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Belgrade Media Report 9 August 2023



Vucic: Letter from European, US parliamentarians directed against Serbia (Beta/RTS/Tanjug/RTV/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in Belgrade on Tuesday that a letter from European and US parliamentarians "is essentially against Serbia" and that it "is a desperate attempt on the part of people who are trying to provoke conflict on a daily basis". "It is only formally addressed to me, while essentially being against Serbia. They said that the person in Serbia who would recognize Kosovo's independence would be good and that I am to blame for not recognizing [Kosovo] and thereby provoking instability in the region and causing problems," Vucic said at a news conference. Vucic stated: “First, five years ago, they started criminalizing Serbs from the north of Kosovo. Then they explain to us every day that Republika Srpska (RS) is actually an entity and a concept that is ugly, disgusting and that we do not want to see the RS anywhere else. First, the RS is a Dayton creation, created according to the Constitution of Bosnia & Herzegovina (B&H), which is based on the Dayton Peace Agreement. How can you attack the RS and the constitution of a sovereign country? Why are you attacking the RS? But it is that synchronized attack from both the outside and the inside.” Asked to comment on Ukrainian MP Oleksandr Merezhko's saying that recognizing Kosovo was being discussed in Kiev, Vucic said that Ukraine was a friend of Serbia. He said that by acknowledging Kosovo Ukraine "would lose everything that it had in its hands in a single day." On the subject of local elections in Belgrade, he said that if the opposition wanted that, they could be held in December this year or in spring next year, but that the opposition did not get to decide on whether other elections would be held at the same time. He said that he had "offered" early elections in the capital "fifty times," but that no one had asked for a new vote in the city. "You want elections in Belgrade, you will get them. Just tell me whether you want them in December, April or May. We will offer this possibility at any time, while whether there will be other elections, is another question. You do not get to decide, we have yet to see about this," said Vucic.


Vucic, Hill discuss Serbia-US ties, Kosovo and Metohija, Serbia's international position (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke with US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill on Tuesday about advancement of Serbia-US ties, Serbia's international position, the process of the dialogue with Pristina and the situation in Kosovo and Metohija. In a post on Instagram profile, Vucic noted that the discussion with Hill had been open and sincere. "The main topic was further advancement of Serbia-US political and economic relations. Of course, we discussed Serbia's international position, as well as the situation in Kosovo-Metohija and the process of the dialogue with Pristina," Vucic said.


Hill defends his support for regime figures’ pro-Western statements (Nova)


US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill defended the fact he supported a propaganda video in which some prominent figures of the regime of President Aleksandar Vucic talked about how Serbia essentially belonged to the West. Hill’s support for the video, in which among the others appear Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, the Ambassador to the USA Marko Djuric and the owner of TV Pink Zeljko Mitrovic - “I agree: Serbia’s future is in the west”, was written by him - caused dissatisfaction in the part of the public that is critical of the Serbian authorities. Nova therefore asked Hill to explain “how government officials, who targeted the unlike-minded, including independent media and journalists whom they called foreign mercenaries, CIA collaborators.... could be relevant promoters of the Western values”. He was also asked to comment on the fact that Mitrovic appeared in the video, whose television “promoted Russian influence and targeted the citizens of Serbia”. Hill said in a written answer for Nova that he would always agree when someone said that Serbia belonged to the West and that its best possible future was membership in the European Union. Hill said that Serbia was facing “a generational choice” - whether to fully integrate and develop as an equal member of the community of European nations, or to allow the Russian “dictator with delusions of imperial greatness” to continue to restrain it. All that Russia offers is economic dependence and betrayal of basic human values, he said. The pro-EU movement in Serbia must be a “big tent” movement in which there must be room for everyone, Hill said. So if anyone in Serbia - especially those who attract a large audience, and especially if that audience is undecided in terms of foreign policy orientation - says that Serbia is a Western country and its future prosperity depends on Euro-Atlantic integration, that is a message that is worth repeating, he concluded.


Vucevic: Gratitude for Egypt's consistency and unchanged position on Kosovo issue (Tanjug/Beta/Politika)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic met in Cairo yesterday, as part of his official visit to the Arab Republic of Egypt, with the President of that country, Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.

Vucevic expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome, as well as the opportunity for talks, not only regarding cooperation in the field of defence, but also regarding the improvement of overall relations between the two traditionally friendly countries. On that occasion, he conveyed to President El-Sisi the greetings of President of the Republic of Serbia and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vucic, pointing out that the extremely friendly relations between the two presidents contributed to the strengthening and development of the overall cooperation between Serbia and Egypt, especially in the field of defence. He underlined that the political relations of the two countries are traditionally good, friendly and that of partners, that they are bound by historical ties of more than 115 years, which is why Serbia intends to preserve them and constantly improve them. Vucevic also expressed his gratitude for the consistency and unchanged position of Egypt when it comes to the position regarding Kosovo and Metohija. El-Sisi reflected on last year's visit to Belgrade, expressing satisfaction that it resulted in the improvement of relations between Serbia and Egypt in the areas of mutual interest. Vucevic and El-Sisi also discussed strengthening cooperation between the two countries, based on friendly relations that date back more than a century. The President of Egypt also pointed out the importance of military-technical cooperation as an area in which our two countries can cooperate to mutual satisfaction, according to a statement of the Ministry of Defence.


Lucic: Attempt at cancelling MTS in Kosovo and Metohija is Kurti’s political pressure (RTS)


Pristina’s decision to cancel MTS in Kosovo and Metohija is political pressure from the administration of Albin Kurti and is legally unfounded, says the CEO of Telekom Srbija Vladimir Lucic. In an interview for Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS), he stated that, unfortunately, they received a notice on Friday that they would be deleted from the Pristina APR within 30 days. According to him, the reasons given in the notification are unusual, illogical and absurd - that their registration is not correct and that one of their management members, who registered them, has Kosovska Mitrovica, Republic of Serbia written in his passport. “It’s really multi-faceted absurdity. Imagine, you delete a company because one member of the management has, allegedly, a faulty document. If you were to go into our registration sheet, you would see that we are duly registered according to the Brussels agreement, as well as that our responsible persons have Pristina’s identity cards tickets, no passports,” Lucic points out.

You said that the Pristina Agency’s decision has no legal basis and you announced an appeal. Did you submit it?

“It is about an absurd paper where we have 30 days to complain. We have contacted all the embassies and we have the full assistance of the state. I can’t imagine any scenario other than them admitting their mistake.”

If you don’t get a positive response, what else can be done?

“In the event that they reject the appeal, we can ask Pristina through the court for a temporary measure to prevent that decision because irreparable damage is being done to our company.

We have these two legal steps to prevent that decision. I hope we will do that. It is an illegal decision, a violation of the Brussels agreement, and the makers of that decision must be aware of it. Shutting down the mobile signal for people who have a connection with Serbia, and the television signal - so that people no longer have the opportunity to watch TV from Serbia, effectively cuts off a population from communication. They must be aware of the consequences of that shutdown, especially with a reason that is not legally based.”


Tolkach calls on Serbia to align with EU policy and condemn Russian aggression (Beta)


Ukrainian Ambassador to Serbia Volodymyr Tolkach on Tuesday called on Serbia, as an EU candidate country, to align its foreign policy with the EU, particularly regarding the Russian Federation’s aggression on another EU candidate country – Ukraine. In a release following the statement of Oleksandr Merezhko, the chair of the Ukrainian Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, that some Ukrainian MPs supported recognition of Kosovo’s independence in honor of Kosovo’s support to their country, Ambassador Tolkach said that Kiev’s respect of Serbia’s territorial integrity was “a principled and clear stand.” He noted that taking a neutral position was in practice more beneficial to the aggressor, than practical support to international law principles – territorial integrity of Ukraine. In this context, he added, one had to acknowledge “the unequivocal position of the Kosovo leadership regarding Russia’s aggression on Ukraine, particularly in terms of joining the sanctions against the aggressor,” and therefore “an increasing number of voices in the Ukrainian society supporting recognition of Kosovo’s independence comes as no surprise.” “Unfortunately, although Serbia has been speaking about supporting Ukraine, it has been developing an active political dialogue and economic cooperation with the aggressor country,” Tolkach said. He added that each Serbia’s practical move of support to Ukraine would be a strong argument for protection of Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.


Aleksic presents new MP caucus (N1)


Former People's Party (NS) deputy leader Miroslav Aleksic, who quit the NS last weekend, presented Tuesday in the Serbian parliament a new MP caucus, People’s Movement of Serbia – New Face of Serbia. “As of today, there will be a new MP caucus in the Serbian parliament, People’s Movement of Serbia – New Face of Serbia,” said Aleksic, adding that he will head the new caucus and that Milos Parandilovic from the ranks of the New Face of Serbia will be his deputy. He stressed that, as members of parliament, they will do all in their power to ensure that “truth and information reach the Serbian citizens”. “We will represent the interests of every person and citizen of Serbia. It is our duty as MPs to be their representatives, we are paid by Serbian citizens and it is our duty to represent them. This caucus will do precisely that,” he added. Aleksic said all his colleagues proved to be “uncompromising fighters against this regime.” “Fighters against the regime where the mafia, corruption and crime have taken over every pore of this society. We will not give up until there is a change on the political scene, until each and every citizen of Serbia can live a decent life. Serbian citizens understand that they are sovereign holders of power and that they are the ones who decide on everything,” he said. Parandilovic said the two political organizations defined the things they have in common that bring them together. “I am a representative of the New Face of Serbia, but we have pinpointed the things that unite us. These are people I have seen at all the protests and in all the places where we defended people from the government’s torture. The point of us getting together is the fight against this hideous regime of Aleksandar Vucic that has privatized the entire country,” said Parandilovic.




Dodik: there is no territorial integrity of B&H without territorial integrity of RS (RTRS)


The RS President Milorad Dodik said that B&H is the territory of two entities and there is no territory of B&H without the territorial sovereignty of the RS and the Federation of B&H (FB&H). Dodik wrote on Twitter: “B&H does not have sovereignty because sovereignty is given to the entities, and it only has a part of derived sovereignty”. According to the Constitution of B&H, said Dodik, the entities have exclusive jurisdiction over finances, judiciary, army, police, border service and all other state competences that are not expressly given to the level of B&H by the Constitution of B&H. Dodik was quoted as saying: “Even what is under the jurisdiction of the Presidency of B&H as the executive power, according to the Constitution of B&H, in case of overvoting the Serb member of the B&H Presidency, the final decision after the veto is made by the RS National Assembly with a two-thirds majority. If the National Assembly revokes that decision of the B&H Presidency, it is declared null and void as if it never existed. This shows the primacy of entity sovereignty over B&H. All the competences that reflect the statehood of a territory belong to the entities, and everything that was transferred to the B&H level, either by the OHR (Office of the High Representative) or through fraud for decision-making in the Parliamentary Assembly, is actually unconstitutional and therefore temporary. Entities are states that have transferred part of their sovereignty to the level of B&H, while B&H is actually a state union or, more precisely, a union of states - the RS and the FB&H. That is according to the Constitution of B&H, and everything else is the result of unconstitutional actions”.


Becirovic answers Dodik: Sovereignty belongs to state of B&H not the entities (BHRT)


Commenting the statement of RS President Milorad Dodik, published on Twitter (X platform), member of B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic stated that sovereignty of state of B&H was clearly and precisely established by the Dayton Peace Agreement and Constitution of B&H. “Sovereignty is not obtained by twitter and other statement of political officials. It undoubtedly belongs only to state of B&H,” said Becirovic. He noted that statements about sovereignty of administrative- territorial units within state of B&H, are mere nonsense: “There is no entity sovereignty, and such groundless thesis has no legal grounds in DPA and Constitution of B&H, or the international law. State of B&H is full pledged member of the UN and as such, besides the state territory and permanent residents it has sovereignty. In case it would not possess one f thee mentioned elements, it would not have status of the state and international-legal subjectivity. Therefore, only state of B&H has sovereignty and not its entities. Entity subjectivity does not exist.” Becirovic stated that only thing that exists are entity competencies, which are prescribed by B&H Constitution. “It is clearly stated in the Article 1.1. and 1.3. of the Constitution of B&H that entities are legally established as part of internal structure of independent, sovereign and undivided state of B&H, which continues its existence in line with international law, as a state with changed internal structure. This, among other things, is mentioned in the preamble of Constitution of B&H, which precisely states: ‘Dedicated to sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of B&H, in line with international law’. Therefore, sovereignty belongs to state of B&H and not entities and this will not change by any attempts of the manipulation. Sovereignty of state of B&H we have to and we have obligation to protect,” said Becirovic.


Becirovic says B&H is under attack of nine dangerous strategies of lies and manipulation (FTV)


Member of the Presidency of B&H Denis Becirovic believes that B&H is under the attack of nine dangerous strategies of lies and manipulation. Becirovic emphasized the collapse of the state of B&H, which has been going on for years. Becirovic noted that those who are collapsing it do so with a policy of small steps, because they know that a sudden collapse of the state would cause strong resistance. Becirovic stressed that diverting attention, causing confusion, collapse of the state, creating an atmosphere of insecurity, apathy and pessimism are just some of the strategies. B&H intellectuals agree with Becirovic, and they positively evaluate the analysis he made, emphasizing that in this way the B&H Presidency member is not fighting against someone, but is fighting for the state of B&H. President of the Bosnian Academy of Sciences and Arts (BANUK) Suad Kurtcehajic said that Becirovic recognized very well that one is collapsing B&H systematically and gradually and that the forces acting in that direction are constantly taking certain steps to weaken B&H. “Unfortunately, the pro-Bosnian forces are not yet active to the extent that they should be to stop this process," Kurtcehajic underlined. FTV stressed that there has never been a lack of commotion and confusion on the B&H political scene, and it seems that is has never been more of it than now. FTV pointed out that it is not certain who is friend and who is enemy and there is no shortage of mutual accusations of treason. Academician Kurtcehajic assessed the situation in B&H as dysfunctional. “Another thing that Becirovic is talking about is that so much confusion has been created that it is no longer possible to distinguish between the activities of people who work for the state and those who work against the state. So, everything is simply completely disrupted," Kurtcehajic said. Director of the International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES) Zijad Becirovic pointed out that it is Becirovic’s duty to sublimate all the dangers that threaten B&H. "It is not a reckoning with anyone, but simply singles out all those who are for BiH and those who are against," Becirovic said. Political scientist Elmir Sadikovic agreed with Becirovic and said that he hopes that there is a well-designed strategy for defending and building the state, because that is what is missing. “To me, as a political scientist, what is somehow missing in our politics is a strategic, thought-out, reasonable, rational response to the policies of destruction of B&H. I really do not recognize such a strategy of defending and building the state as it is according to the character of its statehood in B&H politics, and that is what particularly worries me," Sadikovic underlined.


Izetbegovic: Izetbegovic would certainly not give in to those who attack B&H (Nova BH)


Nova BH reports that at the 98th anniversary since birth of Alija Izetbegovic, which marked at Veterans’ Cemetery ‘Kovaci’, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic addressed the gathering talking about the legacy of his late father. Speaking about the current circumstances, Izetbegovic said that his late father would certainly not be giving in to those who attack B&H. “Important posts must not be given away, position of B&H must not be degraded and those who are in power today, are doing this. Alija Izetbegovic would press the pause button, regardless of what the foreigners think or the international community, powers and big powers, and he would defend B&H and would never give in,” said Izetbegovic. He believes that Alija Izetbegovic would not give in on the issue of state property, Constitutional Court, Election Law and all the posts that the current authorities gave up in favor of their political partners. Izetbegovic said that his father, believing in ideals he lived by, did not succumb even in times when he was facing prison sentence or during his imprisonment. Addressing the media, Izetbegovic said commemorating Alija Izetbegovic is necessary, because his name is “a symbol of the heroic times we should remember for our sake, not for Alija’s sake. We should remember of who we are and what we and these men in graves endured to have this free state’’. He went on to say that the B&H people proved to be able not only to fight with dignity, but also to organize themselves in a country that was completely surrounded, and organize the military that slowly grew and “overpowered much stronger troops of the aggressor”, the people that developed a diplomatic network, created the state and the army “from nothing”. “Alija’s name symbolizes that fight, that dignity, that readiness, and finally, that capability,” said Izetbegovic.


Ambassador Hartmann: Political crisis in B&H completely unnecessary, we want B&H as a good and stable neighbor and not its citizens emigrating to Austria and other countries (Nezavisne)


Nezavisne novine carries an interview with Austrian Ambassador to B&H Ulrike Hartmann, who speaks about current political developments in the country, EUFOR mandate, possible EU sanctions for RS and other issues. Speaking about the command takeover at EUFOR, she said it was planned for Hungary to take over from Austria next year, which does not mean only the command takeover but all other obligations coming with that. “However, Austria remains an important country that secures troops,” she stressed. Asked why this decision was made now and if it has something to do with the current situation, Hartmann replied: “I think that this decision does not have a lot to do with the situation in B&H, we did not come into a situation where EUFOR, its presence is not necessary.” She recalled that the mission has some 1,000 soldiers and that this minimum will remain. She reiterated that Austria remains an important part of the mission. After the author insisted that this is taking place at the moment of a major crisis, when RS is not recognizing the competencies of the B&H Constitutional Court, is questioning the legitimacy of the High Representative, etc., the ambassador said she believes the troops will not be reduced and reminded that last year their number was even increased. “We take seriously the security situation. We currently have a total of 22 countries that provide troops. EUFOR needs to be seen as a whole, and not if a country or two could vary in number of troops from month to month,” she said. Asked to assess the latest political crisis in B&H, the ambassador said that it is present but is completely unnecessary, “especially after the EU granted B&H the candidate status last December.” She also noted that such decision was made rather due to political reasons and not that much for the efforts on B&H part. “But' don't forget that we made the decision unanimously, because we wanted to send a signal that the EU wants B&H in its ranks. The criteria remained the same, thy were not separately formulated for B&H, but are the same as for any country,” she stressed. The ambassador agreed with the author's remark that the candidate status was the answer to the political crisis, noting that this was supposed to mean a signal for all politicians in B&H to be more motivated and faster in reforms. Asked if the EU actually introduced sanctions on RS, although they might not be the direct ones, Hartmann replied that there is a legal framework for the EU to introduce sanctions but that this requires unanimous decision. “It did not happen because that would be an extremely serious step. But of course there are measures to show that certain actions by some politicians are going to a wrong direction,” she said, adding that all decision-makers need to know what has to be done, which laws to be adopted. She mentioned as examples the state laws on conflict of interests and independent judiciary, noting that this is not only important for the EU path but also for B&H citizens. According to her, nobody is expecting B&H to fulfil all 14 priorities all at once, but the country needs to prepare an action plan that would show the order in which those reforms would be carried out. “The EU Delegation is providing a strong support to have those reforms implemented step by step,” she added. Asked about the fact that B&H still has not signed the agreement with Frontex, the ambassador replied that this does not make her frustrated because Security Minister Nenad Nesic said during a recent meeting that this agreement is being prepared and gave a signal that the signing will happen soon. She stressed the importance of this agreement, adding that this is primarily a support for B&H with the issue of migrations and other issues related to state borders and safety. Speaking about the relations between B&H and Austria, Hartmann said they are continuously good with excellent cooperation in all fields. “We showed this year that we strongly advocate European integration of entire Western Balkans but particularly B&H. We believe this is making us a special friend to B&H,” said Hartmann, emphasizing the importance of closeness of the two countries in terms of trade, economy, jobs and investments. She also commented on mass migrations from B&H, noting that this is sad and that “we want B&H as a good and stable neighbor, and not its citizens emigrating to Austria and other countries”. Commenting on the law changes that reintroduced criminalization of defamation in RS, she agreed with the EU's stance that this is a step backwards i.e. to a wrong direction. She warned that this legislation could prevent critical journalism, because many could become more cautious about what to write due to the consequences. “Freedom of expression is and remains the crucial part of democratic standards,” she underlined.


RS Constitutional Court found that there is no violation of vital national interest of Bosniak people in provisions of Law on Amendments to Criminal Code of RS (ATV/FTV)


The Council for the Protection of Vital Interests of the Constitutional Court (CC) of RS did not accept the request of the Bosniak Caucus in the RS Council of Peoples (RS CoP) to determine a violation of the vital national interest in the Amendments to the Criminal Code of the RS, which criminalizes defamation. “When deciding on the admissibility of this request, the Council determined that it is not admissible, because it does not contain legal argumentation in terms of the relevant norms and guarantees of the Constitution of the RS on the protection of the vital national interests of the constituent peoples, but the applicant in the specific case primarily points to a violation of state attributes of B&H, as well as a possible violation of the Constitution of B&H”, the RS Constitutional Court explained in a statement. In July, the RS parliament adopted the Amendments to the Criminal Code of the RS, which prescribes the criminal offense against honor and reputation - defamation, disclosure of personal and family circumstances, and public exposure to humiliation. The RS CC determined that the motion of the Caucus of Delegates of the Bosniak People in the RS Council of Peoples (CoP) to determine a violation of the vital national interest of the constituent Bosniak people in the decision on the election of a member of the Appeals Commission is acceptable. FTV noted that after the RS CC rejected the veto, now there is only one step left for the contested law to enter into force, and that is the signature of President of the RS Milorad Dodik.


Prosecutor’s Office of B&H files indictment against 13 RB&H Army members due to crimes against Serbs in Josanica (ATV)


A team of prosecutors of the Special Department for War Crimes of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H filed an indictment against 13 persons, former commanders and members of the so-called Army of the Republic of B&H (RB&H), who are charged with war crimes against victims of Serb nationality in Josanica near Foca in December 1992. In Josanica, 56 civilians of Serb nationality were killed, around 10 victims were wounded, and houses, property, agricultural and ancillary facilities were set on fire and destroyed. The Prosecution will prove the accusations by calling more than 400 witnesses and submitting more than 1,200 pieces of evidence. The defendants are charged with war crimes against the civilian population, violations of laws or customs of war, organizing a group of people and inciting the commission of crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. The armed attack led and in which the defendants participated was carried out on an undefended village inhabited by civilians, and among the victims were elderly people, women and children, the oldest victim was an 88-year-old man, and the youngest victim was a two-year-old girl. Some of the victims were tortured and killed in an extremely cruel way. The defendants are charged with criminal acts: war crimes against the civilian population, violations of laws or customs of war, organizing a group of people and inciting the commission of crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. The Prosecution will prove the accusations by calling more than 400 witnesses as well as submitting more than 1,200 pieces of evidence.


Grlic Radman: Zagreb will not allow Croats in Montenegro to be the target of persecution again (Pobjeda)


Croatia will not allow Croats in Montenegro and their political representatives to be the target of public persecution in that country again, said Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman, after pro-Serbian political and media structures harshly criticized the leader of the Croatian Civic Initiative, Adrijan Vuksanovic, for his congratulatory message for the Day of Victory and Homeland Gratitude and the Day of Croatian Veterans. Gordan Grlic Radman told the Podgorica daily Pobjeda that he is not surprised by the attacks from those political circles on Adrijan Vuksanovic, who, as he says, congratulated a friendly and neighboring country on a national holiday. “This holiday marks the internationally legitimate and legal Croatian military-police operation Storm, which brought peace to Croatia, and in B&H created the foundations for the Dayton Peace Agreement and which changed strategic relations in this part of Europe,” pointed out Grlic Radman and added that it is time for the political forces in Montenegro that belong to Greater Serbia's political circles to accept reality and face the past, because, as he said, “Montenegro's readiness to continue the European path will be judged by that.” “Therefore, the European path of Montenegro will not be possible without facing the recent past, because the EU is a community of states that rests on common values and the rule of law in which there is no place for criminal ideologies and regimes such as that of Slobodan Milosevic,” said the Croatian head of diplomacy. Pobjeda recalled that the pro-Serbian internet portals Borba and IN4S harshly criticized Vuksanovic's congratulatory message, calling him a "patriot and a proven Serb hater who "celebrates ethnic cleansing in the infamous operation Storm". They condemn, among other things, the fact that he is a candidate for entry into the Montenegrin government, "who in his speeches glorifies the war crimes of his countrymen from the neighborhood". The president of Croatian Civic Initiative, Adrijan Vuksanovic, whose party won one mandate in the recent parliamentary elections, received an invitation to participate in the future Montenegrin government, which should be formed by the leader of the Europe Now Movement party, Milojko Spajic. Vuksanovic replied that he was not ready to sacrifice the values of the Croatian people for the sake of a ministerial position, stressing that his company is not those who challenge the Croats' right to freedom and their own state. “You don't get into power with those who organize a concert in Srebrenica on the day when Srebrenica mothers bury their children. In good conscience, I renounce such power and I don't need it,” said Vuksanovic in an open letter. He said that there is an intensive media and para-media campaign against him because of the congratulations he sent to Croatia on the occasion of August 5, the Day of Victory and Homeland Gratitude and the Day of Croatian Veterans. He noted that until now he has always congratulated all the national holidays of Montenegro and Croatia, and that he will do so in the future, regardless of the insults and threats he receives. He pointed out that the war in Croatia did not start with the operation Storm but ended with it. Operation Storm is not the cause, but the effect. “Every war has innocent victims and that is one of its tragedies, and the biggest culprit is the one who started it. The politics of Slobodan Milosevic, which is experiencing a spring revival in Montenegro, brought a huge number of victims from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina to Kosovo. Most of all, it has set back Serbia itself and its people,” wrote Vuksanovic. The Croatian Civic Initiative and Vuksanovic himself, as the head of Croatian diplomacy Gordan Grlic Radman told Pobjeda, “has the unconditional support of Croatia as the legitimate political representative of that nation in Montenegro.”


Milatovic’s office: Consultations over prime minister-designate postponed for today (CdM)


The continuation of consultations the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic is having over the nomination of prime minister-designate, were postponed for today. Milatovic was supposed to hold consultations with representatives of the United Montenegro, the Albanian Alternative and the Democratic Alliance of Albanians yesterday. As his office states, the consultations were postponed for today due to objective reasons. Milatovic, will finish the consultations he’s having with the political subjects of the assembly over the election of prime minister-designate today. So far, the majority of parliamentary parties consider that Milatovic’s party colleague, the leader of Europe Now, Milojko Spajic, should be named the next prime minister designate. The Prime Minister is supposed to propose prime minister-designate by the end of the week.


Osmani begins Central Asia tour in Uzbekistan (MIA)


OSCE Chairperson-in-Office and Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani is beginning his Central Asia tour in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, as part of North Macedonia's OSCE Chairpersonship, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release. According to the release, Osmani will meet with top state officials in Uzbekistan before travelling to Kazakhstan. He is set to meet with President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev; meet and give a joint press conference with Minister of Foreign Affairs Bakhtiyor Saidov and meet with Senate Speaker Tanzila Narbaeva as well as with civil society members. Osmani will also have a meeting with Uzbekistan's OSCE Project Coordinator office representatives. From Uzbekistan, Osmani will travel to Kazakhstan, where he will meet with top government officials and visit the OSCE Programme Office in Astana to learn about the activities and projects the OSCE implements in Kazakhstan. Osmani will meet with President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Kemeluly Tokayev and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Murat Nurtleu. A joint press conference will follow. The foreign minister will also meet with representatives of Astana's civil society organizations. "Central Asia represents one of the OSCE's priorities as it has faced constant challenges, now even more of them due to the consequences of the Russian Federation's military aggression against Ukraine as well as the situation in Afghanistan," the MFA wrote. Osmani's visit to Central Asia reflects one of North Macedonia's OSCE Chairpersonship's priorities to provide support to the OSCE's field missions and their cooperation with Central Asian states, according to the release.