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Belgrade Media Report 15 November 2023



Dacic: Relocation of memorial plaque in Pristina an unacceptable, scandalous move (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Tuesday the relocation of a plaque commemorating fallen Serbian soldiers from the Balkan Wars and WWI in the military section of the Serbian Orthodox cemetery in Pristina was a scandalous move, especially as it came from countries that should be extremely respectful of the contribution made by Serbia during WWI. "Since the decision was made at the proposal of the French and German embassies, while no one informed the Serbs living there or Serbian institutions, this is a scandalous act, regardless of the fact there are some excuses they are using. There is no politicisation of this act here - the act itself is disgraceful politicisation committed under pressure from ethnic Albanian political factors in Pristina," Dacic told Tanjug. He noted that Pristina wanted everything that was Serbian removed, relocated or destroyed and that hence it also had a problem with memorials and plaques commemorating the large number of fatalities suffered by the Serbs during the Balkan Wars and in WWI. "Since we consider Kosovo as part of Serbia, this is not a subject of activities by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in terms of reactions, but our state authorities dealing with Kosovo issues will definitely take all measures to point out to representatives of those countries that such a move is unacceptable," Dacic said. Asked if the move could erode Serbia's relations with France and Germany, Dacic responded the issue should not be discussed "in such categories" but that the move must be condemned. "Even if we were the best possible friends, if a move is bad, we must condemn it. In that regard, we definitely condemn the gesture in the strongest terms," Dacic said.


Preparation of defence envoys for service in countries of assignment (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic talked yesterday with defence envoys of Serbia, who are making preparations at the Foreign Ministry for going abroad. The envoys, who are getting prepared for service in Austria, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, France and the USA, were informed by Dacic about the priorities of the foreign policy of our country, with an emphasis on bilateral relations with the countries they will be assigned to. At the same time, he highlighted the importance of improving cooperation in various fields with each country individually. Dacic wished the candidates a lot of success in their future work, pointing out that during their service abroad they will enjoy full support and assistance of both the Foreign Ministry and the entire diplomatic and consular network of Serbia.


Dacic says alliance with opposition not an option (Srpski Telegraf/Beta)


Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) leader Ivica Dacic said the party’s Main Board unanimously decided that only a coalition with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic could be considered in the coming 17 December elections, Beta reported. Dacic told the daily Srpski Telegraf that under no circumstances would he form an alliance with the opposition and that “forming a coalition with Serbia’s enemies, whether they be false Europeans or false patriots,” is out of the question. Commenting on election results, Dacic said the SPS is the second strongest political party in Serbia and that he expects excellent results at the December elections. He added that he expects a joint victory of the SPS and the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) at the local elections in the Serbian capital, as a successful continuation of the policy “that has been successfully running Belgrade”.


EU Integration Minister says Serbia not standing still (N1)


European Integration Minister Tanja Miscevic told N1 in Brussels that Serbia is not standing still on its European integration path. Speaking after a meeting of EU and Western Balkans foreign ministers, Miscevic denied that the European integration process is at a standstill, adding that the negotiations are stalled because none of the clusters has been opened since December 2021. “The European integration process is not standing still because the (European Commission progress) report noted progress in most areas,” she said. According to Miscevic, overall progress was evaluated in terms of the sanctions on Russia and the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. She said that Serbia has aligned more with EU common foreign and security policy right now than it was when the report was drawn up. “Serbia is meeting its obligations under the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) and that is progressive alignment. The Minister said that Serbian officials presented the reasons for not imposing sanctions on Russia as well as activities in that field. “We are trying to explain that Serbia chose a side from the start and that it shares the same values of respect for the territorial integrity of Ukraine,” Miscevic said.


Government adopts plan on harmonising Serbia's visa regime with EU (RTS)


The Serbian government on Tuesday adopted a conclusion on adopting a plan on harmonising Serbia's visa regime with the EU visa regime. The conclusion is one of Serbia's commitments on the EU integration path, the government said in a statement. At the time its EU accession talks were opened, Serbia received a list of activities to be monitored that will determine the pace of its EU integration. This also includes implementation of activities aimed at strengthening administrative and institutional capabilities, as well as ensuring the technical and administrative support necessary for implementing the harmonised visa regime, the statement said.


Jeremic: Serbia’s entry into EU unfeasible (Sputnik/Beta)


Vuk Jeremic, the leader of the People’s Party, said yesterday that, in the foreseeable future, Serbia may possibly join the European Economic Area but that entering the European Union is wholly unfeasible. “Despite this, Serbia is being asked to continue entertaining the illusion of moving toward EU membership – or, more precisely, to continue pretending along with Europe that we are moving toward membership. The price for all this is Serbia recognizing Kosovo’s unilaterally declared independence. Thus, it is essential to reject the Franco-German plan for Kosovo and Metohija’s independence,” Jeremic said in an interview for Sputnik. The politician added that recognizing Kosovo even in exchange for true EU membership should be unacceptable, “let alone for this charade.” “Our European partners should be told that their proposal is unacceptable and that cooperation should continue primarily in the area of economy, as well as that Serbia is prepared to proceed with internal reforms that mirror modern European states,” Jeremic concluded.


Djurdjevic Stamenkovski: EU has an alternative, it’s BRICS (Beta)


Oath Keepers party leader Milica Djurdjevic Stamenkovski said yesterday that “the time has come for Serbia to exit the Brussels isolation”, adding that “the EU has an alternative” which was BRICS, an intergovernmental organization comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. In a written statement, Djurdjevic Stamenkovski said that BRICS “gathers the leading world economies and controls more than 50 percent of all world resources, excluding the candidate countries, and once they join the organization, the percentage will grow”. “For more than 20 years, Serbia has been trapped in the EU integration process, the consequences of which include the loss of sovereignty and degradation of the local economy. It is time we exit the Brussels isolation. The EU has an alternative, and that is BRICS,” Djurdjevic Stamenkovski stressed. She also said that the BRICS member countries - Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa “have a friendly approach to Serbia, unlike the EU, whose policy is based on blackmail”.


So-called Kosovo police investigating case of burning of Serbian flag at memorial site (Tanjug/Koha)


The so-called Kosovo police launched an investigation for "inciting discord and intolerance" in the village of Velika Hoca, in the municipality of Orahovac, after the Serbian flag displayed at a memorial site was burned down. A statement said that police officers went to the scene on Monday and observed that the flag at the memorial, located at the entrance to the village, was burned, according to Albanian language Koha, reported by Tanjug. "Police units, after receiving information that the flag had been set on fire, went to the scene and noticed that at the entrance to the village, at the memorial plaque, the flag of the State of Serbia had been partially set on fire by unknown persons. The prosecutor was informed about the case, while police units are conducting an investigation," the statement said. The Office for Kosovo and Metohija said yesterday that a Serbian tricolor was set on fire at the monument dedicated to the murdered and kidnapped Serbs from the municipality of Orahovac, who were killed by Albanian extremists. At that place, at the entrance to Velika Hoca, a memorial was built in memory of 84 innocent Serbs from the territory of this municipality who lost their lives in 1998 and 1999.




HR Schmidt visits Brussels, meets EU officials: Upholding of Dayton Agreement crucial for counteracting of secessionism (Dnevni avaz)


The OHR issued a statement, which reads that during a two-day visit to Brussels, High Representative Christian Schmidt held meetings with senior European officials, including Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Tajani and European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi. The High Representative emphasized the significance of this moment for Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)’s Euro-Atlantic path. He underscored the necessity of constructive and productive engagement from B&H's political leadership in implementing the necessary reforms. "A lot of work still needs to be done. EU standards must be implemented in B&H, as in any country aspiring to join the European Union," stated Schmidt. During the talks, the High Representative underscored that the implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement and EU integration are not mutually exclusive or contradictory processes. Instead, they complement each other, reinforcing mutual progress. He explained that preserving the tools to uphold the Dayton Peace Agreement is crucial to counteracting secessionist actions and anti-Dayton behavior. “International coordination and unified engagement in B&H remain vital for success, along with united efforts from all domestic actors.” The High Representative's decisions, which have resolved deadlocks and ensured functionality, now enable politicians to work towards further progress. “Discussed the 2023 B&H Enlargement Report with High Representative Christian Schmidt. We look forward to report positive messages to the Council in March 2024 on the requested reforms. The door of starting accession negotiations is open”, said Varhelyi in a post on his official X account, following the meeting with the HR.


Brussels: Konakovic attends meeting of FMs of EU and Western Balkans countries (O Kanal)


B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic attended a meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the European Union and the Western Balkans in Brussels on Monday. Konakovic gave a telephone interview for O Kanal following the meeting, in which he explained that one of the main topics of the meeting was the harmonization of foreign affairs and security policies of EU candidate countries with those of the EU. Konakovic noted that there are several processes that B&H needs to complete by December 2023 or March 2024, adding that B&H politicians need to be aware of the importance of completing EU harmonization processes. Konakovic said that the harmonization of foreign affairs policy mostly regarded the stance of EU candidate countries on the conflict in Ukraine, while the harmonization of security policies focused on the migrant crisis. Konakovic further commented that it is expected that B&H establishes better control of its borders, specifically via the Frontex agreement, which would allow the EU and B&H to work together to prevent illegal migrants’ crossings into the EU. Konakovic noted that they discussed EC Progress Report on each of the countries and it is confirmed that this is the best report on B&H in history. “We established that several more things are necessary that we need to adopt, deliver either by December or by March, when a new assessment will happen. The hope remains that politicians in B&H will be aware of importance of this process, that we will together do what we are asked to do. I think that this is not much and that people in B&H deserve this,” said Konakovic.


Golob: Slovenia will recommend immediate opening of accession talks with B&H during December’s meeting of European Council (BHRT)


Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob stated that during the December’s meeting of the European Council, Slovenia will recommend immediate opening of the accession talks with B&H or to start simultaneously with the negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova. “In the light of war in Ukraine, the process of the EU integration has to be most notably treated as the stabilization tool and instrument for diverting of influences of foreign players who are interested in interfering with the European integration,” Golob wrote in his letter to President of European Council Charles Michell. He reminded that last week the EC recommended opening of accession talks with B&H, when B&H reached certain level of fulfilling conditions for the membership: “Decision on true opening of the talks would be reached based on the report from Brussels, which will be presented in March 2024 at the latest.” He called on Michell to consider the support to this proposal.


New non-paper advocates accelerated accession of B&H to the EU (BHT/RTRS)


In a new non-paper, the “Friends of the Western Balkans” stated that they advocate the accelerated accession of B&H to the EU and that they want to bring the countries of the Western Balkans closer to the EU, even before membership itself. B&H politicians reacted positively to the non-paper. B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic stated that this is a good activity and that it is a non-paper sign that shows how the areas of the Western Balkans can be integrated into the EU more quickly. This document will help B&H to articulate its demands more clearly and to develop greater solidarity for European unity and foreign political issues. The goal is to ensure adaptation to the EU's common interior and security policy. Representative in the B&H House of Representatives, Denis Zvizdic, commented that the non-paper is trying to correctly highlight the importance of security issues for the Western Balkans. Political analysts, such as Faris Kocan, from the Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana, are of the opinion that B&H deserves a green light to start negotiations with the EU, because if Ukraine and Moldova deserve it, then B&H does too. “Dialogue and mutual respect are a priority. Without it, B&H will not go anywhere, let alone in the EU”, Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik wrote on his X profile. Dodik said that various non-papers have been roaming the Balkans for years, but that there is no such non-paper that can help B&H until the representatives of B&H come to an agreement.


RS politicians criticize Konakovic’s stances presented in Brussels (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik posted on X platform, stating that when Elmedin Konakovic plays for B&H, B&H loses the most. He stressed that if Konakovic thinks that he can play solo in B&H, playing some tricks and manipulating the facts, he will soon come to realize that B&H is the only one losing in all this. “If that is the goal, then he is very successful in his games in the field, it is just that B&H could be the only one to slide through in these games. Sometimes I think he does not know what he is doing. Only immature and mediocre politician can speak about setting the traps to representatives of other peoples, with whom he allegedly wants to talk to and to cooperate with. Smart are those who say: when Konakovic plays for B&H, B&H loses the most. It was not long ago when he suggested me to enter the fake conflict so he would strengthen “among his own”. Pathetic, impossible to accomplish, I refer to this “among his own”,” wrote Dodik. In another post on X, Dodik told Konakovic that he cannot use marketing tricks, populism and deceits to cover up poltroonism, just as he cannot avoid the fact that there is no way to reach decisions without RS agreement: “Konakovic, you are very anxious, being that from such important meetings, where “the doors are getting wider and wider open”, you are speaking about Dodik. These stories that you wish well for Banja Luka, Srpska and on each place you demonstrate hatred, the same one demonstrated by SDA, are seen through by everyone.” Dodik noted that the only difference is in the fact that in comparison to SDA, Konakovic is politically marginal person, and he does not have strong infrastructure to carry out his ideas: “The only thing he can carry out is the plan dictated to him by his bosses Murphy and Schmidt. You cannot do anything or even start a day, without Murphy saying this is how it is done or not done.” He stressed there is no action plan that would help Konakovic avoid the RS: “There is no fake Schmidt or arrogant Murphy, who will enable that for you. In the end, the RS is waiting for you at the table. Just so you know, I will be waiting as well. Dear lad, it is high time to get serious. When you are talking with serious politicians, legitimately elected representatives of the people, show some respect, otherwise you could fall out through those open doors, which as you say are more and more open. Watch out, so they would not be open for you to get out. Agreement and the talks- yes. Everything else- not going to pass”. B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations and member of SNSD Stasa Kosarac said on Tuesday that B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs and leader of NIP Elmedin Konakovic is leading an open fight against the RS and its leadership. Kosarac argued that Konakovic transfers stances of US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy and the EU Delegation with the goal to present untrue at the expense of the RS, RS President Milorad Dodik, lives of citizens and functioning of institutions.


105th Rose-Roth seminar begins in Sarajevo; Kristo believes consensus on NATO path will be reached in B&H (Hayat)


The 105th Rose-Roth seminar began in Sarajevo on Monday in cooperation with the B&H Committee for Defense and Security under the title ‘B&H and the Western Balkans in an unstable international security environment’. It was said that security challenges have never been greater, and that NATO is a guarantor of security. Although there has always been a disagreement in B&H regarding joining NATO, the guests hope that there will still be a compromise in B&H, noted the presenter. The Chairperson of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Borjana Kristo said that Euro-Atlantic integration should be added to the European integration with the consent of all the peoples who live in B&H. Kristo stated: “I believe that a consensus will also be reached in B&H on the NATO path, which is actually compatible because it shares almost the same values, the values of freedom, democracy and pluralism”. It would seem that a stable and safe B&H does not suit some, added the reporter, but NATO said that the Western Balkans is of strategic importance for NATO. Associate at the UK’s Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) and former NATO Spokesperson Oana Lungescu was quoted as saying: “Although NATO is moving away from major operations when it comes to collective defense, the alliance remains firmly engaged in B&H. KFOR is the largest NATO mission and continues to implement the mandate given to it by the UN. The military liaison mission in Belgrade is active. The headquarters in Sarajevo plays a key role. It is strengthened with new personnel and financial resources, and all countries in the region have developed ties with NATO, and a few are now members of the alliance, which makes the whole neighborhood much more stable and secure.” The Ambassador of Switzerland to B&H Daniel Hunn was quoted as saying: “We showed that by condemning the Russian war against Ukraine and we showed determination through participation in the work of the UN. Therefore, we launched an initiative in the (UN) Security Council to renew the EUFOR mandate in B&H. We pay attention to the Western Balkans and B&H, and for us it is the primary region when it comes to European security”. Domestic experts are of the opinion that B&H is on the last step for joining NATO, but the political situation is still such that there is no agreement on this issue, added the reporter. Director of the Center for Security Studies in B&H Denis Hadzovic said it is certain that the geopolitical situation in the world is fragile and B&H must enter into an alliance in order to best protect its interests. The delegate in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Ilija Cvitanovic said that he thinks the security situation in B&H is better than the political situation, considering the geopolitical events and their effects on relations in the whole world, which significantly reflect on B&H and did not affect the security position of B&H to a greater extent. Cvitanovic assessed that direct implication of Russian influence and the latest developments in Gaza regrading B&H is being over-dimensioned, reminding that Russian influence has reflections in B&H through Milorad Dodik who regularly pays visits to Moscow and conveys clear political messages regarding Russia, its leader Vladimir Putin and aggression in Ukraine. The seminar is not attended by representatives from RS, except for former member of the B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic, who is listed as one of the speakers. Ivanic said that the authorities say that they are ready to work on reforms, but in fact they will undermine themselves and their power if they do so. He pointed out there is no independent media and judiciary in the region, there are no democratic elections and there is no fight against corruption, because the elite will not be re-elected if they do so. Due to the announced presence of Christian Schmidt, the Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic, representatives, delegates from the RS in the B&H Parliament and ministers in the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) are not participating in the work of the seminar organized in Sarajevo, in cooperation with the B&H Parliament, by the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. Delegate of the Serb Caucus in the B&H House of Peoples (B&H HoP) Radovan Kovacevic stated that Christian Schmidt does not represent anything in B&H. He confirmed that due to Schmidt’s attendance at the seminar, no RS representatives will come to the meeting. Ivanic addressed the participants of the seminar at which Schmidt will speak on Wednesday. Ivanic did this despite the position of PDP that Schmidt was not elected as a High Representative in accordance with the Dayton procedure. Ivanic did not talk about Schmidt, but he did talk about the different stances within B&H about NATO, and about the alleged Russian influence. “So, what can the Russian army do here? Nothing. But on the other hand, Russia is formally one of the creators of the Dayton Peace Agreement and I would not exclude it from that position”, Ivanic said. Kovacevic points out that by participating in the seminar, Ivanic gave legitimacy to the illegitimate and illegal Schmidt. Head of the SNSD Caucus in the B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR) Sanja Vulic emphasizes that Ivanic is not a Serb representative. “He is absolutely nothing, like Christian Schmidt, he is just a visitor to the Parliamentary Assembly of B&H. This is the best proof that Schmidt has allies among the people of the RS, and one of them is Mladen Ivanic”, Vulic added. The organization of the seminar is not controversial for the representatives of RS, because it is reflection of the agreed form of relations with NATO, which does not mean integration. However, the invitation to Schmidt undermined the goodwill of the Serb representatives and threatened the continuation of cooperation with NATO, says Vulic. “The generally known position of the RS is that cooperation with NATO is yes, but membership is no. But if they continue with these kinds of hoaxes and subterfuges, it is very questionable whether we will cooperate”, Vulic stressed.


US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy pays two-day visit to RS (Oslobodjenje)


US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy paid a two-day visit to RS. Ambassador Murphy pointed out that the highlight of the trip was the visit to Manjaca, where he met some of the new recruits of the Armed Forces of B&H. “This is what true patriotism looks like. Honestly, it was quite inspiring and gives me hope when I see young people of different ethnicities who have dedicated themselves to B&H,” Ambassador Murphy said. During the visit to the RS, Ambassador Murphy also met with economists, representatives of judicial institutions of the RS, artists with whom he discussed the future of B&H and the situation in the RS. “Their concern about corruption in politics and the business sphere and other segments of society in B&H and the RS is tangible and real. They want it resolved because they know what is hindering their democracy and economy… Do you know what they did not ask me? They did not say they wanted more divisive rhetoric, more nationalism, more politicians and their families who get rich at their expense. They did not say that they want the environment to be destroyed and neglected by the authorities or companies. This is not the future they want. Maybe it is time for politicians to start listening,” Ambassador Murphy pointed out.


Exclusive information – agreement on census between govt. and opposition (CdM)


Portal CdM exclusively publishes the draft agreement on the census, which should be signed by the representatives of the Government of Montenegro and the opposition parties. The agreement would define the conditions and specify the details of the conditions for maintaining the census. It is expected that Prime Minister Milojko Spajic and opposition representatives will consider the proposed text of the agreement on the census in the coming days. CDM announced earlier that PM Spajic is ready to accept all the demands of the opposition regarding the census. So far, PM Spajic had two rounds of negotiations with representatives of the opposition, minority councils, the non-governmental sector and representatives of all municipalities on the census. At the meetings, as was announced to the public, numerous positions on the census implementation were agreed upon. The text of the proposed agreement says, among other things, that the method of carrying out the census would guarantee obtaining relevant and precise data recognized by all related entities in Montenegro. This refers to: the expansion of census commissions with two new members of the opposition and one member of the council of less numerous peoples in the cities where they are represented; for enumerators and instructors, new public calls should be announced, which, in addition to the general conditions, will contain a measure of affirmative action for members of the Roma population in the form of 3 degrees of education; the legal regulation of the issue of developing software for checking data collected during the population census process; the obligation to facilitate parliamentary oversight through the formation of a parliamentary committee on a parity basis between the government and the opposition with the co-chairmanship of presiding over the committee. The agreement should also specify the data entry control, prohibition of the influence of political parties during the census and manual counting of data on nationality, religion and language as a control mechanism for checking software operation on a representative sample. The agreement would also contain two appendices containing tables. The first appendix would provide data on the number of census circles by municipality. The other one would refer to the data on nationality and ethnicity, religion, native language, the language the person usually speaks.


Spajic on the verge of accepting all requests of the opposition concerning census (CdM)


Contrary to the former Prime Minister, Dritan Abazovic, his successor Milojko Spajic is ready to accept all the requests of the opposition concerning the forthcoming census, CdM has learned. According to several sources, the agreement is likely to be reached, which would be the first opposition’s success following the 2020 election. The agreement on the conditions for the census has been prepared, and it’s going to be signed by the government and representatives of the opposition parties. During the next meetings, they are going to discuss the census commissions and the proposal to add two more members of the opposition and one member representing the minority nations. The topic of the meeting will be the organization of the census like it was in 2011, as requested by the opposition. Also, the software for checking on the census data is to be discussed, as well as the delay of the census. The plan is that Spajic’s government and representatives of the opposition parties discuss the monitoring mechanisms of the census, particularly reflecting on the control of data on the nationality, religion and language. According to the information of CDM, political parties would oblige not to run campaigns and thus impact the course and results of the census. Recall, PM Spajic has so far had two rounds of talks with representatives of the opposition, councils of the minority nations, NGOs and representatives of all municipalities to discuss the census.


Ivanovic in Brussels: Montenegro is ready to make a breakthrough in negotiations, the Western Balkans place is in the EU (CdM)


"Cooperation with EU institutions is extremely important for Montenegro in implementing reforms from the European agenda. We are ready to respond to the current dynamics of the enlargement policy with concrete results and progress in the key areas of negotiations, and in this way, bring our country closer to full membership in the Union," said the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Filip Ivanovic, after meetings with the rapporteur of the European Parliament, Tonino Picula, and the Commissioner for the neighborhood and expansion by Oliver Varhelyi. The Minister also met with the Director General of the European External Affairs Service of the EEAS, Stefan Sanin, with the co-chairman of the POSP, Member of the European Parliament, Vladimir Bilcik, as well as with the delegates of the Working Group on Enlargement (COELA). After the EU-Western Balkans ministerial meeting, held on the sidelines of the EU Foreign Affairs Council, from which clear messages of support for the European future of the Western Balkans were sent, the focus of the talks was the current dynamics of the enlargement policy, the readiness of the EU institutions to continue supporting Montenegro in the implementation of reforms and reaching the standards necessary for joining the family of European states. The minister reiterated that the key priority of the 44th government is to speed up the negotiation process and bring Montenegro closer to the final goal - full membership in the European Union. He thanked for the messages of support that he heard in Brussels during the previous two days, both from his colleagues, heads of diplomacy of the member states and countries of the region, as well as from officials of the European Union. He expressed his satisfaction with the unequivocal support for the further integration of the countries of the Western Balkans, pointing out that Montenegro is ready to make a step forward in key areas, especially the rule of law, and that he expects concrete results in the weeks and months ahead. He pointed out that Montenegro remains fully committed to full compliance with the Union's Common Foreign and Security Policy and reiterated that Montenegro is strongly in favor of starting gradual integration with countries that are 100% compliant with the Union's policy, in such a way as to enable them to participate in official meetings and forums, in the capacity of observers. The rapporteur of the European Parliament, Tonino Picula, said that the European Parliament will support all positive developments leading to the realization of Montenegro's most important foreign policy priority - EU accession. Commissioner Varhelyi expressed satisfaction with the clearly expressed commitment of the new Government to European integration, pointing out that progress in Chapters 23 and 24 will also mean speeding up the negotiation process. The Secretary General of the European External Affairs Service (EEAS) Stefan Sanin said that the EU appreciates Montenegro's commitment to the Union's vision and Common Foreign and Security Policy, evaluating the government's firm commitment to be European and committed to reforms as significant. Both the member of the European Parliament and the co-chairman of the POSP expressed support for the reform processes in Montenegro, especially in chapters 23 and 24. He emphasized that the enlargement policy is a priority of the EP, member states and candidate states, the affirmation of which requires synergy and the responsible fulfillment of all obligation from negotiations. The delegates of the Working Group on Enlargement (COELA) were interested in the dynamics of reforms and the fulfillment of benchmarks from key chapters, stressing that member countries they support the enlargement of the EU and want to contribute to the success of the accession reforms of the candidate countries. In Brussels, Minister Ivanovic also met with Marko Makovec, Deputy Director of the European External Action Service (EEAS), and he ended his two-day visit with a meeting with the EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina and Western Balkans dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak. During the conversation, the importance of the integration of the Western Balkans into the EU and the further development of good neighborly and regional relations based on open dialogue, mutual respect and a common European perspective was pointed out.


Kosovo claims its property in Montenegro confiscated by Serbia (RSE/CdM)


The Privatization Agency of Kosovo (KAP) urges the Montenegrin Ministry of Finance to stop the change of ownership over real estate of the former social enterprise PIK Kosovo export meat industry – Kosovo Polje, it was confirmed for Radio Free Europe (RSE). Their real estate is in Podgorica, Bar and Budva. According to the law, that agency manages all the former social enterprises of Kosovo, they claim they are the only owners of that real estate. As they say, after 1999 the aforementioned real estate was illegally taken over by the company 'Klanica' from Kraljevo, which sold it soon after. The Montenegrin Cadastre and State Property Administration required the contract of sale of that real estate to be repealed twice. As the Serbian company 'Klanica' refused to do so, the case was forwarded to the Montenegrin Ministry of Finance, the Cadaster and State Property Administration's supervisory body. The Cadaster and State Property Administration run by Koca Djurisic has not responded yet to the question of RSE regarding the request of the Kosovo agency. The Ministry of Finance has not responded either.


Osmani agrees with Borrell's idea of including Western Balkans in EU's decision-making (MIA)


Commenting on EU's top diplomat Josep Borrell's recent statement that the EU wants to include the Western Balkans in its foreign and security policy decision-making even before the region joins the bloc, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani said North Macedonia was already fully aligned with the EU's foreign and security policy, so it should be included indeed. "I am sorry that our initiative for more integration ahead of membership somehow did not garner much public attention because our idea was identical," FM Osmani said. "I keep saying, in every speech, that if North Macedonia is 100% compliant with the foreign and security policy, why am I not part of the EU Foreign Affairs Council? "I don't have to have the right to vote while we are still not a member state, but I should be at the table, as we all should be at the table wherever we are aligned with the EU's reforms and standards. We should have access to the common market. We should have access to the money," Osmani said. The foreign minister pointed out that as a candidate country, North Macedonia was currently receiving funding of 160 euros per capita from the EU, while Bulgaria, as a neighboring European member state, was getting 4,700 euros per capita. "If this goes on, instead of creating a social convergence, we keep drifting apart. That's why I promoted the idea that we should have access to those funds ahead of our membership. We should have access to the market. We should sit at the table so when we become a member it won't be big news, because the country will have developed by then and all this will be matter of fact. "And the EU has accepted this. Austria accepted it through its non-paper. Germany and France in a different way but in the same context, and the EU has, with its Growth Plan [for the Western Balkans] presented by [Ursula] von der Leyen, and yesterday, with Borrell's statement. So, I think we should be proud that one of our authentic ideas has become a mainstream idea in the EU," Osmani said. While chairing the EU – Western Balkans ministerial meeting Monday with the six ministers of the region, the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy posted on the platform X, formerly Twitter, that "The place of the Western Balkans is in the EU." "We want to advance the integration of the region into our decision making, including on foreign and security policy – already before accession," Borrell wrote. On Monday, the Foreign Affairs Council discussed "EU's perspective on the situation in Ukraine, the situation in the Middle East, the situation in the South Caucasus, while including the candidate countries, the Western Balkan countries, as part of this idea that we are part of the process even before becoming members," Osmani said. "We are in a comfortable position at these meetings because we have 100% foreign policy compliance and we are always singled out as an example by all member states of how a country can prove to be a reliable partner for the EU even before becoming a member state," he said. North Macedonia's top diplomat did not attend the Monday meeting in Brussels because of previously scheduled meetings within North Macedonia's OSCE Chairpersonship-in-Office held in Skopje on Monday and Tuesday with OSCE member countries' ambassadors and OSCE's Secretary General Helga Schmid attending. Representing North Macedonia at the EU – Western Balkans ministerial meeting in Brussels was Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Fatmire Isaku, Osmani said.


Xhaferi: Ready to reenergize mutual policies and good-neighborly relations with Bulgaria (MIA)


This is our third meeting and an opportunity to share a joint message for greater overall cooperation and for our readiness to reenergize our mutual policies and good-neighborly relations, said parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi at a press conference Tuesday after a meeting with the Chairperson of the Bulgarian National Assembly, Rosen Zhelyazkov. At the press conference in parliament, Xhaferi said at the meeting they discussed parliamentary cooperation, the bilateral relations, as well as the importance of integrating the Western Balkan countries into the European Union. “In terms of the parliamentary cooperation with Chairperson Zhelyazkov we discussed concrete steps for cooperation between the two parliaments on all levels with topics of mutual interest, but of course with a focus on our priority interest, which is cooperation regarding the European questions. I noted the importance of the European perspective for North Macedonia, as well as for the countries of the Western Balkans in general. Integrating into the EU is of critical importance, especially considering the current political and security situation in the region, and the altered geopolitical circumstances,” said Xhaferi. Xhaferi said he informed the Zhelyazkov that the country is in the process of completing the screening process, and that it is currently in the process of amending the Constitution, which requires a two-third majority. In terms of the bilateral relations, according to Xhaferi, they both agreed that positive rhetoric must be promoted which can lead to the building of mutual trust in order to achieve concrete and tangible results for the citizens. “In that context, I welcome the established cultural cooperation between the two leading archeological museums in both countries, which through exhibitions and projects are promoting the protection of cultural heritage, as well as the shared European values. The formal opening of ‘The Silver of Thrace’ exhibition at the Archeological Museum in Skopje is precisely such an event. The possibilities for cooperation are numerous, while we, as elected and responsible politicians, must commit ourselves to ensure the good-neighborly relations reflect the real European values which will contribute to North Macedonia becoming an EU member as soon as possible, because the Republic of Bulgaria will benefit from it as well,” assessed Xhaferi.


Bulgarian Assembly Chairperson believes N. Macedonia will adopt constitutional amendments (MIA)


Bulgaria is in favor of the admission of North Macedonia into the EU, without alternatives. Statesmen think of future generations, while politicians think of the next elections. We believe that reason and political will prevail, and that we will be able to celebrate the beginning of EU accession talks as early as this year. It is important to us that North Macedonia and Albania go down this road together, said the Chairperson of the Bulgarian National Assembly, Rosen Zhelyazkov, in a statement to the media on Tuesday after a meeting with parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi. He thanked Macedonian MPs for "their clear position regarding North Macedonia's EU membership and the consolidation of a clear majority for the constitutional amendments." "It is clear that there is a majority, but that is insufficient at the moment, as I previously stated, statesmen care about future generations, while politicians about the next elections. It is important to know that Bulgaria is in favor of North Macedonia’s EU accession. Last year the Bulgarian Parliament adopted a declaration with which it adopted the French proposal. Some called it a historic compromise, but our two countries made the necessary compromise in the name of our people, and in that sense the Bulgarian position is no different from that shared by the majority in the Macedonian Parliament," Zhelyazkov said. Zhelyazkov informed that he and Xhaferi discussed implementing the 2017 Treaty of Friendship, and expressed hope the next meeting will mark the constitutional amendments and the start of North Macedonia’s EU negotiations. "We emphasized that we need to build trust to oppose hate speech, one way to do that is by respecting the rights of the Bulgarian community through constitutional amendments. It is important to know that there is no other alternative for North Macedonia, except for the European one. Therefore, I call on the media to forget about certain narratives, because it is very easy to ignite tension in the Balkans, but we owe our people a joint European future and a peaceful existence in a world full of tension. That is why our visit today is a reflection of our best intentions, for our friendship, because our future is also our commitment to future generations," Zhelyazkov stressed. He thanked Xhaferi, highlighting "his wise and principled attitude” and saying he wishes all politicians in Macedonia follow in his example. "Elections come and go, but people's interests remain unchanged for raising their children and grandchildren in peace and well-being, which is also our message to Macedonian colleagues. Having a good political ecosystem will increase our well-being, and a guarantee for this is our constant trade exchange that exceeds EUR 1 billion, which will also achieve the desired connection that is part of the improved digital communication in Europe," Zhelyazkov said.


Rama: Kosovo and Serbia must come to an agreement, there is no other way (Radio Tirana)


The Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, pointed out that Kosovo and Serbia have been avoiding the inevitable for a long time, which, according to him, is reaching an agreement. The Prime Minister, speaking at the media forum for Southeast Europe, said that there is no other way, given that their place is in the Euro-Atlantic community. Maybe to some earlier and to others a little later, but that is where they belong. They cannot change geography, they are in the middle of Europe, so their country is there. It is inevitable that an agreement will be reached," said Rama. As he says, he was openly critical because he always believed that peace is many times more beneficial for everyone than any attempt to delay that peace and to transform foreign policy into a tool of domestic policy. "Now the situation, as I see it, is a bit different, because there is significant progress in the agreement in principle to go further on the issue of accession. I hope that this will continue, and then other steps will be taken because there are no winners here. The price is not so small, and it can be even more dramatic if it is inevitably denied, denied and postponed. I have always believed that this is the only solution," he said. Prime Minister Rama says that Kosovo's Prime Minister Albin Kurti took a belated but correct step by uprooting the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO). But more important than the delay is the fact that he took the right step. I congratulated him. It is important for Kosovo to be active, to lead the process towards a final agreement. The question is at what price - said Rama. Rama added that by accepting the ZSO draft, Kurti showed that he was "becoming a real prime minister". “It is not my job to make such analyses, but you become prime minister when you become one, not when you are elected. What Kurti did by accepting that draft is a sign that he is becoming the prime minister” the Albanian prime minister pointed out.


Minister Hasani met with his Spanish counterpart Jose Manuel Albares (Radio Tirana)


During the EU-Western Balkans Foreign Affairs Ministers' meeting in Brussels, the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Igli Hasani, held discussions with his Spanish counterpart, Jose Manuel Albares, on the sidelines of the event. Minister Hasani conveyed his appreciation to his Spanish counterpart for Spain's consistent support, even during the EU Council Presidency, in furthering Albania's and the Western Balkans' integration process into Europe. "We welcome the initiation of the first cluster addressing fundamental issues and eagerly anticipate the timely convening of the Second Intergovernmental Conference between Albania and the EU," stated Hasani on social media.