he was very pleased with what was accomplished during the joint session.


RS and Serbia commemorate day of remembrance of Serbs killed and exiled in operation ‘Storm’ in Prijedor; Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic says Serbia will always stand by its people and RS (RTRS)


RTRS carries that a clear message that RS and Serbia are determined to remember their victims and will never give up on that was sent from Prijedor during Friday’s commemoration of the day of remembrance of the Serbs who were killed and exiled in the operation ‘Storm’. A day later, both politicians and analysts agreed that the RS and Serbia have the right to cherish all important dates and events in the history of the Serb people and that the event in Prijedor was organized in a dignified manner. It was pointed out that the meetings, which were organized Thursday and Friday, are confirmation of the unity of the Serb people and the mutual support of the RS and Serbia. Participants of the commemoration in Prijedor said that the message is that no one will be allowed to belittle Serb suffering, with the clear intention to tell everyone the truth about the expulsion of Serbs in ‘Storm’. “What they call ‘Storm’ was a joint criminal enterprise of the United States of America, their monstrous plans towards the Serbs, together with the use of the Croatian Army, which could hardly wait to ethnically cleanse that area and make it sad today and all these years and decades,” RS President Milorad Dodik told the commemoration in Prijedor. Patriarch Porfirije sent a message that peace is the highest value and that everyone's pain should be respected. President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic was clear that one must show respect for other people's victims, but never give up one's own victims. Vucic said that Serbia will always stand by its people and the RS. “We will always stand by our people in the RS, no matter what kind of trouble befalls our people. It is easy to be there when it is nice, it is easy to be there when you need to share good things. Serbia's job, our task, our obligation, our sacred duty is to stand by the people of the RS when it is difficult, when the most powerful power imposes sanctions on you. Yes, we will say, a small libertarian Serbia will not impose sanctions and will help the RS,” Vucic emphasized. President of the New Serbian Democracy from Montenegro Andrija Mandic, who attended the commemoration in Prijedor, said that Serb unity was demonstrated in the best possible way in the RS on Thursday and Friday. “I must tell you that the messages we heard from the President of Serbia, the President of the RS and Patriarch Porfirije were very strong. These were not only messages to the citizens of Prijedor, they were messages to all Serbs, no matter where they live,” Mandic said. Dodik repeated Saturday that cooperation between the RS and Serbia is excellent. Dodik stressed that this cooperation is not directed against anyone and that anyone who wants it within the framework of the Dayton arrangement is welcome. “America may be big, but it is also humiliated and small, because it persistently maintains a negative attitude towards a small nation, both in the RS and in Serbia”, Dodik said. “We did not come here to belittle the victims, neither the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, nor I. We have the right to commemorate our sufferings”, Dodik stated and added that he will never allow anyone to disparage the Serb people and the RS. Vucic pointed out that “in recent days we have witnessed so much hypocrisy, double standards in the behaviour of the great powers towards the Serbs”. Vucic said that the crime on Petrovac Road was targeted and intentional and that there is no mistake about that.


Becirovic: Vucic should start concretely respecting the sovereignty of the state of B&H (BHT1)


Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic posted a statement, regarding the joint session of the RS and Serbian governments. The statement reads: “The parallel relations of the B&H entity RS should be understood as a complement of the normal interstate relations of B&H and Serbia, and not as a substitute for them or, even worse, as an opportunity for their abuse. Only what remains unregulated in the interstate relations of B&H and Serbia, the B&H entity of RS, and with the prior consent of the highest legislative body of the state of B&H – the Parliament of B&H – can be regulated by establishing parallel relations. Established parallel relations must not call into question the Constitution of B&H, as well as the sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H”. “It is time for the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, to stop avoiding the word sovereignty and start concretely respecting the sovereignty of the state of B&H. The content of the relations of B&H entities with neighbouring countries can only be derived from the competences of the entities. Therefore, these agreements cannot and must not encroach on the competence of the state of B&H,” Becirovic said in his statement. Becirovic also conveyed a message to RS President Milorad Dodik that he leaves him “to roll around in the mud of insults” and says he will not stoop to Dodik’s level.


Vucic’s Cabinet responds to Becirovic’s statement: We have no other option but to deliver each speech of President directly to Becirovic in advance (Nezavisne)


The daily argued that Bosniak political circles started attacking Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic even for things he did not say and added “this is what comes out from the statement of Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic” who said that it is high time Vucic stopped avoiding the term ‘sovereignty’ and started respecting the sovereignty of the state of B&H in a concrete manner. The daily contacted Vucic’s Cabinet and asked for a comment. “We have no other option but to deliver each speech of the President in advance and directly to Becirovic in the future”, the Cabinet stated.


Croatia celebrates Victory Day and anniversary of ‘Storm’; Milanovic, Plenkovic reject claims of Vucic and Dodik that ‘Storm’ was operation of ethnic cleansing (FTV)


At the central square in Knin, the Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day, the Day of Croatian Veterans and the 28th anniversary of the military-police operation ‘Storm’ that brought down the Republic of Serb Krajina, a Serbian parastate that was formed in 1991, whose destruction enabled the unhindered functioning of the Republic of Croatia, was marked. Speeches by representatives of the state leadership were held at the central square. “Croatian veterans, thank you for our freedom”, said President of the Republic of Croatia and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces Zoran Milanovic at the beginning of his address. He emphasized that the truth should be established, because not everyone sees it in the same way. He referred to Friday’s messages from Prijedor, when the Serbian President called ‘Storm’ operation the biggest ethnic cleansing in Europe after World War II, and the RS President called that operation a joint criminal enterprise for which he blamed Croatia, but also the US. Milanovic said that he will be very gentle in his message and that it is not nice that such messages were sent from Prijedor, where several thousand Bosniaks were killed. “The victory was great and difficult, and the truth should be told as a whole. The victory made the Dayton Peace Agreement possible, without it there would not have been one”, Milanovic pointed out. “Artists and technicians say that it is passing on the flame, not worshiping the ashes, but when it comes to nations and peoples, the ashes also play an important role. We are here to pay our respects to the ashes, to the fallen heroes, eternal glory to them, and to carry the torch of freedom, so that they are not forgotten and that a better society is built on the foundations of good faith”, he said. Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia, Andrej Plenkovic assessed 1995 as the most important year in modern Croatian history, due to ‘Storm’, recalling that “Croatia was returned to normal life” with that operation, as well as with previous military operation. He referred to the messages sent on Friday from Prijedor, where the Serbian leadership presented theses “about the criminalization of ‘Storm’”. Plenkovic said that Croatia will never allow an attack on that operation or accept accusations from Belgrade. He said that these are messages that often at this time of the year tend to diminish the significance of ‘Storm’ operation or even worse, carry the qualification of criminalization of ‘Storm’. “Today we clearly say to everyone, and especially to those who said it yesterday – ‘Storm’ was a liberation operation, the foundation of Croatian freedom, ‘Storm’ is the foundation of the Croatian state and Croatia will never and will not allow anyone to attack operation ‘Storm’, Croatian defenders, soldiers, and policemen”, said Plenkovic. Speaker of the Croatian parliament Gordan Jandrokovic emphasized in his speech that ‘Storm’ was a formative moment in the creation of an independent Croatian state and that it is important to nurture the culture of memory. He called “inappropriate and rude the attempts of the Serbian state and the leaders of the Serbs from B&H to relativize their own responsibility for the war and aggression and thus strike at the foundations and meaning of the Croatian struggle for freedom”. He warned about the importance of distinguishing truth from lies and said that “Croatia was a victim of Great Serbian aggression and a proud winner in an imposed war”.


Croatia celebrates Victory Day and 28th anniversary of Operation Storm (Hina)


Croatia is on Saturday celebrating Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and Veterans Day in memory of the 1995 Operation Storm, with central commemorative events taking place in Knin, the Dalmatian hinterland. Operation Storm was launched at 5am on 4 August 1995, and within the next 84 hours 10,400 square kilometres or 18.4 per cent of Croatia’s territory was liberated. Croatian defenders entered Knin, that used to be the stronghold of Serb rebels, on 5 August and displayed a 20-metre-long Croatian flag on the fortress overlooking this Dalmatian city. About 200,000 soldiers and police took part in the biggest operation of the Homeland War, of whom 174 were killed and over 1,400 wounded. Operation Storm marked the end of the war in Croatia, created conditions for the peaceful reintegration of the eastern Danube River region, spared the northwestern Bosnian town of Bihac from the fate of Srebrenica, and enabled the return of refugees and displaced persons. The liberation of Knin on 5 August carried special significance because the town had been the centre and symbol of the Serb rebellion and local insurgents who had been supported by the Yugoslav People’s Army (JNA) since the summer of 1990. On 7 August 1995 Defence Minister Gojko Susak declared the operation over. Some of the liberated towns in this operation were Gracac, Obrovac, Korenica, Slunj, Plitvice, Sveti Rok, Benkovac, Kijevo, Vrlika, Dubica, Glina and Petrinja.


Milanovic: Without Croatia’s victory, there would be no Dayton Agreement (Hina)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic said on Saturday at the celebration of Victory Day and the 28th anniversary of Operation Storm in Knin that, without Croatia's victory, the Dayton Peace Agreement that ended the war in B&H would not have happened. The President and Commander-in-Chief emphasized that people are still returning to Knin, which is the result of the work of all governments and the atmosphere among the Croatian people. At the beginning of his speech, Milanovic greeted the high-ranking guests, the soldiers, as well as the “brothers in arms” from Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Croatian Council of Defence (HVO) and said that such anniversaries serve to establish the truth. “Truth is deep water. Not everyone sees it the same way. They didn’t see it in Prijedor (Serb-populated town in northwest Bosnia) yesterday, unfortunately. Of all the places, they chose Prijedor, where several thousand Muslims and Croats were killed in 1992, and that is not nice. I will put it in mild terms – that was wrong,” said Milanovic. He was referring to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who said on Friday in Prijedor, Bosnia and Herzegovina, that “Storm” was the largest ethnic cleansing in Europe after World War II, while Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik called the operation a joint criminal enterprise for which he blamed Croatia, but also the USA. “The victory was big and difficult. When we talk about the truth, the truth should be told in its entirety. Croatia’s victory made the Dayton Peace Agreement possible, but that is a very defensive claim. It did not only make it possible, but the agreement wouldn’t have happened without Storm,” said Milanovic. “Without the defeat of the enemy at the time, nothing would have come from the French and British bombers that had been striking the enemy in vain for several weeks and they (the Serb forces) would never have been forced to the negotiating table,” he added. He stated that some others do not see it that way, but that it is his duty to repeat it all the time so that we respect ourselves more and establish that “we have not really done anything wrong, no more and no less than an ordinary person and an ordinary community”.


Milatovic: Recognition of Kosovo’s independence, NATO membership and sanctions against Russia are not in question (CdM/RTV)


In a statement for Slovenian RTV, the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic commented on the current political situation in Montenegro, particularly reflecting on its European perspective. He stressed that certain topics, such as the recognition of Kosovo’s independence, NATO membership and sanctions against Russia as parts of the common foreign and security policy of the EU – are not in question. “Our country had been almost captured by organized crime and corruption until 2020. After that, the political will enter the stage, but also the institutional instability. Maybe we as citizens had great expectations that everything was going to change overnight,” he said. Asked whether there was a possibility to increase the average salary in Montenegro, President Milatovic said he was sure we, being the small system, could do it if Croatia could have €1.000. According to him, it’s realistic to have such expectations during the term of a stable, pro-reform and pro-European government. On Montenegro’s attitude towards Serbia and Russia and the impact of the Serbian Orthodox Church, he noted: “You know that Mr Djukanovic introduced the church issue into daily politics. It’s the topic we consider closed. I think that Montenegro politicians are now focusing on the topics that are of paramount importance for citizens, i..e. the economic and living standard, the rule of law and EU integrations. While they were dividing us and focusing on those divisions, a small circle of people having close ties with the former government got extremely wealthy, constantly fuelling fear and promoting misinformation about various impacts in Montenegro”.


Djukanovic: Balkan nationalisms are conquering, fascist and villainous (CdM/RTV)


Russia is playing with nationalisms in the Western Balkans. Balkan nationalisms are conquering, they are fascist and villainous, the former president of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, said in an interview for Slovenian TV. Speaking about the time when he was running Montenegro, Djukanovic noted he wouldn’t have done anything differently concerning the state and society. “When you look at what we experienced over the past three years, when you just look at that stagger of Montenegro after the change of power back in 2o20, you might have a different conclusion, you might conclude that we were faster than the real expectations, that we achieved more than it was possible. I heard those phrases that Montenegro was “captured” during the rule of the previous government. Let’s change that thesis. That “captured” Montenegro acceded to NATO and was about to enter the EU. The Montenegro they’re talking about,” Djukanovic underlined. In the interview, he emphasized that he had warned that anyone making any kind of calculation and compromise with the Balkan nationalisms for any reason didn’t help it but rather pushed it into a new war. According to him, Belgrade sees the change of power in 2020 as the open door for a new annexation.


Kovachevski: No room for concern over new conditions from Bulgaria (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski considers that there is no room for concern over possible new blockades from Bulgaria. In an interview with MIA regarding the possibility of new Bulgarian blockades on the path to the EU and if the constitutional amendments are adopted, he said that he personally understands the fears, especially following certain steps and provocations that were harmful to the relations between the two countries. “But with European policies and responsibility on both sides, it is possible to reach European relations. The thesis that the opposition imposes is manipulative and has a double purpose. On the one hand, to mislead the citizens, to play with their emotions. On the other hand, to create an alibi for their irresponsibility because they have no arguments to defend their blockade attempts. Especially now, when the entire content of the proposed constitutional amendments is published and available, no one has a single remark or objection. Things are quite clear, there can be no new conditions for us,” PM Kovachevski stressed. He said that the messages of the international community were clear that there would be no new demands. As an example, he pointed to Germany and his talks with Chancellor Olaf Scholz, that he has no doubts that there will be no new demands outside the established negotiating framework. “I remind you that it was firmly stated in the Declaration of the German Bundestag. That there are no obstacles for the accession of North Macedonia to the EU and that bilateral issues will not determine the accession process of the country to EU membership is also the opinion of the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell,” Kovachevski said. PM Kovachevski said that Bulgaria has also reaffirmed the same on several occasions. “The President of Bulgaria, Radev, the Vice-President Yotova, the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, all of them were very clear in their statements that there are no new conditions, the expectations are that the agreed conditions in the negotiating framework will be fulfilled,” Kovachevski said. In the interview with MIA, he added that the new requirements will further refer to the reforms. “There is no room to think in the direction that we are entering a vortex of new requirements. The requirements will be further refer to the reforms. A process in which we are transformed, and we will once again make serious and difficult decisions that will ensure a better life for the citizens,” Kovachevski added.


Kovachevski: Government coalition stable, no changes expected in pro-European parties as for constitutional amendments (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski said that the ruling coalition is stable and does not expect any changes in regard to action of the pro-European parties regarding the constitutional amendments. When asked whether the turmoil in the DUI, the secession of members, the formation of a new political party by Izet Mexhiti will affect the stability of the coalition, as well as the process of constitutional amendments, PM Kovachevski said in an interview with MIA that all parliamentary parties and all MPs individually “are aware of the importance of the historical moment and correctness in making the right decision that will pave our European path.” “The parliament is the place where in the past we made key decisions that defined the fate and future of the country. It will be the same now. The MPs should consider carefully and make a historic decision, whether they will vote for Europe or vote for isolation, whether they will decide for a better future and prosperity or for being trapped in the past,” Kovachevski underlined. In regard to the US blacklist and its widening with DUI officials, specifically the Struga mayor Ramiz Merko, with Orce Kamchev and in general the problem of corruption and impunity in high level corruption, Kovachevski said that no one should be above the law, and everyone should take responsibility for the actions. “Institutions have a responsibility to verify allegations of possible corrupt activities by any individual and determine whether they are true. Therefore, we encourage the judicial authorities to independently decide and take steps to advance the plan of the administration of justice and the practice of impartiality and professionalism, which will strengthen the judicial integrity, Kovachevski said. Regarding the continuity of impunity, the failure of the SPO, but also the inefficiency of the current judicial authorities, he said that the policies and reforms being implemented are aimed at creating an independent and transparent judiciary. “The judiciary, prosecution, authorities conducting investigations should be freed from political, party or business interests that not only undermine the image of the entire justice system, but also our country as a whole. Fighting corruption is our top priority. The fact that several competent institutions are taking measures to prevent and sanction corrupt acts is encouraging. In this regard, Interior Ministry has intensified its activities in this field. In 2022, 124 corrupt crimes were discovered, for which 164 perpetrators (158 individuals and 6 legal entities) were criminally charged for causing material damage, greater than Mden 227 million,” he noted. Strengthening the fight against corruption and the rule of law, Kovachevski added, can also be achieved through the accession process, which detects weaknesses, but also offers solutions through the criteria that we need to meet to enter the EU. “The experiences of other countries show that the accession process will contribute to better dealing with corruption, and that is what the citizens expect, a functional state based on justice and democracy, on the rule of law,” Kovachevski said in an interview with MIA.


Cannabis in military base, ex-pm demands Minister's resignation (ADN)


Former prime minister Sali Berisha has reacted regarding the cannabis cultivation scandal within the Zall Herri military ward. Berisha demanded the resignation of the defence minister Niko Peleshi, adding that "this is a shameful and unprecedented scandal in the history of the Albanian army". "Edi Rama's narco-state army, narco-army. In Zall Herr's special forces department, there are hundreds of Cannabis Sativa plantations. Official sources inform that in the most guarded military department of the entire Albanian army in the strictly protected territory of the department of the elite troops of our army, in Zall Herr, plantations with hundreds and hundreds of cannabis roots have been found. The Democratic Party declares that this shameful scandal, unprecedented in the history of the Albanian army, which is also an army of the North Atlantic Alliance, deeply implicates and with heavy responsibility the narco-minister Niko Peleshi, who has been accused of cannabis parcels during the period he was minister of agriculture. It implicates the general headquarters, intelligence, military police, army intelligence services and Zall Herr's special forces department command. This scandal tragically proves the transformation of the army of Edi Rama's narco-state, which is the first and only narco-state in Europe, a narco-army as if it were the army of the Taliban and not the army of a NATO member country. The Democratic Party of Albania strongly condemns this shameful scandal for the army and the Albanian state and demands the immediate resignation of the Minister of Cannabis Peleshi and the bringing to justice of all those responsible for this shameful and ugly criminal act," Berisha stated.


Under Rama's governance Albania met criteria to become drug cartel (ADN)


The Head of Organization in Democratic Party, Klevis Balliu, reacted after the police operation where drugs were found in the military department in Zall Herr. Balliu writes on social media that under the DP governance, the Albanian army met the criteria for NATO membership, but in the majority government, it turned into a drug cartel. "Under the government of DP, the Albanian army met the criteria for membership in NATO, now under the governance of Rama, it meets the criteria to become a drug cartel," he writes.