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Belgrade Media Report 4 October 2023



Belgrade constantly warned of violence against Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija (RTS/Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic spoke today with the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations (UN) and UNMIK Head Caroline Ziadeh about the situation in Kosovo and Metohija. Brnabic particularly emphasized that the tragic events of 24 September in the north of Kosovo and Metohija were tendentiously used and abused by representatives of the provisional institutions of self-government and some media in Pristina for the purpose of spreading misinformation and half-truths. She pointed out that Belgrade has constantly and persistently warned of brutality, violence and discrimination, to which the Serbian and other non-Albanian population in Kosovo and Metohija have been exposed for a long time, and which has led to the escalation and tragic events. The Prime Minister particularly emphasized that the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) has not yet been formed, even though Pristina committed to it in the Brussels agreement more than ten years ago. Ziadeh emphasized that the most important thing is that Serbia is committed to peace, stability and dialogue, which remains the most important tool in achieving a sustainable solution in Kosovo and Metohija. UNMIK Head emphasized that the Mission remains consistent in implementing its mandate in accordance with UNSCR 1244.


Brnabic: In Belgrade-Pristina relations, roles were cast long in advance (TV Prva/Beta)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said today that in relations between Belgrade and Pristina the roles were assigned long in advance, casting Serbia as the “constant villain” and Pristina as “a poor, helpless force doing all it can”, and added that “there is no room for facts” in such a setting. Brnabic also accused Serbia’s entire opposition of echoing Pristina when speaking of what transpires in Kosovo. While insisting that she does not justify killing anyone, including an Albanian officer of the Kosovo Police force, she underlined that Serbs in Kosovo have been living under constant pressure from the authorities in Pristina, which made it only “a matter of days, a matter of minutes” before an incident occurred in response. “You cannot constantly live under such tyranny,” she said. Asked to comment on the arrest of Milan Radojicic – who, until recently, was an official of the Serb List – on suspicion of organizing the 24 September armed clash in Banjska which claimed the lives of one Kosovo police officer and three uniformed and armed Serbs, Brnabic said that Serbia is a state governed by the rule of law. “This is a state based on justice and integrity and we will do everything we have to in keeping with the law and Constitution to investigate all the circumstances and act in accordance,” Brnabic said. According to her, Serbia must collect any and all evidence to defend “the utter truth” before the United Nation Security Council’s session on Kosovo and Metohija scheduled for 18 October.


China's consistent support for Serbia's sovereignty, territorial integrity (Tanjug/RTS/RTV/Politika)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met yesterday with newly appointed Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Serbia Li Ming, to whom she welcomed and wished him a successful mandate. Brnabic stressed that the relations between the two countries are excellent, accompanied by intense political dialogue at all levels. She pointed out that there is always potential for further improvement of cooperation, especially when it comes to the fields of economy and ICT, and added that Serbia will be the guest of honour at the 6th International Import Fair in Shanghai in November this year will be of utmost importance. She pointed out that the signing of the free trade agreement, during the upcoming visit of President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic to Beijing, within the framework of the Third Forum for International Cooperation of the "Belt and Road" initiative, will significantly contribute to the intensification of bilateral economic cooperation. She also welcomed the fact that a large number of bilateral agreements will be signed on that occasion. After informing the ambassador about the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the long-term difficult situation of the Serbs and other non-Albanian population, the Prime Minister thanked her interlocutor for the consistent and firm support that the People's Republic of China provides for preserving the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia. Li Ming underlined that he is honoured to be the ambassador to Serbia, pointing out that he is convinced that the cooperation between the two countries will continue on an upward trajectory. He said that the People's Republic of China is firmly on the position of respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the friendly Republic of Serbia.


Mojsilovic: Situation in Ground Safety Zone stable but unpredictable (RTS)


Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) Chief of Staff General Milan Mojsilovic said the situation in the Ground Safety Zone, along the administrative border with Kosovo, “is currently stable in the military sense, but unpredictable”. “It is burdened by the security crisis” in the territory of Kosovo which could “easily spill over to a part of the territory in Serbia proper,” that is, to the Ground Safety Zone, the Chief of Staff told RTS on Tuesday evening. Asked to comment on the 24 September clashes in the village of Banjska, northern Kosovo, Mojsilovic said there were no “indications that something so big and so complicated would happen”, and that the situation had been as usual. Information on the events and on the wounded began coming in on the morning of 24 September, and contact was then made with the KFOR commander, he added. “We got in touch with the Supreme Commander…as Chief of Staff I was given a task – to establish full control of the Ground Safety Zone and to fully secure the administrative line by preventively deploying part of the Serbian Armed Forces troops,” said Mojsilovic. He noted that these orders were not unusual and that they were in line with the developments on the ground. “That was not full combat readiness of the Serbian Armed Forces,” he told RTS.


Vucevic: Talks on normalisation of relations with Pristina to become more complex (Tanjug)


At a meeting with the UK's Ambassador Edward Ferguson, Serbian Defence Minister Milos Vucevic voiced deep concerns over current developments in Kosovo and Metohija and the position of Serbs in the southern province. Vucevic said further talks on normalisation of Belgrade-Pristina relations would become more complex following a recent escalation of conflicts, the Ministry of Defence said in a statement. Welcoming the Ambassador, Vucevic expressed the confidence advancement of bilateral relations and defence cooperation would be continued. Vucevic noted that cooperation with KFOR was one of the priorities for the Serbian Armed Forces and that, for that reason, a neutral status of NATO in problem resolution was important for Serbia. Vucevic said Serbia viewed the announced deployment of an additional 200 British troops to the KFOR mission as a positive move. Thanking Vucevic for the reception, Ferguson noted the UK's interest in further development of defence cooperation with Serbia as well as in intensifying cooperation in areas of mutual interest.


Serbia committed to cooperation with Council of Europe (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian Defense Minister Ivica Dacic met yesterday with Axel Schafer, co-rapporteur of the Monitoring Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) for the preparation of a report on Serbia’s progress in fulfilling its obligations and duties stemming from its membership in the Council of Europe. At the meeting, it was pointed out that Serbia, as an active member of the Council of Europe, is persistent in applying the value framework and standards of this international organisation of European countries. In this context, bearing in mind the progress our country has achieved and the fact that the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe abolished the monitoring of our country back in 2015, we expect that the rapporteurs will recognise this in their report after the visit and recommend that Serbia moves from the phase of regular monitoring into the phase of the so-called post-monitoring dialogue. Also, our country expects that the upcoming PACE monitoring report will acknowledge the efforts and results achieved in the reform process. Dacic stated that Serbia is committed to cooperation with the Council of Europe, as the oldest pan-European organisation and all its independent institutions, on the basis of respect for the organisation's values and normative framework. He briefed his interlocutor about the complex situation in Kosovo and Metohija, and underlined that Serbia's goal is to de-escalate the situation on the ground, which the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina do not want at the moment.


Drecun: Investigation of conflicts in Banjska key both for dialogue and for West’s relation towards Belgrade (RTS)


The Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that the development of events will depend on what the investigation of the conflict in Banjska shows, emphasizing that the key question is whose version will be accepted, because the investigation is being conducted by both Belgrade and Pristina. “Belgrade is conducting an investigation, and that is very good. An investigation was started immediately, Milan Radoicic was arrested and taken into custody. That investigation already shows that the weapons were procured from outside Serbia, that they are illegal channels, that this is arms smuggling. If that investigation results and if the results of that investigation are accepted, if it turns out that the state of Serbia is not involved in all that, it will be a very good step as far as we are concerned,” says Drecun. However, he notes, the investigation is also being conducted by Pristina and, he claims, some American officials are also involved in it. “The result of the investigation will trace a further path both in terms of the dialogue in Brussels and in terms of the relationship of the political West towards Belgrade, that is, towards the state of Serbia. If the results of that investigation are accepted in the political West, the results of our investigation, then we will have a calming of the situation,” says Drecun. He is convinced that Pristina will try to use the whole situation against Belgrade and the Serb List. “Now you see, no one is talking about new elections in the north of Kosovo anymore. You see that the officials of the unrecognized self-government of Pristina are already talking about the fact that the Community of Serb Municipalities is simply unnecessary, that it should not be formed, that it is redundant, because their so-called constitution guarantees the position of minorities,” says Drecun. In this context, he also says that in an interview with CNN, Vlosa Osmani said that in the coming days, she will present evidence that President Vucic allegedly ordered the group from Banjska what they should do. “They are now preparing an additional campaign, they are preparing to fabricate some kind of alleged evidence, and this shows that through Radoicic they want to reach President Vucic, that is, the state of Serbia, because they accused President Vucic, Minister of Defense Vucevic and the chiefs of the Border Police that they are actually the ones who are responsible. And on the other hand, they want to eliminate the political activity of the Serb List and thus break the political unity of the Serb List,” says Drecun.


Kurti’s attempts to establish police-military control in North

He points to the responsibility of the political West for Pristina’s behavior - both for the terror against the Serb people and for the current crisis. He notes that Kurti’s attempts to control the north of Kosovo and Metohija “and to force the Serbs living in the north to integrate into a fake state” show that he does not know these people, their will and determination to oppose it. “He is trying to establish police-military control and to complete the occupation of the north of Kosovo, and now all he needs is the entry of the so-called of the army that is being created in the north of Kosovo and is preparing for it. I think this is very useful for him now, because he is constantly trying to present the North as a hotbed of criminal and terrorist groups, and for that he needs the help of those formations, the so-called KBS, the Kosovo Security Forces,” Drecun said. He also adds that he was worried by the recent statement from Pristina that soon it will not be necessary for KFOR commander’s consent for the entry of the so-called Kosovo Security Forces to the North. “This is an ideal opportunity for him to request the entry of at least a special anti-terrorist unit of the KBS into the north of Kosovo in the coming period under the pretext of implementing some kind of anti-terrorist measures,” says Drecun.


Court releases Radojicic from detention, restricts his movement (Tanjug)


The Higher Court in Belgrade has rejected a proposal by the local Higher Public Prosecutor's Office to order custody for Milan Radojicic, suspected of committing the criminal offences of association for the purpose of committing criminal acts, illicit production, possession, carrying and distribution of firearms and explosives and serious criminal acts against general safety.

Releasing Radojicic from detention, the court forbade him from leaving his place of residence and he is forbidden from leaving the territory of Serbia as well as from entering the territory of the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija without court permission. The court ordered Radojicic to report to police on every first and every fifteenth day of the month and seized his passport, warning him that he might be placed in custody if he failed to comply with the order. In Tuesday's hearing before prosecutors, Radojicic, aged 45, denied any wrongdoing. The prosecutor's office proposed that the preliminary proceedings judge of the Higher Court in Belgrade place the suspect in custody to prevent him from escaping, but the proposal was rejected. Several as yet unknown persons are under investigation on suspicion of serious criminal offences against general safety. The investigation order said Radojicic had obtained weapons, ammunition and highly destructive explosives from Tuzla, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, between January 2023 and 24 September. The weapons were delivered in the territory of Belgrade and then transferred and stored by Radojicic on unknown locations in the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija, in abandoned buildings and forests. As the ringleader of a group of several as yet unknown persons, through joint activities and an act against general safety, Radojicic endangered the lives of people in Banjska in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija on 24 September, the order said.


Brnjak administrative crossing opened, Jarinje still closed (RTS)


The Brnjak administrative crossing was opened after ten days, in the direction from central Serbia towards Kosovo and Metohija. Jarinje is still closed, RTS has learned. As confirmed by the deputy commander of the Kosovo police for the north region Veton Elsani the administrative crossing Brnjak is open, while Jarinje is still closed for travellers from central Serbia to Kosovo and Metohija. After the conflict in the village of Banjska on 24 September, administrative points Jarinje and Brnjak were blocked for passage from central Serbia. Passage from central Serbia to Kosovo and Metohija was possible only via the Merdare administrative point.




B&H CoM fails to discuss law on courts in B&H, SNSD officials reiterate no laws will be adopted before new law on B&H CC (N1)


Law on Courts in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) was not discussed at Tuesday session of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM). Ministers from SNSD-led coalition stated that unless the law on the B&H Constitutional Court (CC) is adopted and until foreign judges leave the B&H CC, no new laws will be adopted. Following the session, B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic said that there is a new stance of representatives from Republika Srpska (RS) that has been linking the abovementioned law with the B&H CC. He added that in regards to the B&H CC, that is, foreign judges in the B&H CC, they have completely opposite stances. Konakovic added that a task force has been working on the law on the B&H CC and their next meeting will take place on Monday. “We will present our stances. Proposals from the RS are completely unacceptable, but this topic has been discussed”, explained Konakovic. Reporter noted that besides the law on courts in B&H, the decision to allocate funds for the Ministry of Defense for procurement of the US helicopters was withdrawn from the agenda of Tuesday session of the B&H CoM. The only concrete decision that the B&H CoM adopted on Tuesday is one on displaying of the EU flag in institutions of B&H.


Komsic and Becirovic submit proposal of law on state property to official procedure (N1)


Members of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic and Zeljko Komsic submitted to official procedure a proposal of law on state property. This proposal should be discussed at the next session of the B&H Presidency. Becirovic explained that according to Article 8 of the proposed law, B&H is a titular of the entire state property, adding that entities and other levels of authorities in B&H can use and maintain state property they need to exercise their individual competences in line with competences defined by this law or by other law adopted by the B&H Parliament. He went on to saying that this law is in interest of all people in B&H and respects needs and interest of all levels of authorities in B&H. “It stipulates that everyone in B&H is obliged to respect legal heritage of the EU. State property reflects statehood, independence and territorial integrity which belong exclusively to state of B&H and not entities”, explained Becirovic.


Cvijanovic: Law on state property sent to procedure by Komsic and Becirovic is cheap populism (FTV)


The Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic said that the proposal of the law on state property, which was submitted to the procedure by Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and the Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic, is cheap populism without a constitutional foundation and any meaning. Cvijanovic pointed out that it is clear to everyone in B&H that this initiative is doomed to fail. The property belongs to the entities and not a single letter, let alone an article of the Constitution and the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), provides otherwise, stated Cvijanovic. The abovementioned proposal will not get support of Cvijanovic. On the opposite, Cvijanovic will veto it and the RS parliament will pass a final decision on it.


Komsic and Becirovic provoke again, announce sending of law on state property to procedure; Tadic: According to DPA, B&H cannot adopt laws on property (RTRS)


RTRS commented that members of B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic and Zeljko Komsic are provoking again. Namely, these two members of the Presidency submitted a proposal of the law on “so-called” state property to the official procedure of the Presidency of B&H. According to RTRS, encouraged by acts of Christian Schmidt, Becirovic and Komsic launched an attack aimed to deprive the RS of everything generations have been building. Reporter noted that Becirovic publicly admitted that political Sarajevo wants to take property of RS in a way that is opposite to the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) by saying that abovementioned proposal is one of the most complex and most important laws in post-Dayton B&H. Reporter wondered whether this proposal of the law was created by Becirovic and Komsic or by a task force formed by Schmidt, because Becirovic admitted that Bosniak parties as well as the Office of High Representative (OHR) have been working for months on this issue. RTRS reminds that it is a stance of the RS officials and citizens that the issue of property has been solved and the RS will not give up on its property. Ognjen Tadic, advisor to the RS President reminded that the DPA abolished the Constitution of RB&H from 1993. “In this way, BiH and all of its bodies permanently lost the right to pass any laws related to property, while the situation that was at the scene at the day of signing of the DPA was verified”, explained Tadic. He added that it means the RS has right to pass laws on property. He went on to saying that the DPA clearly stated that the Federation of B&H (FB&H) and the RS are only ones with competences to regulate these issues, adding that everything else represents violation of the DPA. “Consequently, everything proposed by Komsic and Becirovic is nothing but violation of the DPA, unless there is consent of entities on transfer of competences. Those discontent with how entities solve these issues can address constitutional courts of the FB&H and the RS and not B&H CC, because everything this court was doing in regards to these issues was unconstitutional”, stressed Tadic. “The (Dayton) agreement verified the state of affairs that was valid on the day of its signing, which means the Constitution of the RS, which contains the chapter ‘Economic and Social Regulation’, on the basis of which the RS has the competence to enact property laws.”


Dodik: ‘Border Exists’ has historic importance; We defend our property (RTRS)


Addressing media during marking of 79th anniversary of ‘Halyard Operation’, RS President Milorad Dodik said that gathering of citizens ’Border Exists’ is magnificent and conveys message that has historic importance. “We are the ones in control of our destiny, and we gather in significant numbers. We will continue to do so,” said Dodik. He said that many are silent and nervous when seven to eight thousand people come to attend the gathering, stressing that “today” we defend institutions of the RS and property: “This is reason why RS institutions and property are attacked at the same time. All because I do not respect Christian Schmidt, who is supported by US and UK Ambassadors. Let me tell them, I will not respect him, nor I will go to jail.”


Dodik: Christiane Amanpour has spent years making false, anti-Serb reports (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik said on Tuesday that CNN reporter Christiane Amanpour has spent years making false reports, instead of going into retirement, but it is obvious that hatred toward Serbs is keeping her perfectly fit. Dodik added that Amanpour is “a creature, who spent years rummaging around the world” and that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was right when he told her not to put her own stances into his mouth. Commenting the question about him, which Amanpour asked Vucic, Dodik said that he had a chance to talk to her 30 years ago and he underlined her negative stance toward Serbs, which is something Vucic is aware of. “One needs to note that Vucic agreed to talk to her in completely unfavorable circumstances, and he agreed to talk to someone who is a big liar and proven anti-Serb and lobbyist. She lied many times in her reports,” said Dodik. He reminded of CNN and Amanpour’s lies that Serbs murdered 300,000 Muslims and raped 60,000 Muslim women. “We all know that a total number of victims in B&H is 93,000. Based on her lies, the US policy of that time was created, which was negative toward Serbia and Serbs,” said Dodik. He noted that Amanpour returned to the scene of her crime and lies, in order to ask questions about Kosovo and asked if it is not clear that Serbs do not accept Kosovo as independent and that people there are ready to fight? “Serbia is always to be blamed and they want it to be weaker and they want that for the RS as well, such Serbia suits the people in the region and some big powers and unfortunately for them, Serbia is getting stronger and stronger. This is why they dragged out Amanpour from the ice age,” said Dodik.


Croatian and six other EU Member States’ Foreign Ministers with EU HR Borrell, say accession negotiations should begin by year’s end (Vecernji list)


Vecernji list daily reads that Croatia has gathered ‘partners’, which support Croatia in its effort and initiative that the EU opens as soon as possible, by end of this year, the accession negotiations with B&H. Namely, daily reads that seven Foreign Ministers have sent EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell a letter, asking that it (granting of opening of negotiations) gets done because any postponement would have negative consequences on the security of the EU and the European initiative in B&H. Daily further reads that Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman gathered colleagues from six (EU) member states in the agenda advocated by Croatia. Namely, Tanja Fajon from Slovenia, Alexander Schallenberg from Austria, Giorgos Gerapetritis from Greece, Jan Lipavsky from the Czech Republic, Miroslav Wlachovsky from Slovakia and Antonio Tajani from Italy. According to the daily, the issue of EU enlargement is one of key, strategic and long-term decisions that concern the EU’s future, and that in the current circumstances, foremost with Russian aggression of Ukraine, it has very important geo-strategic dimension. That is why, continues the daily, the seven Ministers propose that a decision on opening of accession negotiations with B&H is taken by the year’s end. The Ministers also believe that the current B&H Council of Ministers has made more progress in several months than earlier convocation for years, and that the progress, the European orientation and clear results should be awarded. On the other hand, added the daily, in case the EU Member States decide to postpone opening of the accession negotiations, it would pave the way for forces that are not pro-European oriented, which would pose risk to the current positive momentum.


Milanovic: Serbia must explain what happened in Kosovo (N1)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic said that Serbia "must explain" the armed attack in northern Kosovo. "These are not some excited guys, they are armed and trained," Milanovic told reporters when asked about Kosovo. When asked about possible sanctions against Serbia, which were requested in Zagreb by the Prime Ministers of Albania and Croatia, Edi Rama and Andrej Plenkovic, Milanovic said that he does not like sanctions that have not been declared by the European Council, which is in charge of security, because they "turn into terror", N1 reported. Plenkovic and Rama condemned the murder of a Kosovo police officer in the village of Banjska, considered it unacceptable that the authorities in Belgrade declared a day of mourning for the death of the attacker, and demanded EU measures against Serbia. The Croatian Prime Minister said that measures can be adopted at the level of the European Council, but also "autonomously", at the level of the European Commission, as was recently done against Kosovo.


DPS wrote to Eurostat and EC: We want census to be postponed and include international partners in the whole process (CdM)


Regarding the decision of the interim cabinet that the national census should be held from 1 to 15 November, the Democratic Party of Socialists, DPS, taking into account constructive partnership with international subjects, addressed the EC Commissioner for Economy, Paolo Gentiloni, and Eurostat General Director Mariana Kotzeva. In the letter, the DPS pointed out to certain elements that might endanger this very important process for the state. “Also, in letters to the European Commission and EUROSTAT, we urged international partners to get involved in this important issue for Montenegro with their institutional authority. The national census is one of the most serious and complex state affairs, which in the field of statistics should provide a complete picture of population and its characteristics, as well as the housing stock of the state, and that the obtained data have multiple purposes, i.e. they are used both for defining and implementing government policies, as well as for scientific research, business community, civil society and the general public,” they announced. According to them, the census must be prepared in a quality manner, it must apply the international recommendations and standards, requiring a stable socio-political ambience, which would, as they said, guarantee the involvement of all interested parties and safety of census-takers. “Having in mind the current socio-political ambience, that is, undermining of the institutional system, strong political tensions and society polarization, the census can’t be carried out in a quality, thorough, open and transparent way,” the DPS added.


No need to think about new demands if we stick to negotiating framework, says PM (MIA)


If we stick to the negotiating framework, then there won’t be a need to think about any additional demands from anyone, because they are listed in that document, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski, speaking about Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani’s statement for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) that North Macedonia is the most harassed country in the EU enlargement process, and that he is certain that Bulgaria will continually formulate new demands. Kovachevski said he is in constant communication with Osmani, and that the statement of the Foreign Minister is very clear, and not much different from other statements on the issue. The PM stressed that the country has adopted a negotiating framework, which has been approved by the 27 EU member states. “If we stick to the negotiating framework, then there won’t be a need to think about any additional demands from anyone, because they are listed in the negotiating framework. Of course, we have a bilateral agreement with Bulgaria, as we do with Greece, which are being realized on a bilateral level, and which are a part of the general provisions of the EU documents, not in the separate benchmarks and criteria which assess the country’s progress in line with the Copenhagen criteria,” said Kovachevski. Kovachevski recalled the First Intergovernmental Conference and added that what remains to be done is a successful completion of the screening process, drafting of the documents that refer to the roadmaps for the rule of law, democracy, and the rights of ethnic minorities. “In terms of the rights of minorities I think we are leaders in Europe, because if there is a country in which minority rights are protected and promoted both legally and institutionally, for which the Ohrid Framework Agreement serves as the basis, it is certainly our country,” said Kovachevski.


Kovachevski: EU doors are open, now is the time to unite in a European front and take bold decisions (Sitel)


Clear signals have been coming over North Macedonia's EU accession. It is up to us to make a decision. For the first time on record, the blockade is coming from within. That is why we need to unite in a European front in order to take the required decisions to bring the country into the EU, says Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski. "I have talked to the German Chancellor, the French President, the European Council President, and the European Commission President, and they all have given clear signals on the open door for North Macedonia's EU membership. It is up to us to make a decision. For the first time on record, the blockade is coming from within. We need courage to make the decision," PM Kovachevski told Sitel. Kovachevski compares North Macedonia to Croatia regarding the EU accession process. "We were in the same position as Croatia when we started the accession process. Look at where Croatia is at now, and then look at us. They joined the EU, we are still waiting," says Kovachevski. Asked if the country can get some guarantees for its EU membership, the PM says the Union's future is one of the topics at the coming informal summit in Spain that will take place in parallel with the meeting of the European Political Community. "The meeting in Granada will tackle many important topics - the war in Ukraine, greater energy independence from Russia, and EU's future with a focus on enlargement and the Union's preparations to absorb new members. The process is supported by all member-states as never before. EU knows it needs enlargement," says Kovachevski. According to him, Europe is uniting right now, and it depends on North Macedonia whether it will be part of that process. "This depends on us, it depends on the commitment and vision of politicians in our parliament to ensure the citizens' European future. It is enough seeing our people using foreign passports to work in France, Germany, and recently in Slovakia, Czech Republic and Poland. Why there? Because of the three-fold higher standard they reached after their accession to the half-a-billion EU market," notes Kovachevski. On the constitutional amendments and the latest demand by the Albanian opposition over deleting the wording related to the "language spoken by 20 percent of citizens" and its replacement with "Albanian language", the PM said the Albanian bloc should think whether they want to be part of an anti-EU coalition together with VMRO-DPMNE. "Because when I look at what VMRO-DPMNE and the Albanian opposition stand for at the moment, the only thing I see is their opposition to the EU," says Kovachevski.


PM denies being part of any negotiations with Gruevski or other VMRO-DPMNE figures (MIA)


Prime Minister and SDSM leader Dimitar Kovachevski have denied being part of any negotiations with Nikola Gruevski or other VMRO-DPMNE figure. Asked if he has received a USB drive that included the Criminal Code amendments, Kovachevski told Sitel he has not seen a flashdrive for a decade, since other technologies are currently used. "I have never communicated with Nikola Gruevski, only saw him once at the opening of a theatre. I represented a company I headed at the time and attended the state-sponsored event. Otherwise, I have never had any communication with the former PM and ex VMRO-DPMNE leader, and I believe I will never have," says Kovachevski. He notes that Mickoski and Gruevski have identical political positions regarding the country's isolation and its non-integration in the EU. "Take a look at the position of the incumbent VMRO-DPMNE leader, who is against the country's EU integration. He has continually tried to find excuses, has failed to demonstrate any decisiveness, and that is why a debate has opened within that party who is the big and small person there," says Kovachevski.


Mickoski: Europe not to allow Russian interests to be reality in Balkans once again (MIA)


I urge Europe not to allow Russian interests to be a reality in the Balkans once again in the 21st century, and not to allow the assimilation of the Macedonian people. VMRO-DPMNE is clear in its positions and under no condition will it deviate from them and accept the Bulgarian dictate, said VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski in answer to a journalist’s question Tuesday. According to Mickoski, history has always shown that “whenever Bulgaria has tried to assimilate the Macedonian people or deny the Macedonian identity, their actions have had the support of Russia, i.e., the Russian interests in the Balkans.” “This was the case with the Treaty of San Stefano when Bulgaria practically received today’s Macedonia as a gift, and as a result of an agreement between the foreign ministers of the Ottoman Empire and the Russian officials. The same happened when the Bled Agreement was abandoned by Bulgaria, unanimously, upon the instruction of then Soviet leader Stalin. The same was signed now, unfortunately with a Macedonian hand this time, by the trio of Kovachevski, Pendarovski, Osmani. If Todor Zhivkov were alive, he would be very proud of these three, and I am sure that he would refer to them as hopeful Bulgarians. That’s why I urge Europe not to allow the Russian interests to be a reality in the Balkans once again in the 21st century, and not to allow the assimilation of the Macedonian people. VMRO-DPMNE is clear in its positions and under no condition will it deviate from them and accept the Bulgarian dictate,” said Mickoski. According to Mickoski, VMRO-DPMNE is only asking that the rights of the Macedonian community in “Western Bulgaria/Pirin Macedonia” are being respected, just as they were during the Bled Agreement. Mickoski pointed to the fact the European Court of Human Rights has 15 judgements about the rights of the Macedonian community, and none related to the Bulgarian community in North Macedonia. “On one hand, you have 14 judgements from the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg which focus on the rights of the Macedonian community in Bulgaria, and zero judgements related to the Bulgarian community in Macedonia. Whose rights are threatened, who is subject to assimilation, torture, and terror? VMRO-DPMNE has no intention of accepting a Bulgarian dictate, even less so because it wasn’t a part of the creation of that dictate,” said Mickoski.


Croatia, an encouraging example on our way to the EU (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama stated that Croatia is an example and a source of encouragement and inspiration in Albania's process towards full EU membership. In the joint press conference with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia, Andrej Plenkovic, during his visit to Zagreb, Rama stated that both countries have a relationship, "from which we constantly learn, because Croatia is an example and a source of encouragement and inspiration, I would not exaggerate if I said so, in our process towards the full EU membership". "Croatia is an example of success, with the Eurozone and Schengen recently, and what Croatia has achieved in just a decade after joining the EU, not only makes us happy, but without question, encourages us. And I want to add, makes us even more demanding towards friends in Zagreb, to assist us and in the first place their experience. Experience created in a process that Croatia started much earlier than us and in which Croatia has built an impressive knowledge edifice," said Rama. "For this reason," Rama emphasized, "we have already benefited, thanks to the assistance of the government of Croatia, a direct support in respect to the negotiation process in the EU and also, we want to benefit as much support as possible, in respect to tourism, cyber security, active assistance in the function of employment, and to specifically handle cases, such as the case we currently have, related to some necessary reviews that we need to make in the field of administration of EU funds for agriculture. Because there was a similar case in Croatia, not long ago, and we are very interested to learn about the structural addressing that the Croatian government has done in this regard".