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Belgrade Media Report 29 November



Vucic: Only two election options exist – Progressives or a Djilas slate (TV Happy/Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said today that there were only two options for voters in the upcoming polls on 17 December – it’s either a vote for the list of candidates “Aleksandar Vucic – Serbia Must Not Stop,” or for “one of Dragan Djilas’s slates”. “A vote for any list of opposition candidates is a vote for Dragan Djilas. This time they are not even trying to hide that it makes no difference. Serbian citizens have only two options to choose from in the elections,” Vucic said in an interview with the TV Happy. The Serbian President said that if his candidates lost the December vote, he would accept the result, respect the will of the people and let “Djilas’s experts” run Serbia. “If we win, we will care for people even more, and do everything we planned to do in 2024. The average salary will reach 1,400 Euros. If we win, tectonic changes are in store for Serbia,” Vucic promised.


Dacic: Thirteen percent of Kosovo Serbs left last year (Beta/Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic stated yesterday that the EU should revitalize its enlargement policy and underlined that the countries of the Western Balkans belong in the EU. Opening the 23rd Belgrade Economic Forum, Dacic recalled that it was the enlargement policy that turned the EU into an important factor on the international stage. The EU is present in our region, but we believe that it is time to revitalize the enlargement policy. With the Western Balkans, the EU will be even stronger. We do not want another 20 years to pass, we want our European story to become a reality, Dacic said. He pointed out that the existence of double standards is not acceptable for Serbia, which is why it offers principled and sincere support to Ukraine, its territorial integrity and sovereignty. Dacic added that a series of moves and provocations, aimed directly against the life and survival of the Serb and non-Albanian communities in Kosovo and Metohija, especially in its northern part, led to a great distrust of Belgrade towards Pristina. From the beginning of 2021 until today, as many as 446 ethnically motivated attacks on Serbs in the province have been recorded, whereby the return to Kosovo and Metohija is still not possible for more than 200,000 internally displaced persons. It is even more worrying that in the past year alone, as many as 13 percent of Serbs have left Kosovo and Metohija due to constant harassment and pressure from the Pristina regime, said Dacic. He, therefore, urged the international community to ensure security for the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, as the most important condition for the continuation of the dialogue.


Support of friendly Kazakhstan in preserving Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Murat Nurtleu assessed today that the relations between the two countries are traditionally good and friendly and that Serbia and Kazakhstan are firmly committed to further development, improvement and deepening of overall cooperation. During the talks in Belgrade, they expressed satisfaction with the first bilateral visit at the level of foreign affairs ministers and they expressed hope that visits at the highest level will be intensified in the future. Dacic particularly emphasised that we highly appreciate the support of friendly Kazakhstan in preserving the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country. The expectation was expressed that this visit will provide a strong impetus to the further development of our overall cooperation, especially in the field of economy, considering numerous, but for now insufficiently used potentials, including the possibility of establishing direct flights between Belgrade and Astana. Invitations for visits at the highest, presidential level in the upcoming period were confirmed on both sides. Opinions were also exchanged on the main current global and regional topics, according to a statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Serbia continues to take measures to combat irregular migrations (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic spoke today with German Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser about the challenges of irregular migration on the Western Balkan route and the fight against people smuggling. Dacic, recalling the constructive role of Serbia during the migrant crisis in 2015, emphasised that our country will continue to take the necessary measures in order to remain a reliable partner to Germany and other EU member states in combating irregular migration, through among other things, further aligning of its visa policy with the visa policy of the Union. Faeser reiterated Germany's support for reform efforts that bring Serbia closer to membership in the EU, as its strategic goal.


Petkovic, Botsan-Kharchenko discuss situation in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/Politika)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic met with Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko on Tuesday to discuss the political and security situation in Kosovo and Metohija and problems facing Serbs in the province. At the beginning of the meeting, Petkovic said it was extremely important that the most recent round of the technical dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina in Brussels had addressed the process of drawing up a statute of a Community of Serb Municipalities as the first concrete step towards establishing the Community, which he noted was overdue for more than ten years now. Petkovic placed special emphasis on the difficult position of Serbs in the province, who he said were threatened by Albin Kurti and his authorities in Pristina on a daily basis through escalatory and other violent and unilateral moves. "The fundamental human and civil rights of Serbs are being trampled underfoot on a daily basis in Kosovo-Metohija, they are banned from voting in the 17 December elections for MPs, they get arrested without any grounds whatsoever and incarcerated for months, while Kurti's policy of terror is directly endangering stability on the ground, which took years to build. At the same time, Kurti is trying, in all possible ways, to keep his false mayors in the four municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija in power and is additionally oppressing the Serbs through them," Petkovic said. He said that Kurti, by promoting the concept of a Greater Albania and by saying the so-called "Kosovo Security Force" was a direct successor of the terrorist organisation "Kosovo Liberation Army", had directly threatened the entire Serb population in Kosovo and Metohija. Petkovic noted that such Greater Albania concepts were evolving into threats to stability across the region. In spite of Kurti's irresponsible moves, Belgrade will continue to preserve peace in a committed manner and advocate dialogue as the only sustainable path to normalisation of relations with Pristina, Petkovic said.


Russian Ambassador discusses Kosovo with government officials (N1)


Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Harchenko met with two Serbian government officials on Tuesday to discuss the security situation in Kosovo and the region.

Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic and the Ambassador discussed Kosovo with the minister thanking Russia for its support in preserving Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. He is quoted as saying that Belgrade’s long-term strategic commitment is to remain militarily neutral. The meeting was attended by Russian new Defense Attache in Serbia Major General Andrei Kindyakov. A separate press release said that the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic discussed the problems facing the Serbs in Kosovo with the Ambassador. Petkovic is quoted as telling the ambassador that the Kosovo Serbs are “endangered daily by Albin Kurti and his authorities in Pristina through their escalatory and other violent, unilateral steps” and adding that the Serbs are being banned from voting in the 17 December elections. Neither press release quoted the Russian Ambassador.


Serbia's consistent support for implementation of Agenda 2030, SDGs (Tanjug)


Serbian Minister of Economy Slobodan Cvetkovic said yesterday in Vienna that Serbia attaches great importance to the implementation of Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and undertakes intensive activities at the national level to ensure the appropriate dynamics of their implementation. Cvetkovic participated in the 20th General Conference of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) entitled "Fair Globalisation: Innovative Solutions for the Industry of Tomorrow", which was organised with the aim of creating new paths towards sustainability, digital inclusiveness and economic resilience. The Minister said that Serbia strongly supports multilateralism and the principles contained in the UN Charter, which gain additional importance in the face of new and increasingly complex challenges. According to him, in this way, our country provides active support to the activities of the UN and its specialised agencies in all priority areas of action, bearing in mind that the unique situation in which the whole world finds itself has shown that the individual efforts of states are not enough and that global solidarity is necessary. Serbia is continuously implementing reforms within the framework of European integration, as well as Agenda 2030, which represent complementary and mutually interpenetrating processes, Cvetkovic emphasised.


Hill: We should be patient and support EU in attempt to find compromise (Tanjug/RTS)


US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill said that the EU negotiators, with the support of the US, tried to find what is of essential importance for each side in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and to combine those elements into an agreement. “It’s not easy to do, but I think we need to be not only supportive of what these people are trying to do, but also patient. In the meantime, I think we need to make it very clear that any other way to solve this issue with guns or by some other violent means is completely unacceptable and that all parties should remain focused on the Brussels dialogue,” Hill said in a statement to journalists at the 23rd Belgrade Economic Forum.


Borrell calls Belgrade, Pristina to show will for agreements (N1)


The EU top diplomat Josep Borrell called Belgrade and Pristina on Tuesday to show the will to clear their European path through agreements. “We call Serbia and Kosovo to increase their will to look for agreements in order to clear their European path,” he told reporters before the NATO foreign ministers’ meeting in Brussels. He said that the Western Balkans are important to the Union and recalled that a number of EU member states are engaged in the Western Balkan and that the countries of the region are EU candidate states. “Their stability, prosperity and alignment with EU foreign policy is of vital importance for us,” Borrell. He stressed the importance of NATO-EU cooperation in the north of Kosovo. “We will continue ensuring stability and security of this part of Kosovo along the border with Serbia.


Belgrade Prosecutor’s Office launches investigation into forged signatures on ticket support lists (Insajder TV/Beta)


Based on allegations reported in the media, Belgrade’s First Basic Prosecutor’s Office has launched a mandatory investigation into whether or not signatures were forged on the support lists for certain tickets in the upcoming 17 December snap elections. “A case has been opened and the police have been ordered to undertake all necessary steps to determine whether any crimes were committed,” a representative of the Prosecutor’s Office told Insajder TV. The Prosecutor’s Office explained that it had received one criminal complaint on 24 November, but that the investigation was mandatorily launched due media reports. “The crimes which have possibly been committed are [personal] identification forgery, the unauthorized collection of personal information and, potentially, official identification forgery,” it was said. Numerous public figures and journalists have claimed that their signatures appeared on certain ticket support lists despite the fact that they never signed nor provided the personal information necessary for completing the forms in question.




Covic satisfied that meeting of HDZ B&H and ‘The Troika’ took place (AJB)


Representatives of ‘The Troika’ and HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) held a meeting in Sarajevo Tuesday evening. Participants in the meeting said there has been progress with regard to reaching a solution for changes in the B&H Election Law and noted that positions within the Federation of B&H (FB&H) authorities on B&H’s reform path toward the EU are harmonized, expressing hope that the same harmonization level will be reached with SNSD at the state level. Addressing the press conference after the meeting, HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic said that participants in the meeting discussed the 2024 B&H Budget, B&H Election Law “and all other laws related to B&H’s European path, decisions related to the European path, obligations from the FB&H, like the judge of the (B&H) Constitutional Court and some other decisions related to the FB&H at the level of the Elektroprijenos (B&H), i.e. level of B&H’’. Covic told reporters that the coalition partners did not discuss taking a joint stance on SNSD’s initiative to remove B&H Defense Minister Zukan Helez from his post. He expressed hope that the parties will find a way how to accomplish similar positive mood demonstrated at the latest meeting in talks with SNSD on the functioning of executive and legislative authorities in B&H. Covic said that the partners agreed that they will intensify contacts with SNSD partners in the upcoming days in order to reach an agreement on topics that will be in focus in Brussels, as well as topics regarding the functioning of B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) and the parliamentary majority in B&H Parliament. He conveyed a message to all partners that refraining from comments on some of the topics and calming the tensions will be beneficial for everyone and will lead to continuation of joint work in the current coalition capacity at the level of B&H. SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic assessed that they had a very high-quality, good meeting, where it is shown that they are increasingly coming together in their views and opinions. Niksic said that coalition partners in the FB&H are bringing their stances closer together, and this will have a positive effect on their relations at the FB&H, but also at B&H level. Niksic is aware that some things must be agreed with partners from Republika Srpska (RS), and he added that talks with them will continue with the goal of reaching consensus and helping B&H get its wish of opening negotiations with the EU. Niksic also said “we are aware that things cannot be decided between the four of us alone.” “It is not only us who decide, we also have partners from the RS with whom we need to talk and with whom we will of course talk, all with the sole intention that through these talks, through reaching compromises and agreements, we will reach a solution that will enable us to open negotiations as soon as possible, i.e. get a certificate from the EU, to open negotiations on the membership of B&H in the EU,” Niksic said. Leader of ‘People and Justice’ (NiP) Elmedin Konakovic is glad that meetings of leaders in B&H have become a normal thing. “We all know that today it is this momentum that we keep talking about. It is also very important to me that we emphasized on Tuesday the functionality of the FB&H processes, the FB&H government, which is doing an excellent job. However, the (FB&H) parliament, it seems to me that we are yielding a little too much to the pressure of this most destructive opposition I have ever seen”, Konakovic said, adding that a solution must be found to unblock the situation in the FB&H parliament. Konakovic asked the opposition to be part of the process of finding solutions, for them to offer solutions that are better than what the ruling authorities are proposing, and for them to jointly help the FB&H progress.


Minister Kosarac calls on leaders of ‘The Troika’ to unblock ‘Eastern New Interconnection’ project (RTRS)


Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of B&H Stasa Kosarac has called on the leaders of ‘The Troika’ to consolidate their ranks and finally unblock the process of adoption of decision in the Presidency of B&H regarding the construction of the ‘Eastern New Interconnection’ (natural gas pipeline). According to Kosarac, there is no justified reason to drag with giving consent for start of negotiations with Serbia about realization of this strategic project, which is important for citizens of both RS and FB&H. “Bosniak Ministers gave the support in the Council of Ministers of B&H and it is really unnecessary, irrational and unacceptable that the project is halted by the Bosniak member of the Presidency of B&H”, Kosarac stressed.


Stevandic accuses ‘The Troika’ of halting European integration process (ATV)


Speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic said the situation at the level of B&H is uncertain since the political parties from the FB&H, from “The Troika bloc’’, are a partner that does not adhere to what was agreed upon. “They are simultaneously running an election campaign against (SDA leader) Bakir Izetbegovic trying to show that they are a better opponent to (SNSD leader) Milorad Dodik than Bakir and they are not dealing with the important issues’’, Stevandic was quoted as saying. ATV reports that Stevandic also said that the European integration has been halted due to their interests “although they are trying to present the RS as the one to blame for that. The RS has not disputed anything in the other entity, neither projects, nor infrastructural works, or what should be adopted in the (B&H) Council of Ministers,” Stevandic was quoted as saying.


Viskovic says Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks are hostages of irresponsible individuals, criticizes FB&H for contesting projects in RS (Nezavisne)


RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic stated that Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks in B&H are hostages of irresponsible individuals, and he underlined that it is necessary to return to dialogue and respecting the Constitution and Dayton Peace Agreement. Speaking for Una TV Viskovic said that instead of focusing on doing something concrete and positive, people focus on negativity. He emphasized that anything that is detrimental to one constituent people is harmful for everybody in B&H. Viskovic said that it is time to focus on the future, to respect each other and respect good proposals no matter where they come from. “We should compete with projects, and not contest each other’s projects. I do not understand why somebody in the other entity would be bothered by construction of the Buk-Bijela powerplant or the South Interconnection pipeline”, said Viskovic. He emphasized that millions have been lost because of such attitude, and young people keep leaving the country. Viskovic added that he would be happy if the FB&H would build a new block of the Tuzla power plant, a new hydroelectric power plant on the Neretva River or something similar. “I do not know why there is so much hatred that they are trying to deny the RS its rights”, said Viskovic. He noted that many more people have left the FB&H than the RS.


B&H politicians meet international representatives (Dnevni avaz/BHT1)


Member of the Presidency of B&H Denis Becirovic talked with Special Representative of the UK Prime Minister for the Western Balkans Stuart Peach about the current situation in B&H in Sarajevo on Tuesday. Becirovic expressed gratitude to the UK on the continuous engagement in B&H and programs of assistance to the economic reforms, strengthening of democracy and reforms to the rule of law. Lord Peach stressed that the UK, as a witness to the Dayton agreement, is B&H’s ally, stressing that the UK will continue to provide support to preserving independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H. Peach also said the UK support the Euro-Atlantic path of B&H. Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic also met with Peach in Sarajevo on Tuesday. They expressed satisfaction over  adoption of the decision on the appointment of the General Corps of the B&H Armed Forces (AF), which has created conditions for continuation of a normal and legal work of this important institution. Peach stressed commitment of the UK Government to continuation of support to B&H and activities for preservation of peace and stability though participation of UK officers in the work of the NATO headquarters on Sarajevo, as well as through support to EUFOR through so-called ‘Berlin+’ arrangement. The collocutors concluded that there are excellent bilateral relations of two the countries and an unambiguous support of the UK to the Euro-Atlantic path of B&H. Peach spoke in Sarajevo on Tuesday with speaker of the Committee for Foreign Affairs of the B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR) Darijana Filipovic and her deputy Sabina Cudic. They discussed the current situation in B&H in the light of the European integration process of B&H. Peach emphasized that the UK strongly supports the EU path of B&H. Filipovic and Cudic emphasized that B&H institutions are making efforts to have some laws from the package of 14 priorities adopted by the end of 2023. Meanwhile, Delegate in the B&H House of Peoples Ilija Cvitanovic talked with Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Gabriel Escobar in Washington. They discussed the current political situation and challenges ahead of B&H in the upcoming period. They also talked about the necessity to meet taken obligations in the process of the European integration as well as about the Euro-Atlantic path of B&H. The portal reports that as a Head of the B&H Parliament’s Joint Security and Intelligence Committee for Oversight of the Intelligence-Security Agency of B&H, Cvitanovic will attend an international Intelligence Oversight Forum (IIOF).


Dodik meets with Macdonald; Dodik: RS rejects Christian Schmidt as the HR (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik met with UN Resident Coordinator in B&H Ingrid MacDonald, in Banja Luka on Tuesday. They discussed the EU integration process, as well as economic and political situation. Dodik reiterated stance that the RS rejects all forms of activities of Christian Schmidt in the role of the High Representative, noting that he was not appointed by the UN Security Council as stipulated by the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA). He informed MacDonald that the RS President’s budget plans to allocate BAM in 2024 to support the fight against violence against women and projects of digital transformation in the field of education. Dodik also said that the full respect of the DPA and the constitutional position of the entity is a prerequisite for a better understanding and efficient functioning of institutions at all levels of authority.


EUFOR: We have not received evidence or information which would confirm presence or activities of any para-military camps on the territory of B&H (


EUFOR stated for on Tuesday that they have not received evidence or information which would confirm presence or activities of any para-military camps on the territory of B&H. The portal notes that this was a response of EUFOR to the question if they have any information about the para-military camps that RS representatives mentioned in their letter to the EP, US Senate and Congress and that B&H Defense Minister Zukan Helez talked about as well. EUFOR stressed that in order to preserve an all-encompassing insight into the situation in the field, they use different instruments to get a detailed and objective insight into the security situation in B&H. EUFOR explained: “Apart from ways for collecting of information and instruments which are at our disposal, EUFOR maintains regular contacts with its partners in B&H authorities, from the local to the state level, that deal with security issues.” EUFOR stressed commitment to cooperation with B&H authorities in order to efficiently respond to possible security threats. EUFOR added: “EUFOR continuously exerts efforts for monitoring the situation in the region in order to preserve a safe and stable environment. Our cooperation with representatives of the B&H authorities is of crucial importance to secure a pro-active and coordinated response to any challenge. EUFOR remains firmly committed to security in the region…With permanent support and dedication of the EU, EUFOR will continue to monitor development of the security situation and to maintain close relations with our partners in B&H authorities. EUFOR is committed to strong partnership with B&H.”


Helez, Sarec talk about situation in region, projects and further cooperation (FTV)


Minister of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia Marjan Sarec is visiting B&H. On Tuesday, he met with B&H Defense Minister Zukan Helez. After the meeting, the two ministers held a press conference where it was emphasized that the two countries have friendly relations without open issues between them. “No country can effectively deal with global challenges alone. I am happy that we can continue to build our friendly relations on solid foundations and mutual respect”, Sarec said. He stated that B&H and Slovenia are united by the same values and traditionally close relations. “We sincerely thank you for all the exceptional help that B&H provided to Slovenia this August, when our country experienced the worst floods in its history. Slovenia firmly supports B&H on its path towards Euro-Atlantic integration”, Sarec underlined. He added that several municipalities in B&H are implementing development projects in order to better prepare local communities for successful participation in European and other international projects. “In 2024, we are planning additional civil-military projects that will be aligned with specific local needs”, said Sarec, adding that his country remains committed to the EUFOR Althea mission. Answering the question of whether there are security risks in B&H, the Slovenian Minister of Defense said that security risks “always exist”. “There are always some risks, but I think it is better to focus on what we will all do to eliminate those risks and for B&H to continue its path towards the European Union, and that is our common goal now”, Sarec pointed out. Helez said that his Slovenian colleague had previously visited the EUFOR forces where he was informed about the security situation in B&H. The security challenges we face now can best be solved by building strong relationships and partnerships, working together and sharing common values, Sarec said. Helez emphasized that B&H and Slovenia sign bilateral agreements every year and that this year they had 16 joint projects. Eight projects each were implemented in B&H and in Slovenia. “Also, I wish to emphasize that when in trouble, we help each other. In 2014, Slovenia was one of the most active when it comes to mitigating consequences of the floods, and this year, our unit was most successful in helping Slovenia with mitigation of flood consequences”, Helez stated. He added that Slovenia is B&H’s partner on the Euro-Atlantic path. Sarec was asked to comment on security situation in the region, and he said he also had a meeting with the EUFOR Commander, but that he is not able to share any details of that meeting. Sarec assessed that the situation is such that all must exert efforts for ensuring stability, prosperity, and added that only through economic development will countries of the region create better life for their citizens. “Slovenia strongly supports B&H on the path of its Euro-Atlantic integration. We are satisfied with the progress achieved with the help of the funds allocated through the European peace aid instrument, when aid measures for demining and strengthening the capacities of the Armed Forces (AF) of B&H were approved. Slovenia remains committed to EUFOR mission, which we believe is key element of security and stabilization in the country”, Sarec told members of the press.


Dodik claims it was clear from very beginning that Russia cannot lose in Ukraine, notes RS’ neutral stance was right (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik said that the special military operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine would be no surprise for careful observers and he added that it was clear from the very beginning that Russia cannot lose. “However, arrogant representatives of the West ignored all of that and brought themselves in the position in which the confrontation in Ukraine, which is underway because of their policy, is essentially a war which they provoked, i.e. they are participants in this conflict”, Dodik said. Dodik added that Russia was never a country that should be underestimated and reminded that the RS authorities have been saying since the beginning that their stance in this conflict is neutral. “We were against any kind of a war and our stance has been clear since the beginning, which is to be neutral in this conflict. We did not want to accept sanctions, which many countries imposed against Russian Federation, we did not want to follow political games of the West and it became obvious now that the West assessed development of events in a completely wrong way”, Dodik said and pointed out that politicians from Sarajevo proved that they are “politically illiterate and strategically not so smart, because they blindly supported one side (Ukraine and West) since the start of the military operation and, in this way, they just caused damage to B&H which is already under a protectorate, especially when it comes to future”. Dodik also argued that the West invested tremendous funds “allegedly for support to Ukraine” which have been used more for corruption in Ukraine and in many western countries, which will be revealed as the time passes by. Dodik warned that the EU is at a loss in this matter as it still continues to blindly listen to orders coming from across the ocean. Finally, Dodik said that those who lost the most are the people of Ukraine, because they were easily sacrificed by the West and concluded that it is clear now that USA is giving up the support to Ukraine and its regime, while expecting Europe to compensate for absence of the US’ support.


B&H Directorate of Civil Aviation submits to B&H CoM agreement on air traffic safety between Russian government and B&H CoM (Dnevni list/


Dnevni list daily reads that on Friday, the B&H Directorate of Civil Aviation submitted the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) for consultations an agreement between the Russian government and the B&H CoM on improving air traffic safety. portal sent B&H Minister of Transport and Communications Edin Forto a question about this issue, and the Ministry replied by saying they were not involved in making of the agreement.


Meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers takes place in Brussels (HRT1)


HRT1 carries that the meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers started in Brussels on Tuesday. Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg pointed out that the main topics of the meeting will be the security situation in Ukraine and Gaza, with significant attention being paid to the situation in the Western Balkans. The meeting was also attended by High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell and the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, which shows the significance of the event. Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman noted that Croatia is the main supporter of NATO integration of all the countries of the Western Balkans, and will aid them through the process, if required. Ahead of the meeting NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg stressed that increased tensions have been registered in the Western Balkans, and that NATO will continue to keep its focus of the Western Balkans. Stoltenberg said that during his regional visit to the Western Balkans, he noted the issues of the inflammatory rhetoric in B&H, and serious violent incidents in north of Kosovo including attacks on NATO soldiers. “NATO will do everything which is necessary to secure peace and stability in Western Balkans since this is important not only for the region but for whole Europe”, added Stoltenberg. Stoltenberg said that “we must remain focused on the Western Balkans” and help secure peace and stability in that region. “We will continue to work on calming tensions,” Stoltenberg said. NATO officials confirmed in their statements earlier on Tuesday the commitment of NATO to maintaining of safe environment and stability in the Western Balkans, which they believe is important both for the EU countries and NATO. “We have presence there. We work together with EU, the EUFOR force in B&H. And we have presence in Kosovo. In light of the increased tensions we have, over the last few weeks, added thousand more troops to our military presence in Kosovo, and we will work closely with partners, with Allies in the region to ensure that we do what is possible to reduce tensions and to prevent any escalation of the conflict”, Stoltenberg told the press. German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock warned that actors from the outside are trying to destabilize the situation in the Western Balkans. “This does not refer only to the situation on the border between Kosovo and Serbia, but also the situation in B&H,” Baerbock stated. EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy Josep Borrell, ahead of the meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers in Brussels, on Tuesday. Borrell stressed that stability, prosperity and alignment with EU foreign policy in the Western Balkans is of vital importance of the EU. “In B&H, the EU has also deployed a mission, EUFOR ALTHEA, which is our flagship of our missions in the Western Balkans. It is a long-lasting mission, and its mandate has been recently renewed, which is a clear proof of the importance that the international community gives to our ALTHEA mission. We have to ask the people of B&H to avoid any kind of divisive attitudes, to join forces to take advantage of this geopolitical moment, in which enlargement is becoming a key issue for the future of the EU and for the future of Western Balkan countries”, said Borell, adding that the situation in Northern Kosovo is also being closely monitored by NATO and the EU.


Ivanovic: NATO remains committed to the security and stability of the region (CdM)


NATO remains committed to the long-term security and stability of our region, said the Minister of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Filip Ivanovic in a statement to the media after the first day of meetings in Brussels. The minister expressed his satisfaction that he is leading the delegation of Montenegro at the meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Brussels. "Today we discussed the current security challenges facing the Euro-Atlantic community, and I consider it very important that special attention was paid to the Western Balkans and its strategic importance for the Alliance. An additional reason for satisfaction is the allies' confirmation that NATO remains committed to the long-term security and stability of our region, and on that line, I just highlighted the importance of the Alliance's efforts and the engagement of Secretary General Stoltenberg, which was confirmed by his recent visit to the region," Ivanovic said. Also, as he said, he used the opportunity to reiterate Montenegro's unequivocal commitment to fulfilling its strategic foreign policy goals. "These are, as is known, full membership in the EU, continued consistent implementation of NATO policies, strengthening of Montenegro's position in multilateral organizations and strengthening of regional cooperation." In the context of strengthening the security of our region, I emphasized that a stable and safe Western Balkans is only possible with a firm and unequivocal European perspective, and pointed out that the 44th government will do everything to contribute to Montenegro's approach to that goal," Ivanovic said. At the same time, he reiterated that Montenegro, as a credible NATO member, will continue to implement all obligations stemming from membership, including contributing to the policy of deterrence and defense, strengthening the goals and capabilities of the Alliance, as well as participating in missions and operations. "Also, as before, we will be committed to investing in defense and strengthening our readiness to respond to increasingly numerous and complex challenges. Tomorrow, we will have a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba, and it will be an opportunity to discuss the threats to Euro-Atlantic security caused by Russian aggression against Ukraine, and we will have the opportunity to get more detailed information about the situation on the ground. "Montenegro, and I will emphasize this during tomorrow's meeting, will continue to contribute to the unity of the Alliance with the same commitment, which, among other things, includes our unquestionable political and practical support for Ukraine as long as it is necessary," added Ivanovic. We resolutely support Ukraine's right to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity, says the minister, "as well as the right of the Ukrainian people to live freely within internationally recognized borders."


Ensure the continuity of successful cooperation in the field of defense (CdM)


It is necessary to ensure the continuity of successful cooperation between the two countries in the field of defense, this is the conclusion of the meeting between the Minister of Defense Dragan Krapovic and the Ambassador of France Anne Marie Maske. "The Ministry of Defense has long-standing successful cooperation with the Embassy of France", said the minister and expressed his belief that this cooperation will further intensify in the future. The department said that Krapovic particularly expressed his gratitude for the continuous support that France provides to Montenegro on its European path, "which represents our foreign policy priority." The minister informed the ambassador about the Government's work priorities in the coming period, which are related to EU integration, full compliance with the EU's foreign and security policy, commitment to obligations within NATO membership, regional cooperation and good neighborly relations. According to the Ministry of Defense, the minister particularly emphasized the cooperation between the navies of the two countries, as well as cooperation in the fields of intelligence and security affairs and cyber security. He also emphasized the importance of French language courses at the French Institute for employees of the Ministry of Defense and members of the Croatian Army. It is stated that Krapovic informed the ambassador about the plans for the modernization of the Army of Montenegro, with the expectation that there will be cooperation with France in this regard in the future. In the context of cooperation within the Alliance, he emphasized that Montenegro's membership in that alliance plays an important role in maintaining stability in the Western Balkans region, which has strategic importance and a strong European perspective. Ambassador Maske congratulated the minister on taking office and expressed her belief that France will continue to support Montenegro on the path of comprehensive reforms aimed at reaching European standards. As stated, the Ambassador welcomed the alignment of Montenegro's foreign policy with the EU's foreign and security policy, and expressed her expectation that "Montenegro will continue in that direction with the goal of achieving full membership in that organization." Also, the department points out, she congratulated her on the results achieved so far and wished her success on her further European journey. Minister Krapovic and Ambassador Maske agreed that it is necessary to ensure the continuity of successful cooperation between the two countries in the field of defense, and expressed their readiness to contribute to the intensification of bilateral relations through various joint activities and projects in the coming period.


Popovic with Kun: The principle of "one China" was and remains in force (CdM)


The Vice-President of the parliament of Montenegro, Zdenka Popovic, met on Monday with H.E. Fan Kun, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China in Montenegro, and expressed satisfaction that since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Montenegro and the People's Republic of China, a friendly relationship between the two countries has been built with respect for all foreign policy priorities of Montenegro. "Our priorities are NATO membership and a sustainable path to the EU. We are grateful to the People's Republic of China for the support it provides to Montenegro in its efforts to become a full member of the EU," said Vice President Popovic. In this context, Ambassador Kun welcomed the European aspirations of our country, stressing that he agrees that Montenegro should develop its path towards the European Union. "Beijing provides full support to Montenegro in acquiring full membership in the EU. We are very grateful to the government and parliament of Montenegro for giving full support to the People's Republic of China regarding the principle of "one China", Ambassador Kun added. Vice President Popovic said, "that the principle of "one China" was and remains in force". "Protecting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of every country is our priority, that's how we protect the integrity and sovereignty of our country," Vice President Popovic said. Turning to the sphere of tourism, Vice President Popovic affirmed the visa-free regime between Montenegro and the People's Republic of China and added that Montenegro, as a highly valued tourist destination, continuously records encouraging growth in the number of visitors from year to year, emphasizing the advantages of the visa-free regime and the growing number of Chinese tourists visiting the country. "I hope that in the future you will give a boost to our friendly relations and the principle of "one China", Ambassador Fan Kun concluded. Vice President Popovic thanked the parliament of Montenegro for the donations, and expressed her belief that overall inter-parliamentary cooperation will be further intensified in the coming period. The meeting was also attended by Dusko Stjepovic, president of the Committee for International Relations and Emigrants.

Mandic next to the Kosovo parliament speaker (CdM)


On 16-17 November, the President of the parliament of Montenegro, Andrija Mandic, attended the conference gathering the presidents of the parliaments of South-East Europe. The Montenegrin parliament sent to the media several statements and photos at the time. However, a photo showing Montenegro’s parliament speaker Mandic standing next to his Kosovo counterpart, Gljauk Konjufca, that CdM publishes on Monday, has never seen the light of day. It’s interesting that at the time, the parliament stressed that Mandic, on the sidelines of the conference, met with the president of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Vladimir Orlic. The For the Future of Montenegro bloc, whose member Mandic is, repeated on numerous occasions that they would never recognize Kosovo’s independence.


Spajic: All conditions of the opposition met, the census can start (CdM)


All conditions from the Census Agreement, signed with representatives of the opposition parties and councils of the minority nations, are being met, so the process can start on 30 November and everyone should take part in it, noted the Prime Minister, Milojko Spajic, following the meeting with the opposition. “To be precise, as stated in the agreement: we expanded census commissions more than required; we republished the public call for instructors and census takers, the expanded commissions selected census takers by parity; checking the inserted data into the software has been regulated by law and is in line with the census agreement,” the PM said in a statement. Also, as he says, the decision on establishing the commission for monitoring the census software and its (commission’s) work is determined by law now. “A parliamentary committee has been set up to monitor the implementation of the agreement. We defined the way of inserting data and respected the deal not to allow the pre-census campaigns by the political parties from the moment of signing the agreements, in order to prevent them from affecting the census results”. PM Spajic also thanked to “all social actors who contributed to the fulfilment of all conditions”.


Opposition demands a delay to census: We must have enough census takers and prepare technical documentation for software first (CdM)


At the meeting with the Prime Minister, Milojko Spajic, over the forthcoming census, representatives of the opposition urged him to put the census off until the required number of census takers is found and until technical documentation for the software is prepared, the CdM portal has unofficially learned. This morning, the Deputy Director of the Statistical Office of Montenegro (MONSTAT), Snezana Remikovic, noted that they lacked around 500 census takers. n the other hand, following the meeting, in a statement sent to the media, PM Spajic said that all the requirements from the Census Agreement had been met. According to him, it meant that the census could start on 30 November.


Remikovic: Extension of census duration likely to happen (TV Vijesti)


Deputy Director of the Statistical Office of Montenegro (MONSTAT), Snezana Remikovic, said that it was likely that the census, which was announced to last from 30 November to 15 December, would last a little longer. She said that they had 3.300 census takers trained for fieldwork of the required 3.800. Asked whether they would transfer some census takers from one municipality to another or extend the duration of the census, she said that both options were possible. However, Vuk Cadjenovic of the Damar agency noted that it might be problematic to carry out the census in December. “According to international recommendations, the census shouldn’t be carried out in December”, said Cadjenovic, pointing out to migration of the population ahead of the winter tourism season, weather conditions.


Osmani: Accelerating Western Balkan's NATO and EU integration is the only panacea for region’s problems (MIA)


A coordinated approach between NATO and the EU and an acceleration of the NATO and EU integrations of the Western Balkan countries is necessary, because it is the only panacea for all problems of the region and it will reduce the influence of third parties, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani told MIA in an interview in Brussels, where he participated in the NATO Foreign Ministers Meeting on Tuesday. The Foreign Minister stressed that NATO is paying greater attention to events in the Western Balkans, which, he said, is especially important for North Macedonia, as a part of that region. Regarding the war in Ukraine, Osmani stressed that North Macedonia has demonstrated it is a trustworthy partner to NATO and the EU, and one of the biggest supporters of Ukraine, both in a political and a military sense. In the interview Osmani also spoke about the upcoming OSCE Ministerial Council in Skopje, which he assessed as the biggest political and diplomatic that has been held in the country since it became independent, both in terms of scale and importance. The Foreign Minister also touched upon the country’s Euro-integration process, the polarization of Macedonian society, as well as the upcoming elections.


Ukrainian MFA says Kuleba won’t attend OSCE Ministerial Council in Skopje (MIA)


Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmytro Kuleba, will not attend the OSCE Ministerial Council in Skopje. At the Council, Ukraine will be represented by a delegation from the country’s Foreign Ministry, the Ukrainian Embassy in Skopje told MIA. The Embassy pointed to a statement by the Spokesperson of the Ukrainian MFA, Oleg Nikolenko, who notes that Ukraine appreciates the efforts of North Macedonia as the holder of the OSCE Chairpersonship in 2023, as well as of Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani personally, who, according to the statement, “demonstrated high professionalism and unwavering commitment to protecting the principles and commitments of the OSCE”. The press release also expresses gratitude to North Macedonia “for the prioritization of the issue of countering Russian aggression against Ukraine in the course of its Chairpersonship”. “Today, the Russian Federation is coercing and undermining the OSCE through the abuse of the rule of consensus. By resorting to blackmailing and open threats, the Russian Federation systematically blocked the consensus on key issues. The blocking of Estonia’s candidacy for the Chairpersonship of the OSCE in 2024 has become yet another example of Russia’s abuse. Furthermore, Russia illegally detained three Ukrainian OSCE officials that have been in detention for more than 500 days. Russia has created an existential crisis within the OSCE and turned the Organization into a hostage of its whims and aggression,” says the statement. According to the Ukrainian MFA, under such conditions, “the presence of the Russian delegation at the meeting at the ministerial level for the first time since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine will only deepen the crisis into which Russia has driven the OSCE”. “We should focus our common efforts on how to save the OSCE from Russia, and not send messages about the possibility of returning to the forms of cooperation that existed before February 2022 to the state that has unleashed the largest armed aggression in Europe since the end of the Second World War and grossly violated all the principles of the Helsinki Final Act. In view of this, the delegation of Ukraine will not participate in the OSCE Ministerial meeting at the level of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. At the same time, Ukraine remains committed to the principles of the OSCE and is ready to continue working with partners to restore respect for the Helsinki Final Act, in particular through the implementation of the Peace Formula of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy,” says the statement published by the Spokesperson of the Ukrainian MFA.


Baltic countries to boycott OSCE Ministerial Council in Skopje due to Lavrov’s attendance (MIA)


In a joint statement Tuesday, the Foreign Ministers of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania said they would boycott the Ministerial Council of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), if Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov also attends. “S. Lavrov’s attendance at the OSCE Ministerial also risks legitimizing aggressor Russia as a rightful member of our community of free nations, trivializing the atrocious crimes Russia has been committing, and putting up with Russia’s blatant violation and contempt of the OSCE fundamental principles and commitments. We, the Ministers of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, will not be part of this and will not share responsibility for consequences it will create,” said the statement. Estonian Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna said “Russia will use this opportunity to spread its propaganda and undermine the unity of the West.” “The fact is that while the OSCE meeting is being held in Skopje, Russia's war machine is attacking innocent Ukrainians and deporting children without blinking an eye. Estonia cannot sit at the same table with the aggressor and bear responsibility for the consequences Lavrov's attendance may bring. It goes against our fundamental principles. Lavrov's place is at a special tribunal, not the OSCE table,” said Tsahkna, whose country was supposed to assume the OSCE Chairpersonship in 2024 but due to the opposition of Russia and Belarus, Malta was instead proposed as a compromise for the 2024 Chairpersonship. According to Tsahkna, it is crucial “to put an immediate end to the aggression on Ukraine, withdraw troops from occupied areas, compensate for the destruction, and hold criminals to account”. “But there are no signs Russia is considering following international law or the principles of the OSCE. The OSCE was created to rebuild European security, prevent conflicts and maintain peace. With its unlawful and brutal actions, Russia has repeatedly proved that it is not a security partner for Europe. In reality, Europe currently needs defense from and against Russia,” said Tsakhna.


Borrell to attend OSCE meeting in Skopje, but won’t hold talks with Lavrov (MIA)


The EU's foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, stated Tuesday that he will be travelling to Skopje for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) meeting, but he will not be holding talks with the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Borrell, at Monday's press conference with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba in Brussels, explained that he would not want the seat of the EU to be empty at the OSCE meeting. He said that he would attend the official dinner, but then he would have to return immediately to attend other meetings in Brussels. Borrell announced that the main work on new European sanctions against Russia due to the war in Ukraine has been completed. He expressed hope that the relevant decision will be adopted in December. “The prospect of the war in Ukraine one of the most important issues [with] which we are dealing. But, to be frank, I do not see any sign of Member [States] having what you call “fatigue”. We cannot afford to get tired,” Borrell said. Borrell emphasized that the total assistance from the EU to Ukraine has already reached €27 billion.