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Belgrade Media Report 13 November



US looking into allegations of Serbian companies violating sanctions on Russia (N1, VOA)


The US is aware of the existence of and is looking into the reports on Serbian companies that are, in violation of the sanctions, exporting to Russia goods that can be used in the military industry, said the State Department in a reply to Voice of America. We once against call on Serbia to join the international sanctions so Russia would answer for the crimes and violations that it has committed in Ukraine, Voice of America quoted the State Department as saying.


It stressed that America will not stop imposing sanctions on those who are collaborating with Russia. The United States have taken and will continue to take coordinated moves against those who are helping the Kremlin by bypassing sanctions and export control measures, said the State Department. It added that the United States, its allies and partners, are united in their support for Ukraine as if faces unjustified Russian war – including greater efforts against evasion of sanctions.


Vucic: Macron knows what Belgrade will not change when it comes to Kosovo, but he wants to see things resolved (RTS)


President Aleksandar Vucic said in an interview with RTS from Paris that Serbia remains on its European path, to protect its vital national interests, but also to take care of its friends. On the occasion of the meeting with his French colleague Emmanuel Macron, Vucic said that he expects a good, substantive, important conversation for Serbia and pointed out that the French president spoke with him at a time when Serbia, after Banjska, was facing a barrage of attacks. I know that he will not change his position when it comes to Kosovo, but Macron also knows what it is that Belgrade will not change, Vucic said ahead of the meeting.


The sixth peace forum was held in Paris, and the theme, like every year, is the answer to the biggest challenges facing humanity at the moment. This year, the name of the forum was Finding Common Ground in a World of Rivalry and Division, and the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, also participated in the forum. In an interview with RTS, President Vucic said that a lot has changed in the world in the last two years and that the changes are much faster than they were three or four decades ago. "We live incomparably faster and that's why forums like this are important, to be able to analyse things, to set things for the future and to see where we will all be together," Vucic said.


Speaking about taking over dominance in the world, Vucic said that now "everyone is throwing their cards at Africa". "America and China are growing much faster than Europe. Everyone is now throwing their cards at Africa and there is a big fight for Africa between the five powers. These are America, China, Europe, in which France is most interested, but also Germany increasingly because of raw materials and "not only because of Namibia, a former colony, but because of raw materials and many other things. But also, Turkey as a regional power and Russia, which with its military presence and additional economic presence is also trying to take its place in Africa," Vucic said. He indicates that the great battle for the new division of the world is yet to come. "And that's why meetings like this are always important and it's always good to be at them to find out, to see, to position your country in the right place, to position it well, to talk to everyone, to gain respect and to always learn something new", pointed out Vucic.


The focus of the international community on Gaza


The focus of the international community for the last month has been on Gaza. When asked if the forum in Paris offered a solution, Vucic said that he does not think that anyone can offer a solution, because both sides must agree. He reminded that Serbia immediately condemned the terrorist attack by Hamas, but also said that it was against the killing of civilians and children.

"We clearly condemned the terrorist attack by Hamas at the beginning. We clearly said that we are against killing civilians and children, but both are our friends, we will preserve friendship with both. That is Serbia's policy," Vucic said.


With the Prime Minister of Belgium and about Kosovo and Metohija


Before the start of the forum, in addition to meeting with numerous officials, President Vucic had a bilateral meeting with Belgian Prime Minister Alexander de Croo. "I talked with Alexander de Croo about all the important bilateral issues between Belgium and Serbia, about Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) and how to continue the dialogue, what we think can be done. We also talked about the report of the European Commission. He I guess he expected that I would complain, or that I would whine, since when all the leaders come, they say 'this is not fair to us', but everything is fair, except that we do not agree on the relationship to KiM," said Vucic. He said that there has been progress in all areas, some limited and some full progress.

"I am especially glad because of the numerous lies presented to the public, that we received good grades and good praise for the adopted laws in the field of media and everything else, because some people would constantly portray Serbia as an undemocratic country, while using rights that no one else in any other country has. I think that these things are slowly coming to light," said Vucic, adding that he hopes that the Belgian Prime Minister will visit Serbia in March or April.


Private conversation with Macron


President Vucic announced that (on Friday night) he will talk privately with French President Emmanuel Macron. "I expect a good, meaningful, important conversation for Serbia. Don't forget that we talked for a long time in Granada, and I will not forget that to President Macron, at a difficult moment for Serbia when we were under pressure from all sides. President Macron then set aside an hour to talk to us and it was not a problem for him. That was immediately after Banjska, when a barrage of attacks was expected. I think that Serbia must show respect for such relationship towards the French president. I hope that we will be able to host him soon in Belgrade," said Vucic. We have many things from military-technical cooperation to investments to factories and everything else to discuss. So, I am very much looking forward to meeting the President of France," said Vucic.


When asked what he expected from the part of the conversation related to solving the issue of KiM, Vucic said that he knows that Macron will not change his position on that issue, but also that the French president knows what it is that Belgrade will not change. "We are looking at how to do some things that are good for preserving peace and stability, and that do not harm our vital national interests, which also benefit France, so that it can be sure that it will not have a new hotspot and that things are resolved slowly," the president said. Vucic.


"An important and meaningful meeting with my friend, the French president Macron, with whom I discussed bilateral relations, Serbia's European path, the continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, economic and other important regional and global topics," said Vucic on his Instagram account after the meeting with French President.


We keep our friendships, but we also look at what we can do for Serbia


He said that it is certain that no one from the Western Balkans will enter the EU in the next two years, but that there are many moves ahead of us. "Can we be part of the single economic market? Which is important to us for our trucks, get that green line, so that they can pass and not lose 20 hours at each border? Can we in the region connect, so that our trucks don't stop at the borders? That will save us 7, 10, 15 percent of the total operational costs. Let's see that we talk about things that are pragmatic, that can make our people's lives easier, that can increase our standard of living, until that moment comes when the mood in Europe will be different regarding European integration," said Vucic.


He added that it all depends on the relationship with Pristina, but also indicated that he knew that after Banjska there would be no sanctions against Serbia. "Even though they announced for days and weeks, I was right. But I also know the strength of Serbia. And I know how much respect we have. And I know how we can fight for our interests. That's why we push our interests, to be on the European path, we protect our national interests, always and at every moment. We also take care of our other friends, the traditional ones, so we don't turn our backs in a difficult moment, but at the same time we look at what we can get for Serbia. That is the only possible politics. And how a relatively small country in a gust of wind, with such a big problem as KiM that it carries on its back, at the same time with not a few problems in the region and with the ill-intentioned criticism of many who would like an incomparably weaker Serbia, must survive. And it can successfully fight for its interests," said Vucic.


The American ambassador in Pristina again requested the urgent formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO), but in accordance with the Kosovo constitution, which was also commented on by President Vucic in an interview with RTS.


"I would just say “it’s just wishful thinking”. But I would add something else - if something is in accordance with the constitution of the so-called Kosovo, what did we negotiate about it in Brussels? What are we negotiating at all? That means that Serbs can establish it today, if it is in accordance with the constitution of Kosovo, no one can forbid them. So why did we negotiate? So why did we sign what was signed? Let me go back to the first part of my answer, which is “it’s just wishful thinking," said President Vucic.


Vucic: Kurti’s meeting with Komsic and Becirovic is hypocritical and clear sign of double standards (Nezavisne)


Nezavisne carries the reaction of Serbia President Aleksandar Vucic, following the meeting of Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti with Chair of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljko Komsic and Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic, on the sidelines of the sixth Paris Peace Forum on Friday. Vucic described the meeting between Kurti, Komsic and Becirovic as hypocritical and a clear sign of double standards. Vucic explained that B&H demands that its territorial integrity is respected by its neighbors, while at the same time B&H does not respect the territorial integrity of one of its neighbors (Serbia). Vucic concluded that the meeting of Kurti, Komsic and Becirovic showed him where Serbia stands, regarding neighboring policy, and who Serbia is dealing with. “He (Kurti) chose which B&H representatives he would meet with. It is strange to me that they accepted it, so then I wonder what kind of double standards and hypocritical approaches to solving problems on the territory of the former Yugoslavia are, that somewhere you recognize territorial integrity and demand that territorial integrity is respected, and that on the other hand, the one from who you are asking to respect territorial integrity, you do not recognize the integrity of his country,” Vucic said.


Vucic with O Brian on the dialogue in Brussels and the situation in KiM (RTS)


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, met with the Chief US Envoy for Europe and Eurasia, James O'Brien. Vucic discussed "all important bilateral issues, regional relations and global events" with the US envoy for Europe and Eurasia, including the continuation of the dialogue in Brussels and the protection of the lives of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM). "Useful conversation with Envoy James O'Brien on all important bilateral issues, regional relations and global developments." There was also talk about the continuation of the dialogue in Brussels, and Serbia emphasized once again that it is fighting to preserve the lives of Serbs in KiM, that it is advocating for the preservation of peace and stability, without harming national interests,'' wrote Vucic with a photo with O Brajan, which he posted on his Instagram account.


Heads of EU diplomacy today with ministers from the Western Balkans (RTS)


The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Policy and Security, Josep Borrell, will chair the meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs of the European Union and the Western Balkans on Monday. The topic of the meeting of the heads of diplomacy of the EU and the Western Balkans will be security challenges, cooperation in foreign and security policy, as well as preparation for the upcoming high-level meetings, the European Service for Foreign Affairs announced. "Our response to the current geopolitical challenges is solidarity and close cooperation, in order to build resilience and promote peace, security and democracy in Europe," it was stated in a post on the X social network. It is emphasized that the European Union counts on future members as reliable partners. The meeting will be attended by ministers from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia, including the minister of temporary institutions in Pristina.


Borrell said that he will discuss the recently adopted report on the enlargement of the European Commission at a separate meeting with the ministers of the Western Balkan countries. He told journalists before the ministerial meeting that the EU showed how important that region is to it. "We will discuss the recent report of the Commission on Enlargement, we will insist on the need to harmonize policies because some countries have not done so, and there will be a full program today," Borrell said. He also stated that the topic of today's ministerial meeting will be Ukraine, as well as Gaza. "We will not only discuss the situation in Gaza, but also post-war solutions, what will happen afterwards, how to treat Gaza and the Palestinian issue. It is a real political problem that we had to solve. It cannot be an isolated solution," said Borrell.


Ljajic: Hamas committed a terrorist act, Israel – a war crime (Beta)


The president of the Social Democratic Party of Serbia, Rasim Ljajic, said on Nov. 10 that the Islamist militant group Hamas in the Gaza Strip had committed a “terrorist act” in Israel, but Israel “is committing an unprecedented war crime.” “This is the only correct definition. Everything else is just politics, political interests or pure calculations. We are witnessing war crimes being committed by (Israeli Prime Minister) Benjamin Netanyahu which he will continue to commit,” Ljajic said in an interview with Pink TV. When asked what the purpose of Netanyahu pursuing a war might be, Ljajic said that it could be an attempt to stay in power, and that Israel might want to use the current situation to resolve the “Palestinian issue.” “Using the ethnic cleansing of the Gaza Strip for that purpose. This is the year 1948 all over again. 15,000 Palestinians were killed, and 750,000 exiled then,” Ljajic explained, describing Gaza as “a prison in the open.”

Vucic: If the opposition wins the election, I will not be the president anymore (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said at the pre-election rally of his Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) in Smederevo on Sunday that, if the opposition wins the elections, he will no longer be the president. “I accepted the honour of being the leader of this list because I will bear the greatest responsibility,” Vucic said. He asked the attendees if they thought it was possible, he could be the president while prime minister was “one of these people who destroyed the country.” “If they win the elections, I will give them a mandate. But I don’t want to be the president anymore, because I can’t do anything for the citizens of Serbia after that. And I want people in Serbia to know that” said Vucic. Citing all the government’s successes and repeating that pensioners will receive one-time aid in November, Vucic also said: “And we can lose all of that in one day on December 17.”




Bosnia and Herzegovina


Reactions in RS to meeting of Becirovic and Komsic with Kurti in Paris: They destroy B&H (ATV)


Chair of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljko Komsic and Presidency member Denis Becirovic met Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti in Paris on Friday. “Thanks to Chair of B&H's Presidency, Zeljko Komsic, and member of the Presidency, Denis Becirovic, for a productive meeting. We discussed the importance of full implementation of Berlin Process agreements—especially on free movement with ID cards— and explored further cooperation,” Kurti posted on X.


ATV brings reactions in Republika Srpska (RS) to the meeting of members of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and Denis Becirovic with President of the self-declared independent Kosovo Albin Kurti during the Paris Peace Forum on Friday.


RS President Milorad Dodik reacted to the two Presidency members’ meeting with Kurti, and said that in this way, Komsic and Becirovic are showing that they are ready to recognize what B&H does not recognize. He repeated that there is no decision by B&H on the recognition of Kosovo and said that the RS will never agree to such a thing, regardless of the views of the politicians in Federation of B&H (FB&H). The position of RS that it does not accept movement with identity cards to Kosovo has been known for a long time, because the state does not have a unified position on the recognition of Kosovo.


Commenting on the meeting between Becirovic, Komsic and Kurti, Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic said that “it is their personal act and it has nothing to do with B&H's position on Kosovo.” Cvijanovic distanced herself from that meeting. Cvijanovic asked how would someone feel promoting disintegration of B&H like they are doing it to Serbia. Cvijanovic assessed the meeting as personal decision of Komsic and Becirovic that does not represent the stance of the entire B&H. Cvijanovic reminded that B&H has not recognized Kosovo and that Kosovo is a part of Serbia.


Lawyer and member of the United Srpska Milan Petkovic said that Becirovic and Komsic are the ones who destroy B&H by undermining all foreign-policy stances of the country that they represent. Petkovic added that following their meeting with Kurti, he reminded that B&H did not recognize Kosovo and that only thanks to the RS, B&H will not do that. Petkovic said that the two of them advocate territorial integrity and sovereignty B&H on one hand, while on the other hand, they want to divide Serbia. In his opinion, if the two of them recognize the right of Kosovo to self-determination, then they must also recognize this right to the RS.


Leader of DNS Nenad Nesic assessed that Becirovic and Komsic can only undermine B&H. Nesic added that B&H has never and will never recognize the so-called Kosovo, while the two members of the B&H Presidency should respect that especially because they constantly swear in the territorial integrity of B&H.


SNSD MP Radovan Viskovic stated that by meeting Kurti, Becirovic and Komsic showed that while they recognize fake state of Kosovo, they do not recognize the official and the Dayton B&H that they should represent.


RS Minister of Justice Milos Bukejlovic stated that no matter what Becirovic and Komsic do, it will not affect relations of the RS with Serbia. Commenting on the meeting, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that he was surprised by the meeting adding that this points to double standards when it comes to respect for the territorial integrity.


RS Representatives in B&H Parliament Send Letter to US Senate, US Congress, EP (O kanal)


Representatives of Republika Srpska (RS) in the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Parliament sent a letter to the US Senate and Congress, in which they stated that B&H has been “a haven for radical Islamists for a long time”. They added that “the nationalist policies of the largest Bosniak parties confirm the intention to rule B&H without Serbs and Croats”. In the letter, they also wrote that “in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H), there are villages where the residents implement Sharia law, as well as that parts of B&H inhabited by Bosniaks are still home to numerous sleeper cells of Al-Qaeda and ISIL, which could potentially be activated if and when the order comes”. It was also emphasized that Western countries should act in accordance with their security interests and respect international law by supporting the long overdue closure of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) and respecting the constitutional structure of B&H.


The letter was signed by first Deputy Speaker of the B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR) Nebojsa Radmanovic, second Deputy Speaker of the B&H House of Peoples (B&H HoP) Nikola Spiric, Head of the SNSD Caucus (in the B&H HoR) Sanja Vulic, Head of the ‘Srpski klub’ Caucus (in the B&H HoR) Cedomir Stojanovic, and Head of the ‘Klub srpskog naroda’ Caucus (in the B&H HoP) Sredoje Novic. A letter with the same content was sent to the members of the European Parliament. The letter also reads that the RS is convinced B&H can succeed and become a prosperous member of the EU after the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and the Constitution of B&H are truly implemented, including respect for B&H’s constitutional arrangement and renewal of democratic self-governance. The RS representatives also criticized High Representative Christian Schmidt.


B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs, Elmedin Konakovic commented the letter that RS representatives sent to US institutions: “Nonsense about Mujahedeen, villages where Sharia law is applied, and some other, we have destroyed in advance at all addresses that colleagues from SNSD sent the letters to. Reports mostly read everything already.”


Deputy Speaker of B&H House of Representatives, Denis Zvizdic posted a statement on his social networks. Zvizdic said that this is an obscure letter, full of lies, chauvinistic phrases, malicious Islamophobic constructions and rude political conclusions, with which they are trying to slander B&H and their neighbors in the most primitive manner. He noted that the letter speaks about fabricated “Islamic radicalism” in B&H, but there no a single word about their long-term activities against territorial integrity and sovereignty of B&H, undermining of state institutions, banning of operating of B&H Armed Forces, SIPA, OSA and ITA in the RS, or failure to respect decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H, which according to domestic and international law constitutes an attack on constitutional order of a sovereign and internationally recognized state of B&H. He further claims that the RS MPs falsely cite the priorities from the European Commission’s Opinion, stressing that none of them stipulate expulsion of foreign judges, while they avoid the information that 14 priorities, among other things, stipulate establishing of a body for harmonization of legislation practice at B&H level (BiH Supreme Court), abolition of veto rights in B&H bodies, freedom of media, etc. “They also fail to mention apartheid relations toward Bosniaks, Croats and others living in the BiH entity of the RS, or the fact that neo-Chetnik and neo-fascist movements freely act in many municipalities of the RS, whose goal is physical persecution and extermination of Muslim and Catholic population from the RS territory,” said Zvizdic. He underlined that they cover up the fact that the entire SNSD leadership is blacklisted by the USA and UK, as well as the data showing that they are the proxy of Russian interests in B&H. Zvizdic stressed that because of all this, the letter will be sent to the same addresses, containing exact information and chronologically listed facts: “Perhaps you can use regime media to deceive misled citizens of the RS, but certainly not the institutions and citizens of the region, Europe and democratic world… I call for dismissing of rigid nationalistic policies and to dedicate to European future and economic prosperity of a multiethnic and democratic B&H.”


Marking of B&H Statehood Day (ATV)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik posted a statement on Sunday, on his official X account (formerly Twitter), regarding the celebration of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Statehood Day (November 25) and the latest criticism of Federation of B&H (FB&H) politicians against Dodik. “B&H does not have a ‘statehood day’ because there is no decision of any Dayton institutions that established it. What B&H celebrates was invented in the minds of Muslim politicians, who are trying to make up a story about the marking of a communist event from the Second World War in Mrkonjic Grad as ‘statehood day’ which is based on lies”, wrote Dodik. Dodik argued that there were no Muslims present at the session of the State Anti-fascist Council for the National Liberation of B&H which was held on November 25, 1943 in Mrkonjic Grad. “The event you are referring to was organized by delusional Serbs, communists, and there were no Muslims-Bosniaks there”, said Dodik.


In a second post, Dodik wrote: “I see that the attempt of some federal partners to intimidate the EU with lies about me and the RS, with which they tried to win negotiations and avoid responsibility for reforms in B&H, failed.” Dodik added that his federal partners (‘The Troika’) should try to find courage and fulfil their agreements on the Constitutional Court of B&H and the Law on the Court of B&H, as without that there is no moving forward on the EU path of B&H.


B&H Presidency member Denis Becirovic took part in the Statehood Day event in Switzerland on Saturday evening. Speaking in front of a full hall of citizens of B&H, Becirovic reflected on the current political situation in B&H. He said that a media, political, psychological and diplomatic war has been waged against this country for years, even decades. “All personnel, who uncompromisingly defend this country, they are trying to discredit and denigrate them. For the fifth month, we have had a direct attack on the constitutional order of the country. Two key institutions that defend the security of the country, the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H and the institution of the High Representative, were attacked. Separatists must know - no individual is stronger than the state. The state will win in the end. And my role as a member of the B&H Presidency is not to divide you or to create quarrels amongst people, but to connect and bring you closer”, Becirovic said. He also added that he believes in a European and Euro-Atlantic B&H.


Dodik commented the remarks that Becirovic delivered at the event marking B&H Statehood Day in Switzerland. On that occasion, Becirovic said that those defending the sovereignty, statehood and independence of B&H are the strongest guard and that Dodik will not succeed in breaking the state apart and seceding. Dodik stated that “the historian Becirovic” is delusional. “With the blushed face, he is prancing around and selling the narrative he knows is false to his own people. Who can help you? Nobody! And he is saying again that he is defending B&H. Nobody is preventing him from staying on and living in his delusion”, said Dodik. He also underlined that B&H has no statehood day and that this day was invented by Muslim politicians who are trying to build a narrative about celebrating a communist event from World War II.


Sattler: B&H has received recommendation for opening of accession negotiations under certain conditions since the EC believes that it is necessary to do more on the reform agenda ( carries an interview with Head of the EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Johann Sattler. He said that after the enlargement package was published, the most important message came from the EC President Ursula Von der Leyen, who clearly stressed that the door to the EU are widely open for B&H, but that B&H authorities must demonstrate more results. Sattler also said: “The report is one balanced presentation of positive impetus in the country, but also of negative developments, which will have to be stopped in order to strengthen the position of B&H on the European path.” Sattler believes that by judging a degree of engagement and investments of the EU in B&H, it should be clear that the EU firmly believes that B&H belongs to the EU. He also said: “A new Growth Plan for Western Balkans will make EU investments in Western Balkans closer to amounts in member countries. Our presented stances are followed by concrete acting and considerable funds, which is in favour of our commitment for the European future of B&H.”


Asked what the crucial problem is due to which B&H did not receive a recommendation now, although B&H politicians promised this to citizens, Sattler replied: “B&H has received a recommendation for opening of accession negotiations under certain conditions since the EC believes that it is necessary to do more on the reform agenda.” Since the report reads that B&H will receive the recommendation and not that it did receive it, Sattler stressed that in the document, which was sent to the EU Council, it was stated that “we” received the conditional recommendation. Sattler stressed that Von der Leyen stated that a new report will be submitted in March but that “we” can make progress before that considering how the recommendation was formulated in the Communiqué.


Asked if there are concrete conditions, which would open door for B&H, Sattler said: “The authorities know what should be done. Consistent work and progress on meeting of 14 crucial priorities from the EC’s Opinion on B&H are necessary with a special accent on strengthening the rule of law, the fight against corruption and organized crimes. These are clear expectations of citizens of this country. There is a whole series of laws which are ready for adoption…. It is our wish that B&H implements agreements with EUROJUST and FRONTEX. There is also a need that B&H finalizes and adopts program of harmonization with EU legal heritage and secures a functional coordination mechanism. Both entities also should appoint judges in the Constitutional Court of B&H without postponement.”  Sattler also stressed that the Report concludes that there are negative developments in the RS. Sattler noted that B&H simply cannot afford to be late when the reform process is in question. He added: “With these reforms only, the country can start to prepare for an extremely intensified process of accession negotiations. As every country which passed this process would tell you – dedication, commitment, joint vision and even more work are necessary for it. However, the final outcome is even more prosperity, bigger stability and all freedoms which come with the membership in the EU. And then all efforts will pay off.”


Dodik: Political Muslims are trying to undermine Dayton B&H; I do not expect any progress in talks by March (RTRS, Srna)


RTRS carries excerpts from the Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik’s interview for Srna given on Saturday, in which Dodik talked about ‘The Troika’, political Sarajevo, the protection of the RS and the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). Dodik said that the political Sarajevo has violated all aspects of the DPA, which clearly states that there is a border between the RS and Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H), which Dodik claims must be protected. When asked about the demands of the SDA Presidency for ‘The Troika’ to stop all negotiations with SNSD about changes to the Law on the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) (CC B&H), Dodik reminded that the reform of the B&H CC is s part of the 14 priorities of the EU for B&H’s EU path, adding that Bosniak political parties do not want the removal of foreign judges from the B&H CC, as the B&H CC is exclusively working in the favour of Bosniaks in B&H. Dodik further stated that he does not believe that any progress on the reform of the B&H CC will be made until March 2024, explaining that ‘The Troika’ does not respect the position of the RS on the matter and that ‘The Troika’ has taken the same position as their predecessors (SDA). “That attitude has not changed at all since the time of Alija Izetbegovic - let the Dayton Agreement be the beginning, and then we (Bosniak political parties) will do everything with all our power in the decades to come to devastate the RS. That policy, of course, cannot pass”, said Dodik. "The RS is in favour of the Dayton Agreement, but it is not in favour of this kind of B&H, which was imposed by the false decisions of High Representatives and the Constitutional Court. That B&H must again be the subject of an agreement, and if it is not, then it will create an atmosphere in which B&H will further disintegrate," concluded Dodik.


Dodik reminded that in June or July it was agreed that after one-month break they would sit down and reach an agreement on two or three laws and some policies, and to work on the B&H Constitutional Court in September. However, Dodik added, when September came, they did everything to undermined this and justify themselves. Dodik noted: “Now they have brave statements that they will not do this until B&H joins the EU, while the EU believes that you cannot start negotiations until the issue of the B&H CC is resolved.” Dodik concluded that on the ground of their imputations and lies they constantly try to make their alleged quality approach. Dodik argues that NiP leader Elmedin  Konakovic and his “company” are just an ordinary group of phonies who brag about over Sarajevo, and who gloat when the Prosecutor’s Office issues an indictment against Dodik believing that “Izetbegovic is finished, now we shall get rid of Dodik, while it will be easy to deal with (HDZ B&H leader Dragan) Covic”. Dodik added that if they were serious, they would say “wait, it is not in our interest either that the constitutional organization is pulled down in this way”. Dodik added: “When you want that the constitutional organization is undermined in that way, why do you believe that B&H should survive? You are the ones who work against it the most. You think that the only right thing is what suits you as a political elite and Muslims even if the Constitution and law are violated by that. On the other hand, they label Serbs, who do not violate the Constitution in any way, as the ones who are guilty of everything.” Dodik further stated that Konakovic presents serious lies at diplomatic gatherings where he bragged about that there is no a negative Muslim side and that the RS is such, “while as the Foreign Minister he should respect the stances of others, and not just to promote his policies”. Dodik stressed that such behaviour is not different at all from the previous practice.


He added that the B&H Presidency has completely failed, which does not have joint stances any longer and that the best sign of the broken B&H is a broken foreign policy. Dodik also noted that “they” have some their ambassadors, who join sanctions against Russia. He reminded that B&H did not officially introduce sanctions against Russia, but it has privileges related to gas supply and other things, while the Muslim side benefits from this the most. Dodik stressed that the stories from the FB&H that they will receive funds and the RS will not, are just a proof that B&H cannot survive. Dodik concluded: “The RS is in favour of the DPA, but it is not in favour of the current B&H imposed by fake decisions of HRs and the CC. Such B&H should be a subject of an agreement again and if it will not then it will create atmosphere in which B&H will additional disintegrate.”


Dodik stated: "We must continue to gather, to restore what is written in the international treaty, which says that there is a border between the two entities, that the armed forces of one entity cannot cross over that border into the territory of the other entity. It all sounds nice, but they destroyed every letter of the Dayton Agreement a long time ago." According to Dodik, Serbs should be smart, careful and preserve the RS, its territorial integrity and sovereignty. He underlined: "I do not hide that I am not a supporter of this country that has been negotiated in Dayton. A mistake was made in the Dayton that it survived, it should have been divided into three separate states that could cooperate together at the regional level. B&H as such never existed, so it could not be a subject of sustainability even now, and Sarajevo's attempts to keep foreigners in the decision-making process in B&H support this claim.” Dodik reminded that foreigners created all the decisions that were aimed at overthrowing the constitutional order.


PDP Main Board demands urgent adoption of Law on B&H CC without foreign judges (FTV)


The Main Board of PDP held a session on Saturday. On this occasion, the PDP Main Board demanded urgent adoption of the Law on the Constitutional Court (CC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) without foreign judges and changes to the proposed text of the law that arrived from Republika Srpska (RS). According to the PDP Main Board’s conclusion, B&H institutions should introduce electronic technologies into the election process by the end of the year, so that local and general elections can be held simultaneously in 2024. The Main Board concluded that it is necessary to revise the legality of all the interventions of the previous High Representatives on the laws, and the B&H Parliament should proceed with the adoption of the Law on the CC as soon as possible. As part of the Resolution on the Affirmation of the Constitutional Order and Political Sovereignty of the RS and B&H, PDP attacked the institution of the OHR and proposed the withdrawal of all, as they stated, illegal interventions by the previous high representatives on legal acts and requested support from the entity, state and legislative bodies of the Brcko District. "(High Representative) Christian Schmidt cannot impose constitutions, he cannot impose laws. The only way is to make a list of everything illegal, unconstitutional, contrary to the Dayton Agreement that the High Representatives adopted", PDP Vice-President Milko Grmusa noted. PDP supports the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H in order to improve the integrity of the electoral process by introducing modern electronic equipment. Chairman of the PDP Main Board Sinisa Golic stated: “We call on the institutions of B&H to adopt a package of changes that will mean a package of integrity of the electoral process. We call on the competent institutions to provide funds for the purchase of electronic devices in the budget for 2024, and if they are not able to do so, we call on them to do so through EU donations.”


Cvijanovic claims Schmidt’s statements are unheard of (Srna)


Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic stressed for Srna on Saturday that it is unheard of what the unelected foreigner Christian Schmidt is able to say in a country whose Constitution says it is democratic, and this individual still usurps constitutional rights of the parliament. "To make things worse, he threatens to remove people as (former HR) Paddy Ashdown did, who removed democratically elected people, leaving them without the right to prove their innocence in court. And that is the model for Christian Schmidt, really unheard of," Cvijanovic told Srna when asked to comment on Schmidt's threats that he could resort to the same measures as Ashdown, who dismissed 59 officials in just one day in 2004 and imposed more than 400 decisions from 2002 to 2006. Cvijanovic also said that she hopes that this threat is the personal position of a frustrated individual, and not the position of his country, and especially not the European Union. "How arrogant, rude and disrespectful his statements sound and how miserable what these foreign governors and dictators are able to say or do spreading demagogy and lies that they are doing all this so that we in B&H would supposedly be better off. The truth is that since them and their actions it has been only worse," Cvijanovic concluded. She pointed out that one should be honest and say that they are a serious threat to the Dayton Agreement, that they are playing with the international agreement, but also with the fate of B&H.


HR Schmidt calls for stronger engagement of domestic actors and united international approach in B&H (Dnevni avaz)


High Representative Christian Schmidt is paying a working visit to Vienna, on which occasion he emphasized the importance of international coordination and unified engagement in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). On Thursday, he held key meetings with Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexander Schallenberg, and OSCE Secretary General Helga Maria Schmid. During the meetings the High Representative underscored the vital role the international community continues to play in supporting B&H's transition from post-conflict recovery to full integration into the European Union. On Friday, the High Representative delivered a keynote speech at the 27th European Forum Vienna, hosted by the Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy (AIES). Reflecting on the European Commission's recommendation to initiate accession negotiations with B&H, he stressed that European integration is the only viable path for B&H and the wider Western Balkans region. Acknowledging some efforts made on the ground to sustain the momentum following the granting of EU candidate status, the High Representative urged political leaders to demonstrate greater dedication and responsibility. Immediate implementation of necessary reforms is essential to enable the EU Council to officially commence negotiations in spring 2024. “I encourage all levels of authorities in B&H to seize this opportunity and reaffirm their commitment to EU integration and swiftly adopt the essential reforms,” concluded the High Representative.


B&H Presidency members presented different stances on situation in B&H during meeting with Macron (Nova BH)


Upon invitation of President of France Emmanuel Macron, Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency members attended the opening ceremony of the peace forum in Paris. Prior to this, all three members of the Presidency met with Macron and discussed the situation in B&H. Reporter commented that members of the Presidency presented different stances on the situation in B&H and also demonstrated deep division. Member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic had several other meetings where she presented her stances. She underlined that for Republika Srpska (RS) it is important to present the truth. “We do not need propaganda, we only want to insist on things that are true, and it is always important to have such collocutors”, emphasized Cvijanovic.


As for other two members of the Presidency, the most important thing was a stance of President of France. Chair of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic stated that President Macron presented clear stances on topics that are frequently dominant in B&H. According to Komsic, Macron condemned announcements of secession from the RS and expressed support to territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of B&H as a single state. “Rhetoric from the RS is not acceptable for them”, said Komsic.


Member of the Presidency Denis Becirovic underlined that he was encouraged by messages conveyed by President of France and especially by announcement of concrete assistance to B&H in the upcoming period. Reporter commented that besides presenting different stances at the meeting with President of France, members of the Presidency did not have interest to meet with the same collocutors on sidelines of the peace forum.


While Cvijanovic met with President of Serbia, Prime Minister of North Macedonia and President of Montenegro, Becirovic and Komsic held the meeting with Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti. Some political analysts believe that this behaviour is the most detrimental for B&H and its reputation. Journalist Alija Behram stressed that such behaviour is so irresponsible and primitive, adding that B&H did not deserve it. He reminded that the EU rules demand from B&H to speak in a single voice. Behram emphasized that the B&H Presidency was supposed to find a model where only one person would represent B&H in Paris.


Prosecutor’s Office of RS suspends investigation against Dodik and Viskovic who were reported for allegedly not reporting criminal offenses in RS Government (BNTV)


The Prosecutor’s Office of Republika Srpska (RS) has suspended the investigation against RS President Milorad Dodik and RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic. BNTV reminded that a criminal complaint was filed against the two of them for allegedly not reporting criminal offenses in the RS Government. BNTV stressed that due to the fact that the authorities in the RS know that there are government employees who do not come to work, but receive a salary, a lawyer from Banja Luka filed a criminal complaint against Dodik and Viskovic. In the complaint, it was written that they had to report their findings to the prosecution. However, the Prosecutor's Office of the RS announced that there is no basis that Dodik and Viskovic have committed a criminal offense and that their statements in the media cannot be characterized as a criminal offense. Speaker of the RS National Assembly (RSNA) Nenad Stevandic pointed out that this has to do with pressure on the judiciary to achieve political decisions and to target people and political parties. “All embassies, especially the American one, are involved in the proceedings, their representatives come to the trials. Is this not political pressure and politicization of the judiciary,” Stevandic asked. BNTV stressed that the EU has been warning about the politicization of the judiciary by the authorities in the RS for years. PDP MP in the RSNA Igor Crnadak said that this can be an obstacle in bringing B&H closer to the EU. "There will be no progress towards the EU until the first big affairs of high-level corruption in B&H are solved, and these people who are now the political elite in B&H do not want that because they are afraid that they could be among those who will be investigated,” Crnadak pointed out.




Croatia PM Plenkovic relieves of duty Defence Minister (Hina)


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Saturday afternoon that he has relieved of duty Defence Minister Mario Banozic, who early on Saturday morning was involved in a road accident in which one person was killed. The accident, which occurred on the state road DC-55 at the exit from the eastern town of Vinkovci and in which a man driving a van was killed, was caused by Minister Banozic, Vukovar County Deputy Prosecutor Biljana Luburic confirmed. The accident happened on the state road DC-55 at the exit from Vinkovci towards Zupanja, when Banozic, driving his own car, started overtaking a freight vehicle without making sure previously that he could do it safely, and collided with a van moving in the opposite direction.


Without revealing the names of the persons involved in the accident, Luburic told a news conference that during the on-site investigation instructions were issued to collect all data to ascertain the circumstances of the accident, including urine and blood samples, to be tested for possible presence of alcohol. “We expect those results soon,” Luburic said, adding that the prosecutorial authorities still did not have data on the speed at which the persons involved in the accident were driving and who, according to the police, had their seat belts on. The information determined in the course of the investigation so far is based also on an interview with the driver of the freight vehicle.


Minister Banozic was initially hospitalised in Vinkovci but was later transferred to Osijek. According to hospital sources in Vinkovci, he suffered head and brain injuries in the accident but did not lose consciousness. Government officials, too, confirmed that the minister had sustained serious injuries but that his condition was not life threatening.




Milatovic-Macron: France’s strong support for acceleration of Montenegro’s EU path (CDM)


President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic met with President of France Emmanuel Macron in the Elysée Palace. Milatovic informed Macron that, since their last meeting, a new government had been formed in Montenegro, led by a pro-European prime minister, and that the country was firmly determined to complete the appointments to the judiciary by the end of the year and thus speed up its EU path. Milatovic asked Macron to convey exactly this message at the meeting of the European Council, according to Milatovic’s cabinet. Milatovic also said that in the time of numerous crises and escalation of conflicts around the world, Montenegro remained strongly committed to cooperation within the NATO alliance, as well as to all decisions in the domain of the common foreign and security policy of the EU. Milatovic also informed Macron of Montenegro’s candidacy for a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council. The French president congratulated Milatovic on his commitment to the EU agenda and pointed to the need for internal reforms in Montenegro, especially when it comes to the rule of law, the fight against corruption and organized crime, as well as the improvement of the media environment.


Appointments to key positions in judiciary will give additional momentum towards improving rule of law (CDM)


President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic met in Paris with the newly appointed Assistant Secretary of State of the USA, James O’Brien. President Milatovic informed O’Brien about the constitution of the new legislative and executive power in Montenegro, which created the conditions for the intensification of internal reforms necessary for the acceleration of the EU integration process. O’Brien expressed his satisfaction with the alignment of our country’s foreign policy with the policy of the EU and NATO alliances and the commitment of President Milatovic in that regard. In addition, he pointed to the importance of the effective implementation of the EU Growth Plan for the countries of the Western Balkans, as well as the need for an overall revitalization of the enlargement process.


Bogdanovic with Picula: It is important that the census be conducted in such a way that the results are accepted by the general public (CDM)


During the Congress of European Socialists, DPS General Secretary Aleksandar Bogdanovic met with Tonin Picula, European Parliament's rapporteur for Montenegro. During the meeting, as announced by the party, opinions were exchanged on current processes in the country and the region, with special reference to the Progress Report, the new Government and the population census.


Aleksandar Bogdanovic learned that the ideological range of participants gathered in the governing structure requires serious effort and compromises in order to maintain the Government, and that in such a context, "the further integration of Montenegro into the EU is questionable". "The list is an easy target for misinformation, manipulation, dirty campaigns of certain structures and media, which call into question the relevance of its results - the Democratic Party of Socialists will not agree to the process without meeting the required conditions," Bogdanovic said during the meeting. In this direction, as stated, Bogdanovic thanked the reporter Picula for his support in holding the census in a transparent and inclusive process. The DPS states that Picula repeated the assessments from the Progress Report, that Montenegro "missed" opportunities for progress in European integration mainly because, as he said, support for the membership of political actors was often limited to only formal declarations. "The population census should not be used for additional polarization of society", Picula pointed out and added that he expects the process to be carried out in a high-quality, comprehensive, open and transparent manner, and that "all actors of society are included in it so that the final data are accepted." from the general public".


Ambassador of Germany: To fill vacant positions in the judiciary, it is also important who are the people who will decide on justice (RTCG)


Filling vacant positions in judicial institutions must be the first step of the new government, believes German Ambassador to Montenegro Peter Felten, and notes that it is important who we elect to those positions. The Association of Lawyers sees the adoption of many laws contrary to the opinion of the Venice Commission as controversial. Although it is not absolutely negative, as was announced, the latest report of the European Commission strongly criticizes the situation in the judiciary. The German ambassador to Montenegro, Peter Felten, considers the report realistic, but a good signpost.


"I would recommend that you orient yourself in everything according to the EC report. The first steps have already been mentioned and refer to the filling of vacant positions in the judicial apparatus, starting from the Constitutional Court through the Supreme State Prosecutor to the judges of the Supreme Court as well as the Judicial Council", said the Ambassador of Germany in Montenegro, Peter Felten.


But it is not enough just to fill the places. It is also very important, Felten emphasizes, who are the people who will decide on justice, especially from those positions. "In the recent past, former leaders of the judiciary were arrested, but arrests do not mean a final verdict. A way must be found to properly monitor the entire judicial chain, starting from the police and the public prosecutor's office, all the way to the courts. That everything works as it should. I repeat, an arrest does not mean that someone is legally convicted," Felten added.


The Association of Lawyers also appeals for the completion of institutions, and they recognize as a black spot in the area of the rule of law the passing of numerous laws contrary to recommendations, which was also stated by the European Commission. "The problem is that laws were passed in our parliament that contradict the opinion of the Venice Commission, so that Montenegro made a big mistake that will have far-reaching consequences. So, first of all, changes should be made to those same laws", said Ana Stankovic Mugosa from the Association of Lawyers of Montenegro. Stankovic Mugosa appeals to elect judges of Basic Courts as soon as possible in order to speed up proceedings in numerous cases.


Mandic with the ambassador of Russia: Our two nations are united by age-old friendship (CDM)


The President of the Parliament of Montenegro Andrija Mandic spoke with Vladislav V. Maslennikov, the ambassador of the Russian Federation in Montenegro. According to the statement of the Assembly, Mandic thanked the ambassador for the congratulatory message and said that our two peoples are united by age-old friendship. Maslennikov congratulated President Mandic on his election to the position of President of the Parliament of Montenegro and expressed his satisfaction with today's meeting and wished him good luck in his future work.


The United Nations is ready to provide strong support to the reform agenda of Montenegro (CDM)


The President of the Parliament of Montenegro Andrija Mandic met with the Resident Coordinator of the United Nations in Montenegro Peter Lundberg. In the announcement, it is stated that, while noting that the Parliament of Montenegro achieves excellent cooperation with the agencies of the UN system in our country, Mandic expressed his satisfaction with the meeting and emphasized that he is convinced that the dynamics of the future relations between the two entities, during the term of office of the current government, will have the same intensity, content and fruitfulness.


"In this context, he pointed to Montenegro's commitment to the fundamental values of the UN and said that our country remains committed to the values of multilateralism, open cooperation and strengthening of partnership with the United Nations. Mandic expressed his gratitude for the continuous and strong support of the UN to the reform agenda of Montenegro, as well as the democratization and progress of our country, emphasizing that there is an absolute agreement of all members of society that the priority is the full membership of Montenegro in the European Union, and that the aspiration is to this most important foreign policy goal will be realized as soon as possible, precisely during the mandate of the current parliamentary convocation", the announcement states.


In addition, the announcement states, the Speaker of the Parliament emphasized that the Parliament of Montenegro is fully prepared to respect the suggestions and recommendations and continue to build itself as a stable, strong and modern institution that would, through its actions, offer a roadmap on how to constructively overcome and respect the differences to reach a solution and create values that would benefit citizens and society as a whole.


Resident Coordinator of the United Nations in Montenegro, Peter Lundberg, congratulated President Mandić on his election as President of the Assembly and pointed out that UN agencies recognize the Montenegrin Parliament as a strong partner in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and fulfilling the 2030 Agenda. "He stated that the Parliament of Montenegro can be a leader in critical processes of Montenegrin society, including the economic and political empowerment of women, the fight against environmental degradation, as well as in the area of dealing with the past, thanking Mandic for accepting the proposal for a joint visit to the Information and Documentation Center", says the statement.


Lundberg reiterated the readiness of the UN team to continue providing strong support to the reform agenda of Montenegro, in order for the country to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and the EU accession process. "The interlocutors agreed that in the future there is significant room for additional strengthening of cooperation and partnership, while respecting the fundamental values of the UN," the announcement concludes.


North Macedonia

Kovachevski on Paris visit: Cooperation key for prosperity, stability and security of Europe (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said the two-day visit to Paris has been a success, during which he held talks with many heads of state and government, a senior U.S. official, and addressed the UNESCO General Conference in Macedonian language. "I am pleased that I had the opportunity to be the first Macedonian PM to hold an official meeting with the UNESCO Director General and address the organization's General Conference in Macedonian language. Discussions with the Director General focused on the Ohrid region, which has kept its status as natural and cultural world heritage, and further steps for its protection and promotion," said PM Kovachevski.


Kovachevski also attended a dinner hosted by French President Emmanuel Macron, which also included heads of state and government of other countries. "We discussed current developments of significance for the region and Europe, in light of the war in Ukraine and the Middle East. We exchanged opinions on the management of challenges that all countries face. The European Council President and EU heads of state and government were also in attendance, with whom we discussed the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, which will transform into action plans in the coming period," said Kovachevski.


Earlier, the PM attended the opening of the 6th Paris Peace Forum, hosted by the French President. "The forum is an excellent opportunity for countries and representatives of international organizations to exchange experiences regarding the numerous global challenges and their management, as well as realization of the sustainable development goals. I shared the country's experiences regarding the successful management of the energy and economic crises, with the package of anti-crisis measures worth EUR 760 million already confirmed by the World Bank as the largest in the region," said Kovachevski. According to him, the Paris Peace Forum is an excellent place for experience exchange and discussions on enhancement of mutual cooperation.


"I also met with the newly appointed U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, James O'Brien, discussing bilateral cooperation and the Strategic Dialogue, as well as the dynamics of the most significant political and economic issues in North Macedonia and the Western Balkans," underlined Kovachevski.


Kovachevski - O'Brien: North Macedonia accomplished a lot, important to continue on EU accession path (MIA)


North Macedonia has accomplished a lot and it is important for the country to resume on the European Union accession path, agreed Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski and U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, James O'Brien, who assumed the post last month. Kovachevski and O'Brien reaffirmed the significance of the strong strategic partnership between the two countries, and discussed other developments in the region and beyond, the Government said in a press release. Kovachevski briefed O'Brien on the latest political developments in North Macedonia and the Government's foreign policy priorities. Interlocutors highlighted North Macedonia's importance as factor of stability and security in the region and shared the necessity for unhindered continuation of its European integration path, which is in U.S. interest as well. O'Brien reaffirmed the position that the United States see as natural partners those committed to European integration, NATO and democracy promotion, while saluting the country's progress in many areas and expecting this to continue in the future, reads the press release.


Economy Minister Bekteshi and Saudi counterpart Alibrahim discuss enhancement of cooperation (MIA)


Economy Minister Kreshnik Bekteshi held a meeting Friday with the Minister of Economy and Planning of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Faisal Alibrahim, during which they discussed the positive development of relations between the two countries and opportunities for an enhancement of cooperation.


According to the Ministry of Economy, at the meeting, Minister Bekteshi highlighted the macroeconomic results achieved by North Macedonia in the past period, as well as the opportunities and potentials for investment in the country. The two ministers agreed to enhance economic and trade cooperation between the two countries, noting the necessity of signing an agreement on economic cooperation between North Macedonia and Saudi Arabia in the coming period. “The agreement would lay a foundation for further enhancement of relations between the two countries, as well as opportunities for the holding of a business forum between investors and companies from the two countries,” said the Ministry in a press release. At the meeting, Bekteshi and Alibrahim exchanged opinions over possible fields for future cooperation that would intensify the development of economic relations between the two countries.




Rama calls for a ceasefire, the terrible suffering in Gaza must end (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama has called for a ceasefire in Gaza, during the Peace Forum in Paris. From Paris, he pointed out that the suffering for civilians must end. Rama emphasizes that the prolongation of these sufferings would fuel the ambitions of Hamas. "At the Paris Peace Forum, I had the opportunity to meet with a number of leaders and high-ranking officials. On Gaza, we all agreed that the conflict and the terrible suffering it is causing must end. As committed member of NATO, we see a disturbing pattern, a vicious insistence on inciting conflict and sowing chaos in the Northern Hemisphere, including the Western Balkans. These agents of chaos must be stopped and struck. "Unfortunately, the prolongation of the suffering of civilians in Gaza does nothing but feeds the ambitions of Hamas and other agents of chaos," writes Rama.


Among other things, the head of Albanian government states that he felt encouraged by the commitment of our host here in Paris, the President of France, Macron, who, on Saturday, November 10, led a strong call for an immediate ceasefire. I agree with President Macron's assessment that the ceasefire is also in the interest of Israel." "As a peaceful country, with many religious beliefs and an energetic youth, the immediate end of the civilian suffering of both the Palestinian and Israeli people and the achievement of a lasting peace between these two nations is of strategic interest to Albania. I will continue to work on this together with other leaders and officials," concludes Rama.


Prime Minister Rama, dinner at the Elysee Palace with President Macron and European leaders (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama, who had arrived last Friday in Paris, participated at the official dinner called by President Emmanuel Macron. The head of Albanian government was in the Elysee Palace accompanied by his wife, Linda Rama. During the day, Prime Minister Rama participated in the Peace Forum in Paris, which addressed the topic "Threats and dangers, a turning point for peace and security in cyberspace". At the Peace Forum, the latest developments in the Middle East were also discussed. During his stay in Paris, Mr. Rama spoke again about the newly signed refugee agreement with Italy. Rama said that despite opposition from the opposition in both countries, he believes that the deal with the Italian counterpart, Giorgia Meloni is right. The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti was also invited to the sixth Peace Forum.


Hasani participates in the meeting of the foreign ministers of the European Union and the Western Balkan countries (Radio Tirana)


Today, the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Igli Hasani, will participate in the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the EU member states and the countries of the Western Balkans (WB) in Brussels. The focal point of the meeting will be to further enhance cooperation in the areas of foreign policy and security between the EU and the WB. The ministers will engage in discussions in order to ensure collaborative efforts to address security challenges, encompassing issues such as hybrid and cyber risks and threats.


Deputy Minister Fino receives senior NATO official (Radio Tirana)


NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy and Special Representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia, Javier Colomina is visiting Tirana.

He was received by the Deputy Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Megi Fino. She informs that during the meeting they discussed on the Western Balkans region and the importance of Euro-Atlantic integration. Fino and the senior NATO official talked also in particular about the complex and unpredictable security situation in Europe.