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Belgrade Media Report 1 September



Vucic: Many ideas for Kosovo, but Pristina does not want solutions (Beta/RTS/RTV/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Thursday that “there are plenty of ideas, but the solutions are running out”, in response to a question about whether any new ideas emerged for solving the situation in Kosovo during his meeting with the EU special representative for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak. “We could have sat down for ten hours to no avail. I am afraid one can hardly find a solution when negotiating with people who do not want to find a solution, with people from Pristina who seek reasons for conflict and for attacking the Serb population in the north of Kosovo and Metohija,” Vucic said during an inspection of the reconstructed Raska-Novi Pazar highway. Vucic stressed that he was “not saying these things randomly” because, in his words, it is Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti's wish to “expel” the Serbs from there. “Not to mention that we are thousands of miles away from the forming of the Community of Serb Municipalities; Pristina has no intention of having that take place,” Vucic stated. Vucic said that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban had said “conditionally” that an encroachment on the corridor for supplying Hungary and Serbia with gas would constitute a cause for war. “We hope it will not cross anyone’s mind to withhold from us during the winter that what we and Hungary have built and paid for. We have no indication that this could be possible and I believe that no one is intending for something like that to happen,” Vucic said during an inspection of the reconstructed Raska-Novi Pazar highway.


Vucic: Serbia continues to honor Ukrainian territorial integrity (Beta/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Thursday that he had told Ukrainian Ambassador Volodymyr Tolkach during their meeting that Serbia would continue honoring the territorial integrity of his country. Vucic posted on Instagram that he and Tolkach had an honest and open conversation about bilateral cooperation, advancement of overall relations between the two countries, regional and international issues, as well as the situation in Ukraine. “I reiterated Serbia’s stance regarding the inviolability of borders and honoring of the UN Charter, stressing that we honored Ukraine’s territorial integrity and would continue to do so in the future,” Vucic wrote in the post.


Petkovic: West doesn’t want to see that their child is a monster (TV Pink)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic told TV Pink that Kosovo is a child of the West, and that the West does not want to see that child as a monster, which makes decisions that contradict the UN Charter and that disrupt peace and stability in the entire Western Balkans. “Those from the West who are strong and powerful and make many important decisions are the ones who say Kurti is mischievous, but he is the prime minister in Pristina, elected by the citizens, he has his mandate. They say so because they let him behave like that,” he said. Petkovic. Speaking about the new round of high-level dialogue, Petkovic says that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic immediately accepted that invitation, like all the previous ones. “It is important to talk and we will do so and once again explain the position of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. We are not responsible for the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, while Kosovo everywhere in the world says that we are to blame and they lie and lie. It is clear that Kurti is not alone, we are not the naive ones, we will continue to lead our independent libertarian policy and ensure a better life and future for our Serbs, for our children who started school today,” said Petkovic. He said, on the occasion of yesterday’s arrest and release of a young man of Serb nationality on the Bistrica bridge, that he was arrested and kidnapped, and not brought to an interview as they said, as evidenced by the fact that he was handcuffed into a van and taken to the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica . “This is about an athlete who is guilty only because he is a Serb. Although the police said that he was detained for an informative interview, it is known that Serbs are regularly stopped there and harassed. Shots were fired from that bridge on several occasions. They put handcuffs on him. If there is a witness, how do they act like that? It was a real arrest, that is, a kidnapping of a young man who is guilty of running a kickboxing club,” said Petkovic. He pointed out that the call of the EU to urgently withdraw the municipal police from and around Pristina means nothing, that the so-called mayors do their work from other premises and that absolutely everything should be done to bring about normalization and the formation of the community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO). “Instead of going in that direction, the opposite is being done. He doesn’t want any peace, he wants to make the situation difficult,” said Petkovic. He added that since the beginning of the year, six Serbs have been wounded, and over 10 have been arrested. “They are arrested south of the Ibar and accused of alleged war crimes even though there is no evidence,” said Petkovic.


Stefanovic: Serbian Foreign Minister deceiving public (Beta)


When the President of the Socialist Party of Serbia Ivica Dacic says that he thinks the EU will not introduce visas for Serbia, the citizens have a right to be afraid because they can recall when this man claimed along with Slobodan Milosevic that Serbia would not be bombed, Freedom and Justice Party deputy president Borko Stefanovic said on Thursday. "When Dacic explains that it is not clear what the criteria for Serbia to enter the EU are, he knows why he is deceiving citizens because it is clear that this government does not want to establish rule of law, which would mean fighting the crime and corruption that it has merged with, nor does he want the media to work freely because then the truth would reach the people and the regime would lose elections," Stefanovic said. He added that only Serbia's membership in the EU guaranteed stability, safety and a good life for all citizens "and that this is possible by 2030 as hinted by European Council President Charles Michel, and like the Freedom and Justice Party presented in its program 'Europe Bound'".


Borrell to host Kurti-Vucic meeting in Brussels on 14 September (Beta)


EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell stated on Thursday that the next round of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue at the high level would be held in Brussels on 14 September. “On 14 September, I will host a new meeting within the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, at the level of leaders, when we will seek solutions to the current situation,” Borrell said in Toledo, the media have reported. He said that they had discussed EU enlargement during the informal meeting of EU foreign ministers in Toledo. Borrell added that the ministers had agreed with the proposal of the Spanish presidency, for a ministerial meeting to be held next month about countries of the Western Balkans.




Radanovic on decision of authorities in Sarajevo to ban gathering in front of Court and Prosecutor’s Office of B&H: I call on people to protest at IEBL (ATV)


President of the Board for Protection of Rights of Serbs in the FB&H Djordje Radanovic said on Thursday that the ban of gathering in front of premises of the Court and the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H is evidence that there is no place for Serbs in Sarajevo even when they want to gather peacefully. ATV reminds that the goal of the gathering is to express support to RS President Milorad Dodik and Acting Director of the Official Gazette of the RS Milos Lukic and it was planned that the gathering takes place on Friday. Radanovic underlined that the peaceful gathering will be held at several locations near the inter-entity boundary line (IEBL). ATV reports that FB&H Minister of Interior Ramo Isak obviously got confused in regards to his competences, because he had stated gatherings at IEBL will not be allowed. Radanovic stressed that although they did not expect support from the FB&H, they did not expect they will receive threats from some B&H-based and one foreign security agency. He also stated that the stance of the Court and the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H has shown again that these are places where Serbs will always be found guilty. He called on citizens to gather at several locations at the IEBL and block traffic for 30 minutes in order to convey a message that the RS is part of B&H. “I call on people in Posavina and Doboj regions to block road in Doboj; I call on people of Semberija and Majevica to block road Tuzla-Bijeljina in Priboj; I call on people of Birc, Romanija and Istocno Sarajevo to block for half an hour road in Istocno Sarajevo and I call on people of Herzegovina to block for half an hour road Mostar-Nevesinje”, emphasized Radanovic.  He also explained that certain security agency informed him that the gathering in front of premises of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H was banned due to information on an organized group that planned to attack protestors.


Dodik comments on ban of gathering of citizens (FTV)


After the Sarajevo Canton Ministry of Interior (SC MoI) banned the protest in support of RS President Milorad Dodik and Acting Director of the RS Official Gazette Milos Lukic scheduled for Friday in front of the building of the Court and the Prosecutor’s Office in Sarajevo, numerous reactions came. Officials from the RS stated that this is a classic example of discrimination. "If the cantonal authorities give consent for holding a rally in Sarajevo, then they bear responsibility for the safety of all participants. If they do not give it, then they are sending a message that some can protest in Sarajevo in front of the institutions, and some cannot," Dodik was quoted as saying.


Cvijanovic: Threats of Isak are in vain (RTRS)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that the RS is democratic and that on its territory the citizens can organize and participate in protests in accordance with the law, and the fact that FB&H Minister of Interior Ramo Isak prevents this democratic right shows the state of Bosniak political consciousness in the FB&H. Cvijanovic noted: “Again, when it was necessary to abuse family tragedies or attack the authorities in the RS, volunteers from the FB&H gladly came to help the opposition, and all with the blessing of certain embassies. And that was democracy then, and now when the associations of Serbs from FB&H demand it, then there is no democracy.” Cvijanovic added that there is an inter-entity boundary line between the two entities and this is also the boundary for Isak’s competences, which means that he has nothing to decide on or prohibit on the territory of the RS. The Serb member of the B&H Presidency pointed out that all this is more proof that the competences of the RS must be protected, but also an indication of what the fate of the Serbs would be within the framework of the civic B&H that Bosniaks dream about. “Only in a country like this is it is possible to prosecute you because as an elected official, acting in accordance with the Constitution, you are accused of violating a law that was not passed by a competent domestic authority but imposed by a foreigner”, she concluded.


Dodik’s criminal report against Christian Schmidt submitted to Prosecutor’s Office of B&H ( learns that Sarajevo Canton Prosecutor’s Office submitted to the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H the criminal report that RS President Milorad Dodik filed against High Representative Christian Schmidt. The report is submitted for further jurisdiction. Spokesperson of Sarajevo Canton Prosecutor’s Office Azra Bavcic told that Dodik’s report that they received from District Prosecutor’s Office in Banja Luka, was transferred to Prosecutor’s Office of B&H. Prosecutor’s Office of B&H could not comment via phone the inquiry on taking over of the jurisdiction. Article reminded that Dodik filed a criminal report against Schmidt before District Prosecutor’s Office in Banja Luka, which was further transferred to Sarajevo Canton Prosecutor’s Office for further processing. Dodik wrote on his twitter that he filed report against Schmidt “due to unauthorized preforming of duties of the high representative, for which he does not have the decision of the UN Security Council”.


RS Public Prosecutor’s Office receives report Dodik filed against prosecutor Cosic (RTRS)


The RS Public Prosecutor's Office received the report of the President of the RS Milorad Dodik against the Prosecutor of the Prosecutor's Office of B&H Nedim Cosic. This information has been confirmed to RTRS on Thursday. Namely, on 15 August, Dodik submitted a criminal report against prosecutor Cosic for, as he pointed out, the illegal decision to indict him and Acting Director of the RS Official Gazette Milos Lukic.


Schmidt comments calls for removal of foreign judges in Constitutional Court of B&H (O Kanal)


High Representative Christian Schmidt reminded Thursday that according to the Constitution of B&H, international judges in the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H are appointed by the President of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), to serve until the age of 70, unless they resign by their own decision or are dismissed for justified reasons by consensus of other judges. “Likewise, according to the Constitution, a law passed by the B&H parliament can only change the way international judges are appointed, but their mandate cannot be prematurely terminated in order to replace them with domestic judges,” Schmidt was quoted as saying.


Opposition parties in the RS organize meeting of RS MPs on Friday due to violation of RS parliament conclusions (BNTV)


BNTV reported that opposition parties in the RS organized a meeting of all members of the RS parliament on Friday at 13,00hrs. Thus, PDP Caucus, SDS Caucus and the Caucus of the list ‘For Justice and Order’ invited all 83 RS MPs for the meeting because of violation of conclusions of the RS parliament on activities of representatives of the RS in institutions of B&H. Addressing media, leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic stated that the ruling SNSD keeps on mocking and humiliating the RS parliament and it keeps on undermining and disrespecting conclusions from the special sessions of the RS parliament. Borenovic stated that SNSD does nothing to fulfill the key stances adopted at one of the latest special sessions of the RS parliament at the end of June. Borenovic argued that it is incredible that key people from SNSD speak about a law on the CC of B&H on stairs, telling about it to some minister of justice, without adoption of a law on the CC of B&H the way it was defined by the conclusions of the RS parliament. In this regard, Borenovic reminded that the conclusions of the RS parliament set adoption of the law on the B&H CC– aimed to replace foreign judges - as a priority, without talking about the law on the B&H CC on the stairs. Besides, Borenovic reminded that the conclusions of the RS parliament made it clear that nothing can be adopted prior to adoption of the law on the B&H CC. He underlined: “Unfortunately, SNSD violated that.” As for the meeting scheduled for Friday, Borenovic stated that they expect to take a clear stance about this issue and urgently scheduled a special session of the RS parliament in order to reach a decision on future steps.


Minister Konakovic addresses media after CoM session (Avaz)


Council of Ministers of B&H held a session on Thursday, at which ministers discussed proposal decision on displaying of EU’s flag in ministries, administration organizations and other bodies of the Council of Ministers and the proposal decision on determining of international border crossings for transport of weapon and military equipment, dangerous explosive and radioactive materials. Addressing the media after the CoM session, B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic said that the agenda for the session included several documents submitted by ministries of justice, civil affairs, security, as well as enacting of the decision on organization of border crossings for transport of weapon, ammunition and explosive devices, adding that this latter decision has been on hold for 16 years. Konakovic stated that voting on the decision which regards displaying of EU’s flag has been postponed, as well decision on appointing of the attorney general. Minister stated that this was a routine session, but he personally took the biggest interest in information from the B&H Agency for Public Procurement. “We had a Director of the Agency, who did not know answers to majority of the questions and that in last six years 129 offense procedures have been launched. Only two criminal reports were filed in 2022, in the country where corruption is popular and profitable vocation,” said Konakovic.


Kavazovic sends letter to Schmidt, expressing dissatisfaction and concern over frequent provocation and intimidation of residents of non-Serb ethnicity in RS (FTV)


Head of the Islamic Community in B&H Husein Kavazovic sent a letter to High Representative Christian Schmidt on Thursday, in which he expressed dissatisfaction and concern over the frequent provocation and intimidation of residents of non-Serb ethnicity in the RS, especially Bosniaks, whose perpetrators are not prosecuted or sanctioned. Kavazovic also pointed to the insufficient representation of the non-Serb population in the police and other institutions of the RS, and called on the High Representative to urgently actualize this issue.


Stability of B&H is important topic of NATO ministerial meeting in October (Dnevni list)


NATO Assistant Secretary General for Operations Tom Goffus announced after a meeting held (on 30 August) at the Ministry of Defense (MoD) of B&H that peace and stability of B&H will be an important topic of the NATO Ministerial Meeting that will take place in October. According to a statement issued by the B&H MoD, during the meeting with Minister of Defense of B&H Zukan Helez and Deputy Minister of Defense of B&H Aleksandar Goganovic, Goffus said B&H will always have the support on its path of reaching democratic standards within framework of collective security system and to the benefit of all citizens of B&H, and that NATO will support continuation of EUFOR Mission in B&H. The meeting also discussed B&H’s path towards fully-fledged membership in NATO, as well as challenged the MoD and the Armed Forces (AF) of B&H come across. According to Minister Helez, the MoD will, after getting the tasks from the B&H Commission for Cooperation with NATO, prepare the Review of Activities for the Program of Reforms of B&H from the competence of the MoD and the B&H AF for 2023.


Strained relations between Milatovic and Spajic (CdM/TVCG)


State President Jakov Milatovic said on the national broadcaster TVCG that PM-designate Milojko Spajic should form the 44th government as he formed a coalition after the elections in Podgorica. This means that the government should include both the For the Future of Montenegro (ZBCG) coalition and URA. Also, Milatovic said that he had not communicated with Spajic since the consultation in Cetinje and that they should have been in contact more. And they used to communicate. They also gave each other birthday cakes. Jakov Milatovic, as Minister of Economic Development in the 43rd government, in 2021, prepared a surprise at his workplace for the then Minister of Finance and Social Welfare, Milojko Spajic, for his 34th birthday. In the video posted by Milatovic on Twitter at the time, it is shown that he is carrying a birthday cake to Spajic and then giving him a warm hug. But it seems that the “carefree” ministerial days are over and that there are no more cakes or hugs. It seems that Milatovic does not like the way Spajic thinks politically, and it is obvious that Spajic’s exclusion of ZBCG and URA is controversial to him. To make the dispute even more complicated, ZBCG has been publicly pressuring Milatovic all the time to “pressure” Spajic to include ZBCG in the government, because, as they say, they deserved it because they invited their voters to vote for Milatovic in the presidential election. The pressure on Spajic continues through car convoy religious processions, from which they call for ZBCG to be part of the government as representatives of the Serbs. Will Spajic resist the pressure and maintain his stance that ZBCG and URA should not be in the government, is a question that cannot remain unanswered for long. It is clear that Milatovic once again put a kind of pressure on Spajic, from the position of the president of the state and Europe Now Movement deputy leader.


Abazovic: If Spajic is not successful, then we have to move towards new solutions (TVCG)


Prime Minister in the technical mandate Dritan Abazovic believes that the process of forming the government should be accelerated in order not to waste citizens’ time. Abazovic also said that the fact that the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic would like to see GP URA in the new government impresses him. He said that if mandatory Milojko Spajic is successful in the process of forming the government – “we will congratulate”. “We have not interfered in the process so far. The mandatory has the ability to choose his team as he sees fit. I maintain that, if he is successful in this, we will congratulate him. We will conduct our own politics, of course,” Abazovic told TVCG. If not, Abazovic points out, then we have to move towards some new solutions.


Kovachevski: Constitutional changes session to continue when there are conditions for it (MIA)


Parliament’s plenary session on the adoption of the constitutional amendments began, and it will continue when the appropriate conditions for it are created, in terms of the number of MPs that would support the process, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski on Friday. Asked if the session is expected to continue by January, since the EU will hold elections next year, Kovachevski said this is an especially important question, considering the upcoming elections. “Now is the time to make such a decision, since next year both the EU and the US will hold elections, and North Macedonia, too, will hold elections. After that a new Commission will need to be formed, new EU bodies, which of course would delay that process,” said Kovachevski. Kovachevski stressed that the country has already experienced the consequences of waiting and not making decisions, reiterating that North Macedonia began its Euro-integration path with Croatia, and stating that it could’ve been an EU member by now, if it wasn’t for “someone who wanted to promote cultural, historical and financial patriotism in the country for 11 years.” “To rouse the emotions of our citizens, which negatively impacted our relations with the neighbors, as well as our internal relations in society, and the country went from being a leader of the integrations, alongside Croatia, to being a captured state, a hybrid regime, ranked 140th in the world in terms of media freedom, and with economic performances that were exceptionally bad and twice as bad as what we have today,” said Kovachevski. According to Kovachevski, the policy that had been led for 11 years only produced unwanted results, while, he said, the policy of integration is demonstrating the results and positive effects it could have on the citizens, the state and the living standard. “Which is why we have to continue down that path. There are no alternatives,” said Kovachevski. Regarding the claim of former parliament speaker Trajko Veljanovski that the vote on the constitutional amendments must be held today at the latest, Kovachevski said the government does not chair parliament’s session, but that this is the job of the speaker of parliament and the question should be directed to him. “In terms of the interpretation of the Rules of Procedure, I recommend that you talk with the speaker of parliament Talat Xhaferi since the government does not chair parliament’s sessions, this is the work of the speaker of parliament. In terms of how good a speaker Trako Veljnovski was, we were able to see that on 27 April,” said Kovachevski.


  1. Macedonia to be first country to join EU in 2030 if it adopts decisions in parliament, says PM (Kanal 5 TV)


If we adopt the decisions in parliament, North Macedonia will be the first Western Balkan country to join the European Union in 2030, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski in an interview Thursday evening for Kanal 5 TV. The Prime Minister said that the statement of the President of the Council of the EU Charles Michel, at the Bled Strategic Forum, as well as today’s statement of the Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement, Oliver Varhelyi, demonstrate that Europe is entering a process of reforms due to enlargement and the need for the Union itself to prepare for new members. “The messages are clear for the first time after so many years. The EU is ready for enlargement by 2030. This aligns with our goal and what the government is working towards. If we adopt the necessary decisions in parliament, in 2030 we will be the first Western Balkan country to join the EU,” said PM Kovachevski. Commenting on the statement of French President Emmanuel Macron over a “multi-speed Europe”, the PM recalled that this term was first used by French President Francois Mitterrand at a joint press conference with German Chancellor Helmut Kohl in 1994, when he pointed out that there are countries who would not want to give up on their domestic currencies and introduce the euro. “And this is what happened,” said Kovachevski, “some member states joined fully, some became a part of Schengen, while some also introduced the euro. The same refers to the Western Balkan countries as well,” said the PM, pointing to North Macedonia and Croatia as examples. “A better example of ‘multi-speed’ does not exist. Now if we don’t adopt the necessary decisions, it will mean that Montenegro, Serbia and Albania will advance ahead of us, while we remain in the company of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo. Do we want to remain in that company?” said Kovachevski, adding that North Macedonia is currently ahead of all other countries of the region. According to Kovachevski, North Macedonia was in the EU’s waiting room and isolated for 11 years due to VMRO-DPMNE’s policies. “We spent 17 years in the EU’s waiting room, thanks to the policies of DPMNE’s government, and 11 years in isolation. We began our European path together with Croatia. Today Croatia is an EU member state, a part of the Schengen Zone and a state which has adopted the euro. While we began negotiations only last year. The failure to make decisions today will mean precisely that, a halt to the progress of our society,” said Kovachevski. Kovachevski assessed the visit of the US Department of State’s Deputy Assistant Secretary Gabriel Escobar, as one more firm message that the United States, as a strategic partner of the country, supports the constitutional amendments with the goal of North Macedonia’s EU membership. “What remained as a key conclusion of that meeting is that the United States, together with the EU, are firmly of the position that North Macedonia being a part of the EU is in their strategic interest, as well as in ours. Secondly, that the US sees partners in the political parties who are working towards the country’s integration within NATO and the EU, and who fight against crime and corruption,” said the PM, adding that Escobar didn’t come to the country to pressure anyone into anything but “only to state that our first and most important political partner, the US, shares the same interests as us – for North Macedonia to be a part of the EU, and to encourage us to adopt the necessary decisions”. Commenting on the opposition’s demands for elections, Kovachevski said VMRO-DPMNE only repeats a single word “elections” and does nothing else. “VMRO-DPMNE reminds me of a parrot that repeats a single word: elections. If you ask them the time, they’ll say elections. If you ask them if they have a plan, they’ll say elections. They had local elections, two years have passed after the local elections, and they haven’t had a single project. At one time they kept going on about Bulgarization, assimilation, and now these arguments no longer exists because they were invalidated a whole year after the adoption of the negotiating framework, and now we are leading the negotiations as Macedonians with a clear Macedonian language. The latest thing they came up with is Bulgarian dictate. It’s not true that this is a Bulgarian dictate, the constitutional amendments were drafted by Macedonian experts at the Macedonian Ministry of Justice,” said Kovachevski. According to the PM, VMRO-DPMNE “should find the courage, for the first time in its history, to support a strategic process for the country”. “The decision to resume the European path is not a decision in support of the government, but in support of the Euro-integrations, of what the citizens want – a better living standard, rule of law, improved democracy, greater social justice,” said Kovachevski.


Mickoski to Pammer: VMRO-DPMNE’s MPs will not accept constitutional changes under Bulgarian dictate (MIA)


The leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski, alongside party’s Vice-President Aleksandar Nikoloski, met Thursday with the new Austrian Ambassador to North Macedonia Martin Pammer with whom they spoke about the current political and economic situation and the country’s Euro-integration process. According to a VMRO-DPMNE press release, Mickoski stated that SDSM and DUI’s government is facing new corruption scandals on a daily basis, with top government officials involved, while, they said, the living standard and the domestic budget of the citizens are dropping, “which is why snap elections are necessary”. The constitutional amendments were also discussed at the meeting, with VMRO-DPMNE noting they will not vote for them in parliament. “It was noted that because SDSM and DUI’s government does not have a 2/3 majority, it is not putting the amendments to a vote in parliament, therefore violating legal procedures and directly violating parliament’s Rules of Procedure. The party’s position was reaffirmed by the president [of VMRO-DPMNE], that no one from the party’s parliamentary group will accept constitutional amendments, because this isn’t Bulgaria’s last demand, and because bilateral relations must not be a part of the country’s EU accession negotiations,“ said the press release. At the meeting, Mickoski welcomed Pammer to the country and wished him a successful term, especially underscoring the fostering of friendly relations between the two countries. Mickoski and Pammer committed themselves to further deepening of relations.


Rama: EU slow bus, interesting to stay even without a free seat (Radio Tirana)


After the agreement of the EU Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Oliver Varhelyi on Charles Michel's proposal for the enlargement of the EU in 2030, Prime Minister Rama also reacted. The latter said that the EU slow bus is becoming an interesting place to stay even without a free seat. Rama points out that the passengers from the Western Balkans can endure the long journey better. Our COMMISSIONER never let our region down, especially in difficult times, says Rama. “Admittedly, after President Michel's surprise speech at the Bled Strategic Forum, the slow EU bus is becoming an interesting place to stay even without a vacant seat - no doubt Western Balkan passengers can endure better the duration of the long journey following a loud conversation between the boys having the seats already," the Albanian Prime Minister’s allegory continues. Commissioner Varhelyi has welcomed Michel's proposal on EU expansion, stating that the European Commission has always been ready to make a proposal on this journey. "I welcome that the Council wants to finally commit and take a big step to realize the Enlargement. The European Commission has always been ready to make any proposal that would lead us towards the expansion of 2030", wrote Varhelyi.


Albania assumes presidency of the UNSC/Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, on behalf of the Council, wishes good luck (Radio Tirana)


Albania assumes this Friday the presidency of the UN Security Council. The country returned to the head of this international body of security and peace for the second time, after that of June 2022. The American representative in the SC, Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, on behalf of the Council, wished the Albanian delegation good luck. "Before adjourning the meeting, as this is the last scheduled meeting of the Council for the month of August, I would like to express the sincere appreciation of the Delegation of the United States to the members of the Council and to the Secretariat of the Council for all the support they have given us. As we end our presidency, I know I speak on behalf of the Council in wishing the delegation of Albania good luck in the month of September," she said. Meanwhile, the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka revealed during a statement to the media the priorities of Albania's Presidency in the UN Security Council. It is a cooperation platform that guarantees the distribution of humanitarian aid anywhere in the world and an activity dedicated to illegal Russian aggression against Ukraine. According to her, Albania has accumulated during the last 20 months an experience brought to the SC table. "There are two important moments of this Presidency. It is a cooperation platform that guarantees the distribution of humanitarian aid anywhere in the world, in times of crisis. The next significant activity of our presidency is dedicated to the illegal Russian aggression against Ukraine", Xhacka emphasized, among other things. The head of Albanian diplomacy observed that the first idea has been well received and has found support from actors and interest groups. As for the war in Ukraine, as co-custody with the USA, this is one of the issues that has marked our mandate, said the Albanian Foreign Minister. In conclusion, she committed that the Albanian diplomacy will organize a high-level Open Debate in the SC, which will focus on the consequences of the illegal Russian aggression against Ukraine.


Albania assumes command of Southeast European Brigade "SEEBRIG" (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of Defense Niko Peleshi announced that from today Albania will assume the command of the Southeast European Brigade "SEEBRIG". Minister Peleshi announced that the direction of "SEEBRIG" happens for the second time as part of the process of the Ministry of Defense of Southeast Europe "SEDM". "Pride and privilege that our Armed Forces have been evaluated in the most dignified manner in the international arena", Minister Peleshi emphasized. "Brigadier General Bilbil Bitri will be commander of the Eastern Europe Brigade, stationed in Kumanovo, North Macedonia, for a three-year term. Good luck to General Bitri, in this challenging journey! I hope that he will continue to make our country proud and represent the Armed Forces of the Republic of Albania with dignity", concluded Peleshi.