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Belgrade Media Report 27 October 2023



Vucic from Brussels: Serbia cannot accept the independence of Kosovo (B92/Tanjug/Beta/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is currently in Brussels, where he met with European representatives and discussed the situation in Kosovo and Metohija. He addressed the public from Brussels. "Serbia cannot accept Kosovo's membership in the UN, nor Kosovo's independence. We are fully ready for the formation of the ZSO. It is clear to everyone, no matter what. We want peace, we will continue to act responsibly", said Vucic. "We are very close to an agreement on energy. We are trying to behave in an extremely responsible manner," he added. "It is very difficult to hold talks on an equal level with those who have recognized Kosovo. Now everyone refers to UN resolutions when it comes to Israel, Palestine, but when it comes to Serbia it is not like that. In this sense, Serbia's position is extremely difficult and I don't think it will be easier in the future," said Vucic. He added that no one mentioned any sanctions against Serbia. "You have never heard from me how sanctions should be introduced against someone in Pristina, Sarajevo, etc. When decisions on sanctions are made, you enter a bad atmosphere from which you cannot easily get out. I insisted on the views of the Republic of Serbia. I say this in front of you more calmly than I normally represent the interests of Serbia where it is necessary," said Vucic. He then drew attention to the Serbs who left Kosovo, and as he says, they certainly didn't do it because of the good life there. "When NATO and KFOR refer to the norms of the Kumanovo Agreement and Resolution 1244, their entire mandate is based on that resolution. That's why we support their mandate. We have no problem with increasing the number of members. The problem is when, in addition to that mandate, you say that you will support the army Kosovo, because they have no right to do that." "I am ready to sign whatever you want, except the territorial integrity of Kosovo and independence. This is nothing new. I know that they will not fulfill it." "These were all someone's games, wouldn't they try to shift the responsibility and blame to the other side. I think that the situation is now completely clear to everyone than it was before," he concluded. Vucic said on Thursday evening that, under UNSCR 1244, KFOR and NATO had no right to support the creation of an army of the so-called Kosovo.

Vucic was speaking to reporters in Brussels after a series of meetings with European officials about the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. Asked about a statement by US Ambassador to Pristina Jeff Hovenier that Washington supported a transformation of the "Kosovo Security Force" into an army, Vucic declined to comment because he had not seen the statement in its entirety. "But there is an important thing you must have in mind - when NATO and KFOR make references to the norms of the Kumanovo Agreement and UNSCR 1244, because the entire KFOR mandate is based on that resolution and they rightly make references to that, we support KFOR and NATO activities accordingly and expect them to expand their mandate and boost their troop numbers, and we have no problem with that. What we do have a problem with is when they go beyond that mandate and say they will now support the creation of a Kosovo army, or whatever they may call that, because they have no right to do that under Resolution 1244," he said. He said Western representatives always told him their countries recognised the so-called Kosovo as an independent state and therefore had the right to back the creation of Pristina's army. "Our response to that is, as I told the 'five' in Belgrade a few days ago: no problem, but then do not make references to international law," Vucic noted.


Djuric: Support to transformation of "KSF" into army does not help defuse tensions (Tanjug/Novosti)


Serbian Ambassador to the US Marko Djuric said on Thursday support to a transformation of the so-called Kosovo Security Force into an army did not contribute to dialogue, defusing of tensions and normalisation of Belgrade-Pristina relations. "Support for KSF transformation, phased or immediate, into a heavily armed military force, does not contribute to the dialogue process, defusing of tensions or normalising relations in our region," Djuric wrote in a post on the social media network X, formerly known as Twitter, in response to a statement by US Ambassador to Pristina Jeffrey Hovenier that Washington supported a transformation of the "Kosovo Security Force" into an army of the so-called Kosovo. "Furthermore, KSF transformation into a standing army runs directly against UNSCR 1244 and the Kumanovo Military-Technical agreement. All this aside, supporting KSF transformation in this political moment in Kosovo* only empowers and rewards an extreme government in Pristina driven by an ethno-nationalist agenda, under whose watch 11 percent of Kosovo Serbs already left Kosovo. Dialogue remains the only way forward, and for it to have any success we should not further encourage those who undermine it blatantly," Djuric added. In the statement, Hovenier said the US supported a transformation of the "Kosovo Security Force" into an army over a period of ten years and that the force had demonstrated maturity during the 24 September clashes in Banjska.


Borrell: Vucic, Kurti demanded conditions for new EU proposal (N1)


The EU top diplomat Josep Borrell said that Belgrade and Pristina did not agree to a new European proposal to form the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO). Speaking after separate meetings with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, the EU High Representative said that the two sides set conditions which were mutually unacceptable. “There is a great obstacle which is the establishment of the Community of municipalities of Serbian majority in the north of Kosovo. And in order to help the two parties to reach an agreement, we all together, we presented a new European serious and balanced proposal for the establishment of this Community of Municipalities and insisted on the parties to take this occasion, which would be a great leap forward in the normalisation process, and to avoid the new spirals of violence,” he said. “The parties were not ready to agree on that without preconditions, that there were unacceptable by the other party,” he added. Borrell said that the EU “requires the parties to sincerely engage in the normalisation process”. “That can only be done in the framework of the Dialogue, because it is the only way for them to advance on their European path,” he said and added that “the European way … requires a normalization of the relationship between the two of them”.


Michel: Normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations essential (FoNet)


President of the European Council Charles Michel said de-escalation and return to normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina is essential. Together with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell and EU colleagues, I met with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Michel said in a post on X. He said de-escalation and normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina is essential and added that he expects the European Commission to discuss the matter further.


Meloni: We urged Vucic, Kurti to implement agreements (Beta)


Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said on Thursday that French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and she had meetings with the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo and urged them to implement the already reached agreements. “We asked both leaders to take steps forward regarding the implementation of the agreements reached in the previous years and months,” Meloni said after the separate meetings of the leaders of the EU, France, Germany, and Italy with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti. Vucic and Kurti had separate meetings in Brussels with President of the European Council Charles Michel, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, the special representative for the Western Balkans Miroslav Lajcak, and the leaders of France, Germany, and Italy, Emmanuel Macron, Olaf Scholz and Giorgia Meloni respectively. “We are hoping to see progress,” Meloni told reporters on arriving to the EU summit.


Vucevic: Serbia will never accept UN membership of Kosovo and recognize independence of the southern province (TV Happy)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic said today that the talks in Brussels with European representatives regarding Kosovo and Metohija were difficult and painful. "There is nothing nice and easy for us there, nor will we hear anything nice and easy within those talks. The good thing is that Serbia avoided that scenario of being the culprit, of being a disruptive factor, of wanting conflicts, because that scenario has already been prepared with the aim of not only accusing Serbia, but also punishing it," Vucevic told TV Happy. According to him, Serbia is ready to negotiate on all proposals that exclude the independence of the so-called Kosovo and a seat in the United Nations. "We do not accept any type of de jure or de facto recognition of Kosovo as an independent state. We can talk about other things, whether it is a customs declaration, a stamp here and there... Everything that does not lead to the independence of Kosovo is for us something that can be a topic on the table," he said. The Minister estimated that 90 percent of citizens would most like to hear that Serbia rejects everything from that dialogue and leaves it. "Everyone would be happy to see our army in Kosovo and Metohija, but we must know, we must remember, that we withdrew from Kosovo and Metohija in 1999 in accordance with the Kumanovo Agreement and Resolution 1244 and that we are the de facto military authority there left to KFOR," said Vucevic. He assessed that Kurti has no intention of forming the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) and that he will firmly hold that position, as well as that the international mediators in the dialogue want it to be formed out of the context as it was conceived.


KFOR, Serbian Armed Forces delegations hold commander-level meeting (Tanjug)


A commander-level meeting between delegations of KFOR Regional Command West and East and the Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) was held at Camp Villaggio Italia near Pec, Kosovo and Metohija on Thursday "in the framework of the periodic cooperation meetings, provided for by the directions for implementation of the temporary operating procedures agreement", KFOR has announced. "The focus of the meeting is to coordinate and plan future Synchronised Patrols and discuss any problems along the Administrative Boundary Line (ABL)," the KFOR mission said in a Facebook post. "KFOR is always committed to supporting peace, cooperation and progress for all people living in Kosovo, as its mandate is based on United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999, contributing to the maintenance of a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all communities living in Kosovo," the post also said.


ODIHR should observe forthcoming Serbian elections in full capacity (Beta)


The OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) should observe the forthcoming early elections in Serbia in full capacity, including analysts and long- and short-term observers, said the latest Needs Assessment Mission (ODIHR NAM) Report on Thursday. According to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, the elections will be scheduled next week for 17 December. Many members of the Mission have stressed the importance of long-term presence throughout Serbia, in order to cover all aspects of the election process, stated the recommendations and conclusions of the report. The report pointed out that it was particularly important that the assessment be unbiased, due to the current high level of political and social polarization in Serbia, because that would contribute to greater public trust in the election process and potentially serve as a deterrent against tampering on election day. In the report, the Mission listed a series of aspects that deserve further focus of the observer activities of ODIHR, such as campaigning, media monitoring, campaign financing, solving election disputes and election day procedures, as well as possible voter coercion and abuse of state resources.


Opposition reaches final agreement on elections (N1)


The pro-Europe opposition reached a final agreement on their joint election ticket for the elections in mid-December, a news conference was told on Friday. Opposition officials said that the party’s that organized the Serbia Against Violence weekly protests in Belgrade and other places across Serbia agreed on who would top their elections tickets. The Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP), People’s Movement Serbia, Green-Left Front, Serbia Center (SRCE), Ecological Uprising, Democratic Party (DS), Movement of Free Citizens (PSG) and Zajedno party said that they agreed on Miroslav Aleksic and Marinika Tepic topping the ticket for the parliamentary elections along with Radomir Lazovic. The Belgrade City Assembly elections ticket will be topped by Dobrica Veselinovic and Vladimir Obradovic (candidate for mayor of the Serbian capital) along with Mila Popovic. “We aren’t hiding our differences but consider them to be advantages and strength, demonstrating our readiness to agree, appreciate and find solutions together in the interest of the citizens of Serbia,” they said in the agreement signed by party officials. It added that they want a Serbia not led by people linked to organized crime who poison the air and food but want investment in education to create opportunities for young people and not have them leave in search of a better life. They also called the public to register as polling station controllers and help with the Serbia Against Violence election campaign.


NDSS: Right election ticket must be unambiguously in opposition (Beta)


The president of the New Democratic Party of Serbia Milos Jovanovic stated on Thursday that the party, together with the Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia, was in favor of a single election ticket of parties on the right, but that this ticket would have to be, in his words, unambiguously in opposition. Jovanovic told Beta that all parties on the right should declare that there would be no cooperation with Aleksandar Vucic and the Serbian Progressive Party after the 17 December elections. “The New Democratic Party of Serbia and the Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia, which make up the NADA coalition, have been advocating a single election ticket of parties on the right, but this ticket must be unambiguously in opposition. We have insisted on all five parties on the right, which oppose the Franco-German agreement on Kosovo and Metohija, declaring that there would be no cooperation, at any level, with the regime of Aleksandar Vucic and the Serbian Progressive Party,” Jovanovic stressed.


Milivojevic says current parliament worst ever (Beta)


There is no real parliamentary life in Serbia's parliament, because the ruling majority is unwilling to talk and is only carrying out President Aleksandar Vucic's orders, Democratic Party MP Srdjan Milivojevic told Beta on Thursday. The veteran MP stressed that the current parliament was the worst that he had ever served in and that the ruling majority was unwilling to reach any kind of agreement on any subject. "Never has parliament been this humiliated, Vladimir Orlic has acted like a bankruptcy administrator for parliamentary life in Serbia, and not as the speaker of parliament," Milivojevic said. "Journalists are unable to do their job here, they are restricted to sitting in the hallway," the MP said, adding that sessions were called all too quickly leaving not enough time for MPs to prepare and that the regime had shown an intolerance to any criticism. Asked whether there had been any agreement on anything, Milivojevic replied that "there is no possibility of reaching an agreement with the mafia." "This is not a government but the political wing of organized crime. They were unwilling to reach any agreement, they were only willing to carry out whatever Aleksandar Vucic orders. This is a simulacrum of parliamentary life," Milivojevic said.


Shameful attacks on believers, facilities of Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTV)


The Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced that tonight, around two o'clock after midnight, the Church of Saint Archangel Gabriel in the Serbian returnee village of Osojane, in the municipality of Istok, was robbed. The announcement states that it is particularly worrying that this attack took place after the illegal expulsion of the abbot of the Devine Vode monastery, as well as the digging up of Serbian cemeteries and bones in Kosovska Mitrovica, with the assessment that everything points to a systematic attempt to wipe out and desecrate everything Serbian on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija. A local priest noticed this morning that the church had been ransacked, and the robbery was recorded by cameras that show masked persons entering the church. The Serbs of this Metohija village were very distressed by the news, especially because as returnees they are a frequent target of attacks by Albanian extremists, usurpers, robbers, in a region that has been almost completely ethnically cleansed of Serbs, and churches are places in which they gather and feel protection and peace.




‘The Troika’, SNSD and HDZ B&H once again fail to agree on Law on Courts in B&H (O Kanal)


Another meeting of ‘The Troika’, HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and SNSD and its partners from Republika Srpska (RS) was held on Thursday. The state-level coalition partners discussed several open issues, including the Law on Courts of B&H and the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering. The Law on Courts has already been removed from the agenda of sessions of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) four times, and no agreement has been reached yet. The meeting, which took place before the arrival of the President of the European Commission (EC) Ursula Von der Leyen, ended without agreement on the seat of the Appellate Division of the Court of B&H. N1 comments unlike the RS representatives, leaders of political parties from the Federation of B&H (FB&H) are optimists that abovementioned laws will be adopted, and that B&H will get positive news from Brussels. SNSD leader Milorad Dodik said that as it seems the EU will give priority to Ukraine although it does not have territory it sovereignly rules over unlike B&H. “They will go towards Ukraine and resume to keep us on leash and consider us less worthy”, stated the leader of SNSD. NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic stressed that unlike Dodik, he believes that EU will be more concrete this time. “Not because of us, but because of themselves and fear that has developed following aggression against Ukraine”, stated Konakovic. Konakovic addressed a joint press conference following Thursday meeting of the state level ruling coalition. Konakovic said that the issue of relations towards Banja Luka in context of seat of institutions has no connection. What will be crucial in the future period, according to the NiP leader, is whether we will agree with a fact that we do not agree about something and then focus on issues we agree about. “If we continue with the ‘if this does not go, nothing will go’ concept, then it brings nothing good to B&H, to nobody. I think there are enough regulations, laws, interests, especially the economic one’s people in B&H live from, because of which they should stay in B&H”, said Konakovic, who also believes that the EU should be more concrete in this. Namely, Konakovic said, among other issues that the big EU assistance package would be significant for all citizens of B&H and would have big impact on B&H. “Look at what kind of economic injection we are talking about, which would eventually end up in the citizens’ pockets, which should be our ultimate interest. Colleagues from the RS link these two stories ‘if there is one law, there is not other law’. That is not good. We did not move much today”, said Konakovic adding that they will continue to talk. He further stated that the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) will have sessions, which will not discuss laws “we talked about today”. He also commented on the forthcoming visit of EC President Ursula Von der Leyen, saying that “we have something to boast about when she comes, because those 4-5 laws enter the final assessment in the report”. “It would be symbolic to receive Ursula with two or three more documents. It is certain that we are receiving Ursula Von der Leyen is a better ambiance and mood than ever, but it could have been better. If it will contribute to decision of opening of negotiations, we shall see. But if I were to prioritize, the most important thing for us is the participation in the huge support package, and I am accenting the part about benefits regarding the access to the EU single market. That would mean new jobs and people staying in B&H”, said NiP leader Konakovic. SDP leader Nermin Niksic commented the fact that no agreement was reached about the HQ of the Appellate Court. “First it was Appellate Court and then the Appellate Council… then there was a discussion about competencies and the solution was found in the end. At the start we had proposal for the HQ first Mostar, then Istocno Sarajevo and in the end we reached Banja Luka… We deem that compromise means for all of us to make compromises. I can understand that everyone on their end believe they gave too much, made too many compromises,” said Niksic, adding that it is a big deal they will continue to talk. Niksic stated: “They set as a package, as a condition, the linking of the Law on the Courts in B&H with the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering - this is about setting principled positions.” Niksic specified that the proposed set of laws is part of the priorities for B&H's membership in the EU, but also the last chance to speed up the European path, at least this year. SNSD leader Milorad Dodik addressed media after the meeting of state-coalition representatives. Dodik said that agreement on Constitutional Court of B&H was not reached and the law on prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorist activities. “There is an issue of headquarter of the Appellate Division. We heard that Bosniak side is not in favor of the Appellate Division, but for some form of a court, which means that we did not reach agreement. We believe that Appellate Division should be seated in Banja Luka, partners from the FB&H deem this should be some other location in the RS,” said Dodik. He noted that the meeting produced no results. Dodik noted that the two laws were discussed in a package, but they could not reach agreement. SNSD leader said that this was a crucial meeting, but lack of the agreement shows that the next meeting will not be possible. “If Banja Luka is disputable to people form the FB&H, then they deny statehood and everything else,” said Dodik. comments that Dodik was visibly disappointed, and he said that nothing was agreed. Today’s meeting was dedicated to certain legislation from 14 priorities of the EC Opinion, most notably law on courts in B&H and Dodik said that the main stumbling block is location of the appellate division of the court. “He said they fulfilled the agreement on some issues they agreed before: “It is obligation of FB&H partners to agree a method of election of members of B&H Presidency from the FB&H. We accept every form of their agreement.” Asked if he is optimistic that agreement could be reach at the next meeting, Dodik said he is not optimistic: “If Banja Luka is disputable then they deny the state they so much advocate. The time will come to solve the issue of the court. It is impossible in judicial practice that first and second instance of the Court is formed in the same place. Not even Europe can tolerate this,” said Dodik.


Cvijanovic: RS government must be involved in stages of programming aid through IPA funds (ATV)


The Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic said that the partners at the B&H level did not specifically decide on the issue of establishing a B&H coordinator for the use of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) funds at the meeting held in Sarajevo on Thursday. Cvijanovic said that B&H has been using these funds almost illegally for two years, because there is no defined system within B&H. Cvijanovic stated: “Our agreement remained that we would continue to talk in the following days to see if we would come to a concrete conclusion or the concrete establishment of that structure. What we from RS insist is, considering the constitutional structure of the country, considering the absorption of these funds that takes place at different levels of authorities, that the RS government must be involved in those phases of aid programming, aid absorption, coordination around of all these activities, and also the collegium for European integration, which is an integral part or the supreme item within our coordination mechanism. Therefore, when we achieve and reflect in what is the B&H coordinator, what is our constitutional structure, it will not be a problem”.


Izetbegovic: ‘The Troika’ has done servile and unprincipled things (FTV)


SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic commenting on ‘The Troika’, stated that ‘The Troika’ has done servile and unprincipled things. “I predicted that when big concessions had to be made, they would give up. They feel that their reputation among the people is falling, that they will lose the next elections, and now they will start to put the brakes on what they promised HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik. They delivered a lot. The people have recognized servility, where they run to Laktasi, wherever they are called. They betrayed their own principles, pride, you also betrayed the pride of your own voters. They handed over some positions to SNSD and HDZ B&H so that they would give them enough votes in the Serb Caucus in the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP)”, the SDA leader underscored. He also spoke about the issue of the Election Law and the Law on the Constitutional Court (CC), saying: “They intended to solve it. But after such resistance from the public, they will give up and start to slow down. They could amend the constitution in terms of ethnic prefixes. For that they need two-thirds support, and after that it is not about the constitution, then they can change the electoral law with a simple majority. I think that they were ready for it, that they promised it and that they would start to avoid it because they saw the reaction of the public. The same is the case with state property.” Reflecting on the situation with formation of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (HNC) government, Izetbegovic explained HDZ B&H enters this story with 11 representatives, SDA with seven, and SDP B&H with three. In terms of the positioning of the SDA in other cantons, he says: "SDA is doing relatively well, considering the attack we had, where just about everyone turned against us. We got back on our feet. In a few years, we will return to the FB&H and the state.” When it comes to the SDA's relationship with the US, he pointed out that SDA was the engine of what the American side was doing all along but added: “We were on the same side. They are still friends of B&H. Covic has a strong back, he will help him. Dodik is out of control, it is better not to provoke him. In their desire to change something, they go to someone who does not have such a back. And they went to SDA". Izetbegovic condemned the aggression and, as he commented, “the crushing of Gaza”.


People's rally 'We Defend Srpska' held in Doboj; Cvijanovic: We want to convey the message that property belongs to the RS (RTRS)


Massive gathering of people ‘We Defend Srpska’ (Branimo Srpsku) was held in Doboj on Thursday. Participants gathered to express support to RS institutions in activities to preserve property of the RS. Gathered people conveyed a message that no one has right to undermine and degrade the RS institutions, because they are a result of will of citizens. They emphasized that the plan to deprive the RS of its competences and property is behind all attacks on the RS. Also, participants of the gathering underlined that a staged legal process was launched against RS President Milorad Dodik just because he was fulfilling his constitutional duties. Reporter noted that besides a number of citizens, the RS officials, officials from the RS at B&H level, heads of municipalities and mayors from Doboj region took part in the rally. Member of B&H Presidency from rank of Serb people Zeljka Cvijanovic said that wherever the RS flags are displayed, it is property of the RS, adding that it includes forests, rivers, agricultural land etc. “There have been attempts to take all of that from us. I have always appreciated ability of our people to recognize traps and bad intentions of those others. I am certain that citizens across the RS recognized the bad intention in an attempt to take our property. We want to convey the message that property belongs to the RS”, stressed Cvijanovic. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic stated that he will inform RS President Dodik about the demand of those who attended the gathering in Doboj that he should not be appearing before the Court of B&H, that belittling of institutions of the RS President and the RS cannot be allowed. Viskovic underlined that he has consent of gathered people to convey such message to the RS President. Speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic stressed that “this is the country where we are judging, and we sentenced Dodik to be the RS President and there is no one but us who will sentence him.” He also stated that the RS will never accept to replace Dodik with (High Representative Christian) Schmidt or to replace freedom with nothing. Mayor of Doboj Boris Jerinic stressed that they will resume to support the RS institutions and RS President Dodik. “Not him as a person, but as the RS President, because if there is no the RS, there is no future for Serb people here”, explained Jerinic.


ZDC Assembly confirms appointment of new government led by SDA’s Nezir Pivic (BHT1)


The Zenica-Doboj Canton (ZDC) Assembly confirmed Thursday by a majority of votes the appointment of the new ZDC government, which will be led by SDA’s Nezir Pivic. In his expose, Pivic presented the ZDC government's plan for future activities and, among other things, in addition to the economy, the emphasis is on education, agriculture, forestry and healthcare. “We have to take into account how budget funds are spent… I do not want to have fruitless discussions in the future, but for us all to focus on certain ideas and plans that will bring benefits primarily to the citizens of the ZDC,” Pivic underlined. Meanwhile, the opposition MPs in the ZDC Assembly had remarks regarding the ethnic structure of the appointed ministers in the ZDC government. As a result, HDZ B&H representatives left the Thursday’s session of the ZDC Assembly. HDZ B&H’s Ivica Penic said that the appointment of one Croat and one Serb to the new ZDC government is not a policy of coexistence, tolerance and trust. Pivic underlined that the Constitution clearly stipulates that the ethnic composition of the population when appointing a government should be considered. “This means the current composition of the population in the area of the Canton whereby all constituent peoples will be represented. Anyone who thinks that this is not right, they have court instances that will solve the issue,” Pivic said. In addition to the position of the ZDC Prime Minister, SDA also got four ministerial positions in the new ZDC government. DF will have two, while SBB B&H will have one minister in the ZDC government. Three ministers in the new ZDC government were appointed on behalf of the Caucus of the Independent MPs in the ZDC Assembly. The new majority in the ZDC Assembly consists of SDA, DF, SBB B&H, NES and several independent representatives. Pivic announced that in the first few weeks the new ZDC government will be conducting a review of all current polices, activities and projects.


Committee asks government for a report on illegal migration (HRT)


The Committee for Internal Policy and National Security reached a conclusion obliging the government to submit a report to parliament on the state of illegal migration in the territory of Croatia since the entry into Schengen, within 15 days, which would then be discussed at the plenary session. This corrects an administrative error due to which the report of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on illegal migration, based on the Committee's earlier conclusion, was not included in the agenda of the plenary session. “The issue of illegal migration is one of the crucial issues and deserves to be discussed at the plenary session,” the chairman of the Committee Sinisa Hajdas Doncic (SDP) pointed out after the session. He added that democracy is a set of rules and procedures and if an item is to be included on the agenda of the plenary session, then a compromise is tried to be found in accordance with the Rules of Procedure. “If you want the item on the agenda to be included in the plenary session, then you try to find a compromise that is in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Croatian parliament, especially if you have a report from the Committee on the Constitution and if you have, so to speak, some signal or input from the parliament speaker who understood that the discussion must be held in plenary, which is what we requested from the first moment, because I think that the issue of illegal migration is becoming one of the crucial issues in recent times,” said the president of the Committee for Internal Policy and National Security Sinisa Hajdas Doncic (SDP). Nikola Grmoja (MOST) considers the Committee's earlier conclusion on the discussion of the Interior Ministry report at the plenary session to be correct and that there is no need to reach the same conclusion. “Obviously, the government is in big trouble considering that the Croatian border is as permeable as Swiss cheese, that Italy and Slovenia have suspended Schengen because illegal migrants enter through Croatia,” Grmoja asserted at the session. He claims that Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic does not want the help of Frontex because it would turn out to be incompetent, nor the army at the border because it would call into question his European civilized face in front of European bureaucrats. Committee Vice President Mario Kapulica (HDZ) rejected the claim that the government is in big trouble and explained that he does not want Frontex on the Croatian border but on the side of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the biggest problem comes from, which would make the work of Croatian policemen easier. The Committee for Internal Policy and National Security, at the proposal of the HDZ, unanimously adopted a conclusion calling on the Ministry of Justice and Administration to provide it with data on the number of persons against whom proceedings have been initiated for criminal offenses of human smuggling, sanctions and relevant judicial practice. “We heard from the Interior Ministry that 6,000 human smugglers were arrested, 1,070 this year alone, and we don't know what happened to them, how they are treated, whether they have been sanctioned, and whether there are repeat offenders among them,” Kapulica said.


Nedovic: Postponing census for a month quite enough (CdM)


If the new government of Montenegro is formed on Monday, it could already on Tuesday, 31 October, amend the Regulation on maintaining the census. While the Caretaker government continues to say that if they are in power on 1 November, the census will begin on that day, Europe Now Movement (PES) says that the new government will be elected before the census begins and that they will stop it on time. As PES’s Jelena Nedovic told TVCG, the party expects that the government will be elected before the census begins. “When the government is formed, a new decree will be adopted at the next cabinet meeting, which will postpone the census for a month, and it is assumed that it will start on 1 December”, she explained. It is even more uncertain that the handover of positions will happen quickly, that a cabinet meeting will be organized and that a new Regulation will be passed before 1 November. At that time the census would already start. However, CDT says that it can be stopped. “Everything can be done by government decisions”, says CDT’s Milica Kovacevic. The question is whether 30 days of delay is enough. “I think that a month is enough, because the parliamentary majority has shown to have tolerance for all political entities and citizens having doubts about the census”, Nedovic believes. Milos Vukanovic, a historian, says that nothing can change in a month, only if software was developed that would allow every citizen to check the entered data. “An adequate system can hardly be set up for a month”, he believes.


Spajic submitted to parliament Program and Work Plan of 44th government of Montenegro (CdM)


The leader of the Europe Now Movement and the mandate holder Milojko Spajic submitted to the parliament the Program and work plan of the 44th government of Montenegro – an exposition on the composition of the government, published on the website of the parliament of Montenegro. In the exposition, he proposed the following government composition: DPM in charge of Security, Internal Policy, European and Foreign Affairs – Aleksa Becic, DPM in charge of the political system, judiciary and anti-corruption – Momo Koprivica, DPM in charge of Labour, Education, Health and Social Affairs – Srdjan Pavicevic, DPM in charge of Economic Policy and Minister of Economic Development – Nik Gjeloshaj, DPM in charge of Demography and Youth and Minister of Sports and Youth – Dragoslav Scekic, Minister of Foreign Affairs – Filip Ivanovic, Minister of Transport and Maritime Affairs – Filip Radulovic, Minister of Spatial Planning, Urbanism and State Property – Janko Odovic, Minister of European Affairs – Maida Gorcevic, Minister of Finance – Novica Vukovic, Minister of Education, Science and Innovation – Andjela Jaksic Stojanovic, Minister of Justice – Andrej Milovic, Minister of Labor and Social Welfare – Naida Nisic, Minister of Health – Vojislav Simun, Minister of Energy and Mining – Sasa Mujovic, Minister of Internal Affairs – Boris Bogdanovic, Minister of Defense – Dragan Krapovic, Minister of Tourism, Ecology, Sustainable Development and Development of the North – Vladimir Martinovic, Minister of Culture and Media – Tamara Vujovic, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management – Vladimir Jokovic, Minister of Public Administration – Maras Dukaj, Minister of Human and Minority Rights – Fatmir Gjeka. Montenegro will implement its foreign policy during the term of the 44th government, guided by strategic national interests, through four main foreign policy priorities: full membership of Montenegro in the EU; active and credible membership in the NATO alliance; improving good neighborly relations, and strengthening the role of our country in multilateral organizations, says part of Spajic’s exposition. The pace of geopolitical movements, caused by Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and the conflicts in the Middle East, led to the appearance of new challenges at the global level, but also brought into focus the necessity of unity on the European continent, and revived the EU’s expansion policy. Now, more clearly than ever before, Montenegro has a real opportunity to become the first next member of the Union and thus achieve its main foreign policy goal. In this sense, it is worth repeating that Montenegro will continue to be fully compliant with the foreign and security policy of the EU, a segment of Spajic’s exposition reads.


Szijjarto: Montenegro needs a stable political system for long-term goals (RTCG)


Montenegro needs to create the most stable possible political system on the basis of which long-term goals can be achieved, said the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary Peter Szijjarto. Szijjarto did not want to comment on the current situation in Montenegro on the RTCG’s Focus show but said that he always refrains from interfering in the internal affairs of other countries. Nevertheless, he advised the politicians in our country to have a more stable political system so that, as he said, they would be as strong as possible. “The more stable your political system is, the stronger you are. Especially in the current circumstances where things are not moving smoothly forward. We have a war in our neighborhood, an economic crisis, a migrant crisis, this is generally an emergency situation. In these cases, strong leadership and political stability count as an advantage, a huge advantage,” he pointed out. He cited the example of Hungary, which, as he said, had had a stable political system for the past 14 years. He stressed he saw that as one of the reasons why the country, as he stated, not only survived the crisis but was always stronger after it. “So, what I can generally suggest is that you create the most stable possible political system on the basis of which long-term goals can be achieved”, Szijjarto said. He also stated he was shocked by the postponement of the date of integration of the Western Balkans into the EU. He expressed belief that the EU would greatly help in stabilizing the situation in the Western Balkans and overcoming long-term conflicts.


Spasovski: Creation of joint policies is just a prerequisite for joint functioning within the EU (MIA)


The creation of joint policies is just a prerequisite for a joint functioning within the EU. The door is open, it depends on our commitments whether we will cross the threshold, but what I know for sure is that we are decisively stepping forward, and the European momentum is inevitable, said Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski at the opening of the EU-Western Balkans Ministerial Forum on Justice and Home Affairs. According to a press release from the Ministry of Interior, Spasovski welcomed European Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson; Spanish Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska; the interior ministers of the Western Balkan countries, and other high representatives of the EU, Europol, Frontex, to what he called an “exceptionally significant ministerial meeting, which is further proof of the unbreakable bond of the region with the European family.” “It is my special honor that North Macedonia is opening its doors once again as the host of the EU-Western Balkans Ministerial Forum on Justice and Home Affairs, during a time in which the world, like never before in recent history, is facing such significant geopolitical, and even civilizational challenges, which urgently call for appropriate and global answers. Because, simply no one is circumvented by the consequences of the current challenges that could emerge in the coming years,” said Spasovski. Spasovski voiced conviction that through the forum the country will manage to demonstrate its achievements in the recent period and enable the exchanging of opinions and positions that will contribute to the strengthening of cooperation and joint policies. “Here I would especially highlight the word ‘unity’. Because it’s no coincidence that we’re all here together. It is a fact that the creation of joint policies is just a prerequisite for a joint functioning within the European Union. The door is open, it depends on our commitments whether we will cross the threshold, but what I know for sure is that we are decisively stepping forward, and the European momentum is inevitable,” stressed Spasovski.


Spasovski – Johansson: Only through joint forces can we fight crime on EU soil (MIA)


Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski held a meeting Thursday with the European Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson, within the frameworks of the Ministerial Forum on Justice and Home Affairs hosted by North Macedonia alongside the Spanish Presidency of the EU Council. Voicing gratitude for the support over the signing of the Frontex Agreement between North Macedonia and the EU, Minister Spasovski said the Agreement marked a positive development in relations between the EU and North Macedonia last year, while also highlighting that modern security challenges call for partnership and a joint response.  “In this joint action, as in everything else, we are stepping forward as equal partners, because only through a joint, coordinated approach can we successfully tackle the global challenges. At the same time, I would like to note that the fight against organized crime remains a top priority for North Macedonia, and we remain committed to strengthening our cooperation with the EU in this fight,” said Minister Spasovski at the meeting, as per a press release from the Interior Ministry. Commissioner Johansson, according to the press release, hailed the excellent cooperation between the Interior Ministry and Frontex, especially after last year’s signing of the Agreement. “Spasovski and Johansson agreed that only through joint forces can we fight against all forms of crime on EU soil,” said the MoI.


Speaker Xhaferi: Parties to agree on election date within deadlines (MIA)


At a media briefing Thursday, parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi urged the political parties to agree on a date for the presidential and parliamentary elections on time, in order to comply with the legal and constitutional deadlines. “By New Year’s we need to have a consensus over the presidential elections, the parliamentary elections are a different story, and other procedures and deadlines apply, so there’s time until February, March…,” said Xhaferi. If the parties can’t reach an agreement, Xhaferi said he wouldn’t allow the deadlines to run out. “I am obliged to do that, and to provide additional time so that we aren’t left without a President,” said Xhaferi. The speaker of parliament said there haven’t been any new developments over the issue of constitutional amendments. He said that Besa and Alternativa MPs submitted a request for a call for a member of the State Election Commission.  Regarding the new Rules of Procedure of parliament, proposed by Xhaferi, he said the debate over amendments is set to begin on Friday. According to Xhaferi, around thirty amendments have been submitted by MPs from Levica, SDSM, VMRO-DPMNE, as well as amendments drafted by the parliamentary services which will be submitted by Xhaferi. The speaker said the new Rules of Procedure will likely be put to a vote at a session on 2 November, and he said he expects it to be adopted with a consensus. The new rulebook will start to apply at the beginning of the new term of parliament, i.e., from the constitutive session of the new parliamentary composition.


Kovachevski: Elections announced by parliament speaker in line with deadlines determined by law, mandate of elected officials (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said in Parliament on Thursday that elections in the country are announced by the Parliament Speaker according to deadlines determined by law and the mandate of the elected officials. “When we talk about elections, you have to remember at that time that elections were organized as it happened to find the political circumstance of your party, and that's why parliamentary elections were held nearly every year or every two years, and it used to happen that when one election ended in a year, there would be another election in a few months,” Kovachevski said answering a question from VMRO-DPMNE’s MP Bojan Stojanoski in regard to the elections. Kovachevski noted in the Ministry of Justice there is a working group in which representatives from political parties except VMRO-DPMNE participate, where amendments to the Electoral Code are being prepared in accordance with the recommendations of the OSCE/ODIHR. “I do not know for which purpose. It is probably a legacy of the approach that your party had during the mentioned 11 years when institutions, system and laws were derogated from and when political will led to conclusions, processes that were implemented. There the changes are being made according to the OSCE/ODIHR recommendations and I hope you will send representatives to look at them and give their comments,” Kovachevski said.


Mickoski reiterates call for elections between two major religious holidays next spring (MIA)


In answer to media questions Thursday, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski reiterated his call to Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski to select a date for both the presidential and parliamentary elections between Eid al-Fitr and Easter next spring. “I have information that Kovachevski, Ahmeti and Grubi will have a working lunch together today, they should agree [on a date for the elections] and let us know the exact date, the working groups will then meet and talk about the future because these two processes are key for the future of Macedonia,” said Mickoski. The opposition leader said there are serious recommendations from OSCE/ODIHR that need to be implemented in the Electoral Code, and one of them, he said, is that the Electoral Code should not be amended six months before the holding of elections. “We have less than six months until the elections, we will once again commit fouls, once again we will intervene, why, because someone is a coward and doesn’t want to face the citizens. But they have to. We must have elections in a few months from now,” said Mickoski. According to Mickoski the presidential and parliamentary elections should not be held on separate dates, because, he said, “it would be an enormous expense of dozens of millions of euros, and it would be horrifying if someone was considering it.” Mickoski reiterated the position the constitutional amendments won’t happen “under Bulgarian dictate”. “The constitutional amendments won’t happen under these circumstances because these circumstances are degrading, anti-Macedonian, they don’t offer development, they don’t offer progress, and we believe that what was signed by Bujar Osmani and Kovachevski was only so they could extend their political careers by a few more months. They succeeded and got a year and a half more. Those who believed that they could deliver, are now realizing that they can’t. The Government assumes responsibilities which don’t belong to it. It assumes the responsibilities of Parliament,” said Mickoski. In terms of whether he sees the upcoming visit of the President of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, to Skopje as pressure over the constitutional amendments, and whether he will meet with her, Mickoski said that no meeting has been scheduled for now.


Kovachevski: Decisions on EU to be adopted in parliament now, so we can join EU by 2030 (MIA)


The decisions to continue the European integration path should be adopted now through a democratic procedure in our Parliament so that we can join EU by 2030, PM Dimitar Kovachevski said in the parliament on Thursday. “As Prime Minister and SDSM leader, as a leading partner in the government coalition, I believe that there are pro-European politicians outside the government coalition in this parliament, and we will do what is necessary to ensure a European future for the Macedonian citizens,” he noted. Now the risks are even greater, he added, because the elections for the European Parliament are scheduled for next year, we also see the events of certain countries in our region, but also the geostrategic moment that is happening in Europe with the war that is still raging in Ukraine. This means that if we do not continue, we may remain a country that is currently practically a leader in European integrations, a problematic point together with Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina, to which maybe someday, the question is if and when the EU will return,” Kovachevski said. According to him, we should not forget that at this strategic moment the EU needs us, and not only us, because at this moment the stability of the European continent needs to be ensured, and this cannot be done without the Western Balkan countries, which practically represent part of the European Union. Geographically speaking, the Western Balkans are practically surrounded by EU member states,” Kovachevski said. “In such a situation, if the necessary decisions are not adopted in this Parliament and if the European path is not secured, what message are we actually sending to our strategic partners. First, that irresponsibility will be shown towards the needs of the citizens, who deserve to be European citizens, but in their native country, that the future of young people will be ruined. We will also disappoint the expectations of the international community, which sees North Macedonia as a factor of stability in a geopolitical context. Now is the moment of common interest, when the EU needs us, and we need the EU. That's why the European partners and the USA, according to their words, call it a unique opportunity, unique because it is so,” Kovachevski said at the Q&A session in the parliament.


Spiropali's meeting in Washington with Escobar: US pledges support for full integration into the EU (Radio Tirana)


During her visit in Washington, Minister of State for Relations with parliament Elisa Spiropali met with Gabriel Escobar, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and Special Envoy for the Western Balkans. After the meeting, Spiropali stated that she and Escobar had extensive discussions about the special relations between their two countries, Albania's significant role in the region, the close partnership within NATO and the Security Council, and the US support for the full integration of Albania, Kosovo, and the Western Balkans into the EU. Additionally, Spiropali emphasized that "the meeting also addressed Serbian terrorist attacks in northern Kosovo and the necessity for Serbia's accountability." They discussed the need to conclude the essential dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia for normalization and recognition, as well as the enhancement of the strategic partnership between the two countries.


Nikolla met Escobar: Strengthening USA-Albania bilateral partnerships in International Organizations (Radio Tirana)


Speaker of the Assembly Lindita Nikolla met at the US Department of State by Gabriel Escobar, Assistant Secretary of State and Special Envoy for the Western Balkans. The meeting covered progress in democratization and integration reforms, as well as the Assembly's support for their advancement. "The relations between Albania and the USA are better than ever. This strategic partnership is evident through excellent cooperation in the UN Security Council and will continue in the KRC. The USA desires Albania as a partner and supports its participation in numerous international organizations. The US is a strong advocate for Albania's EU integration, acknowledging the accomplishments made thus far and encouraging further efforts in combating corruption," as stated in the Assembly's press release. Escobar described the USA as the most pro-Kosovo country in the world, emphasizing their determination to safeguard Kosovo's independence, sovereignty, integrity, security, and its acceptance into international organizations. "The USA has strongly condemned the terrorist act on 24 September and holds Serbia responsible for it. Emphasizing the strategic importance of the Ohrid Agreement, there is a commitment to its full implementation. The US continues to support the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, facilitated by the EU, as the sole path to peace and security. Efforts are underway to gain recognition for this dialogue, even from the five EU states that have not yet recognized it, and a global recognition campaign for Kosovo is being developed," underlined in the statement.